#another good whump find 😁
doodle-pops · 6 months
Maedhros doesn't engage in touch until he truly feels comfortable with the idea of a relationship and even that would take time, months of their private teatimes and a certain slowness in getting to know another -- a sweet sense of familiarity of each other's small habits and changes in expression. Reader gifts him a book, perhaps in the dead of winter for him to read by the fire, a book that she had held dear and close to her heart, though willing to part with it in order to gift it to someone more close and more dear.
I like to think of springtime when he invites her to a walk, to see the sun against her hair and her soft gasp at the sight of the season's first butterflies. Maedhros had once anticipated a much more formal arrangement for himself, hypothetically -- a marriage of state for one reason or another, but he hadn't quite expected this, such an unexpected gentleness within his heart, from such an unassuming maiden. It's a true comfort to have Reader by his side, and he makes his intentions clear to her under the shade of an old tree.
So, uh, this was way longer than I thought it would be, and I'm not 100% happy with it… at first I had imagined a lot of short vignettes -- Reader coming out of her shell, explaining in measured, thorough fashion what had held her gaze towards him for so long… an inevitable wedding and the altar being the site of their first kiss… the distinctions between their class and how it would change after their betrothal, though Maedhros would find it endlessly charming that she continues to have the same humbleness as ever. The hard part was making that all somehow feasible. (Still, I want to know how you might have gone with it!) While I'd love an AU that ends with them having a lot of children and maybe Reader passing on (really, human!Reader is my favorite, size difference and "human/elf relations are known not to bear fruit easily, so I'll have to seed you full to be sure a child takes" aside), I also like the idea of Reader left alone after he and Maglor take the Silmarils. Maybe there'd be some leeway given to him at the Hall of Mandos? Angst with happy endings is the only good form of it in my book, no whump allowed here. Anyhow, that's it for now. I don't know if you'd be receptive to the idea, but those vignettes are stark in my mind -- I'm just terrible at describing them -- would it be possible to draw them out and send them via your submit box? I don't believe I'm able to upload images through your ask box… is all. Regardless, thanks for indulging me, even if I'm not at all familiar with writing!
Alright, first of all: I enjoyed reading the out-of touch/touch-starved journey, and what an interesting version of reader. I don't believe I've ever come across a spinster reader before, so this was interesting. I'm also into your differences you mentioned with reader having children. Then that would mean when Mae leaves Mandos, he meets only his children or descendants should one of them marry an elf to strengthen the chances of being immortal.
I can see you're not someone who enjoys the sad endings. No fault, happy endings are good for the soul. Keeps us nourished.
As for your inquiry, you are welcome to send it in as a submission (I'll turn on the submit function) or via images but you'll need to be off anonymous to send them in I believe. And no need to apologise about your writing, we all have to start from somewhere 😁.
Thank you for feeling comfortable enough to share them with me 🤗
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whumping-valentine · 12 days
🦌 Fawn and Hunter - Part 11 🦌
"Fear and Fangs"
Content: Rival Cults, Vampires, Blood Rivers
2,000 words
Hey it's time for part 11! So sorry this took 10,000 years 😭 I hate writing. I don't think this is my best work, but I say that about literally everything I ever write, ever, so it doesn't really mean much. It's admittedly choppy and fast paced but I'll be honest I don't care lol.
This is where the plot really starts kicking off and it turns from just another whump story into something that actually has direction.
But yeah, hope you guys like it, you're all awesome!! 😁
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       “Where the Hell are you taking me?” Fawn demanded, glaring at Hunter in discontent as they pulled them through the woods.
       “Can’t you go just one moment without the attitude? You can at least pretend to like me, you know.”
       “Absolutely fucking not. I’m not insane, unlike you.”
       Hunter rolled their eyes, “Well, for your information, I want to go and check something out, and you’re coming with me.”
       “Oh, whoopee.” Fawn cheered, tone dead and monotone. “Sounds so fun.”
       "Just shhh." Hunter shushed.
       "Well maybe I don't wanna shhhhh. I want to know where the Hell we're going! What's so important you're dragging me along to come see?"
       "I was kidnapped by a cult last week and I wanna know what's going on."
       Fawn stopped in their tracks, bewildered, "You were fucking what?!"
       "You heard me."
       "Oh, no, no, no. I wanna know! How did that happen? And why the hell are we trying to go and find a kidnapping cult? And how did you get out? What happened?"
        "I told you to shush. You ask too many questions."
        "Uh, I think asking questions is perfectly acceptable in this scenario! Hey!”
       Hunter ignored Fawn as they kept walking, picking up the pace as Fawn kept trying to get their attention, stumbling through the snow behind them. They made it to a small unkempt road, but you couldn’t tell through all the white layers that coated the ground, as well as the vehicle that was left there.
       Hunter opened the passenger door, making a simple command, "Get in the truck."
       "Wha— where the hell did you get a truck?"
       "Stop asking questions and get inside."
       “Oh, yeah, sure. Nothing more trustful and less suspicious than when your captor tells you to get inside a fucking car.” Fawn said, though still obliged, folding their arms in the passenger seat. “Especially when they’re apparently on the search for some fucking cult. Am I some sacrificial lamb, huh? Is that what this is? You made a deal with them to let you go and that’s why you’re being all secretive. Oh, I’ve got you down to a T!”
       Hunter rolled their eyes, climbing into the driver’s seat. “Yeah, definitely. A sacrificial fawn to appease the gods, or whatever.”
       “Sounds so fun. I bet they’re a bunch of cannibals too, they’ll eat my innards and wear my bones like jewelry.”
       “You have such a morbid mind.” Hunter started the truck.
       “Says the murderer. Jesus, this thing is loud, good luck sneaking up on people with this hunk of junk. I know you don’t want me to ask questions but I just gotta know where you found this.”
       “I found it near a road when I ran away from the cult. I would’ve froze to death without it.”
       “Darn, what a shame.”
       “You say that until you’re left stranded in the middle of the woods. You couldn’t survive without me, don’t deny that.”
       “I ain’t. I’ll give you that one.”
       Hunter slowly drove down the snow-covered back roads, bumping up and down, sliding, and finding it difficult to control.
       “You drive like fucking shit.” Fawn said.
       “I never got my license.”
       “That sounds like a you problem.”
       Hunter sped up, then slammed on the breaks, causing Fawn to fling forward. “Oh wow, looks like you weren’t wearing a seatbelt! Sounds like a you problem, doesn’t it?”
       “Ow! Fuck, okay, fine, I’ll take the fucking point.” They grumbled, sitting back in their seat, buckling, “I’ll shut up.”
       “Took you long enough.” Hunter continued driving. Fawn bit their lip and kept their gaze out the window, folding their arms again. “Besides, the road isn’t in good condition. It’s not my fault.”
       After a few silent minutes, Hunter stopped the truck, and turned it off. The roaring engine quieted, and they were left in silence. “Time to get out.”
       “What? You want to leave the car? The one thing shielding us from danger and cold? You want to leave it?”
       “You said it yourself, it’s too loud to sneak around. We have to go on foot. This was the general area I found them in if I remember correctly. Let’s go.”
       Fawn hopped out of the truck and followed behind Hunter as they stalked off into the woods.
       “You know, I can’t believe you’ve survived so long in the woods on your own.” Fawn whispered, “Sneaking through the woods in the middle of winter, looking for a whole cult with nothing but a shotgun? You’re genuinely insane.”
       “Wow, took you this long to figure that out, did it?”
       “No, you just find new ways to impress me in the worst ways possible.”
       "I'll take that as a compliment."
      "Of course, I'd expect nothing less." They rolled their eyes. Though now that the conversation stopped, they were forced to confront their anxiety.
       Fawn tried their best to stay composed and act nonchalant, but it was hard when they were so jittery. This was crazy, and Hunter was crazy, and everything wasn't right and they just wanted to go home to their own bed and sleep and never leave the house again.
       They were incredibly alert and on edge, so they were easily the one to spot something unusual.
       “There!” Fawn suddenly exclaimed in a whisper, grabbing onto the sleeve of Hunter’s coat as they pointed, huddling to hide behind them. Hunter pulled them both behind a tree, staring off into the distance. Among the white of snow, figures moved in the distance, walking across the horizon.
       Hunter narrowed their eyes, "No, those guys are different."
       "What do you mean? They're clearly a fucking cult. I didn't think they'd look so spot on. That's every single stereotypical movie cult I've ever seen."
       "Yeah, but it's not the same one I saw last week. The one I saw last week wore wolf masks. These guys are plague doctors."
       "Are you suggesting there's some kind of rival cult thing going on?"
       "No, but you are."
       “Well that’s the only thing that makes sense if you insist they’re different. Either they’re the same, or there’s two of them. What other answer is there?”
       "Would you please stop asking me questions that I don't know the fucking answer to? God, I'm just as clueless as you are. I don't fucking know. Let's keep looking." They said, and began to walk the direction they were coming from.
       Hunter's eyes were fixated on the horizon, making sure they were staying out of sight, hidden. Fawn, while following, ventured slightly off the path in the other direction. Hunter didn't notice they left until they frantically tugged on their coat.
       "Shit, Fawn." They were startled, "What is it?"
       "Dude. There's a fucking blood river." Fawn said, voice incredulous.
       "A blood river? And you're calling me insane?"
       "Come look at this. Right now. I'm serious."
       Hunter could hear the fear and amazement in their voice. Fawn grabbed the sleeve of their coat and pulled them off through the trees. “Look!” They said, pointing to the river.
       It wasn’t a small creek, though also not too big. It ran along the outskirts of the woods and an open clearing. The water ws indeed dark red. The two crouched down in the snow next to it.
       “Well, it certainly looks like blood.” Hunter said. Fawn reached out to touch it, before Hunter quickly reached out and grabbed their wrist, “Don’t! You don’t know what this shit is or why it’s red.”
       Fawn twisted their wrist from their grip, “I’m not a fucking child, I can make my own decisions.” Fawn again reached down towards the still river, dripping the tips of their fingers into it. The top layer was thick, and despite the cold of winter, it was warm.
       Fawn pulled their fingers from the river, eyes wide, “Hunter, it’s warm.”
       “What? Don’t fuck with me.”
       “I’m not!”
       Hunter, now immensely curious and fearful themself, reluctantly stuck their fingers into the river, only to immediately pull out at the warm feeling, hand shaking. They wiped their fingers in the snow before standing up, slowly backing away. “That’s fucked.”
       "Yeah, I told you!"
       "Fawn, I— I have a confession to make. You remember when I took you out hunting, and it was all foggy?"
       "Uh, yeah?"
       "Well, I don't know if I was crazy or what, but— but I saw a massive deer skeleton. And I'm talking huge. I'd— I'd never seen anything like it, that's why I was so shaken up. I'm really starting to think it was real. I— I thought it was some kind of statue."
       "So… what? You're saying something paranormal is going on here?"
       "Well it certainly isn't fucking normal, I'll tell you that."
       "Yeah, obviously. Some giant skeleton, two cults in the woods, a fucking blood river and your stupid haunted house. That's not just another Tuesday. Are— are you sure this isn't something we're reading too much into?"
       "There's a fucking blood river, Rudolph, of course I'm fucking sure!"
       "Yeah, yeah, okay. And don't call me that."
       "You used to be so mad at the nickname, is there anything that'll make you happy?"
       "I'd be very happy if you weren't some creepy bitch who kidnapped me."
       "I didn't kidnap you, I just took you into my home and didn't let you leave. It's called being held captive, not kidnapping."
       "Oh, that's such a big difference. Please, enlighten me with more of your knowledge."
       Hunter was about to bite back, when an unexpected voice caused the both of them to jump.
       "What's going on here?" A feminine voice asked. One of the masked plague doctors stood behind them, her arms crossed. Hunter instinctively pointed their gun at her.
       “Woah there, mate, put the gun dow— wait—” She peeked under the mask, "Rudy?"
       "Anaira?" Fawn was incredulous.
       Anaira fully removed her mask, “What— I—" She looked at Hunter and pointed, “I saw you at work last week!”
       "Oh, yeah, I found ‘em!" Hunter said, putting an arm around their shoulders.
       "They didn't find me, they're the one who kidnapped me!" Fawn shoved them off.
       "Held you captive." Hunter corrected. Fawn kicked them in the shin, then ran to hug Anaira.
       "Oh, thank fuck! Get me away from this psychopath!"
       "Oh, okay, so you'll trust the cult lady with the plague doctor mask over me." Hunter said, and asked Anaira. "What the hell is with that, by the way?"
       "Why do I need to answer? You're the one who's apparently been holding Rudy captive."
       Fawn looked up at Anira, and it was the first time they had seen her without a facemask on. They took notice of one tiny detail, “Wait, do you have fangs?”
       She ignored them, “Look, both of you follow me, and I’ll explain everything.”
      She didn't give either of them any time to respond as she quickly took off, forcing them to either stay behind or follow.
       She led them through the snowy woods, though it felt like a race to keep up with her. Her cloak blew through the wind as she effortlessly climbed up icy hills, darted through the trees, and jumped through the snow.
       "Can you please tell us what the hell is going on?" Fawn asked as they tried to keep up, “Why are you out in the middle of the woods wearing plague costumes?”
       "It's not easy out here for anyone, Rudolph." She said, "Not humans, not us. I'm trying to get us out of wolf territory. It wouldn't be good to get caught on their turf, especially not by—"
       "Well, well, well, look who decided to come crawlin' in the wrong neck of the woods." A new voice entered the room, the tone and cadence of an older woman.
       Anaira finished her sentence, "—Ethel."
       Ethel chuckled, “Long time no see, Anaira.”
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Taglist: @parasitebunny @whumpy-wyrms @fruitypinapple00 @otterfrost
Fawn and Hunter's bickering this chapter reminds me so much of me and my little brother lol. I'm Hunter and he is Fawn. He won't go a single day without insulting me lol
Sorry about the pacing this part.
Lmk in the comments if you want added or removed !
Thanks for reading !! 💕🦌
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killerandhealerqueen · 11 months
Helloo! Good evening! (It's evening in my country 😁)
Can you suggest me some good bromance dramas with crime and investigation as main genre?
I watched S.C.I Mystery, Killer and Healer, The Devil Judge, Under the Skin and Sleuth of ming dynasty.
Can you suggest me some good bromance dramas? Chinese dramas are more preferred. But korean ones are also fine.
Thank you!
Have a nice day! 😊❤️
Hello! Oh, you absolutely came to the right blog about this particular question, as crime dramas are what I mainly watch!
As I can see, you've watched pretty much all the dramas that I would recommend for good bromance and good crime dramas. But I do have some others to recommend.
Master, Wait a Moment is a good one, though it is subbed by MangoTV so the subs are kinda...iffy. But if you can watch it without subs, then you should be golden. Love the bromance and it has a good overarching case, which we like. You will find one of the female love interests insufferable and unfortunately, that's the only downside but it's okay, you can just skip over her scenes if you really can't stand her.
Another good one is Psych-Hunter. Again, you will find the female lead insufferable (if you took her out the drama would still literally be the same, just minus all the dumb romance plot they had to throw in to pass censorship). But again, it's okay because the cases are interesting and the chemistry between the main leads is great. The ending though will fuck with your brain a little, so just be prepared for that.
Now, this isn't a bromance, but Couple of Mirrors is glorious. Supposedly they're working on a season 2 (because the ending of season one is very open ended) but oh man, oh man will you love these girlies. You'll hate Youyi's husband though and want to kill him every time he opens his mouth so...yeah. He's insufferable and I hate him.
Checkmate is another good bromance. If you've seen My Roommate is a Detective, then you'll know that it's the same main leads from that drama in this drama. I've never actually finished MRIAD because I could not stand the female lead (no seriously, I got through ten episodes before I had to drop it because of how much I hated the female lead) but I did finish Checkmate and I loved it. A few of the cases are based off of Agatha Christie's books, like Murder on the Orient Express. It's really good, good overarching case, lots of twists that you don't see coming...I enjoyed this one a lot
A League of Nobleman is also another good bromance, it's very interesting how the leads are tied together and the cases are quite fascinating.
Jiang Hu Shao Nian Jue is a short drama, with like 20 eps and each episode is short but if you like the dynamic of Chen Yuzhi and Jiang Yuelou or Bai Yutong and Zhan Yao, then you'll really enjoy this one
Pledge of Allegiance is another good bromance (there's like romance between one of the leads and the female lead but like...there's more chemistry between the main leads so bromance) but whoo boy will this one fuck you up a little. But it's got a lot of whump if you like that. And the cases are interesting
Desire Catcher is a lot like S.C.I. but darker. Ho my god, is this drama darker. But again, good overarching cases, the bromance is *chef's kiss* but be warned, there are two episodes that have sexual assault (not seen of course but you know what's going on in those scenes) and there's a scene where a character slit their wrist (on dramacool it's blurred but you can still see it and apparently on youku, it's not blurred at all) so just be warned. But would definitely recommend this one
Order of the Sommelier isn't a case drama, per se, but oh my god the bromance is so good. Again, if you like the dynamic of Jiang Yuelou and Chen Yuzhi, that's what these two give off and I was living for it while watching it. (Episodes are really short, so there's a complied movie on youtube that's like four hours long. However, you're going to have to go to either dramacool or kisskh to watch the last epi because the movie doesn't have an important scene towards the end)
Original Sin is another good drama to watch. The ending is open because we were supposed to have a season 2 but I don't know if that's ever going to happen. I fucking hope it does but...*sigh*
This will get long, so I'm putting the rest under the cut
I don't know if you like jdramas but if you do, here are some good ones
Doubles (I always recommend this one. It's one of my favorites)
Nippon Noir: Detective Y’s Rebellion (a little trippy, it fucks with your head but it's good and the cases are interesting)
Sherlock: The Untold Stories (Can't go wrong with a Sherlock adaptation. This is probably my favorite adaption of Sherlock, just because I really like the actors)
Chiisana Kyojin (very police procedural, corruption, the usual in most japanese crime/police dramas)
Aozora No Tomago (good/interesting crime drama, we love the bromance between the leads...it's a good one)
Where Do I Come From? (Boku wa Doko Kara) (if you like yakuza, this one is also a good one. And while this is like a crime drama, sort of, you're really more focused on the leads)
Rinshou Hanzai Gakusha Himura Hideo no Suiri and Rinshou Hanzai Gakusha Himura Hideo no Suiri SP (I really enjoyed these and I think you will too)
Cold Case 
Cold Case S2 
Cold Case S3
(These three are mainly just crime/cold case dramas. No bromance but the cases are interesting)
BG: Personal Bodyguard  
BG: Personal Bodyguard 2
(These two aren't crime dramas, per se, but the cases they take are interesting and the two leads are great. One of the leads is a main from Rinshou Hanazai Gakusha Himura Hideo no Suiri)
The Night Beyond the Tricornered Window (this one is based off of a manga and it's great. Love the actors and love the bromance (even though the manga/anime is BL)
Rasen no Meikyu: DNA Kagaku Sosa (a very science based crime drama but we love the leads and they argue like an old married couple. I think you'll enjoy it)
Bokura no Shokutaku (Not a crime drama, but the sweetest BL you will ever watch, if you haven't watched it already)
Missing Noir M (A good crime drama, open ending, cases are dark and a little fucked up but still good)
Tell Me What You Saw (this drama is dark and also fucked up, no bromance but the cases are good but do not watch this at night, it will fuck you up)
The Good Detective (S1&S2) oh I love the drama. It's a really good case drama and there is some bromance there. Second season is a lot more fucked up than season 1 but season 1 is still pretty angsty. But highly recommend
Beyond Evil (you need to watch this one. Need to. It's a must. It will fuck with your head and you will cry at the end but you will have been so glad you watched this)
Nobleman Ryu’s Wedding (cute, short BL. Definitely good)
The Guest (good drama, very dark, would not recommend watching at night if you don't like horror but the bromance is good)
Color Rush (another good BL)
You Make Me Dance (a BL that made me cry so...it's a good BL)
The Veil (no bromance but it's a great action/case drama. Will fuck with your head a little but I still recommend it)
Chimera (A mixture of the Devil Judge and Killer and Healer. Definitely something to watch)
Tinted With You (a really sweet BL)
Bad and Crazy (great case drama and great bromance)
Through the Darkness (I haven't finished the last 4 eps (i need to) but from what I've seen so far, I really enjoyed it. But holy shit, it's dark. It's dark. It's fucked up. You need to watch this during the day time do not watch it at night)
Danger Zone Season 1
Danger Zone Season 2
This is a great drama, love the bromance between the leads but again, it's dark. It's probably one of the darker dramas, up there with Tell Me What You Saw, Desire Catcher, and Through the Darkness. This isn't a drama you should watch at night because it's gruesome. And violent. But oh my god, it's so good
These are all the dramas I have to recommend, so I hope you enjoy anon!
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nachosncheeze · 1 year
Fanfic Writer Ask Game
📚 & 🏷️
📚 Is there a fanfic or fanfic writer you recommend?
Definitely! It depends on what you are looking for, so here's a few of my faves in a couple different categories:
***Edit: I'm adding a cut bc it's just occurred to me to mention, anyone new who's not done the series but is seeing this - I do have a spoiler-safe fics list that Scotti and I were working on at one point, so if there's a specific season you're looking for, but not wanting to know what twists come after (or if you're looking for fic for a specific episode or event), feel free to inbox me and I'll send some links. :)
Below this cut there are descriptions that spoil all sorts of things, so.....***
For Jeller, everything by @indelibleevidence is outstanding. I'm gonna start out saying probably a majority of it has passages that are NSFW so if you're a minor or not into that, tread lightly. I'm currently revisiting Remember to Forgive, which has late-season 3 Weller suffering amnesia that takes him mentally back to early season 2; you know, when he couldn't stand to be in the same room as his wife. The angst! It's a fave and totally my jam, I could probably quote it. Torture Without You is... well. Read it. Amazing. I'm a big Remi fan, and here you will also find one of our two Reller champions: the Damaged Goods series is so dark (also very NSFW) but soooo good.
@idealisticrealism is another that everyone should definitely read, imo. The Fire is basically my favorite one-shot ever, and she's our other Reller champion - as complete AUs go I can not possibly overstate my love for From the Ashes and Into Flames. I could literally quote them both to you.
@gypsyscarfwoman is responsible for my other favorite one-shot, Nothing Can Come Between Us, which is Jeller after season 2, but from Sarah Weller's POV. It's just a tiny bit angsty but fluffy and sweet. I love the way she describes the interactions between Jeller as viewed by a concerned third party. There's also Shelter From Your Storm, which is another season 2 AU except that post compound raid there's legitimate concern Nas might throw Jane under the bus and let the CIA have her, so Weller fake marries her to legitimize and protect her.
@ladyriot recently did a lovely retelling of s2 but as a Jane/Patterson slow burn. The way they low key agonize over each other is tragic, but the ending is so sweet without being completely saccharine, and it's definitely worth a look.
I haven't read much Zapatterson but @narvaldetierra is actively writing them. I read Remembers from September and No Good Deed Goes Unpunished a while ago, and I'm excited to reread them soon and then keep working through this ship 😁
Dylan Cruca is worth checking out if you want a bit of season 2/3 Jeller canon divergence/extra scenes, or Jeller/Reller AUs - I thought their post-season 1 AU ended up being a particularly interesting twist - but they're not for everyone.
I could go on but I'll end with one that's basically the fic equivalent to a playlist of Sad Songs to Sob To: Silence Speaks by lochness20, in which Jane's black site escape attempt fails, and when they find her, she is in a REALLY bad state. Warning that it's pretty dark and brutal and tw for suicidal thoughts and an eventual very graphic murder.
🏷 Is there a tag you like to search for when looking for fanfics to read?
I don't really look for specific tags; it's not a huge fandom so there's not a ton of room to be choosy. I can say that straight whump isn't my thing, nor is pure domestic stuff, and I generally steer clear of pregnancy/kidfic unless there's some other compelling plot alongside the kids. I guess I basically love angst most of all 😍
Thank you for the ask!! :D It's always fun to revisit some faves. 💕
I'm trying to find my mojo and inspiration to start creating again, and I find these memes are a really good exercise to think critically about my ideas and hopefully get the juices flowing. If anyone else is curious, please check here and consider sending me an ask!
I've also recently done a WIP ask meme, which you can find here if you'd like a peek at what I've been working on before the words left me. :)
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whumpookies · 1 year
do you know of any examples of the whumpee being comforted by a dog/cat/any animal? I've been searching for forever and can find nothing but I need it in my life 😂
Oh a different kinda challange to wrack my brain...so...
Obviously you've the Disney side of life.. jungle book is one here then there is Cinderella and obvious others..
So now, let's see I'll add links on the here to gif sets for you to go to... So let's begin..
Hudson and rex! here and here and here just search:Hudson and rex whump there's a lot!
Person of interest is another good one.. bear the dog is soooo cute...gif set here and here search:person of interest bear
Commissioner rex is another...one Here
Mad Max could be another here
Due south! If I remember there was a dog involved in the series as well...
If your into anima try studio ghibli my neighbor Totoro is a good one and there's so many more...
Trying to rack my brain around them and @99point9percentwhump has helped hunt them down as well 😁 two minds with whump cookies on the brain 🍪
Enjoy anon hope this helped!!
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sugarpenchant · 11 months
are you planning on writing more tangbug fics? also sorry if this question is invasive, but my nosy ass has been through all the tangbug content on here and ao3 and i just want to know if i need to mentally prepare myself 😞. please feel free to not answer this if it does bug you!
i am always here for questions about my top blorbos!!
i have another epic planned for tangbug, and it’s got a reasonably solid 60k on it so far: post canon, strip club owner/occasional burlesque performer Tangerine finds himself the target of a variety of criminal elements trying to ruin his club. his floor manager Maria assigns him a bodyguard to try and keep him out of trouble and wouldn’t you know it, it’s poor Ladybug and his guilt complex! you can expect to see enemies to fuckbuddies to friends to lovers, some mystery story elements, angst, violence, a lil whump, all the good shit. can’t wait to finish it someday lmao
there’s a few other little tangbug WIPs and ideas kicking around too, and i’ve recently been writing for the expendables movies and Hobbs and Shaw if you’re open to a slightly different dynamic with the same silly flair i bring to most things 😁💖
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staydandy · 2 years
Life on Mars (2018) - 라이프 온 마스 - Whump List
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List by StayDandy Synopsis : As the leader of a crime investigation team, Han Tae Joo has propelled his career and risen through the ranks by trusting data over all else. One day, while investigating a serial murder case, he has an accident. When he wakes up, he suddenly finds himself in the winter of 1988. He doesn't know why, but he's now a detective appointed to work at a police station in a small city. To get back to the present day, Han Tae Joo tries to solve the case. (MDL)
Whumpee : Han Tae Joo played by Jung Kyung Ho
Country : 🇰🇷 South Korea Genres : Action, Mystery, Psychological, Comedy, Crime
Notes : This is an adaption of the original British series: Life on Mars (2006). • There is also an American adaption: Life on Mars (2008). • I've watched all 3, & the S.Korean adaption is easily my favorite! • I've rewatched this a few times over already. But I just rewatched it yet again just to expand my original list into a Full Whump List! There's a lot (though a lot of it is quite repetitive, it's still good), Jung Kyung Ho is a fabulous whumpee! >w< • My favorite episodes are highlighted in pink : 00
Episodes on List : 16 Total Episodes : 16
*Spoilers below*
01 : [in 2018] Tae Joo dreams of childhood trauma ... in a couple of fights ... shot in the head ... walking around with bleeding head wound ... hit by a car ... dreaming of childhood trauma ... [in 1988] Wakes up in middle of road, very confused ... in another fight, kicked in the head, arrested ... beat while cuffed to a chair ... in another fight (what, is this guy a punching bag? … good 😁) ... ears ringing, lightheaded, bleeding from ear, collapses ... wanders around extremely out of it / in shock / panicking
02 : Ears ringing, lightheaded ... ears ringing, can hear 2018 treatment & defibrillator, collapses ... hallucinates & knees buckle ... in a fight, kicked in the head
03 : Almost steps off a building (but is stopped) ... cuts his thumb ... auditory hallucinations of 2018 ( ! it happens a lot, so I'll just use "AH" from here out) & unsteady ... in a fight (comedic) ... in another fight, kicked in the head (this poor man & head trauma) ... starts to hyperventilate, AH of him seizing in 2018, ears ringing & bleeding, collapses
04 : (near end) Remembering childhood trauma, collapses
05 : Dreaming of childhood trauma, wakes in a panic, ears ringing, hyperventilating, unsteady, AH, collapses ... is hit in the head several times (comedic) ... examined by a doctor, receives IV ... AH ... lightheaded, ears ringing, AH ... ears ringing, AH, passes out
06 : (at end) Remembering childhood trauma
07 : Unsteady, AH ... shot at, knocked out, [in 2018] heart stops, [in 1988] gasps awake ... Recalling childhood trauma
08 : In shock, unsteady, ears ringing ... puking ... visual/auditory hallucinations ... punches mirror, hand bleeding ... in a fight ... recalling childhood trauma, collapses ... AH, ears ringing ... hit in the head ... unsteady, in shock from witnessing father's murder
09 : … continued from previous ep. ... mourning ... in a fight ... drugged/drunk, passes out ... hallucinates ... hungover, unsteady, lightheaded
10 : Dreaming/hallucinating of 2018 ... has an extreme reaction from events happening in 2018: unable to breath, shocked with defibrillator ... ears ringing & bleeding, visual/auditory hallucinations, panicking ... nosebleed, ears ringing, AH
11 : Punched ... ears ringing, unsteady
12 : … continued from previous ep. ... Shot at, head grazed by bullet & bleeding ... stabbed ... tries to stop suspect from jumping into river, falls in, passes out, AH
13 : … continued from previous ep. ... saved from drowning ... ears ringing, unsteady, blurred vision ... unsteady
14 : Ears ringing, AH, passes out ... wakes in clinic, exhausted, stab wound infected ... hit by a car, AH, ears ringing ... [in 2018] wakes up in hospital
15 : … continued from previous ep.
16 : AH, cut his hand ... jumps from building to go back to 1988 & save his friends
More Whump Lists for this show: whumpetywhump
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embyrinitalics · 3 years
Do you have any advice for writing whump? You are amazing at writing a wide variety of whumpy stuff that's so consistently strong and well written. Every year I can't wait for October to see what new goodies you will gift us with. I can't believe it's almost time again. 😁✨
omg I can't tell you how much that means to me, thank you so much! I really love writing whump (even though it's not popular, especially in this fandom, and I'm not the best at it by any means), so to hear that you look forward to my whumptober stuff is just... ✨😭✨ It's awesome, thank you 🙏
Anyways, advice! Like I said, I definitely still have a lot to learn about writing whump, but here's a couple things that have really been helpful to me for the last two years:
Don't be afraid. And by that I mean writing these stories may have you stepping out of your comfort zone, and that's ok! Whump is a deep dive into pain and suffering, and there are bound to be moments of doubt. Obviously if what you’re writing doesn't feel good FOR YOU as the writer, it's probably a good idea to step away. But if it's fears about how it will be received, or if you'll do it justice, or just generally feeling out of your element, push through! If nothing else, you can be proud of yourself for doing the piece you wanted in spite of your fears! :)  
Find the emotional undercurrent. You can break as many bones as you want, but if there's no emotional tether it will fall flat. Paragraphs of "BLOOD PAIN BLOOD!!!!1!1!!!" are nothing without dread, and dashed hopes, and all the things that draw us into the moment psychologically. Just as a case study, I love this piece by @the-modern-typewriter​ because what's horrible about what's happening isn't the torture itself, but realizing partway through the hero would give in if they could, but they literally can't, and that's what makes it hurt.  
Be self indulgent. And this is true of just writing in general I think, but, basically, write what you would want to read. That thing that gives you whumperflies? Do it. Do it like crazy. Even if it’s similar to another one you wrote, or someone else has written. Have I already written Link tied up and/or whipped before? Yep. Do I have every intention of writing it again the first opportunity I get? You bet I do. 😂
Hopefully something in there is helpful to you! Thank you so much for your awesome enthusiasm and giving me an excuse to talk whumpology at you... probably for too long 🤪
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nimata-beroya · 2 years
2021 Fic in Review
I was tagged by nobody but I saw people doing this and I thought it'd be fun to recap my writing for this year 😁
Tagging: @photogirl894 @moonstrider9904 @mathmusic8 @ct-crosshair @webtrinsic1122 @thecoffeelorian @mistr3ssquickly @maiseey @triplerexthreat
Total Number of Fics: 14
Total Wordcount: 42113 words
Fandoms: Star Wars (Rebels: 3; TCW: 2; TBB: 7), ASOIAF: 1, Arrow: 1
Most Popular Fic (by bookmarks): Rough Awakening (54 bookmarks)
Most Popular Fic (by kudos): Rough Awakening (233 kudos)
Favorite Fic: Uff! Hard to choose because I'm pretty proud of what I wrote this year but I'm going with An Explosive Situation. It's short but has everything I like: whump, a pinch of angst, and another of fluff for my Star Wars OTP, Kalluzeb. What else could I have asked for? 😆 Besides, I wrote it pretty fast for my writing speed lately, and it signaled the comeback of my muse, which had abandoned me for a long time.
Below the cut there is a month-by-month fic timeline (with Author's commentary).
Road to Lira San (SW Rebels, T, Kalluzeb, 3.5k, WIP)
Agent Kallus never imagined that the day he gets stranded on the Genosian moon, Bahryn, with the Resistance Captain Garazeb Orrelios is the day he starts a journey to redemption. The path is not easy, full of risks, but it might be worth it when happiness such as Alexsandr has never known is waiting for him at the end.
I have so many ideas, full arcs and all, for this story but my muse is a little b*tch that do whatever it wants and decided to focus on chapters way ahead of the ones I should be working on (like chapter 2 for example 😩) so that's why I haven't updated in almost a year. I'm honestly considering turning this into a series and posting the chapters done in an out-of-order fashion. It frustrates me that I can't continue sharing this story that's so dear to my heart.
Rescue on Ryloth (TBB, T, 670 words)
The rescue of the Syndullas in Ryloth go differently than it was planned.
This is another one I wrote so incredibly fast. The leak of the promo for episode 12 sent me into such a frenzy, that all I could do was write this. It was a little wishful thinking thrown into the mix as well, an idea that it didn't come true of the Batch rescuing Cross. So now, it's a fix-it 😐
Rough Awakening (TBB, T, 9.3k, WIP)
The Batch finally rips Crosshair away from the Empire's clutches, but things don't go so smoothly once he's de-chipped.
This started as a prequel to another fic I was working on where Crosshair was already back with the Batch. I wanted to do a one-shot or 2-part fic about the rescue and the aftermath but me, being me, things spiraled out of control and we're 4 chapters in (working on the 5th!!), and it's barely now when the chip is being removed. I have come up with so many ideas for this story that it has gotten a life on its own, so I decided to abandon the first one and see where this fic takes me.
Not a Star Wars fic 😆
Haunted as Mare9548 (Game of Thrones/aSoIaF, T, Braime, 1.9k words)
Jaime knocks on Brienne's door at an unholy hour of the night. (Piece for Jaime x Brienne Fic Exchange 2021)
This is when I did my Star Wars X-tober Extravaganza where I fulfilled various prompts for whumptober, angstober, flufftober, and angstober. That's why this was my most productive month of the year 😁
An Explosive Situation (SW Rebels, T, Kalluzeb, 1.9k)
After a solo mission to the planet Dela goes south, Kallus finds himself in a tight spot. The Spectres go to his rescue but the actual saving turns out more complicated than expected.
On An Adventure (TCW/TBB, Gen, 713 words)
The fluffiest fic I've ever written 🥺🥰
On a rare stormless night, 99 and Omega go for a little adventure.
Tomorrow Is A Good Day For Someone Else to Die (TBB, T, 1.152 words)
The life of Crosshair and Tech in Kamino as cadets has never been easy.
Claiming the Soldier (TBB, Explicit/Grapefruit, Wrecker x reader, 919 words)
Minors do not interact / Underage begone
You and Wrecker hit a life-changing milestone in your relationship.
Seeing Red (TBB, T, 1097 words)
The Bad Batch goes on their first mission to the battlefront. Things take a sudden turn south.
We Don't Leave Our Own Behind (TBB, T, 1.4k words)
Hunter respects Crosshair's choice not to join the batch again even if it's a karking ass-stupid decision. And yet, love, loyalty, and a tad of guilt —okay, okay… a lot of guilt— don't let him make the same mistake he did before, abandoning his brother.
Or the one where the batch goes back for Crosshair after leaving him stranded on the landing platform in Kamino.
Help, I'm Alive (SW Rebels, T, 1.5k, WIP)
Ezra had imagined many times that he’d die in the heat of a battle against the Empire; he’s had several close calls already. But never in his wildest dreams, he foresaw that his death would come when a temple fell on top of him.
I promise that I'll finish it, but can't say when 😓
3 Long Days (TCW, T, 1.5k words)
When Ahsoka falls ill, Anakin doesn't leave her side.
You're Still There, I Know (TCW, T, Foxiyo, 2.1k words)
Riyo feels like she lost the man she loves. If only Fox would talk to her and explain why.
My first Foxiyo fic!! This ship is so cute that I couldn't stop myself from writing them 😊
Aaaaaaand another no Star Wars fic
Queen of Lions as @green-arrows-of-karamel (Arrow, T, Olicity, 14.1k, Discontinued)
The Fates have never been kind to her or her race. When the Greek goddesses designate Oliver Queen as her mate, Felicity can't believe it. Three weeks is all she has to decide to mate with him. If Felicity refuses him, she will condemn Oliver to a cruel fate. And hers won't be pretty either.
This fic stayed in my WIP folder for over 4 years until I saw a post promoting Good Intentions WIPs fest, which is an opportunity for writers to publish and let go fics that will never be finished. I took the chance to unburden myself from this story very dear to my heart (because it's about the otp I rooted for years and also because it's a crossover with one of my favorite book series) and share it with my old fandom.
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on-a-lucky-tide · 3 years
Greatly intrigued by Lambert’s First Time for the WIP asks. Also your “urgh, maybe” for Fading Star has my attention 😁
Much love!
The Lambean’s first time here. I’m looking forward to citing his canonical tendency to jump out of windows to escape lovers/consequences (he mentions it once in conversation, so now it’s his thing, I don’t make the rules).
Just Another Fading Star was post-Kaer Morhen and Eskel’s disappearance. I wrote the first part on Tumblr (it’s here somewhere), and it was going to be endgame OT4: Dandelion/Eskel/Geralt/Yennefer. It got shelved for many reasons, but I will complete it one day. It’s a good opportunity to explore some Eskel/Geralt relationship negotiation, each finding their place in each other’s hearts (with some serious Eskel whump on the side), practise/have a go at writing Yennefer and move my Jaskier interpretation fully to book/game Dandelion. 
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whumpookies · 1 year
Hi. Do you have any recs for a charactcer collapsing in another one's arms? Thanks pal! X
But if course anoni...
Now I'm not just going on my own but others I've seen and spotted, I'll link gifs here and titles of series I've seen...
Let's start of course LOTR Aragorn collapses
TK collapsing here
Sefirin kızı collapsing here
Doctor who here
Castiel collapsing here
Gulipi breaking down and collapsing here
Tozlayak collapsing here
The adventurer after stabbed collapses here
İstanbul series here
Now I remember a lot in the form of çukur, teşkilat, black and white love, Kara para aşk, sefirin kızı.
But my master whump list has a fair bit on collapsing etc that's here
Bonanza here
I'll throw this in as well here
Oh and not forgetting this one here
Jason morgan collapsing here
It's a case of looking, main tags I use are whump collapse and whump faint there pretty good ones for finding what you want 😁
Whumpookies 🍪
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