#ask lue
lue-arlert · 10 months
hi!!! we haven’t spoke in forever, i hope all is well in your world <33 have a good day :D
Hello!!! All is busy in my world lol I moved recently and I’ve been working so I’m just trying to get through everyday 😵‍💫 Working on my house has been a whole task sksksksk
I hope all is well for you too 🥹 Have a good one!! 💕
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nicksolemnlyswears · 4 months
Hello, how are you?
I just wanted to say how much I loved your stories with Han. He's my favorite character and the way you portray him is so accurate. I was swooning with every word hahaha.
Can I please request something with Han as a father? I would love to see him and reader with a little girl that's attached to his hip. How do you think he will act with her milestones? (he would be the type of dad who will cry at his daughter's wedding, even if he denies hahaha).
Thank you so much and have an amazing day 🌹🌹🌹
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pairing: dad!han x daughter
words: 3.4k
warnings: none. i think there's only one curse word.
notes: ohh i love this request! i had something like this planned since in the headcanons i made him a girl!dad. i got you nonnie! if you want any of these prompts explained a bit better, let me know! i tried to write as much as possible but i also wanted to cover most of her youth. so, i tried to write a bit of every stage.
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-when his baby girl is born han's world shifts. he was so insecure about becoming a dad because for so long it wasn't in his cards. but then she's born and he's over the moon. how could he ever doubt it?
-han is very hands on with taking care of his daughter. both because he loves it and because he wants to help his wife. she carried baby girl for a little more than nine months. of course he's taking the night shift. he's a night owl anyways.
-he has a sixth sense, like women do. whenever his baby is about to cry he feels it. he'll come up to her crib only to find her with a wobbly lip and watery eyes. he'll coo at baby girl and pick her up, rocking her until the sniffles are gone.
"there, there, baby. daddy's here, don't cry," he'd say bouncing her while holding her. her head tucked into his neck.
-baby girl is obsessed with her daddy's voice. she listens so closely when he speaks. if he's talking to his wife and she's on the high chair she'll stare attentively at him, trying to understand the words. the wife thinks it's because he used to talk to her belly when baby girl was still cooking.
"what do you think, baby girl?" han turns to ask her, smiling when she babbles nonsense.
-those long night where she refuses to sleep, crying even after he's fed and changed her, han sings to her softly. whatever song comes to his head.
he doesn't remember any lullabies from his childhood, so he makes do. that being said, there have been times han has sung inappropriate songs with bad words but he shrugs it off. it's not like baby girl understands yet.
-whenever han isn't present when she wakes up at night because he's at the races with the crew, baby girl acts so confused, clutching onto mom's shirt and searching for han. "daddy's not home, honey. just you and me," her mom would say, ready to spend hours calming the baby because she misses han.
-baby girl and mom are close too but she's so blatantly a daddy's girl. her mom just stops trying to impress her and accepts the crumbs of affection her daughter gives her.
-unsurprisingly baby girl’s first word is 'dada.' han would be beaming, asking her to say it again. baby girl is amused by all the attention he's giving her so she keeps repeating the word until it loses all meaning.
"come on, baby. one more time. say dada," han coo's, holding his baby on his lap. mom would roll her eyes and smile at the pair of them, giggling amongst themselves.
-han gets baby girl a lot of toy cars to play with. fuck gender norms. he would get cars in whatever color baby girl prefers. playing with her on the floor for hours at a time.
-there are nights, once baby girl becomes a toddler, that she refuses to sleep. han buckles her into the carseat in some expensive four door sports car and drives around the neighborhood because the rumble of the engine puts her to sleep within seconds.
-the older she gets the more she imitates han. gets to the point where han has to be very careful of what he says and does. if he doesn't have greens in his plate, baby girl won't eat hers because daddy's not eating any.
-baby girl drags han into pretend tea parties. he plays along, sipping from the empty plastic teacup. she forces a small tiara on his head as well.
-makeovers are a must. hans wife often has to hold back her laughs, finding him with kid eyeshadow smeared on his face, lipstick outlining his lips and two out of ten nails painted messily.
-she picks up his mannerisms and turns into a mini han. the toretto crew call her just that because of how much she resembles him. oh, if roman fucks around with han, baby girl comes to the rescue.
"ay yo rapunzel, let down your hair," roman says with an obnoxious laugh when he spots hans overgrown hair.
baby girl as quick as a whip, pans to roman and responds, "at least he has hair. what's your deal, baldy?"
oh, everyone that heard was on the floor laughing. baby girl said it so seriously, a frown on her face as she defended her daddy.
"that's my girl!" han cheers, kissing her chubby cheek, making her smile again.
-there would be a time where baby girl would get in between her mom and han. if they were being romantic, holding hands or even kissing she would push them away and cling onto han.
"no, daddy is mine," she would screech.
"but baby, that's your mom. my wife. i love her very much," he'd say to baby girl while picking her up.
"does that mean you don't love me?" baby girl gasps, her eyes watering.
"I love you so much, baby girl. you're my number one girl. don't tell mom, okay? it'll be our secret!" he loudly whispers, kissing her chubby cheek.
the wife would be amused at this exchange and would throw him a dirty look he'd laugh at. he'd make it up to her later in bed.
-his habit of singing random songs to calm her down would backfire. one day as he drives baby girl to school he’d hear her singing along to fergalicious. it’s possible han played it one too many times in the car. his wife is going to kill him.
-han would express wanting to teach baby girl to drive at eight years old. mom immediately refuses. she can't even see over the steering wheel! it leaves him no choice but to postpone the driving until she's ten.
-when he does teach baby to drive his heart swells with pride. she's a fucking natural at it. they'd drive around a calmer part of town, sunglasses on and music blasting.
"if you feel the car, you'll know what to do. life is like that too. be aware of your surroundings and how people react to things. you'll learn a lot from it," were han's words when he taught baby girl to drive.
he will never admit out loud that baby girl at twelve years old is a better driver than his wife.
-nonetheless, baby girl spends a lot of time in the garage with han while he works on the cars. after school she'd finish her homework quickly to assist han with the tools.
"wrench?" he'd ask.
"wrench." she'd say, handing him the tool.
"which one?"
-baby girl remains clingy until puberty happens. the mood swings are killer not to mention the cramps. not only that but whenever she's out and about she would want to act cool and not like a daddy's girl. she lets go of han's hand whenever she sees a friend and runs out of the car before school without giving him a goodbye kiss on the cheek. it's probably the first time han's heart breaks. she's not a little kid anymore.
-INSISTS that han calls her by her name if her friends are around. he refuses. doesn't care if it embarrasses her.
-the dreaded day finally comes when she has her first date. mom is excited, helping her get ready while han waits in the living room all broody and pouty. bag of chips in his hand to ease the nerves.
finally baby girl comes around, dressed all pretty with a bit of makeup and her hair nicely done. she looks nervously towards her daddy, waiting for his reaction. while han's heart breaks again he acknowledges he has to come through as the cool dad.
"you look beautiful, baby girl," han tells her, a small smile on his lips.
she smiles nervously, "thanks, daddy."
her crush would arrive and they would go to the movies. his parents driving them. han wouldn't be that far behind in mom's car because it blends in with the cars out on the streets. he would sit rows behind them to keep an eye on the snotty kid that asked his baby girl out.
nothing much happens, they're just 14. at most he wraps his arm awkwardly around her shoulders or they hold hands throughout the movie.
he sneaks out before the movie ends and drives home, forgetting they're going for ice cream afterwards. it's there where the kid gathers the courage to kiss her. her first kiss. it's a good thing han isn’t there or he would've had a heart attack.
-once baby girl moves on to high school she chills out. she lets herself be seen with her daddy. every girl in her high school has a crush on han. i mean he drives her in an expensive sports car and he looks so cool opening the door for her, his salt and pepper hair as flawless as ever.
-lowkey she likes being the girl with the hot dad. it kinda makes her popular or at least the cool kids invite her to all the parties because of it. the girls drool over her dad and the boys over the cars...and her mom too.
-whenever he has to pick her up, he waits outside the school, leaning back on the hood of the car, arms crossed and sunglasses covering his eyes. the girls would eat it up and baby girl would look at them in disgust, cursing them out for ogling at her daddy.
-han spoils baby girl like crazy. it drives her mom mad. she wants this new blush from rare beauty? consider it purchased. after school she wants a snack from the convenience store? he'll get a bunch of them.
"i saw these shoes at the mall that were so pretty, daddy," she'd hum, plopping on the couch beside her.
mom would be glaring at han from across the living room, shaking her head no.
han would stare straight forward, "that's nice, baby."
best believe there would be a bead of sweat on the back of his neck from his wife's intense glare. the moment he got a moment alone with baby girl he'd slip her the amount the shoes are worth, giving her the ‘don't tell your mother' look.
days later he would hear a scream, "HAN LUE!" the wife found out about what he did. hard not to when baby girl is sporting brand new shoes for school.
-baby girl would be into a sport. whether it's volleyball, softball, basketball, martial arts, or fencing. whichever sport doesn't matter. han would attend every game, carry the heavy equipment bag for her, and be her biggest fan.
i think han could get intense at the games. if the referee wasn't being fair he's approach them and exchange some stern words. then, he'd go back to his seat and keep cheering her on. he would definitely treat the whole team to dinner afterwards or a treat like ice cream.
-baby girl and han would be so attached at the hip he would know all her friends name, the drama in the friend group, who is dating who, and who's on baby girl’s bad side. baby girl would get into the car after school and just go on and on about what's going on in the school. han being the person he is would know exactly what to ask to get her to keep talking and spill all the beans.
he lowkey enjoys the gossip and would be waiting for updates. like imagine it's 9 at night and baby girl is on her phone in her room and he'd knock and peak his head in, offering her some chocolate or candy.
"so, what's up with caroline? she break up with matt yet?" he asks, trying to act unbothered.
baby girl would would instantly sit up and pat her bed for him to sit, "now that you mentioned it, they broke up! but here's the kicker, caroline has been spotted around school with tyler, his best friend!"
-this closeness allows baby girl to be open with han. in the past he’s told her that whatever she’s done or if she’s in trouble she can count on him. want to go to a party? go ahead and be careful. got drunk at said party? call me and i’ll pick you up. you won’t be in trouble. puked in my car? i’ll clean it but no new shoes for a while.
-han would throw baby girl a sweet sixteen party or a quinceañera (if his wife just so happened to be latina)(let's be real he's mister worldwide, like pitbull). it's a succesful party, he goes all out and spends too much money. baby girl has a blast though, making it all worth it. she danced the whole night away with her friends and even asked han to dance some slow songs with her.
-han will definitely get her a car for her sweet sixteen. it would be a car she's been wanting since forever. han would modify it so it's more unique and fits her style better. he'd add a huge bow on top to make it abundantly clear that's her birthday gift. he'd add one of her smaller toy cars from when she was a baby to her keychain.
-honestly, han would probably be the type of guy to get baby girl those huge keychains that have a taser, a poof ball, a stabby thing, and a whistle in her favorite color.
-baby girl is super smart and the time comes when she has to set off to college. han is miserable on her graduation day, watching her walk on the stage and give her valedictorian speech. she's been accepted to a fancy school for smart kids...far away from home.
he's fully capable of moving his whole life to whatever place that school is in but his wife holds him back. it's time for her to go and start building her own life. she'll forever be his baby girl.
-baby girl makes it her goal to spend the whole summer with her parents. she follows han around like when she was a child, helps him in the garage, goes out shopping with him, and take late night drives to talk about the latest gossip on her friends.
-in august she has to go settle into her dorm. the ride to the airport is quiet, baby girl didn't want any tears. she checked into her flight, dropped her bags off and headed for the line for tsa.
she hugged her mom tight, giving her a kiss on the cheek and turned towards her daddy. she threw herself at him, hugging him so tight.
"be safe, okay? if you don't like it and you want to come back home, that's fine. whatever you need let me know," han whispers in her ear as they hug. he holds back his tears since he promised her no tears.
"bye daddy," she mumbles, stepping back.
she grabs hold of her carry on bag and walks away without looking back. han knows that tears are underway, though. it's his sixth sense. as baby girl walks through tsa she looks back and sure enough there are fat tears rolling down her face.
-his life feels empty when he returns to the house. his wife comforts him, even if she's sad about her daughter's move. he reassures her he's fine but she knows better. han and baby girl have been attached at the hip since she was born.
-those first weeks are hell. han can't shake off the habit of knocking on her door at night to check up on her. often times he'd grab two of something to share it with her until he remembers she's gone.
-a friday night he receives a call. baby girl is face timing him.
"missed me, old man?" she'd beam at him. she's in her dorm room, getting ready to go out. she’s into clubs now much like her daddy was years ago.
the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.
"i don't know what you're talking about. you called me," he'd chuckle.
"i got some hot goss for you. caroline is pregnant with twins!" she'd scream into the phone, picking up a brush to apply her blush.
just like that a new habit would form. almost every night baby girl would call him to tell her parents all about her day. sometimes the conversations are short but other times they could go on for hours. all she wanted was to hear his voice.
-han looks forward to those calls. he always answers no matter if he's sleeping or out with the crew. if he's with the crew the phone would be ripped out of his hands as everyone says hi to baby girl. best believe there would be a jab thrown at roman. the two of them never quite got along.
-on her third year of college she comes home for the holidays, bringing a boy with her. her boyfriend. baby girl and his wife blind sided him, he had no idea this person was coming into his home. if he thought he was staying with baby girl in her room he's wrong! the guest room it is for the boyfriend.
-han hates to admit it but the boyfriend treats baby girl like he's supposed to. like a goddamn queen. he even peels her oranges for her so she doesn't ruin her nails.
-the boyfriend seeks han's approval. han basically has him as a lapdog during the holidays, keeping him busy with things to do while han spends time with baby girl. she notices,of course, but says nothing on the matter. if her boyfriends wants han's approval he has to do what han tells him to.
-at the end of the holiday's, when it's time to return to campus, han pats him in the back and says, "sees you in the summer, kid." baby girl's boyfriend proved his worth, now it's in his hands not to screw things up.
-two years later that same boy visits han and his wife and asks for her hand in marriage. han reluctantly agrees. baby girl has just gotten back from college this year. she's finally back under his roof and she'll be leaving him again. her boyfriend is a fine man, though and he'll make her happy.
-just like her huge party when she was a teen, han throws a big wedding. it's everything out of baby girl's dream.
han walks her down the aisle, her hand holding onto his arm as she stares ahead at the man of her dreams. her soon to be husband. he looks at her approaching with tears in his eyes from how beautiful she looks.
"i love you, baby girl," han tells her, kissing her cheek, careful not to ruin her makeup.
"i love you too, daddy. thank you for everything," she responds.
it's so hard for han to let go of her hand. still, he hands her over to her fiance and tells him, "take care of her. it's my life you have there."
"i promise."
-han's heart breaks for the last time he hopes. the ceremony is beautiful and the vows make people cry. han watches his baby girl up there. she's no longer a baby, she's a woman. yet he still sees that baby who would calm down at the sound of his voice.
it's later in the reception where the water works happen. baby girl grabs a microphone and says, "as many of you know, my favorite person in the whole wide world is my dad, or daddy, as i still proudly call him. he's made me the person i am today. all my quirks, my interests, and my morals are all things i've gotten from him. i couldn't of asked for a better father. my god he spoiled me to no end and taught me the best lessons there are, including how to change a tyre, which has proved to be very useful. i'm going to stop talking now and ask for you to come up here and dance with me."
so far, han is composed. he stands and grabs her hand to dance to the song she chose. (i imagine it to be first man by camilla cabello. it's a beautiful song.) they sway to the music and it's while listening to that song that the first tear falls.
"don't cry, daddy," baby girl sniffs, swiping it away.
"i'm so proud of you, baby girl," he says as more tears tumble down his eyes.
"gosh, you're making me cry," she says, looking up to prevent the tears from falling.
"it's okay, i paid for the waterproof makeup," han jokes, pulling her into a tight hug.
she'll always be his baby girl. no matter what. in his eyes she could do no wrong.
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han would be a great dad. i didn’t get into the dark side of the business here. i wasn’t sure how to write it in. but be rest assured he’d keep her safe from it all.
thank you for reading! i hope you liked it!
-nikki 🤍
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h0ttestgrlinm0urgu3 · 5 months
it's the new year so prepare to be sick of me.
This also means I'm officially taking requests
I have some things in the works
but the time for requests is now☆
what I write
only fem reader
sub reader x character dom reader x character
character x reader x character
~they don't just have to be characters
I like a lot of bimbo and brat stuff you can ask 4 that
kinks: daddy, mommy, praise, degrading, consensual somno, overstim, voyeurism & or pegging
~not limited to just throwing some out there
people: Chris evans / steve rodgers, Jacob elordi, Henry cavill /Clark Kent, Dominic fike, Manny Montana / Rio, Jensen ackels, Jacob black, han lue (fast and furious), Sam winchester, Aaron taylor Johnson / Dave lizewski/ tangerine, tasm! Peter parker, Penn Badgley/ Joe goldberg, Spencer reid, Aaron hotchner
have fun and don't be afraid to add anything to your request
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fyodorkitkat · 2 months
do you have any recommendations for bsd blogs? i’m getting back into the series and i need people to follow.
A lot of who I follow is multifandom and I don't know if that is what you are looking for, so here are a few of my favorite blogs that mostly post bsd art, writing, or rbs. A lot of them are also Fyodor or DoA appreciators which should come as no suprise if you have been here on my blog for even 24 hours 💀
I am forgetting ppl surely and potentially mislabeling them (like if they have a lot of fandom rbs on their blogs too and I miss them, or if they write and I didn't know it) or leaving ppl out because I am remembering them but they are solidly multifandom and more equal about it, or currently posting more about a different series even though they also have done bsd art and fics, and idk if that is what you are looking for. So pls no one take any offense or anything if I didn't link you or messed something up, my intentions were only good 💜🙏
@cinnabar-circus (art)
@tenfluenza @twobella @0ma (art, writing & fandom rbs)
@neonganymede (writing & fandom rbs)
@rosentraume (art)
@irritablepoe (writing & fandom rbs)
@definetelynotavampire (art)
@islatucan (art)
@diary-ofamadwoman (writing, art, & fandom rbs)
@dandybabbler (writing & fandom rbs)
@peachymoriarty (edits, & fandom rbs)
@osameowdazai @starsunalign (writing, art, fandom rbs)
@frankenjoly (writing & fandom rbs)
@doctorforks (art)
@shatter-days (art)
@hoshiumiumi (art)
Also if I may hype myself up for a minute. I have a really extensive tagging system and my archive is available on my desktop layout.
If you want to find more artists and peruse a character tag (or just my bsd fanart tag) I highly recommend digging around my archive with my saved tags or using a specific tag with the following web address style (this will work for tags I don't have pinned as well, like bsd poe for instance.)
fyodorkitkat.tumblr.com/tagged/bsd dazai (or on some browsers you might have to do fyodorkitkat.tumblr.com/tagged/bsd%20dazai if it doesn't like the space in there and gives you an error)
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pharawee · 1 year
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—The POINT OF NO RETURN is the point beyond which one must continue on one's current course of action because turning back is dangerous, physically impossible or difficult. [...] A particular irreversible action can be a point of no return.
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vieraslaji · 5 months
joka päivä törmään vähintään kolmeen ulkomaalaisella kirjoitettuun postaukseen joissa on räikeästi väärin oletuksia amerikkalaisen historiasta, politiikoista ja kulttuurista
ja joka päivä kirjoitan pitkiä selityksiä siitä miksi oletukset on väärin
ja joka päivä poistan selitysten koska eurooppalaiset ei tykkää siitä kun kerrotaan että ne on väärässä Amerikasta 😌
Amerikassa on jo paljon pahaa paskaa jota voidaan kritisoida, ei täytyy keksiä epätotuuksia lol
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gyagu · 26 days
最後の嘘は 優しい嘘でした 忘れない
"The last lie was a kind lie, I'll never forget it."
damn... u got the SID banger...
"∞" music lyric ask game
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osameowdazai · 5 months
Soup & why
I'll be honest with you, I had already forgotten I reblogged an ask game and thought maybe you were asking my opinion on soup ???? Full on was gone be like 'well its not my favorite but-'
So keep that in mind when I point out here that, for some reason, you think I'm cool.
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Also squishes u back!!!!!
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meregrin · 1 month
apua en oo ainoo sleep token fani täällä!! miten me saadaan ne suomeen tehäänkö kansalaisaloite
hei ihanaa, muitakin suomalaisia faneja <33
siis varmaan pitää oikeesti alkaa tässä suunnitella jotain yhteispohjoismaista kampanjaa että saadaan äijät edes köpiksen korkeudelle. ilmeisesti nykyään alkaa olla aika yleistä, että vähänkään isommat bändit skippaa koko pohjoismaat koska tänne on niin vaikeeta ja kallista tulla ja tapahtuma-ala on muutenkin vielä aivan henkitoreissaan koronan jäljiltä. parastahan tässä on se että just olivat viime kesänä ilosaarirockissa mut arvaa olinko mä 🙃🙃
mutta saattaahan tuo euroopan kiertuekin tuosta vielä laajeta jos kaikki areenat myy tarpeeks nopeesti loppuun. huhu kertoo että lupasivat tänä vuonna korvata sen viime kesän peruuntuneen festarikeikan norjassa eli ehkä pieni mahdollisuus saada oslo mukaan rundille. toivossa on hyvä elää :'))
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cherrysft · 11 months
I'm still Han's wife hehehe but I'm also Miguel's wife heheeheh
Han will always be at the top ;)
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lue-arlert · 1 year
Hello hello! I shall be sending you the following 👀
For you and Eren:
🌷 what do they do when you tell them you're having a bad day at work/school/in general?
For you and Porco:
💖 would they keep a picture of you in a locket, as their phone's lockscreen, or in their wallet?
For you and Armin:
⭐️ a holiday/festival that you two would enjoy together?
And this for all three:
🫧 a trope(s) you'd use to describe you two?
🍃 who pursued who first?
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Lomls pls
He will buy me a snack/food I like, and offer to brush/play with my hair or rub my feet
Porco definitely has Polaroids of my ass and my smile in his wallet lmao
He loves going to the strawberry festival with me 😭 We find new recipes and candles and jewelry and get all giddy about our trip! As for a holiday, I would say he’s heavy on birthdays being the big holidays for each other, and always makes sure my birthday is such a good day and vise versa 🥹
All Three:
I’m stumped on a trope 😭 I can’t seem to narrow anything down
Tbh I feel like I’d be the one pursuing each of them, and maybe I’d be friends with Eren and Armin already first 😭
Ask me wholesome things about me and my f/o ♡
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nicksolemnlyswears · 2 months
what up my peeps? i made a disappearing act last month but im here to give you guys a lil update on my life.
the reason i disappeared is ‘cause being a student in the medical field is hard and busy. so my sincerest apologies!
for the han girlies im here to let you know what im currently working on. let me preface this by saying that some of these requests i’ve had for a while and im working on them, just little by little. i love han but he’s not my main focus (it’s my harry potter longfic if you wanna check it out 👀)
waitress! reader! spin off!
gisele comes back and han gets back with her. han doesn’t know that our little waitress is pregnant. years later they reunite…
dating! han headcanons and wife! headcanons
these are two requests i’m merging into one because if not i think i’d be repeating myself.
jealous!han oneshot
han is jealous of your male best friend and his behavior towards you
a jealous baby girl!
how will baby girl react when an old fling of han’s pops up
my fic idea(s):
takashis cousin! reader x han
Takashi is in charge of watching over you while his uncle is abroad (avoiding a run in with authority). He takes you to the races where you meet mysterious Han.
Age gap will be present. 18-19 year old reader and a 28 year old Han. I’m leaning towards a more innocent vibe from the reader. Or rather not innocent but inexperienced and shy.
Overprotective gang leader father and all that. Constantly surrounded by bodyguards. Always under supervision.
“What was it that you said about school girls?” Takashi to Han
Maybe it will give off forbidden vibes. Very much secret romance
Been thinking of doing it like a flashback format. The gang are going through old stuff and one of them finds a box of Hans belongings from tokyo. They see a picture of reader and ask about it.
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tenfluenza · 5 months
I do think you would join the zombie apocalypse on the side of the zombies even if you weren't zombified yet I just get those vibes from you 💜
i have had fantasies about being picked up by a survivor group (using my very cute puppy eyes and charming personality) and then i would bite everyone really hard in the middle of the night just to fuck with them and then run away to do it again to another group
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fyodorkitkat · 3 months
I am so so so so ill. And I fucking love it. And I'm fucking excited that we get to anticipate even more information being revealed still in the next chapter. Fuck my entire life. And I am fucking loving the fact one of my biggest personal wishes is true, Fyodor has been around for a long ass fucking time!!!
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gregmarriage · 11 months
don’t know how many ppl will care about this, but the two main reasons i’ve been off this site for a while:
1. health shit (usually that means i’m on more, but whatever, shut up, leave me alone)
2. i’m working on a new fic that is consuming me alive. (like for real, my every waking moment is filled with thoughts. i am plagued™️)
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pompompurin1028 · 2 months
For the wip ask game: Sth sth Nikolai
This is a fun one inspired by many things. One of the major inspirations is supposed to be John Donne's Holy Sonnet 14. Although the poem itself doesn't capture what Nikolai feels, the paradoxical desires and the dilemma the speaker feels is very Nikolai to me. As my mutual wrote to me in a dm said, Nikolai is willing to kill himself and wants freedom from life but is tied down by his human desire to live. I love the line: "But am brotheth'd unto your enemy" in The Holy Sonnet, but in the case of Nikolai, rather than the enemy being Satan/Sin, it is Nikolai's humanity.
I was hoping to dive deeper into the aspect of this humanity with inspo from Dr Faustus, here's some tags that I wrote ages ago on this concept:
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Like it is clear that he wants to connect with people in some sense (cough Fyodor) but he is also like rationally I shouldn't.
idk how I was gonna put it tgt so it remains but an idea
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