cutepresea · 5 months
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XDU's New Year art for 2017, 2018, 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023 (2019 just had campaign and event tweets, and they didn't do one for this year)
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What if Carlisle's chsrisma (asumin thst is his gift, following this blog lore) went overboard during Breaking dawn (once the Volturi show up), and everyone fell in love with him as they did with Bella in a previous glorious ask?
The blog lore Carlisle Cullen gift. The time the entire universe fell in love with Bella Swan.
You know the sequel's rarely as good as the original, yes?
Well, let's give it a go.
The Trial Gets Weird
Carlisle's very nervous, more nervous than he's ever been in his life. It very much appears that the Volturi have come to kill them, have now brought an army to take out not only his family but all of Carlisle's friends who are risking their lives to stand with them, with Alec and Jane's gift should they decide it... everyone will be certain to die and Bella will only be able to protect herself and maybe one other.
Bella hopes Renesmee will escape, but it's more likely that she and Jacob will be caught immediately, and they'll die horrifically.
If there's a time for Carlisle's gift to decide on a sudden sharingan style stress induced upgrade, it's now.
However, Carlisle doesn't know that.
What he does know is suddenly no one's talking.
They're all just standing there.
Caius looked like he was about to set Irina on fire, he's stopped somehow in the middle of that (oddly enough, Irina has stopped protesting as well, seeming to have forgotten she was two seconds from being burned alive).
Carlisle slowly realizes that everyone's looking at him.
It takes him a moment to realize it's because he's the Cullen patriarch, and that as he's responsible for the coven, they're probably expecting him to speak even though Edward's Renesmee's father.
"Well, as you can see, Renesmee is not an immortal child and we have dozens of witnesses who can attest to the lack of danger she presents."
They're all still staring.
Even Edward is staring at him dumbly.
(Carlisle wonders if he accidentally said something very stupid.)
He blathers, "Despite her remarkable growth, Renesmee consumes as much blood as the average vampire, and seems to be able to thrive on animal blood as well as the rest of us. She has never once drunk human blood and is incredibly controlled for even an average vampire, let alone an actual baby who is three months old."
Still nothing.
"So, we have not broken the law but simply discovered... a new... species..."
Carlisle trails off as he doesn't want to get into how, exactly, they managed that.
Everyone's still staring.
Eventually, Carlisle blurts, "Are we found innocent?"
That startles Aro (the quickest to get over this as he was already basically at the level of in love he was with Carlisle already, he just momentarily forgot/found it very difficult to kill him).
"Uh, I need more evidence," Aro says, and then notices the oddly betrayed looks that the entire crowd is giving him. The entire crowd including--are Marcus and Caius glaring at him?
Oh right, because Caius wants Aro to kill everybody, yes, that explains that, until Caius opens his mouth to order the entire Cullen back to Volterra under house arrest so they can watch the little monstrosity grow.
Aro is... very surprised.
It's what he was going to suggest. Well, not the entire family, that's ridiculous, but he'd take the baby at the very least and whoever else would come along so long as they didn't throw a fit.
That Caius is suggesting it is--
Oh, Caius is going to murder them all as soon as they get back, yes, of course, classic Caius.
(Still a bit odd for him, underhanded, when he could suggest they just kill everyone here which was what Aro had expected from him.)
"Yes, we should do that," Aro says lamely now that Caius has stolen his thunder.
Edward immediately protest, as does--everyone else. Including the Romanians. Now, what's odd isn't that they're protesting, but that they seem to be suggesting that Carlisle (and whoever else he wants, whatever) should come live with them.
Suddenly everyone's protesting the idea of the Cullens going to Volterra.
"I'm not saying they're guilty," Aro hedges, "Just that I want to--"
(Carlisle is getting increasingly embarrassed by this. He wishes everyone would stop, just stop.)
Aro's also very confused. Now, if he were in their position he'd say the exact same thing, but everybody can't be in love with Carlisle, that's just silly.
(Bella, likely immune, is also very confused and a little put out as this was supposed to be about Renesmee. She's trying to feel relieved that everyone, including the Volturi, has gotten waylaid by Carlisle.)
Aro meanwhile touches Marcus's hand and oh dear god, they actually are all in love with Carlisle, even Marcus is, what the fuck?
Bella, however, has decided she's actually angry about this. She spent all this time worrying and they don't even care about Renesmee. Instead Carlisle's just standing there, uselessly, and watching everyone bicker over who he should live with. In Aro's distraction, throws Carlisle under the bus.
"Well, if everyone wants Carlisle so badly, why doesn't he just go to Volterra."
(Edward is horribly betrayed by this idea and looks at his wife in disbelieving horror, as does everyone else who's in love with Carlisle.)
Bella thinks this is a great idea, though. Carlisle's an adult, grown, man, he'll be fine where Renesmee's just a baby. He can go to Volterra for a while, he lived there before and seemed to like it, and the rest of the Cullens can write him letters.
Just as long as Bella, Edward, and Renesmee are not in Volterra.
The trial quickly argues back into taking Carlisle and Renesmee (as just because they're in love with Carlisle does not mean anyone's actually forgotten about Renesmee) while Carlisle tries to come to terms with Bella trying to sell him out with 0 prompting.
This continues until Nahuel shows up at which point Aro with relief can say case closed. He wants to shuffle off screen but... no one else is leaving.
Everyone ends up crashing at the Cullens, waiting for Carlisle to move out with whoever.
So, coming to Ireland, Carlisle?
It's very awkward as the Volturi really aren't welcome but... they're not leaving...
(Carlisle suddenly wants to move out to the wilderness and never see anyone again.)
Eventually, the Cullens have to leave Forks as even with hunting on the sly, the sheer number of vampires is just too noticeable, and they move to the wilderness where the Cullens are miserable and Carlisle is pestered by absolutely everyone to come live with them and uh get off this weird diet.
(Beautifully, despite the gift upgrade, no one wants to do the diet.)
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dennou-translations · 2 years
Mekakucity Actors Audio Commentary #7
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Act 7 – Konoha no Sekai Jijou
Translation of the seventh audio commentary that comes with the DVD/Blu-ray of Mekakucity Actors. Raw version here. Please consider purchasing the original copies and feel free to message me about possible corrections. If there happens to be any issues with the link, please contact me on my main blog!
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Asumin: Hello to everyone listening to the audio commentary of “Mekakucity Actors Act 07 – Konoha no Sekai Jijou”! I’m the voice of Enomoto Takane. This time, I’ll be the host. My name is Asumi Kana. And...!
Suzuki: Eh, I’m the producer. Suzuki Kenta from Aniplex.
Ishikawa: Yes, and I’ll be the supervisor today. I’m Ishikawa from Aniplex. On this day, we hope to deliver Act 07, “Konoha no Sekai Jijou”. It’ll be a pleasure.
Asumin: I’ll be in your care~!
Suzuki: We’ll be in your care.
Asumin: What a rare combo.
Ishikawa: Sure is.
Suzuki: Yeah, right. It’s more than just “rare”. *laughs*
Ishikawa: No, no, no...
Asumin: *laughs*
Ishikawa: We’ve had this kind of episode before.
Suzuki: That’s right.
Asumin: Oh!
Ishikawa: Last time, for the sixth episode, we had Fujiwara Keiji-san together with us here.
Asumin: Ah! Eh? Keiji-kun?
Ishikawa: Ah, exactly, “Keiji-kun”.
Asumin: Eh~?
Ishikawa: Someone like me can’t call him “Keiji-kun”, though.
Asumin: *laughs*
Ishikawa: So, continuing from where we had stopped, we are once again doing it as a trio, this time with Asumi-san.
Asumin: Yes!
Suzuki: Yes.
Ishikawa: Last time, in Act 06, Fujiwara-san talked a little about you, Asumi-san.
Asumin: Yes.
Suzuki: Hmm.
Asumin: Hum, that’s right. We host your radio show and all.
Ishikawa: Thank you very much for it!
Suzuki: We owe you two a lot.
Asumin: So do we.
Ishikawa: You connect episodes six and seven very nicely.
Asumin: Yes!
Suzuki: Hm, indeed.
Ishikawa: Honestly!
Suzuki: Such a good progression.
Ishikawa: Exactly. A rather beautiful one.
Suzuki: If we’re to link the first and second halves of this series, as expected, it has to be from episode six.
Asumin: Yes!
Ishikawa: That’s right.
Suzuki: Kenjirou included.
Asumin: Right.
Suzuki: It’s a very crucial episode indeed.
Ishikawa: A bit of a flashback arc, so to say.
Asumin: Yup, yup.
Suzuki: Hmm.
Ishikawa: Let’s see... last time, Asumi-san participated in the first episode, Act 01.
Asumin: Yes! That’s right.
Ishikawa: You were here as the voice of Ene.
Asumin: Yeah, I went from Ene to Takane.
Ishikawa: Right.
Asumin: For this time, that is.
Ishikawa: Yep.
Asumin: In the first time, the worldbuilding was pretty different. Actually, rather than the worldbuilding...
Suzuki: Hmmm...
Ishikawa: Well, you were digital before.
Asumin: Yeah! *laughs*
Suzuki: Exactly.
Asumin: There were changes in these episodes.
Ishikawa: That’s right...
Asumin: Well, this is actually her original self.
Ishikawa: True! Hum, it’s like, her process of turning into Ene.
Asumin: Yep!
Suzuki: Hmm.
Ishikawa: That’s explained in episodes six and seven.
Suzuki: It’s all revealed;
Asumin: Yes... Eh, the fact that my character is above the one voiced by Nakahara Mai-san kinda makes me a little bit... excited. *laughs*
Suzuki: Aaaah...
Ishikawa: Right. But she’s somewhat of a senior.
Asumin: Yesss~!
Suzuki: Ah, in the Mekakushi-dan.
Asumin: Amongst them, she is.
Ishikawa: Yes.
Asumin: True...
Ishikawa: It’s surprising... hmm, “surprising” might not be the best way to put it, but...
Asumin: Emotionally speaking, well...
Ishikawa: No, no! Hum...
Suzuki/Asumin: *laugh*
Ishikawa: She has a surprisingly philosophical point of view.
Suzuki: Ayano is in a “big sister” kind of position.
Asumin: Yeah!
Suzuki: So she kinda seems like that. Older than she looks, I mean.
Ishikawa: Yup, yup, yup.
Suzuki: So there’s also that.
Asumin: Well, Ayano was doing her best in her own way being a big sister.
Suzuki: Yeeep. Indeed.
Asumin: It was cute of her.
Ishikawa: True. By the way, hum... when you came here last time, the recordings were not yet over.
Asumin: Yes! Aaah, were they? I see!
Suzuki: Aaah...
Ishikawa: If I’m not mistaken, I believe that’s when you participated in the commentary.
Asumin: Yes.
Ishikawa: It was just a week before the last episode aired, I guess.
Suzuki: Ooh...
Asumin: Ah!
Ishikawa: That’s about the time we did the first recording for these. But, well, it’s been a while since the recordings ended.
Asumin: Yes!
Ishikawa: Asking how it was would be too loose a question, but...
Asumin: Hmmm~! As expected, it felt rushed! *laughs*
Suzuki: Yup, yup, yup.
Ishikawa: Right...
Asumin: But in the last episode, when everyone, like... gathered up, finally all together, and faced the enemy, it was thrilling.
Ishikawa: It sure was. Hum, in the previous episode, Fujiwara-san also talked about this.
Asumin: I see!
Ishikawa: That the recordings of “Mekakucity Actors” are a bit unique.
Asumin: Yep!
Ishikawa: And depending on the episode, the people who participate in it change.
Asumin: Ah, true.
Ishikawa: The groups are scattered.
Asumin: Yup.
Ishikawa: We also asked him a bit about how the recordings felt like.
Asumin: Yes?
Ishikawa: As expected, Fujiwara-san was like, “The people who are there change all the time, so it was refreshing.”
Asumin: *laughs* Aah!
Suzuki: That’s right.
Ishikawa: His words.
Asumin: During the final parts, at long last, I met Togashi-san, Hibiya-kun’s voice, for the first time. We greeted each other like, “Nice to meet you~”. *giggles*
Suzuki: Aaah. Is that so?
Asumin: We didn’t see each other at all before then. Miraculously.
Suzuki: Indeed, there are characters who don’t ever meet.
Asumin: Exactly.
Ishikawa: That’s right.
Asumin: Yeah, yeah. Which is why I was happy that they gathered up.
Suzuki: Right.
Ishikawa: Hmm! They’ve been there since forever, but it feels like they aren’t present.
Asumin: Yep!
Suzuki: Hm, hm.
Ishikawa: It is what it is.
Asumin: The one that was there the longest was Ayano, I guess.
Ishikawa: Ah, perhaps.
Suzuki: She’s there for most episodes.
Asumin: Yep, yep!
Ishikawa: Well, if I’m not wrong, she’s the one who narrates the C parts.
Asumin: Yeah.
Ishikawa: Nakahara-san tells the story of the “picture book”.
Suzuki: Indeed.
Asumin: That’s right.
Ishikawa: So she had many appearances, in a way. But in contrast, Nakahara-san actually didn’t have many dialogues.
Asumin: Yes.
Ishikawa: Or exchanges with other characters.
Asumin: Aaah! True. It’s in this part that she finally...
Suzuki: Yup.
Ishikawa: Yes, that’s right.
Asumin: Well, this series was crafted in peculiar ways.
Suzuki: Exactly.
Ishikawa: It’s a multi-protagonist story.
Suzuki: Yeah. It’s a story based off songs, after all.
Asumin: Right! Each of them is a main character.
Ishikawa: Yes, yes, yes.
Suzuki: It’s not an omnibus where each episode corresponds to one song.
Asumin: Yep!
Suzuki: But if you piece them all together, you have a linear story of twelve episodes.
Asumin: Yes.
Ishikawa: As expected, this was mentioned ever since the phases where we were holding meetings for the screenplay.
Suzuki: That’s right. Most likely, in Jin-san’s head, Kagerou Project itself is a story composed of each and every song involved.
Ishikawa: Precisely.
Suzuki: And as one would expect, that’s the foundation of it.
Ishikawa: Yes, yes, yes.
Suzuki: The novels were probably where he dug deeper into that.
Asumin: Hm, hm.
Ishikawa: Right.
Suzuki: And the manga was where he made it easier to understand by transforming it into art. So when the time to ask, “Then what form shall it take in the anime?” came around, this is how he structured it.
Ishikawa: Hm, hm, hm.
Asumin: Yep.
Suzuki: Therefore, he might have had this planned from the very beginning.
Ishikawa: That’s right. As you watch it, you have little discoveries, like “this one episode connects with that other episode”.
Asumin: Yep, yep!
Suzuki: Indeed.
Ishikawa: It does happen.
Asumin: Really makes me want to watch all the episodes over again.
Ishikawa: Yeah, yeah.
Suzuki: True.
Asumin: Right?
Ishikawa: Indeed, as you say. In contraposition, the people who are listening to this are the ones who bought either the blu-rays or the DVDs
Suzuki: Yeah.
Ishikawa: So maybe they would also want to watch everything over again.
Suzuki: Indeed.
Ishikawa: If they do that, they’ll discover all sorts of things.
Suzuki: Right.
Asumin: True. Each of the mediums is different. Same for the manga and the novels.
Ishikawa: Yes, yes, yes. Let’s see... I don’t know whether this term is right or not, but they’re like “routes”.
Asumin: Hmmm!
Suzuki: Yep, yep, yep.
Asumin: The anime is the anime.
Ishikawa: Yeah. There’s this kind of magic to it. So we hope that the people who have only watched the anime will read the novels and comics.
Asumin: Right!
Suzuki: Right.
Asumin: They’ll be able to see the many differences.
Ishikawa: And of course, that they acquire and listen to the original songs and Jin-san’s albums, so that they may be even more deeply involved with this work.
Suzuki: Indeed.
Ishikawa: And so, Takane collapses.
Asumin: Hmm!
Ishikawa: Before that, Kenjirou stands up.
Suzuki: Yeah...
Asumin: Right~? The world was so peaceful till just a moment ago, and yet...
Ishikawa: The worldview inverted.
Asumin: It’s such a plot twist.
Ishikawa: And I think this is the key point for Takane to become Ene.
Asumin: Yeeep!
Suzuki: Hmm.
Asumin: Right. This is where Ene is born.
Ishikawa: That’s right.
Asumin: Ah, but character-wise, even after becoming “Ene”, Takane’s spirit stays intact.
Suzuki: Yup.
Ishikawa: Yes, yes, yes, yes.
Asumin: It doesn’t change.
Ishikawa: Exactly.
Asumin: It’s just her attitude that changed a bit. *giggles*
Suzuki: *laughs*
Ishikawa: Oh, yeah. Asumi-san, when you’re performing Takane and Ene – well, they’re the same character but with different personalities, so to say.
Asumin: That’s right.
Ishikawa: So was there any difficulty or any point that you had to be careful of when performing them?
Asumin: Hmm... How should I put it? When it comes to thought process, I thought I should remain as Takane.
Ishikawa: Yes, yes, yes, yes.
Asumin: And when Takane is suddenly at maximum tension, she’s Ene, I believe.
Suzuki: Hmmm.
Ishikawa: I see.
Asumin: And what else? Well, let’s see... As expected, I think her voice ought to sound like a mascot character. *laughs*
Suzuki: Aaah...
Ishikawa: *laughs*
Asumin: That’s what she’s like.
Ishikawa: Gotta be charismatic Ene, right?
Asumin: That’s right. That’s what I kept in mind.
Ishikawa: But indeed, Ene-chan is kinda... within this series, she’s an extremely catchy character.
Asumin: *laughs*
Ishikawa: Her tone is advertisement-like.
Asumin: *laughs harder*
Ishikawa: I don’t know if that’s how I should put it, but...
Suzuki: Hmmm...
Asumin: She’s loud, after all! *laughs*
Ishikawa: No, no, no! Not at all.
Suzuki: *laughs*
Asumin: It’s easy for everyone to spot her.
Ishikawa: She’s lovely. Very lovely.
Asumin: They made her movements really cute, which made me happy.
Ishikawa: Ah, this way of portraying her is excellent.
Suzuki: Right? Pretty good.
Asumin: Yeah~!
Ishikawa: And I think this was mentioned in the first commentary, but the monitor in Shintarou’s room is gigantic.
Asumin: *laughs* It is! Amazingly so.
Suzuki: Yup, yup, yup.
Ishikawa: But we were told that, thanks to this, Ene is able to move around with a sense of liveliness to her.
Asumin: Yeah.
Ishikawa: So, as expected... how can I put it? Be it inside a phone or a computer, being able to display her in this way or another in the anime enables us to explore the nature of “Ene” as a character even further.
Asumin: Right~? It feels like you can only do that in the anime.
Suzuki: Indeed.
Ishikawa: True. She’s a very catchy character.
Asumin: Yep, she is.
Ishikawa: And thanks to Ene being a catchy character, she’s in charge of many things, such as the narration of the anime’s CMs.
Asumin: Ah, yes! I did a lot of stuff.
Ishikawa: And also the concert at Shibuya Public Hall held on August 14th and 15th.
Asumin: Yes!
Suzuki: Hmmm.
Asumin: Right, right.
Ishikawa: Well, it was an event called “Make a Mekakucity”, where Jin-san was the focus – I mean, Jin-san and Mekakushi-dan.
Asumin: Yes!
Suzuki: Yup.
Ishikawa: And Ene-chan had a big part in it.
Suzuki: A big part!
Asumin: Yeaaah! I was surprised, like, “So that’s how it turned out”! Ah, I went to watch it, by the way.
Ishikawa: Thank you very much.
Asumin: No, no, no! Hum, how can I put it? I couldn’t see the whole thing.
Suzuki: Yes.
Ishikawa: That’s right.
Asumin: So I had to *laughs* ask lots of questions in order to do the narration. Therefore, I was looking forward to how it’d be pieced together for the event.
Ishikawa: Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.
Asumin: Ene... was singing and dancing, huh?
Ishikawa: She was.
Suzuki: Exactly.
Asumin: *laughs* Yeah!
Suzuki: She got to do whatever she wanted.
Ishikawa: Whatever she wanted!
Asumin: On top of that, the concert was supposed to look like the Mekakushi-dan set it up.
Suzuki: Yup.
Ishikawa: “Produced by”...
Suzuki/Ishikawa: ...“Mekakushi-dan”.
Asumin: Right?! *laughs* It was super fun. Never have I ever gotten to watch an event of an anime that I take part in as a main character from a completely impartial perspective like this one.
Suzuki: But of course!
Asumin: Yeah!
Ishikawa: You’d usually be on-stage rather than among the audience.
Suzuki: Indeed, indeed.
Asumin: Being there not as a participant was very new and fun to me.
Suzuki: Aaah, I see.
Ishikawa: Figures.
Asumin: I was able to see a series that I’m part of from the guest seats, like, “Ah! So this is how everyone enjoys anime events!”
Suzuki: Hearing you say that makes me happy.
Ishikawa: Attending an event must be such a rare opportunity.
Asumin: Yes, yes! It was incredible. The guests seemed to be having so much fun. And, as expected, there was a lot of young people!
Suzuki: Yeah, really.
Asumin: *laughs*
Ishikawa: That’s right.
Asumin: Must have been middle school students.
Suzuki: Feels fresh, doesn’t it?
Asumin: Yep, yep! It felt fresh and... what else? The music!
Suzuki: Hmmm.
Asumin: Like, this was a chance for me to listen to the songs once again after all of the anime ended.
Ishikawa: Yes.
Asumin: It made me so very happy.
Ishikawa: I see. Well, I myself was allowed to see a lot of things at the concert’s venue.
Asumin: Yes.
Ishikawa: When I saw the reactions of the guests, as expected, it seemed like something a little different from the usual anime events.
Asumin: Yep!
Suzuki: Indeed.
Ishikawa: Even so, I was most certainly able to feel the enthusiasm of “Mekakucity Actors” very keenly there.
Suzuki: Yup, yup, yup.
Asumin: Trueee...
Ishikawa: Even though there are so many songs, each of them has a different point to enjoy.
Asumin: Yep!
Suzuki: Indeed.
Ishikawa: So I think it was a very valuable event.
Asumin: It was fun.
Ishikawa: For the producers, I guess there was a lot to do other than just making the live concert happen.
Suzuki: Yes, yes, yes.
Ishikawa: So looking at it from the producers’ position, I believe this was a remarkable occasion.
Suzuki: “Remarkable occasion”... But this series—well, it might not just be this one series. We produce all sorts of events, not only for this title, and Asumi-san participates in some of them.
Asumin: Yes, yes.
Ishikawa: I see.
Suzuki: But people are already into the series in the first place. Through it, they fall in love with the characters, and then eventually fall in love with the voice actors playing them. That’s how the flow goes.
Asumin: Yeah.
Suzuki: So when there comes the time to hold an event, we always have the actors and cast participate.
Ishikawa: Yes, yes, that’s right.
Suzuki: And while there are people who like the actors themselves, there are also those who project the characters onto the actors. I think that’s also one way to enjoy yourself.
Asumin: Yup.
Suzuki: But this series wanted to lean more towards the characters themselves.
Ishikawa: Yes, yes.
Asumin: Yeah.
Suzuki: How can I put it? This might be a bit weird to say, but it truly feels like they’re in the real world.
Ishikawa: Yes, yes.
Suzuki: Like the Mekakushi-dan exists and they made this concert.
Ishikawa: True, the guests themselves can feel it in their own skin, so to say.
Suzuki: Exactly. It’s like Jin-san and the Mekakushi-dan are standing there, side by side.
Ishikawa: Yes, yes, yes.
Suzuki: And that’s kind of like a virtual reality.
Asumin: Yes.
Ishikawa: Right.
Suzuki: Like, “Wouldn’t it be fun if we could enact something like that?”
Ishikawa: Yup, yup.
Suzuki: That’s what Jin-san wondered at the beginning, when we were asking ourselves what to do for that event.
Asumin: Haaah...
Suzuki: This is the idea that Jin-san came up with.
Ishikawa: Yes, yes.
Asumin: Eeeh~?
Suzuki: I was thinking about that sort of thing too, so I thought it was extremely interesting.
Asumin: Yep!
Suzuki: Hum, normal, we’d have Asumi-san participate in the event.
Ishikawa: Yes.
Asumin: Oooh...
Suzuki: Like, I think it’s totally possible that there’d be a part where she’d go, “I’m Asumi Kana, the voice of Ene!”
Ishikawa: It wouldn’t necessarily be a talk corner but you’d come up.
Asumin: If it’s something like that, we already have it in the usual scheme of things, right?
Suzuki: That’s right.
Ishikawa: Yes. We have the major and the normal stuff.
Suzuki: Yep, yep.
Asumin: But I do want to have more like these! *laughs*
Suzuki: Ah, really? Eeeh~!
Ishikawa: I see.
Asumin: Events that feature titles and their characters.
Suzuki: I think that’s quite a... difficult thing to do.
Asumin: Aaah...
Suzuki: It’s hard to make an event like that.
Ishikawa: Right.
Suzuki: This time, we had music involved.
Asumin: Yes!
Ishikawa: Exactly.
Suzuki: So we were able to do it through making music the focus and inserting all sorts of aspects of the anime into it.
Ishikawa: Yeah.
Asumin: Yup, yup.
Suzuki: But there are series that aren’t like this.
Ishikawa: Right.
Asumin: That’s right...
Suzuki: So, as expected, I believe it’s definitely better to have the cast participate in those cases.
Ishikawa: Yeah.
Asumin: Hm-hm!
Suzuki: This time was a challenge, so to say.
Ishikawa: That’s right.
Suzuki: Thus, it turned out like this, but...
Ishikawa: So Jin was giving ideas already in the earliest meetings?
Suzuki: Precisely! It began from the basis that the Mekakushi-dan would be making the event, and from there, we’d go into the really minute details.
Ishikawa: I see.
Suzuki: Before reaching the peak, there were actually lots of setups.
Ishikawa: There were, yes.
Asumin: Yes! *giggles*
Suzuki: It’s as if the characters themselves were making preparations behind the scenes.
Ishikawa: Yes, that’s right.
Suzuki: And in the midst of that, since it’s the Mekakushi-dan, they make a few mistakes, as one would expect, so there’s sounds Mary dropping stuff, like, “BAM!”
Ishikawa: Yes, yes, yes. There were.
Asumin: *giggles*
Suzuki: Things like that.
Ishikawa: And there were big animals too.
Asumin: *laughs*
Suzuki: Ah, something like that! Yeah, yeah, yeah. Seto-kun brings them over.
Ishikawa: Seto-kun...
Asumin: Yes!
Suzuki: These kinds of little jokes came from Jin-san.
Ishikawa: Yes, yes, yes.
Asumin: Yeeeaaah...
Suzuki: And as expected, for Jin-san, participating in the event mostly as one of the players must have been...
Asumin: He was so cool!
Suzuki: Yuuup, he was, wasn’t he?
Ishikawa: He sure was.
Asumin: It was my first time seeing it!
Ishikawa: His performance?
Asumin: Yes!
Suzuki: I see. I believe he hasn’t done that many live concerts.
Ishikawa: Yes, yes, yes.
Asumin: Aaah...!
Suzuki: So it’s also because of that.
Asumin: It was awesome. The people in the seats were calling to him in the same way they’d call to an idol, like, “Jin-saaan!” *laughs*
Suzuki: That’s right.
Ishikawa: “Jin-saaan!”
Asumin: Yeah! They also said, “Jin-san, you’re so cute!”
Suzuki/Asumin: *laugh*
Asumin: Many were saying he was cool, too, of course!
Suzuki: *laughs*
Asumin: But yeah, I thought, “They sure love him...”
Suzuki: Amazing. It was wonderful, wasn’t it?
Asumin: Maaan...
Suzuki: Those days. Everyone who went on-stage, too.
Ishikawa: That’s right. Those two days were incredible.
Asumin: They were! I ended up crying during Ayano’s song.
Suzuki: Oooh...
Ishikawa: The one sung by Okui-san?
Asumin: Yeeeah!
Suzuki: Okui Aki-san, right?
Ishikawa: Yes.
Asumin: I’m weak to that song. *laughs*
Ishikawa: “Ayano no Koufuku Riron” was amazing, wasn’t it?
Asumin: Right?!
Ishikawa: It enveloped the venue in a warm atmosphere.
Suzuki: Indeed.
Asumin: But there were other cast members attending, so all the while, we were thinking things like, “I don’t wanna get busted!” *laughs*
Suzuki/Ishikawa: *laugh*
Asumin: “I don’t wanna ruin this!”
Suzuki: Is that so?
Asumin: But, wow, it was such a fascinating event.
Ishikawa: That’s right. And watching it was amazing.
Asumin: Yeah...
Ishikawa: And you had to read a narration as Ene from before the show started.
Suzuki: Yup.
Asumin: Yes! Exactly.
Suzuki: Ene quite literally had a big role in this one.
Asumin: Yes.
Suzuki: She was something like an MC.
Ishikawa: Right.
Asumin: Yeah.
Suzuki: In a way, everyone had commonplace roles. But Ene had to talk a lot.
Asumin: Yes, I sure did.
Ishikawa: Ene-chan also sang a song at the event.
Suzuki: *laughs*
Asumin: She was super cute back there!
Ishikawa: She was.
Asumin: Right~?
Ishikawa: Dancing so flashily, too.
Asumin: But really, we could only make this kind of stage happen because it’s the Mekakushi-dan.
Suzuki: True.
Ishikawa: That’s right.
Suzuki: By all means, I want to try and do this again if there’s ever another chance.
Asumin: Yep, yep!
Ishikawa: Indeed.
Suzuki: One more time, but in a different way.
Ishikawa: Well, the anime has finished broadcasting.
Suzuki: Yup.
Ishikawa: Then we had this two-day live concert.
Asumin: Yep!
Ishikawa: And there have been several events for Mekakucity Actors.
Asumin: Yes, yes.
Ishikawa: And Asumi-san had many opportunities to participate in them as Ene.
Asumin: Yes!
Ishikawa: Amidst all of that, was there any memorable occasion for you while working with “Mekakucity Actors”? Well, I do think the last event left a deep impression on you, since it’s the most recent one of these.
Asumin: That’s right~!
Ishikawa: But is there anything else? There were all sorts of events, such as the one in Sapporo.
Suzuki: Huuum... I see. The one held at Sapporo Station, right?
Ishikawa: Yes, the one at Sapporo Station.
Asumin: Aaah, that’s right! Ene was there!
Ishikawa: She was a government officer at the building for a day.
Asumin: She was!
Suzuki: She was taking care of the building.
Asumin: Yes, I did that. And, oh, yeah! I also went to Taiwan.
Suzuki: Right, Asumi-san went to Taiwan.
Ishikawa: Thank you so much for that!
Asumin: The Mekakushi-dan traveled there.
Suzuki: Unbelievable. “Mekakucity Actors” is extremely famous even in Taiwan!
Asumin: That’s right!
Ishikawa: True!
Asumin: The first thing that shocked me is that everyone is really paying attention to this series!
Ishikawa: *laughs* Yes, yes.
Suzuki: Yeah, and you too, Asumi-san, are very popular there.
Ishikawa: Ah!
Suzuki: Yeah.
Ishikawa: Thank you so much.
Asumin: Man, I didn’t think they’d gather around me!
Suzuki: That sure was impressive.
Asumin: I was thinking I’d be glad if at least ten or so people came up to me, and yet...! *laughs*
Suzuki: And yet, as expected...! *laughs*
Ishikawa: As expected, everyone came up to you.
Asumin: Yeah, yeah! At first, I was surprised. I was asking the guests, “You know me??” *laughs*
Ishikawa: Eeeeh??
Suzuki: I bet you would.
Ishikawa: Indeed, indeed.
Suzuki: But on that day, there was a mini-event where people could have an autograph from Asumi-san if they bought any merchandize.
Ishikawa: Heeeh~?
Suzuki: Also, there was a talk show and live dubbing.
Ishikawa: That’s amazing!
Asumin: It sure was.
Suzuki: There was a limit of 125 goods, and apparently, they were gone in 5 minutes.
Ishikawa: Eeeh?!
Asumin: Yeeeaaah...
Suzuki: It seems a lot of people couldn’t buy anything.
Asumin: That’s right. To think this series is loved beyond the seas...
Ishikawa: Yeah!
Suzuki: Makes you so happy, huh?
Ishikawa: That’s right.
Asumin: I didn’t know it personally, so when I went abroad...
Ishikawa: Right, you have to go there yourself.
Asumin: Exactly!
Suzuki: Yup, yup, yup.
Asumin: When I saw it right before my eyes, it was such an enormous thing.
Ishikawa: Taiwan is pretty good, isn’t it?
Asumin: Yep, yep, yep!
Suzuki: It’s the same as the Japanese fans, really.
Ishikawa: Yes, yes, yes.
Asumin: Yeah!
Susuki: It really is, isn’t it?
Asumin: Their feelings of loving anime and loving fictional characters are truly the same as ours.
Suzuki: Seriously.
Ishikawa: It feels like looking at a mirror, doesn’t it?
Asumin: Yeaaah!
Suzuki: For real, for real.
Asumin: It’s so amazing that people from so many countries have one thing in common that they like, isn’t it?
Suzuki: It is.
Ishikawa: Sure is.
Asumin: This could lead to world peace! *laughs*
Suzuki: It really could.
Ishikawa: Indeed.
Asumin: Boy, I was really happy. Everyone was so good at Japanese.
Suzuki: Ah, they certainly were.
Ishikawa: That’s right.
Suzuki: Lots of people came up to talk to Asumi-san.
Ishikawa: They sure wanted to have a chat with her.
Asumin: They talked to me in Japanese!
Ishikawa: Eeeh~?
Asumin: That’s right. So many of them said they studied Japanese because they like anime and video games.
Suzuki: Yup.
Ishikawa: That’s something to be grateful for. They love even the casts that take part in the series.
Asumin: Yeah...
Suzuki: There were also people who aspired to become voice actors in Japan, right?
Asumin: Right, right! There were! They told me they liked anime so much that they wanted to be seiyuu! *laughs*
Suzuki: Whoa...
Ishikawa: Amazing...!
Asumin: That was so powerful...
Ishikawa: Just breaking the language barrier is already so hard, and yet, they want to become... professionals in that area. I have no idea if that’s the right word for this.
Asumin: It is. And the passion of those people was really so...
Ishikawa: Isn’t it pretty difficult to do the correct intonations, for example?
Asumin: Yep!
Suzuki: I mean, talking and dubbing are two different things. You have to go beyond.
Ishikawa: There’s all sorts of difficulties to it.
Suzuki: And yet, there are people aiming for that.
Asumin: Riiight~? But y’know, when I felt their passion, I thought they could totally make it!
Suzuki: Yeah, for real.
Ishikawa: Seriously.
Suzuki: They’re really passionate.
Asumin: It truly made me happy.
Ishikawa: It’s wonderful how much people love this series.
Asumin: Yeees...
Ishikawa: It’s all because it’s “Mekakucity Actors”.
Suzuki: Really.
Asumin: That’s what makes me happiest. Isn’t that right~?
Ishikawa: Yeah. And while we were talking about that, we’ve arrived to the ending theme of episode 7.
Asumin: Yes!! *laughs*
Ishikawa: Now that we’re at the ending, episode 7’s commentary was the most... how should I put it?
Asumin: Yes?
Ishikawa: Should I say it was the most down-to-earth one until now?
Suzuki: Yup, yup, yup.
Ishikawa: The others were serious as well, but this was the one where we dug the deepest into all sorts of topics.
Suzuki: Ah, really?
Asumin: Aaah...!
Suzuki: Ah, I’m glad!
Asumin: Ah, out of all the audio commentaries?!
Suzuki: It’s all because Asumi-san came over!
Asumin: Eeeeeh?? Seriously?! *laughs*
Ishikawa: I think the last commentary was pretty fun too, but...
Asumin/Suzuki: *laugh*
Asumin: “Fun”?!
Suzuki: Keiji-san was here.
Asumin: I’m super curious now!
Suzuki: He had a big part in that.
Asumin/Suzuki: *laugh*
Asumin: No, but I’m honestly happy that I was able to co-star at something with Keiji-kun!
Suzuki/Ishikawa: *laugh*
Suzuki: Yeah, and he talked about that!
Asumin: Save from when we’re doing our radio show.
Ishikawa: It seems he was nervous about being called “Keiji-kun” during the recordings.
Asumin: *laughs* Is that so?
Suzuki: Yeah, and he was jealous.
Ishikawa: He was jealous.
Asumin: I see~!
Ishikawa: He talked about all of that.
Asumin: Heeeh~! But man, there’s a lot of Takane’s growth being depicted here.
Ishikawa: Yeah, in this episode.
Asumin: Her weaknesses and whatnot.
Ishikawa: It’s the story of her realizing her feelings and what happens after that.
Asumin: That’s right.
Suzuki: Yeah.
Ishikawa: From here on, the plot goes back to the present and keeps on gathering strength.
Suzuki: Precisely.
Ishikawa: The next one is episode 8, as in “Act 08”, right?
Asumin: Yes.
Suzuki: Hm.
Ishikawa: We hope everyone will look forward to it.
Suzuki: Yuuup.
Asumin/Ishikawa: Yes.
Ishikawa: That being said, here’s the C part, or the picture book part.
Asumin: Yes!
Ishikawa: We gradually learn who the “monster” of this narration is.
Suzuki: Yup, yup, yup.
Ishikawa: This is a point where the story is well-outlined.
Suzuki: Hmm.
Ishikawa: So it’s going to set itself in motion once again, and while we’re like, “I wonder what’s gonna happen in episode 8”, did you like episode 7, Asumi-san?
Asumin: Yes! It really... Hum, we might have not talked much about the plot itself— *laughs*
Suzuki: *laughs*
Ishikawa: No, no! No problem, no problem!
Asumin: But the fact that everyone accepts it is everything. Really, many of the stories in “Mekakushi” are kind of frustrating, aren’t they?
Suzuki: Hmmm...
Ishikawa: That’s right...
Asumin: When everyone gathers up, something is born.
Ishikawa: Yeah. The previous live concert, too, was something they all did together.
Suzuki: Indeed.
Asumin: Yep!
Ishikawa: They joined hands and made it happen.
Asumin: This story will develop further, so by all means, keep enjoying it. We will be in your care.
Ishikawa: Yes! Thank you very much.
Asumin: Yes, thank you very much!
Ishikawa: Suzuki-san, please give a message too, if that is okay.
Suzuki: A message?!
Asumin: *laughs*
Suzuki: “Keep watching from this point on too!”
Asumin/Suzuki: *laugh*
Suzuki: “Buy the DVD!”
Ishikawa: That’s very producer-like. But to be honest, it makes us very happy that this series is making its rounds out there.
Asumin: Yeah! Very happy!
Suzuki: Right. Keep looking forward to the continuations.
Ishikawa: That’s right.
Asumin: Yep!
Suzuki: And when you finish, go back to the beginning.
Asumin: Yeeep!
Ishikawa: Yeah, watch it over and over again.
Suzuki: Exactly. That’s about it.
Ishikawa: We think the most important thing is that people enjoy this series.
Asumin: Hmm!
Suzuki: Yes!
Ishikawa: Eh, the seventh episode ends here.
Asumin: Yes!
Ishikawa: Thank you very much.
Suzuki/Asumin: Thank you very much!
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avautuuko · 11 months
yhdessä asumine ei sitte toiminukkaa ja voi olla ettei tuu mulle vielä pitkään aikaan toimimaankaan. nyt asustelen sitten taas yksinäni missä on kyllä totuttelemista, mutta onneksi päivät jollonka oon jääny vaan keskenäni lahnaamaa on toistaseksi ollu vähissä.
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akje-----2004 · 1 year
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ainosenshifansub · 3 years
Healin'Good♥Precure 42 VOstfr
Le Roi des Biogermes continue de se renforcer, Sukoyaka est en danger! Quant à Daruizen, mais que va-t-il lui arriver?!
Les ennemis diminuent mais se renforcent, la fin est proche... Que nous réserve la suite des évènements? Un seul moyen de le savoir...
Sans plus tarder, place à l’épisode!
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Petite pause thé bien méritée!
Lien DDL: Mega
Pour rejoindre le Serveur Discord de la Ai no Senshi: - Serveur Discord -
Envie de nouveaux projets et d’autres nouveautés?
N’hésitez-pas à faire un don, si vous pouvez ;p
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aid-lombard · 4 years
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Speaking of glomping Saint-Germain, (source)
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Senpaaaai. Can we have a translation of this short skit of Aikyan (twitter: /burannzeru/status/1009766774428954624) tearing Zuramaru's swimsuit? XD
I live by the motto “If you procrastinate long enough, there is a chance someone else may do it”. Very low success rate but it worked this time.
The whole segment was translated by @ernapowah. Thank you so much!
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digimondestined · 2 years
she was literally posting about people interacting with her post talkin bout if you dont like it then block the tag i cant with y'all fsdkjfhdskjfhsdk 'encouraging' by blazing a post is the bold move here, that was force not encouragement lets not get confused. that was not the serve you think it was. also tone indicators are useless. is /s serious or sarcastic? cute you have a tag for this nonsense tho.
look man, we clearly do not see eye to eye. agree to disagree?
pk if they're useless than i wont use them ig, ty for enlightening me ig
the tag is so that mutuals can block and not see these posts. u could just sux it up n admit u were rong 4 asumin but ig whatev
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zuluc · 3 years
I got Xiao on my first x10 pull and now I go around manifestin him on the next x10 pull for everyone who doesn't have him yet but wants him.
So far I've manifested 3 outta 3 so hey let's give it another try!
~Saturn Anon🪐(asumin it's not taken)
oo congrats! 🥳🥳 your manifesting is on point ☺️ and good luck again to anyone who is still pulling!
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Fairy Ranmaru 3 - 5 | TWEWY 3 - 5 | HGPC 6 - 12, 22 - 24 | Back Arrow 7
Adding the tag for Fairy Ranmaru, because that's the only anime I have really set for this season.
Fairy Ranmaru 3
· Update: For some reason, I didn’t quite realise he was speaking English the first time and then repeating himself in Japanese. It’s only a very short scene, which is probably how it happened.
· LOL, that one well-timed beam that only vaguely obscured Uruu’s butt…
· If I heard small Uruu right, he calls her okaasama and not okaasan.
· LOL, Asahi (morning) = Yuuhi (evening) beer.
· I wonder what’s up with Houjou? Is he gonna be evil, like (SPOILERS!) the manager in Mahou Shoujo Ore? Why doesn’t Houjou have wings, anyway? Update: Notice the main quintet get rid of the wings in some shots and then conjure them when necessary. It might just be Houjou hasn’t needed his wings yet…
· Hmm…I’ve been thinking about how Japanese HypMic fans buy lots of CDs and merch (crazy amounts, have you seen the shrines???) to do something similar, but their purpose isn’t really to keep their characters’ careers going in as much as it is to further a plotline…so is it really on the same level as this [buying all the photobooks for the sake of helping the relevant celebrity succeed]? I dunno, you decide.
· LOL, conveniently-placed light beams are really terrible this episode.
· …wow. That got…uh…suggestive (?) (I was really shocked when I saw that the first time. How did they manage to get away with that on late-night TV???)
· We went from Madoka Magica -> moe world -> ukiyoe world…what’s next?
· …uh…suggestive? (x2)
· They really like the pot theme, huh…?
· I dunno if that was meant to be poignant that Ranmaru said Uruu was crying on the inside, but…I laughed at it.
· Wait, so why was Nodoka’s mum unemployed? Was she moving for work? Update: Seems she quit her job because Nodoka was hospitalised.
· (no notes, sorry!)
· SKY appears to be “Sukoyaka”. Update: Yep, later you see Chiyu with the track outfit and it says SKYK.
· (no notes, sorry!)
· (no notes, sorry!)
Back Arrow 7
· This general with the big beard kinda looks like Archie (from Pokemon).
· Hmm…I think I like Prax already, with the sole exception her Briheight looks rather similar to a palette-swapped Muga.
· This song must mean so much more to people who’ve played the game…(The OP, I mean.)
· Shoumetsu…it means “erasure”, technically. Will wait and see if it means more in context.
· Subaru using his normal voice as Beat. I think Ichiro is also his normal voice, or slightly gruffer and/or lower.
· Tower Records, as anime fans know, is an anime/music store. They’re well known for their “no anime, no life” stuff (exhibit A: the HypMic Rhyme Anima version).
· Ooh, Shibuya Marui. Reminds me of the one I saw in Akihabara.
· One of the signs in the back says “Shibuya First Bank”.
· “…1 Days” (sic).
· Why do I seem to recall Neku can only use one of his badge powers as a time…? Where did I learn that from?...I don’t know.
· The final boss defeated in episode 3. There is surely more around the corner…
· Ohhhhhhhh! That’s a big twist!
· Parco = this department store chain. Known mostly for P’PARCO shopping centres.
· *opens calculator on computer* The square root of 10814 is 104…Shibuya 104. Update: It’s 109 in real life, but 104 here.
· Are those…crabs? *Crab Rave plays in background*
· The Reapers at the top have cardinal directions in their surnames, but Uzuki doesn’t. That’s because her first name means the 4th month of the calendar. Update: Kariya has the character for “hunter” in his surname, too.
· LOL, Yoshidaya (in the back, a parody of Yoshinoya).
· I wonder, why is Joshua’s power so similar to Neku’s fire pin…?
· Rhyme has “dream” as one of the kanji in her name.
· Kangaroo Noise…(*thinks about HypMic ARB* Not more kangaroos…) (<- kidding)
· Oh no! I read spoilers before this so I knew Beat was going to become a Reaper, but…oh nooooooooo!
· Exploding dandelion seeds…now that’s novel!
· Ah, so here’s Batetemoda’s intro…(he’s such a chuuni…)
· Skipped a bunch of episodes because I saw them already.
· The decision to write “Asumin” without the U is a bit weird, I think, but still a valid one.
· (no notes, sorry!)
· (no notes, sorry!)
Fairy Ranmaru 4
· LOL, he (Juka) tossed poor Bakkun…
· LOL, censorship bottles.
· Brass ring. I’d never heard of the term before and I’m an English (kinda-)native speaker. (Technically Cantonese is my first language, but English is my best.)
· Did you see Uruu’s rubber duck?
· Bakkun’s a couch now! Cute!
· …so basically, Juka is a healer. Got it.
· Note how the F is green now…
· I always look away at the kiss scenes. They’re a bit of a waste of time, methinks.
· LOL, the randomly-placed effects and beams over Juka’s bits.
· Oh, Sunflowers. That would explain why Starry Night is Juka’s painting in the OP, like Uruu’s is the Great Wave.
· …and here’s Starry Night now, right on cue.
· JKRM???? (Shouldn’t that be L…?)
· The A in “CAT” looked slightly like it had cat ears.
· Wait, if this was with flip phones back in the day, did they still have apps then…? Or was it programs?
· Ooh, orange badge.
· ”Fresh Humburger”, LOL.
Fairy Ranmaru 5
· Note the opening segment has a plain chatreuse background for Ranmaru (aside from a scratched effect, like someone’s rubbed a pencil lead over it), fireworks for Homura, the Wave for Uruu, Starry Night for Juka and…I don’t know what Takara’s is, but it’s bright yellow and has spots on the edges.
· LOL, Bakkun’s use of sauces. If they only eat curry, why do they have tomato sauce and mustard, anyway…?
· I don’t think I ever properly understood what “out to lunch” meant…”temporarily not in command of one's mental faculties.” There you go!
· The sign’s F is gold this time…
· Yeah, around when she said “you bought all my vegetables”, I noticed the boxes said “carrots”, “potatoes” and so on. I didn’t even know “carrot” had kanji until yesterday, believe it or not (and I learnt that from a HypMic fan comic…*sweatdrops* Samatoki hates carrots).
· I dunno why, but men in anime sure seem to be proud of eating meat…
· LOL, weirdly-placed light beams over Takara’s butt. (I don’t know whether to call the staff “cowards” for refusing to showing the full butt or not.)
· Even the money has pots on it! I love how this anime keeps on going with that joke…(lel?)
· As it turns out, fuhen means “unchanging”. Yaochou likewise means “fixed game”, but it’s a pun on the word for “grocer” (八百屋, readyaoya and sharing the first two kanji, hence the English translation of “Fixed Grocer”).
· Oh! I had to think about it a little, but Ruise = Seiru (sale) backwards. (Update: Sort of, there's a line in the middle that has to be covered for with the I.) “Oshida”, I think, is meant to mean “authority”, so to put that with Fuhen would mean something like “eternal authority [over Ruise and her dad, due to their debt]”. Update: You know when the bull gets pushed out of the ring? That’s called oshidashi.
· Hmm? That star badge Takara wears in human form seems to be that yellow thing on his shoulder in fairy form.
· Hmm…come to think of it, “bull” was the name of a type of stock market speculator…What a pun!
· Why does Takara keep licking his lips???
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yellowhearther0 · 4 years
How's your favorite out of the sleepy bois inc?
Asumin u mean ‘who’- Wilbur is asdfghgfdsa
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dennou-translations · 3 years
Mekakucity Actors Audio Commentary #1
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Act 1 – Jinzou Enemy
Translation of the audio commentary that comes with the DVD/Blu-ray of Mekakucity Actors, episode 1. You can listen to the raw version here. Please consider purchasing the original copies and feel free to message me about possible corrections. If there happens to be any issues with the link, please contact me on my main blog!
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[Episode 1 starts playing in the background]
Jin: Mekakucity Actors, Act 1. To everyone listening to this audio commentary, hello! I’m the creator and screenplay writer, Jin.
Asumin: *giggles*
Jin: Uh?
Asumin: Hello! I’m Asumi Kana, the voice of Ene!
Jin: *giggles*
Suzuki: Eeeh, and I’m the one who’s going to supervise the course of this commentary. I’m from Aniplex Ltd. Eh, my name is Suzuki Kenta. It’s a pleasure.
Jin: *chuckles* It’s a pleasure.
Asumin: It’s a pleasure! *laughs*
Suzuki: Now, this means a salary-man is going to be adding comments along the process—
Asumin: What a joke! Aaah!
Jin: *laughs*
Asumin: *giggling* What kind of commentary is this? It’s giving me chills!
Suzuki: —so it’s going to be a commentary that represents all of Japan.
Asumin: Yes!
Suzuki: Let’s see, this thing that’s showing on the venue’s screen, this *laughs* shaky thing. What do you call it? This indescribable—
Asumin: What would it be? It’s kinda—
Jin: What’s most amazing is that each of us is holding a single sheet of paper with not much written on it.
Asumin: There is stuff written on them!
All: *burst into laughter*
Asumin: We just can’t see anything!
Suzuki: Yes, our agenda is written on it!
Asumin: Hahaha!
Jin: All this cross-talking keeps going over the main story!
Suzuki: Oh, we’re talking over each other...
Asumin: That’s true...
Suzuki: Now, it’s begun. Jinzou Enemy, the first episode.
Asumin: First episode!
Jin: Episode 1, Jinzou Enemy.
Suzuki: The outset is this... mysterious place.
Asumin: Yep.
Jin: That’s right.
Suzuki: This is where it starts.
Jin: It’s where we throw in Shintarou-kun’s story.
Suzuki: Well, Jin-san, how do I put it?
Jin: Yes?
Suzuki: You’ve made a lot of things for your Kagerou Project.
Jin: Yes!
Suzuki: And this is the anime series, Mekakucity Actors.
Jin: Yes. Yes!
Suzuki: In which it was adapted into animation.
Asumin: Yeeep.
Jin: Yes!!
Suzuki: How is it, seeing this sudden start?
Jin: Well, a-at the beginning, hum... when I saw it for the first time, it was from this point, and I was like, “Whoooaa, it really became an anime!”
Asumin: *giggles*
Suzuki: Hmmm.
Jin: I felt this very keenly. And I was really jumping at shadows.
Suzuki: *laughs*
Asumin: Aaah...
Suzuki: So you were like, “To think this is really happening”?
Jin: I still don’t get what’s going on!
Suzuki: You still can’t believe it?
Jin: I can’t!
Asumin: When it comes to this kind of thing, we don’t believe it till we’ve seen it ourselves, right?
Jin: True. It’s really just like that.
Suzuki: It’s like, what if someone shows up with a “gotcha” banner or something?
Asumin: *laughs*
Jin: I was all the while wondering if someone wouldn’t just do that! After going through all of this, no less!
Suzuki: Indeed! That would’ve been one hell of a prank!
Jin: I’d be like, “Let’s do this, then!”
Suzuki: That’d be an amazing act to put up, wouldn’t it? For sure.
Jin: Or else everything would go to waste.
Suzuki: We could have Asumi-san participate too!
Asumin: *laughs* I’d just pop up out of nowhere.
Jin: And I’d just go, “Welp, let’s go with that!”
Suzuki: Hahaha!
Asumin: I mean, you’re in charge of the anime’s screenplay, right?
Suzuki: Yes, the one who did it was Jin-san.
Jin: Yes, I was in charge, in a way.
Asumin: Right~?
Jin: Well, I was like, “Is it really okay for it to be me?”
Suzuki: No, no, no!
Asumin: No, no.
Jin: That’s what I felt while writing the screenplay.
Suzuki: I see. But you also developed the music, novel and manga, and then they evolved into animation.
Jin: Yes.
Suzuki: In the end, Jin-san, you’re the source of all the other medias’ development, right?
Asumin: Yep, yep, yep.
Suzuki: So if you didn’t write the anime, it probably wouldn’t be Kagerou Project anymore. Therefore, I think having Jin-san write the anime was the right choice.
Jin: Ah, I’m grateful for that. I’m grateful. At first, Shinbou-san told me, “How about you try doing it yourself?”
Suzuki: That’s right.
Jin: And I was like, “Ha-a-ah, I’ll do my best! Eeeh, I’m so sorry!”
Asumin/Suzuki: *laughs*
Jin: This is what I remember.
Suzuki: That’s awesome.
Jin: But the most—Ah, Ene-chan showed up.
Asumin: She’s there! Aaah!
Suzuki: It’s Ene-sama, voiced by Asumi-san.
Jin: Ene-sama.
Asumin: Yes! The Super Pretty...
All three: ...Dennou Girl...
Asumin/Suzuki: ...Ene-chan.
Suzuki: *chuckles* By the way, Asumi-san, you were actually already involved with KagePro for a long time, right?
Asumin: Yes, yes, yes. That’s right. For about two or three years.
Suzuki: From the first album?
Jin: About this first album... Hum, by the time that the DVD that has this audio commentary in it comes out through Kadokawa—
Suzuki: How long would it have been since its release?
Jin: About two years. Almost two years ago, we released the first album, Mekakucity Days.
Asumin: Yes.
Suzuki: Hm-hm.
Jin: When we released it, she participated as the narrator. That was the first time.
Asumin: Back then, I was told that he wanted it to be an anime one day.
Suzuki: At the time when you were working as the narrator?
Asumin: Yes, yes. Back when I did the narration. And when I heard this information, I was like, “Yeah, that’d be amazing”, as if it had nothing to do with me! *laughs*
Suzuki/Jin: *laugh*
Suzuki: Like, “It’d be great if that happened”?
Asumin: Yeah. I took it as if it were someone else’s business entirely. Afterward, the process of adapting it to animation went on properly and the announcement was published, but I was like, “Well, I might end up not being in the cast, though...”
All three: *laugh*
Suzuki: Ah, I see, so that’s what you were thinking!
Jin: And when it happened, you were like, “How?!”
Asumin: For a while, I made sure not to let my hopes up at all *laughs* and did my waiting.
Suzuki: Eeeeeh... Is that so?
Asumin: Yeah. That’s why I was so happy about it.
Jin: Thank you very much.
Asumin: No, me too, thank you so much.
Suzuki: Indeed, from the start, Jin-san wanted Ene to be voiced by...
Jin: Yes, by Asumi-san.
Asumin: Eeeh~?
Jin: It was kind of a dream to me.
Asumin: Aaah...
Jin: When it comes to anime, back in my student years, one of my first experiences with it was Hidamari Sketch.
Asumin: Ah, is that so?
Suzuki: Hmmm...!
Jin: Nowadays, it’s totally one of those top-something animes to me.
Suzuki: And it’s by Shaft-san too, right?
Jin: Yes.
Suzuki: Both are Shaft works.
Asumin: Yeah, yeah. That’s why, when I heard that KagePro would be animated and that was going to be made by Shaft-san, I was like, “A-Ah, is that so??”
Jin: Really?
Asumin: I was surprised.
Jin: I see. I’m simply a huge fan of Hidamari Sketch, so I had this dream that when it became an anime, I wanted to leave it to Shaft-san.
Asumin: Amazing!
Jin: And I hoped the heroine would be voiced by Asumi-san.
Asumin: For real??
Jin: It’s awesome that so many of my wishes came true.
Suzuki: Well, in Hidamari Sketch, Asumi-san voices Yuno, the heroine, right?
Asumin: That’s right, I voiced Yuno. Haaah! But that was seven years ago!
Jin: “Seven years ago”?!
Asumin: That’s right!
Jin: Eeeeeh???
Asumin: Therefore, it’s no surprise that people like you might exist, right? *laughs*
Suzuki: So when you saw that this had happened...
Asumin: I was really in shock!
Jin: It’s such a legendary show.
Asumin: Yeaaah!
Suzuki: True that. Well, there was this connection, so it really was like fate. He saw Shaft and Asumi-san through Hidamari Sketch, and then, after some time passed, he earned an anime adaptation with both. That’s quite dramatic, isn’t it?
Asumin: Unbelievable, huh?
Jin: Yes, fortunately, my dream was realized.
Asumin: Then again, voicing Yunocchi was pretty different from doing this.
Jin: You were totally different as Yunocchi! When I watched it for the first time, I was like, “This person sure can talk a lot!”
Asumin: Yunocchi really...
Jin: Talked a lot, didn’t she?
Asumin: She sure did.
Suzuki: Right now, we’re in a new appearance scene in the anime.
Asumin: Yes, their meeting.
Suzuki: Their first encounter, right? Shintarou-kun and Ene’s.
Jin: Honestly, Shintarou-kun’s room is so huge!
Asumin: *laughs*
Suzuki: I know, right?? That’s true!
Jin: I was like, “How big!”
Asumin: Yeah, it’s too stylish!
Jin: “His room is so sophisticated!”
Asumin: Riiight?
Suzuki: Haha! You can’t tell if that’s his own house or if it’s rented.
Jin: No idea if it’s rented, but...
Suzuki: But it seems like the fees would be outrageous!
Jin: They’d be absurd!
Asumin: He lives in such a cool room, doesn’t he?
Suzuki: Stylish as heck.
Asumin: Yeaaah...
Suzuki: Hum, one thing I thought to be really good is that... All the walls of the room are monitors, aren’t they?
Jin: Yes.
Asumin: Yep, yep, yep.
Suzuki: That way, Ene looks huge when she comes up. So he can talk to a big Ene not just when she’s in his phone or computer. The staging seemed really good in that aspect.
Jin: True.
Asumin: Her movements are extremely detailed, which I was happy about.
Suzuki: Hmmm.
Jin: They sure were.
Asumin: She’s like an old man, though.
Suzuki: *laughs*
Jin: The duality is just incredible, isn’t it?
Asumin: That’s true!
Jin: She was cute when they first met, but...
Suzuki: I wonder how Ene would be like if she actually existed. She’d be...
Asumin: So loooud...
Jin: Aaah, I’d rather not have that!
Suzuki/Asumin: *laugh*
Suzuki: But you were the one who created her, Jin-san!
Jin: When I said that I wanted Asumi-san to voice her, I did mention that I’d be glad if she made her cute, but...!
Asumin: Well, I mean, it might actually depend on the dynamics of her relationships.
Suzuki: I see, I see.
Jin: True, true.
Asumin: She totally makes fun of Shintarou and is all pranks with him.
Jin: Like a toy in her hands.
Suzuki: Ahaha!
Asumin: Hehe! If it were someone that she gets along with a little better, it might be fun.
Suzuki: Indeed, that’s true. Like...
Asumin: If the relationship is compatible...
Suzuki: *laughs*
Jin: She’d talk normally, huh!
Asumin/Suzuki: *laugh*
Asumin: Right.
Jin: Ah, the staging is so incredible.
Asumin: Yeeeah...
Jin: He lives in such a good house.
Suzuki: Yeah, seriously. This room is so...
Jin: You’d think even the CEO of a company would have a bit more restraint than this!
Suzuki: My, that’s so true.
Asumin: Right? But Shintarou is like that. Hum... he’s a shut-in and you can definitely tell from the first episode that his lame side is always showing.
Jin: That’s true, yes.
Suzuki: Hmmm.
Asumin: But even while being like that, isn’t he always at his wit’s end and accomplishing quite a lot?
Jin/Suzuki: *laugh*
Asumin: So we speak till we pass out.
Suzuki: That’s the deal. You’re talking the whooole time in this exchange between Shintarou and Ene.
Asumin: Yeah, the first episode was like that.
Suzuki: Yup, yup, yup.
Jin: They were having a conversation all the while.
Suzuki: And so, the shut-in has to go outside.
Jin: Right.
Asumin: Ah, that’s right, he’s already going.
Jin: The NEET is going to stand on top.
Asumin: *laughs*
Jin: Also, Terashima-san is amazing too.
Asumin: Yep!
Jin: He managed to perform the twitchy and cowardly Shintarou so well.
Asumin: Ah, yeah, yeah.
Suzuki: Indeed.
Jin: On the other hand, as expected, Ene-chan contrasts with him.
Suzuki/Asumin: *laugh*
Jin: She’s so mean! Like...
Suzuki: That sure is great.
Jin: It’s pretty raw...
Suzuki: Like she comes in to spice things up!
Asumin: It’s easy to get into it. Like, she’s easy to talk to.
Suzuki: Asumi-san, I might be backtracking on the topic a bit, but...
Asumin: Yes?
Suzuki: KagePro has music, novels and manga.
Asumin: Yes, yes.
Suzuki: And I believe you have come in contact with them.
Asumin: Yes!
Suzuki: So, when you did, what did you think of it and how did it make you feel?
Asumin: Aaah... If I’m not mistaken, I was shown the song “Kagerou Days” first of all.
Jin: Ah...
Suzuki: Hmmm...
Asumin: That... music video? I received it as material.
Suzuki: Oh.
Asumin: And then... ah, w-what was it again? How should I put it...? A part of me really thought that just that one song was enough to get someone hooked into this project series. Like, it draws you in.
Suzuki: Hmmm...
Asumin: Yep, that’s right. And amongst the people who are watching it, it keeps growing more and more.
Suzuki: That’s true.
Asumin: Yep, yep.
Jin: I wonder about that...
Suzuki: Indeed, it started with the songs that Jin-san created, then Sidu-san’s illustrations became part of it, and so it gradually evolved into all sorts of media, still spreading out amongst the fans of KagePro.
Asumin: Yeah! How should I put it? Normally, when it comes to official releases, we often have this pattern where the anime comes first, then we get music and a lot of other stuff with the characters in them, and then it gets turned into a manga, right? So isn’t this the complete opposite?
Suzuki: True.
Asumin: Right? This way of doing things is really...
Suzuki: If we were to pinpoint it, the music is the source material, isn’t it?
Jin: That’s right, if we go by order, the music came first.
Suzuki: Hmmm.
Asumin: That’s true...
Suzuki: I wonder if there’s been anything like this until now. It’s not coming to my mind at the moment, but maybe there hasn’t. An anime adaptation like this, I mean. In this multi-media form.
Jin: To be honest, while I was making Kagerou Days...
Asumin: Yes?
Jin: ...I was also working at an ordinary job.
Asumin: Aaaah...!
Jin: I was doing that and writing the songs.
Asumin: Ah, so, how should I say it? They were a hobby for you.
Jin: A hobby, totally. I didn’t particularly think, “I’ll definitely make these songs into an anime in the future!” or anything like that.
Asumin: Figures~!
Jin: It’s just that there was a time when I wanted to take the songs I had created and make them into animated videos.
Asumin: And in just a few years, it turned into something like this!
Suzuki: Right~? That’s amazing!
Jin: It sure is, huh?! I was also surprised!
Asumin: *laughs*
Suzuki: No, no, no!
Jin: This kind of thing is really possible!
Asumin: W-Well, it is!
Jin: Like, “They sure gave me good times, huh!”
Suzuki: *laughs*
Jin: That’s what I think when watching them nowadays.
Asumin: Oh, my...
Suzuki: And now, the NEET has arrived at the department store.
Jin: Ah, he has.
Asumin: He did his best to get there!
Suzuki: To buy a keyboard or something...
Jin: To buy a keyboard.
Asumin: He really went there just for that!
Jin: Just for that.
Asumin: That’s truly his only driving force.
Jin: The only one.
Asumin: He wants to use the computer at home.
Jin: Just because he wants to use the computer at home.
Suzuki: Honestly... he’ll die if he can’t type!
Jin: He will!
Asumin: Yeah. He has to do his best, then.
Suzuki: “I can’t do without this,” he says!
Asumin: Hoooh...
Jin: If I’m not wrong, this was also written in the novel.
Asumin: Yes.
Jin: Like, if I were to talk about Ene-chan, for example...
Asumin: Yes?
Jin: She can operate electronic devices and stuff like that by voice command. Didn’t this happen just now?
Asumin: Yes!
Jin: In many moments.
Suzuki: Yes, yes, yes.
Jin: That being said, hum, you might think it’d be best if he asked Ene to take care of this for him, but he most certainly can’t.
Asumin: Ah...!
Suzuki: I-It wouldn’t go as he wanted...
Jin: After thinking about all sorts of possibilities, he decided to go shopping for it.
Asumin: Uh-huh.
Suzuki: Judging by his face, he’s pretty bad at dealing with the outdoors.
Jin: He’s no good.
Asumin: Yeah.
Jin: Here, it’s happening again.
Suzuki: Wooow...
Jin: Aaah...
Suzuki: But I guess that’s just how it is. If someone who always stays at home suddenly goes outside, they do get concerned about being stared at, just like this.
Jin: No, but even then... Looking at it from the sidelines, Terashima-san’s voice can be heard, but you can only listen to Ene’s voice through the earphones.
Asumin: *laughs*
Suzuki: That’s right.
Jin: So if you mumble so much while you walk, of course people are gonna stare a lot!
Suzuki: *laughs* Indeed!
Asumin: True! The people around you might think that it’s best not to get too close to you.
Suzuki: Like, they look at you just a little bit.
Jin: Just a tiny little bit!
Suzuki: And then avert their eyes, as expected.
Asumin: *laughs*
Suzuki: It incites stares.
Jin: Ah, there it is, right here.
Suzuki: So cool...
Asumin: Ah, their first meeting.
Suzuki: Danchou...
Jin: Danchou-san makes her appearance.
Asumin: Anyone would get startled by that, even if it weren’t Shintarou.
Suzuki: Pfft...!
Asumin: The look in this person’s eyes is a bit...
Jin: Intimidating, wouldn’t you say?
Suzuki: Indeed. Cool as heck...
Jin: Cool, isn’t she~?
Asumin: She is. *laughs*
Jin: And then she’s gone.
Suzuki: *chuckles*
Jin: I-It’s been going downhill all this time. But, well, Ene was like that too just now. This is what makes me go, “Animation is truly incredible”...
Suzuki: Oh, oh, oh.
Jin: Hum, when it’s in the novel, I just write a bunch of stuff, comma after comma.
Asumin: *laughs* Figures.
Suzuki: Aah, I see.
Jin: So there isn’t anything as stylish as this in it.
Asumin: Aah, I get it. There isn’t any way to portray something instantaneously like this.
Suzuki: Indeed, when it’s through a lot of different medias, even if they’re depicting the same scene, there are differences between them, as you’d expect.
Jin: It’s completely different.
Asumin: By the way, is there any reason for you to have named the anime anew like this?
Jin: As “Mekakucity Actors”?
Asumin: Yes, yes.
Jin: It’s nothing much, but that’s something I can talk about.
Asumin: Hoh?
Jin: Hum, back then, erm... at first, hum... I had said that I was going to keep it as “Kagerou Project”, since everyone was calling it that.
Asumin: Hm.
Jin: But before I started it, I had no title for it. For the project itself, that is.
Asumin: I see, I see.
Jin: And, in a broad sense, I just wanted to create that kind of story with that kind of worldview, without thinking much about anything in particular. Even if just through music, for instance. Well, there was, of course, no proposal to publish a novel at the time. But, hum, don’t we have things like blogs on the internet nowadays?
Asumin: Yes.
Jin: So I thought to myself, “I could make use of that stuff and write a little bit for the time being”.
Asumin: Aah...
Jin: I was like, “First things first, I wanna try making lots of characters for this story’s world-building!” and that was the beginning of it.
Suzuki: Hmm.
Asumin: Oooh...
Jin: And from there, I got some attention, and around the time when the novel was going to come out, I had to give a name to the series.
Asumin: Ah, right, the series had to have a name...
Jin: That’s right. So just when I was kinda like, “What should I do?”, there was this thing called “my list” on a site named NicoNico Douga.
Asumin: Yes.
Jin: It’s where I upload the songs.
Asumin: Yes, yes.
Jin: So it has this “my list” thing. It’s a playlist of all the videos that you post as a series.
Asumin: I see.
Jin: And you can give a title to this list yourself.
Asumin: Ooh...!
Jin: It had songs that I’d uploaded, like this one, Jinzou Enemy. Back then, I was at Souzou Forest.
Asumin: Yes.
Jin: When I was wondering what this series should be called, I decided to just use “Kagerou Project” as a temporary title and think seriously about it later.
Asumin: *laughs*
Jin: That’s what I thought, but then people were like “KagePro this”, “KagePro that”!
Asumin: Ah, so it was surprisingly catchy.
Jin: Hella catchy!
Suzuki: Like, it was impossible to turn back.
Jin: It was no use at that point! So I was like, “M’kay, this is Kagerou Project now”!
Asumin: Heeeh...
Suzuki/Asumin: *laugh*
Jin: But when the novel was released, to be honest, I actually wanted to name it “Mekakucity”. The novel was going to be “Mekakucity-something”, and, well, to tell the truth, the music series was also going to be “Mekakucity-something-else”. And the anime was going to be “Mekakucity Actors”. Therefore, I thought it’d be interesting if this were a series of several “Mekakucity-whatever’s” in all sorts of medias, and that’s what I had in mind back when there was the first proposal for it to be turned into novel and manga. But at that time, “Kagerou Days” was very popular, so I thought it’d be best to leave the title as that.
Asumin: To preserve everyone’s image of it...
Jin: Even the bookstores said, “Wouldn’t it be easier for the public to accept the title as ‘Kagerou Days’?”
Asumin: Aaah, I see.
Jin: I was like, “Dammit, I wasn’t strong enough...!!”
Asumin/Suzuki: *laugh*
Jin: So when the anime came around, I guess it was a chance for me to avenge this grudge.
Asumin: Yes, yes. So the “Mekakucity” was already a thing.
Jin: That’s right. I wanted to use the word “Mekakucity”.
Asumin: I see.
Suzuki: It was your long-time wish.
Jin: A long-time wish, yes. That’s “Mekakucity Actors”. Well, this “Actors” thing is from the first CD I released.
Asumin: Yes.
Jin: A CD with this title came out at the same time as the anime.
Asumin/Suzuki: Ooooh!!
Jin: This title has so many of my feelings in it. Since the anime is the grand stage, this title is the one that sounded best to me – the one I that made me think, “I’m gonna make this the title of the show” most strongly.
Asumin: Haaaah!!
Suzuki: How dramatic.
Jin: Haha!
Asumin: Amazing! There’s a lot of history to it.
Suzuki: Yes, truly.
Jin: That’s right. So I really ended up creating this difficult equation for everyone, where “Mekakucity Actors = Kagerou Project”, and I’m sorry about that, but...
Suzuki: But at the end of the day, Jin-san, you thought that this one was the best.
Asumin: Yep, yep, yep.
Suzuki: The title will properly get through to everyone.
Asumin: And there’s this big bundling that is “KagePro” in the minds of the fans, after all, so perhaps they do completely understand that “Mekakucity Actors” is included in it.
Jin: Indeed, there’s the novels, the music and whatnot other than the TV series, so it’s really like the anime is in the very middle of a huge bundle.
Asumin: Yeah!
Jin: So I’d be happy if everyone finds that out somehow.
Suzuki: There, there.
Jin: That’s what I think, kinda.
Suzuki: Already showing up from behind.
Asumin: He’s already here?!
Suzuki: Kano-kun makes his appearance.
Jin: The terrorists came before we realized.
Suzuki: The terrorists have arrived.
Asumin: Yeah!
Suzuki: They’ve infiltrated, huh.
Jin: They have. Ah, s... so cool...
Asumin: This exchange was kinda funny too.
Jin: Enter the punchline!
Suzuki: I was just thinking that too! *laughs* Makes the background pique your interest, doesn’t it?
Asumin: Haaah! Eh, what kind of idiom is that?
Jin: It’s an abbreviation for “video”.
Suzuki: Like “CEO”. But this one refers to television.
Jin: It’s as if it’s saying, “You can watch TV here”.
Asumin: Oh! I-Is that machine jargon?
Suzuki: It is. It’s got nothing to do with the main story, though!
Asumin: *laughs*
Jin: Absolutely nothing!
Asumin: I see, I see.
Jin: It really has nothing to do with it.
Suzuki: H-Hum, it’s like a corner that you’re watching from the TV appearing in this scene.
Jin: Yeah, a corner!
Asumin: Ah, is that what it is...?
Suzuki/Jin: *laugh*
Jin: That’s right. *giggles*
Suzuki: Around this part, too.
Asumin: Yeah. It showed someone’s feet a little, right?
Jin: Yeah. It was Mary’s. From the first to the third episode, it’s all three sides of one story.
Asumin: Right.
Suzuki: Yeah!
Jin: That’s how we structured the plot. I hope people can see that it was like this from one point of view, and from another, it was like that.
Suzuki: But, well, this is what people see first, so when episodes 2 and 3 come up, it will be like, “This is what was actually going on in that part”.
Jin: Everyone will know why this and that happened. The mystery will be revealed, and they’ll be able to figure it out little by little.
Suzuki: So we’d like everyone to keep watching from now on.
Jin: By all means.
Asumin: Yeah! We’d like everyone to take their time to watch and have fun while thinking things like, “Oh, so this is what was happening”.
Suzuki: Wow, Shintarou. Uwah.
Asumin: Well, Ene sure isn’t playing around, is she?
Suzuki: Indeed.
Asumin: *laughs*
Jin: I’m truly sorry for this, seriously.
Suzuki: This part makes you restless, doesn’t it?
Asumin: It does, it does!
Jin: Really makes you go, “So that’s what she was doing in the first half of this scene!”
Suzuki: She’s gone and done it!
Asumin: That’s right! She was really showing off, huuuh. Ah, he yelled. Shintarou yelled.
Jin: Oh, this is where it begins.
Asumin: But we were told that he wasn’t supposed to look cool here.
Jin: That’s right.
Suzuki: *laughs* I see.
Asumin: “Please shout without making him seem like a hero” was the request.
Suzuki: I see, I see. But that’s more “Shintarou-like”, so to say. It was as if... he were mustering up all his courage.
Asumin: Yes, squeezing it out of himself.
Suzuki: Yep. Squeezing it out.
Jin: Also, it’s not like this scene is about Shintarou-kun doing his best and looking cool.
Asumin: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Suzuki: Hm, hm, hm.
Jin: Hum, it’s more like him taking a little step forward.
Suzuki: Ah, that’s right.
Jin: Rather than him “doing a transformation and taking out the enemies”, he just managed to plant a step on the ground. It was just the equivalent of a shut-in going out of his room for a bit. Something like that.
Suzuki: Indeed.
Jin: He doesn’t look particularly cool.
Suzuki: Hmmm.
[Sounds of Shintarou panting hard]
Jin: He sure can run.
Suzuki: He’s running a lot.
Asumin: Hm, the colors here are quite like Shaft-san.
Suzuki: Right? It’s like – how can I put it? These are Shaft-san’s “studio colors”.
Asumin: Yep, yep, yep.
Jin: True.
Suzuki: It’s part of the staging.
Jin: Ah, Ene.
Asumin: There she is.
Suzuki: Ene’s come up.
Asumin: Ene does a lot here, doesn’t she? *giggles*
Jin: She kind of can do anything.
Suzuki: And then, Shintarou...
Jin: Collapses.
Suzuki: He gets shot.
Jin: And immediately falls down.
Suzuki: I watched this one alone at home, and during this scene, hum, when I saw that there was a bullet mark across the monitor, I whispered to myself, “How stylish...”
Asumin: *laughs* “Stylish”!
Jin: It’s sooo stylish!
Suzuki: So much style even in the way he falls! And now...
Jin: There we go.
Suzuki: The location has changed again.
Jin: It has. And it’s still like, “Where’s this?!”
Suzuki: “What is this place?!”
Jin: Like, “Where am I?!”
Asumin: “Huh, wasn’t this a classroom?”
Jin: A classroom. It was made to look like one, but...
Asumin: This is so incredibly artistic...
Jin: It sure is...
Suzuki: And then time winds back. In the end, everything here has a meaning.
[Daze starts playing]
Asumin: Ah!
Suzuki: And here it is!
Asumin: It’s playing.
Suzuki: It was placed at the end this time, but that’s actually the opening theme.
Asumin: Right!
Suzuki: Jin-san, please introduce the song.
Jin: Ah, the song? Hum, this is the opening of episode 1. The title of this theme song is “Daze”.
Suzuki: Ah, it’s so sick...
Asumin: It sure is! The first time I listened to it, I was like, “Huhu~!”
Jin: Ah, thank you!
Suzuki/Asumin: *laugh*
Jin: Thank you very much.
Asumin: Each one of them shows up very prominently here, one after another.
Jin: Yes, like an ABC, in other words.
Asumin: Yeah!
Suzuki: Even just the image of it is opening theme-like.
Jin: That’s right! The song itself was made so that you can really boast to other people about how awesome it is. I tried my hand at making a cool song with my guitar and a band unit. As for the animation, the storyboard of this opening video was made by Sidu-san, who always makes the music videos, and the production was carried out by Shaft-san.
Asumin: Ah, hm, it was kinda like a collab!
Jin: Yes, yes, yes.
Asumin: The collab of your dreams.
Suzuki: Yep.
Asumin: So I’m sure that everyone will always be cheering for you. And for KagePro. I mean, I’m sure they’ll always be thinking, “This is it!”
Suzuki: It’s like each and every cut of this opening actually has a meaning of its own.
Asumin: Right?! Makes your heart race a bit, doesn’t it?
Suzuki: If anyone happens to think, “What’s this?!”
Jin: Like, “What’s going on in this thing?”
Suzuki: We’d like them to use all sorts of means to look it up.
Jin: Please, please! Do some research on it!
Asumin: Yeah~!
Suzuki: Now that all’s been said and done...
Asumin: Yes?
Suzuki: ...we’re getting to the ending soon.
Asumin: Yes!
Suzuki: The time to bring this audio commentary to a close is approaching.
Jin: Time to end it, huh?
Asumin: This was surprisingly quick, wasn’t it?
Suzuki: That’s right!
Jin: True!
Asumin/Suzuki: *laugh*
Suzuki: I’d like each of us to do a simple outro. Well, next is Asumi-san.
Asumin: Yes!
Suzuki: Please go ahead.
Asumin: I kinda... think that this was a funny audio commentary.
Suzuki/Jin: *laugh*
Asumin: We had members that you don’t see together at all.
Suzuki: True, that.
Asumin: Please look forward to the commentaries to come, as well as to what’s going to happen from now on. Thank you very much.
Jin: Thank you very much.
Suzuki: Now, Jin-san.
Jin: Yes! Erm, anyway, this has been the first episode. Hum, my wish has come true, the story that I’ve been working on was adapted into an anime, which has just started. So I’d be happy if it piques everyone’s interest a little bit. We’re counting with your support.
Suzuki: Thank you very much.
Jin: Sure thing.
Suzuki: Well, this will now connect with the second episode, “Kisaragi Attention”, so let’s meet over there.
All three: Thank you very much!
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miyanagateru · 3 years
oh yeah i havent posted asumins intro comics for Another tsubachris and Another kirishira for lost song three. well the another tsubachris is the only one that matters
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akje-----2004 · 1 year
Not a scam you can get paid through any currency 
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ainosenshifansub · 4 years
Healin’Good♥Precure 23 VOstfr
L’épisode de la semaine est là!
Comme prévu, au programme: Au tour d’Hinata d’apprendre quelques trucs à Asumin sur un sujet très important!
Un nouveau personnage entre en scène dans le prochain! Va-t-il être important? Difficile à dire, mais nous verrons!
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Vu le sujet de l’épisode, c’est une bonne occasion de mettre ce nouveau milieu tout kawaï ;p
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