georgescitadel · 4 months
1st year of George's Citadel - a compilation of quotes from George R.R. Martin
House Targaryen
On the construction of Daenerys and the decision to include dragons in ASOIAF
On Daenerys’ thought process in Lhazarene
On Daenerys’ struggle with rule (1)
On future revelations about the house with the red door
On what led to Robert’s rebellion
On the difference between Daenerys and Aegon’s (I) approach to the throne
On Daenerys subverting gender roles
On the information provided about Rhaegar and Lyanna in ASOIAF
On the “White Saviour” complaints over Daenerys’ storyline
On Daenerys’ future return to Westeros
On Daenerys’ struggle with rule (2)
House Stark
On Sansa’s manipulation at the hands of the Small Council
On Arya and Sansa’s desire to save Ned
On what led Sandor to seek out Sansa during the Battle of Blackwater
On his regret over not further developing Sansa and Arya’s relationships with Catelyn
On what character he’d want to be like
On Ned's inadequacy in King's Landing
House Lannister
On Jaime, Tyrion and loss
On Jaime’s decision to kill Bran
On feeling conflicted over the writing of Tyrion in A Dance With Dragons
On Robert being unsuspicious of the paternity of Joffrey, Myrcella and Tommen
On the key event that led Roose to align with the Lannisters
On his intention writing the Lannister POV’s
On similarities between Tywin Lannister and Walter White
House Greyjoy
On the character of Reek
Game Of Thrones
On GOT’s decision to kill off Silver
On GOT’s decision to pair Arya and Tywin up
On writing outcasts
On nihilism in ASOIAF
On unfairly hated characters
On the title of A Game Of Thrones
On Epic Fantasy
On his favourite characters in ASOIAF
On the greyest characters in ASOIAF
On unlikable protagonists
On the historical figures that inspired the women of ASOIAF
On father issues in ASOIAF
On the religions in ASOIAF
On creating foils
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icefrye19 · 1 year
Chapter Six : A New Friend
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             A new friend ( a few weeks later) this chapter was written with the help of ProtonCoccus thank you so much for your support and help on this story
It was a slightly cloudy day up in the North, as most days were. It had been the warmest one so far, the past weeks having been filled with summer snows. It was in such an ocassion that Lyarra had once again snuck out of the castle, tired of her mother forcing her to be a lady.
At Winter Town, she has decided to help some maid whose had a difficult time with cattle. The sheep was due for shearing, but the poor woman had been blinded by a certain Flayed Snow.
At the outskirts of the village, a man and womsn in black, fur-trimmed robes with hints of scarlet had been watching the lady shear for hours. The female had seen this lady in a dream, but now tet she actually had a chance to meet her... 
"Not now, Samara " spoke the male. 
" But Fuyutsuki... "
" She's still at work. "
Fuyutsuki of Kamakura; a bard and water mage of three and twenty had accompanied the prodigy seer to the North. He himself had wanted to see the Ice Dragon, but he and his companion would have to wait until time allowed them to see her without prying eyes.
                    Later On
Dinner that night was a tense affair. Catelyn had gotten word that Lyarra was nowhere to be found during her embroidery, singing, dancing and faith lessons. She had wanted to tame her daughter, but alas Lyarra was a Northerner through and through.
"Ned, it is about time she finds a husband."
"Cat, you knoe how she feels about marriage."
"She's a lady."
"Then she's not the kind of lady you had envisioned."
That was the end of discussion. As much as she had given up hope on southern dreams for two of her daughters, she was stil hoping that they would listen to her for once.
Arya had secretly scoffed at the idea of marriage ; she wanted to travel the world, just as Lyarra wanted freedom to let her powers show. She had grown tired of her mother 's restrictive standards, and decided to venture into the courtyard hoping to find her sister.
And find her, she did.
Lyarra had left the Great Hall early, wanting to cool off from shearing sheep and getting scolded for it. Why can't her mother understand?
*I am no Southerner maiden who shrieks at the sight of dirt! We're supposed to help our people! * she remembered herself screaming once things became too much to take. She had meant to go to the Godswood, yet finding herself watched by two pairs of eyes.
"Who's there?"
No answer, save for the clattering of little shoes.
It was just Arya.
"Mother's gotten worse since the Boltons arrived. Can't she just —"
The younger Stark couldn't finish her sentence, distracted by a sudden flurry of pale pink, sweet-smelling flowers.
"Sansa would be envious at this spectacle." she remarked.
"Unfortunately, I dud not come for the Tully-looking girl. I cane for the eldest Stark."
"Who are you!?"
Fuyutsuki jumped from the castle wall, landing in front of the Wild Wolves of Winterfell. Lyarra looked confused while Arya expressed fascination.
"We haven't seen you before ; who are you?" she asked, yet she looked more interested in the long sword that was sheathed on the stranger's left waist.
"Suguwara no Fuyutsuki, of Kamakura ; a wandering bard." he introduced himself.
"Samara of Ashaii." spoke a second voice. 
Even in Eassos, men had more titles than womsn. 
"Come, little wolf; show me this fabled tree you Northmen worship." Fuyutsuki suggested. All he wanted was for Samara to have a private meeting with the Ice Dragon. 
Grumbling and unsure, Arya followed the man's request and left the courtyard.
Lyarra stood guarded and looked at the mysterious dark haired woman in front of her, " What do you want " Lyarra questioned.
" At ease little ice dragon I'm not here to hurt you I'm here to help you if you allow me to "  Sharma asked holding her hand out for the little girl to grab.
Lyarra hastily accepted her hand and from that day the two became closer friends.
           Meanwhile In King's Landing      
"Oh Cersei, oh Cersei. Jaime had many things to say about his other half. He admired, no loved her more than a brother should. Every night, he thought of her golden curls that swayed in the morning breeze; her green eyes tht may look gentle, but had a certain intelligence and fire to them, her flawless skin, and everything else he had touched on the many nights they spent together... 
... All lost to the sounds of another man's groans when he tried to converse with his sister a few days back.
"Who is that man? How dare he touch my sister like she is some common whore — she is mine!"
The Golden Lion had no time to dwell in his thoughts, as the signal to start the match had been blown
As the golden knight entered the field on a white Marie covered in lannister colors, he made his way towards Robert and his sister among his niece and nephews he bowed before them respectfully.
He looked up and saw his sister smiling at him softly he returned it back before making his way back on to the field.
His opponent he was facing was Oberyn Martell the viper snake, he admired the man a bit but he was determined to knock the viper off his horse and win.
As the two took their stances, the blow has been signaling the two rides towards one another, Jaime immediately knocked the viper off his horse much to his surprise soon cheers began to ring out.
Jaime took off his helmet, his beautiful golden hair flying out soon Lancel his cousin walked over to him and present her with a rose flower crown indicating it was time for him to select who should be the queen of love and beauty, he accepted it and made his way towards where his sister was standing and handed to her.
She smiled and accept it with grace before sliding it on her head, she was once more chosen as the queen of love and beauty as she should be.
Jaime rode away from the stances with a smile on his face he had won once more and later on he would celebrate his victory with his loving dear sister.
                     Author Note
Lyarra meets Sharma who is a sorceress from Asshari she is 18 in this chapter, she will be inspired by yennifer from the witcher
This is the end of Lyarra childhood next chapter will be a time jump, Lyarra will be 15
Jaime is once more a golden fool as he's always been but will slowly begin to change, also this is a slow burn between Lyarra and Jaime
Jaime will be distinct and cold to Lyarra first but will eventually grow to have feelings for her
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tessastormrp · 2 years
[Closed] Family Reunion [Modern!Aemond]
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"Ah look who has come to join the loser table." Aemond snortled, not looking up from his book. He truly was not interested in the gathering. He did not get along with about 90% of his family. He just wanted to be in his attic room and watch the new docu on Ashaii waterways.
But Alicent had forced him out by the scruff of his neck. So here he was, sulking and reading his book on Old Valyrian architecture.
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Asoiaf Youtubers be like “Nissa Nissa was the Amethyst Empress, a Dornish Northern Child of the forest Yi-Tish Other and Azor Ahai was the Bloodstone Emperor, a Valyrian Green man Ghiscari from Ashaii”,
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unsettledmagic · 7 years
Rules of the Game
Note: Kind of a long story? It looks sorta long on here, but who knows. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Also I’m so sorry if this seems dry as hell for whatever reason? I haven’t written a thing in a long time that was actually fiction or character-related (Darn those academic papers!). 
But yeah, anyways, it’s a short story about a baseball game and why no one ever lets Luxe di’Hyrn pitch a game. Ever.
A raptor screeched, circling over the scrubby fields. It easily rode the updrafts fon its long, narrow wings as the sun rose higher in the sky. For once, the winds were quiet. Though the customary whistling was absent, the empty space it left behind was filled with raucous cheers and taunts. And then, a loud crack ripped through the noise, heralding the sound of a flying ball.
“Move!” A ruddy-faced man shouted at the batter, furiously motioning at the dithering batter. “If you don’t, I’m going to kick your ass!”
The batter gulped and galloped towards first base. On the other side of the field, an outfielder snatched the ball out of the air. Seeing how fast the batter had galloped for first base, she had no choice but to whip the ball towards the other side of the field, praying that her teammate was fast enough to catch it.
The dust swirled around the base in that moment, a disappearing testament to the determination of both teams. A cry of “safe!” accompanied its settlement. The cheers went up again, drowning out the jeers from the batting team.  
“Come on, they caught it before Rag’nyr even got to the base! What are you saying, ref?” The pitcher protested, holding out his hands in exasperation.
“Sorry, Aegyr, the eyes don’t lie. I saw Rag slide in before the baseman even got to the base.”
“Ugh, really? Fine. Who’s next?” Aegyr grumbled, turning back towards the home plate. He shuffled the ball from hand to hand, studying the next batter. He nodded and adjusted his cap, maintaining eye contact with his catcher. They were going to get this guy out for sure.
As the next batter took a few practice swings before stepping up to the plate, the crowd quietened down, less energetic than before. In all respect, it was a sparse crowd, composed of guard members that chose to sit out the game and the few visitors to the Whistling Walls. They lounged around on makeshift chairs, passing around dark gray bottles and laughing at stories. It seemed that they weren’t paying attention to the game, but then again, who would? It was just a match between the old people and the new recruits.
All that was on stake was personal pride. Plus, the puffed-up self-assurance that the old team had never lost a game since the new captain took the reins a decade ago.
Then again, the new recruits weren't told about all of the rules. It wasn't like they had to – everyone knew how to play the age-old game of baseball. With a few modifications, of course.
The new batter took a swing, stepping towards the mound. The ball glanced off the edge of the batA well-meaning groan went up among the spectators as the pop fly was snapped up by a particularly bright-eyed youngster, encouraged to jump a little higher by a quick puff of wind. Nothing was said, but someone had figured out one of the rules. As the teams exchanged bats and gloves, another spectator joined the crowd, hauling a box of clinking jars.
"Hey! Didn't think you would show up, Jack." A grizzled veteran greeted the newcomer as she stood up to take the box of his hands.
"Was held up by my birds getting skittish on the road for nothing. Least, I'm here. How much did I miss?" Jack asked, stretching out the kinks in his shoulders.
"Oh, this is the first change-up. The newbies seem to know what they're doing this year at least." She rummaged through the box. A short gasp of delight escaped her lips as she pulled out a jar, filled with purple liquid. "Dear me, you always know how to make us old people happy."
"Anything for the people who saved my sanity." Jack grinned, taking a jar of his own. He unscrewed the lid and took a sip, relishing in the stinging but sweet flavor of the drink. "Oh, I see Lu's pitching. They shouldn't have let him do that."
The other spectators murmured in agreement, remembering their first games. The oppressive aura from so slight a man on the pitcher's mound – as if the Demon King himself had descended upon this silly game – it was enough to make any player shiver. They turned their eyes towards the mound, waiting to see what would happen next.
The first pitch floated in the air, luring the batter into a foul ball as the ball glanced off the side of the bat. The second pitch, a simple fastball, was nothing to write home about. Yet the batter missed. Steeling themselves for the final ball, the batter glared at Luxe, as if it could unsettle him. Tossing the ball high in the air, Luxe grinned, the delight creeping across his face as a slow-moving storm front.
The third pitch was over before they knew it. A loud oof was the only evidence that it had been pitched at all. The catcher fell over, unable to completely stop the ball from slamming into the fence behind him.
Everyone goggled at Luxe, who simply tipped his cap.
"Legendary fastball indeed. Too bad they don't allow magic in official games at all." Jack laughed. "It's all in the first rule of this game after all. Anything goes."
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thecatsaesthetics · 7 years
Plot twist: In the end Dany realises that she is the bad ruler ,and then she goes to Ashaii (just like Quaithe told her in the book) to learn the true about herself and she finally finds a red door and the lemon three
Totally a bittersweet ending too... 
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quoderatdictum · 7 years
Gone But Not Forgotten
They will bring Barb back because she is the third head of the Dragon, the Upside Down is actually the shadowlands of Ashaii.
The Demogorgon is just some really awful shit that Jon will have to deal with later.
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Después de Sinsajo: One Shots
Amarillo, es color amarillo, por Lady Kid 
Amnesia, por Darkmatter Black 
Aún no!, por Day Leen Lerry 
Bajo el Cielo Gris, por Gytherin18-Friki
Brand New Day, por Robyn Raven 
Breathe, por xXAntoXx
Cicatrices, por Drahuesos
Close your Eyes, por TheBlueJoke
Cuenta regresiva para la felicidad, por Nochedeinvierno13-Friki
Cruzada Final, por Magical Logic Tribute
Desde que la vi, por AleSt
Decisiones, por Aretusa 
Después de la tormenta siempre sale el sol, por Nochedeinvierno13-Friki
Dudas,  por Enchanted Crown 
El peor día, 
En su ventana
El Reencuentro, por Mellarkdeen
Esta es, mi preciosa nueva vida, por Tenshi Everdeen 
Entre las sombras, por lauz9
Él era su esperanza, por Del amor y mil demonios 
Es amor, por PrincessLunaMadelaideJulia
Final Alternativo de Sinsajo, por Kaori R. Diaz 
Feroz, por Gaisole
Feliz San Valentín, por HikariCaelum (❤︎)
Fuego, por Lucy Mellark O’Shea
Fuiste tú, por Alif5878
Hojas de otoño, por Nochedeinvierno13-Ficki 
Hogar, por Bramere
Jane Doe, por PruePhantomhive
Locket, por xXAntoXx
La Lluvia que cae en primavera, por Elanear28 (❤︎)
Levantate, por juliper22
La boda, por Raqhu
Los temores de una madre, por Nochedeinvierno13-Friki
Las palabras que no se Dijeron, por Yui Takara 
Lo que queda del diente de león, por Kag Smile
La Visita, por MissInkofdreams
Los años, por Parisun
Medicina, por Annie Odair CrissClolfer
Mellark’s Moments, por Angie Weasley23
Memories, por A Smile Can Change The World 
Mi viejo diario, por Vanessa-IP
Me amas, ¿real o no real?, por Julietacu
Nuestra Vida, por Ires
Onhe Dich, por Gillette-x 
Primavera Ven, por Dryadeh (❤︎)
Promesa, por 07-VampireGhost 
Pedacito de Cielo, por Marlena Annie Prince
Quiero Uno, por NaoDoll
Recuperando a mi Peeta, por Mockingjay Forever
Resfriado, por Raqhu
Rememorando, por Sara Darkfiel 
Rota, por Taisha StarkTaisho
Realidades, por Nyph Malfoy 
Siempre para mi, por Lady Kid
Solo una razón, por Alif5878
Siempre, por Charlotte.200
Sanador, por Sirop de Framboise 
Solo Ellos, por Bella Scullw (❤︎)
Sano y Salvo, por Resa J. E
Siempre fuiste tú, por Ires
Se ha ido, por Sara Darkfield 
Salvar(te), por Petit Nash
Suerte, por Charlotte Bennet 
Tenía que dejarte ir, por Raqhe
The Proposal, por A Smile Can Change The World
The Weight of the World, por Orquidea negra 
Tueste, por xDrizzle
Te quiero ayer, hoy, mañana y siempre, por MissInkofdreams
Traspasando la oscuridad del corazón, por Hakerenit CasRiv
Un Instante, por Hoshiisima 
Una Luz, por Ashaii 
Un Final Feliz, por Anna Scheler 
Un Cumpleaños no tan feliz, por Sara Darkfiel 
Un Paso más cerca, por Miranda Lovely
Vuelve a mi, por Sara Darkfiel 
Vilanos, por Alphabeta (❤︎)
Vida resumida en aromas, por Nochedeinvierno13-Friki
Vivir para contarla, por Sadder.Than.Thesilence
Vuelta al distrito 12, por Lau Who
Vuela Conmigo, por 
Veinte años después del Capitolio, por Princesa Saiyajin
Y así sucedió, por juliper22
Y dije sí, por RapunzelDavies 
Z ¿¡
¿Por qué te casaste con mamá?, por Nina Berry 
¿Cómo se enamoró Peeta Mellark?, por cocodrilehunters
¡Recuérdalo!, por Mary Malfoy Mellark 
¿Real o no real?, por UnstopableDreams
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unsettledmagic · 7 years
[The Geography of Litan] - An Excerpt
[The Geography of Litan] is a traveler’s guide to notable landforms of the Litani Empire. It was penned by an enterprising human journalist, Yahui, who had hoped to encourage his friends to travel throughout the Ashaii continent. Currently, many human settlements are located on this continent, being especially concentrated in Argnost. Below is an excerpt from the book, describing Litani, the capital city of the Empire.
Litani, also known as the Ruined Cities, is one of the oldest cities found on the Ashaii Continent. The city's foundations are built on the ruins of previous civilizations that arose before the establishment of Litan Empire. This can be plainly seen in the white, weathered stones of many of the older walls. The city itself seems to be carved into the side of the jagged cliffs. In actuality, throughout the Ashaii continent, cliff cities are a common sight, allowing for ease of access to the Inner Sea while also being defensible against magical assaults and oncoming armies. The views from one of Litani's many levels still strikes awe in many residents as they go about their daily business. For the enterprising traveler, locals often say that if a di'syr ascends the Quadrangle Steps before daybreak, they are greeted with the shy rays of dawn rising over the Far Sea before the city alights with the chatter of residents going about their daily business.
The geography of the surrounding region is astounding to behold. And even more so, for Litani is a reflection of all of the shu'tai's architectural accomplishment and their ability to change their environment. The city itself perches on limestone cliffs overlooking the Gateway. Though collectively called Litani, the city is split up into two halves, affectionately referred to as the Eastern Cliff and the Western Cliff. Travel between the two halves is accomplished through seasonal footbridges from different levels of the city or by boats from the docks at sea level. A few enterprising kal'syr have also tried flight and other methods in order to ease travel between the two halves, but these efforts have been hampered by the strange anti-magical properties of the city itself. Some researchers have theorized that it may be the result of a calamity in old times, while others point to the rocks as the cause.
Between the cliffs, the sea is deep enough for the passage of most large trading ships and the occasional warship. Ships that do not intend to cross the channel are often docked on either side of the city at the lower levels. While the passageway to the Far Sea opens up quickly into open ocean, travelers entering the Litani Straits are immediately struck by the deep shadows cast by the cliffs of Litani and the nearby "islands." Though not as impressive as Litani, the islands seem as if they were carved out of a singular mountain, almost precariously balanced on a thick pillar of limestone. Glyphs are carved into the sides of the island, freshly covered with indigo paints. The original purpose of these symbols are known only to the residents of the islands, who meticulously maintain them year after year. Visitors to these islands are uncommon; often they are scientists or student mages hoping to gain entrance to the expansive libraries hewn into the rocky islands.
As one makes their way towards the outskirts of the upper city, the white stone eventually gives way to scrub-like mosses and crumbling roads. It is rare to see a tree for days, until one reaches the edges of the empire, though long, wavy grasses flutter in the breeze by the roadside. The road slopes towards the sea, opening up from the narrow clifftops into plains of verdant green shrubs and grasses. The inland sea can be seen from the trade roads. On the other side roars the Far Sea as it rolls onto the rocky beaches. Boulders litter the side of the road, eliciting stories of old battles and arguments between the gods among travelers looking for companionship. Here and there along the road, short, squat, square buildings crop up, a fishy smell wafting in from between the doors. Sometimes, a traveler can glimpse racks of slender fishes, drying in the sun by the huts before being hauled off to the market. The trade road itself snakes through groves of lust-ferns and hanging glories towards Varnessi and Argnost beyond the Ashaii Gates.
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unsettledmagic · 7 years
Worldbuilding Wednesday! Do the Kal'syr have any special dishes they prepare?
Bear with me for this post, because I haven’t really established a lot of flora/fauna/names stuff yet, so a lot of the food references are probably going to be similar to Earth’s.
So the kal’syr are sorta patterned after archosaurs except they have mammal-like dentition. I haven’t settled on a specific dental set-up yet, but what I definitely think is concrete is that they’re primarily carnivores but they can and will eat plants (grains and vegs) since they are able to grind those up in their gizzard and digest them.
The main staples for kal’syr are typically poultry and seafood (including fishes and shellfishes). Most meals are accompanied with a grain such as rice and millet. Seaweed and kelp also figures prominently in their diet, as well as seeds and nuts. In terms of spices, many kal’syr living in on the Ashaii continent prefer their food to be bright and focused on ingredients, so they often use salt and syrup to highlight some of the specific characteristics of ingredients. But other spices they use are analogous to star anise, cinnamon, sesame, ginger, and more. That’s kind of a basic understanding I have for now of what the components of their meals are like (never mind figuring out agriculture and availability oops).
But why talk about food without mentioning actual dishes? Here’s a possible breakdown of meals during a regular day in Litan for a kal’syr:
Breakfast/First Sun - A common dish for many kal’syr and humans is rice porridge topped with slices of eel and dried kelp, served with a cup of strong citrus tea. Other dishes include light fishbone broth with fermented curd, savory chunks of agar, glutinous rice dumplings, and millet bars. Breakfast is usually light on the meat.
First Lunch/Mid Sun - It’s pretty common for breakfast items to be consumed for lunch, but there are some kal’syr dishes exclusive to the lunches. The first lunch is usually the lightest lunch and is often consumed while on the move. This lunch can be skipped in favor of a larger lunch later on in the day. These include pan-fried rice cakes, roasted legumes, kelp stew with clams, sweet bread, and pan-fried lustpalm leaves.
Second Lunch/Full Sun - This lunch occurs between the first lunch and the late meal, and is typically eaten with friends and acquaintances. This lunch is typically heavier and has an emphasis on sweets as well as more grain-based dishes. Common dishes include steamed fish over rice cakes, raw eel served with sweetbread, and sweet fruits served in agar custard.
Late Meal/Last Sun - For the kal’syr, the late meal represents an opportunity to eat a meal with families, especially extended ones, and neighbors. Typically, there’s a large collection of dishes accompanied by a multitude of desserts and copious amounts of tea. Main dishes often are composed of meats, such as whole steamed fish served with onions, tea-stewed shellfish, whole roasted poultry, and so on. These dishes are often lightly-seasoned in order to bring out the flavors of the meat. Accompanying the main dishes are multitudes of side dishes such as thickened fishhead stew, dried sour fish, sugar-dusted candied clams, and so on. Desserts and teas are an interesting affair, with the majority of desserts being very fruity and teas being brewed to play off the flavors of the dessert. It’s a really filling meal to be honest.
That’s kind of a break down of what a kal’syr could eat, but hey it’s /probably/ going to change once I figure out food availability, cooking styles, and their biology.
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unsettledmagic · 7 years
Humans - An Introduction
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Taken from initial drafts for an article found on the CloudNet written by a kal’syr biologist
Author Notes: Ahahah I know this is pretty late according to the Worldbuilding June schedule, but what can I say? I’m an extreme procrastinator. There’s still stuff to clean up and all that, but that’s going to be fun. Anyways have a read, ask me questions
Humans, also referred to as Homo sapiens, are hairy bipeds composed of carbon-based derivatives. Contrary to the body plans of most fauna found on Raisyr, humans evolved from a tetrapodal body plan, given their extraterrestrial planetary origins. Two hind limbs are devoted to walking and navigating terrain and two forelimbs are devoted to carrying objects and manipulating them. Most humans have hair on the majority of their body. The hair is especially thick around the cranial and genital regions for protection and warmth. Their skin, unlike the kal’syr’s plated scales, is soft and supple. The primary material for their skin, according to human biologists, is “keratin”, a type of material that many complex Terran organisms use within their body. Moreover, they also state that there are other types of body materials that differ from that of Raisyrian organisms, meriting further experimentation on Terran organisms in the future.
Many complex body systems are found underneath the human skin. The most interesting systems to us are their circulatory and lymphatic systems, which is primarily composed of an iron-based liquid and other components such as bio-fragments and energy. They lack the customary spiritus system. Instead, most humans have additional growths in their circulatory and lymphatic systems in order to handle the influx of magical energy from sources such as food and water. This does mean that magical ability in humans is hampered by their ability to process it, as most magical energy inherent within food is lost during digestion.
Magic was generally viewed as a myth by many humans when they first arrived. The first generations of human settlers primarily relied on their own technology and databases from Earth, though the effectiveness of this technology was affected by the lack of resources and interference from environmental energies. At some point in the recent past, groups of humans acquired limited ability to manipulate specific aspects of nature, typically generalized to fire, wind, water, and earth. Their ability to manipulate magical energies further expanded to manipulation of man-made technology and creation magic, among several examples. Though seemingly spontaneous, this newfound ability was the result of a complex symbiotic relationship with organisms akin to bacteria colonies. The ability to perform magic has spread within new generations to the point that most humans are able to perform some basic level of elemental manipulation at minimum.
While humans are a minority on Raisyr, they have established states on the Ashaii continent. Most of the human population is concentrated in Argnost, a country founded by the first joint leadership council between kal’syr and humans. Also, the language spoken by most humans share similar but disparate markers with the Litani dialect and still remains difficult to translate due to volume and many idiomatic expressions. Likewise, the kal’syr Common is also difficult to translate as well due to physical constraints and contextual hand positions during speech. In order to bridge this gap, most communications between the two groups
Despite a long and historic relationship, human-kal’syr relations are currently tenuous because of communication barriers and disagreements over natural resources.
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unsettledmagic · 7 years
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Admittedly, I actually hate making maps. Tons of research, and it also takes a while for me to figure out what biomes, geography, and everything else is in Raisyr.
Though, on the other hand, it is pretty similar to Earth (to make it easier for me ahahaha). My main focus right now in building the setting is the Ashaii Continent, but eventually I’ll get to the Old Country, and what exactly it means it to the di’syr of Raisyr.
Biomes and Elevation maps are still a work in progress, but hey, it’s a start yeah?
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