#aziraphale’s bookshop
youryurigoddess · 3 months
Let there be Light
You probably noticed that one of the lamps in Aziraphale’s bookshop goes out after he gets into the elevator, clearly visible in the final shot. But of course this is Good Omens and the lamps aren’t just lamps, so let’s slither inside for a better look at what’s going on. Sometimes a little perspective change makes all the difference.
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The twin lamps are actually statues of two brass cherubs facing the interior of the bookshop — their own world — just like the two angels we saw Before the Beginning facing the creation of the solar system, their current home. Aziraphale always on the left, Crowley on the right.
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The fact that it’s the right — Crowley’s — lamp that broke at the end of the Final Fifteen can mean two things. Either the light of his life has left him that morning and the lamp reflects his loss, or just like a porch lamp it indicates that he’s the one not home, but in Heaven.
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yicketydah · 13 days
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ineffable may, day three: bookshop!!
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jelly-o630 · 6 days
Imagine in season 3 of good omens Crowley causally tries to walk into Aziraphale’s bookshop as usual only to be physically pushed back from the entrance cause it’s not technically Aziraphale’s shop any and he no longer has permission to walk in
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ellariya · 7 months
It’s so sick and twisted.
Just had a thought about Crowley and his POV. He knows what Heaven did with Gabriel for refusing to take part in second attempt of Doomsday. Imagine how painful it was for him knowing all that seeing his angel willingly accepting the position of archangel.
He knows Aziraphale will not be doing this. And he knows if they punished Gabriel that way they certainly can punish Aziraphale in much worse way. And that fear on his face also depicts it.
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goatbeard-goatbeard · 6 months
I like to think of the Bentley and bookshop as straight-up possessed, like Crowley and Aziraphale don’t quite fit in human corporations so they end up having some extra body parts
that’s not an angel thing by the way. humans are a tool-using species, my possessions are part of my body too
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foolishnefertiti · 8 months
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We know what they were doing for several days, do we?
This fanfic I’ve just written does.
WW2, magic, and lots of seductive smut.
Enjoy and please feel free to share!
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beebopboom · 5 months
A Bookshop in Soho Eden
This is not a new idea and after reading these wonderful post by @the-apology-dance here and @queerfables here my brain just got hooked on it. I wanted to see though, if I could take this idea one step further and oh boy can you - so if you want to join me down this rabbit hole I went down strap in for this rollercoaster - I broke it down to three parts that I will post separately
This is technically season 3 speculation as I bring up some points connected to the Second Coming for further down the line
Also I'm just going to lay out the information then connect in all in the end so just stay with me - it will all connect
But without further ado
Aziraphale's Jobs over the years
Let's start at the beginning or just after - the Garden of Eden
Angel of the Eastern Gate and donned with a flaming sword - technically on apple tree duty according to him but we only see him after the whole eating the apple business. What we do see is him doing is opening his “gate” for them to leave, closing it, and then getting questioned by God - specifically about his flaming sword. The next time we see him he is back at his post on the wall - Adam and Eve are quite a bit away by now - and this is when Crowley comes up to him.
The thing I find interesting about this is that he is still there after the apple business is done and over with - and he is still in guarding position, looking out towards the humans
So let's take a look into the actual bible for maybe an answer as to why -
Genesis 3:24 - “He drove out the man, and at the east of the garden of Eden he placed the cherubim and a flaming sword that turn every way to guard the way to the Tree of Life”
Now the Tree of Life is an interesting mention with it's connection to the Second Coming
So let’s take a quick look into what the Tree of life is
The Tree of Life is mentioned in two particular stories in the bible - Genesis and Revelations - or in other words the Beginning and the End
Adam and Eve had access to this tree and were only warned against the Tree of Knowledge because they couldn’t have both - eternal life or knowledge of good and evil
So once they had taken a bite from the apple God then revoked their access to the Tree of Life by banishing them from the garden and placing a guard - no humans were to have access anymore
Until the Second Coming comes around where all the humans who have passed judgement(all the names written down in the book of life) and get to live in Gods’s paradise again - with the Tree of Life in the center and fully accessible. People are able to consume the fruits from the tree once again
The point I'm trying to make is yes technically he was on apple tree duty then but now he is on Tree of Life duty - it’s the purpose of him remaining in Eden, and on Earth among humans. Protection for and against humans
Now Aziraphale had one more job that I wanted to bring up, courtesy of the Demon’s Guide to Angelic Beings who Walk the Earth, and that is Garden Designer. We don't know exactly when he did this so we can only guess - I’m going to out on a limb and say the 16th - 17th century French Gardens
Developed from Italian renaissance gardens, this style of gardening used symmetry, parterres, and geometrical shapes. I’m just going to touch on some key features but if you want to learn more here are some links (here and here)
These gardens tended to start at the house and were meant to be view from above on the terraces. There would be a main path way that would lead away from the house and would come to a circular center that was often just lawn or water sometimes surrounded by trees, it was from here that the garden was broken down into sections. Through the use of geometry they created perspective and optics with rows and designs of the plants placement. Closer to the house these designs were more complex with them getting less complex the further away. Symmetry and control over the plants was a big part as it was a way show a man's mastery over nature. Water was also a key feature mainly through the use of still water ponds that served as mirrors. On top of all these interesting designs the gardens were often decorated with statues. These gardens were meant to tell a story whether viewed from above or walking within - it would seem as though you were going through different rooms
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Some of these these design elements might sound familiar and they should - it's only reflected in one of the most visited places in the show
The Bookshop - A.Z. Fell and Co.
Aziraphale opened up the bookshop in 1800, but had been working on it for years as we learn from Crowley in 1793, all due to his love of books. Not that the actually wants to sell his books and actively makes it unpleasant to a customer.
The bookshop also serves another purpose though - it's a safe place. I've theorized before in this post about how something happened before 1793 but after 1601 that made Crowley get in trouble with Hell due to their arrangement - a fear that Aziraphale has had from the start. So Aziraphale took this chance to combine the things he loved and the need for a safe place so he could hang out with the one he loved - all wrapped up in the explanation that he was just doing his job and was able to make it a Heaven’s embassy - unable to enter without permission and easy ways to sneak out. But I’m not here to really talk about the emotional connections -
So let’s look at the actual layout of the bookshop - the bare bones at least
As soon as you go through the door you are hit with a second circular doorway - pointed out to be the omega symbol. In this front little area there are three tables but then we lead into the center of the bookshop with a big circle rug lit up by the skylight and surrounded by four pillars. It is from here that the bookshop opens up into different pathways and sections all directed by the actual bookshelves. Towards the back of the shop is a staircase that leads up to the second floor where you can still look down and around the lower floor. There are statues placed all around the shop with extra tables and chairs throughout and quite a few rugs with some French influenced designs on them laying about.
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(credit to whoever made this - you are a godsend)
Rings some bells doesn’t it?
Now you may be asking why these specific gardens instead something more like Eden to commemorate their first meeting on Earth. I mean this is Aziraphale we are talking about - the angel who got himself arrested because he wanted to go on a french date and who decided to learn french, or in other words one of the more romantic languages, the human way. For designing a bookshop that would be their safe space picking a french design is not too far out there.
But what if I told you there was more to his bookshop and the of Whickber Street as a whole.
If you remember the whole Tree of Life rant I went on earlier let me add one more piece of information - the geometry symbol
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so is that bookshop is not only meant to represent their Eden but particularly the paradise that is the reward of the Second Coming? Is he actually really doing his job in protecting the Tree of Life from humans? Even if it was a subconscious choice on Aziraphale’s part - could it explain the concept art of the cut dream?
Technically on Tree of Life duty guarding his books/fruit of eternal life from humans in their modern day Eden.
Now I’ll admit it doesn’t line up perfectly but I wanted to include it because my next point can still stand either way - and I’m going to go more into this idea in the other parts.
Rivers of Time
In Eden there is one big river that when it reaches out of Eden it splits into four rivers that water the garden and reach to the ends of the Earth - Pishon(full flowing), Gihon(bursting forth), Hiddekel(swift or darting), and Euphrates(fruitful). The Tree of Life it is said to have a river on both sides.
Now I’m sure we have all noticed the some weird instances of time being messed with in the show - particularly in the streets of Soho. They are sped up, slowed down, and normal speed. Often these roads are also depicted as wet.
So let me throw in the idea of Timestreams
It’d probably be easier to go read that but basically it’s -
The concept that time is always flowing forward or backwards, and meeting in the middle - always on the move always connected - never quite knowing where you step in. Just like the flow of water.
And wouldn’t it be ironic that Crowley, our time stopping demon, and his car are now constantly in this stream of time darting around only to finally stop and slow down in the bookshop
So we can take the four streets of our little spot in Soho connect it to the four rivers and apply some time fuckery - you get a place that is full and bursting with life, people darting all around looking and buying things that make their life more fruitful. But time is a bit wibbly wobbly for the residents, always flowing and connected - past, present, and future - so we get characters that are parallel’s to the past, that may have existed in a different time or universe, and that repeat often.
So if the Bookshop is their version of Eden it would make these streets representative of the rest of the world - what with a street that lead to chinatown and have various French and Italian restaurants along another - this idea is not too far out there
But also if you take the Bookshop as a little more representative of the Tree of Life in particular with the two streets surrounding it - Give Me Coffee or Give Me Death can very easily be equated with the Tree of Knowledge. The whole of Whickber Street is their Eden.
This is what happens when you have an Angel and Demon with too much affect on the world around them living in one spot for hundreds of years
So to wrap this all up please remember this is just a theory and for fun - take it as you will
But if you have followed along this long and I’ve somehow managed to get you entertain this idea of the Bookshop being their slice of Eden - whether Eden itself or just a single part of Eden (Tree of Life) with the whole street being Eden - wait and see for the next part
After all the apple (coffee) did come from within the Garden and then they lost access to the Tree of Life (bookshop)
This was Part 1
In Part 1.5 it just a couple theories concerning the Book of Life and more, like an intermission
And finally Part 2 we discuss the second place the Tree of Life is mentioned, the Book of Revelations, and how we have already seen a version of the Second Coming
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naumaxia-art · 5 months
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AZ. Fell and Co in Gingerbread!
Not the prettiest thing I’ve ever made but it stands up so that’s a start XD
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artmygremlinhandsmade · 8 months
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My sister and I made a Minecraft version of Aziraphale’s bookshop! (WE STRUGGLED SO HARD FOR NO REASON, @neil-gaimen why was his bookshop so complicated 😭) but we’re screaming about the news for Good Omens Season 3!!!! (P.s this is my first time tagging someone in a post, I hope I didn’t do it wrong!)
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youryurigoddess · 3 days
Kind reminder that the A. Z. Fell & Co. bookshop was designed by Aziraphale as:
An Eden to return to — for him to guard, for Crowley to feel safe in;
A giant compass showing the directions of the world.
No matter how lost either of them is, they’ll use it to find each other.
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stuntmancolt · 4 months
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My comfort locations
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ellariya · 7 months
I admire Good Omens so much.
The foreshadowing begins from the very poster. Though ineffable husbands standing close to each other and their wings make heart they still turned out from each other. Only their back are touching.
Same with that poster when Azi is reading and Crowley is drinking wine. They are close but not close enough. They still have problems, they still have miscommunication and they still opposing each other.
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nekohrine · 8 months
if you want your character to be lit you don’t have to set them on fire but yeah I guess that works too
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clairedelune-13 · 5 months
Ok but someone with drawing skills needs to do Crowley running around Aziraphale’s bookshop like Fourteen running around the Tardis.
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Hey everyone look at this cool thing I made:
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It took so incredibly long, and I don’t even know if I’m done with it or not :)
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sparticus2000art · 8 months
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Good omens fanart!
I need to practice backgrounds so I used a screen cap off of the series for reference, ended up changing the angle a bit though…
The show is seriously good!
Even if it hurt me deeply!
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