#and you're never left to wonder why these characters like each other at all
airenyah · 7 months
god p'aof shows just hit different
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bby-deerling · 5 months
one piece men: when you're jealous
ft. zoro, sanji, law
a bit suggestive, so nsfw warnings apply! will likely do a part two with more characters soon!
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the two of you keep to yourselves, tucked into the corner of a bar. his presence alone runs off any hopeful suitors looking to court you, but curiously, someone ends up buying him a drink. taking him swiftly downing the gifted alcohol as a sign to approach, a woman sits on the bar stool to the left of him; you expect him to simply ignore her, but the two of them get into an animated discussion about swordsmanship, and she starts to throw in subtle touches...
he's the type to be oblivious to the flirting of others; when he's drinking, he's friendlier than usual, and thinks of the interaction as nothing more than a simple conversation. he never considers anyone besides you in a romantic light, so the thought that he's being flirted with honestly never crosses his mind.
making a passive-aggressive comment under your breath comparing him to sanji makes the pieces click in his mind, and he realizes this woman's intentions aren't innocent, and those touches weren't just drunken accidents.
if you're the type to go quiet and sulk instead, he'll notice fairly quickly; seeing your expression makes him realize he's been ignoring you. he might not immediately put it together that you're jealous, but once he does, he's amused that you're being so mousy and cute about it.
in either case, after having his fun teasing you for being jealous, devilish smirk on his face, he takes you back to the sunny and reminds you of just how devoted he is to you, leaving your head spinning and wondering why you even got so worked up in the first place.
you feel invisible in the middle of the crowded market; despite the fact that you're traveling with your normally loving and doting boyfriend, he's spellbound by everything but you, throwing himself at any woman that moves. you're not sure whether the fact that he's repeatedly striking out is a comfort, or a further twist of the knife in your gut. all you know is that half of you wants to strangle him right now, and the other wants to cry.
you're going to have to drag him by the ear away from these women to get him to stop flirting and ogling. to be fair, you knew his behavior around other women was a fatal flaw of his, but he usually had the sense to at least tone it down.
if you're one to be more assertive, the two of you might just end up in an embarrassing argument in public; he argues that he was simply appreciating their beauty, and you argue that his excuse makes you feel even worse, which quickly shuts him up and leaves him groveling at your feet, prepared to serve any punishment you deem fit for him.
a silent, mopey approach works better to get through to him. seeing he's upset you and driven you nearly to tears shatters his heart and he switches up so fast, pulling you aside and feeding you all kinds of promises he will try his best to keep moving forward.
behind closed doors back on the sunny, he takes his time unraveling you, whispering hushed vows of devotion and love into your ear, determined to strike out the sins of his bad behavior. sanji may have a weak spot for pretty women, but he only loves you.
you're keeping your distance from law; the two of you are giving each other a mutual cold shoulder after a spat earlier in the day. usually, women who approach trafalgar law with hope and yearning in their hearts are ignored and turned away without a single word; law doesn't waste time on idle conversation that he views unworthy of his time... however, uncharacteristically, he's leaning in towards another woman at the bar, engaged in conversation, laying on the charm, and slowly leaning towards her to the point that shachi slings an apologetic arm around your shoulders and tries to console you.
watch out with this one... if you're currently in the middle of a fight, he will flirt back with someone else just to get on your nerves and try to goad you into apologizing first, even if your disagreement was his fault. he's also trying to procure messy, passionate make up sex from you. the flood of heightened emotions mixed with pleasure is addictive for him.
if he notices that he's only making you more upset with his behavior, and not in the way that makes you want to crawl into bed with him, he switches gears and sits next to you in silence, still too prideful to say even the simplest "i'm sorry" to you, even after he has unequivocally made things worse. however, after fifteen minutes of you refusing to even glance at him, he relents and has an adult conversation with you, about both his behavior and your fight earlier.
if you take the bait, approach him angrily and run off the woman at the bar with heated words, it takes a lot of self-restraint for law to hide the smug grin fighting to grace his features. a smooth talker when he wants to be, he knows exactly which buttons to push to get you cooled down enough to head back to the polar tang with him.
in both cases, law usually gets what he wants: the two of you working your frustrations out on each other underneath layers of sheets, the stupid fight from before long forgotten.
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halbravd · 1 year
jealousy jealousy // aib.
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summary: in which they are getting jealous because you’re super invested in a conversation you have with an other guy.
characters: chishiya shuntaro, ryohei arisu, niragi suguru, sunato banda.
content warning: mentions of sexual intercourses, niragi deserves his own trigger warning.
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⪧ chishiya shuntaro,
chishiya is petty as fuck. he won’t confront you and ask you what’s going on, but will definitely be that one overthinking guy wondering if he ever did something wrong to you in the first place (yes, he takes it very personally). but then, he would turn into the pettiest little shit ever: sitting on the last chair available so you’d have no choice but to sit on his laps, getting super close to you and the guy you’re chatting with and saying something like ‘am i interrupting something?’, or even worse — giving you the silent treatment. and if at first you don’t really understand why he’s being like this, you’re quick to get the few hints left behind him. when you ask him if he’s jealous, he’d definitely try to play it cool and deny it at first, but would eventually give up when you kiss the tip of his nose while reminding him he’s the only one you love in this entire world.
⪧ niragi suguru,
niragi doesn’t know how to use his words so he’d most likely go full beast mode and start punching the poor dude without trying to understand what’s going on. it’s not that he doesn’t trust you, but his fear of not being good enough will always taunt him — the inferiority complex he’s faced while getting bullied so harshly in the real world never left him, and he can’t control the hatred and anger rushing through his veins anytime he feels threatened by an other man. it would take a huge amount of time (and we’re talking about hours here) for him to realize it was just a misunderstanding, but you’ll have to go through so many emotions from fear to pain to relief when he finally realizes you're all his.
⪧ ryohei arisu,
arisu is a clueless dude so he wouldn’t even get jealous in the first place — you’re chatting with a guy? good for you, socializing is important, just as much as keeping your personal space. but if the guy starts to be a little bit clingy, he’d definitely step in and gently ask you if he can talk to you; don’t get him wrong it’s his only way out and he won’t even talk about that dude’s behavior to you anyway, but he definitely can’t stand that situation anymore. arisu isn’t an overly protective lover at all and gives you all the freedom you could dream of, but it ends when a guy he doesn’t even know starts touching you like he's been knowing you for years.
⪧ sunato banda,
banda wouldn’t take that shit at all. but it’s all about getting his personal revenge, so he’ll get right behind you, his hands grabbing your hips, a soft smile stretching his lips. ‘i’m borrowing this cutie from you for a while, we’ll be right back.’ he’d drag you to the nearest empty spot / room before fucking his jealousy and bitterness out of you, his fingers wrapped tightly around your throat and his eyes focused on your fucked out face. he would then send you back to the guy still waiting for you, stealing your panties and shoving it into his pocket as he watches you struggling to walk back. he can’t help but smirk at the sight of you rubbing your thighs against each other, hopelessly trying to keep his cum inside your hole and preventing it from dripping. 
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this was requested by anon; hope you like it!!
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flowerandblood · 2 months
The Fall from the Heavens (27)
[ canon • Aemond x Strong • niece female ]
[ warnings: fingering, masturbation, sexual tension, smut, angst, dirty talk, kissing without consent, swearing ]
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[ description: A cool distance turns into friendship and more when two children see that they can find refuge and understanding in each other. However, naïve dreams collide with the reality in which every event has consequences and what once could have been love becomes a dark, newly painful obsession. Angst, sexual tension, obsession, violence, madness, very dark Aemond. ]
The story in this series is an alternate reality from the oneshot Stay and love, leave and die, in which Aemond reads the letters his niece has sent to him over the years. They are the same characters and it shows what would have happened between them − I have changed the background story from their childhood slightly for the sake of the plot.
Characters & Series Moodboard Lady Strong Moodboard Aemond & Lady Strong Moodboard Aemond & Lady Strong Childhood
* English is not my first language. Please, do not repost. Enjoy! *
Next chapters: Masterlist
When her uncle decided that they would spend the night in Dragonstone for a moment she thought she had overheard herself − she was unable to contain her delight and outburst of joy at his words, feeling that he had somehow rewarded her for her efforts.
Or at least she thought he had.
His sudden change of plans was unlike him, and she was aware of that, knowing his nature.
He detested deviating from the plans he had previously made for himself.
However, she recognised that perhaps he wanted to show her and her family his sincere intentions, to prove that she was not just a prisoner in his eyes and that he, as her husband, could also sleep under their roof without being one.
She wasn't sure if she had ever been as happy in her life as she had been the moment she flew through the sky next to Vhagar, Caraxes and Syrax; her heart was filled with heat and hope, her uncle's words echoing in her mind like a sweet whisper.
I am proud of you.
Those words meant more to her than any of his other confessions.
Of course, his confession of love was a wonderful thing, but she had always been waiting for him to appreciate her as a person, not just a woman he saw by his side.
With this, she finally felt equal to him.
Her optimism extinguished as quickly as it had appeared as soon as she crossed the walls of the family fortress. Although her heart screamed with joy at the sight of familiar rooms, smells and sights, the faces of her brothers left her with no illusions.
She swallowed loudly as she saw the hateful look on Jace's face; she knew him and she knew that he was hurt.
He was disappointed and heartbroken, he felt humiliated and, deep down, betrayed by her, even though she never meant it.
Luke clearly didn't know what he felt himself, because he just lowered his head, unable to look into her eyes.
She felt a squeeze in her throat at the sight, a discomfort in her stomach that told her that perhaps this wasn't her home at all anymore.
She was no longer welcome here.
She was snapped out of her reverie by Rhaena − her step-sister was the first to approach her, warmth and longing in her gaze, some kind of understanding from which she felt tears under her eyelids. They hugged each other tightly, though they had never done so before − her words made her feel a tightening in her stomach.
"I'm so happy you're alive." She muttered in a breaking voice, and she smiled involuntarily at her words.
"Me too."
As Baela approached them, also enclosing her in the tight embrace of her arms, she thought with a shrug that even though she hadn't let them into the depths of her heart for so many years, they truly cared and worried about her.
At the very end Joffrey ran up to her, sobbing loudly.
"− why have you been so long in King's Landing? − why did you leave us? − Jace wouldn't read me my favourite book −" He mumbled cuddled into her belly, her hands combing through his dark curls with the calm motion of her fingers.
"− forgive me − I'm here −" She said softly, looking at her older brother and swallowed hard, seeing the murderous glances they exchanged over the table with her husband.
She looked at her mother, who nodded, understanding what she wanted to convey to her.
"You are certainly exhausted. Take up your old quarters, daughter, I will immediately command them to be brought to order and prepared for you." Rheanyra said calmly, and she bowed before her.
"Thank you, my Queen." She said softly, looking into her eyes. Her mother swallowed hard and nodded, allowing them to leave.
As they stepped inside her chamber, she felt a squeeze in her heart and some kind of elation; all her belongings were in their places exactly as she had left them, as if no one had been allowed in here since she had been forcibly held in the Red Keep.
She shuddered, snapped out of her reverie when her uncle moved ahead of her, strolling around the room with his hands folded behind his back, intrigued.
It seemed to her that some part of him wanted to understand what her life had been like and who she had been for the eight years during which they had been separated.
She saw him walk over to her old oak desk and run his fingers over its top, thoughtful.
"− is this here? −" He asked casually.
She felt heat in her lower abdomen at the thought that he meant the place where she had written letters to him.
"− yes −"
She swallowed quietly as he hummed at her words, watching as he sat in the chair where she sat many times leaning over the parchment, scribbling words on it meant only for his eyes. He tapped his finger on the armrest, turning to face her in profile as he gazed out of the window, apparently absorbed in memories.
She thought that although her return home had proved more uncomfortable than she had thought, she was grateful to him.
Whatever decision he had made that morning had led them here and was proof of his intentions.
"− we should rest, husband − if that's what you wish, we'll have supper alone −" She said quietly, smiling at him, wanting him to know she wouldn't force him to sit at the same table with her family.
She thought she would spend the evening with him, give him the feeling that she was not speaking with anyone behind his back, and perhaps in the morning, before they flew away, she would ask him so that she could speak to her mother at last in peace and solitude.
Comforted by this thought and the fact that it looked like all was not lost, she began to tell him about her life in Dragonstone, to show him the books she had written to him about in her letters, the places she had flown to on Larax.
It seemed to her that her husband was only partially listening to her; his gaze was thoughtful, his face expressed weariness and discouragement. She knew that something was making him uncomfortable and she suspected that it was about the place they were in; however, she did not know how to help him, to give him the feeling that neither he nor she was in danger here.
"− uncle − will you tell me what troubles you? −" She finally made an attempt to find out what had been on his mind since the morning. He shuddered at her words and looked at her with a horror as if he was about to faint.
"I'm tired." He replied quickly, without thinking, as if he wanted to answer her anything just to end the subject. She sighed quietly, recognising that she couldn't push him too hard.
Not after what they had managed to accomplish.
"Let's go to bed."
She felt a squeeze in her throat as, already lying on the bedding, she watched as he took out his dagger and tucked it under his pillow; she looked at him and met his calm, impassive gaze.
She decided not to say anything, understanding where his caution came from, not wanting to discourage or frustrate him.
She smiled involuntarily, content as his body clung to hers as soon as he lay at her side. She heard him murmur as she snuggled his face between her breasts, felt his arms embrace her waist and tighten around the material of her nightgown on her back.
She loved it when her mother sang lullabies to her when she was a child; it always calmed and soothed her. She had never dared to sing to him when they were children, fearing that her voice was too squeaky and unpleasant, but now she decided that maybe that was just what he needed.
So she sang, humming softly, once in a while placing a warm, lingering kiss on the top of his head − she felt his embrace slowly growing weaker, his muscles relaxing, his breathing quiet and even.
She sighed quietly feeling him fall asleep.
Someone's jerking and growling roused her from a deep sleep; when she opened her eyes for a moment she didn't know where she was or what was happening.
She recognised her chamber but did not know what her uncle was doing in it, convinced that he still had not answered her letters, as he had not done so for eight years.
After a moment, however, her mind seemed to regain focus and she remembered that she was his wife after all, and that his silhouette lying beside her was not a figment of her imagination.
She raised herself up on her elbow seeing that his body convulsed once in a while, as if he was trying to break free of something, whimpers and grunts came out of his throat, however, his mouth did not open, tears began to fall from the corners of his eyes one by one.
"Uncle! Uncle, please, wake up!" She called out, grabbing his arm, feeling her heart pounding like crazy.
She was frightened and jumped back as his eye opened suddenly, his figure rose to sit up, and he began to pant like a wild animal, quivering all over. She looked at him in disbelief, horrified to hear that he was struggling to catch his breath.
Was he having nightmares again?
Was he dreaming again of the night he lost his eye?
"− easy, my love − breathe −" She whispered tenderly, gently touching his back; he flinched all over and looked at her as if he didn't recognise her − his eye was wide open, his nostrils twitched in accelerated, heavy breaths.
"− Rhaenys − Rhaenys −" He mumbled like a small, terrified child and fell into her arms, bursting into a sob so loud that the voice stuck in her throat.
She embraced him immediately, letting him find protection and comfort in her arms, stroking affectionately his hair and back, placing warm, soft kisses on the top of his head in an attempt to reassure him.
"− I'm here, my love − I'm here −" She mumbled, feeling that the fabric of her nightgown was all wet with his tears, his hot, broken breath enveloping her skin.
She felt like he wanted to melt into one with her, to hide deep inside her from whatever it was that scared him.
He was silent for a long moment, trying to calm himself; she hushed him tenderly, whispering that he was safe, that she was by his side, that all was well. She finally heard him swallow hard, his voice trembling and uncertain.
"− there's something − there's something I want to tell you −" He muttered. She blinked, twisting comfortably in her seat, feeling her heart begin to beat faster.
"− I'm listening to you, my love −" She whispered, stroking his hair. She released him from her arms when she felt him wanting to rise.
He sat on the bedding with his side facing her, running his shaking hand over his face, his healthy eye closed as if afraid of what was about to leave his mouth.
"− I − fuck −" He began, swallowing hard − her hand rose to his back, stroking it reassuringly.
"− easy − take your time − start from the beginning −" She encouraged him softly, not wanting him to fall silent again, seeing that he wanted to throw off whatever had been weighing on his shoulders since they had left Harrenhal.
"− you may remember − Lord Strong wanted to speak with me soon after we arrived in Harrenhal −" He said uncertainly, and she nodded, reminding herself that this was indeed what had happened.
"− yes −"
Her uncle swallowed hard, drawing in air loudly.
"− he told me at the time − that my grandfather had no intention of letting your mother and Daemon leave the Eyrie alive if it turned out they wouldn't accept our terms − but now I think they wouldn't have left alive anyway − Larys had his spies there −" He muttered and fell silent, freezing completely as she did, her heart beginning to pound like mad.
My grandfather had no intention of letting them leave the Eyrie alive.
"Will you be by my side even when all is lost? Even if there is nothing left but darkness? Is that what you had in mind then?" She mumbled out in pain, feeling that there was a complete void in her mind. "Will I be there for you even if your grandfather kills my mother?"
"− n-no −" He began quickly. "− will you be there for me even if I fail to prevent it knowing that I didn't tell you −"
She felt a constriction in her throat and lower abdomen, felt tears of disappointment and sadness flowing into her eyelids − now it was her body that trembled in convulsions, his gaze full of shame and horror directed at her.
She sucked his cock, she let him take her, and he knew that the next day her father and her mother could be murdered.
She pressed her lips together, shaking her head and laughed low.
"− you will betray me − you will run away − those are your words, aren't they? − you were always the first to accuse me − was it because you were trying to cover up your own conscience? − you wanted me to let you down so that you wouldn't feel guilty about doing it over and over again? −" She asked with a cold mockery, from which he bowed his head in embarrassment, in a subconscious reflex he had inherited from his mother plucking the cuticles around his fingernails.
He did not answer.
"− what should I do now? − divorce you? − say I won't come back to King's Landing with you? − not speak to you for eight years? − tell me, uncle, what do you think you deserve? −" She asked dispassionately, feeling the tears of rage and grief one by one run down her cheeks.
She saw him tremble at her words and curl into himself, as if he were again the same little boy who had cried in her arms when his mother had reprimanded him for inappropriate behaviour.
She pressed her lips into a thin line as he hid his face in his hands and wept helplessly, as if his whole person, everything he had built around himself was just falling apart in front of her eyes, showing him his insides, what was left of him.
He was vulnerable.
"− fuck − I − I wanted to tell you, but I was afraid you'd change your mind − that if you warned them they'd see it as a betrayal and wouldn't want to pact − that's why I didn't let any of us stay in the Eyrie − I −"
"− because my mother agreed − but what would you have done if things had turned out differently? −" She asked coldly, and he swallowed hard, covering his eyes with his hand, as if he could not bear what he felt or this conversation.
"− I don't know − I don't know how I could have protected both you and my family then − what decision of mine would have saved you from death −" He muttered and she pulled herself up from the bed, recognising that she didn't feel like listening to this, that she had had enough of him and his guilt when it was always him, him, him disappointing her.
From the first night she had returned to him, when he had closed her cheeks in the brutal grip of his fingers she had seen in his eye what had now become clear to her.
He was weak, and when he was afraid, he resorted to violence.
She heard him stand up behind her, panting heavily, wiping his tear-wet face with his hand.
"− no − don't leave − I told you because −"
"− because your conscience didn't give you peace − because you didn't want to carry your guilt alone −" She hissed, turning towards him with furrowed brows.
She felt that fury, not blood, was flowing through her veins now.
He swallowed loudly at her words, looking at her wide-eyed.
"− if you've never hidden anything from me − you've never concealed anything from me for fear that I might react impulsively, leave − but if you did, come back to bed − I won't touch you −"
She pressed her lips together in fury, recognising that he must have been mocking her, but then she felt an unpleasant sting in her heart that proved she had doubts.
She heard again the words of one of her servants in King's Landing whispering in her ear that when the time came, Prince Daemon would help her escape; she heard again the words of Alys speaking of the prophecy she had not shared with him for fear of his reaction.
Had she really never hidden anything from him?
Her whole body screamed for her to leave; she wanted to do it, but felt that if she did, she would be lying to herself and to him, creating an image in which she was without flaw.
She could say that she had the right to do it, that she had good intentions, but didn't her uncle think the same about his decisions?
She glared at him and let out a loud breath, returning to the bed without a word, sinking into the soft sheets, turning her face away from him. She heard him breathe heavily, and after a moment, the bed creaked under the weight of his body settling against her back.
"− tell me −" He whispered.
She sighed heavily and grunted, recognising that her faults were less than his anyway.
So why did she still feel shame and a squeeze in her gut?
"− after I tried to take my life I was told that my father could help me escape − don't ask how − I also didn't tell you about the prophecy I heard from Alys −"
"− that fucking witch is a liar −" He growled, and she let out a loud breath, impatient.
"− it is possible − but I also heard this prophecy from your sister's mouth − both of them spoke of two rivers of blood merging into one, taking the shape of a dragon's crowned head −" She choked out finally, her husband stirring beside her in his place, surprised.
"− what could this mean? −"
"− I don't know − I was afraid that when you heard it, you would want to give up on the negotiations and return to King's Landing − Alys warned me, so she probably knew what your grandfather was planning to do −" She said regretfully, thinking that strange woman was more concerned for her safety and her family than her husband.
She heard him swallow hard, letting the air out loudly.
"− forgive me −"
She lay in silence for some time, feeling anger that he expected her to simply forget everything, understand his reasons and forgive him as always.
"− I will forgive you, but I have my conditions − we will stay here longer − for a week or two, I will decide in the morning −" She said coldly.
"− but − my mother will be convinced that they are holding us by force −" He began, but she would not let him finish.
"− you will write a letter to your brother informing him that my mother has accepted his terms, but is also setting her own − that we will stay here to discuss all the details, show our goodwill − if your mother wishes, she can travel here in her own person − you can leave Dragonstone when you wish, but I will stay here as long as I desire, and you will show no opposition −" She said impatiently, feeling her heart pounding like mad, her hands clenched into fists.
Her husband swallowed loudly at her words, tense.
"− I − very well −" He muttered finally, knowing that any other words would forever cross him out in her eyes.
She hummed under her breath, covering herself tightly with the bedding and closed her eyes, figuring she wouldn't turn towards him for the rest of the night.
"− don't try to take me or embrace me −" She commanded and he sighed quietly.
She swallowed hard when she felt him place his large hand on her head and begin to stroke her hair exactly as he had when they were children.
She felt furious that it was so pleasant, so soothing, that he knew she loved it.
"− my Rhaenys −" He whispered tenderly. She pressed her lips together at his words, feeling a single, lonely tear run down her cheek.
The next morning she was awakened by a rustling noise and the sound of a quill scratching on parchment; she lifted her sleepy eyelids and saw his silhouette sitting behind her desk, bent over a letter he had apparently just written.
She felt strange at the thought that he was sitting in the exact place where she had spent years writing him messages that had never received a response.
She knew, however, that she now had the upper hand over him and that her word was an order to him.
She was not going to imitate his cold nature and not speak to him − they had to maintain a semblance of at least a warm relationship so that the image of their marriage, on which the whole agreement between the two parties was supposed to be based, did not begin to crack.
He lifted his gaze to her when she stood up, but they did not exchange a word between each other.
He did not know what to say.
Her maidservant walked in at her summons and bowed before her, bending her head humbly.
"− Your Grace, will you have your morning meal before your travel? − your mother would like to speak with you before you leave for King's Landing −"
"− we will have a meal, but convey to my mother that there is no rush − my husband and I have decided to stay here for a few weeks as an expression of our sincere intentions − my husband is in the process of conveying this message to his brother − my uncle is in need of new garments, provide them for him without delay and bring them to my chamber −" She said calmly; her servant blinked, shocked and nodded, immediately disappearing behind the door.
Despite what she had learned and the rage she felt, she was pleased − the roles had been reversed and although her husband was not her prisoner, he was attached to her and was forced to stay in a place that disgusted him.
Good, she thought.
She wanted him to feel what she had felt during the month she had spent in King's Landing, imprisoned by his mother and grandfather.
"− I wish to spend this afternoon with my mother − if you so desire, I can show you in which chamber the library is located −" She said lightly, without looking at him however, taking a bite of bread spread with confiture. Her husband rolled his eyes, displeased.
"I have no intention of leaving your quarters." He replied indifferently.
She raised her eyebrows in amusement at his words.
"You are not my prisoner, uncle. You can walk and fly wherever you please. Holding someone by force is not in my nature." She murmured softly − her husband gave her one tired look.
She smiled at him in a way from which he swallowed hard and looked away, sighing heavily.
He knew she was enraged and he wasn't going to get in her way.
One of the aspects she enjoyed upon returning home was that she had finally retrieved all her robes; her uncle looked at her from the side, watching as her servants helped her put on a golden gown with long black sleeves that reached the ground.
"− make braids around my head − my husband adores it when I wear this hairstyle, is he not? −" She sneered, glancing at him over her shoulder. She only saw him roll his eyes, running his hand over his face, not saying a word.
He knew he had to endure everything she was throwing at him with humility if he didn't want to make his already bad situation worse.
She had no idea what he could do to regain her favour, her trust, the respect she had for him.
"− have a pleasant day, husband −" She threw over her shoulder, leaving him alone in the chamber, recognising that she did not care what he did.
As she stepped into her mother's quarters, Rhaenyra rose from her seat, putting down the quill she held in her hand, approaching her with surprise and uncertainty written on her face.
"− is it true? − are you planning to stay in Dragonstone? −" She asked in a trembling voice − she smiled and nodded. Her mother sighed in relief and walked over to her, embracing her tightly with her arms, snuggling her head into her neck.
They pulled away from each other after a moment, her hands gripping her cheeks, her thumbs stroking her skin as if she remembered a time when she was still a small child.
"− let's sit down −"
Being in her chamber again was like a dream to her − she couldn't believe she was sitting at the same table again, surrounded by the same furniture and bed with a red curtain, with the windows open to a view of the great sea.
"− does he treat you well? −" She asked suddenly, taking her hand in her own.
Her mother's question surprised her, but it also filled her heart with warmth and emotion.
"− I − yes − despite his harsh, difficult nature −"
"− so how did he let this happen? −" She asked, exposing a part of her wrist with her thumb, where her pale scar was clearly visible. She swallowed loudly, not knowing what to answer her.
She wanted to tell her about the moon tea, but hesitated.
She didn't want her to think that her husband knew about it, that he was a worse person than she assumed.
It devastated her to think that she still had to tell half-truths.
"− I did it as an act of desperation − when he found out he wouldn't leave my side for weeks − he wouldn't let anyone but himself, Helaena and the maester cross the threshold of my quarters − he let me see Luke −" She muttered, looking at her at last. Her mother lowered her gaze, sighing quietly, tired and pale.
"− when Daemon passed on your words to me, I was furious − I didn't understand how you could do this to me −" She began and fell silent, closing her eyelids for a moment.
She felt an all-consuming shame at the thought that she had failed and disappointed her as a daughter.
"− forgive me − I would never question your rights if it were only about you − but you know very well that it is not −" She said cautiously − her mother lifted her gaze to her and nodded.
"− I know −"
They fell silent for a moment.
"− can I trust him? − your husband − and my brother −" Her mother asked coldly; she raised her gaze to her, surprised to feel that her lips involuntarily parted.
I don't know.
"− yes −" She muttered. "− he refused Maris Baratheon to take her as his wife − he himself proposed a form of compromise, and his elder brother supported him − Aegon is not a good man, but he cares about his children − he knows he will not leave them a secure, safe throne − just as you would not leave it to your sons −"
They said no more.
She spent some more time with her, just holding her hand, wordlessly trying to comfort her, thinking with weariness that she had to give up everything that was rightfully hers.
She finally decided to take pity on her husband and return to her chamber, not wanting to leave him alone for so long in a state of anxiety and uncertainty.
She felt her heart stop as she stepped into her quarters and saw no one inside − a cold shiver ran down her spine at the thought of him leaving her.
He had returned to King's Landing without her.
She pressed her lips together, involuntarily feeling her heart begin to pound like mad with pain and sadness, her eyes glazed over with tears that she was ashamed of, thinking it shouldn't hurt so much, and yet it did.
She looked around the room quickly, looking for a letter or anything else that might say he had left her some word, but found nothing of the sort; she shuddered when she heard someone's dim voices in the distance and walked over to the window.
Her father and her uncle stood facing each other on the beach with their hands folded behind their backs, discussing something animatedly, a clear tension between them.
She felt regret towards herself, her body filled with an overwhelming relief that he had not left her, that he had not betrayed her again.
She thought the gods had been cruel, allowing her to love this man so deeply.
She blinked, startled, when she heard the door from her chamber open; she turned and saw the figure of her eldest brother, who only spoke up when they heard a loud clatter of wood behind them.
"− how could you do this? − choose him over us? −" He growled with regret, resentment and disappointment, his big brown eyes filled with anger and pain from which she felt a tightening in her throat. She furrowed her brow and shook her head.
"− we both know what the truth is − you can't rule with lies −" She replied, shrugging her shoulders; Jace moved towards her and she flinched all over, surprised at how pale he was, his lips tightened into a thin line − she had the impression he was trembling all over.
"− this was my inheritance − my throne − my crown − and you chose him, a man who did not write back to your letters for eight years, who humiliated you by calling you a bastard, and you shared a bed with him the first night you saw him, like some... −" He didn't finish and fell silent, the word he wanted to say stuck deep in his throat. She felt her lower lip tremble at his accusation, her eyebrows arching in pain and anger, her eyes red from tears of shame and humiliation.
"− say it − you've already spoken the word in your mind −" She sneered, lifting her chin higher, challenging him.
"− I won't call you an unworthy name −" He muttered lowly, and she laughed involuntarily at his words, shaking her head.
"− you think that makes you a better man? − look at this −" She hissed, lifting her hand up, exposing her wrist tugging impatiently at the material of her black sleeve. "− here is what I have done for you and for your crown − should I do it again? −"
She swallowed loudly, surprised when she noticed that something in her brother's expression had changed − Jace had grabbed her wrist and locked it between his fingers, but there was no aggression in the gesture, his thumb stroking her smooth, bare skin.
They stared at each other for a moment, breathing loudly; she felt that there was a kind of tension between them from which her heart was pounding like mad, but she wasn't sure what it was caused by; something in his gaze, in his brown, misty eyes and parted lips, made her feel hot.
"− do you love him more than our mother? − than Luke, than Joffrey? − than me? −" He asked in a trembling voice and she shook her head, not understanding what he meant.
"− Jace − it's a different kind of love − I −"
"− what kind? −" He hissed. "− the kind where you're constantly betrayed? − in which someone mocks your parentage? − locks you up like some prisoner? −"
"− Jace −" She gasped, feeling that something in his questions, in his gaze, in what he wanted to hear from her had broken her down, her whole body began to quiver.
She shuddered as he approached her suddenly, as his free hand cupped her warm cheeks, as his forehead pressed against hers, his voice trembling as the words left his throat like a river.
"− I am your oldest brother − you were born to be mine − I would be good to you − you know I would −"
"− brother, what are you saying? − you had no objections when my mother decided to marry me to Ronnel −" She said disapprovingly, furrowing her brow in anger.
"− it was our mother's decision − how could I oppose her? −" He asked with a frown, as if he really believed what he was saying, a cold shiver ran through her body as his thumb ran over the soft skin of her cheek, hot with emotion.
"− you have never loved me − not in this way, we both know it well − you have always preferred to lie to yourself rather than face the truth − you do not look at me as the woman you desire, but as an inheritance that was taken from you −" She said with pain, feeling that what he was saying was not due to any deep feeling he had for her, but to his anger that she was not waiting for him docilely like his throne and his crown.
Her brother swallowed hard at her words, his hot, ragged breath enveloping the skin of her face.
"− when you were born, our mother told me that you might be my future wife − and I always, always saw you this way −"
"− you mocked me with Aegon −"
"− I craved his attention − he was older and impressed me − didn't you do anything you regretted as a child? −" He muttered wearily; she felt her heart stop at his words, a drop of cold sweat run down the back of her neck.
What was she supposed to answer him?
"− brother − I am married to another man − of my own free will −"
"− you are a traitor −"
"− how dare you −"
"− you are a traitor, but I still am unable to hate you −"
A squeal of terror stuck in her throat, her body froze completely as his lips pressed against hers in a greedy, hot, sticky kiss, his fingers digging into the soft skin of her cheeks, refusing to let her move away.
She cried out and pushed him away − before he could make any move her hand slapped him in the face so hard that he took a few steps back, clutching his red cheek, panting heavily.
"− get out −" She muttered, placing her hand over her heart, feeling as if it was about to burst out of her chest. "− get out of my chamber, brother − I'll forget this...conversation ever took place −"
Jace swallowed hard, horrified and ashamed, as if it had only now occurred to him what he had actually done.
What would Baela say if she saw this?
It seemed to him that they both couldn't believe he had done it − Jace had turned and walked out, leaving behind an open door and a complete blank in her mind.
She thought he wanted to take it out on their uncle, to take away something that belonged to him.
That she was just an object for him on which he had decided to vent.
She thought with pain that he, unlike her husband, had never tried to truly understand her.
When her uncle returned to her chamber they did not exchange a word − he seemed distracted and frustrated to her. He took one of the books from the bookshelf and sat by the fireplace, pretending to read. She lowered her gaze, playing with her fingers, thinking only of the fact that if she hid it from him, she would be just like him.
She didn't know for a long time how she should put it into words, but she figured he'd be furious either way.
"− Jace kissed me − on the lips −" She muttered, glancing at him fearfully − his eye opened wide, looking at her in disbelief, his jaw clenched in such a way that a shudder went through her.
He was silent for a moment, as if he had run out of words, which frightened her even more.
"− he did WHAT? −" He growled, closing the book with a loud slam, pulling himself up from his seat like an enraged bear.
"− he kissed me − grief and humiliation took his mind away − I − wait − gods −" She muttered, standing up as soon as he headed towards the door, which he opened with a loud clatter, running out into the corridor after him.
"− Aemond − no, no, no − stop! −" She hissed, grabbing his arm, but he pulled away from her, opening door after door until he found himself in the right room − Jace and Beala were sitting together at a table, apparently discussing something.
Her older brother rose from his seat and turned pale at the sight of them, horrified.
Her husband walked into his quarters with a wide, menacing smile, exactly the same one he bestowed on him and Luke when they saw him duelling with Criston Cole in King's Landing. He put his hands behind his back, shifting his body weight to one leg, cocking his head.
"− haven't you learned yet not to take what's not yours? − hm? −"
"− Aemond −" She said warningly, but her uncle didn't listen to her, his healthy eye wide open, as if he was just waiting for this.
An opportunity for confrontation.
"− your sister when we were children told me that she never desired you as a man − she knew even then that you were a cunt −" He sneered amused, revealing his teeth in a wide grin full of feigned recognition.
"− Aemond, that's enough −"
"− how dare you? − you are a guest under our roof − get out −" Baela thundered.
She felt a squeeze in her heart at the thought that she knew nothing.
She moved ahead and stood in front of her husband, looking at him with furrowed brows.
"− we are leaving −"
"− no − I'm speaking with my nephew −"
"− we are leaving, uncle, or I swear I will never return with you to King's Landing −"
"− so I'll stay here with you − Jace as ruler of Dragonstone will surely be delighted to host us, won't he? − he seems to have a weakness for you, sweet wife −" He murmured in a voice filled with poison, from which a strong shiver ran along her back.
"− Jace, say something at last! −" Baela hissed, furious that her betrothed simply looked at their uncle and remained silent, unable to get a word out.
"− I made a mistake − I shouldn't have done it, forgive me − I −" He directed his words to her, to his sister, sadness and regret in his gaze, from which she involuntarily felt sympathy.
"− you made a mistake? − I seem to be able to understand the feeling − I have made a similar one many times, as well as others, even worse ones −" Her husband hissed, gripping her cheeks in his hand − her voice stuck in her throat as his fleshy lips clung to hers in an aggressive, loud kiss, his tongue forced its way deep into her throat.
She sighed as he turned her back to him, pressing her brutally against his chest and grabbed her neck − she grasped his wrist as his free hand slid down her lower abdomen, his fingers dug into the material of her gown beneath which her womanhood lay, she could feel his hot breath on her cheek.
"− so beautiful, isn't she, nephew? − I couldn't help myself either − I can't count how many times I took her − how many times I have filled her with my seed − right here −" He breathed out into her ear and she closed her eyes, feeling with horror and disbelief that her nipples had hardened, that her walls had clenched around nothing at his embarrassing words, feeling his finger tease what lay between her thighs despite her resistance.
"− u-uncle − stop −" She muttered, a moan stuck in her throat as she felt his erection behind her throb hard at her words, pushing against her buttocks, his fingertips dug deep into her folds hidden beneath the fabric.
Gods, he wanted her brother to watch this.
Baela looked at Jace as if she suddenly understood everything, her eyebrows arched in pain and disbelief.
"− what did you do? −" She asked quietly, her older brother shook his head, all red, turning his face away, unable to look at it.
"− I −" He didn't finish; her uncle let her go immediately, panting loudly as she did when Daemon walked into the chamber, looking at them, then at Jace and his daughter.
He grinned.
"− what is the meaning of this...commotion? − hm? −" He asked, raising his eyebrows in amusement and mockery; she looked away and glanced at her uncle, shaking her head with furrowed brows, letting him know that he was to remain silent.
Her husband pressed his lips into a thin line, but did not utter a word.
They stood in awkward silence, with only the quiet fizzle of the blazing fire in the fireplace around them.
"Mmm." Her husband hummed and turned away, heading for the door. Not knowing what to do, she simply moved after him, casting only one apologetic glance at Baela.
When they finally returned to her chamber she let out a loud breath.
"− what was that supposed to mean? −" She asked in frustration, wondering what had possessed him.
She tried not to think about how embarrassingly wet she was now.
"− I don't know what you're referring to, wife − I've merely shown my nephew the depth of my understanding as to his desire −" He grinned, grabbing a jug full of wine, pouring himself a full cup of it.
She licked her lower lip in impatience, standing still and watching him − their gazes met as he raised the goblet to his lips and took a deep sip from it.
"− what − are you wet now? −" He sneered and she felt a hot wave of shame surge through her body − she felt like her cheeks had turned scarlet.
"− don't mock me − this was humiliating −" She growled, furrowing her brow, a smirk on his face that she didn't like.
"− if you say so, wife −" He muttered, approaching her lazily, playing with his cup in his hand, raising it to his lips again "− I, however, think you'd rather I did something else −"
He said and took another sip of wine, swallowing it loudly, towering over her with a look from which a pleasant shiver ran through her core.
"− I think you'd rather I fucked you good in front of him − for me to slip my fingers under your skirt and sink them into your leaking cunt −" He murmured, leaning over her so that the tips of their noses were almost touching, her walls swelling all over at his words − she felt a drop of her own wetness run down her thigh.
"− am I wrong? −" He asked, cocking his head curiously, taking another sip of wine from his goblet without taking his eyes off her.
She drew in a loud breath as he set his cup down on the table standing beside them with a loud clang of steel, taking a step towards her, his lips parted in desire.
Gods, no.
"− don't touch me −"
She saw him squint his eyes as he hesitated, his nostrils flaring in accelerated breath.
She knew he was hard.
She knew he wanted to soften her up.
She immediately summoned her servant wishing that she would help her pull off her gown and let her hair down. After this, she lay down in bed, covering herself with thick furs, not looking at him or speaking a word to him. She swallowed hard when she heard him lie down right next to her and closed her eyelids when she felt his hot breath on her neck.
She thought he would try to touch her, embrace her and give her a reason to push him away, but he just lay behind her back, driving her crazy.
She waited for some time, listening to his quiet breathing, and decided that he was surely asleep by now; her hand slipped silently into the material of her nightgown, lifting it up. She swallowed quietly, tightening her lips as her fingers sank into her leaking, soft, hot womanhood begging to be fulfilled, teasing and squeezing the bud between its fleshy folds.
She felt herself grow hot, her heart began to pound like mad at the indecent idea that these was his hand touching her in front of Jace, making him watch, wanting him to see what her fulfilment looked like.
She felt her walls clench greedily around nothing at the thought, her fingers teasing the spot between her puffy folds with circular, intense strokes.
Involuntarily, her hips began to rock softly to the rhythm of the flicks of her own fingers, she felt that she was wonderfully close to fulfilment.
"− what are you doing? −" She heard his low, cool voice and froze completely. She swallowed hard, sliding her hand, sticky with her own moisture from between her thighs, and remained silent, unwilling to give him the satisfaction.
"− go on −" He said in a hoarse, deep voice from which a shiver went down her spine. She heard a rustling behind her and then the sticky sound of skin slapping against skin − his hot breathing quickened, heavy and ragged. "− come on −"
She couldn't help herself; her fingers dug into her swollen folds again causing a wave of heat to pass through her body − she felt pleasant tickling sensations in her lips, fingertips and nipples. She moaned quietly when she felt his nose pressed against her hair, her hips involuntarily began to rock when she heard him begin to pant, the splats behind her getting louder, louder and louder.
"− fuck − you know I'd lick you good there − hm? −" He sighed and she felt her whole body quiver, her fingers teasing her puffy pearl all sticky from her own wetness.
"− mhgm −" She whined, tilting her head back, feeling his hot, uneven breath on her ear, his swollen, wet lips run down her neck.
"− are you leaking? − are you leaking at the thought of how good I would make you feel? − at the thought of your brother watching me fuck his little sister? −" He breathed out, and she moaned loudly as she felt a wonderful, relieved sensation at his words, her fulfilment shaking her like a hot, tickling wave.
Her slit pulsed all under her fingers as her own moisture leaked out of her, she shuddered when she felt his warm, rough tongue run across the bare skin of her neck, leaving a slick, wet mark on it.
"− fuck, Rhaenys −" He muttered and after a moment he gasped − she felt something sticky and warm spurt out onto the back of her nightgown.
His seed.
She closed her eyelids, trying to calm her breathing, furious at herself and her weakness.
"− let me embrace you −"
"− no −"
She heard him huff, sighing heavily, his face still sunk into her neck.
"− move away, uncle −"
"− I inhale the wonderful scent of vanilla after having experienced fulfilment with my wife −"
"− your wife does not wish for this −"
"− sleep −"
She pressed her lips together and swallowed hard, thinking with frustration that she hated him with all her heart.
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maladaptiveobsession · 3 months
yandere valentino x reader x angel dust
contains: reader w/unspecified genitals, gn reader, nsfw themes, noncon/dubcon, dehumanization, degradation, heavy abuse (brief mentions of physical violence, manipulation, sexual exploitation), dacryphilia, overstimulation
word count: 2,160
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It’s not unusual for sinners to throw themselves at Valentino’s feet, but it is the first time the red skies of hell have thrown one directly onto him. The impact sends you both to the ground, collapsing in a startled heap.
He scrambles to throw you off, having every intention to rip you to scraps. Upon lifting your head, he suddenly has grander schemes in mind. His towering figure and lascivious grin send shivers down your spine.
“My, what lovely specimen do we have here? How kind of heaven to send a beauty like yourself directly to me.” His flirtations send blood rushing to your head, making your face grow warmer. You shyly break eye contact, swiveling your head to get a look around. Where is this place?
Valentino must notice your growing confusion and distress, interrupting your thoughts with a low chuckle.
“Welcome to hell, dollface.” Oh, you must be dead. You never thought you were perfect, but you never could’ve imagined you’d go to hell! Where did you go wrong? Suddenly thrust into hell with murderers, rapists, and monsters alike, you wondered if you could die twice.
“Don’t look so down, baby; you’re in luck! There’s no better demon you could’ve crashed into.” He goes on to introduce himself as a powerful overlord with a well-known and successful business.
“I’m feeling awfully generous right now. Why don’t you come work for me? I know just where to put you! You’ll fit right in! I’m sure my patrons will love you too.” He pauses to let you digest the information. “As my employee, you’d be provided housing. I could easily protect you from the creeps and losers on this side of hell. I’ll even forgive you for dirtying my coat! Sounds like a steal, right?”
He takes a long drag from a cigar that you're not sure where came from, then whips out a contract and pen.
“So, how about it, baby?”
Stranded in an unfamiliar place, you easily accept his kindness. As you take hold of the pen, something about his grin makes you uneasy.
If only you read the fine print. So began your life of torment.
What Valentino neglected to mention was that the “successful business” he ran was a porn studio. You spent hours doing photoshoots, films, and shows. Like Valentino suggested, you became his star attraction—the shy and delicate pornstar all of hell’s degenerates thirsted for. Yet they would never get a taste. Valentino didn’t share his personal toys. 
Inexplicably, he couldn’t get enough of you. He wanted to own you the moment he saw your pretty face, drawn to the light in your eyes.
Even with your skin bruised by his fingers and your throat sore from careless treatment, you still desired his rough affection. You didn’t mind that he left you battered each night or his harsh comments when you couldn’t keep up with his demands.
You could even forgive him for cruelly allowing his customers to take advantage of you and fuck you back into submission.
“I said I could protect you; I never said I would. Perhaps you’ll think twice before disobeying in the future.”
You would do anything if it meant receiving his violent devotion.
Being the personal toy of an egomaniacal moth could never be easy, but at least you weren’t alone. You had befriended none other than Valentino’s former favored pornstar, Angel Dust. Despite your differences in character, your shared experiences created a bond neither of you could find anywhere else. Misery always finds company.
Angel felt conflicted upon meeting you. That bastard had finally found a new toy to replace him! His joy only lasted until he heard your voice, so soft and sweet.
Valentino would break you.
Angel dreamed of the day Valentino would grow bored of him and find a new toy to play with. Now that that dream was a reality, he couldn’t push down the guilt. Shouldn’t he feel happy?
There was nothing Angel could do to protect you, but he could give you advice on how to protect yourself.
“Just do what he says. The consequences aren’t worth going against his word.”
He hadn’t planned on getting so close to you; he had tried to scare you off with cruelties, but you never minded. Despite his best efforts, he couldn’t shake you. He tried to keep his distance and went out of his way to avoid you. You must have taken the hint and stopped bothering him like he’d wanted.
He didn’t owe you anything, so why did your absence make him feel worse? Why did he feel like something was missing?
Angel found his answers not long after.
He'd followed the muffled sound of choked sobs to your studio, pausing outside the cracked door. Against his better judgment, he peeked inside.
He’s met with the sight of you huddled in your vanity seat, knees raised to your chest, and your face buried in your arms.
You raise your head at the sound of Angel’s voice, rushing to wipe away tears. You greet him with the best smile you can manage.
How miserable you must look to him, with smudged mascara and puffy eyes.
“I’m sorry for bothering you so often, Angie.” With how hoarse your voice is, he suspects you’ve been crying for a while. “I didn’t mean to overstep. I just felt so alone, you know?”
He does. He knows better than anyone.
It suddenly occurs to him how much of an asshole he’s been. You didn’t deserve the shit he’s been giving you.
He'd put up walls ever since he signed away his freedom; he couldn’t trust anybody. He thought nobody could understand what kind of shit he’s been through, but then you came along. You do understand because you’re going through it.
You’re all each other has.
“Don’t cry for the bastard. He doesn’t deserve your tears.” You look like you’re about to apologize again, but he continues. “Listen, I’m sorry for being such a douchebag lately. You didn’t do nothing wrong. We’ve only got each other in this shithole.”
You smile brightly, unsure what caused the sudden change in attitude, but happy nonetheless. “Right, together, we’re not alone.”
So began your unlikely friendship.
Unfortunately, Valentino wasn’t nearly as enthused. His obsession grew to new heights when you befriended Angel Dust. This manifested itself in the form of longer studio hours and even rougher sex.
Seeing you get along on set made his blood boil. The final straw was the stupid grin you sent Angel’s way. How dare you flirt with that slut! How dare he grin back!
You both clearly needed to be reminded of your status. Since you liked each other so much, he would be happy to give his blessings. Why, he’d personally see to your union.
Later that evening, you found yourself back on set, blindfolded and gagged. The cold nipped at your bare skin. Valentino kept the studios cold to keep your nipples perked. The handcuffs keeping your hands pinned to the bed post provided little comfort.
The sound of the film crew setting up around you sent heat to your sex. You couldn’t swallow the feeling of disgust residing in your throat; how could you enjoy this? Even amongst the buzz of conversations, you could easily pick out the click of Valentino’s healed boots. You wait for the familiar call to begin filming, yet you do not find it.
It’s only when a pair of hands, strangely familiar, find their way to your chest that you realize the set began. The whole situation strikes you as strange, but what could you do anyhow? Nothing would change the outcome. In the end, all you’d receive for your curiosity would be a nasty bruise.
So you brush off your worries and focus on the sensation of soft hands groping at your chest, teasing your nipples. You can’t help but lean into their gentle touches; the familiarity comforting.
The way they glide across your skin—as if searching—you wonder if they’re blindfolded too. Shivers run across your spine as they spread your legs, the cool air kissing your core. The bed shifts as your film partner settles between your thighs, their hands never leaving you.
Fingers prod at your entrance, sinking in easily. Your head spins at the sudden intrusion. As they finger and stretch your hole, you struggle to maintain composure. Each motion was intentional and practiced. You could feel the slick gather below you in a thick puddle. Somehow, they knew how to work you just right.
Droplets of pre-cum smeared against your skin as their cock brushed up against your thigh.
Unable to wait any longer, you tried lifting your hips away from their fingers. You wanted more; you wanted to be filled.
Your desire clouded any creeping shame or embarrassment. You never wanted this; why shouldn’t you enjoy the pleasure being given?
The hand lingering on your hip stills you with surprising strength; another set of hands you didn’t know they had pushes your thighs up to your chest. Desire clouds your thoughts, never once questioning the owner of said hands.
They guide their cock to your entrance, driving it in without warning—the sudden stretch takes your breath away. Though easier to accommodate than Valentino’s, you still find yourself pushed past your limits.
Little time is given to adjust; their pace is rough but controlled. Waves of pleasure burn through you. 
Your moans and pleas are swallowed up by the gag. Tears of pleasure and pain gather in your eyes, darkening the fabric of your blindfold. It hurts so good; the intensity building in your core threatens to snap. A particularly rough thrust sends powerful shockwaves throughout your body.
They shudder against you, their pace stuttering for only a brief moment. They were too busy changing their own bliss. You writhe against your binds as the heat within tightens once more, all too soon. Your pleas for clemency are muffled.
Valentino watches with great interest, languidly stroking his own length as you're brought back to the edge of pleasure. You were so sensitive and expressive.
His favorite slut being forced to use his personal toy wasn’t a sight he thought he’d enjoy. He’d initially been reluctant, only convinced by the masses demanding your collaboration.
Now he couldn’t wait for the reveal—to see the despair of fucking your only friend. Commanding his toys to fuck like dolls was fun; maybe he’d do it again some time.
He watched closely as Angel’s hips stuttered, pace becoming erratic, and fingers pressing deep into your thighs. The heat of his climax sends you over the edge. With your ears ringing and your heart pounding, you feel dizzy. Darkness swallows up your vision.
Valentino makes note of your limpness, suddenly struck by an idea. He strides over to Angel, leaning down to whisper in his ear.
“Did you think I wouldn’t notice you flirting with my toy?” He didn’t miss the way Angel tenses. “Well, I’ve got a surprise for you.”
Wasting no time, he wrenched the blindfold off.
Angel’s reaction is more than he’d hoped for. Horror and disgust flash in his eyes as he scrambles to pull out of you. He tumbled off the bed in his urgency and crumpled at Val’s feet in despair.
Angel can feel his stomach in his throat, panis rising.
“Aw, did you not like my gift?” Valentino mocks him, relishing in the pitiful display. “Well, too bad. Pick yourself up and get ready to do it again.”
For a moment, Angel is unresponsive. He has to do that all over again? He has to violate you? He can’t do that to you; it would break you.
Buzzing under the thick layer of disgust creeps darker desires: to touch and tease your skin, to sink into your warmth. To do it all over again.
He doesn't notice the way his dick responds, but Valentino certainly does. How unexpected!
“Holy shit, are you hard again? Does the thought of raping your friend turn you on that much? I wonder what your friend will think?” He can taste your fear and anguish already. “Let’s not waste any time, then.”
Angel's fear is palpable and thick. He doesn’t want to lose you. When you open your eyes, the little sanctuary you've built together will never be the same.
You should feel something, but you can only feel empty as your only friend splits you open against both of your wills. Averting his eyes, he rocks into you. Valentino’s voice hardly registers at all. 
“Don’t act so shy, Angelcakes. Go on, fuck them with your eyes like you usually do. If I don’t see some eye contact, there will be consequences for your dearest friend.”
With your eyes connected, you can’t pretend anymore. This is happening. This is real. 
You only have each other, but together you created a nightmare you can’t escape. At least you’re not alone—closer than you’ve ever been.
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oddinary4bts · 9 months
When the End Comes | ch 4 (jjk)
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☆summary: Seven years after you've started dating Jungkook, long distance creates a wedge in your relationship. When the only solution seems to be breaking up, you go your separate ways even though love still lives in the two of you. Will you find a way back together, or has the end come for you and Jeon Jungkook?
☆pairing: photographer!Jungkook x lawyer!female reader
☆rating: 18+ (minors DNI, there is mature content in every chapter)
☆genre: breakup!au, slice of life!au, angst with a big A, smut
☆warnings: fear of getting stood up, alcohol, pet names, curses, Jungkook's scars, angst, stubborn Jungkook, pessimism, depressive episode, cliffhanger at the end I'm sorry, explicit content: jerking off, oral sex (male receiving), Jungkook taking pictures of them during (I apologize, I have sinned), balls sucking/fondling, pain kink (Jungkook), deep throating, mouth fucking, unprotected sex, hickey, clit play, degradation, fingering, cum play (ish?)
☆word count: 14.3k
☆series masterpost
☆a/n: Rereading each chapter to edit is a challenge bc I just be sobbing the whole time :') I hope you enjoy this one, though it does really hurt oop
☆a/n pt2: Thank you to @moonleeai for beta-ing this, you are the best <3 and thank you to @jessikahathaway for supporting me with this project, you are amazinnng
☆Read The Forgotten Spaces here, the prequel to When the End Comes! It does not need to be read to understand When the End Comes, but I think it still should be read first to have a better understanding of the characters in general!
☆Add yourself to the taglist here (if you were on the taglist for The Forgotten Spaces, you're already on the taglist for When the End Comes!)
But love never leaves a heart, where it found it, found it You found it Someday, I'll fall into you That's where I'll be now when the end comes
When the End Comes, Andrew Belle
Friday, September 8th
                You clutch the gift bag in your hand. It feels strange to be meeting Jungkook again, after last weekend. And even after last weekend, you’re not sure where you’re standing.
Did he spend his whole week thinking about you the way that you were thinking about him?
You texted a little, over the week. Each time a notification from him popped up on your phone, you felt like you’d gone back in time. Like maybe, maybe you took a time machine to a past of better days last weekend. It’s bittersweet in a way, because you feel like there is still so much left unsaid between you and him.
But he’s willing to try. Even if you broke him, even if you’ve been wondering if there’s anything salvageable after all, he’s willing to try. Willing to meet you at a Korean barbecue restaurant halfway between his place and yours.
You check the time, anxiety flooding your veins. He’s running late, though he texted you to tell you he was almost there. A part of you wonders if he’s going to stand you up – you think you’d deserve it. Because you’re not sure you deserve this chance, yet you don’t want to lose it, don’t want to let it go.
You look down at the bag. You bought the gift on a whim this week, and you have no idea if he’ll still want it. It’s a lens he was looking to buy months ago, before he left for Paris, and there’s a high chance that he’ll have bought it for himself since then…
You just couldn’t think about anything other than that to gift him. Even though his work was your demise, you know Jungkook loves photography. Always will, no matter where you two will end up. And since it was his birthday last weekend – before you’d reconnected – you thought why not? Why not get a gift and show him that you still care, that you remember?
Because you’d never forget, when it comes to him. You think, if you had dementia, he’d be the last thing you’d lose, if at all.
You worry at your lip, glancing around. Luckily enough for you, there is a bench outside of the restaurant, though you can only sit on a corner of it as the rest is still wet from the rain earlier. It was raining when you left work, but it fortunately stopped as you were getting ready for the date.
You sigh, looking down at your phone again. Twenty minutes late seems like a long time, considering that Jungkook’s not one to be late usually. A sense of dread takes ahold of your heart, and you already feel tears forming in your eyes.
You were foolish, stupid. Idiotic, if you thought there was a way things could be set right.
You get up, looking towards the door of the restaurant. A couple are waiting in the hall, arms around each other as they hug with not a care in the world. It aches deeply, makes you crave the physical intimacy last Saturday held and you gulp as you swallow around the lump in your throat.
Still you stay rooted in your spot. There’s a light tremor that starts taking a hold of you, and you regret not putting a jacket on even though it isn’t remotely freezing today. Your eyes fall to the gift bag, and you think about May. About the moment you’d let him go – has he gotten too far for you to reach him now?
A tear wins. Or perhaps it’s the gravity, growing ten times stronger as your heart breaks again. As the hope gets lost to you, replaced by that same deep sorrow you’ve become accustomed to. You sigh, the breath of air trembling on the way out.
And then you almost let out a scream as someone touches your arm.
Jungkook startles just as much as you, taking a step back, his big, doe eyes widening even more as he meets your gaze. Your mouth remains open, yet no words come out. You just take him in, take his appearance in – his piercings, the beanie he’s wearing, his flushed cheeks. He looks like he was running, and you think maybe he was.
“I’m sorry,” he tells you.
At that your eyes drop to the bright pink bouquet of flowers he’s holding, and something inside of you heals, as if you’ve found a cure to the disease.
“Oh, Jungkook,” you let out. You meet his gaze again. “You didn’t have to.”
He pulls at his piercings, shrugging sheepishly. “I wanted to.”
It’s warm. Whatever is blossoming in your chest is warm, a stark contrast to the winter you’ve been stuck in since the night you lost him.
“Thank you,” you murmur, and you blink away the tears in your eyes.
You freeze when he wipes the one that’s already rolled on your cheek, frowning slightly at the sight.
“The florist I wanted to go to first was closed,” he says as an explanation. “I had to run around to find another one.”
You offer him a small smile, and his features immediately smooth out into a soft expression too.
“I was scared you were…” you trail off, wetting your lips as you refuse to voice your fear.
Refuse to admit you didn’t have faith in him.
“I thought you would,” he answers carefully. “Hence why I ran.”
You nod. “I…” You look down at the gift bag, holding it up. “I got you a birthday gift.”
His smile is teary when you look at it next, and you take a moment to delve into the depths of his gaze. There’s a small twinkle there, though it is faint, barely even noticeable. If you didn’t know him like the sun knows the moon, you wouldn’t recognize it.
He’s hopeful. It’s strange – there was no hope in Jungkook’s gaze last weekend. Or there had been, for a fraction of a moment, until it had been blown away by the wind. You can only hope that this time it will hold on strong.
“You didn’t have to,” he says, though the curve of his pink lips tells you he appreciates the thought.
He grabs the gift bag, not looking through it right away. Instead, he hands you the flowers, and you delicately take them, bringing them close to your nose so that you can inhale the fragrance. Your eyelids flutter shut, and a content smile moves on your lips.
“Thank you,” you murmur as you meet his gaze again. “And…” You motion towards the gift. “You deserved it. I think you’ll like it.”
There’s a moment of awkward silence, as Jungkook looks down at the bag. He offers you a tight-lipped smile, and you cock an eyebrow.
“What?” he lets out.
“Aren’t you going to…” you vaguely answer. “Open it?”
“Oh, now?” He chuckles awkwardly, glancing around before pointing towards the restaurant. “Shouldn’t we go in to give our names?”
He’s got a point. Especially considering that it’s a Friday evening. So you do just that, giving your phone number to the hostess as she tells you there will be a thirty minutes wait. You and Jungkook move back outside after that, and he guides you towards his car, a few streets down.
“How was work this week?” he asks on the way.
“Better,” you admit, remembering how you’d told him that you didn’t like the new department in which you worked.
And it’s true – it has been better. Maybe because the excitement of receiving texts from him through the days made it easier to handle. Or maybe it’s because you haven’t been so damned cold since last weekend. All in all, work has been easier, even if it isn’t as interesting as it used to be.
“I’m glad,” he says, offering you a smile.
Silence surrounds the two of you, only interrupted by a car honking in the street. You startle a little, and Jungkook chuckles.
You’re struck. His chuckles have healing properties, you’re convinced of it. They spark hope into you, so bright you think you’ll be blinded, retina forever burned. Yet your eyes don’t lose focus on him, even as his lips return to a neutral expression.
“What about you?” you ask as your heart picks up in your chest. “What were you up to this week?”
A small crease appears between his brows, but it disappears so quickly you think you might have imagined it. “I’ve been going to the gym,” he answers. “And looking around for some jobs.”
His last sentence turns the hope into a firework show inside of you. “Yeah? Any luck so far?”
You reach his car, and as he always does, he opens the door for you. You blush, something you haven’t really done with Jungkook in forever, and you’re struck thinking that this feels new.
Perhaps this will be a new chapter in your relationship with Jeon Jungkook after all.
“Thank you,” you mutter as your cheeks burn. You sit in, and he closes the door before moving around the car to get in. You watch him do so, and he sits next to you, turning the car on just long enough so that you can roll the windows down.
“Now,” he lets out, eyeing the bag. “What’s this?”
For some reason, it makes you chuckle, and he shoots you a dumb smile that makes you think you’ve delved right into the heat of summer, warmth spreading through you. It erases the winter, replaces it with blooming flowers and bright sun rays, golden sunsets and the feeling of a soft breeze threading through your hair.
Needless to say, you want to cling to it before winter comes again.
“Open and you’ll see,” you answer, your heart racing as you glance at the bag, before going back to his smile.
He nods, and he opens the bag, taking out the paper first. Your heartbeat increases tenfold because, what if he doesn’t like it?
What if he takes it as an affront that you’ve given him something photography related?
But then he sees it. Sees the lens you bought for him, and his features turn somber, but not in a bad way. They settle into a calm expression, with a softer smile that barely even tugs at the corners of his lips. He takes a deep breath, and then looks towards you again.
Teary eyes find yours, and you think maybe this is it. Maybe this is where the end will find you. Lost in the swirling depth of his gaze, in the forgotten space of you and him.
He whispers your name, emotion making it heavier than the whole world. You nod once, as no sentences take shape in your mind to reply to him. You’re not sure you have to say something – he sees in your eyes the emotions you can’t quite voice.
“You really didn’t have to,” he adds, and you watch his Adam’s apple bob as he gulps. “Fuck.”
He looks down at the lens, takes it out of the bag so that he can examine it thoroughly. You observe him as he does so, as if you’re watching a show. And you think, maybe he is a show – a movie meant for you to admire on and on until you go old and blindness seeps into your gaze.
“I wanted to,” you reply.
He shoots you a quick look, just as teary as the initial one. “Thank you.”
“Of course.”
And then he laughs, a small vulnerable laugh that has you blinking back the wetness building up on your waterline. You echo it with one of yours, though it comes unexpectedly to you. But then again, you reckon you share the same feelings.
You always have, haven’t you? Your soul is in sync with his, has always been, no matter if distance put an end to the story of you and him. Or tried to, because he’s here today.
So are you, and if he allows it, you’ll never leave again.
“I’ve wanted this lens in forever,” he says, voice small as he turns it in his hands, looking at it in every possible angle. “You…” he trails off, meets your gaze and smiles again. “You remembered.”
You nod. “How could I forget?” You worry at your lips, shy away from his gaze to watch your wriggling fingers in your lap. “There isn’t a day I didn’t think of you.”
The revelation seems out of place, in a parked car on the side of a busy street. Yet it comes naturally to you, and meets him just as naturally. Because he nods, and then reaches for you. Grabs your jaw, gently, so that he can turn your head towards him. There’s a moment when you think the whole world holds his breath, and then he leans forward, brushes a soft kiss on your lips.
“I missed you,” he admits as he pulls away, letting go of your jaw reluctantly.
A tear slips on your cheek, and you quickly dry it. “I missed you too.”
And though the moment is heavy with emotion, you don’t want to run away from it. When you were younger, you would have fled like a deer hearing a branch crack in the woods. But today, today you want the weight of this emotion to rest upon you, like a weighted blanket that reminds you you’re alive.
The emotion lingers, past this moment and into the next. As you get the text that a table is ready for you and him, and you move back to the Korean restaurant. As you sit in front of him, watch him smile and laugh in time with you at the stupid jokes that you make.
You and him make more sense than you realized. Or maybe you forgot. Maybe the distance made you forget, but right now you think you know he’ll always be the one. And if you lose him again, he’ll be the one that got away, and you’ll search for him through every connection with temporary people.
Because there can’t be permanent people after him. He’s permanently inked into your heart, carved into your bones.
“How has your family been?” he asks when there’s a lull in the conversation.
You offer him a tight-lipped smile, though you know he means your father, Isabel and Louis.
You know he’d never talk about your mother as part of your family.
“They’ve been great,” you answer. “Dad’s been looking to retire, or at least to have a lesser charge at work.”
Jungkook furrows his brows, but says nothing as he puts some meat on the grill between you and him. You observe him as he does so, wincing when flames erupt and he pulls his hand away – quickly enough, thankfully.
“How old is he again?” Jungkook asks after that, meeting your gaze again.
“Fifty-nine,” you reply. “But I don’t think it’s about his age. He just wants to spend more time with Louis.”
The softness that takes over his doe eyes makes you want to curl up in him, against him. Makes you want to listen to his beating heart until the day that it ceases, decades away from now. It’s a strong feeling, and you’re forced to blink away tears again.
“Don’t cry,” Jungkook gently says, and he reaches to pat your cheek.
It makes you laugh. Of course it does, and he offers you a dumb smile again. For the first time that night, you notice that yes, it does reach his eyes. The smile lights up his gaze, though there’s wariness, etched in the lines of his face.
It’s not that you missed it before. Maybe you just didn’t want to see it. But right in this instant, it’s all you can see, and it makes his smile fall until his eyes follow, moving to the grill. He turns the meat as you busy yourself with eating japchae.
And you don’t like this silence. You don’t like the ache that it carries, so you force yourself to try. To try and fight for him and prove that, after everything, he really is where the end will be, when it comes for you.
“What about your family?” you ask, throwing him a lifeline in the storm you’re sure he’s been plagued with too.
“They’ve been great,” he answers. “My brother’s wife is pregnant again.”
For a moment you forget about the torment between you and him as your mind zeroes in on the fact. “That’s amazing!” you let out, and your smile comes easily. “They must be so happy.”
Jungkook looks at your smile, taking a deep breath. It seems he takes a decision then, because his lips curve up, and some of the wariness fades away. He looks softer like this, younger, and your heart shines under his light.
“It really is,” he says. “I was thinking on going to Korea to see the baby when Yuri gives birth.”
In another world, you would have said you’ll go with him, but right now you don’t think you can. So, instead, you reply, “That’s a good idea. I’m sure your family will be happy to see you.”
He nods, and then he puts some meat in your bowl, taking the two other stripes for himself. You mindlessly pick one of the pieces up, mixing it in ssamjang before eating it. You wince as you burn your tongue a little, and quickly eat the meat so that you can take a long gulp of water.
Jungkook must have expected you to burn yourself, because he laughs at your expense as he refills your glass. “You good?”
You nod. “Sorry, just burned myself.”
“Don’t apologize.”
So you don’t. For the rest of the evening, you try not to apologize. And you think you succeed – you both speak as if distance wasn’t a thing between you. As if time hasn’t come to pass between you too – as if you’ve never been apart. As if, seven years ago, the stars told the truth as they sparkled in the July night sky.
You finish eating while chatting like this, while sharing thoughts about movies you’ve seen. As he tells you about working out, about Bam and the songs he’s been listening to. He drinks a beer as you speak, and you once again take a moment to admire him.
You’d never admit it, but the beanie makes him look good. Comfortable and soft – as does the jean jacket, you reckon. But then again you know Jungkook would look good in anything, one of the advantages of him being gifted with pretty privilege.
And when he clinks his glass with yours, claiming you have to finish drinking even though you’ve only been drinking water, you still laugh with him, still down your glass as he chugs the beer. And you wonder, how long will it take to erase the distance?
Will it take more than this moment in time, to undo the distance and rebuild the closeness?
And you think, maybe it just needs now. Because as you walk out, bellies full and minds buzzing with a slight tinge of alcohol, you accept Jungkook’s extended hand. You let him guide you to his car, even though yours is parked on the other side of the restaurant. He opens the door for you again, but you hesitate for a moment.
Long enough to step closer to him instead, and pull him down so you can peck his lips. He looks surprised, and his features fall serious as you share a long look.
“Can I come over tonight?” you whisper.
He nods. “I thought it was a given.”
Of course he would. And you’re not even mad that he would. You’re rather relieved, and you can’t help yourself. You can’t help pulling him down in a more heated kiss, even though you hate public displays of affection. There are just words your lips can’t say any other way than this, and he gets it. He’ll always get you. He always will, and he kisses you with the same intensity, one hand cupping your cheek gently while the other presses on the small of your back, resting flat as he pulls you in. You hold his delicate waist, sighing in the kiss as your thumbs draw idle lines on his sides.
Jungkook pulls away to press a kiss on your forehead, lingering there for a small eternity that leads to you wrapping your arms around his waist. He lets you do it, and you wonder if his soul has found yours. You hope it has, for there are things your soul can say even better than your mouth can.
Apologies don’t mean much when they are shaped in words. But you think your soul could show him, and maybe, maybe tonight he’ll allow you to show him.
“Are you parked somewhere you can leave your car overnight?” he asks softly, lips moving against your forehead.
You nod. “I am.”
“Then let’s go home.”
                It comes as a surprise, when you realize Jungkook has moved in the same building as Kiko and Yoongi. Even more so as they run into you on the way in, knowing smiles on their lips as Jungkook holds your hand tight. They don’t really say a lot – both of them aren’t man and woman of words, except when they pour them into the lyrics of a song.
But Kiko does hug you. Does whisper in your ear that she wishes everything will be set right for the two of you, and when you pull away to meet Jungkook’s gaze, you think it already is. Especially as you’re clutching the flowers he got for you, and their sweet fragrance surrounds you.
And then they walk away, as they were leaving to go on a late walk, and you and Jungkook walk in the building, making your way to the elevator. Jungkook presses the call button, and then pulls you close to his chest so that he can press a kiss on the top of your head.
“Well, that was awkward,” he says.
You chuckle. “It wasn’t really.”
His grip tightens around you before he lets you go so that you can enter the elevator. He follows you in, and he intertwines your fingers as he presses on the fourth floor. As the elevator starts moving, you pull him closer, tilting your head back as you pout slightly.
“What?” he asks.
“Kiss me?”
He doesn’t need to be asked twice. He immediately dives in, and you’re surprised with the strength of the kiss. As if he’s pouring his entire soul in it, and you think maybe he is. After all, you kiss him back with all the fire in you, and it’s burning brighter than it ever has.
Unfortunately, the moment is short-lived as you reach his floor and the doors slide open. He pulls away, presses a kiss on your forehead as if he wasn’t sucking on your tongue a moment ago, and then he pulls you behind him as he walks towards his door.
It’s further down the hall, and you wait excitedly as he unlocks. Though you’re a little worried about seeing Bam again – what if he doesn’t recognize you?
Which, you reckon was a stupid thought, because the dog comes barging out, tail wagging wildly, when Jungkook manages to get the door open.
“Bamie!” you exclaim, and Jungkook carefully takes the bouquet of flowers from your hand to allow you to bend down and pet the dog.
He licks at your face, whimpering as if he thought he’d lost you. It brings tears to your eyes, and you giggle like a kid as you pet him, rubbing his short fur as he keeps running all around you.
“I think he’s happy to see you,” Jungkook deadpans, and you burst out laughing.
You look up to try and look at Jungkook, but Bam jumps in your vision, which makes you giggle again. And then, something magical happens. Something you didn’t think you’d hear again – Jungkook laughs that childish laugh of his, the one that usually only comes forth when he’s really happy.
You act by pure instinct. You stand up, wrap your arms around Jungkook’s neck. His giggle dies against your lips, but he’s quick to kiss you back as he snakes his inked arm around your back. You let out a breathy sound, and then burst into a fit of giggles as Bam jumps on you.
“I think he demands attention,” you state and Jungkook nods as you part, though he keeps his arm close to you.
“We should take him on a walk,” he says, and you notice his cheeks are flushed red. You reckon yours probably are too, but there’s something about seeing the effect that you have on him, even after everything, that makes you come undone.
“I’m so happy to be with you right now,” you murmur.
He gulps, eyes shining suddenly. “Me too.” He adds your name softly, before repeating, “Me too.”
You walk in his apartment after that, to put the flowers in a large glass of water since Jungkook doesn’t own any vase. Meanwhile, he disappears in what you assume is the bedroom, only to reappear with his camera. To your surprise, he’s already fitted the new lens on it.
It’s endearing. There’s something so incredibly endearing at the thought that your gift is loved already, that Jungkook already wants to use it. It makes a line of silver appear in your eyes, and you don’t even blink it away as Jungkook angles the camera towards you to take a picture.
“Huh,” he lets out as he looks at the picture. He adjusts some settings, and before he’s had time to take another picture of you, Bam comes up to you, jumping up. His two paws rest on your waist as you laugh, and that’s when Jungkook snaps the picture.
You glance his way to see him smiling softly, and then he nods appreciatively. “I’m going to use this lens way too much,” he comments.
It makes you laugh. “I’m glad.”
And then you’re going outside with the dog. Jungkook brings the camera, and he snaps pictures of the surroundings, of you and Bam. He even takes one of the three of you, though you reckon the angle is clearly unflattering.
It doesn’t feel like it matters. Because you’re struck realizing that this, this moment matters. It matters enough for him to want to commit it to memory, and you wonder if he’s going to add it to all the frames you left behind.
But then again, did he even put them up in his new apartment? From what you could see when you were in, there was no picture visible.
It aches, but then he tells you to smile and you do. You immediately do, because there’s nothing easier than smiling when you’re with him like this. The wariness still clings to him, but it’s barely visible, like a mirage that’s about to fade in the distance.
“Stop taking pictures of me,” you say as he takes another one.
He lets out a noncommittal sound, shrugging his shoulder. “Why?”
You pout as blush creeps on your cheek. “You haven’t taken this many pictures of me since… Chicago?”
He shakes his head. “I took more pictures on our first trip to Korea.”
A beautiful trip, where you’d met his family for the first time. You had gotten along with everyone well, even though your Korean was poor. You got better through the years, but you still have a long way before you can speak in Korean without feeling like everyone is going to judge you.
“That’s beside the point,” you mumble. You motion towards Bam, who’s patiently sitting next to you. “I’m pretty sure he’s done.”
Jungkook pouts, and butterflies take flight in your stomach. “Sorry,” he apologizes.
You’re not quite sure why.
“I just…” he adds, and then shadows cloud over his features. They resemble the sorrow that was surrounding him last weekend, and just like that you think summer has ended. “I haven’t used my camera since…”
You don’t need for him to say it, because you know exactly what he was going to say. Still, it hurts, and your gaze drops to the ground.
“Gosh,” you whisper. You let out a strangled sound. “I’m so sorry.”
He doesn’t say anything. Just grabs your hand, raising it to his mouth to press a gentle kiss on your knuckles.
“We said we’d try,” he reminds you, or maybe he’s trying to remind himself. “Let’s try. For real. So no more apologies.”
“I feel like you deserve thousands of apologies and more,” you admit.
He kisses your forehead, and it’s against your skin that he whispers, “I just want us to move on from what happened.”
You nod, wrapping an arm around his waist to loosely hug him. Unfortunately, Bam pulls on his leash, and you have to let go of Jungkook far too quickly. Still, you meet his gaze, nodding your head again.
“I want to move on too,” you tell him. “If I could, I’d erase everything but…”
He holds out his hand for you to interlace your fingers with his. “But it’s in the past.”
He’s right, yet you see the wariness. It’s still there, though you think soon the mist will dissipate with the rays of the sun. So you follow him in, let him feed Bam before he shows you around his small apartment. It feels like him, in ways you can’t really describe, and you want to stay. You think, if he’d ask you’d never leave again.
“I like it,” you tell him as he finishes the tour in his bedroom, which is only occupied by an unmade bed with white sheet and a small night table with his pair of glasses on top. You notice the LED lights, and a smile moves to your lips. “Please tell me these still shine purple like they did at the house with the boys.”
Jungkook nods, offering you a grin. “Yeah. I thought it’d be great to have a… reminder of a simpler time.”
He turns them on, and you get it. You get it so much you grab the lapels of his jean jacket, pulling him closer to you. His lips are upon yours in an instant, hungry, insistent, ravishing a kiss that makes you light-headed. Especially as he grabs your face, holds on to it like it’s a life buoy in a storm. The piercings push into your bottom lip, their colder temperature making your tongue dart to them, as if to warm them.
Jungkook groans, and then kicks the door of his bedroom shut. He’s had to stop kissing you for that, but he’s kissing you again half a second later, and it’s even more intense, more desperate.
You let go of his jacket, hands blindly moving to his belt as he pushes his tongue in your mouth. You suck on it, moan lightly when he groans again. You fumble with the buckle, but soon enough you get it undone, and you move on to the button of his jeans.
You just want him. Need to feel his body against you, in you. And clearly he needs the same thing, as he pulls away from the hug to take your shirt off. Right as you get the button undone, and then unzip his jeans. You slip your hand in, letting out a breathy sound as you find him already hard. He sits heavy in your hand, and you squeeze him unabashedly.
“Fuck,” he curses, head thrown back as his eyes close. “Baby.”
The pet name has you drop to your knees, and you pull his pants down just enough for his dick to spring free. He doesn’t try to stop you, and you admire him for a time. Admire the brown base of his tip, the veins that run along his length. A bead of precum appears on his slit as you look, and you’re quick to lick it clean. The salty taste fills your mouth, and you look up at him, to see him watching down on you, strands of hair falling in his eyes where they’ve escaped the confines of his beanie.
“Suck it, mmh?” he says.
You grab him, jerking him off loosely. “Yeah?”
His eyes darken behind the strands of hair. He bites at his piercings, cocking his head to the side. And then he’s glancing away and to your surprise, he asks, “Can I take pictures of you while you suck my dick?”
You swirl your tongue around his tip, and he bucks his hips forward. In answer, you sit back on your heels, looking up at him innocently. “Right now?” He nods. “You want to take pictures of me while I suck your dick?”
“If you want to,” he answers. “If you don’t want to it’s fine.”
You close your lips around his tip, sucking once. “You’ll keep the pictures to yourself?”
You don’t know why you’re agreeing. Only know that the lust in Jungkook’s gaze is making you forget everything about common sense. But then again, you highly doubt that Jungkook would ever do anything to harm you.
Jungkook’s mouth falls open as he was about to answer, but when you take his dick as far as you can, he’s silenced. And he’s hard in your mouth, a rod of steel you’ve missed since last week.
“Yeah,” he finally breathes out.
You sit back on your heels. “Then it’s fine.”
He smirks, nodding his head as he finishes taking off his jeans and underwear. “Wait here.”
You purse your lips as he walks away, and you watch him leaving his room to head to where he left his camera. You patiently wait, feeling shy even though you have nothing to be shy about. This is just Jungkook – it’s not like he hasn’t seen you half-naked and on your knees for him before.
It takes him a moment to come back, but when he does, it’s to sit on bed. He’s still hard, and he leans back on a hand as you move closer.
“If you want me to stop, you tell me, okay?” he gently says as you run a hand along his thighs.
You glance at his scar, the familiar knot of skin giving you more confidence than you expected. “You’re going to jerk off to these pictures, mmh?”             
He gulps, angling his camera towards you as you lean closer to his dick. You lick at it, and the shutter goes off.
It has you dripping in your panties, unexpectedly.
“So what if I do?” he asks as you grab his dick, stroking him.
The question is rhetorical, and your answer is to wrap your lips around his cock as your eyes flutter shut. You swirl your tongue around the tip and hollow your cheeks as you go down. You hold the gag reflex in as he hits the back of your throat, and you can’t help but moan as you hear his camera again.
You flick your tongue at his frenulum on the way out, and then you stroke his dick as you sit back. You move one hand to his balls, squeezing gently before thinking better of it and leaning forward, sucking on one. He grunts, and you keep your eyes locked on the camera as you jerk him off faster.
Another picture added to the list. And you’re dripping wet. Already you want to sink on his dick, want him to be so deep inside of you that you’re just one.
“Kook…” you murmur, and then you’re back to sucking on his dick, though this time you make sure to squeeze his balls too, the way that he likes it. Hard, but not too hard, and you’re choking around his dick in no time as he starts fucking up in your mouth, clearly forgetting about the pictures.
It goes like this for a while, with his dick growing impossibly hard. Your jaw aches by the time he pushes down on your head, hand lost in your hair. You gag, and he moans loudly. You think he’s coming, but he somehow manages to keep it in before pulling you off.
“Shit,” he curses. “Sorry.” He breathes for a moment, as you wipe your mouth and chin from the drool.
“It’s okay,” you reassure him. You glance at the camera. “Any good pics?”
That brings him back to the land of lust and passion, and he offers you a smirk. “We can look at them after. I’m not done with you yet.”
You laugh, because you know you’ve barely started. Know you’re likely to be unable to walk tomorrow. Because the lust in his gaze hasn’t shone so bright in years, yes, but also because you almost lost each other.
Or maybe you have, and this too is just a dip in the past.
You stand up, hands snaking to your back so that you can unclasp your bra. Jungkook watches you carefully, before taking a picture as you massage your breasts. It makes you bite at your lower lip, and you look at his hard dick where it rests on his stomach.
“Can I ride you?” you ask breathlessly.
He smirks. “You don’t want me to finger you first?”
Instead of replying, you finish undressing, taking off your pants and panties at the same time. You then push on his jean jacket, and he takes that as a cue to remove it. You motion to the shirt too as he was about to lean back on his hand and he cocks his head to the side, an eyebrow raised. When you nod, he takes it off too, and it makes his beanie fall.
His hair is a mess, and you can’t resist but step forward so that you can push it back, though you think the jet black strands are currently untamable. You give up after a few seconds, pushing on his chest so that he lies back.
His eyes are on you as you climb on his lap, and you grind along his length, coating it with your juices.
“Shit,” he lets out again. “You’re fucking dripping.”
You nod, moving up just enough so that you can grab the base of his dick. His tip prods your entrance, and he pulls at his piercings as you wait there, teasing him with a corner smile on your lips.
“Fucking tease,” he growls.
It undoes something in you. Because yes, you wanted to tease him. You wanted him to beg you to fuck him, but now you sink down on him, until he reaches your cervix. Even the pain of him hitting the back of your pussy doesn’t make you move, and your walls clench around his dick as he grunts out a curse, followed by your name.
“Kook,” you purr. “Fuck me good.”
He chuckles as you circle your hips, and his free hand rests on your hip as he angles his camera to take a picture of you again. “You can’t do the work?”
He says it condescendingly, and you find enough challenge in you to start bouncing up and down. It shuts him up, and the following moment is spent with you fucking yourself on him as he groans under you, your breathy moans filling his room. Soon enough he stops taking pictures, putting his camera down next to him so that he can hold your hips with his two hands.
And then he’s fucking up in you, and you cry out as you lean forward, wrapping an arm around his neck while your other hand holds on to his shoulder.
You’re a mess, yet your heart clenches in your chest as he fucks you like this. As you remember a land of winter, that somehow doesn’t feel as distant as it should. Maybe because of Jungkook’s wariness tonight, or maybe because you know all good things come to an end.
The thought douses your arousal, until Jungkook stills deep inside of you and whispers, “I want to be with you, like this, forever.”
You nuzzle your face in his neck and suck a mark on his skin. “Me too.”
And then he’s fucking you again, hard and quick. He holds you close, grunts in your ear as you lick at his neck. It’s an abundance of sensation, and your brain focuses on the way he hits your clit whenever he pushes up. Whenever his hips snap against you, and soon there’s an orgasm in the distance.
It finds you when he lets you sit up so that you can fuck yourself on him again, and his thumb finds your clit to press expert circles on it. It finds you hard, and your pussy spasms repeatedly on his dick. He helps you through the high, and when you finally come down, a dumb smile tugs at the corners of your lips.
“Fuck,” you let out.
“Felt good?” he asks with a teasing tone to his voice, the one you know he only reserves for you.
To hear it right now makes you love him so much you think you’ll die on the spot. Because yes, tonight has been great. Yes, it’s almost been like before, but what if he doesn’t take you back?
What if, in the end, this was just an extended moment meant to be closure for you and him?
“Yes,” you still reply.
Because no matter how much your heart aches in your chest, you’ll never lie to him.
“Good,” he says. He sits up, wraps an arm around your waist to steady you as he brings his mouth to yours.
You go in for the kiss. Meet him halfway, and you moan against him as he moves under you, albeit clumsily from the position.
His lips will make you drunk. Make you dumb, make you forget that there’s a world outside the door. That, in that world, you might not belong to him anymore. But then again, you think you do. To you, you always will.
“Lie on your side,” he says after a moment, lips moving against yours.
Jungkook pecks your lips one last time before you move, and then he kneels behind you. His dick prods your entrance again, and he grabs his camera to snap another picture.
“You’re so fucking hot,” he praises as he pushes the tip in, taking another picture. “Such a good little fucking slut.”
And then he pushes all the way in, until all of him is embedded in you. You grip the sheets as a broken moan escapes your lips. He holds your hip with one hand, fingers digging in the supple skin as he fucks you hard, chasing his own orgasm.
He looks good doing it. Long hair sticking to the sweat on his face, eyes narrowed in pleasure, mouth open as soft grunts echo through the room. The purple light makes his honey skin glow somehow, and you feel another orgasm reaching for you, though it doesn’t hit right away. It just feels so good – as he always does – and you can’t help but clench your walls against him.
That’s what undoes him. He comes, ropes of white painting your insides, as he swears and says your name in a litany that almost makes you go over the edge too.
“Baby,” he says at the end.
It feels like a confirmation. Like a confirmation that, maybe, maybe you will work this time around. That maybe distance won’t destroy you again – maybe you’ll grow old and gray by his side.
“You came so much,” you say as you feel his hot cum sitting deep inside of you.
He pulls at his piercing, nodding once. And then he pulls out, and he takes a picture of the cum dripping out of you. He decides to push it back in, curling a finger inside of you, and your walls clench as you moan.
“Touch your clit,” he tells you.
You don’t need to be told twice. You quickly move your fingers to the sensitive bundle of nerves, drawing quick circles on it as he pushes another digit inside of you, fingering you until the second orgasm finally finds you.
You cry out his name, a broken plea that doesn’t really make any sense as your vision turns white. And it stays that way for a long time, blinding you until ecstasy is swimming in your blood. And when you come down from the high, all that you can think is how much you missed him.
“Kook,” you breathe out.
He puts the camera away, and then bends to press a kiss on your lips. It’s soft, and you grab his face to hold him in place, not even wincing as a bead of his sweat rolls on your cheek. You kiss him with a heart heavy with emotions, trying to show him that you’re never going to leave again. When he pulls away, you notice his teary gaze.
“Can we be together again?” he asks, and you watch in horror as a tear rolls on his cheek. You sit up, drying it with your thumb.
And you don’t care if it was too quick. Don’t care that there’s a high chance it won’t last. You still answer, “Yes, Kook. Yes we can.”
He smiles, nodding his head. “Let’s take a shower. I want to hold you tonight.”
You want to cry from the statement, want to tell him that you wish he could hold you forever, but the words get lodged in your throat. Instead, you follow him as he gets up, interlacing your fingers with his as he leads you to the bathroom, uncaring that his seed is rolling down your inner thighs.
He turns the shower on, and soon enough you’re standing under the hot water. He watches you carefully, presses a kiss on your forehead when you stand in front of him. You wrap your arms around his waist, holding him as close as you physically can. Even then it’s not enough – you want him under your skin, or to be under his.
You don’t think you’d survive being parted from him again. Maybe that’s why you let him fuck you again when you return to his room, slower this time, lips entwined in a never-ending embrace. Love flows between you and him, and it’s etched in the way your bodies move together, in the way you’ve been molded perfectly for him, and him for you.
You wonder if outside, the stars are shining. And you’re struck thinking that tonight, tonight they’ve aligned for you and him again, the universe agreeing for this second chance between you and him.
So you hold him close, and pray that this time around, forever is waiting for you.
Saturday, September 9th
                Jungkook wakes up slowly. Softly, the same way waves hit the shore at low tide. He’s unusually warm, and he frowns as he shifts, trying to turn on his side. Then, he realizes his arm is stuck under something. His very dead arm, and he cracks an eye open.
That’s when he remembers that it’s you. You’re the one sleeping next to him, mouth slightly agape as you breathe softly. You’re also the one crushing his arm, and he tentatively clenches and unclenches his fist to try to get the blood circulation back on track. It doesn’t really work, so then he stops, figuring he’s going to have to make you move somehow.
But you look peaceful, in the light of the rising sun. Serene, like there’s never been anything wrong in this world. This morning, Jungkook wants to believe it. Wants to believe that happiness is all he’s ever known – that accidents, heartbreak and pain are all constructs of his imagination.
He’s too realistic for that. Or perhaps the breakup has made him pessimistic. Because the peace of the moment doesn’t really linger, and he’s stuck reliving the moment you left, that night in May. Stuck reliving the wait for you to come back, only you never did.
Or maybe you did, months later. Maybe you really are back, and this time you’ll stay.
You mumble something in your sleep, startling him. It takes him a few seconds to realize you’re still deep asleep, but when you move he quickly does too, pulling his arm from under your head. You frown, lick your lips, and then your features smooth out as you return to your peaceful slumber.
He turns on his side, watching you carefully. He’s aware that watching you sleep is creepy, but he can’t help it. Not when his bed has been empty for months.
He stays like this for a while, unable to fall back asleep. Because, what if you’re gone when he wakes up again? He doesn’t want to risk it.
Unable to help himself, he gently brushes a strand of hair behind your ear. You sigh, and he’s afraid he’s woken you up. When a small smile appears on your lips, his heart skips a beat, yet you don’t show any other sign that you’re awake. He assumes you aren’t, and then decide to take a picture of this moment.
He feels like he’s going to need it. Like all the pictures he took yesterday – he was desperate to commit to memory as much of you as he possibly could. He feels bad – he said he’d give you a chance, he is giving you a chance, but some part of him is just waiting for it to blow up in his face.
Maybe if he expects it it will hurt less.
He carefully grabs his camera where he left it on his night table. He doesn’t dare take a look at the pictures you took yesterday, a little ashamed that he asked you to do that in the first place. Silently, he takes a picture of you, and then puts the camera away.
Only, the reminder of the kind of pictures he’d find in the camera was enough to make his blood stir, and he picks it back up almost immediately.
And then there you are, in all your glory. Beautiful as ever, pussy filled to the brim with his cum, with his cock. Tits squeezed in your hands, in his, and his dick goes rock hard as blood leaves his head.
He wants you again, and he wants you now. He doesn’t care that it’s early morning, that he never liked waking up early. All he can do is put the camera down and slide closer to you. He pulls you back into his embrace, and you sigh softly as he wraps his arms around you.
Jungkook holds you tighter, nuzzling his face in your hair. The inebriating scent of your shampoo fills his nose, and his dick twitches in his underwear.
You hum, and he holds you tighter. “Morning,” he says, voice low and gravelly.
You make another sound that can pass as a hum, but you move against him, until you’ve wrapped an arm around his middle. There’s a moment where silence reigns again, and Jungkook is afraid you’ve fallen back asleep, but then you say, “Morning.”
He smiles. “Slept well?” he asks, kissing the top of your head.
He’s convinced you’re smiling against him as you say, “Want to sleep more.”
He whines, which earns him a chuckle from you that makes the wariness settle back in, even as his heart feels full in his chest.
It never felt full without you. Another reason why he needs to be ready for the blow, whenever it comes.
“I want you,” he admits. “Can’t sleep.”
You hum again, and your hand slides down his back. You squeeze his ass, and then move the hand back up. “You’re going to have to try.”
He whines, lips jutting out in a pout. “Boring.”
At that you laugh, pushing him slightly until you’re able to look him in the eye. He keeps the pout on, knowing that it always worked with you before.
“It’s not even morning,” you point out.
“The sun is up.”
You roll your eyes, though your lips are curved upwards, your gaze beaming as you hold his. “We fucked twice last night.”
He shrugs, rolling on his back so that he can stare up at the ceiling. He pulls at his piercing, the new one, and then turns his head towards you again. “Yeah, and?”
“Surely you don’t need to fuck right now,” you tease.
He frowns, looking away again. “Not my fault if I haven’t fucked since… May. Last weekend doesn’t count.”
“I’m pretty sure it does,” you say, laughing lightly. You prop yourself up on an elbow, blinking away the tiredness as you meet his gaze again. “And besides,” you pause, features turning confused as a crease appears between your brows. “Haven’t you fucked while we were…” you trail off, motioning vaguely around you.
And then something occurs to Jungkook. Something bad – maybe the explosion was closer than he expected it to be. Maybe he’s been standing in the radius of impact, waiting for the bomb to go off. And maybe your sleep deprived brain forgot the measure of protection, maybe it forgot he was standing there.
Because your eyes go round with fear, right as a drop of lead solidifies in Jungkook’s stomach.
“What?” he lets out.
What a stupid question to ask. He wants to beat himself up, because he knows.
He knows now that you’ve been with someone else. Why else would you be surprised that he hasn’t?
“I’m just saying…” you try, but it’s too late.
The bomb has gone off, and all that’s left is rumbles.
“Get out,” Jungkook says, and somehow it’s lacking bite. It’s lacking anger, lacking any signs that he cares for you.
It surprises even himself – doesn’t he care? Or is there nothing left of him in the aftermath of the explosion?
“You’ve fucked someone else,” he states. When you don’t say anything, just watch him in horror, he sits up in bed. “Get out.”
“Come on,” you let out this time, following him up. You wrap yourself in the blanket, his blanket, and he wants to rip it from your body. Doesn’t want anything that’s his to be in contact with you anymore. “It didn’t mean anything,” you say, and you’re suddenly blinking back tears. “It was just one-time.”
“Frankly, I don’t want to know,” Jungkook says, and he really doesn’t. Doesn’t want to think about another man’s hand on you, or he’ll break.
He’s done breaking for you.
You don’t fight the tears, as you understand that the end really has come. At least that’s what he thinks happens – you just sit there, gaze heavy with tears until they fall, little droplets that carry a world of regret.
After all, the distance really was enough to break you up, wasn’t it?
Jungkook watches you, surprised that his heart is not clenching in his chest. No, he feels nothing as he watches you – he’s already cried enough for you.
“We were broken up,” you murmur, holding his gaze. “It’s not like I cheated.”
At that he laughs, shaking his head. If you can’t understand that he’s done, that he doesn’t want to have anything to do with you anymore, then he’ll do it the harsh way.
“I don’t give a fuck,” he says. “I couldn’t be with someone else. I tried, and you were all I could think of. And…”
“You tried!” you interject. “You tried and you’re giving me shit for it?”
He gets up, trying to put distance between you and him, as if that’ll make the fight easier.
“I still chose not to do it,” he coldly states. “The girl was willing, she even kissed me and…”
“You kissed someone else?”
He laughs again, the absurdity of the situation dawning upon him. “Yeah? Tae set me up on a date, and the girl kissed me at the end and I told her I couldn’t. I didn’t fuck someone else.”
The way he’s throwing the blame at you feels selfish, especially as more tears join those already sliding down your cheeks.
“How is that fair, that you’re mad at me when you literally went on a date with someone else?” You pause, choking on a sob as you try to dry your cheeks. “Come on, Kook, it meant nothing.”
“Who did you fuck anyway?” he asks.
For a reason unknown, your tears stop. Entirely, there a moment and gone the next. “Why do you want to know?”
He doesn’t. He doesn’t fucking want to know, and he scoffs as he runs a hand through his hair, pulling at the strands. “Get out,” he says again, still as stern and void of emotion.
“It was Harrison,” you still say. “I switched departments because I didn’t want to see him again after that.”
Now, there’s an inkling of pain tickling the carcass of his dead heart. As if there was still more, for him to feel, even after everything. As if pain is but a constant of his life now, and he thinks maybe it is.
“Your colleague?” he repeats, dumbfounded.
He’s met Harrison a couple of times, throughout your relationship. He’s always thought the guy was decent, but now something very ugly settles deep in his core. Something that tells him, ‘Hey, maybe he’s only ever wanted to fuck her, maybe he was waiting for his chance’.
The words are on a loop in his head, and he doesn’t even think he can see you anymore. All that he sees is Harrison with his hands on you, in his ever-too creative mind.
He startles as you put a hand on his arm. He shrugs your grip off, steps away from you. “Don’t fucking touch me.”
“Kook, I swear, please listen to me,” you beg, and now you’re crying again.
He shakes his head. “I don’t want to.” At that he shuts his eyes, runs a hand on his forehead and then through his hair. “I really don’t want to. I don’t want you to be here anymore.”
“It didn’t mean anything,” you say, an echo of something you said earlier. Though this time you say it differently, as if you too sensed the finality in Jungkook’s tone.
He doesn’t think he’ll ever want you to be around anymore. He was stupid to give you a chance after you broke his heart – you chose to break up, months ago. Why would it be different this time around?
“It doesn’t matter,” he tells you, as softly as he can. Because he knows you’ll break even more, and some dark, twisted part of him is satisfied that this time, this time he’s the one with all the power over you. “I’m done, Y/n.”
The words sound like thunder, in all their calmness. In all their softness – or maybe that was the sound of your heart breaking. Whatever it was, Jungkook really is done. He wants you gone, wants to be able to break in the quiet peace of his home.
A home you aren’t a part of anymore.
You nod. He expects you to fight more, but you nod. Choke out a sob, turn around, and start putting your clothes on. He figures he should dress too, so he does, picking up discarded items of clothing on the floor, not caring that they probably aren’t clean. All that he cares about is to get you out of his apartment, out of his sight.
And when you’re ready, he walks you to the front door. Lets you say goodbye to Bam, a crushing parallel to the time you’ve said goodbye in May. Bam still looks confused, and Jungkook feels bad, for a moment. Because you were the dog’s mother – he’s been looking for you ever since May. Jungkook can only hope that, this time around, Bam understands that it’s farewell.
When you straighten, you mutter an apology. Jungkook ignores it, holds your gaze expecting something to hurt, but he’s just empty. Empty and tired, and all he wants is to go back to sleep and to never wake up again.
“I can’t let you go,” you let out, voice stark with pain.
He shrugs. “You should have realized that in May.”
You close your eyes, and you look so fragile. Like glass – it never survives the shockwave of an explosion, doesn’t it?
“Please,” you beg. “Let me make it up to you.”
He laughs bitterly. “How? You’re going to go back in time and not get fucked by him? You’re going to go back in time and not break up?”
You look like you want to curse him, and he almost wants you to. He wants you to fight, wants you to make him feel something other than this emptiness. Instead, you shake even more, sobs racking through you.
“I wish I could.”
“Jungkook, I swear,” you insist. “Let’s not lose each other over this.”
He wets his lips, tongue pushing in the inside of his cheek next. “We’ve lost each other already. It’s time we realize that we have.”
And that does it. You fall silent, defeat washing over you like a tsunami wave – there’s nothing left after its passage, and you look tired, sick, standing there right next to the door.
“I’m so sorry,” you apologize again.
He shrugs. “It’s whatever. The past is the past.”
You look like you want to say something else, but somehow you remain silent. Somehow you look at him for a time, bloodshot eyes taking in his features as if it’s the last time you’ll ever see him again. He surprises himself by doing it too, mostly by instinct. Because right now, looking at you makes him want to be sick, but he knows that it won’t last.
He knows that the echo of pain in the distance is a good indicator that he still has it in him to break for you. That he’ll break for you forever, perhaps. Because he doesn’t think that there’s an end to you and him. It’s always going to be a cycle, and it’ll never end well.
“Goodbye, Jungkook,” you murmur.
He offers you a tight-lipped smile. “Goodbye.”
All he can do is hope you know it means farewell.
Thursday, October 5th
                You used to love fall. The cooler weather, the long walks that smell like soil and fallen leaves and pumpkins. Nowadays, you hate fall.
You hate it because he loved it, and every reminder of him is poison to you. And though the season is still early, the days are getting shorter, and the longer the night, the more you drown in thoughts.
You haven’t slept in weeks. Have barely eaten too, and you’ve been off from work for a week. It’s allowed you to stay in, to just sit and try to breathe, hoping that it’ll help.
That it’ll fix something that’s never going to be fixed.
You’re lost. Lost in a town that used to be your home, lost in memories that used to be beauty brought to life – now, you’re seeing the ugliness in beauty. Because beauty is temporary, and like all temporary things in life it doesn’t last long enough. Beauty, and the ending temporality of it, leaves nothing when it goes but a bitter taste in mouth.
Perhaps that’s why you haven’t been able to eat properly.
You haven’t spoken to anyone, since the early morning he asked you to leave. Yet for some reason, you’ve felt the need to go outside today. To walk around, aimlessly perhaps, but you couldn’t stay inside a second longer. Too many tears were shed in your apartment, and you hoped the cool weather would help you feel better.
It does, a little. Because you feel like you’re breathing him in every time you inhale, and then carry him out on an exhale. You feel close to him, in a distant way that’s bound to only make you break harder tonight, but right now you can’t bring yourself to care. You do hate the reminders of him, but you need them. Viscerally, as he was the oxygen in your lungs for so long.
You’re going to have to learn how to live without him, one step at a time.
So you take another step, let your instinct carry you where you have to go. Maybe it knows how to heal.
The sun is descending in the sky, and the absence of clouds lead to a sea of azure you’d swim in if you could. You’d soar up high, so high that there isn’t oxygen anymore, and maybe then the pain would cease. You’d ride a sunray into the night, where you’d finally be able to fall into a well-deserved slumber.
As you look up, a tiny bird flies across the sky, a small speck of brown that goes so fast you think you imagine it. Like the years with him – they went by so quickly, the crushing wheel of time spinning down the slope towards the end.
Seven years ago, almost to the day, you kissed him on a hotel roof lost in Chicago, under clouds painted with fire. Who knew seven years later you’d be trying to live without him, clearly failing at it.
You sigh, pushing the thought away as you reach a crossing. You wait for the light to turn green, then follow the parallel white lines across the road. You avoid a pile of leaves, though a strong gust of wind makes some of them swirl around you, spinning like Mother Nature’s tiny dancers.
The foliage in the trees along the street is golden and red, bright colours that look out of place in the bleakness of your heart. You follow them, wonder if they know that they are about to die. The answer is one you’ll never have, and so you walk under the trees, the autumn breeze playing with your hair.
You don’t know where your steps have been carrying you. You’ve long gone past the places you usually go to, heading towards the middle of the city. The no man’s land between you and Jungkook, spread wide in a maze of streets you want to get lost in.
So you do. You press on, walk until the sun becomes a ball of melted gold nearing the horizon, and it’s on the corner of a street that a glint in a vitrine catches your eyes.
You eye the rings, crafted by an expert hand. Bands of gold, with diamonds and emeralds and gems you don’t know the name of. They look expensive, elegant, and you wonder if you would have had a ring on your finger one day, bought by him.
Recklessly, you walk into the shop, wishing to peruse its vitrines, hoping they’ll offer you dreams to survive the night. And you can almost see it – a ring on your finger, a proposal under a star-sprinkled sky, an intimate wedding for you and him. A dance, always and forever, of love shared like a secret in the night. Your secret, as the end would have one day come for you and him, an eternity of life later. You would have been old and grey, yet your love would have been young and eternal.
In this dream, he would have never taken the job overseas. You’d have stayed here, together, growing old by his side. You would have gotten more dogs, maybe even a cat, and you’d have lived happily ever after.
You wonder if, in a parallel universe to yours, the dream is unfolding. If parallel-universe you has the chance to experience it, and you think she does. You think she does, and the love is so strong it’s shaking through universes, picking you up like you’re just a leaf in an autumn wind.
Because why else, then, do you find yourself buying a gold band? Too big for you, masculine in its simplicity. Something you think he would have worn, had you been in that other universe.
You sit on a bench outside, after, as the last of the sunlight finally fades away, replaced by a blue dusk that matches your mood far better than the sun ever could. You have no idea where you are in the city, no will to brave the trek back home – you’ve been out for hours at this point.
You grab your phone, long forgotten in your purse. You haven’t touched it all day, and to your surprise you’ve received a couple of texts while you were walking, all by the same person.
[04:37 pm] Jimin: hey, this is going to sound crazy [04:37 pm] Jimin: and I’m really sorry to be telling u this [04:37 pm] Jimin: can u go check on JK? [04:38 pm] Jimin: he’s been unreachable for days and at this point I think he’ll only talk to u
You want to text him back to fuck off, to leave you alone, yet you hold on tighter to the velvety box in which the gold band hides. After all, even if you’ve received the texts hours ago, you’re realizing perhaps that that’s where your steps have been leading you anyway.
It’s stupid – he asked you to leave. Hasn’t contacted you once since then, and it’s like the wedding and the week after never happened. Like you’ve been broken up for months, like you barely know him anymore. He’s a stranger now, in your life, something you’d never thought he’d become someday.
And why would he talk to you? Why would he want you in his vicinity, when he made it clear as spring water that he was done, that the end had come to pass between you and him?
But if the end has come, why is that you’ve been feeling like you’re surrounded by him, today? Like you’ll always be – just a drop of water in the sea of him. Perhaps you are weak, to feel for him the way that you do, but seven years ago, the cataclysm that started you and him shook you, and its repercussions are still felt today. Will be felt until your dying breath, until all that’s left of you is stardust.
So you let your feet carry you, weightless in the way that you’re moving forward. Like you are once again but a leaf carried by the wind, and you can only hope that it’ll let you land in the right place.
You don’t really know how you make it to his building. Perhaps you were closer than you initially thought you were – all that you know is that you recognize the building, and that you sense his proximity through the walls.
Your heart reaches for him, longs for him in a way you can’t ignore anymore. Because you’ve been dead, without him. Just a shell of what you should be, of what you want to be. Because yes, you could learn to live without him. After everything that you’ve been through, you know well enough that you are strong enough to do it.
But you don’t want it. You want that dream you’ve found in the jewelry shop, want to make it possible. Want to prove that, no matter who would ever get close to you, he’ll always be the owner of your heart.
So you walk in. Reach the elevator, press on the call button. Then on the fourth floor, reminiscing the night you rode the elevator in his company, right before the fall. The new fall, a harshest one that made you reach those low levels of hell that living without him are consisted of.
You awaken when you are standing in front of his door. You think you can almost hear him inside, moving around through his home. You wonder if he can hear your heartbeat, where you’re standing. If he too can tell that you’re nearby once again, even though you shouldn’t have been.
Even though farewells have come to pass between you and him.
You don’t knock. You don’t have to. To your surprise, the door opens in front of you, slowly, before you’ve even managed to raise your arm to knock. Then his voice fills your ear, as he tells Bam to wait. You just stand there, dumbfounded, and then his eyes move from the floor to your face, and his mouth falls open.
Bam jumps on you, tail wagging wildly as you take a step back from the force of impact. You pet him on the head, pushing him back to the floor as you try to focus on Jungkook.
And then it dawns upon you that you have no clue what to tell him. You reckon you maybe should have prepared something in advance, because you’re wordless standing in front of him.
“Hey,” you eventually say, and you think the world has time to revolve around the sun three times before you manage to say something else. “How are you?”
His mouth slowly shuts, and you watch his Adam’s apple bob as he swallows. He pulls on Bam’s leash, tells the dog to sit, before he finally addresses you. Just your name, and the way he says it make it sound formal, like you’re just a stranger.
“What are you doing here?” he asks after another moment.
You look down at your hands. At the box you’re holding, and his eyes follow after you. “I was thinking of you, today,” you admit.
He sighs, and his eyes shut. “You were?”
You nod as he meets your gaze again. “When am I not?” Your comment doesn’t ask for a response, and he doesn’t offer you one either. “Jimin told me you’ve been unreachable.”
“Yeah,” he lets out. “I’ve been busy.”
“Oh.” You try to look behind him, as if you’ll find his reason to be busy there. “Can I talk to you?”
He says your name, this time like an apology. “I told you we were done.”
You shrug. “I know.” You gulp, fingers playing with the velvet box as if it’ll help ground you. “Can I walk Bam with you, then?”
He looks conflicted but he gives in. Says yes in a defeated way that rips your heart from your chest, in a way that makes you cling to the ring box even more, hoping that it’ll offer you salvation.
Being outside in the early fall evening with him feels like the Earth has finally returned to its normal axis. You don’t say anything, unable to find the words, and he remains silent too. You just enjoy his company, watching over Bam as he sniffs at plants before peeing on a pole.
Stars are twinkling in the sky up above. The breeze is still soft tonight, caressing your features in a gentle embrace that resembles the one he’d used to offer you, though it’s far colder than his. You spare a glance at him – he’s already looking, and he doesn’t look away as your gazes connect.
“What are you doing here?” he asks again.
You wet your lips. “I don’t know,” you admit. “I’ve been thinking about you.”
“How is that an explanation?” A shrug of your shoulders is all the answer he gets. He scoffs, shakes his head slightly, and then his head turns toward the door of his building. “I have hot chocolate inside,” he tells you, once again sounding defeated. “Do you want a cup?”
Turns out salvation wasn’t to be found in the velvet box you’re holding, but in the gentle angles of Jungkook’s features, behind his big doe eyes that will forever feel like home to you.
“I don’t want to intrude,” you tell him, voice soft. “I just wanted to… talk.”
“Then let’s talk over a cup of hot chocolate,” he says.
Which is what you do. You follow him in, feeling like you’re out of place in his life. Like he’s only giving this to you because of what you used to be to one another. Yet you don’t care. You’re slowly finding words, your brain shaping them into sentences to change an ending you can’t come to terms with.
Jungkook prepares the hot chocolate in silence, as you sit at his small dinner table. You play with Bam as he does so, a game of tug-of-war that you’re bound to lose as the dog is far stronger than you. Yet you still indulge, as you’ve missed Bam far more than you even thought possible.
The game is only interrupted when Jungkook rests a cup of steaming hot chocolate on the table next to you. You let Bam go, and the dog trots away to go play somewhere else, you can only assume.
“What did you want to talk about?”
You’ve left the ring box on the table. You’ve noticed Jungkook glancing at it repeatedly since you’ve put it there, and you worry at your bottom lip.
“I wanted to apologize again, for what it’s worth,” you answer. “I felt horrible when it happened, and just wanted to forget all about it.”
His features turn harsh, and his eyes drop into the cup of hot chocolate he’s nursing for himself. It reminds you of a café, of a conversation you had years ago, that led to you opening up to him, and to him opening up to you.
“I love you,” you continue. “I haven’t stopped loving you, and if I’d known that breaking up would hurt so much, I would’ve fought harder. I wish I had, and I wish I’d never let you go.”
“But you did…” he says when you remain silent for a few seconds.
“But I did. And I understand if you hate me for it. If you don’t want to ever see me again. But shit, you’re the only thing that I’ve been able to think about. Just you, and everything that could have been, had I been stronger.”
You grab the cup of hot chocolate, the warmth of it slowly seeping through your cold fingers. For the next few minutes, you don’t say anything, and neither does he. You just drink the hot chocolate, hoping you’ll find more words to say at the bottom of the cup.
“The distance was hard,” Jungkook eventually says. “I don’t blame you for wanting to end things over it.”
It surprises you. Makes your brain go entirely empty, and you just watch him with wide eyes for a few seconds.
He shrugs as you don’t say anything. “What?” He looks down, tongue darting out to play with his piercings. “I’ve been thinking about everything too.”
He nods. “I over-reacted, when you told me you had sex with Harrison,” he admits.
Totally not expecting the conversation to take this turn, you’re stunned silent.
“I was shocked, and needed time to process,” he continues. “You were right, the fact that I went on a full-on date is just as bad, differently. We were broken up, we didn’t owe each other anything.”
As much as it pains you to agree, you still do, nodding your head. “We didn’t.”
He purses his lips, holds your gaze for a few seconds before glancing down at his cup. The silence is more comfortable now, as you think maybe, maybe then the dream you’ve dreamed about isn’t just a distant mirage of what could have once been. It’s foolish, but you can’t help it.
You think your heart is beating for the first time since you left that morning weeks ago.
“Did you want to speak about anything else?” he asks after he’s taken a long sip of his hot chocolate.
You take a deep breath, and somehow courage finds you on the long exhale. “I don’t want us to be over.”
You think you hear him gulp. “You don’t?”
Blinking away a few tears, you shake your head no. “I really don’t. I walked around all day today, and all I could think about was you. All I could think of was all the years between us, from when we met to a few weeks ago. And I don’t know, I refuse to accept that the end has come.”
“When does it come, then?” he asks.
“When the end comes?”
He nods.
“After years and years,” you say, allowing yourself to voice your dream. “Hopefully after we’ve had years to live together. After we’ve gotten married, and maybe even after we’ve had kids. Not that I want some.” You pause, and you look down at the table, unable to carry the weight of his gaze anymore. “Or maybe after we’ve had plenty of dogs, a cat or two. After we’ve had a house with a white picket fence, after we’ve danced under a thousand different night skies.” A tear rolls on your cheek, and you do nothing to stop it. “After we’ve travelled the world together, after we’ve had a chance to live, together.”
“And what happens after we’ve lived together?” he presses.
You shrug. “Then we die together. Then we turn into stardust and memories. I don’t care. As long as it’s with you, I don’t care what happens to me.”
Blurry behind the wall of tears in your eyes, you see Jungkook run a hand through his hair. “You don’t?”
“I don’t,” you echo. “I just want to get to love you.”
At that you do cry. And not just a little bit. Your heart longs and yearns for him, reaching in the space between you, trying to find a beat to sync with. You wipe your cheeks dry with trembling hands, before pressing the heel of your palms on your eyes, hoping to stop the cascade at the source.
“It’s a nice dream,” Jungkook says after the few minutes it takes you to collect yourself, your hands falling to the table.
“Is it?”
He nods. “Yeah. I don’t think we’d do a white picket fence though. I’ve always found cedar trees make a better fence.”
Something stirs inside of you, and you want to take a hold of him, and to never let go. “Yeah?”
He sits back in the chair, looks up to the ceiling as he blinks away the silver in his own gaze. You wonder if he’s crying because he saw you cry, as the sympathetic crier that he is, or because he shares the emotions in your heart.
“Where would you want to get married?” he asks then.
You push the velvet box towards him. “This is for you.”
He doesn’t acknowledge this, instead repeating the question.
“Somewhere in the countryside,” you answer. “Maybe the cottage where it all started.” You think about Julys of a world ago. “Under the night sky.”
“People don’t usually get married when it’s already dark.”
“Right,” you let out. “Then we’d have a ceremony for just us two when it’s dark outside.”
At that he grabs the box, opening it. You reckon he must have known what the content was, because he doesn’t say anything as he takes it out. As he tries to put it on his finger, though it doesn’t fit. It’s too tight, and it makes him chuckle, a sad sound that almost kills you on the spot.
“Do you think we’d dance under the stars?” he asks as he turns the gold band in his fingers, and light glimmers on it.
“Yes,” you say, nodding your head. “We always would.”
“So you came all the way here to tell me this?”
He meets your gaze again, for the first time in a while. He looks struck with emotion, much like you feel – the depths of his eyes are swirling with love and ache and yearning. You fall forward, fall in his eyes, trying to find home again.
“I came here to ask you to marry me,” you finally say, as it dawns upon you that, yes, your steps were leading you to this all along. “Jungkook, will you marry me?”
He smiles, a world of sadness etched in the sweet curve of his lips. “Can it be this easy?”
You shut your eyes. “It can. Please. Let’s not lose what we have again.”
“When would you like to get married?” he asks.
“Are you saying yes?”
He plays with his piercing, takes a deep breath as he chases tears away from his gaze but to no avail. You watch the two drops as they slowly roll down his face. “When would you like to get married?”
“In July,” you answer easily.
“Next year?”
You nod.
He holds your gaze for a few seconds more, then looks at the gold band again. His fist closes around it, slowly, as if he’ll be able to crush it in his hold. For what you don’t know. All that you know is that his features grow tortured, pained. It doesn’t last long – another deep breath later the expression is gone.
“I need to tell you something,” he says then, his voice so small you can barely hear it.
You prepare yourself. As well as you can, expecting the blow before it comes. You sense it – in the eternity it takes for him to speak again, you see every moment of you and him before this day, your life flashing before your eyes as if you’re about to die.
And then he says it a first time. At first you don’t even understand the words, as if he’s speaking a foreign language. So you let out, “What?”, hoping that it will change the cruelty that this world holds.
But nothing can, after the end has come. Nothing, especially not as he repeats the words, softly, their meaning tainting the dream you’ve just painted with him, until all that’s left of it is a bitter aftertaste in your mouth.
“I’m permanently moving to South Korea.”
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I'm sorry for the angst, for the cliffhanger, for them to be so stubborn and for how life is working against them now. I hope you don't hate me too much after this :') let me know what you think of this chapter!
All rights reserved to @/oddinary4bts, 2023. Do not copy, repost or translate.
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Hey! I hope you're good! I saw that requests are open, and so I wanted to send one in. It's totally fine if you'd rather not write it, but I'll just shoot my shot xD. So I was wondering if you could write something about Gojo being the nicest guy when he falls in love with someone? I just had my heart broken by someone and it was stupid and everything so I'm just really in the need of some fluffy Satoru where he knows how to value his partner. Because he's at the age where he knows it's not time to mess around, and also because he's already lost so many people he doesn't take his partner for granted? (Could also be kind of something where he's just a little older than reader maybe, so he knows when to be more serious. Lmao ik it isn't actually Gojo if he's being serious but you get what I mean)💙
hey! I hope you're doing okay ❤️ thank you for this request and I wish you all the best, you're gonna be okay, you got this ✨
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summary: gojo satoru shows you what real love is pairing: gojo satoru x female reader genre: fluff content warnings: ooc gojo satoru, fluff Masterlist
Falling in love is easy.
The hard part is where you choose to stay.
You have to work on it endlessly, each and every day. For some people it's easier to walk away, while those who gets left behind don't get a say and is left to deal with what once was theirs.
It took you a minute to move on from your ex. Looking back, it seems so stupid, so careless, so meaningless, sometimes you wonder why you dated your ex in the first place.
For character development, you convince yourself. You learned some lessons from it, so hopefully in your next relationship, you'll know better.
Which is why when you first met Satoru, you felt a little scared.
A little scared because it's happening all over again. After a few dates, you realize you do like him, and you do want to have something serious with him.
It's the way he'll open doors for you, makes sure you're drinking enough water, prepares vitamins on the kitchen counter -- they all sound like tiny actions that don't matter, but it touches your heart.
It's not only that, though.
It's also how he'd return your kindness tenfold, how he makes sure to text you he's a bit busy so you won't be left waiting around all day, how he'll always book a reservation even though it's just a regular date night and not a celebration.
Sometimes you wonder what did you do to deserve someone like him, and without even asking out loud, he'll reassure you that he's with you because he wants to.
There is no other shoe.
"You feel like going out today?"
You hum, considering it. "Not really. Says it's gonna rain. You wanna stay in and cook? I can make pasta."
"You cooked yesterday, it's my turn."
"Yeah, but you got home late yesterday from work. You must be pretty tired."
Satoru looks at you like you're silly. "You got home late too! What are you talking about?"
"Well yeah, but your job is more difficult than mine-"
"No, no, no." He stops you, "We're not doing this. The agreement is that we switch every day-"
"-or every other day-"
"-if the other person is exhausted." Satoru finishes. "I'm not exhausted, so I'm cooking."
Noticing you're about to argue again, he pinches your nose. "End of discussion. Now go relax, I'm making something delicious."
Rubbing your red nose, you smile and silently follow him to the kitchen. Satoru knows that no matter what he does, you'll always try to show him how much you appreciate him -- it's been your thing since you first started dating, and Satoru has given up trying to tell you that sometimes you don't need to always return the favor. Sometimes he just wants to do something nice.
You, of course, will never listen, so he decides that he'll just have to one up you every single time.
"I'm gonna make a side salad." You say, taking out the romaine lettuce.
"Okay, then I'll make dessert."
You can only smile appreciatively and shake your head. That's Satoru for you.
Your mind suddenly travels to the past, remembering how you'd spend hours alone in the kitchen to prepare a meal for your ex boyfriend, and how he'd come home late, and turns out he had eaten. He didn't even tell you.
And you chuckle to yourself, thinking how foolish you were to have stayed that long. Look at you now, spending time with your lover who showers you with love, shows you how much you mean to him, and never needing to ask "are we okay" if you happen to have an argument.
"Why're you laughing to yourself, hmm?" Satoru nudges your hip with his.
You smile at him, "Just... Just want you to know that I'm really grateful for you, Satoru. You're the best thing that ever happened to me."
Satoru visibly blushes, his lips shaking, "Hey, you're being too sweet now. That's my job."
He circles his arms around your waist as you continue sprinkle some cocoa powder on the tiramisu you made together (of course you insisted on helping make the dessert).
"You're the light of my life," He says, resting his head on your shoulder. "Hope you know that I- Achoo!"
You gasp and can't help but laugh as Satoru chokes on the cocoa powder. "Oh my God, are you okay?"
"F-fine-" He coughs and laughs at the same time.
You hand him a glass of water and chuckle as he downs it. "Who knew Gojo Satoru's nemesis is now cocoa powder."
"Hey, you try inhaling that, it can be dangerous." He clears his throat a few times.
Giggling, you hug him tightly and press a kiss gently on his chin. "I love you, Satoru."
"I love you too, sweets."
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asdfghjklmals · 10 months
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GENRE + T/W: sfw, fluff. mentions of injury and blood. WORD COUNT: 10.8k words. TAGS: satoru gojo x fem!oc. mutual pining. the babies are still not official yet.
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SYNOPSIS: satoru asks oc gojo girlfriend to visit his clan with him during the semester break. how will meeting the gojo clan go? AUTHOR'S NOTE: made up my own gojo clan lore. fuck it, we ball lol. the hardest part is coming up with names for people. also, playful cloud belongs to the zen’nin clan, but in this au it belongs to the gojo clan because i swear i thought it did. i left a present in this fic for you guys and it starts with a 'first' and ends with 'kiss'. REMINDER: if you want to imagine yourself in oc gojo girlfriend's character descriptions instead, please do!
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your first semester at tokyo jujutsu high had flown by. you've been sent on your very first mission with satoru (thanks to yaga-sensei), practiced your close combat with mei mei, sharpened up your cursed technique, refined your domain expansion, and of course, spent all of your free time with satoru gojo.
you and satoru were practically inseparable since your birthday. you don't know how it ended up this way, and everyone on campus knew that you both liked each other, but neither of you wanted to admit your feelings for each other. whenever anyone would bring it up, you'd both say that you were 'just friends'.
friends. friends that slept in each other's beds, friends that would buy each other souvenirs just because they reminded them of that person, friends that would link arms and hold hands while they walked together, friends that worried about each other when they went on missions, friends that called each other at random times of the day just to hear their voice. sure, you and satoru gojo were just 'friends'.
"(y/n), when are you and gojo just finally going to date each other?" shoko asked you out of the blue. she looked up from her medical textbook and stared at you, waiting for an answer.
you looked up from your pre-calculus notes, "i think dating satoru gojo is the least of my worries, shoko. i have a b+ in pre-calculus right now."
"being (y/n) (l/n) must be soooo hard." shoko mocked you playfully, "she's pretty, she's smart, and she has the one and only satoru gojo wrapped around her fingers."
a thought came to your head as you paused, putting down your pencil, "shoko, can i ask you something?"
"sure. go for it."
you asked that question you’ve always wondered, "have you ever liked satoru or suguru? as more than just friends?"
shoko started laughing hysterically, "never. both of them are definitely not my type. they are my best friends though, and i love them. that's why i keep pushing you to date gojo. i want to see you both end up together."
you rolled your eyes, "—and why would you want that for me? satoru's insufferable."
"i can't imagine gojo with anyone but you. you two are like yin and yang, fire and ice. you're basically geto but a girl version. you and geto are the moral compass to that guy. it's no wonder gojo likes you so much. i've never seen him act like this before. and to be honest, i never thought he'd ever be faithful to a girl."
"oh, so satoru's a flirt? i knew it." you giggled at the memory of satoru's bold faced lie. "he told me the other day he doesn't flirt with anyone."
"gojo will flirt with anything that breathes even though he doesn't mean to. he's just naturally a people person." shoko stated as-a-matter-of-factly, "but since you came to the school, i've never seen him so curious over a girl before. you should've saw the way he moped around campus when you went to visit your family for the weekend."
you pointed your pencil at shoko, "he came to see me at my clan's estate that weekend too. my brother was so suspicious of him."
shoko looked over at you again, "hey—i heard that gojo asked you to visit his clan with him for the upcoming break. the gojo clan seems to be interested in you. are you going to go?"
flashback: one week ago
the weather was starting to get colder as the climax of winter was arriving. ice clung around the cobblestone pathway, while a light layer of snow laced the school grounds. you and satoru were walking hand in hand outside sharing a small pocket hand warmer, giggling about sweet nothings and enjoying the day together.
satoru stopped in his tracks, grabbing your attention. "(y/n)."
you halted and looked back at satoru, "what? do i have something in my hair?"
"nothing's in your pretty hair, princess." he chuckled at how cute you were, "what do you think about going back to visit my clan with me next week?" satoru shrugged, shoving his hands in his pockets. he avoided eye contact with you, afraid of possible rejection.
"me? go back with you? to meet your family?" your eyes widened in surprise. he really wanted you to meet his family?
"yeah, my grandparents want to meet you—and to see your cursed technique. plus, i hear that our clans are actually good friends or allies, whatever you want to call it."
you remembered touya telling you that the gojo clan are allies of your clan. that was another reason why your clan elders were okay with you attending tokyo jujutsu high instead of kyoto—because satoru gojo was here.
you bit your lip. would it really be okay to go back with satoru to meet his family if you weren't officially dating? would they scold him for bringing you back to the estate? the last thing you wanted was to make a bad impression.
"are you nervous or something?" satoru asked as he stepped closer to you, invading your personal space like he always did.
you looked up at him, his blue eyes softening in your gaze, "do you think it would be weird? me going to meet your family?"
"i don't see why not—" satoru shrugged, "i mean, we spend almost every day together. you're pretty much my gir—"
satoru stopped himself to correct his sentence, "we're pretty much always with each other." he cleared his throat, "plus, our grandparents supposedly know each other."
satoru started to feel hot like an iron was branding his cheeks, he wanted to change the subject quickly. he couldn't believe he almost called you his girlfriend. he was kicking himself for that one.
an evil chesire-grin spread across your face, "you were about to say girlfriend, weren't you?"
"no i wasn't!" satoru was mortified and caught red-handed. he looked away from you, but you ran in front of him and blocked his path.
you taunted him, "satoru, just say it!"
satoru sighed, knowing he would never win an argument against you, the queen of stubbornness. the 6'3" sorcerer leaned into your 5'3" frame, "do you wanna be my girlfriend, (y/n)?"
you gulped while meeting his gaze. you felt like he could see right through you. he always made you so nervous. your heart skipped a beat when you looked at his lips. that stupid satoru gojo and his pretty lips. with lips like that he hasn't even tried to kiss you yet? the closest thing to affection he ever showed you were half-assed hugs. you never took satoru for a 'where my hug at?' guy until now.
"no, i don't want to be your girlfriend, satoru." you looked away from him, lying through your teeth.
"aw, come on. don't be shy now, (y/n)." satoru teased you, waiting for an answer to his question.
you rolled your eyes and changed the subject, "i'll go back next week with you to meet your family."
satoru lifted his face out of your personal bubble and celebrated with a little victory dance, shimmy-ing around the courtyard as you shook your head in defeat. you smiled at the fact he wanted you to meet his family.
to you, it felt like you were being tested. to satoru, it felt like he had won the lottery.
end flashback
"we're leaving tomorrow actually. he said his clan elders have stuff they want to talk to him about before the new semester."
"—and they want to meet you." shoko added.
you brushed her off. "it's not even like that, shoko."
the library door slid open, "it's not like what?" suguru interrupted.
"oh my god, suguru, get this. (y/n) is going to meet the gojo clan tomorrow." shoko started to update him on the hot new gossip on campus.
suguru set down his books next to you and flipped open his notebook. he was trying not to laugh. "satoru's already got you meeting the family? and he hasn't even made it official with you yet?"
"right?" shoko asked her other bestie, instigating the situation.
"come on, make him work for it, (y/n)."
you rolled your eyes, "you two are ridiculous."
"again—you and satoru would be cute together." shoko sang.
satoru busted through the library door, he had his books tucked under his left arm, a can of coke in his left hand, and a box of kikufuku in his right. speak of the handsome devil. he gave shoko and suguru a head nod, and smiled when he made eye contact with you. he was late to the study party, as aways.
"are you ever going to be time?" you chastised satoru. he put his arm around you, hugging you with little effort as you leaned into his chest.
"god, you two should just get a room already." shoko incited, twirling her pencil between her fingers.
satoru winked at the amber-eyed sorcerer. you gave him a death stare, knowing that he was probably thinking about something childish or innapporiate.
"what's in the box, satoru?" suguru asked.
satoru's face lit up, excited about the sweet treats he brought, "i brought kikufuku!" he passed everyone a piece.
the next day
"god, i feel like i failed my exam." you complained to your classmates as you all walked out of the classroom.
satoru put his arm around your shoulder, nuzzling his face next to yours, "i'm sure you did fine, (y/n). even if you failed this test, you'd still pass the class."
"she's used to getting straight a's, satoru, not a barely passing grade like you." suguru expressed.
"i feel pretty good about my test," shoko admitted, "(y/n), don't worry. at least you're still pretty.
you all laughed and joked around together while walking back to the dorms. suguru and shoko would be staying behind during the semester break while you and satoru were going to be leaving campus.
"(y/n), are you ready to head out?" satoru asked, unable to hide his eagerness to leave.
you smiled at him, "yeah, let me grab my stuff."
you spent all of last night packing for your weekend trip to the gojo clan's estate. this morning before class, you and satoru went on a quick errand together to buy fruits and a small cake as a gift. you told satoru that it was a good gesture to present a small gift to his family if you were going to be meeting them for the first time. and just for that thought, he couldn't say no to you.
you rolled your suitcase outside of your dorm to meet satoru in the hallway. he looked over at you and gave you his million dollar smile that always made butterflies flutter in your stomach. he had a small backpack ready to go, throwing it over his shoulder, taking your suitcase from you.
"a whole suitcase for a two day weekend?" satoru poked fun at you. you were so high maintenance, it wasn't even funny.
"i had to make sure i have options."
"you already know you look beautiful in anything.” satoru mumbled quietly as you gave him a self-satisfied smirk.
you looped your arm over his as he clasped his palms together, teleporting you to a beautiful, large minka with a gorgeous stone walkway.
the gojo clan's estate
you and satoru jumped down from the air and started walking along the walkway to the entrance of the gojo clan's estate. satoru held your hand, guiding you through the gated area. there was a large koi pond to the left.
"that is a huge koi pond." you ran over to see the koi fish swimming around. there were lily pads and rocks all over the pond. different sizes and colors of koi fish started to swim towards you.
"want to feed them?" satoru asked.
you nodded your head in excitement as satoru walked to a wooden storage unit next to the pond to take out a bucket of fish feed.
"they'll eat out of your hand." he told you, scooping a large amount of fish feed into your hand. he watched you place your hand into the water as koi fish started to surround you.
"this pond has been here for almost 500 years. some of the fish in here are really old." satoru told you as he watched your bright green eyes admire the pond, he felt his heart melting at the sight. you were so beautiful and radiant in his six eyes. how was it that seeing you so happy and content with something so simple as feeding fish could set his heart on fire?
satoru ran the water hose for you so you could wash your hands. you looked up at him, "satoru, it's beautiful here."
"the clan tends to take pretty good care of the estate." satoru was pleased to hear that from you. you noticed that he was looking off in the distance behind you.
"oh—hey grams!" the white haired sorcerer waved to an older woman that was walking towards the both of you.
you immediately felt nervous, a pink flush filling your cheeks. you took a step behind satoru, feeling him squeeze your hand in reassurance. you had a feeling you were about to meet a member of the gojo clan.
"i felt your cursed energy as soon as you teleported here, boy." the older woman laughed and hugged satoru, "satoru, who is this?" the woman peered over at you.
"grams, this is (y/n) (l/n)." satoru stated proudly with a bright smile, "she's our guest this weekend."
"your grandfather didn't tell me that we were having any guests! my goodness, let's get you two settled in.” satoru's grandmother turned to you, "(y/n), it's a pleasure to meet you. i'm satoru's grandmother."
you admired the woman who just introduced herself to you. she had grey hair in a neat, low bun. she had beautiful purple eyes, just like an amethyst. you sensed her vast amount of cursed energy. you bowed your head and greeted her properly.
"hi, obaa-san. my name is (y/n) (l/n) of the (l/n) clan. satoru and i brought fruits and a cake for the family to enjoy."
satoru's grandmother laughed, "well, that's sweet of you. no need to bow to me, child. i know your grandparents very well, (y/n). and you can call me sobo or 'grams' like satoru does."
she lifted your chin to study your face, "you look just like your mother and your grandmother. kanae gave birth to very beautiful children, you and your brother, touya." (a/n: oc gojo girlfriend's grandma and mother's names are inspired by demon slayer characters)
you felt a warmth of familiarity and comfort wash over you. you blushed at her compliment. satoru smiled at the sight of you and his grandmother interacting, enjoying what he was hearing and seeing. during one of the many nights that you and satoru spent together, he told you that his grandmother raised him growing up. she was his favorite person in the world. and now you were meeting her.
"thank you so much, sobo." you decided to call her sobo instead of grams. maybe one day you'd end up calling her grams, but for now, sobo will do. (a/n: there are so many ways to address a grandmother in japanese, i just chose this one.)
"satoru, please bring (y/n)'s belongings to your room for now. i'll make sure to have the housekeepers prepare a room for her."
"she can just sleep in my room with me, grams." satoru said nonchalantly.
his grandmother smacked his arm, "over my dead body, boy!"
satoru ran off hysterically laughing, only for him to come back and hug her. he kissed her on the cheek and grabbed your suitcase to head the opposite way. you followed his grandmother.
"we're going to get you a fresh clean komon kimono. these ones are specially made for the gojo clan." sobo smiled warmly at you. in that moment, she reminded you of your own grandmother. her welcoming aura put you at ease.
she led you into the gojo clan's beautiful minka. you were in awe. it was truly a work of art. the floors were heated and made of the finest bamboo. white and blue porcelain vases, jade statues, and expensive paintings decorated the long corridor that led to different rooms. it was a beautiful combination of modern and old-fashioned style. the lighting was brilliant and illuminated every detail in the estate. you expected no less from the number one family in jujutsu society.
you saw a couple of housekeepers getting dinner tables ready. as you and sobo walked by, they turned to bow their heads at her and quickly resumed back to what they were doing. you could tell that she was highly respected in the household by the way everyone bowed to her and catered to her every request with no hesitation or resistance.
you and sobo turned the corner, entering a small room where two girls were washing and drying kimonos and haoris by hand. they bowed when you both entered the room.
"good evening, madam gojo. is there something we can help you with today?" one of the girls asked.
"akemi, would you please prepare a kimono for our guest? this is (y/n) (l/n).
"it's a pleasure to meet you!" you greeted akemi, bowing.
"miss (l/n), what color kimono would you like to wear?" akemi asked you with a friendly smile. she started to show you all the fabrics hanging on the clothing racks. "—we have kimonos and haoris in all colors and fabrics."
"akemi, get her the jade green one. she looks best in that color." satoru chimed in from the entrance of the wash room.
satoru flashed a smile at you. he had changed into a white t-shirt and black pants, sporting a new pair of sunglasses. akemi and the second girl immediately stopped what they were doing and bowed towards him.
"good evening, master gojo. we'll prepare the green kimono for miss (l/n)." akemi turned to her partner, "hitomi, make sure you get master gojo's orange haori with the dragonflies ready as well."
"will do." hitomi turned to satoru, "sorry for the wait, master gojo."
"oh my god," satoru groaned, "what did i tell you two about calling me master gojo? just call me satoru. master sounds weird."
you and sobo laughed at satoru's interaction with the two girls. sobo left to supervise the kitchen as akemi and hitomi quickly prepared the kimono and haori for you and satoru. you changed behind the screen as they took your school uniform from you. they mentioned that they would have your uniform washed, pressed, and returned to your room by the end of the day.
akemi helped wrap your chest with a white cotton wrap as you draped the jade green kimono over your shoulders. with assistance from akemi, she tied a beautiful bow with a darker green ribbon behind your back.
"wow! miss (l/n), you look beautiful!" akemi beamed, "would you like green ribbons to replace the blue one in your hair?"
"that would be nice, but i'll keep the blue ribbon with me. satoru got this for me as a gift when he got back from a mission!" (read 'souvenirs' here)
surprised, akemi asked, "are you a jujutsu sorcerer like master gojo?"
you nodded, "i am."
"—and she's a pretty strong one too." satoru added, moving the screen. akemi's jaw dropped at the sudden intrusion. she was surprised that satoru came over and moved the screen as you were in the midst of changing your clothes.
"my apologies, master gojo. i should've told you if miss (l/n) was finished changing or not."
"no worries, akemi. it's nothing i haven't seen before." he winked at her.
you glared at satoru, "akemi, please ignore him. he has not seen me naked." you wished you could launch an ice shard at him for that.
akemi giggled and patted your back before she left you and satoru alone in the wash room. you turned back to him, piercing him with your emerald green eyes, "why would you joke around like that around your housekeepers?"
satoru ignored you, "trust me, the whole household is just over the moon that i brought a girl back with me this time. they're setting up a whole banquet today because gramps told them to."
"are you going to tell them i'm not your girlfriend though?" you confronted satoru. he rolled his beautiful blue eyes at you, grabbing your hand to lead you out of the wash room. he would actually like to introduce you as his girlfriend, but he wasn't sure how you'd react. he would have to find the right time to do so.
"come on, let me show you around—you look beautiful by the way." satoru complimented you as you blushed, forgetting that you were in the middle of scolding him. he sure was a sweet talker.
satoru led you back to the main hallway that you and sobo were walking through earlier. you admired his orange haori. the complimentary color made his eyes look bluer than usual. you passed by more housekeepers while you walked down the hallway, letting go of satoru's hand as you walked next to him.
satoru frowned at your sudden action, "what? don't wanna hold my hand now?"
"it's not that... it's just—we're at your clan's estate. be a little more modest with the pda." you quietly reminded him.
satoru respected your feelings whenever you were too shy to show pda in public. it was only just recently that you two started holding hands at the school and knowing satoru gojo, he would hold your hand whenever he got the chance. he was always the first one to initiate any pda. physical touch was his love language next to gift giving. satoru would probably die if he couldn't be within arms reach of you.
he put his arm around you in a half hug as if he was saying 'alright, fine then' before he walked in front of you to continue leading the way down the corridor. he showed you the family portraits on the wall of the gojo clan throughout the years. you recognized him in one of the portraits as a child. he was holding up a peace sign, ruining the picture. how very satoru gojo coded.
"you looked like such a trouble maker." you joked with him before asking, "—where are your parents?"
satoru pointed at a couple in a different picture. his father had white hair and his mother had light brown hair. "my mom married into the family. as you can see, my dad is the one with white hair and purple eyes."
you glanced at his parents. you guessed that the white hair ran in the gojo clan. his mother had beautiful golden eyes, reminding you of touya.
"wait. oh my god—am i meeting your parents tonight?!" you started to panic. you weren't ready to meet satoru's parents.
"nah, my parents are out on business. they're in africa studying a cursed tool that can apparently disrupt our clan's technique." (a/n: jjk0 miguel's rope anyone?!)
you sighed in relief. satoru turned to face you with a mischievous smile, "speaking of cursed tools, let me show you the gojo clan's collection."
the gojo clan's basement
satoru led the way further down the corridor. he opened a door that led to a stone chamber, unlocking the door using a two finger hand motion and some cursed energy. the lock unlocked and floated forward, dropping on to the ground.
"all that for a lock?" you laughed at all the effort that was needed.
satoru turned to you and grinned, "cursed tools are expensive on the black market."
he opened the door and flipped the light switch on. you gasped at the sight. the gojo clan's collection of cursed tools and objects was vast and extremely organized.
"all the cursed objects are sorted in order of power from grade 4-1." satoru explained. "and this one is my favorite."
satoru took a red, three piece nunchaku off the wall and threw it at you. "this one is called playful cloud. i grew up with it. and it's only as strong as the person who uses it."
you caught it and twirled playful cloud around. it was heavy. some cursed tools felt disgusting to hold, but playful cloud felt fine. you gave it back to satoru and walked down the room, admiring the wall of knives and blades. as you and satoru were talking about the cursed objects, you heard a stern voice call his name.
the both of you turned around. an older man with grey hair, a grey beard, and piercing dark blue eyes appeared.
"gramps." satoru bowed. you followed his lead and bowed as well. it was his grandfather. you could sense the immensely strong cursed energy from him as well.
satoru introduced you to his grandfather, "gramps, this is (y/n) (l/n)." he smiled proudly.
"ah, this is genkei's granddaughter? it's a pleasure to meet you, (y/n)."
genkei was your grandfather. you were surprised at how far back your clan and the gojo clan went. satoru’s grandparents and your grandparents were on a first name basis.
"it's a pleasure to meet you as well, ojiisan. you have a beautiful home and an impressive collection of cursed objects."
satoru's grandfather smiled at you. "no need for honorifics, call me ojii, (y/n). are you hungry? we're going to start dinner soon. your grandfather told me that you enjoy sushi."
"—and gramps requested omakase today." satoru added with a grin.
"only because you're home for the weekend, satoru." ojii smiled back at his grandson, "come, (y/n). let me show you to the banquet hall."
his grandfather reached his hand out to you and you held onto it.
"oh, so you'll hold my gramps' hand but not mine?" satoru asked, folding his arm like a child throwing a tantrum.
you turned back to shoot a glare at him, your blazing green eyes telling him to ‘shut up’. he held his chest in fake despair while following behind you and his grandfather. you could see ojii laughing to himself as he guided you to the banquet hall.
dinner with the gojo clan
ojii hit a traditional gong to gather everyone's attention. there were multiple tables set up and everyone in the gojo clan was attending this dinner, even the housekeepers and cooks. no one was ever left behind.
"i'd like to announce satoru’s return. he just finished the semester at tokyo jujutsu high." ojii started to say. you watched as family members clapped and cheered for satoru. satoru really was the pride and joy of the gojo clan. you wondered what his childhood was like growing up surrounded by so many people who admired him.
"also, i'd like to introduce our guest tonight, (y/n) (l/n) of the (l/n) clan."
everyone clapped and stared curiously at you. you smiled nervously and waved to everyone. satoru couldn't help but gaze at you in adoration. after the introductions, everyone started to eat. the banquet hall was filled with light conversation and laughter. drinks were being poured and there were different types of fresh sashimi, nigiri, and sushi rolls presented on the dinner table in front of you.
satoru turned to you, "you okay? you're quiet. if we were at splendid sushi right now, you wouldn't have waited for me to eat."
"just taking everything in," you said softly as you were overwhelmed, "this is pretty extravagant for your return home."
"i told you, gramps is being extra just because i brought a girl home." satoru scoffed, "here—take some wasabi." he placed a small dollop of the green paste on your plate.
as you and satoru were eating, his grandparents were watching the both of you. they were happy that satoru finally brought someone home to visit with him that wasn't shoko or suguru. someone that could be his life partner.
sobo and ojii thought back to how they got married. they had an arranged marriage within the jujutsu society and were married when they turned 18. satoru's grandmother was part of a small family of jujutsu sorcerers. her family wanted to form an alliance with the gojo clan and offered her to the gojo clan as a deal. and that's how she met ojii.
"dear, don't you think satoru and (y/n) make a fine couple? satoru seems to really like her." sobo whispered to ojii as he took a bite of his nigiri.
"don't you dare reach out to kanao to try to set them up." ojii laughed at his wife. after 40 years of marriage, ojii could read sobo like a book. he knew what she was thinking.
kanao was your grandmother. currently, your grandparents, genkei and kanao, were the main decision-making elders of your clan. they were also a part of the faction of elders in the jujutsu society.
satoru's grandmother started to imagine a future for you two. "can you imagine how grand a gojo and (l/n) wedding would be? and how powerful their child would be if they were born with a cursed technique?"
"i wonder what technique their child would inherit. do you think it'd be a mix of limitless and an element?" his grandfather wondered, "unfortunately, i don't believe their child would inherit the six eyes or the water element since only one person can inherit that in a lifetime."
"they are just like the legend of that couple." sobo said excitedly, "what if they're the reincarnation of those ancestors? oh dear, let's see if we can arrange a marriage for them." she begged her husband.
ojii brushed off his wife's request, "our son and his wife aren't even home to discuss this with. let's just let the children be children, my love. i don't believe they do arranged marriages in this day and age anymore."
the grey haired couple watched as satoru used his chopsticks to pick up a piece of his favorite sushi to place on your plate. you picked it up and ate it, chewing in approval. you gave satoru a soft smile, cheeks full of food as he laughed at you. he brushed your hair out of your face and behind your ear as you continued to chew your sushi with delight. his grandparents were in awe at his behavior towards you. they've never seen anything like it. they never thought they'd live long enough to see the day where their beloved grandson would show any acts of affection towards another person.
later that night
"(y/n). i had the housekeepers set up the empty bedroom next to satoru’s for you. i hope that's okay."
"yes, that's great. thank you, sobo." you bowed towards satoru's grandmother.
"hey grams, isn't (y/n) great?" satoru asked his grandmother, "don't you think having a (l/n) in the gojo clan would be a good idea?"
she teased him, knowing damn well satoru liked you and wanted to know what she thought of you. "she is quite a remarkable young lady. maybe we should set her up with one of your cousins so she can marry into the clan."
"no way, grams!" satoru got defensive, "(y/n) is my—no one in our family is her type!" he huffed, arms folded.
you laughed at the interaction between satoru and his grandmother. sobo grinned and winked at you. she was on your side, and rooting for you and satoru too.
"(y/n), sweetheart. the bathrooms are across the hall from your room. the shower springs should be nice and warm by now. towels, a robe, and slippers are in there for you as well. take your time."
"thank you, again!"
you turned to faced satoru, "i'm going to get settled down for the night, satoru. i'll see you in the morning." you gave satoru a warm smile and wave before turning to leave for the showers.
he looked at you from under his sunglasses. he waved while watching you walk away. he was unable to contain his happiness. you were really here with him in the very home he grew up in... and you got the stamp of approval from his grandmother.
you stepped into the guest room and your jaw dropped at the sight. the room had a queen-sized futon made with a bamboo board. the room was spotless and smelled like jasmine. a large floor to ceiling window with sheer white curtains faced the massive koi pond from outside. you saw that your school uniform was folded neatly and placed on the corner of your bed along with your suitcase that satoru brought into his room earlier.
you grabbed your toiletries and headed to the bathroom. you took your time in the shower as the hot water soothed your muscles. you were quite nervous meeting satoru's grandparents today that you didn't realize how tense your body was. you hoped that you made a good first impression on them for satoru's sake. you would hate to make him look bad for bringing you here.
once you finished showering and drying your hair, you changed into a long sleeved sweater and cotton shorts. you made your way back to your room to find satoru sitting in your bed tapping away on his phone. you could tell by his damp hair that he was also freshly showered too. how could one person look so handsome after a shower? and why did that handsome person have to be in your room?
"satoru, what are you doing here?!" you hissed.
satoru looked at you in disbelief, raising his eyebrows at you, "you're telling me that just because my grams said you can't sleep in my room, i can't be in here with you?"
"absolutely not." you stated, "what if she thinks we're up to no good?"
satoru got up from your bed and started walking towards you, "and what if we are?"
you summoned a wall of water in front of you. nervous of him coming any closer to you.
"jeez, what was that for?" satoru asked, scratching the back of his head in confusion.
"i want to make a good impression for your grandparents, satoru. and sneaking around at night like we do at jujutsu high isn't a good look for me." you admitted.
his family's opinion of you meant a lot to you personally, especially because you liked satoru. the more time you spent with the special grade idiot, the more your feelings for him grew. and right now, you felt like your heart couldn't like him any more than you already did.
satoru reassured you, "trust me. they love you already. they wouldn't change their minds about you even if they caught me in here." he chuckled at the thought of his grams chasing him out of your room with a broomstick.
you released the wall of water that separated you from satoru. you walked over to him with a frown, reaching your arms out for a comforting embrace. he smiled at how adorable you looked with your puffed out cheeks, pouty lips, and emerald green eyes. he brought you in for a hug.
"does that mean we have to sleep in separate rooms tonight?" you laughed in his chest, "what am i going to do without my arm pillow?" (read 'sleeping with the enemy' here)
satoru groaned reluctantly, "if grams finds me in here, she might chop off a certain body part i need later in life for reproduction."
satoru looked down at you, grateful that you were in his arms. "gramps wants me to bring you back at the next semester break. what do you think about that?"
"i'll think about it," you taunted satoru, "depends on if we're still a thing by next year."
this dreaded situationship. this relationship between you and satoru that was lacking a clear definitive answer of commitment to each other. neither of you could start that conversation, neither of you had the guts. but maybe it was time to discuss it.
"don't think i'm letting you go that easily." satoru remarked. he kept his arms around your waist, squeezing you tighter as you giggled. god, he loved that laugh. it was music to his ears.
you placed your hands on his chest. his blue eyes sparkled like the tokyo bay whenever he looked at you, his perfect slender nose led your gaze to his soft pink lips.
he slowly leaned down towards you. you could feel his quiet breath against yours as you felt your heart race. you stood on the tip of your toes, moving your hands from his chest to lock your arms around his neck and shoulders instead.
you couldn't tell who kissed who first, but your lips and satoru's lips were made for each other. it was like the satisfying feeling of two puzzle pieces fitting perfectly together.
your tongues entangled, the two of you giving each other gentle kisses until you both felt like you couldn't breathe. you just couldn’t get enough of kissing satoru. you felt dizzy and out of breath, but you still wanted more.
and that was yours and satoru's first kiss.
as you pulled away from satoru to catch your breath, running your tongue across your bottom lip, still tasting his strawberry-flavored lip balm on you. you continued to hold him close. he studied your face before cracking a joke to break the awkwardness in the air.
"my virgin lips!" satoru gasped in fake shock as you laughed and kissed him again to steal his fake innocence. he couldn't believe that he finally got to kiss you. he was so infatuated with you in this very moment. if this was how it felt to kiss you, he hoped that he could do it every day for the rest of his life (along with hearing your laugh that he loved so much).
"that was really our first kiss? what took you so long?" you asked satoru in disbelief.
"it only took about 2 months." satoru dramatically sighed, "you're playing hard to get, princess. there was only so much hand holding and hugging i could take."
you scrutinized him, "it's only fair that a girl plays hard to get when it comes to satoru gojo."
"well, then. it's a good thing satoru gojo only wants one girl and her name is (y/n) (l/n)."
you continued to banter with him just how he liked, "wow, she sounds like a great girl for satoru gojo to only want her."
"she is." satoru beamed with pride, "she's the girl of my dreams." he said as he snuck another kiss.
you rolled your eyes and laughed, "you're so cheesy, babe."
satoru blinked twice, tilting his head to the right, "did you just call me babe?"
"no, sorry, i meant satoru." you quickly covered your mouth with your hands, a flush of red filling your cheeks.
satoru corrected you, "who’s satoru? i go by babe now."
"no! go back to calling me babe!" he whined, hoping you'd change your mind again.
you couldn't contain your laugh. you attempted to change the subject to distract him. you asked him sweetly so he couldn’t resist, "satoru, can you kiss me again?"
"don't gotta tell me twice, babe." satoru grinned, throwing back the petname towards you.
the white haired sorcerer bent down again to kiss you on your forehead, down your nose and on your lips again. you hit him on the chest.
"what was that for?!" satoru complained, "first we're kissing and then i get a smack to the chest?"
"this!" you motioned your arms around him and you, "—is why your grandmother didn't want us sleeping in the same room!"
satoru smirked at you, "i don't care. i'm staying here tonight."
you squealed as he swiftly picked you up bridal style and placed you on the bed, the both of you getting under the covers. he turned to face you as you watched him.
he kissed you on your forehead and left one last strawberry-flavored peck on your lips. he stroked your cheek with his hand and smiled at you. you turned your back to him so he could be the big spoon. he gave you an arm pillow as his free hand wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer to him.
"goodnight, satoru." you said, closing your eyes.
he called out your name before you fell asleep. "(y/n)?"
"what, satoru?" you asked, furrowing your eyebrows. this man would never let you sleep in peace. maybe you should have never invited him into your room on that one fateful day. (read 'love at first fight' here)
"can you call me babe again?"
you could feel your eyes rolling to the back of your head, "oh my god, satoru. no. go to sleep or go back to your room."
"it was worth a try." satoru grinned as he snuck a kiss to your shoulder blade. he snuggled his face into the crevice of your neck and shoulder. you could feel his soft breath against the nape of your neck as you fell asleep to the scent of jasmine and the warmth of satoru's body.
little did you know, while you were sleeping, sobo and ojii opened the bedroom door to check on you. and to their surprise, they saw satoru in your bed too. his frosty white head of hair was still snug between your neck and shoulders, his arm curved around your waist as you both cuddled for warmth under the cool linen duvet. they smiled at each other as they saw the two of you sleeping together peacefully.
"look at them, dear... aren’t they precious?" sobo whispered to ojii as he smiled back at her. his grandparents were happy that their grandson was happy. being the satoru gojo was lonely, anyone who was willing to love their grandson for him and not for the powers he possessed was enough for them.
and you were enough for the gojo clan.
the next morning
"gramps wants to see your cursed technique, so we're heading to the sparring dojo after breakfast." satoru explained, biting into a piece of toast. you used your thumb to wipe off the crumbs that stuck to his bottom lip. you planted a gentle kiss on the corner of his mouth.
you were enjoying breakfast together in the banquet hall. in front of you were small plates of bacon, sausages, eggs cooked sunny side up for you and scrambled for satoru, toast with different flavored jams, and a small stack of pancakes with a little too much syrup thanks to satoru. the head cook of the gojo clan went all out for the occasion, happy to see you enjoying the food here.
"so what cursed technique does your ojii have?" you asked satoru as you poked at a piece of sausage with your fork.
"anything i can do, he can do and more. he just doesn't have the six eyes. and he's pretty damn good with close combat. almost everyone in my family is."
you leaned into him innocently and nudged his shoulder, "maybe you can teach me sometime."
satoru laughed at your sudden bold move on him, "what? training with mei isn't good enough?"
"she kicks my ass every time." you groaned. every spar with mei mei was grueling. no wonder her and touya got along.
"i'm not gonna go easy on you, babe." satoru sipped his orange juice, "just because you're cute, don't think i'll let you win. i never lose."
"babe, huh?" you laughed, thinking about last night and how you called him that first.
satoru smiled mischievously at you, "would you rather it be sweetie pie, sweetheart, babe, honey or sweet cheeks? all of them are good to me."
you crinkled your nose in embarrassment, hitting his arm playfully. he laughed and held your tiny fist against his chest. you tried to take your hand back, but he held onto it tightly.
"excuse me, master gojo, miss (l/n)." a boy around the same age as satoru came into the banquet hall.
you glared at satoru to let go of your hand. he just continued to laugh, knowing you were embarrassed about the pda.
satoru gave the boy a head nod, "hey kaito, what's up?"
"sorry to interrupt, but grand master gojo is ready to see you and miss (l/n) in the sparring dojo."
satoru gave kaito a thumbs up, "cool, we'll be there in a sec."
you got up and started to clear the utensils and plates from breakfast. the housekeepers insisted that you leave it to them, but you continued to help by stacking up plates on the cart before leaving the banquet hall. satoru admired how helpful and thoughtful you were in that moment. you were the same way even at jujutsu high. the girl he was falling head over heels for never ceased to amaze him.
satoru grabbed your hand to lead you to the dojo, you looked at him and asked the question you were wondering for the past couple of minutes. "who was that? the guy that came to find us."
"that's kaito. he's my grandpa's assistant. he’s a good guy."
satoru cracked his knuckles, preparing himself for whatever was going to happen in the dojo.
at the sparring dojo
as you entered the dojo, you saw ojii standing in the center of room with a couple of other boys around satoru's age.
"looks like my cousins decided to show up today." satoru announced. he felt irritated knowing this. he started to stretch his arms and legs.
"why are you stretching?" you asked him curiously.
"we're gonna be sparring. anything goes in the gojo sparring dojo."
your jaw dropped, "wait. what do you mean—"
"hey satoru!" a cousin approached satoru, waving. he had greyish white hair and dark blue eyes, he looked just like satoru's grandfather.
"what's up, minato?" satoru greeted while glaring at his cousin.
"this your little girlfriend that i've been hearing about? ojii said you brought a friend home this time around." minato glanced over at you.
"minato, this is (y/n). she's from the (l/n) clan." satoru cleared his throat. "—and yes, she's my girlfriend."
this definitely wasn't the way satoru imagined he would be introducing you as his girlfriend. but in a room full of his cousins around his age, he felt the need to stake his claim on what was his.
you quickly glanced at satoru, baffled to be exact. did he really just introduce you as his girlfriend? you turned to his cousin and greeted him, "—hi, i'm (y/n). it's nice to meet you!"
"nice, a (l/n). what element do you have?" minato asked you abruptly. he really didn't care for the introductions.
you pooled a large sphere of water in your hand to show him. his cousin grinned at you.
"water? wow. you and satoru must've been destined to be together." he scoffed, turning back to satoru, "come on six eyes, let's go say hi to ojii."
satoru continued to glare at his cousin in annoyance. you noticed that he was gritting his teeth, his jaw tense. you grabbed his hand, trying comfort him. you walked with satoru to greet his grandfather.
"(y/n), satoru." ojii nodded, "did you sleep well last night?"
"yes, thank you!" you bowed, "the bed in the guest room was very comfortable."
"i'm glad satoru could keep you warm last night." his grandfather teased.
your jaw dropped as satoru, minato, and his other cousins stared laughing. you felt your cheeks turn beet red. this is exactly why you didn't want satoru to sleep in your room. first it was yaga-sensei, and now it was satoru’s own grandfather.
"it was either that or she slept in my room, gramps. and you know grams would never allow that." satoru shrugged, attempting to save you from embarrassment.
satoru's grandfather turned to you, studying your cursed energy. "(y/n), genkei mentioned that you hold the element of water. i'd love to see the extent of your powers. how is your domain expansion coming along?"
“i’ve almost perfected it.” you smiled at him.
"gramps, she's really strong." satoru explained, "she's the second fastest at laying out her domain."
"who's the first?" a cousin named ren asked.
satoru gave ren a peace sign, "i am, of course."
"well then, i'd love to see your skills." ojii reached out for your hand to help you up onto the platform he was standing on. satoru watched as you stood with his grandfather.
"do you think you can target all five of these boys with your cursed technique?" ojii asked, wondering what the limits of your cursed energy was. was your power similar to limitless with the never ending negative emotions that came with water?
you scanned the room, satoru, minato, ren, and two more cousins stood in front of you. you nodded, knowing you could probably land a hit on one of the boys.
ojii laughed in amusement, "you have free reign to do whatever you want to these punks, don't hold back."
you drew 16 ice shards. satoru scoffed as his cousins' eyes widened. satoru was very familiar with these ice shards as he probably got one thrown at him on the daily. his cousins took a defensive stance as your ice shards circled around you.
you threw all of the shards in different directions. as the five gojo boys were jumping and dodging, you casted multiple jets of water in different pressures, speeds, and sizes. you managed to land a hit on one of the gojo boys. you waved away your shards and water jets, running to the injured cousin's side.
"mako is fine." ojii stated, "don't worry."
"i'm so sorry!" you gulped, "are you okay?"
"yeah, i'm fine." mako winced as he sat up, "damn, satoru. your girlfriend sure packs a punch."
"tell me about it." satoru grinned while walking towards the both you, "(y/n), it's okay. mako's fine." he patted your shoulder to let you know it was okay. you felt horrible that mako got hurt because of you even though his grandfather said you had free reign. you and satoru helped mako up so that he could sit on the sidelines where the gojo clan's family doctor started to heal him with reversed cursed energy.
"genkei said that you can also use reversed cursed energy. is that true?" ojii asked as he saw you watching the gojo clan's doctor heal mako. he was as good as new again in just a matter of moments.
you turned back to his grandfather, "yes, i can heal people."
"can you heal satoru?”
“i healed him once, but he hasn't gotten hurt since, so i haven't been able to try it again."
"well, let's put that to the test." ojii said as he quickly shot out a small red beam, barely slicing satoru's arm enough for him to bleed, but not enough to cause any true pain to his precious grandson.
satoru winced as he grabbed his arm. blood trickling down his bicep and forearm, "what the hell, gramps? what was that for?"
"ojii really hit you with red?" minato's eyes widened, "that was a fast cast."
"he wants to see if (y/n) can heal me." satoru grunted. he walked towards you as you looked at him in shock. you couldn't believe his own grandfather hit him with a cursed technique so fast that satoru didn't even get a chance to dodge it or turn on his infinity.
you placed your hand on his arm, worried, "are you okay?"
satoru scoffed, "yeah, don't you worry your pretty little head. can you fix me up?"
"of course."
minato, mako, ren, and kyo came over to watch you heal satoru. your right hand hovered over the small cut on his arm. you focused your cursed energy as water started to surround the cut and heal his wound. his cousins were amazed to see someone outside of the family doctor heal another person, and so was his grandfather.
"does it feel better?"
"like it never happened." satoru gave you a thumbs up and a cheeky smile to go along with it. "well, gramps? what do you think?"
ojii nodded his head in approval, "impressive. i'd like to see your domain expansion now."
"wait, you want me to use my domain expansion on you?" you asked in disbelief.
"would you mind?"
you shook with uneasiness. ojii really trusted you that much to show him your domain expansion? you only ever sparred with touya and satoru when it came to your domain expansion...
"um... if you can try to stay in one place instead of swimming to the top or bottom of my domain, i'll active it for 10 seconds so you can see what it feels like."
"go ahead, (y/n). an old geezer like me can handle it." ojii laughed. satoru pushed you foward. he knew how powerful your domain was and he knew that his grandfather could handle it, he wasn't worried.
your hand signal for your domain was the buddhist hand gesture of the vitarka mudra. you connected the tip of your thumb and index fingers while keeping the other three fingers straight. you put your hand in front of you. "domain expansion: iridescent ocean." (a/n: sorry this detail wasn’t explained in love at first fight!)
a large sphere surrounded you and ojii as it started to fill with water. you could see ojii start to hold his breath as he was submerged underneath the water. he was using some type of reversed cursed technique to try to cancel out your sure hit from your domain. you saw the blinding lights at the top and felt the water pressure at the bottom, you wondered what it felt like to ojii. after ten seconds, you released your domain as water poured onto the floor of the dojo.
ojii was breathless as you, satoru, and his cousins ran towards him. "i'm fine," he waved you all off, "i wanted to see what (y/n) could do. i could barely move or breathe in that domain. i can see why water is quite dangerous and why there can only be one water user in a lifetime."
"hey! that's like satoru and his six eyes!" kyo said with a smile, putting his arm around satoru.
"your grandparents must be proud of you and the way you’ve honed in on your techniques, (y/n). i know i would be too if you were my granddaughter." ojii continued, "you must be tired using all of this cursed energy in one session. satoru, make sure she gets some rest before dinner."
satoru nodded, "understood, gramps."
"boys! clean up the dojo." his grandfather called out to the rest of his grandsons.
minato grumbled, "if bringing home a girlfriend means i don't have to clean the dojo, i'm doing that next time."
"i can hear you boy. i may be old, but i haven't lost my sense of hearing." ojii retorted.
everyone laughed as satoru and you waved and said your goodbyes until dinner. a wave of exhaustion hit you as you fell forward towards satoru.
"i got you," he caught your fall and swiped you off your feet, "you tired?"
"exhausted." you whispered. he held you in his arms, bringing you back to your room. you tried to stay awake, but fatigue overpowered you.
he placed you onto the bed as you were already fast asleep, draping a blanket over you. you must've been completely worn out just like the first day he met you. you used all your techniques, a reversed cursed technique, and a domain expansion that same day too. you were really something else…
he smiled at you before closing the door behind him. it was time for his meeting with the gojo clan elders.
in the conference room
"how are your studies going, child?" one of the elders asked.
"average." satoru bluntly admitted.
"and your jujutsu training?"
"fantastic." he said sarcastically, "i'm ranked first in close combat and cursed technique."
"although you are number one in cursed technique, you need to be able to harness the power of infinity. that must be activated at all times for your protection." another elder added.
"27/4 with infinity? that's crazy. i'll run out of cursed energy. and i get tired when i have it on for long periods of time!" satoru barked.
ojii interjected, "not necessarily, satoru. that's where limitless comes in. limitless and infinity work together, if you can make sure that you always use a reversed cursed technique in small amounts, you will not tire yourself out. that is why you got hit with red earlier. if you had infinity on at all times, that wouldn't have happened."
satoru folded his arms in frustration. his clan elders always asked so much of him. sometimes he wished he wasn't born with the six eyes. he was tired of being told what to do and how to do it.
a third clan elder joined in, "it will take time and practice to do so, make sure you work on that this semester."
"how is your training with activating red and hollow purple coming along?" the first clan elder from earlier asked.
satoru rolled his eyes and muttered, "i’m working on it."
"this is serious business, satoru." the elder lectured him, "there are only a few select members of the clan that even know of hollow purple. that is our secret weapon against the rival families and our enemies."
"i got it, i got it." satoru shrugged, "i'll work harder."
"the last thing we want to talk about it is the (l/n) girl." the last elder in the group went on to say.
satoru glared. what could they possibly want with you? "—and what about her?"
"keep her safe. the (l/n) clan and the gojo clan have a strong alliance. if anything happens to her, consider the allied ties severed."
"nothing is going to happen to her as long as i'm with her. i swear on my life." satoru said confidently, "is that all?"
the elders dismissed satoru as he stepped out of the room. he groaned, he hated having these meetings every semester. he felt like every aspect of his life was controlled. could he just chill and have fun while in high school? he walked back to your room as the elders continued their talk.
"satoru will protect her. i've seen the way he looks at her. he cares about her." ojii explained to the remaining elders.
"should we meet with the (l/n) elders and consider an arranged marriage for them then?"
ojii disagreed with anything that had to do with an arranged marriage. "no. we don't need to arrange a marriage for soulmates who were destined to find each other again in this lifetime." ojii laughed in hilarity, "another six eyes and a water cursed technique user from the (l/n) clan together after 400 years... what a sight to behold."
back to satoru's pov
as satoru walked back to your room, he dismissed what the elders had to say. they really wanted him to have infinity on 24/7? were they insane? he should be able to turn his infinity off around people he was comfortable with, right? should he really have it on at all times?
satoru knocked on your door before barging in. you opened your eyes groggily as he sat down at the foot of the bed.
"did i knock out?" you asked sheepishly.
"completely. you fell straight into my arms." satoru smiled softly at you. just the sight of you made all his problems fade away. "you feeling better?"
"yeah, just a little tired."
"ready to go back to jujutsu high tomorrow?"
"i like it here, satoru." you smiled back at him, "we should come back soon." according to satoru, he only came to see his family at the end of each semester. you hoped that you'd visit more often with him.
"didn't you want to visit your family soon?" satoru asked.
"yes, and you should officially come visit with me." you sat up in the bed. "your last visit didn't count."
satoru laughed boisterously at the memory. he missed you so much he teleported to your clan's estate without telling you. he lied to save face, "i had to make sure you were safe."
you laughed at his ridiculous statement, "safe in my own family's home?"
"it's probably time for me to formally introduce myself as your boyfriend to your brother, huh?"
"i guess you can call yourself my boyfriend... i'll allow it," you grinned at him, "—and you better hope that touya doesn't kick your ass."
satoru and you shared a laugh as he patted your head, brushing your messy bed hair down your neck and back. you grabbed his hand and placed it against your cheek as satoru leaned in for a kiss.
"ready for dinner?" he asked.
"god, yes. i'm starving."
the next morning: heading back to jujutsu high
"the both of you take care now." sobo said, "make sure to eat all your meals and train properly."
satoru hugged his grandmother and kissed her on the cheek, "thanks grams."
"(y/n), it was a pleasure having you as our guest. come back soon, we'd love to see you again." ojii said as he smiled at you.
"thank you so much for having me!" you bowed towards the both of them and gave them your million dollar smile that satoru loved so much.
"grams, gramps, (y/n) is my girlfriend.” satoru proudly stated, “so it only makes sense that she'll be coming back to visit.”
"girlfriend, huh?" you nudged satoru with your elbow as he put his arm around your shoulder.
ojii and sobo laughed. they already knew that you and satoru would love each other in this lifetime. they could sense it as soon as satoru walked through the door with you. everyone besides satoru and yourself could see that you two were meant for each other.
"i’m sure kanao and genkei would love to finally meet the gojo clan's child that stole their granddaughter's heart," sobo gushed, "(y/n), make sure satoru meets your grandparents soon. next time you're back, satoru's parents should be here for you to meet."
"i can't wait to meet them," you said excitedly, "satoru is coming home with me in a couple weeks to meet my brother and grandparents."
ojii turned to his grandson, "satoru, make sure you pay your respects when you meet genkei and kanao. and take care of (y/n)."
satoru put his arm around your shoulder, "of course, gramps! nothing's gonna happen to my girl!"
you rolled your eyes at your newly titled boyfriend as his grandparents laughed at the both of you. satoru and you said your farewells to the gojo clan. his grandparents, akemi, hitomi, and kaito saw you off before satoru teleported you both back to tokyo jujutsu high.
"so what did you think?" satoru asked as you were applying moisturizer on your cheeks. you rubbed your face in circular motions, working the cream into your face.
"think of what?"
"—of my family."
you took a moment to think before answering, "everyone was so nice and welcoming. i was thinking it was going to be the exact opposite to be honest." you admitted.
you sat down on your bed, satoru sat up and scooted over to make room for you. he raised his eyebrow at you, "why would you think that?"
"hmmm, the gojo clan being the number one family in jujutsu society might be a reason."
satoru rolled his eyes, "god, my family isn't as horrible and stuck up as people make us out to be. we live a quiet life and mind our business."
satoru frowned as you tilted your head towards him. "what's on your mind?" you asked as you caressed his cheek with your hand.
"my cousins said some stuff that bugged me before we left." satoru mumbled and pouted his lips.
"oh no, satoru gojo bothered by his own family?" you sarcastically sang, "what could they have possibly said to upset you?"
"they kept talking about how hot you were." satoru complained, "as if my cousins are your type. they need to find their own girl and back off of mine."
satoru gojo was jealous. now that was something you didn't see every day.
you smirked, attempting to push satoru's buttons, "i don't know, satoru. minato was really nice to me before we left. should i ask for his number next time?"
satoru gasped, "you wouldn't."
your bright laugh filled your dorm room, satoru ears perked at the lovely sound, but still attempted to glare at you with his cerulean blue eyes.
you confessed, "you're right, babe. i wouldn't. you're the only one for me."
"oh really?" he countered, "give me a kiss to prove it then."
"fine," you muttered, "come here, you big baby."
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thegoldencontracts · 4 months
Too Late!
You and Azul are texting each other one day when he accidentally sends you some more honest texts.
Note/Warnings: Azul/Reader, fluff with a smidgen of angst (specifically Azul insecurities, he gets comforted tho)
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You loved Azul. A lot. You'd been dating him for quite a while now, after all. But you couldn't deny that it felt like he was a bit- formal with you, to say the least. Sometimes, it felt like he was playing the role of a perfect boyfriend in a Romance Novel's screen adaptation. How did he really feel? Was he happy to be somewhere, or was he just playing along so that the other students in his dorm could see how attractive and understanding he was while they seethed in envy at the fact that they were single and he wasn't?
Which was why when Azul slipped up one day when you were texting, you were very, very happy about it.
It was a boring evening, like always. You were texting Azul, complaining about your homework while lounging in your bed like always. Nothing out of the ordinary.
Zuzuuu <3: You know, if you'd like, I'd be happy to assist with your homework. It'll even be on the house, just for you.
Me: cant believe im dating a capitalist mf /lh
Me: really tho, tysmmm for helping <3 I don't deserve u bbg...
And then, something completely out of the ordinary happened.
Zuzuuu <3: how could you say that you're literally so perfect? I love you so much I keep doodling you bc you're so. Pretty. I simp so hard for you plz never say that again <3
At first, you wondered if Floyd wrote the text as a joke. It was pretty in character for him, after all. But that didn't make sense. This wasn't Floyd's way of texting, nor did it even attempt to imitate Azul's. When Floyd was in the mood to prank someone, he put in the effort to make it good.
Whatever. You took a screenshot of the message so you could treasure it forever. And lucky you, because right after you did, the message was deleted.
Zuzuuu <3: Please don't say such things about yourself, even for comedic purposes.
He was not being slick with that. You sent a text in response, giggling all the while.
Zuzuuu <3: Regardless, would you like to come over later today?
Me: Real slick hehe... Plz show me ur doodles of me they probably look so good bc you're good at art just like everything else somehow
After a while, Azul replied.
Zuzuuu <3: I don't know what you're referring to. Regardless, would you like to come over?
As much as you wanted to press, you decided not to. Too much pressing would just make Azul clam up more. You'd just have to get him in person, where it'd be harder for him to run away when you showed him the screenshot.
Me: Sureee! Heading over right now
And so, you set out for Octavinelle, evidence in hand. You were going to make him admit he sent that text.
By the time you got to Azul's room, you had everything planned out. He wasn't usually so candid with you, and he was clearly ashamed of it when he was. You were going to figure out why.
You knocked on the door, and Azul opened it, letting you in.
"Come in," he said, tone even more formal than usual, by some miracle.
"Thanks," you said, taking a seat.
"So, about that text-"
"I don't know what you're talking about," Azul said, quick to cut you off.
"So quick to interrupt, Azul!" You said with a mock-pout, before grinning as you pulled up the screenshot on your phone. "But I think you do."
First, Azul's mouth hung open in shock. Then, his whole face turned red, lip quivering as a high-pitched whine left his mouth. Then, he moved to snatch the phone from your hands.
You narrowly dodged, and you couldn't resist sticking out your tongue at him.
"Too slow!" You laughed as he tried to grab the phone from you again, only to fail even more without the element of surprise on his side, because for all of Azul's many strengths, speed wasn't one of them.
"Delete that at once!" He shrieked, voice cracking in the middle.
He kept trying to grab it for a while, before finally giving up.
"Fine, fine," he grumbled, pouting like a kid. Cute. "You win. Are you satisfied now?"
"Very," you said, "because I get to see you. Your actual thoughts. Not just the ultra-filtered version."
Azul scoffed at that, seemingly in disbelief, though you saw the way he stifled a smile.
"Don't flatter me," he said. "My 'true thoughts' are not something you'd want to see in the slightest. Merely a more pathetic, messy version of what I already tell you."
"And that's precisely why I want to hear it," she said. "You sound so perfect all the time that I wonder whether you're really being honest with me, you know. It's just so refreshing to see you be gushy and candid about things. And pretty cute."
"How odd," he said, before turning to you with a face more genuine. "Thank you. For what little it's worth, I'll try to be a tad more honest with you. I can't promise anything, though."
You smiled.
"That's all I ask."
And really, truly, that was enough.
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"So, how'd you learn so much internet lingo? Never took you for that kinda guy."
"I'm in the board games club with Idia Shroud. What did you expect?"
246 notes · View notes
celestoria · 11 months
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Cupid’s Game
A/n: Ahhhh, my first request. Don’t worry anon I actually found this very fun to write about that i immediately made a rough draft for the moment i read the ask.
Tags: porn with plot, dirty thoughts, penetration, oral (f), fingering, penetration, implied voice fetish, against the wall, overstimulation, hickeys
Words: 1.4k
Do not interact if you are 16 or below (17+)
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The little glances you give whenever Dan Heng would enter the room, the faint smile he has when you tell him good night, and the endless hours you two would spend together without a single regard for the outside world. March has witnessed it all.
It’s still a shame despite the blatantly obvious chemistry between you and Dan Heng, neither had enough courage to make a move. To March, she believes that there is no need for such complications. She had enough of this endless pining and decided to take matters into her own hands.
“Hey, why don’t we play a game of truth or dare,” she said, cutting the silence in her room as you helped her sort out her pictures.
Dan Heng hummed. “It would be a great way to entertain us since we’ve been here for a while,” he commented. You shared the same sentiments as him. There’s no harm in peaceful quality time, however, the air feels hushed and out of character considering you’re in March’s room.
You agreed. March let out a giddy squeal and started the game. After several rounds, she got a little bold as she dared you to sit on Dan Heng’s lap for the entire game.
Though you nonchalantly accepted her dare, deep down you felt like you wanted to burst. You’ve had your fair share of spending time with each other such as walking around in a city you’ve never been to before or quietly reading together in the archives. But this was a whole new level of “closeness” you’re not sure you're ready for.
You occasionally glanced back at Dan Heng to see how well he’s been holding since both of you got stuck in this situation. Oftentimes you found his cold, reserved demeanor quite impossible to read, but seeing him up close it’s pretty clear he’s feeling the same way as you.
Neither of you wanted to be caught up in such a scene but you can’t say you hate it too.
Time flew by in a flash, and eventually, the game had to come to an end with all the polaroids finally sorted out in March’s albums. That was a relief. One minute more and you were sure you could never face Dan Heng for at least a week.
For Dan Heng, you could say the same...but for other reasons.
It was so hard to get his mind out of the gutter with you sitting on his lap while you wore that little skirt of yours. Your ass was pressed on his dick for such a long time, he was sure his dick hardened under his pants. He just hoped you didn’t notice it.
Debauched thoughts filled his mind throughout the whole game. He knew it was wrong but how can he stop when he’s been wanting you for all this time?
You left March’s room and in a flurry, Dan Heng grabbed you by the wrist and led you to the archives.
“Dan Heng, what are you-“ He pinned you up against the wall and your lips crashed together. His fingers intertwined within your hair and pulled you closer for a kiss frenzied with lust and yearning.
He pulled away, trying to control himself from going any further. “Look, if you want me to stop, tell me and we’ll pretend this never happened,” he said, your mouth barely an inch away from each other. He waited for your answer yet not even a single word has been said. He smirked and picked up where you last left it off. “I knew you liked me too,” he added in between kisses while hurriedly taking off your clothes.
Your limbs snaked around his waist and his hand caressed the curvatures of your body. Rough hands brought your thigh to his hips and the space between you getting closer to the point your body pressed on each other.
He grinded himself against you, earning the moan he always wondered what it would sound like. It was addicting to hear you cry out his name; he thought he’d only hear in the figment of his imagination.
Dan Heng got on his knees and pulled down your skirt and panties. He placed your leg over his shoulder, giving him good access to your soaking cunt. Hickeys colorfully marked the inner parts of your thigh as he made his way to your wet folds. His tongue lapped on your swollen clit, so desperate for his touch, causing your pussy to clench on nothing until he inserted fingers deep inside of you. With your pussy so eager for him, it was barely a hassle for him to curl them as his fingers soaked in your wetness.
You tried to hold back your moans, knowing the thin walls behind you were the only thing separating you from potential passersby. Dan Heng looked like a man with many secrets, but you never expected him to be the type of man to take such a large risk like this.
You tugged on his hair and bucked your hips while your clit began to throb. The two of you were barely started and he already has you wrapped around his fingers after making your wet pussy cum hard with his fingers.
Dan Heng slowly rose back up, his knees sore from stooping down to eat you out. The taste of your slick lingered in his lips and his tongue swirled around your mouth while he dowdily undid his pants. The tip of his cock prodded the entrance of your hole, already enough to cause shivers to run down your spine.
Without a warning, he inserted every inch of his dick, making you feel overwhelmed with how far he’s gotten inside you with one single thrust. You were so full of him and you tried to gulp back a moan as you bit your lip.
“Don’t hold anything back,” he demanded. “I want to hear you,” his voice ridden with desire as much as every little action his body advances on you, like how one hand groped on your sore thigh and the other skillfully kneaded your perked-up breast. His lips groaned with the taste of your name, making it sound so honey-sweet than ever before.
He felt ecstatic every time you sinfully mewl his name. It’s as if you turned a word he’s so used to hearing into something so sacred, only to be heard within the four walls confining you. Only you could make him rutt so needily to the point it felt near possible to control himself.
Your legs trembled more as he pounded your insides. “Please, I can’t take it anymore,” you pleaded, tears pooling in the side of your eyes and droplets staining your cheeks.
“A little more,” he rasped. “A little more. It won’t be too hard.”
Your mind went blank with how he’s been overstimulating you and your pussy ached while it clenched around his thick girth. He was so close to breaking you by the time his dick thrust in you one last time, spasming as ecstasy coursed through his veins.
He pulled out his dick, causing you to whimper and your juices to trickle down.  Your legs shook, making it difficult to stand alone. Noticing your struggle, Dan Heng scooped you up bridal style and placed you on his futon to give you the proper rest you deserve.
Carefully, he wiped up the mess he turned you into before wrapping you in his blanket, making sure you won’t end up with a cold.
“Go take a nap,” he replied. “I’ll make sure no one comes in.”
Draped in the warmth of the sheets that smells like him, you were still dumbfounded that something you thought you’d only dream about late at night would turn into reality— how he would ruthlessly plow you down one second then act so considerate and caring the moment after.
All things in the archives are open for everyone, but this little escapade of yours, an aftermath of a not-so-innocent dare, will remain your dirty little secret only the two of you will ever know.
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mangekyuou · 1 year
could you plsss do the straw hats reactions to reader (who’s always worn a mask) revealing her face for the first time & everyone seeing how beautiful she is?! 😭 tysm if you end up doing this 😭🫶🏼
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✩༄  headcanons ,  with a crewmate who reveals their face for the first time !
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☆ — characters! . . . the straw hats.
☆ — cw(s)! . . . platonic. implied fem!reader. no pronouns used. not proofread.
☆ — notes! . . . thank you so much for requesting !! <3333
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the straw hats respect your privacy and boundaries. you don't owe an explanation for why you wear a mask, and they would never ask that of you if you weren't comfortable
there have been moments where they have even covered their eyes or left the room, so can you can be comfortable
all of them were curious as to what you looked like underneath the mask. some are more normal than others in their curiosity about your appearance
guessing what your hair looked like, or if you had hair at all stuffed effortlessly into your mask. wondering what color were your eyes. what your smile looked like
each of them has a different image of what you look like in their head
except for zoro and jinbei, who have both become so used to seeing and talking to you with the mask on, it's become all they can picture
nami's image of you is not clear. she'll look at the rest of you and try to create an image of your face, but it's always blurry
chopper, luffy, usopp, and robin all have drawn up a picture for you to see what they picture when they see you. even though luffy and chopper both drew monsters...it was fun to see what they envisioned when they spoke to you
brook chose usopp's drawing of you for what he imagined you to look like because it was the best drawing out of the four.
franky definitely thinks you've got some kind of crazy injury or scar going on that you don't like to show people. sometimes you'll catch him staring at you as if he's trying to see through your mask
there's not a second that goes by where sanji is not thinking about what you look like under your mask
so many different images show up in his head at once, he sees a different version of you every time he talks to you
when the time finally comes that you feel comfortable enough to take off your mask in front of them, they were excited !! [ only after they asked you a million times if you were really sure ]
they are eagerly waiting on the edge of their seats, as you reach for the bottom of your mask
when you finally uncover yourself completely, you notice a brief silence. it worries you
but the second sanji dropped to the ground with a hard thud with hearts in his eyes, you knew you were pretty much in the clear
you were nothing like they expected, way prettier than they expected. they all shower you with compliments. even luffy complimented you...in his own special way. "woah! you're not a monster under there!"
he's trying...
it takes them a while to get used to seeing your face. you'll sometimes see them do a double-take to make sure you're actually you when your mask is off
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© MANGEKYUOU — do not copy, repost, or translate my works.
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ayabeanworks · 8 months
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Title: I'm Home
Synopsis: Where SaShiSu finally meet you again after 7 lifetimes of not seeing you.
Character: SaShiSu x reader
Series: Let's Meet in the Spring (SaShiSu x reader)
Notes: Part 2 of Can I meet you again? AU where Geto does not defect, and you do instead. Some angst, fluff, mentions of death, suicide and murder. Happy ending.
My playlist when writing this: - Dancing With Your Ghost by Sasha Sloan - Akari by Soushi Sakiyama (Ending of JJK S2 Hidden Inventory)
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When you dream, you sometimes see the same three people.
Two boys and one girl. The two boys were like the sun and moon, almost like the direct opposite of each other. One's got white hair and the bluest eyes of them all, the other's got dark hair and beautiful purple eyes rivalling amethysts. The girl had short brown hair and warm, caramel brown eyes, with a mole under her right eye.
They always seemed to appear in your dream, but every time you woke up, you could barely remember their facial features, as if something or someone was deliberately drawing over it with a thick sharpie to obstruct your view.
So when you wake up, you're left wondering why you keep dreaming of them, and your chest that clenches in longing whenever you wake up from a dream including them.
Sometimes, you would even wake up in tears, and sometimes, you would wake up with the biggest smile on your face. On one rare occasion, you felt a sharp pain in your neck that hurt so much you woke up in cold sweat. But, you could also feel a gentle hand caressing your cheek.
For your whole life, you didn't know why they kept appearing in your dreams. Even when you were young, you couldn't get the images of them out of your head, or their faceless features, nor the imagery that was shown to you. Horrible images they had been, ones where you would wake up tired and lethargic, like you'd battled and exhausted all your mental and physical energy.
You don't know who or what you're fighting.
When you tried to talk to your parents about it, they would shrug you off, thinking it was just a nightmare or something that kids dreamt of because of their overactive imaginations.
But you knew. You knew it was more than that. You just weren't able to explain it in words.
So you never talked about those dreams again. They were dreams that stayed with you and dreams that ended with you.
If you had a chance, sometimes you would ask others what their dreams were about or if they had the same type of dream. But none of them were even similar to your situation, and it made you confused why yours were so different to everyone else's.
It was only when you turned 18, you managed to remember the face of one of the three.
It was the one with dark hair and purple eyes. His features were sharper than you thought, and for him specifically, it was like a veil had risen from in front of your eyes, and you were able to remember bits and pieces of the dreams you continuously had.
You don't know his name. But the way he looked at you made your chest tight, and your cheek tingle. Specifically the area under the eye.
You could probably trace his features on a piece of paper if you tried hard enough - you could recall your fingertips tracing his face as he lay next to you, and the laugh that came from him when he found it ticklish.
Then, he would cup your cheek, his thumb gently swiping the area right under your eye, the area which would normally tingle after some dreams with him in it. And each and every time, his expression would be incredibly soft, his gaze incredibly affectionate as he looked at you.
For you to feel it so realistically, you sometimes wondered whether it was a memory from a past life, or if it was a premonition of sorts?
When you woke up, you were calm, relaxed and felt safe. It was strange after such a dream. When talking to others, you heard these types of dreams would make someone giddy and excited because it was so intimate.
Contrary to the general population, even though you were calm, and the dream you had was intimate and borderline romantic, all you just felt was that a part of you was missing.
You missed the stranger in your dreams; the stranger who sometimes held you tenderly, sometimes knocked the wind out of you with his hugs, and sometimes caressed your cheek as if you were the only thing in his eyes. After you could remember his face, the pull of longing became stronger little by little.
Your eyes started to look around, wherever you were, hoping to catch a glimpse of the boy in your dreams, a silver of hope in you to reach some answers.
Why were you having these dreams?
Who was he? Who were the other two?
What significance did they have in your life?
You have yet to get any answers.
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The second face you could finally properly see was the girl. She was young, maybe around your current age and had those beautiful brown eyes you could get lost in. She had the demeanor of someone who didn't have much of a care in the world, but she was fun, she was kind and she was most of all flirty. Towards you, anyway.
You could recall the embarassment you woke up to after she had teased you all day in the dream. Your face was red, but it made you happy. For that much teasing, you wondered whether you were an M. It made no sense you liked it so much?
Hell, everything in your dreams, and how it shaped you and your thoughts, confused you. It all made no sense, but it felt like you were trying to find something, find something precious you've lost. But what precious thing did you lose?
You didn't know.
When you felt like you were on the verge of figuring something out, you couldn't. You didn't have enough information.
So, you continued life like normal, hoping that you would at least get some answers living day to day and dreaming night after night.
It was around the 3 month mark after you could see the dark haired boy that you could see the girl. Now all your dreams had both of them in it, two of the three whom you could see the faces of. But, the last one's face was still blurred out, and you still couldn't see him.
All you knew was that he wore these dark round sunglasses, had white hair, and for some reason, you knew he had blue eyes.
But, you still weren't able to see his face.
While you dreamed of scattered bits of what seemed like a memory, you could tell the white haired one was a bit brash, but was secretly a sweetheart who hid behind a bravado of arrogance.
Every time you woke up from dreaming about the white haired one, you felt like laughing, only because whatever reaction he gave was funny. He was a very lively one, and compared to the others, he always had something interesting he was doing, no matter what time or in whatever situation.
But for years, the blurring on his face didn't disappear, and you weren't able to find out what he properly looked like.
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One day, you stumbled across a crepe shop a few stations away from where you lived. The rush hour traffic was absolutely abysmal, and it was a mild day, causing it to be hot and disgusting inside the train.
So, you did what any sane person would do and get off the train a few stops earlier, preferring to walk home instead. You were in your early 20's and had moved to Tokyo for work after completing your degree, preferring to be a little closer without having to commute so long.
It was only by coincidence you discovered it, but when you ordered for the first time, it was like you had practiced this order your whole life.
A crepe decorated with strawberries, whipped cream and topped with a drizzle of chocolate.
While you waited for them to make your order, you could hear someone's voice in the back of your head, a deep voice with a playful tone that didn't belong to anybody you knew.
But even so, it was a voice you were incredibly familiar with, and your breath hitched from hearing it again.
Except, when you looked around, there wasn't anybody near you, and there wasn't anybody who 'fit' the voice from a further distance away.
Nobody who 'fit' the voice? You had questioned your own thoughts, wondering where that came from. It was almost like you were trying to find a specific person.
But who?
When you got the crepe, you left. It was a delicious crepe, so you wanted to go back and get one for yourself on days when you were stressed. Probably a Friday like today. You often went there after school on Fridays.
It was a moment after you finished the thought that you stopped suddenly in your steps.
I often went there after school on Fridays? You looked over your shoulder at the crepe shop in the distance, situated between other shops.
That's impossible.
You knew it was impossible. You didn't live in the city, you didn't go to this side of the city, nor did you see this crepe shop any other time in your life. It was your first time ordering from them too!
So what gives?
The next moment, you heard a familiar voice. It was definitely a figment of your imagination, but you swore you could hear that same voice from when you were waiting for your crepe. But when you faced the direction it came from, you couldn't find anything.
You heaved a light sigh and started walking home, just missing the tall white haired man who had come to order his own crepe.
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That night, you finally saw the face of the white haired boy, 4 years after seeing the faces of the dark haired boy and brown haired girl.
He was an incredibly beautiful boy, contrary to his expressions and behaviours. No blemishes to speak of, soft white hair and a glimmering set of blue eyes.
Those blue eyes were so beautiful you couldn't help but admire them whenever you remembered them. It reminded you of a cloudless blue sky, maybe even prettier.
The dream in which you had seen that boy properly for the first time was at the crepe shop you went to before. It was one where he stood with you, both in uniform as he paid for the crepes, grinning as he ordered one with a multitude of toppings, whilst you ordered your regular strawberry crepe with whipped cream and a chocolate drizzle.
His round sunglasses were opaque, a detail you seemed to already know, and when he caught you staring at him while talking, he teased you and took off his glasses, coming up close to your face to allow you to stare at his eyes.
It seemed he knew what you wanted, but after you complimented him sincrerely on how pretty his eyes were, he put the sunglasses on you, completely obscuring your vision with darkness as he ruffled your hair and mumbled out a quiet and embarrassed 'shut up'.
The same voice you heard at the crepe shop - it belonged to him. You were sure of it.
You were even more sure that if you went to that same crepe shop on Fridays during after school hours, you might be able to see him, and by extension, the other two.
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It was only the next week when you woke up in cold sweat, dreaming of yet another battle. But, this time your neck stung and you felt like you were suffocating.
There was only one other time you had this type of dream, and it was when you were young, the day you tried telling your parents about it.
You controlled your inhales and exhales, holding the side of your neck that stung, feeling a liquid sensation there. Alarmed, you brought your hand in front of you to look, but it was just your sweat.
It felt like something else. A darker, more viscous liquid.
Your hand trembled, flashes of your bloodied hand flashing for less than a second in your mind, similar to your dream.
You could recall blurry imagery, blood, screams and frantic voices. You could feel one of your hands being caressed between two larger hands. You knew it was the darker haired boy who was holding your hand. But you couldn't see him except for the top half of his face. You could only make out that he had a sad expression in his eyes, but masked it with calmness.
The one who you could see, was the owner of the beautiful blue eyes. He held an expression you've never seen on him before, one that was a mixture of pain, disbelief, panic and frustration all in one. His eyes were glossy, and it looked like he could cry at any moment. His jaw was clenched and his breathing was erratic.
That was when you heard another voice, one that you knew belonged to the darker haired boy.
"Let's get you home, [name]."
That was when you woke up. You could only feel your cold body, shivers making goosebumps form on your skin, regardless of how warm the spring weather was becoming.
Compared to when you were younger, the dream you just had was much stronger, much more pronounced, and you could really feel what was happening.
It was too much. The only emotion you could feel was regret, sadness, and a tad of relief. You couldn't help but tear up. You hugged yourself in a fetal position as you tried to hold back your tears. But the more you tried to, the more tears threatened to spill.
And so you cried.
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After that day, you recorded everything. You had half a mind to do it when you started being more conscious of the world, but you didn't end up doing anything until now. You should've started earlier.
After a week of jotting down all the notes you could, you had finally written up a bunch of documents on your computer, detailing everything you saw in your dreams, the people you met, the experiences you got, and the three people who it seemed to revolve around.
You even decided to take up art classes to draw the vivid imagery in your dreams after failing to draw a proper pair of round opaque sunglasses. It was easier to scribble down whatever you could, including drawings, when you remembered it.
And the drawings you found yourself drawing a lot of, were actually the crepes found at the crepe store you frequented on the weekly.
You ordered something different each time, hoping it would jog your memory or even trigger some. After all, it seemed you went to the crepe store with the white haired boy every week, and every week both of you got a different combination of flavours.
It wasn't every single time, but some would trigger memories to flow into your head. That was when you would quickly sketch down a crepe with a large number of toppings, one that you know you wouldn't get. It was definitely the white haired boy's.
This continued on for the next few years, and the number of sketchbooks and documents you've put together were numerous. There was so much material and you had more to add, making you wonder when you would stop getting these dreams.
On a day where you didn't get any dreams, you decided you wanted to go to the crepe store. It wasn't a Friday, but rather a Saturday, just a day after your previous visit.
You hadn't gone on a weekend before.
As you make your way there, you found the chatter of the streets to be louder than the Friday, full of smiles and laughter of families and friends.
This brought a smile to your lips as you stopped in front of the crepe store, wondering what you wanted this time. Yesterday you had a maple syrup crepe, so today you'll get a savoury one.
You put in an order for a cream cheese salmon crepe, a new addition added only the week prior, and stood to the waiting area, patiently waiting for them to finish your brunch.
"I think this is the first time I've ever seen you ordering a savoury crepe. What happened to just the sweet kind?"
You froze.
That voice.
That voice.
Your eyes widened and you immediately looked up from your open sketchbook, staring at a taller man with white hair, tinted round sunglasses and the biggest grin on his face.
It was the boy, now a man, from your dreams.
Your eyes glossed over with a sudden wish to cry. Your chest tightened, making it harder to breathe while your head started hurting, a bunch of information flowing into your mind like they were your own. The amount of information crammed into your head was overwhelming, almost worse than the worst headache you've ever had.
But, it gave you answers. It gave you everything you ever wanted to know.
Now, everything made sense.
Your lips parted, about to say something, but then it closed and opened again like a goldfish, unsuccessful in delivering anything via words. Instead, your tears fell and you sobbed like a madman, wailing in the middle of the street while waiting for your crepe.
Satoru only laughed at you, taking the sketchbook out of your hands as he pulled you into his chest, giving you tight hug, enveloping you in his embrace.
Oh, how you missed his hugs.
"'toru, 'toru, 'toru!" You chanted his nickname like a prayer, your voice muffled in his chest as you sobbed, arms trying to pull him impossibly closer than he already was. You couldn't stop the tears from falling; a sense of relief, happiness and comfort washing over you as you hugged him.
Satoru only responded by hugging you tighter, pressing his cheek to the top of your head as he nuzzled into you, taking in the scent he's missed so much. He pressed a kiss to the crown of your head, then nuzzled his cheek back in the same place.
You were here. You were here in his arms. He wasn't dreaming.
"I'm here, [name]." One of his hands behind your neck started stroking the back of your head, comforting you as you let another sob at his reassurance that you were definitely not dreaming and he was there in the flesh.
Against his chest, you could feel his racing heartbeat as he hugged you, almost like he'd run a marathon, making your sobs turn into broken laughs at how that one trait never changed.
You pulled away from him but kept in his embrace, sniffing as you stared up at him. You reached up to take off his sunglasses, seeing those beautiful blue eyes you've missed. You stared into them for a moment, with them staring right back at you, almost like they could see through your soul.
"Like what you see?" A familiar, shit-eating grin made you laugh and lightly hit his arm, mirth settling in his eyes as he saw your smile.
It was genuine.
"You've grown up, 'toru." Your words were soft as you cupped both of his cheeks, checking his face from all angles. "The last time I saw you, we were both 18." You pinched his cheeks before your hands dropped to your sides, "You've matured. You've become really handsome."
Satoru usually would've cracked a joke, but with the shock of finally seeing you again and the sincerity in your words after not meeting you for over 600 years, he nodded, a closed smile as he felt his eyes become glossy. He shied away from your gaze, opting to look at your shoulder as he tried to blink away his tears.
The last time he saw you was when you died in his arms. He didn't count Kenjaku who had taken over your body as you. So when he finally saw you waiting at the crepe store he'd come to on a weekly basis, he couldn't help but feel so, so happy you were there. He almost thought it wasn't real because they weren't able to find you for over 7 lifetimes, and it was his mind playing tricks on him.
Though, as luck would have it, a couple of years ago, he just barely saw you, and knew they could find you this time around.
And that, they did.
"'toru, can you lean down for me?" You request, taking a small step back so he had room to. You felt his arms lock so you stayed in his embrace, almost like he was afraid you'd escape from his grasp and leave.
He met your eyes again, this time confusion evident in them as he did as requested. You felt your hands go to the sides of his head, bringing him down a slight bit more, before planting a kiss on his hairline.
"I promised!"
When you let go, he stood back up, bringing you in for another embrace as he hid his face from you, hiding your face in the crook of his neck. His face was burning with a pink blush, his ears red as he tried to calm down his hammering heart. He knew you could hear it, but he didn't want you to see his embarrassed face too.
"Satoru, have you gotten your crepe yet?"
Suguru, who had come with Shoko, raised a brow as he saw Satoru hugging someone. The other person held his glasses in one hand, lightly patting his back as a means of comfort. They were still waiting for their crepes, it seemed.
"Wait..." Shoko paused for a moment, a hand coming to Suguru's arm. "That's..." She was glad she wasn't smoking at this very moment, because immediately after seeing the familiar hands, Suguru had excused himself and gave Shoko all the things he was holding, forsaking his gentleman behaviour to see the friend he couldn't save.
Shoko could only sigh as she watched her best friends. She was waiting her turn and wouldn't be able to go against those two giants, so all she did was stand off to the side and watch as they had a little reunion before she had hers.
"[name]!" Suguru's call of your name was breathless as he grabbed Satoru's shoulder, making you lift your head to see him.
When you saw Suguru again, you let go of Satoru and your arms reached to go around Suguru's neck as you cried his name, jumping into his arms as you once again cried at the appearance of your best friend, the one who tried to save you but you pushed away.
Satoru couldn't even properly get mad because he already had his cute little reunion, so he gave Suguru a little grin before going over to Shoko and taking the bags from her to bring closer to where everyone else was.
"Sugu!" You sobbed his name as you buried your face into the crook of his neck. He supported you by holding you up in a tight hug, closer to his strong ones, as you breathed in his familiar scent.
He couldn't stop himself from also shedding a couple of tears, giving you a light kiss on your cheek in the process, his eyes closed as he rearranged his arms so one arm was around your waist, and the other was on the back of your head.
"I missed you." He mumured into your ear. His voice was so small, about to crack, as he let you down onto the ground and leaned down to bury his face into your neck. He just bathed in your presence, bathed in you.
He missed this. He missed you. He missed you so, so much. He didn't know if he would be able to live without you. Those 600 years and more he had to wait for you to finally come back to him were so, so long. But he never gave up. They never gave up.
That was how precious you were to them.
"Sugu, I want to see you." You gently pet the back of his head, smoothing out the hair he'd let loose for the day. It was as silky as you remembered it, maybe even more?
You wondered if he followed your advice on using shampoo and conditioner instead of just soap.
Suguru didn't move for a second, but sniffed and lifted himself up, facing you with red eyes and cheeks. He didn't care if others saw him. He didn't care anymore, especially when it came to you.
You smiled up at him, happiness in your eyes as you looked at him as if he was the most precious thing you've ever set your eyes on (you look at Satoru & Shoko the same way, he noted). You cupped his cheeks, doing exactly what you did to Satoru to Suguru too, examining his facial features.
You run a hand through his hair, pulling it gently back for him. "You've grown up, Sugu. You look very handsome. Very dashing." You giggled when you see his cheeks flare at the compliments, and he resists the urge to hide in the crook of your neck again and take in your calming scent.
"You have too." Suguru eyes you, nodding to himself at your now matured look. He grabs one of your hands, holding it with both his own as he gently rubs circles into the back of your hand.
To him, Satoru & Shoko, you were still pretty much the same as when you were 18, when you left them in their first life. You didn't change much. All your mannerisms were the same, maybe a little bit different from how you grew up, but he thought of it as another variation of you.
You only beam at him, giving him a little twirl of yourself, making the three of them laugh.
You were still so cute.
"Shoko!" You let go of Suguru's hand after giving it a light squeeze, heading over to where the doctor was.
Her arms were already outstretched for you, and you dove right into her arms, hugging her as tight as possible, feeling a laugh resonating in her chest as you hugged her tight. Her arms went around your neck, chin on top of your head as you tried not to cry again at seeing her.
She stroked the back of your head gently, kissing your forehead and cheeks, then pressing her forehead against yours after a slight change in positioning. "You seem well, [name]. Did you miss me? We kept our promise to see you again."
"Of course I missed you!" You ended up bawling into her shirt as you realised she was the one who hadn't seen you the longest out of the three. The last time you properly saw her was just after you had murdered the elder, and then you died a year or so later in Satoru & Suguru's arms.
Shoko, already understanding what you wanted to say, only smiled as she closed her eyes and leaned her head against yours.
After a moment, you apologised for making her clothes wet with your tears, but she shrugged it off, citing 'battle scars' with a wide grin. Some things she said, was still a mystery to you.
You sniffed as you took a step back to fully look at Shoko. She looks much cooler than she did back then, grown her hair longer, and was more mature in appearance than before, which leaned more on the cute side.
"You're so beautiful." You complimented, "Truly!" You could probably stare at her for days. Why did she have the best glow up?
Shoko gave you a wink, smirking at you when you blushed.
"Savoury crepes aren't actually that bad." Satoru suddenly commented, having taken a few bites from your freshly made one.
"Hey! Isn't that my crepe?!" You looked at the crepe store owner, but when he met your eyes he just gave you a thumbs up and a nod, signalling all was good. He had witnessed your touching reunion with them, and given your brunch to Satoru.
"Satoru, let me have some." Suguru took the crepe from him, taking a couple of bites himself as you watched your crepe disappear into the stomachs of the two men. He licked his lips to get some of the cream cheese off, nodding in approval, "This is quite good. I'll order another one for us." He taps your nose with a smile as he went to order more, taking the last bits of your crepe with him.
While he did, you returned your gaze at Satoru, who was busy eating the incredibly sweet one he ordered.
He met your eyes and raised both brows, almost as if he was asking why you were staring.
"How often did you come here?" You omitted the part you wanted to ask the most, about how long they've been waiting.
Satoru didn't even blink as he answered straight away, "Every week at first, then every day. For over 600 years. 7 lifetimes. 7 timelines."
You stared at him in shock, frozen at his answer. Your lips trembled as you realised just how long they've been searching for you. For the 3 or so years you've been together as best friends, it made such a huge impact that it spanned centuries.
You could feel how devoted they were to you, how much they loved you, how they couldn't forget about you. It made you so happy they were so loyal in finding you, but it also felt like you'd chained them down so strongly that it was unfair.
"What if you couldn't find me after 1000, 2000 years?" Your voice was small as it shook.
"We'd fnd you. No matter what." His words were solid, unmoving, and sturdy. There was no hesitation, none at all. He wholeheartedly believed this. "Well, at least I wasn't going to give up. The world could freeze or burn for all I care, but if I couldn't find you then I'd continue or die trying. Rinse and repeat."
"Me too." Suguru came back with the 3 savoury crepes, handing one to everyone except Satoru.
"Me three." Shoko gave the dark haired man a nod as a thank you for the crepe.
You stared at the three of them, remembering how suffocated you felt back in your original life because of all the curses, all the problems that arose with the elders and whatnot. It pushed you to breaking point and even if they were there to try and bring you out, you had fallen in so deep you weren't able to get out. You felt alone and didn't have anymore strength to get out.
But, this time was different. This world didn't have curses. You didn't have the problems you had back then. Your best friends were still here, and they had come to find you, no matter what world nor how long it took. They were there for you.
Would you be able to rely on them this time?
"Thank you." You stared at the crepe as you spoke, not brave enough to see their expressions. "Thank you for not giving up on me. Thank you for not forgetting me. Thank you for finding me. Thank you for everything."
"The crepe didn't do anything for you, [name]." Suguru laughed when you looked up at him in humiliation, not wanting to repeat your heartfelt words to their faces.
Shoko let out a laugh at his comment, making your face flare red.
Satoru had an amused glint in his eyes as he grinned, "Don't be embarassed, we've gone through 7 lifetimes for you. Seven. If that ain't embarrassing to find someone you've known for 3 years, I don't know what is." He watched as you opened and closed your mouth like a goldfish yet again, fueling his amusement.
"Well, it doesn't have to be said now. You can say it whenever you want." Shoko took a bite of the crepe, nose crinkling at the difference in the sweet crepe and the savoury toppings.
"Boo." Suguru & Satoru pouted, wanting to tease you more.
"Anyway, let's go home." Shoko eyed the groceries, "The groceries aren't going to unpack themselves."
The men gave a hum in agreement.
"Already?" You looked at them, sadness appearing on your face since you wanted to talk to them more.
They stared at you as if you had grown another head, with Satoru raising a perfect white brow at the cute pout on your lips.
"What do you mean, 'already?' You're coming with us." He spoke matter of factly. "We'll get the movers to bring your stuff to ours as soon as possible."
"Yeah, what gave you the idea you could run away so quickly?" Suguru had a glint in his eyes as he spoke. He pinched your cheek, "You think we're gonna let you go now that we've found you?"
"You're stuck with us now, [name]." Shoko laughed brightly, reminding you of her in your original life. It had been so, so long since you've last heard her laugh so brightly, it struck a chord in your heart.
"C'mon," She held out her hand, prompting you to take it as she pulled you along. "I want to hear what's been happening with you. We've got lots to catch up on."
Suguru shifted in his step so he was next to you, an arm slung around your shoulders as he pushed you forward to walk with them. "And don't you dare leave anything out." He raised both brows at you, referencing the times you kept things from them.
You gave him a meek nod, promising yourself you wouldn't.
Satoru twirled the key to his car and house around his fingertips, "Y'know, you forgot to say one thing."
"One thing?"
The glasses slid down his nose as his gaze matched yours. "Remember your last words before you died in my arms?"
It took you a moment to recall your words, an 'o' shape forming on your lips.
You felt a squeeze on your shoulder and hand from Suguru and Shoko, who you knew were watching you recall some distant memories, but fresh ones in their minds. Especially for Suguru and Satoru, they were were the ones who heard it loud and clear, being the ones to experience your last moments.
Your heart blossomed with warmth at their invitation to come back with them. You didn't think reincarnation was real - it was just a wish because you wanted to see them again. So your last words reflected the wish you held so dearly in your heart. You let out the most dazzling smile you've ever made in your life, radiating so much joy for a wish come true, "I'm home!"
The grins on Satoru, Suguru and Shoko's faces could put the brightest gems to shame.
"Welcome home!"
You've arrived home, and you were there to stay.
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A/N: A little note about the ending and what [reader] and SaShiSu says: it's referencing your last words back when you died in your first life/original life.
The last part [reader] says, "I'm home / ただいま", is what the Japanese say when they come back home after a day out, and is said to family members, friends and anyone they're coming home to.
On the other hand, SaShiSu say "Welcome home / おかえり - okaeri", an expression used to reply to "I'm home", or one to ellicit that answer. What's important is the person who says this is the 'home' the person saying 'I'm home" is coming home to.
For anyone who watches or reads and watches manga/anime/Japanese dramas, you're probably aware that when someone says "I'm home", it usually means that they've at least said "I'll be going now / いってきます - ittekimasu" before they leave and come home later. But this phrase isn't just "I'll be going now" - it actually holds the nuance and vibe that the person saying it (the one who's going somewhere) will come back. So it's got a closer meaning to "See you later" if we look at it in English translation.
And in this story, it can be assumed [reader] says "I'll be going now / いってきます - ittekimasu" as their last words in their first life, with a wish in their heart to see SaShiSu again. Which is why in their letters to SaShiSu, [reader] talked about reincarnation and wanting to see them in a world without curses.
In this context, the way [reader] says it is really cruel, because they didn't come back and left on their own, effectively leaving an 18 year old Suguru & Satoru to hear [reader]'s last words, and Shoko to hear it from them. And because of the nuances behind the meaning of those seemingly simple words, it devastated them when they read the letters. They couldn't just let it go.
That's also why Suguru's last words [reader] can recall from their first life is "Let's get you home, [name]", because he's responding to it in the only way he can cope and not curse them, but also wishing for [reader] to come back to them. And if [reader] died, they would then have their corpse, and will bring it back to get cremated in the 'home' [reader] belonged to before defecting.
Since they couldn't get over it, they did whatever they could to find [reader] in the 7 lifetimes and timelines they've been reincarnated to. So when they've finally found [reader], the words SaShiSu wanted to hear the most were "I'm home" from their best friend who hadn't yet come back to them.
A/N p2: God explaining the nuances makes me cry more than the actual story itself 😭
Anyway if you haven't read part 1, here you go!
As for the others, here's the masterlist for the series if you want to read up on other things happening in this universe😄
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suiana · 8 months
he was there, and then he wasn't (various yandere characters x gn reader) (angstober day 3)
he was there when you first met.
helping you up after someone bumped into you, you couldn't help but blush at the handsome male who helped you up to your feet. calling you adorable with that attractive voice of his... wait, did he just give you his number?! is he implying that he wants to see you again?!
he was there when you two went on your first date.
you had decided to meet that cute guy who helped you up a few days back. i mean, what could possibly go wrong? he looked nice enough, talked charmingly... you're sure it would be fine. and if it doesn't, you could just pretend to have never have met him and go on with your life! what's the worst that could happen?
he was there when you decided to confess to him.
okay, so that first date went better than expected and now you two were dating, fantastic. you two were like two peas in a pod, the perfect duo, soulmates even! geez, you wonder what your life would've been like if he hadn't been there. must've been really lonely since you now felt that your soul is complete.
he was there when you moved in with him
your relationship had progressed really well and smoothly! apart from a few bumps here and there caused by his jealousy and possessiveness, everything else was great! he was an amazing boyfriend, loving and caring for your every need, and he was a great cook! what more could you ask for? plus that dick was 10/10.
so when he brought up taking the next step, of course you agreed! it's like being a married couple already hehe ♡
he was there when you two first fought.
okay so you two got into your first little argument... could you guess what it was for? that's right! he got jealous that you were spending more time with another man, aka your coworker!
it was horrible. i mean, isn't he being too possessive? sure, it may be endesring at first but after a while it gets too suffocating... maybe you should bre-
oh and he's already apologizing with flowers and tears in his eyes?! shit now you feel bad :( why would you even think of breaking up with your sweet boyfriend? he's just perfect for you! so what if he's possessive? you can overlook this tiny fact haha...
he was there when he proposed to you.
you couldn't believe it. is this... actually happening?! the love of your life proposed to you?! holy shit you can't control your feelings right now...
and so, you sobbed into your lover's chest, happily telling him you loved him as he chuckles, stroking your head in an attempt to comfort you. all while having natching rings on your fingers, promised to each other forever more.
and he was there when you realised that it was no more than a happy dream.
and it was the day of your wedding. the day you longed for, only for it to be ruined when you were informed that your lover had been caught in an accident, taking his life away.
sobbing your heart out, it felt like the world had come crashing down on you. you had promised your life with him and he just left so suddenly?!
maybe this was the way the heavenly beings above pulled a joke? causing you to meet your soulmate, making you two fall in love, and then taking him away from you at your happiest? whatever it is, you were now crushed, as though a part of you had been taken away.
seriously... if you knew this would've happened, you wouldn't have gone out on that god forsaken day. because while the times with him were the happiest, the times without him now would be ultimately depressing.
for he was your other half, the one who completes your soul. and when he left, he took half of your soul with him.
dazai osamu(?), gojo satoru, venti, childe, welt yang(?), jingyuan, aki hayakawa, your faves<3
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unluckilyimnot · 4 months
Heyy! So I’m struggling with an ed at the moment and I read your headcanons where the tr boys find out reader has an ed but I was wondering if u could do that for the Bonten trio? Tyyy
s/o who has ed
Characters : Ran, Rindou, Sanzu (all Bonten)
Type : ansgt, hurt to comfort
Words count : 0.5
It’s fine, I can write about it, it’s just the same as an old one I did : I speak as a girl who experienced it in a certain way, so I’ll do my best and I don’t mean any hurt it can cause. If you’re struggling with ed we can talk about it if you feel like it, but at least don’t hesitate to talk about it. Only around people you’re safe please, I don’t want you to go through the same things as I did. You can get through it even if it’s hard (I did but I’m not cured at all)
I love you, take care of yourself and people around you, please
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Ran notices how you never touch the left over, even if he put it there for you to eat. He tried multiple times, just to be sure, but every time you already ate, or you're not hungry, or not enough so you’ll just eat some fruit. He knows too well what’s going on, yet he doesn’t know how to handle it. He can’t force you to see someone, but it hurts him acknowledging all your tricks, the way you still smile in front of your food when he hears you throwing up right after.
“Why aren’t you eating ?” It’s past midnight, you’re already reading tug in your shared bed and Ran just sat beside you. You can’t process it at first, it makes you feel sick. “It’s not a crime, I imagine what it is, but I want to understand you. And help if I can. Explain it all to me. Please.”
For a few seconds you tried to doubt that you deserve a man like him, before recalling he can kill for money. He may not be the best man out there, but he is for you. He’s ready to do better and understand you without getting mad. At the thought you shed a tear, and another and before you realize it you can’t articulate a proper sentence beside telling him that you’re sorry. Deeply sorry to be like this.
“It’s not your fault, don’t be sorry. I’m here for you.”
Rindou feels that you’re smaller than you used to be, so much smaller. It’s like he hasn’t held you in a million years when it’s only been two weeks since he left. He grabbed you a little more, here and there, but you can’t help but feel uneasy.
“Let me go to Rindou..”
“You’re so small, why ? Have you eaten enough when I was gone ?” panicked rush through his veins when he sees your eyes meeting the floor, guilt creeping into both of you. He knew it, he always did. He simply thought you were doing better since he was there and after all those years struggling together. It was that simple for you to stop it and start it all again. He’s helpless and, oh so sorry but not in a way when he feels like giving up. In a way that if he had to do it all again, from the beginning for you to get better, he will.
Sanzu doesn’t eat much himself, which is not helping with his addiction but he wants you to be healthy. He doesn’t like the idea of you hurting your body more than you already have to do. So when he finally realizes all your tricks to make him believe that you're eating normally despite your showing bones he’s more sad than mad. He knows he’s nobody to talk to, he’s destroying himself little by little too, but thinking he can lose you that way made him cry on your knees. You don’t even know what to do, you’re simply sorry but without being able to promise him you’ll stop.
“Don’t leave me” he cried out, not ready to lose someone else.
“I’ll try,” you replied.
In the silence, between his cries, there’s a secret promise that both of you will try to get each other out of their way, even if they can’t even help themselves.
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Fist post in years /lit a bir short excuse me but i have to get used to it again
Hope you like it ♡
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yeetmeoffjueyunkarst · 8 months
In another universe... Is good enough.
part 2 to this, ft various characters previously mentioned
It's obvious that you're gone for good. The only reason why they can cope is because... they pray for the multiverse theory to be real, so that their dreams, even if not fulfilled in this universe, can be fulfilled in another universe.
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For Xiao, Diluc, Sara and Rosaria.
It's obvious that you've moved on.
It's in the way your eyes shine that wonderful sparkle around someone else, the ease of your steps, the gentle grasp on another's arms.
It's the way in which all the little conversations you used to have are now exclusive with someone else.
But even then, their memory of you has not faded. You are still a warm fire in their hearts, keeping them alive even if you are not there to nourish that flame anymore.
Sometimes, they find themselves thinking of you. They think of all the good times they had with you.
Every call of your name. Every touch that burns their skin. Every smile of yours, so brilliant and vibrant in their memories.
Even if it fades... They do not regret knowing you. They do not regret loving you.
For with this, they know that they could be possible, in another universe.
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For Lyney, Lynette, Freminet, Yae Miko and Kokomi.
Obviously, they couldn't cross over to the world of the dead with you.
As they sit right in front of your grave, wiping it with a wet cloth, they're stuck on their thoughts on you. When you were alive.
Every little moment, from simple talks about dinner, to the back and forth bickering, to the more intimate times when you both bared body and soul to each other...
They do miss it. But the flow of time is always constant and will not stop for anyone.
"Let's go home." Their new lover, one who they would spend the rest of their lives with, without you, offers their hand.
They take their hand, getting up and moving forward.
Thank you for being part of my story. I know you want me to move on and seek someone else, even if it pains you. Because I would have done the same, even if it means ignoring my selfish heart for you to be mine only.
And if you were to be alive, they would stay with you, in another universe.
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For Jean, Lisa, Kaeya and Venti.
The gods didn't favor you both, for in the end, you were both separated.
It's not as if the both of you didn't try, really. But in a world where fates are often intertwined with each other, the freedom to transcend such bindings are often hard to obtain, and in some cases, impossible to overcome.
Please do not be upset that it was doomed from the start.
For it was still real to the both of you. All your feelings, all your treasured bonds, all your touches, cuddles, kisses and sweet nothings.
It was all real.
Please be assured that the both of you would be able to break free from all these shackles, and have a chance for your own happily ever after, in another universe.
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For Ei, Keqing, Itto and Heizou.
They never did get to see you again after that.
It was as if you were a dream, a mirage, magically disappearing into thin air.
Like the lightning striking and disappearing after its brief magnificience awes them.
Your radiance divine, they could not forget for the rest of their days, even as they marched towards their own ideals for the sake of what they believed is right.
They can no longer look back. You were the last straw, the final puzzle piece into solidfying their resolve.
They no longer have the honor of having you grace their life with your presence, because it would only bring heartache to you both, given your differences.
The differences that they oh so cherish deeply.
At night, they wonder: Would the two of you have found some way to put aside your differences and worked hard to love each other for them, in another universe?
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For Tighnari, Amber, Xiangling, Nilou.
They've now left you behind, and you're watching their backs as they stride ahead in confidence.
It was stupid, in hindsight, to look down on people. You all of all people know that.
Because they were the ones who never looked down on you when you were at your lowest.
When did it go wrong, really? When did it go wrong for you to become so arrogant and take them for granted.
Now they're gone, like leaves dropping from their trees in autumn.
You fool.
Now, would you like to pay for your price in regret, regret over what would have been in another universe had you cherished them while they were around?
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For Ganyu, Sucrose, Shenhe.
Too much indecisiveness led to an entire lifetime's worth of regret.
Before they knew it, you disappeared into the snow, like a little tiny snowflake in a sea of multiple snowflakes.
Where were you? They could not find you, because some things... you can only come across once in a lifetime.
It comes unexpectedly, serendipitously, without warning.
It comes and it goes, and you have to be ready to seize the opportunity. Especially when it comes to love.
The next time they saw you, you were so wonderfully dressed up in wedding attire.
But you are facing someone else at the altar.
Not them.
And so they put on a fake smile, clapping and cheering you on without even objecting to your wedding when the priest asks for any objections.
They should have taken that chance. Now, all is left is daydreams of being together, only achievable in another universe.
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For Zhongli, Childe, Ningguang, Neuvillette
Duty, duty, duty.
Duty to the people. Duty to the family. Duty to the friends. Duty to the higher ups and juniors. Duty to their desires and dreams. Duty to their lover.
It's a shame that they seemed to have neglected the last one.
Poor them. Always so busy, always scrambling back and forth behind the shadows while keeping up a cool facade.
The next time they come home, all that is left of you is a few memories, some belongings, and a letter.
I'm done. Let's separate. There aren't any feelings anymore between us. You don't even make time for me anymore.
No takebacks, no chances, no nothings. Only sweet delusions of a you and them in another universe.
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So many universes out there, so many possiblities. Even if we are not fated to be in this universe, I pray with all my heart that in another universe, we could be handling taxes and doing laundry together, even if it is in a simple laundromat. I pray that fate does not deal us a bad hand, and we could live in peace and happiness together and never be apart. Never be separated by external forces, and have our hair turn white together.
My sincerest wishes to you, my love. I will live well for you. May we be happy together in another universe. I love you. So, so much. More than you could ever know.
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makeitmingi · 2 months
The Cat and Dog Game [Chapter 33]
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Genre: Romance, Fluff, Comedy
Pairing: Yunho x Reader (y/n)
Characters: Chef!Reader, RestaurantOwner!Yunho, MaitreD!Hongjoong, Waiter!Yeosang, Waiter!San, Waiter!Mingi, SousChef!Seonghwa, SousChef!Wooyoung, PrepChef!Jongho
Summary: Yunho's dream was to open and run his own restaurant. But he doesn't know anything when it comes to cooking. Until you came along and accepted the job, bringing with you a small crew. How will the black cat tame the energetic golden retriever?
Word count: 3.3K
"Yunho..." You raised your head from your pillow, slight hesitation and worry in your voice.
"Hmm?" He hummed, eyes focused on the game that he was playing on his phone. You and him were slowly growing accustomed to staying at each other's places. And tonight, Yunho was staying over at your place.
"Would you like to visit my mom?" You asked.
That's how you ended up in your position now. Yunho drove, worried that you were too distracted to drive. He was right, you couldn't focus on a single thought for more than 5 seconds.
"Thanks again for coming." You blurted out, hands dripping the material of the pants you were wearing.
"(y/n), there's no need to thank me. I should be thanking you for introducing me to her." He said, reaching over to place his hand on yours.
"I'm a littler nervous. Going there always sends me spiralling." You confessed. But it also acted as a warning to Yunho of the state that you will be in when you reach.
"It's okay, I'll be with you all the way, alright?" He squeezed your hand.
"You can tell me anything, I'll always listen." He added. You nodded with a hum, turning to look out the window but you never let go of Yunho's hand. Although the memories of your mother are fond, they always scared you. So Seonghwa made you promise that you'll never come here alone.
"When I think about my mother... She's an amazing person. Seeing her regress to the state she was in before she died... It still haunts me." You told him.
"I understand that, considering how close you were with her..." Yunho empatised.
"And on top of that, my father was detaching himself. I could tell, when she got sick, he just wasn't there." You sighed.
"He left your mom alone?" Yunho asked in disbelief.
"Yes and no. He was there but he didn't visit her room, buried himself in work... almost as if she was already gone from our lives. And right after she died, he got together with my stepmother." You sighed.
"It's like he didn't even care to mourn for her. I became invisible to him, just forgotten. The father that I knew and counted on growing up was gone. And I know a part of me still cannot reconcile with that." You said.
"I can't imagine you having to go through that all on your own, especially at that age." Yunho replied with a small shake of his head, he really didn't like your father.
"You know, I always wondered how different things would have been if my mother was still around." You chuckled bitterly.
"Or is this just his true colours?" You thought out loud.
Yunho didn't reply to that. He has never met your father and mother But he knew he hated your father and was angry with him for treating you that way when you were little and just lost your mother.
"That's the only good part. Your mother isn't around to see how your dad truly is." Yunho said. You hummed in agreement.
"For a long time, I thought maybe that's just his way of mourning. Maybe he just blames me for making my mother sick. He always said she started getting weaker after she gave birth to me. That's why I don't have a sibling. It made me believe my mother would still be alive if I wasn't born." You said.
"That's not true. It's not your fault and your dad shouldn't blame it on you, you're his kid." Yunho frowned.
"It didn't help my case that my stepmother and I hated each other from the start. He hated that I 'embarrassed him'." You scoffed.
"Was she mean to you as a kid?" Yunho probed a little more. He was glad that you found this opportunity to share more with him so he could learn more about you.
"She saw me as a threat so she tried to erase me from my father's life. Little did she know, my father already didn't care for me at that point. But she knows she'll never be my mother." You said.
"What about your stepbrother?" He asked.
"Oh, just as bad as her. But he was the perfect child, wanting to be a doctor, so of course my dad was fine with paying for everything."
"My mother was a respected woman. Everyone loved her, no one can come close to her. She was philantropic, humble and confident. Everyone knows my stepmother is only in it for the name and the money. She'll never replace my mother. Even Seonghwa's parents hate my father and stepmother now." You shrugged.
"What parent would just ignore their child like that...How could he just leave you to be on your own after your mother died." Yunho shook his head.
"It was hard and I barely survived it but that's a discussion for another time." You forced a smile, patting the back of his hand.
"Thank you for telling me all that."
"Nothing to thank me for. I never want it to happen but if you meet my father and stepmother some day, I just want you to be prepared for how they will be." You said.
"I hope I never run into them." Yunho clicked his tongue. You assumed it was because Yunho was afraid of your dad. But no, Yunho just knew he would not be able to fight to urge to punch your dad.
"Is this this place?" Yunho stopped the car and leaned forward to see the sign overhead.
"Yeah, you can go straight ahead and park there." You pointed. Yunho nodded and continued driving until you told him to stop and park the car. When you both stepped out, Yunho went to grab the offerings from the boot.
"Are you cold?" Yunho asked, seeing you wrap your arms around yourself as you waited. You shook your head with a small smile.
"I just... hate it here." You looked away. It was hard explaining all the emotions you felt when you came here. Yunho came forward, holding your hand to walk with you.
"It's okay." He kissed the back of your hand. Although Yunho walked in front, you guided him to where your mother was.
"There she is." You nodded to the headstone that was by the big plum blossom tree.
"Hi... mom..." It felt like there was a rock in your throat you just couldn't swallow. Yunho saw your apprehension but didn't point it out or rush you.
"I'll set up." He said softly, opening the picnic mat. He placed down the flowers, fruit, Korean rice cakes and alcohol. Thankfully, he called his mother to ask for help the night before. You watched, rooted to your spot as Yunho picked off the weeds and used a clean, damp cloth to wipe the headstone.
"Done." Yunho informed, carefully folding the cloth and setting it aside. He didn't greet your mother yet, wanting to let you go first. You gulped nervously, kneeling down on shaky hands.
"H-Hi, mom... I-It's been a while... I'm s-sorry about that." You stuttered as your brain refused to form coherant sentences.
"You go. I don't know what else to say." You said with a clenched jaw. Yunho nodded, patting your head.
"Nice to meet you, omonim. My name is Jeong Yunho, I am (y/n)'s boyfriend. (y/n) has told me a lot about you and she continues to do so." Yunho smiled, bowing deeply.
"I own the restaurant that she's currently working at. She's amazing, her and the whole crew. They saved my business." He continued.
"Thank you for leading her to me." He smiled.
You looked on at how Yunho spoke to your mum, tears slipping down your cheeks. Hearing his words, maybe he was right. Your mother led you to Yunho, knowing what a patient, kind and amazing person he would be in your life.
"He's a big eater, mom, just like Hwa is. You would have loved feeding him." You whispered. To which, Yunho grinned proudly, nodding in confirmation.
"I promise to take care of (y/n)." Yunho quickly added.
"You already take such good care of me, Yunho." You said. He turned to you, wiping your cheeks with his thumbs.
"I know that. And I'll continue to do it. I just have to reassure your mom that her daughter is in good hands, don't I?" He chuckled with a charming smile, reaching over to pinch your cheek.
"I don't really know what you like to eat but I hope fruits, sweet rice cake and the soju is okay. I'll bring more next time." Yunho said.
"She's not a picky eater. She'll be grateful no matter what." You informed with a soft smile. It made your heart swell when Yunho said 'next time'.
"Here, sit." Yunho brushed the mat for you to sit. You hesitated before taking a seat beside him with your mother's headstone opposite. It was a new feeling, you never wanted to stay here for too long. Seonghwa always had to convince you to stay a little longer before you ultimately rushed out of there.
"Can you believe how long it has been since you left, mom? I'm still not over it..." You sighed. Yunho reached over to hold your hand, rubbing the back with his thumb to comfort you.
"When you left, dad left too. Things have never been the same, our family is gone." Your tears fell into your lap.
"But it's okay, I'm okay. I have a new family of my own, a better one." You looked up at Yunho with a sad smile. He smiled back at you.
Yunho wrapped an arm around your shoulders, pulling you to his body and kissing the crown of your head. You wiped your tears with your sleeves.
Then it all happened, the same thing that always happened when you came, the flashbacks of memories of your mother. The happy ones and then the sour ones leading up to her death and after.
"Let's go." Pulling away from Yunho, you stood up and brushed your pants. Yunho looked at you in shock and confusion.
"Are you sure? There's no rush and-"
"Yunho, now. Please." You begged. Seeing your pleading eyes, Yunho nodded and stood up as well.
"Why don't you head to the car first? Start up the engine. I'll pack up and be with you." Yunho suggested kindly. You didn't need to be told twice. Taking the keys from him, you trudged down the small path and headed to the car.
"Forgive her, omonim. It's still hard on her..." Yunho bowed politely as he began to pack up. He pour the soju over the grass patch and put the fruit away then folded the blanket.
"Watch over her and protect her, please. She doesn't deserve all this. I'm sure you know that..." He sighed as he patted the headstone.
"We'll be back soon." He gave a final bow before leaving. You were already settled in the passenger seat.
"Hey." Yunho put the things in the boot and came to the driver's seat. Usually, he holds your hand but this time, you were so quick to grasp his hand, as if you would go crazy if you didn't.
"Hey, hey. It's okay..." His other hand came over to cup your cheek.
"Let's go home, hmm?" He smiled softly and you nodded. Yunho drove to your home, sensing that you would prefer the familiarity.
When Yunho arrived, you both went upstairs. Yunho placed the bag of fruits down on the counter and you immediately glued yourself to him, hugging his waist tightly and burying your face against his chest. Yunho hushed you, one hand on the back of your head and one on your back to hold you.
"It's okay, it's okay." He whispered as he felt your tears soak the front of his shirt. Yunho let you hold onto him for as long as you needed, he wasn't going to be the first to let you go.
"Sorry, let me shower." You mumbled.
"Don't be sorry." He patted your head. You shuffled to your bathroom to shower while he quickly showered in the other bathroom.
"Yunho, I'm sorry. I... I..." You struggled to find the words as you both sat on the bed after your showers. Yunho offered to help you dry your hair so you could sleep.
"Love, I told you, there's nothing to be sorry about." He told you, daringly trying the new affectionate nickname.
"I just have this whirlwind of emotions when it comes to her." While you didn't address it, you didn't react negatively so Yunho took that as a win.
"I understand, it's normal." Yunho said. When he was done, you combed your hair while he put the hair dryer back. He got under the covers and you scooted close to him so he could wrap his long arms around you securely. You felt safe with him.
"Yun, thank you." You murmured.
"You're very welcome." He smiled, brushing your hair away from your face, staring into your eyes.
Holding his bicep, you lifted yourself slightly to be on his eye level and pressed your lips to his. Yunho's eyes widened but kissed back, pulling your body closer to his. You pulled away first to breathe.
"Are you okay?" You chuckled, hand resting on his warm cheek. He grinned and pounced over, showering you in kisses.
"Argh! Yunho!" You yelled out as he placed multiple kisses all over your face like an excited puppy.
"That was amazing." Yunho grinned happily. You rolled your eyes jokingly, putting your face against his chest so he wouldn't see you all shy and embarrased.
"Go to sleep." You slapped his chest.
"I expect a wake up kiss later." He declared before returning to the original position as before. You let out an audible sigh then closed your eyes to sleep. Yunho let out a soft laugh, seeing you fall asleep to quickly. He was just teasing you but was glad that you took the first step and you shared your first kiss as a couple.
"Goodnight, my love." He rested his cheek against your head and joined you in dreamland.
"Oh, Seonghwa hyung." Yunho greeted, quickly adjusting his post-sleep hair when he saw that your best friend had arrived. He closed your bedroom door, not wanting to disturb you.
"Hey, thanks for contacting me." Seonghwa greeted Yunho with a brief hug.
"She's sleeping but I thought she might need you more than she needs me... to comfort her." Yunho rubbed the back of his neck.
"Yunho, you know that's not true. She needs you too, you've become such a big part of her life now, provided her protection and comfort." Seonghwa smiled softly.
"I'm guessing you both haven't eaten." Seonghwa raised an eyebrow. Yunho nodded his head shyly.
"It's early for dinner but considering it's your first meal of the day, I'll get started on cooking." Seonghwa informed. Before going to the kitchen to cook, Seonghwa went into the room just to be with you for a bit and see how you were.
"Let me help, hyung. I want to cook for her." Yunho said, standing in the kitchen, when Seonghwa came back out. Seonghwa chuckled as he nodded.
"I'll learn from you. I can't cook a full meal by myself but I can help." He said with determination.
"Sure, ask questions if you have any." The older began to look through your fridge, reading the labels on all the stuff.
"Put these on the counter for me?" Seonghwa requested. Yunho took the vegetables and deli containers, putting them on the kitchen island to be used later.
"Do you know what you're gonna cook right away?" Yunho asked.
"No. So I took out stock because you can always use stock in cooking. Then these vegetables look like they're going to spoil so I took them out too." Seonghwa explained, finding a knife.
"(y/n) removed you from knife duty, right? I don't want to face her wrath for disobeying her." Seonghwa teased.
"Ah, hyung~ Come on. I'm sure all of you got hurt in the kitchen before too! It was just a little cut but she doesn't let me near the knives anymore. I don't want to go back to weighing ingredients. That's so boring." Yunho whined. Seonghwa laughed and let Yunho use one of the spare chef knives.
"So we'll use the stock and braise the leeks. That's easily done in the stove then thrown into the oven. There's also some beef, we can do rice bowls." Seonghwa said.
"Okay, I'll follow your lead." Yunho began.
"Oh, let's make a quick pickle. Green papaya, radish and carrot. You can use this slicer. Use the guard though." He instructed.
"Alright, so to draw the water out, we put salt and let it sit for a bit. It's thinly sliced to it should be quite quick. In the meantime, we have prepare the pickling liquid." Seonghwa taught Yunho.
The two of them prepared the meal together, Yunho learning and remembering the little tips Seonghwa taught him.
"Yunho?" You woke up and found the bed empty. Groaning, you reached over to turn on the bedside lamp. After checking the time, you got out of bed and went to wash your face. You assumed Yunho had gone home.
"So you want to baste the steak to add flavour, grab the handle and tilt the pan like this." You peeked over to see Seonghwa teaching Yunho how to cook.
"What's going on here?" You blinked. The two men stopped and looked over at you.
"You're awake." Yunho bound over to you, putting his arms around you to wrap you in a big bear hug.
"Hey, Hwa." After hugging Yunho, you went to hug Seonghwa. He wrapped an arm around your waist while you took a a few seconds to rest your forehead on his shoulder.
"You okay, sweetheart?" He whispered. You didn't say anything, your silence was a sufficient response. He patted your back.
"Aren't you supposed to be off knife duty?" You raised an eyebrow, turning to Yunho.
"Aww, (y/n). Come on~ I was careful. Look, no cuts." Yunho wriggled his fingers to show you. You gave him a skeptical look and went to the fridge to pour yourself some cold coffee, wanting the taste and aroma to really help wake you up. Yunho reached over to steal a sip from you.
For the first time, you didn't cook, on insistence by Yunho and Seonghwa that they'll handle it. They only allowed you to sit by the counter to watch them.
"Shall I make you a bowl?" Seonghwa offered.
"Can you let me slice the steaks, at least?" You asked back. Seonghwa gave you a flat look but gave in easily.
"Alright, let me assemble my bowl." You laid the slices of steak over your rice, making a well in the middle to put a raw egg yolk and sauce. Yunho placed the pickles they made onto a sharing dish.
"Perilla leaf kimchi?" Seonghwa asked. You nodded and he went to put a plate of kimchi there.
"Thank you for cooking, you two." You said before digging into the food with them.
"This is so good! Seonghwa hyung is a great teacher." Yunho said between his chews, clearly impressed that he helped put together such a delicious dish.
"And I'm just chopped liver... Maybe next time, you should cook with Seonghwa and help him with his prep, since he's such an amazing teacher, you know?" You scoffed, feigning offense. Yunho's face fell as he tried to defend himself.
"You know that's not what I mean!"
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