#arcanine crossbreeds
quillpokebiology · 2 months
Bred by accident as in she didn't realize they were in the same egg group and didn't realize. I guess they didn't breed by accident but we didn't expect it. Wrong wording on my part. Oops
Also Arcanine is the mom, Lechonk is the dad
Ahh, okay.
Pokemon Crossbreeds: Pighound
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Not to be confused with the Hoghound breed of Houndoom, Pighound is the name for Growlithe/Arcanine with Lechonk/Oinkologne fathers. The breed was named after the fact that Oinkologne are pigs and Arcanine being Hounds. They've mostly been used by farmers to guard livestock since they're friendlier, and Oinkologne are less likely to fear them.
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Pighound Growlithe gain a brown color scheme and floppy wars. Their stripes become smoother and resemble dirt or mud, as well as the eye patterns of Lechonk. They're fatter and very friendly to humans, and this breed is a popular pet in Paldea.
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Male Female
Pighound Arcanine have less fluff (more prominent with Kantonian Arcanine), curved tails, and the eye patterns of Oinkologne. They're also fatter. Like stated before, they're friendlier and are a popular breed with Oinkologne fathers. While they look more muted, their fire abilities are just as strong snd shouldn't be underestimated. They release a slight aroma from their fur, but it isn't as strong as Oinkologne's.
//My designs can be used by anyone if you credit me for the original design!
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green-torsos · 1 year
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I’ve always loved those Pokémon crossbreed drawings, so here’s one with houndstone!
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catella-ars · 1 year
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~Cat Mom & Her Large Children~
Mekala’s first (and only biological) child, Theo, is half Nido. Most of her poisonous rabbit-lizard traits didn’t show up until she evolved, so as a youngster she was really just a purple Meowth, leading others to speculate that her father was an Alolan Persian.
When Mekala adopted Toby, obviously a Growlithe, nosy strangers still asked questions, but Mekala was better prepared to blow them off.
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freshpokepuffs · 4 years
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some eevee crossbreeds because i’ve always loved the concept of pokemon crossbreeds
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notnormalmydude · 2 years
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If you lose while having fun, do you really lose? -------------------------------------------------------------------- Brutus: Gotcha! You spend so much time belly down, I should call you rug! Ha ha Ursaring: -is totally ok with the events unfolding-
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sherlocktheravencat · 4 years
Remember the Yamper breeds I did a while back?
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They evolved
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draghinsart · 5 years
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the purebred furfrou [furfrou+furfrou] is highly coveted for its soft, silky fur that can be cut and colored into virtually any style. many consider its grace and beauty to be unrivaled.
the Ballerina furfrou [furfrou+milotic] is popular amongst trainers and coordinators to enter into Pokémon contests. like sylveon, this breed is sought after for its elegant appearance and eye-catching colors.
the Bully breed [furfrou+arcanine] is often bred for guarding and protection purposes. it is a fiercely loyal fighter, with a strong jaw and sturdy teeth that clamp shut with incredible power. one of the most reported problems with this breed is the pokémon not letting go after it shuts its jaws. in addition, this breed has a tendency to leave behind scorched pawprints on the ground, ruining many good floors.
the Snow Plow furfrou [furfrou+abomasnow] is the biggest breed by far, with thick fur that traps heat close to the skin. it can navigate through heavy snow and has an ability to sense heat using its sensitive nose. these furfrou are often kept as family pets as they are playful and great with kids.
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   So far, the Pokemon fandom has pokefusions, or fusemon as some people call them, and regional variants. I don’t mean the official ones, I mean ones like someone draws a bulbasaur that lives in the desert and it has a cactus bulb on its back instead, or maybe a water lily if it lives in a marsh. They might be a bit harder to find now with official regional variants being a thing now, but you can find ‘em if you search enough.
   However, what if we had pokemon crossbreeds? Like not ones that are full-on fusions, but just crossbreeding the same two pokemon for a bunch of generations until you can tell what pokemon the offspring’s mother was, since pokemon are always the same species as their mother, but they also look a lot like their father pokemon.
   ... This is a lot easier to explain with an actual example. So here we go.
   First Generation: an Arcanine and a Lycanroc (the form doesn’t matter for now, since both would have a Rockruff as a baby). The Arcanine is the dad, and the Lycanroc is the mom. You breed ‘em and get a Rockruff. It doesn’t look any different from normal Rockruff, since that’s how pokemon breeding usually works.
   Now, assuming the Rockruff is a girl, you later breed it with another Growlithe/Arcanine. Once you’ve done this for enough generations, the Rockruffs might start having slightly more orange fur, with some stripes appearing and growing darker. The fur on their necks starts spreading down their chest, like a Growlithe’s mane. They start getting a small tuft of fur on their head, and their tails start becoming less curly.
   Granted, if you crossbred them enough times, the offspring would eventually look like a full-on fusion. But this is more of a midway-fusion, except completely natural. And you could depict multiple generations of the crossbreed, showing how they slowly started to look like the other pokemon.
   Of course, it’s not just fur coloring. Arcanine are a lot bulkier than Lycanroc, so when these crossbreeds evolve, they’re noticably stockier than most Lycanroc, with their skinny limbs. Their snouts are also shorter, like an Arcanine. And once they’ve been crossbred enough, the Rockruff who evolve into Midnight form Lycanroc will stop standing on two legs, instead going on all fours.
... I’ll take requests for these- But I’d like the two pokemon to be physically similar/in the same egg group.
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solacefruit · 3 years
For the Berry Ask meme: Rindo!
Hello there! Thank you for asking.
Rindo. Favourite Pokemon crossbreed design/concept?
I’ve been thinking about this for a while now, because it’s such a difficult question! By far one of my favourite things about the Pokemon fandom collectively is how incredibly clever and creative so many people are, because there’s such a wealth of really neat, lovely art to enjoy as a result. 
I have a lot of feelings about the concept of I guess what you’d call synthesis--the crossbreed/fusion/splice trend. In-world, I tend not to love it, or at least to approach it with a lot of limitations in place, because I feel that it really disrupts some of what I personally imagine as the like... laws of nature of Pokemon. That’s extremely a me thing, of course, but a total free-for-all in terms of what can happen becomes quickly boring to me, compared to a mysterious but ultimately somewhat knowable collection of underlying principles of life. 
But out-of-world and taken just on its own artistic merits (rather than a part of the lore or whatever) it’s terrifically fun and delightful and there’s a lot of artists I’ve happily followed along with for years by this point. Based on three principles, I’ve picked out three examples I enjoy. 
1. Sheer impact on concept. 
This one comes with a big warning, because the art is usually evocative, grotesque, and dark, but I really enjoy extra-vertebrae’s approach to the concept--particularly from a horror perspective. Also I’m a long-time fan of Keith Thompson’s work, and they hit similar notes for me that I appreciate. 
2. Personal affection of style.
I love quite literally all of Cory’s (corycatte) Pokemon art and am in general a huge fan of his personal style. It aligns so so well with how I envision the Pokemon world and I get excited every single time I see anything he creates in this space. Truly cannot recommend enough. 
3. I want this to be real. 
Because I’m not going to allow myself to say “everything Cory makes” twice, I’m going to link to a couple of concepts that I’ve really loved over the years and thought were particularly creative or pleasant to behold. 
- arcanine x roserade  - arcanine line x cubone line - umbreon x solrock (solar eclipse) - ponyta crossbreeds (aurora + charger) - gengar x meowth - haxorus crossbreeds  - dragonite crossbreeds (guardian + leviathan) - yamask line crossbreeds - tropius crossbreeds
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pokebreeder · 7 years
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These crossbreeds are difficult to raise, but will be fiercely loyal companions once their respect and trust is earned. Leo Growlithe are playful, but tend to be very shy and wary of unfamiliar people and Pokémon. The pride and independence displayed by Royal Arcanine is legendary, and it is virtually impossible to command this Pokémon unless personally raised from a Growlithe.
Requested by @profoundwerewolves!
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Casper's owner here, but this time it's a cool fact about Rosy! She's actually a crossbreed! Her Mother was an unusually small Arcanine, and her Father was a shiny Furfrou! That meant that there were 3 small black fluffy Growlithe in the litter as well as 3 normal Growlithe. So that's how Rosy is a bit different from other Growlithe. She's technically a shiny!
I forgot people lump albino and melanistic Pokemon with normal shinies. I’ve never paid much attention to shiny Pokemon.
That’s interesting!
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quillpokebiology · 6 months
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(Artorias @ Celia/her pokemon): Hmmmmm... Such strange fusions that girl has... Rarely do I ever see such things where I am from. How did you obtain them?
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“Barnum, stop it! Leave that arcanine be, buddy.”
Celia approached to answer the question asked, looking after her Pokemon as it left them - but kept an eye on the stranger. The girl was glad that it was not her Flygon that ‘greeted’ the stranger, because that would propably have ended in a battle.
“Sorry, they’re…not so good with strangers most of the time. What was your question again?”
The young trainer was left in deep thoughts after thinking about how to answer best. “Yeah I know that my team is nothing like the regular ones you’d expect.That’s mainly because I’m not a regular trainer as well. I’m working for an organisation that set it’s goals to help those Pokemon that suffer under the humans. We work hand in hand with the Aether Foundation in Alola and many other Organisations to reach this goal! I’m just a junior-member, but already allowed to help socializing those Pokemon who couldn’t survive in the wild.”
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“Alma and Barnum were just two of the Pokemon we rescued from an illegal breeding station. They tried to crossbreed different species with popular Pokemon like Eevee or Shinx there to sell them for a lot’a money.They’re half-siblings and inseperable wherever we go.”
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“Someone found Orlan alone in a forrest, tied to a tree. They later found his former trainer - he apparently bought him for his daughter, but she lost interest in him, due to his hyperactive personality. We later took him in from a shelter in Sinnoh and he seems to love traveling around and see new places.”
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“A man living in the Outskirts of the Hoenn desserts often saw a strange looking Flygon near his house. It was thin and had wings too weak to lift it off the ground. He called her ‘Thalia’ and started to leave food for her. After informing the Organisation it took our seniors months to gain her trust and take her with us We were able to help her gain weight again, get stronger and accept being around us humans more. We want to get her back home once she’s ready, but for now she seemed to like being with us too.We also had some DNA-tests running to find out if she’s a Crossbreed of some sort, but apperently it was her environment or a genetic defect that caused her looks.”
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“Nergal was left behind by their swarm. They’re a natural born crossbreed between Jumpluff and Vivillon, but because of that weren’t able to fly already when their family decided to leave for a new temporary home. It was a great coincidence that some kids found Baby Nergal in the Flower fields near Santalune City, who knows what kind of predators tried to get them into their stomage already.We also were pretty clueless about Nergals’ gender. Biologically they don’t have one, probably because of the unusual breeding combination. They’d never be able to give birth or lay eggs either as it seems.”
“Now Alano is a special case. He’s been one of the first Pokemon being taken care off in the Organisation. He just appeared in the main office one day and tried to help the boss with the paperwork hehe!Ever since then Alano kinda became our mascot over the years, he’s been there way longer than me - and is also older. The others said that this is the reason why he suddenly wanted to accompany me here: he wants to take care of his Junior on her mission.”
Celia laughed. Even though her protégés had a hard past, she was determined to help them have a bright future that could make them forget the bad memories.
It would be hard, but this job was what she wanted to do!
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milotrainspokemon · 2 years
so i visited Eterna City to run some errands today (mainly to pick up some more dragon type food, which for whatever reason, the Floroma PokeMart doesnt sell. my guess is that its a less common type in Floroma so they dont stock it as often, which is understandable. my guess for why Eterna City has it is because the cave to the side of the cycling road on Route 206 has Gible in it, which makes dragon types more accessible to most people than in Floroma, meaning their food requirements are more in demand.) it basically went as follows:
-pretty nice walk through the Floroma side of Route 205
-even had a convo with a hiker who had travelled from Unova, he complimented Frend and she responded by licking him and wagging. very cute experience.
-Eterna Forest. many Cascoon, which wouldnt be a problem if they didnt choose violence every chance they get. which is weird, since they only know Harden and String Shot.
-staring at the Old Chateau and wondering if today would be the day i went in there (it wasnt.)
-Eterna City, got my dragon type food and some other stuff i needed (mostly to do with Jenny's care tbh, she needs a lot more grooming stuff than i first thought due to her being a crossbreed of sorts between a Boltund and an Arcanine. shes got much thicker fur, and, along with being shiny, shes got a kind of brindle pattern similar to Arcanine's stripes on her fur. its really cute tbh. and i mean, she got Double Edge out of it too, if she ever needs to battle. but honestly im thinking of switching that move out for something else, im not a huge fan of recoil.)
-back through Eterna Forest. less Cascoon, but a lot more Budew. i couldnt be mad at them, though, theyre very cute. even though they did try to poison Frend. luckily the move missed, but still. not a fan of that.
-returned to Floroma. someone stopped me as i was walking home and said i should put Frend down. it took my entire willpower to not deck them in the face. who says that when the Pokemon in question is right there? they understand humans, they arent stupid! arceus help me, some people in this town are insane.
so yeah, today was eventful.
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notnormalmydude · 2 years
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Bear has found friend ------------------------------------------ Lycanroc: Hey Brutus~ Mister Ty brought a friend to play with~ Brutus: Not another Stuff-aaaaaah! What're you? Ursaring: erm... Ursaring? Brutus: Look how big you are! We can play and I don't have to worry about hurting you! Wow! Ursaring: erm... Kay...
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quillpokebiology · 6 months
Pokemon Crossbreeds: Hot Cross Buns
Hot Cross Buns is the name for Fidough/Dachsbun with a Growlithe/Arcanine father. They are called this because of the stripes they have gained. This breed has been bree ever since people have started using Fidough.
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Cross Buns Fidough have a slightly darker color and are more fluffy than their purebred counterparts. They're less squishy and feel like freshly baked toast. They're highly praised for the breath being warm, which is great for bakers.
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Cross Bun Dachsbun become fluffier, gain stripes, and have darker fur highlights. While normal Dachbun's fur hardens in heat, this variants fur is always hardened. They feel warm to the touch and are often used as cuddle buddies for the cold weather. They're prideful and are often used as a contest breed, despite being bred for baking purposes. Their breath smells like freshly baked bread.
//My designs can be used by anyone! Also, I'll do a Hisuian version later, don't ask me about it. Originally their name was Burnt but hot crossed buns fit my design better, but the OG idea came from this post!
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