#anyway jacob anderson i love your work
mermaidsirennikita · 29 days
Louis de Pointe du Lac, as originally written, could be regarded as one of lit's most famous "also rans", someone who was originally positioned as Thee Tragic Figure of the series, only to be almost immediately superseded both in the readers' and the author's minds with Lestat. Like, you know Louis because of the original book, but Lestat is the one everyone talks about, Lestat drives the rest of the series, Lestat has all the best lines.
And the movie, as much as I personally don't like it, only sort of dug this further into the pop cultural understanding of the story. Brad Pitt is at his most "I am relying on pretty" boring and sulky; when there is a performance, it's largely annoying. And Tom Cruise... I mean, it's literally nothing next to what Sam Reid does in my mind, but it was at least very off-brand for him at the time, and he was doing SOMETHING, and he (and Kirsten Dunst) have the most iconic Moments, the camp, the arguably most memorable part of the movie (the very end with the Sympathy for the Devil cover playing us off).
So it's honestly SUCH a testament to the innovation of the show's writing and the brilliance of Jacob Anderson's performance that Louis has been reinvented, not only as a compelling protagonist, but as a character that is EASILY as complex and multilayered as more traditionally antiheroic/villainous types like Lestat and Armand and Claudia. He's more than the beautiful, tragic object of Lestat and Armand's affections, he's more than the guy telling us the story.
Louis is self-loathing and self-aggrandizing; he's victimized by Lestat, and he manipulates Lestat, very aware of his own emotional hold over him (might we note how much agency Louis had over Claudia's turning, and how Lestat in no way would've done that if not for Louis... and that act was arguably one of the most selfish in the series, if emotionally understandable). He's controlled by Armand, yet we get hints that he's actually quite dangerous and perhaps in some sort of self-delusion about just how dangerous he is (and Assad certainly plays Armand like he's nervous as fuck about Louis knowing the truth--and I don't think that's JUST about the possibility of Louis leaving him once he finds out).
Louis tells himself that he loved Claudia more than anything and that she was his "spark in the dark", when we see that in reality their relationship deteriorated over time and continued to do so, even after the person who was seemingly a wedge in their relationship was vanquished. We see hints, perhaps, that Claudia was no more the ideal daughter in his mind than Lestat was the ideal lover.
And that last scene in the premiere? When we're not sure who the "you" is? Sad and kind of horrifying, too. Because like--what will Louis do to Claudia to further his own love and obsessions? Who does Louis prioritize more--Claudia, Lestat, Armand? Maybe none of the above. Maybe himself and what or who he thinks will stave off his own loneliness, his need for love and validation and, yes, power.
None of this is a criticism of the character. The show already did something SO good and SO smart by turning Louis from a white slave owner to a Black man with money and social standing, still so held back by the laws and environment of his day. Vampirism gave him agency, yet the show, in season one, showed the potential for Louis to still be the perpetual tragic victim (in episode five especially). And maybe they'll still slip up and do that.
But increasingly, with the reveal in the s1 finale and the s2 premiere, I think we're getting the implication that the thing Louis could be protecting himself from mentally (with some help from Armand--I don't think Louis's memory issues are all Vampire Magic, though) is something horrible that he did. A choice he made. Because Louis does have agency, and the narrative allows him to be someone with conflicted desires and a complicated sense of self. Someone who doesn't love PRETTILY. Someone who is manipulated and manipulates.
Like, I've joked about him being this kind of like vampiric Helen of Troy because of the allure he holds for powerful figures like Lestat and Armand, but I also think it's so powerful to explore the way that Louis uses that appeal and ALSO makes fucked up decisions on his own because he is... into being adored, frankly. Even if the people who adore him also hurt him. He gets caught up in his own romanticized retellings of his life story, whether heartfelt or tragic, because in those retellings he can pretend that he had no choice, he had no ability to say otherwise.
But like--Louis could have stopped that woman from being decapitated, potentially. Louis didn't have to walk away from human affairs. He chose to do so, just like he chose to beg Lestat to turn Claudia. Just like he chose to deny her Lestat's true death.
And I think there's like, an attempt to reckon with this in the unreliable narration of the books, but I also think that this is so dependent, in Anne Rice's version, on spinning to Lestat... That Louis's culpability and untruths are overshadowed by his Everything. Here, the story lets us soak in Louis's mind, and Jacob Anderson's performance really seals that. I find it so smart.
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nalyra-dreaming · 5 months
Found an old interview, with a few juicy bits
(and a lot we knew already)
The blood tasted like "Sour Patch Kid" (lol):
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The three of them had dancing lessons.... 👀
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And Jacob wants to see Louis in the 80s!!! (And we know Sam got his wish^^)
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Also kinda sad that Bailey won't be able to explore those hairstyles, but... anyways it's long , so the rest under the cut:
Interview with Jacob Anderson, Sam Reid and Bailey Bass
Posted on October 2, 2022 by TvMegasite Admin
TV Interview!
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Interview with Jacob Anderson, Sam Reid and Bailey Bass of “Interview with The Vampire” on AMC and AMC+ by Suzanne 9/29/22
This was a fun roundtable with the three stars of this great new vampire show. If you love vampire shows, or the Anne Rice novels, you should love this show. It’s very well done, and these actors are great in it. Jacob plays Louie, and we see the story through his eyes as told to ailing reporter Daniel Molloy (Eric Bogosian, who’s outstanding as always). Sam Reid plays LeStat, the seductive vamp that turns Louie and becomes his friend, lover, mentor, etc. Bailey plays Claudia, the young woman that joins them. They were very kind and fun to interview.
Suzanne:   Hi, I’m Suzanne Lanoue from TVMEG.com, and I’ve watched the first episode. I didn’t get screeners till this morning, so I only got to watch the first one so far, but I’m really enjoying it. It just grabs you and drags you in. So, congratulations on being renewed for season two already, which is great. Do you know when you’ll be starting to film season two, or have you already started filming it?
JACOB ANDERSON:   We haven’t started. We haven’t started shooting, no.
SAM REID:   Probably, I don’t know if we can say anything. [Laughs]
Suzanne:   Have they told you yet?
JACOB ANDERSON:   They haven’t not told us anything.
Suzanne:  [Chuckles} OK, well, thank you!
Jamie from SCIFI VISION:  Hi, I’m Jamie Ruby from SciFi Vision. Thanks for talking to us today, I really enjoyed the first five episodes that we’ve seen. So, for the three of you, can you kind of talk about how you balanced what you pulled from the book versus what you added with your own spin on it?
SAM REID:   Hello, Jamie, I’ll answer that. No. But I would say that anything for myself and my character, my own spin probably came from my own interpretation of the books and Rolins’ work. So, I wasn’t really trying to put any of my own spin on it. It’s just how I imagined it to be, really.
JACOB ANDERSON:   Yeah. I second that. It’s like, you will always view a character through your own lens to an extent and then it’s just kind of, I mean, I guess with anything, it’s like, do other do the other creative people like that, and do they want to discuss it? But you don’t want to mess with this. Like the combination of Anne Rice’s writing and Rolins’ writing, you don’t really want to touch it, you don’t want to just sort of throw your own stuff in just for the sake of it.
SAM REID:   They’re so dense already the characters that it sort of would be a shame to try and deviate too much of thing.
JACOB ANDERSON:   What could you possibly add?
SAM REID:   Yeah.
BAILEY BASS:   I feel the exact same way. It’s really, yes, we were cast because there’s something special in us that Rolin and the entire team really enjoyed when we were doing our auditions. But other than that, it’s really just doing the research and the book, reading the scripts, doing our own technique, and then just coming and creating in this world.
Jamie:  Okay, great. Thank you so much.
Jamie from STARRY MAG:  This is Jamie Steinberg, with Starry Constellation Magazine. Jacob, this is another deeply tortured soul for you to portray. Is there something about these kinds of characters that really draw you to them? Or is this them finding their way to you? Or is it something you see in them that really resonates with you and makes you want to portray them?
JACOB ANDERSON:   I think it’s a combination of both. We find each other. I think I’m slightly less like Grey Worm than I am like Louis. But yeah, I mean, I think you normally want to be like very boundaried when you talk about things and be like, “Oh, well, I’m so removed from the character, and I’m brilliant at acting and blah blah blah blah blah”. But to be honest, yeah, I feel very, very connected to Louis. It’s the thing that bothered me about how Anne Rice wrote him, and also how Rolin wrote him as well. Yeah, I’m drawn to characters who are searching. And I’d ask him questions, not just about the world, but about their place in it and what they contribute or don’t contribute to it. But yeah, I also I felt like it would be like, narcissistic of me to be like, “I am the only person who can play Louis.” But namely, because there is somebody else that’s done it, as well. Many people.
Jamie:  Well, I think you brings such a unique take on it, though, because of the artistry you have. Both of these characters that you mentioned, have just been wonderfully nuanced, I think through your portrayal. So it might be just a little bit time for you to pat yourself on the back for what you’ve brought to the role on your own.
JACOB ANDERSON:   This one’s for you, Bailey.
QUESTION:   Question for Jacob and Sam, one of the really interesting things about this particular adaptation is the romance that we kind of finally get to see between Louis and Lestat. Can you speak to that a little bit? What does it mean to you to be able to portray that relationship in that way?
SAM REID:   Well, I think AMC has the rights to the entire Vampire Chronicles, and so it’s very important to make sure that relationship is established early on. Particularly as the books progress, it becomes much more clear that they are in a very intense romantic relationship. So, I think it’s it’s great to make sure that we’re serving the story correctly. And it wouldn’t be Anne Rice’s Interview With The Vampire if it wasn’t there. So, yeah.
QUESTION:   I was wondering, and this is kind of specifically for Bailey and Sam, the show doesn’t shy away from race or that being a factor at all for their very long life experience. Was that important to you? And were you afraid of any ignorant backlash, because previously, the characters were paid by white actors?
BAILEY BASS:   I was really excited to play Claudia. It’s really a dream to play such a complex character that’s very loud and unapologetic. I honestly didn’t think twice about anything else. I just knew that Rolin was very intentional about the actors that he wanted to cast in the show, and I’m very fortunate that I was one of them. I just dove into all the research. I read the book. I would cross reference the book and the script and see the quotes that Rolin took from the book and was very intentional about adding them into the script. After doing all the research, I mean, I became Claudia and it was fun to play her.
JACOB ANDERSON:   Yeah, I think something that Rolin’s done, which is – I’m almost loath to call it important, but like it creates a richness is that this isn’t a colorblind casting situation. Louis’ central question is about his humanity and his place in humanity. I think that if you were to cast a black actor or black actors for Louis and Claudia, and to not address that, you’d take a lot away from that question of their humanity. I’m glad that we don’t shy away from it. And in terms of backlash, I just don’t want to give it energy anymore. Like I just – people are going to – I think people need to be seen. Sometimes they’ll say anything to be seen or recognized, and it’s sad, but it’s the internet.
QUESTION:   I would love for you to talk a little bit about what it’s like just being vampires, being able to play vampires when biting people and having these kinds of scenes. What goes into that and how much fun is that to play? How difficult is that to play?
It’s very fun. It’s very fun. Yeah, you know, because we’ve got a lot of elements that come into every scene. So, they’re very beautiful, sort of rich dialogue-heavy scenes, but we also have this whole element of the vampire, you know, he kills, so we’ll be pausing for the blood to be put in. We had all these different types of blood that we’d been drinking and tasting, and they made us hibicus flavored blood when we had to drink large amounts of it.
It did not taste like hibiscus. It tasted like it was like a Sour Patch Kid.
SAM REID:   Yeah.
JACOB ANDERSON:   But in liquid form.
SAM REID:   But there’s a lot of thought and consideration [that had] gone into this. But yeah, it’s so much fun, really. Vampires are, I think, the best type of monster, because they have so much humanity. They’re so articulate. They experience a huge amount. Anne Rice is responsible for our shift in vampires, because she puts the perspective into the eyes of the monster, and you have empathy for them. So, it’s very fun to do these really extreme, horrific things, but also with a level of understanding and empathy and bringing that into the character. So, it’s a fun thing to do.
JACOB ANDERSON:   It’s the best! It’s the best. The best monsters.
Jamie from SCIFI VISION:  So, obviously, you guys do go to some really dark places, though, with your characters. Can you sort of talk about getting into that headspace, and how you sort of, I guess, get back out of it? Is it hard to sort of go there? For all three of you.
BAILEY BASS:   Yeah, it’s hard. We had such long days that it kind of, for me personally, it was hard for me to differ[entiate], like, who’s Claudia and who’s Bailey. So, I kind of had to, like really sit with myself and reflect, but it’s hard. But then also, this is what I love to do, and playing such an extreme character, that’s what makes it fun is that I get to relive and be in these spaces that I would never normally be in if I didn’t get to play Claudia. But the dark, even though it’s dark and everything, I definitely enjoyed it. And I had Sam and Jacob, which they were incredible scene partners, and we all had each other. We made sure that throughout the whole process, our mental health, even though we’re like hysterically crying sometimes that afterwards, our mental health was still good,
SAM REID:   I think to Bailey’s point, like, sometimes the darkest jobs or the darkest sets where the material is the most bleak are the most fun, because, we instinctively know how to just kind of like, help ourselves through that. So, we’ll be making a lot of jokes. You know, it is ridiculous, sometimes what we’re doing, and you have to step back and think [laughs] You know, we’re suspended in the air, covered in blood, so we just kept it light. It was a fun thing to do.
JACOB ANDERSON:   Yeah, I agree. I mean, it’s dense. It’s dense, so you need to focus on the language as well. Like, aside from, yeah, we had a lot of fun, but when you’re doing the scene, you focus on what you’re doing. And I think if you let yourself get dragged into it too much, then hard to to do your job, I think.
Jamie from STARRY MAG:  Bailey, this is such a beautiful costume you have. Talk about when you first saw what you’d be wearing for the series, and if you had any input, and if it takes really putting on that costume to embody your character.
BAILEY BASS:   Costume is one of my favorite things in my job, being able to speak with the costume designer and be able to talk about what she saw when she read the script, because it’s not just me, it’s a big collaboration of an incredible crew that helps make us look good, basically. And to be able to talk to hair, makeup, and costume and get to know what their first ideas were when they read the script, and then being able to collaborate with them and say what I thought, was really, really fun. And the costume designer for this show, Carol, was just so collaborative. I came in and we were talking about posture. That’s a very big thing for Claudia, because in the beginning, she’s like fourteen years old, and she’s excited being a vampire. She would shrug a lot and just walked like, however and had terrible posture. So, the costume designer would think about that when she was making the costumes. And then also I have to look like a little girl. So, she created these beautiful bows along with making sure that the shape of my costumes hid any curves possible. So, when I put them on, I really felt like a little girl. So, when I was doing the scenes where Claudia is struggling, she wants to be a woman, and I’m sitting in this pink dress that it’s not flattering to anything that’s me as Bailey, it was really easy to feel what Claudia would be feeling at that moment.
Suzanne:   I really enjoyed the wedding scene and your dancing, Jacob; that was great. Was that actually you dancing? And did you have to train for that, or did you already know how, and will there be any more singing or dancing in the show?
JACOB ANDERSON:   That was me and Steven Norfleet, who plays Paul, and we had about a month to train, to practice. I don’t know if you’ve ever done tap dancing, but it’s like learning how to walk again, like how to walk for the first time, like to get your brain to coordinate in that way and to like shift the weight of your body is really confusing. And to add to that we did a lot of our lessons on Sikkim (???). And it’s all like, it’s all sound. You like making music with your feet, but with the lag of, of like, you know, doing it online. But you just drill; you just drill it every day. You drill it every day, and just you have to listen. It’s less about like being mechanical about your body and just like listening to the sound. But there is there is more dancing in the show.
Suzanne:   Oh, good.
JACOB ANDERSON:   Yeah. It was in the trailer, right?
SAM REID:   Yeah, the three of us did dancing lessons.
JACOB ANDERSON:   Yeah, we did.
QUESTION:   I’m curious to just have any of you or all of you talk a little bit about what you love most about the dynamic between all three of your characters, either once Claudia comes in, or kind of as that progresses.
JACOB ANDERSON:   I find it, I think from Louis’ point of view, he’s trying to recreate a kind of family dynamic that he is grieving for in his human life. I think it’s probably the thing that he misses most in some ways. It’s like a grounding thing, is his brother and his sister and his mom, maybe to a lesser extent, but maybe not. So, I find the way that it kind of goes for them, and for him, it’s kind of unexpected. I think he wanted, he was hoping that in bringing somebody else into their family, I think he thought that Claudia might be like him. [laughs] So, it’s interesting. I feel like an outcast, but to also be a part of – I mean, I’ll let Bailey talk more about about that part of it, but really, Claudia ends up being sort of forgotten about a little bit, and their dynamic, which is sad.
BAILEY BASS:   I think what’s wonderful though, is that there’s really no protagonist or antagonist. It changes through every scene in every episode, because these characters are so specific and complex, and Rolin Jones, the writer of the show, did an incredible job of explaining in depth why we do what we do. There’s a reason why we kill the people that we do, why we hurt each other. And because of that, the viewer kind of feels bad for the person hurting the other, but then also feels bad for the person being hurt.
QUESTION:   So, obviously, as vampires, your characters live very long lives. Which era would you like to see, be able to play your character in?
JACOB ANDERSON:   80s 80s 80s. I want the pastels. I want the hair. Let’s go, 80s.
SAM REID:   I’d probably do the 1700s. I think Lestat really that is where he’s from, and that’s the era in which he was born into, so I’d quite like to see him in that in that era.
BAILEY BASS:   I just want to get to the 50s. Like, I just want Claudia to get to the 50s so I can wear all those skirts and just explore more hairstyles, because we evolved. Doing the prep work, there wasn’t a lot of hairstyles – we had a horrible of time looking for photos of black girls in that time period with very versatile hair, which we know they existed, just no one took pictures of them. So, to be able to expand that more and show women who have curly hair, that this is what they look like in that time. I’d love to expand that and go into the 40s and 50s.
Transcribed by Jamie Ruby of ScifiVision
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kaaaaaaarf · 2 months
You know what time it is! everywhere, everything by @lynxindisguise updated today with a vampire (!!!) chapter, and I maybe shucked off work to read it 👀 (so worth it). As per usual, the playlist has been updated! Songs and lyrics/explanations below the cut.
Universe 668x: Vampires
Vicious by Daniel Hart & Damir Orascanin
Instrumental. It's from the Interview With The Vampire TV show soundtrack and is suitably mood setting (along with being a suggestion from Lynx 🫡)
Bloodsport '15 by Raleigh Ritchie
Nothing is perfect but your imperfections are quaint And your love is worth it and for that I will wait And though you hate me, when you have a turn I drive you crazy but you always return If I fall short, if I break rank It's a bloodsport, but I understand I am all yours, I am unmanned I'm on all fours, willingly damned Loving you's a bloodsport Fighting in a love war Although you love me, sometimes we're mean Things can get ugly but we're still a team We are an army that breaks from within But that's why we're stronger, and that's how we'll win [...] I've got your back, and though it's stacked against us I've got your hand, it's us against consensus And I will burn the people who hurt you the worst and I will not learn Cause I am too young and too dumb to consider the terms of breaking the law And I'll curse the day that they return With a smile on my face as their heads hit the floor And they're done, now it's curtains, the bloodlust's a clusterfuck, it hurts but it's working And even if you ask me to stop, it's too late because I've already decided their fate It's not a distaste, it's pure hate and it pulsates and it works its way around my brain Anyway, what I'm trying to say is I'll protect you til the day I meet my maker So don't fight me now cause you might need me later [...] It's not what I'm in love for, I'm yours I don't know if you can help it, maybe I'm just being selfish...
(fun fact: the singer of this song is actually Jacob Anderson from IWTV!!)
Vampire by Lupin
Cold weather shivers like a knife in the back tonight The things you claim that you knew had taken flight A tipsy remedy while something's causing strife Familiar echoes warn from a past life You got ambition, baby I can admire that You say you love me when there’s nobody lovin' back Call me a criminal, I'm wearing the mask tonight Familiar echoes scream from a past life You want me to go back to your room Well, lie to me, I’ll lie to you I think the jig will be up soon But can it wait 'til the morning? Can it wait 'til the morning? Can it? It got so bloody like the moon on Friday night I sunk my teeth in so deep but you just sigh Can't get off? Well babe, neither can I Familiar echoes bored from the past life
(it's called Vampire by Lupin and the lyrics are chef's kiss...couldn't not add it)
Vampire Weeknight by Jenny Owen Youngs
I don't wanna think about you but I do I don't wanna think about you but I do I do I do Pour another finger out or maybe two Cause I don't wanna drink without you but I do, I do
All night I'm suspended animation Watch the palm trees out the window all turn black Sleeplessly I'm paralyzed and waiting Will you come back [...] Pacing like a bobcat in the kitchen Or up the stairs just solitaire-ing in my room Preacher's on the late-night television Saying "... soon" [...] Asking every empty room what you'd say Bloodless in the bathroom mirror, oh my god Just tryna make it through another Tuesday Or maybe not
Reflections Scatter by Module
Instrumental. This is from the What We Do In The Shadows movie soundtrack and felt appropriately atmospheric and sad.
If We Were Vampires by Noah Kahan ft. Wesley Schultz
It's not the long, flowing dress that you're in Or the light coming off of your skin The fragile heart you protected for so long Or the mercy in your sense of right and wrong It's not your hands searching slow in the dark Or your nails leaving love's watermark It's not the way you talk me off the roof Your questions like directions to the truth
It's knowing that this can't go on forever It's likely one of us will have to spend some days alone Maybe we'll get forty years together But one day I'll be gone Or one day you'll be gone
If we were vampires and death was a joke We'd go out on the sidewalk and smoke Laugh at all the lovers and their plans I wouldn't feel the need to hold your hand Maybe time running out is a gift I'll work hard 'til the end of my shift And give you every second I can find And hope it isn't me who's left behind
Bats In The Attic by King Creosote & Jon Hopkins
And I've gone silver in my travels, Growing silver in my sideburns, I'm starting to unravel. Heard my heartbeat on a downhill, I counted eighteen on my pulse as Kilrenny Church struck three for three o'clock. What else? [...] It's such a waste of all that I had.
You mentioned bats in the attic, So now you're lifting up the tiles to get around these conservation rules. I walked down in the basement. I'm hanging upside down, a gag across my mealy mouth.
And how I'll laugh out loud about that. When I read your simple novel, it uses all our real names. And go make yourself a fortune, There's nothing left for us then us left dangling just a little shamefaced.
It's such a waste of what we had. And it's such a waste of all that we had. And it's such a waste of all that I am.
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zalrb · 1 hour
People on twitter are criticizing Brad Pitt's portrayal of Louis in IWTV and saying the show's Louis is way better and Brad's performance was lifeless and basically he was a cardboard cut-out. I mean I hate Brad Pitt but I feel like people are being extremely obtuse. Like maybe I'm just biased because I definitely prefer the movie, but I think every actor embodied their character extremely well, especially since Louis is meant to come off as like Godric in true blood; just completely done with life. And people are saying Tom and Brad had no chemistry which is just ridiculous? I feel like since the homoerotic elements are done way more subtly in the movie (which is better IMO), people are confusing chemistry for dynamic, since the show is way more overt. Anyway sorry for the long rambling, I would really just love to know your thoughts on Louis's character in the movie vs the TV show. BTW I do think the show has great actors and Jacob Anderson is amazing, I just don't get why people always have to hate on the movie. :)
Yeah, I saw that too and last season I saw the whole "the movie isn't even that good anyway" discourse and it made me roll my eyes because I agree with you, people are being obtuse about this.. Brad Pitt's acting isn't good in the movie, like it isn't particularly nuanced, it's not like he elevates anything, and yet he does manage to capture Louis being conflicted, melancholic and maudlin
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but that's also because the movie doesn't rely on voiceover so I'm seeing Louis in the sewers
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I'm seeing him just done
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I'm getting the sense of what his relationship with Lestat is like with scenes of them just sitting at a dinner table and Lestat throwing grapes at him because Louis is such a downer and he's also just half a second away from just ending it all
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and it pairs well with Tom Cruise's Lestat who dances with corpses
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and has witticisms when killing people
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so we get things like this
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and it works. Brad's acting actually ends up lending itself to the campiness of the movie? The scene that twitter chose to rip him apart
Lestat's amused response to "YOU CONDEMNED ME TO HELL" and Brad's "ARRRGGGH" adds a level of irony and fun because it makes it over the top in the way it should be.
The movie's Louis is anguished over his own existence and having the dark gift.
With AMC's IWTV, I know Jacob can act, when they give him the room to let loose, he does it and definitely gives insight into Louis' anguish
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but my issue has always been the in between moments, particularly in season 1 because of what the showrunners/creators said they wanted to deliver and what I thought we got
so while the show wanted to dig deeper and add layers and expand him in ways that the movie didn't, because I don't feel like the show really goes there constantly while the movie did and pulled no punches, when I think of IWTV outside of the books, my mind still goes straight to the movie and not to the show, my mind still goes to that Louis because it's not dialogue.
In terms of the different Loustats, yeah the movie is subtext
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and Brad and Tom had the chemistry for that, it's eroticism, it's simulating sex through how they feed etc.
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and I understand wanting something more direct and overt but so much of the directness in the show is through dialogue anyway, so many times I have yelled, I want to SEE this, so that when we get to season 2 and Louis is hallucinating Lestat and in such a state that he accidentally kills a human, I'm more invested in it because there were scenes of their relationship/seduction etc. that really makes it hit home.
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cogcltrcorn · 2 years
me, a man who has not read A Word of the "his dark materials" series: I think I should figure out what daemons tvc characters would have
this is an open discussion. I will need to hear y'alls input on this.
so. I have started with lestat. and I present, for your consideration: the evillest golden retriever. ever.
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my argumentation:
ok and now seriously
a hunting animal
look. "lelio", the kind kid that was obsessed with proving himself useful by providing for his family, the happy-go-lucky amateur actor, definitely had a big nice dog as a daemon. what happened later is. a different story
sidenote: obsessed with inserting this daemon into the whole wolf-hunting sequence and the subsequent depressive episode. lestat mentions that when he was lying in bed afterwards he felt cold because he was usually sleeping with dogs. here it's marginally better because he would still be lying in bed with a dog but also WORSE because. that's the only one that survived. it's that more obvious how lonely he is.
obsessed with the concept of a "puppy love" turning into something entirely different. an evil golden retriever has the same uncanny valley effect as lestat himself, I think
Louis: A falcon
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look. I am at a point where I just look at some of these pictures and see jacob anderson. this is just hashtag him you know. he has the vibes
also a hunting animal!!!
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they eat small animals, mostly rodents (giggling violently)
just. look. it's him
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With Claudia it's difficult. on one hand, I really want her to have a canine as well, for some good old mother-daughter parallels. but also. she just isn't. my thoughts on her are:
1) A Burmese Python
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this is vibes based. also. love the idea of her having a fuck-off giant snake. works great for all versions of claudia. amc claudia would wear her as a boa.
also a carnivore, but not a hunting animal!!! because!!! you see!!!! despite everything!!!! both lestat and louis will always be more tame/human than her!!!!! because they had actual time to grow up!!!!! and live as humans!!!!! unlike her!!!!
not particularly related to the snake form specifically but love the idea of both louis and lestat being Extremely slow to pick up on the fact that the daemon has settled. like they would probably go "hey why won't you change into something smaller" for a full 3 months before they fucking COMPREHEND
2) a black footed cat
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I like this option less (because the fuckoff giant snake is simply more fun) but. it's the smallest and also deadliest feline in the world. this is very much hashtag her
kind of draws a parallel to gabrielle (who. should clearly have a lioness. this is just common sense)
so. yeah. those are my Thoughts. as I've mentioned above, Gabrielle clearly has a lioness (going insane about Gabrielle having the mane that the lioness doesn't.......), also I think Nicki should also have some sort of bird... (maybe a carrion crow?) and I am thinking some sort of canine for armand as well. a maned wolf? don't know. anyway. give me your thoughts!!!! I am going insane!!!
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danielpowell · 3 years
Archive 81 Playlist Master List (YouTube)
Trying to make playlists for all of the cast of Archive 81 and these are what I have so far! Feel free to come suggest tracks for them and also characters I haven’t gotten to yet. If you have enough for the ‘side’ characters, please throw those at me too.
These are all very much a work in progress and subject to change.
[ Spotify Versions Here ]
Character Playlists:
Daniel Powell Tanya Molova Mark to Dromen Liam Davenport Melody Pendras Alexa Kesslen-Pendras Tamara Morris Jesse Lewis Joshua and Victor Jacob the Rat Samuel The Visser Historical Society Gladys Craig Simmons Chris Gregory Baim Carlos Rolando Iris Vos Ratty LMG Chad Timothy Beth The Messenger The Choir Green Woman Caroline the Suit Jennifer “Clara” Martine Lou Kevin Benjamin RLR Productions The Gardener Professor Vandemeer The Curator The Representative Cassandra Wall The Boatwoman  Christine Anderson Nicholas Waters Michael Waters Aleister Kathy Quinn Hunter Penelope Winthrop Jerome Jeanette Jefferys Violet Vos Payphone Static Man Cindy Johannson Busby the Beekeeper Ms. Patricia Roland The Irons Crew Thomas Morgan the Clerk The Trucker Dr. Persimmons
Songs to Cry About Dan to What it says on the tin- a mix of songs I listened to while thinking of Dan and started crying about it. Can’t guarantee results but if you are down for some good cries, be my guest! Shuffle-friendly.
Songs to Fall in Love With Your Muse to A mix of 80s/90s queer-coded (to me anyway) love songs that remind me of Jacob Lester (pre-Rat) from season 1. I just love some 80s and 90s songs, my dudes. Shuffle-friendly.
Songs to Ominously Warn Your Bandmates With An assorted mix of garage band-esque tracks. Loosely inspired by the band practice tape from season 3. Shuffle-friendly.
Instrumental Tracks to Contemplate Your Humanity Over A mix of ambient tracks that made me feel like I was walking through the City or holed up in a bunker in the middle of the woods or performing rituals or- just general ambient A81 energy tracks. Shuffle-friendly.
Dan’s Music Library I’ve seen a lot of people’s take on what constitutes a ‘hipster’ music taste and I’m a picky mofo so here’s my take on Dan’s music taste based on what he has been stated to listen to in the actual show- it’s awful and I’m sorry not sorry. Shuffle-friendly.
Train Loneliness This is straight up just a mix of songs about trains/subways. I love train sounds and the sound design in these is super fun. It’s in here because the Train Loneliness tape is my favorite and yes, I do cry about it daily.
And Everything Turned Out Alright If you didn’t know, I’m obsessed with post-s3 Dan and Clara being roommates; so this is a little playlist I made inspired by that concept. I hope it makes you as emotional as it does for me. I Don’t Have Much Time Season three flavored Dan playlist. A lot of instrumental and ambient tracks.
95.6QRSKLB22ROBBRX29900339UOBK2RNJKLSOKV49BQ42069NNNNNNEVIOJR The Wolf A Left of the Dial playlist. Based on the idea of a weird radio station. Experimental tracks with a healthy helping of metal and a sprinkle of odd picks that just fit to me.
Tea With My Marimo An ambient/instrumental playlist based off the idea of a post-s2 Caroline recovering and growing plants. Shuffle-friendly.
Songs From the Archive Dumping grounds for any tracks I feel might work for a playlist or just have A81 vibes.  Shuffle-friendly.
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im-the-punk-who · 4 years
Hey, I was wondering if you have a book rec
Okay so in full disclosure, I have a really hard time reading books. My brain sometime around six years ago just decided that wasn't its style anymore, so I don't read a TON. A lot of these aren’t going to be recent releases. However, here are a bunch of books I would absolutely recommend checking out! I tried to include a variety of genres but I have uh.....five bookshelves in my apartment so if you're looking for more of a certain genre let me know!
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead - Tom Stoppard
Waiting for Godot - Samuel Beckett
These are my two favorite plays - they're both absurdist, humorous, and have some fun things to say. They’re both by old white guys but like....I love both Tom Stoppard and Samuel Beckett DEEPLY and they have all of my love and respect.
Why are all the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria by Beverly Daniel Tatum - this is considered a 'classic' on the psychology of racism, and was particularly helpful for me as a white person in arming myself against 'reverse racism' thoughts and in dissembling my own prejudices. This is mostly a rec for other white folks, but Tatum also addresses 'having the courage to sit at the black table' as a way of claiming your own identity outside of the stereotypes the dominant society expects of you.
Daring Greatly by Brene Brown - Okay listen I just really REALLY love Brene Brown, she is a therapist most famous for her TED talk about Vulnerability and this is just...listen I really like to read this book when I am sad and feel like shit because it makes me feel strong. I reread this book at least once a year.
Imagined Communities by Benendict Anderson - This is an absolutely fascinating read on the rise of nationalism. It’s a bit dry and wordy, but the ideas and use of history as propaganda, spinning the story of a nation to pit it against or on the same side as other nations, and the ways in which these tactics shaped cultural history is just!!!! Amazing.
Gay New York by George Chauncey - This is just one of the most informative and interesting reads of queer history in New York that I’ve ever come across. It’s one of the ‘must reads’ of queer history and has so many interesting tidbits that I have to recommend it. It’s a bit old(published in 1994) but I still find it relevant and interesting to read.
Personal Fiction/Autobiographical Fiction
White Girls by Hilton Als - I went to a reading of this book when it first came out. It was so much fun and so eye-opening for me as a baby queer in NYC that I bought the book there. I wanna be really clear that Als does not pull punches and a lot of people don’t quite like it, but I love Als’ style of writing. The stories and essays in this book are amazing and funny and heartbreaking and informative of queer experience - particularly black queer experience - that I always feel like...honored? to experience through writing? This is one of those ‘you’re gonna suffer but you’re gonna be happy about it’ reads - it can be hard to face because of how very hard the pills are to swallow but like....gosh I just love this book and it’s interesting and hilarious and great.
Confessions of an Economic Hitman by John Perkins  - this is my tin hat favorite. It hits....ugh. This is one of those books that came out and like every government agency freaked the fuck out over it. It’s an interesting look into the quote-unquote dark underbelly of capitalism; how and why countries manipulate each other through economic policies. Super interesting read with a nice style of prose.
The Know-It-All: One Man's Humble Quest to become the Smartest Person in the World by A.J. Jacobs Okay so full disclosure I have not finished reading this, but I’m far enough through to rec it. This book chronicles the author’s attempt to read the entire Encyclopedia Brittanica from front to back, and it is just as kooky and hilarious as it sounds. I am very incredibly and deeply offended this author stole both my schtick and my initials, thereby preventing me from doing this exact thing. I read through the phone book in its entirety when I was three. I had it in me. Anyway, this is basically the author just listing weird interesting facts he’s read about and connecting them to his daily life, but it’s a fun read, and you learn a lot of totally useless facts, which is absolutely my jam.
When Skatboards Will Be Free by Saïd Sayrafiezadeh - HI I LOVE THIS BOOK. I’ve read it maybe three times over. It’s so fun and interesting. You may notice that a lot of the books I rec are very absurdist in their humor, and this is no exception. This book is full of the dry wit and just weird goddamn shit you could only expect from the child of a revolution that never came. You want to read a book about someone who Went Through Shit? Read this book. It’s funny and heartbreaking and just. AHHHH. Seriously I cannot recommend this enough.
Hyperbole and a Half by Allie Brosch - FIGHT ME ON THIS. I love this book.....so much. Yes it’s technically a comic book but the stories are so INTERESTING and hilarious and full of exactly the dry absurdist humor I eat the fuck up. Also! Allie Brosch recently released a sequel of sorts called Solutions and Other Problems that I recommend without even reading it.
Pansy by Andrea Gibson - IF YOU ARE NOT READING THE POETRY OF ANDREA GIBSON WHAT ARE YOU EVEN DOING WITH YOUR LIFE. I cried seven times reading this book. There are only like 14 poems. Please please read this to break your own queer heart :)
Bloodsport by Yves Olade - This is a tiny book full of absolutely devastating poetry. Most of it has to do with the grief of relationships, but like....gosh I love all of Olade’s stuff. (Also!! This is available as a pay-what-you-wish pdf!!)
Bright Dead Things by Ada Limón - This book focuses a lot on the author’s experiences of loss, and knowing that loss is going to happen. I’m completely devastated every time I read this.
Science Fiction/Fantasy
The Bartimeaus Sequence by Jonathan Stroud - So what if I am a dumb millennial I love this series. It’s another dry and deadpan humor, with weird additions and Stroud’s use of footnotes to absolutely crack me the fuck up means I gotta rec this. I just gotta. Four(I think?) books following the deeply unlikeable Nathaniel and his Djinn Bartimaeus, who just wants to eat humans and have a deeply enjoyable enemies to lovers plotline with his arch rival.
The Magic's Price Trilogy by Mercedes Lackey - Okay I know I’ve recced this before. I will rec it again. This was the very first series I ever read that featured a gay protagonist and I was. Devastated? Reformed? I latched onto Vanyel Ashkevron and I am never letting this depressed emo boy go. Try me, I bite. Seriously, this book was released in the 80s and yet it is still relevant, I still cry - god i LOVE this series SO MUCH. And, MERCEDES LACKEY actually invented unbury your gays, sorry I make the rule on that one. :) Also there are magic talking horses??????? Seriously please read this series I love it so much.
Fire Bringer & The Sight by David Clement-Davies - This is another series that was absolutely formative in my baby lexicon. These are books about magical animals and their inner societal workings and both books address the ideas of good, evil, darkness, compassion and good will, and destiny. I am obsessed with these books, they are some of the most interesting of the genre I’ve read, and so incredibly intricately written. LOVE these books.
Vampire Earth Series by E. E. Knight - The Witcher before it was cool. Sort of but like...there are schools of Cat, Bear, etc and it has COOL VAMPIRES I LOVE THSI SERIES. Basically, earth has been taken over by a race of alien ‘Vampires’ and follows a human involved in the resistance. The writing in this series is...wow. It’s so intricate and interesting and involved. I own the whole series because I love it so much, including the after-series hardback novels. I’m so messy and I love it.
Kindred by Octavia Butler - You know how people are like ‘YOU SHOULD READ OCTAVIA BUTLER!!’ ? You should absolutely do that. This novel is mindblowing and interesting and the pace and narrative are so so so interesting. Heartbreaking, god, horrific. Butler is an amazing writer and this novel, while my personal favorite, is not by any means the only of her books I would recommend. STORIES. STORIES!!!!!!!
The Ballad of Barnabas Pierkiel: A Novel by Magdalena Zyzak - This book is so fucking good. It’s imaginative, funny, intelligent....it’s honestly one of the best fiction novels I’ve ever read. Again, dry, absurdist humor, this book sort of reminds me of Terry Pratchett’s style of writing.
The Call of the Wild by Jack London - This is a classic, a true classic. The social commentary of this book is so so good, London’s style flows and, personally, as a dog and animal expert, the anthropomorphisation of Buck and his fellow animals is just so well done. I love this book, it’s quite an easy read, and I reread it at least once a year.
Rolling the R's by R. Zamora Linmark - Okay. Okay okay!!!!!! I gotta take a deep breath about this one. This book is. Yuh. This is a bit younger leaning than the other fictions, focusing almost entirely on high school level characters, however the experiences and commentary is just so so good. Focusing on a diverse group of characters growing up in Hawaii in the 1970′s, this book addresses the intersectionalities of gender, sexuality, race, immigration, education, and how we define who we are. I’m obsessed.
A Separate Peace by John Knowles - A heartbreaking novel about war, innocence, adolescence, and how we hide from our truths. It’s...so good, this book hurts me a LOT okay. The prose is phenomenal, the story is poignant, and it feels like I’m ripping my own heart out with a fishhook every time I finish it.
The Toss of a Lemon by Padma Viswanathan - This is one of those books I half recommend because it’s so good, and half because of the deep wealth of knowledge it presents the reader. The author’s use of her own culture is just....goddddddddd. Intricate and interesting and so delicately included in the narrative that you can feel the love the author has for it. It’s a long read and it took me almost a month to get through reading every day, but god. It’s so soft and amazingly written I both wanted to read it all at once and take my time with it. This is another one that deals with the duality of humanity and how we connect with one another. Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!
P.S. Your Cat Is Dead by James Kirkwood Jr. - I love this book I love this book I LOVE THIS BOOK. It’s fucking hilarious, entertaining, I literally laughed out loud at every single chapter. Hilarious and poignant and surprisingly deep, this book literally follows the journey of a man in which literally everything that could go wrong does. It’s fucking hilarious.
I hope that helped and gave you some new books!!! <3
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agathabridgerton · 4 years
You guys really liked the first transcription I did, so here’s the PopBuzz interview of Joe Dempsie, Jacob Anderson, Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, and Gwendoline Christie known for revealing her anxiety over kazoos.
Joe and Jacob attempt to play the GoT theme on kazoos and fail spectacularly, breaking out in laughter.
Interviewer: Nikolaj and Gwendoline!
Nikolaj: Yes.
I: How are you?
Nik: We’re good.
Gwendoline: Scared about that kazoo.
I: Yeah. Oh, you’ve noticed the kazoo? Yeah.
Gwen starts laughing.
This interview is only five minutes but I think I’ve aged like five years transcribing it. Anyways, I had to put a “keep reading” because there’s so much dialogue. These lovelies are so chatty, it’s adorable. <3
I: Well, to celebrate the final season of Game of Thrones, we’re gonna challenge you to a quiz.
Nik: Okay.
Gwen: Okay.
I: Okay. Your opponents are gonna be Joe and Jacob.
Jacob: I’m gonna try and take that.
Joe: I mean, if I were you—I mean, (laughs) I would set the bar low and then you’ll never be disappointed.
I: Yeah.
Joe: Set the bar low.
I: Exactly.
Gwen: (about Jacob and Joe) I bet they’re really good.
I: The prize we’re playing for is this lovely picture of Ned Stark.
Jacob: I want it.
Joe: I have to have it.
I: It glimmers and everything.
Jacob: But how would we work out who gets to keep it? ‘Cause I want it.
Joe: Well—well—(stuttering)
Jacob: Actually, I want it, I’d get it.
I: Custody six months of the year. Okay.
Jacob: Okay, okay, let’s win first.
Joe: (mumbling)
Gwen: I’m worried about the kazoo...
I: Alright, question one: in order, name the for characters that occupied the throne since episode one.
Joe: Robert Baratheon.
Just out of sync:
Joe: Joffrey Baratheon.
Jacob: Joffrey.
Both: Tommen. Cersei.
I: Yes, that’s it. One point.
Nik: Okay, uh, Robert Baratheon, uh...Joffrey, uh, Baratheon, (muffled as the screen zooms in on a confused Gwen) Tommen Baratheon, Cersei Lannister.
I: Yes. Can you name the dragon?
Nik: I can’t.
I: It’s the one that everyone forgets.
Joe: I don’t know—I’ve got nothing.
Gwen: (extremely unsure) Drogon?
I: Begins with an “R”...
Jacob: Rhaegal!
I: Yes! (to Nik and Gwen) The other one...
Gwen: The other one.
I: Which is...
Nik: Hehrhorna.
Look...I tried.
Gwen bursts out laughing.
I: (laughing) It’s Rhaegal!
Nik: Oh.
I: Third question; this is the Dothraki round. Do either of you know any Dothraki?
Joe: Personally?
I: The language, do you speak?
Joe: (laughing) Oh, right, oh.
Jacob: Like, Valyr—Valyrian’s not the same, no. So, no.
I: People. No. Alright. Can you tell me what this word means in English.
She holds up a sign with “Zhavorsa” on it.
Nik: Zhavorsa.
I: What does it mean in English.
Nik: Oh!
Joe: Uh...
Jacob: J’ava—j’ava horse, sir?
Without the British accent the phrase is “Do you have a horse, sir?”
Both laugh.
Joe: J’ava horse, sir?
Jacob: (stutters) J’ava horse, sir?
Joe, Jacob, and the interviewer laugh.
Nik: That means...
Gwen: I’m scared of the kazoo.
Nik: (laughs) It means—
Gwen: That’s what it means.
Nik: —welcome
I: It means... (pulls out the picture of Rhaegal)
Nik: Oh. Dragon.
I: Dragon!
Joe and Jacob groan in sync.
Joe: Have we won yet?
I: No. Alright, the next round is a “Who said it?” round. You just need to tell me (tiny pause for dramatic affect) who said it. “If you ever call me sister again I’ll have you strangled in your sleep.”
Nik: (to Gwen) So do we just discuss this to ourselves?
Gwen: (quietly, to Nik) Is it Ramsay Bolton?
Jacob: Uh, that was Cersei that said it. She said it to Margaery.
I: She did.
In sync:
I: Yeah.
Jacob: Yeah.
I: Excellent.
Jacob: Good line.
I: “If you think this has a happy ending you haven’t been paying attention.”
Jacob: That (very quiet whisper to Joe) feels like—it feels like a Tyrion.
Gwen: It’s Varys, or Littlefinger.
Nik: No, Tyrion. It’s Tyrion.
Gwen: Tyrion.
Nik: Tyrion.
Gwen: Tyrion.
I: Nope, that was Ramsay Bolton.
Gwen: (bleeped out) Fuck myself.
I: “Has anyone ever told you you’re as boring as you are ugly?”
Jacob laughs.
Gwen: Yes they have.
She laughs uproariously.
Joe: The Hound would probably say that.
I: No, it was Jaime to Brienne!
Joe: Oh!
I: Yeah.
Gwen: (mumbles) Has he said it to me? Was it—
I: Yeah. Jaime said it to Brienne.
Gwen: Yeah, yeah.
Nik: Oh, really?
Gwen: I was right! I was right! I was right!
I: One point! I have one kazoo. One of you sh—needs to play the tune—
Gwen: I’m not touching it.
I: —theme tune.
Joe: You do that bit, alright?
Joe and Jacob do part of their spectacular rendition of the GoT theme song.
Gwen: I’ve—I’ll actually go into anaphylactic shock if I have to have anything to do with the kazoo.
Nik plays a little bit of the theme tune.
Gwen: (as he’s playing) This is so wonderful. (to someone off-camera, who presumably brought over the kazoos) Thanks for this.
Nik: Was that good?
I: Perfect! I’m gonna give you five points.
Joe and Jacob are still playing the theme tune.
Joe: Why’d I pick this bit.
The guys continue playing until they look at each other and burst into laughter, along with the interviewer.
I: I’m gonna give you double, that’s ten points right there.
Jacob: Yeah!
Joe: Amazing.
I: Perfect. The last round. Thirty seconds. Can you name all nine of the great houses of Westeros.
Gwen: No.
Nik: Okay?
Joe: Stark. Baratheon. Greyjoy.
Nik: The Lannister, Stark, Targaryen...
Joe: Bolton.
I: Nope, they’re not on there.
Jacob: They’re not—they’re not a legitimate—not a legitimate house.
Joe: Oh. Not a great house. Not a legit house.
Nik: ...Greyjoys, Tyrell, Frey...
Jacob: The...fijermajidits. (irl keyboard smash.) The Fragles.
Gwen: I’m anxious about the kazoo.
Nik: The kazoo is out!
I: The kazoo is gone!
Gwen: Well, I can’t—!
Joe, Jacob, and the interviewer are laughing.
Joe: (unintelligible)...Fraggle Rock.
Jacob: House—House Fraggles.
I: Time! Time, time, time, time. You did well. You missed, uh, Arryn and Martell.
Nik: Alright, how many points do we have?
Jacob: The Arryns.
I: You, I can safely say, are the winners of the Ned Stark picture. Congratulations. Do you wanna do a speech?
Jacob: Amazing.
Joe: Thank you.
Jacob: Do we actually get to keep it?
I: You can keep it, yeah.
Jacob: Um.
Joe: I’d just, uh, like to—personally say this is the—the greatest moment of my—life.
Jacob: Yeah. Professional life, as well.
Joe: Just life and, uh, I’ll look at this forever.
Jacob: Yeah.
Joe: Thank you.
I: Perfect.
Jacob: Thank you.
I: Thank you so much.
Gwen: Thank you to—my team.
Nik snorts and Gwen bursts out laughing.
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masonscig · 3 years
thank you for the tag my love @losingface !! you using a song rec from me made my grinch heart grow three sizes i love u
spell out your url with song titles, then tag as many people as there are letters in your url!
so.... i have a handful of blogs so. i will be using this one just bc if i could, i’d get carried away and do all my urls. also i can’t follow rules so there’s multiple songs with each letter sorry not sorry i just have impeccable taste and will force it on everyone
movies by ashanti
moonwalk by cupcakke
might be by anderson .paak
all i need by jacob collier with mahalia & ty dolla $ign
alone in the universe by tei shi
angel by kali uchis
sade in the 90′s by qveen herby
summertime by vince staples
she live by maxo cream ft. megan thee stallion
overdue by metroboomin & travis scott [the sample from the guest? literally kicks me on my ass every time]
only when ur lonely by ginuwine
onanon by kelela
naked by bickle 
never leave you lonely by lord fubu
need dat pack by madeintyo
saturday morning cartoons by cautious clay ft. umi
somos ajenos by enjambre
something about your love by phony ppl
chumbucket by pnthn
caught in their eyes by jay-z ft. frank ocean
chocolate pomegranate by ari lennox
come alive by chromeo ft. toro y moi
inhale by bryson tiller
infinite stripes by cashmere cat ft. ty dolla $ign
icey by young thug
glowinthedark by bbymutha
gold teeth by blood orange, project pat, gangsta boo, tinashe
good good by saweetie
i think this is pretty representative of my music taste .. i think. anyways im tagging @natesewell, @raleighcarrera, @pixeljazzy, @blainehayes, @dionneserrano, and i can’t come up with nine people on the spot so. hopefully this works SKJDFKSDJKG ignore if you’ve been tagged before !!!
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wheresmynaya · 4 years
Cupcake Battles Ch. 1 | Brittana
I was inspired by the Brittana fanart circulating based on the Baking AU and as per usual the Discord had me out here binging Cupcake Wars until this happened! Hope this gives you a little smile. 
Also available on ff.net (x) ao3 (x) & below the cut!
The doors of the commercial kitchen are thrown open as the most dramatic action music the Foodies Network Channel has to offer begins to play. A well-dressed, guppy-lipped blonde enters the room in slow motion and gives the camera a confident pose before he’s taking off his sunglasses and tossing them off screen.
“What’s up, America!” The man greets excitedly with a point to the camera. “I’m your host Sam Evans and tonight we’re gearing up for an intense cupcake clash. Overseeing this battle are our esteemed judges: Kurt Hummel, owner of the first ever fashion design-inspired patisserie The House of Hummel.”
As the camera pans to Kurt Hummel, he adjusts the gaudy – and most likely stupidly expensive – hippopotamus brooch pinned to the lapel of his Marc Jacobs blazer and gives the camera a prudish smile.
“Hold up,” The beautiful brunette beside him nudges to ask, “Is that a woman’s blazer?”
Kurt lifts his shoulder in disregard, “Fashion has no gender, Santana.”
“Huh,” Santana looks impressed and points back, “I needz me one of those.”
“I know a guy,” Kurt stage whispers before Sam’s voice fills the kitchen again.
“And he is joined by the ever-witty, ever-beautiful-“
“Why didn’t I get those kind of adjectives for my introduction?” Kurt grumbles.
Santana only smiles proudly without breaking eye contact with the camera, “Get like me, Hummel.”
If he were wearing any – which surprisingly he isn’t – Kurt would’ve clutched his pearls at the statement.
“Santana Lopez, owner and founder of the world-renowned bakery Sweets by Snixxx,” Sam says and the camera soon pans back to the judges’ panel where Santana Lopez gives the viewers her signature smirk accompanied by a sexy wink.
“In just a moment,” Sam continues with the camera back on him as he walks down the aisle which separates the four kitchen stations, “Four bakers will compete in the ultimate show down to see who comes out on top so,” He pauses dramatically as the camera whirls around him then zooms straight in for a close. In typical Sam-fashion, he sings the rest of his line to a familiar rhythm all while he karate chops at the air, “Let’s get down to business and meet the teams!”
The screen soon fills with two bright-eyed, young women sitting in front of a pastel pink backdrop. They’re dressed in electric blue baseball tees with their logo Batter Up Cupcakes scrawled across their chests. Their baseball caps are turned backwards and their hair is braided into pigtails and drape down over their shoulders.
They both wave excitedly at the camera before the shorter of the two blows the audience a two-handed kiss while the blonde pumps her fist in the air before it cuts to their introductions.
“I’m Brittany S. Pierce,” Says the tall blonde before she gestures to her side, “And this is my bestie Sugar Motta and we’re the owners of Batter Up Cupcakes in Lima, Ohio which is one of the only unicorn-friendly bakeries in Lima.”
The camera cuts to a cute montage of the two standing outside of their storefront while they alternate doing different poses that showcase their carefree attitude. Brittany can be heard doing a voiceover as the montage continues, “Sugar and I met when I first transferred to the Culinary Institute of America in New York and we’ve pretty much been inseparable ever since.”
We’re back in the studio with Brittany and Sugar sitting in front of the pastel pink backdrop as Sugar adds, “We just work super well together. We have a similar way of looking at things that is really unique but…there are some people out there that don’t get it.” Sugar then lowers her voice to a whisper and says, “Blaine and Tina.”
Brittany nods, “I think they’re jealous.”
“Because they’re lame?” Sugar asks behind a eye roll.
Brittany points to her friend and gives a single nod, “Yeah, that too.”
The screen then fills with another team sitting in front of the pastel pink backdrop. A man with way too much hair product smiles proudly at the camera while the woman next to him gives a wave. They both wear button-up dress shirts and little bowties with cupcakes on them as they go to introduce themselves.
“Hi, I’m Blaine Anderson,” The gel man says politely before wrapping his arm around the woman next to him. She melts into his side as he says, “And this is my lovely partner Tina Cohen-Chang.”
“Business partner…,” Tina corrects before her voice lowers slightly as she looks disappointedly to the side, “Not like a life partner, I’ve tried.”
“Yes, yes you have,” Blaine continues on before it gets any more awkward, “So together we own Baking Dreams Come True in Lima, Ohio.”
Off-screen a voice asks, “Oh, same as our other competitors: Brittany and Sugar of Batter Up Cupcakes?”
Blaine and Tina visibly grit their teeth before Blaine sucks in a deep breath and plasters on a smile, “Yes, one in the same. It’s such a small world, we actually attended the same culinary school too. They were…quite the eccentric pair.”
“It’s true,” Tina adds, “They’re known for coming up with some pretty quirky combinations. We however take a more traditional approach to things, really focus on technique rather than flare.”
Blaine bobbles along to everything Tina says, “That’s correct. They like to claim that they’re the first LGBTQ-friendly bakery in Lima but I’m pretty sure we filed our paperwork before them.”
“They say they’re unicorn-friendly, which doesn’t make any sense. Unicorns aren’t even real. It gives a mixed message,” Tina explains with an air of annoyance.
“It does, but people go there anyway,” Blaine replies with a shrug and his proud smile falters as he adds, “We’ve kind of been rivals for years now. Always trying to one up the other, it’s…awesome.”
Suddenly we’re back on Team Batter Up Cupcakes where Brittany gives a bored look to the camera and says plainly, “Honestly, with a name like that they’re not a threat to us.”
“Baking dreams come true?” Sugar chuckles, “Not today.”
Brittany giggles along with her and they both high five.
The camera is back on Team Baking Dreams Come True and Blaine’s looking like a puppy ready to wet himself with excitement, “We’re just here for fun.”
“It’s that attitude right there, Blaine,” Tina says tiredly before narrowing her eyes at the camera, “We’re here to settle the score once and for all.”
Blaine smiles hesitantly, “We love a little friendly competition.”
Back to Team Batter Up Cupcakes and Sugar is looking directly at the camera with this determined stare as she punches her small fist into her palm, “We’re going to crush them.”
Brittany nods proudly, “Totally.”
“So here’s how the competition’s going to go down,” Sam announces as he walks back to stand in front of the judges panel, “One by one, teams will be eliminated as they are judged by taste, presentation, and in the final round the last two bakers standing will have to bring it all together into one cheer-worthy cupcake display. The winner gets to have their creation as the centerpiece of the Annual Cheerios Breakfast Benefit and walks away with $10,000.”
The camera pans to Team Batter Up Cupcakes and Team Baking Dreams Come True to catch their reactions before panning to the two remaining teams to be announced.
The camera cuts to the third team that will be competing. Another couple dressed in matching flannel shirts is seated in front of the signature pastel pink wall but the camera dramatically adjusts to fit the insane height difference of the couple before anyone starts speaking. A chipper brunette smiles and waves while her dopey counterpart slowly does the same.
“Hi, I’m Rachel Barbara Berry,” The shorter one says with perfect enunciation before resting her hand on the forearm of the man next to her. She cranes her head back to stare up lovingly, “And this is my husband Finn Hudson. You might be wondering why I’ve kept my last name, well-“
Suddenly someone off-screen cuts her off, “No, no one was wondering. Just continue with your backstory, your baking-related backstory.”
Rachel looks a little peeved but waves it off, “Right. Well, I’ve always loved baking and my husband here loves to eat. Before my Broadway dreams were unfortunately-“
“Rachel, please stay on topic.” The voice says again which makes Rachel grumble.
“Fine! Finn and I started a home business called Gold Star Bakery. It’s taking a little while to get off the ground purely because someone keeps eating our clients’ orders-”
“Babe, you have to label it or else I’m just going to think it’s up for grabs.” Finn responds with a frown then looks back to the camera, “She’s a great baker and we’re just looking for our big break. This money will really help out a lot, maybe we can open our own place?”
“You mean that?” Rachel’s suddenly so overcome with emotion that a tear trickles down her face. Suddenly she’s breaking character and looks to someone off screen, “Did you get that? I can cry on command.”
Finn smiles proudly, “She’s great isn’t she?”
The camera cuts to the last team that will be competing and the man and woman smile brightly for the camera. They’re wearing matching purple t-shirts with their logo across the left pocket in blocky letters before they cut to a montage of the team showing off in their area.
“I’m Mercedes Jones,” The woman says and tilts her head to the man next to her, “And this is Artie Abrams and together we run AJs Bake Shop. We have worked together for years at various restaurants before we decided to team up and do our own thing. We’ve been killin’ it in L.A. ever since. ”
“Mhm, that’s right!” Artie nods with a sense of pride, “We’re top dogs where we come from so we thought we might test our skills and see what we can really do.”
“We’re here to win,” Mercedes says as she gives the camera an intimidating stare, “We’re not leaving without that trophy.”
“Wait, I thought it was money?” Artie asks with his brows furrowed.
Mercedes just shrugs, “We’ll take that too.”
Back in the kitchen, Sam stands by the judge’s panel to reveal another judge sitting with Kurt and Santana. A fierce older woman sits among them, dressed in a red and white track suit, and gives the audience a steely gaze.
“Tonight’s special guest judge is Coach Sue Sylvester,” Sam announces grandly, “She is the founder of the Olympic-winning cheerleading team: the Cheerios! Welcome to the battle zone, Coach!”
“Glad to be here,” Sue says slowly without any emotion whatsoever and continues to stare down the competitors, “I can’t wait to see everyone rip each other to shreds.”
Kurt and Santana exchange looks of confusion while Sam tries to reel in his worry and get back to his hosting duties, “So anyway, for tonight’s theme we’re thinking breakfast. For Round One, we would like to see our teams whip up something that encompasses the Sweet and Savory side of a classic American breakfast. Remember bakers, this is a timed challenge.”
The camera pans to the teams’ reactions and everyone looks a mix of surprise and anxious. Everyone, expect for Team Batter Up Cupcakes where we find Brittany looking in deep thought with her finger tapping at her chin while Sugar narrows her eyes and purses her lips, almost angrily.
“Looks like Brittany and Sugar weren’t expecting this one,” Kurt comments lowly to Santana and the two look in their direction as the team continues to stare off.
Santana’s eyes settle on the blonde and for a moment, she forgets she’s on camera as they start to roam. Santana has met many contestants during her time on the show, but none have been as attractive as the blonde baker before her. She’s not sure what it is about the woman, maybe it’s the backwards baseball cap that is alerting her inner lesbian or maybe it’s the baseball tee that’s doing it, but Santana really can’t stop staring.
Brittany is stunning, she thinks, and she begins to tune out the sound of Sam’s horrible impressions as she watches.
“Santana,” Kurt snaps and nudges Santana out of her daydreaming in time to hear Sam announce the start of the first challenge.
“Man your stations, bakers, and let the battle begin!” He says with the wave of his hands as if he were one of those flag girls at race.
Santana rolls her eyes at his antics and looks back to find Kurt staring at her. She scrunches her nose, “What are you looking at?”
“You know,” Kurt says with an all-knowing look and begins to smirk, “I saw you.”
“Please. You saw nothing,” Santana brushes off and tries to keep her eyes roaming the room to watch as the bakers – all the bakers – set off. She tries her hardest to give everyone equal attention, but she can’t help the pull that has her glancing over to Team Batter Up Cupcakes more so than any other team.
“You look nervous,” Sugar notices just after Sam had announced the start of the challenge, “Why do you look nervous? We don’t do nervous.”
“I’m not nervous!” Brittany says defensively before relenting with a sigh, “You know how I feel about breakfast, Sug. It’s impossible to understand.”
“I know, remember that one time you got into that argument with the waiter about eggs benedict?” Sugar frowns and Brittany lets out another defeated sigh.
“He was wrong then and he’s still wrong now,” Brittany huffs.
“Obviously,” Sugar agrees then perks up, “But the challenge is sweet and savory so there’s no way we can mix this up again. We can do this.”
Brittany’s worry is replaced with a determined smile, “You’re right and I think I’ve got the perfect mashup idea.”
Sugar claps her hands excitedly as they began to brainstorm.
Unbeknownst to Team Batter Up Cupcakes, every other team has decided to make two different cupcakes which will showcase a sweet and savory aspect individually.
The judges have taken notice of that which makes it even harder for Santana to keep her eyes off of Team Batter Up Cupcakes. They speak amongst themselves about the team’s decision and wonder if they just haven’t started on a second cupcake yet or if they’re really going with just one offering.
“Dear God, what is going on at Team Gold Star Bakery’s station?” Sue frowns when a bellow of black smoke emits from the oven.
Kurt looks in horror as Finn pulls out the crisp cupcakes.
Santana smirks at the sight, “Yeah, those are gonna be dry as hell.”
“Why is the oven set to 500 degrees?” Rachel practically yells while Finn throws away the ruined cupcakes.
“Don’t look at me, I didn’t even know oven temperatures when up that high!” Finn argues but Rachel just shakes her head.
“Trouble in paradise?” Mercedes calls over with a chuckle. She and Artie are quietly working away in their own station but tune into the sound of some juicy gossip.
“No!” Rachel frowns at her and looks to Finn, “We need to start over or else we’re not going to have anything for the judges. Time is running out!”
“Okay okay, we’re fine. We just need to get our heads in the game!” Finn looks more determined than ever but then his face falls when he sees the judges stand. He spins around so fast that he nearly knocks Rachel over, “Crap, they’re getting up to make their rounds.”
“Already?! They’re going to think we aren’t prepared!”
“Well…I mean we aren’t,” Finn says plainly.
“Finn!” Rachel chastises and begins rushing through another batter.
“Alright judges, here’s our first team: Blaine and Tina of Baking Dreams Come True!” Sam introduces as the three judges approach their station. Blaine and Tina smile politely and greet them all as they continue to move around each other.
“Wow, what an…interesting name,” Santana comments, losing the battle of hiding her judgement. Not that she ever actually tries to, that’s kind of what makes her a fan favorite.
“So take us through what you are working on,” Kurt says after shooting Santana a glare.
Blaine goes on to explain the complex flavor pairings they will be using which Santana points out isn’t actually all that complex. Tina’s working on some intricate detailing while Blaine pipes frosting, but they both stop to stare at each other with dropped jaws.
“I’m just not seeing any wow factor,” Santana shrugs.
“Well, don’t count us out just yet,” Blaine counters which causes Santana to raise a brow. It’s rare that any contestant ever talks back to her. “Tina’s fondant work is really out of this world.”
“Sugar’s better!” Brittany calls out from across the aisle where she’s busy hand-whipping something. She sends a smirk their way – which of course Santana doesn’t miss – and adds, “She has beaten you in every competition ever.”
“You suck so much, Tina!” Sugar chimes in as well from behind Brittany.
Sue cracks a hint of a devilish smile, “Love a bit of trash talk.”
Santana would have to agree, “It’s something we don’t see here too often. I think we’re in for an interesting battle.” Then she looks to the team again, “Good luck.”  
Blaine and Tina just stew in their annoyance as the rest of the judges bid them good luck and travel across the way to Team Batter Up Cupcakes.
“The second team competing today is Brittany and Sugar of Batter Up Cupcakes,” Sam announces for the judges. Sugar gives a wave of her fingers and flashes a bright smile, while Brittany literally does a double-take when she finds Santana smiling at her.
She has seen the show on tv before and she of course is aware of Santana’s prestigious backstory – and sure she might have a tiny crush on the star too – but she wasn’t quite prepared for the unabashed beauty she was going to be smacked with upon seeing Santana in person.
Miraculously, Brittany manages to give her a confident smile despite the flips happening in her belly. She says without a trace of nervousness, “Hey, I’m Brittany. That’s Sugar.”
“So I’ve heard,” Santana replies coolly through a smirk with her deep brown eyes twinkling.
“What’s the tea between you and the other team?” Kurt asks, giving Santana a slight nudge back into professionalism.
“We’ve always been rivals; grew up in the same small town, attended the same culinary school, even started bakeries in our local area. We’re just better than them and they can’t come to admit that yet,” Brittany says it like it is, “Hopefully they’ll finally take the hint when we win.”
Santana laughs at that, “I like your confidence, Brittany.”
“Of course you do,” Brittany says without thinking and it surprises both Kurt and Santana but she rolls with it anyway, “Going back to Bland and Tacky over there, isn’t their lame bakery name a mouthful?”
“Wanky,” Santana smirks and Kurt swats at her arm. If he had a spray bottle on him, that comment would’ve earned her a spritz.
Brittany – on the other hand – just smiled back before continuing with her work, her tone arms flexing as she whisked vigorously.
Santana licks her lips at the sight, her eyes dipping down to the bowl in Brittany’s hands then back up, “Tell us what you’re working on.”
Brittany wonders if she’s imagining things or if she really just saw Santana Lopez eye her up and down like she was a fresh glazed donut hot out off the belt. No matter, she takes a breath and goes to explain, “So we’re doing something with maple bacon for that sweet and salty factor and it’ll add a little crunch. Sugar’s working on a white truffle frosting and this is the start of a jalapeno-infused pancake cupcake for a bit of spice.”
“You’re putting all of that in one cupcake?” Kurt asks, wide-eyed. He looks a little nervous and it makes Santana snort while Sue is equally intrigued.
Brittany and Sugar shrug nonchalantly, “Totally.”
Kurt looks to Santana somewhat worried but Santana’s looking at the team with interest. It’s an odd combination, but she can see what they’re aiming for and it’s pretty out of the box. With competitions like this, contestants usually stick to the basics so she has a little soft spot for those who like to take risks.
She also has a soft spot for smokin’ hot blondes.
“I think it sounds interesting,” Santana says with a smile, “I can’t wait to taste.”
Blue eyes darken with the way the last word rolls off of Santana’s tongue. It gives Brittany this boost of confidence because Santana is known for being a pretty hard judge to please yet here she is handing out compliments.
“You won’t be disappointed,” Brittany tells her earnestly.
Santana chuckles and it comes off as the best combination of sexy and cute, “We’ll see. Good luck.”
As the judges move on to the next station, Brittany’s eyes linger on the sway of Santana’s hips as she goes. That dress she’s in does amazing things for the woman’s slim figure. It’s hypnotic and she probably would’ve overwhipped if Sugar didn’t break the staring contest she had going on.
“Britt!” Sugar gasps and swats at Brittany’s arm, “She was so flirting with you. Santana Lopez, flirting with you!”
“Why did you say it like that? Like you couldn’t believe it?” Brittany pouts playfully then laughs Sugar off, “She wasn’t flirting with me. It’s just her character, it’s all for show. I’m sure she’s like that with everyone.”
“Yeah bullshit,” Sugar scoffs and goes back to frosting, “She didn’t even acknowledge me and I was standing right next to you!”
“Well maybe you should step your game up then,” Brittany quips as she knocks her shoulder teasingly into Sugar’s before she heads over to pull out the cupcakes to cool.
“I don’t think it’s my game she’s interested in,” Sugar counters.
“Alright bakers-“ Suddenly Sam is slipping on his shades again and doing a terrible Justin Timberlake impression, “You’ve only got 4 minutes, 4 minutes!”
“He should be fired,” Santana scrunches her nose.
Kurt shrugs, “The viewers like him.”
“Shh, Madonna is iconic,” Sue hushes them both as she watches Sam continue to sing and dance.
Brittany’s somewhat nervous as she and Sugar approach the panel with their finished cupcake.
They’ve been watching the two other teams before them – Team Baking Dreams Come True and Team AJs Bakeshop – get judged when they realized they might have a bit of competition here. As per usual, Santana has found flaws in each other their cupcakes though and it doesn’t seem like anyone’s pleased her yet but Brittany has faith that she might be able to change that.
In more ways than one as Sugar not so discreetly put it.
“Did you forget one?” Sue asks as a single cupcake is presented.
“No. We decided to do something a little different, it’s something we’re kind of known for,” Brittany explains as the final plate is given to Santana who sits the furthest away from her. “Instead of creating two separate cupcakes, we thought we could combine those flavors into the ultimate sweet and savory breakfast-inspired mashup. This is our take on a classic – although, I’m not exactly sure what counts as a classic since America is a melting pot of cultures and breakfast looks different for everyone – “ Brittany pauses to wonder while Kurt and Sue stare back in confusion.
Santana is the only one that seems to understand her point of view.
Sugar interrupts Brittany’s wondering to and finishes her previous train of thought, “We hope you enjoy!”
Then Sugar goes to explain their thought process and the flavors used while the judges dig in.
Brittany has shifted to being too preoccupied with the way Santana licks frosting off of her fork to offer Sugar any assistance. It’s quiet and they wait anxiously for someone to speak. They took a huge risk by only presenting one cupcake, but their flavors are there and they’re really the only ones that tried something different so that should count for something.
“I’m actually really enjoying this,” Kurt says, “I had my doubts, but you’ve perfected the balance between sweet and savory. My only complaint is the cake itself might’ve been a little too spicy for me.”
“Really?” Santana looks surprised, borderline offended.
“What? I’m not use to having jalapenos for breakfast, Santana.”
“Yeah and it shows,” Santana says with a roll of her eyes before looking directly at Brittany. Her annoyance is suddenly replaced with delight, “Color me, impressed. Aside from Kurt’s ridiculous compliant about spice, I agree with everything he said. You’ve knocked the ball out of the park for me. I really admire the risk you took by focusing on combining the sweet and savory aspect into one cupcake instead of keeping them separate. Sheer genius.”
“Wow,” Sam says and suddenly the camera is on him again, “Such high praise on the first round, the other teams need to watch out for Team Batter Up Cupcakes.”
Sue goes on to say her comments too, but Brittany doesn’t hear them. She’s too captivated by the fact that she was able to impress the Santana Lopez, the Queen of High Expectations. She feels really, really good now.
“Thank you ladies,” Sam then waves his hand to their station, “Please return to your station. Team Gold Star Bakery, you’re up!”
While the last team goes up for judgement, Sugar and Brittany try to contain their excitement after getting such great feedback on their cupcake.
“We rocked it, Britt!” Sugar cheeses then waggles her brows, “And did you see how Santana was eyeing you up there? She was practically undressing you with her eyes.”
“She was not,” Brittany laugh dismissively.
“She totally was, I’m telling you! She’s into you,” Sugar assures her, “Look, she’s staring at you right now!”
Brittany spins to look and sure enough she finds Santana smiling at her with that same cocky grin from before.
Brittany rolls with it and gives Santana a wink before turning to Sugar, “That’s nothing. She’s just being nice.”
“If being nice means she wants a piece of you then, yeah! She’s being really nice.”
Brittany can only laugh at her friend’s comments, she’s been known to try and set her up with randoms. She wouldn’t actually be too upset though if Sugar ended up being right about Santana though, but she’s not giving into that just yet. Once Sugar is on a roll, she’s a little hard to reel back in.
“She’s super hot and successful which is the perfect combination for my dream girl,” Brittany starts, “But I don’t think anything will happen. We’re too different.”
“Seriously? You guys would be the perfect mashup!” Sugar lets out a heavy sigh but decides to drop it for now and focuses back on the excellent praise they received. “Knocked the ball out of the park,” Sugar mimics Santana’s earlier words, “That’s amazing.”
Brittany’s back to smiling proudly, “We didn’t even have to get to any of the bases first,” Then she starts to pout, “I was kind of looking forward to that..”
“Okay, you can’t get on me for thinking that you guys would be cute together then say something like that,” Sugar groans, “Let me be your wing-woman!”
Brittany shakes her head and smirks, “We crushed the first round, huh?”
“Yeah, we did!” Sugar beams and while the cameras were busy on the judges’ panel, she sticks up her middle fingers and flips off Blaine and Tina, “Suck it, losers!”
“Oh my God,” Tina frowns as Brittany joined in on it too. She’s looking completely offended as  she pulls Blaine from watching Finn and Rachel. He’s confused but looks to wherever she is pointing.
“Awh, come on guys!” Blaine sighs upon seeing them, “Don’t be like that. We’re just here to have fun.”
“Spoken like a true loser,” Brittany calls over and sticks her tongue out at them while Sugar forms an L with her fingers and lifts it to her forehead.
Blaine just shakes his head at them and forces Tina to look elsewhere, “Don’t mind them, T. They’re just trying to get into our heads like always. We’ll get them in Round 2.”
“Okay. So after some deliberation the judges have come to a decision,” Sam starts and the music suddenly turns ominous as he deeps his voice, “The winner…of Round 1…goes to…”
Brittany and Sugar are hanging on to each other’s hands, their knuckles going white with how tightly they’re holding on. Brittany’s stomach is full of cartwheels and fluttery butterflies as Sam takes an excessive amount of dramatic pauses.
“Brittany and Sugar of Team Batter Up Cupcakes!”
Brittany’s jaw drops at the sound of their names being called before they’re bouncing up and down excitedly in each other’s arms while Sam continues to speak.
“Although you are the only team who presented a single cupcake for this challenge, you were able to balance the flavors of sweet and savory so well that the decision was unanimous.”
Santana watches on with a proud smile as she and the rest of the judges clap for them.
“Congratulations ladies,” Sam says then the ominous music is back, “There is one team that won’t be so lucky and that team…will be…Rachel and Finn of Team Gold Star Bakery. Your fight is over at Cupcake Battles.”
“No!” Rachel cries out dramatically and falls to her knees like she’s been shot.
Unfortunately that means she’s out of the camera’s view, but she must realize that as she squirms out from behind the station, sliding along the floor like a worm until she’s back in view and continues to cry out right on the floor.
Finn looks like he doesn’t know what to do with himself but he gives the camera this gassy-baby impression before he’s trying to pick Rachel up off the floor, “Come on Rach, we’re better than this.”
“I can’t go on! The failure is too great,” Rachel says dramatically, “Just leave me here…”
Santana watches the scene with her jaw dropped slightly. Never in the history of the show has anyone reacted like that after being kicked off.
“I-I just want to know why…” Rachel asks through her tears as Finn finally brings her to her feet.
“Yeah, we were trying to get to that before the – uh – theatrics started,” Santana quips.
Santana’s words spur another outburst of cries from Rachel.
Kurt tries a more sensitive approach and looks to Rachel and Finn apologetically, “You both are so passionate and we…really appreciate that but execution is really important when you’re up against such talented bakers and you…just fell short.”
“That’s short person discrimination!” Rachel says suddenly and this time Santana can’t help but laugh out.
“What in the hell?” Santana whispers to Kurt, “Where did they find her?”
Kurt just shrugs as Rachel continues to rant. Santana’s had enough though and swiftly cuts them off.
“Alright, listen…Rachel, Finn, your cupcakes sucked,” Santana now had her infamous glare zoned in on them as she spoke, “They were overcooked, the frosting was way too sweet, the cake itself lacked depth, not to mention the fact that they didn’t rise at all yet you still put it on the plate and tried to pass it off as pancakes like we wouldn’t notice…would you like me to continue?”
Rachel stammered while Finn just looked down in embarrassment.
“Ah-ah, that was a rhetorical question. I don’t actually want to hear anything else you have to say, you’ve wasted enough time as it is,” Santana says and crossed her arms across her chest.
“Now get the hell out of my kitchen!” Sue chimes in.
Kurt and Santana exchange a look before Santana is speaking up again.
“Uhh, your kitchen?” Santana challenges. Thankfully, Kurt is sitting between them and is already trying to get her to sit back in her seat. “You’re here for like what? Five seconds? And you think this is your kitchen? Please, you’re just a guest here. This is our house, we invited you.”
“Okay!” Kurt claps overly-excitedly, trying to break the tension, “Sam? Back to you.”
Sue just rolls her eyes as Sam dismisses the Rachel and Finn.
Brittany was oddly turned on as she watched that whole thing unfold. Seeing Santana give it to someone straight like that was glorious in person and she looked so hot doing it, but it also assured her that she never wanted Santana to have that kind of reaction to anything they put up.
Now, that would be a disaster. But they were off to a good start and the just needed to keep that momentum going for the next round.
“With our first challenge done and dusted and our first round of winners and eliminations out of the way, we’re on to the next challenge!” Sam announces he looks to each team and asks, “You ready, bakers?”
Everyone yells out an enthusiastic yes!
“Awesome!” Sam cheers then turns back to the camera, “Stay tuned for more Cupcake Battles, Round 2 is sure to leave you in high spirits.”
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the-revenging-angel · 4 years
Hello Everyone
So my phone is playing up and I'm anxious to release the Jacob black chapter so to make sure it's safe, I'm posting something that has nothing to do with twilight and thought cute to post cause why not, I'm pretty gay and happy so ya know.
Thought it would be nice and of course it is a small little distraction that came to mind so please thoughts would be lovely anyway.
Hope you're all having a lovely day/night and coping with the world.
The idea for this came from this little saying on Pintrest
Tumblr media
I open the door as red and blue lights shine through the windows. My eyes captured by emerald green with fire ginger curls held back in a bun, "Mrs Lovell?" I smile widely, opening the door wider to reveal my gown of black, pink frills and satin, falling to my feet.
"Sadly yes" I murmur when seeing her delectable lips, she bites at them. "I'm sorry to say your husband has been murdered" I smile meeting my eyes with her own, they widen when seeing me. "Oh darling, that's the best news I've heard since his heart attack" I take a step forward, my heels click on the stone.
"lucky me that it brought such a beautiful looking woman to my door" I purr and her eyes widen before she blushes and looks down, coughing into her fist. "May I come in, ma'am?" I smile "I want nothing more" I purr.
I sit down on my lounge and look to her. "Make yourself comfortable," I say, smiling softly. She nods sitting down "I'm detective Anderson-" "first name?" I ask, she looks into my eyes again. "Amber" I smile wide, my red lips portraying perfection and white teeth reflecting poise.
"Well Amber, I have been here all night packing," I say, her eyebrows furrow. "Packing?" I nod "before my husband went wherever he usually goes, he was here arguing with me." She interlocks her fingers and leans forward, I raise a brow at the midnight shade of blue polish she wore.
"What was your argument about?" She asked I lean my head on my soft knuckles as I observe her. "We argue all the time, it's an arranged marriage you see, I was pretty and my family wanted me off, he was rich and needed to look for a bride" she nods "I wanted a divorce," I tell her, she nods. "I'm gay you see and like the rest of my family, he wouldn't accept it" her eyes look to me with sadness.
"I didn't want money, I had enough I wanted out he wouldn't allow it, saying he would be a laughing stock" she nods, I roll my eyes. "Like every argument, he stormed away from the house in anger and left, he comes back in the morning at six to get changed and go to work, then he comes home I bring it up and we argue until it repeats, he usually sleeps at Williams, his best friends" she nods.
"What time did he leave?" She asked I look at the grandfather clock across the sitting area. "He came home at six he was in his office for ten minutes before the maid brought him down to dinner we ate and then I brought it up and he stormed out twenty minutes later so roughly six-fifty" she nods.
I watch her wrist write the words elegantly, her lower lip sucked into her mouth. "You're very beautiful and graceful, detective Amber Anderson" she stops writing to look up at me. "Thank you ma'am" she murmured looking back down. "Do I get to see you at the station?" I ask, she looks up with a soft smile.
"No," she said, disappointment swells inside me. "I should be leaving" I nod and stand walking out of the room and down the hall before back to the front door, I open it and move aside.
"Do come over anytime detective?" I say, she smiles her cheeks turning red. "Thank you for your full co-operation with the LAPD" I nod. She hands me a card "please call me if there is anything else you would see as useful to us" I nod, memorised by her eyes.
"Of course, detective Amber Anderson" she blushes and walks out the door and down the steps to her car. I wave softly before closing the door and looking down at the card, my lips lifting when seeing her personal number with 'call me" scribbled beside it.
It's small and perfect and here are the characters
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Thoughts on this would be lovely
Your writer Bethany
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amphtaminedreams · 5 years
S/S 2020 Fashion Month: A Basic, Uneducated Fashion Heaux’s A-Z of Everything Noteworthy (Part 2/3)
Hi to anyone reading,
Back at it again with the giving my unsolicited opinion on 2020′s spring/summer offering, I’m gonna hop straight into part 2 of my fashion month review!
Sorry to start with an underwhelming few but my compulsive tendencies are making it really hard to break out of this alphabetical structure (cry laughs whilst thinking about how long it took me to face up at my retail job last night because it would give me vaguely homicidal urges and make my fingers tingle every time a customer moved something slightly out of line), so I’m gonna whizz through a handful of collections. First up, Halpern:
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Not much to say but I’m envious of the heavy liner (my hooded eyes could never) and I like the colour scheme. As for the 80s style metallic pink dress?
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Helmut Lang:
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And Hermes:
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Of these 3 collections, Hermes is definitely the most interesting. I like the colour scheme and the utilitarian shapes and the tan coloured jackets are an absolute shoot. This is how you make safari look fresh, D&G take note.
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Isabel Marant was okay. It’s cute, sure, reminds me of something Mary-Kate and Ashley would’ve come out with/worn in the 2000s, and there’s definitely some things I would wear, but I wouldn’t say it looks all that luxury. Pricey, sure, but like, Free People pricey, not designer pricey. As a collection, it’s not all that conceptual, unless the concept is L.A girl does a Starbucks run after her bikram yoga class. What I will say though is that some of the S/S 2020 commercial trends are becoming clear: white cheesecloth pieces, peasant blouses, cowboy boots, scrappy sandals, neutral tones, and bandana print. 
Now onto the darling of high fashion Twitter: Jacquemus.
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As far as presentation goes, this has to be one of my favourite set-ups of the season; a hot pink runway running through a lavender meadow is as canny and serene as those who sing the praises of Simon Porte Jacquemus would have you expect, and the clothes were easy, breezy and beautiful, even if there is an element of getting dressed in the dark going on with the styling which put me off including a few otherwise gorgeous pieces. It might not be 100% my style but you can tell this is a brand of the future which is only going to go from strength to strength.
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And everything was beautifully and purposefully crafted on the runway with J.W Anderson this year. The pieces are graceful and timeless whilst still easy to envision as something a modern woman would throw on to (very fashionably) run some errands in the city. This was also one of the handful of shows (IIRC! This might be a case of extreme deja-vu!) where we saw the sandal straps tied over the trousers, I’m guessing to accentuate the ankles, and...I’m surprisingly here for it? Though in a sense it kinda resembles when I accidentally get my work trousers tucked into my slipper socks, it’s an interesting touch and adds a bit of a shape to otherwise billowing bottom halves.
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Following Jacquemus’ lead (or vice versa, I’m way too deep into this fashion month haze to work out who went first at this point), Lacoste also put on a co-ed show. Otherwise crisp and preppy as per, the neckerchiefs (even if seeing them all next to one another does give off a bit of a Disneyland Main Street barbershop quartet vibe) and vinyl/wet-look/PVC/I’m still not sure what differentiates the 3 coats were an out of the box touch for them and I really liked it. It’s athleisure, but more like something Hayley Bieber would’ve worn as part of her Princess Diana inspired shoot than anything I’d wear to the gym.
LMAO, as if I go the gym. But you get my point. Next, Loewe:
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Delicate, feminine and all around delightful, the S/S 2020 Loewe collection is up there with Chloe and Brock when it comes to most spring appropriate. More chiffon, lace and doily-like detailing, please, the old woman in me lives for this kinda thing made fashionable. Like with J.W Anderson, you can tell the design team wanted to do something different without just throwing shit onto their pieces for the sake of being wacky, and so we end up with these dramatic, slightly geometric waistlines and almost angelic Victorian nightgown inspired dresses that kinda make me wished that 1). ghosts existed and that 2). I lived back in that era so I could die some tragic death wearing any one of the dresses on the left in the top 3 rows and then haunt the shit out of everyone. That would really be an iconic fashion moment. Also wonderful, imo, was Louis Vuitton:
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The mix between 60s and Edwardian I never knew I needed, as opposed to Gucci’s forward thinking take on the former decade, Louis Vuitton takes it back even further and throws in late 19th/early 20th century structures and references. I adore the what seems to be a mix between brocade and paisley print and the exaggerated collars are a very cute touch. The jacket on the top left is a highlight, a more neutral version of the similar catsuit seen at the Longchamp show (I couldn’t personally pick enough highlights from that to include it), and I now more than ever really want to try and pull off a sweater vest. The shoes might not be the most exciting thing ever but they’re also a personal favourite, from the knee high boots to the loafers with the LV moniker.
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Maison Margiela was very cool and again, I’m in love with the shoes and just the accessories in general, ESPECIALLY those hats. I don’t know if I’m way off base here but this show is almost a modernised, fashionable version of a 1940s period drama about WW2 pilots and evacuees. Yes, maybe I am just getting that solely from the trench coats and the naval influences and the exaggerated collars but I think with that list I made quite a case for that perspective, right? Right.
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And completing this holy trinity (appropriating the term I usually reserve for Emma Watson, Emma Stone and Emma Roberts is not without careful consideration) is Marc Jacobs. One of my ultimate favourites of this season, this collection is absolutely EVERYTHING: kitschy, dream-like, whimsical, over-the-top, and totally appropriate for your slightly eccentric aunt who always drinks too much wine and talks a lot of shit every time she comes over for dinner. I really feel like I walked into wonderland looking at this collection, and in the best way possible, it gives me a female Russell Brand in the 2000s’ wardrobe on crack. On the one hand we have these insanely beautiful and ethereal chiffon floral dresses but then we also have fricken top hats. Basically, it’s everything I love about fashion and I don’t know if anything can top it. Periodt (and I type that with a totally straight face). 
Next, onto another personal fave, Marchesa:
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Which is as always, beautiful. I was going to write that if Disney princesses came to life and lived in the modern world (so, in other words, Elle Fanning), they would be wearing Marchesa and then I remembered that the film Enchanted exists and had a lightbulb moment and thought OH MY GOD IF THEY REMADE THAT IN 2019, THE DRESS ON THE RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE ROW WOULD BE A PERFECT LEVELLING UP OF THE CURTAIN DRESS.
Anyways, favourites of the favourites are the bottom row; I would die for that feather trim. 
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BUT where Marchesa is everything opulent, overly ornate and err-ing on “fussy”, Margaret Howell’s S/S 2020 collection is completely stripped back and just as effective, if not as to my taste. Very cool, very current, and altogether effortless (in a good way!), with this show Margaret Howell made mid-20th century utilitarianism relevant. I never thought I’d be praising the combination of bermuda shorts, crew socks and a beanie and yet here I am. Character development.
Next is Marine Serre:
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Which I really like! The bottom row isn’t really to my personal taste but I can acknowledge that if I saw somebody wearing any one of those outfits I’d think they looked sick, and as for the first two rows, those mesh tops and the slightly chintzy florals are right up my alley.
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Marques Almeida put out a really strong collection, imo. The blending of luxurious silhouettes and fabrics with street wear inspired prints and styling is a really interesting and unique contrast and if Billie Eilish ever decided to stop wearing those tweenie clothes and wanted to actually seduce somebody’s dad (I LOVE BILLIE EILISH AND I KNOW WHY SHE DRESSES THE WAY SHE DOES, IT’S A JOKE, PLS DON’T HATE ME), I’d love to see her wearing something like this. It’s a blend of punk, urban, and 2019 e-girl and has the kind of edge that Topshop has lost over the past couple of years that used to make it so aspirational to my 13 year old self. Of all the shows, it also probably has the most personally wearable accessories, and a shit tonne of cool make up looks I’d love to try if it weren’t for my lack of visible eyelid, lol.
Make up looks were a highlight of the Max Mara show too, for me anyway.
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I otherwise wasn’t hugely keen on the collection, it being a little too matronly/Miss.Trunchbull-esque for my liking (wild card fashion inspiration of 2019, apparently?). The light paisley print dresses are very dreamy, though, and I can never resist a good suit. 
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As for Michael Kors, dare I say it, but the basic bitch in me loved it. I know as a designer he’s not held in very high regard by the fashion community and I'm not saying it’s at all original but it did what it set out to do well; I mean, it’s quite fitting that he cameo-d in an episode of Gossip Girl because every outfit would be perfect for the Constance attending incarnation of Blair Waldorf, which is probably why I like the collection. Like yeah, it’s a bit of a Polo Ralph Lauren/Lacoste rip off but it’s daintier and more feminine and so I’m not gonna lie, I’m on board with it. 
Next, Miu Miu.
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One of the collections I was most excited for, I was a little disappointed. Don’t get me wrong, I really like the collection, but I have never once disliked anything Miu Miu and I usually love it. There are things I love about this line too: the cream, floral lace-up boots, the off-the-shoulder cardigans, the houndstooth oversized coats and of course the fur-lined gilets. My mum used to buy me similar ones when I was a little girl and so they give me childhood nostalgia in the best way possible. I mean, the collection is as girly and eccentric as ever. I think it’s just a little too on the primary school librarian side for me, this time round. Sorry Miu Miu xoxo
Now I’m just gonna speed through a couple, starting with MM6 Maison Margiela, the younger sister to the more expensive regular Maison Margiela line:
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And Monique Lhuillier:
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So that I can get to one of my other ultimate favourite collections for S/S 2020: Moschino.
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Oh my god, where to even start. Firstly, I might be reaching, but if this show is even remotely to thank for art nouveau mesh tops showing up in the Urban Outfitters new in section, then a very sarcastic thank you to Jeremy Scott. You just made ethical shopping a lot harder. HOW am I supposed to not buy an Alphonse Mucha top? HOW!? I mean, I’m sure I’ll manage (I’m on month 3 without a shopping spree I can’t actually afford now and yes, I am very much patting myself on the back), but HOW!?
But on a serious level, if renaissance was the print of 2019, which I’m still very much into BTW, bring on modern art as its 2020 replacement. The Pablo Picasso inspired show not only livened up a generally pretty predictable fashion month but it’s also got me searching up other times art has met fashion on the runway and thrown me down a particularly aesthetically pleasing wormhole I’m not sure I ever want to escape from (https://frontrowmagazine.ca/art-inspired-looks-were-all-over-the-runways-of-fashion-week-a74e8bc7ff0d and https://www.vogue.com/article/spring-2017-ready-to-wear-fine-arts-trends are good starting points!).
Mugler was also up there with the best of them, imo:
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See, if the Moschino collection was all about dabbling in art class, Mugler’s S/S 2020 collection is its more mathematically inclined sister, all about sharp lines and deconstructed silhouettes and symmetry all whilst looking hot as fuck. So very Mugler, basically. 
Now, this reference might be slightly off because I haven’t actually SEEN Ex-Machina yet but I imagine if Kim Kardashian were to channel that movie for a costume party she’d end up wearing something from this collection. That sounds like a roast because Kim has worn some questionable outfits but I blame Kanye for most of that and I’m referring to her on a good fashion day, alright!?
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As for Off-White, it’s obviously a lot more commercial than most of the lines I’ve reviewed so far. Like, I can see a lot of these outfits on a mannequin in Urban Outfitters (no, I am not being paid to namedrop them, about 3 people in total read this Tumblr so any kind of sponsorship money would be severely wasted on me). That’s not necessarily a bad thing, and I love all of these looks; it just seems unfair to compare them to the the Mugler or Moschino collections, for example. 
The stand outs for me are all on the bottom row: I would buy the utility vest, leather blazer and the all mesh turtleneck under washed-out tie-dye on the spot if I saw them in a high street store. Unfortunately, I feel like that’s kinda where they belong. You just expect collections to be a bit more conceptual, and this one is a little watered down, as much as it’s my style.
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Oscar de la Renta was beautiful, of course. Not like I’m shook by how beautiful it is but kinda just what you’d expect from a brand with a name as poetic and fun to say as Oscar de la Renta. The silhouettes are dreamy and the details are as fit for a fairy princess (lmao) as ever. Plus can I just say how happy I am to see butterflies on dresses for adult women again!? And dresses worn by Blanca Padilla nonetheless!? Very here for it.
Next up is another on one of my fashion month highlights: Paco Rabanne.
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I mean, don’t get me wrong, something about this collection (I’m pretty sure it’s the knee high coloured socks) is giving me primary school teacher vibes, but I'm not mad about it. It’d be the kind of teacher who’s actually really good at their job and has loads of cool hobbies and a really hot boyfriend or girlfriend or wife or husband who you secretly want to be then you grow up/and or have a huge crush on. 
Like with Marc Jacobs, there’s obvious flower child elements here, and whilst on the whole the former took my breath away slightly more, this is a lot more wearable. My favourites are the paisley print dress and cape on the left in the very bottom row and all the chainmail pieces (which remind me of the dress Naomi Smalls wore in that whole club ninety-sixxxxx skit on drag race), plus that floral cut out dress with the trailing flute sleeves, which is absolute PERFECTION. 
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The 70s influence was clear in Peter Pilotto’s S/S 2020 collection too from the abundance of tie-dye to the knit v-neck dress, zany colour and print being the very on-brand focus. That being said, this is definitely more of a street-style inspired collection than usual and whilst the floral suits and dresses on the 3rd row down are very typical Peter Pilotto, the tie-dye corset and combat trousers on the far right, second row from the bottom, are very Jaded London. As for the reoccurrence of the bucket hat, I’ve remained steadfastly against them for several years now (even when our Lord and Saviour Miss Robyn Rihanna Fenty started wearing them) but the way they’re done in this collection even I could definitely get behind; all in all, the show surpassed my expectations.
The same goes for Ports 1961, which was a lot more eccentric than I gathered is the norm from a few google searches. Honestly, I hadn’t really heard of the brand which, upon reading up on it, I feel very dumb for considering it has been around since (in the shock twist of the century) 1961.
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Yes, I know how that sounds! But forgive me, I’m still learning:)
Anyway, the fishnet detailing alone pretty much sold the looks I picked out. Seriously, I got a pair of those bloody tights, like, 2 years ago when they became a thing again and now any outfit where I have my legs out feels incomplete without them. 
Next is Prabal Gurung, which, as far as presentation goes, was fucking STUNNING:
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I mean, you could say that I’m easily impressed and that the presence of the bouquets won me over (and you’d definitely have a point there), but it’s also this year’s Givenchy haute couture-esque feathers, the trailing pearl necklaces, the exaggerated shoulders, the dreamy colouring, the everything looking like it could’ve grown off a very fashionably-inclined tree. Like, there’s a lot to love here, from the naturalistic elements, to the context behind the show, an ode to American fashion history and those cast out of it (and the notion of “being American” in general) for so long. 
Going from a high to a (personal) low, however, next we have Prada:
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I don’t know, I get that it’s supposed to be simple and stripped back and dignified and whatever and I like the looks I picked but it’s just a bit blah for me. The bonnets that kept cropping up just didn’t do it for me and almost ruined what is an otherwise nice skirt suit (top right). Nonetheless, I like the silhouette of the sheer black dress and the the brocade print suit is really luxurious looking, even if the pattern is a *little* Wetherspoons carpet. 
Anyways, here’s a quick overview of Rag and Bone:
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So that I can stop moaning and get onto a collection I REALLY liked: 
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I am of course talking about Ralph and Russo. See, this is kinda what I expected from, like, Chanel and yet it’s Ralph and Russo that delivered. Also, it gives me Alessandra Rich vibes which is very much a compliment considering how much I love her designs. I mean, if Valley of the Dolls were to get another film remake in 2019, this is exactly what I’d like to see the female leads wearing, from the pastel suits to the satin kaftan style dresses. The yellow feather trimmed dress is practically a copy of something Marchesa has already done but it’s cute all the same. In my top 10 collections of the season, for sure.
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Rick Owens was another strong collection; it goes without saying that it’s not the most wearable but that’s not really what Rick Owens is known for, so I wouldn’t expect anything else. If you want fashion on an alien planet, or something Lady Gaga would’ve worn in 2010, he's your man.
Next, Rodarte:
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Obviously the dresses are beautiful and the set is magnificent, BUT...I’m really not a fan of the whole celebrities filling in for high fashion models thing. I like Lili Reinhart and I adore Kirsten Dunst, she’s been in a load of my favourite films, but in a similar vein to Dolce and Gabbana’s influencer show, it’s just distracting from the actual garments, if even worse because I don’t WANT to be distracted here (the same can’t be said for the D&G show, lol).  If anybody has read this far, let me know your thoughts! 
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Roland Mouret was nice, and I always like a coed show, especially when a designer isn’t afraid to blur the lines of masculine and feminine. It’s fresh, lightweight and luxurious looking, Cannes film festival street style eat your heart out, and I love the colour palette.
Similarly, colour was my favourite thing about Sally LaPointe’s S/S 2020 collection. 
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I would never think that teal and burnt orange would work together, let alone in some kind of faux leather, and yet here we are. Orange is in itself always an interesting colour choice, perfect for the summer with a tan, and I really love monochrome outfits, even though they’re something that ends up being quite pricey to put together; slight differences in tone are okay but if you just randomly throw together a few things and they’re too off, it really doesn’t work and you’d have been better off wearing contrasting colours. For that reason, I’m just gonna admire that all-pink outfit from a distance. 
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As for Schiaparelli, it’s one I always look forwards to for the sheer weirdness. RTW isn’t quite as kooky as haute couture but still, the interesting choices are still there; what at first glance appears to be flame print is actually coils of hair, and paired with a water print suit is a sequinned jacket emblazoned with a paradisiacal mirage. Ornament-like facial decorations as seen in the over-exaggerated glasses worn with the pony hair suit are also one of my favourite new things to happen in the high fashion scene in the past couple of months and I can’t wait to see how they get watered down to become more approachable for us...regular, non-structurally blessed folks who can’t pull off anything and everything.
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Simone Rocha was STUNNING. Romantic and ethereal, it’s druid goddess crossed with upper class Victorian woman of leisure, equal parts delicate and grungy, like a modern, fashion version of Lady Gaga’s Scathach in the Roanoke season of American Horror Story. You know, in the flashbacks, not in present day when she was all gross and like...scalping people and shit. Each dress is so ornate and has such an interesting structure, and the fabric choices give off an organic kinda vibe that create a handmade feel; the collection is, imo, really worthy of being shown under a haute couture heading. When it comes to my favourite element of the show, I’m torn between the petticoats and the hair accessories. I’m just gonna give a cop-out answer and say both. 
Stella McCartney on the other hand, is very much a clear ready-to-wear collection. 
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It’s pretty, for sure. The pastel blazers paired with delicate white mesh tops underneath are a gorgeous combination for spring and I like the reoccurrence of the chain glasses (Gucci, right?). But I mean, when you go from Simone Rocha to this, it’s a bit anticlimactic. Plus, if I’m honest, kaftans are always going to remind me of Honey Mahogany from season 5 of Drag Race. Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure she’s a lovely person but her runway looks aren’t really ones I look back fondly on, and you’re lying if you say you enjoyed them for anything other than meme purposes.
Temperley is equally meh, though the return of the Erdem-style boating hats is getting me excited that high street retailers might actually pick up on the trend and bring out some cheap ones for me to embarrass myself by wearing. 
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I also love a good 70s suit, the neckerchiefs are cute and there are some really delightful prints here that are a more unique approach to florals for spring.
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Coming towards the end now, next is Thom Browne:
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I LOVE this. Like, don’t get me wrong Rick Owens was cool but I adore how on the nose the concept is here; time to bring back all the Marie Antoinette puns I didn’t get to use in my Versailles Instagram post. I don’t know if it’s the history buff in me or the Sofia Coppola Stan but I will always be willing to sign any kind of treaty for anything related to the excesses of the 18th century French monarchy, and this is that turned up to 1000 infused with a dash of the Teletubbies, which sounds like a nightmarish concept, I know, but as high fashion it WORKS.
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Tory Burch was very commercial, seemingly half inspired by Monterey yoga moms and the other half by Hamptons socialites. 
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Seriously, though, I am enamoured with this colour palette; all the whites and golds are angelic and fr, I didn’t know until now that you could make neons this elegant. I’m also getting an almost clerical feel from a lot of these looks, with the plaited waistband on the black dress that’s 7th row down in the middle, the stunning red cape and the multitude of exaggerated neck ruffs. I think I’ve mentioned before but I always love religious references in clothing-I don’t think I’ll ever get over the 2018 Met Gala-and so whether I’m reading too much into it or not, this collection really did it for me.
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Whilst it’s probably as far removed a collection from Valentino’s S/S 2020 contribution you can get, I also loved Vera Wang this season. It might purely (I PROMISE THIS IS MY LAST GOSSIP GIRL REFERENCE) be because it gives me Jenny Humphrey vibes and *controversial* she did have my favourite style of any of the main characters, but sue me, this is just the right amount of late 90s/early 2000s grunge. Deconstructed trashy goth it girl is an interesting concept to see on the runway and I completely support it. 
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Versace on the other hand was very hit or miss. The looks I picked out I really loved but ultimately, for one of the household name brands, a lot of the actual garments were a bit pedestrian. I will say though that for me, it’s a case of the whole being greater than the sum of its parts. The slicked back mermaid hair and the pops of colour in the makeup and the interesting necklines meant that when it was good, it was GOOD. However, overall, still a bit too 80s Miami businesswoman, and please GOD, can we leave that hideous J-Lo dress in the past, it should really not be the climax of the show in 20-fucking-19!
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As for Victoria Beckham, I liked it, but it’s a bit of a Gucci copy, no? And no way near as interesting?
And on that note, I’m gonna have to cut this off. Super annoying but with only 5 collections left that I want to talk about, Tumblr is being a little bitch and will not let me add anything more to this post. So, see you in 5 for the final post!
Lauren x
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ravenpenandpaper · 5 years
last minute entry to the N7 month!
They’re both a little tipsy after Horizon. It wasn’t that seeing Ashley hadn’t rattled her, it had, but seeing the result of a collector attack? That unsettled her, it left her thinking back on Mindoir and Battarian raids, as well thinking how much the Illusive Man had downplayed the attacks.
At least they had had the fucking signal on her part of the colony, they had at least been given a chance to fight.
Horizon? Shafter’s Port? Those people had no warning, no defences, nothing besides Shepard and her team, and they had not been enough. A planet-wide attack and only nine of them? They had lost a lot of people. Jacob and Grunt were still in the med bay recovering after being attacked by the huge bug - a praetorian Mordin had say, she didn’t much care for its name. So Jack, Garrus and her were on their way on getting tipsy, trying to drown the taste of failure, that was her excuse anyway. The Illusive Man could wait.
“One of these days they’re gonna be calling you the new Messiah,” Jack laughed, the sound harsh, mocking.
“Some Messiah,” she snorted, “can’t even save a bloody colony.”
“It’s that the part where your followers say they haven’t prayed enough? That’s what I remember from the cult I was in anyway.”
“You’ve had one fucked up life Jack.” She raised a bottle of spirits to the young woman, a short salute.
“You’re one to talk, at least I’ve never been spaced and survive.”
“I didn’t.” “She didn’t.” Garrus cut in, his voice smooth and just beginning that drag and mash of words of drunk people. She’d love to see him really drunk one of these days, to the point the translators can’t pick up his voice anymore.
“Did Anderson tall you?” She knew there would be reports, but she had hoped the Alliance had the decency to tell her alien crew in private, face to face.
He shook his head, pointing at the visor. Shepard stared at him for a moment before a horrific realization dawned on her.
“You didn’t stop did you? You kept monitoring me. Garrus!” She whispered, her eyes wide as she stared at her best friend, eyes filling with tears. That had been the most terrifying moment of her life. To know he had watched, to know he had seen her life-signs-
“I couldn’t be in the Normandy, not physically, but I’d be damned if I let you go through that alone. Not if I could help it.” He didn’t look at them, staring at his own bottle.
“I’m sorry,” she whispered, standing in front of him, her feet taking her seemingly of their own will, “I’m so sorry you had to see it.”
“You came back,” he whispered back, forehead coming to rest on her stomach, “that’s all that matter now, you came back.”
“Clueless person here,” Jack said, her voice like a shout in the suddenly quiet room, “this is all very touching, but what the fuck happened?”
“Garrus had my vitals hooked to his visor during the Saren hunt,” he swallowed through a suddenly dry throat, “we had no idea how Saren operated, how indoctrination worked, what any of it meant, not until we got to Ilos, and his visor can monitor things.”
“And so I did, I do, probably will continue until we’re done with the Reapers.” Garrus mumbled, she found herself with her hands at the back of his neck, just holding on, it scared her sometimes how quickly he had become important to her.
“Well fuck me, and then you say you’re not Messiah material… saint Shepard.”
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Possible Triggers: Swearing
Word count:3275
Sawyer propped his phone up against a couple of books and took a deep breath. After a moment of contemplation, he tapped the record button and stepped away.
“Hi,” he started. “My name is Sawyer Matthew Jacobs..” he paused. “I don’t need to say my full name. This is the internet, Sawyer!” He leaned forward and deleted the footage. Sawyer wasn’t quite sure what he was doing. It was 2 o’clock in the morning and he had made a decision. In the screen of the camera, he stared at his reflection. It showed him and his messy light ash blonde hair. His eyes were still a pale blue, but this time red-rimmed. Pining over his best friend had started taking a toll on Sawyer because, sure, he could act normal around him, but when he was alone he thought about him. He thought about him all too much for it to be normal. So, in a moment of desperation, he wiped away his tears, set up a camera and decided he was just going to show the internet that he wasn’t a baby. That the Sawyer Jacobs they know and love, was not, as they thought, a coward. All 20 of them needed to know. He pressed record again and leaned back. He wiped his eyes and smiled at the camera.
“So, it’s, like, 2 am and surprise surprise I’ve been crying.” he chuckled, but there wasn’t a lot of humor “There’s this guy I like. I’ve liked him for a while and I saw this trend where people just kiss their crush? I guess?” he glanced at his feet and then back up “I really like this dude, and I don’t know how to tell him, so, I’m just going to hope that Tik Tok won’t let me down with their cute couples...Tomorrow is our weekly movie day. We’re watching Wall-E which I know is his favorite. So if the kiss doesn’t go well we can just go back to watching the movie. I hope.” he looked directly into the camera “wish me luck I guess?” and with that, he switched the camera off, feeling a bit more confident in his plan. Have Raffaello over, put on Wall-E, kiss him. He wasn’t quite sure what would happen after that. He hoped there would be something after that.
Eventually, he sighed and laid down once more. His fluffy white blanket never seemed so welcoming. So he slipped his shirt off and crawled into bed, falling into a not so sound sleep.
Sawyer stared into his closet, a frown growing on his face. He grabbed a white button-up and a blue sweater. He held the sweater over the button up and looked at it closely. A minute later he dropped it on the floor for later thought and pulled out a blue and white striped button-up. He tossed it to his pile a moment later.
The Pile of Clothes and Contemplation only grew and grew and Sawyer’s frustration grew along with it. He usually only spent a few minutes at most deciding his outfit, but today he was breaching into 30 minutes. As much as he hated to admit it, he knew why. He wanted to look nice. Not because it would make him feel better, but because he wanted to impress Raffaello. He wanted him to find him attractive and notice that he looked nice, or cute, or whatever Raffaello was drawn to. He sought his approval. He knew it wasn’t healthy of course but, he still did.
Sayer sat on the ground and buried his head in his hands. Is this how love feels? Because it sucks, Sawyer thought to himself. He gently rubbed his temples with the tips of his finger, and when that didn’t work he let out a brief scream that caught the attention of his roommate, Carson, from the other side of his apartment.
A head of red curly hair peaked in through his doorway.
“Everything alright in here?” Carson asked wearily, “It doesn’t look like it, but I feel like I should ask.”
Sawyer looked up at him and smiled gently at his cousin. “I’m okay,” he said gently, “but, I could use your help.” Sawyer pushed himself off of the ground and stood up.
Carson stepped into Sawyer’s room, returning the smile. He pushed his black, thin-framed glasses up the bridge of his nose. “What do you need?” he asked happily.
Sawyer pointed at the pile of clothes at his feet. “Pick an outfit,” he said, and he saw a mischievous glint in Carson’s eyes, “but!” he added just in case, “make me look cute. I know you’re straight, and that will be hard for you-”
Carson snorted and pushed Sawyer aside, crouching down and shuffling through the clothes “Please Sawyer, you can at least trust me in the clothing section of your life,” he picked up a plain blue shirt, looked at Sawyer, and put it back, “I dress fine.”Sawyer sighed and sat next to him “yeah, okay.” 
Carson snorted and nudged Sawyer’s shoulder, “why do you want to look all pretty anyway?” he asked “is some boy coming over?” he asked, wiggling his eyebrows before his face fell “if that’s the answer, please keep it down. Last time you had some guy over I was in a call with my publisher and-” Sawyer threw a hand over Carson’s mouth “I get it! Shut up!” he cried. After a beat of silence, both of them broke out into a fit of laughter. 
Sawyer felt his nerves slowly drift away as he joked and shuffled through clothes with Carson. Carson Anderson was Sawyer’s favorite cousin. They got along, shared interests, and were just good friends. Both of them didn’t have siblings so, through the years they became friends. Carson was always a big help. He was smart, funny, and a trouble maker, just like Sawyer.
Carson pulled out a white buttoned shirt with blue stripes and smiled “This. White, black stripes-”
“Those stripes are blue you idiot”
“Shut up,” Carson said, staring at the shirt. His eyes lit up and he looked at Sawyer “grab some jeans!” he exclaimed. Sawyer picked up a pair of loose-fitting fitting jeans and Carson rolled his eyes. “Not those ones! The ones that make your ass look nice!”
Sawyer glanced into his closet and pulled out another pair of jeans “these?”
Carson nodded and threw the shirt he had grabbed at Sawyer. “Now get dressed!” and with that, he stood up and left the room. Sawyer was left to change and that’s what he did.
Looking in the mirror, Sawyer inspected his complexion. It turned out that he could trust Carson. Sawyer felt his lips curl into a smile. He stared at himself for a little bit longer and teased his hair with his fingers. His light ash blonde fell over his eyes and Sawyer made a face. He grabbed his purple brush from his bedside table and fixed his hair. Should he curl and then brush it to make it wavier? He didn’t have time to decide because someone knocked a familiar rhythm on the door.
“One sec!” he called nervously as his heart picked up speed. He picked up a tube of mascara and twisted it open.
“Well, are you dressed?” Raffaello asked through the door in his sweet Italian accent.
“Duh,” Sawyer replied “I’ve just gotta do something,” he said walking over to his desk which had a mirror on it. He pulled out the chair and sat down. He held the mascara brush close to his eye when the door crashed open causing Sawyer to yelp in surprise and smudge mascara on his cheek. He turned around angrily.
Raffaello stood in his room with a grin on his face “If you're dressed I can come in,” he said. Sawyer rolled his eyes and opened the drawer of his desk. He grabbed a pack of makeup wipes and pulled one out.  As he rubbed it on his cheek he saw Raffaello appear behind him in his mirror. He was wearing a simple red shirt and jeans.
“What’s with the makeup?” he asked.
Sawyer shrugged “I dunno,” he lied “I just think it looks nice.” In reality, Sawyer was doing it for the boy he was with. Raffaello had complimented him on it once before, so maybe it would have some effect now. Once he had got whatever left was off his cheek, he tried to put the mascara on again, and this time, he was successful. He smiled at himself and the mirror. He was thinking about possibly doing a bit more, but now he didn’t have the time. He turned to Raffaello.
“Alright Raph,” Sawyer turned towards his friend, “what should we do first?”
Raffaello’s smile grew and so did the butterflies in Sawyer’s stomach. “Well, I was thinking we get some candy and watch our movie? We could go down the street and get something from the store. Or the bakery. I just want a cinnamon roll.”
Sawyer chuckled a bit “How about we go to the bakery and then the store?” he said as he stood up. Raffaello nodded “sounds great.” he put his hands in his pockets all cool as if he wasn’t the most attractive person to Sawyer. He was so oblivious and Sawyer was upset and grateful at the same time.
Sawyer slipped past Raffaello to grab his phone and wallet.
“Oh, Sawyer!” Raffaello remarked “I love your outfit. It’s cute.”
Sawyer turned around to face Raffello. He felt flustered but smiled nonetheless. “Thanks, Raph” he picked up his phone and wallet.
Raffaello shrugged “ ‘m just being honest mio amico,” he said opening the door to Sawyer’s room. Mio amico: my friend. Sawyer’s heart dropped a bit, but he still grasped onto hope because of the fact that he knew Raffaello called everyone that. Not just him.
Sawyer rushed ahead of Raffaello out the door and grabbed his jean jacket off of the coat rack. Raffaello followed him out, and soon enough they were walking down the not so busy streets of Brooklyn.
Together, Raffaello and Sawyer walked to a bakery down the road from Sawyer’s apartment. It was a chilly afternoon, but Sawyer didn’t mind. He had gotten used to the cold of fall in New York City after living there for so long. Raffaello was not so accustomed. He had grown up in Italy for most of his life. Sawyer argued that Italy’s September weather was just like New York’s but, for some reason that Sawyer would never understand, Raffaello said they were completely different. So there Raffaello was, with a scarf wrapped tightly around his neck and face. He looked ridiculous.
Sawyer nudged his friend on the shoulder, “How are you holding in there? No hypothermia yet?” he asked with a smirk. Raffaello rolled his eyes and muttered ‘shut up’  behind his neatly done, navy blue scarf. Sawyer only laughed at him, tugging on the ends of the scarf’s fabric, to which Raffaello hit him on the shoulder.
“You’re such a dick.” he cried when Sawyer took his scarf off, “I hate you.”
Sawyer snorted “you love me jackass.” A mother passing by cupped her hands over her child’s ears to which Sawyer snickered behind his hand. Raffello looked at the kid and the back at Sawyer.
“Your fault, not mine” Raffaello teased “I don’t understand why I’m friends with you”
Sawyer only rolled his eyes “probably because when you were 15 you got dared-” Raffaello put his hand over the blonde’s mouth. Sawyer shoved his hand away and laughed. “You were a dick in high school. Nothing’s changed.”
Raffello smiled at Sawyer as he slipped into the seat across from him. Sawyer smiled back if a bit confused. In front of Raffaello, he had a cinnamon roll. Sawyer smirked and swiped his finger across the icing and licked it off his finger.
“You’re a bitch” Raffaello teased to which Sawyer stuck his tongue out at him
“I may be a bitch but at least I’m not Italian” Sawyer replied. Raffaello looked at Sawyer, wholly confused
“What the fuck does that even mean?” The other said under his breath. Sawyer snorted and took out his phone as Raffaello happily started to eat his cinnamon bun.
Raffaello glared at Sawyer with his arms crossed. He tapped his foot impatiently. “Sawyer, you can’t sit in the shopping cart.”
Sawyer stuck out his bottom lip and pouted. The two did this often, and with Sawyer being the smallest he always tried to get them in trouble by getting into places he shouldn’t be. While Raffaello usually joined Sawyer in his shenanigans, he didn’t want Sawyer getting banned from the only grocery store within walking distance, so he had to put his foot down. Especially because Sawyer didn’t have a car and always took the subway.
Sawyer sighed and grabbed a shopping cart. “You’re no fun,” he whined, but Raffaello only laughed. “C’mon you, dork. We can get ice cream” Raffaello bribed. Sawyer’s face lit up like a kid in a candy store “Well what are you waiting for!” he ditched the cart and ran into the store leaving Raffaello in the dust.
When they finally found each other again it was because Sawyer was throwing candy at his friend. “I found chocolate!’ he cried running up to Raffaello who was rubbing the side of his face where a chocolate bar had hit his cheek. “I can see that,” he replied, picking up candy from the floor and putting it in the cart. Sawyer laughed and set a pint of ice cream in the cart as well as other sweets. He started shuffling through whatever Raffaello grabbed as the other boy looked at coffee. 
“New York has terrible coffee,” he remarked grabbing a box off the shelf, “I’ve lived here for six years and I’m yet to find something good!”
Sawyer scoffed “That sounds like a you problem. Just because you’ve only ever had fancy homemade coffee doesn’t mean that American coffee is a sin.”
“You’re only saying that because you only drink iced coffee from Starbucks.”
“I’m gay Raph.”
“I know but that doesn’t mean Starbucks has good iced coffee.”
“Seeing as I’m gay that’s precisely why I like iced coffee. You’re Bi. You wouldn’t understand.”
Raffaello scoffed and tossed a box of coffee in the cart “whatever. I’m only getting some because-”
“You’re cranky when you wake up?” Sawyer mocked and looked up from a nutrition label he was reading.
“Because I ran out of coffee at home. I get mine online.” he turned to Sawyer “I already checked the labels by the way. No peanuts, you won’t die of an allergic reaction.”
“Yes,” Sawyer rejoiced quietly, “you’re an angel. What would I do without you?”
“Probably die of an allergic reaction.”
“I’m gonna die from all your sass.”
Raffaello rolled his eyes and looked at the cart, “you got way too much crap.” he said glaring at the pile of junk food.
“It’s okay! Carson got a shit ton of vegetables last time he was here. I’m balancing it out!” Sawyer said happily
Raffaello snorted “fine. Let’s get going though before I change my mind”
Sawyer gave his friend the remote and smiled at him “I’ll be right back. I’ve gotta use the bathroom” he hopped off the bed.
Raffaello chuckled “Have fun I guess.”
Sawyer snorted and left his room, walking down the hall to the bathroom. He pushed the white door open gently but it still creaked open. He sighed and stepped inside, closing the door quickly. He didn’t actually have to go to the bathroom, he had to calm his nerves. He ran his fingers through his hair and looked at himself in the mirror. From his blue eyes to penguin patterned socks, Sawyer deemed himself presentable. Not that he was worried about that though. He knew what he had told himself to do, and he wasn’t the kind of person to let things fall through. Then again, he wasn’t the kind of person to make a bold move and kiss his best friend either. Sawyer turned on the sink and grabbed his toothbrush, running it under the water. He had already brushed his teeth, but couldn’t hurt to do it again right?
Sawyer put a small glob of toothpaste on his toothbrush and began to brush his teeth. The time went by quickly as he slowly counted to 120 in his head. He spit the toothpaste out and as he looked in the mirror he realized that using the bathroom for about 3 minutes was probably suspicious. So, he wiped the toothpaste off his face and twisted the door’s lock. He opened the door and quickly walked down the hall to his room. He opened the door and prayed that Raffaello didn’t notice that he was gone for 3 whole minutes.
Raffaello was on Sawyer’s bed, laying on his stomach as he gently chuckled at something on his phone. His usual neat dark brown hair was falling into his eyes a bit and Sawyer wanted nothing more than to run his fingers through his soft-looking locks. But before he could dwell on that thought any longer Raffaello looked over.
“Took you long enough to take a fat shit,” he said, trying to hide his laughter. Sawyer barked out a laugh and walked over, sitting next to Raffaello. The boy in red nudged Sawyer’s shoulder “you know what time it is?”
“Uh, -5 pm?”
“Wall-E time!” Raffaello pressed play on the movie. Sawyer chuckled softly and laid next to Raffaello. He felt his stomach flip as he looked at Raffaello who had a look he could only describe as pure happiness. The melody of Hello Dolly played from the speakers in Sawyer’s room and Raffaello hummed right along with it. 
Pure bliss Sawyer though as he leaned his head into his friend’s shoulder as he always did on Saturday evenings.
About 15 or so minutes into the movie Sawyer felt his nerves bubbling over. The sheer anxiety he felt when he thought about what he was going to do. But, what was there to be scared about? He wasn’t dumb, he knew that something like this wouldn’t ruin their friendship. Either way, he felt like chickening out. 
That was before he heard a small giggle escape Raffaello’s lips. It sent him through the roof. So far so that Sawyer looked over at Raffaello, grabbed his face with his hand and planted his own lips onto Raffaello’s. The boy he kissed squeaked in surprise, but what was even more surprising to Sawyer was that Raffaello kissed him back.
Laying next to Raffaello wasn’t pure bliss. This was.
Sawyer felt the blood rush to his cheeks as Raffaello adjusted how he was laying, to pull Sawyer the slightest bit closer.
As happy and content Sawyer felt at that moment it had to end eventually. Of course, it was in the dumbest way imaginable. 
Raffaello pulled away and smiled “Wall-Eeee” he mimicked the character on the screen, though it didn’t sound the same because of his accent.
Sawyer glared at him and slapped him across his cheek “Are you kidding me? I kiss you and that’s your response!”
Raffaello laughed “what else did you expect me to do?”
Sawyer felt himself blush a bit more than he already was “I dunno! Tell me that you like me back? Slap me because you don’t like me? Not say anything-”
Raffaello rolled his eyes and kissed Sawyer to shut him up. It worked, and Sawyer melted right into his touch.
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dolphinitley · 5 years
Jacob Seed/F!Deputy Fic
“Love Like Revenge”
Chapter 4
Word count: 2,499
Full work on AO3
Summary: In this chapter we learn about Jacob and Dep’s pasts, as well as the deputy’s real name! Also they kiss for the first time!
Constructive criticism and comments are very welcome!
Tagging @theeonlyroman @colorguardian18 @flyawayturtle @farcrying5 @zacklover24 @sassenach-on-the-rocks @theromanianbookworm @afeverxlongingstill @mmechromancer @jacobmybeloved @jacobseedswife @theatmmmmm @liilaac @deputyoneill @jacobsrook
Rook woke up on her couch alone late in the morning. She pondered if last night was real or a dream. The Wolf came to her house, made her dinner, cried with her, apologized to her, and slept with her.
But that didn’t change the fact that he was still leading the PEG military. He was still part of an organization that kidnapped and killed non supporters without provocation. He still sponsored The Cook who butchered and burned families in front of each other.
When Rook lived in her hometown in Missouri, she would have consulted her best friend about her romantic life. However, if she were still in Missouri, she probably wouldn’t be having feelings for a killer. She wouldn’t be a killer.
Her new friends here in Montana understood her recent behavior that would seem horrific to people back home. Rook found great friendships in Hudson and Jess, but knew neither of them would condone her feelings for Jacob.
When she moved to Montana a couple of months ago, she intended to keep a low profile. She didn’t expect to make real friends or make a life here, but she did.
When Rook earned her master’s in criminal justice, she didn’t expect to be fighting a war against a militant cult.
When she began working as a detective in Minnesota, she didn’t expect to be killing zombie-like Angels.
When she was assigned to go undercover in Hope County, she didn’t expect to be the heralded catalyst of the end of the world.
But all of these things, she did.
Her exceptional performance as a detective in Minnesota drew the admiration of the U.S. Marshall Service. However, it also drew death threats from criminals she’d once put away. The USMS’s solution for this was to relocate her to Montana to investigate mysterious disappearances in Hope County. She was to take on the role of an unassuming rookie for Whitehorse and learn about PEG.
The USMS sent Burke in too early. They didn’t listen to her when she said that PEG was too strong for one squad to take on. With or without her, the squad was going to the compound, so she figured she might as well go and help any way she could. That was her first mistake.
That’s what she thought about when the helicopter was going down and when she was killing dozens of Peggies from the passenger seat of the getaway truck Burke drove. Then it was too late to escape Hope County, and she was in it too deep.
She trusted Dutch so quickly. She became a tool for him so easily. She wanted to rescue her team from the Seeds, but a lot of shit got in the way.
Rook was a natural leader, but didn’t enjoy being called a hero. She didn’t want to be deified. She just wanted to do the right thing. Her exposure to the Bliss and gruesome battle made her judgement more clouded over time. She had been trained to kill, but in Hope killing is quick and on a massive scale. It was war and it gave her scars.
She thought she’d be stronger than this. Life would never go back to the way it was before Hope. You can’t just fall back into your old life after war. The person who understood this more than anyone was Jacob. He was smart and strong enough to survive anything.
Since Rook left Hope County, she’d been working on her report to send to her sergeant from the USMS. When she finally sent it in, she made the call.
“It’s a relief to hear from you, Anderson,” the sergeant said. It was strange and comforting to hear someone use her real last name for the first time in weeks. “Your report is impressive. Good work.” This phrase reminded her of Jacob’s praise after she killed Eli, and she clenched her teeth.
“I wish I could say your assignment is over and that you can go home, but it’s still not safe for you in Missouri.”
Rook gave a disappointed sigh. She missed her family so much. “I understand.”
“I wish I could offer you some kind of treatment, but the budget has been cut again. Our resources are drying up. I don’t even think we can send a team into Hope County to deal with Eden’s Gate. Just stay where you are and relax. I’ll call you in a few months when it’s safe again. Take care of yourself Detective.”
“You too Serge.”
A few days later is was Rook who called Jacob in the morning.
“I’m standing in my kitchen right now, looking out the window, and there’s a Judge wolf who literally barked Tommy up a tree.”
“And you haven't shot it yet?”
“Hey, I’m doing a courtesy to you by letting you know. Anyway, I’m not going to waste ammo on it. I thought Judges were supposed to be obedient, soldier. Don’t tell me you sent it up here just to get my attention.”
“Don’t flatter yourself, Dep.” She could hear his smile in his tone. “It’ll be dealt with within the hour.”
Forty minutes later, Jacob’s truck came rumbling up her gravel driveway. She watched his tall and confident figure get out of the truck. Jacob sounded his dog whistle to summon the Judge to its kennel in the back of the truck. Rook felt pity for the poor wolf that now had to live as a Judge, and she didn’t like that Jacob was the person who made it that way. But, she still admired how strong he looked, how focused and blue his eyes were, and his unique red hair and beard. Despite everything she’s seen, Rook knew that there was a good man in Jacob.
When the Judge was secured in the kennel, Rook stepped outside. She didn’t quite know what to say to Jacob, so she went right for the tree that Tommy was in. Tommy could get down on his own, but she wanted to hold him now.
Jacob watched Rook call to Tommy with her arms raised and her head craning up. He chuckled and walked over to the tree. Quickly he climbed the tree to where Tommy was and grabbed the cat. Rook noticed how all animals seemed to obey him. Hell, even most humans did.
Jacob carried the fluffy orange cat over to Rook with a smug look on his face.
“Thank you,” she said.
“Yeah...sorry about that. Won’t happen again.”
Rook stroked Tommy’s fur happily and gave a shrug.
“Anything else I can do for you?” Jacob asked.
“Actually, yes. Follow me.”
There was a lightbulb out in her house that she couldn’t reach to change. She figured that she might as well use Jacob’s height while he’s here.
“How do you not have a ladder?” he asked.
“I, uh, haven’t lived here for very long.”
“Hm.” He wanted to know her story, but got the feeling she didn’t want to talk about it. He quite enjoyed helping her and seeing her satisfied with something he’d done, even if it was an easy task.
Jacob noticed a backpack on the living room floor with the name “Emily” embroidered on it. It was the answer to a question he’d often thought about.
She turned at the sound of her name. She saw what he discovered and grinned at the realization. “Yes?”
“I’ve always kinda wondered what your name was. I like it,” Jacob said while scratching his beard.
“At home people sometimes call me Em or Emma. But everyone here in Montana calls me Dep or Rook, except you. I’d like to keep it that way if you don’t mind.”
“Right. I’ve got to get the Judge back to the Center now.” Jacob walked to the door and stopped. “Hey Em,” he called. It was so intimate to call her by a friendly nickname. “Would it, uh, be alright if I came back sometime?”
“Doesn’t really matter what I say, right? You’re gonna come back anyway.”
Jacob realized that his past visits were intrusions and actually wrong. “If you don’t want me to, I won’t.”
“It’s alright. You can come back sometime.”
Em often thought about Jacob’s reason for his previous visit. “When I’m with you, like this, my head is clear.”
That was her purpose for him, she thought. She was his soothing drug. She viewed him as less of a threat now, but was still a little suspicious. Nonetheless, she very often dreamt of touching him.
Em got out of Hope County and listened to radio stations that weren’t controlled by Peggies. The news on the radio was still just as bad as it was in Hope and getting worse. The most recent report was that the U.S. government had lost communication with North Korea, and the first attack was to be expected at any time.
One of Em’s neighbors decided to move back to their hometown to be with their family, and gave their horse to Em. Her house had a barn and fenced in meadow, and she’d had horses as a girl. Her new horse’s name was Honey on account of her color and kindness. Riding her each day was rather therapeutic for Em.
She was riding at dusk one day when Jacob came to visit her. Tonight he wore dark jeans, a gray t shirt, and a black hard shell jacket while Em wore light jeans and a hoodie. Her brown hair was in a ponytail.
Em wondered how her horse would feel about Jacob. She shouldn’t have been surprised when Honey liked him, as all other animals did. Jacob climbed the fence to the meadow and held the horse’s head in his big hands.
“Are you hungry?” Jacob asked with his straight lipped smile. He was looking up at Em sitting on the horse. Usually she was the one looking up at him. She nodded in the affirmative.
“Good. I brought dinner. Here.” Jacob gestured for her to hand him the reigns.
He led Honey to the barn. Honey was a rather tall horse and Em was 5’4”, so it was quite a jump from Honey’s back to the ground. Right as Em’s feet hit the ground, she felt the slightest grace of Jacob’s hand on her back, just in case.
They went inside the house and washed the dirt off their hands. Em took off her hoodie to reveal a Rye Aviation t-shirt.
Jacob brought in a large paper bag of random things he grabbed from the Vet Center pantry.
He included a six pack of beer bottles, but it only took two for Em to loosen up and want to talk with him.
Sitting across from Jacob at her kitchen table she said, “You know, I’m not really into religion at all.”
“Me neither. But I take care of my brothers.”
“You guys are close, huh?”
Jacob had the remaining four beers which loosened him up as well.
“Growing up we only had each other. Or more like the thought of each other. Most adults were shit to us. We were poor. Our dad preached to us and beat us half to death. Our mom was a shell of a person. Our foster parents worked us half to death. I burned their barn and went to juvie, then I didn’t see my brothers again until I got out of the military. The thought of them was the only thing that kept me going until Joseph found me.”
Em was flooded with empathy for the brothers. His story made her want to adopt children so they’d not ever have to be abused by people like those from Jacob’s past, and she told him that.
“Do you want to sit on the couch? Watch a movie or something?” Jacob asked.
Em put in a soothing movie that she’d seen a hundred times while Jacob cleaned up dinner.
Em laid on the couch, and Jacob lifted her legs easily, sat on the couch, and set her legs on top of his thighs.
The movie was about 10 minutes in when Em asked, “You still brainwashing people?”
Jacob felt bad about his past actions. “No. I don’t do a lot of the stuff I used to. All I focus on now is building and training the Chosen. I don’t fuck with people outside of Eden’s Gate.”
“Why the change?”
“I never cared about anything other than my brothers. I was in pain and I had the power to make others feel pain too. Nobody could stop me. The first time I saw you, it was like a switch flipped. I wondered if I could care about you. You almost were the one to stop me. Then when you said you wanted me, I knew I couldn’t pass that up. Then you telling me to leave you alone had me thinking about what I’d done to you. And others.”
Em got up to her knees next to him. “Do you still want me?” Jacob asked her.
In response, Em placed her hands on his shoulders and slowly leaned in to cross the space between their faces. Butterflies fluttered in her stomach as she looked into his fierce blue eyes. Her gentle kiss on the cheek made Jacob close his eyes and exhale at the touch he had been so starved for.
When she pulled away from his cheek, Jacob brushed her hair behind her ear and pulled her over to straddle his lap.  
His tough hands settled on her waist and looked up from her legs to her expectant eyes.
Softly, he placed his right hand on the back of her neck and she moved in for a real kiss this time. With heads slightly tilted, their noses touched first. Jacob had the rare look of desire in his eyes and closed the last bit of distance between their parted lips.
Jacob gently enclosed Em’s bottom lip and took his time moving away. They felt a surge of intimate energy that spurred more kisses. Em realized how soft and kissable his lips actually were. Jacob forgot anything that wasn’t the act of kissing her. His eyes were closed and he allowed himself to just feel. The pair got more comfortable and settled into each other. Their kisses gradually became less gentle and more consuming. They were both so starved for this that they didn’t think they’d ever stop. They couldn’t get close enough. Em admired his beard and scarred skin with her grateful hands. Jacob kept pressure on her back and threaded fingers into her loose hair.
Finally pulling away and out of breath, Em said, “I still want you.”
Jacob smiled and pulled them down to lay on the couch. He nuzzled her neck and kissed her jawline up to her lips.
Em enthusiastically wrapped her limbs around him and continued to ride the high. Now he was her drug too, and they were both addicted.
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danielpowell · 4 years
Archive 81 Playlist Master List
[UPDATED as of September 11th, 2023]
Trying to make playlists for all of the cast of Archive 81 and these are what I have so far! Feel free to come suggest tracks for them and also characters I haven’t gotten to yet. If you have enough for the ‘side’ characters, please throw those at me too.
These are all very much a work in progress and subject to change.
Character Playlists:
Daniel Powell
Tanya Molova
Mr. Davenport
Melody Pendras
Alexa Kesslen-Pendras
Tamara Morris
Jesse Lewis
Joshua and Victor
Jacob the Rat
The Visser Historical Society
Craig Simmons
Gregory Baim
Carlos Rolando
Iris Vos
The Messenger 
The Choir
Green Woman
Andrew Martine
RLR Productions
The Gardener
Professor Vandemeer
The Curator
The Representative
Cassandra Wall
The Boatwoman
The Golden Age Ensemble 
Christine Anderson
Nicholas Waters
Michael Waters
Kathy Quinn
Penelope Winthrop
Jeanette Jefferys
Violet Vos
Static Man 
Cindy Johannson
Busby the Beekeeper
Ms. Patricia Roland
The Irons Crew
Morgan the Clerk
The Trucker
Dr. Persimmons
Songs to Cry About Dan to
What it says on the tin- a mix of songs I listened to while thinking of Dan and started crying about it. Can’t guarantee results but if you are down for some good cries, be my guest! Shuffle-friendly.
Songs to Fall in Love With Your Muse to
A mix of 80s/90s queer-coded (to me anyway) love songs that remind me of Jacob Lester (pre-Rat) from season 1. I just love some 80s and 90s songs, my dudes. Shuffle-friendly.
Songs to Ominously Warn Your Bandmates With
An assorted mix of garage band-esque tracks. Loosely inspired by the band practice tape from season 3. Shuffle-friendly.
Instrumental Tracks to Contemplate Your Humanity Over
A mix of ambient tracks that made me feel like I was walking through the City or holed up in a bunker in the middle of the woods or performing rituals or- just general ambient A81 energy tracks. Shuffle-friendly.
Dan’s Music Library
I’ve seen a lot of people’s take on what constitutes a ‘hipster’ music taste and I’m a picky mofo so here’s my take on Dan’s music taste based on what he has been stated to listen to in the actual show- it’s awful and I’m sorry not sorry. Shuffle-friendly.
Train Loneliness
This is straight up just a mix of songs about trains/subways. I love train sounds and the sound design in these is super fun. It’s in here because the Train Loneliness tape is my favorite and yes, I do cry about it daily. Shuffle-friendly.
And Everything Turned Out Alright
If you didn’t know, I’m obsessed with post-s3 Dan and Clara being roommates; so this is a little playlist I made inspired by that concept. I hope it makes you as emotional as it does for me. Best played in order.
Press Your Face to Mine
You’re Not Too Bad Looking Yourself, Mate
A DanLou playlist cause if no one else is gonna steer the ship, it might as well be me. Shuffle-friendly.
I Don’t Have Much Time
Season three flavored Dan playlist. A lot of instrumental and ambient tracks. Best played in order.
A Left of the Dial playlist. Based on the idea of a weird radio station. Experimental tracks with a healthy helping of metal and a sprinkle of odd picks that just fit to me. Best played in order.
Tea With My Marimo
An ambient/instrumental playlist based off the idea of a post-s2 Caroline recovering and growing plants. Shuffle-friendly. 
Math Rock Roomies
A math rock mix for Dan and Clara, because I think their music connection extends there. Shuffle-friendly.
Aboard the Irons
A watery mix for the Irons ship- mostly ambient/instrumental but a few lyrical tracks thrown into it as well. Shuffle-friendly.
Ritual Radio
A weird mix that contains either instructions or strange items- mostly dream pop or psychedelic tracks. Loosely inspired by tapes from the archives, Michael Waters’ ritual tapes, or radio segments from Left of the Dial. Shuffle-friendly.
Chassis in the Flowerbeds
A atmospheric/ambient playlist based off of Melody and Alexa’s community garden home from season 2. Based around the idea of an eldritch garden that can grow audio-producing objects. Best played in order.
Not Built, Found
A season 2 playlist. Based on the idea of getting a tour of the Outpost and the people that currently occupy it. I reused some bits from previous playlists to help set the scene. Best played in order.
Have you ever tasted blood? Yyyeeessss : )
A bizarre and vaguely horrific Rat mix. Based on a cursed video of Gr*mes that radiated such Rat energy I could not resist making a mix based on it. Shuffle-friendly.
Cycles of Blood and Death and Exploitation
An edgy mix full of sex and violence. Really a thinly veiled excuse to put as much NIN on a playlist as I possibly could. Suggest skipping this one if not an adult or s*x-repulsed. Shuffle-friendly.
Why Did You Date Me?
An aromantic Dan playlist. I stand by this headcanon and I don’t care what anyone else says I know I’m right. Best played in order.
Boombox Fuckboy
A mix that is entirely comprised of titles that contain audio equipment, instruments, and music storage. Shuffle-friendly.
Score One for Films
A movie score mix. I have shit taste in films and I’m giving that trait to Dan. Shuffle-friendly.
Peppermint Mochas and Patch Cords
A modular synthesis mix. It’s just tracks that utilize modules. Shuffle-friendly.
Static Man Just Air Drums Into the Void
A percussive mix. Based on Static Man’s void riffing. Ordered but shuffle-friendly.
The City is Still a Part of Me
A post-s3 playlist where Dan can still pick up radio frequencies. Lot of sample usage. Best played in order.
And They Were Shipmates
A ChrisLou mix because I think the t4t bi lovers deserve a ship playlist. Mostly sailing and ocean-related tracks. Kind of summery as well. Shuffle-friendly.
What Drives You
Another exploration of post-s3 Dan but this time canon-compliant. I had a blast figuring this one out and I recommend giving it a listen to experience what it has to offer. Best played in order.
Scary Numbers and Work Friends
What's that ? Another Dan playlist ? Pffft what I don't- this is a Severance (Apple TV) AU playlist where Dan takes on a role similar to Helly. It's composed primarily of plunderphonics because I love the genre to bits. Best played in order.
Something Beautiful and New
A mix focusing on the City. It's supposed to convey the sensation of visiting a vast, unknown world with vague familiarity. Mostly trip hop, ambient, and vaporwave, with adjacent genres. Best played in order.
Eldritch Urbex
Another mix focusing on the City. This one is for the residents of it. Wide range of genres. Partner playlist is the one above. Best played in order.
Messenger Devotee
A mix focusing on the Messenger. Mostly plunderphonics, vaporwave, and trip hop. Heavy sample usage. Best played in order.
Songs From the Archive
Dumping grounds for any tracks I feel might work for a playlist or just have A81 vibes.  Shuffle-friendly.
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