#art makes us better humans
o-blivia · 11 months
AI isn't a threat to creative professions because it can actually make passable art that humans enjoy (it can't). It's a threat because in a capitalist system, employers would do literally anything to not have to pay humans living wages (or any wages, let's be real).
We've been in a productivity boom for the past 60 years, but the one area where production cannot become more efficient is the arts. It takes the same amount of time to write a novel or compose a symphony now as it did a hundred years ago. That's just the creative process.
AI represents a shortcut to making art that has had executives salivating since LLMs and AI art generators hit the internet. It means more content faster with the benefit of not having to provide salaries, sick days, parental leave, time off, or healthcare. It means not having to deal with unions and labour laws. It means cutting humans out of the most fundamentally human activity we do – making art.
All those headlines and clickbait articles about AI annihilating the human race are a hyperbolic distraction from the actual problem we may soon be facing where people won't have the possibility of supporting themselves making art (not that it's particularly easy to do as it stands).
If making art becomes a luxury only for the affluent, we will stop hearing the voices, stories, and perspectives of marginalized people. And our cultural tapestry will stop being so vibrant, diverse, and vital.
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a visual guide to all of hua cheng’s adaptations :D / follow for more hua cheng appreciation posts / transcribed notes + versions without my deisgn below the cut if you want this as a reference!
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(by haoliners animation league) (i found multiple necklace designs in the manhua so i picked the most recent one - the S2 trailer)
very dark gray, straight hair
pointier nose
human ears
slightly paler than xie lian
parallelogram shaped eyepatch
thick braid
tall collar
broad shoulders
low neckline (cleavage)
tunic more form fitting
butterfly + geometric design (on belt and vambraces)
two belts
short red thread
e’ming has large red + white hilt
criss-cross chains (on boots)
white sole (on shoes)
book covers
(by 曰出的小大陽 / tai3_3)
same skin tone as Xie Lian
dark brown hair
trapezoid shaped eyepatch
very long hair + thinner hair
human ears
long nose, thinner face
red liner under the eyes
brain behind shoulder
big necklace charm
simple, loose fitting tunic
wavy + intricate design (on belt and vambraces)
long vambraces
minimal e'ming
endless red thread
lower boots
(by starember)
wavier, ink black hair
heavy eyeliner / shadow
mismatched earrings
very gray / pale skin
shield shaped eyepatch
arched eyebrow + piercing
lip glos
no hair strands in front of shoulders
beefy / dorito shaped
many outfits + hairstyles
extra straps on belt
pointy vambraces
floral design (on belt and vambraces)
very cool toned red
more detail overall
dark colored pants
e'ming is LONG
my design
(by @lazycranberrydoodles ) (subject to change)
blue / purple toned hair + skin
wolf cut type hairstyle
red & black eyeliner
trapezoid shaped eyepatch
pointy ears
black choker
many earrings (one is a fic reference :))
skinnier (died @ 17)
warmer toned red
big ol sleeves
floral + butterfly design (on belt and vambraces)
extra chain on belt for style
simple e'ming
high boots w/ heel
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nextik · 1 month
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good morning i might have made him too dark of a gray but i'm making a pokey mask
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guess who’s fucking back!!!!
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sciderman · 7 months
How do you feel about the increase in really weird NSFW ads on here (advertising panels that look like sexual encounters, and AI art apps that pride themselves on porn) but will take down NSFW posts from their users, even if it isn't technically sexual.
i hate all social media and it's consistent prioritising the advertisers over the users and the internet simply was a better place before capitalism sunk its hooks into it
#i could write essays about how capitalism ruined the internet.#i was actually talking to someone earlier today about how youtube was kind of effectively ruined by monetisation.#and they were raised in the soviet union and we had a bit of a talk about how art was better because it wasn't for profit.#the people who made art made it because they wanted to do it and because they loved it.#she said that communism was terrible for every aspect of life for her. people's lives under communism wasn't pretty.#but the art was better. and i feel like it's true for the internet – it was better when it was a free-for-all.#the companies didn't know how to exploit it yet and turn it into a neverending profit-driven hellscape.#people created content because they wanted to. because they wanted to make something silly to make people laugh.#not for profit. not for gain. not for numbers. not to further their career.#i miss the days of newgrounds and youtube before monetisation.#capitalism has soiled everything that's joyful and good in this world.#people should be able to share whatever they want.#people should be able to tell any story they want without the fear of being silenced by advertisers.#that's what made the internet so beautiful before. anyone could do anything and we all had equal footing.#but now we're victims of the algorithm. and it makes me sick.#i'm quitting my job in social media. i'm quitting it. it makes me too depressed. i have an existential crisis every freaking day.#every day i wake up and say "ah. this is the fucking hell we live in#i'm so sorry i feel so passionate about this.#social media is a black hole and it is actively destroying humanity. forget ai. social media is what's doing it.#i miss how beautiful the internet used to be. it should've been a tool for good. but it's corrupt and evil now.#sci speaks
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genericdragon · 1 month
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This is how I'm going down in history.
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pa-pa-plasma · 2 years
bro you are on the FANDOM WEBSITE why are you NOT supporting your fandom creators????? do you WANT us to stop??? do you want there to be no more art & fic?? because that’s what happens when you don’t reblog our stuff. this isn’t a threat, this is a reality. if there is no one here wanting to see our stuff we won’t post it. I’m not trying to guilt trip here, none of us are, we’re literally just saying that if there is no motivation to spend 10+ hours making fanart or 5 years writing a multichapter fic for free then we won’t fucking do it
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^this shit? ridiculous. I LOVE EVERYONE WHO REBLOGGED & INTERACTED WITH MY ART! I LOVE EVERYONE WHO ASKED QUESTIONS & COMMENTED!! but so many of these people just liked it & left. this has been getting worse over the years, too. the reblogs to likes ratio has been getting crazier. I create because I love it, but if I have no reason to post, I won’t. fandoms dry up because of this. creators quit because of this.
we just need to stop acting like this is instagram, or that anyone cares what your blog looks like. people don’t see your likes, they see your reblogs. you want that favourite content creator to post more art? you want that writer to post the next chapter of your fav fic?? reblog it. share it. show them you care, because otherwise they won’t. this is a hobby we do for free. you consume our stuff for free. you aren’t entitled to it, so please just reblog, it isn’t hard.
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nuclear-smash · 4 months
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Damn das crazy @topsytop347 can't believe how good the AI generation of Clip Studio Paint timelapses was back in 2022, even showcasing characters drawn in each separate layer!
Anyways, don't baselessly accuse random small artists' work of being AI generated, not only do you look silly as hell but you also give a platform for people who hate artists to further bully folks for having specific styles (that were all fed into bots! Literally not their fucking fault their style was stolen!) or for just simply having imperfections in their works.
That was a genuinely insulting comment, really don't have much to say lol. Lmao even.
Here's the original post in question in case anyone's wondering what's the 'AI-looking' art we're talking about is: https://www.tumblr.com/nuclear-smash/693038436893999105/tragic-tale-of-michael-afton
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fisshontoast · 1 year
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ID: a digital drawing of marcellus pye. He is a young man with brown skin and dark brown hair, and is wearing a red tunic with gold embroidery and a black, high collared cloak. He has 3 gold rings on his left hand, one on his middle finger and two on his index finger. His hair is held in a ponytail by a gold band. In one hand he is holding a cup of bright green liquid, and with the other he is adding glowing blue drops to it with a pipette. He is holding the cup over the end of a table, and the background is a bookshelf with diamond patterned glass doors. /end ID
Marcellus <3 what's he doing?? Idk <33 but it looks cool
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mirrorthoughts · 7 months
On the AI stuff... On top of the unethical sourcing... It's so demoralizing to spend hours on your creations and get so few notes while people post ai shit and get hundreds.
I have seriously considered leaving the creative side of fandom lately because what's the point when my work gets fed into an algorithm to spit out things that end up with more interaction?
Oh I feel you, though tbf I think at least for me it'll still be a while until I'll leave fandom (just because as a rather small writer I don't expect there to be hundreds of interactions on my works? So I'm just happy if anyone interacts with it at all? Also writing still is a bit different than creating fanart for example).
But yes, it is demoralizing and frustrating to feel as if you are being buried beneath the flayed corpses of your own creation, ignored by the people whose monstrosities are based on your work. At the same time not making art (nevermind which kind of art) for me is like trying to stop breathing.
I don't make art to show it to people, though of course, showing it to others is an important part of enjoying art I made. But I also enjoy making the art. I need to make art. The only way to make me stop making art is to literally kill me.
Doesn't mean I will share what I'm doing with everyone.
Yes, art needs community. Art needs interaction. Art needs to be talked about.
But I can do that with those hand full of people I trust. That's actually one of the reasons why I don't post full story chapters anymore on Tumblr (though, tbf I also don't have the spoons for formatting and all that) and why I keep my fics locked on AO3. It's sad that I feel the need to do this, but currently that is how I feel.
It's sad that anyone has to feel like they can't enjoy fan communities anymore thanks to AI art and though I don't know your art (or maybe I do, I don't know?) I'm sure if not I then someone else who enjoyed it will miss it when/if you decide to leave the fandom 💕
Art is communication. One of the few kinds that actually helps me understand people, feel feelings I can't seem to find within myself otherwise and explore interests with the borrowed joy of the artist, even if that interest holds no meaning to me when I try it myself.
I will miss each and every single artist who will decide to close off their art from everyone else because they feel ripped to shreds by the callousness of those who use AI based on stolen artworks.
I wish you the strength to survive a little longer in the current very much hostile anti-art circumstances, Nonnie 💕
There's still hope it will get better eventually.
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claitea · 2 years
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spills a bunch of ns on the floor
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bumblingbabooshka · 1 year
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What being Sarek’s Favorite Child Does to a Motherfucker AKA: Mutiny Specialist
[Comic One Transcript] Michael looks off to the side as she speaks with Spock. They are both children. It is implied that Spock has asked Michael to tell Amanda she loves her. M: Why don't you just tell Amanda you love her? Instead of trying to live vicariously through my humanity. Spock appears flustered, caught off guard by the accusation. S: That's not-! I am simply... You are the only one who can do it, Michael! You are the only one and yet you will not- you will...not...n-not... Michael’s gaze stalls Spock’s tongue. Her expression is impassive with a hint of distain. Real or perceived? Her control is iron clad, unlike her Vulcan brother’s. Spock stops speaking, intimidated and suddenly self-conscious. He has seen this look before.  S: Those eyes...the eyes of Vulcan. [Comic Two Transcript] An adult Michael looks tired and disgruntled, vaguely annoyed. She has wrapped a ratty blanket around herself and she is speaking to Spock, ostensibly out of view. M: Spock, I could have spent every second of our childhoods telling Amanda how much I loved her. Seeking out and receiving hugs, kisses and praise. It would still never have been enough for you. You would still resent me. Because it was never about me and my (real or imagined) distance from Amanda. It was about yours. Michael pulls the blanket tighter around her. She looks remorseful. Her previously iron clad control has softened to a circle. M: ...And I am sorry. I'm sorry you could never say you loved her. None of us could, in the end...I wish I could have said it for you. I wish I could have held her for you. But I think you would have only hated me more if I did. [END]
#Michael Burnham#Michael Burnham art#Michael is paler when she's in her freshly-graduated form bc she just stayed inside studying all day#Michael and Sybok mirroring each other with Spock in the middle....#Human girl who acts Vulcan VS Vulcan boy who acts Human#and then Spock's in the middle#Michael being very conscious about how she carries herself how she phrases things what her face is doing etc etc etc is real to me#I haven't watched a single episode or clip of discovery this is all off the dome#Sarek seems like the type of guy to subconsciously pit his children against each other (does not mean to)#Shows Michael clear favortism bc she's the most 'well behaved' (acts most in line with what he views as Properly Vulcan)#Michael's trouble with facial expressions comes from multiple things#No one around her using facial expressions while growing up on Vulcan + Michael's own anxiety around what her face is doing causing her to#overthink even when she does want to make an expression + I can imagine her consciously training herself not to do things like laugh/smile#Michael favored Sarek over Amanada and Spock favored Amanda over Sarek#and by 'favored' Sarek I mean she spent more time with him. She doesn't really know if she likes him or not...she...it's complicated#She knows him better than Spock or Sybok do but Sarek knows very little about her v_v#I also like the thought of Michael's vocal inflections being a bit off to humans because she was raised amongst Vulcans#Anyway yeah Michael being More Properly Vulcan than Spock despite being fully human is a nice concept to me#angsty#Girl who is your sister and you love her but also a symbol of your own inadequacy so you hate her#star trek#star trek art#that's all for now#Michael: (monotone) that's really funny. (pause. grimace) /I/ MEAN it.#I don't know what Michael and Spock's canon relationship is - again this is just my own heart talking#they love each other so much but also problems problems problems#bea art tag#comic transcripts under the cut bc I know how I format text is confusing and small#Spock#Sarek
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bytebun · 6 months
I don’t think there’s anything wrong with enjoying particular types of art more than others, but the knee jerk disdain people have towards modern art is disappointing…
I think u have to be ok with not connecting to everything that u see. That’s just fine. Art is like food and there’s going to be some stuff that just doesn’t work for u regardless of if it’s objectively well done or not. There’s a flavour of anti-intellectualism and inferiority complex that seems to accompany ppls hatred of modern art, this discomfort that they “don’t get it” when that’s like. Actually fine. Some stuff u will appreciate once u learn context and others, regardless… u just won’t! I still hate beans & legumes
That being said I also have friends who would rather order the same mac & cheese at a restaurant every single time than risk getting something they won’t enjoy — or won’t enjoy as much. But art costs u very little to try in comparison, so why not try it?
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sickgraymeat · 2 years
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tfw you really need to reorganize your vault
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dnangelic · 1 day
full respect to portrayals who do otherwise but my dai will always suck at art. more specifically, he will always suck at the technical aspect of it. no matter how hard he practices he simply does not have the hardwiring in his brain or his hands to produce perfect art, the same way someone who's naturally tone deaf can't be readily expected to ever sing a masterpiece score: even though with enough practice they can reach a certain point, it's still a point that most could consider average, ordinary, not all that impressive. this doesn't stop daisuke, though. he's still going to produce his clumsy and talentless art solely because he likes doing it, because he loves it.
and the thing is, the thing about him is, his appraising sense for art itself is actually essentially equal to a hikari's. even someone who's tone-deaf can still become a master of music theory, and that's likewise how, where daisuke is. he can immediately discern messages and pick up on an artist's intentions and emotions within a piece; he KNOWS how these colors and materials and techniques and all sorts of works should go, somewhat intuitively, what they should and do often mean, but he, fundamentally, just can't manage it his own self. his hands never manage to replicate what's in his mind with clarity, there's always some kind of flaw. he forgets, flubs up one thing or another, his work will always seem amateurish even after months, years, decades.
sometimes it bothers him, but most of the time he's accepted the fact and his own limits. of his skill, his creativity, but as long as he can still get to express something sincere and from the heart, he's content. even if it's ugly, it's true, it's his, and he still tried to seriously accomplish creating, making something that he wanted to.
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puppyeared · 2 years
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When you’re a kid now but you’re a squid now idk I’ve never played the game
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