#anyways this was a fun thing to work on in breaks between coms bc i allowed myself to be much messier
araneapeixes · 29 days
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silly comic idea I've been chipping away at :) welcome tomy shadowheart poly shipping propaganda show
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cutemeat · 2 years
wait as a newish fan can you tell me how / why rob is misogynist? (like besides his weird things on the podcast lol idk if theres more) and also who is jordan lol
ok im gonna say first of all i was mostly just joking in those tags ur referring to KJNFGDKJ just as full disclosure before I dig into this any further. ..
that being said, me joking abt that stuff in regard to rob is bc it just seems like rob is insecure about how he's contributed to a shitty system and really screwed someone (jordan reid, aka the original Sweet Dee) over personally and after being made more aware of his place in contributing to said system he's overcompensating while he's working thru some of that.... and uh. in all honesty it's something that i find funny and make jokes about cuz i am also someone with an extremely fragile ego n it feels good to deflect and make fun of someone else for having a fragile ego LOL
so it seems like rob's talking on the podcast and in other interviews abt misogyny n trying to 'correct' himself or pulling out that fuckin button on the podcast for 'Solves the North Korea Situation'.... i think this ties into him reconnecting with Jordan (who, like i said, was the og sweet dee who got booted from the production at the last minute largely as result of her n rob breaking up n none of the other guys backing her up...) and basically writing the MQ ep A Dark Quiet Death about that whole situation and the falling out.. idk it just seems like. maybe having to reconcile the fact he has been A Part Of The Problem and an asshole has gotten to him n again it feels like he overcompensates for that in the pod n i like to exploit those insecurities im familiar with in my own ways for laughs LOL. but yknow... i am a 20 yr old unemployed HS drop out on tumblr dot com n hes got a nice mansion and successful career in the film industry so i dont feel like im gonna hurt any feelings here..
so with all that context out of the way: i dont think rob is Actually some raging misogynist ... and if he is I wouldn't know either way cuz I Dont Know The Guy! so def take what I say here with a grain of salt I am very often not being serious and bad at using tone indicators so I do apologize if any of it gets confusing kjndfgkjd. he def has been misogynistic in the ways a lot of men will be without rlly thinking much of it (think dennis' obliviousness to how insane some of his logic about women sounds on sunny, but maybe less predatory but again idk the guy lol) but as of now he seems like he's more aware of that n better late than never n all that!
(once again.. a lot of my opinions here are mostly based in my own experiences and emotions projected onto people and situations I have only heard accounts of in articles/blog posts/podcasts n interviews so def keep that in mind. don't take me as the authority on anything lol. google 'jordan reid' + 'always sunny' and read thru her old blog posts about the situation if u are so inclined and draw your own conclusions! but like i said it's a mostly interpersonal thing between two ppl i dont know and it doesnt seem like there's much bad blood on that interpersonal level anymore rather than anger with a system that failed her. that being said its def a part of the shows history that shouldn't just be forgotten or discarded as it is apart of a larger issue anyway. srry this is all so messy if it wasnt obvious by how badly i am at talking abt this stuff i feel weird talking about strangers lives even celebs but yknow. tbh if i wanna make jokes abt this shit i should be prepared to explain myself anyway. like god im so bad at talking abt any of it seriously but i always wanna know all the dirt cuz I'm so fuckin nosy I love drama n gossip and Backstory!!!)
+ this is an older article that sorta sums up the events n links to her blogpost about it!
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lizacstuff · 3 years
SCK Season 2 episode 1 Fragman 1 asks!
That fragman was really goooood and it appears those of you in my inbox thought so too...
(asks under the cut)
Anonymous asked: that fragman... it had EVERYTHING i was hoping for for the start of this plot. sure, i had to adjust my expectations after the first teaser came out and knowing the plot and it was knowing we could potentially get these kinda scenes with their daughter i was really excited about, it already looks SO good.. it almost feels like there's new life in the show which i guess is what a new season is about. idk if you watched the last live but they mention 11-13 eps and i think it'll be perfect for this
I got chills the first time I watched the fragman. Just amazing.  It’s a really good thing that they released the teaser and then the summary so we could all, as you say, adjust expectations. If this fragman was the first we were hearing about the set up for this season then we would have all been in shock like we were after the teaser.  However, we’ve had time to come to terms with the story and now we get to see how they are going to execute it... and the verdict is... it looks like it’s going to be amazing!
It definitely feels like new life to the show. Hopefully, Ayse is re-energized after her long break and getting to take back control of her creation and we’re in for quite a ride. 
I just adored the few seconds we got of Serkan and his daughter.  That’s already an amazing dynamic and we’ve barely seen it. Obviously, there will be quite a bit of hilarity there, but it’s also going to be quite the emotional ride to watch him open his heart to his daughter and become her dad... and then, you know, open his heart to her mom and eventually become her husband. 
11-13 episodes does seem the exact right length for this story.  I hope everyone who is still upset and angry about the time jump (I get it, it was a tragic curve ball) will find a way to let that go and enjoy this show while we have it. This show is special, this cast is special, Hande and Kerem are special, and it’s so much more fun to enjoy it as it comes to an end. Being in that negative headspace isn’t the best way to celebrate the last three months of this show, and fandom and all the hoopla surrounding it and you will probably regret it when it’s over if you don’t make the most of it. Anon and I will be enjoying it the best we can, right!?
Anonymous asked: it's probably too early to tell, but i'm getting some parent trap rom-com vibes from that first fragman. their daughter definitely has some spunk, i mean this is eda's daughter of course, and i can totally see her scheming to reunite her parents after she finds out that serkan is her father.
Ha! Yes, I think is a given. She’s probably going to be working hard and I’m sure we’re in for many comic scenes and the resultant sexual tension of Eda and Serkan being thrown together constantly. Now who do we think her accomplices will be?  Melo? Seyfi? Everyone but the new people and Ayfer?  That was the only part of the fragman that made me groan, Ayfer was on screen 2 seconds and it already looks like she’s going to be a pain-in-the-ass.  Back to Ayse’s Ayfer I guess, she’s one character who was much less insufferable under the other writers. 
Anyway, I want BabyGirl to insist on all sorts of outings together as a family, trips, etc, and then make herself scarce. Can you imagine? And hey if she’s able to manipulate them into living together, all the better!
Anonymous asked: OK that fragman was probably the best thing they could've shown first! Even the most cynical of cynics cannot resist the visual of Serkan + little girl. She's adorable!
SOOOO CUTE.  I mean, come on! Where did they find this child? She’s perfect. She absolutely is 100% believable as their child. That casting department is on fire.  It’s interesting there were reports from set this week that Maya struggled with her scenes, because from what we say she NAILED them. She must have settled down (if the reports were even true in the first place, so many nonsense rumors in this fandom).
I’m usually not that excited for kids on screen, but these Baba/Kiz scenes and family scenes are going to be amazing. I’m actually looking forward to scenes with a child. 
Anonymous asked: Any guesses on the story behind Edser’s daughter’s scarf? And thoughts on the name Kiraz? Is it her real name or does Serkan just call her that bc he doesn’t know her name and sees the cherries on her scarf?? Or is the whole fandom a circus and her name doesn't relate to cherries at all?
I think my best guess is that she won’t tell Serkan her name (like her mama) and Serkan sees her scarf or she leaves her scarf so he calls her Kiraz, and that will stick as a nickname.  That would also be a parallel to Serkan calling Eda a fruit nick name when he didn’t know hers. 
Perhaps it’s her real name, it just doesn’t feel like something Eda would name her, but I honestly don’t know what names are popular in Turkey, and if that’s an actual name people use or not. 
However, I will laugh my ass off if her name has nothing to do with cherries, because some people on other platforms really made asses of themselves getting upset when it was first rumored. I mean... getting key-smashing angry about a fictional child’s name? That’s when you know that your negativity over the season set up has become irrational.
Anonymous asked: Any rough idea on the timeline for 2x01 based on the fragman?
This is such a great question, and I really have no idea. I can’t even decide what comes first, Serkan talking to her on the beach (I don’t like you Serkan Bolat, The feeling is mutual) or when he brings her home.  I could see it either way. 
I’m hopeful that Serkan and Eda meeting and coming face to face isn’t the end of the episode.  That just doesn’t make sense to me. it’s obvious from the fragman that they want Serkan and BabyGirl to meet and interact before either of them is aware of their connection, so no Eda present there.  But with the way they’re setting up this season, they are obviously hoping to bring viewers back, and potentially even attract new viewers, and the draw for this show is having Hande and Kerem on screen together.  Having a whole episode, the one where they hope to catch new people, where they don’t see each other to the end, wouldn’t be putting their best foot forward in my opinion.  So I’m hopefully that happens at least half way or three quarters of the way through the episode so we get to see a bit of that interaction between them. 
I suppose they might wait to the end for them to meet, but fulfill the need to have Edser on screen through flashbacks. That’s possible. It will be interesting to see, maybe the second fragman will give us more hints!
Anonymous asked: I think the first ep cliffhanger is def gonna be serkan realizing that maya is edas kid
Obviously it could be. We’ll see. I was sort of hoping for the cliffhanger to be him realizing that she’s his kid...
I really don’t want them to draw that out, Eda has kept the child secret for too long as it is, now that they’re face to face it’s time to come clean. No lying. 
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thefledglingdm · 4 years
so here’s another essay that maybe 0.5 people asked for? because i rewatched set it up and now someone great and in so many ways i think i arguably like someone great better???? so here is the long-winded rambly mess of me being emotional over this movie. info is below the cut, no pressure to read just bc i’m having rom com feelings this saturday night!!!!
for those of you who have never seen someone great (why are you reading this? i’m flattered but why), here’s a quick summary: when music reporter jenny gets an amazing new job opportunity, bad news comes with it: she has to move cross-country. to top it all off, her boyfriend of nine years breaks up with her because he doesn’t want to move with her. enter her best friends erin and blair, who decide to send off their best friend in style with a mind-bending 24 hours of partying and emotional catharsis.
a disclaimer: this movie also has a special place in my heart because it came out right as i was getting set to graduate from grad school. so many of my friends had moved on and moved away already, but i was about to do that, too, shucking off the safety blanket of school and entering into the “real world.” and this movie, i think, uniquely captures that feeling in a way no other film i’ve personally seen does? more on that later.
GOD where even do i start.
jenny so captures the feeling of being dumped. the anger, the ugly, loud crying, the messiness of it, the drinking, the up-and-down bevy of ping-ponging emotions. she belts lizzo’s “truth hurts” in her underwear, in her kitchen, drunk. her best friend then walks in and joins her. like yes THAT is what girls and breakups feel like.
(obvs not for everyone but i felt seen)
(the night of one of my college breakups ended with me on my best friend’s floor, wine-drunk and full of domino’s pizza, critiquing her presentation for an upcoming history conference.)
her best friends are there for her and love her and support her, taking the day off work to stay with her. but they also give her tough love when she needs it. and she does need it.
also that bond between women bc jenny is just bitching about her breakup to a random woman on the subway and she’s like, “yo fr???? he sucks”
this movie is also so hilarious???? these girls have been best friends since college and it SHOWS. they do all these goofy silly things together, they have in-jokes and references, they make fun of each other. they tease each other about their boyfriends/girlfriends. they smoke and drink and get high together. they SWEAR. they have foul mouths and my bffs and i did too.
god the LINES. like
“yo. i went to say hello to a chihuahua outside our building, and it was a fucking rat.”
“it’s... like a green juice smoothie. that’s kind of genius.” “she made me try it. it’s fucking disgusting. i am drowning out here.”
“we’ll tell them her mom died!” “oh my god????” “ugh, fine. her aunt.” “i don’t think you understand what is fucked up about this suggestion.”
“ooooh, you gave me my favorite mug, you do love me!!!” and the mug is a mini-toilet.
“blair, watching you take down all those carbs has been the highlight of my whole, entire life.”
“what happens next???? i turn thirty and then i probably die.”
*sobbing* “and like.... i really want to go to the farmer’s market with you. that sounds really nice.” “great fresh produce.”
the representation is so good??? jenny is Latina; erin is a Black lesbian; erin’s girlfriend is a South Asian designer.
no i’m gonna go into my thesis now which is that this is the only movie i’ve seen that actually serves as a “coming of age” movie that is not aimed at  teens. it’s not about finding yourself in high school or college or coming to terms with your sexuality (which are all important!!! but as someone in my mid-20s, who has graduated and is comfortable in my gender and sexuality, those movies aren’t for me. and i hadn’t realized how much i needed a movie like this for me until i saw it for the first time). 
this is a movie about looking around at your life and realizing that you’ve outgrown it. this is a movie about what it’s like to keep growing up, because you don’t graduate college/grad school and suddenly you’re an Adult and it’s all Figured Out. it’s not!!!!! and that’s okay!!!!!! you may think you have a Life Plan but then it goes off the rails and things change and it’s hard and it’s scary and it’s okay because we all feel it. we all grow up.
like.... people fall out of love. relationships change. people get jobs and move away. it’s scary. and the way that it’s described.... jenny’s realization that her breakup with nate was a long time coming, because they actually hadn’t been happy in a long time. when blair breaks up with her boyfriend in the single most amicable, polite breakup scene i’ve ever watched. they’re not angry or hurt, they’re relieved. and it’s so refreshing to watch an example of a breakup that is a relief, because two people are being freed from their own expectations, of their lives, of each other, of themselves.
and this also talks about the fear of really, truly falling in love for the first time. the vulnerability, the recognition that now everything in life is changing.
when jenny holds her best friends and confesses, “i don’t know life without this.” when erin screams that she is afraid of everything about growing up, because that means that she needs to change. truly everything about jenny’s goodbye letter to nate.
god i just. “i don’t know life without this” hits me in the fucking face because that’s exactly how i felt about living with my best friend and moving out to move in with my partner, about my eboard group of besties splitting and moving all over the country, about my group of friends that supported me through the worst moments of my life and encouraged me to embrace myself, my healing, and my sexuality? and there was something Terrifying about the notion of moving away, about all of us separating and growing apart. and to see a movie that showed that that fear was natural, and it was okay, and there were some friendships that last forever? and even if they don’t, that doesn’t mean they were without love and meaning? it was something that i needed at the end of my education career.
also jenny and erin joke about apparently facetiming each other on the toilet and that made me scream bc my best friend and i literally do text each other each time we shit, and also it’s usually at the same time. you know you’re besties not just when your periods sync, but when your shit cycles do, too.
yeah i feel like we’ve all gotten to know each other really well in this post.
also the soundtrack FUCKING SLAPS. the intro to lorde’s “supercut?” jenny singing along to selena’s “dreaming of you” in her bodega? jenny’s realization that things are truly over between her and nate, and that’s the way it’s supposed to be, and it’s okay, to jessie reyez’s “great one?” jenny cry-singing to “truth hurts” by lizzo? the super-fun scene of the three getting ready for their hedonistic night out to lil kim’s “the jump off?” cinematic brilliance.
also the cameos??? jaboukie young-white and rupaul are in it. they’re hysterical, especially jaboukie young-white oh my GOD
tl;dr this is the coming-of-age movie to women in their mid-20s when we feel like Death Is Coming at age 30 when really life is just beginning. life is about change. sometimes we outgrow our lives, and that’s okay. 
anyway please watch this movie look how ADORABLE and CUTE and BEAUTIFUL THEY ALL ARE
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stevethehairington · 6 years
Fanfic Meme
I was tagged by the lovely @gracie137blogs​ thank you bb  😘😘
Your favorite fic you’ve written:
I Have Hella Feelings For You E 19k
I actually have a lot of fics I’ve written that I really love, but this one ranks just a bit higher than the others for a few reasons. It was the first chaptered fic I ever posted so it holds a special place in my heart because of that. But also, when I first started writing it I only was planning on having 3 chapters but it ended up being 8 in the end and I wrote a chapter a day and posted it as I wrote like that. So I’m pretty proud of how well it turned out. And it got a really really good response which makes me even happier and makes me love it even more. 
Your least favorite fic you’ve written:
Stjerner Lyser Skinnede GA 2k
Okay so it was a tossup between this fic and my Queer Eye au but this one won out because I at least liked the beginning of my Queer Eye au lmao. But this was written in desperation. I hadn’t posted anything in a while and was just beginning to get out of a really bad writers block and I whipped this up and I kind of hated it but posted it anyways. But yeah, I feel like this one has no substance so I don’t really like it that much tbh. But I don’t delete fics so it stays up there.
Your most popular fic:
I Have Hella Feelings For You E 19k
Ayeee this one again haha. This is my most popular fic and tbh I’m pretty damn proud of that! Like I said before, this one’s special to me so I’m glad it’s my most popular. 
The fic you wish more people would read:
Lily White, Hold Me Tight GA 4.3k OR Quality of Convictions GA 3.6k
Okay this one’s a tie because I couldn’t pick between these two.  Lily White is one of my favorite things I’ve written and I feel like it’s underappreciated lol. I have Strong Feelings about Bucky being drafted instead of enlisting and that’s what that fic is basically about; in it Steve finds his draft notice. I’d say it’s minor angst bc Bucky and Steve both get emotional about it but it’s resolved quickly. Quality of Convictions is another one I really love that gets like no attention. It’s a Harry Potter au, which I understand isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but idk I just really love how this one turned out so I wish more people would give it a chance.
The fic you most enjoyed writing:
Lies As Sweet As Chocolate GA 3.7k
Ahh okay so I’ve enjoyed writing a lot of the fics I’ve posted but this one in particular came to me so easily which made it that much more enjoyable of a process to write. It was written for Spierfeld week, in which I wrote a fic a day for a whole week skljgd it was Busy but So Fun, and I ended up writing at least two of my favorite fics for it and this was one of them! I just loved getting into Bram’s head in this one and writing his panic when it comes to all things coffee haha. 
The fic you found hardest to write:
All Things (Just Keep Getting Better) GA 12.5k 
This was the easiest one of these to pick for lmaoo. This fic. *sigh* It was just. so. damn. hard. to. write. This was my entry for the Skam Reverse Bang 2018 and at this point, I had signed up for the reverse bang hoping it would help me re-find my inspiration for writing Skam, but it didn’t end up working out like that lol. The first like 1k or 2k (basically the whole car scene in the beginning) came so easily to me, I wrote it before I even knew I had this particular art to write for lol. But as time went on it got harder and harder to write for this and I ended up leaving it for last minute... oops... and I had to rush through it to finish which made me hate how it turned out. So yeah. This one is probably my least favorite thing I’ve written after Stjerner Lyser Skinnede. Which sucks because I really wanted to do it justice because I love the heck out of Queer Eye. But. Circumstances, I guess.
Your funniest fic:
I Just Had Sex M 2k
Haha this fic. Oh man, okay so a pal brought up the thomas the tank engine version of my neck, my back (don’t ask) which started a conversation of wack ass sex songs lol and I Just Had Sex by The Lonely Island was brought up and I suggested a fic idea based on it and got coerced into writing it lmao thus this fic was born. It’s not a crack fic or anything but it’s the closest I’ve gotten to writing a crack fic and I think it’s pretty amusing so. 
Your saddest fic:
Lily White, Hold Me Tight GA 4.3k
I actually don’t have like any angsty or sad fics, which is honestly kind of a shame because I would love to have more of those, they can be kind of fun to write sometimes sfljdf. But this would definitely be my saddest. Like I explained earlier it’s Steve finding Bucky’s draft notice and confronting Bucky about it and Bucky like kind of breaks down when explaining why he didn’t tell Steve about it and told him he enlisted instead. It has a nicer ending, but yeah, it gets pretty emotional. But honestly, it’s one of my favorite things I’ve written.  (Honorable mention to the p much finished skam divorce fic in my drafts that I’ll probably never post. That one was hella sad, especially if I didn’t go with the happy ending bits I had in mind. It would have easier taken this spot if I ever posted it but I didn’t and never will)
The fic you’d like to be remembered for:
I Have Hella Feelings For You E 12k OR If You Love Me, If You Hate Me E 44.3k+
Ideally, I would love to be remembered by a different fic for each fandom I’m in lmaoo but that’s definitely unlikely.  Actually, once I finish my Stucky AU Big Bang fic (and tbh the other rom com au I’m working on) that’s probably going to be the fic I’m most proud of and would most like to be remembered for but since that’s not finished or posted yet I’ll go with these two lol.  Both of these fics are very special to me, for reasons previously stated for Hella Feelings but not IYLMIYHM. That one was a gift for one of my pals for the Skam Intl Secret Admirer Exchange we did and that fic honestly was a blast to write. I complained about it a whole helluva lot lol but I really did enjoy myself writing it and some of the chapters have some of my favorite things I’ve written (i.e. the sex scene in like chapter 7 i think it is?? love that shit srgldfdg can you say that about your own smut? lmao). But yeah, these are my two chaptered fics so far (even though the second one is still unfinished ripppp) and I’m insanely proud of both of them and I think they’d be pretty bomb things to be remembered by. (Also they’re my most popular fics so if anything these would be the ones I’m known for lmao)
Tagging: @medicineontour @chloevlntine @julian-dahl @julieseven @odette-and-odile @dottieapple @flightyrock @stevergrsno and any of my other writer friends that want to do this!! Just say I tagged you! <3
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steponmepinkjun · 2 years
B r o I know we do not know each other but you are my big sister of the internet bc I have ADHD and parasocial relationships with strangers on tumblr dot com are special to me. I literally cannot tell this to anyone else. So my life is very movie-like ok? I joke abt how ppl should just follow me with a camera and the show would get Ratings, third world country Kardashian, truly. I was born on 11/11 at 11:56pm the day before the due date bc fuck you. And with many many hilarious and absolutely bonkers stories in between then and now, 22 years later. But with relationships? In matters of the heart? Cero, zilch, nada. No luck whatsoever. I was entirely invisible all through high school (or whatever grade you’re in from 12-18 years old, American schooling is weird) I think the only time I was noticed at all was that one time I passed out in the hallway (just for a second so they could step over me, it’s a whole story) and then again when a teacher started a rumor that I tried to kill myself by jumping in front of a bus (and only bc she started the speech by declaring “you might have noticed that your classmate is absent today...” literally nobody had, thanks. Another story). So you can imagine my surprise when in college a friend of the girl I liked approached me at a party (swaying and giggling) to tell me that her friend had a crush on me. I asked her out like a week later (A big deal for me!!) and we spent the day being cute and gay. It was her birthday and she hadn’t told me (things that happen to me, bro) so she invited me to a party at her place in the afternoon. We danced (she carried me to the dancefloor!!) and when I want out for air I had my first kiss on the balcony (a very dramatic affair. My friends later told me that she had stolen someone’s drink straight from their hand, tipped the red solo cup back like in the movies, and marched determinedly in my direction to grab me by the face and plant a solid smooch on me in the middle of my sentence). Cool, cute, gay, whatever. Pandemic hit, didn’t work out, it was honestly fun while it lasted (like, two weeks) she has a boyfriend now and they look adorable together. ANYWAY, I was being emo at a friends house and complaining about never being anyone’s crush ever (once is a fluke) and she told me that she used to have a crush on me (??!!?!) what does one even do with an expired suitor? (For context, she’s my crush as well. Strong and tall and a little emo and exactly my type. But she has a bf and we’re rlly good friends and that’s cool and comfy as well. Can you tell I’m very demi?). I was visiting her and her family for spring break and I met her boyfriend (he’s so scary looking but like, a giant teddy bear. Super nerdy. Also my type. My friends have good taste). We went out and I third-wheeled my way through a museum date and a walk in the park and we took out my friend’s dog. It was fun, cool. Anyway I had a breakdown at night (leave me alone I have depression) and my friend went to check on me and we talked and I calmed down and she told me she didn’t just used to have a crush on me. She still did. (??!?) and her bf was ok with her dating me as well (which, dude?). I mean, cool and everything. But I didn’t want to be like a side piece or a toy or whatever. Nope, the boyfriend wants to date me too (??!?!?!?). We went out a couple more times and I have never had so much fun and we also talked and now I have two partners lmao, literally for my first ever relationship. Also my first time was a threesome LMAO. (Sorry this was so long aaah! Sleepover rant over.)
I feel like I must have manifested u in my inbox, nonnie lol I was just thinking the other day how the only part of this blog I miss is when I used to have big ol elaborate convos with rando anons and there was all this looove and sweetness goin round and we got our lil parasocial teas awnnnn.... I miss that lol. Okay bestie I see u graduated from ur Slept On Era right into Hot Bitch Shit 👀 we love this comeback for you bitch!!!!! Savage Era!!!!!! Very okay then if ur hot you coulda just SAID THAT!!!!! The bitch said you wanna sleep on me, overnight?! I'm the mothafuckin boss, OVER—WRITE ��� we love to see it, use protection, call us when the polycule wedding is due 🤙
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cruelwritersthesis · 6 years
how would luke react to nick? like i keep imaging it in my head, like maybe luke never went twith the whole over throw the gods thing, maybe the gods kinda enslaved him instead, who know? All i need to know is how luke would handle nick being in love with tori. (A drabble, full length thing, bullet point headcanons I DINT CARE I NEED ANSWERS)
i was almost like: yeah! here are some headcanons
*lists them out*
then was like…wait
this is my story. nick is my character, and while luke isn’t my character, i have created an au, which is my au with my oc, so these aren’t even headcanons they’re most def canon
tho…canon that are subject to change, should i ever like actually address this in my story XP
also sorry this took me so long, i’m home for winter holiday and was spending time with my mom and getting presents for my friends (at the biggest, bestest bookstore, i could live there if they’d let me)
so let’s say luke comes back to camp somehow, someway he’s back at camp
and like the camp’s pretty okay with it???
but luke def gets a lot of “that’s the scary blond guy with the scar?” from the young’ins and “oh great the scary blond guy with the scar is back” from everyone else
but uh, that’s kinda a tangent
luke’s back everyone!
tori can’t keep anything from him bc she’s tori and she loves him so fucking much
besides, she’s a terrible liar around him bc he knows all her tells
it’s worse bc he’s a son of hermes, who is like, the god of reading tells
hermes is a trickster, a con artist, of course he’s gonna know how to read tells what
anyway, at first tori kinda just forgets abt it as she do, but luke doesn’t fail to notice the wounded doe eyes nick gives tori whenever she interacts with luke
and so he finally brings it up
side note: luke is super territorial abt tori, so he notices anyone giving her any sort of eyes
and not like in a possessive, unhealthy way, he’s just like…he loves her so much and no fucking way is he gonna let anyone else take her from him
not that he thinks she’s just drop him like a hot cake, but bc he’s a jealous bastard
and so it tori, so like they’re made for each other
back to the main point, he brings it up to her one night, on the roof of the hermes cabin (shhh)
and she just kind of freezes for a moment, trying to work out the best way to break it to him
she’s a little afraid of how he’ll react. not that he’d ever hurt her, but she doesn’t want to see him angry and hurt
of course, he’s angry and hurt anyway when she finally does reveal what that’s all abt, but he can’t help it and she knows this
she def tells him everything: the magic tricks, the growing closer, the kiss (yikes™), the uh…the fact that nick is now hopelessly and helplessly in love with tori (oops)
and from that point on nick would most def be enemy 第一个 (which is basically “number one” in chinese hey everyone always uses spanish so i though i’d mix it up a little, also i’m chinese so) in luke’s eyes
at first, nick’s most def intimidated by luke
big shot–almost destroyed the world, then saved it, is now back at camp, is older, and has a scary scar on his face
but nick doesn’t show it, he closes off his emotions instead
and ppl perceive this as him backing down and being a little meek abt it
it’s bc of his heritage, having grown up in two diff cultures: chinese and american
in china, ppl are taught not to really show their emotions, esp the men so like he falls back into smth that’s comfortable, self-contained, and safe for him, which ppl then misconstrue as meek
putting up his walls protects him from the emotions he’s afraid to feel: the hurt to know that tori really is forever out of his reach, his anger and jealousy toward luke
luke and nick don’t interact at all, and since tori’s nearly always with luke, leaving nick little to no time to hang out with tori like he’s been doing (just as friends, but he’s never gotten over his feelings toward her)
luke just gives him glares every moment he gets, and gets overly touchy-feely with tori to make sure nick knows that tori is his
and yeah it sounds a bit possessive, but luke is also 110% tori’s too (she owns his ass, bruh)
it’s all mutual and respectful, anyway
tori, as per yuzh, is oblivious to the fact that luke may be, just a little, slightly jealous
nick just pretends not to notice luke
until it becomes too much and his more americanized cultural side comes out
nick gets kinda aggressive
but it’s like an inbetween of aggressive and passive-aggressive
he doesn’t outright challenge luke to a duel or anything
but if luke starts to glare at him as they pass, he’ll make it a point to glare back
one time he even shoved luke’s shoulder
that’s what starts the feud between the hermes cabin and the hecate cabin
officially apollo is swizterland
unofficially, bc tori will always side with luke (even if she says she doesn’t), the apollo cabin sides with the hermes cabin
her siblings grudgingly side with her, but they’re don’t exactly wish luke well, despite how much their half-sister loves him, but they love her enough to stand by her decisions
luke saved the world, it doesn’t look like he’ll be trying to destory it anytime soon, “we’ll let him live. fine”
side note: they def, at one point after luke’s return, kidnap him, tie him up, and interrogate him for tori’s sake
not that they really need to, knowing his devotion to her, but they gotta enact some kind of revenge
it kinda backfires bc luke is impeccable at undoing knots with his mind if he concentrates hard enough
but then he gets an arrow to the foot, so
tori’s not horribly happy hearing abt this, but knows that her siblings just did it bc they want to take care of her and love her
but her siblings do make luke’s life a living hell sometimes. any chance they can get, really
anyway, back to the main
capture the flag is terrible
hecate may wield magic, but you should never underestimate a con man or a trickster
not to mention they’ve also go the apollo cabin who has magic of their own
the rest of the cabins just kinda pick sides, make bets
it’s been unheard of amongst the pantheon of a hecate/hermes feud, so siding over old parents’ feuds doesn’t work in this situation
speaking of, the gods are having a grand ole time watching it all pan out on hephaestus tv
don’t put hecate and hermes in the same room tho
you bet your ass aphrodite is having a hay-day with this drama. she’s done enough meddling in tori’s life, tho, and she knows that no magic of hers is going to make this into a love triangle
luke and tori’s love for each other is too deeply intertwined, breaking that bond would literally kill them at this point and she’d rather not anger hermes or apollo
leave their kids alone dammit
zeus only allows this to continue–luke living, not necessarily the sit-com–bc the gods, even hera, is finally focused on someone else’s fuck-ups and not his (literally and figuratively speaking)
chiron has to break up fights daily, and does his best to keep luke and nick apart
tori is angry at both of them for letting their testosterone fuel their thoughts
she talks to them each, separately abt how immature and stupid they’re acting
“this isn’t high school”
“luke, you’re like 24 now, stop acting like a child”
“nick, stop provoking him and grow up”
it doesn’t work
tori then tries to reason with lou ellen, who doesn’t really want to hear it at first
mostly bc being in a feud is fun, her mom is finally getting recognition among the camp
tori goes to will to try and talk some sense in lou ellen then bc she’s tired of this fighting
despite, at the end of the day, always sneaking over the hermes cabin to snuggle with luke
only snuggles tho, bc she’s mad that he’s acting like a brat, maybe the occasional kiss
that’s right! no sex for you luke, sorry not sorry boiiii
nick stays at camp just to piss luke off, like he could leave, bc he’s def done enough training and he really should focus maybe a little harder on his school work and shit, but this is too fucking fun
he’s a vindictive little shit
tori’s tempted to knock sense into both of them, literally, when this goes on for weeks
instead she wails on them during training
chiron tried to get nick into a different class, but tori was having none of it
so she’s spars with nick, absolutely going all out on him
luke it’s a little harder, bc damn he’s good, but she lets her anger and annoyance fuel her enough that she certainly makes a point
tori explains to luke over and over again that she was just confused, lonely, and hurt
luke totally gets it, but his jealousy doesn’t fade, and the more nick provokes him, the more he feels the need to defend himself
so it’s just a vicious cycle of testosterone-induced mutual hatred jfc boys calm the fuck down
eventually, tori manages to convince lou ellen to help end this petty feud
so they end up locking the four of them–nick, luke, tori, and lou ellen in a room
lou’s there as a mediator
and tori is too, but she’s been known to get violent so, everyone thought it best someone else be there with her
this doesn’t solve anything bc men aren’t socialized to work things through with words *sighs*
thankfully a fight doesn’t break out tho
it almost does, but tori threatens them with a swear on the styx, and they grudgingly back down
so the feud continues with no sight in end, much to tori’s and chiron’s annoyance
and basically all the other cabins other than the hermes and hecate cabins
i’m not really sure how to end this definitively, but i hope i answered your question thoroughly enough
thanks for sending this in! it was actually really fun to think abt XD
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ctrl-shift-esc · 7 years
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“The greatest gift you could ever give me is , consistency.” - Veronica 
Spoil Her with Consistent Quality Time 
Good morning from my living room, 
which is now, not as empty as it used to be. This place is filling up quicker than I thought!
It feels good to be getting the furniture we need, and decorating it to feel like home. I’m all about nesting…
I’m currently recuperating from 3 weeks of full time work on set. As a reward I’ve allowed myself to take the following 4 days off. Can’t say it’s been easy to refuse work, and commit to my time off. Who knew! (anyway, that’s a future post to come). For now, I am finally going to write about the little getaway to Victoria BC, Eric and I decided to take a few weeks back!
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[ ferry ride to Victoria Bc. ]
With Eric’s job, we don’t get to see each other everyday, we don’t even get the weekends together. We go a straight 20, or now , 14 days without seeing each other, consistently… Not to mention that when he does come home, he’s more often than not, tired from working 14 to 20 days straight 12 hours a day, understandably.
On my end, I take as many days of work as I can while he’s gone. So that when he’s home I press on the breaks a little bit to be able to soak up as much time as I can with him. A luxury I get from making my own schedule. That being said, sometimes life happens. Things come up; weddings, friends or family visiting, or plain old responsibilities. Yes, being with each other should technically be enough. But sometimes it’s not. We all like to think that living our day to day lives together is enough to upkeep a romantic connection. But I’m afraid to say, that it might not be. Eventually the relationship can feel strenuous. Sure enough, it did. 
Life happened and we were (or I was ) feeling more and more tired. Feeling exhausted, and becoming short with one another. We were spending his time off dealing with responsibilities and attending to other people (which isn’t, by any means, lack of fun!) but we, in consequence, put quality time for ourselves on the back burner. It can be easier to forgive, for a relationship with a regular schedule. However, only having one week a month together, doesn’t allow for that kind of leeway. Rest assured though, it’s nothing a little Quality Time can’t fix! 
So we did just that, recently, many of my friends had been talking about Victoria, and Eric and I had been saying , we should go “One day”. Well “One Day” doesn’t make shit happen. I’ve learned that you need to set a definitive “By When” for things to start moving. Even if it’s in a year from now, at least the plan is made, you’re now working towards something. A week prior, we decided we we’re going to Victoria BC. for 1 night. Quality time doesn’t have to be the four seasons, Fairmont or Sandals resort to make you feel like you’re living a fairytale. It can be simple, quaint, and on the DL. 
Sure the pressure is on, to have an over the top romantic getaway, like you see in Rom Coms. Especially when you’re parched, and dehydrated from the lack of romance the past few months. Take it from someone like me; who has slight control issues & often needs / wants everything to be perfect. It’s easy for me to get ahead of myself. I’m not going to lie, I was originally looking at hotels like the Fairmont, and the Hilton. But then I opted for a quaint hotel right on Douglas st.; The Strathcona. 
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[ picture credit: strathconahotel.com - Google, images ]
We got lucky, the Strathcona is actually surrounded by a few party places. Which we only found out about, when we got there. Since we had decided to go on a Sunday, we missed the noise and drunk people by one day. Phew! I’m not mad about it. It was indeed a quaint and cute place to spend the night. It reminded me of the Audrey Hepburn days (as if I know what those were like…). Fine, it reminded me of Old Movies. Made me want to dress shabby chic and walk the streets! 
We hurried upstairs to drop our bags, then, hurried right back down to go for a nice car ride along the water. I think, this was the highlight of the trip. To drive around, on a fall day with my love, by the ocean. Looking at beautiful houses that make you daydream about your best (future) life. Pit stopping to get coffees and hot chocolates along the way. It really allowed us to reconnect. To forget about the “Have To’s” and the “Must’s”. And to simply be present in the “Now”. 
That night was date night. I’d been recommended a lovely restaurant by a customer at work - Il Terrazzo. A hidden Italian restaurant & this lady swore by it! So obviously, we had to visit! It was everything I was craving. If you know me, you know; I’m all about those “hole in the wall”, quaint, cozy, rustic, ambient, places. And this was just that. It’s not a secret place, it’s actually quite known, but it’s also, quite literally, a hole in the wall. 
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[ picture credit: waymarking.com - Google, images ]
You turn into an alley and the front entrance is off into a corner. The food was majestic, and the service was great. The ambiance, was perfect. I can’t wait to go back. Brick walls, large windows, wooden chairs and accent wooden  beams, were the main decor. They had multiple art displays, candle lit lighting. It was definitely romantic to say the least. 
In just a short 8 hours away with Eric, I already felt refreshed. I felt like I could breathe again. This, is what Quality Time does. It is so very important in a relationship. 
The next day was about spending our time exploring. Walking around, trying new restaurants. I had heard of Fan Tan Alley, by one of my friends who used to be a local. Although Fan Tan alley isn’t just visited by Victoria residents, it’s known to be quite the tourist attraction. And now, ‘twas on my radar to track down. 
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[ Fan Tan Alley, Victoria BC ]
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It’s an alley way, between two very close buildings. Which somehow holds space for several little artisan shops. I Am So In My Element! Not only have we found that Victoria is by nature the cutest - coziest little town, I was with my best friend, my boyfriend, exploring everything new. I’m happy. 
You might recognize the famous entrance way to Fan Tan Alley below -  Instagram seems to have taken the utmost liking to it…
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We spent our day laughing, eating and shopping. 
And … Bickering. Yes. that’s a reality. When you’ve reached a point in your relationship where you’re both thirsty for quality time, there’s possibly a resentment build up. As I like to say, you’re no longer calibrated. Also, in our case, we only have so many days where we can talk things through properly. It unfortunately happens to be when we’re physically together… 
If there’s one thing I need to remind myself, it’s that; it takes the bickering, the fighting, the talking at each other, the eye rolling, and the time-outs, to get to an understanding. Unless you’ve mastered your communication, then you’ll inevitably have misunderstandings and long talks about your feelings. Especially if you’re trying to change or better anything in your relationship. 
Even though there were the small cringing moments, the memory I have of that weekend, is the way I felt spending undivided time with Eric. It was worth every minute. The good and the Not so good. 
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[ me being creepy, in Fan Tan Alley ]
between all the laughing and bickering we tried this lovely seafood place called Finn’s. 
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Another, cozy/ rustic place, by the water. 
I opted for the lobster lunch, which was surprisingly not as expensive as I thought it deserved. Its prices were equivalent to Bridges on Granville Island, in Vancouver, yet served bigger portions . The food was once again v tasty. See for yourself. 
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[ now I’m hungry again… great ]
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I recommend to any couple to go spend a day getaway in Victoria BC, or anywhere for that matter – any day!
It was nothing short of a breath of fresh air! Quality time, seems to replenish a withered connection with ease. Spending so much time apart can make you forget the little things that brought you together in the first place. It takes those times to rekindle and be reminded who you are as a couple. And I promise you it’ll feel good. Why do you think we always hear stories about how people fell in love on vacation? Because there’s something about being away, & forgetting about your To Do list, that is magical. 
The best present you could offer anyone in a relationship - I believe, (among other things ( like communication, loyalty, respect))- is consistent quality time. The effort, and the willingness to keep at it. 
So there it is.
A little quality time goes a long way - spoil her with consistency.
Until next time - enjoy the next few pics of our trip! 
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[ The ferry ride was a windy ride ]
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[ I look at you when you don’t know I am. ]
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[ One of Eric’s favorite things to do, is to take Very awkward pictures of me… ]
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[ Victoria BC. ]
On that note
Ctrl+Shift+ couples who travel together stay together - where are you guys going next?
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hyfdanielle-archive · 7 years
Bad Day → granielle
TITLE: Bad Day CHARACTER(S): Danielle Panabaker and Grant Gustin @theflashgrant SETTING: Vancouver, BC Canada on Jan 11th CONTENT RATING: PG SUMMARY: Danielle has a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day and Grant makes it all the more better.
Danielle 's work day was not going well. On top of new candids and new things released for the show, she was distracted about her frame. Nothing fit for her on Caitlin's wardrobe and she gained looks upon the wardrobe department for it; but she shook it off. The tight fitting dresses weren't working for her and to make matters worse, she was forgetting her lines left and right. Nothing was going right that was meant to go right and by the time filming ended, Danielle was over the day. Picking up her things from her trailer, she placed her daughter in her stroller and made her way towards her husband's trailer. She knew that Grant would either be done or be on break by the time she was finished from whispers amongst the crew, and she needed her husband after a tough day like this. The brunette didn't say much when she knocked and entered into the trailer, bringing Alison out of her stroller and placed her in her arms. Danielle didn't speak, didn't say anything at all, but let out a soft sigh once she was able to sit down and placed herself on Grant's lap, setting down slowly and making sure Alison wasn't going to fall before laying her head on his shoulder afterwards.
Grant was having a typical day of work, going from scene to scene and just trying to get through the day. He was feeling tired after finishing so late last night and having to be back early that morning but he was getting through it, used to it by now. Grant noticed throughout the day that something seemed off with his wife and he wasn't sure what it was. When they were doing group scenes, Danielle had been messing up her lines more than usual and just seemed in pain and uncomfortable and Grant wondered if she was sick or if something else was bothering her. He had to go through the rest of his day doing the rest of his scenes without her and while she was on his mind, he knew he'd just have to talk to her about it once they were both finished for the day. Wrapping up his final scene, Grant made his way back to his trailer and started getting changed to head home. Just as he was about to call Danielle, he heard her come through the door with Alison, looking up at her and waiting to see what she would do. She didn't speak or anything and just sat on his lap while holding Ali which made him smile softly. "Hey baby," he whispered, wrapping his arms around her and rubbing her back gently. "Are you okay?"
Danielle hummed softly at her husband's actions, glad that he picked up on what she wanted. She didn't want much, but that day had been horrible enough for her to seek his comfort and his comfort alone. Alison was babbling in her lap and turning around to get her father's attention; however, Danielle ended up pressing her lips to her husband's neck and didn't say anything. She shook her head no afterwards, telling her husband that she wasn't okay and that there was something bothering her; but that something wasn't anything that could be fixed just yet. Everything about today had been horrible since the start of it--messing up her lines, failing in her scenes, and even forgetting some of the things she needed for Alison back at home. Thank goodness that she had extra stocked in her trailer just in case. But with the actions that Grant was doing on her back, she snuggled down deeper into his frame and closed her eyes, trying to push every bad thought away.
Grant smiled softly at his daughter who was babbling and staring at him, leaning in to kiss her cheek gently. He was holding onto them both tightly now, enjoying the feeling of having both of his girls in his arms. When Danielle shook her head at him asking if she was okay, Grant sighed softly. "What's wrong, honey?" He murmured, still rubbing her back gently. He knew sometimes people just had off days and he had plenty of them himself but he wanted to make sure it was nothing big and that she was doing okay. As she snuggled into his body, Grant kissed the top of her head and held tighter, rubbing her back in a circular motion now. "How's your back? Does it still hurt?" He asked her curiously, wondering if this had anything to do with how she was feeling last night. "How about you tell me what's wrong and then I can help you and we go home and relax, hm?"
Danielle shrugged gently. A part of what Grant had said was true. Her back did still hurt and everything was just sore from her cycle—and maybe that was why she was forgetting a lot of things and being more emotional than she usually was. It certainly didn’t help matters at all. “Everything’s wrong”, she whispered out to her husband now, answering him as he asked her to. She didn’t want to keep him in the dark about this, and she was so glad that he understood what happened and what was going on with her. “I couldn’t fit into Caitlin’s skirt today because I was bloated and we had to switch to some stretchy jeans instead. The girls were giving me weird looks after that and then I kept messing up my lines. You saw. I couldn’t get anything right. Plus my back is hurting and I forgot some of Alison’s things at home when I was packing for her to come on set today. It’s just not a good day for me.” Her tone of voice was tired, even more so than before, and the exhausted look in her eyes as she pulled up to meet him face to face further proved it.
Grant frowned when his wife said that everything was wrong. He waited for her to elaborate, not knowing what else to say to that. He listened to her explain she couldn't fit into Caitlin's skirt because she was bloated and he nodded slowly. Between that and her sore back, Grant was starting to put it together. "So...it's that time of the month?" He asked her carefully. It would explain why she didn't want to have trailer sex yesterday either, even if she made up another excuse. "It's okay, we all mess up our lines and sometimes some of us have worse days than others," he told her while staring into her eyes. He hadn't realized she had forgotten some of Alison's things but since she had extra here at work, Grant didn't see anything wrong with that. "Well that's why we have some of her stuff here, just in case. You don't need to worry about that, babe. But I'm sorry you're having a tough day. You just need to get home and unwind with a glass of wine," he told her. "Let's get going and I'll make you feel better at home, I promise."
Danielle groaned and nodded her head when Grant started on his words. “I appreciate the fact that you’re trying to tread lightly on the subject, Honey, but this is the only time that you’d assume correctly.” It was the same reason why she didn’t want to do much last night and why her lower back was out of whack. In truth, maybe that was the reason for her rough day today anyway; but she listened to what he had to say afterwards and let out a soft sigh. “I know, but”, she started to speak again, trailing off in her words. Just because they had extra here for Alison just in case, it didn’t make the feeling of being a disappointing mother go away. The brunette paused in her words, giving her husband a soft smile and leaning forward to brush her lips against his forehead. Danielle was lucky to have Grant in her life—someone who was understanding and completely adoring. “Wine sounds like an amazing idea. Just get us home”, she breathed out and situated Alison in her arms again so that she’d be able to stand up and follow her husband out if need be.
Grant pursed his lips and nodded. It was always awkward to try and suggest that Danielle was on her period because he knew if he was wrong, he'd be in trouble. It had happened already once before and he would never forget that night and how bad he felt. Luckily he was right this time and now he just wanted to help make his wife feel better. Smiling as she kissed his forehead, Grant waited for her to get off his lap so that he could stand up and grab his things so that they could go home. "You got it," he said, following her out with the dogs as Danielle held Ali and brought the stroller out herself. They made their way to the car that would drive them home and once they were all situated, Grant told the driver to head to their apartment. Once they got home, Grant let the dogs run to the door first and he followed, letting them in and waiting for Danielle and Ali to get in. "How about I feed the dogs, you say goodnight to Ali and then I'll say goodnight and put her down afterwards and you get changed into comfortable clothes," he suggested to his wife as he made his way into the kitchen.
Danielle stayed quiet the whole car ride home. The dogs were there with them and she pet them all the same. Alison was safe in her car seat and that meant that Grant was on the other side of her. The driver was their usual and she was glad for the quiet, uninterrupted drive. Once they were home, all bets were off. The dogs were running around and Alison was babbling about. The brunette was already reeling from what was happening. “You’re amazing”, she whispered out to her husband, leaning forward to press her lips to his cheek before disappearing. With Grant’s suggestion and trying to calm down a headache that was just beginning, she made her way upstairs with her daughter and started getting the little girl ready for bed. “I know you like to poke fun at Mama”, she whispered out to her daughter, who was looking up at her with mischievous eyes. “Mama’s had a rough day, baby girl. Let’s not do that to Mommy, okay?” But she finished with her nightly routine with her daughter, switching off with Grant and then pulling the dogs along with her towards their bedroom to get changed into something comfortable. Danielle was dressed in one of Grant’s old sweatpants now and one of her t-shirts, wanting something comfortable against her back and legs, and crawled into bed with Bella in her arms now.
Grant fed the dogs quickly and started boiling a pot of water to make Danielle tea. He was hoping that would soothe any aches or cramps she may have and although it wasn't much, he was prepared to do whatever else she wanted if it would make her feel better. While the water was boiling, Grant made his way up to the nursery to say goodnight to his daughter, smiling as she stared up at him. "Night sweetheart. Daddy loves you so much," he whispered before pressing a few kisses to her face gently. Seeing her close her eyes, Grant smiled and made his way out of the nursery, going downstairs to check on the boiling water. Once it was ready, he grabbed a mug and made Danielle tea just the way she liked it before going back upstairs and into their bedroom. Grant smiled at the sight of seeing Danielle in bed while holding Bella, carefully walking towards her and placing the tea on the nightstand. "Tea if you want it, I figured it might help," he said while shrugging before getting in bed with her. "Anything else I can do?"
Danielle turned to look up at her husband when he came in with a mug of tea. The thought was amazing, and she was glad that he was there for her, but it was wine that made her get up and want to go home. There was a soft smile on her face, the dogs instantly going towards Grant now that he was in the room and she had to let out a soft sigh at the notion. “I don’t suppose wine is just too much to ask? It’s a little bit late for it, isn’t it”, she teased her husband, getting a little bit more jovial now that she was in comfortable clothes and ready for bed. Bella had left her arms now, so it was easy for her to take the mug of tea. The warmth of the drink spread all over her frame and she let out a sigh of relief once she finished. “Lay with me”, she breathed out for Grant. “After you change into some comfortable clothes. Lay with me. My day is absolutely better when you’re in bed with me too.”
Grant had forgotten all about the wine when Danielle mentioned it, causing him to shake his head. "Nah, it's not too late. I'll get us each a glass. I wasn't really thinking about it and then tea came to my mind but you can have both," he said while shrugging. He watched as she started drinking it, smiling softly as he waited to see if she wanted anything else. When she told him to lay with her after he changed, Grant nodded. "I can do that. Let me go get us some wine and then I'll change and stay with you in bed for the rest of the night," he said, kissing her forehead before getting out of bed and going downstairs. Grabbing a bottle of wine from the fridge, Grant opened it and poured two glasses before bringing them back up and placing them on the nightstand. He got out of his clothes and put on a pair of plaid pajama pants and a t-shirt before crawling into bed, getting under the covers and wrapping his arms around his wife. "Much better," he whispered, leaning forward to kiss her cheek gently. "Do you want me to rub your back again?"
Danielle smiled at Grant and placed the mug of tea back on her nightstand after drinking most of it. The tea didn’t go to waste after all, and she was warm when she finished what she wanted of it. The dogs were around her too, adding much of the comfort that she needed. Maybe today wouldn’t be a total wash after all and she would have the time needed in order to regain herself again. When Grant came back in with wine, Danielle let out a sigh of relief and took the glass that she would designate hers. “Thank god”, she whispered out and shifted her weight in order to lay against her husband when he climbed into bed. There was a smile when Grant kissed her cheek, but she’d be lying with her back against his chest in order to be comfortable while holding a drink. “You’re right. This is definitely much better”, the brunette whispered out into her glass of wine, taking just one small sip and humming at the suggestion. She was definitely lucky. “I don’t think you should any pressure on that, but thank you for offering. I just want you to talk to me. Tell me about your day. It should have been better than mine.” There was a soft laugh that came out of her, free hand moving to pat his leg gently.
Grant smiled and nodded, glad that his wife already seemed to be in better spirits. He just wanted to make her feel better and hopefully she would feel better tomorrow once getting a good night's sleep. Reaching over Danielle, Grant grabbed his own glass of wine and took a sip, still holding onto his wife and enjoying the fact that they were snuggling. Nodding when she said she didn't need him to rub her back, Grant took another sip of his wine before putting it back on the nightstand. "If you change your mind, just let me know," he said, licking his lips and letting out a sigh. "My day was better than yours in the sense that nothing bad happened but it was pretty boring," he chuckled, shrugging afterwards. "Just your typical long work day. I'm pretty tired since we finished late last night and then had another full day today. If it wasn't for my birthday this weekend, I would definitely be spending most of it in bed," he laughed.
Danielle shook her head and took another sip of her wine. Her husband often had work days like that, considering that he was the lead and sometimes stunts ran a little too long. It was just hard for her to see him like that. “They’re overworking you”, she whispered out to him, but there was a smirk that was forming on her lips before she hid it in her wine glass. She didn’t take a sip, but rather just hummed at the taste of the wine before placing it right next to her husband’s glass. “I don’t want to keep you up if you’re tired. You’ve done a lot for me already. Thank you for that”, Danielle started out again, shifting her weight a little bit in bed in order to find another comfortable spot. “I don’t want to overdo it because I’ll get sore again—and I’m getting so sluggish. It’s not fair.” There was so much to be done and even if most of it was just random chores she could do before bed, it wasn’t fair for her to be confined like this. “I’m sorry I’m taking you out on your birthday”, the brunette started out again, forgetting her troubles for the moment and just focused on her husband again. “I promise you’ll be able to nap before the game if that helps.”
Grant shrugged and nodded. "I guess a little bit but that's normal around this time of year. It's only going to get worse so I better prepare for it. And pray for my back," he chuckled while shaking his head. "You're not keeping me up, I'd much rather stay up with you and make sure you're okay anyways," he told her honestly. "Overdo it with what? Just relax and focus on getting a good night's sleep so that hopefully tomorrow you feel a little better and it's a better day," he whispered, kissing the side of her head gently. "Don't apologize for that, it's not necessary. I'm happy and lucky that you're taking me out for my birthday. It's going to be a great weekend. I want to be celebrating it, there's plenty of other weekends that can be reserved for laziness only," he told her. "Although I may actually take a nap before the game, we'll just have to see," he said, smiling softly at her. "Do you want any medicine or anything? Maybe that'll help you fall asleep."
Danielle loved being affectionate with her husband. Grant just brought that out in her. So when he kissed the side of her head in order to thank her for taking her out on his birthday, she turned around as best as she could and wrapped her arms around his frame in order to lay her head on his chest. That notion would benefit her, considering she was off of her back and she would be able to press her lips to his chest. It was a small notion, a thank you for being so patient and so understanding with her about today, and it wouldn’t do well enough stacked against the multitude of things he had done for her. She felt safe with him, which was why she was able to say nothing but lay with him, and she smiled at his need to take care of her and suggestion for it. “I just had wine. I don’t think I should take medicine with alcohol in my system”, she teased her husband, in better spirits than when the night started. “I don’t think I’ll have trouble falling asleep, and I should be worried about you. You need it more than I do.”
Grant smiled when Danielle turned in his arms, pressing his face against his chest. Grant started playing with her hair gently and listened as she said she shouldn't take medicine with alcohol in her system. "Right. Sorry. Guess I'm more tired than I thought," he said, letting out a yawn. "You don't have to worry about me, I'll be fine," he told her, wanting her to focus on getting better. "The best part of my day was getting that awesome plaid blanket from you. I can't wait to put it to good use," he told her. "Thank you," he added before kissing the top of her head gently. Letting out another yawn, Grant leaned his head back against the pillow, stretching out his legs and letting out a content sigh. "Looks like the dogs are ready for bed too," he chuckled, seeing them all in their night time positions. "Night baby. Wake me up if you need anything, okay? I mean it. Love you," he said before kissing her goodnight and closing his eyes.
Danielle knew that it was getting late and still she chastised herself when she let out a soft yawn. She shouldn’t have been so tired, but with everything that was happening to her, she couldn’t help it. Grant’s yawn had been utterly contagious and even the brunette couldn’t scold him for it. Sleep sounded like the best option for now and she couldn’t wait to get it. However, when he said something about the dogs, she couldn’t help but look down at where they were scattered. The sight brought a soft giggle to her lips and she sank deeper into bed. It really was time to go to bed. “I promise”, she whispered out and returned the kiss that he had given her, bringing just one hand up to cup his cheek while doing so. “I love you too”, was the last thing she’d whisper out that night, closing her eyes and falling asleep right after.
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Making a Case for 13 Going on 30.
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I can still remember my Wednesday evening History of Film class in Film school. (Yes I went to film school, we can still like cheesy rom-coms) And the night my professor, a former DP for Columbia during the “golden age of film” stood in front of the entire class and proclaimed we were about to view, what most experts call the greatest film of all time. You guessed it, Citizen Kane. 
He went on to explain that what made it so great was the technicality and the innovation of it. The first film to use flashback and continuous wide shots, blah blah. I thought it was a snooze fest of straight white male nonsense. Yeah technically it’s cool they did all that with cut and paste film. I respect that shit, I do. But Citizen Kane is one of the most un-relatable stories ever. At least to me as a gay woman. It’s like the Catcher in the Rye of film. I have a hard time identifying with rich white dudes who feel like they don’t belong in a world created for and by them. If anyone actually read this blog I bet I’d get ALL the haters up in here leaving me comments about how oppressed men are now. Do it. I masturbate with male tears.
ANYWAYS. Fuck Citizen Kane in it’s boring ass face. I’m here to talk about the greatest movie of all time. The movie that is best picture every year in my heart and soul always and the one movie by which every other movie is measured. 13 Going on Motherfucking 30.
Yes it’s entertaining. Yes it’s a feel good romish-com with a cute cast. Yes it has Judy Greer. But what makes it the best? I’ll break it down for you.
We all know about JGar and MRuff, and before we get to Judy Greer, let’s talk about the supporting cast: 
Christa B Allen 
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For you true Jgar fans you’ll note that this was not Christa’s only time playing a young Jen. She also does in Ghosts of Girlfriends Past (another one of my faves but more problematic). Christa’s got the looks and the chops. She’s not only a dead ringer for the younger Rink, she’s also actually a great actress. Here’s what she looks like now BTW.
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Pretty fucking spot on from the casting director I’d say. So if Christa B. Allen was the homerun, Sean Marquette (young MRUFF) is the grand slam. 
Then and now:
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Yeah that could be Mark Ruffalo in the early 2000��s. And Sean does a great job himself in the younger role. Moving on.
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In a bit part with ONE freaking line. She nailed it by the way. That’s how extra this movie is. Oscar winners as basically extras.
When Jenna is looking at her yearbook with Matty years later, it flashes this picture of the Six Chicks:
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Notice Jenna is now “practically their leader” and Brie Larson is nowhere to be found. Presumably she has already been kidnapped and is in ROOM. Too dark? Or too REAL.
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You can use IMDB to go through this guy’s laundry list of amazing credits. And don’t stop at Gollum in LOTR because he was basically just getting started in this bitch. He’s also an accomplished director. He plays Jenna and Lucy’s (tom-tom) boss and the editor of Poise magazine. He’s also gay bc representation in 2004 hella mattered.
KATHY BAKER (Jenna’s mom)
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Where have you seen her? Bitch, everywhere. She has a staggering list of nominations and awards from film, tv and stage where she’s had a phenomenal career. My favorite roles are between that gem up there in Edward Scissorhands and the woman of many marriages in the Jane Austen Book Club. She’s a legend and she’s NOT EVEN THE STAR OF THIS FILM.
Marcia DeBonis (Jenna’s admin asst)
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It’s easier to tell you what she HASN’T been in. Like Kathy Baker, she’s made a career out of small, scene stealing roles. She also has a pretty impressive career in casting. 
I’m not going do Jen and Mark because we all know all of their shit. I’m the biggest JGar fan on earth so don’t get me started, but they are obviously mega stars and I need to save some room for.......here it comes...it’s finally here...you know it was coming..and here WE. FUCKING. GO.
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If Judy BAD BITCH OF LIFE Greer is in a movie? I’m seeing it. Why? BC SHE’s in EVERY MOVIE. Judy Greer is a brilliant silky chameleon with ferrari engine precision comedic timing. I would say she ties with Melanie Lynksey for all time underrated actress in history, but I think she pushes just past her since her body of work is unbelievably large. She has done indie, rom-com, sci-fi blockbuster, you name it. She can and has done anything and everything and I love her with every sad and broken cell in my fangirl body. She doesn’t support scenes, she carries them. And the only reason you think someone else is the star is because Judy wants you to think that. There are like 2 people on this Earth I love as much as I love Judy Greer and they are basically my mom and Claire Danes. She is an angel we do not deserve sent to us straight from a place we can never know. I legitimately worry that not enough people know what a treeey zzzurrre we have in Judy. I will do whatever I can to always spread the Gospel of Greer in this flaming shit bag of a world. If you haven’t seen Addicted to Fresno, please excuse yourself from whatever meaningless nonsense you’re doing right now to go watch it. Thanks.
A perfect cast, and yes this is one, does not a good film make on it’s own (see all those shitty Gary Marshall vignette films). 
Lucky for us we also have a perfect story.  This film has everything: redemption, friendship, love, betrayal, materialism, capitalism, competition, fucking TIME TRAVEL. And a dance number to goddamn Thriller. 
This movie created the catch-phrase, “Fabuloso”, which would eventually become the best smelling cleaning product of all time. It brought back Razzles, no doubt saving that entire brand from bankruptcy. It has complicated parental relationships, complex female friendships, a pre-wedding love confession scene, an NYC fall photoshoot montage, an accidentally fall-down kiss scene, a popular high school guy now a balding loser scene, a heroine saves the magazine scene, and a Pat Benetar slumber party pillow fight. 
NEW. MOTHERFUCKING. YORK. CITY. Is there any other place where a 30 year old can be the editor of a fashion magazine and live in an $8 million apartment???
I mean, you’ve got The Go-Go’s, Whitney Houston, Madonna, Billy Joel, Liz Phair, Rick Springfield, Talking Heads, Soft Cell, I COULD ON AND ON. 
I am a rom-com SLUT. I have seen all of them, but this one is the stand out. Instead of limiting Jenna to the “she falls in love and finally changes her life” trope, it explores ALL the reasons Jenna’s life went off track. Not just because she lost her best friend along the way, but because now she’s dishonest, disloyal, and though she has the trappings of the life she dreamed of, she isn’t the person she thought she would be. In fact, Matty is not even the main thread of all of it. 
The takeaway here is that being present is more important than worrying and wishing about the future.Which is actually some intense deep Buddhist shit. 
By living in the moment we’re in, we can shape our lives however we want. Jenna was so intent on creating her idea of a perfect life, that she missed what was right in front of her. When she got a glimpse of what she thought she wanted, she realized how empty it was. The money, the cool job, the $8 million apartment doesn’t mean shit when you don’t have any real connections to anyone. And is there any better moment then when she goes back to her closet birthday party, kisses Matty and slams Tom-Tom’s drink in her face and calls her a “Biatch”? NO. It’s the most satisfying moment in American cinema. 
1.This movie has 0 diversity and is 100% straight white people problems. I acknowledge it. It is problematic. I don’t know what to say. It was the time, I didn’t make the movie, and thank the lorde things are changing.
2.Lucy’s take on Poise re-branding was 100,000% better than that Abercrombie bullshit Jenna came up. Don’t @ me.
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