#anti slytherin
punkeropercyjackson · 29 days
'Villain apologists' when their male faves are actual bad people and super fleshed out either by how impressively written they are as antagonists or given satisfying redemption arcs instead of being pussies,conventionally attractive abusers,serial d*ddy d*ms or fascists:
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I finally got around to deleting my old Harry Potter sideblog
TBH most of that sideblog was just shitting on Snape(and also i was a Marauders fan, before they started woobifying the wizard fascists and pairing James with Sirius' racist little brother and shitting on Lily), but even that started to feel uncomfortable, with all of the shit that JK TERFling has done.
So, I deleted it once and for all! Harry Potter hasn't brought me joy in a while, and all I do lately is talk about how awful the bigotry is in it and how horribly the nonhuman races where handled(especially the House-Elves oh my fucking god),
and i can do that with the occasional main-blog post without having a whole blog dedicated to talking about that awful show, so adios old blog! and fuck jk rowling i hope she gets unalived painfully!
Also fuck HP, and especially fuck Hogwarts Legacy(aka Blood Libel: The Game), and fuck anyone who thinks a stupid shitty game/book/movie is more important than trans people's lives!
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aezran · 8 days
Slytherins are written to be the opposite of what jkr considers “good” and “appropriate”.
You know what that means?
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happy pride
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wizardemotions · 4 months
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pinterest showed me some screenshots of posts that gave me the concept for an au where both harry and ron are sorted slytherin & draco is just slightly less rude in the first book. i could go into why i think this makes a lot of sense for ron but i won't. i've affectionately dubbed them the platinum quartet in my head and they will not leave me the fuck alone
#quill to paper#draco malfoy#harry potter#ron weasley#hermione granger#romione#drarry#slytherin harry#slytherin ron#golden trio#platinum quartet#actually i'll go into why it makes sense for ron here in the tags.#imho a major slytherin trait is ambition#and ron *has* ambition he's just never had it actively encouraged and fostered#book fucking one the mirror of erised shows him winning the quidditch cup & being head boy and all#he HAS ambition! and by god does he have something to *prove*#youngest weasley boy who desperately wants to do something different from his family#not get lumped in as 'just another weasley'#he's the anti-sirius in this context tbqh. old pureblood family of gryffindors and he's plastering his room at the burrow w green and silver#in my head draco is also in the train compartment when ron walks in and asks to sit there & harry speaks first so draco shuts up#a little tense but draco also relaxes a little bit. he's ELEVEN he just wants FRIENDS.#ron watches the boys he sat with on the train both get sorted slytherin and has just the biggest burning desire an 11 yr old can have#to get into slytherin instead of gryffindor. to do something different from his other siblings at the gryff table. to Prove Something#the hats like 'ohh. a weasley huh. but so much to prove... there's real ambition#and the potential for cunning... slytherin? alright#good luck! slytherin it is!'#and draco's smug little ass is like 'i suppose there's hope for the weasleys yet if they can turn out a slytherin#and ron is psyched out of his eleven year old gourd bc harry fucking potter is grinning and clapping for him#and also because percy n the twins look SHOCKED AS FUCK as do half the profs#snape is over at the table realizing w complete clarity that he's going to be put thru the ringer as slyth head of house these next 7 yrs
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moonyswarmsweaters · 4 days
Snivllus: Fuck gay people
Barty: Oh I do, every single day
Evan: Amen
Dorcas: Truely a pleasure to do, will recommend
Regulus *grinning*: My boyfriend has the same to do list
Pandora: No self deprecating thoughts out loud go away
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severussnapemylove · 8 months
One of my favourite headcanons is that Severus is only viewed as Bastard dungeon bat by Harry and co. But to everyone else like the Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws he’s just the hardass but effective teacher, and to the Slytherins he’s Slytherin House Dad.
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raven-the-claw · 10 months
showing you pictures of the canon young marauders to prove how delulu we actually all are.
okay so first we have the marauders themselfs (looking like a bunch of high school kids on some serious drugs):
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next up, one of the most popular ships in this fandom, we have marlene and dorcas (this is the youngest picture of them i could find, so i apologize for the two of them looking like two coffee sipping grandmas):
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here we have lily, who is the only one who actually looks kinda cute
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canon snape (WHY IS HE CUTE TOO HELP):
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and lets not forget the canon jily (again, james looks like a random teenager who likes magic mushrooms a lil too much):
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then here we have james, lily, pete, remus (why does his hair look lowkey emo help) and sirius (why is his hair shorter than its supposed to be help again):
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canon alice and frank (why does he look like he doesnt know where he is):
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the canon emmeline (shes kinda cute ngl):
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okay this one needs a trigger warning so i think yall know whats coming...YOU GUESSED IT. the canon reggie (not even commenting on this one):
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well, there u go.
dm me if u want me to pay for ur therapy.
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not-rab · 2 months
part five of Music and Memories, a Marauders band AU
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part four | part six
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merlinsleftit · 3 months
i just know hermione will put y'all in a jar for this
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twink-remus-lupin · 16 days
my unpopular marauders opinions
- remus is trans coded
- sirius and james were the tallest
- jegulus is a bad ship
- regulus is aroace
- snape was awful
- james was better for lily
- atyd remus is too mean to be canon (i like him he’s just not canon remus)
- peter was a good friend until the betrayal
- remus & james have an underrated friendship
- jily is one of the best maruaders era ships
- the slytherin skittles were terrible people and we’re acting like they’re all gay icons with tons of piercings who like wearing crop tops and blah blah
- ^ like no they were racists??
- i still don’t like jegulus if you’re looking for a good mlm ship WOLFSTAR IS RIGHT THERE
- rosekiller is a good ship i just don’t like how they’re characterized in fanon
- sirius wasn’t feminine
- remus is gay and sirius is queer
- sirius was a ladies man before he and remus got together
- marlene is a lesbian
- dorcas is also a lesbian
- marylily isn’t a good ship
- james is straight
- james was more sirius’s brother than regulus ever was
- sirius wasn’t a monster for leaving regulus he was just a kid
- hope lupin was an amazing mother
- remus wasn’t angry after the prank, just heartbroken. it was james and peter that were angry
- remus, peter and james were super close, especially post-prank
- snily is literally the worst goddamn ship ever
- wolfstar is oversexualized in the fandom
- remus had daddy issues
- james was desi
- the marauders weren’t that popular they were just nerds
- james has adhd
- remus is made way too mean/possessive/overly masc in 90% of fanon
- people make sirius gender-fluid just because he has long hair
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punkeropercyjackson · 4 months
Hate it when people say 'if villain bad,why sexy?' and then the villain's not even sexy.You have no backbone and for WHAT?Dick/coochie from someone who's ugly inside AND out?L
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knight-already · 9 months
Why do we think Severus had no friends other than Lily?
Please tell me... before anyone says he was friends with Mulciber and Avery. That was a recent affair which we learn because lily tells Severus, "I don't like the people you've been hanging out with."
It's recent.
We know, also that the werewolf attack also happens before SWM -- and we learn this particularly in the same conversation.
Did Severus join their friend group out of fear?
I know this has nothing to do with my og point, that being : is any Slytherin a good enough friend, for Severus and is Severus a Slytherin good enough to be friends with any other house?
But wait a second;
Severus has always been an out cast, he's at the bottom of school's social ladder; he's poor, not mainstream attractive, he has poor socialization.
He hardly managed to make friends with Lily only succeeding because he had something she wanted; Knowledge about the wizarding world.
Therefore when he joined Mulciber's group; he would have had to been at the bottom of the friend group, as a : go for/ yes man/ nerd that does their homework ect....in exchange for being in the group and possibly getting protection; IF they bothered too, which I doubt they did seeing as no one in that group came guns a blazing to help him in SWM.
That friend group's power wasn't balanced, and if you've never been in a friend group that wasn't balanced then bless you.
When we talk about balance for the peoples that may not understand:
We have our leader: who may or may not be the glue of the group ei, the one who gathered the friends, or they could also just be the loudest, pushiest or just idk has more swag.
Example: James.
Then we have the second in command, the best friends of the leader, these people are the closest -- best friends, possibly has the ability to kind of influence the leader:
Example: Sirius
Then we have the third, close to the outside eye, best friends with the first two but everyone inside knows they aren't as close, if they were walking and one had to fall behind it would be this friend, if they ever stopped talking for a little, this friend would be first to go.
Example: Remus
And lastly we have the bottom of their social ladder, this friend is a follower, not a lot of say in the group, is lucky to be there and to be considered a friend, usually a yes man, a go for, or someone they exploit for their own personal gain, ie studying or help with assignments, or they could have poor social skills but have a rich background and is easy to manipulate. They are in this group for more protection or power of numbers. They need the group more than the group needs them.
Example: Peter & Severus
Originally I made this post to ponder any friends Severus might have had -- but in a environment that already is hostile to Slytherins, would any Slytherin on the same social standing had been his friend?
I mean he already pissed off the biggest bullies in their year so anyone on a similar social standing might not want to be friends with him out of fear of being more on James and co. raider than they already are, plus this is especially true for maybe another Slytherin -- (Slytherins stick together because of their bad rep. Professor's are no help usually.)
Any other Slytherin would be above him, and most likely not spare him the time of day.
Why would other houses help the weird kid with a huge target on his back?
And if magically he made friends, perfectly find friends who don't let Potter's bullying fly or any house's bulling fly and fight back. If they did manage to be Severus' friends, would Lily approve?
I mean, how do we know someone is a threat?
Don't we either learn through the grape vine or our own eyes?
Well, other houses are side eyeing Slytherin, for being death eaters -- so the muggleborns are sticking close together. Maybe even the houses are protecting their muggleborn friends in whatever way:
"Hey this one's family is a death eater..."
"That one's relative is a supporter..."
"Stay away from them."
I mean we know James and co are on the lights side, so obviously, their actions and pranks are cool because they would never stoop to such a disgusting level.
Does that translate to :
If James and co. Don't approve of this person and are acting out against them ----
They are fight the good fight?
I mean, we do know Mulciber and Avery do become deatheaters.
But -- we don't hear anything about James and co fighting them. We hear Lily being weary of them.
is any Slytherin a good enough friend, for Severus and is Severus a Slytherin good enough to be friends with any other house?
Unimportant to the post:
Looking at Harry 's own friend group with Ron and Hermione. I meant to talk about a balance in friend groups, but I just realized you might think Harry is the leader, which is was at a point since Ron and Hermione didn't get along at the start.
But in truth Ron is the glue, while Harry has the leader status.
That's all, this post is long enough.
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i wanted to talk about this again because...
what the fuck is a mean hufflepuff?? their defining trait is literally kindness. hufflepuffs are known for being kind, compassionate and impartial people.
nate is just making shit up at this point. i haven't watched nor read harry potter, and even i know what the hogwarts houses are. you can't sort your most ruthless villain into hufflepuff and say “okay but they're not like other hufflepuffs, they're mean hehe” because then they wouldn't be in hufflepuff.
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i-need-of-a-hobby · 3 months
when jkr is at it again w her transphobia/racism junk but im reading a trans reggie, jegulus soulmates au that just updated-
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severussnapemylove · 5 months
Rewatching “Philosophers Stone” tonight and I am still mad, and will always be mad, at Dumbledore pulling a last minute reverse uno on an entire house!
What in the name of Merlin made him (and all but one of the adults ) think it was alright to let Slytherin think they’d won the House Cup, that they had the most points, their colours and pennants were up, the points were read…and then Dumbledore was like “Yeah, nah, I’m gonna award a bunch of carefully calculated points so that my favourites win instead.”
Where does he get off publicly humiliating, misleading and disappointing a hundred children like that?
What also gets me, Sev’s reaction when Dumbledore started talking again
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He’s been through this before, he knows where Dumbledore’s favouritism lies, whenever it’s something between Slytherin and Gryffindor, Dumbledore will always side with the Lions. And Sev can’t do anything about it.
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raven-the-claw · 10 months
headcanon abt how the slytherin skittles actually became a friend group
so evan and pandora are siblings, right? pandora gets sorted into ravenclaw and evan gets sorted into slytherin. even tho they are in different houses, they continue hanging out bc they are silblings whit A GOOD RELATIONSHIP.
so than pandora meets barty, who is also a ravenclaw, and becomes friends whit him, and evan becomes friends whit reggie and dorcas (who are both slytherins).
and than one day they decide to meet their friends. and than they all become inseparable.
and they name themselfs the slytherin skittles bc most of the time they hang out in the slytherin common room (secretly, ofc)
and dont you dare come at me whit the "barty couldnt have been a ravenclaw" RAVENCLAWS ARE BAD BITCHES. SHUT UP.
and than they life happily ever after.
no war. no death eating.
stay delusional <33
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