#and we love a weird little sock boy that's just doing his best
yours-the-author · 10 months
Spoilers for My Friendly Neighborhood? And Who Framed Roger Rabbit? Maybe? IDK I'm just putting my thoughts down.
I watched Super Horror Bro's let's play of MFN and I really liked it! Gordon is great, Ricky is great, everyone is great... but a lot of people seem to be over looking the whole "living puppets" thing? (or maybe I just haven't been looking hard enough.) And that got me thinking... what if the world logic of MFN is like that of Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
Like, the two have some similarities already (tough, down on his luck guy with a gun deals with the shenanigans of TV mascots while dark things happen around him), but let's put it like this:
In the world of Roger Rabbit, cartoon characters (toons) are alive. This isn't really explained in the movie, as far as I remember, but it's just a fact. The toons are real, they have jobs, they have a place to live, but they're also sort of considered "second class citizens" in a way; they don't really get a lot of variety in what jobs they can thrive in (they work in entertainment, usually), and they don't always get treated very well (Eddie Valiant, the protagonist, often responds to cartoon shenanigans by saying "toons" in a clearly derogatory way; and cartoon tools like singing swords and sentient shoes [which I think are safe to assume they're alive and sentient? less so than other toons, but you get it] are kept in boxes, seemingly for long periods of time). Toons also have their "Toon Town", their own separate place to live that, for much of the movie, is in danger due to the owner of Toon Town (a human) dying and potentially letting Toon Town get destroyed for the sake of a highway, and thus destroying the only known place where toons can safely live.
So, to summarize: 1. Toons are alive, an accepted fact by society. 2. Toons are citizens, and are expected to work to earn their keep. 3. Toons are citizens, and there is slight prejudice against them ("slight" may be putting it lightly).
Now, let's look at MFN:
Gordon J. O'Brien is a human, who is tasked with shutting off the antenna of the studio that used to produce and televise the children's show My Friendly Neighborhood. We see in a cutscene prior to gameplay that most television shows are hosted/acted by human players, except for MFN, which is primarily led by puppet actors. Nothing wrong there; it's a children's show, and as a lot of children shows go, puppets and other cartoonish set pieces are used to entertain. Most adult shows are filled with live people, and at the hour that the TV is shown, adult programming is more likely to be on than children's programming.
But consider what happens when Gordon enters the studio lot, namely when he first meets Ricky the sock puppet. Gordon is surprised by Ricky's appearance, but he doesn't really address it. In fact, he treats Ricky like he might be the owner/face of the establishment. We could argue that Gordon is just rolling with it: it's his last job of the day, he's on probation for a bad attitude and could get fired for failing to do his job or keeping up that bad attitude, so he's just playing along with whoever the crazy human behind the sock puppet is. All well and good, except when things start getting darker.
Gordon sees a puppet (Norman) bashing its head against the wall, seemingly of its own free will, and he offers little more than a "what the...?" Even when the puppets begin attacking him, he just carries on. Maybe he's just super dedicated to finishing his job and leaving so he can go home. But there comes a point, I'd like to think, when dealing with potentially deadly possessed puppets where a normal person thinks, "is this minimum wage job really worth my life?" and usually, the answer is probably "no, consequences be damned, I'm leaving while I'm alive."
So that begs the question: what sort of person carries on with his job when it's possible there are murder puppets after his life? Most people have said that Gordon is just "so done" with everything in his life that he doesn't particularly care, which makes sense; he seems to be a war veteran with little to enjoy in his life. But there's "being done", and there's "a strange but relatively normal day". So: what if puppets being sentient is just... a thing? A rule that the world doesn't necessarily question? Puppets trying to hug people to death is definitely unusual, but that's the only strange thing.
That leads to another supporting question: who owns the studio where MFN used to be broadcast? The buildings, for the most part, are all well maintained with working electricity and general power. It's a little under kept, but the maintenance is there. And yet, there are no people around. At all. All of the offices are empty, all of the sewer areas are empty, it's just puppets all the way down. But why? The show isn't being made any more, so why are all these buildings empty? Shouldn't they be filled with new businesses, new people, new lives? Or at the very least, if no one owns them/uses them, then shouldn't they be knocked down and the land used for some other company? A newspaper mentions a company that bought up a lot of land and buildings for their own consumerist purposes, often kicking tenants out of their homes to do so, so clearly it's not unheard of to knock down/take over buildings that have no obvious purpose.
But the puppets still live there. The puppets do their own thing, wallowing in their accidental trauma, but otherwise not going out and attacking people. They stick to their buildings, and don't bother anyone. So is the MFN studio the "Toon Town" for these puppets? Do they technically "own" the lot? I recall a different note mentioning that the tools and materials of MFN were the "property" of a different company after MFN was taken off air, but the puppets are still in the building, wandering around. Why, unless they have some right to the land?
It could also offer an explanation of why Gordon is tasked with turning off the antenna instead of any other company: the puppets refuse to turn off the antenna and stop broadcasting their show over the network, so they have to send someone in to do it themselves. Not just anyone, though: a down on his luck old war vet with a bad attitude who doesn't seem to have any real importance to the city. If he does get killed, fine, send someone else to do it. If he succeeds, great! In fact, everyone seems so happy to see him successfully disable the antenna that he gets promoted to manager in the "bad ending", despite being on probation. Why is he rewarded so much for doing his job, unless it was really important that the show was shut off? Maybe it's a weird political statement? Or a symbol of human dominance over the "puppet class"? Whatever the case, it's definitely weird that Gordon is so well rewarded for shutting down the show.
Alternatively, in the "normal" and "true" endings, Gordon decides to help get the show back on the air, legally. In the normal ending, he specifically makes a note of how he has to keep his head down, not telling anyone what he's doing and eventually not coming back to the studio because he thinks he's done his part and can move on. In the true ending, he's found out and fired, despite disconnecting the antenna as his job required him. Why would he be fired for doing his job? Unless the wire disconnect was meant to have some bigger meaning? Are the puppets considered "second class", or "other"? Is their show getting back on air and gaining a following some sort of problem for the company Gordon works for? Some people like the show, and some people hate it, but it does gain a following.
A recurring theme in this game is "darkness/meanness vs light/goodness", with modern "adult" television being dark and mean and more "appropriate" in the post war world, and the old "children" television being a bright reminder to be good and friendly, which doesn't correlate with the world that the post war city has become. Maybe the puppets are a living reminder of the "good" in the world that adults are shielding themselves from? I don't know, I'm kind of rambling at this point.
Speaking of the war- isn't it weird how they just refer to it as "the war"? Based on the context and the dates, it's fairly agreed by the community that the war represents the Vietnam War, a controversial event that televised the dark realities of war to everyone with a television, which was mostly everyone. If it's supposed to be the Vietnam War, why not just call it that? Unless it's not the Vietnam War, not technically, in this universe? Since the puppets are living beings (even if they aren't exposed to television and the horrors of war until after the show stops), maybe there are other historical differences in this universe, too? Different lands, boundaries, people, etc?
And when the puppets- no longer supervised due to a world going dark from the atrocities of war- watch television to find what they're missing that other TV shows have, they get traumatized by what they see, and inadvertently incorporate it into what they know. They're impressionable, like children- or a sheltered class of people. They all get a little intense- insane ramblings and hugging people to death- but some of them go so far as to physically change themselves (remove their eyes, give themselves human teeth, turn into monsters) as a screwed attempt to gain the love and attention that the "darkness" offers. Unless someone takes some time to talk to the puppets, to let them know that there can still be good and light in the world, then the puppets will all remain on that lot, by themselves, without an outlet, and will possibly be destroyed when the now pointless studio lot is without purpose. That's what Gordon's for: someone who has also been troubled by the darkness of the world, but can take the time and empathy to be a little bit friendly.
Sorry for the long post; it's possible there's more stuff I forgot to talk about, or some information I got wrong, but feel free to add your thoughts to this! I need to go to bed, I have work in the morning.
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morganbritton132 · 10 months
I read ‘zoomies with the kids.’ and assumed it was one of the boys running around the house with the fur babies lol. I see it being Steve and Eddie watching on found but annoyed because Steve is zooming in socks on the hardwood floors and head injuries…
Can I just say how happy this series makes me? I love these two and the world you’ve made for all of the party; your posts always brighten my day. Thank you for sharing them and for letting Eddie and Steve survive and be happy <333
First, I just wanna say thank you for the kind words! I think this little world is a group effort and I really appreciate everybody that throws their ideas into the ring and allows me to build upon them. It’s truly been the best even if I’m a lot slower at getting to them than I used to be.
No one considers how hard quarantine was on pets.
Some people have dogs that are trained to be around people and it’s weird for that to suddenly stop. Suddenly they aren’t going to school anymore or to the grocery store. Steve’s not doing trivia night or taking classes at the community center. They’re just home all the time now and Eddie is always with Steve so Ozzy just… doesn’t really have anything to do.
Not needing to be as vigilant as he is when Steve is more active, Ozzy’s left with an excess of energy and it makes him antsy. Much like his owners, he’s bored.
Joan gets stressed out if Steve is home when he’s not supposed to be because that usually means that there’s something wrong with him. The only time he’s ever been off work for more than a couple days at this time of year was when a medication switch caused cluster seizures. It takes a bit of time for her to get used to him being there.
The solution: They go on walks.
It calms Joan if Steve leaves the house for a bit and it helps Ozzy burn off some of that unused energy, and it also helps Steve who would otherwise be doomscrolling Facebook and thinking about Lucas at the hospital. He already had a semi-regular walking schedule for Ozzy a couple days a week but once COVID hit, they started walking daily.
Unless it rained. Eddie hates when it rains because…
Eddie looks visibly distracted during a zoom interview with the band. You can literally see him tracking something beyond the camera with his eyes because Steve is chasing their pets through the house, and they keep running by the room he is in.
Eddie finishes up what he was saying and then hits mute before shouting, “Stop running!”
Steve literally slides into the room on his socked feet, having to hold onto the doorframe when he lists too far over in one direction. He’s breathy and smiling when he asks, “Your interview over?”
“I’m muted,” Eddie says. “Stop with the zoomies before one of you get hurt because we can’t go to the hospital….Or, at least, take off your socks.”
“Why? So you can look my feet?” Steve asks, scrunching his face up with mock disgust. “Freak.”
Eddie can’t even formulate a response to that before Gareth’s voice is coming out loud and clear from his speakers, “Dude, you did not hit mute.”
“Shi-oot,” Eddie swore, looking away from Steve for just a second. He’s gone when he looks back up, already running back down the hall to play with the animals. He just shakes his head and asks, “We’ll cut this out, right?”
The interviewer asks if he has a roommate and Eddie is in the middle of trying to figure out what the funnier answer to that question is when he hears a loud crash. He nearly blows Gareth’s eardrum out with how loudly he shouts, “Did you fall?”
When this part is inevitably kept in the interview, you can hear faintly over Eddie’s mic, “I’m good!”
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rogersideup · 9 months
Nice to be Kneaded
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Chapter 18
Good Luck Charm
Series Masterlist
Previous part: Endgame
Word Count: 9,856
Warnings: My blog is 18+ only. All minors or blogs without an age in bio will be blocked. Minors DNI. Mentions of medical equipment, loss, abuse, PTSD, anxiety and depression.
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Your slippers shuffled against the ground as you stepped outside onto the porch. With a big blanket around your shoulders and a warm mug in each hand, you walked up to Steve who had been sitting on the love seat all by himself for about half an hour now.
His eyes were fixed on the wooden deck railing, but fondly found your face as you approached in all your comfortable glory.
"A hot latte for the hottie?" You said, handing him a mug of foamy, vanilla goodness.
His smile spread as fast as his cheeks blushed. "Thank you, baby doll."
"Anything for you."
After his gentle hands grabbed the mug from yours, you set your own coffee down for a moment sit next to him and wrap the blanket around both of your shoulders. He was quick to eat up your company, and shuffle closer to you for warmth.
It was that weird time of year where mornings and nights were cold, but midday was blazing. You were well equipped with leggings and a hoodie with thick warm socks that Steve was quite jealous of, while he was in a T-shirt and joggers. But your blanket, body heat, and the hot coffee warmed his body and his heart.
It had been a few days since half of humanity returned, and you were trying to find a good balance of giving him the space he needed to process the events and grieve his friends, time to reconnect with Bucky, all while trying to make sure you were there for him.
As of now it looked like cuddles and long conversations before bed, you sneaking off and working from 4 in the morning to around 2 in the afternoon, then coming home usually to an empty house since the two boys were out doing whatever Steve's and Bucky's do, then the three of you would have dinner together and you'd be back off to bed.
But today was different. You decided not to work at the bakery today because you knew Bucky was going to go tour apartments near by to see if maybe there was a place worth staying near his best friend for, and Steve would be on his own otherwise. Though he was perfectly capable of getting through a hard time on his own, it was always easier when the two of you were together.
With you settled next to him, his eyes fixed right back to where they were before. You thought he was looking out into the neighborhood, until your eyes caught glimpse of a tiny little creature. A spider spinning a web. Not just any spider, but an all black spider with a small red shape on its back.
A black widow.
You immediately understood where his brain was and what it was thinking about, you didn't even have to exchange words when he knew you saw it too. Together you just sat, sipped, and thought about your dear friend. But the more you thought, the more your heart hurt for Steve, so your mug was sat on the floor once again so you could wrap an arm around his shoulders and hold him closer.
Your actions made him grin, and his hand found your thigh. It squeezed in appreciation.
"Way back when we fought Ultron, we all thought for a brief moment that all of us would die in Sokovia. When I brought up that possibility, all she said was that she would never find a prettier view anywhere else than being that high up in the sky." He finally broke the silence. "I was admittedly a little scared, and she was calm as could be. Using her skills to make a positive difference in the world was all she thought she had. She was okay with dying as long as it was at the hands of the greater good."
You nodded, acknowledging that you were listening but understanding he probably wasn't looking for a response yet.
"Clint told us she seemed completely at peace with her decision, like there was no second question. She knew that's what she wanted. She died for the greater good. I've always been scared of dying in battle for any reason. I made peace with it, I accepted that it could happen, but I was always scared that it would. I know that's not what I want."
Now, you knew what this conversation was about. This is what's been looming over his head for months, the moment you knew was coming.
He finally said it.
"That's how I know I can't do this anymore." His voice dropped to almost a whisper.
Usually, those words coming from a lovers mouth were the worst words anyone could hear. But in this context, you were happy for him.
"I know you can't." You nodded with a sympathetic tone.
"You're not even going to ask me to clarify?" Steve questioned.
"I already know. I've always known." Your small, delicate smile brought him comfort. "Since the moment I found out that you were Captain America I've known two things to be true. The first one being that there was nothing you could do to scare me away, and the second being that your time in the suit was coming to an end."
"Seems like that came easier to you than it did to me." Steve noted, feeling lighter now that he's told you. "It's been looming over me for years, and it wasn't a choice I made lightly."
"Of course it wasn't." You agreed. "I've watched you quietly struggle with this since the day we met. All I've ever wanted for you was to find happiness."
"I had a sense of guilt giving it up, like people would die if I didn't keep doing this, but I know now that the truth is there was a time before me and there will be a time after me in which everyone manages just fine." He continued. "I've been at this for far longer than I think anyone expected, and I know it's time to pass the shield."
"I'm happy for you." You stated, your hand now playing with the hair on the back of his head. "I genuinely am. And I'm proud of you. I can't imagine any of your life has been easy, and choosing to try a new path that leads to an easier, more peaceful life is exactly what you've always deserved."
"I just want you to know I wouldn't have made this choice of it stopped me from taking care of us at any point." Steve stressed. "Our life together is now number one with no set backs. Please take this in the most humble and sincere way I could possibly say this, but a lack of income going forward is not anything we need to be concerned about. We're set, and any future kids we could possibly want are set."
You smiled at his words. "Honey, even if you had less than a dollar to your name, I'd still want you to make this choice. I also mean this very sincerely and humbly, but the bakery is doing really well. I would've been happy to make you a stay at home Dad."
"So this is it." Steve shrugged. "I'll go on one more mission to put the stones back exactly where they need to be, pass the shield over to Sam and be done. The last few days of being Captain America, then it'll be the first days of the rest of our lives."
"I've always thought Steve was cooler than Cap, by the way." You grinned, head landing on his shoulder.
"You're just saying that to make me feel better." Steve giggled, snuggling further next to you. "Thank you for all of your support. It means a lot to me. You've put up with a lot to accommodate what I do. None of it when by without appreciation."
"You do a lot to support me too, at this point, I think the bakery would fall apart without you and all the little things you do for us. They add up, and it makes a massive impact on the way everyone functions and business flows." You reminded him. "We're a team, Love. I'll always have your back and I know you always have mine. I can't wait to see what this next chapter looks like for us."
"I don't think I could properly express how excited I am about it right now amidst all of this chaos, but if I think about it for too long I'll cry." Steve giggled.
"It's okay, I believe you." You smiled.
"And now that the ball is rolling on the bakery in New York, I just feel really hopeful that I'll be busy regardless of the fact that I'm unemployed now."
You laughed as you moved your arm down to hold his hand instead. "I think a life with me is a life with the bakeries. I don't think that's considered unemployment."
"Can I apply for a job at Nice to be Kneaded?" Steve joked. "It'll keep me busy."
"Sure thing, I'll forward you the email you can send in your resume and fill out an application."
"Ugh I'm never gonna get the job." Steve pouted.
"Why not?"
"I haven't updated my resume since 1942, and there's a 66 year gap." He explained. "And the owner of the bakery is so beautiful, I'm going to be fumbling over my words the entire interview!"
Your smile widened, as did the swell of your heart. "I actually know her, I'll put in a good word for you."
"Thank you, Sunflower, that would be great." He smiled and squeezed your hand.
"...Stevie?" You questioned softly.
"We don't have to kill it, but that spider can't stay there."
Steve chuckled at your words. "It is pretty terrifying, isn't it?"
"Does Captain America protect people against scary venomous spiders?"
"Oh... did you not just hear the whole 'I'm retiring' part of the conversation?" Steve joked.
"Okay... will my big, strong boyfriend protect me against the scary venomous spider?"
"...but.... I'm scared of spiders" his voice jumped up an octave or two, and lowered in volume earning your giggles.
"Maybe we can just burn the house down?" You suggested.
"Yeah, let's do that." Steve agreed with a big smile. "Or we can relocate it together"
"Awwww!" You cooed unenthusiastically. "How about we wait for Bucky to get back and he can help us?"
"That's the best idea yet"
"At least you have a big, strong boyfriend that'll relocate scary spiders for you!" You jokingly enthused.
Steve's jaw dropped, but his smile and giggles prevailed through his feigned display of betrayal. "You know what?! That spider is gonna come bite you!"
"Not under Bucky's watch, it won't" You laughed.
"It's gonna come all the way over here and crawl aaaalllllllllll the way up your arm" With his middle and index fingers, they climbed up your arm with a feathery light touch as to tickle you on purpose. Your laugh was music to his ears as his hand made it to your neck, then he started tickling right at the base of your shoulder on purpose. "And it's gonna bite you right here for being so mean to me!"
As if it was the most contagious disease known to man, your happiness and laughter seeped into his heart and soul, and just being near you had him feeling the same way. Faster than he could process, you were both laughing as he one-handedly tried to fight off your attempts at giving him spider bites through the tiniest, gentlest pinches he's ever felt in his life.
The two of you were too occupied in each others chaos to notice Georgia walking across the street for a chat. Admittedly, she also got lost in the scene happening in front of her.
Your arms flying at Steve as uncontrollable laughter and smiles flew past each other, Steve trying to block your swift hands with only one of his arms. Then, his mug slipped out of his other hand and splashed coffee all over his lap, onto the blanket, and the mug shattered onto the deck.
For a moment, Georgia recoiled, fully prepared to walk away when Steve inevitably got angry at you for the the loss of a mug and a perfectly good cup of coffee.
But instead, she was pleasantly surprised when there was a pause in all movement and laughter, both of you looked down at the mess all over Steve and the porch, then your eyes met each others again, and the two of you bursted out in even more laughter.
"Oh no! Was that hot? Are you okay?" Your hand grabbed into his upper arm, questioning between laughter. "I'm sorry!"
"Not hot, I'm fine." He chuckled, patting the top of your thigh twice. "Don't be sorry! Let me get rid of this broken glass real quick so you don't cut yoursel- oh. Hi, Georgia."
"Hi, sorry to interrupt." She slowly walked up the steps.
"Oh my goodness, how are you feeling?!" You questioned, feeling indifferent about her approaching you and Steve.
"A lot better. I just uh, I just wanted to come over and thank you guys for your help. I don't remember much of what happened but Adeline from two doors down told me about it. You had no reason to help, let alone bring flowers and check on on me multiple times. So, again, thank you."
"We had reason to help," Steve cut in, remembering your sad years over your strained relationship with your once dear friend. He was committed to making this work for you. "whether you believe it or not, we care about you."
"I certainly understand that now." Georgia nodded her head.
"How has Michael been since he's been back? Is he adjusting okay?" You asked, having felt worried about him since the snap.
"He's been alright, it's been a bit of a shock to him but that's to be expected. He was focused on taking care of me but now that I'm better I think he's really processing the events that took place." She explained. "Steve, I also heard you got injured pretty badly in battle. Are you alright?"
Her concern had over his well-being had him admittedly surprised. "I did get bit roughed up but I'm a lot better now, thank you."
"I owe you an overdue apology." Georgia sincerely stated. "All the years you've been here, I wildly misinterpreted your character. It's clear to me now that I let the media, and Michael's opinion of you get into my head at the time you found your way to Greenwood. You're a good man, and I can tell you're an even better guy for the sweetest little lady in the whole town. I can tell you two love each other very much, and I hope you understand I only ever wanted what was best for her."
"I appreciate your apology." Steve nodded. "I think we both agree and see eye to eye on a lot of things, especially only ever wanting what's best for this sweet girl. But I'm not the only one you owe an apology to."
"I agree." Georgia nodded. She approached you with small apprehensive steps, then squatted down in front of your seat and placed her hand over yours. "Baby girl, I'm sorry."
You nodded, and swallowed the lump in your throat.
"I am. Really, really sorry." She squeezed your hand. "You are and always have been one smart, tough cookie and I should've trusted you to make good choices for yourself. I was wrong. I'm happy you have him, and I'm proud of the life you've created for yourself. It makes me happy to see you doing well. It's obvious that you two love each other very much, and I'm sorry for not seeing that until now."
"Thank you" You accepted. Though you would love nothing more than to have things go back to the way it used to be, Steve has taught you a lot about only accepting what's of value to you. Though him, you learned that the bare minimum wasn't the only treatment you should accept in life. He picked your standards up off the floor and held them above the ground. If Georgia wanted a place back in your life, she would have to fight for it. "I love you, and care about you so much. I always have, and I always will. I think this is a good start to reestablishing our friendship, but you know it's gonna take some time?"
Though this challenge was one for her to face, Georgia was proud to see you finally setting healthy boundaries for yourself. The version of you that she was friends with many years ago was a chronic people pleaser who couldn't get any words to leave her mouth that could possibly be taken badly. This version of you was much different, and far more healed and healthy.
“Of course.” She nodded in understanding
Standing up and letting your hand go, she turned to Steve once more. "And Steve, thank you for your service. I really appreciate and respect what you put on the line to save everyone we lost."
"No problem." He nodded before Georgia walked off right back into her own house.
Silence fell between you two for a few moments after her front door closed, until you broke it. "I never thought that would happen."
“Neither did I.” Steve stared blankly across the street.
More silence.
"Do you think she still would've apologized if she knew we were housing Bucky for the time being?" You questioned.
"Some things are better left unsaid." Steve shrugged.
More silence.
"I've been sitting in a puddle of vanilla latte for 5 minutes." Steve stated.
Then your eyes met his, looked down at his lap that was drenched in coffee, then back up at his face.
Once again, you two bursted out into laughter.
After some scrubbing, googling how to get coffee stains out of clothes, a shower, and a load of laundry later, it was like the coffee incident never happened.
Before you knew it, you and Steve were back in New York for a handful of different reasons. The first being location scouting for the new bakery. You dragged Steve around the city for 3 full days with a contractor and a financial advisor, touring empty business slots. Steve kept joking that you were the Prince Charming of bakery owners, you had a theoretical glass slipper and if one of the buildings didn't perfectly fit, it was an automatic no.
But eventually you found the perfect new home for the bakery. And wildly enough, it was in Brooklyn. The entirety of your search, Steve would make a little half-joke half-serious remark that everything good in the city was in Brooklyn. Sure enough, the moment you stepped foot into building, it was an automatic yes. You signed the lease right then and there, and the contractor started taking measurements as you sat in a pretty office with floor to ceiling windows signing paper after paper.
The only person happier than you about this decision was Steve, who had pointed out that the apartment he used to live in with his mom was just down the block. He also told you about how in building the bakery would now be in, used to be a little bodega where him and his Mom would walk to just to buy marshmallow sandwich cookies.
It made you incredibly happy knowing that such a special place to Steve, where he already had fond memories of getting sweet treats would now turn into a whole new place full of even sweeter treats. You'd like to believe that somewhere out there, Sarah Rogers led you to this corner location just to make his boy happy.
That same day, after all the paperwork was done and your wrist hurt from signing the lease agreement, you and Steve walked hand and hand through the streets of Brooklyn. The two of you had done this together many times before, but each time unlocked a special memory for him, and it always made you happy to learn more about who he was before the war.
This time he walked you along the route he used to take on his bike when he worked as a paper boy to put himself through art school. You passed by the apartment he lived in immediately after his Mom died, and surprisingly enough, it looked exactly the same on the outside. Then, you did what had to be done.
Hand in hand, you walked into a bodega and found the marshmallow cookies. You'd never had them before, but apparently they were one of the most popular treats in the 30's and Sarah adored them. After buying a pack of them, ripping them open and doing a little cheers, you each took and bite of the two crunchy vanilla cookies with marshmallow fluff in the center.
You could see the nostalgia flooding his brain, and all you could do was smile. It was the sweetest celebration you could've ever wanted for such a momentous occasion.
Then, you two went upstate for Tony's funeral.
Steve told you over and over again that you didn't have to go. He knew it would be difficult for the Avengers, and even worse for Pepper and Morgan who you'd never met. You were here for work, and already taking time to support him on his last mission as Captain America, and he felt guilty taking even more of your time.
But as he zipped up the back of your black dress, and you straighten out his tie, you reassured him that you wouldn't miss it for the world. He needed you there even though he wouldn't admit it, and you wanted a chance to see the Avengers again, even under such a terrible circumstance.
The two of you stated the night near the cabin after the funeral. The lake was gorgeous, and the cabin you rented was beautiful. It was quiet, quaint, and Sam and Bucky stayed the night with you guys as well.
You could tell the day had taken an emotional toll on them, where the boys used to bounce off the walls when they were all together, they just sat and held conversation instead. One by one the boys knocked out. Steve was first, he fell asleep sitting next to you on the couch. His head fell lnto your shoulder and his face nuzzled into his neck. Then Bucky lost the battle on the arm chair, leaving just you and Sam chatting for hours.
Conversation came easy between you, and you really enjoyed talking to him. You even got a little sad knowing that it was getting late, and Steve had a big day in the morning so you had to cut the conversation off and get him to bed.
Then, the monumental day came.
Steve's last mission.
He expected to have a lot of sadness letting go of such a monumental part of his life, but as he suited up for the very last time he looked in the mirror and felt like he barely even recognized the reflection anymore.
Your arms snaked around his stomach from behind and you rocked forward onto your tippy toes to give him a kiss on the cheek before looking at him through the mirror. Only then did he feel like himself again.
"Lookin' good, Baby." Your cheeky smile made an appearance. "Feelin' good?"
"Surprisingly, yes." He responded with a grin, his half gloved hands held onto your arms. "I'm excited to get it over with, so ready to turn a new page."
"I think Sam is going to be honored. You're making a really good choice passing him the mantle." You reassured.
"I think so too." He grinned.
"One last picture before you go?" You asked.
"Whatever you want." He agreed.
Like a proud Mom, you took a few pictures of the two of you through the mirror, and a few of just him. Then, you, Steve, Sam, Bucky, and Bruce all met up at the smaller time travel machine that Bruce put together and got ready for Steve's last run.
You waited patiently as they briefed, powered up the Time Machine, and got all of their odds and ends in place.
Once it was good to go, everyone got a hug just in case, except for you that got a hug and a kiss. What could he say? You were just special like that.
"Still got it?" You asked, as always before sending him off.
"Always!" Out of his pocket, he pulled the $20 between his fingers to show you before putting it back in. "Got a little something extra this time too"
Steve grinned as he picked up mjolnir, knowing it was the first time you ever saw him wield the hammer. Then, the cheeky little shit winked at you, earning a laugh and a shake of your head.
"Good luck, baby. It's only the weight entire timeline as we know it on your shoulders, so, no pressure." You smiled.
"No pressure at all, easy peasy." He agreed, stepping onto the platform.
"Go get 'em Cap. Love you!"
"Love you more."
Then you had the greatest privilege of all, saluting the captain for the very last time.
He smiled, nodded, Bruce counted down, then he was gone.
Of course time worked differently for the person time traveling, so even though he was only gone for about a minute or two for you, for him it was hours.
You and Bucky both knew what was about to happen, so the two of you took a physical and mental step back as you waited for his arrival home.
Bruce counted down once more before bringing him back, and you saw him immediately. He purposefully arrived away from the machine, wanting to have a special moment alone with Sam.
He sat alone on a bench looking out onto the lake, no longer in his suit, but in some of his old clothes he got from his place a few years ago. Shield in hand, but in a leather case.
"Where is he? I don't see him?" Bruce questioned.
"Well bring him back!" Sam panicked.
"I did, I thought I-"
"Then where is he?"
"Guys." You cut in. They both stopped and looked at you. Then you pointed at the bench. "Over there."
Both of them looked at you with a confused expression on their face, until Bucky elaborated. "That's for you, Sam."
"Me?" He raised an eyebrow.
"You" you confirmed with a prideful grin.
He hesitantly made his way towards Steve, and watched the conversation from a distance. There wasn't very many words that needed to be exchanged, but even just thinking about how Steve was taking his life into his own hands and making such a big change for the happiness of his own self for once had you choked up.
Just a few weeks ago, he couldn't even fathom fighting for himself. Now, he had moved an entire mountain for his own future.
While this was happening, Bucky filled Bruce in on what was going on. You could hear their conversation, but your eyes never left Sam and Steve as you leaned against a tree.
A few moments went by before the two boys shared a nice hug, Steve stood up without his shield and made his way over to you.
Without a word and a big smile on his face, he reached his hand out to hold yours. Your connected arms swung as you made the shirt walk back into the cabin.
It wasn't until you both stepped inside and closed the door behind you that your arms flew around his neck and his lips pressed against yours.
"Congratulations, Baby!" You said enthusiastically.
"Thank you, Sunflower!" His smile was so uncontrollable he couldn't even get his lips to close enough to kiss you again even if he tried. "Couldn't have done it without you."
"I brought something to celebrate" You noted with a smile just as big as his.
"Champagne?" He questioned.
"Even better," you denied, walking away into the kitchen before pulling something out of the cabinet. You hid it behind your back before approaching him again. "Hold out your hands!"
"Okay" he giggled.
Swiftly, you placed a package of marshmallow cookies in his hands and his smile widened.
"I've been thinking about your Mom a lot since I got the place in Brooklyn, and I was thinking about how happy she would probably be if she knew you were taking a step down from fighting literal wars, going to space, and time traveling." You explained.
"Oh, if she knew anything about what I've been up to since she's passed, I think I would've given her a heart attack." Steve agreed, feeling a bit emotional knowing someone has been thinking of her just as often as he does.
"She deserves to be included in this celebration, considering she made you, and you've been worrying her from her peaceful rest since the moment you lied on your enlistment form."
"That, she does." Steve agreed and handed you a cookie before grabbing his own.
You held it up a bit as you presented a toast. "To the Rogers finding peace."
He giggled at your words before tapping his cookie against yours and eating it. Amused that this was the second time this week the two of you had cheered and celebrated with marshmallow cookies.
Steve finished chewing, swallowed, then an expression you didn't quite recognize spread across his face. It was like he wanted to tell you something, but hesitated and was now internally analyzing the words before they left his lips.
"What?" You asked, cocking your head to the side.
"Did you notice I was a few seconds late?" He asked.
You knew there was a statement beneath the question he asked. The wheels started turning as you wondered what he was getting on about. "I did. A few seconds for us was a few hours for you... what did you do?" You raised a curious bow.
"You know, that essay you wrote about Peggy really stuck with me." He started, you immediately smiled. "Had me thinking a lot about how I found a lot of peace over the lack of control while being in the ice because I got to know what happened to her. She got married to a man I rescued in the war, had kids, lived a full life."
"I already knew that, because I wrote that essay!" You joked, earning a good laugh from Steve.
"Very smart! Remind me to give you a gold star later!" He chuckled. "But she never got that for me, so I took your advice and paid her a visit."
"You just saw Peggy?!" You questioned with wide, sparkly eyes.
"I did." He told you, still a little cautious in not wanting to offend you. "Obviously she was a little shocked because she thought I was dead, but we sat down and had a nice conversation about what had happened and what was gonna happen. But most importantly I met her kids, and told her about you and that essay you wrote."
"No way!" Your smile widened, and your hands found his shoulders.
"Yes way! She was genuinely delighted to hear about us, and gave her best wishes. She also wanted me to pass along a hello to you, and let you know that she thinks you're beautiful. Oh, and she’s that I get all the cookies I want whenever I want them.”
“Stop it, that’s so cute!” You squeaked. “This is like the coolest thing that’s ever happened to me! And you got more closure, which is incredible! What a great day. I’m so happy for you, but I’m also just so happy in general. What an honor”
“I love you, Baby." Steve stated with a big smile, hands pulling you close again when they found their favorite spot on your hips. "I'm so thankful every single day that I found you. You've been a beacon of light in my life, I wouldn't have ever made it here without you to guide me."
"I love you too." You sighed contently, as his arms wrapped around you. "You're the best thing that's ever happened to me. We deserve this life together."
"We've been through so much to get to this moment. Thanks for sticking with me no matter what. I know it was hard and painful, and definitely illegal at one point, but I hope now I can prove to you that it was worth it."
"You don't have to prove it. You already did. It's been worth it the entire time, and I'll always choose you no matter how illegal it becomes." You smiled and squeezed him tight. "You're the bestest, coolest, loveliest human I've ever met."
"I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you." He kissed the top of your head.
"You've gotta propose for that one, Love." You poked.
"I'm working on it!" He said defensively, causing you to laugh.
And working on it he was. Because even though life proceeded as normal when you made it back to Greenwood, there was still a lot happening.
Bucky found a cute little apartment that was perfect for him not even two blocks away from the new bakery in Brooklyn. It felt like the perfect middle ground of still being close to you and Steve, all while still being able to live where he wanted geographically.
Shortly after Bucky moved out, you and Steve headed out on a trip to California to visit your Mom. This was a tricky one for Steve, because your relationship with you Mom was a tricky one for you.
Although your relationship with her was something you were actively improving since she came back from the snap, Steve still knew that her approval of him didn't mean much to you. But he was still old fashioned in the sense that he still at least wanted to meet her, and ask her for permission to propose to you before he popped the question.
Whether he felt like her permission or lack there of would actually make a difference for him taking what he wanted was a wash, but he wanted to do it anyways just to be able to know that he tried at the very least.
This was his second time visiting California with you, and he loved it just as much this time around. You guys stayed in your childhood bedroom at your Mom's house that resided in a lazy town on the bay.
He learned a lot about you from the charm of the house alone. The pictures on the walls of baby you, teenage you, and early adulthood you. Conversations exchanged with your mom over breakfast where she never missed an opportunity to share her favorite stories of your antics growing up. He also learned a lot about your Dad because of how frequently he came up in almost every conversation, and he desperately wished he could've met him. Just from what he's heard, he could tell a lot of who you were came from him.
Every night, you and Steve would go out onto the dock to watch the sunset and listen to music together.
You shared stories with him about what felt like endless hours of you sitting on the dock with your dad. Back then, the hours felt long and gruesome. As if sitting and watching the little creatures in the water beneath you was some sort of torture, but as you grew up and towards the end of his life, it became a sanctuary. It was the only place he seemed to be truly calm and relaxed as his memories and executive function left him. By that point, you wished the hours were endless rather than having a metaphorical clock ticking over his head.
Then, when the moon was out and the sky was dark it would somehow evolve into you and Steve slow dancing under the stars.
During the day you'd take him out and show him all of your favorite old spots. Hole in the wall food joints, family owned ice cream shops, the tide pools, and even long drives up the coast to the same music you would dance with him.
It was relaxed, easy, and Steve passed your Mom's unspoken test with flying colors. He sneakily got her approval two days before you guys left California while you were in the shower.
She was so happy about it that Steve almost had to keep you away from her as much as he could so she didn't ruin the surprise.
Then, on your last night in town, you guys walked over to the dock just like every other night since you've been here. Only this time, it was a little later. Dinner ran late so by the time you made it out for one last night, the sun was already setting.
But it was okay, because when the two of you approached hand in hand, and he watched your face twist up with a billion different emotions when you realized that the dock was covered in flowers and lit up with the soft golden glow of dozens of candles, it was all worth it.
At first you were sad because you thought it was for someone else, and the dock was now unusable for you and Steve on your last night. But as he continued walking towards it, and his hand holding yours was shaking and a little clammy, only then did you realize what was happening.
He could barely even get a single word out, let alone present the ring to you and get down on one knee before you were already saying yes. But he was thankful for your enthusiasm, because it instantly took his nerves away.
The ring was perfect, the proposal was perfect, and dancing under the twinkling stars and amongst the burning candles was perfect.
Your fiancé was perfect.
Knowing that he listened to your stories and took them to heart, and incorporating a special place that reminded you of your dad into your love story made you weep happy tears and he held you close and swayed you to the music.
Happy tears seemed to be a common occurrence between the two of you recently, and each little drop was well deserved and worked for.
That night when you got back to your Mom's place, you didn't even have to tell her the news before she flung her arms around you and Steve at the same time in a big bear hug. It was safe to say she was over the moon.
Just to make things even better, that night you and your Mom ended up having a really nice heart to heart. A lot of the issues you've had with her since you were little were addressed, and she apologized for encouraging you to stay with your ex after she realized how bad the relationship actually was. For the first time ever, she told you how proud of you she was, and how amazing you were for the success of the bakery. She promised to visit you out in Greenwood again, and see the bakery and Brooklyn on opening day.
For a little while, your life had felt like an embarrassment of riches, like or was going just a little too well for just a little too long.
Especially when Steve set off on a personal journey of trying to discover who he really was without jumping from battle to battle. It felt like every day the two of you would set off on a little adventure to try out something new.
Between work going so well, and all the fun dates you were going it, it felt like a smile didn't leave your face for months.
Long drives to little towns in the area, pottery and ceramics classes, yoga, pilates, meeting new friends at bars, then getting dragged home and put to bed, hosting dinner parties with you little Greenwood family, then doing the same thing all over again but in Brooklyn with friends you had made over in the big city. It was exciting, new, and you'd never seen Steve quite so radiant before.
Life was easy for a while, but with highs came lows that couldn't be ignored. The closer opening came for the Brooklyn bakery, the harsher the deadlines, and the more stressed you became.
Focusing on one bakery alone was a full time job in itself, but adding in another one had you practically ripping your hair out in the final few months.
All the choices fell on you, all of the paperwork fell on you, and all of the management choices that still needed to be made for the Greenwood bakery were on you as well, and there were no amount of shoulder massages and support Steve could give you to change that.
It was pretty much accepted that the only way out was through, and it would get much much easier once the new team of employees were trained and the doors were opened.
However, the stress took a toll on your body and landed you in the emergency room one fateful night. For the past year, your periods had become more and more painful. The second day of your cycle every since month Steve would try his best to console you through the pain. Hugs, back rubs, heating pads, painkillers, wasn't enough this time around.
You were throwing up, full body chills, goosebumps raised on your skin, and he couldn't get you to uncurl yourself from the tightest little ball unless it was to roll around in discomfort or getting up to vomit again. As much as it hurt his heart to have to bring you somewhere that had such traumatic experiences associated with it, you tapped out. The pain was so bad that you'd rather go to the emergency room than deal with it any more.
Luckily, the worst part was sitting in the waiting room. You sat curled up on his lap, and he held you so snug to him, it's like he was trying to hide you away from all the awful memories. When they finally took you back, they gave you so many pain killers that you were higher than a kite for the rest of it. Lots of exams, two doctors appointments, and a few medical bills later, they decided it was your birth control that needed to be switched.
All was well until a few months later when you woke up nauseous, and ravenously hungry at the same time. Having pushed through it, and gone to work, you called Steve on your lunch break to rant about how grouchy you felt, and how everything was getting on your last nerve.
He decided to stop by and drop off your favorite food to cheer you up since you still had a long day ahead of you. When he gave you a big long hug to try and make you feel better, you started crying because of how nice he was.
That's when it clicked in his head that your period was a whole week late. He brought it up cautiously, and you both agreed that you'd be taking a pregnancy test after work.
Steve picked up a few different kinds from the store, and both of you separately processed what this all meant while waiting for the time to come to have a real answer.
By the time you had gotten off of work and Steve ushered you straight up the stairs, you had gone through all seven stages of grief, and acceptance for whatever the future held for you. Mostly because you knew that no matter what, Steve would be incredible, and you were ready to take on anything life threw your way as long as he was there to hold your hand through it.
That's exactly what he did. You took the test, flipped it face down, and brought it out into the bedroom where you snuggled up together and for three whole minutes, he comforted you and reminded you that it would be okay no matter what.
The timer he set on his phone went off, you asked him to flip the test over.
Both of you read it at the same time, Negative.
Your eyes found each others faces to gauge any sort of reaction. He saw your lip wobbling and tears pooling in your lash line, and you saw him trying his absolute best to hide every drop of disappointment.
"Hey, it's okay." He reminded you with nothing louder than a soft whisper. When his gentle hands tucked your hair out of your face, and he grinned just to bring you some comfort, you fell apart. "It's okay."
"I'm sorry" You apologized, shoving your face into his chest. You didn't know if the apology was for your emotions or the disappointment you were both feeling but left unspoken.
"Don't you dare apologize, my love." He said sweetly, protectively cradling the back of your head. "All I wanted was your health to be a priority, that's why the test was important. As long as you're okay, I'm okay too."
As always, you took his words to heart. You never expected to be so disappointed by the negative result when you weren't actively trying to get pregnant in the first place. You also weren't expecting to be so effected by the tiniest shimmer of sadness in Steve's eyes when he read the test.
Your period showed up the next day, but the thought of having a baby intruded your every waking thought for the next month. It felt like the only time you weren't actively thinking about it was when you were working, but even then, you'd read deadlines printed on papers and wonder if now was a good time.
But then you realized now was a great time. The bakery was set to open in just a few short months, then most of the responsibility would be handed over to staff who was training hard to handle it. Steve was doing better now than ever, and wedding planning hadn't even started yet.
Much like Steve didn't want to propose until he retired, you didn't want to plan a wedding until the bakery was open for business.
With downtime promised in the future, and a sparkly engagement ring on your finger that reminded you of your sweet handsome boy, you decided to just talk to him about the possibility of even just trying.
Just like always, Steve was a thoughtful guy. He choose all of his words carefully through all of your long conversations about the decision to have a kid. You knew he so badly wanted to say yes, in fact, you swore if he was a dog his tail would be wagging every time he even thought about it. But it was a big choice and a huge life change, he wanted to make sure it was really something you wanted and not something you felt pressured into since that one fateful day.
It took 3 more weeks before both of you were wholeheartedly committed to the endeavor with the agreement and the knowledge that it might mot happen right away.
The prospect settled in your mind, and you just enjoyed the journey while you allowed work to be your main priority at the moment. And with so many deadlines approaching, you really didn't have any other choice than to just let the universe work it's magic.
The closer opening day became, it was like the bakery had become your and Steve's child. The two for you spent weeks in the store in Brooklyn painting walls, assembling endless amounts of furniture, directing deliveries, and decorating the lobby to live up to the very high standards of the Greenwood location.
By the time the kitchen was fully stocked, employees were trained, and the whole space was perfect from head to toe, you were both exhausted.
The very last night before opening, you checked every last screw, every bulb in the bake case, every seam in the wallpaper, and quality controlled every last desert on a finalized menu, you and Steve quite literally laid sprawled out on the floor of the lobby.
Steve took a good look around, and was so incredibly proud of all the blood, sweat, and tears you shed to make your dreams come true. He knew that if his mom was around to see what this building had turned into if not her beloved bodega, she would be absolutely thrilled to have something like this in the neighborhood.
You laid flat on your back, looking up at the expertly painted ceiling mural and the chandelier, every crystal hung from it by the will of your own two hands.
Then, your rolled over onto your stomach, and your hand pat right in the center of Steve's chest.
"It's midnight, and I have to be back here at 4 in the morning. Maybe I should just have a sleepover." Your exhausted grin took over when you saw his sleepy face.
"You should get a few hours of real sleep before your big day, pretty lady." Steve denied, getting up off the floor and offering his hands to pull you up off the floor. "It looks incredible, you did an amazing job as always."
"It's funny that you think I'll get any sleep at all" You stood, then gave him a kiss. "I really couldn't have done it without your help, so, thank you, Baby."
"Anything for you." He smiled. "I can't wait to see it in the morning, I have butterflies just thinking about this place full of people."
"You and me both." You squeezed his hand. "You don't think the rug clashes with the wallpaper? And the chairs match the wood on the booths?"
"Stop, it's perfect." Steve put your mind to rest. "Just like you!"
"Yeah yeah yeah," you giggled, walking behind the counter. "I guess you're pretty cool too. There's a few cookies left from the test bake. You want some?"
"Wait! Hold on" Steve said dramatically, walking away from you and out of the store.
You stood there confused for a few moments, before he walked back in. Nothing had changed, but he did approach the counter.
"Hello, I'm your first customer!" He enthused.
You giggled, looking at the case that was empty besides 2 chocolate chip cookies. "Hi there, Honey! What can I get'cha?"
"One chocolate chip cookie please" He smiled.
You knew he was recreating the moment the two of you met, though that felt like lifetimes ago, you could never forget the vivid memory of seeing his handsome face for the very first time.
"Okay, but I'm giving you two, because I think anyone who orders one cookie is lying to themselves." You said, putting the cookies in a bag for him.
"Why thank you very much!"
"I don't think I've seen you around here before, are you driving through?" You joked.
"Something like that." He chuckled.
"Well I hope to see you around here again soon, and here are your cookies." You handed him the bag.
"How much do I owe you?" Steve asked.
"They're on the house."
"I couldn't possibly accept that" Steve denied, pulling his wallet out of his back pocket. Out came the very same $20 bill the two of you have been passing back and forth since the day you met. You smiled and shook your head at him as he handed it to you. "You have a big day tomorrow, I think it's your turn to hold onto the good luck charm."
You accepted the pass off, "this doesn't mean I lost this argument, did it?"
"It totally does" Steve did a little happy dance.
"You're a cheeky little shit, but I love you."
He laughed at your statement, "I love you more!"
"I have a little surprise for you" You noted.
"You do?" His eyebrows raised.
Nodding, you pointed to an empty slot in the bake case. His eyes followed to read the tag, Sarah's Sandwich Cookies.
His big blues met yours again with the happiest puppy dog pout you've ever seen in your life, if that was even possible.
"What you said about your Mom really stuck with me, and I wanted to make sure her and her love for cookies were honored in a place you hold special memories in. So, marshmallow cookies are permanent and exclusive on the menu for this location." You explained.
He didn't have much to say, but he did walk around the counter and wrap you up in a big hug. "That's the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me. Thank you."
"I wish I could've met her." You noted.
"She would've loved you so much, probably more than me." He giggled from above you.
"Impossible" you denied.
He gave you a kiss before letting you go.
"As much as I'd love to stay here forever and ever, I really do want to make sure you get some sleep." Steve noted.
"We can go now." You agreed, heart nervously pounding in your chest. "hey, really quick do you mind checking the oven to make sure it properly cooled down while I lock this register?" You asked.
"Sure thing, sweet thing" he nodded.
As he walked off, you smiled to yourself and your stomach filled with butterflies. You let him get a few paces ahead of you before leaning into the doorway of the kitchen while watching him reach for and open the oven doors.
He checked the temperature of the internal thermometer, which looked normal to him, but then, he stopped.
"Hey, I think someone forgot something in here!" He shouted for you, not quite understanding.
"That's odd, what is it?" You approached from behind.
"A cinnamon roll, but just one, and it's on a... plate?" He looked at it again. "Did you guys even make cinnamon rolls today?"
You smiled and shook your head at his wholesome cluelessness, but all of his attention was directed at getting the cinnamon roll out of the oven.
"No, we didn't." You denied. "But why would that be there in the first place?"
"Maybe someone wanted to warm one up them forgot about it" He pondered before pouting at it. "I don't know if that's more sad for the cinnamon roll or the person who forgo-"
Then he stopped.
His eyes met yours and his mouth fell open.
"Why would there possibly be a bun in the oven?!" You continued questioning with a huge uncontrollable smile, even though you were positive he understood now.
"You're lying." His eyes went wide, smile slowly spreading across his lips as tears welled in his eyes.
"No I'm not." You shook your head again with a chuckle and walked towards him. Out of your back pocket, you pulled out a very positive pregnancy test and showed it to him. "I'm definitely pregnant, like, super pregnant."
"You're pregnant?!" He blinked back his tears, one fell right down his cheek. "Like, right now?!"
You wiped it off with your thumb as you laughed at his question. "Right now."
"Holy shit!" He smiled, his hands landing on your shoulders, gently shaking them very enthusiastically. "You're pregnant! We're having a baby!"
"We are, we really really are!" You shared his enthusiasm, shaking his shoulders right back.
"Oh my gosh! When did you find out?" He questioned, eyes wide and staring at you in disbelief.
"Three days ago, I would've told you sooner but I wanted to surprise you." You explained, wiping another happy tear off his cheek.
"That's crazy, this is so crazy." He chuckled, finding himself unable to stop the tears from dripping down his cheeks. "How are you, are you feeling okay?"
"I've been constantly nauseous and trying so hard to hide it." You giggled at your own confession. "But other than that, so far so good. Are you feeling okay?"
"I didn't even know it was possible to be this happy or this in love but for some reason I'm feeling both at the same time, and I don't know what to do with myself." He confessed.
You smiled at his state of emotion, and smothered his face in kisses as he processed the news you just told him. Then, the news sunk in and his arms wrapped around you, and he took his turn smothering you in kisses.
"I'm so excited to go on this journey with you, this is incredible" he cried happily.
"You're gonna be the best dad ever." You cheesed, squeezing him back.
With two fingers under your chin, he raised your head and pressed a long, loving kiss on your lips. His palm rested on your cheek, and you sleepily sighed at the comfort of being held by your favorite boy.
"God, I love you so much." He confessed once more for the billionth time that day. "This is the most selfless thing anyone could ever do for someone, and I get to spend the rest of my life spoiling you rotten every single day and I'm so happy about it."
"It was so hard for me not to immediately tell you" You giggled. "But it was worth it to see you cute little face."
"Now I really want to make sure you get some sleep!" He enthused. "Oh, also..."
He pulled away from you and reached into his pocket, then pulled out a crisp $10 bill and handed it to you.
"What is this for?" You questioned, unable to hide your smile.
"Extra good luck! 10 for you, 10 for me, 10 for cinnamon roll." He explained.
"Never in my life have I felt quite as lucky as I do right now." You accepted.
$30 worth of good luck or not, the universe sent you Steve Rogers, and that was the day you won the lottery. That made you the luckiest girl I'm the whole world.
"Baby, if you need anything, and I mean anything, you better tell me to get it done for you. Hungry? I'm gonna find you a Michelin star meal. Tired? You better believe you're getting a full body massage. Can't reach the top shelf? Ring a bell and I'll bring a latter." He told you, and you could tell he was being absolutely serious. "I don't want you lifting a single finger, and I mean it!"
You chuckled and shook your head. "Don't say what you don't mean, because I'm going to be needing you a lot of that's the case"
"Being needed is literally all I've ever wanted in life" Steve accepted your statement.
"Well now with our little cinnamon roll on the way, we're both going to need you more than you'll ever know." You kissed him, and wiped the last of the happy tears off of his cheeks.
"You're right, it really is so nice to be needed."
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The end 🌟🤍
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therainscene · 1 year
I’m obsessed with @wheelersboy’s theory that Mike thinks Will is in love with El. It’s one of those takes that’s so simple, yet so perfectly explains every odd little detail you couldn’t quite account for before, that you know you’re on to a winner.
I always thought it was bizarre that the Willel reunion at NINA was framed in blatant love triangle imagery:
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If this was supposed to be yet another reminder that the sad widdle gay boy has fee-fees for his best friend, we’d expect him to be gazing at Mike or otherwise looking conflicted at both of them. But he isn’t. His steady, adoring gaze is for El only. Yes, he loves her, but that love is strictly fraternal, so why the romance symbolism?
Is it straight-bait? This scene comes after his thinly-veiled love confession to Mike (in the same episode, no less), and the Duffers and Noah both made a point of confirming that Will was gay in post-vol.2 interviews, so making the audience think that Will is in love with El clearly wasn’t the intention here.
The Willel romance-coding isn’t for the audience -- it’s for Mike.
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We often joke about Mike being crushed that Will didn’t laugh at his vomit green socks, but follow Will’s gaze -- it’s a little hard to see in the still image, but he’s staring at El, checking to see if she’s going to heed his advice. Mike's discomfort isn’t because he’s upset that Will didn’t like his joke, it’s because he doesn’t understand the weird tension between these two and is frustrated that his attempt to lighten the mood didn’t dispel it.
Mike’s smart enough to correctly connect the dots by the time Will starts sobbing in the van though: Will is destroying himself in his efforts to be supportive of the relationship between his best friend and the person he’s in love with.
But heteronormativity and a severe inferiority complex lead him to draw the wrong conclusion -- he thinks he’s the best friend and El is the one Will’s in love with, and that gets confirmed in his mind when he catches them making goo-goo eyes at each other at NINA.
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And not once, after figuring it out, does he get jealous about it -- he guides El into Will’s arms at NINA, he looks conflicted as hell during the “I love you” monologue as Will hovers over his shoulder -- he just wants them to be happy and is prepared to put his own feelings aside to make it happen, even though it would hurt him terribly to do so. Exactly the same fucking thing Will is doing. It’s utterly farcical. I love this theory so much.
I’d like to springboard off this by taking a look at what it implies about S5.
Between Will’s history with Vecna and the Wonder Twins foreshadowing--
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--it’s looking pretty likely that Will and El are going to be spending a significant amount of time together next season.
So we can already see that conditions are perfect for Mike to go through a similar arc as Will did in S4: being a third wheel between his best friend and the person he’s in love with and feeling like he can never truly be more than a third wheel, leading him to sacrifice himself in an effort to support what he thinks they have together.
Mike is very much at risk of doing something stupidly self-harming in S5 -- this is the same kid who jumped off a cliff to protect Dustin’s baby teeth, after all. He feels like he has no value if he isn’t needed by Superman. And there’s a goddamn mind-reading despair demon stalking his friend group.
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Of course, it’ll all work out in the end. He’ll be saved at the last moment, the truth will be tearfully revealed, and we’ll finally get that big, dramatic, affirming kiss for our OTP.
You might have noticed that everything I’ve said in this analysis so far is consistent with either Byler or Milevn being endgame.
Many Milevns and GA members don’t just believe that Milevn will triumph over Byler -- they believe there isn’t any conflict between Milevn and Byler in the first place. The lack of evidence that Mike isn’t into boys is meaningless to the heteronormative mindset -- he’s the protagonist and dating a girl, therefore he’s straight, therefore Will’s hopes are dead in the water, therefore Mike has no romantic dilemma to solve.
By introducing a misunderstanding in which Mike imagines that his best friend is competing for his girlfriend -- couching his dilemma in relatable heterosexual terms -- the audience will be forced to accept that Mike is experiencing a distressing internal conflict involving Will and romance that won’t be resolved until the queer truth comes out.
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The GA felt bad for Will in S4 because they assumed there was nothing he could do about it, but they’ll be tearing their hair out with frustration at Mike in S5 -- “you’re wrongly assuming he’s straight, you idiot! Just talk to him and this will all be cleared up!!”
It would be an absolutely genius way of getting the audience to question heteronormativity without them even realizing they’re questioning heteronormativity.
Once Mike’s queerness is revealed, the parallels between his arc and Will’s will suddenly become clear, and the audience will realize that, despite his straight-passing invisibility, Mike was just the other side of the same gay coin Will was on all along.
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[Part 2]
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leaentries · 8 months
boo basket | jamie drysdale
summary: trevor introduces jamie to the world of the "boo basket"
warnings: none, jamie is slightly helpless
wc: 700+
a/n: here's a little blurb for yall! i hope this helps tide over until i post my longer fic!
“What the hell do I even put in here, Trev?” Jamie’s voice echoed from the isle over. 
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It was 11:30 p.m. on a Tuesday night, yet Jamie and Trevor found themselves scrambling around the back shelves of their local Target. Trevor had been adamant about taking the dark-haired boy to make you a “Boo Basket.” Now, Jamie had no idea what this even was, but Trevor swore on his life that you had been hinting at wanting one. 
Before they had left the apartment in secret, in order to surprise you, Trevor had not-so-gracefully barged his way into your and Jamie’s shared room. Luckily, you were still taking a shower, so the secret wasn't spilled and the surprise wasn't ruined. 
Trevor practically lept on top of Jamie, who was tucked under the thick duvet. He then proceeded to show Jamie countless tiktoks about this so-called “Boo Basket.” Not giving Jamie an option, he quickly yelled to you a simple reason why the boys were leaving, then ran out the door. 
“It’s not that difficult, Jimmy! I’ve already shown you like a thousand tiktoks.” Trevor sassed as he walked over to help the distressed boy. “What do you already have?” The taller male grabbed the basket from Jamie’s hand only to find one item: a candle. 
“Seriously?” Trevor deadpanned, “You’ve been dating y/n for over a year now, you should know what she likes.” 
Jamie rolled his eyes, “I do know what she likes, but aren’t there some sort of guidelines for this thing?” 
“I mean, kind of. But it doesn’t matter that much, just get her a bunch of things she likes. For example,” Trevor then grabbed a soft, thick blanket from the shelf, “We both know she loves blankets, so here ya go.” He set the blanket in Jamie’s basket. 
Jamie nodded, signaling his understanding of what to do. He quickly put his mind to work, grabbing all sorts of goodies. Your favorites slowly but surely began to fill up the small red basket. Candies, snacks, perfumes, fluffy socks, etc. Trevor told him to get you a comfy hoodie, but Jamie knew you’d rather just stay in one of his. 
Rechecking all of the items, Jamie was positive he had everything. He even made sure to add a cute pumpkin painting set for the two of you to do as you watched your favorite Halloween movie.
“Okay, I believe I got everything. Are you sure about this, Trev? What if she hates it?” 
A deep sigh left the blonde’s lips, “Jamie, man. She’s gonna love it. I promise you. She’s been sending tiktoks about this thing all week.” 
Choosing to believe him, Jamie triple-checked the items before continuing to the check-out. 
Upon arriving back at the apartment complex, Jamie began to make up the boo basket, placing everything in the picture-perfect position. He sent you a quick text, letting you know that they were back. 
“I know this may sound weird, but I wish you were my boyfriend.” Trevor said to Jamie after inspecting his handy work. Jamie gave Trevor a pat on the back, before getting out of the Bronco. 
Trevor drove away, allowing you and Jamie to have a date night, just the two of you. The hockey player made his way up to the apartment, hoping that you would love his gift. He carefully unlocked the front door, making sure not to drop anything or make too much noise. 
Jamie set the basket on the center island, seeing as you weren’t in the front room. 
“Baby?” His voice rang through the semi-empty apartment. A smile graced his face as he heard your footsteps rushing from the back bedroom. 
“Hi, baby! Where hav-” You stopped midsentence at the sight of the Halloween-themed basket sitting in the kitchen.  You approached the counter, admiring all of the items you could see. “Whats all this for, J?” 
“Do you like it?” Jamie tried his best to hide the nervousness in his voice. You turned to him, eyes wide and bright. The brunette could have sworn he felt his heart skip a beat.
‘Like it? I love it, I mean, this is amazing.” You quickly moved into Jamie’s arms, wrapping your own around his torso. “Thank you, so much.” You mumbled into his body. Jamie placed a gentle kiss on your temple. 
“Anything for you, angel.” 
You pulled away from his arms slightly, “Let’s go have the best Halloween date night ever.” Jamie laughed as you dragged him to the living room. 
For once, he found himself thanking Trevor.
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adharastarlight · 6 months
Tis The Season
One: Advent
The Potter's house on the first of December, after the Black Brothers move in, the found family has me weak so do with that what you will :)
Sirius could hear a commotion from downstairs, it was the chaos that had woken him up. But for once not in a cold sweat, fear crippling his every thought. He woke up to excited chatter downstairs, not muffled sobs or broken cries, pleas for it to stop. He couldn’t place why, after all it was an uneventful day as far as he was concerned. Yet the excited hollering was unmistakable.
He rubbed at his eyes and swung his legs out of bed, checking his calendar once more to ensure he hadn’t somehow missed a birthday. Shrugging he made his way a little down the hall and knocked on his brother’s door, not wanting him to miss any of the excitement.
Regulus opened it after a few ticks of the grand clock at the end of the corridor, “what’re you doing up so early?”
“There’s so much noise downstairs, can’t you hear it?”
“Of course I can.”
“So? Aren’t you curious?” Sirius pressed. He knew Reg hadn’t settled quite as easily as he had, after all James was his friend, but he wanted them to bond. He wanted the two most important people in his life to bond and love each other… or at least to talk for more than a millisecond a day. At this rate, he’d accept a vague conversation about the weather over the brief mutterings and glances he couldn’t figure out the reason for hiding.
“Not especially, no one’s dying, why should I be curious?”
“Reggie! You’re so dull, come on! Come down with me!”
The younger brother sighed but relented, grumbling some form of agreement before shutting his door and re-emerging a few moments later in a jumper that fell to his knees and a pair of fluffy socks. That was one thing Sirius had noticed, Reg had let himself relax with what he wore around the house, likely aided by Euphemia roaming around in her fluffy robe which was apparently inspired by a cat - it had ears, at least. The mixture of the shorts with the jumper fit for an arctic expedition was just so Reggie that Sirius didn’t bother questioning it. Apparently his legs never got cold. It was weird but hey, he was out of his room.
“Finally, you took forever.”
“I took less than two minutes, you’re so dramatic, Sirius.”
He shrugged and bounded the stairs, waiting at the bottom for his brother's more reserved footfall and sighing in a perhaps dramatic manner, “are you being this slow to annoy me?”
Regulus smiled and walked past him, “what was your first clue?”
The older boy groaned and followed him, watching with a slightly smaller smile as Reg’s barriers slowly came back up. The Potters were all sitting in the lounge, chatting, and James had a mug of hot chocolate which had seemingly calmed his excitement slightly. Slightly because he was practically vibrating in his seat.
“Pads! Regulus! Goodmorning!”
“What’s the occasion, Prongs?”
Euphemia smiled at him and shook her head fondly, “it’s the first of December, lovely.”
Sirius raised a confused eyebrow and watched his brother quietly walk to the other side of the room to settle in the chair which was mostly obscured from view, almost unnoticed by the others. “So?”
“So! We get our advent calendars! Come on, Padfoot, you have to know about advent calendars???”
“Oh my god, dad this is a tragedy! Mum!”
Fleamont laughed softly and reached into his pocket for the key to the big cabinet which sat in the corner of the room, “do you want to get them, Effie, love, or should I let that bundle of energy do it?”
“And bring the whole house cascading down around him?”
Sirius scanned his best friend again for some kind of clue but other than the broad smile and slightly sad eyes at his confusion, he found nothing of the sort. He chanced a glance at his brother and received merely a small shrug.
“Please? I’ve only knocked over the cabinet like once.”
“Once, he says.” She muttered with a slowly spreading smile before passing him the small brass key.
James beamed at her and flung his arms around her in a quick hug before he bounded up to the cabinet and unlocked the second draw down, apparently knowing the routine by now. The routine for what, Sirius still didn’t know. He pulled out a thin cardboard box that rattled? when he moved it and held it out to him. “Pads, it’s an advent calendar, it won’t explode, I promise. I tried it once and dad spent a week trying to get glitter out of the carpet.”
“Trying and failing,” Fleamont added with a fond exasperation, “if you look closely, there’s still flecks of glitter.”
Sirius smiled and took it, scanning it over, “there’s twenty-four?”
“Yeah! Like the lead up to Christmas! We all have one, mum always gets thorntons, dad is a galaxy man. I got you cadbury like me, since you always steal my chocolate anyway.”
He laughed softly and watched his best friend hand his parents their strange boxes, “so… it’s a countdown of chocolate?”
“Yes, dear.” Effie smiled at his still slightly befuddled expression and popped open her window marked with a small gold One, popping the chocolate into her mouth and nodding at him.
He grinned and scanned his eyes over the cardboard, searching for that One and grinning when he found it, a small italic 1 inside a candy cane. He watched his best friend and Fleamont find their respective boxes before uncovering the chocolate himself. Sirius didn’t think chocolate had ever been better than this, than the family who had invited him in without a thought. “Someone needs to tell Moony about this. He’d go mental.”
James snorted, “he probably already knows but why don’t you call him anyway?”
He blushed slightly at the sing-song tone and swatted him away as he walked into the kitchen where the phone was. Not that he was excited to talk to Remus, of course not, he was just… happy and Prongs was being ridiculous. It’s not like he liked Remus… maybe.
Regulus observed from his corner, as Euphemia and Fleamont started chattering about getting a move on breakfast, as his brother dialled the phone with a slightly flustered giggle. He was used to observing these moments, Mr and Mrs Potter didn’t seem to question that he was far more reserved than his brother, and usually let him decide how involved he’d be and once Sirius was assured he was safe, he let himself be dragged into the family. He didn’t mind being the observer, he was content with watching the dancing smiles and swatting hands which always landed softly, met with laughter and good hearted bickering.
Observing the family his brother had somehow found was probably his favourite thing to observe. Except Potter, James Potter who was currently walking towards him with his hands behind his back and a slightly unsure smile.
He looked up at him, as if he hadn’t been staring and raised his eyebrows in question, “yes?”
“I got you lindt, because, well, you have it quite a bit. And the picture was pretty too and-”
Reg cut him off with a slightly unsure quaver to his voice, one which was far softer than the brunette had heard him speak before, “you… you got me one?”
“Of course, Regulus, you’re part of the family, too, you know?”
“I- thank you.” He took the calendar from him, ignoring that his hands were shaking slightly.
“Don’t be silly, Reggie, it’s just some chocolate.”
What he didn’t know, Regulus supposed, was that it was far far more than chocolate. He didn’t say that though, he wouldn’t dare. Instead he merely smiled and inclined his head in a small nod, “well, thank you anyway.”
James shrugged and stepped back as if to move away and join the thrum of life that was merely a few feet away from them. And then he paused again, “do you want to help me with the lights? Dad said I can do them this year, the ones outside the front.”
“Oh, uhm, sure.”
“Great! We should get you a Christmas jumper for when we put up the tree tonight.”
Reg rolled his eyes with a smile, popping out his chocolate and placing it onto his tongue as he contemplated that, “I don’t do Christmas, Potter.”
“You’ll get there. You’d make a cute elf.”
He gaped at him as the brunette dodged his incredulous kick and gently placed down the calendar before bolting after the figuring retreating down the hallway, “take it back!”
“Nope! Cute elf!”
James grinned at him and maybe it was the lights he had just bundled into his arms or maybe it was that damned smile but the holiday season was slowly seeming to be a little brighter. Even if he had to blame the cold for the pink tint to his cheeks and swat at the fool’s chest every time he said the same two blasted words, “cute elf.”
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antash · 4 months
뱃긴 my heart pt.1
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warning: weird pov (it's both 2nd & 3rd omni), language (one curse), sungchan feels annoyance/jealousy, liking/drinking milk
synopsis: An seemingly regular day in Y/N's life. She goes to school with her friends, gets assigned projects and discusses homework, and goes to work. But of course there's the little things, like her secret admirer and the feelings one can't control.
note: not a lot of sohee or anton; and no shotaro, wonbin or seunghan in this part. i made a post of the seating chart for anyone curious
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"Y/N, Hurry up! You'll miss the train!" your mother called out to the girl. You stumbled as you hurried to put your socks on.
"I'm coming! Is Yedam waiting outside?" you yelled back as you walked into the hallway. You rushed down the stairs, narrowly avoiding the toys left.
"Of course, he is. When is that boy not waiting for you?" she said, turning to look at you from her spot in the latchen. Your mom pointed to the three boxes next to where your bag laid. "Tell me what you and the boys think. I tried something new" she mentioned before turning around to focus on the stove.
"Thank you, love you" you told her as you struggled into your shoes and blew her a kiss. Opening the door, you were greeted with the sight of Yedam's back. He turned around, giving you a smile.
"Late night?" Yedam asked, raising his eyebrow at you. While Y/N's hair was styled and her uniform neat, the male knew by the way, she was still wiggling into her shoes and the open backpack hanging on your forearm. The girl mockingly laughed back in response.
"Very funny, Damie. Ms. Choi's project kicked my ass last night" you told him with an dramatic sigh. He only laughed back, reaching over to zip up Y/N's bag.
"We had two weeks. Don't tell me, you waited to the last minute?"
V/N scoffed as she bumped her shoulder with the male. "No. It was only little details". The girl shook her head with a little wave of her hand as she spoke. Yedam laughed again, bumping into Y/N again. "Oi! Sungchan, Jung Sungchan!" Y/N raised her voice, calling out to her best friend.
"I hear AND see you. There's no need to yell my name out like that" the tall male told her in fake annoyance. Sungchan knew that the girl would argue with him meaning that her attention wouldn't be on the other boy. The trio playfully fought (Y/N and Sungchan or Y/N and Yedam) and politely conversed (Sungchan and Yedam) as they walked into the subway station. As they settled into the cart, Y/N pulled out two boxes from her bag, handing it to the two males.
"Mama said she wants feedback. It's something new." you told the two of them. Sungchan playfully saluted while Yedam nodded.
"I'll text her" Yedam said as he placed the box into his own backpack. Sungchan scowled at the boy's words. The both of them had Mrs. L/N's number but it felt Yedam was rubbing it in by saying such. It annoyed Sungchan to no end when the other boy did things like that.
Y/N lightly elbowed the tall male, gaining his attention. "Are you okay?" you whispered to Sungchan.
"Yeah" he responded back, also in a whisper. Sungchan poked at your head causing it to move to the side. You shot him a glare back but he thought you looked cute with your pouted lips. Sungchan just laughed, covering up how his heart fluttered.
"Meet me in the courtyard after putting your belongings away" you told Sungchan as he head in the opposite direction. Y/N and Yedam walked into their shared classroom. "There's bread and milk on my desk again" you said to the male by your side, stopping at your desk.
'Must be your secret admire again" Yedam teased as he went to his own desk. "Who do you think it is?" he continued, seating down in his seat but facing in your direction. Y/N only shrugged her shoulders in response. Yedam could see that she was thinking by her furrowed eyebrows.
"Sohee, do you see who's putting the items on my desk? You're always here before we get here" I/N asked the male sitting next to her. Said male looked up, pulling his attention away from the book he was reading.
"No, no clue. It's there before I come in" Sohee explained, his large boba eyes meeting yours as he pointed to the food items. Y/N nodding though she pouted and mumbled an okay in response. Sohee's heart fluttered at the action, and he sharply looked awav before anyone could catch the heat growing on his cheeks. Anton looked over, silently watching as Y/N stuck a straw through the milk. He smiled as the girl happily drank the vanilla milk with a smile on her own face.
I thought you didn't like it without chocolate?" Yedam asked the girl who was busy fighting against the bread packaging. Y/N ignored him in favor of eating the soft bread.
"It's from my secret admirer~" she sung as spun on her heel. "So I have to enjoy. They at least knew that I liked Vanilla milk" Y/N continued with a happy hum, making her way out into the hallway.
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sleeepy-sim · 6 months
Their Girl
Read warnings before continuing
Find both the masterlist & warning here
The Lost Boys
Chapter 1
My father was never someone I could go to for things. He was there for my brothers but never really for me, unless I needed a ride, but that was about it. When I heard that he had cheated on my mom, Lucy, I was pissed. My father was never really home and when he was he was usually complaining about something, at least whenever I was home at the same time as him. My mom was already done with his bullshit by the time she found out he was screwing some chick that looked faker than plastic. So it wasn’t much of a tough decision for her, at least from the way she was talking about it. So here we are, my mom, my brothers, Michael and Sam, on our way to go live with our grandpa, in Santa Carla. 
I don’t really mind moving, considering that we lived in Arizona, which is hot as shit. Plus I’m ready for change. Hopefully Santa Carla will be better than it is for most, considering how many missing posters there are. I feel weird being here, in Santa Carla. The place isn’t weird, I mean it has weird people but the place itself isn’t weird. I feel like something is going to happen, hopefully something good. Hopefully I’ll be able to go onto the boardwalk tonight, I bet it’s beautiful at night time.
“Bee?” my mother’s head peeks out from behind the now cracked door. “Hm?” I look up from the desk grandpa, thankfully had in this room. I love my mom, she can be a bit of a pushover, but she only means well, at least I’m guessing. “Do you want to go to the boardwalk with me? I was thinking we could all go,” she looks hopeful. “You, me, Michael and Sam? If you want to go of course, I know how some things can-” stopping her before she continues her sentence and her rambling of trying to reason why she’s asking, “Sure. Um, just uh, give me a min.” 
I look through my bags that I have yet to unpack, finding a black skirt with a light sweater that has skulls all over it. Looking in my other bag trying to find my cute knee high socks that have little bows at the top, finally finding them I hurry up and change throwing the clothes I just had on my bed. “I’ll deal with it later,” grabbing my white sneakers I slip them on and tie them before heading down stairs where my mom was waiting. “Are they coming,” I sling my black purse over my right shoulder before digging into it and finding my perfume, spraying some on myself before offering it to my mom. She smiles as a thank you and sprays herself, “Yes, they should be coming down any minute now.” She hands me the perfume back just as my little brother Sam comes running down the stairs, he runs over to me before hugging me, he is almost as tall as me, considering his head is past my shoulders. I kiss his head before patting his back to tell him we have to go, as I see Michael come down. “Let's hit the road!” my mother looks back at the three of us, Sam still attached to me and Michael smelling his armpits. 
Even though I was here just earlier today, the boardwalk is still beautiful. Though being here just made the feeling as though something is bound to happen intensify almost instantly. “So where too?” Looking to my right stood Lucy, my two brothers had wanted to go check out the concert and I was going to go with them, but with my stomach tightening up into knots and almost making me throw up on an innocent bystander. I decided it best to go with my mom, as she can somewhat help me when I get too nervous. “Lets just walk around until something catches our eyes?” She smiles brightly and I can’t help but playfully bump into her, she bumps me back and then I bumped her again. We continued until we started giggling and made eye contact with the woman hanging up a missing poster with a guy's picture that looks to be a security of some kind. 
Seeing how sad she looked and then realizing that everyone else who had hung a poster on that board must have looked and felt what that woman was feeling, ruined our moods. Looking at my mom, she and I shared a look as though she understood my worries of something happening to our family, she smiled at me and kissed my cheek before a little boy's cries made us stop our interaction and look. “Mom! Mom! I can’t find my mom.” Walking over to the boy my mom gets to his level trying to talk to the poor boy as I smile at him while digging into my bag and finding a little packet of tissues and handing him one, giving him a kid smile. He whips his tears away, “Are you lost?” the boy nodded at my mom before sparing me a glance. “Well that’s okay, let’s see if someone can help okay?” My mom smiles sadly at me and I take his hand and follow her into what I’m guessing is a Video Store. “Let’s go in here and see.” 
“Excuse me. This little boy’s lost, and we wondered if his mother might be here?” I bend down to him while my mom talks to the man with glasses. “What’s your name?” His fist rubs at his eyes, probably tired from all the crying. “T-terry,” His eyes are filled with tears and his first continues to rub at his eyes. “I like that name,” I smile at him, he looks at the floor and smiles. “Terry!” His mom comes running in and hugs the small boy, “Oh, I was so worried.” Suddenly my body became hot, I could feel myself sweating, it started to get hard to breathe, almost as though something was in my lungs clogging it up. I could feel myself getting dizzy, sweat trickled down from my forehead, wiping it away and looking at the drop of sweat with confusion. I was fine just a second ago, what’s wrong with me now. Swallowing thickly I look around the room, notifying four might I say hot guys. 
I made eye contact with the tallest blonde, his hair was almost like a mane, the smirk on his eyes were hungrily watching as I struggled to breath. The other blonde next to him seemed to have the same look in his eye. He seemed to be shorter than all of them but his hair was so curly, it looked beautiful. I looked back at the blonde with the lion mane and looked to the guy that was on the left side of him. He had dark long beautiful hair, his skin seemed to be darker than the other two, his eyes were scanning me it seemed.  Lastly the guy next to him had phantom blonde hair, it seemed to be styled in a somewhat punk hairstyle. The smirk on his face almost seemed like he knew something I didn’t, like he was expecting something to happen. Looking away from them, I realized that Terry and his mom had left and my mom was still talking to the guy with glasses.  “I’m gonna go,” I whispered to my mom, avoiding looking at the guys that were just across the counter. “Oh, okay, I’ll see you at the house?” I nod at her before taking another glance at the four guys before turning around and heading for the door. 
I step outside of the store and stand just a bit to the left of the door, taking a deep breath. I rub my face with my hands trying to calm down, I don’t know why I’m feeling like this. I sit down on the curb just near some bikes. Resting my head on my knees, it seems my sweating is getting worse. Hearing footsteps I try not to look up but two people squish me between them. Another person crouches right in front of me. With my head still down on my knees I froze up not knowing what to do, but part of me felt safe and warm, but I also was sweating so much. It seemed like I had a knot in my stomach, the inside of my thighs were almost soaked and my pussy seemed to be throbbing. What the hell is wrong with me? Someone's hand was running through my hair, another someone’s nose was in my hair. “It’s okay,” lifting my head up I see the man with dark beautiful hair was crouched in front of me, looking to my right was the curly head blonde and to my right was the lion mane blonde. 
“Yeah, it’s okay cutie.” Looking back to my left, the blonde with the lion’s mane removed his nose from my hair and put his hand on my cheek, his thumb brushing over my high cheekbone. “I’m Paul,” he smirks at me before nodding his head at the other blonde on my other side. “That’s Marko,” Looking over at the curly head blonde that I now know as Marko, his arm wraps around my waist pulling me closer to him, which causes Paul to move over and squash me even closer to the two of them. “I’m Dwayne.” my head looks up to him, even while crouching he has the height advantage. Hearing footsteps from behind me I go to look but I suddenly feel someone behind me, their chest touching my back. Upon whose arrival Paul and Marko seemed to scoot a little away, as suddenly I’m being picked up, their hands just underneath my armpits. The person behind me lifts me up and suddenly the ground looks a long ways away, but they sit down on the curb and put me in their lap. “I’m David sweetheart.” His hot warm breath hits my ear. 
His hands pick me up once again, except this time he turns me around in his lap. Now facing him my body turns hot. I’m pretty sure my slick is running down my thighs and onto David's pants. He adjusts me so I’m sitting on his crotch, which makes it even worse. His hands are resting on my hips, fingers slipping into the top of my skirt, but I can’t seem to care, it feels so good being with them. It feels right, somewhat comforting in a way. “What’s your name, sweets?” Marko’s fingers run through my hair once again, his wide smile making me want to smile. David’s hands grip my hips even tighter and make me roll my hips against his crotch, making me whine. “He asked you a question.” Dwayne’s fingers moved the hair that was covering my neck before putting his nose against my neck, before biting it. Making me buck my hip, causing David to groan. “B-bee,” I throw my head back letting Dwayne get more access to continue to bite and snip at my throat. Paul groaned, smelling into the air, “God you smell good,”
Paul’s hand reached over and pulled on my necklace, pulling me to him, almost making me fall from David’s lap. His lips almost touched mine, his hot breath hitting my lip, “I can’t wait to taste you my little bee bee.” His hand snaked up and grabbed some of my hair before pulling me into his lap with his lips crashing into mine. I can’t help but moan into his mouth, hips rolling, humping him. Even kissing him was too much pleasure, my slick was bound to be soaking my knee high socks by now. “Not here,” Dwayne’s hands pick me up, just under my armpit. He lifts me up and holds me to his chest before looking over my shoulder and at the rest of the boys. He goes to put me on his bike but I won’t let go of him, as though something in my body was telling me I needed to touch him all the time. He sighs before getting on the bike with me still attached to his chest.  
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Gundam: The Witch From Mercury Season 2 Episode 8
- Secelia really just shows up everywhere, huh? She’s continuing her objective of snooping on everyone by questioning Suletta.
- Petra lives! Hallelujah! She fought off her death flags and even managed to save the girl she was carrying. Too op for this universe. Though sadly her body is pretty fucked yo. The crushed legs, the missing eye, and brain damage will definitely affect her for the rest of her life. Hopefully GUND-Arm will be able to help her a little.
- Fucking lol at Kenanji saying he couldn’t identify the pilot. Like no shit, you vaporized her
- The talk between Shaddiq and Miorine was probably the first time the two talked without any pretenses. The two both have big dreams but ultimately they took the wrong actions because of adult manipulations. Though I did find his line of “If got with you I wouldn’t have had to commit these terrorist acts” was pretty weird. Like bro, please bond with someone else on equal terms cause right now you’re just being a dick.
- Suletta handing out the tomatoes, a symbol of love, to everyone after she saved some to prevent them from rotting is peak symbolism. Especially since they’re given to the people who bullied them like the girls from Ep 4.
- Poor Nika once again. She didn’t really do anything wrong, but I can understand her feelings. I hope she continues her schooling and becomes a great mechanic. Her talent is needed to help Earthians and Spacians alike. Also her calling out Belmeria was very satisfying. The two had been set up as narrative foils in the series and here we see the difference between them. Nik won’t wallow in self pity and she’ll call out injustice when she sees it compared to Belmeria.
- God I hate Peil, those slimy little turncoats. Their PeilGPT told them to jump ship and they did. Just like how Cathedra intervened with Ochs Earth in the prologue, this the time the Space Assembly will take control of the Benerit group. I think the real Elan might take center stage and take control of the Space Assembly (right before he gets a bullet out between his eyes hehe)
- Sarius once again proving he’s the best space adult by looking to regulate the damages, but Miorine won’t take it. She doesn’t want to sacrifice anyone, even Shaddiq. Though she does have to take action, preferably after she’s talked to a large variety of people and arrive at the right answer
- Suletta coming out and telling everyone everything, no longer scared of her past or their rejection. She’s grown so much from the scared little girl she was when she arrived. She’s looking to help others and can recognize when her mother is doing wrong.
- The Space Oomfie just killed hundred of people, somebody stop her. The mass murder was extremely terrifying and becomes even more so when you realize Prospera seeks to spread this influence across all of space. She’s very much like Delling, wanting everything under her control and stamping out any naysayers. Eri is the only thing that matters to her now so even if it requires a large amount of lives, she’ll still act
- Calibarn really came out of nowhere and socked me in the gut. They were distracting us with the Schwarzette so they could drop this absolute bomb. All I can hope is that Suletta’s brain doesn’t crap out in the suit considering it has no resistance.
- El5n once again claiming his best boy spot by just chilling by some cows, eating space food, and listening in on the gossip. But what I find interesting is that he actually loves to act with Earth House, even if it’s just to get where he wants to. It was probably a mix of Nika standing up for him and Suletta recounting her backstory as a throwaway doll that got him to sympathize. Personally, I’m wondering where he wants to go. Either it’s to go murder the Peil guys (which is a win) or to travel to the images in Norea’s sketchbook (which is an even bigger win.) Aliyah makes note that his personality changed, but really, I think the somber but somewhat active El5n is his true self. He isn’t hiding his feeling with a mask, he’s being upfront with his emotions. Though it’s a bit sad that Suletta is still focused on El4n, but I hope next episode will get us both of their backstories. Also please don’t stick him in a Gundam again. I want my son to live.
- Lauda, my baby, I knew this would happen. I’ve been calling it since Ep 7 I believe, but god damn it don’t hurt me like this. Petra is still alive, you need to take her on a date! And please just talk to your brother! He loves you! Don’t die in that Schwarzette or make him kill you!
- But once again, people don’t seem to understand Lauda, similarly to the El5n slander, so let me break down his character. Lauda has spent his entire life being second string to Guel. He’s a child of a mistress and doesn’t even get the Jeturk surname despite being under his father’s custody. Apparently his first line to Guel when the two met was how he would support him. The poor kid has probably only thought of himself as an accessory to Guel, the perfect and strong big brother, so when that all changed it hurts him. If he can’t be by Guel’s side, if his big brother changes, then he gets thrown off balance. He needs someone to blame. First, it was Suletta, but now that Miorine is his fiancée, she’s his target now. In a way, he’s much like Shaddiq. Their idolized version of their loved ones come into conflict with their true selves and so they blame someone else. Now that Petra, the one person who probably saw Lauda as himself, is in a coma, no one can stop him.
Suletta’s arc continues to brighten and Miorine’s arc continues to crash and burn. And poor Guel is about to get with even more family murder trauma. I can only hope El5n makes it out safely. I will be buying flowers for Lauda
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estcsy · 1 year
things about robaire in my dr .^◡^.
- when all of us are taking, he gets our attention like a kindergarten teacher like he just claps twice really loud
- he is really dedicated to taking good pictures for everyone like he’s the type of person that if you ask him to take pics for you he’ll like get on the floor and everything
- he has a lot of socks with dogs on them, and smiley faces
- I watched him break a punching back once that was crazy
- he’s the best driver out of all of us, most of the time we have a driver that takes us everywhere (shout out to jeff we love you) but if he’s not there then it’s robaire that’s driving
- when he’s driving on the freeway, he SCREAMS (which is completely valid la freeways are wild)
- his favorite animal is elephants :D
- he favorite color is black
- he is a very wise young man?? dude makes me wanna be the bigger person sometimes
- out of all the members I think he is the best at giving advice
- he can juggle? like really well?
- he watches a lot of true crime documentaries
- he was really used to it being cold in the winter since he’s from canada but when he came to california and it didn’t snow he was having a mental break down
- he is a very big fan of the hungry games
- he posts a lot of videos of him singing song covers
- he paints his nails sometimes (t or me normally do it for him)
- very responsible young man, I can count on him for anything
- he said that if he had a sister he’d only let me and taeyoung meet her
- his love language is physical touch and words of affirmation if I were to guess
- he has a very nice voice I like it a lot
- jesse is the one who gave him his eyebrow slit, when he found out he was gonna debut he got a little rush in assuming and he asked jesse to do it for him (his logic was that jesse does art and he has really study hands so he’s less likely to mess up)
- he likes peach flavored things
- dude LOVES 2pac (his favorite 2pac song is how do u want it)
- his favorite song from intoxicated is ‘dimple’ and right ‘here’ (AND I WROTE BOTH OF THOSE HA)
- he did write ‘wonder’ tho :D
- he prefers going to the beach then the pool
- after the puppy from our puppy interview with buzzfeed ripped his shirt apart he just walked around like that for the rest of the day, he didn’t even change
- he wants to have a family one day
- he got really happy when he took a “what 4town member are you?” quiz and got himself
- him and jesse are like in love they cuddle and everything
- mad robaire is scarier then hell itself
- I appreciate that when the paparazzi for whatever reason get really heavy on me he’ll pull me out and stand in front of me robaire you’re a real one 🫂 (he does this with all of us)
- when he was asked what it was like being the leader of 4town he said “it’s like taking care of four kids, and one baby”
- I saw his baby pictures and let me tell you bro had HAIR
- his mom is such a nice lady she makes jewelry and she gives us some every time we see her
- he has a clear phone case and in the back of it he has a polaroid of us at our debut showcase
- his wallpaper is a picture of him and his parents
- he has a “fake call” app so when he wants to get out of situations he’ll use that
- he is a very clean and organized person and when he’s stressed he cleans
- homie loves a good blt and finds it weird that I don’t like bacon
- he takes pictures of EVERYTHING he finds pretty or interesting.. he’s like a mom
- it actually became a meme of how happy he is when he takes pictures
- he absolutely destroys the food that taeyoung makes (we all do tho so I’m not judging)
- you see jesse doesn’t do very well with spicy food, and that white boy lives with one mexican, one korean, and one that’s mixed with mexican AND vietnamese so yk we really enjoy the spice but when jesse is in tears ripping his hair out because his moth is burning, robaire will be like “guys it’s not funny” (because yk we normally laugh at him) and then robaire will get a glass of milk for him and then laugh at him behind his back
- him and jesse are going on ‘hot ones’ soon so god save jesse, I think robaire will be fine tho
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Larry on a stroll in the park (prompt) 🫣
Thank you for the prompt 💕Sorry this took so long. I hope you like it :)
Louis reclined his head back, basking in the sun as he leaned back on his elbows. He glanced at the figure next to him, chuckling softly as his boyfriend threw an arm over his face to peer back at him.
“I'm glad we found time to do this,” Louis commented, turning onto his side, "it's been weird not having you around all the time.” He reached out to tuck a stray curl behind Harry's ear as the younger boy turned to mirror his position. 
“I'm glad we did this too,” Harry smiled back at him, “I mean, it's not the Ritz but…”
“You cheeky little…” Louis gasped, tackling the younger boy onto his back, immediately tickling his sides. 
“I'm sorry! I'm sorry!” Harry laughed, trying to bat his boyfriend's hands away. He finally managed to grab Louis’ wrists, causing the older boy to halt in his motions and smile fondly down at him. Using his grip on Louis to his advantage, he pulled the older boy forwards, catching his lips in a sweet kiss. 
Louis pulled back after a minute or two, climbing off of Harry into a kneeling position. He held a hand out to the younger boy, chuckling at the confused expression he got in return.
“I thought we could go for a walk? Maybe see if we can spot some wildlife?”
“Sounds lovely,” Harry replied, letting Louis pull him up to a standing position before helping pack up the picnic blanket. 
Once they’d retrieved all their belongings, he took Louis’ offered hand, sighing contently. 
They strolled down the path in a comfortable silence, one of them breaking it every so often to point out the various animals that they saw. 
“Did you know…” Harry mused, as they watched a squirrel run down a tree, “that squirrels often forget where they bury nuts?”
“Yeah, the forgotten acorns grow into trees after.” Harry informed, watching the squirrel search the leaves in front of them.
“I didn’t know you knew so much about squirrels,” Louis marvelled, turning slightly to admire his boyfriend.
“They’re fascinating creatures,” Harry continued, his smile growing wider, “did you also know that they mainly use their tails to communicate? They do use calls, but they twitch their tails if they sense a threat.”
Louis smiled fondly at the younger boy’s enthusiasm, reaching to tuck a stray curl behind Harry’s ear. 
“I love you,” he chuckled softly, freezing at his own words. What was he doing? They hadn’t said that yet. They hadn’t even been together for that long, both of them having taken a while to admit that their feelings were more than platonic.
“What?” Harry breathed out, also frozen in place.
“Umm…” Louis was panicking. He’d planned out an entire meal and speech to tell Harry that he loved him.  But then his stupid arse had to go and blurt it out in the middle of a park.
“You love me?” Harry whispered, reaching up to gently grab Louis’ arm that was still suspended in front of him, holding his hand to his chest.
Louis took a deep breath.
“Yeah…” he admitted, “of course I love you Haz. How could I not?” He chuckled softly, using his free hand to tuck the curl behind Harry’s ear before cupping Harry’s face softly, thumb caressing the younger boy’s cheek. “You’re one of- no, you are the best person I have ever met. You fold your socks- which should be annoying but is weirdly endearing. You hold doors open for people, you always bring a spare jacket when I’m too stubborn to bring my own. Even then, you don’t comment on it or give me hell, you just- hand me it without comment. You even know random facts about squirrels which-”
Louis’ rambling was cut off with a breath-taking kiss, his hands immediately finding their way to Harry’s hips, pulling him closer as the younger boy’s arms hooked round his neck. They pulled apart, panting softly and smiling like idiots.
“I love you too,” Harry confessed, hands moving to cup Louis’ face softly, thumb brushing away a stray tear from the older man. “You are the most amazing person I’ve ever met. I love how you always make me a cup of tea before bed, even though you know I won’t drink it. I love how amazing you are with your siblings, and Lux- even with the younger kids in my family. I love how you always remind me to eat, or take a break, if I get too invested in something. I love you, Louis, and I have for quite a while now.”
At some point in Harry’s confession, both of them had started crying, Harry’s hands had moved from Louis’ face to his own as he wiped his tears, smiling softly.
“I promise that ‘us crying in the park’ was not part of my plan today,” Louis chuckled, using the sleeve of his jumper to wipe a stray tear on Harry’s face, pulling him in for another sweet kiss, both of them giggling into each other's mouths. 
“Right,” he stated, offering his arm to Harry once they’d both calmed down a bit, “shall we?”
“We shall.”
Send me a drabble or prompt (list here)
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🍼 Maknae Line Edition 🍼
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This boy right here, I think he's gonna be another best little brother but sometimes slightly annoying. BUT, never forget about his charm, Imagine him being pouty-pouty while calling you "Nuna~" *I hope you didn't pass out while imagining him like that*
Clingy, but not that much. Just a hug whenever he goes to school and when he comes back home. With a wide smile on his face and bringing you your favourite snack.
Always needed a rewards for being a good boy and do the chores the best he can. "Nuna.. I've been a good boy today, I wash my dishes after dinner, I do my homework, I clean my bedroom.. well, it's not as clean as you clean it but I'm trying, okay? Now where is my cookies for my rewards?"
LOVES HEAD PATS A LOT. "Nuna~ aangg... Gimme some head pats, please~" *puppy eyes activated*
Bringing your favourite flowers monthly even on valentines. "Nuna, I don't even know at all about valentine and stuff but my friends told me, that valentine's about showing your affectionate and love to someone that you loved. So, I decided to give Nuna, Mama and Papa some flowers and chocolate. I don't know if Papa would like flowers too, but I hope he likes it. And, nuna, are you gonna give me some flowers and choco? If not, I'm gonna be sad and thinking that nuna didn't love her lil bro.." *pouty while giving you the choco and flowers*
Wanna know how he wakes you up? "Nunaaaa~~~ wake uuuupp~ If you're not gonna wake up, I'm.... Uhh.. I'm gon- I'm gonna throw rocks to your window~" *knocking your bedroom door playfully*
He protected you from your bf that's cheating on you. "Nuna, hmm what should I say about your bf, well.. I know he's damn hot but nuna, you should she him just kissing-kissing with other girl the other days. Man, I wanna punch him on his face. Just broke up with him, okay? I don't like him being your bf, PLUS I'm gonna introduce you to my friend, he's hot, hotter than your bf~" *proceed to explaining you how hot his friends are even bringing some power point while explaining it*
We love confident boi aren't we? "Nuna, I look good~ I look fine~ I think you should introduce me to one of your pretty-pretty friends 😚😉" *acting sexy and cool in front of you*
Someone's talking shit behind you? "You think you looked pretty while talking shit about my Nuna, huh? Well you're pretty, not gonna lie~ BUT, the way you talking shit to my Nuna, I don't find you pretty anymore. Now go away, and stop confessing your feelings to me, I don't like you at all." *Confront your friends that also has a crush on him, for talking shit about you*
Teaching you some cool english phrase that he learned from Keeho. "You know I had Canadian friends, right? Now I'm gonna teach you some cool english phrase to look trendy, edgy and cool! Wow, I'm such a great little brother for teaching you this Nuna, you should be proud of me." *Acting cool and swag*
🍼 SOUL 🍼
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Remember when Keeho said that "He's just a strange kid." ?
Welp, this is what we get for him being the little brother.
Making weird noises to answering every one of your questions on a daily basis.
Have you got your dinner? "Piu!"
Did you do your homework? "Pyong~"
May I borrow your charger? "Mirimim.."
Do I looked good? "Stupid."
OR, man would just reacting through emoji or making such an expression on his face. FOR EXAMPLE:
~ You want a slice of pizza? (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡
~ Does it tastes good? \⁠(⁠°⁠o⁠°⁠)⁠/
~ Did you took my pencil? (⁠╯⁠°⁠□⁠°⁠)⁠╯⁠︵⁠ ⁠┻⁠━⁠┻
~ Did you see my socks? (⁠・⁠_⁠・⁠;⁠)
~ Can you turn on the AC? (⁠☞⁠ ⁠ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ⁠)⁠☞
Annoying little brother energy, he wouldn't hesitate to come to your room just to showing his new pair of socks and leaving the room while turning off the lights and didn't close the door.
Waking you up? He's gonna playing WAP in front of your bedroom door with full volume and bass boost while twerking and knocking your door brutally.
You broke up with your bf? Man gonna laughing his ass on the floor. He didn't give a fuck tho, but looking at you being sad, he would making weird expression and weird noises to make you laugh and make you feel better.
Someone talking shit behind you? He would also laugh while calling you stupid. But behind you, he would've beating that person. "ONLY ME COULD MAKE FUN OF HER, YOU HAVE NO RIGHTS YOU DUMBASS!!" *punching, kicking, chocking, killing, this man would be a murderer*
Man would love to recommend you some accessories, such as rings and necklace. No, no.. not the flower one but the skull one. "Nuna had to looked cool like me. So use this." *Putting the skull ring on your finger*
Shopping spree on the weekend with him mostly buying new accessories and ended up eating french fries in McD.
If you know how to dance, he would always playing some music in the cars and dancing with you everytime you go out with him. If you didn't know how to dance, he would love to teach you some cool moves.
Even though sometimes he would be so annying and a menace towards you, but in the end of the day, he's still your little brother that cravings attention, love and cuddle. Huggy bug if I must say. He loves to hug you a lot.
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Smart, wise, calm cute and shy boy. You might thinking that he's matured enough for his age. His personality is just too cute to handle but his mind always blow your mind. The way he thinks is just beyond everyone on his age.
As your little brother he would suggest you some books to read because he thinks at least you had to read a book other than just crying over your boyfriend cheating on you.
Always know how to solve the problem, rather than he looking for you to give him some advice to the problem he had, it would be you who always looking for him everytime you facing a problem.
Helping you to calm down when you had anxiety or just panicking over something. For example when you broke up with your bf. "Listen Nuna, it's okay to not be okay.. don't worry about that.. You're pretty, cute and precious for me and our family. Your life is matter, just believe that one day you will get someone better than him, okay? He just don't deserve such an angel like you.." *stroking your back lightly while whispering those*
How he wake you up? He would just go straight knocking your door at least 3 times in the morning. "Nuna.. wake up. It's morning already.. Huh? Five more minutes? Okay then." And man would just left your door acted liked nothing happened.
When you struggling to use a toaster, he would come ups to you and help you. "Nuna, I think you didn't using it right, here.. Ah, there you go. Feel much better and easier, right?"
He even would love to help you with your homework if you asked him to.
Weekend with him would be just chilling in the living room while reading books and a cup of tea. Or just having fun in the park with your dogs.
Always reminds you to eat your vitamin daily. "Nuna... Don't forget to eat your vitamins, okay? I don't want Nuna get sick." *Bringing your vitamin and a glass of water in front of you*
Always asked you to dress properly and don't using something that's too short for you. "Nuna, I know that you look pretty and cute, but it's just too short isn't it? You might catch a cold, here.. use my jacket instead okay?" *Proceeds to using his jacket on you*
This is my second post in this blog, so happy to know that everyone liked my precious post and even follow me, thank you so much 🙇
I will try my best to make another post with better writing in the future ✨
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lilbuddie · 1 year
find the word challenge
rules: share snippets of your work containing each of the words the previous poster selected for you (optional addition: if you can't find the word in your WIPs, or you simply don't have any WIPs, you can just write a sentence around the word)
tagged by my besties @the-likesofus and @thosetwofirefighters ily both, cannot state how proud of you I am 🤍🤍
my words are: home, care, love, make, dream; quiet, hold, cover, first, together, small. (lemme just squeal right quick)
home | the horny name kink fic
“Neither of us, not Chris, nor me—definitely not me—want you to go. We want you there, at home, always.” He says ‘home’ with such reverence, and Buck’s heart is drumming. Eddie’s eyes are warm and fond and… Inviting. His eyes are inviting. Hopeful. Buck disobeys his order, glancing straight at his best friend’s lips. They’re a heartbeat away from doing something to that line in the sand they’d drawn a while ago.
care | the girldads buddie fic
“Mommy,” the little girl says, with carefully measured words, “can I have another cookie?”
love | the yearning fic
Do you know that feeling when you love someone so thoroughly that when you’re in their presence, your entire body feels like it’s constantly being marshmallowed over an open flame, and you’re being slowly but surely roasted, torturously turned and turned over the fire? Yeah.
make | the horny name kink fic
Buck can almost hear his heart breaking in his chest. His ribs burn and he lets out a strangled breath, and grits his teeth so as not to make another audible sound. He’s pretty sure he’s over-exaggerating, but the world around him seems to break too.
dream | the girldads buddie fic
Eddie’s still unsure if all of this isn’t just a weird, painfully realistic dream. Buck’s dramatic sigh of relief as he leaves his signature brings Eddie back to the present.
quiet | the girldads buddie fic
Chris’ quiet “‘Thena, where’s Harry? I have his present,” earns him a soft smile and a small “aww” from Karen. Athena points him to the boy’s bedroom and Chris almost flies to the door.
hold | the girldads buddie fic
“What’s the hold-up, Superman?” “I don’t know if this movie’s too ‘grown up’ for me,” Chris replies, miming the air quotes.
cover | the fake dating fic
“If I can help in any way, I will. You need me to look after Chris for a while? I’m there. You need me to fix the plumbing?” Eddie snorts. “No question, I’m there. You need me to bully Ferguson into covering your shifts? Yep, still there.”
first | the girldads buddie fic
First call of the long shift. And what a nightmare of a call.
together | the yearning fic
Well, it all starts coming together after the poker da—night! Poker night.
small | the girldads buddie fic
...watching her small chest rise and fall with each breath. She thinks about tiny socks with elephants embroidered on them; thinks about fluffy hair scrunchies and pink butterfly earrings; about a bright toothy smile and cheek dimples.
words for people I tag: moon, hands, smile, believe, fall
tagging people I genuinely want to be friends with forever (no pressure, and not sure if some of yall have already done this already): @shitouttabuck @mister-babygirl @tsunamibuckley @writtenmemxries @spotsandsocks @sibylsleaves as well as anyone else who wants to join in on the fun!
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gothamslostboy · 1 year
Hi!! ive always wanted to do a matchmaking request for the lost boys <33
* Physical appearance-
i’ve got wavy blue hair, cut up to my ears, basically brahms hair cut but grown out! i have green/brown eyes, and i have so many beauty marks all over my body. i’m 5’6, and have ear piercing + a septum! i have -5 vision so i need glasses ;-;
* Style-
as of right now i dress like a dad or that one uncle, cargo shorts, over sized tshirt, hawaiian shirts or hoodie, rings and necklaces [lots of thrm] earrings and nose ring!! i always make sure i have cool socks on tho, gotta keep up the style!! i usually carry a canva messenger bag with me. for shoes it’s probably doc martens!
* Favorite food
spinach, pickle flavoured sun flower seeds, ramen, calamari, rice, simple foods mostly
* Gender preference -
any gender works for me! i just tend to lean more towards men <3
* 1-2 hobbies -
i absolutely love crafting, no matter what it is, i want to make stuff! it’s not really a hobbit but i love taxidermy, when i did my first rat i fell in love with it and want to do more, so anything relating to death is a bobbie for me 🫶
* Music tastes-
sad love songs, metal music, fnaf music, french music,, it’s very all over the place right now here are the most listened to songs from me! loosing my mind - dennis domian, atlantis - seafret, ça va - emile bilodeau, we’re not gonna take it - twisted sisters, it’s a little of everything yknoe
* Favorite animal-
i think my favorite animals are between sharks, the stoplight loose jaw fish, frogs, rats and worms!!
* Favorite movie/genre -
For genre it’s horror all the way, but for favorite movies? my favorite movies are the lost boys, scream, labyrinth, 9, ferngully, dead poets society and the last unicorn!
* 1-2 personality traits -
im childish, but gruesome thinking, and i have terrible adhd and can basically remember nothing
* Gender
i have no gender 🫶 but i lean towards male pronouns
* Fandom (max 3) - which movie/tv show
the lost boys please!!
* How many characters?
1. 1 fandom: maximum 2
3. 2-3 fandoms: maximum 3
whoever you see fif
* Zodiac sign
i’m a taurus✋
* 1-2 traits you look for in partner
in a partner i just really want someone who will love me for me, that’s understanding and will get i habe my ups n downs, but also someone who’s down to do stupid stuff when the time comes yknow? i’m a really big person on giving gifts to people, so someone who could possibly match that energy❓
here’s some extra info about me tho
i’m aro-ace! the type of aromatic that’s cupioromantic, and a mostly sex-repulsed asexual. now the sex repulsed part is mostly towards myself, i don’t wanna see other people or myself naked, watchjng sex scenes is less bad, still weird to me tho,, i speak frnech since i learnt it when i was also learning english! so i’m sorry if my spelling is off or there’s mistakes 😭 i have writing issues shsishshs
this is so exciting i hope i gave you enough info!!
Ok before I get into this: YOU ARE SO COOL. YOURE LIKE A COOLER VERSION OF WHO I WANT TO BE. Pickle flavored sunflower seeds are amazing, but I always accidentally eat the shells haha:] don’t worry your spelling is great, also I wish I was taught another language when I was young, my mom hired a Chinese teacher and I remember 1 song, but we stopped when I was 4 (started at 2) and I don’t remember anything else<\\\3
I Ship You With….
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Marko! You want someone who also likes giving/receiving gifts? HE IS YOUR MAN!!! Holy shit he’s gonna give you so many gifts you won’t be able to move around your home.
He’s a vampire, so who is he to judge anyone? As long as someone is not a hateful bigot or an asshole, he’ll find a way to vibe. He himself struggles with anger issues, so he understands mental health a bit and does his best. Besides Paul, he’s the boy most likely to do stupid shit with you, mainly bc he enjoys being a gremlin.
Lil personal hc here: Marko is Trans, so when it comes to you not having a gender, it’s the equivalent of someone not having blonde hair to him: he doesn’t care. He’s just happy to have you as a partner
Marko is very used to being around Paul, so ADHD and childish behavior doesn’t bother him, and he’s gonna encourage your gruesome thinking as much as he can.
His favorite things about your style is your hair, socks and piercings, certainly begging to re dye it himself and buying you guys socks. He buys 2 pairs, takes one of each pair, and gives you the remaining two. He loves to do this instead of matching things in the normal way.
He is an artsy dude, focusing mostly on clothes himself. But once you tell him about taxidermy? He’s on his hands and knees asking you to show him how. He obviously knew what it was, just for some reason it never connected in his head that it’s a real thing ppl do.
On dates he takes you to local flee markets/ art shows to get things and make art out of whatever thing inspires you too.
After one of his favorite pigeons passes, he will ask if you could taxidermy it for him and keeps it safely in his room.
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wwhatev3r · 2 years
Hey, friend! I honestly love your work! I was wanting to ask someone for a BoB ship so I was scrolling through the tag and found your account and my friend…your material is awesome! Genuinely!! Y’know how you find someone’s writing and it just hits? Like that was me with yours lol. You’re awesome! 😉❤️
I promise I didn’t compliment you to warm you up lol (words are just one of my love languages), but would you mind doing a BoB ship for me please? If not, then that is totally okay!! Literally, no pressure 😂
I’m an ISFJ 9w1. I’m absolutely protective over those that I love but less defensive if it’s towards me because I #1 want to give everyone a chance because we are all human and #2 though I care what people think about me, I’m going to do what I think is right no matter what. I try to see everyone’s perspectives in everything, try not to judge, and to approach life and situations objectively…but I am a Feeler so if a situation isn’t totally black-and-white morally/ethically, I use my values to make the final decision.
I make friends easily, and I view close friends like they’re my family. I have a dry/sarcastic humor that honestly comes out in stupid, weird jokes that only I and my best friends laugh at lol. I have to be comfortable for my humor to come out, though…if I don’t know you, I am dead quiet until I can read you and know how to interact. I love people, and I strive to be empathetic even though sometimes I’m not tactful and can seem insensitive. It’s not that I don’t feel things, but usually my feeling is equally matched by my thinking. Until I’m on my period, then I cry at anything (it’s so embarrassing…the old Dumbo got me one month…that “Baby Mine” scene?? TEARS, I tell you, actual tears 🥲).
My ambition is to be a homemaker if I get married…I know it’s not popular, but I’m very family-oriented so caring for those I love is the perfect life for me. If I don’t get married, I’m interested in counseling as a career. I just wanna TAKE CARE of people, y’know? 😂 especially those that don’t have anyone else…I just want to hug them all ❤️
I love all animals, but I do have a rotten cat that I love so much (her name is Willow 🥰). I hate bugs, though; like I’m not scared of them (other than bees/wasps) but their prickly little legs like a grasshopper or a june bug?? I’d rather die lol.
My top love languages are words of affirmation and physical touch. I love coffee but can’t handle a lot of caffeine (tragic…). My aesthetic is caught between cottagecore and light academia, like I just wanna wear sweaters, socks, and stay wrapped in a blanket 24/7…maybe that’s just being an introvert, idk 😂😂😂 Anyways, soft things, soft colors, and alone time? Yes, PLEASE 👏🏻
I just honestly want to love and to be loved; it doesn’t have to be perfect or a fairy tale. I just want a partner to walk through life with lol.
This is long, and I am sorry but thank you for your patience! ❤️❤️❤️
I Ship You With...
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Walt Hasser!!!
Notes: First of all, thank you sm for the kind words <3 There it is, I didn’t forget that you changed for a GK ship request, YEYY! (With my lack of memory it wouldn't be surprising.) So, yours was easy to decide. Yeah, you got a prince that every straight woman would love to marry lol :D I hope you like it. 
Nah, you’re very lucky, you got everyone’s dream boy.
Someone give Walt the prize for best boyfriend please!!!
Not to be cliche or cheesy but the first time he saw he had that feeling “yeah, that’s my future  wife right there.
What called his attention was your style and your hair, and only by your smile you seem so nice and friendly.
He got all flustered and his friends had to give him a push to go talk to you.
Was an instant connection, everything felt so comfortable and safe.
He took you to so many dates and he’s the type that always brings you flowers or a present.
So, obviously it didn't take long for you to start dating.
Anytime you need time alone there’s no doubt that he will give you that time, but he will still check on you from time to time.
“Sweetheart, are you alright? Do you need anything to eat?”
But he does prefer to snuggle with you in a cute blanket, wearing fuzzy socks while watching a movie or a show.
When you’re in your period ya poor boy gets a little confused but he’s always there for ya.
He forbids you to drink coffee because he knows it gets your cramps worse.
“Chocolate? Yes, of course I can buy some chocolate.” He puts you a cute movie for you to relax but eventually you start crying, “Oh h-honey… What happened? I’m sorry! It’s okay, don’t worry. Can I hug you?”
Doesn't matter how long you have been dating, he always asks first if he can kiss you or hug you. Anything, really.
He’s such a gentleman with you, ughhh <3
He has a special in his heart for Willow, It’s like his daughter!!!
He calls her princess and spoils her so much.
Even if she breaks something around the house, he still defends her.
He’s always asking to get more pets because you both love animals.
But, ya know, you would have to move to a bigger house to get more pets…
So, he later proposes to you and you get married.
Walt supports the idea of you being a homemaker but he still motivates you  to work in counseling if you want too.
At any time you could take a break from taking care of the house and he could help you, he sees no problem in that.
No, but every time there’s a bug in your house he likes to act like your knight in shining armor.
“I got it, honey! It’s okay, I’m here now.”
Also, if later you wanted to have kids, there’s no doubt that he would love too.
With him you would literally live a fairy tail type of love.
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geekedoutbunny · 6 months
Worrying For Him
Pairing - Fushiguro Megumi x Yuji Itadori - Yaoi Romance. Fandom - Jujutsu Kaisen
Warning - NONE
Rating - SFW coupling - BxB, Boy x Boy, MxM, Male x Male, Yaoi Characters - Fushiguro Megumi, Itadori Yuji
The Itadori 'household' was quiet this afternoon. It was calm and serene. Megumi sat on the small loveseat, he and Yuji recently bought for Yuji's room. He was stretched out on it, his back rested against the arm of it while his feet rested on the other arm. In his hands he held a book, he was reading up on curse possessions. So far, he was the only one in the dorm room. Megumi has gotten into the habit of staying in Yuji's room, it just felt homier, they've even thought about just moving him into the room altogether at this point. Some of his clothes were in Yuji's drawers, he had an extra toothbrush here, along with some of his own shoes and an extra Jujutsu outfit.
His eyes slowly trailed up before he looked over towards the bed, on the small bedside table he looked at the clock. '11:57 am... Yuji left 2 hours ago... he said it shouldn't take him long.' Megumi thought before he looked back down at the book, his eyes trailing over the words but he wasn't actually reading. Instead, he was thinking back to this morning.
Megumi sighed as he entered Yuji's room, or what Yuji liked to call it. 'The Itadori Household' He rubbed the back of his neck as he looked around the area. It was quiet, aside from the minor bumps coming from Yuji's room. He closed the door behind him and walked over to Yuji's room. "Yuji, I'm coming in. You better not be doing anything weird." He warned as he opened the door. On the floor, he could see Yuji sliding on his second sock. "Oh, hey Megmi!!" Yuji said in a happy voice as he looked back at him with a cute little wave. Megumi stared down at him with a deadpanned stare as he observed him. "Where are you going?" He asked, ignoring Yuji's greeting.
Yuji didn't seem bothered by the fact that his greeting went ignored and instead, he stood up with a happy little hop. "I'm on my way out to the store, I gotta get some more groceries!! Wanna come!?" He said as he flashed Megumi with a bright smile. Megumi stared at him for a moment before he looked off from Yuji and he walked over to the small love seat. "No, I honestly don't have the energy for such a tedious venture." He said as he plopped down. Yuji pouted at him as he dropped to his knees and he crawled over to the seat. "Awww!! Come on Megmi!! It'll be like a date!! I'll even get you your favorite snacks!!" He said as he finished in a sing-song voice, placing his hands cutely on the edge of the loveseat.
Megumi stared at him for a moment before laying back against the seat's arm while he kicked his legs up on the opposite end. "You can buy my favorite snacks without me being there. Besides that's the shittest date ever." He said in his usual monotone voice. Yuji clenched his eyes shut as he clapped his hands over his head. "OH COME ON MEGMI!! WE HAVEN'T GONE ON A DATE IN A WHILE!! PLUS THIS'LL BE THE BEST EXCUSE TO HANG OUT TOGETHER!!" He cried as he pleaded with him. Megumi stared at him unamusedly before he fanned him off tiredly. "I'm too tired to even think about going on a date, besides, we can just lay on the couch together when you get back." He explained.
Yuji stared at him for a moment before he beamed at him happily. "AWWW!! MEGMI!!!" He cooed as he threw himself on top of Megumi, wrapping his arms around his tightly. Megumi pulled away from him, an irked look on his face. "Yes, yes, now get off, you're heavy." He complained as Yuji ignored him in favor of squeezing him tighter. Once Yuji got his hug, and a kick to the stomach from Megumi, he was ready to leave. They stood in the small space between the Kitchen and the Door. Yuji stood with his back to Megumi, as he pulled his shoes on. His usual Jujutsu school outfit was on. "Whelp, I'll be off, don't wait up for me too long!!" Yuji said as he shot Megumi his million-dollar smile and a thumb up.
Megumi's face stayed passive but his heart fluttered at the sight of it. His cheeks warmed as he frowned in false irritation. "I won't be 'waiting up' for nothing. You're just going to the store and back." He said. Yuji kept his smile as he agreed with Megumi. "Yeah, you're right. I shouldn't be long." He said as his smile softened. Megumi's eyes slightly widen before he looked away and his blush darkened. "Whatever, just get going already." He said. Yuji chuckled as he leaned towards Megumi and he gave his cheek a sweet kiss. "I'll be back soon!!" He said happily.
'That was almost over 2 hours ago now... what if he's gotten into trouble? What if Sukuna took over?' Megumi thought, as his mind was plagued with worrying thoughts. His grip on the book tightened and he closed it as he sat up on the small loveseat. "I should go check up on him." He said aloud to himself. He sat there a little longer before he nodded to himself, placed the book on the loveseat next to him, and stood up. He walked over to the room door. With a determined face, he walked across the kitchen and towards the room door. He quickly pulled his shoes from the shoe box and put them on. He stomped his foot, making sure they were on tight. 'Now, let's go.' He thought as he opened the door.
His eyes widened as he stopped mid-step. He blinked a few times as he looked at Yuji's sweet smile. "Hey, Megmi!! I'm back with the groceries!!" He proudly and happily said as he held up the bags. Megumi stared at him intensely, his eyes shining in relief. Yuji blinked in confusion from the look on Megumi's face. "What's wrong, Megmi? You feeling okay?" He asked him, as he leaned towards him to get a better look at him. Megumi took in a small breath and he reached forward. Yuji's eyes widen when he felt Megumi's arms wrap around his neck tightly. "Megmi?" He asked in confusion. Megumi's grip tightened, and Yuji's eyes widened before they softened. He let the bags go, allowing them to drop to the wooden floor with a soft thump, as he wrapped his arms around Megumi.
"Megmi. You alright? Did something happen?" He asked in a soft voice. Megumi gave a shaky breath in response before he pulled back from the hug. He stared at Yuji, his stare unreadable. Yuji stared back at him in anticipation. Megumi raised his arm, and with a swing, he smacked his fist on top of Yuji's head. "OW!!! WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT FOR!?" Yuji yelled in pain as he jumped back while holding his head. He glared at Megumi as a small bump was forming. Megumi gave him an irked glare in return. "Where the hell have you been?" He asked. Yuji continued to glare at him as he shouted back in confusion and anger. "I WAS AT THE FREAKING STORE!! WHERE ELSE? YOU PSYCHOPATH!?" He said. Megumi's glare sharpened.
"Not that!! Why the hell did it take you 2 damn hours!?" He yelled back. Yuji's glare softened some as he gave him a confused stare. "I was out grocery shopping. It's not exactly a fast and easy task ya know." He said as he rubbed his head. Megumi looked down at the bags, there were four in total, and an assortment of foods was within each bag. One with vegetables, one with meat, one with finger food and drinks, and the last with snacks. He looked back up at him. "It took you two hours, for this?" He asked in an unamused tone as he pointed down at the bags. Yuji crossed his arms as he turned his nose up and closed his eyes. "Yes, it did. I wanted to get the best for you because you deserve it." He explained in a factual tone. Megumi's glare lifted completely and he stared at Yuji with a wide-eyed stare as a blush came across his cheeks, and he looked away.
"Don't shop so needlessly, save your money and just buy what you usually buy. I like the way you normally shop anyways." He said in a soft voice as he picked up the bags. Yuji looked at him with a blank stare for a moment, as he blinked a few times in question before he beamed at him brightly. "MEGMI!!! YOU'RE SO SWEET!!" He cooed as he wrapped his arms around him. Megumi gave an irked look as he tried to pull away from Yuji, the bags in his hands preventing him from pushing him away. "Ugh, what are you doing!? Get off of me!!" He shouted in irritation as he somehow managed to turn around in Yuji's tight grip. "THAT WAS THE CUTEST THING YOU'VE SAID TO ME IN A WHILE!!" Yuji continued to coo as he walked with a staggering Megumi into the kitchen as he kicked the door close behind him
"Get off, Yuji, I gotta put the food away!!" Megumi said in annoyance as he staggered further into the kitchen. "BUT THIS IS A MOMENT THAT I MUST SOAK IN!!" He whined in response. Megumi grumbled to himself as he stopped struggling. He placed the bags on the counter and reached up to grab Yuji's arm. He was about to pull on it, but he stopped and instead, he held on tighter to his arm. 'I was so worried, and about nothing... I should've known that he'd be fine... he's strong... but." He thought as he trailed off, he looked over at Yuji's happy face that was placed on his shoulder. 'I can't help but worry about you. I want to keep your smile safe. I want to keep your laughter loud. I want to keep your body warm.' He thought as he nuzzled into the embrace as he closed his eyes.
'I never want to lose you.'
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