#arcane claggor
Right Where You Left Me
It always ended up back here.
You sat in a corner of the Last Drop, staring at the end of the table like waiting for someone. You always were waiting.
People would pass by and they would murmur, some who knew who you are from before, and some who didn’t and got the same old story.
“What’s up with pouty over there?” Your ears twitched as you heard some man whisper to the bar keep. The man behind the bar gave the man a glare, the only one in the Drop with seemingly an ounce of sympathy.
Before he could pound some sense into the man’s head, a woman at the bar interrupted.
“Dunno. Comes in here and just sits there.” The woman stated, giving you a once over as you stared at the door for a certain blunette you know a life time ago.
Waiting for four other kids to pile in after her, taking up space in your booth as they slid in, Powder talking your ear off as she took your Shirley temple to finish off like always.
It just sat in front of you now, untouched like all the times before.
You didn’t hear Vi chastise Powder to slow down as she gobbled it down, didn’t hear Mylo and Claggor and didn’t feel the table rattle as they bumped it from their wrestling.
Somewhere in the back of your mind you could hear Ekko and how the tools on his belt jingled as he moved, slipping through the bar and Vanders laugh as he warned the boy to slow down.
“Gonna end up steppin’ on you soon enough, Ekko.” The man would say even if he was always careful not to.
You almost heard Ekkos laugh paired with Powder beckoning him over to share his own drink with her.
Time stood still, nothing changed, nothing happened.
Right where you were left behind.
There were no more laughs, no more bickering and no more shared Shirley temples under the limelight of the bar as a song Powder chose time and time again played while Mylo would complain.
You did always catch him mumbling the lyrics to himself.
“Think she was one of Vanders.” The woman finished off.
You pushed out of your seat with a rattle, getting out of the bar as quickly as possible to leave the memories behind.
You couldn’t remain frozen in time.
But the Shirley Temple, the laughs, the echos of the past would always keep you there.
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justgrey · 3 months
I have something worse up my sleeve on Vander that idk if im gonna post that includes the shimmered up version of him we see for 10 seconds before he dies and some bussy gobbling if yk what i mean 😈🥱🔥
Vander x Reader - General Relationship HC's
Warnings: Swearing cuz we fukin' balling
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He gives really great hugs, obviously. He's got so much meat on him that he feels like a really large pillow, and I'm here for it. And if you're reading this, I guess you're for it too 🤷‍♂️
Crazy protective, too. Man doesn't love easily after what happened with Silco, but when he does, mwah, you are not leaving his sight for longer than an hour before someone on his side is just "keeping an eye on you"
Vander loves jokes. Especially dad jokes. Because he's a dad. Please joke with him. Please, his kids always respond with "ughghh" and all he wants is an adoring audience. Please be that for him.
"What's the time?"
"It's... time to get a watch!" *big goofy grin*
"Hah- hahahahhahahahhaahhaahhaha please, Vander."
"Right, sorry. It's a quarter past seven, love."
Anyway, Vander loves nicknames. Like, a lot a lot. He loves nicknames. What one's? Great question. Take a guess. He loves playing games with you and this is one of those games
If you said anything along the lines of sweetheart, love, sweetie, or honey. You'd be right. He loves using generic nicknames with you because he wants to be as domestic as possible.
He likes to feel like his life is as normal as can be despite it being absolutely the opposite of that. He loves his children, and he loves you, so why not make the most of it? At least, that's what he figures.
The wackiest shit happens sometimes. There's a real mix of interactions in his little family and we living for all of them.
"Can you pass the sa-?"
*glitter bomb explosion from Powder's bunk*
"Oh, for the love of- POWDER, ARE YOU OKAY?!?"
His kids are all extraordinary. Mylo is very charismatic and is able to talk his way out of a lot of trouble, Claggor is great at lifting heavy shit, Vi can punch the daylights out of everyone, and Powder has the potential to be a great inventor someday. His goal is to inspire them all to be the best versions of themselves and to always be kind when they're able to despite living in the meanest area around.
You are also very intertwined with his children's lives to the point where they're basically your kids as well. If you didn't want that, break up with him. He's a package deal. All or nothing.
"Hey... what's that you're tinkering with, Pow Pow?"
"It's a bomb."
"It's a what."
"She means- uhm- it's full of confetti...? For... For Mylo's birthday! Y'know, that's totally coming up soon."
"Wait, my birthday isn't-"
"Yeah, yeah... for Mylo's birthday!" *innocent smile*
"For some reason... i d o n ' t b e l i e v e t h a t . . . Just... just stay out of trouble. As much as possible."
The kids treat you like a member of the family as well if you couldn't tell. They latch onto you, some take longer than others but they all eventually view you as their other parent.
First it was Powder, then it was Claggor, followed by Vi and then Mylo a little later on.
Vander actually wants to make it official with you someday and make you stay with him and his family forever by proposing to you, but with the current state of the Undercity, he may never get to. He's a busy, busy man, trying to hold the Lanes together. Sometimes, he gets too focused on that and forgets to share his attention around when crime is really bad.
But even just being around helps him out 🫡
Thanks gang 👍
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backstabber128 · 4 months
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Here's a part 3 of this shameless Zaundad modern au bc I needed more fluff in my life 👍
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heartofbread · 1 year
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A piece based on the tragic story of arcane based on "Grendell's mother drags Beowulf Under" by Henry J. Ford.
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I'm really proud of all the storytelling and details I put into this piece, details I poured my heart into in both the lineart, composition and colours.
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candysdoodles · 1 year
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Let's start this blog with something, I love Arcane so much, I love these kids, I love Vi and Powder, I especially love Powder <3
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art-of-arcane · 2 years
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ARCANE | Jinx’s Claggor Design | Aymeric Kevin
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lullabyes22-blog · 3 months
Just saw your zaundads hcs and needed more! How do you think Silco interacts with vi/mylo/claggor, or even a less traumatized Powder? Does silco’s involvement change how vander parents?
Per my own headcanons in FnF, Silco, had Vander not drowned him, would've been an incredibly hands-on presence in the children's lives, for multiple reasons - needing to 'reconnect' with his own vulnerable self after everything he'd endured in Stillwater, needing to compensate for inadvertently orphaning the kids in the Day of Ash after his plans went awry, needing to rechannel his energies into 'training' a new generation of fighters against Topside's boot, needing to fill the void of the tragedy in his own life after Bloody Sunday...
This would both a) take a load off Vander's shoulders as the sole caretaker + de facto leader of the Undercity, and b) create more problems for him because now he'd need to co-parent + Silco would expect him to take his counsel seriously.
The domestic climes would be tempestuous, to put it mildly.
Re: his relationship with the kids - Powder would be his favorite. Hands-down. He wouldn't even bother to hide it. She's got a personality that meshes wonderfully with his (introverted but incredibly bright, emotionally intuitive, skilled at delicate work, good with numbers), and he'd take exception to the way she's bullied by Mylo, and give her lots of one-on-one attention. In fact, he'd end up converting his 'workspace' into her playspace, similar to canon, so they could hang out together while doing their own thing.
Vi and he would have their fair share of friction. They're both bossy, headstrong, passionate and deeply opinionated. Vi would resent taking orders from him; he'd be irritated with how much she reminds him of younger Vander. Also, in times when he and Vander aren't getting along, it'd be super tempting to project his irritation onto Vi, especially if she's gotten into trouble, or done something reckless.
In mellow moments, though, these two would make a formidable team. Especially as Vi gets older, and her politics begin aligning more with Silco's. I headcanon that by the time Vi's in her late twenties and a bit more mellow, it wouldn't be uncommon for them to begin teaming up to argue with Vander against a more pacifist strategy or the best way to handle a turf dispute.
The boys, if Silco was an influence in their home life, would not be half as soft. Both Mylo and Claggor, understandably, come off as a little naive, and undeveloped (Mylo wanting to prove himself, and putting down Powder in the process due to insecurity; Claggor mild-natured and well-meaning, but lacking his own impetus, and happy to go along w/ Vi's plans).
Silco would take one gander, pull a face, and put the boys to work as lookouts, runners, or muscle. Judging by how he raised Jinx to be hypercompetent but also incredibly hypervigilant as a form of survival, you can bet your boots the strategy would be replicated tenfold on the boys, who'd mirror, in his mind, his and Vander's boyhood.
Mylo's lock-picking skills would get developed by experts in the Lanes. The boy would be full-on burglarizing Topside homes by his early teens. Claggor's patience would be cultivated as a lookout. The boy would know half the Lanes' business before it's even made official.
By 18, he'd also have taken them to Babette's to get their V-cards cashed in.
As a treat.
Suffice it to say, his parenting style and Vander's would differ vastly, and lead to all sorts of disagreements. The kids themselves would grimly joke that they grew up in a home that, er "valued spirited and robust debate."
"Also where grown men threw chairs at each other."
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insane-arcane · 2 years
Violet: The (Y/N) I know is real. And they're the reason were all here instead of on that bridge with our parents.
Powder: Who are they?
Mylo: A Revolutionist. A legend. The Legend!
Claggor: One of the first founders of the sons and daughters of Zaun. The leading member in fact.
Powder: Like Vander?
Violet: No Vander was the Easter Bunny compared to (Y/N). Just a foot soldier. They were the heart of the Undercity. Where ever they are now, their still looking out for us.
~Ten years later~
Vi: The (Y/N) I know is real. And they're alive helping Zaun out in every way they can.
Caitlyn: Who are they?
Vi:... A revolutionist. A legend.
Caitlyn: Wait weren't they were one of the first founders of the sons and daughters of Zaun? The leading member?
Caitlyn: Like Silco?
Vi: No Silcos the easter bunny compared to (Y/N). Just a foot soldier. They're the heart of the Undercity. And we're gonna find them Cupcake.
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wincestisasincest · 1 year
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kronozonic · 6 months
Share your favorite arcane scene here!
I've seen a few of you guys hearting my posts on tumblr, and I'd like to know, what is your favorite arcane scene? I'll share mine!
I like the beginning where Powder, Vi, Mylo and Claggor break into Jayce's apartment and steal all these valuable loot.
Now, Your Turn!
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You Can Stay
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"Do not enter is written on the doorway."
Jinx sat in her room, balled up on the window seal.
Not a bad day, just bad enough to feel like crap by the time it ended.
Jinx stared out of her window before instinctively flinching, swatting beside her ear.
"Why can't everyone just go away?"
She could hear Mylo cackling at her, bickering with Claggor no matter how much she wanted to be left alone.
They never left, no matter how much she wanted, begged or pleaded, they always stayed.
She just wanted to be left alone. To hide from the world, well, there was an exception
"Except you."
"Leave her alone."
Jinx finally tore her eyes away from the window, hearing the noise in her head halt.
You still looked the same, just more pretty than she would have appreciated when she was younger.
Jinx allowed herself to finally smile, instinctively turning her body to you and making room on the window seal.
"Mind if I join you?" You smiled, making Jinx forget her worries and beam at your presence.
"You can stay."
You sat down next to her, Jinx wasting no time to lay her head in your lap.
Maybe she didn't though, maybe this was all fake once again and she fell for it.
Because even if you weren't there, even as the figment in her mind she made up along with Mylo, Claggor, Vander and Vi.
She still was happy you were there, the only one who didn't make her skin feel scratchy or wanna plug her ears until the end of time.
She fell for it again, falling asleep peacefully only to wake up and find you gone.
But if this was what it took to see you again?
She would gladly fall for it, over and over again.
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claggorstuff · 4 months
Just found your blog and I love it so far! Can you write Claggor x fem reader where reader is having trouble falling asleep and Claggor holds her and comforts her?
I'll leave it open ended for ya beyond that. Stoked to see another Claggor fan ❤️❤️
Oh my god ive been so behind on tumblr reqs, sorry to keep u waiting!!!! I can do this most def !! I feel like titling this fic.
A Good nights sleep...
Claggor x maybe insomniac reader
I sat in bed, rolling and squirming, unable to sleep, the day was horrible, nightmares plagued me, each time I fell asleep it was only for a minute or less.. soon these visions, plagues, all of them were too much, I began to cry softly just wanting a good nights sleep.. A hand tapped my shoulder and I turned to see a tired claggor, goggles around his neck, only in his white t-shirt he wears under all his layers and some pijama pants, I sniffled.
"S-Sorry.. Im just-"
"Its okay, I gotcha." I was cut off abruptly and he gently climbed in with me, holding me close to him, my tears continued but I tried to stay quiet, although this didnt alarm him, all he did was hold me tighter and gently run his fingers though my hair.
"You dont gotta hide it.. y/n.. you can cry as loud as you want.. mylo sleeps like a rock.. vis knocked right out tired from the day.. and well. Powder doesnt wake up unless theres a fire.. Im the only one who'll hear you.." his words made me calmer, safer.
"I dunno if i-i want to cry anymore.."
"Glad to hear that babe.." he kissed my forehead softly, I played with the strap of his goggles gently, sniffling as my tears died down, he rubbed my back and tilted my chin up to him
"Whats wrong." I'd expected this from him, I frowned and pressed my head to his chest, feeling his heart beat
"I cant sleep.. without dreaming of them.. my parents.. that day.. I know I have to get over it but.. I just cant."
"You dont have to get over shit. We all.. we all have our monsters.. its only reasonable you have yours.. But itll be okay.. one day on your own time.. you'll be able to move on.. make your own family.. we. Will make our own family.." his words rang in my ears and I smiled up at him
"You really know how to talk to a lady huh." My words made him hold back laughter, snickers and chuckles escaped and I smiled even wider, his teeth glowed in each smile.
"What a pretty boy I see.."
"Don't flatter me!" He smirked down at me "I know your tricks ya little fox.. now.. lets get to sleep huh..?"
"Okay.. as long as you stay next to me.."
"Why wouldnt I?" He planted one last kiss on my lips and rested his head on the pillow we shared, I closed my eyes listening to just his breath, relaxing, this time as I fell asleep, my dreams couldnt be less peaceful..
(Sorry if its too short)
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backstabber128 · 7 months
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I made it to the end of my Arcane prequel fic after a whole year. So here's an obligatory count down of all the art covers from chapter 11 all the way back to 2. (The first chapter is the only one without a cover rip)
It's truly been a wild ride. I still can't believe I put so much effort into it. It gets darker as it goes on and delves into some very heavy topics. It's a deep dive into Vi and Powder coping with their Bridge trauma and their new life in the Lanes.
If you're interested, here's the link to the story for context:
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aeli-tan-art · 4 months
$3/Shot Request!
hello lovely followers! wanna see some of my older fandom animatics completed? for $3+ donation to PCRF, I'll fight my severely short attention span and work on a shot! here's one from an Arcane au where the boys survived!
PCRF donation link
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justabigass-simp · 2 years
Im crying so hard about Vander on this rn 😭 thats why I need to write that 😭
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Pairing: Arcane Vander x Female Reader
Warnings: swearing
English is not my first language I’m sorry for any mistakes.
The last drop got a new machine! A vending machine with different snacks and sweets. The kids liked it much. Mostly Mylo and Powder. The whole family was in the empty bar where you cleaned the glasses and you scrubbed some tables too where Vander your husband watched the kids amusing how they discuss wich candy or snack was the best from the machine. While pow-pow was on her way to buy a sweet from the vending machine. But.. It got stuck. She huffed angry and tries to get the candy out while sticking her arm through the slot. Oh no- Thought powder.
Her arm got stuck
“Uhh- guys.. I need help..” she muttered. No response. “Help me please!” She squeaked and started to panic. “What happened pow!?” VI asked her confused but worried. “My sweet got stuck now my arm is stuck!..” she whined. At first Vi tried to pull her arm out but that hurt powder. So then she tried to make it with soap and it worked. “So and now your candy pow-pow” Vi explained with hands on her hips looking at the stuck candy.
Meanwhile You and Vander where in this moment in the storeroom searching for some things and cleaned up a bit. “Gosh baby you need to tidy in here!” You chuckled picking a carton full of Alcohol up. “Yeah that’s right darlin’ but don’t drink all this liquor on your own will ya?” He laughed that made you just roll your eyes with a smile. You placed the carton on the table unpacking the whole alcohol. “Hmh rye whisky” you mumbled to yourself. Vander chuckled. “What you laughing here huh?” You smiled looking behind you. “Nothin” darlin’ your just beautiful” he smiled walking towards you grabbing softly your hips. “Ohh now being romantic?” You teased resting your hands on his shoulders looking lovely in his eyes. “OH GOD DAMN IT THIS FUCKING SHIT-“ Vi yelled from the next room. You two looked at each other with wide eyes sighing. Vander kisses your nose then goes to the kids. You shook your head while giggling before you continued to put the liquor out of the carton to put it on the shelf. Everything in this room was dusty but not dirty.
“What’a wrong VI?” Vander questioned the teenager Infront of him punching the vending machine. “My candy got stuck Vander!…” powder explained. Now Vander understands. He walked over to them slapping the side of the machine. No movement. He tried again but shakes this time the machine.No movement either. Now he starts to shake the vending machine harder that it scratches on the floor. “Jesus- what is happening in there!?” You asked yourself by much of this noise. You walked over to them seeing how Vander shakes the vending Maschine while mylo slaps the Glas of it and powder her arm was in the slot wiggling her fingers to get the candy package.
“What the hell is going on here?!” You asked. All five looked at you in shock like the have seen a ghost. “What are you- or what are you Trying To do?!” You asked confused. Powder then almost mumbled “my candy…”. You walked in silence over to the vending machine Vander let the machine almost “fall” on the ground where powder put her arm out of the slot and mylo stepped back smiling nervously at you. You grabbed a key in your pocket and opend the door to fill up the vending machine. Powder made a “O” form with her mouth, mylo looked at you like you opend a Tresor and Vander opend his mouth to say something but didn’t.
“All you need to do is ask-…” you said face palming.
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art-of-arcane · 2 years
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ARCANE | Various Piltover/Zaun 3D Environment | Florian Pasquier
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