#avocado x dark choco
ohabeeeeeee · 2 months
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Does anyone else see it?
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atlantis54 · 2 years
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Hey!! teitters down so I’m posting stuff here
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Shhh! Be quiet guys! There having a date!
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lilmissytealbow · 6 months
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CRK X KH AU- All Organization XIII members
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kumidark · 1 year
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more of these!! because they're fun and easy to make :3
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derpaworld1000 · 2 years
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🏳️‍🌈 [ Happy Pride Month ] 🍪
It’s my favorite rare-poly with my HCs for them! I adore them very much.
The green-orange flag is another variant of the Pan flag that I think is cute looking, haha.
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chromes-corner · 2 years
Hi hi!! Since requests are open! Can i request then Dark Choco cookie x reader wedding headcanons?? Your writings are so fantastic aaaa 💞💞💗💞😊💗💗 ily nh and wish you happiness <33
I have LITERALLY been thinking about this request for days. It started out pretty simple, but then I started writing and everything started snowballing and I got ENTIRELY CARRIED AWAY WITH IT because this prompt is just CHEFS KISS. I’m in love yesss thank you for letting me write some cute ass shit I love weddings bro heart eyes
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Dark Choco/Reader
Notes: fluff wedding headcanons that are kind of in a story type of format but also not really but who even cares it’s cute
Content Warnings: none
A/N: this one escaped me and now it’s long oops also I wrote and edited it on my phone after midnight (when the best writing comes out) so hopefully the fuck ups are very minor lol
“I’m getting married.”
Dark Choco turns this phrase around a dozen times in his head. He even tries speaking it to himself aloud a few times. Not once does it ever feel right on his tongue.
Even as he stands at the altar, it still feels entirely unreal to him, like he’s caught up in a dream.
Prior to the event, he spends a very long time preening himself in front of a mirror. Is his tie crooked? Is his suit wrinkled anywhere? Is his collar too tight, or is he just nervous?
^^He also fusses about his scarred eye, trying his best to distract from the marred area by adjusting his hair, which now falls a few inches past his shoulders. The last minute self-consciousness about his physical flaws hits him hard.
Dark Choco has never actually worn a proper suit and tie before, but apparently Vanillian weddings call for one. He doesn’t think he’d be much more comfortable in traditional Cacao wedding attire, however.
^^Despite the apparent lack of metal plating, the suit still feels heavier than any armor he’s even worn.
He had to get help from his uncle, Pure Vanilla — who’s also officiating AND hosting the wedding, to boot — to tie his tie correctly.
If Dark Choco got his way, there wouldn’t even be a ceremony. Big crowds make him nervous, so the two of you decided to only invite close family and friends. Dark Choco still didn’t bother to invite anyone, however.
Now, waiting before Pure Vanilla and the small crowd of patrons in the Vanilla Kingdom chapel, Dark Choco takes a break from his dizzingly repetitive monologue on realizing his current circumstance to take in the guests.
He recognizes some of your immediate family, as well as your close friends. As his gaze sweeps the room, however, he suddenly feels very faint.
Milk and Purple Yam sit together, mingling with Pistachio and White Choco — friends that he hasn’t spoken with in what seems like an eternity. Surely you never knew these cookies, so why are they here?
Avocado — who forged his new, non-cursed sword — and Caramel Arrow are seated together as well, deep in conversation.
His aunts chat together and sneak little glances his way. Hollyberry waves at him when she catches his eye, and Golden Cheese gives him a wink and a thumbs up.
After giving the gathering a good look, he almost doesn’t notice it as he starts to avert his gaze back down to the floor — at the far edge of the pews sits a single dark, lonesome figure, tugging at the collar of his dress shirt.
Dark Choco makes eye contact with his father for a mere moment before he snaps his head away in shock. He entirely misses the tired but proud smile Dark Cacao gives him.
Just when Dark Choco begins to feel like he’s been standing at the altar for an eternity, the chatter dies and heads starts to turn.
Seeing you walk down the isle makes him feel like the floor has lurched out from beneath him.
By the time you step up to stand with him, adorned in your wedding attire, Dark Choco has already made several escape routes in his head. Those escape routes, however, find their own escape routes from his mind when you take his clammy hands in yours.
“You— you look— your— it’s— I—”
“You look nice, too,” you whisper. Your eyes dart to the guests. “I hope you don’t mind that I invited some people on your behalf. This is your wedding, too, you know.”
“You—? T-thank you,” he says quietly, squeezing your hands and looking to the floor. He looks you in the eye again with intense sincerity. “…Thank you.”
The ceremony seems to last a mere few seconds. You exchange vows (his are short and blunt, basically “thank you for marrying me and not getting tired of my trauma-riddled ass”), and Pure Vanilla joins the two of you in holy matrimony, asking the Divines to bless your partnership.
When Pure Vanilla presents you with the rings, they look a little different to Dark Choco.
One ring is ivory, and the other is ebony. Each depicts one of the Dragons of Dark Cacao folklore, and each are wound into the shape of a ring in an ouroboros. They are studded with intricate steely markings, and their eyes are minute silver diamonds.
“I hope you don’t mind the trade-off from our old rings,” you say, bringing to mind the plain silver bands you’d agreed upon months before the ceremony, “but your father had these specially forged for us.”
Dark Choco slipped the ring depicting the white Dragon onto your finger, and you donned his ring finger with the black Dragon.
The ceremony concludes, and it’s off to the reception — it’s less of a party and more of a nice dinner.
You can take the man out of the Dark Cacao Kingdom, but you can’t take the Dark Cacao Kingdom out of the man. Dark Choco keeps one tradition from Cacao courtship — he presents your parent(s) with a hand-woven bundle of licorice, shaped into an intricate, loopy design. The gift is meant to represent the strong bond cultivated between the newlyweds.
Dark Choco shares a dance with you. He’s nervous at first, and his two left feet don’t help, but once he hears a familiar minty violin melody, his shaky movements become a little more confident.
He sits out on the dancing for the rest of the night, and he catches up with some of his long lost friends who also aren’t privy to dancing.
You share a brief dance with Dark Cacao, who genuinely thanks you for making his son happy.
Hollyberry and Golden Cheese bicker throughout the night about who’s kingdom their nephew and his new spouse will spend their honeymoon. The women will not stop their arguing until you compromise and tell them you’ll visit both. Hollyberry is quick to announce that she’ll be the one to arrange transportation for the two of you, and Golden Cheese counters that she’ll be the one to fund you with coins to spend through the vacation.
The two of you also make a (reluctant, on Dark Choco’s part) plan to briefly visit the Dark Cacao Kingdom as well, but you decide to make it a surprise for Dark Cacao.
As the party dies down and the number of guests begin to dwindle, you notice that Dark Choco is nowhere to be found. Milk tells you that he saw him leave not too long ago, so you quietly slip out yourself.
You find him in the greenhouse, sitting before a dense bush of white lilies that are illuminated by a slat of moonlight. His tie is loose and limp, the top few buttons of his shirt have been undone, and his hair looks like his hand has been run through it a few times.
He simply tells you that he had one last person to tell about his recent life-changing news.
The greenhouse is peaceful and quiet, save for the muffled buzz of the party down the hall.
In the privacy of the flowers, he silently stands and asks for your hand, pulling you into a close and gentle sway.
The lilies are the only beings to bear witness to the tender affair. They agree to keep it a secret.
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poppypatchwork · 7 months
Cookie Run AgeRe rambles
I have this whole thing in my Avocado x Matcha AU where Avocado and Dark Choco were best friends in their youth, but after the Strawberry Jam Sword incident, that was broken. While Avocado was trying to emotionally recover from that, she met Matcha, who was abandoned by Dark Enchantress and gang. Eventually, when Dark Choco leaves DE's side, he's reunited with Avocado, absolutely traumatized from everything and uses age regression as a coping mechanism. Avocado is enthralled to have her friend back and becomes his caregiver. Matcha at first is not okay with this, being scared that Dark Choco will hurt Avocado again, while Dark Choco is equally fearful, worrying that she's secretly plotting to hurt Avocado herself.
One day, while Avocado was tending to her regressed little cocoa bean, Matcha was an anxious mess from conflicted feelings. She approached little Dark Choco, which made him cry. Matcha realized just how vulnerable and traumatized he was, much like herself. Avocado tried to console her little one, but he just kept crying. Matcha, trying to restrain her uncontrollable laughter, offered to help Avocado out. Avocado hesitantly passed Dark Choco over to Matcha, who very gently embraced him. Dark Choco cried louder, but it eventually settled in that Matcha wasn't going to hurt him. Once that kicked in, he slowly stopped and gently hugged his new friend.
Now Avocado and Matcha are proud mommas for Dark Choco!
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reggiestein · 1 year
licorice >:3c
Sexuality Headcanon: uhhh. whatever i am😈 hes everything and nothing to me. one moment i see him as some form of bi the next i see him as greyromantic or something
Gender Headcanon: im one of the like 2 people that sees him as cis but i understand the transfem headcanon, its cute and i get it :p hes probably like vaguely demiboy or something like that to me but i don't think abt it enough to give a detailed answer
A Ship I Have With Said Character: purple yam and licorice/licoyam even though im one out of like 2 people that ship them ever <3 they don't understand me im different im alone. ALSO angel food cake x licorice duh. my little things
BROTP: uhhhh? hm. I like the idea of avocado and him being friends based on that one puns vid, i think it'd be cute and funny🙏 i think him and affogato hanging is funny but strictly in a gossip way. I wish him and pom could be friends in an alternate universe somewhere bc i think that'd be really funny (i want to like pomegranate so bad) I FEEL LIKE THERES MORE BUT I CANT THINK OF ANY😑 lame
NOTP: OH MY GOD okay. I hate licorice/clo.ver (cant remember the ship name🙏) and lico/fait so so bad im sorry. theres no real rational reason i just always hate the way they make licorice out idk. but people can like it its not problematic or anything BUT TAG YOUR POSTS PLEASE I HAVE THE TAGS BLOCKED BUT THEY KEEP SHOWING UP💔💔💔💔 also same with darklico but i think its more weird because im pretty sure theres an age gap there. if dark choco was an adult/almost an adult when milk was a kid then he's most definitely older than licorice, a cookie thats canonically a young adult (when asked about his age in the qna live they said he was "old enough to be a highschool dropout if that gives any implication" and also this desc from the operation poison mushroom thing)
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Also licopom pom is a lesbian BUT ALSO why do ppl who hate licopom always act like licorice is gross or something i always see him put at the forefront like he made the ship or something. idk maybe im insane but i always see that its so weird
IDK WHY THE NOTP SECTION IS SO LONG ig i had a lot to say sorry :| anyways ppl can like lico/fait and li/clover (??) (Ill leave their tags alone) but if you like darklico or licopom youre a lil weird sorry
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ohabeeeeeee · 1 year
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Died 😔
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walnutcookie · 8 months
It's Avocado x Dark Choco. All her jokes are kinda bad and he's head them a million times but he still starts laughing a lil each time. She's very nice to him and he's not used to it but likes it sooooo much and is like okay i can be spoiled by someone its okay this one has good vibes. She also has big strong arms and could crush him like an ant. This is a major selling point. Also she is so soft and cozy even of she smells like sweat and fire all the time. Very nice to him. Kiss his cheek make him go red says LOL
AUGUAGHFBB.... THATS SO CUTE HELLO ? i love thms its such a sweet dynamic
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kinucake · 2 years
An updated graphic of ships that I like. I did forget to put HollyCacao but yeah
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Cinnamon Sticks - Licorice x Cinnamon
KumiCorn - Kumiho x Cream Unicorn
Pistacado - Pistachio x Avocado
WhippedBonbon - Whipped Cream x Chocolate Bonbon
PrincessBlossom - Princess x Cherry Blossom
BlueberryTea - Tea Knight x Blueberry Pie
WildClover - Wildberry x Clover
AlmondRaisin - Almond x Black Raisin
ChocYamMilk - Dark Choco x Yam x Milk
GardenHoes - Carrot x Beet
AlcheLime - Alchemist x Lime
FireSauce - Mala Sauce x Fire Spirit
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New Account, New Fandom to be addicted to :D
I'll be posting some of my favorite ships here and make some hc's, fanfiction and other stuff(with other cookies also from Cookie Run Kingdom)
I'll also be posting my OC's here and there backstory and bonds with the other Cookies and if you guys have any question about them then go ahead and ask them!
Don't be shy
And I'm actually feeling a little adventurous here so uh...
I'll be taking Requests and no this is not an "x Reader(Romantic)" blog it's all platonic because I have my own ships here so uh...yeah
My Oc Master list(If interested):
Request: Open!
I can only accept Request at Monday-Friday Philippines Times Zone
I will NOT accept any requests at Saturday-Sunday
Any Gender!
What I will accept:
"x Reader's" ONLY
If it's a minor it's automatically Platonic
ALL COOKIES(Cookie Run Kingdom and ovenbreak only!)
Dark Themes
Headcannons/One shots/etc
NSFW but not too revealing/hard
I will accept to write for 1 up to 6 Cookies
What I will NOT Accept:
Dead threats towards A/N or Any Anons(I will deleted you)
Hate for any Ships I mention(Just leave the blog if you don't like it)
Kinks of any kind
Bullying any of the Anons
My Ship Cookie's that I will also write for!(I'll add more in the near Future):
Pure Vanilla Cookie x White Lily Cookie
(Bro's a simp)
Hollyberry Cookie x Dark Cacao Cookie
(Single Parents relationship, Dude needs happy energy from Holly rn-)
Dark Enchantress Cookie x Tea Knight Cookie(FIGHT ME-)(jk)
(The Smart Villain Leader x The Secretly Softy Good Leader-)
Pomegranate Cookie x Twizzly Gummy Cookie
(The Serious x The Insane)
Dark Choco Cookie x Milk Cookie
(Boy depressed? Have Milk Cookie)
Licorice Cookie x Clover Cookie
(The Pathetic- I mean the Villain who tries to be x The Support but ends up making villain give up and be good in the end, Kind of-)
Affogato Cookie x Cream Unicorn Cookie
(The Cold Hearted Cookie x The Cookie that is WAY too innocent for there own good-)
Gingerbrave x Wizard Cookie
(The Idiot x The Smart one)
Strawberry Cookie x GingerBright Cookie
(introvert x Extrovert)
Princess Cookie x Knight Cookie
(The Princess(Knight-) and their Knight and shining armour(Princess-) obvs)
Espresso Cookie x Fig Cookie
(Overworked x The one who make them touch grass)
Moonlight Cookie x Mercurial Cookie
(Forbidden Love- 🙊)
Sherbet Cookie x Silverbell Cookie
(The Happy, Goofy and Softies-)
Herb Cookie x Crème Brûlée Cookie
(Both are Oblivious- Danggit Herb and Crème!-)
(Edit 1)
Avocado Cookie x Wildberry Cookie
(The Pun x The I don't get it but it did made me chuckle a little once I did get it-)
Crunchy Chip Cookie x Tiger Lily Cookie
(The Wild Couple)
Werewolf Cookie x Kumiho Cookie
(The Cookies who wants to be an ordinary Cookie)
(Edit 2: Oc's)
Shadow Milk Cookie x Strawberry Jam Cookie
(The Joker x The one who always laughs at there jokes and acts)
Silent Salt Cookie x Peanut Butter Cookie
(Introvert x Extrovert)
Elder Faerie Cookie x Sour Cream Cookie
(Old Love 💕😘)
Longan Cookie x Apple Cherry Cookie
(The Emotionless x The Kind and Childish)
Pitaya Cookie x Cherry Apple Cookie
(Get into fights x There personal nurse)
(Not OC's)
Vampire Cookie x Frilled Jellyfish Cookie
(Arrogant/Prankster x Goofy/Bubbly)
Latte Cookie x Caramel Arrow Cookie
(Magic User x Weapon User)
Devil Cookie x Angel Cookie
(It's in the name- and Enemies to Lovers 😍)
(Edit 3)
Xylitol Nova Cookie x Sea Fairy Cookie
(I can fix her x I might make him worse...)
(Edit 4/Oc)
Red Velvet Cookie x Royal Margarine Cookie x Rainbow Gingerbread Cookie
(Dog Lover x Dragon Lover x Animal/Insect Lover)
(Edit 5/Oc):
Ananas Dragon Cookie x Mango Slices Cookie
(Prideful x Shameful)
(Edit 6/Oc)
Butter Roll Cookie x Coral Petal Cookie
(Scientist/Researcher x Plant Researcher)
(Edit 7)
Madeleine Cookie x Kouign-Amann Cookie
(The Drama King x The Sassy Queen)
(Edit 8)
Captain Ice Cookie x Abalone Cookie
(Girl Boss x The Goof)
The (Only) Daycare/School Of SugarCreamBites Kingdom
That's all!
I'll edit this if I came up with some more things to put in
Enjoy Asking/Requesting!
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the-post-crow · 9 months
reasons why i like Avocado x Dark Choco:
i feel like she could bring a lot of joy, laughter, and happiness into his life while he would treat her nice and learn a lot about relationships, both platonic and romantic from her.
"Licorice Cookie, I miss my wife."
*Choking on drink sounds.*
Big hugs :)
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kumidark · 1 year
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more on these ships below the cut:
sorbetcrepe: they met when sorbet shark accidentally destroyed some of strawberry crepe's wafflebots;;; as an apology, they let strawberry crepe run jam/dough tests on them since they were curious how sorbet shark worked (being a cookie/shark and all). the two get up to hijinks together, and sorbet shark brings strawberry crepe little trinkets from the travels across the sea. as a thank you gift, strawberry crepe built a miniature saltwater pond for sorbet shark to stay in/rehydrate in when they visit the vanilla kingdom!!
kumidark: they're traveling together after dark choco left the cookies of darkness. kumiho is super casually affectionate with him, something that throws dark choco off. he only lets her get away with it because sometimes it's nice to feel loved (also he's touch-starved but shhhh he doesn't know that). if you wanna know about how they met n stuff, feel free to read my kumidark fic on ao3 and/or look through my older kumidark posts^^
carapastry: somehow, pastry manages to get away from the st pastry order and caramel arrow and her become friends!! caramel arrow helps her move past her trauma related to the order and pastry helps caramel arrow realize she wants to kiss a woman on the lips 😳;;; also they both wield bows!!!!
figblossom: someone in my server created this ship and i'm in LOVE.....okay so basically they're both super friendly and kind and caring and they both love picnics/storytelling!!! they would have the sweetest on dates in flower fields and cherry blossom would bake delicious treats for fig to try and!!!! basically they're super cute!!!!!
twizzlytiger: okay HEAR ME OUT: twizzly gummy comes across tiger lily at some point and realizes she's s u p e r fun to mess with and now everytime she stops by that area she seeks her out to mess with her. meanwhile tiger lily is completely done with twizzly gummy and exasperated with her shenanigans, but also she has the most fun when she's around her, and twizzly treats her butter tiger nice so....maybe she can stick around.....cue accidental pining and twizzly realizing she doesn't just hang around tiger lily for the laughs, but because she actually Likes Her. twizzly gummy wouldn't know how to deal with it so she'd end up blowing up a castle or something idk.....yeah.......
wereyam: another ship from my server!! i fell in love with it because purple yam would NOT take werewolf's self-deprecating comments. werewolf would say something bad about himself and purple yam would yell WRONG and werewolf wouldnt be able to say anything else. also werewolf's always scared of hurting people because of his big wolf form but purple yam not only wouldn't be scared of it, he'd be able to handle it and fight back if werewolf ever lost control (which he wouldn't)^^
avomala: BUTCH GIRLFRIENDS!!! as stated above, mala's one of the only cookies who'll openly laugh at avocado's jokes and genuinely finds them funny, but also!! avocado is one of the only cookies who can almost handle mala's spice preferences (not completely though; she still has her limits);;; also!! avocado makes weapons for mala sauce sometimes as gifts, which mala l o v e s :3
cacaocaviar: dark cacao is notorious for being stern and refusing help from anybody, but imagine if the republic heard of his troubles (maybe after the whole thing with the soul jam) and sent caviar to help out!! caviar could help keep the licorice sea at bay, and cacao would finally have someone experienced whom he could put his trust in! peepaw x peepaw <3
univamp: yet another ship from my server!! vampire n cream unicorn are both essentially immortal, and they both are very mellow and somft;;;; cream unicorn is one of the only cookies who wouldn't mind vampire's sleepiness/laziness and would sit with him for hours while he nodded off^^ also, most importantly: THEIR HAIR FORMS A HEART!!!!! 💕💕💕💕
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