#ask vany
skxllz · 2 years
But Eddie with a gf who has stretch marks on her legs and stomach?
How woud he react to her being shy and insecure about them and not wanting to show Eddie her body bc she's embarrassed (•////•)
- 🌚 anon
I'm so sorry I took so long to reply to this :'') every time I typed something out, my brain would freeze. I finally managed to write something- hopefully it isn't too bad 💔 (is it in headcanon formation? yes. I was too lazy to actually write an imagine ^^" )
sweetheart, seriously? you'd really think this man would give one damn about those itty bitty vines, that only defined the beautiful blossoming of your body as a whole? for real? well, let me save you a whole poetry slam of a complete stanza; he doesn't - never will.
wearing long sleeved shirts, or just baggier t-shirts to hide away the stretched tissue of your skin easier, should've been a dead giveaway from the beginning. though, seeing as how you and eddie were friends beforehand and he knew of your taste in clothing, which quite frankly was a variety of multiple interests, he knew you were one to wear clothing items that most-of-the-time swallowed your upper frame. if he saw you in sweats, it clearly was a lazy day or the time of your monthly visit from the fucking devil. if you wore baggy jeans - well, it just meant you were feeling more free or just wanted to be comfortable. so, all in all, the boy was oblivious to your insecurities. when you two began dating, he noticed the increase of bigger sweaters, bungy hoodies and shirts a size or two, too big... but it was more of a thing that flew to the back of his mind; he brushed it off because he was so used to seeing you dress your way. but a few months later, he caught on - finally.
you would avoid swimming during gym class, when spring would roll around. usually, you'd make up an excuse - your period, or some complete bullshit like ‘ sorry, my irritable bowl syndrome is acting up! ’. is it embarrassing? totally, but since it makes the teacher uncomfortable, they don't question it and send you right to the nurse. a habit of pulling the short-sleeves of your shirt down if they get bunched up too far had also become noticeable; eddie finding it cute at first, thinking maybe it's just a new nervous tick, but as time carried on it concerned him - you did it in general, sure, but you constantly did it in his presence. lastly, the avoidance of any flirting that ended up on the topic of nudity. with him showing his body? you either got really excited, or seriously flustered, but never bothered. however... whenever he even mentions sliding his hands up your shirt, let alone anything else, your face twists into an unreadable expression and you blow him away with some quick babble, before running off. this lead eddie to think maybe he was doing something wrong, perhaps overstepping boundaries or rushing you, simply because he can be oblivious, but after overhearing a conversation between you robin he finally clicked into his brain about what was wrong.
like any other thursday, he strolled down the corridor of the school that led to the club-based rooms in the back; a basement like, dingy smell filling the air the further he glided, ringed hand dragging along the wall. it was after school hours, approximately two after the last class had been dismissed - while his dnd gatherings were on fridays, your creative writing club took place on the second to last day of the school week, due to the fact that thursdays were more accurate for busy minds and because the day circled around old english itself. yeah, pretty odd. but, like always, he was on his way to pick you up; it was routine and always has been. just as his lazed, tired figure reached the oak wood door, hand reaching to the worn silver handle, he paused.
“ I just.. I don't know, robin. ” the brunette heard you mumble out to the blonde girl that was apart of you guys' outer friend group. she tended to sometimes stay after school with you, just so she can steer away from steve once in a while - he guess it was one of those days. silently, he'd place a hand to the door, only to cringe once his rings made the littlest clack of noise. you didn't seem to hear, however, so he focused on listening. “ I want to go further - it's not that I don't, and it's not like I don't trust eddie.. ” while you spoke, the slightest tremble could be heard; only seeming to appear more audible once you inhale. he could only imagine you running your hands through your hair nervously, like you always do. “ I'm just not.. I don't.. ” it was quiet for a moment, before robin spoke up; her voice soft, and oddly wobbly. “ you're still worried about how he'll think of you.. aren't you? ”. eddie looked through the small window within the door after that, only to you turned to her, nodding your head.
the conversation wasn't brought up after that. he acted like, to you at least, that he heard nothing - nada, zilch, not a word. but that didn't mean the words didn't play on repeat on his mind, in a loop, over and over. it began effecting his concentration during dnd matches, as well as making him zone out when a conversation took place. his mind would just drift, recalling the discussion until it'd drive him so far, that he'd rub his eyes in frustration and storm away to the confinements of his own presence. whether it be locked in the school bathroom, his own room or speed walking off to the quarry where he could clear his head. it was becoming a quick follow up of a frequent occurrence, so of course you confronted him one day at his locker.
a hand pushed into the door of the open locker, only to slam it shut with a loud squeak and click. eddie's eyes widened in alarm, but when he turned to the source, he only spotted you; frown pulling deeply at your lips and brows knitted so close together, he'd swear the edges of them would mound together into one. “ you.. okay? ” he'd question slowly, head dipping rhe slightest bit while doe eyes dramatically widened. although your boyfriend was known for being extra, you had none of it; skipping right to the blunt question on the tip of your tongue. “ why have you been acting weird? and don't say you haven't.. because your friends, our friends, will be right behind me to back me up. so tell me, eddie, what's going on? ”
eddie was hesitant to tell you, to voice that he actually eavesdropped on an important and personal topic, but with the predicament he was facing.. he had no choice but. obviously, he wanted until you two were in the contents of his trailer, but even after he dropped the bomb, he didn't expect you to... go so quiet. maybe you scolding him and chewing his ear off, maybe even a bit of a screaming match, but for you to fall to the expectations of a quiet mouse? it spooked him.
with a lowered head, you explained to him what actually went on in your head. the best you could, at least. you didn't go into too much detail about what all you were insecure about, but you did dig deep on some past events, and explained the marks on your body were not something you were proud of. it was nothing to be ashamed of, stretch marks were natural, but you just thought they didn't fit your form. models could wear them with no effort, movies stars could rock them all the way to their grave, but you? you were just a girl with a small group of friends, and very little school mates that talked to you. you were never really flashy with clothes, except the few skirts you wore for certain outings or occurrences. flaunting your skin was just not common for you, and it wasn't like you did it with someone special before... so, having a boyfriend, who one day you were bound to have sex with? It left a bad taste in your mouth from fear.
god.. but eddie? his heart literally shattered at the confession. seeing tears build up in the corners of your eyes made his chest ache in ways he didn't know was possible. to make matters even worse, when you tried to look at him, you instantly had to squeeze your eyes shut and turn your head away; too far into the pit that opened up, to where you were on the verge of crying. when a small hiccup left past your lips, is when the metalhead finally dove forward and scooped you into his arms.
eddie munson, vowed to the oath by his very uncle, that he'd always treat people with respect unless deemed otherwise. he'd treat his partner like royalty, he wouldn't dare judge them for the flaws they couldn't control or simply needed help with. even grimacing at something so natural that was meant to be presented on the human body, would leave him with the dignity of a fucking sewer rat. he knew you didn't see him as a horrible person, and that it was actually just a bad clouding of thoughts in your head, which is why he decided to show you how much he cared.
soft pets to your head would be given, while gentle presses of his lips would be melted into your hair. he'd constantly whisper windy praises, so supple and sweet into your ear. since he didn't want to spook you, he'd wait it out patiently; watch as you calm down, your face slacking into a serene state that told him he'd succeeded in making you feel at least a little okay. that'd make him carry on with laying you down alongside him, him caressing the back of his folded knuckle down the alignment of your face and across hour cheek. gentle kisses placed to each feature; cheeks, nose, forehead, chin, the corners of your mouth that'd slowly turn upwards. and, as he gazes into your eyes with a happy grin, he'd kiss your lips fully.
an inhale deep through his nose, while the hand that'd been constantly busy with your face, dragged down your shoulder onto to later on dip across your hip. soft caresses, breezy touches and squeezes. your shirt would be lifted, him of course asking permission beforehand. he'd lead butterfly kisses down your face, across the lining of your jaw, over your throat's column and peppered over your collarbones. a slow drag of his touch down your chest, before pulling up to bunch your shirt up more. his eyes, upon landing on the beautified lines across your stomach, and hips, lite up; taking in your middle half with a breathless laugh of glee. he'd be overjoyed you'd finally let him see you.. this part of you. before you could even doubt him, or yourself, he's swooping down to kiss at your skin; playful nips given in between.
you'd never think it'd actually be such a joy to let your boyfriend see you so vulnerable, cheeks even sticky with old tear stains, but jeez - were you wrong. with the way he practically worshipped you, it had your heart thumping in unrhythmic bumps; not keeping a steady tune since your heart strings were being tugged on. in a good way. when eddie began dragging his teeth over your stomach, looking up to your as a smirk grew on his open lips, a gasping laugh left you and you instantly tried to curl up and away from him. It tickled and he fucking knew it, which is why he held your down; one hand firmly on your hip, pressing it into the old couch you laid across, while he other hand curled around the upper flesh of your thigh. he laughed along with you, not even taking a moment to stop at his affectionate attack.
the night carried on like that, all playfulness and laughter and eddie showing you he isn't afraid of breaking society's standards, once again. he loves you, deeply, and would give you the actual world if he could. of course, he didn't know by helping you face your insecurities instead of getting upset with you... that he already did give you the world.
hi, I did not proof read over this. I'm sorry if there are errors or that my brain got jumbled at one point and things don't make sense. um.. hopefully this is enjoyable anyways :''')
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beoneofus · 2 years
Paul's a bottom and likes to be called princess
oh, most definitely. blondie loves the pamper probing petnames, man; he practically softens to mush and whines when he's called that specifically.
“ you're my pretty boy.. ” upon lowering your lips to the back of his ear, chin hovered over his shoulder's slope from behind, pillowed lush just a lick away from touching the outer shell, a shiver would pull from him. brows dipping wantingly while pretty, pink lips part and corners pull downwards; a breathless noise leaving him.
you grin wickedly, arm sliding around his waist securely; nails digging just the slightest bit into the skin of his hip. “ - my good, pretty princess, aren't you baby? ”
and he's ducking his head, his chin pressing to the fabric of his thin short. a whine of need escapes him, hips rolling forward. the boy is a dice cube in the palm of your hand; you could play him any time you'd like.
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kicktwine · 1 year
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(i'm going to be the virus)
closeups :)
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xigbar: can i have this chip, child ive never met brain, literally two seconds away from dying: go. do a crime. kill
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ask--invaderzim · 4 months
this is an "ask invader zim characters" blog, send your questions!! ✨ (ask currently closed!)
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the almighty tallest (red, purple; miyuki during her reign)
professor membrane
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[ ask: charactername ] - posts about certain characters. for example answers from zim will have [ ask: zim] in it and posts with gaz will have [ ask: gaz ]!!
[ ooc: vani ] - these posts are not asks. block this tag if you don't wanna see anything except the answers!!
to be updated...... maybe............... XD
- no ship/romance asks please (the best i can give is qpr)
- no nsfw asks, the majority of the cast are minors !!
- run by @aroflowey ! (vanitas, he/they/wyr)
- might be ooc, please tell me if something seems too far from canon !!
- i don't have a dni, just don't be rude 💖
- will make a better tag system at some point
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legofemme · 5 months
I have a lot of Thoughts wrt terastalization in the pokemon world and people. Mostly headcanons for fun and not anything serious . Gonna put em under a readmore bc its Long and bc theres spoilers for the end of sv in here 👍
Firstly: Tera crystal radiation and Terastalization itself
I headcanon that terastalization is some sort of magic radiation thing . A pokemons tera type is innate but can be changed (albeit rarely, and it takes a lot) and the terastalization process forces that to the front, making the pokemon appear more like its tera type. So like. In the pokemon world, i dont think terastalization looks like that . No big stupid hat. I think the pokemon just takes on some of the physical attributes of another pokemon that has the tera type as their main typing. So, my lapras has her tera type as steel. If i were to terastalize her, shed take on steel type attributes, maybe bisharp for example. Her fins would turn metallic like blades and her horn would get sharper. The shimmering sparkling of a terastalized pokemon is just residual tera energy hanging in the air like radiation particles in photos. However, these minor transformations and type changes take a lot of energy from both the pokemon and the tera orb. Hence only being able to terastalize once per battle and once per charge. Though i will say that i think that pokemon who consistently terastalize- like gym leader aces- will start to have those tera transformations stay in their normal forms
Secondly: Humans are pokemon.
This is hotly debated in the fandom and also within canon?? But. Imo humans are pokemon. The same way were animals. So it means. Every human has an innate tera type. As well. The only reason people dont notice and dont know is because 1: terastalizing like we see it can typically only be done with pokemon in pokeballs 2: even pokemon that terastalize outside of this dont do it for long (the random tera encounters) because again, it takes a lot of energy, and we can assume that wild pokemon have a trigger for terastalization the same way caught pokemon do. And, like other pokemon, humans will experience physical changes upon terastalizing
Thirdly: Area Zero
Using the radiation comparison is great for Area Zero where the air is described as being "weird". And you can see why when you get to the caves at the bottom of the area and see the massive tera crystals growing there. I think that area zero is the one place (with a couple of exceptions that are vaguely dlc spoilers, which i wont get into here) where humans can get close to- and actually- terastalize. With changes becoming more intense the deeper into the area you go . THAT SAID i have . Examples ♥️
1: at the top of area zero, where most of the crystals are still far away, you only feel mild tingling the same way someone would around a normal terastalized pokemon
2: going down towards the bottom is where things get Weird. Your skin would start to feel 'sparkly' And your eye color would change to match your tera type. Not smthn super noticeable but its There
3: in the cave itself your eyes Really change color and base body functions and instincts will shift to align with your tera typing. So, youre a grass tera youll want to be in the sun. If youre an ice tera you get cold to the touch, etc etc
4: at the bottom of the cave is where things get really fucky, and depending on how long youre down there you can start to see physical changes like fur/grass/metal growth, face shifting, etc etc. if youre in a building- like the lab stations or the massive lab itself- theres protection against the changes. But youll definitely start to see them if youre out with the giant crystals completely in the open
And a helpful little image guide ♥️
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autistic-ranpo · 5 days
are u and ranpd dating
what are you a cop
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Asan you seem a bit stressed, take this *gives him choccy milk*
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Asan: "Thank you, the milk is good. This troublesome boyfriend however..."
Allen: :'(
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callilemon · 8 months
Sooooooo I've been following you for a while and was wondering if you could recommend any whump vnc fics with vanitas specifically??
Like hurt,sick anything like that bc I've looked everywhere, and there's barely anything cause like yes, vani is a doctor but he wouldn't use the same logic he does to cure somone else with himself (think overworking whump and Noé has to eventually take care of him) and like he's all stubborn and stuff hhhhhhhhh
Hi! Thanks for the ask! It makes me so happy to know you've been following for a while! 💙
You know, I actually don't know many fics that fit this certain citera, I know I've read some. However, I'm so bad at remembering fic names!! Anyways, I think you would really like this whump series!
@gracetoldmeto is a fantastic writer! They also have a VnC side blog @noes-pillow, if you don't already follow them!
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Also, doodle for you kind anon! ✨️
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animaxvi · 1 year
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*chaotic electric guitar riff* my punk Vani gremlin is finally done! Worked on this one for uh uh *counts fingers* um a while lol. 
I had some help from a few friends brainstorming this sketch idea and we came up with this. I drew a few thumbnail variations of the ideas and one of the favs was outfit 2 (which is my personal fav along with outfit 3 and 5 hehe). Overall I had a lot of fun drawing these out and it felt great to finally draw Vanitas again. 
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skxllz · 2 years
headcanon/fic idea thingy???? that Steve loves listening to madonna. and at scoops ahoy + family video, he would lip sync to "like a virgin" and then someone would walk in, and he'd be so surprised he'd fall over and then deny it later.
oh fuck me, that's perfect. he definitely listens to dance pop and sophisti pop; that man is a complete DWEEB.
he'd be casual with it at first. the song first coming on over the stores' speakers one day, and absentmindedly he begins bobbing his head since the tune is familiar. his mom would often play the album when she was home, when it first released, and not yet wine drunk, so that led to steve always listening in; later on in the following year of ‘85 it'd be one of his go-to's.
after he's reminded of it in the shop, a cassette would be stepped to his hip in continuing days. different songs from madonna, cher, a-ha and david bowie would be his regular tapes, but like a virgin would always be the main one to blare.
I can see it happening like this; robin is off that day due to some family business, not many customers are coming in so it's a slow day and keith was out on his dragging lunch break. so he took it upon himself to tale out the warn vinyl player in the back room, only to needle on the mentioned album.
while rearranging tapes on thw return cart, his hips would be swaying side to side. upper body slowly tuning in with the motion, only for his head to follow along. face scrunched up, as he silently yet passionately, belted the lyrics from freshly chapstick coated lips. he'd be so engrossed with the songs, that his favorite one distracts him from hearing the chime of the announcing bell from the door.
dramatically, his pocket comb now in hand, he'd be sliding along the carpeted floor behind the desk. harrington wouldn't even take notice of the familiar metalhead that has come to adore him, leaning against the glass with an expression of amusement, or the perm sporting female that looked rather bored. nancy was fhe slightest bit humored, but she wouldn't let that show.
by time steve turns around, the song was coming to a close, and eddie was clapping his hands sarcastically loud. “ bravo, steven! true audience ball buster, ‘ll tell ya’ that! ” shouldering off of the window, only to approach steve with a swishing walk; forcefully pushing his upper body to the counter, stomach pressing into the wood while joyous hues pierced into puppy dogs ones filled with embarrassment. “ if I knew you put on that kind ‘f show, I would've pressed for a free concert a while ago, sweetheart. ”
and steve is stuck opening and closing his mouth like a fish out of water. with rose dusting his cheeks’ apples and heat creeping up his nape; leaving him to be shocked in bewilderment... but always flattery. “ shut- ” he'd clear his throat, and narrow his eyes at eddie to seek like he wasn't faze at all. “ shut the hell up, munson. shouldn't you be looking for a job? ”
“ that's why we're here, actually. ” nancy strolls up to the counter, making eddie part from the front once she hips her way beside him. curly haired male giving the doe a dirty look, but her ignoring it as she palms down a white sheet of paper. “ the business owner of family video gave eddie permission to work here, as long as he behaves and persuades customers into buying more. ”
steve stares, dumb founded. faze swapping between the two. “ you're not pulling my leg? ”
“ unfortunately not, harrington. ” munson gives a tight-lipped, smile, tilting his head to the side; messy locks falling slowly. “ looks as if we're gonna’ be coworkers. ”
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beoneofus · 2 years
😙 soft bby <3
I'm- no. shut up, I'm not 😡 !!
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tuesdayinthedas · 1 month
1, 10, 15, 16 Question answer thingity bobbity
Ask meme
You picked some hard hitters!! Oof! I’ll try my best some of these answers maybe whishy washy lmao
1. What are three things that shaped you into who you are?
Not to be cliche (can you be with this?) but childhood trauma and neglect ™️ lmao. Its made me an independent and strong/stubborn person.
Animals. My connection to them and their unconditional love and understanding, as an autistic child I had very few friends but always managed to make meaningful connections with animals. They are the reason I do the work that I do today and I am forever grateful for that.
I think im still to early in my life to have a third thing?
But otherwise I dunno maybe going to Uni and upturning my life as a result. I moved to a new state away from everything I ever knew and experienced so many amazing things. It was simultaneously the best and worst period of my life haha. I would never change it for the world.
Or the rise of internet and fandom and learning about queerness and finally being able to put a name to all the things I had ever experienced (learning about other gender identities like nonbinary and gender queer was so liberating)
10. Would you say you are an emotional person?
Yes I am but it’s all over the place. I personally have a hard time processing my own emotions and experiencing them. I either just put up a wall, shutdown, go mute or I mostly project most emotions as anger as it comes as second nature.
However Im insanely empathetic and will easily project someone else’s emotions. This is why I think I like dark media, I’m really drawn to “dead dove”, hurt no comfort type movies and fiction, stuff that makes me hurt in my chest and cry cause it makes me feel something lmao.
15. What do you think of when you think the word home?
At this point in time? Its where ever my partner is, no one else knows me like he does. No one else provides me that comfort.
16. If you could change one thing about you what would it be?
Hmmmmmmm can I be naughty and say multiple lmao.
Ive always wanted a dick ngl haha. That or be better at talking to people. The autistic feeling of being unlikely and unable to connect with people and make friends its exhausting fr.
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margicristal13 · 2 months
Oye Margi, Puedes Hacer Candelabra con Vani? Y tambien sus papás?
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las niñas amantes del anime antiguo y epic amando a su mujer gigante
vani,candelabra and paraffin by @kai-drawnarts
epic by @yugogeer012
cross by @jakei95
goopy by @sunnycider
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autistic-ranpo · 2 months
JWIEBDIWHEKS Glad ur obviously very normal Abt Rae 🤭🤭 have u seen my other TCM oc :0 I don't have as much content for her.(Yet) Unfortunately.
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callilemon · 4 months
Angst with or without comfort take your pick
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I like both but let's be real, there's something about pure angst‼️
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koumeowkami · 2 months
notice that nyayuta looks much fluffier than kanyata and he also full of gyoza <3
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i think it's mostly cause his hair is fluffier compared to kanata's :0 kanata truly fits as a scrawny stray kitty <33
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