#anyway. wild wild night.
hobgobbin · 2 months
Thinking abt the other day at work where one of my tables (2 middle aged white women) asked to speak to the manager bc they had to wait like a few more minutes than usual for their food (there was one cook in the kitchen and they got shit that takes a while to cook anyway) and then they said I "disappeared" and never checked on them in the maybe 10 minutes they were eating. bc I was in the back doing backups and silverware. And they tipped me like $3 after getting the manager to discount their $30 bill for literally nothing
And then LATER that day I had a table (3 middle aged or older asian men) who came in before we got busy and then I fucked up their order bc they wanted 3 of everything they ordered and I only put in 1 of everything bc I couldn't hear the guy ordering very well (i thought one person was getting a soup one getting wings and one getting steak not 3 of each) and the other two had to wait an HOUR for their food bc we got wildly busy when I put the rest in and it was like explicitly bc I fucked up and I told them that and they were so nice and still paid the whole like $200 bill and tipped me like $50 without like any complaints at all
INSANE tonal whiplash in one day
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faunandfloraas · 3 months
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Seungmin's perfect pitch at the match between Team Korea and the LA Dodgers.
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seasideoranges · 21 days
i love your zukka art!! have you ever drawn them in a modern setting? i would love to see you interpret their clothing styles!!
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sincerest apologies that their outfits are kinda boring especially sokkas, designing modern clothing for the atla gaang is very difficult for me haha
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cozylittleartblog · 8 months
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available as a print on my etsy
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guardian-angle22 · 10 months
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Tarlos Wedding Celebration Event [Week 10] -> favorite hug(s)-> 3.13
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nedlittle · 2 years
i think the next time tumblr makes up a movie in three-four months time it should be an unfinished 1934 screwball that was shut down halfway through production when the hays code came into action and as a result only exists as a half-edited 30 minute negative that mgm was supposed to burn but didn't. i think that would be fun
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star-ocean-peahen · 12 days
botw nostalgia is going to be incredible. its already built around feelings of melancholy and grief and memories of things that will never be the same again
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oceandiagonale · 4 months
beauty guru true crime youtubers but make it pokemon and make it significantly less exploitative this is silly send post
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camels-pen · 2 months
(Nami, about Zoro, to an amnesiac Usopp)
"Oh c'mon, he's a swell guy. When things aren't so hectic he laughs as loud as anyone else." She elbowed his arm. "He'd smile and drink you under the table in no time."
Usopp stared at the imposing, frowning man with the piercing gray eye. "I think he'd put me through the table, actually," he whispered.
The gray eye turned on him. "Not unless you give me a reason to." Usopp did not squeak, but he did find solace in hiding- no, observing- behind Nami's back.
The man sighed, his frown turning softer. Sadder. "I'm not gonna bite."
Not unless you want me to.
The thought was foreign and abrupt, sliding through his mind without hesitation nor full substance. There one moment, gone the next.
Usopp blinked a few times. "...I didn't know that was a possibility," he said, voice slow and dragging. He shook his head a little, bringing his voice back to its usual anxious pep. "How do I know you're not just tricking this poor girl...?" Something didn't feel quite right about that. Like if anyone was to be in charge of trickery and scams it would be this 'Nami' instead of the scary man.
The man shrugged, his shoulders rising and falling far slower than they should. "You don't."
Nami growled. "Hey-"
"What? He's scared shitless, nothing I say is gonna help." The man turned, making to walk off. "I'll help the cook restock the pantry or something." The pantry was restocked earlier that morning. "Yell if you need me."
Wait, Usopp wanted to say. Please stop, you don't deserve to lock yourself away just because I did something stupid. Come back and try again, I'll be better this time- do better this time- just wait-
Like water through a sieve, the thoughts slipped away.
The man left.
"Zoro's really nice," Usopp said. "Stupid, but nice."
Nami gasped, turning to grab Usopp by his shoulders. "Did you remember something? You remember Zoro?"
Usopp blinked. Stared at her close proximity. "Er, what are you talking about? And who's Zoro?"
Nami sighed, slumping against his chest. "No good, huh? Well no worries on that, we've still got Robin's theory that-"
Usopp hardly heard her explanation, his gaze glued to the galley door. Despite the lack of appetite, he found himself craving a snack.
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moeblob · 16 days
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Shavuli !
She's just. Into rocks. It's fine. She likes to collect shiny rocks. (this is dice related and I am not apologizing for giving her this trait)
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adrift-in-thyme · 3 months
I wrote this a few months ago for Febuwhump...Day 13 I think? I was super excited about sharing it. But when my schedule got crazy I had to change my plans and didn't get a chance to post it.
So here it is now!
CW for blood, injury, vomiting, and torture (including sleep deprivation)
Another slap snaps Time’s head back, stinging across his face. Stars explode before him and turn the semi-darkness spotty. He grits his teeth against the rising tide of nausea.
“I asked you a question.” A wiry, whiskered man leans forward, malice glinting in his small, rat-like eyes. “And you will answer me.”
Time drags in a breath. The air is stale, tinged with the sickening iron scent of metal chains and his blood. His attackers loom over him, knuckles red from their assaults upon him, faces sneering.
He ignores them. He has seen quite enough of them, after all, in the past few days. And he doesn’t doubt that he will be seeing quite a bit more. 
He has no plans to give in anytime soon. It doesn’t matter how they pressure him, or how many torture methods they try. He will never give up one of their own.
“I told you,” he croaks, “I do not know anyone with the power to resurrect Ganon.”
A meaty fist grasps his shoulder, fingers digging into the stab wound there. Time just barely manages to bite off a scream. 
“Wrong answer!”
The man steps closer. The magic that emanates from him is all wrong. Upside down and inside out and not his own in the least. The people he has dragged it out of, stolen it from, cry out with every movement he makes. It is all Time can do not to gag as the sounds and smells of it smother him.
“I am a sorcerer– ” 
“You’re a thief and a coward,” Time spits. Fingers turn into a fist, slamming into his wound with a ferocity that makes him lightheaded. He hardly hears his own cry. 
“I am a sorcerer,” the man repeats. He grabs Time’s chin, forces his head up so he has no choice but to look at him. “One who has sworn his very life to the Demon King. I have the power to do what must be done. I will bring him back and help him take his rightful place as ruler of Hyrule. I need only for you to give me the answer I seek.”
A bitter smirk lifts Time’s lips, even as blood drains down from them. 
“Ganondorf would be ashamed to have a follower such as you. How long have you held me here now? Four days? And you have wasted that time on repeating the same question. Perhaps, you should use that skill with magic you pretend to possess and find another avenue to resurrect him. Because searching for someone who can do it for you is a fool’s errand.”
Another blow knocks his head back. It hits the damp stone wall with a nauseating crack. Time pitches forward, retching, and the wizard steps back and out of the way. 
“You are full of pride, hero,” he sneers. “You forget your place, you ignore your situation.”
Time skewers him with as severe a glare as he can muster. “I have not forgotten either. In fact, I know them quite well. Which is why I have told you the truth. No person exists with the blood that can resurrect Ganon.”
“Truth? What truth? You have done nothing except to mock me and spew lies.”
The sorcerer whirls away and a streak of flame zips through Time’s veins. He cannot restrain his harsh cry as agony washes over him. But just as quickly as it comes, it is gone. And he has a split second to drag in a few, desperate wheezing breaths. Then, the sorcerer begins to speak once more, every word like another assault. 
“You are correct in one way, however. I have consistently used the same methods to pry the words from you. No torture, whether by magic or physical harm, has moved you from your stance of silence.” He pauses, hand held to his chin in contemplation. “Perhaps, it is time to try another avenue. Bring in the other one.”
With a wave of one bony hand, his companions jolt into action, rushing from the room, and slamming the leaden door behind them. 
Time’s eye widens, fear slicing through him. He had thought he was the only one the thugs had captured. He had been alone, after all, scouting the far perimeters of the camp, when they had knocked him out. 
The sorcerer looks back at him, now, a sly grin stretching his wide mouth.
“Your little friend happened to spot us dragging you away and decided to try and be a hero. Fortunately, my little sleeping spell worked as effectively to knock him out as it did with you.”
The door slides open with an eerie creak and Time turns toward it, heart in his throat.  
“Ah.” The sorcerer sets a hand on his shoulder, fingernails digging through his tunic. “And there was another fortunate development for us. You well know that my spells are excruciating. Wonderful for convincing, to be certain. But you spared me the trouble of exerting too much magical energy on you two. You are quite the collector of masks, it seems. And while some were childish at best, others have proven…very useful.”
A familiar form stumbles over the threshold, wrists clasped in the unforgiving grip of manacles. His tunic and trousers are splotched with dirt and dried blood and his shoulders sag with exhaustion. His long, blonde hair has been freed from its hair band and falls limply forward to hide his features. But his ears peek through it and the sight of them makes Time’s stomach turn. 
They are encased in a prison of wiry black metal. Time would recognize that sight anywhere. 
“No,” he breathes.
Wild lifts his head and the leaden weight in Time’s gut twines itself tighter. 
The cage of unyielding obsidian extends to the rest of his face, curving in web-like strands across his cheeks and forehead. Eyes once the same shade as Malon’s are now blood red and rimmed in white. They stare wide and terrible, fixed in an expression of permanent horror. 
Despite it all, a shaky grin quirks Wild’s lips. 
“H-hey, old man,” he slurs, fumbling to keep his feet beneath him.
His captor practically drags him the rest of the way into the room. They hurl him down beside Time and he lands on the hard floor with a grunt. 
Laughter rings out, echoing off of the walls of the cell and Time drags his attention away from his cub to scowl at the wizard. The man meets his stare without fear.
“I don’t have to explain the implications of this little development to you, do I? You know full well what that horrid device of yours does.”
He turns away, arms crossed and a victorious smirk on his face. “It has been four days for him as well. Four without a wink of sleep. I wonder…how long can one go without slumber? I will leave you both to ponder that.”
The door screams as it is once again pulled open. And the sorcerer glides out in a rush of nauseating power and swishing robes.
“What a creep,” Wild mumbles, gazing at the spot where he had stood. He lists slightly to the side, bumping against Time’s uninjured shoulder. Time wraps an arm around his shoulders, pulling him close. 
“Have they truly forced you to wear that for four days?” He asks, worry turning his tone sharp. His own pain seems inconsequential now, the ache of his wounds a far-off thing. All that matters is the broken boy slumped against him.
Jerkily, Wild nods. A small sniffle sounds from beneath the mask. 
Time’s heart clenches. “Oh, cub, I’m so sorry.”
The champion shrugs, weakly. “Least it doesn’t…doesn’t put me to sleep. Rather be kept ‘wake.” He giggles, drunk on exhaustion, fighting against the tears Time hears in his voice. “And ‘sides…got hundred years of sleep under m-my belt. Gotta count…right? Be fine.”
With a sigh, he shifts, head slipping down to rest on Time. The harsh edges of the mask bite into his abused flesh. But he doesn’t move away. The least he can do is act as Wild’s makeshift pillow. 
If he could, he would tear the mask off of him and shatter it on the hard ground. But once the cursed thing has latched onto its victim’s face, only the one who put it there can remove it. And if the blood visible beneath its dark edges is any indication, Wild has already learned what happens to anyone else who attempts it.
“They hur-hurt you too,” the champion murmurs, after a pause. His tone is more somber now and fearful. Like a lost child, pleading with a parent for reassurance. “I…I can’t really see straight anymore but…they told me…they told me they were. ‘M sorry.”
Time shakes his head. “Don’t worry about me, cub. I’m alright.”
Gently, he brushes Wild’s bangs back, trying not to wince as his fingertips touch icy metal rather than warm skin. The champion leans into his touch, curling up like the barn cats do when they are seeking warmth. Any other time, the older hero would find it amusing. Now, it only makes his heart ache.
“Can’t tell them,” Wild mumbles, barely audible now. “Can’t tell ‘bout Rule.”
Time draws in a trembling breath. “No.”
But that doesn’t mean there aren’t other ways to save his cub from this terrible fate. And by the goddesses, he is going to find them. Even if he has to burn the place down.
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skitskatdacat63 · 8 months
2009 Reference Guide to Seb's Hair(Long post w lots of pics):
I would rate these but I love every version of him too much so I cannot pick 🤭, I'll add some commentary though. This took a horrible amount of time but it was also a great excuse to download and show off a truly terrible amnt of Seb pics(I was in tears half the time bcs of cuteness agression)
0. Testing(Jerez)(February 10th-12th):
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Honestly such perfect Seb hair, I find this soooo cute!!! His hair is honestly always so perfect at Jerez testing every season. I love the length and style, he looks so incredibly pretty <3
1. Australia(March 26th-29th):
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And now he is...bald. I actually kinda love this hair, he's my little kiwi fruit!! But I also can't help but mourn the Jerez hair. I'm just like: why did you feel the need to go bald, Seb??? It makes him look so young!
2. Malaysia(April 2nd-5th):
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3. China(April 16th-19th):
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I think the highlight of his bald era is how much he embodies the nickname "sunshine." Like the way his hair and eylashes glow in the sun??? Literally sunshine. Also it's cute to see his hair grow more fluffy
4. Bahrain(April 23rd-26th):
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The texture differences are so interesting, I think this length looks its best when it's more fluffy like in the top right pic.
5. Spain(May 7th-10th):
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It's funny how his hairline does that point in the middle, again: looks better when he looks unkempt
6. Monaco(May 21st-24th):
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Weirdly shocked at how much his hair grew in-between Spain and Monaco??? Also I forgot that those fashion pics were from this weekend, and I was jumpscared by his mohawk look. I think he should keep away from hair product hahaha
7. Turkey(June 4th-7th):
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Lego hair looking ass. Kidding kidding, just think his hair looks best all natural
8. Silverstone(June 18th-21st):
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Lowkey kinda baffling to me how different his hair looks at different stages of the weekend. The podium hair especially is just soooo different, its very cute but yeah idk
9. Germany(July 9th-12th):
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I did not realize he cut his hair again during this season?? Seeing these was very surprising to me, I had thought he grew it out for the entire season but I guess not! But I guess if he hadn't gotten a haircut the entire season, he'd probably have his angelic curls of 2010 by the end
10. Hungary(July 23rd-26th):
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Kinda love the looks he was serving this weekend, it's just very spikey and cute(also the cunty sunglasses!!
11. Valencia(August 20th-23rd):
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12. Belgium(August 27th-30th):
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That garage lighting makes his hair look soooo much more yellow rather than his fair blond in the sunlight
13. Italy(September 10th-13th):
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This transitional growing period is not my fav, just the way his hair sweeps in is funny
14. Singapore(September 24th-27th):
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Looking particularly blond this weekend!! His hair is just very light and pretty
15. Japan(October 1st-4th):
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I think most of these are from post-quali and for good reason; I love the way it looks like he has highlights in all the bottom pics
16. Brazil(October 15th-18th):
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I love his scruffiness from this weekend!!! The scruffy stubble is sooooooo!!!
17. Abu Dhabi(October 29th-November 1st):
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Pretty cute I think but yeah like nothing can really compete with his hair length in 2010 for me so I look at these and I'm like, ooooo growing longer!!
Conclusion: I think it's fun to get to see the process of someone's hair growing out. I've noticed that a lot of men with short hair get very consistent haircuts to keep their hair generally the same length, and I think that's so boring!! I think it's great to grow out your hair for a few months time because you get to see yourself at all the different stages and experiment with all kinds of different looks! So yeah, props to Seb for serving all kinds of looks this season!!
Also it's always interesting to me how much hair length/style and facial hair can change a person's look, but particularly how old/young they look. Like when he shaved his his head, it made him look so young. But in Brazil for example, with the longer hair and scruffy facial hair, he def looks older!
And of course, let me know which you like the best :D My favorite is Jerez <3
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froggtogs · 1 year
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get pranked
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cheapcheapfaker · 22 days
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It’s all perfect btw
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muppetjohntavares · 2 months
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heavy is the head on which the goalie mask rests
(Picture credit to Hannah Foslien, Norm Hall, Jeff Vinnick and Scott Taetsch)
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dollsome-does-tumblr · 4 months
the last scene of season three of killing eve is definitely, like, the true ending of killing eve, isn't it?? you can feel that everything builds to that conversation that they have where they're really honest and open and understanding with each other, and villanelle being the one to initiate walking away out of love for eve shows her growth, and the absolutely stunning choice of MUSIC and the EMOTIONS on their BEAUTIFUL FACES and the TRYING TO WALK AWAY and the TURNING BACK and that magical little chime of hope that rings us out into the end credits. like, that's the absolute perfect moment to end that story on that absolutely sums up everything. the weight of what's happened and the promise of the future; the fact that they just can't stay away from each other presented as something beautiful and golden in that moment instead of something ruinous. i love their time together in the finale of season four because their chemistry is so good and it's so incredible to finally get to see them having fun together and loving each other, but everything felt so off all season, and the end is horrible and empty, and i think it's because they were trying to extend the story past its natural ending, which was that scene on the bridge at the end of season three. i almost wish i could magically eternal sunshine season four's existence out of my brain, except that i don't know if i'm strong enough to part with all the romancey moments from the season four finale. aughhhh!
but truly: killing eve has the perfect series finale, it's just that it happened a season too early.
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