#appreciation for jab we met
deesi-academia · 1 year
if jab we met has a billion fans, I'm one of them.
if jab we met has a 1000 fans, I'm one of them.
if jab we met has 100 fans, I'm one of them.
if jab we met has 5 fans, I'm one of them.
if jab we met has no fans, I'm dead.
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koi sunega 🥹🫶🏻
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bisexualchaosdemon · 3 months
So, I was thinking about how Andrew was in the car with Tilda when he wrecked it and how he could have gotten hurt and I just– Can you imagine if Andrew went deaf in one ear or something?
Like, he for sure wouldn't say anything about it. Aaron hates his guts, and he barely knows Nicky. Why would he bother telling either of them? He probably figures it could be temporary at first, but when he starts to think it might be permanent, he still says nothing about it. It's not like they would care, right?
So he would say nothing. People just think he's this asshole that ignores people (and, sure, sometimes he is ignoring them because people be fucking annoying) but half the time he just legitimately doesn't hear them. None of the Foxes notice. The staff don't either, since Andrew always keeps his hearing ear towards them. It causes issues, sure, but it's not like anyone would be able to fix it, so Andrew still stays quiet. But Neil figures it out.
It takes him a while, but he eventually notices that Andrew always sits on a certain side or has to turn to face Neil when he hasn't quite managed to pick up what he said. He starts watching and realises that he does it with the others too, and he's much more likely to completely ignore someone speaking to his left.
One day, when the monsters are hanging out, Neil finally decides to ask:
Neil decided to speak up during a lull in a conversation that Andrew was totally zoned out of. "Drew?"
"Hmm?" It's subtle, but Andrew definitely turned his right side slightly more towards Neil.
"Can you not hear out of your left ear?" Neil asked, and Andrew just blinked at him for a moment.
"Neil, what are you talking about?" Kevin shot him a confused look.
"I'm deaf in my left ear." Andrew said to answer them both.
"What??" Nicky looked startled. "Since when?"
Andrew considered that for a moment. "Since about a week before we met."
"Hold up," Aaron held up a hand. "Are you telling us you have been deaf in one ear since the crash?"
"And you didn't think to maybe say something about it?!"
Andrew shrugged. "I didn't think you would care." It wasn't a jab, it was just the truth.
"Andrew–" Nicky splittered a little. "Of course we care!"
"Telling you doesn't really make a difference." Andrew said, glossing over his own surprise at how much his family seemed to genuinely care about him. "The hearing loss doesn't just go away because you know about it."
"No," Neil agreed. "But there are things we can do to help."
And they do. They all make small adjustments, simple things that make Andrew's life easier. He and Neil even learn ASL together. It increases the amount Andrew calls them all annoying ten-fold, but he secretly appreciates it.
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thelovelyruin · 8 months
𝖘𝖊𝖊 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖆𝖌𝖆𝖎𝖓.
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𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖗𝖘 : choso x fem reader
𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖘𝖚𝖓 : you’ve got a crush on choso, and he’s reading the signs.
𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖒𝖔𝖔𝖓 : college au! smut, fluff, porn with plot, vaginal sex, oral sex, praise, teasing, overstimulation, fingering, edging?
𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖎𝖔𝖙 : 4.7K
𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖘𝖙𝖆𝖗 : inspired by lyrics from see you again (rock mafia remix) by miley cyrus.
𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖊𝖒𝖕𝖗𝖊𝖘𝖘 : hello lovelies, here I am with another choso fic. thank you so much for reading! i hope you enjoy it; if so, follow me for more. au revoir!
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I got my sights set on you, and I'm ready to aim.
“And, this is Choso!”
Now, you couldn’t remember whose idea it was to go to the fair (probably Yuuji), but at this moment, you were too grateful. To think you were going to miss out on this because you would’ve instead worked on classwork that was due NEXT week. Mai begged you to take a break, and you agreed to go like a good best friend. And thankfully, you did, cause if not, you would’ve never met him.
I have a heart that will never be tamed.
Choso was a little awkward. Nervous, for sure, but he had that demeanor that told you he was a lot more chill when he gets comfortable. Now the question was, why wouldn’t he be comfortable? That was, of course, because he was meeting you. Nonetheless, his ambition drove him to initiate a conversation with you, putting his anxiety on the back burner and acting “normal.”
“So, you’re Mai’s friend?”
Obviously, you were. A blush crosses your face, giving an awkward smile before looking at Mai. She understood immediately, face lighting up a bit when she realized you had the hots for him. With a smirk, she looked at him.
“Uh, yeah! She’s my best friend, can’t you tell?”
Choso directed his attention at Mai, giving her a squinted look. Not that he didn’t appreciate her, but he was already having a hard time talking to you, and she definitely wasn’t making it easy.
“Well, now I do. Thanks for the clarification, ma’am.”
“No problem, sir.”
She jabbed his arm, causing him to chuckle. Looking back at you, he smiled a bit.
“Hopefully, you aren’t as crass as your friend here.”
“I try not to be.”
“Hey, what the hell does that mean?”
You were giggling now, loosening up as you realized there wasn’t much to be nervous about. Choso was just a normal guy, a really hot, normal guy. That didn’t stop you from tucking your hair behind your ear nervously, it was so damn obvious you were flustered, but Choso was none the wiser.
I knew you were something special when you spoke my name; now I can't wait to see you again.
“Hey Choso! We’re heading over to the rides.”
Yuuji was now walking over to you guys, patting Choso on the back. When he noticed you standing there with Mai, his face lit up with surprise.
“So, Mai got you to come out and play! You do magic on her or something?”
“NO, I DID NOT. You guys are assholes, she came out on her own volition!”
Now, you and Yuuji have known each other for a while, but he’s just as irritating now as he was when you met him freshman year.
“I thought it would be fun to relax a bit and decompress from studying.”
Choso perked up at your comment, grateful to have something, anything, to work off of.
"Oh wow, what're you studying?"
Almost instantly, everyone’s eyes were on Choso. Mai looked at him intently, mostly in shock. You looked at him more relaxed, prepared to have a normal conversation with him. But Yuuji, as oblivious as usual, did not catch on to Choso trying to make conversation with you.
“Well, as much fun as this little chat is, I’ll be stealing Choso now. Inumaki and the others are waiting for us so we can ride a few rides.”
With that, Yuuji was hauling Choso with him to somewhere in the fair. But what you did not expect was Choso looking back at you, giving you a little wave, then turning to tell off Yuuji.
I've got a way of knowing when something is right.
“So, your friend…”
Mai shot the water into the target, attempting to get one of those oversized stuffed animals for the past ten minutes. When she lost again, she slammed another 5-dollar bill on the counter, demanding another turn.
“Yeah, you talkin’ about Choso?”
The game reset and she went to town. Mai was deadlocked on the target with the precision of a sniper. But, 30 dollars later, she finally won. Cheering and practically ripping the stuffed dino off the rack, she looked at you with sparkles; she was so damn proud of herself. After that, you two decided to get some fair food.
“Yeah, him.”
Pointing to the funnel cake stand, Mai dragged you closely behind her; you were attempting to catch up as fast as possible. She quickly ordered you guys a funnel cake; of course, the two of you had to share.
“You like him? I can totally tell. You looked like you were a pot about to boil over.”
You start scoffing, laughing nervously as you feign offense to her comment. But she really wasn’t wrong.
“Yeah, well, YOU say that! Do you think he noticed?”
"Babe, he totally noticed. Choso isn't the type to say something though, so whether he did or didn't, the world may never know."
You grab the funnel cake from the window, finding a picnic table to set up base. Mai was giving you that look now, that one she gives when she has an idea, and that’s never good.
“What the hell are you-”
“You know, he’s single. Haven’t seen him talk to a girl since freshman year, and that wasn’t very long.”
“Shouldn’t that be a red flag? What if he’s an asshole?”
“Oh, he’s far from that. If anything, I just think he can’t get laid to save his life. BUT, then there’s you.”
You avert your eye contact with Mai to the floor, too embarrassed to look at her.
“Look, you don’t have anything to worry about with him. He’s a nice guy and I’m sure he’d treat you well, in more ways than one.”
She winks at you as you jab her on the shoulder. As much as you loved her, she could be a pain in the ass, but as she would say, ‘your pain in the ass.’ 
I feel like I must've known you in another life, cause I felt this deep connection when you looked in my eyes.
After finishing the funnel cake, you guys walk about the fair, looking for another game to play, that is, until a set of hands comes in front of Mai’s eyes.
“Guess who?”
“Yuuji, get your paws off my face or I’m gonna beat your ass.”
With a pout, he lowered his hands, sneering at her when she turned around. As you turn to face him, you see Choso standing beside him, already looking at you. Reacting to the eye contact, he awkwardly puts a hand behind his neck.
“Uh, hey.”
“Hi, um… how were the rides?”
“They were good until Megumi and Inumaki threw up, so Todo drove them back to the dorms.”
Yuuji then looks around you and Mai, a confused look on his face.
“What about you guys? Where’s everyone else, or did Mai scare them off?”
“Yuuji, you’re on thin ice. We came by ourselves, GIRL’S night out.”
“Well, me and Choso are doing the same, isn’t that right?”
Choso looked at Yuuji like he had two heads.
“You mean when you badgered me for an hour so I’d come with you guys? Boy’s night out, for sure.”
You chuckled at Choso’s rebuttal, which didn’t go unnoticed by Yuuji. From that, Yuuji looked at Mai, who looked at you, then at Choso, prompting Yuuji to do the same.
“Well, what’s a little get-together, am I right?”
“Weren’t you just adamant about the boy's night out thing?”
“Yes, Choso, I was, but I’ve had a change of heart. They'll be riding the rollercoaster with us, isn’t that right, Mai?”
You shoot a panicked look at Mai, and simultaneously, Choso shoots the same to Yuuji.
“Yeah, Yuuji. You’re right. Let’s head over now.”
You and Choso’s eyes met, quickly blushing and averting your gaze. In that moment, you knew you were, to put it simply, down bad.
Now I can't wait to see you again.
The last time I freaked out, I just kept looking down.
Now, rollercoasters weren’t usually your thing, but when Mai gave you that puppy dog look, you couldn’t tell her no. She and Yuuji ran to the gate, leaving you and Choso behind to walk there, neither of you as excited as your friends.
“Looks like it’s a two-seater. Well, Mai, I think we should ride together!”
“You know what, Yuuji? That’s a great idea.”
You yanked at Mai’s sleeve, meeting her wide smile. The fuck are you doing? you whispered to her, still smiling in an attempt to act normal. Helping you out, duh, she whispered back, gently removing your hand from her shirt. As the ride attendant opened the gate, Yuuji and Mai flew to the front seat, leaving you and Choso on the bay.
“Is there, uh, anywhere in particular you want to sit?”
“The middle to back is fine!
With that, Choso guided you to a seat, holding your hand to help you sit in the cart. He sat down softly as you frantically looked for the seatbelt.
“Here, let me help you with-”
He noticed the harness sat right on top of your chest, which, if he wasn’t blushing before, he was completely flustered now. You both waited awkwardly for the ride attendant to strap you in.
I st-st-stuttered when you asked me what I'm thinkin' 'bout.
Yuuji, extremely excited about the thrill of the ride, turned around and shot a thumbs-up at Choso. What did that mean? God, it was so obvious even Yuuji could tell. Or did Mai say something? They had been looking back and forth, which could be-
“Whatcha thinkin’ ‘bout?”
Well, you couldn't tell him the obvious answer, of course. You boggled your brain, trying to come up with a lie to say. But then he wrapped his arm behind your head, resting it on your neck. You were about to combust. You damn near shook with both anxiety AND rouse.
Felt like I couldn't breathe; you asked what's wrong with me.
“Somethin’ wrong? Sorry, I should’ve asked first.”
He began to retract his arm.
“No! I'm fine, you’re all good haha.”
You decided just to shut up and shoot him an awkward smile, preparing for the ride that began to take off.
“Good, can’t have you scared. Don’t worry, it’ll be over soon.”
Oh, it was gonna be over soon, alright, because you were gonna pass out from the feeling of him bringing you into his chest.
The next time we hang out, I will redeem myself, my heart it can't rest 'til then.
You couldn’t get off that fuckin’ ride quick enough. You unbuckle yourself swiftly, running over to Mai, who was still talking to Yuuji.
“Hey there! How was the ride?”
“It was great, but I think we should really get going!”
She looked at you in concern, then at Choso walking up behind you guys, and then at Yuuji, who was confused per usual. Before Choso could walk up, you put your head down and walked down the bay, stopping at the ride's exit. 
“M’kay, bye!”
You were too embarrassed from getting all worked up over an arm; you couldn’t even face him. Mai stood there talking to both Yuuji and Choso, obviously upset, with Choso putting his hand up in a confused motion. God, this was torture. After a couple of minutes, Mai walked up to you, patting you on your back. And with that, you guys went back to your dorm.
Oh, I can't wait to see you again.
I got this crazy feelin' deep inside when you called and asked to see me tomorrow night.
You had just got in bed for the night, still coming down from the roller coaster, both the physical and emotional one. What were you doing? It was a perfect opportunity to talk to him, and you screwed it up. Now, he’s probably-
You’re interrupted from your thoughts by your phone ringing. You take it off the charger and turn down the brightness, reading the screen. A random number? This late? You almost declined the call, but then the asshole in you had the idea to answer and give the night caller a piece of your mind. You click the green button, putting your phone up to your ear, an arsenal of insults on standby.
“Who is this? You know it’s 11 p.m., right?”
“Oh, um, sorry. It’s Choso. Didn't realize it was so late, I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”
Your heart dropped to your ass. Choso? How the hell did he get your number? Then, it struck you, when he and Mai talked on the bay. You shift your whole mood from threatening to weak in the knees.
“Oh, no, it’s fine! Sorry, thought you were a scam caller.”
“Yeah, I guess I could’ve texted you first. Happy you still accepted the call, though.”
“So, what’s up?”
“I just wanted to, uh, apologize for earlier. Wasn’t my intention to make you uncomfortable or anything like that.”
You began pacing around the room, trying to keep quiet and not wake Mai.
“Oh, no, I just, um, it was nothing, I was just, um…”
“I was nervous, too, to be honest. I mean, I was scared I blew my chances with you.”
You stalled your movements in disbelief at what you had just heard.
“I don’t think I, uh heard you right, could you-”
“Can I take you out tomorrow night?”
You had to turn off the mic; you couldn’t help but scream into your pillow. After gaining composure, you turned the mic back on.
“What did you have in mind?”
“How’s a movie? Yuuji said you wanted to watch that new one, Human Earthworm 3, I think?”
So, Yuuji had said something to him. To be fair, they were brothers, so that would happen eventually, but you felt something itch inside you at the thought of all the things Yuuji could have said.
“So, uh, is that a yes?”
“Oh! Um, yeah, I mean, yes, sure. What time?”
“Be ready at 6.”
You were about to begin jumping around like a goddamn maniac.
“Okay, got it.”
“Okay, see you, tomorrow, angel.”
Before he hung up the phone, you could hear Yuuji cheering in the background. What the actual fuck just happened. Like clockwork, Mai jumped up, smirking. She���d been awake this whole time.
“So, he had the balls to ask you! I wasn’t expecting that one.”
I'm not a mind reader, but I'm reading the sign that you can't wait to see me again.
Now, it’s not like you were super excited about the date or anything. Not when you started getting ready at 12 despite you needing to be ready at 6, or when you repainted your nails, or when you waxed yourself, or when you were asking Mai which outfit you should wear. 
“Trust me, whatever you wear, he’s gonna like it. He’s happy to even be dating you!”
She had a point.
“But Maiiiii, what if he doesn’t like these jeans?”
“Weren’t you wearing jeans when you met him?”
“Ugh, shut up!”
“Whatever ya want, sweetheart.”
You decided to just go for a black dress, which was pretty short, but, come to think of it, wasn’t really a bad idea. But then, what shoes were you gonna wear? Which purse would-
Your phone lit up, a text from Choso.
“Outside :)”
Shit, it was six already. You started to panic, looking for anything else you were missing. As you turn around, Mai’s holding a pair of sneakers and a purse to match. You squeal and kiss her on the cheek, rushing to put your sneakers on as you stumbled out the door.
The last time I freaked out, I just kept looking down.
As you walked down the stairs, you began freaking out. You were about to be alone with Choso for hours, which you were fucking ecstatic about, but you realized you didn’t have the balls for this. But then, you get a thought from Mai, ‘Get it together, bitch!’
Damn it, why was she always right??? Not wanting to make him wait any longer, you sucked it up and walked outside. Choso leaned against his car, wearing a basic black tee covered by an aviator jacket with a pair of cuffed jeans. Damn, he looked good. Little did you know, he was thinking the same about you. That little black dress had him staring, mind trying to picture what might be underneath. You walked up to him quickly, holding your purse awkwardly, noticing his gaze checking you out. 
“You look great.”
“Thanks, not too bad yourself.”
You had to contain yourself. Like who, me? You send him a flirty smile as he opens the car door for you, going under his arm to get in the seat.
“You smell damn good too.”
The movie was pretty okay; not like you were really paying attention, though. When you guys sat down in the movie, Choso expectedly draped his arm around you, pulling you close to lay on his chest. What really sent you over the edge was halfway through the movie, when he brought his arm lower, slinking it around your waist, hand resting on your hip. He was dangerously close to your ass, there was that fine, fine line, and he was skating on it, making sure not to move too much in case he did cross that line cause the last thing he wanted was to make you uncomfortable again. After what felt like a year, the movie was over, and people spilled out of the theatre, clearly a full house. You and Choso were stragglers, only a handful of people still sitting around, and when he noticed, he brought his arm back over, nearly making you cry at the retreat. 
I st-st-stuttered when you asked me what I'm thinkin' 'bout.
“How’d you like it?”
“It was okay, not as good as the first one. What about you?”
“I haven’t seen the other ones, but it was pretty good!”
Choso stood up, taking a big stretch after sitting for so long. Your eyes immediately caught the slight lift in his shirt, his v-line and lower abs flexed as he groaned a bit, and fuck, it sounded good. He brought his hand down, encouraging you to take it, pulling you up, and putting his hand back around your waist. He held it firm, guiding you out of the theater and back to the car, helping you inside. You were dreading the fact the date was coming to an end; you had to think of something to prolong-
Choso’s phone rings, Yuuji’s contact picture illuminating the screen. With a deep sigh, he answers it.
“I take it you’re still out?”
“No shit, Sherlock.”
“Well, bad news. I locked myself out of the room. Can you come here and let me in?”
“I’m on a date, motherfucker.”
“Oh yeah. Bring her with you!”
“Jesus Christ.”
Choso mutes the mic, looking at you. Now, you weren’t exactly looking forward to seeing Yuuji, but spending more time with Choso was your prerogative. You give him a nod and a smile, and his annoyance fades slightly. Unmuting the phone, he rolls his eyes.
“Be there in 10.”
“Thank youuuu!”
“Fuck off.”
The ride back to their dorm was pretty fast, but it was hard to think with Choso’s hand rubbing your thigh. Once again, skating on that fine line of nearly touching a little too far up your dress, but thankfully for the both of you, he had some self-control. Your presence was eating at him, though; every time you smiled, he couldn’t help but stare at your lips or look at your ass as you walked before him, exiting the theater. Thank god your dress covered your chest, cause he’s pretty sure that would’ve killed him too.
You waited for him to open the car door, second nature, to feel his hand on your side. Yuuji sat in one of the chairs in the lobby, perking up at the sight of you guys walking through, then pouting.
“You guys took forever to get here!”
“It was 13 minutes.”
Choso, tired at this point, walked the two of you upstairs to their room. He unlocked the door with annoyance, letting Yuuji and you walk in. 
“So, where did you put your keys? I’m not unlocking it again.”
Yuuji walked to the door and stepped outside, rummaging through his pocket and conveniently pulling out his keys.
“Look, they were here all along! That’s so crazy, haha.”
When you and Choso realized what had happened, it was already too late. Yuuji had since locked the door behind him, hearing him laugh as he walked down the hall.
“That fucker had his keys the whole time. Why am I not surprised?”
“Because it’s Yuuji we’re talking about here.”
Choso took a deep exhale and sighed.
Felt like I couldn't breathe, you asked what's wrong with me.
“Sorry about the unnecessary detour, I can go ahead and-”
You brought his lips to yours experimentally, him pulling back to look at you. Damn, you were nervous, but the lack of touch and the lust had completely taken over you, you knew what you wanted, and it was him. You kiss him firmly, pushing him back onto the bed. Instantly, Choso picked your legs up and placed them on either side of him, positioning you in his lap as he kissed you back. All he could seem to do was touch you, exploring your body, hands groping everything he touched. 
Out of his mind, horny, he brought your hips down to grind against his, feeling his dick rub against you through his pants, making you moan softly. He was becoming hungry, hands climbing up your dress to unclip your bra, bringing your clothed nipple into his mouth. Indulging in the little moans he pulled out of you was nice, but Choso was fucking selfish. He wasted no time flipping you over so your back lay against the bed, opening your thighs to position himself between them. That little black dress? Choso had stripped it from you, along with that bra, somewhere on the floor of his room. Now, Choso wasn’t a virgin, but the way he stared at your topless body would make it seem like he’s never seen a pair of tits before.
“You’re so damn pretty.”
He brought his shirt over his head, discarding it and his jeans, thinking your panties should go too, but you looked damn good in that thong. So, why not have a little fun? Choso pulled up your panty line, making your thong outline your pussy, soaked lips spilling out the sides, but not quite enough that you were fully exposed. Rubbing your clit through the fabric, you were getting so wet that your thong was soaked in your pre-cum. Wished he had a photographic memory, because he was in love with the sight he got to see when he decided to be nice and finally strip you of your panties. You were on full display to him, and like a siren, you brought your fingers down to spread your lips for him, inviting him to touch you in some way. He had something way better than that; trust. Cause at this point, he was flipping you on top of him, bringing your hips up to him so he could taste his your pussy on his face. You hesitated at first, scared you were gonna suffocate him, but with one look at his face, you knew he didn’t give a fuck. He brought your hips down so your pussy landed on his tongue, then it was go time. Sucking, licking, kissing, he was doing everything he could, addicted to your taste and scent. God, your pussy was delicious. He almost damned Yuuji and Mai for taking this long to introduce you to him. For taking so long to let him date you. For taking so long to let him please you. 
“Choso, fuck!”
He was feining for it, the way you were moaning his name like a prayer, and his mouth was something to believe in. That’s why you started gripping his headboard, shamelessly grinding your pussy across his face as you feel your orgasm approaching. You look down at him with those pretty doe eyes, and when they meet his, he starts licking your clit, flapping his tongue as he drew circles around it. Every cycle, every rotation, it was too much.
You didn’t have to finish that sentence. Knew the second he felt your pussy spasm against his tongue, cumming in his mouth as he continued pleasing you, gripping your hips so you couldn’t move as you rode out your high. Finally, when you started whimpering from overstimulation, he decided to let you go, but you weren’t getting off that easy. Within seconds, Choso had you on your back, legs wide open, as he slid his dick inside your pussy.
The next time we hang out, I will redeem myself.
You honestly didn’t know you could cum that hard, let alone moan that loudly; so grateful the room next to them was vacant. But it wasn’t until Choso started fucking you slowly that you were losing yourself. He wanted to give you some time to adjust, but you were just so damn sexy, pretty face with an even prettier-
“More, please.”
He was hearing things, for sure. There was no way you were begging him to fuck you, but he fuckin’ liked it.
“More what? Tell me.”
“Fuck me, Choso.”
He didn’t have time to tease you anymore; his dick was aching so bad it could shatter. So, he gave you exactly what you wanted. At first, he kept a steady pace, gripping the sides of your pillow as his hips made you arch your back into him, but fuck, he needed wanted more. 
“I’m gonna fuck you a little faster now, that okay?”
“Yes, baby, just give it to me.”
Jesus, you were just trying to drive him insane. That pretty voice of yours calling him baby, he was already grateful you agreed to go on that date with him, but he didn’t expect this to happen (he was hoping he’d fuck you after the second or third date). He sat back on his legs as he lifted your hips to take him deeper, making you repeatedly groan his name. But, nothing could prepare you for how he began fucking you, fast and deep; he fucked you like he needed you, like he fuckin’ craved you. He couldn’t keep your name out of his mouth when he felt your pussy pulling him back in again every time he fell back to fuck you deeper. He started daydreaming about you a bit, what your next date would be like, seeing you every day, walking you to class, and then fucking you after you two completed classwork. The sound of your juices spilling out of your pussy onto his dick snapped him out of it, relishing in the sounds of your wetness and the claps of your ass every time he brought your body onto his. You felt so damn good, bringing your fingers up to touch his chest as he looked you in the eyes. And every time you looked away, he brought a hand up to put your eyes back on his. Because he needed to see how his dick made you feel and show you how good your pussy was taking it. 
“I gotta cum baby, need you to cum for me first.”
He pulled out, laying down to eat your pussy again, rutting his dick into his sheets. And when he made you cum for the second time, he slipped back inside, feeling your pussy pulsing with the waves of your orgasm. He came to the sounds of you squealing his name, your pussy milking him for all he’s worth.
My heart, it can't rest 'til then.
That was the best sex the two of you had ever had. It left you both panting, backs on the bed, mind hazy. Choso looked over at you, watching your tits rise and fall with every breath you took; he had to look away before he fucked you again, not that he wouldn’t mind. You looked up at him with those pretty doe eyes, and he swore he would melt. He brought you up to him, kissing you softly as he pulled a blanket over the two of you. You laid your head on his chest, following with his arm wrapping around your back and waist.
“So, wanna go on another date?”
Oh, I can't wait to see you again.
♱ the song used in this story is see you again (rock mafia remix) by miley cyrus. 🖤
♱ masterlist.
♱ all fics playlist.
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𝖆𝖚 𝖗𝖊𝖛𝖔𝖎𝖗, 𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖑𝖞𝖗𝖚𝖎𝖓.
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cl6teen · 1 year
a GQ interview featuring the paddock’s favourite couple
mature/crude language and jokes, fluff, sexual/suggestive innuendos but not a lot, inaccurate tellings of the 2023 season, a lot of questions/inspo taken from the actual couples quizzes on GQ’s yt (rosalia and rauw) reblogs/interactions always appreciated !!
cl6teen 2023. do not copy/repost any of my works/ideas pls!
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charles: i’m camera shy so maybe you should start!
y/n: you’re literally the least camera shy person i know, charles.
he laughs and readjusts himself in the wooden chair, placing his hands on the armrests to get comfortable just before speaking.
y/n: get on with it.
charles: hello, i’m charles leclerc, a driver for the scuderia ferrari formula one team.
y/n: and i’m y/n l/n, a model and partial social media influencer.
charles: and today we are here with GQ to do the couples quiz!
you smile, holding the stack of cards in your hands up to the camera.
y/n: i’m going to be asking charles some questions about myself and our relationship, so let’s see if he’s really the paddock’s boyfriend of the season.
charles: i am.
his face is stoic when he meets your eyes, leaving your mouth to tremble in a futile attempt to bite back a giggle. his silence doesn’t last long, laughing at the sight of you doubling over in your seat.
y/n: you’re so serious!
y/n: okay! first question of the day, cha: what is my favourite colour?
charles: come on, this is easy! it’s (fav colour), you’re wearing it now
y/n: correct! you actually bought this for me at the start of the year.
cockily, his eyes pan to the camera and he quick a quick shrug as if to say, ‘no big deal about it’, but you don’t catch it.
y/n: what is my go-to karaoke song?
charles: oh, fuck.
you laugh at the way his eyes widen, mocking his words with a deep tone.
y/n: oh. charles leclerc you should know this.
charles: nono i do, i do mate! give me a moment.
the camera zooms into his face, placing calculations across the screen as he’s searches around in his head for the answer—you just went on a karaoke date some nights before; it was in there somewhere.
charles: ah! voulez-vous by ABBA.
y/n: i should dock you half a point for taking so long, but i’m feeling generous today so i won’t.
y/n: what has been my favourite grand prix of the season so far?
charles: baku, because i won no?
y/n: australia actually—lewis’ win.
he cocks his head at you with a raised brow as if to ask if you were serious, and you rush to cover your smile with the stack of quiz cards.
y/n: i’m joking, of course it was baku!
you briefly reach for his hand.
y/n: my love’s first of many wins of the season.
charles: it’s my turn for a question now, yes?
y/n: no charles, i’m asking you questions right now! you go after i’m done.
charles: then why is it called the couples quiz, GQ! should be called the y/n quiz.
y/n: do you see how whiny he is? wait your turn.
jabbing your manicured thumb towards the monegasque, you shake your head at the camera.
y/n: next question, what is my hidden talent?
charles: but it’s hidden for a reason right? we cannot say it.
you both laugh at his words.
y/n: a hidden talent that only you know of.
charles: well then i definitely can’t say it out loud, i’d get in trouble.
he smirks boyishly, leaving you to gasp and reach over to smack his shoulder.
y/n: say something else! one that can be said.
charles: ermm, you can memorize any recipe you make once.
y/n: that’s normal though.
charles: no it’s not! it’s very weird how you know the exact measurements of everything without having to check. carlos agrees too!
you shrug and give him the point.
y/n: how did we meet?
you turn to the camera and cover your lips from his view before mouthing, ‘he better know this one’.
charles: we met at the monaco grand prix after party in 2021—lewis introduced us and you were too drunk to remember my name.
charles: you didn’t think i forgot, did you?
y/n: i was hoping you forgot the drunk part.
he laughs at the small pout drawing on your face.
y/n: when and where was our first kiss?
charles: monza, 2021—i have it on this bracelet.
he holds up his wrist to show the camera. right above his forza ferrari bracelet is one that has the aforementioned date engraved on it.
y/n: isn’t he so romantic?
y/n: what’s the first thing i eat after waking up—don’t make a joke.
charles: i wasn’t going to make a joke.
dramatically, you roll your eyes at him — the smile on his face says otherwise.
charles: you have yogurt so you have something to snack on while making your actual breakfast.
charles: i’m an observant man.
y/n: my favourite thing about you. so, what have i always wanted to learn?
charles: like sports? or music?
y/n: hmm…let’s do both for two points.
charles: okay…you’ve always wanted to learn piano.
you nod your head as he counts his fingers.
y/n: correct.
charles: and…you want to learn how to play tennis
y/n: wrong! i know how to play tennis charles. i want to learn how to ski.
charles: but you never come with me on my ski trips!
y/n: you always go when i’m working babe.
he gives an apologetic look, which you return with a small smile.
y/n: this one is a bit difficult, but what is my signature scent?
charles: ah…is it one of the margiela?
y/n: i like some of the scents…but no, it is (fav perfume).
rolling his eyes, he takes your wrist to his nose to get a smell.
charles: ah! you do smell good, though.
y/n: merci, mon amour. what are the three main things that i cannot leave my house without?
charles: three things you can’t leave without?
charles: me, of course.
y/n: that’s true! but apart from you.
charles: your lipgloss, your phone, and a pair of flats. you don’t even need to tell me if i’m right, open her bag and check!
[OFF CAMERA]: he’s right.
charles: bring-bring it here!
a hand emerges past the camera to hand charles the vintage chanel bag. with a shit eating grin on his face he opens the bag towards the camera to reveal the three items listed.
charles: where are the rest of your things, my love!
he laughs at the way you snatch your bag from him.
y/n: first of all, lipgloss is meant to be retouched, and heels aren’t always comfortable.
y/n: plus, when’s i’m with him i never need anything else do i?
charles: what’s your next question?
y/n: what is my night time skin care routine?
charles: ehm…can i get the next next question?
you burst out into laughter, doubling over as you try to collect yourself.
y/n: he didn’t even try!
charles: do you know my skin care routine?
y/n: i gave you your skin care routine!
charles: it’s too complicated to remember. please, next question.
y/n: what is my—who approved these questions?
[OFF CAMERA]: our boss, please continue.
y/n: charles, what is my bra size?
charles: easy, (bra size).
silently, you stare at him in slight confusion that he paid attention to such little detail.
y/n: what is the best way to make me laugh?
charles: hearing my laugh!
y/n: that is true! specifically the one where you kind of sound like a duck.
[OFF CAMERA]: alright charles, you’ve scored eleven points.
charles: that’s a good score, no? think you can beat it?
y/n: of course!
charles inconspicuously reaches for his stack placed on the console inbetween your chairs. there’s a cute smile on his face as he shuffles through his cards.
charles: what was my first f1 win?
y/n: spa, 2019. how could i not know!
charles: that’s true! where do i want us to next travel?
y/n: you didn’t tell me this though! charles always does this thing where he surprises me with our vacation destination.
charles: ah, you’re right.
he goes to shuffle the card to the back, but you’re quick to stop him.
y/n: i can guess, but if i get it correct i get two points. is that allowed?
the both of you pause to look past the camera for a go ahead, which is given by a swift thumbs up from the crew.
y/n: i actually don’t know if you want to go here, but i do. morocco?
charles: correct.
y/n: alright guys, look out for morocco baecation photo dumps on my instagram within the next few months!
charles: next question, if i wasn’t an f1 driver, what would i be?
y/n: a tennis player? i would say a footballer but after that charity match…
charles laughs loudly at the mention of his game and the memory of his dive head first into the pitch ground.
charles: tennis player is one of them, so i’ll give the point out of the kindness of my heart.
charles: so, how many kids do i want?
y/n: you want three, but don’t mind two if i can’t handle the stress of a third child. you don’t mind the genders, but it would be nice to have a least one boy and girl in any order.
charles: you have a great memory, my love.
charles: how can you tell that i’m angry?
y/n: oh my god, it’s always written all over your face cha. you get all like this and your bros furrow so much.
you try your hand at imitating it, clenching you jaw and giving your most menacing look to the camera before showing it to charles.
charles: hey you’re pretty good at it!
y/n: i think it’s quite attractive though, i love when the cameras catch it during the grand prix.
he winks at you.
charles: what is my favourite way to spend time with you?
y/n: sex? am i allowed to say that? can you cut this part out?
charles: who has the corrupted mind now! the answer was cooking together!
you make a helpless face at your boyfriend, almost feeling embarrassed that your words are going to be stuck on youtube for all to see.
y/n: whatever.
charles: what is my favourite animal?
y/n: ah…monkeys?
charles: monkeys? monkeys!?
he leans in closer to your seat in disbelief and slight fear.
y/n: wait wait wait!
charles: i’m afraid of monkeys!
y/n: but the little baby ones are so adorable!
charles: no, absolutely not. no point for you, y/n.
he dramatically crosses his forearms to each other to make a large x at your face.
charles: what is my sign?
y/n: libra, next question.
charles: wait—i don’t even know my sign!
y/n: i was the one who told you it!! it was one of our first dates and you asked me about your birth chart!
charles raises a shocked brow towards the camera.
charles: what is my favourite colour on you?
y/n: red on race day, and then sage green or white normally.
charles: it’s lovely seeing your girlfriend in your colour, no?
charles: what is the most annoying thing that comes alongside living with you?
y/n: absolutely nothing.
charles: is that your final answer?
y/n: would it be anything else…?
you both sit and stare at one another in silence.
charles: i don’t like how majority of our bed is taken up by stuffed animals.
you groan loudly at him, reaching over to swat his thigh.
charles: ow! okay, i’ll ask you one more question for redemption. what would be my ideal retirement plan?
y/n: obviously we’ll be married and hopefully with kids. you wouldn’t mind staying in monaco but you’d also like to try living in italy—but in the countryside on a large plot of land.
charles: are you sure that’s not your retirement plan?
y/n: charles leclerc.
charles: okay okay, you’re correct!
y/n: i’m pretty sure i just moped your ass in this quiz
[OFF CAMERA]: actually y/n, you only scored nine points.
charles claps obnoxiously with a wide smile on his face, to which you flip him off and brush him aside.
charles: hah! i guess that settles it!
y/n: whatever, i have you beat in lots of other things.
charles: not this though—but i believe our time is up!
turning to face the camera, you both give a curt wave.
both: thanks for watching our GQ couples quiz!
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charles_leclerc stays in morocco ❤️
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jayflrt · 6 months
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Not only had Heeseung and his group joined you, but the employees from Peet’s had dropped by, too. Soon, Chan and Renjun’s apartment was packed with everyone sitting in a circle and scarfing down the boxes of pizza. You thought it would just be Chaewon and Aeri coming over, but you knew things were getting serious once Jungkook, who Chaewon told you was notorious for never doing anything that required energy, showed face.
Obviously, no one expected the number of heads to double, so the pizza ran out soon after Heeseung arrived. Sunghoon took the liberty of exercising his Papa John’s employee privilege to pick up more pizza. It was even better than the pizza you all previously bought, and it was plenty for everyone to enjoy.
“Is this, like, a Starbucks-finally-burned-down party?” Wonbin asked before Aeri sharply jabbed him in the side. “Sorry, I meant an oh-no-Starbucks-burned-down party.”
“That wasn’t any better, Wonbin,” Aeri deadpanned. 
“We got our customer connection score report today,” Chan answered, finishing chewing the last of his pizza before continuing, “and we got the highest score in the district. We’ve never gotten a score over thirty before, and today our score was in the eighties.”
“Maybe they felt bad for you,” Jungkook suggested.
“Shut up.”
Heeseung turned to you, wide-eyed and breaking into a grin. “You guys got best in the district?”
“Yeah—number one! I was gonna text you about it.” Although you two were sitting next to each other, shoulder-to-shoulder, you still slid your hand into his. “We were almost tied with Starbucks in second place, so your survey really helped us.”
He squeezed your hand. “Totally worth the mermaid cosplay.”
Renjun raised his voice to say, “Riki, you should give us a speech, since you've been losing your mind over our customer connection score.” 
Minjeong, who was sitting between Jake and Aeri, let out a snicker. “Yeah, you’re the one who almost failed trigonometry over Starbucks.”
“I didn’t fail, for your information! I got a passing score,” Riki said with a huff.
Sunoo leaned back on his hands. “Yeah, a D.”
“And D’s get degrees, Sunoo,” Riki fired back before standing up. He raised up his glass of water, clearing his throat. “I was but a mere child when I first joined Starbucks. I didn’t know much about the world around me or the tribulations I’d face in my journey to becoming the best Starbucks in this district. However, today, I’ve become a man.”
(Sunghoon rubbed the back of his neck. “This kid makes me feel like I smoked a pack whenever he opens his mouth.”)
Riki continued, “I wanna thank Chan for always looking after me and being, like, my second father, even when I pissed him off every single shift, or when I used his credit card to buy LED lights, or when I made a weed frappuccino past closing hours, or when I forged his signature to get out of class, or—”
“You forged what?” Chan interjected, distraught.
“Anyway, moving on.” Riki waved off the store manager’s concerns and said, “I also wanna thank Jay for always being on my side, even when the odds were against me. And Renjun, I wanna thank you for always giving me credit when it’s due. Sunoo, you’re the best shift lead I could’ve asked for, even though I’d probably throw you under the bus for your job. Minjeong, I think you’re insane, but I appreciate that you strike fear in our hearts when necessary.” 
At that, Minjeong gave Riki a high-five, which was a little too forceful and left the kid’s hand stinging. 
Riki’s eyes then met yours and he softened his gaze. “Y/N, we all had our doubts about you when you joined, but you’re totally part of the Starbucks family now. I just really wanna thank you especially for letting me cover your shift so that I could get a bonus.”
Your smile dropped. “Man, fuck you.”
“I’m just here for the pizza,” Anton admitted, “but that was sweet… I think.”
Jay seemed to be wiping tears from the corners of his eyes. You were surprised that his eyes actually seemed to be glistening.
"That was a beautiful speech, Riki," he praised the high schooler.
“Thank you, Jay. I’ll miss you guys when I go to Harvard,” Riki finished.
“Your ass is not going to Harvard,” Jake said flatly.
The rest of the night was spent eating, talking, and watching the Harry Potter movies together. While some of the boys went outside for a smoke sesh, you and the girls discussed plans to get an apartment together for the next year. Since you lived alone, you figured it was about time you experienced living with your friends. Chaewon shared a Pinterest board with everyone to start pinning interior decoration inspiration. You and Minjeong were completely useless in that area of expertise, so you offered to help with picking out more practical things, such as kitchen and bathroom essentials.
You already knew that Heeseung was going to continue living with Sunghoon for the next year, but you were content with that. You weren’t sure you were exactly ready to move in with your boyfriend or anything, so you thought it was best that you two lived separately for the next year. The student apartments were close, anyway. 
When your boyfriend returned, his eyes slightly glossed over, you tugged on his sleeve to get his attention. He leaned down so that his ears were by your lips. 
“Ask them if they wanna watch the Mario movie,” you whispered.
He shot you a wary look, whispering back, “No! They’re gonna make fun of me. You ask them.”
“No, they’re gonna make fun of me, too.”
“Well”—his lips curled up in a smile—“guess we’ll just have to watch it on our own, then.”
After a while, everyone started to disperse, except for Jungkook, who decided to crash on the couch. It was nearly midnight, anyway, and Riki’s mother had called him about twenty times to get home soon. He was strangely at ease while everyone else was anxious for him.
Chaewon and Aeri left first, claiming that they had to go to bed early because they both had 8 a.m. classes. Wonbin and Sunghoon were discussing going to a party that one of their friends was hosting, and Jungwon and Sunoo immediately shot down the idea when they were asked to tag along
Sunghoon held his phone up to show everyone a Snapchat story of a guy in a Barney costume double-fisting two beers. “Bro, Vernon’s at the party.”
“We’re going home,” Jungwon insisted. 
“C’mon, it’s just for a few hours. We’ll bring you guys back home safe—or, like, we’ll try to. No guarantees. If your safety's compromised, blame Jake or something.”
“Hell no,” Sunoo deadpanned. “I have a paper to finish.”
“Also,” Jungwon added on, pointing an accusing finger at Sunghoon, “I don’t trust you.”
“The fuck? I’m trustworthy.” He turned to you and asked, “Y/N, you think I’m trustworthy, right?”
“No,” you replied immediately. “In fact, I was gonna tell Jungwon and Sunoo to save themselves.”
“Yeah, I can’t get spiked today, dude,” Jungwon said. “I have a fluids test tomorrow.”
After saying your goodbyes to Sunoo and Jungwon, who took a while to figure out where they parked their car, you turned your attention back to Sunghoon and Wonbin. Beomgyu walked up to your group after being occupied with talking to Jisung and Anton for a while. 
“Let’s just go for an hour or something,” Wonbin told Sunghoon. “Are Jake and Beomgyu coming?”
“I’ll join,” Beomgyu said. “I think Jake’s being dragged somewhere by Minjeong, though. Heeseung, are you coming?”
Heeseung started, “No, I—”
“Oh!” Sunghoon bursted out, grabbing his two friends by the shoulders and tugging them away. He turned on his heel quickly, muttering something along the lines of, “Let’s just leave them alone.”
You raised a brow. “What’s his deal?”
You were just able to catch Heeseung’s expression under the dim lamplight, noting how he shied away at your question and averted his gaze. You swore the tips of his ears went scarlet, although you weren’t able to properly discern whether your mind was playing tricks on you or not. 
“Uh, he’s probably just zooted,” your boyfriend said offhandedly. He shot you a glance once you two started walking in the direction of his apartment. “Are you cold?” Before you could answer him, though, Heeseung was already taking off his sweater to hand it to you.
You giggled. “Thanks.” After a few moments, you bit your lip and told him, “Hey, so, about the survey, I thought you should know—”
“—that Minjeong sent me the link?” he finished for you, a grin growing on his face. You stared at him, nonplussed. “Don’t worry, I already knew. When I showed Jake the text, he recognized her number immediately. I figured you guys were just being nice.”
“I’m sorry, I—”
“No, no,” he interrupted, shaking his head. “Why’re you apologizing? That was, like, the nicest thing they’ve done for me.” He wrapped an arm around your shoulder. “You really turned my life around there. I would’ve probably just been permanently banned from Starbucks by now if it weren’t for you.”
Your cheeks went hot. It was true that you and Heeseung growing closer definitely changed his relationship with the employees, but you could say the same for him, too. You were admittedly reserved before you met Heeseung, and dating him opened your world up to so many new people. You wouldn’t have had all these new friends if it weren’t for him.
“You’ve done so much for me, too,” you told him. “I’ve never been able to just spontaneously hang out with so many friends before. I never even approached people before, and now I’m gonna room with Minjeong, Chaewon, and Aeri.”
He smiled down at you. “They like you ‘cause you’re fun to be around. Give yourself some more credit.” When you two reached the door of his apartment, Heeseung stopped in his tracks instead of opening the door. You noticed the flush of pink dusting his cheeks when he mumbled, “By the way, I sort of got you a surprise for your Starbucks thing.”
“Really?” You beamed up at him. “Hee, it’s really not that big of a deal for you. You didn’t have to get me something over that.”
“No, it is a big deal,” he insisted. “If it’s something big for you, then it’s big for me, okay? So, close your eyes.”
“Okay.” You placed your hands over your eyes, and your chest felt hot when Heeseung moved his arm to place his hand over your hands from behind, too. Your back was against his chest, and you could almost make out how fast his heart was beating. After you heard the sound of the door being unlocked, Heeseung took small steps forward to get you to walk inside. “Ow. You stepped on my heel.”
“My bad. Step on my feet.”
You did as he said and proceeded to laugh as Heeseung awkwardly walked you further into his apartment after shutting the door behind him. You leaned back against his chest and stumbled a little once he had you step off of his feet. 
“Okay, stay right there,” he instructed, “and keep your eyes closed!”
You swayed back and forth as you waited for him to return. He didn’t take very long, but you were brimming with anticipation. You stilled once you realized he was right in front of you again. You were just about to remove your hands when Heeseung stopped you again.
“Don’t!” he warned, and then asked, “Remember when I stole that baby goat for you?”
Your smile was quickly replaced with a disapproving frown. “Lee Heeseung, do not tell me you still have the baby goat.”
“No!” he exclaimed. “I miss him every day, though. But… I remembered you said something about how it would be nice if we raised a pet together one day, and I know we’re not living together yet or anything, but I thought it’d be nice to share… something…” He trailed off, clearly flustered. “Er, so—yeah, you can open your eyes now.”
You removed your hands and a gasp fell from your lips almost immediately.
Nestled in Heeseung’s palms was the cutest baby kitten you had ever seen. You cooed as you reached over to stroke its plush, white fur. The mewl that came from the kitten nearly had you falling to your knees from how adorable it was.
“He’s a Ragdoll,” he told you. “I thought we could parent him together.”
Heeseung let you hold the kitten in your hands, and you held him close to your chest and pressed a kiss to the top of his head. 
“I could seriously kiss you right now,” you breathed out. 
“Don’t kiss me yet.” He grinned. “I have something else for you.”
You could’ve died of happiness on the spot. Your boyfriend really was completely unfair. How could he spoil you this much and expect you not to combust?
Heeseung dug into his pockets for a moment before pulling out a silver key. You were confused as he took the kitten back from you and placed the key in your hands. After you weighed it in your palm and inspected it for a moment, the dots started connecting in your head. You could almost feel the tears threatening to well up in your eyes.
“That’s our spare key to the apartment. It’s all yours,” he said. “I talked to Sunghoon about it, obviously, and he was totally chill with you having a key to our place. You can come by whenever you want, and you don’t need to wait for me to get out of class if you wanna come over and see our cat.”
“Heeseung,” you murmured, “I don’t know what to say.”
He seemed to visibly panic. “It’s totally cool if you don’t want it. I wasn’t sure if I was moving too fast with that or not, uh… Sunghoon and I just keep it under the doormat if we accidentally get locked out, so it’s really not—”
“I love you,” you breathed out.
His eyes grew wide. 
He quickly became a stuttering mess, scrambling to fit words together into a sentence, but nothing was coming out coherently. You almost wanted to laugh because his distress was so cute, but you decided to show him how you felt instead.
The words died on his lips as soon as you wrapped your arms around Heeseung’s neck and kissed his disquiet away. And this time, it felt like you were able to pour your entire heart into that one kiss because there was something that stirred deep within your heart as your lips moved against Heeseung’s soft ones. 
You never thought one person could move your heart like this, never thought someone could make you feel like you were made of magic, but Heeseung managed to wriggle his way into your heart so effortlessly. One of his hands moved to hold the back of your neck, deepening the kiss slowly—at your own pace. 
When you two finally pulled away after what felt like forever, Heeseung didn’t pull away from you. His nose nudged yours, then grazed your cheek, peppering several more chaste kisses to your lips before you were a giggling and blushing mess. 
Your boyfriend grinned. “I love you, too, Y/N.”
It was then when your kitten mewled from where it was resting on Heeseung’s free hand, seemingly wanting attention. You stared at it for a moment before realization dawned across your face.
“Yoshi!” you exclaimed. “We should name him Yoshi.”
He gasped. “I wanted to name him something Mario-themed! But I thought Mario or Luigi sounded stupid.” He snorted and held the Ragdoll properly again, using his knuckle to gently stroke his head. “Yoshi sounds perfect.”
You giggled. “Yoshi should watch the Mario movie with us. It’s only tradition.”
“I’ll get the popcorn ready.” 
He saluted and handed you the remote so that you could pull up the movie. You took the kitten in your hands and curled up on the couch, placing Yoshi on your lap. When your boyfriend returned, he wrapped an arm around you and started the movie, petting the kitten every now and then. 
And after your umpteenth rewatch, you were definitely going to brag about your new kitten to all your friends; you were going to start looking into applying for apartments for you, Minjeong, Chaewon, and Aeri to move into; and, most importantly, you were going to tell Heeseung you loved him over and over again until there were no doubts in his mind about your feelings for him. 
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It was around three in the morning when Park Sunghoon stumbled to the front door of his apartment. He, Wonbin, and Beomgyu somehow ended up getting crossed to the point of nearly blacking out at the party. Thankfully, though, after sitting on the curb of a sidewalk for thirty minutes and having Beomgyu forcing Gatorade down his throat, Sunghoon seemed to sober up enough to walk back home.
Beomgyu insisted on walking him back after they dropped off Wonbin (who hardly remembered his own name at the moment), but Sunghoon was determined to brave the journey back home. 
He patted down his pockets and realized he only had his phone and wallet. No keys. He must’ve left them at home since he was out with Heeseung earlier in the night. 
But no worries. Sunghoon and Heeseung always kept a spare key under the doormat in case of emergencies like these. Sure, he and his housemate often got themselves into crazy situations from time to time, but the smartest decision they had ever made was keeping their extra key ready. 
However, when Sunghoon flipped the corner of the doormat up, there was nothing there. He paused and lifted up the doormat completely, but absolutely nothing was underneath. 
Fuck, he remembered, that motherfucker gave Y/N the stupid spare key.
He honestly couldn’t blame Heeseung because he agreed to letting Y/N have the key, but now he couldn’t get in the house. Couldn’t Heeseung give her the key at a normal hour, like tomorrow afternoon? This situation was fucked.
Sunghoon groaned and dialed Beomgyu’s number. After a few rings, his friend picked up.
He asked, “Weed Guy Beomgyu, can I crash at your place?”
“Use the doormat key,” was his friend’s curt response. 
“Heeseung gave it to Y/N.”
A couple seconds of silence rolled by before Beomgyu answered, “Fine. I’ll pick you up in a few.”
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SUMMARY ▸ in which you work at the starbucks where heeseung is a regular at (and considered a public enemy). also he only goes when he’s stoned off his ass.
AUTHOR'S NOTE ▸ thank you for supporting a stoner's guide to starbucks all this time !! :') it has been a JOURNEY and i feel so so bittersweet about it ending but i very much appreciate all the love and support you guys have shown this smau <3 i am also very much content with this ending and i hope you guys enjoy it as well 🥰 the next chapter will be the epilogue and then i'll post some uncuts !! #LIGHTONEUPFORHEESEUNG
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scoonsalicious · 1 month
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1.2 Bucky
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader
Summary: Lily McIntire, trainer for new SHIELD recruits at the Avengers Tower, has been in love with her best friend, Bucky Barnes, from the moment she met him. She's been content with her role of the #1 girl in Bucky's life, even if it means she has to sabotage a romantic relationship or two. It'll be worth it when he realizes that they're meant for each other, right? There's just one small problem: Lily McIntire never expected Bucky Barnes to fall for You.
Warnings: (For this part only; see Story Masterlist for general Warnings) Language, mentions of alcohol consumption, some mild derogatory language against women, by women.
Word Count: 960
Previously On...: Natasha Romanoff invited you out to meet her single Avenger teammates. There's only one she warned you to stay away from...
A/N: For Bucky and Lily's POV sections, Major is referred to by name, and without use of you/your. It just made my life easier, lol.
NOTE! The tag list is a fickle bitch, so I'm not really going to be dealing with it anymore. If you want to be notified when new story parts drop, please follow @scoonsaliciousupdates
Thank you to all those who have been reading; if you like what you've read, likes, comments, and reblogs give me life, and I truly appreciate them, and you!
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He clocked her the minute she walked through the door of the bar. How could he not? She was stunning, what with the way she carried herself as she moved through the room, the way her hips swayed as she walked. Bucky liked to think of himself as a gentleman, but just the sight of the unknown woman in front of him was inspiring decidedly ungentlemanly thoughts. 
He couldn’t believe his luck when she walked right up to Natasha, giving her a hug and joining her and Wanda at their table. His mind had been running, trying to come up with an excuse to approach her; he couldn’t believe he’d ended up with such an easy in. 
“Remember how we talked about staring, Tin Man?” Sam said, coming up alongside Bucky and noticing his distraction. “How some girls might find it downright creepy?”
Bucky ignored his friend’s jab at his expense. “Who’s that?” he asked, jutting his chin toward where the woman sat with his teammates.
Sam cocked his head, considering the girl who had captured his friend’s attention. “I think that’s Nat’s friend… (Y/N)--something. Nat said she might be joining us. Heard the girl was pretty, but damn!”
Bucky turned to look at his friend. “What do you mean, you ‘heard she was pretty’?” 
Sam shrugged. “Nothing. Just that Nat said she was inviting her pretty, single friend out with us tonight and maybe those of us without girlfriends might want to consider putting a little extra care into our appearance.”
Bucky glanced around at his friends– they did seem a bit more put together than usual, even Parker. But then he frowned. “How come Nat didn’t say anything about her to me?” He couldn’t help but feel slightly offended at being left out. Did Natasha not think he was good enough for her friend?
“Come on, man,” Sam said good naturedly, slapping Bucky on the back. “You may not have a girlfriend, but you sure as shit ain’t single!” 
Sam started laughing, but Bucky wasn’t sure he understood the joke. That happened a lot, unfortunately. There was so much about this time he just didn’t get, and he often found himself too embarrassed to ask for clarification. 
“What’s so funny, boys?” Bucky felt a small arm slink itself around his waist, and Lily was pressing herself into his side. He smiled down at her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders and squeezing her gently. He was never too embarrassed to ask Lily to explain the crazy ways of this modern world to him; she always approached his time-dysphoria, as they’d come to call it, with compassion and understanding. He was infinitely grateful to have her as a friend. One of his best.
“Exhibit A,” Sam said pointedly to Bucky. He turned to Lily. “Buck’s just curious about Nat’s new friend,” Sam said, a sly grin taking over his features. “What do you think, Lil? She’s hot, right?”
Bucky felt Lily stiffen beside him. “She’s alright, I guess,” Lily said after a minute of looking the woman over. “If you’re into that basic, skanky look.”
Bucky watched as Nat’s friend took off her leather jacket and draped it behind her chair. God, the skin of her back and shoulders looked so soft, he caught himself wondering what it would be like to run his fingers across it. “I think she’s gorgeous,” he found himself saying.
Lily looked up at him in surprise. “Really, Jamie? I have to admit, I’m surprised. I thought you had more refined taste than that.” She gave him a disgusted look before disengaging herself from his hold and walked back toward the pool table to line up her next shot.
“Yeah, Jamie,” Sam mocked once Lily had moved beyond earshot. “How dare you find the attractive girl attractive, you asshole!”
“Knock it off, Sam,” Bucky said, trying to ascertain why Lily would seem to have a problem with the way the woman looked. He thought she looked amazing. Easily one of the most beautiful women he’d ever seen, in this, or any of his decades.
Sam chortled. “Man, you hate being called ‘Jamie.’ Why haven’t you asked her to knock it the fuck off by now?”
Bucky shrugged, putting thoughts of Lily’s words aside as he glanced at the woman sitting with Nat and Wanda again. “I dunno; she likes it, and it’s been four years already. Feels kinda weird correcting her on it, now.”
Sam rolled his eyes. “Yeah, cause God forbid your friends actually call you what you want to be called.”
When he didn’t respond right away, Sam looked over and caught Bucky staring at you. “Hello,” he said, waving a hand in front of Bucky’s face. “Earth to Barnes? You okay over there?”
“Yeah,” said Bucky, blushing at being called out. “It’s just… she’s really pretty, you know?”
Sam sighed. “Alright. Now, I was gonna make my own play, but seeing as it’s been a dog’s age since you got any action, I’m gonna be a good friend and be your wingman on this one.”
Bucky smiled and turned back to the high top, delighted to see the woman looking back at him, this time, the sweetest smile playing across her lips. “Thanks, Sam,” he said. 
Sam gently nudged him with his elbow. “Don’t mention it, pal. You know I can never say ‘no’ to a charity case.”
“Guys,” Lily called over to the two of them. “We’re starting a new game, come on.”
Bucky looked back, giving the pretty girl one more glance. Were her lips as kissable as they looked? He wondered. Get it together, Barnes, he chastised himself. You’re 106-years old, not a fucking teenager. 
But damn if she wasn’t making him feel like one tonight.
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two-white-butterflies · 11 months
old money | carlos sainz
Description: He falls in love with a crazy rich asian.
Pairing: carlos sainz/heiress!reader
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Carlos Sainz never felt nervous when he attended press conferences. He never felt nervous before a race - but he felt nervous meeting your family. He grew up in Spain, he's raised in a European way - and you always told him that the Asian way was different.
"Carlito, they'll love you." you comforted him while taking a casual sip of your champagne. He was surprised to enter the airport and find out that his first class seats were upgraded to business class. Courtesy of who your family was. "I don't know how to act around them." he buried his face in the plane provided pillow.
"Hey, we practiced this a thousand times." you added with a playful smile. Your family was going to love him. Yes, he was an outsider but he played a sport that they could actually boast - unlike your sister's boyfriend that was always on reserve. "I'm so nervous," he chuckled.
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Carlossainz55: MAD🇪🇸 to SIN🇸🇬 ✈️
1283 comments 238,233 likes
ketchupmustard67: Ariana what r u doing here 😭
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Carlos couldn't believe that you were this rich. He always assumed that money wasn't a problem with you - but he didn't realize that money will never be a problem to you. He tried to buy an apartment in Singapore a few years ago - but he turned it down after realizing how much it costed. After stepping inside your family's penthouse. He couldn't believe how much it costed.
"You're early," your mother smiled - wrapping you in a warm embrace. "Yes, I was under the impression that there's going to be a flight delay - but thank god that there wasn't one." you mumbled, breaking free from her vice-like grip. You leaned into Carlos' body. Placing a hand around his back while you pushed him closer to your mother.
"This is my boyfriend, Carlos." you greeted and he was quick to mumble strings of appreciation. He complimented the house - then your mother's outfit. He was getting all the brownie points.
He let out a sigh of relief when your mother welcomed him inside. He removed his shoes, thanking the maid when she handed him a clean pair of plastic slippers. "We bought this house shortly after Y/N went to college. She's the last one to leave the nest. I was happy because we could finally buy nice things." your mother took a jab at you.
"Feel at home, dinner will start soon." she smiled, leaving the both of you while she walked inside the kitchen.
Carlos was awe-struck.
He adored your mansion in Turks and Caicos. He adored your endless rants about how Bruce Willis used to own the island, but now he couldn't help but adore you. He couldn't help but believe that he was making the right choice - you were humble. He liked that.
"The entire apartment is wow," he whispered in your ears.
"Yep, mama got some help. My grandmother's sister-in-law is an interior designer - but I kinda wished that she asked for my help." you giggled, leaning deeper into his touch.
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mysecretaccount55: he met mama's crusty musty dog.
9 comments 192 likes
frederic.arnault: his name is oreo ! - mysecretaccount55: wow i didn't know that 🤣
cheskaarnault: Will be there soon. Please tell mama to wait for us. Sun is still out, dinner is at seven. - mysecretaccount55: nah y u starving me.
notcarlossainz55: Oreo bites 😂 - mysecretaccount55: he has no teeth
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Your family was the black sheep of the old money community. You were the only family that seemed to be private and public at the same time. It all started when your older sister, Cheska, married that Arnault guy - it was all anyone could talk about. From Brunei to Palau - all they could talk about was how Frederic's family was the opposite of humble.
'The boy has money, but they're too showy with their wealth.'
'Money can't buy name.'
Your parents assumed that the last hurrah would come from your younger sister, who is currently engaged to a mid-tier basketball player. But they were wrong - because Carlos Sainz was about to enter the frame.
"You play for Ferrari, right?" Frederic inquired while the music faded in the background. "Yes, you were there last time right?" your boyfriend inquired, memorizing Max's complaints about some stuck-up rich dude. "Ahh, oui. It was fun." the man nodded.
"He's not even that kind of french." your younger sister whispers.
You couldn't help but giggle.
Oh, this was going to be eventful.
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"That went well," you hummed - walking out of your parent's apartment with newfound joy. "Tiring but surprisingly well," he placed your hand in his pocket.
"I had fun." he smiled.
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Eddie Munson's royal fuck-up
Written for the @steddieholidaydrabbles, day 11
Prompt: Royalty AU
Rated: G
CW: none
Tags: Rockstar Eddie Munson; Royal Steve Harrington; Meet cute; Flirting; Secret Identity; Sort of angsty/open ending
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"So, tommorow…" Chrissy says from behind the folder they've been provided. It looks so posh with its dark green binding, the royal sigil embossed on it in gold print. Eddie hates it. It probably thinks it's so much better than the other folders. "When you're introduced to Prince Steven, you're to address him as Your Royal Highness. After that, you call him Sir." 
"What, really? Dude, at least buy me dinner before we start with the kinky shit." 
Chrissy shoves his feet off the desk, which almost makes him topple off his chair. 
"Can you take this seriously? A royal visit is an important matter. We can certainly use the publicity-" 
Eddie's hand crashes down on the desk. "I'm a fucking rockstar, Chris. That ain't enough publicity? This place is my baby, mine. What does that royal asshole know about what it's like to have a rough childhood? He thinks he can come here, give a little speech, smile for the cameras, and suddenly it's all about him?" 
"What, now you care?" 
He whirls on her, but the look she gives him makes him freeze. Chrissy sighs. 
"Eds, you are so busy with the new album and the tour, you haven't even met the new volunteers. I said I'd manage the place, and that's fine. But you must trust me. Just do it for me. Please?" 
The skate park has new graffiti, and he hasn't even seen it yet. Eddie exhales his cigarette smoke and watches how it curls up to the sign spelling Hellfire Youth Center.
Maybe Chrissy is right. Maybe he should be here more. Maybe he's been so caught up in the whole fame and fortune thing, he's losing sight of what's important, like- 
"Watch out!" 
Like guys on skateboards barrelling towards him. 
Eddie throws up his hands. The guy tries to swerve, completely tips his precarious balance, and goes flying off the board and right into him. They land on the asphalt with an undignified oomph. 
"Shit, sorry," babbles the guy and tries to disentangle his limbs from Eddie’s. "Couldn't brake-" 
"S alright," Eddie hears himself say, even though his ass hurts like a bitch from the impact and he can already feel the bruises forming. "You can fall into my arms any time." 
Skateboard guy blinks up at him and - fuuuck, he's cute! In a scrungly, beanie-stuffed-over-chestnut-locks, black-rimmed-nerd-glasses kind of way. 
For a second, nobody says anything. 
"For fuck’s sake," someone swears, and then little Max Mayfield is running towards them, ginger braids jumping with the movement. "I told you to be careful." 
"Sorry," cutie with the glasses says again. Eddie has never seen him around. He must be one of the new volunteers Chrissy mentioned. "Guess I'll need to practice some mo- ow, shit!" 
His hands fly up to cradle his knee. There's a hole and a rapidly spreading bloodstain in the fabric of his jeans. 
"Oh fuck," Eddie says, and whips his bandana from his back pocket to press it to the wound. "Red, why don't you hop inside and get the first aid kit? I'll stay here with …" 
He trails off expectantly. Cutie's eyes go wide. 
"I, erm … Dustin." 
"I'll stay here with Dustin." 
Dustin, it turns out, isn't just cute, but also fun to talk to. He doesn’t gush about what a huge fan he is or ask for an autograph once. Eddie never thought he'd appreciate that one day, but it gets really old really quick. 
Instead, they jump from one topic to the next, sitting on one of the benches and watching Max go on her board. Dustin has a quick, sharp wit and isn't afraid to counter Eddie’s jabs with his own, delightfully bitchy sense of humor. Damn, to think he almost missed this one. He really needs to be around more.
"I love this place, y’know? You created something great for these kids." 
Eddie jerks to attention. The sun has started to dip, casting Dustin’s smile and the hair poking from his beanie in a soft golden light. 
"Thanks man," Eddie murmurs, and feels the bitterness boil back up. "Some people seem to think it needs better publicity, though." 
Dustin shuffles awkwardly, winces when the movement pulls on the Care Bears bandaids Max has plastered all over his knee. 
"You mean the royal visit?"
Eddie huffs. 
"Yeah, man. I mean, what are they expecting me to do, bow and grovel while his Royal Doucheness prances all over the place with his perfect hair and fancy suit and thank him for it? It's not like he cares about these kids, it's all just a gig to him."
Dustin draws his bottom lip between his teeth.
"You can't know that. Maybe he does care. Maybe he's-" 
Eddie barks a laugh. "Oh, give me a break. All the royals are good at is looking important and spending our tax money. I can fucking do without-" 
"Steve? We gotta leave, c'mon." 
They both whip around. A fancy black limousine with tinted windows has pulled up in the parking lot behind them. A gruff looking man is holding the back door open and looking at them expectantly. 
Dustin sighs and stands. 
"Coming, Hop." 
"Wait, wait, what?" Eddie babbles as he walks towards the car, shoulders in a sad little hunch. "What's going on? Who's that guy? Why's he calling you-" 
And then it clicks. 
"Oh fuck," Eddie says. 
Dustin … no, Steve … no, Steven - Crown Prince Steven fucking Harrington - gives him a tight smile while the man ushers him into the backseat. 
"Thank you for your time, Mr Munson, I'll see you tomorrow. I'll try not to be too much of a douchebag, I promise." 
The door clicks shut. 
The car glides away. 
Eddie buries his face in his palms. 
"Jesus fucking Christ. He's the fucking Prince."
Beside him, wheels grate on asphalt as Max brakes.
"Wow," she deadpans. "You're in some deep shit." 
Eddie groans. 
Tomorrow is gonna be a long-ass fucking day. 
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Part 2
All my holiday drabbles
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multifandomthoughts · 1 month
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“I don’t love you anymore.”
“You what?”
Kid’s eyes were nearly bulging from his sockets in anger and disbelief. His fists were clenched, fuming. He doesn’t understand why you would say such a thing, and doesn’t like it one bit. Not the type of man to cry, he could feel his eyes well up with tears.
“Why not? You’ve fucking always loved me, haven’t you? If this is about the comment I’m sorry, and I truly mean it! I’m just trying to make sure that my reputation as one of the worst generation stays the same. If anyone finds out that I’m lovey dovey behind closed doors, they won’t fear me!
And there it was. You had loved him, truly. But lately he had been an asshole towards you and towards his crewmates. Kid could be in a bad mood sometimes, but this just isn’t like him. Constantly making underhanded comments to others that he’s the toughest and even attacking other ships in the means of conquering them.
The two of you had been in a relationship for a long time; you had grown used to his antics. His dirty comments, his light teasing towards his crew mates and even rough housing was usually expected from him. But when the lighthearted horse play started to turn into secretive jabs towards you, ones that actually stung, you knew it was time to move on.
Kid wasn’t going to stand for it, not one bit. Everytime he knew you were going to be somewhere, he’d try to apologize and attempt to make up for what he’d done. And always days later he’d be back to his old ways. The next time he approach you, you’d escape his clutches to truly prove you’ve moved on without him.
Coming up from the hold, you can see him trying to corner you, most likely trying to plead for your forgiveness and coax you back to him. Stepping back, you run and jump up the steps, sliding underneath him. You make a bee-line for killer, who you’ve been confiding in a lot recently.
“He’s doing it again Killer, trying to convince me that he’ll change. He can barely change his own underwear, let alone aspects of his personality.” Killer grows silent, clearly struggling to hold back his hated laugh. Clearing his throat, he speaks softly. “If you continue to show him you’re not interested, he’ll get the point. And if he doesn’t, I’ll make sure that he has to deal with me. Nodding, you can feel a faint blush begin to rise to your cheeks. Kid had never offered to protect you before.
Weeks go by, and you find yourself spending more and more time with Killer. You find yourself appreciating his more quiet and timid nature as opposed to Kid’s loud and oppressive one. You learn more about him, finding out that with those blades, he makes a fantastic cook. After you spend enough time with him, you get to hear his unique laugh.
You can definitely see that he has a softer and sweeter side than you knew a guy with spinning blades at his wrists could. A few weeks go by, and you’re closer than ever. You spend almost every waking moment together, attached at the hip. Never before have you felt so safe, so comfortable, so respected around another person. You have a gut feeling that this is going to blossom into a beautiful relationship.
So you wait. And wait. And wait. At this point, you’re fed up. You could’ve sworn that he would’ve confessed to you by now. He tells you everything that’s on his mind, surely this is something that’s bothering him. You figure you might as well confront him, and see what his reaction is.
Heading up to the bow of the ship, your feet clatter against the wooden boards. It was your designated spot that you met up in, and sure enough, there he is, sitting quietly. Gruffly, you speak. “Hey Killer. We need to talk.” Squatting down next to him, you sigh as you lean your head against the railing. “Of course, what’s bothering you?” You take a moment to ponder your next words carefully, as it could make or break this.
“We’ve been spending lots of time together, and I was just wondering…if you maybe like me in a romantic sense.” Before you can even finish your sentence, you hear Killer’s quiet signature laugh. You think that you know the answer, now.
“Yes, I do like you. Very much.” Stunned beyond belief, all you can do is stare. Why did he laugh then? Sputtering, you try to speak up, but no words come out. You keep trying until you finally get the words out. “But why didn’t you confess to me earlier? I would’ve thought if you liked me that much you would’ve tried to start a relationship earlier.…”
Killer nods, reaching out and holding your hand in a soft grip. “That is true, but I wanted you to be comfortable enough to make the first move. I want you to have as much agency in this relationship as I do.” Falling from your squat to a seated position you lean against his shoulder as his thumb rubs your palm softly. “Well, in that case…I really like you too, Killer. Will you go out with me?”
“Of course. May I have a kiss then?” You nod aggressively, tentatively lifting his helmet. “I would like nothing more.” Leaning his head towards yours, your lips meet in a supple yet gentle kiss. The kiss feels like forever, yet you pull away only after about a minute.
“I love you Killer.”
On the other side of the ship, silent eyes have been watching, unbeknownst to you. Kid has caught every second of your new romantic encounter, and he’s not pleased. His ex-girlfriend and his first mate? There’s a couple ways that this could end, and very few of them are pleasant.
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desigirldairies · 1 month
Unleashing Your Inner Geet ♡
In the vibrant tapestry of Bollywood cinema, there are characters who transcend the screen, becoming beacons of inspiration. Geet, from the iconic movie "Jab We Met," is one such character the most adorable character I've seen so far whose mindset and approach to life leave an indelible mark on our hearts. If you any of you is not from India or is not a bollywood fan go and watch it rn! I beg you 😭 and Ik every desi person has watched this movie. Anyways let's get started ✮
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Embrace Spontaneity : Geet's spontaneity is infectious. She lives in the moment, unafraid to express herself fully. In our lives, embracing spontaneity can lead to new experiences, deeper connections, and a sense of freedom from constraints.
Find Joy in Small Things : From dancing in the rain to relishing a simple cup of tea, Geet finds joy in life's small pleasures. This mindset shift reminds us to appreciate the beauty around us, even in the mundane aspects of daily life.
Pursue Your Dreams Fearlessly : Geet's dream of traveling to Manali reflects her fearless pursuit of what she desires and even the determination and trust she held onto anshuman 😭. We can learn from her determination and courage to chase our dreams relentlessly, overcoming obstacles along the way.
Embrace Change and Adaptability : Life is a journey filled with twists and turns, much like Geet's unexpected encounters and situations. Learning to embrace change and adaptability helps us navigate life's challenges with resilience.
Cultivate Optimism and Positivity : Geet's optimism is a ray of sunshine in every situation. Cultivating a positive outlook can transform how we perceive setbacks, turning them into opportunities for growth and learning. She never had a 'what if' thought in her mind making it easier for her to think Positively.
Love Unconditionally : Geet's capacity to love unconditionally, whether it's her family or Aditya or even that mf anshuman (i still have a beef with him), teaches us about the transformative power of love. Embracing love with an open heart can bring depth and meaning to our relationships.
Live Authentically : Geet is unapologetically herself, embracing her quirks and flaws. Living authentically means honoring our true selves, embracing our uniqueness, and letting go of societal expectations.
Embrace Self-Discovery : Geet's journey is not just about external adventures but also about self-discovery. Taking time for introspection, exploring our passions, and understanding our values leads to personal growth and fulfillment.
As we channel our inner Geet, let's remember that Each one of the desi girl is a GEET we all are GEET fr 😭💅🏼
Anyways bye love you!!! 🫶
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skyward-floored · 8 months
Whumptober Day 6: Made to watch, “It should have been me”
This took way too long to finish and didn’t even end up the way I wanted to in the end exactly but it’s fine! It’s fine!!!
Warnings: blood & injury, being electrocuted, slight torture-y elements.
Read it on ao3
“Link. Hey, Rancher, wake up.”
The serious tone of voice dragged Twilight from his comfortable sleep, making him blearily open his eyes. He found that his head was under the thicker blankets the inn had provided for their beds, and he reluctantly poked his head out, frowning at the cold that met him.
Warriors looked down at him, arms crossed and face unreadable, and Twilight blinked at him, still waking up.
“What’dya want?” he mumbled, squinting at the window. All he could see was dark grey. “...Wars, what time is it?”
“Early, I don’t know. About dawn I guess,” Warriors shrugged, and unceremoniously pulled Twilight’s blankets off. “Come on, we’ve got work to do.”
“What?!” Twilight sputtered, and grabbed for his blankets. “Give me those! It’s freezing in here!”
“I know right? It’s awful. These people have no clue how to keep an inn warm, I mean it’s snowing outside.”
“Captain,” Twilight growled, seriously annoyed now. He’d been having a rather nice dream about a warm, sunny field with goats in it, up until Warriors had decided to drag him awake. “Why are you up so early, and why are you waking me up so early?”
A smile twitched at Warriors’ lips. “Why Rancher, I thought you country folk were used to waking up at the crack of dawn.”
“That doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate sleeping in on a freezing morning when we’re at an inn for once,” Twilight bit out, snatching back his blankets and wrapping himself in them. “What do you want.”
“Sheesh, you’re cranky this early,” Warriors said with an eye roll. “Anyway... do you remember what we were talking about last night after dinner?”
Twilight stared at Warriors, and pulled his blankets back over his head.
“Rancher come on, hear me out!”
The blankets were peeled back again, and Twilight looked up at Warriors’ face, only barely apologetic. The captain gave him a grin, and Twilight groaned, sitting back up with no small reluctance.
He was wide awake now, he supposed he might as well hear what the captain had to say.
“Fine. What.”
Warriors cleared his throat, looking excited. “Okay okay, so last night Wild and Wind wouldn’t shut up about how similar they think we look, right?”
Twilight nodded, frowning a bit.
The night before, after they’d all eaten dinner and were sitting around talking, Wind had asked the others if they’d ever noticed how similar Twilight and the captain looked. Wild had immediately agreed, a grin on his face, and the others had quickly hopped on board as well, loudly debating their similar features.
Some of the arguments had been valid, and Four had put together a surprisingly long list of resemblances between Twilight and Warriors that Twilight was inclined to believe, but several of them were just ridiculous. Even when Twilight voiced this, he was immediately shot down, and Wild and Wind wouldn’t let the matter drop, repeatedly bringing it up until Twilight and Warriors couldn’t stand it anymore and went off to bed.
“What does that have to do with dragging me out of bed at the crack of dawn?” Twilight asked, and Warriors grinned, holding up two green tunics.
“It’s so we have lots of time to prepare. I think we should show them just how similar we really are.“
Twilight sat up a bit straighter, paying more attention now as he looked between his and Warriors’ tunics.
“Let’s switch clothes. Just for the day. We’ll give them a shock,” Warriors grinned, and Twilight found himself grinning as well, picturing the looks on Wild and Wind’s faces. “Maybe get them to knock it off with the twin jabs too. What do you say?”
Twilight reached out and took Warriors’ tunic, and gave the captain a smirk.
“Show me how you usually pin your scarf.”
Wild and Wind’s reactions were, to say the least, exactly what Twilight had hoped they would be.
Warriors and Twilight had quickly dressed, then stationed themselves so they weren’t facing the stairs, their differences harder to notice from the back. Wind had come down to breakfast soon after, yawning into his hand, and had tugged Warriors’ scarf to ask him when they were going to leave.
Except Warriors had been Twilight, and Wind nearly jumped out of his skin when he looked up and realized who it was he was actually talking to.
Wild had had a similar reaction, though it had taken him a bit. He was most of the way through breakfast before he’d suddenly jumped up and pointed between the two, face so gobsmacked that Twilight nearly choked he was laughing so hard.
After the chaos had died down and they’d finally finished breakfast, they’d headed out from the inn, a light flurry of snow falling on their heads. Warriors and Twilight stayed in the wrong clothes as they traveled through the snowy forest, responding to the wrong names and just generally confusing the others.
It was driving Wild crazy, and Twilight was loving every second of it.
A few small flakes fell on his head, and Twilight shivered a bit as the wind blew at his face. The weather was even colder outside the inn, and the Links had all bundled up in their thick clothing, Wind and Four looking especially chilly. Twilight actually wasn’t bothered too much by the cold, especially with Warriors’ scarf wrapped warmly around his neck, and he noticed with a smirk that Warriors himself looked quite content in his wolf pelt.
“You know, you smell like a wet dog, Captain,” Legend mentioned offhandedly. “Look a bit like one too. You’re giving Wolfie a run for his money.”
Warriors shot him a look from under the hood of Twilight’s pelt, and Legend smiled innocently.
“Well perhaps so, but I’m much warmer than you are,” he pointed out, and Legend’s smirk fell a bit.
“Well at least I’m not swimming in clothes made for someone twice as muscled as me.”
The two continued to exchange jabs, and Twilight shook his head in exasperation. Warriors may have been wearing Twilight’s clothes, but it didn’t change his personality a bit.
“You look nice in the captain’s scarf Twi,” Four said at his side, his own hood up to block the snow. “The colors set off your eyes.”
Twilight chuckled. “If you say so. It is rather soft,” he admitted, holding up a bit of the rich, blue fabric. “It definitely does the job, but I don’t know how he handles this thing in warmer weather.”
“I could ask the same of you,” Warriors said back, and Twilight shrugged. “All this fur must be awful if you’re ever anywhere warm.”
“Oh I manage.”
The conversation stopped for a bit, and Twilight looked around at the road they were following, noticing with some concern how high a couple of the drifts of snow were. If the snow had blown across the path like that anywhere, some of their shorter members were going to struggle.
“Think I’m going to scout ahead a little,” Twilight said, tapping Time on the shoulder. “I’ll see if I can make it to that bridge the villagers were talking about, see how much snow we’re dealing with.”
“That sounds like a good idea,” Time replied. Then his face twitched into a smirk. “Don’t trip on your scarf.”
Twilight snorted and shook his head, already walking away.
“Hey, I’ll come with you,” Warriors offered as he jogged up to join his side, and Twilight looked at him in surprise. But he nodded and made room so they could walk side by side.
“You didn’t have to come you know Captain. Not that I mind, but just because we swapped clothes doesn’t mean we have to be together the whole day,” Twilight mentioned once they were out of earshot of the others, and Warriors shrugged, looking around at the woods.
“Eh, I wanted to. Besides, I was getting real sick of Legend calling us the ‘wolf twins’.”
Twilight barked out a laugh, and he and the captain continued ahead through the snowy woods, silent and cold.
They were quiet for a while as they outpaced the group, the snow falling softly around them. Twilight had no clue who’s time they were in, but wherever they were, the forest was beautiful, covered in snow and ice, flakes falling silently around them.
Twilight felt almost like he was in a storybook walking through the picturesque woods, and the unfamiliar clothes he was wearing only added to the almost otherworldly sense. It was odd having a scarf around his neck, but he didn’t mind the way it flared out behind him when he walked. It was sort of fun.
Twilight looked over at Warriors, keeping pace next to him, and studied him a minute. He had to admit to himself that Wild was right, at least a bit. With the pelt’s hood up covering his lighter hair, Warriors really did look almost exactly like Twilight.
“What’s that look for?” Warriors asked, and Twilight blinked, realizing he’d been staring.
“I was just thinking,” he admitted, and looked Warriors up and down. “I hate to admit it, but the others are kind of right. We really do look similar.”
“Yeah, I know,” Warriors said, and his eyes took on a distant look. “...Did you know there’s a statue of you in my time?”
Twilight startled. “What?”
“Well, there’s ones of a bunch of us actually,” Warriors reprimanded, and met his eyes. “Even Wolfie. We didn’t realize just how many there were until we were clearing out the Temple of Souls after the war. We were making sure there wasn’t any leftover dark magic or monsters, but we mostly just found statues, and... paintings.”
Warriors shook his head as if to clear it. “Anyway, I originally thought the one of you was me. We were so similar-looking, especially at the time with the hats and everything, it took a while until we figured out you were a separate hero entirely.”
“Well, that explains why you recognized most of us when we met,” Twilight said with a smirk, and Warriors chuckled.
“Yeah, I’ll admit I cheated. I don’t know if I saw one of everyone though, now that you mention it. I wonder—”
“Wait, shh,” Twilight said abruptly, holding a hand out.
Warriors went silent, and Twilight swiveled his ears around, the snow softly falling on their heads.
The woods had gone even more silent then before, no birds, no wind. Twilight knew he had heard something, but he wasn’t sure if it was just a twig snapping from the weight of the snow, or something more—
An earsplitting screech rang out through the woods, nearly sending Twilight and Warriors to their knees. Twilight’s heart stopped at the familiar sound, but before he could even grab his sword or raise his head, something crashed into him and threw him against a tree so hard he nearly blacked out.
He heard a shout through the ringing in his ears, and forced his eyes open, gasping at the sight of a Shadow Beast mere inches from his face.
No, no how is this possible it can’t— does this mean— the Twilight Realm—?!
Twilight struggled to grab his sword, but the Shadow Beast tightened its grip, and it held him so tightly against the tree Twilight was worried it would break something.
He looked frantically around for a way to get out, and saw that while Warriors wasn’t pinned like he was, he was completely surrounded. The captain was looking around at the shadow beasts with a worried look in his eyes, and he made frantic eye contact with Twilight. But before either of them could do or say anything, Twilight heard footsteps crunch through the snow nearby.
He looked up, and felt ice drop into his chest.
Zant stood in the center of the clearing, like a blot of spilled ink against the pristine snow. Twilight stared, praying that he was somehow mistaken, but as Zant strode forward, there was no doubt that it was the usurper himself.
He barely seemed to notice Twilight, giving him only a single glance, then stalked over to Warriors, standing just inside his army of shadow beasts.
“Hero of Twilight,” Zant said with a hint of glee in his voice. “It’s been so long, did you miss me?”
Warriors flicked his eyes over to Twilight, then back to Zant, a glimmer of confusion in his eyes. Zant was clearly referring to him, and Twilight stared at them both for a second before realizing what was happening.
Oh sweet Ordona, he thinks Warriors is me.
Warriors obviously realized what was going on as well, for he quickly smoothed his face of its confused look, casually pulling the hood further over his head. Twilight thrashed against the Shadow Beast, opening his mouth to shout, but one of its hands moved to cover it and his cry was cut off.
Warriors glanced at him again, then exhaled, and tightened his grip on his sword.
“That’s right Zant, that’s me,” he said steadily, even adding a bit of a twang to his voice that made him sound vaguely like Twilight. “The Hero of Twilight.”
Twilight thrashed even harder against the shadow beast holding him, but the monster didn’t budge, no matter what he did.
Wars you idiot it’s me he wants!
“Hmm... you’re scrawnier than I remember...” Zant hummed, leaning down to stare at Warriors’ face. “I suppose you haven’t been doing so well without your little shadow? So sad that she shattered the mirror the way she did.”
Twilight ignored the sting the words left in his heart.
“How have you returned?” Warriors demanded, never lowering his sword. “The last I heard, you were dead.”
“Ah, it was my new glorious god! The Creature of Shadows!” Zant crowed, twirling in place. “He has allowed me this return so I may have my revenge on those who have wronged me, in exchange only for his allegiance!”
Zant abruptly stilled, voice dropping into the tone he used when he sounded more sane.
“And you, Hero of Twilight, are the first on my list.”
Warriors barely had time to leap away as Zant drew twin swords and jumped at him, avoiding his attacks and striking back as best as he could.
Twilight clawed at the Shadow Beast holding him, desperate to help the captain, but it only struck him across the face, and retightened its grip. Pain exploded across Twilight’s face, but he ignored the sharp pain in his nose, watching Warriors fight with an increasing panic.
He couldn’t do anything. He couldn’t even call out advice or encouragement with the Shadow beast covering his mouth, just sit here and watch, with his nose throbbing and blood trickling down his face.
When he was the one who should have been fighting in the first place.
Warriors fought almost like he’d faced Zant before, neatly dodging his attacks and easily matching his swings. At any other moment Twilight would have admired his technique, but he was too worried. Zant’s speed was nearly impossible to keep up with, and Twilight could see Warriors was quickly tiring.
Right about when Twilight was growing truly panicked, Zant stepped back, pausing in his frantic attacks.
“This has been quite fun, but I’m afraid I didn’t come here to fight,” he said coolly, and his helmet shifted, revealing his mouth pulled up in a smile. Warriors paused as well, but kept his sword up, still ready and willing to fight.
“Then what do you want?” Warriors said breathlessly, and Zant’s smile twisted into a grin.
“To make you suffer.”
Two shadow beasts leaped at Warriors from behind, catching him off guard and throwing him to the ground. They pinned his arms and legs in a similar manner to Twilight in mere seconds, and Warriors’ sword went flying, Twilight letting out a muffled shout.
Zant stalked forward, his weapons skimming the snow on the ground.
“I should have killed you back at the Spirit’s Spring long ago, but now I’m almost glad I didn’t. I think I prefer to draw it out,” Zant said in a voice filled with glee as he stood above Warriors. “I’ve waited to repay you for stealing my rightful throne for a long time, Hero.”
“Rightful throne? It was never your throne to begin with,” Warriors scoffed, and gritted his teeth as Zant pressed the tip of his sword to his cheek.
“It should have been!” Zant hissed, and dragged the sword across Warriors’ face, leaving a bloody line in its trail. “I am the Twilight Realm’s rightful king! It is my throne, and I am it’s ruler!”
“I’ve met the true ruler of the Twilight Realm,” Warriors gritted out, and Twilight’s brain stalled for a second. What? “and you’re not her.”
“I am the rightful ruler!” Zant shouted, and dug the tip of his sword into Warriors’ shoulder, pulling a gasp from his lips. “Say it!”
Warriors glared. “Midna is—”
“DO NOT SPEAK HER NAME!” Zant shrieked, and lit his swords up with a dark, crackling magic.
Warriors’ eyes went wide and Twilight let out another muffled shout, but the two of them could only watch as Zant stabbed the blades downward into Warriors’ arms.
Lightning ripped across Warriors’ body, and he screamed, his back arching with electricity.
Twilight had never heard him make a noise like that.
He kicked out madly against the shadow beast holding him, but its grip never budged, and he couldn’t do a thing as Zant slowly removed his swords, leaving Warriors to gasp for breath, twitching slightly in the snow.
Tell him you’re not the one he wants, Twilight mentally begged, watching in horror as Zant repeated the action, making Warriors scream again. Tell him you’re not the Hero of Twilight, Captain!
“I am the Twilight Realm’s king,” Zant practically hissed as he yanked his swords out of Warriors again, leaving him shaking and bloodied on the ground. He thrust a blade under Warriors’ chin, lifting it so he was forced to meet his eyes. “And you and that imp are nothing but insignificant worms under my feet.”
“I... th-think she’d say the opposite,” Warriors rasped.
Zant howled in outrage and lunged forward, but it was then that Twilight finally managed to bite the Shadow Beast’s hand with enough force that it removed it from his mouth.
“I’m the Hero of Twilight!” he screamed, and Zant froze, turning slowly towards him. “I’m who you want Zant, leave— leave him alone,” his finished thickly.
Zant didn’t move for a second, staring at Twilight in silence. Then he turned back to Warriors, grabbing him by the collar and lifting him up so they were practically nose-to-nose.
The hood of the wolf pelt fell back, fully revealing Warriors’ bright blond hair, and marking-less face.
“A fake!” Zant roared in outrage, and threw Warriors to the ground, the captain still twitching with electricity.
He turned towards Twilight, practically shaking with fury.
“You,” he spat, small crackles of energy leaking from his sleeves as he approached. “You. Hero of Twilight. How dare you—”
A golden arrow flew across the clearing, and buried itself right into Zant’s shoulder.
Light burst outward and Zant let out a primal scream, clutching at his arm. More arrows followed, and Twilight heard the Shadow Beasts cry out as well, but he couldn’t see very well due to the sudden increase of light. The monster holding him let go, and Twilight didn’t stick around, catching a glimpse of armor and knowing the others would deal with the monsters.
He made a beeline for Warriors, stumbling a little as he ran. His head still hurt where the shadow beast had slammed him into the tree, his nose was bleeding all over his face, and his whole body was sore, but he wasn’t planning on stopping.
“Captain, are you with me?” he asked as he slid to his knees, and Warriors blearily looked up at him, eyes bright with pain. “Warriors, can you hear me?”
“You... you got a little...” Warriors croaked, reaching up like he was going to wipe the blood off of Twilight’s face, and the rancher waved him off, hands fluttering over the captain’s bleeding body. He was still twitching occasionally, blood soaking his clothes, and the cut across his cheek was bleeding steadily, dripping blood into Twilight’s pelt.
“By the gods Captain, you’re an absolute idiot,” Twilight said with a surge of guilt and horror, putting pressure on what looked like the worst injuries. “You should’ve just told him who I was, why didn’t you?!”
“He wanted... you. Better this way,” Warriors breathed, and gave Twilight a bloody smile. “I am... sorry I... I wrecked your tunic.”
Twilight glared at him, then untangled the scarf from around his own neck. “Permission to get your scarf bloody?”
“‘S only fair,” Warriors chuckled weakly, and Twilight bundled it over him, stemming the flow of blood.
Warriors let out a cough, a twitch running through him again, and Twilight helped him sit up when he tried to himself, the captain leaning heavily on his shoulder. He moved his head so it was resting more easy, and looked at the blood on the captain’s cheek, guilt still laying heavy in his chest.
It should have been me.
Twilight looked over at Warriors again, wincing at a screech that rang out much too close by.
“I don’t regret it,” Warriors said firmly, shivering with another tremor. “Not... not at all. Don’t be... guilty.”
Twilight looked away. “Well what am I supposed to do then?”
Warriors gave him another bloody smirk.
“Y-you could say thank you.”
Twilight felt a smile twitch onto his face against his will, and he snorted out a laugh through his still-bleeding nose, lightly bonking his head against Warriors’.
“Fine. Thanks.”
Then he turned and looked Warriors directly in the eye, pushing aside the still heavy guilt in his chest.
“And once you get a red potion in you, I want to know how on earth you know Midna and Zant.”
Warriors smiled as a triumphant cry came from the battle around them.
“Sure thing.”
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nahoney22 · 1 year
Congrats on 3k! Sorry for the late request, I don't know if you're still accepting them or not but could possibly do a nsfw Female reader for Wolffe with the prompts "You know you're really hot when you're angry" and "if we weren't in public right now, I'd bend you over the table and fuck you."
Also your writing is so good from what I've seen!!
3000 Prompt List Celebration
Wolffe X F!Reader
word count: 1.9k
“You know you’re really hot when you’re angry.”
“If we weren’t in public right now, I’d bend you over the table and fuck you right now.” (Altered just a tad)
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warnings: NSFW, 18+ only. Explicit sexual content. P in v sex, Dirty talk, sexual tension creampie, established but private relationship, slightly rough sex, kissing, nipple sucking/licking, swearing, dom!Wolffe, semi-public sex, reader is a bit of a tease. Aftercare and some soft moments.
authors note: sorry for the wait. 💜 as always, dividers are by @samspenandsword
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“Don’t trip.”
Your advice would have been much appreciated if you purposely didn’t it say after the Commander tripped over some tangled uprooted vines. But, as it was Commander Wolffe, you just simply couldn’t help but tease him.
His comrades snigger at their Commander's misfortune, only to receive a piercing, disapproving stare from the resolute clone. His gaze then shifted to you, a bomb disposal expert for the 104th, and he matched your notorious smirk with an equally stern glare.“Watch it, missy.” He hissed as you approached, oozing confidence that used to ignite a fiery reaction within him.
Used to.
The 104th were aware of the tension between you both, always bickering and incessantly teasing one another when assigned on missions together. Even Sinker and Boost had a bet on to see who would kill each other first. What his brothers didn’t know, however, is that the hardened Commander had fallen for you and you just so happened to have fallen for him too.
Those times he had said to his comrades that he had given you a reprimanding in private? Yeah, that is simply you getting pushed up agaisnt a wall and fucked hard, hands tangled in each others hair. Or, you would sneak into each other's quarters at night and he would crawl under your sheets, tasting what he caused.
“Or what?” you taunted, pausing with a confident stance and an arched eyebrow.
His jaw clenches and he looks to his men who marched on forward, leaving you two at the back of the pack. “If we weren’t in public right now, I’d bend you over by that tree and fuck you right now.” He leans in close to your ear, looking like he’s giving you a stern warning when in reality it seemed like an inviting threat.
“Oh Commander,” you say with a hushed tone, taking a step closer to him, “you know I’m not the one to shy away.” You grin with a seductive smile that makes his chest heave as he sucks in a deep breath, intoxicated by your words and the mere scent of you as you draw near.
“You’re insufferable.” He utters though you know it was kind of endearing all the same.
“Funny, you said that to me the first time you met me… now look at us, playing pretend in front of your men.” You make sure nobody is looking when you stand on the tips of your toes and very teasingly place a kiss to the corner of his lips. “Try not to tell me off too much, you know how flustered it gets me.”
He watches you strut away, your hips swaying in a manner that had captivated him from the moment he laid eyes on you. He could feel himself straining against his uniform, a bead of sweat trickling down his neck, and this time, he couldn't blame the heat alone. He needed to find a way to be alone with you, sooner rather than later.
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Another jab, another eye twitch from the Commander. You were purposefully being a brat to get his attention and much to the amusement of his brothers who revel in seeing him squirm. The mission had been a success, and as they all boarded the ships to return to Coruscant, you were unabashedly engaged in a loud conversation with Boost and Sinker about Wolffe, making his ears burn.
He wasn't privy to the exact nature of your conversation, but you had glanced over your shoulder, almost snickering, before redirecting your attention to his brothers. Oh, you were definitely up to something.
With a determined stride, his chest puffed out, Wolffe approached, his presence causing both Boost and Sinker's expressions to falter as he stood behind you, arms folded. "What are you three talking about?"
"Uh, nothing, sir," Boost stammered, clearing his throat in a futile attempt to suppress a laugh, while Sinker grew increasingly red, struggling to contain his amusement.
"Uh-huh," Wolffe huffed at the two of them before placing a firm hand on your shoulder and turning you to face him. "Care to enlighten me, ma'am?"
Your eyes locked with his, an unspoken tension hanging between you. "Are you implying that we're talking about you?" you asked playfully, tilting your head to the side. "That's rather egotistical of you."
Sinker couldn't hold back his laughter any longer, receiving a swat on the arm from Boost, but Wolffe’s gaze remained fixed on you. "Do you want me to remind you how to address your superiors?”
Biting your inner cheek, you knew exactly what he was alluding to, and truth be told, you were more than eager. "I believe you might have to, yes."
Taking a step closer, his proximity engulfing you, Wolffe’s voice grew husky. "Go to the cargo hold. I want to speak with you alone."
You turned to Boost and Sinker, rolling your eyes as if to downplay the simmering tension. "Very well, Commander. I'll join you in a moment."
A low grunt escaped Wolffe, followed by the sound of his retreating footsteps. After bidding farewell to the boys, who remained blissfully unaware of what would truly transpire in the cargo hold, you strolled casually toward your destination, the ship's humming masking the rapid thumping of your heart. As the door to the hold hissed open, revealing Wolffe leaning against a stack of crates, the ship's red lights cast an alluring glow upon his figure. "Lock the door behind you, ma'am," he instructed, and, as customary for him, you turned and obediently complied.
But as you turned back to face him, he was already before you, his lips claiming yours with fervor. "You drive me insane, you know that, baby?"
Melting against him, your arms encircled the back of his neck as his lips and tongue expertly explored your own. It felt like an eternity since you had been this close, and you certainly had no intention of letting this opportunity go to waste.
"How can you blame me?" you whispered, a sly smirk gracing your face as you gently nibbled on his lower lip, eliciting a gratifying growl-like sound from deep within him. "You know you're really hot when you're angry."
He chuckled darkly, his hands sliding sensually under your thighs, effortlessly lifting you off the ground. The intense kiss continued as he carried you toward the crates where he had previously been leaning, gently setting you down. "Not angry, just terribly, painfully sexually frustrated," he admitted with a husky tone.
"Well then," you countered, a mischievous smirk playing on your lips as your hands rested against his chest, "I’m glad that the others believe you're reprimanding me. They won't disturb us."
A wicked smirk mirrored your own on his face as his hands eagerly fumbled with the buttons and clasps of your uniform. With a swift motion, your work shirt was stripped away and discarded unceremoniously on the floor. "You're absolutely right, sweetheart," he sighed, leaning down to pepper kisses along your collarbone and down your chest, leaving a trail of heated desire in his wake.
You tilt your head back, moaning softly when he lets his tongue lick over one of your stiffening nipples, his other hand caressing your other breast before teasingly pinching the hardened nub. “That feels so good,” you whine quietly, still a little cautious in case anybody hears you both but at the same time you don't care. And neither did he.
He only hums in response to you, tongue flicking rapidly against your stiffened peak but grins when he feels you tugging on his codpiece and freeing his cock.
He moans heartily as you slowly start to pump along his length, his mouth moving to latch onto your other nipple whilst his hands alternate. “Good girl,” he chuckles, pulling your nipple with his lips and letting go with a pop. Your legs shake in eagerness, your cunt throbbing at the need for his cock.
Wolffe whined as your hand stroked downward, encircling the base of his cock in the best of ways that you knew he loved before rising to the top to trail across the sensitive crown. It didn’t take long for him to be rock solid under your touch and it didn’t take long for him to be hooking his fingers into your pants, pulling down your work clothes and panties in a single swoop.
“We need to be quick,” he grunts as he manhandles you and flips you so your bent over the crates, legs spread and eagerly awaiting his cock, “Maker, been wanting to do this all day,”
You feel a heat rush to your cheeks as you hear him spit, in what only could be into his hand. His glove is tossed onto the crate beside you and you let out a loud gasp as you feel something warm and wet caress at your folds; his fingers lubing you up for his cock. “Such a pretty girl, can’t wait to make a mess of you.” He grunts and you whine delicately as you feel his tip line up with your entrance before slowly pushing inside of you.
Fuck. It had been a while.
You whimper and moan even trying to buck up against him to take more. He feels perfect. He is perfect.
He holds himself in you after a long, slow stroke, letting you adjust to the sensation of his large cock. “Wolffe, fuck me. Please. Hard.” You find yourself begging, which wouldn’t be the first time. You liked it rough with him and in the naughtiest scenarios to which being in a ship filled with his men who could come in any second was just the right amount you needed.
But he does. Hard. Fucking away at you with everything he has, no lead up, just hard, slamming strokes that leave bruises on your hips from where the edges of the crate start to dig into her your. He still adorned his gear so you were not shocked to feel slight pinching on the back of your legs but that was overlooked by him filling you completely, stretching you up.
You feel his cock swell less than a second before he growls in your ear, “you like this huh? You like me bending you over and fucking you?” You can only moan and nod feverishly, especially as you feel his finger reach down and strokes at your clit, just once. That’s all it took. You cum, gripping onto the crate as it drags against the metal floor as he pumps you with his seed.
Wolffe rocks his hips slowly until the last drop comes out and then lays his full weight against your back. It's nice, comforting, while he softens and slips out.
He stands back, watching his white lace drip out of your pussy and down your leg and he loves it. “Beautiful.” He mutters, stuffing his cock back into his blacks and reattaching his codpiece, wiping the sweat from his brow.
You stand up straight, legs a little shaken and he makes no hesitation to hold you close and support you, gathering up your clothes and helping you dress. “You don’t have to help me Commander,” you smile with a blush, always a little shy after you had been intimate with the brooding Commander.
“You know I don’t like it when you call me that, baby.” He whispers, placing a kiss to your cheek as he buttons up your shirt and making sure you look presentable. Hebrings you to his chest, arms wrapped around you where he can just hold you for a little while. Away from the others and away from the War. “I… I love you. I hope you do know that.”
His words made your heart flutter and you looked up to him with slightly misty eyes at his soft confession. “I love you too, handsome.”
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Prompt List Works
tags: @andyoufollowyourheart @littlefeatherr r @kaitou2417 @eyecandyeoz @captxin-rex @cwarssimp @jesseeka @ashotofspotchka a @oohyesplease @theroguesully @mustluvecho @ladykatakuri @jambolska-grozdova @arctrooper69 9 @padawancat97 7 @rain-on-kamino @either-madness-or-brilliance @staycalmandhugaclone e @ko-neko-san @echos-girlfriend @fiveshelmet @dangraccoon @plushymiku-blog g @chrissywakingup @kixs-husband @pb-jellybeans @nunanuggets @tech-aficionado @grizabellasolo o @therealnekomari i @tech-depression-inventory @brynhildrmimi @greaser-wolf @tinyreadersmur @seriowan @kaminocasey @marvel-starwars-nerd d @ladytano420 @ladyzirkonia @raevulsix @whore4rex @imperialclaw801 1 @temple-elder @mysticalgalaxysalad
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valeriianz · 1 year
He can feel Dream hovering nearby, probably wishing he could get properly sloshed like Hob but knew he was driving them home tonight. Hob always appreciates his husband for coming along as his plus one to events like this, staff parties and events he’d been invited to, especially since he knows Dream hates it.
This time it’s a wedding. The ceremony had been lovely but now the reception was well along enough for Hob to have had a few drinks in him and had become significantly distracted catching up with an old mutual friend from grad school.
Hob hums as Dream creeps around from behind him.
“I wish to leave. Are you ready?”
“Sure, darling,” Hob reaches a hand up and tugs a bit on Dream’s hair. “Let me grab our coats.”
“Oh!” Matthew grabs Dream’s attention. “You’re Robert’s husband? Heard a lot about you!” He extends the hand not holding onto his beer bottle and, after examining it like it might bite, Dream pulls his own pale, thin hand from his trouser pocket and gives it a shake, looking like he’s just signed up for a year of torment.
Dream’s clear disinterest doesn’t seem to bother Matthew though, who is all smiles and good humor.
Hob nods at Dream for a job well done and sighs tiredly, acceptingly. “Alright love, we’ll get going.”
“Aw, no wait!” Matthew laughs a little. “You were about to tell me about the worst date you’ve ever been on. I told you mine!”
Hob laughs too and he can hear his husband’s eye roll next to him. Hob tugs on his hand and gives him the puppy dog look he’d been perfecting ever since they met. He thinks it has double the intended effect whenever he’s loosened up by alcohol, and so is only a little but smug when Dream relents with an audible sigh and his shoulders visibly deflating.
“I’m not sure I can top yours, Matt.” But Hob thinks for a moment anyway, his eyes scanning the room distractedly before landing on Dream next to him, who isn’t even trying to mask his annoyance. Hob grins secretively and Dream cocks a single brow.
“Okay, I got one.” He sets a hand on Dream’s shoulder to steady himself but also to reassure his husband that right after this– promise, they can go home.
“So way back in undergrad,” Hob starts, his grin morphing into his best drunken smirk. “I met this guy in a bookshop. Real cute. Real awkward. Gave me his number anyway so I figured, what’s the harm.” Hob shrugs a shoulder and waves the arm holding his red solo cup, nearly spilling the liquid inside.
“The guy hits me up that night– who does that?? Anyway–” Hob pauses when Matthew reacts with proper exaggeration. “We plan a date for the weekend. The fucking botanical gardens, which he wants to go to and I lie and say ‘oh yeah, I love looking at plants, I have tickets already’ and I didn’t, but of course I’m thinking with my dick so I buy the fucking tickets…”
“Oh, God.” Matthew laughs good naturedly. Dream is staring at the side of Hob’s head, but Hob just flashes him a cheeky grin.
“The guy is bummed cos he really wanted to see the cherry blossoms, but we missed the bloom or whatever–” Hob rolls his eyes at the memory. “But we’re still walking around, talking about our classes, blah blah–”
“Was he still cute?” Matthew interjects, getting his pointer finger out from the grasp of his beer and jabbing it in his direction with a tilt of his head.
Hob bobs his head, eyes cast up in recollection. “He was still very cute, but not enough to save the date, unfortunately.” He’s still wearing the smile and Matthew chuckles again, wobbling on the spot.
“So I’m pulling all the weight,” Hob swings his head at Dream, nudging their shoulders together, including him in the story. Dream continues to stare blankly though, but it doesn’t deter Hob.
“I’m like, ‘hey, let’s go to a restaurant. Let’s get some food…” Hob licks his lips before pulling his bottom lip in, biting it distractedly. “And we go– and by the way at this point, I don’t know why he’s still here. Like, I’m pretty sure we’re both bored of each other.”
“Why are you torturing yourself?” Matthew asks, eyes squinting.
“Because I’m thinking maybe this is just a one time thing, at least I can get a good lay out of it, right?” At Matthews' sage nodding, Hob takes a long sip of his drink before continuing on.
“So, we do eventually make it back to my place–” Hob laughs at Matthew’s eyebrow waggle. “-- and watch a movie… and then fall asleep on the couch.”
“What?!” Matthew laughs, leaning back against the wall for support. Hob is chuckling quietly to himself, peeking over at his husband to ensure he’s still there.
He is. But he’s taken a step away from Hob, arms crossed, waiting for the end of the story.
Hob tugs on Dream's elbow, pulling him back in, who goes with a barely contained groan of misery.
“So I’m ready to kick him out. Or at least I’m waiting for him to let himself out. But no.” Hob sighs loudly, removing his hand from Dream to rub at the bridge of his nose. “He asks to be walked home. Like– why extend the effort?”
“Why?” Matthew agrees.
“Ugh but I’m like– fine. Let’s walk you home.” Hob cocks his hip out, shifting his weight from one foot to the other.
“We get to his place; it’s not far from my flat. And then he turns to me and says, ‘I’d like to hang out more. Let’s go– uh, let’s walk around’ like– are you kidding me?”
Matthew is laughing so hard his cheeks are turning red and Hob is nearly stumbling over himself. Dream is still silent, standing like a statue next to Hob. He can feel his gaze burning into his skin.
“God damn–” Hob exclaims, laughing through it. “But– yeah! For some reason we walked. For hours. And the whole time I’m trying to figure out how to best extract myself from this never ending date.”
“So clingy!” Matthew nearly shouts, he’s had to set his beer down on the nearest flat surface at this point.
“Plastic wrap could take notes.” Hob nods, laughing one final time with a loud exhale. “So yeah, that was the worst– and longest date of my life.”
“Jesus Christ, dude,” Matthew’s giggles are dying down and he’s wiping under his eyes.
Hob looks over at Dream, who has yet to crack even a smirk.
After a long pause, where Hob can sense Matthew still trying to collect himself, Dream finally opens his mouth.
“Do you think you’re funny?” He says, his voice low and cool, as always.
Hob shrugs, taking the final pull from his mixed drink and turning to toss the plastic cup in a bin.
“I mean,” Hob feels his grin split across his face, making him squint. “We’re still together, so…”
“Wait,” Matthew’s eyes grow comically large. He’s now pointing between Hob and Dream. “Seriously??”
Hob pecks Dream on the cheek, but he has yet to move and that only makes Hob drunkenly laugh again, a hint of nerves coloring the tone.
Dream is leveling Hob with a serious look, but slowly his brows raise, his eyes casting off to the side and back at him, an unreadable micro expression crossing his features.
“That’s not how it happened.”
based on this tiktok
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anakinisvaderisanakin · 6 months
Binging both season one and two of Ghost Files while sick, I must say I really appreciate the little changes made to the program for its second season.
For one; we have longer episodes and a more consistent format, both length and presentation wise.
Second; there's a lot more banter/bickering/tomfoolery left in the final cut which is what most of us fans want to see – aka Shane and Ryan throwing jabs at one another like an old married couple.
Third; there's more of the discussions of evidence as well as more of said evidence being presented and met with Shane's skepticism.
Four; there's more of Shane overall. Yes, he had some truly unhinged moments in season one (fighting the ghost of Mr Hull comes to mind), but he gets to truly shine in season two.
Five; longer dual investigation sessions and more time given to the ongoing bits, which only adds to the enjoyment.
Six; "evidence" is not taken for granted on location or in hindsight, but is instead questioned and presented as less concrete.
Seven; even Shane does provide some good discoveries and interactions here and there, and while this was also part of season one, season two expands upon it – this is also coupled with the fact that Ryan questions what he experiences a lot more, instead of taking every little noise as a ghostly gospel truth.
These are all positives and they make the show better, serving as vast improvements to its entertainment value.
As for negatives, the only one I can really think of is how sometimes even the more "compelling" evidence gets watered down. Sometimes something happens that could be interesting or that feels more authentic, but it's kind of torn down by the narrative. I can't quite explain it better than that.
So what would I like to see next? A bit more balance between skepticism and belief, perhaps? Season one was very heavy on the belief in ghosts, while season two feels like it's leaning farther into the skeptic side of things. Which is all fair and good, but an even ground would be nice.
However, it is infinitely entertaining to see Shane and Ryan's views rub off on the other. Ryan is a lot less panicky, and it's lovely seeing him engage with the "ghosts" to a point where we receive some interesting interactions that the old Ryan would have run away from screaming. Ryan antagonizing the ghosts is also a fabulous turn. Shane on the other hand actually sometimes entertaining the idea that something might not have a clean cut explanation is the flip side of this; "it could have been anything, but I'm fairly sure I heard a knock". You can't always explain everything, and even if ghosts are unlikely, who's to say? I like this little twist a lot, as it provides a more genuine feeling of balance between the two.
All in all, as someone who's been following these two ever since their B*zzfeed days (I believe the Isle of Dolls was the first thing of theirs I watched), the contrast is very stark but in the best of ways. Seeing Shane and Ryan grow and evolve as people, and now being allowed to be their more authentic selves under their own company, is a joy. They even convinced me to become a patron, which in my case is saying something! (I literally never join any creator's Patreon because I'm pisspoor.)
Just some thoughts of mine. Feel free to engage in some conversation if you'd like!
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yns-world · 1 year
art imitates life, life imitates art
part ii of the euphoria au!outer banks series
part i part iii part iv
title: art imitates life, life imitates art
pairing: euphoria au!rafe cameron x reader
summary: lexi's interpretation of your relationship with rafe was very...interesting.
words: 2.3k (this is the first long fic i've written in literal years...i'm not even exaggerating either 💀)
warnings: toxic relationship, slight dv, mentions of murder, attempted murder, rafe cameron as his own warning, euphoria craziness
a/n: it makes my heart overflow with so much love and appreciation when i saw everyone's reactions to the first part of euphoria au!rafe 😭😭 i can die a happy woman knowing that someone said that i wrote rafe in a canon way 🕊️
fem reader, racially ambiguous, any size reader
italics = scenes in the play
Y/C/N = Your Character Name
R/C/N = Rafe’s Character Name
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Lexi peeked behind the curtain, astonished at the full auditorium. She still couldn’t believe the number of people who showed up. Seated near the front was Maddy and her gang. While Cassie and Nate sat further away in the middle. Rafe and Y/N sat a few rows behind Cassie and Nate.
Lexi walked on stage, her nervous jitters noticeable but she still kept a smile on her face.
“Our Life is a lot more complicated than adults would make it seem. We’re going through our most important developmental years, this is the time where our personalities shift and form. This is also a time where we experience our most memorable relationships.”
Actors that represented Maddy, Cassie, and Y/N entered the stage, laughing and walking in sync. 
“Is that supposed to be us?” Maddy scrunched her face in confusion. “I don’t even look like that.”
Lexi continued her narration.
“During these fleeting high school moments, we solidify friendships and create new ones.”
While the three girls are talking in the prop hallway, a tall, blonde actor treaded on the stage, making an exaggeration of biting his nails. He kept his gaze down and bumped into Y/N’s character. 
“The girls swore that they would never let a boy come between them, but it seemed as though Y/C/N had other plans. It’s almost as if her plan all along was to let a boy come in between her and everyone else.”
Maddy’s and Cassie’s characters were visibly heartbroken and betrayed as Y/C/N gazed lovingly up at Rafe’s character, not paying her friends a second glance. 
Cassie turned her head to glimpse at Y/N but Y/N kept her eyes glued to the stage.
“But was the relationship worth it? Y/C/N cut off her friends to have more freedom with her new boy toy-- or so she thought.”
The backdrop changed to a classroom and Y/C/N’s phone rang and rang until she finally picked it up and put it on speaker.
“Where the fuck are you?! I’ve texted you 57 times! Why aren’t you answering me?!” R/C/N spat accusations left and right, but Y/C/N just rolled her eyes before hanging up mid-sentence. 
A couple chuckles were heard in the audience, some even from Cassie, and Rafe visibly tensed. His jaw was clenched and his grip around Y/N’s hand was tighter, almost to a point where it hurt. 
“You call it love, but I call it Stockholm syndrome. You’re not the sweet, innocent angel that everyone believes you are. Sometimes I think R/C/N could’ve been normal if he hadn’t met you.”
The scene switched to Y/C/N’s room, where Y/C/N and R/C/N were in the middle of another fight. 
“You’re so fucking crazy R/C/N! I wasn’t even flirting with him! And don’t you EVER call me a fucking slut, you psychotic piece of shit!” Y/C/N jabbed her finger in R/C/N’s face with each word. R/C/N tried to smack her hand away but Y/C/N reacted quicker and slapped him across the face. 
The scene went silent and the actors remained in their places. R/C/N’s hair fell over his face, covering his expression. Y/C/N didn’t move an inch. 
A hush fell over the audience. Some dared to sneak a glance at Rafe and Y/N but one look at Rafe’s fuming face scared them back into place. 
“This is absolute bullshit. This is what she fucking invites us to? She’s supposed to be your fucking friend.” Rafe started his heated rant and Y/N knew all too well what came afterwards.
“Shh baby, it’s okay. She doesn’t know what she’s talking about. She never had a boyfriend before, what would she know?” Y/N brought Rafe’s hand to her lips and planted a reassuring kiss on his knuckles. She then reached her hand behind his head and began massaging his scalp to ground him.
After a few beats of stillness, Y/C/N broke out of her daze and carefully approached R/C/N.
“I’m sorry, baby. I was scared.” Her voice was soft and calculated. 
R/C/N slowly raised his head to look at her and was frozen to his spot. He didn’t try to move when Y/C/N brought her hand to rest on his red cheek, the same hand that hit him. 
If anything, he leaned into her touch and closed his eyes. 
“Puppy Love” by Paul Anka started playing in the background. 
They called it puppy love
Oh, I guess they’ll never know
How a young heart really feels
And why I love her so
Silent tears rolled down R/C/N’s face. 
I cry each night
My tears for you
My tears are all in vain
“You made me hate myself. Sometimes I wish I would’ve just dated myself.” R/C/N whispered, his voice thick with tears. He still leaned into Y/C/N’s hand.
Y/C/N wiped his tears with her free hand and leaned up to plant her lips on his. The light focuses on them as their kiss lasts for a few moments, before the entire stage goes black.
The audience is quiet, still trying to process what they just saw. Y/N glimpsed at Rafe out of the corner of her eye and his gaze was focused on the floor. Tears stung in the corners of his eyes but he was quick to wipe them away; but not quick enough for Y/N to notice. 
“Rafe….” For the first time, Y/N didn’t know how to comfort him. She had no words to offer him. She retracted her hands off him and placed them in her lap; she was scared to touch him, to break him further.  
This isn’t who she was, right? This is just a show of theatrics. None of this was real. 
Various degrees of self-awareness, disgust, and sadness flashed across Y/N’s face in a matter of seconds until she wore a common face of fury. 
“That Lexi bitch had no right to make a play about real people, she didn’t even fucking ask.” Y/N thought. “She has no fucking clue what the fuck she’s talking about.”
Just as Y/N was about to get up from her seat, Rafe grabs her wrist and pulls her back down.
Rafe applied more and more pressure onto Y/N’s wrist as the seconds passed. The two were dead silent, staring back at their reflections on stage. 
Is this how the world saw them? Was this really them? 
Maybe out of ignorance, or maybe out of pure denial, the couple was glued in place, unable to move a single muscle. But their rage was a silent one, a terrible storm waiting for the perfect time to strike.
The lights return back on stage, this time lighting up Lexi who stood on a prop football field. 
“R/C/N and Y/C/N certainly had an unusual form of love. It was a deadly love, a love that could kill you if you weren’t too careful. Interestingly enough, no matter how much R/C/N showed his devotion, it was never enough for Y/C/N. She was always looking elsewhere.”
The light shined over Y/C/N flirting with some random football player. They cracked jokes and Y/C/N laughed a little too loud and a little too hard. She threw her head back and placed her hand on his firm bicep.
“God, you’re so funny! I never knew you were such a jokester.” The football player reveled in the attention, getting high off her compliments. 
Simultaneously, a light shined above Lexi, who stood on the other side of the stage, by the fake bleachers. Next to her was a furious R/C/N, who had a brick in his hand.
A heavy blanket of silence fell on the audience, a silence so loud that you could hear the actors breathing into their mics. 
Everyone knew what this event was referring to, but no one dared to speak a word of it. 
Instead of the usual anger that Rafe wore throughout the entire play, a cheshire-worthy smirk graced Rafe’s lips, a low chuckle erupting from his throat as he waited for what's next. 
He locked eyes with Lexi, daring her to say the next words. 
Lexi was about to fold under his scorching stare, a stare that only saw red-- but she had a show to run. 
The show must go on. 
Lexi cleared her throat, and spoke each word while maintaining full eye contact with Rafe.
“Nature versus nurture, a debate as old as time. In this case, was R/C/N always this crazy or did Y/CN create this monster? Was R/C/N born this way or did she groom a killer?”
As soon as that last word left her mouth, Rafe was already out of his seat and half-way down the aisle before anyone else could react.
“Y/N, put a fucking leash on your mutt!” Maddy jeered. 
Initially, Y/N was going to try and stop Rafe but Maddy’s comment put a halt on that plan. Instead of trying to put a lid on the atomic bomb that is her boyfriend, she let him roam free. Rafe always was her greatest weapon. 
“What good did leashing your boyfriend do for you? Oh wait,” Y/N laughed, turning to Cassie. “You lost your boyfriend to your best friend.”
“Let me at this whore!” Maddy struggled against her friend’s restraint. 
While Maddy, Cassie, and Y/N were thrashing it out in the seats, Rafe was already on stage and cornering Lexi. 
“You think you’re real smart, huh?” Rafe wrapped his hand around her throat and pushed her against the wall. He brought his mouth to the side of her head and whispered in her ear. “Do you wanna know how I killed that son of a bitch?” 
Lexi’s eyes were turning red due to a lack of oxygen, and her attempts to claw at his hand were futile. 
“I had him in my hands, just like this.” Rafe applied more pressure to her throat. “I squeezed until his eyes popped out of his sockets.”
But before he could go in for the final kill, Nate pushed Rafe off of Lexi, who collapsed onto the floor and tried to catch her breath. 
“You’re a real fucking pussy, Cameron. You’re nothing but Y/N’s bitch.” 
Rafe shoved Nate back.
“At least I’m not fucking the whole school. Who knows what kind of STDs you got?”
That was all it took to rile Nate up. The two boys threw punches that rang through the entire auditorium-- everything was audible, the fist-to-face contact, the cracking of jaws.
While the boys were breaking each other’s bones and the girls were clawing each other’s faces off, the police were called and arrived at the scene. After a few attempts to break up the fighting, all the perpetrators were escorted outside, placed far enough apart and with plenty of enforcement to prevent another altercation.
As the police were taking statements from the witnesses, the main group sat on the curb of the school-- bloody, bruised, and beaten. Each person lost in their own thoughts and regrets until Y/N finally spoke up. 
“How did we end up like this? We’re unrecognizable.” Maddy and Cassie remained silent, only sending each other glares.
“It’s all his fucking fault,” Nate gestured at Rafe, who sat a few feet from him. “You should’ve never come to this fucking town.”
“Rafe’s not completely at fault.” Lexi defended. “You still would’ve slept with Cassie regardless if he came to East Highland or not.”
“I don’t want to hear you fucking speak, you sick bitch.” Y/N groaned, holding her head in her hands. The conversation fell into a beat of silence before Cassie spoke up.
“In a sick way, this is like a bonding moment for us.” Cassie noted, looking at the group.
“What. The. Fuck. Cassie.” Maddy was so over Cassie’s bullshit, but Cassie continued.
“No matter what happens, we’ll always come back to each other, It’s like we’re all connected.”
Rafe scoffed while Nate just shook his head.
“This crazy bitch.” Nate muttered under his breath.
“Who wants to get something to eat?” Y/N asked, still holding a tissue to stop her bloody nose. Her question was so out of the blue that everyone thought they hallucinated it, until she repeated herself.
“I’m starving. It’s up to y’all, but I’m getting some food.” Y/N extended her arm to her boyfriend-- who had a black eye and bruises littered all over his face-- but he was quick to help her up to her feet. 
“I’m going.” Rue answered, appearing out of nowhere. 
“Me too.” Jules added, wrapping her arm around Rue’s shoulders. “Why not?”
Maddy looked at her friends and shrugged. “Fuck it. Let’s go.”
As the group began walking away and discussing possible food options, Cassie, Lexi, and Nate rushed to catch up. Meanwhile, Lexi strayed a few paces behind everyone else.
She took in the sight in front of her-- a group of teenagers, surely flawed, yet they still have so much to experience. 
Cassie is right. Lexi thought. We are all destined to be intertwined, for better or for worse. 
Lexi would be sure to start working on the sequel of her play when she got back home.
a/n: if you enjoyed reading, please consider reblogging and tipping, they help my account more than likes :)
DON’T BE A GHOST READER!!!!! let me know your thoughts, opinions, ideas, etc in the comments!!! i love talking with y’all <333 
like i mentioned in the previous post, don’t hesitate to send me any ideas/requests for rafe or euphoria au!rafe <3 (just read my request rules in my pinned post before you do)
i have an idea for a sequel to this specific oneshot but idk….lmk if y’all want me to write it 🤭 (spoiler: the sequel might include the euphoria au!pogues….but y’all didn’t hear that from me 👀)
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