#and zoro is tired of this guy dealing with everything on his own
beanghostprincess · 4 months
I hc Sanji as being afraid of the dark bc of his trauma too.
I know Mosshead wouldn't tease him about it if he knew the reason behind it, but do you think he ever teased him about it BEFORE finding out why he's scared?
Yeah, obviously. I think Sanji would not talk about it explicitly but he'd try to make up excuses for them to just keep a light on or for him to sleep in the kitchen instead of the boys' quarters. And it's quite obvious that he doesn't like the dark much (that's how he says it but actually he's extremely scared of it and often has nightmares/panic attacks when it's too dark and quiet) so Zoro makes fun of it. I mean- To Zoro it's such a ridiculous fear to have and I'm pretty sure he'd make fun of that. Sanji would fight back but he wouldn't show (at least the first times they fight for this) that he's actually hurt by that. I think one day, for random reasons, Sanji has to deal with being locked in a dark place, and he has the worst time of his life. Maybe it's a bet or some shit like that and because Sanji is too proud he doesn't say no to Zoro, and he's scared but he doesn't want mosshead to know he's afraid. Yadda yadda. Things go terribly wrong and after they've taken care of a very shaken up and anxious Sanji, Zoro says he's a fucking moron and that he should've said this earlier, but of course, Sanji is like "yeah, and have you laughing at me again? No, thank you, I already have enough with this, marimo". Zoro would genuinely feel bad but he knows that no matter how many times he apologizes, Sanji is just going to blame himself. So Zoro throws some poetic bullshit like "fear isn't something to be ashamed of. And you have to fight against it every day, don't be so stupid and stop blaming yourself for shit like this" (poetic more or less, kind of). And they'd just understand each other then.
Also, to make it romantic because I am like this always: Sanji doesn't like sleeping in the kitchen either because it's uncomfortable and lonely and Zoro knows, so he just kind of forces Sanji to stop being so proud and sleep with him if that will make him feel safer. And Sanji is like "??????? no, no. What the fuck are you saying now, mosshead??? The only people I'm sleeping with are pretty girls-" / "You fucking wish. Why does it have to mean anything, anyway? You're so dramatic" and Zoro ends up holding Sanji like a big pillow so he doesn't escape and turns out that's, like, the best sleep he's ever had. It's either that or Zoro sleeps in the kitchen too with him without giving any sort of explanation and Sanji (<- idiot with a crush he won't accept) is literally dying.
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gatitties · 4 months
Can I request a strawhats with a teen reader with water powers but has ADHD like she could be wiping some villans out and then luffy breaks your focus and you guys are just being goofy in battle and then the crew is trying to cover both there asses but just headcannons on that ty pls remember to dribk water have a great day 💗
─Strawhats x teen!reader (Platonic)
─Summary: Your brain tends to wander to the deepest corners of your mind, your captain doesn't help you concentrate much, but luckily the rest of the crew does.
─Warnings: none
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─ Everyone knows how to deal with your occasional lack of attention, it's not something that bothers them and they even help you if you have some difficulties.
─ Robin will make sure that you follow a list of things to do in order, without trying to do everything at once or leaving one task halfway and starting another.
─ And you're pretty good at that, of course sometimes your concentration streak breaks, but you always try to beat your personal record, Usopp will time you.
─ Jinbe will be in charge of helping you in your training, since he himself is an expert in manipulating water currents, you will not only train physically but mentally due to your deficit.
─ It's a shame that you can't swim with your water control at will, but at least your power allowed you to communicate with aquatic animals, sometimes you and Chopper talk to the fish that swim near the boat.
─ Although it's also a great power if you fight against devil fruit users, simply control the water to bathe your enemy and leave them weakened in just a moment.
─ That is if you manage to concentrate enough to move a large amount of water…
─ The normal thing is that thanks to training your control improves, however your mind turns off when you hear someone encouraging you, like a puppy looking for cuddles.
─ Which Sanji discovered once when he complimented you for helping him make a complicated dish, you almost sliced your finger for being distracted by his compliment, if it weren't for Franky coming in and stopping you in time.
─ Luffy really is a danger when you fight, he loves to see you control the water and use your skills, if he is not very focused on his own fight you will be able to hear him cheering when he sees you fight, which will completely unconcentrate you.
─ Nami is working on it! She knows that it's hard for you sometimes to focus your attention on just one thing, she will give you some advice on how to do it, but above all she will scold Luffy to let you do your thing.
─ Although that is the best case scenario, the vast majority you and him will start doing stupid things, without taking the battle seriously, which leads to Zoro having to cover your back.
─ If they are tired of the fight because you are not helping, Brook will push you aside, so that you can refocus while Zoro hits Luffy to bring him back to reality and end the battle once and for all, don't worry, the fault will go to your captain 100% of the time!
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greyskyflowers · 3 years
I want a One Piece super chaotic modern AU.
Nami works at a bar and regularly beats up rude customers in the back. She's notorious for her use of the taser and breaks her heels over guys heads all the time. Women are always safe when she's working and only have to fear being overcharged.
Sanji owns a restaurant and helps supply the food kitchen and homeless shelter. He's charming, all the women and children love him and he smokes outside with the guys. He has the best habit of showing up before anyone goes hungry and leaving after everyone has had enough.
Luffy and Zoro keep accidentally getting involved in gang stuff. They honestly don't mean to. There's always some type of fight or standoff happening though and you know that they can't not get involved. Violence has actually gone down in their area though because no one wants to deal with the two crazy guys who just run around looking for fights.
Robin spends time quietly destroying any type of threat to libraries, or historical places. Submitting proposals and working her way through all the legal work to find loopholes. People have given up getting anything done with her around and she's somehow always around.
Chopper focusing on environmental stuff and against anything that could destroy the local wildlife. He's become a pro at sneaking around at night to destroy machinery and has somehow trained the wildlife to go for the face when attacking.
Usopp helps with kids that have issues at home. Every child in his neighborhood has a slingshot that they know how to use and he rides around with them on tricycles and play until they are able to have someone safe come get them.
Brook causing problems for place that aren't up to code on safety or accessibility. He pretends to break some bones after falling and lays on the floor wailing about lawsuits. Franky is usually in the parking lot hulking out and throwing cars out of the handicap parking spots that don't belong.
Ace and Marco burning down building of corrupt businesses and get distracted making out until the cops show up. The cops don't even care anymore that they're starting the fires, they're just tired of seeing them fucking when they show up at the scene.
The whitebeard pirates owning a big company but working on the underside to help take down problematic people and businesses. Whitebeard just keeps adopting people when he goes to business meetings though and the company won't stop growing because of it. Turns out people love being considered family instead of just another employee and quit their job to go work for him instead.
Law is a bizarre doctor. Knowledgeable but really creepy, especially when you're meeting him at 3am to get a bullet out of your side while in some backroom. Mumbles to himself about bears a lot and carries the biggest fucking scalpel you've ever seen.
Kidd is the mechanic that always knows everything that's happening. You bring him your car and hope that he won't freak out about all the blood in the trunk but he doesn't even bat an eye. Tells you that your bass sucks when you come back to pick up the car and spends 10 minutes bitching about some fancy pants doctor he knows.
Sabo spends a lot of time meeting with leads and officials where he's able to twist them around and delay them with paperwork. He's very charming and people like him even though they hate that he's causing them so much trouble. It just makes it funnier when they go to leave later on and he's hitting their car with a pipe and yelling about freedom.
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tooweirdforyou · 3 years
How ASL Bros React To Getting Married To You
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A/N : well, I reallyyy want to write a nice long fic but like.. life man. I’m on spring break and have work all week and with my sleep problems 😭 just enjoy this please c:
Summary : what the asl brothers wedding would be like.
“Woah! You look awesome, [Name]!”
So cheery and wholesome.
Zoro is his best man, ( much to Sanji’s dismay )
EVERYONE is there, every single person he’s ever met is there so it’s crowded and you basically had it outside, in Foosha Village, though he wanted it to be on the ship.
All of the girls Luffy’s met is responsible for your appearance, they all helped you on your big day.
Some of the marines were invited, of course.
Luffy’s best mans/groom mans ( idk) ( other than Zoro ) consists of Sabo, Ace, Sanji, Usopp, Franky, Brook, Law, Shanks and Koby.
Your bridesmaids consist of Nami, Robin ( maid of honor ), Perona, Tashigi, Vivi and Makino. ( shirahoshi and others didn’t have too much room to stand by you because of the guests so they just sat in their respective seats.)
Before it officially started, there was a lot of tension so separation in seats were needed. Big Mom’s crew is sitting on the left back, Marines in the front right, Law’s, Kid’s and Shanks and other pirates are put in the right back, and everyone else Luffy knows is in the front right.
Few are still in shock because of the fact that LUFFY is getting married before them.
A lot of yelling and laughter from everyone is around but as soon as the classic music is playing in the background, everyone shuts up and turns to face the back, where you’re walking with Garp.
Old man Garp is the one taking you, and even he is full of tears from the fact that his own grandson is getting married.
“You take care of my dumb ole’ grandson, you hear? If he ever becomes too much of an annoyance, just knock him a few times in the head.”
And when you finally reach him, everyone is quiet and has the proudest smiles on their faces. Their Luffy is all grown up.
His bright, radiating grin is plastered and he is pretty overwhelmed but right now, you’re distracted by his handsome look in his suit.
Of course, he has shorts instead of long dress pants but he still looked handsome regardless.
Vows are said, rings are given and you smile at Luffy as the minister ( Sengoku ) questions your commitment.
“Do you, [ Name LastName ] take this complete fool, Monkey D. Luffy, as your everlasting husband and, future pirate king?”
Chuckles are heard, and you couldn’t suppress a giggle either. “I do.”
“I see. I wish you luck on this journey. Luffy, you may now kiss the bride.”
Claps are heard around as Luffy grins. “About time!” He cheers and pulls you by your hands, quickly smashing your lips together in a kiss.
“Congrats, Luffy!”
“Not bad, Straw Hat.”
“Where’s the beer? Time to party!”
“Alright, Luffy! Woo!”
Music is quick to break out as everyone is celebrating and cheering.
You and Luffy already cut the cake, ( it took you a lot of force to make Luffy not shove his face in the cake and just CUT IT. )
The giant cake made by Sanji and the Big Mom family, was shared for everyone and there was still plenty left.
And it was just a fun time with everyone. You even threw your bouquet(?) behind you already and it seems the next to be wed was Tama!
Clearly some of the women weren’t too happy to see the little grow becoming married before them but it was a nice laugh.
The night goes on and it’s getting late. Guests are leaving after wishing the two of you well and you two head in for your suite that Nami booked as her present.
“It feels normal. I thought this was some big special thing, why is it such a big deal again?” Luffy questions, forgetting what the girls had told him the several nights before about weddings.
You smile gently and set the last wrapped gift to the side with the others, taking a glance at the shimmering ring on your left hand.
“Because,” you spin around and face your husband, reaching over and taking off his straw hat that he kept on.
“It swears our connection and commitment to each other. Why do you think Shanks married Makino, despite their long distance relationship?”
Luffy offers his gentle smile, seemingly more relaxed at the mention of the two of the most important people in his life, out of many.
“Because they love each other?” He guesses calmly, tilting his head and you nod, giggling at his black hair that swayed.
“And I love you.” You whisper, leaning closer and felt Luffy’s arms enveloping you in a tight hug, his face nuzzling into your neck.
“I love you, [Name].”
And he leans back, connecting his lips on yours.
Oh boy, did the Whitebeard crew go BIG.
I have a feeling that Ace would want something a little normal or smaller perhaps, just inviting his personal friends and family, and maybe a few people he met along the way of his journey.
He’s a friendly, outgoing person but for a personal occasion, it’s best to stick with the people you’re closest to.
But he wasn’t complaining when he saw the large äss party, feast and the important people in his life showing up.
Sabo, Luffy and his crew, Shanks, Makino, all of his brothers, members of his old crew, Garp, he was thrilled to see everyone!
The wedding was held on Whitebeard’s ship, of course. It wasn’t too fancy or grand but still pretty large and the ship was right in the middle of the sea.
Ace is all dressed up handsomely in his suit, with the help of Marco, Vista and Izo. His hair isn’t too messy and just styled neatly.
You were dressed beautifully in your gown/suit, with the help of the nurses, Nami, Robin and Izo.
There was a bit of trouble with seating but naturally, many people stood up anyways and were quite busy throwing confetti and other things at you, even if it was a wedding.
Whitebeard is taking you down the aisle, it’s a little bit difficult but he still did, and you can bet he’s excited to have a daughter/son that will help watch over Ace’s dumbass self.
“Rough him up real good, take good care of my stupid son. And call me Pops!”
When Ace sees you walking down, he’ll admit, he’s teary. He’s actually found love, someone like him.. and he’s about to be married to you, the most amazing, attractive, and sweetest person he’s met.
You look so amazing in your outfit, he’s in tears. He’s so lucky.. Marco has a hand on his shoulder and patting his back. “Congratulations, Ace. You deserve this.”
Wiping his tears with his finger, he nods and exhales, holding the widest, warmest smile he could muster.
He was going to love you and protect you all of his damn life, that’s for sure.
The minister is actually Vista! Ace’s best man is Marco and his groomsmans all include Thatch, Luffy, Jozu, Izo, and Haruta!
“Do you, [Name Lastname] take this young kid as your loyal, lawful and everlasting husband?”
“Really?” Ace pouts at Vista’s joke and chuckles are heard, even yours.
“I do, Vista. I’ll make sure he grows.” You giggle as Ace sighs in exasperation.
“Very well. I now pronounce you husband and wife, Ace, kiss your damn bride already.”
“My pleasure.” Ace grins and he’s quick in pulling your wrist towards him, and spinning you into a dipping motion before connecting your lips together in a kiss.
Whistles and catcalls are heard as loud cheers and applause are made.
“Go Ace!”
“Alright, Fire Fist!”
“Better not lose her, Ace!”
Ace rolls his eyes at the comments from his brothers and pulls you back up with a smile. He’s a little glad he didn’t fall asleep midway because of his narcolepsy.
Party immediately breaks out, Sanji aids Thatch in the kitchen to bring out everything and it’s a long night of dancing, boozing and more.
Ace is just off with the guys, having fun and celebrating while you are off with the women, talking about experiences and such.
And when Ace finally finds you and pulls you two away to his room for some alone time, he pulls you close.
“Well, Mrs. Fire Fist, what do you want to do first?~”
His arms are around your waist as he secures you towards him, a cheeky smile on display on his face.
“Not sure, what did you have in mind?” Playing coy, you shrug and tilt your head, turning away from his face which he pouts and uses his hand to force his back to him.
Pecking your lips, Ace smiles again and leads you to his bed. “I have an idea, if you’re up to it?” He wiggles his brows, making you laugh.
He jumps onto the bed, pulling you with him so you were on top. “Well?”
“Oh! Cuddles, I get it! Sure, I’m tired anyways.”
Ace groans at you, heaving a sigh and he whines. “Come on, [Naaamee]!”
You just giggle and sit up, repositioning yourself on his lap and straddled him. “Fine, fine. You’re lucky it’s our special day today.” You hum.
“Oh? So you don’t want to do this after today is over?” Ace muses, smirking a bit since he knew the answer.
You puff your cheeks out at the thought of not having sex with Ace anymore, but you weren’t going to back down. “..Nope!”
Knowing the truth, Ace chuckles and begins to grind upwards into you.
“Alright, I guess I better make this a special memory to remember.”
“You look incredible, [Name]..”
The most average, normal one. It’s traditional, smaller than most would be, and it’s for personal guests only.
So close members of the revolutionary army, his brothers, Garp and Makino were the only ones invited. If Luffy wanted, he could bring his crew but that’s it!
It’s traditional, so it was held inside a chapel, of course. It wasn’t anything special, everything was set up already and prepared for a small group so it was great.
Sabo is in a dashing, handsome suit like Ace was, but somehow has a much more charming, princely appearance. He helped himself in the appearance, with smallest help of Inazuma.
Your dress too! Somehow it’s more Royal appearing and your veil resembles a crown in a way. Koala and Iva helped you out in this!
Sabo’s best man is actually Ace! The strongest brotherly bond overpowered the thought of having Kuma, Iva or Luffy as a best man, but fortunately, they didn’t seem to mind, since they were groomsmans anyways. Iva being both bridesmaid and groomsman.
Ace was pretty teary and honored, and felt so excited.
The one who takes you down the aisle is Dragon. He’s a little awkward about it at first but he is quite proud of Sabo, even if he doesn’t openly show it.
“Take good care of him, alright?”
“I will.” You assure, thanking him when you finally reach the point of Sabo’s side.
The whole time, Sabo is staring at you in awe, feeling speechless. How did he manage to get someone as beautiful and wholehearted as you?
He can’t contain his wide grin and excitement, his hands just a hint clammy from the nervousness of possible rejection. But he knew you loved him. Because he loves you.
“Someone looks handsome.” You whisper in a giggle and Sabo chuckles. “Not compared to the beauty you have right now.” He winks.
The minister is actually Kuma, of course. Kuma was the obvious choice. Kuma took the position with gratitude.
“[Name Lastname]. Do you take Chief of Staff Sabo, as your lawful, loyal and everlasting husband?”
“I do.”
“Congratulations. I now pronounce you husband and wife, Sabo, please do the honor of kissing your bride.”
Sabo is the most natural approach, taking a step forward and cupping your cheeks in his hands and pulling you forward, for a kiss.
Cheers and applause are made and heard, and Luffy, being the brother he is, pulls out a loud confetti popper and pulls it, it shooting it out everywhere like fireworks.
“Congratulations, you two!”
“Alright, time to get drinking!”
“Better not let this get in the way of your missions..”
“Luffy, how’d you even get that?!” Sabo widens his eyes and he laughs. “Franky made it for me! He said it’ll be super, for the wedding!”
You can’t help the laugh that escapes your lips and Sabo finds himself laughing alongside you and the whole place is soon filled with laughter and cheer.
It’s a small family party but it was still pretty chaotic regardless, and Sabo makes sure to take you outside for some fresh air when it becomes nighttime.
“Hey, feeling okay?”
Taking a seat on the bench nearly, Sabo sits beside you and you nod, immediately leaning into his shoulder.
“It’s overwhelming, I guess..” the warm smile that spreads your lips is contagious as he does the same when he sees it. “But,”
You take a look at your ring finger, that held the beautiful silver ring and diamond. “I couldn’t be happier with today. I’m married to the love of my life.”
Sabo smiles gently and closed his eyes, leaning against the backrest and let the moonlight light against his face.
“I am, as well. I couldn’t be any luckier to be married to you now..” taking your hand in his, he intertwines your fingers and brings your hand up to kiss.
He kisses your ring finger specifically and hums.
“Thank you.. for being with me.. I love you, [Name].”
“Of course. Thank you for being with me. I love you, Sabo.”
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A/N : well! This was sweet~ I feel bad for Luffy’s part because it’s not the greatest. :/ but I hope you enjoyed! :D
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pure-kirarin · 3 years
Studying at night - Koby x f!reader (College AU)
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A/N : Thanks a lot dear. I am a sucker for my pink boy, so, here is a scenario about studying with him. It came out like the first part of a series, so I might write the rest later. It was so fun and well...Please imagine it being set in La Sorbonne or something. I imagined the actions taking place there. +w+ Ok. Enough chatter. 
« - Who have you been assigned to work with, (Y/N) ? »
«-Hmm...Let's see » you check the little paper that you have picked « the name is Koby...I don't know who it is. »
« -Koby ?! Forreal ?? Whaa, I envy you » She taps your shoulder gently while assembling her books. « He scored first for the last two years on every single test. He is like...very hardworking. And a bit nerdy if you see what I mean » She says as she mimics big glasses on her face. « He will probably do all the project, don't bother ! »
-What do you mean ? You're offending me, Nami-chan ! I won't let him do all the work...And you,w ho have you been assigned to ?
She pauses for a little while pinching the bridge of her nose, visibly annoyed then says ; « Zoro. If I let him do anything I think that I will fail this class. Guess I'll do all the work she shrugs but I will make him pay for lunch for a week in return. 
-Sounds like a nice deal. You smile and put your books in your handbag.
-Well...I have to leave for now. I have a lecture starting in five minutes...Oh...Look there ! -She points out to a pink haired guy on one of the middle rows putting his books in his bag- that's your man, you might want to catch up with him to discuss the project. Anyways, I'm leaving now.
-See you later. I'll come back later tonight so don't wait for me for dinner.
-Alright ! See ya !
Nami and you shared the same room at the dorm, however, because of your work you always came back late. You didn't have a choice, the cost of life was really high in the capital and you didn't want to be a burden to your parents. You sighed and walked towards the guy. You had some lectures in commun, his face was familiar. You have always assumed that he were younger because of his childish features. The pink hair gave him a soft look, it reminded you of cotton candy.
You waved to him and said after clearing you throat ;
-Yo' ! I'm (Y/N). I guess that we are doing the project work together ? You point to the piece of paper on the wooden table.
-O-oh, hi. He looks at the paper and reads, (Y/N/L/N). Yes ! We are doing the project together then. Nice to meet you. I am Koby. He bows a little bit while presenting himself.
-Cool. I don't have a class right now. We could go grab a coffee in the cafeteria and discuss the project if that's okay with you.
-Ah ? Of course ! That's fine with me. I guess I have some time. He says while looking at his wrist watch.
-Nice. Let's go.
You give him a wide smile. He looked a little bit uncomfortable. The shy type for sure. You were somehow comfortable and looked at him from head to toe. Cute style ; he was wearing a green bandana on his forehead, casual pale blue blaser above a white shirt and a pair of jeans. He looked well put together, a little bit boring ; nerdy type for sure. He took a pair of huge glasses off his face and put them in a case before following you to the cafeteria.
You were now sitting in front of each other in the cafeteria. You smiled noticing how he just ordered a hot chocolate while you loved your tea black and bitter. He was looking at you, then, when you rested your eyes on him he just looked away. He seemed like an easily flustered person. You wondered if he will manage in the presentation. The project you were working on was due to be presented in front of everyone. It was about didactics.
-So, you're also a second year ?
-We don't have a lot of lectures in commun. In what major are you ?
-History. I take this lecture as an extra. Didactics sounded fun.
-Oh. You take a sip from your coffee. That's nice. You wanna become a teacher ?
-Not really. I would like to become a heritage curator.
-Whaa, really ? Sounds cool. And...very specific.
-I guess so...That is not something a lot of people would like to do. He says, smiling and scratching his neck. He seemed nervous.
-You're so tense. You should relax a bit. We are the same age after all. Anyways, about this project. You take your agenda out of your bag and open in it front of Koby. Oh jeez. I am really busy with m part-time job most days. So I am only free on nights...The library stays open all night, I don't know if it's okay with you to work at night. I don't want to impose my schedule on you.
He waves a hand infront of his face, assuring you that it's fine with him ;
-It's okay ! I live in the dorm anyways so I am free whenever you are. I don't want to interfere with your working hours.
-Alright so let's say thursday at 10 PM ?
-That's alright.
-It's settled then. I am looking forward to working with you, Koby ! You make a bright smile and he  gasps a bit, taken aback by your chill demeanour. Oh I forgot. Can I have your number ?
He looked startled for a while.
-For the project. You assured.
-Oh yes sure !
You offer him your phone and he types his number. You wave to him ;
-Thanks ! I'll message you later. It was nice meeting you, Koby. »
You don't wait for his answear and head to the dorm to get prepared for your job.
(Y/N) sent a message : Hey Koby, you always down to study at 10 PM tonight ???
Koby👓 sent a message : Yes sure ! I'll book a study room in the library if that's fine with you.
(Y/N) sent a message : Sure, see you later !;)
At nine a half you were getting your books and study material ready to go join the cotton candy man. You didn't bother to take off your make up and put on a big coat over your body. You just took off your red lipstick with a babywipe and headed to the library. The place was calm and almost empty. It was rustic, it had a XIXth century style, well, like your whole university that was renovated around that time. It had a classical style that was charming and added a cozy ambience.
Koby 👓 sent a message : I am already in study room number 3. I am sorry I didn't notify you earlier.
This guy was too polite, you thought. You had a little smile then went to the study room. He jumped a bit in his seat when the door opened and that made you chuckle. He was easily startled.
-Hi Koby, I hope that I'm not messing with your sleeping schedule.
Despite the late hour, he seemed wide awake. He said as you sit next to him, putting your laptop on the table.
-O-Oh...No. It's totally fine. I hope that I am the one not interfering with your job.
When his eyes layed on you, he couldn't restrain the surprise that was now mirrored in them. Surely because you were wearing heavy make up ; smokey eyes and glitter that was stuck to your face and your hair. It was different from your usual naked-face look. He couldn't help but wonder for what reason where you wearing so much make up, and what you were hiding under your long coat. But he coughed loudly, trying to focus again ; the project.
-Thanks. I really appreciate how flexible you are around my hours. I owe you one ! I think that no one else would've accepted to work with me this late haha...Well, I wouldn't have minded doing the project on my own. You shrug.
-Really ?...Well...Actually, me neither. I am not too good at project working...And studying with others... He looks down with a smile.
-Oh wow, I wouldn't have guessed. You look like you are good at cooperating. Anyways, I am sure that we will kick ass !
The way you talked and how confident you were were two things that the pinkette appreciated about your personnality. You seemed like an easy going person, he didn't feel much pressure to work with you. You open your laptop and start laying some ideas, meanwhile, he takes out a notebook and a pencil case ; Oh, old-school, I see, you think to yourself.
His notes were very organized and clean. He seemed to have memorized everything the professor has said about the project and had a clear plan. However, he asked you for your opinion for everything and couldn't help but ask « are you alright with this part ? » for every idea he suggested. It was a bit annoying, but also a bit cute.
When he was studying, he was different. He had a bit more confidence and didn't hesitate to correct you when something you said seemed out of the topic or a bit repetitive. You appreciate this about him ; yes, no wonder he scored first for the two last years.
You worked for around two hours before you noticed that his eyes started looking tired. He wasn't used to studying this late, yet he did his best to come study with you at this time. You felt bad for keeping him awake.
-Koby-san ? Your soft voice snatched him out of his half-sleeping state.
-Ohh ! Sorry I just--
-You should probably go to sleep. I am sorry I gave you such a hard time. You must have classes tomorrow morning...You said with a sorry voice.
-No no, it's totally fine. I am sorry I just...well...
-No need to be sorry. Well, it's past midnight now. We should probably get going and continue tomorrow or some other day.
-Are you sure ?
-Yeah. I'm not going to keep you more. You look really tired. You shouldn't overwork yourself, Koby-san...Well...Even if technically it's my fault. You giggled a bit.
You started putting your stuff in your bag and he did the same, appreciating your presence. You had a soft aura that was really calming. He has never studied this late before, but he liked the atmosphere. It felt so dreamy.
As you were both going out of the room, you noticed a little cat keychain on the ground. You bowed down to take it in your hand. It was a cute kitty wearing a strawhat. You looked at Koby with a frown and said  
-I think that you dropped this ?
You couldn't help but smile when you saw his embarrassed face. Yeah. It definitely looked like something he would have. He took it off your hand pretty fast and stuttered ;
-Oh thanks ! It's...Well...It's like a lucky charm haha.
-No need to justify yourself. I think that it fits your personnality pretty well.
-Huh ? He just said not understanding what you meant.
-It's pretty cute !
You were making it even harder for him not to blush and you were having too much fun looking at him struggle. It was wrong, but it just was too much fun.
-Oh. It was a compliment by the way.
You wink at him before going out of the study room. He follows you, destabilized. Your confident and assertive behavior was really foreign to him. You really made him interested in learning more about you.
Studying with you was calming, sharing that moment at night in the almost empty library, having you in full make up at such a late hour, as if you were going to a date. He blushed at that thought and felt bad for thinking that. You were there to study and you were strangers, well, university mates. He wasn't allowed to have such a thought.
You were fascinating in more than one way and you really made him curious to learn more about you. You seemed like the type of girls to hide secrets behind her immaculate day-look. He was a bit impatient to learn more. But why ? You were only working for a university project after all, and once it was done, he won't have the opportunity to spend more time with you, and that somehow made his chest tighten.
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sanjithesimp · 3 years
Sanji x Fem Reader.
warning: a little nsfw ig??
After traveling for 3 days the crew finally got to this beautiful island. They were all got excited because it looked so full of stores and restaurants.
You would finally be able to buy some new clothes, as you didn’t bring much and some of them were really old. Nami would be your partner, mostly because she had a great taste and also because she would make sure that you would get the best deals.
Everyone was already pairing with someone in order to go to the island, well..except your captain, Luffy never waited for anyone he just wanted to explore and eat.
Sanji appeared out of nowhere, and asked you if you would like to partner with him, trying to convince you with taking you to eat the most delicious food I’ve ever tried in your life.
Sanji and you were really good friends, you would always pair up whenever we landed on any island. But this time felt different, he was behaving so different…like if he was nervous about it.
You really wanted to go shopping with Nami, but you couldn’t say no to Sanji.
“Look, why don’t Nami, you and I go all together” You suggested.
His expression changed, almost looking disappointed, but he agreed.
After everyone having a partner to explore the island, the whole crew agreed to meet at the entrance in the afternoon.
Nami and you started looking at all the small stores, the clothes were so beautiful you wanted to buy everything. Sanji walked close to us but didn’t really talk, he was very quiet which was actually weird as he would always talk about all the things that he would buy for you, and all the delicious food he would prepare.
Something was wrong but you didn’t want to make a scene or make him feel uncomfortable.
“Hey, look at this dresses, we must try them on.” Nami pulled your arm and walked you into the little store.
“Ok, but what about Sanji?” You asked looking at him while he lit a cigarette and looked away.
“He’ll be fine, probably will find some weird fish and look at it for hours” You felt bad for leaving him there.
Nami and you tried a few dresses and bought them for a very cheap price, as you expected.
After that you kept looking at all the stores, bought a few more things, shirts, skirts, shoes, make up, some jewelry.
Finally you went to this small store were they sold lingerie, you had never owned any lingerie in my life, but you wanted to try something new. Nami helped you choose some sets.
“With this you will definitely leave everyone speechless” You blushed a little bit, and paid for the sets.
You had totally forgotten about Sanji, but when you got out he wasn’t there. You got worried, maybe something happened to him, he was in trouble.
“Where’s Sanji? Did you see where he went? Maybe he’s in trouble.”You asked Nami, she looked at me and laughed.
“Why are you so worried about him? He can take care of himself, don’t worry, plus maybe he is already in the entrance.” You headed back to the entrance, and there he was with a few bags with food.
He was distant, You could see he wasn’t being himself. So you tried to talk to him.
“Are you going to make me a pie with those apples that you bought?” He looked at you briefly and nodded.
Then went looking back at the street, smoking, staying quiet.
You tried again. “I can’t wait to show you what I bought, Nami really has great taste” You smiled and looked back at Nami.
“Well I don’t care” He spat and started walking towards the boat.
He had never treated you like that before, even when you got him into trouble. You were really hurt, but you couldn’t cry in front of them.
“Let him go, he’s just probably tired” Nami looked at you and gave you a little hug.
“He has never been mean to me, I don’t understand” A little tear left your right eye and rolled on your face.
After a few minutes, Ussop and Chopper appeared with a bunch of things they had bought for Ussop’s bombs and weapons.
Finally Zoro came back with Luffy.
“I had to look for this idiot in every restaurant in this island” Zoro gave Luffy a look, but he ignored it completely. Everyone else laughed.
Everyone started walking back to the ship.
Each one of you made our way into our rooms in order to rest for a little bit and keep all the things that you bought.
When you got to your room, a little box was placed in the bed with a little note that said Sorry, I’m an idiot. When you opened it, there was a little necklace with your initial on it, You immediately put it on.
You heard a light knock on my door, so you went there and opened the door.
It was Sanji with his cigarette as always, he stayed in the corner looking at you.
“Come in, I won’t bite” You said joking, trying to lighten the mood. “By the way thank you so much for the necklace, I love it” You said touching the initial made of diamonds. You have him a little hug.
He started saying how sorry he was for what he said earlier, and how he treated you.
“No, I’m sorry for leaving you, I know you wanted to be with me but I prioritized buying some clothes that I don’t even need” He smiled and sat on the corner of my bed.
“Weren’t you going to show me what you bought?” He said with a smile, while he lit another cigarette, he definitely looked so good while doing that, but I would never admit that out loud.
You took out all the clothes from the bag and left them on the bed.
You decided I would show him all the dresses first, then would continue with the skirts and some shirts that you bought.
After showing him everything, you started keeping everything on the drawers.
“What is this?” He asked me grabbing a small purple bag, it was the lingerie.
“Oh just something else I bought, but you probably don’t want to see it” You were a little embarrassed and blushed.
“Please, show me” You took out all the sets that you bought, they were all lace.
“Do you want to see me with one on” You didn’t know from where that came from, but you couldn’t take it back.
He suddenly got nervous and started looking at different points in the room but never at you.
You went to the little bathroom and changed into one of the sets. You chose the black one, as it was one of your favorite colors.
You looked at yourself on the mirror, you couldn’t recognize myself, it was as if you turned into someone else. But you felt powerful, as if you gained strength by just wearing it.
Sanji was looking at the floor when you came out of the bathroom his eyes focused on you. Suddenly making you blush. He was surprised, looking at you like you were a beautiful sculpture, or something else.
You covered yourself with your arms because you felt exposed.
He stood up, and walked towards you slowly. When he got close enough he took both of your arms and moved them away to uncover your body.
“You look beautiful, don’t cover yourself for me” Suddenly you felt the urge to kiss him and you actually did.
And it felt so good, his soft lips on yours, you could taste the tobacco from the cigarette, and for some reason you liked it.
So I felt inspired and finished another little story, I hope you like it guys. I think my writers block is over, but I still need to work on my writing.
Tell me in the comments what you think, what would you like to read next. I have some ideas but i'm always open for suggestions.
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603-604: "Launching the Counter Attack! Luffy and Law's Great Escape!" and "Get to Building R! The Pirate Alliance's Great Advance!"
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DING, DING, DING! It’s round two. And you know Luffy ain’t playing this time.
Not a huge amount happened over episodes 603 and 604. Still, the episodes were essential. The story needed a transition phase to tie up the plot threads and set everything up for the final push against Caesar.
Everyone is safe inside the lab, the Strawhats are all accounted for (sans Chopper, who is still in Caesar’s lounge), Luffy is in an alliance with Trafalgar Law and - I never thought I’d say this - Vice-Admiral Smoker of the Marines!
Actually, what the hell am I talking about?
Loads of big things happened.
Including this sweet and juicy nugget of off-island context that has me rubbing my hands with glee.
Juicy Opening Reveal Alert!
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Attention: Kidd, Hawkins and Scratchman Apoo are discussing an alliance. This is not a drill.
It started out fairly innocuously. I say “fairly”. The Brokers and Dodgy Characters of the OPverse were kicking back and watching Caesar’s madness play out. Pekoms and Tamago had some lines, so I focused in on them.
“How did those big names get caught by Caesar?” Pekoms asked. “So that’s where they are now. What should we do?”
“We wait a bit and see how things play out,” Tamago answered.
This was a teeny tiny scene. But it was interesting. Why? It revealed Pekoms and Tamago know Caesar by name. Maybe Caesar introduced himself to his audience and I missed it, but if he didn’t, then that’s interesting.
After that, the action switched back to Kidd, who had also been watching Caesar’s broadcast. Kidd has earned himself a 470 million bounty, which is impressive. His right hand man, Killer, has a 200 million bounty. Less impressive. Kidd seemed happy Luffy had finally made some moves. He switched off the feed. “You’re not the kind of guy who wants to play an arms dealer, are you Killer?”
Not sure what Kidd meant by that. Does he mean Killer’s not interested in what Caesar has to offer? Or that he doesn’t want to get involved with an obvious head case like Caesar? 
They walked off through their extra edgy hideout complete with gloomy paint job and atmospheric candelabras (lol). They discussed Law and his shenanigans on Punk Hazard. Kidd couldn’t believe they were all there together. He thought Law had lost his mind when he became the World Government’s lapdog. But now... Law was definitely up to something. Kidd does not want to fall behind, so they’d have to make a move too. 
Upon opening the door an explosion boomed them right in the face. It was Scratchman! At first I thought, is this an assassination attempt? Then the camera panned to Hawkins and I thought.... okay, so a team-assassination attempt?
Nope. Killer had called them to Kidd’s hideout to discuss forming an alliance.
This is cool. I like this seemingly random development. Oda has made a good move here showing the other rookies in the Worst Generation are also working hard behind the scenes. They’re in the New World now. The Yonko are a-callin’. If they don’t team up, they’ll be destroyed. (R.I.P. Gangster Pirate dude and dinosaur guy. Still not sure what Urouge is up to.) 
I kind of hope their alliance works a little more smoothly than the Strawhat/Heart Pirate alliance does at the moment. xD
Just Get Out of the Damned Cage, I Don’t Even Care Anymore...
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There are a few teething problems but I’m sure Law has now realised that Luffy is a major loose cannon and will learn how to point him in the right direction. Maybe. At some point. In the distant future. (Ahh, that golden moment when Robin and Franky straight up told Law not to turn his back on Luffy because he’ll be off like a rocket, yelling their secret plans at the top of his lungs.)
Law’s cunning plan from the episode 402 cliffhanger was revealed. It was surprisingly simple and dangerous. But then if it’s not dangerous, is it really a good One Piece plan?
Absolutely not.
Law asked if anyone could set the nearby broken ship on fire. Franky obliged.(That fireball was badass, by the way. Just need that on record.) Once the rising smoke had obscured Caesar’s view of the cage, Law revealed his sneaky ruse. While he had freeloaded at Caesar’s house, he swapped most of the seastone chains with normal ones. Law broke free from his and freed Luffy, Robin and Franky.
Once he had failed to convince Luffy to stop cheering like a madman, Law dealt with a spot of business.
Smoker and Tashigi. They knew too much. They knew Joker’s real identity. He had their destiny in his hands. I knew he wouldn’t kill them (not evidence for that, I just didn’t think Oda would go there) but I was not prepared for what would happen next. 
Law unshambled them and struck a deal: he would spare their lives because if they made it back to Marine HQ it would make life difficult for Vergo. In exchange, Smoker and Tashigi were to FORGET everything they had heard about Law and Joker. This was not a favour. It was a condition of their release.
Now, this had me bewildered. Why, if Law is no longer working for Doflamingo, is he still protecting the guy? If Doflamingo goes down, then surely Vergo will also go down and the whole operation will fall to pieces? Unless what you guys hinted at is bigger than I thought and Doflamingo has so many side hustles that some Marines being mad at him is small potatoes.
At any rate, the deal was accepted, despite Smoker’s pride, because of Tashigi’s sense of duty and practicality overcame it. She basically said, “Yes, untie us for the love of god. We need to live because if we don’t, we can’t save our people from Vergo and we can’t rescue Caesar’s experiment kiddies!”
So the deal was done. The neatness of Law’s plan was totally ruined when Luffy bent the bars of the cage and pinged out in a fit of enthusiasm. Then Franky basically turned to Law and said, “Yeah, I’m gonna pass on the plan. I’m off to look after Sunny.” 
Then he farted himself out of the plot.
I think I just made a new sentence there.
Deal done, Law roomed them all to the back door, whereupon the sneaked inside the lab and pulled a Very Important Lever that meant the Fodder Marines outside did not die a horrible, painful death from Caesar’s chemical weapon.
And there was this great, dramatic reveal moment. 
Look. Look at this Beautiful Shot
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While Luffy, Law and Smoker stood with their backs to Caesar’s bemused minions like total badasses, the poison gas rolled over the island. 
Zoro, Sanji, Brook and Foxfire still hadn’t caught up to the dragon. However, Sanji because super motivated by tits and found a sudden burst of speed. The only thing was, the dragon wasn’t quite good enough on its own. It was tiring too.
Luckily, Nami and Usopp rode up on the back of Brownbeard and caught Brook just as he fell off the dragon. They all leapt on Brownbeard’s back (dragon included) and galloped to the front door.
Which was rapidly closing, as the Marines had all scuttled safely inside!
Indoors, the Marines squinted. What was that white, powdery cloud in the distance approaching at speed? 
It was the rest of the Strawhats trying really damned hard not to die.
Zoro and Kinemon teamed up to slash the doors and force their way in. I thought it was majorly dumb at first (to be fair, so did most of the other characters). But the Fodder Marines patched up the hole with a speed that makes me think they’ve missed their calling and should be flipping houses instead.
Still think the gas would probably seep through those gaps but maybe Caesar’s got some wicked air filtration system going on. I mean, it is a state of the art lab specialising in chemical weapons research.
Have I Left the Stove On?
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There was a moment after the Strawhats reunited where the action cut to a shot of the devastation Caesar’s weapon had wreaked across Punk Hazard. 
If you thought the island was screwed before, it’s beyond help now. Utterly Pompeii’d. Every inch of it is covered in petrifying, poisonous ash. There is nowhere on Punk Hazard that is now habitable. Caesar took immense pride in this achievement. Some people just love destroying stuff, right? The only thing that survived outside was a single DDM protected by a bubble for Caesar’s broadcast. 
Brook’s ghostly form confirmed it. Going outside would be a Bad Idea.
Inside, a lot of guns were pointed at the Strawhats and Brownbeard (Brownbeard was just pleased the Marines had remembered his name. Awww...you’re infamous now, Brownbeard. Just like Luffy. Enjoy it!)
Once the plot threads and outstanding issues of the whole reuniting scene were dealt with (Law unshambled Nami and Sanji and also told Smoker not to let his men stand in the way of the pirates), the plan to fight back against Caesar and escape the hell of Punk Hazard began.
As Law had been a guest at Caesar’s Weird Hotel, he knew the layout of the labs. They were in the foyer of Building A. To escape, they must force a path through to Building B, the large central area. There, they would find a gate at the back leading to Building R and a door marked R-66. Behind that door, is a passage to the sea that would be unaffected by any poison gas.
Law declared he’d rather not have to create a massacre, but could only give everyone about two hours. To anyone staying longer than that, Law could not guarantee their safety.
And the idiots still tried to attack the Strawhats, so I don’t have much hope for them.
One of the most interesting scenes here was the one between Zoro and Luffy. While fighting Marines, Usopp updated Zoro on what had happened. Caesar had soloed everyone with his de-oxygenation trick. Even Luffy had fallen for it. Zoro took that hard. He had flashbacks to Sabaody, to everything he had trained for in the past two years. What the hell? How could Luffy just lose like that?
Luffy (who had hatched a secret plan with Robin I know nothing about yet because Oda did let us hear it), was heading for the next room. Zoro caught him before Luffy barged his way through.
Then he tried out a hilariously dumb UFO move on the Fodder Marines and Zoro performed a mental facepalm.
I liked that glimpse of the relationship between Luffy and Zoro there. Sometimes, even though Zoro has his moments, he’s always there to give Luffy a kick up the arse and deliver some home truths on occasion. And because Luffy respects Zoro, he will take them on board and acknowledge them. But of course he’ll still have a damned good time and try out dumb moves on fodders because when else can you do that, am I right?
He Did Not Leave The Stove On
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In the lounge, Caesar was about to take a special delivery from the Bad News Fairy.
One of the nice things about Caesar is that he is not a total dumbass. He looked at that cage. He noticed there were no petrified bodies clawing at the front door. He *knew* something wasn’t quite right. He asked Monet and Vergo. Vergo actually hypothesised that the Strawhats had broken free and helped the Fodder Marines escape too. But Caesar ignored him.
Then the Bad News Fairy arrived. A minion burst through the door. “Master! All of the enemies have entered the lobby with Strawhat Luffy in the lead!”
You all probably remember Spandam and Enel and those golden freakout faces. Caesar is giving them a run for their money. I love how he can shift seamlessly from twirling round the room in joyful glee, to “wait a minute....” suspicion, followed by shrieking outrage.
Two in-universe hours, Caesar. That’s how long you have.
Can’t wait to see what nasty tricks you’ll pull in your increasingly futile attempts to cling to power in Punk Hazard.
And they will be futile, because if there’s one thing we all know about Luffy, it’s that he always, always learns from his mistakes.
He is going to kick your ass and kidnap you.
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At least he recycles?
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ximca · 7 years
Evidence.ZIP: Nami's slow descent into love
Before we start I want to make clear a few things. This is not paid work which means it's substandard trash, all of the scans used are unofficial, but all the interpretations are mine.
Ready? Set. Go.
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This first panel is not a shipping panel. LuNa or SaNa, it's not. However because it's been some days since Sanji took off, that means between that day and the day Luffy and company arrived, he's been on her mind. Again I stress, this is not a romantic sign or symbol of any note. Her tears are of worry and relief because she's been worried sick for her nakama and relief because finally, Luffy's here, let's get the rescue rolling.
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The next two pictures are about Nami being eager to get off their butts and go after Sanji right away. But Luffy and Zoro are in no hurry, and even Chopper and Brook in other panels are just sad that Sanji is gone but they're not like Nami who's gung ho about chasing him right away. Does that mean they’re not worried about Sanji? No, of course they are, but Nami obviously is the most worried here.
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Right before everything happened, Nami was pretty belligerent towards Sanji. She's used to everything he does, including his antics. But by no means does that mean she's apathetic to him. After all, even as early as FI our guy Sanji put in the work. In PH even if he didn't like it, he followed Nami's wish to save the kids and his body serendipitously saved Nami from Caesar's explosion. Nami knows that Sanji would save any other of his nakama, but it was only during the time skip that she began to see how much special attention Sanji actually paid her. And she doesn't even know yet, that Sanji gave her body respect when he dived that lake to get Kinemon's torso, when just a few minutes ago he was cupping her breasts like a madlad for a punchline.
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Nami also remembers quite clearly what little Sanji told them about his family. It doesn't seem anything special until you realize that when this happened, Nami asked Chopper right before to dig a spot up for gold, and forgot all about it entirely when Sanji was telling them about Liar Norland.
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So then Sanji and co. got captured. This is what I think triggered Nami, the "I'll be back but not really" smile she's seen twice in her life now: Sanji's and Bellemere's. She never really knew what she had until he was gone.
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In this panel Nami is mad at Zoro for victim blaming Sanji. Both sides have a point, but take note of Luffy. He noticed, as well as I did (and a few others), that Nami was being a teensy bit overreacting at this point. Why I judged that to be his action instead of Luffy observing the back and forth, is because he’s of the same opinion as Zoro...marriages are no big deal, it’s not like somebody won’t return from a marriage. But Nami’s uncomfortable with it, so in order to remedy the problem, he decides to go up to Sanji and ask him to come back, because their navigator was being cranky when he wasn’t around. Also because he didn’t want to be a Big Mom subordinate, but if it was really the basis of his decision then he should have decided the chase before Nami’s overreaction.
The other two victims, Brook and Chopper, had very different stances. Brook was the calm and mature narrator while Chopper just kept apologizing.
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See again Luffy in this panel. But, in addition to noticing Nami's vehement objection to Sanji's Vinsmoke lineage, there's also what I call the "wait a minute!" graphic. It's those small lines that form a semicircle near a character when something catches their attention during someone else's monologue. So now he knows something's definitely up with Nami, if he wasn't sure before.
That face isn't a "wait a minute, what are Vinsmokes?" but rather a "wait a minute, why are you objecting?"
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For comparison, this is Nami’s “wait a minute, I know who you’re talking about” panel.
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After the Jack ownage, Luffy was open to another banquet like he wasn't done with one the night before. Nami feels once is enough, let's get going, and gives her usual excuse of "you can't go anywhere without a navigator" spiel like Luffy doesn't know what she does. Go back to when Luffy visited Pekoms, he was still saying no to her because the fewer the members the higher the chance of stealth. But now all he says is OK. He knows that somebody on his crew can't wait to see Sanji again, and he's all too happy to oblige.
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Even in this catfight prelude, Nami wants to hurry up, giddy up. But when Pudding elaborates on her situation...
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THIS is where I think Nami caught herself slippin'. Luffy's just happy with someone complimenting his cook, Chopper is concerned with fact checking, but Nami...is concerned about Sanji's emotional well-being? If she really didn't give him the time of day then why the hell does she care whether Sanji marries for love and not just for political reasons? Just Nami well-wishing? Can't be, because well-wishers would not question whether or not the bride loves her groom in a political marriage.
ANYBODY else would give the happy bride-to-be a congratulations but only a "former-gf-who-has-accepted-the-reality-of-the-situation-who-still-has-residual-feelings-of-love" would confirm for herself if the man she left/who left her is being loved by his bride-to-be.
And before someone says “But family members and to an extent nakama would ask that too!”, they won’t question the bride’s/groom’s feelings, but whether or not he/she is ready to take care of their partner for the rest of their life. Nami isn’t asking “Will you take care of Sanji for the rest of his life?”
Also I think this conversation makes One Piece finally fail the Bechdel Test after all these years.
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Fast forward to when they caught up with the Germa, that's Nami's face of relief from being worried about not being able to see each other again. If Sanji were his normal self this is probably where he'd ask her Do you love me now, Nami-san? or something. And after Nami fighting about quarter/half of 11 hours vs Cracker (this dude could take several G4 punches too), she'd probably reply to him in kind at that point.
I have no doubt in my mind that this Nami was one who already recognized her feelings and had no problem acting on them.
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But reality is cruel...Sanji wasn't taking any chances. Even going as far as mock Luffy for his dream...and she believed it...despite hearing about a week ago from his own mouth that Luffy was going to be PK!
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Luffy never believed the cockbull Sanji was cranking out, so why did Nami? Well for starters, Nami never experienced Sanji lying to her. Ever. You can even search the whole manga for a panel up to that point where Sanji lied to her, you won't find it. That's why she believed Sanji's lies so easily.
Do you remember the Usopp vs Luffy fight? The stated reason is because Usopp doesn't want to leave the Merry behind, due to his own insecurity about being weak and his projection onto the boat being useless and needing replacement which snowballed into him cracking. But was that really all it was? Of course not, Usopp wasn't selfish enough to fight for himself. Flee for himself maybe. He wasn't just fighting for the Merry Go, he was also fighting for Kaya because Merry was his reminder of her.
Scour the manga, all of Usopp's most emotional fight moments are because he was fighting for someone else.
Back to Nami, what did the slap mean? Was it anger at beating Luffy up and spitting on his dream? Yes. Was it because of all the stress and worry for him being useless at that point? Yes. But as a natural opposite of Usopp, Nami's most emotional fight moments are about herself.
Nami decided to fight Arlong because of his continued tyranny towards Cocoyashi Village despite her doing her best to pay up their freedom, but the bulk of her anger was about how much Arlong fucked her life up. Thanks to him she never grew up with a normal childhood.
With Nami vs Ms. Doublefinger, I think Nami even decided to leave her to Zoro. However because she was being labeled a weakling (and underestimated), she decided to stay and fight. Nami vs Kalifa was a similar case of underestimation despite her taking the fight because Sanji was useless against Kalifa.
I think Nami was also mad that Sanji wasn't the same man she realized she fell in love with. Gone was the kind, humble, and goofy man who would stick up for his nakama and their dreams. In his place was a snotty brat who acted superior to everything and believed status gave them the right to shit on other people's dreams. Nami thinks Sanji has changed for the worse because of his newfound status, and drops the endearment term “-kun” which she only used for him.
It's framed like in TV dramas where the lady slaps the man out of passion. Yonji even lampshades it: "She's the fiery type!"
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The last pic is just Nami’s “oh shit no” look compared to Luffy’s “oh shit” one.
I’m too tired to continue so I’m stopping this here.
Better researchers than I can spot where Nami first got infatuated by Sanji.
All I’m saying is, they don’t really care about us Sanami shippers should not worry about the character development Oda gave Nami in the Year of Sanji. It’s been a long time coming for us but it’s the last stretch before the game ends.
Don’t expect Oda to give them a flashy confession or an extraordinary action to validate the ship.
But if I read Oda right and this is where he wants Sanji and Nami to take the next step into their relationship, we’re in the green.
Naysayers will say things like “but Nami would do the same for the other nakama” or “so and so would act like that too” but take heed and remember, Oda does not write without reason. He MADE Nami overreact because he wants US to care that Sanji was taken from the crew. He WROTE Sanji into catching Nami with both of them sharing a brief smile because he wants US to feel the relief of both parties safe in each other’s hold.
And he DREW Pudding being jealous because that’s how some other ships feel about this arc. jk ilu guise this is just banter
Thanks for reading.
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genogenocrazycatman · 5 years
Stillwater - Chapter 9
Stillwater [Archive of Our Own, FanFiction.Net, Mibba]
Characters: Original Female Character, Monkey D. Luffy, Rorona Zoro, Vinsmoke Sanji, Nami, Usopp, Tony Tony Chopper, Nefeltari Vivi
"We build as only children know to build
We made a way where there's a will
No slowing down or standing still
Innocent and reckless
"How did we get so old and never notice
How did we gain the world and lose the moment
Rise and fall, the tide surrounds us
And drowns us all"
-Hands Like Houses
I was standing at the stove, boiling water for coffee and tea. I couldn’t sleep, the day’s events replaying in my mind. I had gotten off fairly easy. Between the giants, Baroque Works the goldfish, and Nami coming down with a fever, I had managed to avoid any questions about my eyes, about how the hell I had found Zoro, how I’d known about giants and any more questions about my abilities.
I thought it would be easy to keep everything a secret, but clearly I was wrong. Paradise was far more complex, far more dangerous than I had thought it would be. It was nonstop, Baroque Works, straight into dealing with dinosaurs, from dinosaurs to giants, from giants back to Baroque Works. I didn’t have time to plan, to make up a solid story or think of any alternative moves.
I was careless, more so than ever before. I had spent centuries hiding myself and my family from the world. But this time I wasn’t afraid for them. Luffy and the others had no clue, where I was from, how to get there, who they would find. Even if he did, I doubted he would go after them. That just wasn’t his style.
I was honestly more afraid about how they’d react. Would they hate me? Turn on me? Kick me off? Try to kill me? I was enjoying myself. Being aboard the Merry with these guys was exciting. I was visiting places that I had never seen, some that I had never even heard of, meeting new people, and seeing people I hadn’t seen in decades.
“Mimi, why are you up?”
I nearly jumped out of my skin, when Luffy’s voice broke through my thoughts. I realized my water was boiling. I pulled out the coffee, the coffee press, the tea leaves and the infuser.
“I couldn’t sleep, and it’s getting cold. I’m making Sanji some coffee, and I’m gonna take him his jacket and a blanket.”
It wasn’t too too cold, but the temperature was dropping. We must’ve been nearing a winter island. Sanji was up in the crow’s nest, on watch for the night. He was the only one, who wasn’t burnt and didn’t have any open wounds. I would’ve offered to relieve him of his watch entirely, but I knew that he wouldn’t go for it. Even if I wasn’t injured, he’d talk about how it was an honor to protect, Nami, Vivi and I or something like that. Just the thought made me roll my eyes.
I looked over my shoulder at Luffy. He was standing in the doorway, head cocked to the side. I couldn’t help but smile softly at him.
Luffy was a child still, seventeen years old, yet he’d beaten up highly skilled assassins, pounded some of the most dangerous pirates in the East Blue. He’d escaped a would-be execution and marine capture. He’d survived one of the worst storms this side of the Red Line. He was a damn pirate. And here he was standing in front of me with a tired expression, trying to rub the sleep out of his eyes, looking more like an adorable child than any criminal had a right to.
“Why are you up?” I asked.
“I’m hungry.”
I chuckled. “I don’t know why I asked. I’ll make you something.”
I poured the water into the press and into my tea cup, and gathered up the stuff to make Luffy a sandwich, while the beans and leaves diffused in the water.
He sat down at the table, watching as I worked. “Is Nami okay?” he asked.
“She’s no worse off than she was,” I responded. “I’ve been doing what I can, but this isn’t something I’m familiar with.”
I had been doing what I could to help, but whatever it was that was wrong was something that I had never seen before, and even if I knew what it was, I couldn’t do anything to sure it. I knew how to take care of sick people, but I didn’t know how to cure them. I knew basic remedies for some minor bugs, ways to soothe upset stomachs and scratchy throats, but that was it.
It was so frustrating. How long had I been alive? How many sick people had I seen? How many had I helped Cal treat? And now I was standing here useless, taking coffee to Sanji and making Luffy a sandwich, because I wasn’t able to help the one person on the ship, who actually needed it.
“She’ll be okay,” Luffy said. “We’re gonna find a doctor, and everything will be fine.”
I looked back at him. He was so confident. There was no way to know how our course really looked. The eternal pose only pointed to Alabasta, our log pose had never set, and the only person on board who could possibly figure out a way to the next island given these circumstances was sick, and somehow, I believed him. Everything was going to be fine.
“Why did you ask me to join?”
“Huh?” My questioned seemed to catch him off guard.
“Why did you ask me to join your crew?”
“Because you’re from the Grand Line,” he answered like it was obvious.
“And that was enough? You didn’t know anything about me. Hell, you still don’t know much about me.”
“So? You’re a good person, Mimi, and even if you weren’t it all would’ve worked out in the end.”
“You can’t possibly know that.”
“I do.”
“And that’s all that matters?” I questioned. “You just know that everything’s gonna work out?”
“Yep,” he responded.
“What if I turn out to be an undercover marine or a thief?”
He shrugged.
“Luffy, what if I told you I wasn’t nineteen?” I turned fully to face him, to gauge his reaction. “That I’d never eaten a devil fruit? That I’m nearly a thousand years old? What if I told you that I wasn’t human?”
Luffy’s mouth split into a grin. “That would be so cool! Would you be a vampire? Or some kind of monster? Would you fly?”
“You wouldn’t care?”
I was still skeptical. After all hypotheticals were lost on him. I had to hit him with the truth and hoped that he actually believed me.
“I’m not human,” I said, slowly watching his reaction.
He nodded excitedly. “Alright.”
“I’m 992 years old.”
“Hey, you’re older than Dorry and Broggy!”
I ignored his enthusiasm. “I never ate a devil fruit. I was born with my powers.”
“Cool! Can you do anything else?”
I didn’t answer his question, going straight for the source of all this. “My father’s the sea devil.”
“Can I have my sandwich, now?”
I just blinked at him.  “Your sandwich?”
“You don’t have anything to say about me telling you that my dad is literally the sea devil? I don’t mean he’s an asshole, and I’m just calling him a devil, because I don’t like him. He has powers. He created the devil fruits. He’s caused disasters. He’s the reason for that storm that hit us after we hit the iceberg on our way to Whisky Peak.”
“You don’t care?”
“Nu uh.”
“Do you even believe me?” I asked.
I didn’t think Luffy had it in him to toy with me like that, but the longer I went on, the more it felt like I was being played, that this was all part of some joke. I was gonna stop, and then he was going to burst out laughing. Sure, I could believe everything was going to be alright, when Luffy said it, but it sure as hell didn’t work, when I thought it. How in the hell would this be alright?
“Mira,” he said, voice surprisingly serious for once, using my actual name. “You’re a part of this crew. I don’t care who your dad is.”
“And the rest of it?”
“Who cares? Our stewardess is a super cool vampire!”
I let out a sigh of relief. Clearly Luffy didn’t fully understand what I had told him, but there was no point in correcting him about it, because he just didn’t care.
“I’m not a vampire,” I said, finishing his sandwich, and setting it down in front of him.
“Can you turn into a bat?”
I started making a sandwich for Sanji.
“No. Luffy, if I was a vampire, I wouldn’t be able to go into the sun.”
“You’re right,” he agreed seeming to take my vampirism or lack thereof more seriously than the information I had actually given him.
“Luffy, can you keep this a secret, until Nami’s better?”
Luffy had handled this well, but Luffy was admittedly an idiot. He should’ve been way more concerned. He should’ve thought I was insane or something. If not that he should’ve been at least pissed off that I had been lying to them. The others were more sensible than our captain, and I was sure that my admission would create tension on the ship. We didn’t that right now. Afterwards, we could deal with that. We still had a ways to go, before we got to Alabasta, enough time for them to kick me out, pick fights, interrogate me, whatever.
“Cause I Nami’s sick, and I don’t want to freak anyone out until she’s better.”
Luffy nodded accepting my logic. “I will on two conditions.”
“And they would be?”
He looked at the sandwich in front of me.
“You are a bottomless pit,” I said, handing it to him, and making yet another for Sanji.
“And the other?”
“Once you tell everyone, no more lies.”
“Luffy, it’s not that simple. There are things that I don’t know if I should tell you.”
“Then say that, but no more lies.”
I sighed. “No more lies.”
“You promise?”
“I promise.”
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your-iron-lung · 7 years
Mixed Up 4 | I Hate Your Guts on Sunday |
Chapter Word Count: 3396
Pairings: Zoro/Sanji
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance
Chapter Warning: Strong Language, Recreational Drug Mention
Previous Chapters: 1, 2, 3
Next Chapter: 5
Sanji woke up the next morning feeling bad.
Not in a sickly sense, though his headache hadn't gone away and his body was sore from where it had bruised from the fight he'd had with Zoro. He felt bad in terms of his character, as though he'd done something spiritually wrong and deserved to be reprimanded for it.
And he did, he realized; he'd been incredibly rude towards Zoro when he'd asked for money, and although he didn't feel apologetic in the slightest, (really, it was the punk's own fault for offering a ride in the first place), he did feel that his character had suffered for refusing to pay him. He knew that, if circumstances had been changed, and he was the one giving rides to Zoro, he would have wanted money for it, too, and would have pitched a royal fit if the ungrateful bastard hadn't at least compensated him for the spent gas.
Lying in bed, he stared up dismally at the ceiling and thought about the unfairness of life.
Yesterday's bad manners, he thought, could be written off due to the fact that it was Saturday and he had no real control over himself on Saturdays because of whatever unfortunate curse it was that plagued him. If he had, he probably wouldn't have been 'fired', and his car would still work, and then he wouldn't have even needed to meet Zoro in the first place.
And oh, shit, his fucking car.
He groaned miserably and turned over on his bed to lie face down on his pillow. Even if he hadn't been fired, Saturday's curse would still have carried over into today when it had damned his car's battery. Those things didn't fix themselves.
Which meant he'd need a ride to an auto store.
Turning his face to the side, he glanced at the digital display of his alarm clock and noted that it was only 6:30 in the morning. He'd had a late night, and tiredly closed his eyes again to get some more rest.
Obviously, he would deal with his problems later.
When next he woke, it was at the much more reasonable hour of 10:30. He felt groggy as he sat up and yawned, but ignored it as he stood and stretched his back. He casually dressed himself in the clothes he'd worn yesterday and went into the bathroom that connected to his room.
He stared at his reflection in the mirror listlessly and began to brush his fringe into place with his fingers. He looked paler, somehow; tired, even though he'd just woken up. Faint, dark circles underlined his eyes and the goatee he was growing looked unkempt and unprofessional. He looked like he needed a cigarette.
Though it was an unofficial rule, smoking in the apartment units was typically frowned upon by the Thousand Sunny Acres staff and could land the tenant with a fine if they were caught. He hated having to go outside to have a smoke, but was left with no other choice. He grumbled to himself irritably as he trudged into the main living area of his apartment and looked out the window.
One of the perks of living in an apartment on the ground floor, he'd found, was that he was able to see everything that went on in the parking lot. He didn't consider himself to be much of a snoop, but it was handy when it came to watching out for women.
He was hoping to see one of the ladies he occasionally smoked with as he put on his overcoat and tapped on his shoes, but he scowled when he saw instead the face of the punk he'd lately become all too familiar with.
Zoro was outside, standing around aimlessly and looking bored on the sidewalk that lined the parking lot. Sanji sighed as he fished his hand into the pocket of his coat to withdraw his new pack of cigarettes, and paused when his fingers were met with the small baggie of weed that'd been thrust upon him last night instead.
The main reason he hadn't wanted to pay Zoro, (besides being cursed with Saturday night agitation), was because he didn't carry cash. His paychecks were directly deposited into his bank account, which meant, essentially, he never had a need to carry cash around. Even if he had wanted to pay Zoro last night, he wouldn't have been able to unless he'd paid for it directly himself. The idiot had pre-paid for it before he'd even brought up the fact that he wanted compensation, leaving Sanji to figure, again, that this was all that morons fault.
Frowning, his fingers tightened around the bag and pulled it out. He stared at it and wondered if maybe this would be enough to make up for it. He had no plans to smoke it himself, anyway.
Glancing out the window again to make sure Zoro was still out there, Sanji dropped the weed back into his pocket and stepped outside.
The first thing Sanji noticed was that it wasn't as chilly as it had been yesterday. His coat was largely unnecessary, but he felt it was too late now to go back and change. The second thing he noticed as he walked out of the breezeway was that Zoro was walking his dog, and it had suddenly become aware of him.
It lunged, snarling, and almost yanked itself free of Zoro's surprisingly lax grip. Sanji shouted and stepped back as it barked, and Zoro seemed to have to exert all his might to keep his dog from going after him.
"Chopper, no!" he yelled, pulling hard at the leash while Sanji stood staring at him, far too surprised to move. "Chopper!"
"What the fuck is wrong with your dog?!" Sanji found himself shouting, shaking out of his stupor to take offense.
He'd heard that Zoro's dog was big, but seeing it in person was overwhelming. Big, he realized, was an understatement; the thing was huge- monstrously so.
"What the fuck do you want?" Zoro growled through grit teeth, focusing hard on keeping his dog under control. Chopper's hackles were raised as he strained hard at the leash, saliva dripping from his mouth as he growled lowly in Sanji's direction. It looked as though he could yank himself free of Zoro's grip at any time, momentarily causing Sanji to forget what he'd wanted to say.
Ignoring the way his hands had begun to shake at the threat of the massive dog coming after him, he went to take out his pack of cigarettes and remembered what he'd come outside for when his hand brushed the baggie of weed.
"I uh, was going to apologize about last night," he said, taking out a cigarette and lighting it. His eyes never left Chopper, who was still pulling purposefully against his lead. "Er, also, I need to give you the stuff we got from, uh, Johnny, last night."
Zoro looked confused for a moment and frowned.
"What? Why?" he asked stupidly, and then shook his head and yelled at Chopper when he lunged again. "Look, just- just come by my apartment in an hour," he said, pulling Chopper away as they stepped on down the sidewalk. "I can't talk with Chopper."
"Which one's yours?" Sanji called, smoking lazily now that the threat of being eaten alive was dwindling.
"Top floor," Zoro yelled, and then gestured to the opposite side of the building as he turned away with his dog. "All the way at the back; on the right!"
He watched Zoro walk down the sidewalk and saw them step off into the woods that lined the apartment complex. Sanji let out a relieved breath and tapped the ash off the end of his cigarette and then turned to stare at his car. Damned piece of junk.
Wondering if, perhaps, Saturday's curse might have faded, he pulled out his keys from his coat pocket and made to try and revive it. He unlocked the door and left it open as he sat smoking in the drivers seat, and then tried the ignition. It made a promising sound and Sanji thought it was about to start before the engine gagged and gave way to nothing.
He scowled and sighed, but kept himself seated until his cigarette was done. When he'd finished smoking, he looked around to see if he might see Zoro again, but when he didn't, he locked his car, flicked the butt away, and walked back into his apartment.
With an hour to spare between now and their meeting, Sanji shrugged out of his coat and set about making himself a late breakfast. His mind wandered as he brought out his culinary equipment and started to cook. His movements were languid and natural, and it didn't take long before he lost himself to the feeling of productivity. He pretended he was at the Baratie while he prepped his ingredients and wondered, vaguely, if he ought to try and ask Zeff to reconsider their arrangement. He didn't realize he'd prepared too much food until he was halfway through with cooking it all.
He frowned down at the surplus, but before he could get angry at himself for making a wasteful amount, he shrugged and continued cooking. He'd just bring the leftovers to Zoro as an extra peace offering. He doubted the guy had ever eaten anything of five-star quality before, and smirked to himself, taking pride in his cooking, knowing there was no way Zoro could hate him after he'd eaten something so delicious for free.
Once he'd finished making his meal, he ate what he could and then put the rest on a clean plate and wrapped it with saran wrap. He took out his cellphone and glanced at the time, noting that he still had 20 minutes before Zoro had asked him to come by, and sat down in front of the tv to see what was new on the Cooking Network.
He half-watched whatever Rachael Ray was talking about until he noticed that it was time to head upstairs. He felt giddy as he debated on whether or not to wear his coat up, but couldn't pin why exactly he felt that way. He ignored it as he decided he looked better with his coat on and then gathered up the plate of extra food he'd made and left his apartment.
He'd heard Zoro stomping up the stairs when he returned with Chopper sometime ago, and noted that he was a lot quieter ascending the steps than the punk was. As he climbed up the flight of stairs, he began to notice that he was following a trail of dried mud and wondered if this was Zoro's doing.
When he got to the top floor, 3 flights of stairs later, he snickered to himself as he followed the trail of mud to the apartment that Zoro had indicated. He stepped around the large clumps as he went to knock on the door, and then abruptly stopped himself.
Zoro's dog hadn't been happy to see him on the street, what would happen when he saw him at the door? Could this be Zoro's way of getting back at him for their fight last night? He wondered, but considered the fact that, if Zoro had really wanted to sic his dog on him, he probably would've just done it when they'd met in the parking lot.
He knocked steadily on the door and then stepped back, breaking apart a thick clot of mud. It took a few moments, but when the door opened, there was no giant dog in sight.
Zoro gave him an odd look when he saw the plate of food in hand, but ignored it and invited Sanji in.
Confused, Sanji stood where he was.
"I thought I was just dropping Johnny's stuff off," he explained when Zoro quirked his brow.
"I got my gravity bong out," Zoro said, rolling his eyes and looking impatient. "We'll smoke your stuff and call it even. Like a, y'know, smoke 'em peace pipe type of thing."
"That's racist."
"It's the best analogy I could come up with."
"What about your dog?"
"I put him on his anxiety meds. He's sleeping in his crate in the back." Zoro raised his brow at him and leaned against his open door, crossing his arms. When Sanji didn't move, he sighed and dropped his arms, tucking his hands into the pockets of his denim vest. "Quit pussyfooting around and get in here."
"Jackass," Sanji grumbled before stepping inside.
Unsurprisingly to him, there was a mess of dried mud scattered across the hardwood floor that led to where Zoro's boots sat on a bath rug along the far wall. Sanji was half-tempted to ask about it, but thought better of it as Zoro shut the door behind him. He gave a quick glance to both the food in Sanji's hand and the coat he was wearing before passing him into the main living area.
"What's that for?" Zoro asked, and Sanji shrugged.
"I made extra; figured I'd give them to a guy who obviously had no taste."
Zoro tch'd and took the plate when Sanji offered it to him and made his way around the tall separating counter and into his kitchen.
"You can take your coat off," Zoro said as he opened his fridge and dumped the plate inside. "There's dog hair everywhere but you can set it wherever's clean."
"You're not gonna eat that?" Sanji asked as he took off his coat and looked around for a spot devoid of dog hair. True to his word, though, there was dog hair everywhere; nowhere looked clean, so he simply held onto it. He'd decided that the giddy feeling he'd had earlier was from wanting to see Zoro experience his cooking, and was disappointed that he wasn't going to eat it right away. "I'm going to want my plate back, so you'd better eat it soon."
"Whatever." Zoro sounded dismissive as he came back around and walked past Sanji to take a seat in the armchair in his living room.
Sanji stood around absently for a moment before he followed after Zoro, holding his coat as he sat down on the worn leather couch in front of what he assumed was the gravity bong.
A liter bottle of soda had been cut in half and was resting in a small, clear bucket of water on top of the coffee table. A stem and bowl were stuck in the side of the bottle, held in place with what looked like dried gum. Sanji stared at it with complete incomprehension.
"I feel like now is probably the time where I tell you I don't smoke," he said, digging into his coat pocket to withdraw the weed.
"Bullshit," Zoro remarked, snorting as he took the baggie from Sanji. "You were smoking when you caught me with Chopper."
"Yeah, tobacco."
Zoro shrugged in response and Sanji scowled. He sat back in the sofa and watched as Zoro opened the little baggie to inspect the product.
"Their stuff usually doesn't have seeds," Zoro commented as he pulled a few away from the plant. "This trial shit, though; not a good way to market their stuff." He shook his head disapprovingly.
Sanji watched him separate the seeds from the bud disinterestedly before casting his gaze away to look at the various posters that lined the walls.
They were mostly gig posters advertising shows in venues he knew must have been local, but had never heard of or been to. A few of them had signed setlists attached to them, but the ones that caught his attention the most were the large, colourful band posters that looked handprinted.
Simple in colour- most of them had only two or three tones- they featured extravagant linework that made up for the lack of detailed colouring, and illustrated various romantic scenes and settings centered around obscure band names.
"Did you make those?" Sanji asked, gesturing to the posters, though he didn't take Zoro to be an artist; especially not a romantic one.
Zoro didn't look up, but shook his head.
"Nah. The store I work at has this guy that comes in to paint stuff, and he makes posters and shit for this weird underground art scene he's a part of. Sometimes he gives me what he can't sell," he said, finally satisfied with what was left of the weed. He began to break it apart and packed some into the bowl in the side of the bottle. "He makes all my patches, too," he said, sitting back and pulling out the sides of his vest to show off the various patches that were sloppily sewn into it. "Names Usopp, he's some kind of freelance artist, I think."
"Usopp," Sanji said, musing quietly to himself before a look of recognition crossed his features. "Curly hair, long nose?"
"Yeah," he said slowly, narrowing his eyes slightly before he looked away to search for a lighter. "How do you know him?"
"My old man hired him for some interior design work a little while ago." Trying to feel casual, Sanji let himself rest back against the sofa with his coat folded in his lap. He watched Zoro lift some junk up off the table and scatter other things around before giving up his search.
"You got a lighter?" he asked, and Sanji nodded and pulled his out, handing it over to him. Zoro didn't take it and gave it a strange look.
"It's white," he said. "White lighters are bad luck."
Sanji rolled his eyes and set it upright on the table.
"Says who?"
"The 27 Club, man," Zoro said around a scowl and stood up. "I got a book of matches somewhere; you can put that death omen away."
"I didn't take you to be the superstitious type," Sanji said as he rolled his eyes and picked up his lighter. He held it in his hand and looked down at it; he'd never heard before that white lighters were bad luck. He shrugged and pocketed it as Zoro left him to search through his apartment.
He took his cellphone out and checked the time, noticing that the Baratie would be starting its infamous lunch service soon. He sighed, wishing he were in the kitchens there and working instead of hanging out with the punk he'd barely come to know.
He could hear Zoro rifling around in whatever backroom he'd disappeared into, but it didn't seem like he'd be coming back anytime soon. Standing up, Sanji laid his coat on the seat and went to take a closer look at Usopp's posters.
"Hey," he said, but when Zoro didn't answer he repeated himself louder. "Hey!"
"What?" Zoro asked, but his voice was muffled and distant.
"These are all signed 'Sogeking', not Usopp."
Sanji heard a grunt emanate from Zoro's direction and turned to look down the short hall he'd gone down.
"It's his street name," Zoro eventually said after a moment of silence. "He does a lot of graffiti and stuff; can't sign that shit with his real name. Sogeking is his Banksy."
He continued to admire the posters for a minute or two before he grew bored of that and went to sit back down, when someone knocked on the front door. Sanji paused and then turned to face the door and then looked back at the gravity bong.
'Oh shit,' he thought as a mild panic overtook him. Dammit, it was just his luck to get busted; he should've known better.
"Hey, Zoro, open up!" The voice outside was female and kept insistently knocking on the door. "I know you're home, I saw your bike outside!"
"Someone's at the door," Sanji called lamely into the back, nervously hoping Zoro would know what to do.
"So answer it," he heard Zoro say, and his hope vanished.
"You sure?"
"Yeah, fuckin'- let her in, man," Zoro grunted, sounding strained, and Sanji wondered if he was still just looking for a book of matches.
He shrugged to himself and performed the Catholic cross across himself as he went to answer the door.
'God,' he thought. 'If I'm going to be busted, at least make this woman busting me hot.'
He opened the door, and saw that she was.
"Praise the Lord."
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609-610: "Luffy Dies from Exposure?! The Spine Chilling Snow Woman Monet" and "Fists Collide! a Battle of the Two Vice Admirals!"
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Surrounded by trash, unsure of location or direction. Too real, Luffy. Too real.
I feel like a broken record at the moment but Punk Hazard really is delivering.
Across 609 and 610, we had Law vs Vergo with a surprise interruption by Smoker. Caesar was the subject of unexpected character development. Even Luffy vs Monet had a twist, with Luffy falling into a trash compactor and meeting a tiny talking dragon.
I bet that’s Foxfire’s son. The little dragon had a kid’s voice.
I’m just glad the big dragon the Strawhats roasted wasn’t Momonosuke (@mrkashkiet, I am looking at you sternly. xD)
Law Just Cannot Quit Smoking
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And does not want to.
The action picked up with Vergo hoofing it to the SAD Room. Speed lines ahoy!
Inside, Law slowly drew his sword in front of a vast tank of SAD Gas. Not sure what he was planning to do, but let’s not dwell on it, in case his plan was literally explosive.
Vergo appeared at the door. “I feel like my hand has been bitten by my own dog. This is too much even for a mischievous child. You were always too smart for your own good. People like you tend to die young.”
You know, I’m not keen on stoic villain types but I’ve got to admit that Vergo has some killer lines.
“It would be easiest to crush your heart but I won’t do that. I’ll torment you slowly as I please and warp your smart ass face with fear.”
Like I said, good lines.
He wailed on Law with grim purpose to the point I found myself shouting, “Come on, Law! ROOM YOURSELF OUT OF THERE!”  Law was not having a fun time. (Dare I say, he was SAD?)
But his instinct for shit-talking was irrepressible. “Are you guys frustrated because your scheme is coming crashing down? Is this thing that important to you?”
Well, yeah... If Caesar is *the only person* who can make whatever it is that Doflamingo wants, then SAD must be profitable. Profits before pals seems to be Doflamingo’s modus operandi, but I don’t get the feeling Law is all that surprised Vergo is trying to kill him.
Law did fight back. There was an attempt.  He tried to Room his heart back. But Vergo is fast and snatched Law’s heart from the air.
The worst thing, though? Vergo punched Law so hard he lost his hat. That is not cool. It must have riled Law enough for him to try his (awesome) Counter Shock attack. It was big, flashy and high voltage, but it only left Vergo lightly toasted.
Vergo must have decided to kill Law then because he said, “I have a message from Joker. He said, ‘What a shame.’”
Law was weirdly zen about the whole situation. “Oh, well. It didn’t work. I was pretty sure I could take my heart back from Caesar, but I didn’t expect you here, Vergo.”
The lack of -san honorific was the last straw for Vergo. He squeezed Law’s heart like a stress ball. Toei’s red filter descended. Soul-shredding pain was experienced. Law screamed a lot. As you would if your heart was being squeezed by a maniac.
Then, a shaft of light descended from the vaulted heavens.
Except not really because it was Smoker.
It’s almost the same thing.
Vergo was typically cool about the interruption. “I’m in the middle of something. Does it have to be now, Vice-Admiral Smoker?”
And I did a backflip. Yes. Excellent interruption. Great timing, Smoker! Now stop being so fixated on the Big Tanks That Go “Blort” and execute your glorious revenge!
Really, now I think about it, Vergo is almost as bad as Caesar. When Smoker called Vergo out on his deceit and told him not to tell the G5 Men as he was a father figure to them, Vergo said, “Don’t tell me you actually care about those guys? I’m a base commander. I can do whatever I want to my no-good subordinates.” Another one who treats other people as disposable pawns.
Unsurprisingly, Smoker and Vergo came to blows. Smoker seems to be having more luck than Law, but then Vergo does not have Smoker’s heart in a box. What I’d like to happen is Smoker retrieving Law’s heart and they tag-team Vergo into oblivion.
That sounded wrong. But you get what I mean.
Star Wars Episode IV: A New Rubbery Hope
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How did Luffy end up in the Death Star’s trash compactor? 
His battle with a bird woman from Hoth went south. Literally.
And I cannot believe I am about to say this, but I kind of wish Luffy’s fight with Monet was a little bit longer. Her powers are great. Her self-awareness and cunning are too.
She maintained those ten layer kamakura walls without breaking a sweat. When Luffy smashed one layer, she wrapped another around her frozen prison without missing a beat. Luffy knew she was stalling for time and said he’d just break every layer quicker than she could replace them.
“I bet,” she said. Then swept up behind Luffy and, in an oddly flirty manner, whispered in his ear, “I don’t think I’ll win if I fight you, but the strongest isn’t always the winner in a fight.”
Then she grabbed him and wrapped him, literally, in winter’s embrace. 
That hypothermia power was quite cool (no pun intended). Paired with those desolate, snowy vistas and her eerily calm voice urging Luffy to let go, to sleep, relax and let it be, Monet’s Devil Fruit seems pretty strong to me.
But just as Luffy was about to pass out, Zoro’s voice - the very warning he yelled at Luffy a couple of episodes ago - cut through the darkness. “THIS IS JUST THE BEGINNING OF THE NEW WORLD!”
I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of the blue filtered haki moments. When he sprang up and let loose that Jet Spear attack, I cheered.
Then he fell through the floor into a garbage chute and I laughed.
It was cool, though. He’s rubber. He’d bounce. And sure enough, it wasn’t long before he was raking through broken gadgets for food. At which point a tiny dragon spoke to him and that is where the story ended.
I am now 75% sure that tiny dragon is Momonosuke. It had a kid’s voice. Probably should be a higher percentage than that but I like to hedge my bets, haha.
Chopper Looks Like Every Harried Substitute Teacher Ever
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While Luffy was readjusting to life in a trash compactor with a small talking dragon, Monet flapped away to tick off another box on the never ending to do list: securing the Addicted Experiment Kiddies.
Said kiddies were knocking lumps out of Chopper with their ferocious addict strength. He could not restrain them without hurting them. He tried to convince them not to eat the candy. “I know it’s hard but you have to endure it!”
The thing is, Chopper was dealing with a double helping of trouble here. Not only are they kids, who are naturally more self-centred due to their developing brains. They are also addicts who are so far down the rabbit hole of whatever drug Caesar was peddling they’ll do anything for a fix.
When Chopper’s rumble ball wore off, the kids trampled him and thundered straight for the Biscuit Room, where Mocha was waiting alone.
Luckily, he was picked up by Nami, Zoro, Usopp, Robin, Brook and Foxfire. (Do not remember Brownbeard hanging around. Did he leave or did he just not have any lines?) 
Robin tried to restrain the kids. That was interesting for two reasons: one, I didn’t know Robin could feel damage sustained by her extra hands, and two, she asked Usopp and Brook to try and find a pair of Sea Prism Stone cuffs because Luffy had asked her to. (I bet his plan is to cuff Caesar!)
The kids charged Mocha, who tried to tell them the candy was evil! Then Monet whirled into the room on a frosty zephyr. (The best part of this entrance was when Usopp shouted: “I TOLD YOU THERE WAS A BIRD WOMAN!” He was finally vindicated.) 
Yay, thought Mocha. It’s Monet-san. She’s lovely!
Nooooope. Monet told her, in a sweet, ever-so-reasonable voice that it wasn’t nice to keep all the candy for herself. Mocha should share it with the others, like always. Mocha’s little face when she sensed betrayal was just heart-wrenching. “Why?” she whispered.
Because Monet is a nasty piece of work just like Caesar? Just a thought.
Not sure what’s going to happen here. There are a *lot* of Strawhats in the room, so I’m guessing Monet will be defeated by them. Then they’ll push through, deliver the cuffs and - BAM - we have one angry, kidnapped scientist. 
Sanji Acquires Unexpected Fans
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This was a short scene but the fact that Sanji has a cadre of devoted fans in the G5 is hilarious. Yeah, he claims he doesn’t want their approval. And he probably doesn’t.
But Sanji cannot stop himself running back to save the poor saps who can be saved.
This is the Sanji I like: surly on the outside with a golden heart on the inside. More, please!
And the Academy Award for Best Actor goes to . . .
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The yarns this guy can spin could crush the GDP of a small textile-dependent country.
Caesar should run for office somewhere. Then he could appoint himself head of the science department.
For that is exactly what has been bugging him for years, it seems. He wants Vegapunk’s job.
Well... maybe not the job. (He’s getting by just fine thanks to pirates. A Government job would ruin that). It’s the fame and kudos. That’s what he’s after.
Plus he has a weird goal: to achieve world peace by obliterating all sources of conflict - collateral damage be damned. Unless he’s lying about that. Given his oscar-winning performance, that would not surprise me.
The action picked up with Caesar caesaring through a pipe and landing outside the Secret Room (I laughed when I realised everyone on Punk Hazard literally calls it the Secret Room).
He was bitching about having to enter the room because it was Vegapunk’s old office. Still, he claimed it was the only place where he could “pull it off”. (I am unsure why he had to go to Vegapunk’s old office just to close some doors, but I’ll chalk it up to plot and say no more.)
He promised to make Luffy, the Strawhats, G5 and Trafalgar Law pay for ruining his plan. It was all their fault! The experiment could have been a great show - everything perfect and beautiful and befitting of the world’s greatest scientist (Vegapunk says hi!) But they screwed it up. He couldn’t let the Strawhats do as they liked. They’d pushed it a little too far and he has Joker on his back now.
He ordered a minion to close the gates to Buildings C and D. This would lure all survivors into one narrow room. His plan? Trap them in the bottleneck and pump the room full of his poison gas through the air vents. He would broadcast it as a snuff movie for the brokers. That would show them what he was really made of!
But the minions hang on his every word and they caught one small discrepancy.
“Um... did you say that *you* had created the poison gas, Master?”
Caesar’s haughty reply was, “Yes, I did.”
“But it’s like Vegapunk’s gas. It freaks us out.” Understandably, the minions probably have ptsd from four years ago.
The moment when Caesar realised he’d let his ego run away with him and opened his big mouth was glorious. How could he spin this? How? The animators did a great job here. You could see the evil, conniving cogs turning in his mind. 
Then he broke out his Oscar winning performance. 
“This is . . . an avenging battle of science. My people! That day, I tried to stop the mad scientist, Vegapunk. No! If such a weapon exploded, what would happen to the people on the island?” Caesar even threw in a melodramatic “YAMEROOOOO, VEGAPUNK!” for some extra emotional sparkle.
“But the accident happened. And he still lords if over us as the head of the science department of the Marines. and he’s considered the world’s greatest scientist. I cannot tolerate it! He’s the cruel man who hurt you all! Do you think it’s right that people still call him the number one scientist? That’s why I want to prove them all wrong. I didn’t want to make a weapon of mass destruction! But I want to show them that there is a greater scientist here. That I am the greatest scientist in the world! When the Marines acknowledge it and when I become head of the science department, my dream will come true. I can use my scientific knowledge to bring peace to the world!”
I honestly had to stop myself giving Caesar a standing ovation. What a performance that was.
You know, it’s weird. Every lie Caesar told there has a basis in truth. That’s the most dangerous liar right there because the lies they tell are more believable. Does the Gas-Gas Fruit confer gaslighting powers too? Because Caesar is a hellishly efficient manipulator.
And while Caesar was congratulating himself, a flashback happened!
Caesar is Prime Material for /r/IAmVerySmart
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Caesar with a bob was weird. I’m guessing when he moved to Punk Hazard, there was a lack of stylists, so he just grew his hair out. That hair you see right now? That is four years of growth.
At any rate, Caesar was doing something a bit more important back in Vegapunk’s lab. He was debating morality with some other scientists. They begged him to stop his experiment. If it exploded, it would kill everyone on the island. 
Caesar was typically receptive to criticism. “STFU, boneheads! Where do you think you are? This is a Marine research facility. They want to kill as many pirates as the can. What they need is a weapon that will do it for them.”
“But they don’t want one that will also kill civilians!”
Caesar’s rebuttal? “It’s called collateral damage! If we blow away everything, we can bring peace to the world.” (Does he genuinely believe that? That’s a properly depressing view of the world he holds there, if true.)
“You’re so...”
Caesar had a, “I’m gonna stop you right there” moment. They wanted to say he was cruel? What a joke. They were using prisoners as guinea pigs as if they were trash. What was the difference? (Fair point, Caesar.) Moreover, Admiral Sengoku was too soft, but Akainu, if he was in charge, *he* would want a weapon Caesar made. (Also interesting. I hope Caesar never decides to change sides again. He would be dangerous in Akainu’s hands.)
He went off on one about how Vegapunk had failed to turn people into giants again. Caesar knows you can’t turn people into giants in a short period of time unless you use magic, so had suggested Vegapunk just kidnap some kids and feed them drugs until something worked. What a lovely idea, Caesar! xD
The flash forward revealed Caesar’s “William Birkin Moment”.
Just as he made a significant discovery, Marines burst in and cuffed him with sea prism stone. Vegapunk himself came to see off his old colleague. I was ONE HUNDRED PERCENT HYPED for about half a second. But there was no face. 
Blue balled. Again. xD
Caesar was summarily dismissed from the Science Department. “Your eccentric behaviour is intolerable and I cannot protect you anymore, Caesar.”
Interesting that what the rest of the scientists did was viewed as fine and dandy, but Caesar taking it a step further was regarded as “eccentric”. First off, eccentric is a gross understatement. Secondly, what they’re doing is pretty evil too. Caesar is just overtly, unashamedly amoral. They hide it better.
Suffering such a humiliation, Caesar had his “SCREW YOU!” moment and pushed the big red button. Punk Hazard went up in a Mighty Kaboom-Boom Cloud. 
Still wondering how they all survived that, but I will chalk it up to plot and say no more.
Of course, after Caesar’s theatrics, his minions fell over themselves to apologise. Sorry, Master! You are the saviour, after all.
“Thank you... thank you all,” Caesar simpered, while inside he called them unintelligent fools. So easily manipulated. Dumb as bricks.
This guy needs taking down several pegs. Maybe an entire cloakroom rack.
Luffy, please oblige asap.
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Caesar tells a rip-roaring, thigh-slapper of a yo momma joke. 
(No one laughed.)
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