#and they were farther from the middle from me even like why did they buy their tickets for those seats 😭😭
rodrickheffley ¡ 2 months
i love going to see movies by myself <3
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naussensei ¡ 2 months
The first time Shoko used her reversed cursed technique on him, Suguru could not watch. His eyelids were too heavy, his brain too fuzzy, all he could do was indulge in the feeling of warmth and that strange tingling that engulfed his body, as though bathed in warm light.
“You think Yaga will yell at me?” He heard a voice, Kusakabe’s voice, most likely.
“You’re getting good at this,” Utahime said, she sounded soft and distant.
“Well, I got someone to help me amplify my powers lately,” it was Shoko’s voice now, and Suguru was suddenly reminded he was at the school in the middle of the field, lying on the grass.
When he opened his eyes again, his sight was still blurry, his eyelids numb with laziness. His gaze met with the bright blue from the sky, white clouds spreading hazy patterns across it, so close he could almost touch them. It was so much nicer than waking up to another strange ceiling.
“You alive?” It was Satoru’s voice now, and it somehow felt closer than he expected.
Only when he blinked again did Suguru notice it was Satoru’s face he was looking at, his big blue eyes open like lanterns at him directly above his head, long white eyelashes nearly brushing his face.
“Dude…” Suguru jumped on his skin, then rolled sideways on the grass. Why did he have to stare at people like that? “Quit doing that, you startled me.”
“Yup, he’s alive,” said Satoru calmly, as if unaware he’d just made Suguru’s heart jump in his throat.
But he was right. There was no pain in his ankle anymore, nor exposed bones whatsoever, which was a relief. 
The group had gathered around him, all with curious eyes, making Suguru suddenly self conscious. He rose quickly, patting his new uniform that had now turned into rags.
“Oh, no.” He said as he looked at his bloodied, torn uniform. “Yaga only gave it to me yesterday.”
“You’ll get another one, don’t worry.” Said Shoko. “We have plenty of clothes changes.”
With that, Shoko and the rest began to move and gather in a corner, and they were now idly chatting on the grass. All except for Suguru and Satoru, who now stood next to each other in awkward silence. 
Suguru turned to look at Satoru again, and noticed his uniform was just as wrecked as his. There was a certain, morbid comfort in watching his perfect face covered in scratches, almost as a reassurance that even Gojo Satoru bleeds. He had removed his jacket, and wore just a half torn white shirt that left little to imagination, sweat still cooling on his slender neck, dripping down and pooling on the pale skin of his collarbones. Suguru’s eyes lingered there just a little longer than he wished they had, because his face grew red as he was caught staring. 
Satoru was looking at him with an intense glare, and this time, Suguru could not read the expression on his face. Their eyes met for a moment before they both averted their gaze and were surrounded by silence again, Shoko’s laugh fading in the background as the group walked even farther.
Unable to bear the awkwardness any longer, Suguru decided to go fetch some water, just as an excuse to remove himself from the scene, and leaving Satoru alone felt somehow wrong. In spite of himself, he asked.
“So… I’m gonna go grab something from the vending machine,” Suguru gestured to it with his thumb. “Do you wanna—“
“Nah, I’m good.” Satoru said, lying on the grass with his hands behind his head, closing his eyes.
“Uh, Well… You don’t need to buy anything. You can just come with me if you like…”
“But I don’t need anything. Why would I come with you?” 
“Ugh, nevemind…”
It was not about whether he wanted something or not, but of course, Satoru was too much of an idiot to catch that.
Suguru scoffed and left without another word. 
He could stay there alone for all he cared.
Or at least that’s what Suguru said to himself as he walked out of the court, but as he stood in front of the vending machine, his fingers hesitated as he shoved in the coins. Maybe it wouldn’t hurt if he brought him something. 
When Suguru returned, Satoru was lying in the same position, with one leg over the other, wiggling his foot up in the air for entertainment. Suguru moved to stand behind him, so that he wouldn’t see him come. But then again, he also did not see him come that day in the basketball court, and he still knew where he was standing.
“Hey,” he said, putting a water bottle in front of Satoru’s face, nearly touching his nose. It was now his turn to startle him, and it wasn’t because of him sneaking up on him. 
“For me?” 
To his surprise, Satoru received the bottle and sat up swiftly on the grass. Suguru had almost expected him to throw it over his head. Getting so much of a ‘thanks’ from him was too much to ask, and Suguru knew better than waiting for it, so he simply sat on the grass next to him, not too close, not too far, but just close enough.
They drank their water in silence, and for the first time that day, Suguru did not mind it. He did not feel the compulsive need to fill that silence with words to please anyone, because Satoru didn’t need or want them. They simply lounged there,  enjoying the sun and the spring breeze on their skin while watching the others joke around in the distance.
Yes, he could get used to this kind of silence.
From: Our Last Summer by Naus in Ao3
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surshica ¡ 1 year
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well fuck me — SHE KNOWS
warnings: cussing, angst hardly any fluff, a broken relationship, betrayal, heartbreak
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“i have no clue where you are taking me and a part of me doesn’t want too know..” chishiya wiggled his fingers go interlock with hers. “we are going to get your cookies don’t worry but there are places and things i want to do first!” she was skipping happily on the sidewalk passing people who didn’t even bat and eye or two at her and chishiya.
“excuse me?” chishiya looked at her weirdly; her message definitely got lost in the wind, he knew that but he wanted her to just repeat what she had said to him. “you and i both know it isn’t like that..you’re being weird.” a quirked smirked formed onto his thin lips causing yn roll her eyes “shut up and follow me”
chishiya stuffed one of his hands into his pocket while the other was held in her soft warmth hands, his thumb caressed hers. the walk was quiet very in the moment, he parted his lips as if words were come flying out his lips but nothing came out but a breath of air. in that moment it’s as if he was told to just shut up and enjoy who was in front of him.
it definitely was a walk but the sound of peoples voices grew louder the more, “are we in a mall?” he gave her a questioned look he wiggled his hand out of her grasp, he could’ve sworn he saw her hand hesitantly reach back for his but just slipped it to her side. “YUP! because there is so much we can do here plus it’ll kill time and your cookie spot is in here!” yn had smiled walking towards the direction of the cookie spot,
“they moved locations..?” chishiya had walked behind her; not too far behind her but not too close. he knew there would be people here who would recognize her no matter what but he still believed in personal space and he wouldn’t want people to cause more than they had already.
“yeah it’s a little farther now but they expanded on their menu! i…havent tried it yet because i was waiting for you..” yn had smiled under her breathe turning around to face chishiya. obviously since she didn’t have eyes on the back of her head she was going to collide with the pole.
her back collided with the pole earning an honest groan and a small pout, “why didn’t you warn me about the pole behind me” she annoyed huffed at chishiya who snickered at her shrugging. “thought it’d be funny..and it kinda was” he looking at you.
his condescending eyes made you frown like those stupid angry cat photos people would use at memes, crossing your arms yn walked ahead, “you can forget about me buying those cookies! you can buy them yourself now”
“hey now..”
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“PHOTOBOOTH!” yn had pointed at the painfully obvious photobooth lines against the wall with people coming in and out of them, “let me guess you want to do that?” he side eyed the girl while munching on one of the cookies he got from the shop.
“how did you know?!” she dramatically exclaimed with her hand over her mouth, yn had grabbed his wrist dragging him over to the booth. she thought it’d be cute—taking photos with him for the memories!
“i have this thing called yn awareness” he clicked his tongue to the roof of his mouth, “if the so called yn awareness was a thing how come you didn’t become aware of me going to hit you with a door?” she smirked at him putting in money for the photobooth.
chishiya licked his lips before pinching her cheek, “i have to be around you for it to work..” “mhm i can bullshit.” yn smiled dragging him inside the photobooth.
they had chosen the black and white phots with a black border, it was simple and didn’t need much color and if anything it was much cuter.
the poses were simple holding up the middle finger to their cheeks, peace signs, chishiya with his arm around her neck like he is going to strangle her, the last one though she hadn’t expected it much.
chishiya was never the type to make the first move so this was definitely put his comfort zone, he had grabbed yn by her face pulling her closer to him—the kiss was gentle yet passionate, the years of waiting for her to make the move had been evident. his lips were soft and gentle, he knew what he was doing almost as if he planned for it to happen.
yn’s ears started to get hot as a smile formed on her lips, her hands slivering around his neck pulling him deeper for the kiss. his breathing tickled the small hairs on her face making her giggle.
the sound of the photos printing has brought them back to reality, separating apart as if nothing had happen. they waited for the photos to print—just sitting them, chishiya bite his lip while yn licked hers.
“i lo—” chishiya got cut off by yn pulling him into another kiss; this one was rather short and sweet, “i know.” she smiled at him grabbing the photos exiting out the booth handing one to him.
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surely, they hadn’t want the day to end but sometimes things do have to end. yn had to get back home and prepare for a meeting she had today for her new upcoming comeback.
they didn’t want to say goodbye in a dark alley so they did it walking back to the cafe they met at, there was a silence but it wasn’t tense that’s for sure—rather it was a calm moment.
as they got closer to the cafe, yn felt like there was some things that needed to be said obviously. “hey chishiya, as much as i know i can trust you..please don’t leak or spread those photos” yn had smiled at him,
“yeah i know..you don’t have to tell me that” he shrugged not really taking it seriously, he wasn’t going to leak them obviously since it wasn’t anybodies business. yn had gotten the feeling she wasn’t taking him seriously at all, it upset her slightly.
she stopped in her tracks causing chishiya to stop in his and look at her, “chishiya im serious” her hands rested on her sides. chishiya inhaled lifting up an eyebrow “what makes you think i’m not serious either?” he was confused from where that came from her.
“you just shrugged it off as if it was a joke or something..i just don’t want you posting it. it’ll be harmful..” yn tried to reason with him but to chishiya it was literally just bullshit. “harmful? yn im pretty sure your fans wouldn’t care if you were dating someone, you’ve been in this industry for long enough..”
“i wasnt talking about harmful to me i was talking about harmful to you chishiya” her left hand grabbed a fistful of her jeans biting her lip looking chishiya dead set in the eyes. to say his eyes didn’t make her heart race was an understatement. chishiya sighed blinking slowly maintaining the eye contact,
“how would it be harmful yn..you know i’m not on it much. i’m on it because kuina and heiya ask me too.” he stated ever so calmly, that somehow pissed her off more. “it’ll be harmful because you are just some random doctor that blew up on tiktok while i am an idol.” her words tasted like bitter.
“what.” is all chishiya could replay with. yn’s eyes widened she didn’t mean it like that but they had just slipped out her mouth, regret filled her eyes and chishiya could see it. “chishiya no i didn’t mean it like that” she let out of her jeans cuffing her face shaking her head.
chishiya stared at her in silence for a few seconds before breaking out in a deprived laughter. yn had looked at him and god how much she regretted those words, his eyes that were usually calm and told no story finally had a story to be told; they were filled with betrayal sadness and anger.
yn had tried to reach out to him but he just pushed her hand away, “no it’s okay i understand i am just some pawn in your companies little scheme to grow your popularity.” his words were sharp, sharp enough to cut through a rock. “it was stupid of me to actually like you and believe we could be something more. it was stupid of me to actually want something like that.” he had lowly smiled.
chishiya looked at the bag of cookies shaking his head, grabbing the photo and putting it in the bag with cookies, throwing the bag into hands hold. “chishiya you know you didn’t mean it like that, it just slipped out on accident.” yn had tried to justify herself.
“words don’t slip out on accident, its okay if you did just do that for publicity. just don’t use me, use someone else.” he stuffed his hands in his pocket, he took in a deeper inhale than usual. “why..why did you give me back the photo and the cookie..” yn’s words came out stiff—stiffer than wood.
chishiya maintained a short eye contact with her, before turning his back on her. “you don’t want the photos leaked right? well there you can have them that way they won’t be leaked.” chishiya bit his lip in stress, “and the cookies…” yn became quiet as a mouse. “the cookies will remind you of me so it can help you realize what you did to get where you are.” his words laced with venom stung her heart even more.
words couldn’t even come out with her mouth, she was blinking tears away; she was a victim of her own ideals and blindness she threw what she wanted the most away. she couldn’t even stop him from leaving because by the time she was able to get words out he had already left.
finding the nearest bench she had sat there quietly, the scene played throughout her mind; she was thinking of ways she could’ve said it without coming off cruel. “fuck.”
click. click. click. “they are going to love this.”
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SHE KNOWS — masterlist — next
A/N : i’ve been working on this for like the past 3 weeks..that’s how bad my writers block is..ANYWAYS i’m kinda shit at writing angst but heree~ this is actually based off the main scene in starstruck and if you’ve watched starstruck you only know it goes down hill from here~~ so enjoy those last few fluff moments cause i can guarantee you there is no fluff for them for the next 5-6 chapters HECK EVEN MORE MAYBE!!
tags — closed ❤️‍🩹
@eshtravagent @lunsyeah @aftrnoot @trinmadol @asoullessentity @akowbt @noxceleste @eissaaaa @dr3amscap3 @captivq @arizzu @happyjuhyun @parkersmyth @bwnniidump @r3iverse @le000xxgrd @crinklypink @cherriwn @mxbrahms @parcqq @ikon-teen @jade-flower-edits @scaramilk @yanfei-kisser @seiksyyki @nostalgisters @kokoscutie @elakari @milkkteary @coffeeangel13 @yvrikoo @kozuluvbot @rainbowsaz @naegisimp @kerento @brdpch @minyoungieee @xashiui @ehddsnys @saltysoftgrungeofscience @hadesdaughtwr @rainqissedd @saiewithakatana @vernon-dursley @kittyrai @shinobuily @kalstar @huachengsbestie01 @xxoperatexx @luvvsnae @celery-o @hy0ukka @odin-hatesu @luv4kuina
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insomiavent ¡ 2 years
Hello insomnia
Hello insomnia
And hello people reading
Im not really expecting much attention on this but it would be cool if it did i just wanted to have a place to vent anonymously on a platform in sorta used to. 
To be honest im surprised that tumbler has lived for so long but then again people are sucker for this kinda stuff i guess 
As of writing this its 2 days before i become a sophomore in high school, I want to buy a pink vest because my sister wont let me barrow her’s despite never wearing it. Im currently listing to Achilles come down by gang of youth from the album go farther in lightness. My boyfriend isn’t responding to any of calls or texts so i out on a timer to see how long it will take for him to respond my girlfriend is sound asleep. I am polyamors and i am gender fluid so use any pronouns. 
Im the middle child of three i have a older sister who’s judgmental and a bitch she didn’t used to this way she graduated from high school but wasn’t able to because of a bitchy teacher being to slow to grade things shes a picky eater and always has to have a say in what ever i do shes gonna be a horrible roommate cuz she cant even keep up with simple chores and has to be reminded to throw away razors after collecting rust over 3 times back to back. Is this really the person i should be looking up to? I don’t know i don’t want to shes load and obnoxious and is bitchy if you wake her up a little to early. She has a job but cant even fucking drive so my ma has to drive her i kinda hate her right now we got McDonalds today and i told her that i was gonna finish her drink cuz i didnt get one and she made it appernt that she heard but later was surprised that i actually did and got bitchy about it saying that she expected me to leave some and later said “Thats why i dont get you stuff” like excuse me? Ma paid for this shit and last i checked you cant fucking drive so shut the fuck up 
I have a little sister shes 8 months old and is a cutie but is very much a druma queen shes gonna be a child of god aka she is going to get baptized i love her im nervous if she does end up looking up to me but my boyfriend says not to worry cuz “The world needs more people like you” so ill try and not to worry 
My mother 
i have mixed feeling about her shes doing her best 
thats what i can mostly say 
She was a teen mom 
14 she had my sister 16 she had me its very obvious that me and my sister were mistakes and thanks to that i have lots of issues but its not her fault she has gotten better threw the years ans is loving but can get annoyed shes overwhelmed with the birth of the baby so im trying my best to help her around the house and she knows im gay and dosent really care but asks me to keep from her husband 
so lets talk about him i have a history with grooming and well sexual assault i spoke out about it around the 6th grade but nothing much happened because the man who did it was my mothers boyfriend he had let himself into the bathroom during my showers and touched me and made me do things i didn't want to do like touch him and i had known him for most of my life because my bio father had been deported so yea back to the boyfriend he gaslighted me into thinking it was a misunderstanding so nothing happened that being said they broke up because of his lack of free time this lead me to go into a depressive state and i almost overdosed 
Now to the husband 
hes creepy sometimes 
like just the way he acts the other day i was laughing cix of my girlfriend and he started just being weird he patted my head  and like jabbed his hand into the back of my neck it was creepy and like he walks around shirtless 
this is making me uncomfy so imma stop 
im currently listing to i wanna be yours by artic monkeys from the album am 
thanks for reading this and giving a stanger some time have a good day or good night 
with love 
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curtklingermanposts ¡ 4 months
Lessons From Laodicea (Revelation 3:14-22).
The Cost of Indecision
Those who find themselves in a place of indecision also find themselves riding an emotional rollercoaster. They feel wishy-washy. Perhaps, you have experienced this for yourself. Part of the experience often include stress, and where there is stress, there is no peace. At least when a decision is made, you have direction and a sense of certainty -even if it’s the wrong one. The fear of making the wrong decision is paralyzing. It’s one big reason people become indecisive. Ironically, there is a big decision every human must make that actually affects the ability to make the right decisions. That decision is to whether one will go all in with his or her relationship with God. Truth be told, there is no middle ground. Those who straddle the fence, eventually hit a fence post. As long as a person has one foot in the Kingdom and the other in the world, he will never genuinely have the peace that surpasses understanding. There are stark warnings throughout the Bible about trying to have it both ways, so to speak. Let’s be very clear, if one continues to live this way, there will dire eternal consequences. The decision for God gives you access to the wisdom required to make all other decisions.
Revelation 3:14-16 And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true Witness, the Beginning of the creation of God; I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of My mouth. To be lukewarm is to be unrefreshing. How many like drinking lukewarm water when they are hot? How many people love a lukewarm bath when they’re cold? A hot bath is great, so is a cold plunge. By the way, Jesus is not saying He desires people to be spiritually cold: on the contrary. Remember, the Lord uses things (often physical) of which we are familiar to illustrate spiritual truths. They are known as metaphors, which are frequently found in parables. Why would Jesus say, I wish you were cold or hot? Knowing a little history of Laodicea will actually bring some clarity to the language He uses in this letter. Here are some cliff notes. It was the capital of Phrygia, about 15 miles from Philadelphia. It was a prosperous commercial city, situated in the fertile Lycus River valley at the crossroads of the trade route from the East to Pergamum and Ephesus (part of modern-day Turkey). Originally, its name was Diospolis, but was renamed by the Syrian King, Seleucus II after his wife, Laodice. Being lukewarm may refer to its sources of water. One source was a spring four miles to the south, from which they actually piped water to the city for drinking. Unfortunately, by the time the water reached the city, it would no longer be cold; rather, it would be lukewarm. Sometimes it would cause vomiting, because of containments from the material used in the piping. Another source was the hot springs found in neighboring Hierapolis, which was used for bathing. Again, by the time the water reached Laodicea, it would be lukewarm. Here’s a major takeaway: the farther away from the Source, the less refreshing a person becomes. Another word for lukewarm would be, indifferent.  
Revelation 3:17-18 Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked: I counsel thee to buy of Me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see. Laodicea had great wealth, some of which was derived from gold it contained. In fact, a number of Christians did quite well for themselves. Because of their wealth, they refused Rome’s help to rebuild the city when it was devastated in an earthquake in 60 AD. They were determined to remain self-sufficient. Hence, we read, “You say, I am rich.” Moreover, the city produced a fine black wool from its local sheep. Additionally, it boasted of a medical school that produced a well-known eye medicine know as Phrygian powder. Thus we read, “I counsel you to buy from Me gold refined by fire so that you may become rich, and white garments (righteousness -see Revelation 19:8), so that you may clothe yourself, and that the shame of your nakedness will not be revealed; and eye salve to anoint your eyes so that you may see.” Jesus told us to store up for ourselves treasures in Heaven. Self-sufficient people are self-righteous, which is very unrefreshing. They are spiritually blind. One might say, their self-righteousness has caused them to become incapable of seeing their condition. Their works are self-centered. Those who are self-sufficient are lukewarm!
The End of Laodicea
Today, Laodicea lies in ruins, as it was hit with another earthquake in 7 A.D., and consequently abandoned. There are some remnants, such as an aqueduct, a gymnasium, and tombs. The church at Laodicea no longer exists. Interestingly, these point to lukewarm water, works of the flesh and ultimately, death.
Call to Repentance
Revelation 3:19-22 As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent. Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear My voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with Me. To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with Me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with My Father in His throne. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches. Because of His love for humanity, and especially His Church, the Lord is not satisfied to leave us in a fallen condition. He rebukes and disciplines those He loves. In this case, the word for love is not AGAPE; but PHILEO, which means to have affection for, denoting personal attachment. It’s a matter of sentiment or feeling. This word does not apply to loving one’s enemies, which would be AGAPE (see Matthew 5:44). Moreover, man is never commanded to PHILEO (“love”) God; rather, it is AGAPE. Nevertheless, he is also to PHILEO his fellow man. This is a call to zeal, as well as repentance. Zeal as opposed to indifference. Interestingly, “I stand at the door, and knock” is not altar call as it often used in church settings. This is a specific call of repentance to those who are distant from Him -the lukewarm; not the sinner in general. Those who are indifferent will decide whether or not they will heed His call and open the door to Him, or simply remain lukewarm. Those who listen, and overcome will find unsearchable rewards.
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fablesofkitkat ¡ 2 years
pov: the night you fell for Shinichiro Sano
genre: fluff
let me be your tomorrow tonight
- Loote
tags: @haitink @moonlighttho @kumihayu @heyyviolette @sehuniverse-94 maybe i can try and give Sano a happy ending
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You noticed him, Shinichiro Sano, at about the same time everybody else did. He was standing at the front of the bus, next to the next first available seat beside him, then looked the other way. All down the aisle, anybody who was seating alone moved to the edge of their seats.
The guy stared at everyone, and everyone stepped farther down the aisle. Nobody wanted to look at him. You tried not to, but it was hard. Not when he was wearing a black biker outfit with the word Black Dragon embroidered on it, his dark hair styled in a ridiculous pompadour; a delinquent.
No one wanted to be associated with delinquents. They were seen as scum of society. . . but you noticed, he could've forced that lone student infront of him to move away, intimidate the middle schooler. And yet, he didn't.
The bus stopped again, and a bunch more kids got on. They pushed past the guy. That was the thing— everybody on the bus treated him as nothing, and if not nothing, then with contempt.
You looked back up at him. He was just standing there.
"Hey, you," the bus driver yelled, "sit down!"
Then he spotted an empty seat just across from you. His face lit with relief, and he hurried towards it.
"Hey," the man in a business suit said sharply.
He stopped and looked at the man thoughtfully, then looked back at the empty seat.
He kept moving.
"Hey," the man said, _"scum._ You can't sit there, you have no manners. It's for old people."
"Sit down," the driver bellowed from the front.
"There's no sign on it. Besides their seats are at the front near the door," he explained in a firm, calm voice.
"Not my problem," the man snapped. The bus lurched, and the delinquent rocked back to keep from falling. You tried to ignore him, it was none of your business. You looked back at him; he looked resigned, bitter, and sad for a split second.
Before you'd even decided to do it, you scooted toward the window.
"Sit down," you said. It came out angrily. He turned to you, like he couldn't tell whether if you were just another judgemental asshole or what, " just _sit down."_ You said softly, nodding to the space next to you.
He sat down, little do you know he would turn out to be your schoolmate, when you turned to the window expecting not to meet him again.
You always wondered why somehow, you'd ended up seeing Sano over and over again. And every damn time, everyone was being a judgemental asshole to him, like that one guy from the pharmacy who barred him from buying medicine because he was a delinquent. When Sano didn't move, begged the old man even, the old man brought down his cane on Sano, and he simply took the beating as if it's natural.
It made you furious just thinking that it would've went on had you not interfered. Everyone treated Sano like he was invisible, or worse, made it hard for him. You couldn't understand why.
You grounded your molars in extreme anger, unaware of how Sano stared at you as you tutted, clicked your tongue, scrunched yp your brows, and hissed yourself when you pressed at the bruise on his shoulder where the old jerk hit him.
"Somehow, everyone's gone crazy and I'm the only one sane." You mumbled, popping the tube of the ointment and applied it on thr bruise.
". . .or maybe you're the one who's crazy."
You stilled. The audacity. _"Excuse me?"_
He catches your gaze and held it. "You're so _cool."_ And the Black Dragon founder found himself, turning weak, and red, at odds with himself. Kami, he was so uncool. Who says cool nowadays, he was lame. Every time, you had to see him at his worst. He'd like it if you saw his cool side. "You don't care what everyone thinks and just do whatever—"
"But I do care."
He shook his head. "Not when you allowed me to sit beside you at the bus, the first time we met, then when you told off the pharmacy owner, and. . . now." He looked around, at the strangers shooting stares in your and his direction.
You shrug. "Don't make it bigger than seem, everyone should be exercising kindness."
"Even to me?"
You nod. _"Especially to you._ From what I could see, Sano, you're no scum. You've always been decent, and polite. Even when you have reason to retaliate, you just take it. I wish you didn't. You're the one who's kind."
He wasn't. He doesn't believe he is, but even if he isn't, he will be. For his siblings. And because this random schoolmate of his, believed in him despite what society said. _A kind delinquent. Oh no, was he in a shoujo manga?_
And then, Shinichiro, he. . . laughed.
You were really trying hard not to be overawed by Sano's motorcycle driving skills, but every time he changed lanes, or checked the rearview, you caught yourself getting your cheeks warm. Sano and you slowly fell into an easy friendship, and you learned how he was saving up for a motorcycle and that's why he commuted for awhile. As thanks for letting him sit beside you, he offered to drive you around on his brand new retro bike.
"Any ideas where to go yet?" His voice muffled because of the helmet.
"Nope. Can't we just drive around?"
"What do you mean?"
"Can't we just go somewhere and be together? Where do people go to be together?"
"A mo-" Shinichiro bit his tongue, it was supposed to be a joke, something he'd say to kid around with his friends when he remembered you were a different kind of friend. Maybe he was crushing on you. He looked over at you, then looked back, nervously, at the road. "Okay," he said. "Yeah. Yeah, just let me . . ." He makes a U-turn. "The beach."
You carefully walked on top of a tera concrete block and sat down, Sano following you close and sat beside you. The blocks were used as a wave breaker but it was a low tide and the water barely reached the blocks infront of you. Because of the limited space, your side stuck to Sano's, making you extremely conscious of him.
"Now that I have a bike, we can go to school together."
"Ha. As if we don't? We took the bus together."
"ᔆᵗⁱˡˡ‧ ‧ ‧ ᴵ ʷᵃⁿᵗ ᵗᵒ‧"
He breathes out your name, steeled himself, and felt himself burn in embarrassment. █░█ █   █░░ █ █▄▀ █▀▀
The wind whistled and you couldn't hear him well.
"‧ ‧ ‧ ˡⁱᵏᵉ ʸᵒᵘ‧"
You looked at him blankly, and shrugged because whatever, if it was important, he'd say it louder.
░░░ █   █▄▄ █ █░█ ██▄
█▄█ █▀█ █░█ ░ █░█
░█░ █▄█ █▄█ ▄ ░░░
..um what?
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hi!! you can ignore this if you want, but id love to see your take on an identity reveal (where lanyon/frankie/lodgers discover that jekyll = hyde) :D love your writing!!
Hi! And thank you so much!!! I apologize for the wait! (I was sick for a while)
This transformation happened because of stress.
Everything was going so well for the exhibition, and yet, Jekyll still had this small, lingering sense of dread in the back of his mind. Perhaps it was because of Frankenstein, or the police investigations, or even from the recent conversation about Lanyon. Then suddenly, a familiar, painful sensation overtook him. His heart dropped. He hadn’t taken the potion, so why was this happening? Jekyll tried to keep the impending transformation at bay, but it was no use. Right in the middle of the foyer, in front of the Lodgers, Frankenstein, and Lanyon, Jekyll transformed into Hyde. The blond man eyed the startled crowd around him, then bolted upstairs without a second thought.
Jekyll’s stress was so high, that Hyde transformed back to Jekyll moments after stepping foot in the latter’s office. There, the scientist collapsed on his knees and sobbed. It was over. Everything he spent his life for was gone. They all knew that he was rotten inside. And Lanyon now knew that Jekyll failed him in so many aspects.
Speaking of him, Lanyon’s first response was shock, followed by anger. How could Jekyll have done this? He remembered hearing Jekyll mention something about splitting souls years ago, but had paid it no mind. 
Lanyon came into Jekyll’s office to find his friend curled up on the floor. The younger man picked his head up and froze when he saw Lanyon. “Please don’t take me to Bethlam.” Jekyll begged, his eyes wide and filled with fear. This outburst caused Lanyon’s heart to soften, and he gestured for Jekyll to come closer. The younger man fell into Lanyon’s arms almost immediately, buying his face into the older man’s chest.
“Henry, I won’t. But you need to tell me everything.”
And Jekyll did. He told Lanyon about how he felt unhappy. About how he felt he needed to fix himself. About his experiment and how he split his soul in two, creating Hyde. About the struggles with keeping the society running. About the nightmares. About the breakup. And Lanyon just held Jekyll in silence throughout everything. He didn’t have the words for this situation, so this was the least he could do to offer some comfort. Most of Lanyon’s anger dissipated at this point, replaced with guilt for not noticing Jekyll’s plight sooner, and protectiveness over the younger man.
After this, Jekyll shakily went downstairs, and explained everything about him and Hyde to The Lodgers, who had mixed responses. Some were intrigued. The picture of a perfect English gentleman Henry Jekyll was also the roguish Hyde? Others felt betrayed. After all, their leader spoke of respectability so much, and yet, he had delved into mad science farther than any of them had. But after Jekyll’s explanation, it clicked in the Lodgers’ heads that their leader had been suffering for years. They began to feel sympathetic, and gain more of an understanding of Jekyll. They also become more protective over Jekyll, particularly when the police ask about Hyde.
As for Frankenstein’s reaction, she was, first of all, surprised. And in a small way, proud. Like, I feel she knew that Jekyll had potential to go deep into the realm of mad science. And here he had successfully split his soul. She does complain about his apparent hypocrisy at first, but even she becomes more understanding. She talks to Jekyll more about science when he comes to treat her, and encourages him to talk about his own work to her. Frankenstein also takes up more of a mentor role to Jekyll afterwards. Even if she still doesn’t understand or agree with him on the Society, or views on science, she does have more respect for him as a person.
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bunny-xoxo ¡ 3 years
Laundry Day
Modern!Armin x fem!reader
warning(s): oral(f) receiving, masturbation(m), swearing
a/n: ok so this is like my first full blown smut piece on here 😳 and I wasn’t expecting it to be about Armin either wbshdhehkws but I was talking with @armins-futon about him andddd here we are so I hope y’all enjoy 🤪 ALSO CONGRATS ON 400 BB THIS IS OFFICIALLY A GIFT POST FOR YOU AND YOUR MILESTONE‼️‼️
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gif not mine, credit to owner
Armin grunted ahead of you as he walked into the laundry room, huffing as he set the laundry basket down.
“Ya know, I’m pretty sure I don’t need help doing laundry sweetie.” He looked at you over his shoulder where you stood quietly peeking in the doorway.
You rolled your eyes and sauntered over to hop onto the dryer where you swung your hanging feet, your heels hammering into the cold metal.
“How the hell did you hear me? I wanted to scare you.” You sighed and crossed your arms, leaning back to rest your head against the cupboard behind you.
It was a little game you guys played, and buy you guys I mean only you. You loved getting Armin startled. Well you think you would if you were ever actually successful in doing so. You’d hide behind doorways, under beds, in the closet, even in the garage after he’s come home from work but nothing ever worked. And it was starting to really bum you out.
“Don’t pout because it didn’t work, maybe you’ll get me next time.” He always said this, too.
You scoffed and turned your head to watch him. His toned arms were digging deep into the basket to pull out the last of the laundry, and the small of his back was showing from the way he was bent over to properly reach the clothes. He pulled his arms out but instead of grabbing laundry he grabbed your shins, looking up at you from his position. He was holding your legs flush against the dryer, preventing you from swinging your feet to bang loudly on it.
“Stop.” His tone of voice made you squirm.
You nod your head and give him a little smile, slightly embarrassed at how easy it is for him to affect you like that.
He stands up and stretches his arms after putting the last of the laundry in, his stomach peeking out from the bottom of his shirt, and he starts to move in front of you. You swear he does shit like that on purpose sometimes.
Standing in front of you now, he pushes your legs apart by the plush of your inner thighs and slowly moves his hands to the outer bits of them, taking his time to really feel how soft your skin is, before he roughly yanks you forward and closer to him. The metal pulls at your skin in the process and stings a little, but now your face to face with him and the discomfort is long forgotten.
“‘Scuse me sweetie, don’t want you to hit your head.” He drags his left hand up your side to cup and move your head into his chest, and with your face buried there you can still smell his body wash from his shower that morning. And when he closes the cupboard he pulls your head back by your hair, only slightly tugging on it, to kiss your nose and go back to doing laundry.
Now that he definitely did on purpose.
After pouring in the detergent he grabbed, he opted for setting it on the dryer instead of putting it back, picking you up off of it and grabbing onto your hand to pull you into a hug. This was only so he could get better access to whisper into your ear, “c’mon, let’s watch something while we wait for them to be done.”
His voice was soft and low, sending chills down your spine as you simply nodded.
You both plopped onto the couch to find something mindless to put on for the next half hour. His arms snaked around your waist and pulled you into his chest after he pressed play, his fingers drawing mindless figures onto your skin.
You guys sat like this for most of the time when you were suddenly struck with an idea, noticing how he was starting to doze off.
“I’ll be right back, I gotta go pee.” You peeled his arms off you when he hummed in response, quietly padding off to the bathroom. Of course you didn’t really have to use the bathroom, you were gonna scare him.
You waited a few minutes in the hallway with your hand over your mouth, doing your best to stifle your giggles. If he wasn’t practically asleep when you left you were sure he’d have heard you by now, maybe that’s why it never worked.
You waited a minute more before crouching down and crawling into the living room. You were moving as slowly and silently as humanly possible until you reached the end of the couch.
You shot up and shouted, thinking you’d really done it this time, except he was no longer peacefully sleeping on the couch like you’d left him.
You thought maybe you waited too long and the timer went off before you could scare him. But before you could turn around to try to find him you felt strong arms lift you up from behind paired with a shout.
You felt your heart jump and let out a little holler even though you knew the culprit was obviously Armin.
You groaned and smacked his arms while he carried you to the couch.
“Ugh! No fair Armin! I never get to scare you and now you scare me?!”
He set you down on the couch on your back and hovered above you, still chuckling to himself as he reached down to cup your cheek.
“Aww I’m sorry baby, but I wouldn’t be a good boyfriend if I let you win.” He was smiling sweetly but his tone was nowhere sweet, it was condescending and mischievous.
“Yeah whatever.” You smacked his upper arms but let your hands linger there, squeezing the muscle lightly that was tense from the way he was holding himself up.
You let your eyes wander down his arms and to his chest before you looked back up to his face. You could feel your cheeks immediately start to get warm when you realize how obviously you had just gawked at him.
“Yeah?” You could practically hear the smirk in his voice when he said that.
You groaned and hit his chest this time, refusing to look at him.
You could feel him lean down closer to you, his body heat making you even warmer.
“Here, let me make it up to you for scaring you so bad, yeah?” His throat sounded dry when he whispered that, swallowing after he spoke and kissing your cheek lightly.
He wanted you as bad as you wanted him.
His soft lips began leaving what started out as sweet kisses down the side of your neck and on the bits of your chest that were exposed, but now they were wet and needy with bites littering your collar bones.
“Armin, please.” Your voice was breathy and strained.
You were desperately pawing at his shoulders as he moved his hands to your shorts. You lifted your hips as he pulled them down along with your underwear.
“I know pretty girl, sit up for me.” He sat up on the couch and brought you with him, awkwardly adjusting the two of you until your back was resting against the cushions with your thighs resting on his shoulders.
He was on the ground in front of you, kneading the tops of your thighs as he bit along the inside of them, making you jump slightly and quickly grab handfuls of his hair.
You bucked your hips towards him when he left a pathetic kiss to your lips, his warm breath teasing you.
This was his favorite way to have you, legs spread and exposed for him. You whining and doing your best to convince to just touch you with your body squirming.
He moved his arm to bring two of his long fingers to your pussy, spreading your lips to see you desperately clench around nothing.
“Armin!” You pulled on his hair again and he was brought back down, looking up at your face and smiling sweetly.
“Sorry baby, I forgot this was about you.” He chuckled and kept staring at you while he shoved his middle finger in you at an agonizingly slow pace.
You tried to move your hips out of instinct but Armin’s other hand was keeping you in place now.
“I know baby, I’ll give you more. I’m just making sure you’re ready first.”
That was always his excuse when he was teasing you like this.
But before you could complain he had 2 fingers inside you and was curling them up at just the right spot.
You let out an erotic moan and tried to pull his face closer to where you wanted him most.
“Yeah? You want my mouth, too?”
You feverishly nodded and looked down to see his eyes dark with his pupils blown and flushed cheeks. God could he just start already.
He pulled his fingers out of you and moved his hands to spread your thighs even farther, the burn worth it when you finally felt his mouth on you.
He buried his face into you and wasted no time in running his tongue along your inner folds, humming to himself when he first got a taste of what he’d been needing.
He brought his hand up to spread your folds and shake his head slightly, making his tongue work hard against your clit. That wasn’t enough for him though.
He moved his hand so his thumb could rub your clit as his tongue fucked your hole, needing to taste more of you. The closer you got the harder you pulled on his hair, only making him groan in response.
He brought his other hand to his cock, shoving his hand down his sweatpants to give himself even a small sense of relief, his head swollen and dripping with pre-cum at how bad he needed you.
“Fuck baby, do you know what you do to me?” He pulled away breathless, his mouth and chin glistening and his eyes glossy, you could see his chest heaving from where you were and slight movements from his left arm let you know exactly what you do to him.
He didn’t give you a chance to respond when he dove back in, latching onto your clit this time and sucking harshly, effectively pushing you over the edge.
“Oh, god, f-fuck!” You whined and groaned, rolling your hips against him as you rode out your orgasm, Armin not letting up once til you lightly pushed on his head.
“Baby, please, I’m done.” You panted and closed your eyes, relaxing into the couch cushions behind you.
He sat up and you caught a glimpse of the wet spot and tent forming in his sweatpants before he pulled them down to let his cock spring free,
“Oh? You’re just gonna leave me like this?” He was breathless too, and even though he sounded cocky you knew how desperate he was for your touch.
You looked up at him with hazy eyes and a lazy smile, sitting up slightly as you reached out.
“Well, I gu-“
You were rudely interrupted by the timer on your phone signaling it was time to move the clothes from the wash.
Armin jumped, startled, and turned the phone off.
“Fucking- stupid- ugh.”
He tossed the phone angrily onto the other side of the couch and huffed at your amusement from his scare.
You giggled one last time and wrapped your hand around his cock, biting your lip at the sight of him groaning and, this time, grabbing your hair, watching you intently.
You smiled up at him sweetly, “don’t worry, the clothes can wait a few more minutes.”
I hope you guys liked it 😭😭😭
taglist: @plutowrites @armins-futon
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cipheress-to-k-pop ¡ 3 years
Hello there! Can you write hcs for Tim with a demigodess!reader please? Congrats on your 600 followers btw^^
Tim Drake x Demigoddess!Reader
A/N: Thank you so much! So I’m totally dense about greek myths and stuff and I was gonna make her Thor’s daughter at first but then I forgot about that I did Hades but when I remembered it was already written so oh well
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You were the daughter of Hades and Persephone
You had kind of a weird childhood
Don’t get me wrong, it was a great childhood
Being princess of the underworld and the daughter of the only sane people in all of Olympus had its perks
But compared to everyone else, it was weird
Hades was extremely protective of you because you were a mortal
Meaning that you could die
The thought of having to greet your soul when you died filled him with so much grief
So, he kept you sheltered, kept you safe
Never letting you lift a finger
As princess you had everything you ever needed and everything your heart desired
Since birth you had been trained by Athena and Aries under your father’s watchful eyes
When you were 16 and you finally wanted to see the rest of the world, you begged your parents to let you go to the mortal world
It took months of begging and when they said no, you’d get so upset that all the flowers in the underworld would wither
Persephone seeing how much you wanted to see the world
So, she convinces Hades to let you go
And he agrees but just as long as you promise to visit
You go to the human world and you’re so oblivious about human life that it’s concerning
Walking around in a floor length dress wondering why everyone else wasn’t dressed the same way
This is how you meet Diana Prince
She recognizes you immediately when you arrive at the Smithsonian, looking mildly confused
Your eyes light up when you see a familiar face
You stay with her for a couple of days before she decides that you’d be better off at the cave
That’s exactly what happens
Even though you whine a little and say you want to stay with her
She just knows it’s because you’re nervous about being in a new place
You know that if you were in any real danger your parents would inflict rage on the mortal world
Feeling mildly comforted at the idea
Diana doesn’t tell them to add you to the group
She just tells them that you need a place to stay and someone to help you find your way around
The first people you meet are Batman, Nightwing and Robin
Immediately being comforted just by looking at them
Batman reminded you of your dad and Nightwing of your mom
And Diana trusted them so you did too
You end up following Tim and Dick around for the next couple of days like a lost puppy
Dick finds it amusing
Tim is kinda unsettled but thinks you’re stupid for some reason
It isn’t until he actually talks to you, he realizes you’re much more profound than he gave you credit for
You don’t officially join the team
You just live there
Everyone thinks that you have no training whatsoever
And that you’re just a princess
Which you technically are but
Until you’re watching them train one day and then remember the days you would spar with Athena
It looked like so much fun
Immediately you wanted to join in
Some of them rolled their eyes and thought you were wasting their time
The others were happy to let you join in
They wanted to make Bart spar you but you looked around contemplatively before pointing at Tim
“If it is alright with you, I wish for you to be my partner.”
Tim blushing because what you said sounded like you were choosing him as a life partner, rather than sparring partner
Of course, Bart teases him for it as well as the others
When Tim walks up to the middle, Dick subtlety tells him to take it easy on you and he nods
The match is over before he can even make a move
You had the speed and strength of a god, it wasn’t a surprise
Not to you at least
To everyone else, kind of a huge surprise
Standing over him and giggling
“I want a rematch.”
“But of course.”
Spending the rest of the day sparring with him
He doesn’t beat you even once
And the others just watch you throw him around for an afternoon
After a while it stops being funny and Nightwing is almost concerned
It kind of hurts his pride but you still acknowledge him
“You know, for a human, you’re very skilled.”
“Uh, thank you?”
After that you go through the other members quite quickly
Some of them gave you a little trouble, like Conner
But you managed to be undefeated
They all think you should join the team after that and you agree
Spending more time with Tim that way
Always talking to him about your family’s history and stuff
Telling him all about your parents love story when he asked to hear about it
You talk so fondly of it and he’s honestly just kind of shocked that Greek Mythology isn’t mythology
I mean, he knew it was real because of Diana
But he never really understood how real these gods were
He falls for you
He loves the way your eyes light up and you smile at him
He loves the way you’re always eager to learn
He loves that you’re so kind and gentle but can also beat people up without even trying
He asks you out but it didn’t go as well as he was hoping
“Do you want to go out with me?”
“Yes, a walk sounds lovely.”
“(Y/N), I like you.”
“Aw that’s so sweet Tim, I like you too, friend.”
Everyone else starts enjoying the way he crashes and burns all the time
And Tim would stop asking usually
But he knows it in his bones that you like him too
But he has no other way to tell you aside from marching up to you and kissing you
Makes that Plan B tho
Plan A is getting you a bouquet of your favourite flowers and telling you that he likes you
Not platonically
You grin widely and tell him you like him too
Kissing you just as the sun set that day
It’s one of your favourite memories
His too
Everyone being extremely happy and supporting of your relationship
You can tell Batman is trying to threaten you
But your father is god of the underworld and you have a three headed dog
So, when you and Tim are caught kissing in some hidden crevice in the cave by him and he tries telling you off, you can’t help you smile adorably
“Don’t worry Batman, I have no intention of dishonouring your son.”
Batman is like ???
And Tim is either like “Please don’t speak like we’re in the 1800s.”
or “Please dishonour me.”
He buys you pomegranates as a joke but then you prank him saying that if he eats them, he has to return to the underworld with you
Dick (Nightwing) approves
You like falling asleep in his arms so more often than not you plead with him to stay at the cave and sleep with you
He knows relationships in Olympus generally move a lot quicker so he ends up having to sit you down and explain everything to you so you know his boundaries
Totally accepting them and never going farther than he wants
You appreciate the small things
Like sitting in his lap and eating breakfast
Or being the small spoon
You become the team’s resident couple
Being part of a team, a family is honestly so much fun
Everyone thinking your invincible and practically indestructible
Until one day you’re hurt on the battlefield
Everyone freaking out and getting you back to the cave so you could be treated
The next morning, Tim goes to check up on you and finds something shocking
He’s not sure what to be more surprised by
Cerberus napping at the foot of your bed
Or you crying
Even though the giant, three-headed dog freaks him out, he still sits beside you and asks what’s wrong
“My father demands that I return home. He cannot stand the thought of me being hurt.”
His heart stops
He likes you so much, even bordering on love
And he doesn’t want you to leave
But who was he to stop the God of the Underworld?
Comforting you when you cried, hugging you tightly
“Shh it’s gonna be okay.”
You return home after that and it breaks Tim’s heart
You don’t officially break up but it’s kind of implied because you can never return back to the mortal world
Him being depressed for the next few months but he hides it well
Even though everyone knows how he’s feeling
Things aren’t any better on your end
Your heart aches with every second your away from him
Until one day it happens
Your soul wants to be with Tim
So, it tries to leave your body
You have a heart attack that night and nearly die and it horrifies Hades
He goes all the way to the mortal world to find Tim
Tim doesn’t quite understand how you could have a heart attack from missing him
But is still worried and agrees to go to the Underworld to see you
When he gets there, you’re in so much pain
But once he brings you into his arms you feel sated
When he kisses you, everything fades into a dull ache
Hades wants Tim to stay in the Underworld after that but you argue and tell him to go back to the land of the living
This wasn’t the place for him
“I’ll give up on you, I promise, but you can’t stay here any longer my love.”
“I don’t want to leave your side.”
“I’m sorry, but you know we can’t be.”
Tim goes the next morning and it breaks your heart but you know that it’s for the best
You spend the next few weeks in such sorrow that all of Persephone’s plants die
Hades and Persephone both see how much you love Tim and they are reminded of themselves when they were younger
Making a joint decision to let you go back to the mortal world
But you have to live a long life
That’s the one condition
You running into the cave and crashing into Tim’s arms
Kissing him there and feeling everything go right in the world
You fulfil your parents wish
And live a long, happy life by Tim’s side
Forever Taglist:
DC Taglist:
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1engele ¡ 3 years
daybreak | sal fisher x fem!reader - 9. hearts
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[warnings: mention of meth, swimming without pants on??, large body of water, momentary angst]
"why was it so easy for you to make it so hard for me?" —
You weren't drunk, but you were definitely not sober enough to comprehend how horrible the idea of being even relatively close to a large body of water whilst intoxicated was.
Ashley was not as much a lightweight as you'd proved to be, so she was virtually sober. the time you'd known her (just over a week) you'd come to know her as the most carefree of the group. She did things when she felt like it, and she did what she enjoyed.
Larry could be called carefree, as well—but he gave off more "I truly do not give one ounce of a fuck, and I will go along with any activity you want to do if I can smoke" vibes.
You hadn't figured Sal out yet. You tried not to think about it, but there were so many things you wondered about him. You'd seen his face. That had been your fault, and you were beginning to feel immense guilt for what you'd done.
You weren't going to inwardly speculate about what had happened to him—but you'd seen the look in his foggy blue gaze when he'd laid eyes on that dog at the party.
The car came to an abrupt halt, knocking you from your thoughts and lurching your body forward. Your eyes widened, and you look around frantically to figure out where you were or if you'd just had an accident—but turns out, you'd made it to Wendigo Lake.
"Well, you said you wanted to go to the lake," Ashley grinned, locking eyes with you.
You blink repeatedly, your pupils dilating to focus on the sight of the large body of water in front of you, glistening beneath the moonlight. A smile slowly etched into your face, and you reached to your right to open the passenger-side door.
It wasn't long before you'd reached the point where the slope began into a downward incline, your feet planted in the grass as you gazed down at the lake you knew had to be freezing—but the road-like reflection of moonlight on the water continued to call your name.
The breeze blew into your face.
You hadn't even heard the approaching footsteps and the crunching of grass when Larry, Ashley, and Sal walked up and joined you.
There was something melancholic about knowing that you were living in a moment you knew you'd miss.
"We should swim," you say, nonsensically.
Sal looks away from the lake and to you from his place on your right side. You turn your head to lock eyes with him.
"Y/N, someone's gonna get sick. I don't think you understand how cold this water gets-"
"Okay then," you mumble. "I should swim," you correct, "and if anyone wants to join me, they are more than welcome."
Larry and Ashley's laughter echoes into the dead air as you ambled down the slope, Sal standing there, watching—before following your lead.
"Let's think this over," he tries, matching your pace with ease. "You're going to regret it when you're shivering all the way home."
"Ashley can blast the heat."
"What if you drown?"
"I won't," you respond, "because you're getting in with me."
You're both stood on the shore of the lake now, locking eyes and regarding each other with your own equally stubborn determination.
"Hey!" You hear Larry's voice call from up the hill. The tension that's formed within the eye contact breaks once you've looked away from each other and peered up at the height of the slope.
"We're gonna go check out that forest over there," Ashley shouts, pointing towards the cluster of trees that were a measurable distance away. "Heard there's some gnarly satanic shit in there. Call if you need anything."
You exchange a glance with Sal.
"Alright," he yells back. "Don't get lost!"
"Can't promise that!" Larry sends both of you a grin before he and Ashley both head towards their destination, the sound of grass crunching steadily quieting as the distance between you grows.
When they're far enough away, you let out a quick sigh of relief. "Finally," you reach down to your shoes and began pulling them off, including socks.
You then reached down to the button of your jeans.
Sal yelps. "What're you doing?!"
You look up with raised eyebrows. "You think I'm swimming in these? I'll sink." You return your focus downward, pulling the zipper down and hook your thumbs around the waistband of your pants. "Nothing you haven't seen before."
It was almost excruciating to hide your sly smile as you bent at the waist to slide the denim down your legs. You stepped out of your jeans, pulled your phone from the pocket, and tossed the shed article of clothing farther up the hill, tossing your phone on top of it.
The device landed with a thud, resulting in an inward cringe on your part.
You didn't allow yourself to regard the fact that you were now standing in front of Sal with no pants on, so you just turned, stepped forward, and tested the water with a toe.
"Liar," you submerge a foot in, your body instinctively shivering against your will. "It's not that cold."
He scoffs, reaching down to rip his sneakers and socks off in your peripheral vision. "You're saying that now, but I'd like to hear the same thing when your bare legs are in there."
Sal tosses his shoes off near where you'd thrown yours along with his phone. He watches you submerge your other foot in, before following your lead.
Sal seems to handle it with a lot more ease than you, both feet now immersed in lake water. He doesn't seem to react physically, only standing with slack shoulders and his head tilted slightly upward. You watch the side profile of the prosthetic, and the way he lifts a hand and passes ringed fingers through vividly blue hair.
Moonlight illuminates the white face of the mask.
You can't see his real face, but you can picture him now. The tranquility of his expression, the curve of his dark eyelashes, his tongue passing over his lips...
The water is up to your calves now.
"I'm sorry," you murmur, angling your chin towards him. It's rushed, and sudden, and you momentarily doubt he even heard it beneath the rippling of water as he moves a bit closer.
"For what?" He asks, turning his head away from the moon and to look you in the eyes.
"I shouldn't have taken the prosthetic off without your permission. The guilt has been churning inside of me and I felt I needed to apologize for it eventually. I'm sorry."
Sal looks down, his eyes following the shape of your thighs before he locks gazes with you again. "You make me feel normal, Y/N. You'd never even asked about it before—and that means the world to me. I won't hold what you did against you."
"But..." you try, but he stops you.
"Y/N," he laughs sweetly. "Don't try and villainize yourself—you did nothing wrong. If anything... it was almost nice to know you weren't scared of seeing what was underneath."
You intake breath for the first time since the conversation began. You felt almost stupid, tears forming in your eyes as you stood within a freezing lake in just a crop top and your underwear.
"You should stop apologizing so much, too. You don't have anything to say sorry for."
"I'm sorry," you repeat, nonetheless.
He chuckles, fixing his gaze onto yours, an almost otherworldly perceptiveness burning in his striking eyes. "I understand how it feels to constantly find fault in yourself for something," he murmurs. "To live with it, to experience that guilt..."
You watch his Adam's apple bob. "It's hard."
A wave of despair washes over your body, and you don't even understand the context of Sal's statement.  You're close to him now, and you can tell he's searching for an excuse to put an end to the topic—so you take his hand and divert attention elsewhere.
"Your rings," you utter, holding his hand delicately, looking over the silver and black rings that adorn his digits. "Where are they all from?"
He lifts his other hand for you so you have full access to every band that he's wearing on his fingers. Once he's shown you his right hand, two rings that seem to share the same theme catch your eye.
"I have a few more in my room," he replies, watching you trace a fingertip over the matching heart rings. "I don't know, I guess I collect them—some are gifted, some I've bought myself..."
"With whose money?" You tease, peering up at him through your lashes. The water swishes a little as Sal adjusts his weight.
His eyes squint a little, so you assume he grins. "I'm not dead broke if that's what you're insinuating."
"No, no," you trail off, looking back down at the rings with admiration. "I love these."
"Got them at the thrift store—something told me I would regret not buying them." He looks back up, stares into your downcast eyes for a long moment, and speaks again, "Why don't you have one?"
Your heart flutters. "You want to give me a ring?"
"Sure. Which one do you want?"
"Sal..." you can't help but smile, tracing his pale knuckle with the pad of your thumb. The swift breeze blows over your bare shoulders and conjures a shiver from your body. "You paid money for these. I don't want to take one from you."
"Don't you want a ring?"
You grin shyly. "Of course I do."
"Okay, pick."
You bite your lip nervously, sliding your finger over the silver ring with multiple black hearts engraved into the entire loop of the band. It didn't take much consideration—you'd fallen in love with the ring as soon as you'd laid eyes on it.
"This one," you audibly decide, meeting Sal's eyes anxiously.
Without another word, he eases the ring off of his middle finger and slides it onto yours. His hands are bigger than yours, and you fear it may not be small enough—but it does. It's a perfect fit.
"It was always kinda small on me," he began. "It's better for you."
You hold your hand out up and toward the moon, twisting it in different angles to examine the way the ring hugs your finger snugly.
You lower your hand back down to his, giggling. "We match now," you say softly, referring to the silver ring with the singular black heart that remained on his hand—the one that corresponded to the one now on yours.
As you absentmindedly turn his hand over, passing your eyes over his rings and the lines of his palms, you notice a faint bruising on his fingertips. Your eyebrows raise in alarm, and you meet his eyes and open your mouth to voice your concerns—but he beats you to the punch.
"It's from guitar strings," he murmurs. "Happens when I press too hard."
"Isn't that supposed to go away once you've played for a while? I've heard you mention once that playing the guitar isn't something new to you."
"Yeah, you're right. It is supposed to," Sal replies, intrigue on his tongue. "I don't know. I guess I'm weird."
You grin, stepping forward and submerged yourself further into the water—just enough so you were immersed up to your knees. You turned to face him. "I don't think you're weird. If you were weird, I wouldn't have gotten into a lake with you. At night... with no one else around. Oh, and with no pants on. That too."
Sal gestures his thumb over his shoulder. "Ash and Larry aren't far. If I were to murder you, they'd hear."
You shrug light-heartedly, bending just a bit to immerse your fingers into the water and flicking some towards him. "You could always cover my mouth and drown me. Effective and easy."
He raises his hands in poor defense, but the light splash still lands, lightly speckling his dark, long-sleeved shirt.
Sal bends just as you had (albeit a bit less, his arms were longer than yours) and splashes you gently. "After I've gifted you one of my prized possessions? Why would I do that?"
"That was only means to gain my trust!" You exclaim playfully, now using two hands to splash him.
"Splash me all you want, but I won't confess to something I'm not guilty of."
You stick your tongue out. "That's what they all say. You're only making yourself look stupid."
"I look stupid?" He laughs, pointing at himself before lowering his hand to splash you with a flick of the wrist. "You're the one with no pants on—in a lake, at night. If you die of hypothermia, it won't be anyone's fault but yours."
"All the more reason for you to murder me in cold blood."
"You're making no sense. Are you still drunk?"
"Ugh!" You groan dramatically, splashing him with much more vigor than the previous few times. He genuinely recoils this time, holding his hands out in defense before dropping them. A light shower rains down over his head, just barely dampening his hair and casting a wet sheen on the prosthetic.
"I'm not intoxicated! How dare you!"
Sal genuinely laughs from his chest, the ridiculousness of the situation hitting him. "I can't believe this," he says, running his hands through his hair.
You roll your eyes and move to immerse yourself in the lake water further, the questionable liquid sloshing around your thighs. That's when you hear a familiar two voices, laughing and yelling, and growing closer.
You and Sal turn to each other—Sal being a lot less concerned than you.
"Oh no," you murmur, looking down at yourself. "I have no pants on!"
Sal laughs (his laughter is normally a sound you genuinely enjoy hearing, but now it's obnoxious because it's not what you need to hear right now) and flits his eyes over you amusedly. "I can see that."
"Larry's a guy! He can't see me in my underwear!"
You look out at the open land, looking for your friends' approaching figures worriedly, but you see no one. You hear splashing as Sal continuously closes the distance between you both. "Yeah, I am too."
You roll your eyes, mutter something about boys never understanding anything, and start trudging through the water, back towards the shore.
Sal follows you through your efforts until you've stepped onto land, remaining perfectly patient even though the coldness of the water slowed your movements the entire journey.
He walks forward and tosses your jeans at you, along with your shoes, then sliding your phone in his pocket along with his device for safekeeping.
"I don't have a towel," you mumble. "My legs are too wet. I'll never get these on in time."
Sal blinks at you after somehow already getting his socks on. "Roll in the grass," he quips tightly like he's holding in a laugh. "That'll dry you off."
You scrunch your nose up and throw your shoe at him. It lands, bouncing off of his head with an audible thump, and then lands in the grass.
"Ow," he deadpans, placing a palm on the place the sneaker had just bounced from. "Geez, how hard can you throw?"
"Hard," you snark, wrestling your pants up your wet legs. Eventually, by the grace of whatever existential forces may exist, you managed to pull the denim up and over your hips.
You're zipping up your fly when Ashley and Larry finally appear.
"Dude," Larry gasps like he's been sprinting, bending to place his hands on his knees in an attempt to catch his breath. "Dude."
You and Sal stare at him curiously.
"There was a-a homeless guy!"
Ashley's laughing hysterically, and Larry doesn't evaluate, so Sal asks for context. "You're gonna have to evaluate, Larry. What do you mean there was a homeless guy?"
"Some dude was living in the woods! Had a whole fuckin' setup! I'm pretty sure he was cooking meth?!"
Sal just blinks repeatedly, like he was astounded, and couldn't believe that this was happening right now. "Did you guys bother him?"
"No," Ashley wheezes. "As soon as we saw him we bounced."
You're slipping on your shoes when Sal speaks again. "Yeah, maybe we should go..."
Larry finally stands up straight and starts up the slope, running his hands through his brown hair that's been messed while running. "Then in the name of the Lord, let's fucking get out of here."
You keep the seating arrangement you'd had on the way to the lake—girls in the front, boys in the back.
As soon as every door of the Ford Fiesta is shut, and the car becomes alive once again, the heat is immediately turned up. You breathe out a sigh of relief, leaning your head back against the headrest and allowing the hot air to blow against the cold flesh of your neck and shoulders. Your thoughts wandered as total relief washed over your body.
"Your jeans are dry," Ashley comments idly, startling you out of your reverie.
You hear what sounds like a laugh quickly concealed by a faux cough emanate from the backseat.
"Yeah," you reply dumbly. Ash stares at you, probably expecting you to say something else, but your mind goes blank, so she doesn't ask any further questions.
"Did I say he had no pants on?!" Larry suddenly blurts, clearly still mildly traumatized. "Everything was- it was just hanging out!"
Ashley cringes. "Don't put that image back into my mind, Larry."
"It wouldn't be the first person half-naked at Wendigo," Sal quips, locking eyes with you in the rearview mirror. No one questions his statement, most likely taking it as a reference to the infamous chaotic nature of that whole area—but you understand, sending him a contemptuous squint.
Ashley loops the car around to the exit path and it isn't very long before the vehicle is back on the road.
As heat sinks into your skin, reaches your cold bones, and the excitement slows down—your thought process de-thaws. You stare out of the window, watching the streetlights as they pass and listening to the sound of an acoustic guitar on the radio.
The music grows louder and drones in your ears. It's not even an electric guitar, but you still think of Sal, and his bruised fingertips. You twist his ring on your finger, running your opposite thumb over the heart-shaped indentations of the band.
Your mind wanders again. You think of that day in the storage room at the school, and that night in his father's car.
Eventually, you'd return the favor. You wanted him to feel as good as he'd made you feel. You owed it to him—and twice over.
But you'd have to wait. Patience was key—and all locked doors needed them.
221 notes ¡ View notes
supercorpkid ¡ 3 years
Rescue Mission – Suicide Mission.
Part 4 - Not a fair fight.
Supercorp, Kara Danvers x Daughter!Reader, Lena Luthor x Daughter!Reader, Alex Danvers x Niece!Reader, Brainy x Reader, Eliza Danvers x Granddaughter!Reader.
Word count: 2480.
Warnings: Injuries. Pain. Angst. Some graphic fight scenes I guess.
Previously on the series - Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Whatever it cost.
Your life has been put at stake before. You almost died three or four times. Honestly, too much for a 16-year-old-girl. But this. This is different. There’s no aunt Alex to call for help, no Supergirl coming in to help you pick up the pieces. No Lena waiting for you at home with comfort hugs and donuts.
You land on the DEO, shaking. You thought about not coming the entire way here. What if you just wait until Supergirl wakes up so she can help? Would it be that bad?
“Brainy!” You call him, and he turns around to you. Tablet in hands, still monitoring the shapeshifters. “Can we wait until my momma wakes up? Then we can go for them. I mean, I didn’t see much damage around the city so-”
“We can’t.” He stops you.
“Why? Honestly, we both know I’m no match for a shapeshifter.” You say, and Brainy looks up from his tablet.
“Oh.” He smiles a little. “That’s what I’m counting on.”
“I’m sorry?” But it doesn’t take long until you tie all the knots. Of course. Of course you couldn’t trust anybody!
Brainy turns into Supergirl right in front of your eyes, and hits you with a blow of freeze breath that throws you back down. You fall, all fours, and look up to the shapeshifter in front of you.
“You are definitely not a match for us.” It presses something in the tablet and soon you hear a woosh of air coming from containment and landing a punch on your face.
Shit! Fuck! Damn it!
It played you just right! Made you believe that you could trust ‘Brainy’ because he found your family, and imprisoned one of the shapeshifters, but it was obviously just a plan. Now both are here in front of you, and if one was already hard enough, two looks impossible to beat.
You get up and fly out of the DEO. First superhero rule: if possible, take the fight to where no civilians can get hurt, so you will have less casualties. In this case, maybe just yours is enough.
The other two Supergirls fly right behind you. You feel one of them grabbing your feet and tossing you back to the ground. You fly up less than a palm before your body hits the concrete. You keep flying farther away from the city, but it’s forced to stop sooner than you would like.
One of the Supergirls punches you down, and you feel your body smashing against a boulder in the desert, making a hole on the hard rock. Dust rises up and around you. You cough, getting up from the hole and you look at both aliens in front of you, using your momma’s pretty face. You can’t win. You wouldn’t be able to win even if you were up against just one Supergirl, let alone two. You breathe deep. You were right. Two Kryptonians are better than one. You just wish this advantage were to your side.
“So, it was you all along.” You yell from a distance.
“I told you not to trust anyone.” You hear Kara’s voice and your heart beats faster. “But I suppose you are just a kid.”
“I am.” You agree with your head, taking a deep breath. “But I am her kid!”
You fly towards them, punching one in the face, making it fall in the hard rock, like you did, breaking it off in the process. But you won’t give it a chance of recovery. You fly down, settling on top of its body. Kara’s body.
“You don’t deserve this face!” You say, giving it another punch. “You don’t deserve these powers!” Another one. “You don’t deserve to wear this crest on your chest!” It’s where you punch after and you watch the alien losing its breath, looking as beat up as you found your momma. You raise your fist again, ready to end it, and feel the other alien grabbing your hand.
“What makes you think you do?” It says, flying high with you, while you try to untangle yourself from its firm grip. When you look up again, it has changed its form. You’re face to face with yourself.
“I’m not a phony!” You twist around, and it drops your hand, kicking you in the chest instead. You fly far away, trying to regain your breath. “But now it’s a fair fight.”
“Is it?” It asks, tilting its head at you. You look at your face staring at yourself on the other side and smile. Yes. Now it’s a fair fight. You know your strengths, and you know your weaknesses. And you have so many of them.
It flies closed fist at you, but you saw it coming, it’s always your first move. You fly out of the way, hitting its back with your heat vision, making it fall on the ground, raising up dirt all around it.
“You can’t win.” Supergirl gets up from the hole it was in. Oh, come on, it was almost gone. You use your heat vision again, but it’s met in the middle with its own heat vision. Shit, this is useless. Fighting Kryptonians it’s a fucking hell.
The other alien rises from the ground, and you see yourself between both of them. You don’t have a lot of options, it’s clear to you. You can run, but where to? You can buy yourself time, but for what? Help isn’t coming, you know that.
“We shouldn’t both waste our time with this kid.” Fake Supergirl says, almost ignoring your presence right there between them. “You know where she took them. Go get them.”
Breath stops midway. Heart stops mid beat. Time slows at its own accord.
No. Not them. Not your family.
“Oh yes, we should thank you, by the way.” The other Superkid flies to Supergirl’ side, and your eyes are filled with tears with the sight of that. You wanted that. You wanted a Superkid and Supergirl team-up. Instead, two monsters are using your faces, bodies and powers. They don’t seem to acknowledge your discomfort with the scene, as they go on.
“Getting the whole family together in one place. You just made our job a lot easier. Now we can kill Supergirl and everyone she loves in just one blow. And you? You’ll be alive to see it all going down with your help.”
You swallow hard knowing they are right. You helped. You thought you were the one doing the saving, but they were letting you. They were playing you, so you can do the job for them and that’s why it felt so easy. That’s why you encountered almost no resistance; it was all for this moment right here.
It’s your fault Lena has no memories. It’s your fault Jamie was taken. It’s your fault Supergirl is not here defending the city and the family. And now it will be your fault they’ll kill all your family in one blow.
You feel something burning inside of you. It’s not anger, it’s not sadness. It’s a mix of all the feelings you once had. It’s the slow burn of love, and the heavy taste of hate on your mouth. It’s the bittersweetness of having such a strong and rotten last name, and the wonderfulness of being a part of this family. It’s the cautiousness of hiding your powers, and the relentless yearn of letting go and bursting into flames, destroying everything and everyone on your way. But most of all, it’s that moment where ‘you should do better’ kicks the ‘you’re doing great’ to the side of the curbs and takes a hold on you.
You could even try to hold this feeling inside you, but you know better. This is the time to stop thinking, stop using your powers, and let them use you instead.
“Don’t thank me just yet.” You say with a little smile playing on your lips.
Fighting two of them was never going to be a fair fight and you know it. Even with you letting your powers take over you, even after beating them, even with this faintest feeling that you might -just might- pull this off because you’re fighting for the right reasons.
It doesn’t take long until you find yourself trapped under both getting punches after punches. The taste of blood is strong on your mouth. You know you’re going to lose. You’re minutes away from blacking out.
You have been beaten down before. By red kryptonite Kara, by villains using green kryptonite against you, by aliens from another dimension, by your own fears and your anxiety. You were once beaten down to the point of suffocation. You were once covered in your own blood and vomit. For time and time again, you thought you were going to die. Once you even prayed that you would.
This moment right here, feels like another one of those. You can feel it. When they’re beating you down so hard your blood is the one splashing on their faces, when you slowly feel yourself losing consciousness. When the last thing you see before your mind goes totally blank is Lena’s eyes and Kara’ smile. Maybe this is the last time you feel you are going to die. Maybe this time you’re actually dying.
And you know what comes next. They’ll go to the Fortress. March in there using your face. It’s your face your family is going to see blowing up the entire place. And when they realize it’s not you, it will be too late, they will be doomed. Your whole family will be destroyed like they promised in the message.
You won’t accept it. You may die, but your family won’t.
You untangle yourself from them. Grab Supergirl’s cape -capes are lame, you still remember that- and fly up. Up. Up. Up. The other shapeshifter follows you, trying to catch you before you do what they understand now it’s going to happen.
“If you do this, you will die!” You hear Kara’s voice. But it’s not her, and you know your Kara would do anything to protect her family. Anything.
“I don’t care if it kills me. All I care about is taking you down with me!” You say and you reach the exact point. You know if you keep going, you’ll be too far gone. You almost died in outer space once. You don’t know exactly how you survived, but you know this time you can’t pull it off again.
You hold Supergirl’s cape stronger and spin it around. You see the shapeshifter trying to change its form, but it’s too late. You toss it into space and look down to the other one.
“Two Superkids dying in outer space together is almost… Poetic.” You fly towards the other shapeshifter, the one with your face.
“You don’t want to do this.” It says, staring at you, like it's looking at your soul.
“You’re right, I don’t.” You grab its throat and look up. “But it’s whatever it costs!”
Up. Up. Up.
No air left in your lungs, no other thought except that this is the right thing. Dying was never going to feel right but dying for your family, it’s the closest you could ever feel to death being right.
The other you are now transformed back into its ugly alien form, turning blue. They’re gone. It’s over.
You close your eyes feeling light-headed and you feel like crying. It doesn’t matter if it’s the right thing or if it’s for your family, you still don’t want to die, and you’ll still miss them.
You know this won’t matter. But maybe, just maybe, the watch will send them a signal and Kara will come for your body when she wakes up. That way they can mourn you properly. All of them, but Lena since she doesn’t even remember you anymore. At least she won’t suffer, you think. You press the emergency watch. And you’re out.
“Will you please stop going to outer space?” You hear softly in your ear, and you open your eyes trying to focus them on what is before you. Blonde locks flying in the wind, a perfect baby blue sky over you, and that warm smile only one person in this universe has. “I’ve got you, little one. You’ve got me before; I’ve got you now.”
You smile. And before passing out again you think that you have to stop almost dying. It’s starting to get truly exhausting.
You open your eyes, looking around to make sure you actually didn’t die. It’s stupid, you know, but still you find it’s hard to believe you pulled it off. Somehow you pulled it off.
Alex is in the bed next to you, awake, finally. Brainy is also in a bed, the real one that was probably hurt by the shapeshifters so one of them could take his place. Kara is pacing around nervously, and the rest of the family are also in the infirmary, creeping around the sick ones.
“You fucking dipshit!” Jamie slaps your arm, and you almost feel the sting. “I told you to come back. You promised you would come back whatever it costs!”
“Well… I’m here.” You give her a little smile and she rolls her eyes, full of tears. Next thing you know, she is hugging you tight, and sobbing on your suit.
“I hate you.” She whispers in your ear, and you smile, while the whole family looks at both of you. “I hate you and your hero complex.”
“I love you too.” You smile and she lets go of you with a smile. Kara is the next one to throw her arms around you and kiss your temple.
“You’re the best superhero in this town.” She says, and you almost believe her. Almost.
“Mom.” You let go of Kara and look around in the room. “Where is she?”
They all stare at you blankly. No one says a thing.
“Where is Lena?” You demand, and Kara drops her head low and lets out a sigh.
“We’re gonna get her back, kid.” Her hand cups your face, and she strokes your cheek. You see the pain in her eyes, and you feel tears forming on yours. “One thing at a time.”
Your heart squeezes on your chest, and you forget about the fact that you were probably actually dead for at least a minute, not long ago. This doesn’t seem remotely important, as Lena not having her memories and not knowing who you are right now. You almost died, and your mom is not here to hold you gently and say, ‘you’re ok babygirl’.
Kara seems to be able to read your mind, like Lena usually does, when she puts her hand on your knee and gives it a gentle and assuring squeeze. “One thing at a time, baby.”
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weirdthinkingdragon ¡ 3 years
Welcome To The Family (1/???)
Yandere EraserMic household x reader
Finally decided to start writing it! I’ve never babysat in my life, so if this is incredibly wrong I’m sorry. No warnings for now. No idea how many chapters this is going to be right now, but for sure at least 3-5.
I’m on my way to babysit two new children. Well, a child and later in the day a teenager when they get back from school. It’s beyond astonishing somehow being the one selected to babysit two children of heroes. They’re adopted, but that makes it all the more strange. I can’t complain much though. They’re paying a rather large amount and asked me to keep quiet about it. I have to go there early in the morning and be there most of the day. They also warned me some days I may have to babysit them longer than others. They did also warn me a few of their students may come by to hang out with Eri for a bit. 
My fist knocks on the door four times. Yamada- hopefully, I remembered who is who correctly- opens it. He lets me in with a giant and welcoming smile on his face. In the living room were the other three. Eri, and the other which must be Shinsou, look at me cautiously. Eri hides a bit behind the black-haired adult while Shinsou seems rather watchful and wary of me. I crouch down to her level but stay a bit away to introduce myself. “You must be Eri. I’ve heard a lot about you. My name’s Y/N. I hope to get along with you.” This is true, I’ve been informed by the two about what she has been through. 
The black-haired man confirms with a small nod down to her as she looks up at him. Whatever that was supposed to be about, it helped make her take a step away from him and look at me more. 
Aizawa- hopefully, I’m still correct- looks at the clock. “We need to go now.” the blond nods and leaves for their rather expensive-looking black car. Aizawa leaves as well. Shinsou glares at me one last time before he starts to head towards the door as well. “Don’t do anything you will regret.” He threatens and leaves too. 
Eri sits on the couch still timidly staring at me. To say it felt awkward between us is an understatement. “So, Eri, would you like to show me your favorite toys? Or maybe there’s a show you really like we could watch for a while?” Like a lightswitch, her eyes light up like she was just told she could have all the candy in the world. She then takes off up the stairs for presumably her bedroom. I wait in the living room for her return. I take a moment to examine the living room better. There are hardly any pictures on the walls. There’s only one with the four of them and a bunch of teens. Must be his class. They look like a chaotic and lively bunch. The light gray couch is in the middle of the living room with a large flat screen T.V. in front of it. To the left of the couch and a little behind is a matching gray loveseat with a giant cat tree between it and the wall. Huh, so they have a cat or possibly two. Surprised they’re not in the living room. The black stand under the T.V. matches the coffee table in front of it. There’s a door straight from the main entrance I entered from. My guess is either a bathroom or the kitchen. Next to it is a flight of stairs that Eri went up. That must lead to the bedrooms. There’s another door next to the stairs. A closet maybe? Or maybe another bedroom.
Eri comes down a few minutes later with five stuffed animals in her arms. A green rabbit with matching green eyes, a brown teddy bear with beady eyes, a blue galaxy patterned fox with turquoise eyes,  a yellow dog with blue eyes, and a cute tiny light gray unicorn with glittery pink eyes. It looks like her and seems like her favorite with how it seems a little worn. They’re all so adorable that I think my heart might have melted. 
“Aw, what are their names?” She proudly holds them up and says their names. The one that got me was “Deku”. Doesn’t that mean useless? How would a child know that term? More importantly, how are the adults allowing her to name it that? 
“Deku? Why is it named that?” 
“He saved me. I wanted a stuffed animal like him!” She cheerfully says. I’m not going to question why they chose that name. 
“They sound like amazing people! I can’t wait to meet them someday!” She smiles at me. It quickly becomes sad instead. “But I won’t be going to the school with them anymore…” 
I try to think of how to make her feel better. Those two must be the ones her fathers warned me will come over at some point. “Well, maybe I could ask your parents if they can come over someday after school.” She enthusiastically nods. 
It grows quiet between us again as she holds her stuffed animals. 
I look back at the cat tree. “I see you have a cat tree. Do you know where the cat is?” 
“We have three!” she cheerfully informs. 
“Three? Wow! I bet they keep you safe, huh?” I question. She shrugs. “Mochi is too big to even jump on the bed.” 
“Mochi? Cute name!”
“Mrow” came a sudden voice from the cat tree. There’s a box part on the floor I somehow missed earlier. A rather fat cat saunters out of it. “Mochi!” Eri cheerfully yells and goes over to it. It’s an orange tabby. She tries to pick him up and miraculously succeeds. It’s so comical I can’t help but laugh. A child carrying a cat that’s almost as big as her. She waddles over with it and places them on the couch between us. They just yawn, stretch, and lie down right where they were plopped. They roll over to show their belly. I rub the belly of it. How could I not? Once again, it doesn’t seem to care in the slightest. 
“What are the names of the other two?” I ask. 
“Sundae and Oreo! They’re brothers!” 
“Are they as big as Mochi?” She shakes her head. “No. My dads went to buy things that feed the cats when we are not home.” 
“That’s good! Maybe later we could try finding the other two and have a tea party or something.” She looked like she was nearly screaming in excitement at the news. “Only one of my dads likes to do tea parties with me.” 
I smile. “Well, now you have two that do!”
Many hours later, she decided she wanted to do the tea party. We were able to find the other two cats which were sleeping on her dads’ bed. Eri told me they were in there since I didn’t go in there out of respect. Unfortunately, I didn’t bring a dress or suit to change into for her. I’ll have to remember that for next week so I can do it when not babysitting. 
Oreo and Sundae were rather difficult to settle down into chairs around the table. They’re tuxedos and an easy way to tell which is who is apparently the white eyebrows on Oreo that makes him look always angry. We just gave up when they decided to sit on the table instead of the chairs.
The tea set is a pastel green with interesting shiny gold lines decorating it. It’s a great contrast to the small dark red table it’s on in her room. She has tons of drawings with her, Shinsou, and the two adults covering her walls. There’s also a few with a green-haired and blond with her. There is nothing in the teacups as she passes one to me. “Why, thank you, Eri!” She smiles and nods. That smile needs to be protected.
It’s hard to think someone could do something so evil to such an innocent bean. I’m beyond glad she’s in a much better home now. I’ve only known her for like half a day, but if something were to happen to her, I’d kill everyone around me and then myself. She looks behind me and lights up more. “Toshi!” 
I turn around to see Shinsou leaning in the doorway with his arms crossed and a glare aimed at me. How long has he been there? Man, he’s incredibly quiet. I understand why he doesn’t trust me yet. I’m still a stranger after all. It would be more concerning if he did trust me immediately. I give him an inviting smile. “Welcome, Shinsou! Why don’t you come to our tea party instead of standing there? I’m sure Eri would be more than happy to have her brother join!” 
“Yes! C’mon Toshi, please?” She begs. He shakes his head. “You two go ahead. I’d rather watch for now.” He says, hardening his glare at me. Eri doesn’t seem to notice his glare and goes back to her chair. How cute though, a protective brother! She deserves nothing less. 
After that, she wanted to show me her favorite show. Shinsou sits rather close to her between us. Seems a bit excessive, but whatever makes him comfortable I guess. Checking the clock above the T.V., it was almost time for me to go. 
Shinsou goes to the bathroom, but something tells me he’s testing me. I mean, I didn't do anything before he came home, and wouldn’t Eri have already run to him if I did do something? Well, with the villains around you can’t be so sure. 
Eri swings her feet while sitting farther up on the couch. “Are you going to come back tomorrow?” 
“Of course! We still have so many things we have to do together!” I reach over and go to rub her head. She flinches so I take my hand away and think for a moment. How can I get her to trust me without any problems occurring? “Hey, Eri?” She looks at me again with trust, yet a hint of unease still in her eyes. Please don’t tell me I just royally screwed up. “How about this. I do to myself what I’m going to do to you, and you can allow it or not. Like this.” I say, and gently rub the top of my head. I bring my hand halfway to her and wait for her reply. 
It takes a moment, but she gives me a small nod. I rub her head, making her give a big smile to me. 
At that moment, the door opened to reveal the two men. They were tense as we locked eyes, but that went away when they noticed Eri was smiling at me. 
“Welcome back you guys! Eri and I had so much fun today. She even brought me to her tea party! Your cats gave us quite a bit of trouble to involve them though.” I inform as Eri goes to hug Yamada and then Aizawa right after. 
Shinsou comes into the room as well. Like a silent conversation, he gives a curt nod to Aizawa, which he returns. 
Yamada smirks at me. “But what’s important is… Did ya succeed?” 
I shrug. “Kind of. We got them to stay on the table instead of the chair.” He snickers. “That’s those devious two!” He looks down at Eri. “Ya must have had a lotta fun, huh? Sad to miss the party!” 
I decide to leave so they get more time as a family before they have to go to bed. I don’t need to interfere with that. I wave to her as I go to the door and put on my shoes. “See you tomorrow, Eri!” She waves back, shocking the two adults. Wonder why they’re shocked about that. Maybe she doesn’t usually trust new people as fast? Well, I’ve always been pretty good with children. 
I wave at the three men as well and leave excited for what tomorrow might bring.
I have rather big plans for this story. Hopefully I keep up with it, and I promise it will get better later on. 
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intheticklecloset ¡ 3 years
Saiki K Sentence Starters Collection
A collection of the Saiki K sentence starters I’ve done, compiled for the sake of ease. These are all stand-alone stories.
1) Lee Kaidou, Ler Aren
“Stop squirming,” Aren laughed, struggling to keep up with the flailing of his friend who was rolling on the ground in a feeble attempt to get away from the fingers prodding into his ribs and sides. “You’re making this more difficult for yourself, Jet Black Wings.”
“Dohohohohohon’t cahahahahall me thahahahaht while you’re-!” Kaidou sputtered, giggling hysterically through every word. He was unbearably ticklish, and right now Aren was bound and determined to completely destroy him. “Plehehehehease, I cahahahahan’t!”
“It’s just a minute, Shun.” Aren finally straddled his waist to keep him pinned down, searching out his bottom ribs through the fabric of his shirt. “You can handle a minute, can’t you?”
“NO!! Of course I cahahahahahahan’t! God – AREN!!” Kaidou tossed his head back with a screech, laughter being forced from his lungs as his taller, stronger friend finally found the backs of his ribs and curled his fingers into the grooves there. The blue-haired teen arched his back, but eventually he couldn’t arch up any farther and had to fall back down again. “PLEHEHEHEHEHEASE!! NAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!”
Aren laughed again. “Dude, how are you so ticklish?”
“I DOHOHOHOHON’T – I CAHAHAHAHAN’T HEHEHEHEHELP IT!!” Kaidou’s laughter was loud and desperate, but the bright smile lighting up his features told Aren that he wasn’t hating it completely. “LEHEHEHEHET ME GO!! PLEASE!! NO MOHOHOHOHOHORE!!”
After another several seconds, Aren complied with his friend’s screaming pleas, climbing off of him. “You can’t even take a minute of tickling? That’s both sad and really funny.”
Kaidou groaned. “Shut up. You’re lucky we’re friends, or I’d have to kill you for that.”
“Uh-huh.” Aren poked his side again, making Kaidou yelp and roll away. “Good thing I don’t have to worry, then.”
2) Lee Saiki, Ler Kaidou
“You know, I don’t think I’ve ever heard you laugh,” Kaidou commented as he and Saiki walked home from school one afternoon.
Saiki groaned to himself. Not many things amuse me enough to make me laugh.
“Well that’s a shame.”
Is it, though?
“Yeah! I want to hear it!” Kaidou hummed, watching him with a mischievous glint in his eye.
Saiki hesitated. He knew – he always knew – where that look was heading. Around his family he’d always been able to teleport away before anything happened, but here, with Kaidou, out in the open…this was not good.
For a few moments Saiki was able to dodge Kaidou’s attempts to grab his sides or ribs, but eventually he backed himself up into a wall, and that split second was all the blue-haired teen needed to find his purchase and start tickling.
Saiki hated how quickly he burst into laughter. Not even giggles – actual laughter, right out the gate. The sound seemed to surprise Kaidou, but not enough to keep him from letting up.
“Dude – your laugh is so awesome!” his friend said with a grin, squeezing up and down his sides and ribs.
Saiki struggled against him, but again, he couldn’t use his super strength to push him off without giving away that he wasn’t entirely normal. His best bet was to ride it out and then wipe Kaidou’s memory afterward. But he’d be darned if he was going to resort to begging him to stop.
“Hey, you’re not asking me to stop,” Kaidou mused as though reading his mind. “Do you like being tickled, Saiki? That’s hilarious! I’d have never expected that from you.”
Well…maybe he’d beg just this once.
3) Lee Saiki, Ler Aiura
“Just a smile~” Aiura teased, poking Saiki’s side with her fingertips. She’d latched herself onto his arm for their boyfriend-girlfriend show to throw off yet another Saiki fangirl, and now he couldn’t get away from her without ruining the routine. But dang it if she wasn’t making it really difficult for him!
Stop, he hissed, trying to remain as stoic as possible while continuing to walk out of the front doors of the school.
“But if you don’t smile, people won’t buy it,” she insisted, poking him again. “Come on~” This time her finger found a particularly sensitive bundle of nerves at the base of his ribs, and he jerked to the side involuntarily, letting out a sputtering giggle. Aiura stopped, staring at him. “Oh my god – you’re actually ticklish?”
Of course I am. Plenty of people are. He walked a little faster, practically dragging her with him. Come on, let’s get out of here.
“But I want to make you smile more,” she whined, trying her best to keep up.
Not here.
As soon as they were out of everyone’s sight, he teleported them far away from school grounds, where there’d be no chance of one of their classmates finding them. Just as he was beginning to relax, however, Aiura dug all ten fingers into his ribcage, making him gasp and choke on a laugh, trying to twist away from her but only succeeding in finding himself trapped in her embrace with his back to her chest, the height difference making it difficult for him to squirm away from her.
“S-Stohohohohop,” he laughed pleadingly. He didn’t know what else to do; it had been years since he’d been tickled, and his body was reacting faster than he could keep up with. “Aiura, plehehease!”
“Aww, you’re so cute when you’re tickled,” she cooed, giggling into his ear. “Relax, Saiki. There’s no one here to know, is there? I think you can take a little more~”
4) Lee Saiki, Ler Toritsuka
Toritsuka had seen Saiki use his astral projection powers before, but never in a situation in which it wasn’t dire. He felt kind of odd just hanging out in the room with his friend’s body lying unconscious before him while Saiki was off investigating something.
“Is your body basically dead?” he asked the quiet air, not really expecting an answer.
Of course not. If it was I wouldn’t be able to project.
“Right, right. So, what? It’s just sleeping?”
No. It’s too difficult to explain. Just leave it alone.
“But can it still feel things? Like if I poke your nose, would you feel it?”
Why would you do that in the first place? Be quiet. I’m concentrating.
Toritsuka hummed, kneeling by Saiki’s inanimate body, poking his cheek. He didn’t react, but Saiki’s voice told him to knock it off. The medium smirked, feeling curious and mischievous. “What if I tickle you? Will you feel that?”
But it was too late. Toritsuka curled his fingers into Saiki’s side. A moment later his friend’s projection shot back into the room and reentered his body, waking it up with a jolt and a laugh that was clearly unintentional.
Saiki grabbed his wrist, a smile on his lips despite himself. Don’t, I said—
But the medium wasn’t to be stopped now. He shoved Saiki back onto the floor and dug into his ribs, enjoying the sputtering, unpracticed giggles that bubbled up out of him. “I didn’t even know you were ticklish. Oh, Aiura is going to love this.”
Stop it! Saiki used his super strength to push Toritsuka away, growling mostly out of embarrassment. Don’t you dare tell anyone else about this.
“Or what?” the medium teased.
Saiki teleported them above the middle of the ocean.
Toritsuka clung onto him for dear life, laughing. “Okay, okay, I won’t tell! I promise!”
5) Lee Saiki, Ler Aiura
I swear if you tickle me… Saiki threatened, holding perfectly still. He didn’t need to look at Aiura to know she was smirking.
“What is it, Saiki? You’ll teleport away? Not in front of all these people,” she teased. She had her arms wrapped around his waist, her chin on his shoulder, squeezing his sides gently. He grunted and squirmed, doing everything he could not to react beyond the tiny smile that was already forming on his lips.
Don’t, he thought to her. I don’t want anyone to see me like this.
“Aw, come on. It’s just the two of us. No one else here even knows you.” Aiura snuggled closer, squeezing harder. “Just give me one little giggle. Please?”
No. He grit his teeth against her efforts, but was unable to help the full smile lighting up his features now. Stop it.
“Come on~” she teased, moving up to his ribs now. “Just laugh a little~”
Saiki gasped sharply when she got to his lower ribs. He shot his arms down to try and pry her off, twisting in her grip as much as possible. “Please,” he said aloud, his voice laced with a waver that only encouraged her to dig deeper. “Plehehehease, don’t!
“What? Was that a giggle?” she cried dramatically, digging in with everything she had, holding him close to her so he couldn’t get away. Aiura beamed when he finally broke down into helpless laughter, his grip on her arms weakening. “Ah! There it is!”
“Plehehehehease, stohohohohop!” he begged, his laughter coming out jerky and foreign and completely endearing. “Mikoto!”
Finally she let up, still hugging him close. “That was cute.”
“Don’t ever do that again,” he muttered, turning his face away from hers.
She smiled and didn’t reply. The light blush on his cheeks was more than enough for her.
6) Lee Saiki, Lers Kaidou and Aren
“Aren,” Kaidou said seriously, “hold him.”
Saiki was trapped. He couldn’t teleport away, and he couldn’t use his super strength to fight either of his “friends” off, so his only option was to try and halfheartedly wrestle against the surprisingly strong Aren as he hooked his arms under Saiki’s to hold him in place while Kaidou approached with wiggling fingers.
It didn’t take a psychic to figure out what their intentions were.
Soon Kaidou shot his hands out to Saiki’s sides and squeezed, grinning wickedly at him as he did so. Saiki bit his lip and squirmed, but refused to give them the satisfaction of smiling or giggling. Still, his reactions were enough to encourage them both; no one who wasn’t ticklish would fight back the way he was now.
“Come on, just a little smile,” Kaidou teased, continuing to squeeze up and down his sides. Saiki continued to fight back until the blue-haired boy got a little too close to his lower ribs, making him flinch harder and make a kind of choking noise in the back of his throat. He hated that a smile managed to break free from him. He struggled even more against Aren, but again, he couldn’t truly fight in the way he was capable of. He’d be darned if this was how they found out he was a psychic.
“There’s a smile,” Aren teased into his ear, his breath tickling in its own way, making Saiki whine a little and begin to blush. “Now you need to let the laughs out~”
Kaidou hummed thoughtfully, switching his tactic from squeezing to kneading purposefully into Saiki’s lower ribs, grinning when the pink-haired boy arched his back, squealed, and finally dissolved into helpless giggles.
“Aha! There you go, Saiki!”
Saiki pressed his lips together, trying to muffle himself, but Kaidou was relentless in his tickling, and soon he was practically doubled over in hysterics, barely able to stand up on his own. But again, he’d be darned if he’d let them hear him beg. So he just stood there, forced to take it, determined to hold out for as long as they deemed necessary. It was just tickling. He could handle it. Right…?
7) Lee Aren, Ler Saiki
“Gah!” Aren whirled around, glaring at the first person he saw who was nearby. “Kaidou!”
“What?” Kaidou asked innocently, looking genuinely confused.
“Don’t do that!”
“Don’t do what?”
Aren grunted, turning around and continuing up the aisle to where Saiki sat. A moment later, he felt another pinch to his other side and whirled again, this time snapping at Nendou.
“What? I didn’t do anything,” Nendou said.
“You all think you’re so funny,” Aren grumbled, his eyes scanning the room. He was trying not to let it show how flustered he was getting, but he knew if someone pinched his side again he wouldn’t be able to stop himself from giggling, and he did not want to giggle.
Saiki sat a few desks up from him, mindlessly flipping through a book, not actually reading anything. He was hyperaware of Aren’s presence approaching him, and he was determined to keep the boy away from him at all costs. He knew his “friend” was intending to invite him to go bike riding with him and Kaidou later, but the psychic wanted none of it.
“Seriously!” Aren cried, whirling a third time, eyes latching onto Chiyo. “Quit tickling me!”
Chiyo blinked up at him. “Tickling you? I didn’t even touch you, Aren.”
Saiki masterfully hid a smirk of his own. He’d been using his powers to poke and prod at Aren’s sides, making him think it was his classmates ganging up on him, and now he’d just outed himself to everyone without the pink-haired boy having to lift a finger. This was perfect.
“You’re ticklish?” Kaidou exclaimed, leaping up from his seat with a big smile. “Why didn’t you say so, Aren?”
Aren took a step back. “W-Wait, no, did I say ticklish? I meant…I meant, uh…” Then he took off at a sprint toward the door, ducking under the teacher just as he entered the classroom. Kaidou was right on his heels, both of them ignoring the protests of their professor.
Saiki smiled. It seemed Aren was sufficiently distracted.
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mosswillow ¡ 4 years
Your Mask - (Dark!Tony Stark x Reader).
Warnings! 18+ adult content, Non Con/dub con, kidnapping, smut, Dark!, blackmail.
AN - If you’re new here this is for a collection of Dark!Avenger one shots where the avengers one by one manipulate/kidnap the reader. You can read this fic alone or with the others. I think it’s best to read them in order if you want to read all of them but you do you. Here’s the masterlist for that.
...ok yeah also I said I was going to do bucky but as I started planning out his story I realized it needs to go after most of the others. I have outlines for everyone now and (as long as I don’t change anything) It will go Natasha, Sam, Thor, Bucky, Loki.
word count: 2.7k
Strength. It’s been a theme throughout your life. You had to be strong growing up when your parents divorced and your father left. You were strong in school, graduating top of your class while working nights and weekends to help support you and your mother. You had to be strong when your mother died and you were left alone freshman year of college.You were strong when you landed a high level position in finance after graduation. You’ve been strong every day since, being a leader, someone whose confidence radiates through their entire  being.
Sometimes though when it’s quiet and you’re alone in your thoughts you get tired. Tired of being strong, of fighting every second of every day to make it in a world that wants to pull you down. You’re tired of pretending because you know that underneath it all you’re not strong at all. You’ve put on this mask of strength and it’s carried your farther than you could ever dream. You know though that one day it will carry you too far and the mask will be knocked off, showing who you really are, just a scared little girl pretending to be someone she isn’t
You look at the dresses your assistant pulled for you, picking out a long red one with a slit up the thigh. You pair it with a red lipstick and simple diamond jewelry. It’s perfect, you’re perfect you think looking at yourself in the mirror. You tell yourself that you’re everything you need before heading out the door and to your waiting car.
Stark tower is decorated from top to bottom with beautiful icicle themed displays. While magnificent the decor feels formidable, almost a warning not to walk in. You can’t stay on top without attending things like this. You take a breath before walking through the crowd, making your way to the bar, and ordering a red wine. A little liquid courage always helps in these environments. You find an acquaintance and smile, reaching your hand out.
“Y/N, fancy seeing you here,” he says sarcastically
“Hey now, I show up to these things sometimes,” You joke.
“It has been a long time, which reminds me that we need to get together and talk business. I won’t let you get out of it this time,” you continue.
“You got me, I’ll have my assistant contact yours to set up a meeting.” John laughs and waves his hand before walking away.
You keep up a cheerful disposition as you make your way through the crowd, networking. It’s what you’re best at and how you came out on top after graduation. You have a way about you, always able to lure people in to get what you want. You head to the bar to refill your wine not looking as you turn back to the crowd. You bump into someone and spill a drop of wine on their suit.
“Oh I’m sorry.”
The man turns and you immediately recognize him.
“Mr. Stark. I swear it was an accident.” You turn back to the bar and get a napkin, dabbing the small spot of wine. You don’t want to think about how much his suit cost.
He gives a genuine smile and reaches out, gently stroking your arm before grabbing the napkin from your hand.
“It’s ok, I don’t think we’ve met?”
“Oh yeah, I’m Y/N.”
“I’ve heard of you.” He says.
You’ve heard that Mr. Stark is a flirt but as you talk it feels like more than that. There’s a look in his eyes that screams sex and you can’t look away. You feel like he could swallow you whole just with a look. You want nothing more in this moment for that to happen. You want him and you’re accustomed to getting what you want.
Tony reaches out his hand and you mirror him, ready to follow him to his room when a cough comes from beside you. Captain America smiles wide at you and you drop your hand smiling back at him. To his right is a smiling woman, hanging on his arm.
“And who is this?”
“This is Y/N. She’s caught my attention,” Tony says, giving a small nod as he says your name.
“You can call me Steve,” Steve says, smiling even bigger.
The woman slowly loses her smile, looking back and forth between you and Tony.
“No, Tony don’t.”
Tony clenches his jaw and Steve Leans over and whispers something in the woman's ear.
“My wife is tired. I think we’re going to head up now,” Steve says abruptly.
You make eye contact with the woman and she gives you a sad smile before turning away. They walk off together hand and hand and you make a face at Tony.
“Is she ok?”
Tony shrugs.
“She’s always been super weird. Steve loves her though so I let it be.”
You nod and look at your watch.  
“Hey?” Tony says, pulling your attention back to him.
“Do you want to see my room?”
“What are you implying?” you smile and he leans in.
You laugh and follow him up to his room. He undoes his tie pulling it off and you slip your dress over your head and throw it on the floor, kicking your heels off. You pull Tony in for a kiss before knocking him onto the bed, peppering soft kisses over his chest. You move your hand down to his hardening cock, stroking it as it starts to throb. He pulls your face up and kisses you back. He nips at your shoulder as you line his dick up at your entrance and slide your body down slowly. You ride him, taking what you want. You feel an orgasm building, you’re so close. Tony slaps your thigh hard, bringing you out of the moment and you let out a whine, opening your eyes.  He flips you over and thrusts deep and hard into you. You push against him and him against you, rolling around the bed.  it’s the most passionate sex you’ve ever had and when it’s over you can’t help but spend several minutes repeating ‘what the fuck’ over and over again in your head. Finally, you get up and make your way to his bathroom, coming out several minutes later with an empty bladder and clean thighs. You pull your dress on and loof for The discarded red thong you had been wearing, ultimately deciding to just leave it, you can buy more.
“Where are you going?” Tony asks.
“Home,” you reply.
Tony’s face goes hard and he sits up in bed, crossing his arms.
“Oh, the sex was great sweety but that’s all it was. I’m not looking for anything serious.”
You watch something happen in Tony, the gears in his brain twist and turn. A sinister smile washes over his face and he lounges back in his bed.
“Have a good evening Y/N, I’ll see you soon.” He says casually.
You leave quickly, calling a car to meet you on the street.
On monday you arrive to a stoic office. Everyone looks at you like you have two heads. Your chest tightens and you start feeling nauseous. You don’t even sit down before your assistant shows up in your office telling you of an emergency board meeting that you’re required to attend. You sit in the meeting as the board explains that they have to let you go.
“I just don’t understand, is it something I did?” you ask.
“We just want to go a different direction.” the CEO answers.
You pack your things and head home, spending no time feeling sorry for yourself. You prepare your resume and start calling all of your many contacts from all over the globe. Nobody wants to hire you or even give an interview. Some won’t even take your calls and you start getting frustrated.
“Stark blackballed you, I’m sorry.” Finally someone tells you.
“Thank you for telling me.”
“Yeah, just don’t tell anyone I told you ok?”
“Yeah of course.”
You hang up the phone and narrow your eyes. What an absolute asshole, you think. He ruined someones career because of sex. You stand up and storm over to Stark Tower demanding to be seen. Tony is obviously expecting you. He sits in his big office chair looking at you all smug and offers you a coffee. You don’t have the patience for whatever he’s doing and cut right to the chase.
“You blackballed me?”
Tony shrugs.
“I could go to the police,” you say.
“And say what? They won’t do anything to me, I’m a superhero and my wealth and influence is more than you could imagine.”
You want to punch him in the face, or maybe strangle him. If you had a pack of dogs you would definitely let them loose on him right now. Instead you raise your middle finger up and shout a very hostile string of vulgar insults before turning on your heel to storm out.
“I have a position available for you.” Tony says as you reach the door.
You turn back and cross your arms.
“Same salary you had before. Work here for a year and I’ll get you a job anywhere.”
“Why are you doing this? I don’t get your motivation.”
Tony taps his finger on his desk.
“I’ll send over the contract.”
It’s no use trying to get anything out of him and you know it. You go home and steam, pacing anxiously around your apartment and drinking. The contract arrives later in the evening and you look over it. The job is legitimate and good, actually better than your previous position. If he had just offered you the job you would have taken it but now, you shake your head,  Now there’s nowhere else for you to go. You sign the contract and send it back.
You arrive at work on monday and organize your desk. It’s a nice office with a big window and private bathroom. You can do one year, you’ve certainly done worse.
Tony wastes no time visiting your office. He drops off flowers and chocolates and sends you dirty messages. You ignore it, knowing that anything you do will just spur him on more. It all becomes worse when you’re forced to start bringing files to Tony's personal quarters. You take a breath and knock on his door. When he opens you shove the files at him and start walking away. Tony follows you out and stops you, shoving you against the wall. You make yourself tall, shoving him back.
“This is not ok Tony, you need to stop this weird obsessive behavior.”
“You like it, I know you do.”
He shoves you again and your head hits the wall. You cry out and a woman you don’t recognize appears from behind a corner. She wears an apron and carries a duster so you assume she’s a housekeeper.
“Is everything ok?” She asks.
“We’re fine, you can leave for the night.”
The woman looks back and forth between you and Tony. You give her a small nod and a big customer service smile and she nods back before disappearing around the corner.
“Seriously, this needs to stop or I walk.”
“You won’t find another job if you walk.”
“I have savings.”
Tony looks away and runs his hand through his hair.
“You win this round, I’ll stay away.”
He runs a finger down your cheek before stepping away.
“I’m patient.”
You visibly cringe. He’s patient? You don’t know what he even means by that. Does he think you’ll change your mind and come to him? You should walk right now. You can find a little house in the countryside and live a simple life. Your rational brain reminds you that he would follow you. There’s nowhere you can go outside of his influence. You glare at him and retreat, not looking back.
The next several weeks are quiet. Despite everything, you like your job. The people who
work for Stark are well paid and happy. If it wasn’t for Tony you would stay in the company indefinitely.
There’s no way you could anticipate what’s in the letter you get, so sweetly wrapped up like a present. You open it expecting the same sort of stuff Tony always sends. Maybe it’s tickets to a basketball game or a gift certificate for a massage with a flashy and inappropriate message attached, always with the inappropriate messages.
It’s not what you expect at all. You start shaking as you read every last bit and at the end you pick your phone up and call Tony.
“Come on up,” He says.
You stand at the elevator. You could turn around right now and leave, get all of your money and flee the country. You turn around and see a security guard looking at you. He holds a walky talky up to his mouth and waits. With a sigh, you press the button and go up. Tony waits for you on an empty floor, smiling wide.
“Don’t the avengers live here?”
“They’re out right now, it’s just you and me.”
He walks toward you and you back away a step for every one he takes. You eye the elevator.
“You won’t be leaving this floor for some time. If you behave we’ll see about you going back to work.”
“Why are you doing this to me?” you whisper.
“Watching Steve with his girl just… I want that.”
“So ask someone on a date?”
“I want you.”
Tony finally reaches you, taking your chin and pulling it up.
“At first it was like a game that I wanted desperately to win. Now It’s love.”
You want to throw up. You look back at the papers in your hand. He thought of everything. He has a detailed background check and list of every single friend and family member. He knows all of your passwords. He has a month worth of pictures of the two of you that he’s already started leaking to the press. To everyone else it looks like you’ve already been in a relationship. Worst of all he has video of you in your office holding files and carrying them out of the office. He has an intricate outline of how he’s able to frame you and send you to prison if he wants.
“It wouldn’t be a very fun game if I didn’t give you at least a chance to win. In one year I’ll ask you if you want to leave and if you say yes I’ll let you go.”
He raises his arm up and lands a slap across your face.
“You’ll break in a week though.”
Tears fall from your eyes for the first time since your mother died. Tony gestures for you to come with him and you do, following him without argument. He pushes you onto his bed and removes your underwear, lifting your skirt up.
“Open up baby,” He says pushing against your legs.
Your legs shake as you open them. He gives your pussy a small slap before climbing on top of you and thrusting in. He holds you down as he takes you, eyeing your tear stained face posessively.
“Hey, don’t be sad princess.”
He reaches down to your clit and starts circling it, forcing your body to betray you. You cling to him as your orgasm washes over you and he in turn comes, filling you with so much cum it starts dripping out. You try to go to the bathroom but he grabs your hand and pulls you back to the bed.
“This time you’ll stay.”  
You’ve always been strong, you had to be. Your strength is what got you into this mess and you realize now, crying alone in Tony’s room, that your strength is not enough to get you out. The mask you wore for so long was just that, a mask, and now it’s been stolen and worn like a trophy by someone else. You know you’ll never get it back, that in one year Tony will ask you if you want to leave and you won’t have the strength to say yes.
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gxshiikii ¡ 4 years
haikyuu ship headcanons!!!
• everyone is really confused when they get together but like not surprised?
• they’re constantly on eachother
• like when they’re alone they’re always cuddling or hinata is sitting on top of kageyama. when they’re in public hinata sits on kags lap or makes kags give him piggyback rides
• one time during a game kageyama yelled hinatas name and grabbed his shirt and everyone thought they were gonna fight but he just goes “nice kill!” and gives him a kiss before going back to playing
• they’re both the ceo’s of “my bf can beat your ass”
• stupid teenage boys, like they do things that are so awkward bc they’re still weird teenagers
• they share one braincell, always have, always will
• kageyama is actually really good with hinatas sister and won’t admit it but loves little kids, hinata finds it adorable
• “you’d be a great dad kageyama, we should have kids!” “...how would that work? i can’t get you pregnant...right???”
• everyone thinks that they’re dating before they start actually dating
• “oh yeah she really likes tsukishima but we know you’re dating him so” “i’m not though???”
• once they’ve let everyone know that they aren’t dating a bunch of girls start asking tsukishima out, he declines all of them
• they end up getting together like a month later, it only took that long bc yamaguchi was too nervous to make a move and tsukki didn’t think that yams liked him back
• tsukki’s not too crazy about pda so they don’t go any farther than holding hands when they walk home and quick kisses on the cheek once in a while
• when they’re alone is another story
• these boys have liked eachother since they were like 11 so they have a lot to make up for
• one time akiteru walked in on them in the middle of them making up, shirts off, yams hands down tsukki’s pants and screamed
• tsukki refused to eat dinner if his brother was there for like a week
• since they’re so anti-pda whenever hinata, noya, or tanaka catches them doing anything they don’t stop mentioning it for the rest of the day
• they definitely get married when they’re 20 and don’t tell anyone
• started dating in their second year
• after they started dating noya kept calling them mom and dad and it stuck
• “i’m not your dad”
• “you can’t call me mom if you don’t listen to me when i put you in time out”
• suga gets daichi a “kiss the cook” apron
• whenever they kiss in front of the team someone always yells “ewww mom and dad are kissing!!”
• once hinata and noya we’re doing somthing stupid and suga said that he’d record it for them. tsukki was extra annoyed at hinata that week so he showed daichi and they got in trouble. suga is like trying not to laugh and daichi just like “babe, did you know about this” and suga just activated his puppy dog eyes and is like “no! i can’t believe they’d do that
• daichi always says no when the rest of the team wants to do somthing stupid and suga just gives them the thumbs up behind his back
• they’re just really cute and have such a mom/dad dynamic
• girls constantly flirt with oikawa and he’s just like “sorry ladies, i’m taken”
• everyone’s trying to figure out who the lucky girl is untill one day oikawa goes “hey baby!” and runs over to iwaizumi and gives him a kiss
• “we shouldn’t known, pretty boys like that always end up being gay”
• oikawa swears that iwaizumi is nice to him when they’re alone
• iwa can go from “shittykawa can you shut the fuck up?!” to “hey honey, you know you’re really cute when you do that” and vise versa, real quick
• “iwa-chan, let me sit on your lap!” “no” “baby pleaseee” “that’s not going to work” “pleaseeee” “get your hand off of my dick, we’re in public asshole”
• after they lose to karasuno, iwa makes oikawa sleep over at his house bc hes been crying all day
• iwaizumi has to excuse himself to the bathroom to cry bc he doesn’t want oikawa to see him cry
• they really do care about eachother a lot even though iwaizumi doesn’t show it often
• oikawa refers to iwa as his boyfriend and he’s like “shut up you’re so annoying” but still ends up blushing
• these boys are in l o v e
• you know in coming of age movies when there’s always that one couple that everyone admires? that’s them, minus the problems that those couples always have
• a month after they started dating bokuto tells kuroo “i’m gonna marry him” and kuroo says that he doesn’t doubt it
• whenever bokuto gets into a mood he always asks to talk to akaashi
• everyone is in love with akaashi and while bokuto is jealous he doesn’t blame them
• “there’s so many other people as school that you could date! you deserve someone like them...why don’t you like any of them?” “because bokuto-san, they’re not you...i love you and you only” “...akaashi, i’m gonna cry!!!i love you too!!”
• bokuto always has a hand on akaashi’s waist (sometimes his ass when he wants to be annoying)
• bokuto refuses to leave until akaashi kisses him goodbye
• “bokuto-san, you’re gonna be late for class” “pleaseeeeee just a kiss on the cheek” “go to class, love. there’s people around and i don’t want to bother them”
• they don’t really know when they started dating, it just kinda happened?
• like one day someone was like “are you too dating?” and they were like “huh, i guess so”
• “kuroo, i love you...but not as much as animal crossing. leave me alone” kuroo desides to buy him stuff for his gaming set up in hopes of winning him over. it works.
• they’ve been friends for so long that getting into a relationship was hard but also easy. they didn’t want to ruin anything but also they already had the bond.
• when they’re older and kenma is a youtuber or whatever kuroo makes an appearance once and all the comments are thirsting over him and he’s just like “oh, that’s my boyfriend. you probably won’t see him much but yeah” and everyone’s like ??????boyfriend???? but ends up loving them and they always ask to see more of kuroo
part 2
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plainbrunettelbl ¡ 4 years
ABO (A) Half Shark Kirishima Eijiro x (O) Reader Forever Love
Word count: 4921
Warnings: None. 
Title: ABO (A) Half Shark Kirishima Eijiro x (O) Reader Forever Love
Summary: You go to the beach and meet a strange shark tooth Alpha. 
(Gif not mine) 
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🦈-Summer was here and you were ready to enjoy the sun. 
🦈-You wasted no time packing a beach bag and driving to see the gritty sand and blue water. You wore a pair of sunglasses, you were glad you did since the sun was high in the sky and it wasn’t planning on leaving anytime soon. 
🦈-You all but leaped out of your car and dashed across the sand. You adored summer and missed the feeling of sand under your feet. Before you could get fully sucked in by the sparkling waves you made sure to put on a thick layer of sunscreen. 
🦈-You didn’t want to mess with skin cancer. 
🦈-Once you were all lathered up you set your beach towel down and sat on it until the sunscreen had soaked in a bit. As soon as your phone beeped telling you it was time you were running into the blue water. 
🦈-The cool water was a shock to your body but you embraced it the feeling.
🦈-You were heating up a bit sitting on the beach so it was really refreshing having the cool water lapping against your skin. You should have brought a tube but you were in a hurry to get to the beach so you left it for another time. 
🦈-You pushed all your thoughts away and simply floated. 
🦈-It was twenty minutes later that you opened your eyes. You paused as you looked around and saw that you were farther from the shore than you thought. You weren't the greatest swimmer around so you started to panic a bit but your focus on the distance between you and the shore was pushed aside when something brushed against your foot. 
🦈-You looked down and gasped. A grey fin and shark teeth greeted you. You swiftly kicked at the figure and tried to swim away. You didn’t get very far before a red-headed man sputtered up in front of you. You paused your escape and gaped at him. 
🦈-“Why did you kick me?” He whined, rubbing the top of his head. 
🦈-“Why did you touch my feet?” You argued, if you weren’t using your arms to keep you upright you would have thrown them in air. 
🦈-“I was interested in your second hands.” He frowned, pushing his crimson hair out of his eyes. 
🦈-You spotted silver skin scattered around his tan hand. It almost reminded you of scales. If that didn’t alert you to the fact that he wasn’t human his gills did. Three neatly lined gills fluttered on his neck. The sight was intriguing. 
🦈-“My second hands? You mean my feet?” You asked, still gliding your arms around to keep you upright now that you weren’t floating on your back. 
🦈-“The second hands you have keeping you afloat. I have a tail and you have second hands.” He pointed out, lifting his tail higher to the surface to show you.  
🦈-His tail reminded you of a shark, grey on the sides but white in the middle. If his sharp teeth were any indicator you would say he was some type of shark male hybrid. If he were to turn around you would probably see a shark fin on his back. 
🦈-“Are you gonna eat me?” You almost slapped your self at the stupid question that escaped your mouth. 
🦈-“What?! Why would I eat you? I don’t eat humans.” He huffed, obviously offended you thought he would eat you. 
🦈-Not only have you met a half-human hybrid but you managed to kick him in the face and offend him in all of but five minutes. You wouldn’t be surprised if he decided he did want to eat you. 
🦈-“Then what do you eat?” You asked, tilting your head at him. 
🦈-He drew his head back, surprised that you asked him such a question. Weren’t humans supposed to be scared of someone like him? This is the most human contact he has gotten in decades. His Alpha was oddly quiet in your presence. 
🦈-Was he observing the strange human too? Nevertheless, this human wasn’t afraid of him, he found that admirable of her. He didn’t have many friends. His best friend was a tan puffer fish that was annoyed at him half the time. 
🦈-“Fish, like any other shark.” He said, grinning at the thought of feasting on the scaly creature, his razor-sharp teeth making an appearance again. 
🦈-“Oh.” You replied, your brain trying to catch up with everything. 
🦈-“What do you eat?” He asked, curious about what humans consume. He sometimes saw humans licking a cream-like treat or eating something round and long on a stick. He was interested in what this little human ate. 
🦈-“Ummm… food? Red meat? Vegetables?” You said, not sure what he wanted to hear. 
🦈-“Is red meat good? Better than fish?” He asked, excited by this new information. 
🦈-“I can get you some if you want. I know they sell kabobs on the pier.” You thought, remembering people walk by you with some in their hands while you waited for your sunscreen to soak in. 
🦈-“You would bring me some!” His eyes sparkled, excited at the thought of trying something other than fish. 
🦈-“I mean yeah, I could.” You answered, trying not to blush over his excited face. This male shark hybrid was a handsome one. It was the least you could do, you did kick him in the face and offend the poor guy. 
🦈-“Wait, but then you would have to leave. How do I know if you are coming back?” He narrowed his eyes, not eager for this sweet-smelling human to leave yet. His Alpha pushed forward and nearly growled at the thought. 
🦈-In truth, the poor male was attention-starved. He was a pretty intimidating guy, all the sea life tended to stay away from him. Now that he had someone’s attention he didn’t want them to go away. He didn’t have to dwell much on the thought of you leaving before a soft sound invaded his ears. 
🦈-It was a gentle ring that made his whole body warm. You were giggling at his brooding face. 
🦈-“Of course I am coming back. Now that I know you aren’t gonna eat me I can pester you with all sorts of questions.” You smiled, thinking of all the tales he would have about the deep blue sea. 
🦈-This would be an interesting friendship… or more. 
🦈-Your friendship has bloomed over the last two weeks. It was tradition to come down to the beach whenever you could and buy him a kabob before making your way down to the pier. The main pier was busy and bustling with people but the small one meant for the local fishermen was still pretty vacant and empty. 
🦈-You tried to stay in the water the first week but it just wasn’t practical. You had to wash and dry your swimsuit so many times it was tearing at the seams. Floating on a tube was better but it still had its drawbacks. 
🦈-Your fingers and toes would winkle like raisins. 
🦈-Eijiro was fascinated by your feet and wouldn’t stop trying to touch and nibble on them. You had noticed pretty quickly that although he wasn’t interested in eating you he had some sort of fascination with softly nibbling on you. 
🦈-When you asked him about it he said it was a shark thing. He has grown up with his parents doing it so he thought it was normal to do so to his new human friend. 
🦈-You had just sat down at the pier and dipped your feet into the cold water, not even a second later a sharp pair of teeth were nibbling on your toes. You let out an airy giggle, already used to his odd behavior.
🦈-“Save the chewing for your kabob, Eijiro.” You teased, lifting your toes out of the water and leaned down to show the steaming kabob to him. 
🦈-He was quick to burst out of the water and snatch it up with his sharp teeth. He reminded you of a human version of jaws when he did that. 
🦈-“Thank you, Y/N. You know you don’t have to keep buying me meat all the time.” He said while nearly chomping on the wooden stick. 
🦈-“I don’t mind. If I didn’t spend it on you I would spend it on something else. Like this bracelet. I saw it while walking down the pier to get your kabob. It caught my eye and I instantly purchased it.  It’s too big for me but I like the color.” You hummed, showing him the threaded black and red bracelet on your wrist. 
🦈-In the time it took you to respond he had already finished his kabob, he made sure to put the stick on the pier. You would take it later and throw it away properly. 
🦈-“Oh, that’s a nice bracelet.” He commented, not taking his eyes off it. 
🦈-He peered at it with an awed look in his eyes. Completely unrelated he lifted his hand to mess with his hair, showcasing his empty wrist. Silently hoping you would spot it and say something. 
🦈-“Oh! Would you like it? I don’t think I can wear it without worrying it would slide off. You have a bigger wrist than me so it should fit you better.” You offered, taking off the red bracelet and dangling it on your finger above him. 
🦈-You never saw him move that fast before. The bracelet was already snatched out of your hand and on his wrist in the blink of an eye. You were right, it fit more snug on his tanned wrist than yours. 
🦈-“Make sure not to lose it. I bet it is a whole other story losing something in the sea rather than on land.” You thought, swishing your legs in the water. 
🦈-“I won’t take it off.” He nearly growled, something primal lurked in his eyes.  
🦈-Your Omega was nearly purring at the look. You merely nodded and shifted your eyes to the blue sky. You noticed there were a lot more clouds in the sky than normal, you hoped it didn’t rain. 
🦈-“What happens when it rains? Do you go back to your cave and wait it out like a regular human?” You questioned, looking down into his ruby eyes. 
🦈-“Sometimes I stock up on fish when it is just a small shower. If it starts lightning and thundering I usually chill in my den until it passes. You don’t want to be out in the open when lightning strikes down.” He commented, holding back a wince. 
🦈-“Huh. I hadn’t thought about that.” You said, kicking your feet out and splashing his face with water. 
🦈-He retaliated by catching on of your feet and playfully chewing on it. His teeth were tickling you, you reach down and grab a handful of his red hair. You tried to yank him off but he wouldn’t budge. He was a stubborn shark when it came to his prey. 
🦈-Not that you were prey to him. He just considered you to be his. Especially after your little gift to him. To give shark-kind a gift it meant you had started the courting process. The next time he saw you he would give you one back, to solidify your courtship. 
🦈-“Quit it Eijiro! You’re tickling me.” You laughed, leaning down even further, your face inches from his. 
🦈-Once he felt your soft breath on his face he let go and tilted his head up at you. Now it was your turn to fell his breath on your face. The closeness was enough to make your Omega swoon. You felt your mind was playing tricks on you when you heard a gentle purr coming from him. 
🦈-It was like you were in a trance, your eyes caught his lips and it was all you could focus on. You slowly felt yourself leaning even further down to him. He was leaning forward as well. His breath coming out in big pants. 
🦈-His tail was swishing rapidly in the water. Almost like a puppies tail would when they get excited. 
🦈-“You trying to drown yourself, girl!” An older man’s voice called out from the distance. 
🦈-You quickly put both of your feet on Eijiro’s shoulders and pushed him down. You would have been worried if he was human but since he was half-shark you knew he would be safe. Safer than someone finding out his kind existed. 
🦈-Sure there were shifters on land but people held major prejudice against them. You could only imagine the type of hysteria if humans found out they were surrounded by shifters on land and in the water. 
🦈-Maybe it was because you knew a few shifters and that was why you didn’t freak out when you first discovered him. 
🦈-“I thought I saw a crab!” You yelled, turning to look over your shoulder. 
🦈-An old man with a long fishing pole made his way down the pier. He wore a yellow raincoat with boots to match. He was the definition of fisherman. 
🦈-“Well, that’s good to hear. I hope to catch a lot of them tonight. Supposed to start raining soon.” He drawled, tipping his yellow hat up at the sky. 
🦈-While he was talking you still felt the warmth of Eijiro’s shoulders on your feet. You tapped him on both shoulders, silently telling him to swim away. His response was to slide a hand up your ankle. He wasn’t leaving until you were. 
🦈-“Oh. I better get going then. I wouldn’t want to get caught in the rain.” You said, leaning one hand down to clasp his hand and squeeze it before pulling your feet out of the water and slipping back on your flip flops. 
🦈-You made sure to grab his kabob stick before leaving. You shot him one last look. He was still submerged under the water. His face reminded you of a wounded puppy. You were leaving so soon. Your Omega was whining at the ordeal but there wasn’t much you could do. 
🦈-You didn’t bring your swimsuit so you couldn’t swim with him. Plus the rain wouldn’t have helped matters either. He would have to go back to his cave anyways. 
🦈-“See you later, little crab.” You softly said, giving him a half-smile.
🦈-You turned around and began walking back to your car. You couldn’t believe you were about to kiss him! Your heart was pounding in your chest. He was your friend, not your boyfriend!
🦈-You had to get your emotions under control. You both were from two separate lands, it would never work. You pushed down your sadness and kept walking down the pier, leaving a sad shark behind. 
🦈-“Hey, Y/n, do you have the paperwork I told you have done ready?” One of your Alpha coworkers asked, peering over at you in your small cubical. 
🦈-“Yeah, I just finished typing it up.” You replied, leaning over your desk to get the file. 
🦈-Your scent must have wafted her way. 
🦈-“Are you seeing anyone? Your scent smells different. Kinda reminds me of the ocean.” She prodded, eager to hear some gossip.  
🦈-You instantly flushed, your little trips to the beach must be affecting your scent. It was usually a soft peppermint smell. Now it was intertwined with a hint of saltwater. 
🦈-“N-no, I’m not seeing anyone. I think it is just because I am spending so much time at the beach lately.” You answered, handing her the file over your cubical wall. 
🦈-“Oh, well you should go on a few courting dates. Nothing better than summer love.” She grinned, thinking of all the Omega’s she could court this summer. 
🦈-“I’ll let you know if I do.” You said, looking back over at your computer screen. 
🦈-Should you start looking for a potential Alpha? You had no reason not to look for one. At that moment a certain shark-toothed male popped up into your head. 
🦈-No! He was off-limits. You should focus on Alphas you could actual court. 
🦈-It was decided, you would start looking for a potential mate. 
🦈-“So, have you eaten here before?” You asked, looking up from your plate of spaghetti, you speared a big meatball and brought it to your mouth. 
🦈-You had met him on a dating app. You didn’t know that he was vegetarian until he was ordering at the start of the date. You had placed your order before him so it was a tiny bit embarrassing eating meat in front of him. 
🦈-“Yes. They have a really good vegetarian selection here.” He said, looking down at his meatless meal. 
🦈-You had to admit that this Alpha was very attractive. He had had shoulder-length brown hair, glowing golden eyes, and a strong jawline. He would have made your Omega melt if it wasn’t for someone else. 
🦈-During the meal you found yourself comparing this Alpha to the sliver skinned one that seemed to take up your thoughts. 
🦈-Your Omega couldn’t help but nick-pick at him. 
🦈-He didn’t love meat like a certain someone, his teeth are dull, and he doesn’t have spiky crimson hair. He was nothing like her Alpha. Yes, her Alpha. She had started calling him that after your last encounter. You tried to correct her but she wasn’t having it. 
🦈-You tried to listen to the Alpha sitting across from you but your heart wasn’t into it. Your heart seemed to feel heavy lately, it might have had something to do with your absence from the beach. You hadn’t been back to the pier for a whole week. 
🦈-Your heart was telling you it was time to reunite with the muscled male. You finally submitted to those thoughts. You would go to see him tomorrow. 
🦈-That had your Omega purring and bouncing around. She was finally gonna see her Alpha!
🦈-Your Omega was jumping around excitingly as soon as you pulled into the beach parking area. She was gonna see her Alpha! You had an image of her rolling around on her back happily. You, on the other hand, were a bit nervous stepping out of the car. 
🦈-You knew going to the pier wasn’t an option. 
🦈-Your Omega had cut off that train of thought as soon as it appeared and wouldn’t even let you consider it. She wanted you in the water and as close to her Alpha as you could get. You knew this absence was hard on her so you didn’t argue.
🦈-Since your other bathing suit was beyond repair you went out and bought a new one. 
🦈-A solid red one. It was a tiny bit more revealing than your other one but once you saw it you knew it was the one. Your Omega chirped in agreement, stating that it matched Eijiro’s eyes. You felt pretty confident in it. 
🦈-You had paired it with a white cover-up. You grabbed your beach bag and made your way down to the sand. The instant your feet touched the sand you felt a pair of eyes on you. You knew whose eyes they were. 
🦈-You knew if you looked out into the water you would catch a glimpse of him but you stopped yourself. You knew if you saw his red hair peeking through the waves you would skip putting on sunscreen and dive into the water. 
🦈-You didn’t need to deal with a sunburn along with your confusing feelings. 
🦈-So you lathered up and waited, much to your Omega’s disappointment. You made sure to put on a lot because you knew as soon as you stepped into the ocean Eijiro wasn’t gonna let you out of his grasp for one second. 
🦈-From the intensity of his gaze, you were half thinking he was gonna drag you under and take you to his cave. 
🦈-Once your sunscreen was dry you finally headed towards the water. The water was cold as usual but it wasn’t the reason why your skin was covered in goosebumps. Your heart was pounding each step. Once the water went up to your waist you started swimming further from the shoreline. 
🦈-You were barely halfway to where you usually meet up when you felt his touch on your ankle. Just by the grip alone, you knew he was just as touched starved as you. This week without him made you miss his gentle caresses on your legs and the oddly comforting way he nibbled on you. 
🦈-Once you swam far enough for the shore he yanked you down. Your eyes stung at the saltwater but that didn’t stop you from looking at him underwater. His smile was big and wide, his razor-sharp teeth on full display. 
🦈-He didn’t waste a second pulling you into his arms. The cold water was long forgotten when you were tucked safely in his warm embrace. If you weren’t already holding your breath it would have been taken away. 
🦈-He couldn’t hear your Omega’s purring but he felt the vibrations coming from your chest. 
🦈-He instantly let out his own warm purr. He was so happy you finally showed up! He was worried you had somehow forgotten about him. That maybe you didn’t enjoy his company as much as he enjoyed yours. 
🦈-He swore he wouldn’t even care if you never brought him another piece of red meat again. As long as he had you in his arms he was satisfied. He didn’t hold himself back from nibbling on your neck a little now that he had you wrapped up in his grasp. His Alpha telling him that this was the spot he planned to mark when he bonded to you. 
🦈-He tapped his shoulder, signaling that you needed air, with reluctance he led you to the surface. 
🦈-He wanted to be underwater with you forever. Everything faded away when you were under the blue currents together. 
🦈-You broke the surface with a tiny gasp. 
🦈-“I’m so happy you’re back! I missed you.” He breathed, still not believing you were here in his arms and not somewhere on land where he couldn’t see or hold you. 
🦈-“I’m sorry. Things came up.” You said, not quite meeting his eyes. You didn’t want to see the sadness lurking in his ruby orbs. 
🦈-“That’s fine. I am just glad you are back.” He said, acting like he wasn’t desperately searching for you the entire week.
🦈-“You know I will always come back for my little crab.” You joked, hoping to lift the mood a bit. 
🦈-He laughed, playfully pushing you away. You laughed along with him, the heaviness in your chest from the past week finally lifting. 
🦈-“I’ll show you a crab!” He chuckled, making his hands into claws and pinching you. 
🦈-You giggled, trying to pinch him back. Something caught his eye, his gaze was focused in the direction of the shore. You turned to look and saw a blond surfer dude riding a wave. His hair looked a little familiar so you said so. 
🦈-“Huh, his hair reminds me of the Alpha I went on a courting date with. His hair was brown though.” You hummed, looking at the guy fall off his board. 
🦈-“Courting date? You went on a courting date?” His voice dropped a few octaves, his eyes turning hard. 
🦈-“Yeah? Is there a problem?” You asked, your eyebrow lifting. 
🦈-“A problem! Yes! We are courting Y/N!” He exclaimed, pulling his arm out of the water and pointing at the bracelet you gave him.
🦈-You tilted your head, confused. Did he think it was a courting gift? He couldn’t have. For it to be a courting gift it would need to be made by you. You were sure you told him you bought it from a shop on the pier. 
🦈-“I didn’t make it. It isn’t a courting gift, Eijiro.” As much as it hurt your heart to say it, it was true. 
🦈-“Yes, it is! If you give me a gift it means you want to court me. I accepted it so we are courting. I even have a gift for you.” He said, lifting up his other gift. A pearl bracelet sat on his wrist. It was obviously made for you since it looked way too small for his thick wrist. 
🦈-He slid it off and put it on you. The white pearls glistened under the sunlight. 
🦈-You looked at it in awe, the bracelet was beautifully made. The warm mood was broken when someone called out to you from behind. 
🦈-“You okay out there?” A voice yelled. 
🦈-You turned to see the surfer you both were talking about holding onto his board and look at you. He was about 20 feet from you so he couldn’t see your little red friend. That didn’t mean you didn’t shove the poor boy underwater.
🦈-Eijiro didn’t mind, he was just enjoying the feel of your hands on his shoulders.
🦈-You looked around and supposed you were a bit too far from shore.
🦈-“I’m fine! I’m a great swimmer.” You yelled back, smiling at the nicely tanned boy. 
🦈-While your swimming did improve a little after you started hanging out with the shark boy you still weren’t expert level. You only felt safe so far out in the deep because you had Eijiro by your side. You knew he wouldn’t let anything happen to you. 
🦈-The surfer gave you a nod and smile before turning his attention back on the upcoming waves. 
🦈-It was apparent Eijiro didn’t like that your attention was off him. He wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you down under the water with him. Before you could blink the saltwater out of your eyes his lips were on yours. 
🦈-In an instant, all of your worries and fears washed away. You sank into the kiss with a delighted purr. You brought your hands up and weaved them through his hair. Your legs wrapped around his waist. You tried not to smile as you felt him slightly nibble on your lip. 
🦈-The only thought running through your mind was that you knew Eijiro wouldn’t be your summer love, he would be your forever love. 
🦈-You sat on your pier and waited for your Alpha to come back. That’s right, your pier. After you bonded with Eijiro you both found out he would be able to shift between human and half-shark. With his new second hands, he was free to join you on land. 
🦈-The first thing he did was rent a boat and became a fisherman. The boat was just a cover while he shifted into his half-shark form and rounded up fish to sell. It wasn’t long before he was bringing in some money and together you both purchased a beach house with its own pier. 
🦈-Right now you sat on the pier with a huge metal pot by your side. Usually, you would eagerly hold it in your lap but your baby bump wouldn’t let you. 
🦈-Not too long after you moved into the house the both of you found out you were carrying a pup. Eijiro’s nearly passed out in happiness that day.   
🦈-The one thing about this pup was that it loved seafood. Now Eijirio was a fan of red meat but his pup couldn’t get enough of the sea. Poor Eijiro was devastated when your pup wouldn’t let him cook red meat in the house anymore since it made you want to throw up at the smell. 
🦈-Still, he happily gave it up for the time being, anything to make sure you and the pup were both comfortable. 
🦈-Tonight was seafood boil, that was where the big pot came in handy. Your lovely Alpha was out hunting the savorly little things. Your mouth was already watering at the thought of them. Like he heard your thoughts, Eijiro popped out of the water proudly holding up a big net filled with your latest craving. 
🦈-You could have sworn your eyes were sparkling. 
🦈- “I caught a lot just in case you are still craving them tomorrow.” He happily stated, pulling himself up on the pier. His tail was gone in seconds and in their place were his strong calves. Once he was situated on the deck he put his net into the pot sitting by your side. 
🦈-“Thank you, Alpha! I am so excited!” You beamed, looking down at the pot. 
🦈-It seems your pup was excited as well, they were dancing up a storm. You lovingly rubbed your stomach before standing up and reaching for the pot. Eijiro was quick to brush your hands away and picked up the pot. 
🦈-He wasn’t about to let his Omega carry ten pounds of shrimp while pregnant with his pup. His Alpha nearly growled at the thought. He might have been a little overprotective of you now that you were with pup. 
🦈-The sun was dipping in the sky, everything was orange and blue. You leaned against your Alpha’s side as you walked back to your home. You couldn’t have been any happier. 
🦈-“I love you, my shark boi.” You said, nuzzling into his side. 
🦈-“I love you too, Omega.” He grinned, leaning down to place a kiss on your head. 
This was my first time writing a sort of shark/merman AU. Please tell me what you think of it! I might write more for it when summer hits. 
That being said, please wash your hands and stay safe guys! 
Please reblog and leave a note. Both really help motivate me to write more. 
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