#baby angeal
prismaticpichu · 16 days
Baby!Angeal confiding in Seph that he always wanted a dog, but his family could simply not afford to take care of one when he was growing up.
Sephiroth tells him that circumstances always change.
Heartened by his friend’s words, Angeal asks if Seph likes dogs.
Seph says he is indifferent.
Angeal huffs out a laugh, making a comment that Seph has a good heart; he would probably make for a good companion to one. He then adds that maybe the three of them could get a dog once they return to Midgar, once the war quells a bit.
Sephiroth merely grunts in response.
“…If you get yourself a dog,” he says neutrally, a wisp of a memory that he would rather be forgotten, “then it is all yours.”
“Come on. You would help, wouldn’t you?”
“I don’t see why it’s my responsibility.”
“Well… think about this.” Angeal crosses his arms behind his neck, gazing dreamily at the pepper of stars overhead. “If I couldn’t take care of it, then I would want someone I trust to at least keep an eye on my pup.”
“Why not Genesis?”
“Well—him too. If he learned how to handle his spells better.”
“I’m serious though, Sephiroth.” Angeal rolls his head aside to face him, velvet grass scissoring in the wind like dancing swords. “If I ever—or… When I get a dog, that is, would you help me take care of the guy?”
Sephiroth lets out a playful huff.
Though he never gets to respond before there’s the wail of a siren, and the two SOLDIERs are back in the thick of war.
Years later~
There’s hardly any time to react before young arms are wrapping around him, a healthy and exuberant Zack Fair smiling like the sun as he pulls him into an embrace.
Three days away on a mission, however, and that’s enough for Sephiroth to return it.
“Welcome back…” he says fondly, then adding with a soft smile upon seeing the dirt spattering Zack’s face: “Go get cleaned up, then let’s get something to eat.”
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feathercreates · 14 days
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"Genesis...that's rude!" - Angeal Hewley
In which a salty teen Genesis gets a little bit cheeky over losing a spar with Sephiroth again.
Angeal still thinks it's a hilarious addition to his growing photobook, though. :P
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wowa-bublord · 2 months
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he is literally one grape big
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rottenpumpkin13 · 4 months
Angeal, Sephiroth, we all know how Genesis can be... Genesis... so, what are some of the things you and the others do to... tune him out without someone shooting him (Cloud), fist fighting him like a child in the schoolyard (Sephiroth), trying to whack him with anything they can get their hands on (The Turks), or sicking their pet on him (Rufus)
• Cloud can't really do much besides stand there and listen to Genesis's complaints, gossip, and poetic prattle. He's his superior, and Cloud is an infantryman who doesn't have the luxury of being able to walk away from him. So he stands there, smiles, and nods, agreeing to everything Genesis says. He lets his mind wander while occasionally muttering an "uh-huh" "yeah" or "wow"
• Rufus has no relationship with Genesis. Rufus is friendly with Zack⏤like the other Turks⏤and Zack is friends with Genesis. That's it. So whenever the grating redhead finds him at events and parties and starts a conversation, Rufus simply excuses himself and quickly walks away.
• Sephiroth and Angeal have been friends with Genesis long enough to know that arguing and teasing isn't enough to shut him up when his prattling and snark become unbearable. They've come to realize that all Genesis wants is attention, so if they refuse him theirs, he will simply go away.
• Genesis starts acting like a bitch for no reason? They flat-out ignore him. Genesis starts going off about his latest Loveless musings? Sephiroth tunes him out and hopes his silence when Genesis asks him a question will be the redhead's cue to leave. Genesis is sharing the latest gossip fresh off the rumor mill? Angeal knows to keep quiet and occasionally rolls his eyes to show his disapproval.
🔓 Angst Route Unlocked ↓
Genesis gets a new book one day, a novel with a mystery he's actively trying to solve while reading. He's with Sephiroth and Angeal in the conference room waiting for Lazard to show up, and he can't sit still. He's flipping through his book, showing Sephiroth the cool map designs on the inner cover, and telling Angeal about the plot of the story.
It's the first time he notices that they aren't listening. Sephiroth is busy on his laptop⏤rolling his eyes at every snarky comment Gen makes, Angeal is staring straight ahead trying to tune him out, and Genesis....he's being a bother, isn't he?
So he puts his book down and lets his words gradually fade away into silence. When he does, he hears Angeal sigh in relief. The sound hits Genesis like a slap to the face. Sephiroth squeezes his eyes shut, as if thanking whatever entity for the silence.
Genesis presses his book against his lap, his reddened fingers digging into the pointed corners. His eyes well up with tears.
Genesis feels a sudden heaviness in his chest. The vibrance that usually cloaks him is now replaced by a defeated stillness. He had been so engrossed in sharing his excitement, oblivious to his friends' disinterest, that he hadn't realized how grating his voice began to sound.
His bare fingers tremble against the edge of the book. Genesis blinks back tears, the sting in his eyes distracting him from the sudden paper cut.
A wave of self-awareness crashes over him. Was he always like this? A bother, an unwelcome addition to every room he entered? The realization cuts deeper than the one on his index finger, slicing through the layers of his demeanor.
As he gazes at Sephiroth and Angeal again, Genesis feels an ache in his chest. They're wholly unaware of his realization, but certainly welcome the silence.
He has admired Sephiroth since he was a child⏤the same child who's only first and only friend was Angeal. He doesn't want the two people he respects the most in this world, his only friends, to find his presence a bother.
An hour later, Genesis sits at his desk in his office. He's long abandoned his work in favor of caving to his negative thoughts. Quiet sniffling is the only sound in the room. His eyes are red-rimmed and a bit sore, and his nose is swollen.
And then comes an excitable figure breaking the door open. It startles Genesis, the door swinging open being enough to snap him out of his daze.
Zack has a grin on his face and smells of rainwater, wet dirt, and blueberry soda, which tells the older Soldier that Zack has been out in the elements. He gently shut the door⏤probably realizing how roughly he had opened it, and strode in.
"Hey!" he smiles. "Guess what? I completely wrecked a Malboro today! You should've seen it⏤I got a clean hit and only my sword got caked in the gunk. Oh, did you hear that Sergeant Stevens was a total ass to the new group of cadets today? I swear, the dude walks around all high and mighty as if he's not Scarlet's footstool on his downtime."
As Zack continues to talk, Genesis slowly sits up straight, unfurling himself from his curled-up position. Zack is the only one who's patient with him, the only one who gives him endless chances and forgives his teasing. Genesis has only ever seen him as Angeal's puppy who was always around them.
But now that Genesis looks at him, he looks different ⏤Zack looks like a friend.
Zack plops himself down on the chair in front of the desk. "I had a steak bowl for lunch today. It was really good, but they were all out of rice so I had to make do with quinoa⏤keen-wa, is that how you pronounce it?"
Zack's eyes land on the book on top of the desk. "Woah, new book?" he asks, picking it up and immediately paging through it. "What's it about?" He looks up to see Genesis staring at him. "Ah..." Zack awkwardly closes the book. "I'm sorry. Is this a bad time? Do you want me to go?"
Genesis shakes his head slowly, brushing away the stray tear from his cheek. "Only if you want to."
Zack pauses, taking in the response with a tilt of his head that makes him look every bit the puppy he is. "Why would I? So," Zack starts flipping through the book again. "How was your day?"
Genesis cannot contain the small smile that reaches his lips. He leans over and reaches out, ruffling Zack's hair and ignoring the boy's protests.
"My day was fine, puppy."
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strayheartless · 5 months
There is a wonderfully loud three year old in my house and while my sensory issues don’t think it’s a vibe, my fic brain is now thinking about how baby Cloud just wouldn’t be like that.
Three year old Cloud is, first of all, tiny. Like, he’s properly, properly small. His Ma really doesn’t have much in the way of money so they rely on hunting and foraging, which didn’t always garner the best results so Cloud was skin and bone for most of his childhood.
Cloud didn’t speak for a long time. He could, physically he actually had quite a developed vocabulary on account of Claudia constantly talking g and reading to him. But he didn’t want to talk for a very long time.
Cloud didn’t play like other kids. It’s my personal headcanon that Cloud is on the spectrum so I often imagine him lining up his tin soldiers, but I also imagine he was obsessive about brushing his Sephiroth dolls hair.
He had dolls of Angeal and Genesis too that he played with, but he took the Seph doll everywhere. To the store? Better take sephiroth in case of monsters. To the Forest? Better take Sephiroth in case of monsters. Bedtime? Sephiroth will keep watch.
Baby cloud wasn’t cuddly. He wanted to be. God was he desperate to be cuddly, but adults have smacked Cloud in the face for less. Not Claudia, never Claudia but one of the first memories Cloud has from his childhood is being three years old and struck across the cheek by a lady in the general store for being ‘rude’ and not answering her.
The times Claudia can coax him into her arms are special because they are the times Cloud talks. He sits in the circle of her arms and plays with her fingers and speaks just above a whisper about the new newspaper pictures of Sephiroth, or chatters placidly about the vegetables in the allotment and the ones he wants to grow in the summer.
I feel like actually Seph and Cloud would bond over how badly adjusted both of them were as children. Cloud shares being dragged in front of the town council and publicly caned and humiliated after saving Tifa. Sephiroth shares the time that Hojo injected with a test drug in front of president Shinra after he dared to question orders. Angeal, Genesis and Zack sit in silent horror though the entire conversation.
Cloud giggled very rarely, and the first time Claudia ever heard him laugh in delight was the birthday he got the FIRSTS dolls. He immediately enacted the latest Wutai defence strategy that was in the papers, going outside to draw battle lines in the sand and set up a battle front against the vegetable patch.
Clouds has a problem with authority… the problem is he’s scared stiff of it. There are certain words that will have Cloud lock up and not be able to speak or move. The firsts learn this the hard way. A single ‘don’t’ is enough to pull him up short, but the first time Genesis yelled at him as his mentor Cloud reacted so badly he disassociated hard. All Gen said was ‘how dare you…’ but it was enough. One second he’s angry about insubordination, the next he’s following a sprinting cloud into the bathroom to rub his back through panic induced nausea.
One day I’ll stop torturing him. Today… is not that day.
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silvergreenseraphim · 6 months
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My boys! The Banora lads! Look how small and endearing—also it looks like they are holding hands because of the chibi model overlap 🤭
Models arranged by @someartistsammy
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yingxtkm · 1 year
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Modern AU FFVII Reference (Edited* bc I forgot to add close ups like the dumbass I am)
Andddd the whole gang is here, maybe I should’ve posted this first for reference LMAO
Also Sephiroth isn’t wearing a skirt, I referenced it off looser pants/modern styled hakama pants since he practices kendo/aikido in this AU. HC him preferring to wear looser clothing as a contrast to his canon skin tight leather get up haha
Thoughts on him wearing glasses? I’ve been posting versions with and without glasses but I’m too lazy to save the version without glasses for this one ✌️
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salternateunreality2 · 2 months
Someone asked @altocat about Genesis' parenting and this sprang to mind from my Dads of SOLDIER AU.
Baby Cloud: Papa I want to stay up all night
Genesis: Ok, baby, just don't do anything dangerous
The next day when Cloud has been screaming for 3 hours because he's too tired to go to sleep...
Angeal: Well? What have we learned?
Genesis Regretsodos: ...
Zack: Angeal I can't take it anymore I'm about to start screaming too. Heck. Heck. Heck. Heck. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!
Sephiroth: *crying and rocking in a corner, hands over noise cancelling headphones*
Angeal: Well?
Genesis Regretsodos: ...maybe sleep is important for toddlers
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therubyjailcell · 3 months
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so i said i wanted an AU where the crisis core trio adopted zack.
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kazumahashimoto · 3 months
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this guy doesn't know nobody's gonna care when he dies either
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snowbanshee · 5 days
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daddywarbats · 17 days
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prismaticpichu · 9 months
Me JUST seeing the EC trailer now in the middle of a screaming cafeteria bc I am slow……… and……
“You have to choose; whose lives are important to you?” ;-; ;-; ;-; His expression after it’s said…….. oh my god. Oh my GOD, MAN!
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rottenpumpkin13 · 1 year
ShinRa Tower Security Cameras #4
[The camera is situated on the 59th floor, pointing down at the escalators. The time at the bottom of the video reads 2:14 AM]
[Echoing voices are heard before a group of rowdy young men, all of them clearly drunk, appear getting on the escalator]
[It's Sephiroth, Angeal, Genesis and Zack. Zack and Genesis are singing the chorus to Hit Me Baby One More Time. Sephiroth and Angeal provide the backing vocals. All of them are either doing exaggerated arm gestures or dancing]
[This continues for the duration of the escalator ride, until they briskly disappear off frame]
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queernoctis · 11 months
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Some scribbles from twitter - blushy sephiroth, bb boy sephiroth, single mom sephiroth and ags omegaverse mpreg sephiroth
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altocat · 1 year
how would the boys react to someone sharing their umbrella with them? like said person doesn't say anything and just covers their heads with their umbrella, keeping their distance to not make them uncomfortable.
i really want to be gentle with them okay they deserve kindness.
Yesss be soft and gentle with these poor traumatized morons. They desperately need it! ☔ ☔ ☔
Angeal asks them why they're being so distant. He'll happily chat with them as they walk along.
Genesis uses the umbrella as a less than subtle excuse to flirt, scrunching close to them and smirking.
Sephiroth just allows the gesture and walks quietly, at ease with the distance between them. He gives a very delicate "thank you" once he's reached his destination. A guarded response, yes. But sincere.
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