#bad friend tucker foley
youcalledsworld · 9 months
Danny Phantom prompt
After becoming a teen again Dan, starts living with the Fenton's after Danny revealed his identity to his parents.
After learning of Dan's past Jack and Maddie start doting on him and on doing so they start to accidentally neglect Danny. Danny is a little ticked off but he understands Dan needs a lot of love and understanding from the people around him.
But then Jazz and his friends start to hang out with Dan more than him. It's got to the point where they dismiss his ideas for what to do or out right forgetting to invite him to hangout. It also feels like Jazz prefers Dan over him.
To make matters worse Dan is actually popular at school and all the teachers prefer him. He even overheard some teachers say they wished they had Dan at the start of school than him.
It all got too much for Danny but what broke the camels back is when he learnt that his family all went out together and didn't even realise he was missing.
So after talking to his family and friends about this and being told to stop being over dramatic. He packed his stuff and left home hoping to find the one person he knows loves and cherishes him. His clone sister Danielle.
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angelic-ish-phantom · 2 years
Danny leaned on Sam’s shoulder, hiding his face in her neck as he dozed.
They were in the cafeteria, and Danny understood that he probably wasn’t helping quell the rumor that they were dating.
Tucker, sat on his other side, chattering to them as he absentmindedly fiddled with his PDA, one hand in Danny’s.
He knew he’d been clingy lately, but the fact his friends didn’t mind the affection made him feel a lot better about it.
(Ghosts didn’t have friends.)
Danny shuddered at the memory of red that flit through his vision.
That had thankfully been happening less. It didn’t seem to be anything he could actively prevent, so he was just doing his best to move on, to forget the orders that had played on loop in his head for days.
He was currently more focused on stopping the involuntary flinches, and the three days of sleep he’d missed.
Thankfully, he didn’t need as much sleep due to his ghost half, but he still had to keep up with the ghost attacks that had happened at night since so catching up on sleep was not the most straightforward task. He’d been trying to catch naps between classes, which helped him pay more attention during them, but he really wished he could just take a day off from school and defending Amity Park to rest.
Sam and Tucker had already suggested he do exactly that, but he’d already missed a whole two days of school that week. He could wait a until the weekend. Even if he felt terrible.
He was lucky the school hadn’t reported his absences to his parents. Or his parents had missed those calls; that was probably the more likely option.
They’d been more wrapped up in their work lately, which was fair considering there had been an entire circus (stopthinkingaboutit stopthinkingaboutit-) of ghosts in Amity. They’d been a lot better about not obsessing that badly since the portal started working, but they still had their moments.
Moments that could lead to his absence not being noticed. Danny had a curfew and he tended to adhere to it, but his parents seldom caught him breaking it, considering more often than not if he was staying out that late, he wasn’t coming home that day. And if they didn’t hear him come back, his parents tended to think he was in his room. Or at least somewhere in the house.
This worked in his favor when he left to fight ghosts while they were busy; he could just faze in and out of his room. The system worked. The whole Freakshow incident had made him start to wonder how okay it was they didn’t always notice when he disappeared…
But, like all things related to that incident Danny was doing his damndest not to think about it!
Jazz tended to notice if he was out of the house though. Almost always. It was annoying.
Or it had been… Lately she’d been noticing a lot less. When he’d gone back home after he and the other ghosts had been freed from the staff (youareaghostyouhavenofriendsobeyobeyobey-), despite really wanting to stay with Sam until he could get the red tinged image of her falling to her death out of his mind, Jazz had looked at him concerned, but knowing. She had told him to tell her if he was going to spend the night at his friends’. This meant he didn’t have to make up an excuse, but it was out of character for her to just write off him being gone for so long…
Point was: his parents didn’t notice, his sister hadn’t realized, and his school didn’t ask! So he was fine to just pretend nothing had happened.
The flinching on the other hand… Danny had been walking a fine line of trying to keep from cowering whenever someone came too close, and trying not think about why that impulse had grown in the first place.
It was shaping up to be a general rule for everything that had happened in that place: just don’t think about it.
So Danny tried to focus on his friends, the light drone of their voices, on the fact they were there and that was enough to make his core thrum pleasantly beneath his skin.
In this sleepy state, he almost wished he could be closer to them. Before everything, he might have thought overshadowing would achieve that. Now though…
The thought of overshadowing anyone, of controlling them, sounded depraved. He wouldn’t, never again.
It was a ridiculous thought; he knew that logically. Overshadowing was different. It was taking a persons consciousness and
pushing it down, gently locking them away in a comfortable little box as you puppeteer a body. They’d have no memory of the event at all.
(There was no slimy red guiding your thoughts and clouding your head with pain. No crimson fire behind crystal, biting into your eyes, your skin, your very core.)
The overshadowed persons mind wasn't
even touched during the process.
Unless you counted the foreign
muscle memory the ghost would have, or the fleeting thoughts left behind like an echo for the overshadowed party to pick up on when their body was their own again.
It was supposed to be like being asleep.
(Danny had been painfully, horribly awake while under the staff's control.)
The bell rang, startling Danny out of his own head as he blinking blearily. Sam shrugged, trying to shake him awake, and Tucker moved away.
Danny sighed as he complied, mourning that quiet moment. (It was the closest thing to contentment he could get with the resonance of red still in his head.)
Danny got up, looking at his friends a smile came almost easily. And he tried not to think about it.
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redflagshipwriter · 4 months
Mama Bat pt3 progress Post
Part 3 Progress
Batcount: Stephanie, Dick
“Danny Fenton, parents declared him dead and claimed they buried him,” Dick said, spinning around in the batcomputer batchair. Anxious, unhappy, too much energy because there's nothing to fight here. “He has an older sister, I think she knows he's in Gotham and she's covering for him. She'll be coming to Gotham University next semester, despite having accepted a better offer from Harvard last year.” 
Steph let out a low, long whistle. “Whatever's going on at home must be bad,” she commented. “No other contacts?”
Dick pulled up a grainy class photo. “He's part of a small friend group, but neither of them have made any unusual moves. If Sam Manson or Tucker Foley get a plane ticket we'll know, but for now?” He shrugged, eyes distant. “Seems like he ran off alone. But probably for really good reasons.” He switched tabs back to the unhinged Fenton works website. He all but vibrated: wanna go, want to run, look, see.
Steph squinted for a few moments, reading. “...We’re going to go see what crimes against nature they're committing, aren't we?” She sounded resigned to it.
Dick shrugged. “It's not ideal,” he said unhappily. “The town is too small for how we normally do our night work. But face out is a big risk.” 
“Maybe we should lean on a friend?” Stephanie suggested. “Someone who has a public role that wouldn't be a problem?” 
“We’ll have to ask Mama Bat.” 
They both turned to look at Cass, who was sitting on a desk. She arched an eyebrow at them. “We ask Danny,” she said pointedly. “He knows best.” 
Stephanie made a face that said she disagreed. 
Cass huffed. “He knows,” she reiterated. He had lived there. He knew the people. “We could make a mess.” She mimed sweeping the stack of Bruce papers off the desk surface and then an expression of exaggerated batdad horror.
Stephanie untensed enough to laugh. 
Cass considered that good enough. She jumped down and patted Dick as she passed. He let out an exaggerated sigh but he powered down the computer and followed her up. “I'm excited to get to meet the little guy,” he said. The lights turned off. All three of them hit the stairs and jogged up. Dick chattered away, tweet tweet tweet. “It's so sweet that Dami latched onto him like this. When I asked what Danny would like as a welcome home gift, he told me that I was a cretin and should not corrupt the baby.” He laughed, high and joyous. It was contagious. Cass found herself laughing with him.
Stephanie squinted at the back of Dick's head as the oldest brother bounded up the stairs. “Damian… likes him?” She confirmed. 
Cass beamed. Of course he did. Danny was a good baby. He and Damian were out now walking dogs at the animal shelter while Alfie did the big weekly shop. 
Dick shrugged. “He gets to be the mentor,” he pointed out. “He’s not the Babiest Bat anymore.” 
“Danny is older than Damian,” Stephanie protested. Cass glared at her. 
“He's baby,” she said firmly. End of conversation. 
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r3ynah · 4 months
Married in the past, married in the present
To think that the Amity Trio would get dragged by their children (Dan and Dani) into another universe as a form of vacation and to escape the annoying palace councils, was not something to be expected in the Fenton-Nightangle-Foley-Manson family. it was due for a vacation anyways.
But here's the catch, They decided they should atleast take a two month break with each other so they can explore this universe more, but they did agree that every 2 weeks they'll pass the custody of their kids with each other.
It was very eventful to say the least,
Tucker, got adopted. by the one and only Bruce Wayne how?? he doesn't know either, the only thing he can remember was Bruce Wayne shoving a couple of adoption papers in his face, and now he was suddenly a Wayne, he certainly was not complaining he gets to use their advance technologies without it getting corrupted by his partner Danny(he loved the guy, but he needed his daily screen time too.)
He finds out about their secret identities two days in, was not completely surprised to find a cave downstairs, "Every billionare has one, you're not unique." was his words before he went on and explore the cave leaving a very confused batfam. he agreed to help them but if its only for hacking and stuff connected to technology, and to only join them if it's really a life changing scenario.
He was the second one to have Dan and Dani, so when they found out they're dad got adopted by a rich billionaire they were equally disappointed, Tucker tried to defend himself for his poor decision, to say the batfam was shocked once again was an understatement, imagine finding that their new brother had two children and two partners was lnot part of their new years plan. Dan and Dani only took a couple of hours for them to fit in.
Sam, went on and became a vigilante, under Harley Quinn and poison ivy's care, with almost the same powers as Ivy and same humor as Harley the three of them certainly became close friends.
Sam definitely had fun blowing up factories, and proceed to prank cops and officials, she had a run with the infamous batfam a couple of times, mostly Robin, the first time they've met they had a spar with their own weapons ofcourse,but at the same time all Sam could think was: 'the hell's a kid doing vigilante work?'. Eventually they have bonded over different weapons and fighting styles, Batman had atleast tried to recruit Sam who goes by Foliahàrà at some point, but was turned down quite harshly.
She was the first one to take care of their children, Ivy loved Dan's brutality and Harley adored Dani's chaotic self. so they became the fun cool aunts of the two children, they have somepoint asked one peaceful breakfast who the other parents are, But the only thing Sam had said was they'll meet them someday.
Danny becomes a villain, a mad scientist to be exact wondering what'll happen if he follows in his parents footsteps, he also works alongside with Mr.Freeze, and they discuss a cure together for Mr.Freeze's wife,.
He doesn't use his ghost powers in villainy his explanation? Phantom was for the good and peace. While Fenton-Nightangle was for the bad and destruction. it certainly was a shitshow when he first debuted, lets just say Gotham had an early snow day, about 20 meters of snow covered Gotham for a week. The worst part is that the snow doesn't melt. so the only thing they could've do was to sit and watch as only Fenton was able to melt the snow.
Danny was the last to get his kids, so as a responsible parent he let them go crazy, for the whole two weeks as long they keep their identities a secret and to be back at lunch, dinner, curfew and family night. which led to a bunch of rogues getting hunted and tied up by a pair of ghost kids. It was a peaceful quiet two weeks for Gotham.
'this is absolutely hilarious' Tucker known as Codelith mentally chuckled as his bat family including Foliahàrà who was sitting across him also tied up, he knew it was Sam the first moment he laid his eyes on her. no one does eyeliner as thick as Sam. Speaking of Sam she was glaring at him from across the room.
from different audiences it may have look like the two was going to kill eachother, but in reality its just their love language. The batfam looked at them confused.
"Codelit." Sam greeted in a annoyed tone.
"Foliahàrà." Tucker greeted in a more joyful tone.
"You two know eachother?" Duke questioned, as he eyed the two. very confused on why the two of them almost have the same green toxic light surrounding them.
"Ofcourse we do, we're ma-" Sam was cut off, by the sound of someone maniacally laughing. fate seemed to be a bitch because in strolled Joker himself holding a bloodied crowbar.
Tucker can feel Red hood relive his trauma, from where his sitting, he didn't really focused on the Jokers dramatic speech, because all he can think was the safety of his new family he grew comfortable with. thank fuck Dan and Dani aren't here.
"What's this a new birdie? Batman.. you sure like taking in a lot of children, how generous of you." this finally caught tucker's attention when as he saw joker walking towards him, his family stayed quiet but kept watching Joker's movements they looked constipated Tucker almost let out a snort but kept it in.
"Codelith wasn't it, Very unique I wonder why you picked it."Joker asked with a chuckle that made tucker want to puke. "Not talkative ey? well that's alright.
"I don't need you to talk." Joker playfully picked up his crowbar, then placed it on Tucker's shoulder dangerously close to his head."I just need you to scream."
He saw Sam trying to use her powers in the background, which unfortunately wasn't working because she's too used making exaggerated movements when using her plant powers, he remembers her saying that it makes it more easy to manipulate the greens around her, so she definitely had trouble controlling it while tied up, after all there was so little wrist movement to work with.
He sent a warning gaze to his Family and wife. to not make any sudden moves, which made Sam hesitantly stop, It was different with the batfam though they were really trying to be free from the ropes.
He returned his attention to joker, who was still waiting for an answer. "He's coming." was all he said, this only made joker grin, and the Bats confused. While Sam immediately got it.
Joker laughed fucking ugly laugh if Tucker said so himself, the rogue pointed at his new family's direction 'Who's he? can't you see new birdie they're all here no one's going to get you!"
And then Joker lifted his crowbar then struck down at Codelith's head, a awful sound resonated across the building, Fuck that's going to leave a nasty concussion. he felt blood dripping from his nose, as he heard the shouts and screams of the Bats and Sam. Oh Sam, I'm alright, Everything's okay, He can feel Foliahàrà's panic and anger from here.
Its okay, he's okay, because he's here.
Tucker grinned fucking grinned, like a villain type of grin. he looked up at Joker's direction and said:"He's here."
And then the wall blew up, making everyone in the warehouse startled, Here comes in the man itself. Fenton fucking Nightangle. with a smile plastered on his face he strutted in with full confidence, damn that's attractive Sam and Tucker agreed with each other.
"Joker." was all Fenton said, as he looked at the man with no emotion, his gaze landed on Sam then landed on Tucker who's blood was dripping on the floor, the only thing that Danny saw was green.
"Mr. Fenton! are you also here to watch the show?"Joker grinned teeth showing and all. "It's such a pleasure for you to be her-"
Danny walked passed Joker, Never giving him a chance to finish, he focused his gaze infront of him and went towards Tucker and cupped his face making sure he wasn't hurt that much.
"Ah... ofcourse you would immediately go to them, so silly of me!"Joker laughed.
"What do you mean by that?" Batman asked suspicously, as he made sure the Fenton boy didn't hurt his new son.
"Don't tell me you don't know Batsy! gosh darn am I the one that'll say this so exciting." The irritating man chuckled. "Well if you didnt know Batman, Dr.Fenton, Foliahàrà, and Codelith are all married together!"
The Bats let out a gasp of surprise as they looked at the trio, who remained quiet.
"I know right! such a wonderful love story." Joker wiped a fake tear. "Too bad I have to kill you all, Dr. Fenton you might've taken the town in surprise by your so wonderful inventions, but you are nothing without your gadgets." Joker explained while twirling the crowbar in his hands.
Danny let out a chuckle, his back facing the green haired man. "I see that you've made some research about us Joker."
"Yes, you are quite right, I am married to Codelith and Foliahàrà, But there's something you've missed in your research." Fenton continued, he can hear Red robin in the background saying "I don't believe Codelith can pull two fine people." who was shushed by Nightwing.
"And what would that be? please entertain me Doctor." Joker grinned.
"My Hero name's Phantom." With that Danny made a slashing motion as he swiftly faced the Joker face to face, not even a second later half of the warehouse was engulfed by ice including Joker.
Hair white as now. skin pale as a paper, and eyes green as toxic radiation, he once again faced. The vigilantes with a smile and said:
"Well that was an eventful night, who wants Fudge?"
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nerdpoe · 7 months
Duke had a little brother, once.
He'd been a tiny thing, only four months old when Duke was two. Honestly, he couldn't remember that far back; but he has the pictures.
When everything went to shit, his parents had sent him away for the chance of getting away from Gotham. They only had the money to get one of them out, and they'd chosen the youngest.
Then, nothing else was said about it.
Duke was never told what happened, but Gotham had been....very, very bad during that time. He assumed his baby brother died.
He made it a point to never think of the kid's name.
Then Damian invites his online friend to the Manor, and Duke finds himself staring into an eerily familiar face-it's kind of like his, but not really.
Tucker has their mothers eyes, but Duke always took after their father.
TLDR; Tucker Foley is adopted, and Duke Thomas is his biological older brother.
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ew-selfish-art · 11 months
Dp x Dc AU: Tucker gets hired by the JL to work on the Watchtower’s cybersecurity... He might have a few friends visit. 
Batman looked over the application for visitors presented to him by Dr. Foley, who was nervously wringing his hands but seemed excited to talk about his two close associates, and it appeared that everything was in order for the pair to be allotted a short visitation time slot. 
The paperwork was established by Batman himself after all, needing a way to permit non-members (His Children) to visit him at his office in the watchtower. Looking over Dr. Foley’s application, the invites to Dr. D. Fenton and Dr. S. Manson seemed to be somewhat warranted.
Dr. Fenton is a well known astrophysicist and Dr. Foley had been upping the security to reflect more complex physics models as the ‘lock’ mechanism for access to Watchtower servers. Dr. Manson was a more controversial figure in social justice but a biochemist to rival Dr. Pamela Isley, not to mention she was someone Bruce Wayne had met a number of times and not completely hated (though he was sure she hated him and everyone else in the gala). She was a fan favorite guest by his children and a great advocate for animal and human rights. 
Batman approves the application, allowing their visitation for a few hours at a time once a week until the completion of Dr. Foley’s project. 
He doesn’t hear much from it, nor from Dr. Foley, but things start to come down the rumor grapevine that the two guests were more than they seemed. Red Robin was the first to comment on it to him, and as practical and efficient Tim could be, there was a look of chaos in his smile as he discussed the two additional PhDs. He was stingy on details and that always meant something bad for Bruce’s mental health. A few others asked a few questions as to who exactly the pair were visiting, and Cyborg commented that they weren’t really doing too much to assist Dr. Foley. 
Batman decides to intervene and meet these two for himself when he hears Constantine complain (not that the man wasn’t always complaining about something) about the two new magic users being way too OP for normal humans. 
This is how the JL gets to become allied with Ghost King Phantom and Thorn (not Poison Ivy pt.2 as Robin insisted). Turns out they weren’t sure if the JL could be trusted with interdimensional politics, so Tucker spent the last two years gaining their trust to let Danny and Sam up here to ‘check the place out’ before they committed to becoming members. 
Batman doesn’t even get to raise alarms at the espionage of it all because Red Robin has already programed their new badges and welcomed them on with open arms and a project to take down the LOA’s Lazarus Pits “safely”.
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torscrawls · 6 months
Happy Holiday Truce @ectospacecadet! This is my gift for you, based on the prompt “Sometimes all it takes is one bad day to break someone: Danny snaps.” Hope it tastes good!
You can also read it on AO3.
“Fenton! Get up that rope!”
Danny clutched his aching left arm tight to his side, cursing Skulker and his attack early this morning as he moved to do as Ms. Tetslaff had ordered. The wound throbbed and radiated pain up his whole arm as he grabbed the rope and started to haul himself up.
“Ha! Fenturd is too much of a wimp to get up that rope!” Dash laughed and was soon joined by the rest of the A-listers.
Danny grit his teeth and reminded himself that what Dash and the rest thought about him really didn’t matter in the big picture. He had more important things to worry about. Like how to keep his wound from opening back up while making it to the top of the rope. Maybe he could use a touch of flight to—
Suddenly the whole rope heaved beneath him, writhing like a snake come alive, and Danny lost his grip. Thankfully the fall wasn’t long, but it still hurt when he landed—of course—on his wounded left arm.
Danny groaned from where he lay on the mat and as soon as he opened his eyes he got a face full of a grinning Dash, leaning over him and looking proud of himself. He still held the rope Danny had been climbing in one hand. Of course he had been the one to mess with him. Danny couldn’t even find it in himself to be surprised.
Danny turned his head to his side and saw Tetslaff on the other side of the room, not looking. Of course.
Dash laughed. “Wow, I didn’t know Fentoe was so weak he couldn’t even hold on to a rope!”
Danny reminded himself that Dash didn’t matter and that he didn’t care about what they thought, that he didn’t care about any of this. He didn’t.
Danny got to his feet, keeping his left arm close to his side. He felt a slow trickling of warmth run down the inside of his arm and really hoped his wound hadn’t opened back up. It would be just his luck.
Tucker jogged up next to him and sent him a concerned look. “Hey, you okay man?”
Danny took a deep breath, relaxed his clenched hands and let it out slowly before looking at Tucker and giving him what he hoped was a reassuring smile. “Yeah. I’m good.”
Considering Tucker’s grimace, he guessed he didn’t manage it, but his friend thankfully didn’t push the issue. And he was fine, this didn’t matter. It was just a slight annoyance. He would fix the wound after gym was over and then it would all be fine.
They were interrupted by Tetslaff suddenly deigning to look over towards them now that Dash had started climbing his own rope to the cheers of his friends. She frowned and immediately screamed, “Fenton! Foley! If you have time to just stand around talking, then you have time to run twenty laps! Get going!”
So Danny pushed down his pain and started running, Tucker by his side.
After gym was over he waited until everyone else had finished changing out of their gym clothes before doing it himself, ignoring Dash and his lackeys continuous jabs and insults.
He didn’t feel like explaining his wound—which he was now certain he had reopened as the warm wetness on the inside of his arm hadn’t stopped and only gotten worse as time went on—and his extensive bruising. It would just raise a lot of questions. And probably even more insults, and even if Dash and the rest didn’t matter, Danny was too tired to deal with it right now.
He had to convince Tucker to go on ahead without him, “There’s no reason why we both have to be late. Besides, I don’t want them to start bullying you too.”
Apparently that hadn’t been as convincing as Danny had thought, but in the end he had managed to convince Tucker anyway and that was all that mattered.
As soon as the door closed and Danny was alone he let out a long sigh as his shoulders slumped. He rolled up the sleeve of his left arm with a grimace and then let out another sigh at the sight. Oh, he would definitely be late for the next class. He dug out his beat up first aid kit from the bottom of his bag and got to work.
Ten minutes later Danny carefully eased the door to the classroom open and quickly slunk inside. His hopes of sneaking inside unnoticed were dashed as Mr. Lancer fixed him with a glare and didn’t waste any time before chewing him out in front of the whole class. He could see Dash grinning and elbowing Kwan, Paulina leaning in to whisper to Star as they both pointed at him, Mikey and Nathan looking annoyed at the interruption and aiming their glares at Danny. Danny felt his shoulders climb up towards his ears. Great.
The whole spiel ended with Lancer declaring that he had detention after school and Danny barely found it in himself to give the teacher an affirmative before making his way to his school desk.
Well, no matter. Danny had only planned to get his homework done as soon as he got home, do his chores, and maybe actually go to bed early tonight. Maybe sleep off some of the exhaustion and pain dragging him down. Guess that wouldn’t happen. He didn’t know why he even tried anymore.
He sank down in his chair and Tucker immediately leaned in towards him and hissed out, “Man, your eyes are glowing.”
Danny closed his eyes in defeat. He tried to calm himself down, taking slow breaths and consciously relaxing his shoulders. The last thing he needed right now was any more attention.
After a few tense seconds he turned back to Tucker, one eyebrow raised in question.
Tucker gave him a slightly uncertain thumbs-up.
Danny felt himself relax slightly. Crisis averted, for now.
He just had to get through today.
Just like always.
When he, Sam, and Tucker stepped into the cafeteria it was already full of students and Danny’s head throbbed at the noise. He really wished he had been able to grab more than a few minutes of sleep in between ghost fights, trying to avoid his parents, and all the traps they had set in the house.
Sam and Tucker walked towards the line for food and Danny stumbled after them. Tucker put a careful hand on Danny’s arm and Danny did his best not to jerk away from the pressure it put on his wound. Tucker still dropped his hand, a worried expression on his face, “Hey, man, you sure you’re alright?”
Danny nodded groggily, trying to muster up a smile. “I just didn’t get any sleep last night.”
Which wasn’t a lie, just not the whole truth. He hadn’t gotten any sleep, but he had also been in two fights and one hunt spearheaded by his parents. Then his home had decided he was a threat and attacked him as well. And, oh right; he got woken up by an alarm in the middle of the night because the portal almost blew up because of some new tests his parents were doing. He didn’t even have time to eat breakfast. He looked down at the slop the lunch lady splattered across his plate and it was a testament to just how hungry he was that it actually looked appetizing.
He was doing great.
Thankfully, Sam and Tucker didn’t push it as they walked towards a free table. Danny did his best to follow along in their conversation, but he was too tired to make sense of their discussion about the math homework they had just gotten. Was it futile to hope that he would have enough energy and time to do it later tonight? Probably. Danny wished he had the capacity to feel bad about it.
He looked down at the food in his hands and allowed his thoughts to drift as he followed Sam and Tucker and their familiar voices. At least he would be able to sit down for a while with his friends and just breathe. And eat. Ancients, he was starving.
So of course that was when a foot suddenly appeared in front of his feet and despite his usually quick reflexes his tired brain reacted too late and he tripped, losing his hold on his tray and watching as it spilled absolutely everywhere. He had to use both his hands to catch himself against the floor to avoid smacking his head into it and groaned at the pain radiating up his left arm. Maybe the face would have been preferable to this.
He didn’t have time to get back up before Dash’s laughter rang in his ears.
Of course it was him.
“What’s this?! You can’t even walk correctly, Fentrip?!”
Danny pushed himself up on shaking arms and kept his eyes locked on the floor, ignoring the giggling he could hear from all around him. It was fine. Dash didn’t matter. This didn’t matter.
He blinked when a hand with back nails came into view before carefully grabbing his shoulders and helping him back up. Danny looked up to find Sam frowning at him. “Why do you let him push you around like this?”
Danny blinked at her. Yeah, why did he? His arm ached and he was so tired. If he just fought back once then Dash would know that he couldn’t just do whatever he wanted to him, they would all see just how—
Danny shrugged as he pushed the thoughts away. He couldn’t afford to think like that. He couldn't risk turning into him. Danny feigned nonchalance as he said, “He doesn’t matter.”
Sam frowned at him.
Danny shrugged her hand off.
“Ha! You need your little freak girlfriend to protect you, Whimpton?!”
Danny felt himself tense up. They could pick on him all they wanted, but he hated it when they picked on his friends. They didn’t deserve that. He felt the tension rush back, ensnare itself through his shoulders and his arms until he couldn’t help but ball up his fists.
Sam raised a hand again as if to touch him, but let it drop again without making contact. “…Danny?”
“Dude,” Tucker joined in, voice strained and eyes glancing around them, “calm down.”
“I am calm!” Danny gritted out.
Sam raised an unimpressed eyebrow and Danny forced his hands to relax. He bent down to pick up his spilled food.
“Come on,” said Sam, “let’s go eat.”
They walked away from the laughing table full of A-listers.
Danny looked down at his ruined lunch and couldn’t help but let out a petulant, “I’m not hungry.” If he said it, then maybe it would make it true. Where was Desiree when you needed her?
Both Tucker and Sam sent him pointed looks and Tucker said, “I know that’s a lie. I could hear your stomach rumbling the whole class.”
Danny felt embarrassed that he had been found out; he didn’t like to make his friends worry about him.
Tucker just smiled. “Come on, you can have some of mine. I have a couple of snacks in my bag. Besides, I ate a really big breakfast so I’m not that hungry.”
Sam didn’t say anything, just silently handed Danny an apple from her tray.
How had Danny been blessed with such nice friends?
Danny sank down on the bench to finally eat with his friends, but the moment his arms touched the table he felt a familiar feeling of cold claw itself up his throat. The taste of ozone and ectoplasm burst forth from his mouth and he looked at the small cloud in dismay. Danny groaned. “I have to go. There’s a ghost. Again.”
Sam and Tucker exchanged a look and Danny tensed up. He didn’t have the energy to argue with them right now.
Tucker began hesitantly, “Maybe you should leave it to someone else?”
“I can’t. You know that.”
Sam crossed her arms. “Then we’ll come with you.”
Danny looked at his two friends and their full trays of food, which they hadn’t had time to touch. He didn’t want to drag them down with him, he owed them that. So Danny made an effort to sound snappish as he said, “I don’t need a babysitter.”
Tucker held up his hands in a pacifying gesture. “Hey man, we didn’t say that. We’re just worried about you.”
And now he had made his friends worry about him. Great. He couldn’t do anything right, could he?
He got to his feet. “I have to go.”
“Danny, wait!” Sam called out, but before they could start arguing with him again, he left.
Thankfully the fight didn’t take long, and Danny closed the thermos on the tiger-ghost just as the bell rang. It did leave him with scratch marks down his back though, and Danny cringed as he changed back into human form; praying that his quick healing would make sure it didn’t bleed through his clothes and thankful for the thick hoodie he had put on that day. He ran to his locker and got out his things, but was still late for the next class.
Lancer merely shook his head at him and Danny stumbled over to his desk and sank down in it while ignoring the worried looks from Sam and Tucker.
He was fine. It was all fine.
And even if it weren’t; it didn’t matter. He just needed to keep it together and do his job, keep everyone safe.
The bell finally rang and Danny let out a stuttering breath. He was free.
He didn’t waste any time before stuffing all of his things into his bag and getting up, ignoring the pain in his arm and his back as he shouldered his backpack. It was worth it if he could get out of there quicker. Sam and Tucker joined him as he made for the door.
Tucker lowered his voice as he looked Danny over and carefully asked, “Danny? You okay?”
Danny kept his eyes on the door, feeling his steps lighten as he passed through it. “I’m fine.”
Sam pursed her lips and asked, “…Who was it?”
“A tiger ghost.”
He knew that they wanted more information than that, but he just wanted to go home and crash. He was so very tired and he hurt.
Tucker huffed. “Maybe you should leave the hunting to your parents for tod—”
“Mr. Fenton! Get back here, now!” Lancer’s call interrupted Tucker and made dread pool in Danny’s stomach. Right. Detention.
It doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter. He’s fine.
Danny sucked in a shaking breath and stopped walking. He didn’t look at his friends as he said, “Well, see you guys tomorrow.”
Tucker let out a long sigh and sounded defeated as he said, “Please be care—”
Danny nodded and took a step towards the classroom and then he felt something collide with his back. Hard.
Immediately he was back fighting the tiger, its swiping claws on his back right in the same spot. The pain was immediate and intense, and Danny saw stars as he stumbled forward, falling to his knees.
His mind reeled. Was he still fighting? He wasn’t even transformed! He had to defend everyone!
He reached for the cold feeling in his chest, ready to tug on it and go ghost to—
Cheers erupted around him.
“Touchdown!” Dash crowed from above and Danny froze in place.
Right. He was in school. There was no ghost to fight. It was the A-listers. They didn’t matter.
For the third time that day he picked himself up off the floor.
His arm and back burned. The pain pulsed in time with his thrumming core.
Ghosts fought during stressful situations and right now his instincts were screaming at him to fight. To get them before they got him. Danny balled his hands into shaking fists.
He tried to force his heart and his core to slow down. It didn't work.
A part of him slipped, too tired to fight it anymore. They wanted a fight, right? Then he would give them one.
But then he registered movement beside him and he blinked. Right. Sam and Tucker were here, which meant that he couldn't fight right now. Not with them so close. He couldn't risk it. Risk them.
Danny pressed everything down down down.
Or, he tried to.
His breath clouded in front of his face, but it wasn't because of a ghost, but because of the sudden cold blanketing the hallway.
“…Danny?” Tucker said hesitantly from beside him. “Dude, calm down.”
“I am fucking calm!” Danny growled.
Sam looked at him with clear worry in her eyes. She leaned in and whispered, “Your eyes are glowing again.”
Danny covered his eyes with his hands. He tried to force them to return to normal, to force himself to calm down. It didn’t matter, it didn’t matter, he repeated in his mind.
Danny heaved in deep breaths.
“Ha!” Laughed Dash, “Are you going to cry?!”
Danny sucked in breath after breath. It didn’t matter.
He tried to force the tension down. Tried to stuff it all down. Down where it couldn’t hurt anyone.
It doesn’t matter.
He gritted his teeth.
It shouldn’t matter.
He was fine. They didn’t matter. He was fine.
…He didn’t feel fine. He ached and was so very tired. He hurt.
His arms fell down to his lap and before he could do more than open his eyes, Tucker was standing in front of him, shielding him from view and hissing out, “Your eyes, man!”
And Danny tried. He really did, tried to make them go back to normal, to look normal. So he wouldn’t upset anyone. So no one would notice. So he wouldn’t matter. Danny grabbed his hair in his shaking hands, winced at the pain radiating up his arm.
“What’s wrong with the freak?” Dash asked and before Danny could react there was a hand reaching for him. His mind screamed at him to get away, to make it all just stop.
“Man, don’t!” Tucker shouted out in warning and then Danny watched with wide eyes as his friend was showed aside by Kwan, making him stumble to the side.
Sam stepped in front of Danny and then got pushed into the wall by Dash as they all laughed.
Danny’s eyes jumped from the wince on Tucker’s face to the angry scowl on Sam’s. To the way she pushed away from the wall and grabbed her left shoulder that had collided with it, on how Tucker wasn’t able to hide the fear in his eyes as he looked at the people who had attacked him.
They had attacked his friends. Because of him. Danny had put them in danger.
After everything that had happened, after all the pain and exhaustion, he couldn’t even keep them safe. His core screamed.
Danny felt himself fracture, crack like a thin layer of ice beneath a boot.
Dash’s hand moved as if in slow-motion as it approached him and Danny viciously slapped it away. “Don’t touch me. And don’t. Touch. Them.”
Dash cradled his hand in stunned silence for a split second before he broke out into laughter again, elbowing Kwan in the side as he said, “Wow, would you look at that? The wimp is fighting back!”
Danny’s ears roared and his chest stuttered as he tried to get enough air into his lungs; to calm down. His eyesight narrowed into a thin point as he raised his shaking hands to grip the front of his shirt. There was a pressure on his chest. On his core. Building and building and building.
“Stop,” he managed to croak out. He didn’t know if it was a warning or a plea. His instincts were screaming, clamoring, demanding, that he fight.
“What are you going to do about it?! Cry on us?”
A rough hand crabbed Danny’s shoulder and his own hand snapped up to grab it as he hissed out, “You don’t matter! You’re fucking nothing!” None of them did. So what did it matter what he did to them?
“Danny!” Sam yelled out in warning. But she was still gripping her arm where she had collided with the wall and that as all he could see.
Danny managed to let go of the hand in his grip, but he couldn’t calm down.
Maybe he didn’t want to.
“Hey…” Dash trailed off. “What’s wrong with his eyes?”
Tucker took a step closer to Danny. “Danny, you have to calm down!”
“Why?!” Why did he always have to calm down?!
He hurt.
“Danny!” He couldn’t even tell who was speaking anymore. It didn’t matter.
The air was cold enough to sting his throat and he breathed it in in in in.
He couldn't breathe out. He couldn't—
“What the fuck?!”
“Get back!”
He smelled ectoplasm. The cold snow.
He smelled sour mouthwatering fear.
Danny recoiled with nausea climbing up his throat. He shouldn’t like that. He shouldn’t be that ghostly. He had to control himself. Just get himself back under control and calm down and—
And he couldn't. He couldn't.
His heaving breaths stopped when he realized that he didn’t need them.
In the end, he was just like any other ghost wasn't he?
The cold spread through him, out of him, and Danny didn’t even try to stop it.
They didn’t matter.
And he h̵̪̗͊u̴̯͒r̴͍͈̈̇t̸̮̺͈́.
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Lost son of catbat au where Danny learns who his bio parents are and freaks out. Batman was notoriously observant and would find him out in a heartbeat. Not to mention if it came to a custody battle he would win against the Fentons easily, or worse, someone would get overshadowed and the situation could get messy.
Batman might also seek ways to control or contain him which was terrifying. He spent his entire life feeling like he was in a cage, trapped by his adoptive parents. He didn't have many friends because his parents would scare people off with thier high tech weapons and neon jumpsuits and the ones that did stay...well they did more than look down the barrel of the sci-fi guns they touted, even if they were only covered in goo, getting shot at must be a traumatic experience. The rest of the time he felt like he was trying to creep across landmines without setting them off.
No one wanted his parents undivided attention not even thier children. That combined with the fact his house was mixed with a lab resulted in it being a giant cluster of Osha violations. Opening the fridge was dangerous long before the portal opened and the food inside it would come to life, this was because they often stored dangerous and volatile chemicals inside of it and something as small as the light bulb flicking on inside could cause something to explode.
Danny had never felt safe in his house. Tuckers place had always been his safe haven and his parents had practically raised him as thier own. Thank the Ancients for Mr and Mrs Foley. He didn't know where he would be without them. This, of course, changed after the accident. Now he didn't feel safe anywhere.
After six months with his powers he began making contingency plans for everything. His friends called him paranoid but were forced to eat thier words not even a three days later when one stopped a new ghost from taking over the city.
Danny had always been good at making plans when he actually had time to sit down and think things through. He was also excellent at sneaking around and stealing. Now he knew why.
He might not want anything to do with his parents but he very much wanted more siblings. Jazz was great but she helped raise him since she was a baby. She felt way more like a mom than a sister. Dani was self explanatory. It hurt him to know that his siblings didn't know about him-couldn't know about him.
That is, until Red Hood appeared on the scene. At this point Danny had given up on his human life and found he had so much more free time. Sure he was technically still going to school, but that was to fight ghosts, he didn't attend classes. He set up alliances with other ghosts in the zone to help defend his territory and now Amity Park had a thiving ghostly undercity that few of the living knew about.
Danny finally had time to himself, even though Sam hated it. She kept telling him it was wrong. This was a hot topic of debate between him, Sam and Tucker with the boys both against her. Sure, watching the people who took him in and -well, not raise him exactly but fed and clothed him for years- drive around the city desperatly calling his name did make him feel kinda crappy.
Red Hood gave him hope. He was estranged from Bruce but was still his brother. Jackpot! Plus he was older than him and a known killer, so he wasn't likely to tattle on him to the big bad bat about Danny making Vlad "disappear" a few months ago. Hood made people disappear all the time so who was he to judge anyway?
Still, he could admit just showing up unannounced in his apartment was kinda dangerous. There was no garentee Hood would shoot him, brother or not. I mean, he's been violent with Robin lately and no one knows why, and he's thier brother.
Just as he was about to talk himself out of this and go back to his own city he heard the tell tale click of a gun. Crap.
"So, who are you?" Hood asked, seemingly aloof even while being confronted with a stranger breaking into his home.
Danny nervously gestured to the cookies he had made for them, "If i tell you will you promise not to tell Batman?"
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beyondflashpoint · 3 months
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I’ve been bitten by the bug, and ye olde nostalgia got me thinking about Danny Phantom again, so I decided to play into that. I recently found the Show’s Pitch Bible, and it got me thinking about how I’d handle the reboot. On top of tweaking Jack and Maddie to make them less bumbling morons and more eccentric geniuses, I’d be aging up the crew, and settling Amity Park in Arkham County up New England way.
Danny, as you can probably tell from his human design, would be somewhat milquetoast, with grungy alternative leanings. Good at science, bad at math. Danny is, at his core, a good kid who loves his family. But he is still a kid.
I’ll probably go into them more as I work on the other characters, but I want to give Tucker, Sam, Jazz, and the Fenton parents more to do, even if it is just in the background. But for now, the Fenton parents definitely have only recently started Fenton Works. It’s been a lifelong dream, and between the two of them they’ve reached a point with their savings that it’s now a possibility. Maddie is a respected physicist, and Jack is… a bit of everything really. Test pilot, super spy, but mostly he’s an engineer. Maddie figures out how a thing works, and Jack can build it. The world of academia was… shocked when the most prominent scientific super couple announced they would be devoting the rest of their lives to pursuing superstitious pseudoscience, and this announcement has called their previous credibility into question, but no one can deny that Dr and Mister Fenton get results, if anyone can prove the existence of the supernatural, it’s the Fentons. Both are haunted by a supernatural experience from their youth.
Tucker Foley would probably have escaped the nerd label by his sheer programming and tech repair skills alone, if it wasn’t for the fact that he’s also a total anime geek, and a self proclaimed furry. Tucker is an unabashed nerd, and not the suave tv friendly type. Cosplays, ttrpg, mmos, comic and action figure collecting, you name it, he does it. Proudly. And he’s been Danny’s best friend since they were in diapers. Inevitably some of that has rubbed off on Danny.
Sam Manson is relatively new in town. She moved in with her grandmother midway through freshman year after things finally came to a head with her super conservative parents. Falling somewhere between socialist and anarchist, classic goth and punk, Sam is a rebel, an activist, and everything your parents warned you about. She’s also the coolest person Danny and Tucker know. Sam has a borderline obsession with the occult, ghosts, demons, witches, you name it, she can’t get enough of it. Which may or may not have something to do with a family secret relating to why certain members of the Manson family have purple eyes?
Jazmine Fenton is Danny’s smarter, prettier older sister. Fascinated by psychology, and obsessed with figuring out the inner workings of the mind. In high school she was a geek. In college she is thriving. Fortunately, Fenton Works is close to the university she’s attending, and that means she’s never far from home, and more importantly never far from her family. Though her relationship with her parents is rocky, she’s been trying to mend fences after getting some perspective on the world. She and Danny were close growing up, and shared everything, so his recent trend of playing everything close to his chest is unnerving for her. She doesn’t understand when she stopped be Danny’s best friend.
That’s alls I gots for now. Maybe I’ll play around with writing a fic, or maybe a comic or something. We’ll see how this all develops.
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raaorqtpbpdy · 2 months
Respect or Privacy (1)
Tucker is excited for everything about college, even having a roommate for the first time. At least, he is until his roommate Danny turns out to be standoffish and a little bit of a dick. Whatever. It's a disappointment, but he'll survive. The same might not be said of Danny.
This is my first fic for Phic Phight 2024. The prompts I used were:
College AU where the characters don't meet until college and Danny has to hide his halfa status from his dorm roommate (your choice which character that is) [from @shadowfaerieammy], and Tucker fucked up. Hard. But it’s like, how the hell was he supposed to know that hacking the federal government was a bad idea? [from @lexosaurus]
You can also read it on AO3.
Chapter 1: Fuck Around (Chapter 2)
[No warnings apply]
Tucker was excited for college. After the nightmare that was high school (his dad's "just be confident and people will like you and treat you well" advice had been complete garbage), he was looking forward to a school experience where everyone had actually signed up for and more-or-less wanted to be there. He was looking forward to studying programming and information technology, and spending six hours a day on average hanging out with people who were just as interested in those subjects as he was.
Then, obviously, there were the college girls—big bonus to this whole experience. Lastly, he was looking forward to the dorm experience. He'd always been kind of lonely growing up. He was an only child, and he'd never had any close friends. Honestly, he'd been closer with his bullies than he had been to the other guys in the A/V club his mom had convinced him to join which was... embarrassing.
But all freshman were required to live on campus, and he'd signed up for a double room, meaning that he would have a roommate who would have no choice but to spend time with him, and as a result, they would have to get used to each other, and learn to live with each other, and inevitably become best friends—at least until the end of freshman year.
When Tucker reached his new dorm, room 416, he could hear grumbling and shuffling on the other side of the door. His roommate must already be here. He grinned as he opened the door.
"Hey, roomie!" Tucker greeted cheerfully.
His roommate jumped at the sound, and slammed a dresser drawer closed on his finger. "Fuck!" he yelped, and turned around with a wide-eyed look on his face like he'd just been caught doing something illegal.
"Uh... sorry," Tucker said. "Didn't mean to spook ya."
"Heh, you didn't... I mean you surprised me, but I wasn't like... scared...." He cleared his throat and gave Tucker an awkward forced smile. "I'm Danny."
"Tucker Foley." Tucker tossed his duffel bag onto the empty bed and gently placed his box of tech on the desk next to it. "Looked like you were struggling with that drawer, whatcha got in there?"
Danny's smile fell. "Look, I don't wanna sour our relationship right out of the gate, but that's really none of your business. I would appreciate it if you kept your nose out of my stuff."
"Uh... okay, sure," Tucker agreed. "Wasn't trying to be nosy or anything, anyway. Sorry."
"Good," Danny said, the tension in his body language easing slightly. "As long as you respect my privacy, I think we'll get along fine."
Tucker smiled, but he felt his heart sink. 'Respect my privacy' sounded a lot like it meant 'leave me alone', and 'leave me alone' was pretty much the same as 'I don't want to be your friend', which sounded a lot like all Tucker's hopes for dorm life flushing down the toilet.
"So where're you from, Danny?" Tucker asked. "Or is that information too personal."
Danny paused before answering, like he was genuinely trying to decide if it was too personal or not.
"Illinois," he said finally. "You?"
"Illinois, also. What town?" Tucker asked. "Man, wouldn't it be wild if we grew up in the same place and never met before? I'm from Elmerton."
"Elmerton? Ew," Danny said with a laugh. "I'm an Amity Parker. I'd rather die than live in Elmerton. Elmerton sucks."
"Hey! It may be kinda boring, I'll give you that much, but it's still better than haunted-ass Amity Park!" Tucker argued, thankful it seemed like things were starting to lighten up a bit between him and his new roommate. "At least I didn't grow up surrounded by a bunch of evil ghosts taking revenge on the living."
Tucker was laughing, but just like that, Danny's demeanor got cold and closed off again. Shit. Tucker let his laughter awkwardly trail off, wondering what he'd said wrong. Man, making friends was even harder than he thought.
"Is that all your stuff?" Danny asked. "Just the one bag and a cardboard box?"
"Oh! No! I still have some things to bring up; I left them with the dorm supervisor. I better go get 'em."
"Yeah, you probably should," Danny agreed. "I wouldn't put that much trust in the dorm supervisor, he seemed kinda shady."
"Er... right."
Tucker went down to grab the last of his stuff, and by the time he reentered the dorm room, Danny was gone.
He sighed. "Great first impression, Tuck. Well done."
Danny must've arrive much earlier in the day than Tucker had, because most of his stuff was already unpacked. His bed was made and everything. As Tucker's eyes wandered over Danny's side of the room, they were drawn to the bottom drawer of his dresser, the one he'd accidentally slammed his finger in, trying to make sure Tucker didn't see what was in it.
"I shouldn't," he said out loud. "Danny literally asked for one thing—that I respect his privacy."
Poking around now would be completely stupid. It would ruin my chances of ever being friends with him. Tucker reminded himself internally.
Still, he couldn't tear his eyes away from that drawer.
And he doubted Danny would be back any time soon. It wouldn't be dark for a few more hours at least, and Danny was clearly avoiding him.
Against his better judgement, Tucker knelt down on the floor and opened the dresser drawer, expecting to see sex toys, or lingerie, or something similarly embarrassing. Instead, he found strange, futuristic looking weapons and technology. It looked like alien shit. Was Danny secretly an alien? No, that was stupid.... Right?
Tucker slowly pushed the drawer closed again, questioning everything he knew about the universe.
He would have preferred sex toys.
No, they had to be earthly technology, because Tucker distinctly remembered seeing a logo emblazoned on everything that said 'Fenton Works'. All he had to do was look that up online and put his mind at ease. Danny seemed like a... fairly reasonably guy. There had to be a good explanation for him having a cache of high tech weapons in a college dorm. Although, to be honest, it wasn't looking too good at the moment.
Tucker unpacked his box of tech, set up his desktop PC set up and plugged in his laptop and PDA to charge. Then, he looked up Fenton Works, which brought him to an absolutely hideous orange and teal website for what seemed to be a small family business in Amity Park that specialized in ghost hunting and developing ghost hunting technology.
A sigh of relief escaped him.
Danny definitely wasn't an alien. He was just another paranoid Amity Parker, worried about ghosts attacking, even though they were all the way in Wisconsin. That was probably why he'd tensed up when Tucker made a crack about ghosts before. Tucker's dad sometimes went to Amity Park for work, and he said they were super serious about ghosts there, and didn't appreciate jokes about their haunting situation. Honestly, Tucker should have known better from the start, but he'd thought they were riffing. He hadn't gotten all offended when Danny made fun of Elmerton.
Whatever. He could apologize when Danny got back. In the meantime, he started programming his class schedule for this semester into his PDA, making sure there would be room for homework—and, more importantly, college parties.
As the days passed and classes started and the two of them both got busier, Tucker made an effort to talk to Danny as much as possible, and even though Danny smiled and responded politely, he always dodged any personal topics. Also, Tucker was pretty sure he was avoiding spending more time together than was strictly necessary, but he couldn't be sure. Still, he was determined for he and Danny to be friends.
"So Danny, I heard about this party one of the frats is hosting to draw in pledges," Tucker said. "Obviously I'm not planning to join a frat, but it could still be fun. Wanna come with me?"
"Uh... I'm not really a party person," Danny said apologetically. "I'm more of a bed person, enjoyer of sleeping and chilling."
"I get that, sure, but don't you want to meet people? Make friends? Maybe find a girlfriend? Or boyfriend, I don't judge."
"Thanks, but no thanks," Danny refused. "You have fun, though."
Tucker left it at that, but he couldn't help wondering what exactly was up with Danny being so standoffish. Did he have a problem with Tucker in particular, or was he just anti-social? It wasn't exactly unusual for someone not to want to go to a party. It could be that he didn't like crowds, or loud music, or being around drunk people, or frats in general. There were plenty of reasons Danny might not want to go—and no evidence that Tucker was part of the reason at all.
That didn't stop Tucker from wondering if he was.
That trend continued for the first month. Tucker would invite Danny to do something as friends, and Danny would decline for one reason or another, no matter what it was Tucker had proposed. Everything from parties in the dorm, to just going to get coffee or tea before classes, whether it was loud or quiet, crowded or solitary—even going to study at the library in silence, Danny always had a reason to say 'no', and Tucker was starting to take it personally.
"Okay, what's your deal?" Tucker demanded after Danny once again refused to join him, this time for literally just takeout in their dorm room—Tuck had offered to pay and everything. "Do you have some kind of problem with me, or something? I just want us to get along and shit, 'cause we're roommates, and we have to live with each other all year, but you keep shutting me down! So what gives?!"
"Nothing," Danny insisted. "Honestly, I'm just not hungry."
"Yeah, this time you're not hungry, but you refused laser tag 'cause you're not very athletic, and studying at the library 'cause you had other plans with your classmates, and coffee before class 'cause you don't drink coffee—even though I've literally seen you drinking coffee before!" Tucker snapped. "Dude, it's ten pm, and you haven't eaten since breakfast, you can't not be hungry, so what's wrong with you?!"
Danny flinched at the question, but Tucker couldn't feel too bad for mildly offending the guy who'd been blowing him off all month.
"Nothing," Danny said again, not meeting Tucker's angry gaze. "I'm just... I'm just a regular, ordinary guy. So go ahead and order takeout if you care so much, I'm not gonna stop you."
"No. That's not good enough," Tucker insisted. "I been trying to hang with you since we moved in, and you keep blowing me off for no good reason. So what's the issue? Is it 'cause I'm black?"
"What?! No!"
"Then what?! Give me one good reason why you're treating me this way?"
"Look, it's not about you, okay?"
"Oh, you're gonna pull out an 'it's not you, it's me'? I'm not your overbearing girlfriend, I'm your roommate, and all I wanted to do was get along."
"I don't want any friends, okay?!" Danny finally burst out. "I don't have any problem with you, I just... I just think I'm better off on my own."
All Tucker could do was stare in disbelief.
"I made up excuses because I didn't want to offend you or anything, because I didn't want us to be on bad terms," Danny continued. "We're still roommates. I know that, and I'm not so stupid that I wanted to torch that relationship right out of the gate, but I'm not looking for someone to be best friends with, you know? All I wanted from a roommate was mutual respect and privacy."
"Why?" asked Tucker at length.
"What do you mean 'why'?"
"I mean, why do you want to be alone all the time?" Tucker pressed. "I been there, and it sucks. It's lonely and sad and pathetic and people make fun of you for being some kind of defective human being who can't get anyone lo like you. Why would you want that?"
"I like my solitude," Danny mumbled. He was back to not being able to look at Tucker again.
"You're afraid," Tucker refuted.
"What makes you say that?"
"It's obvious," Tucker said. "I don't know why, but for some reason you're just fucking terrified of people getting close to you? So what is it? Are you terminally ill or something? Do you secretly just have a totally shitty personality? What?"
For a long moment, Danny was silent, but he did tilt his head up to look Tucker squarely in the eye before speaking.
"That's none of your business."
Tucker's forehead wrinkled and his mouth fell open incredulously. Slowly, he shook his head. "Fuckin' fine. Whatever," he said finally. "You want a roommate who'll leave you alone—you got it. But mutual respect is off the table, 'cause you just lost mine."
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britcision · 1 year
Listen I had a good long chonk I was gonna give you but it’s been a long day and I broke my headphones and I am SUFFERING
So you all can too
Have some more chapter 14 of Dead and Loving It, happy WIP Wednesday!
A Good Excuse To Be A Bad Influence ii
When they’d finally dragged themselves to bed, Tim had offered to let Tucker use one of the manor’s nearly infinite guest rooms.
They’d picked one out and everything, changed into pyjamas (Tucker borrowed an old pair of Dick’s), and sat on the bed talking about technology until they both fell asleep.
Probably around 8am.
Tucker hadn’t had a proper slumber party since leaving Amity Park, but he was kinda getting used to waking up tucked next to a still-sleeping Wayne adoptee when his phone buzzed around 10am.
Foul treachery from Danny. As usual.
Tucker barely woke up, hand crawling from the pile to rest against the PDA, and that was all he needed. His awareness slipped from the device to his phone, always linked.
From his phone to Danny’s. Into Danny’s music app, where he picked a suitable vengeance even as he slipped back into sleep.
Watched Danny through the phone as if it were a dream, easily filtering out the sounds of his own music as Danny flailed around, trying to turn the music off, trying to turn the music down, failing on all counts, and flailing his way out of the dorm.
Down to meet Jason, his phone now buried in six layers of socks that did nothing to stop the music from being heard, or Tucker from watching.
Tucker cranked the volume a little more anyway. The thought had to count for something.
If Danny wanted to call him petty, well, Tucker Foley could redefine “petty” all on his own.
Providing his friends with a semi-mocking soundtrack really was the least of his abilities; he was literally doing it in his sleep.
Tag list: @welcometosasakiworld @kyrianclawraith @someonebored0100 @stealingyourbones @starkcravingmad @frostedthroughghost @akikkobara @rainbowbunny0159 @littlefeather345 @violet-catsarelife @serasvictoria02 @wolfjackle @blacksea21090 @secretdestinywerewolf @anime-hipster-the-amazing @undead-essence @skitscratched @blackroserelina @snoodly-boop @trickerdi @mayoota-blog @xysidhe @idkmrpianoman @little-apricot-the-writer @chaoticmistake @the-legal-shipper @bun-fish @aroranorth-west @demon-cat-goes-woof @perfectwastelandcreation @onyxlightdragon @larks-and-katydids @peachesandcreamfemboy @jesus-camp-the-sequel @may-rbi @mothman-the-mothman87 @viyatrix @stargirl1331 @idfk-man10 @thedepressedrobin @skulld3mort-1fan @rootsmudge @ravenshadow17 @cankoking @phantom-dc @mentalcarebear @magic-pincushion @redamancyardor @lyra689 @itsparadoxlacuna @alcorbearson @asphyxia778 @why-must-i-be-like-this @tkiesai
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underforeversgrace · 1 year
an august snowstorm
DannyMay 2023 Day 3 - Blizzard
title: an august snowstorm
words: 771
“Mr. Fenton!” Lancer exclaimed, holding an arm up against the snow and wind trying to throw him from his feet.
“Get back!” Ms. Manson shouted, her normal hair tie flying from her hair, causing it to whip around wildly.
“Danny, c’mon bro, you gotta listen to me! It’s okay!” Mr. Foley said, desperately pushing forward against the onslaught.
The wind just picked up in ferocity, blowing the windows towards the sunny August day outside, while a snowstorm swirled in here, centered around Daniel. It had been a perfectly normal day. Well, slightly abnormal - there had been no ghost attacks or threats, not even a blob idly floating through. A lack of ghosts was notably not normal in Amity Park, considering they’d been dealing with them for right at a year now.
They were halfway through a test, nearly at the very end of the school day when Fenton had screamed and fallen from his chair, clutching at his left hand. 
Daniel screamed again, sobbing as he held his hand to himself.
Lancer was, quite honestly, entirely unsure how to proceed. The rest of the students had managed to get out, but Lancer had been on the opposite end of the classroom from the door and this… whatever it was had gotten too bad too fast, trapping him in the room.
Mr. Fenton had simply seemed to… Lancer didn’t know how to describe it. Snow had exploded from him, immediate and violent. He’d thought it was just a ghost attack, initially. Until Daniel had fallen, at least. It had been only a few minutes but the storm seemed to be getting worse, becoming colder, the snow turning to hail.
“Danny!” Tucker called as he lunged once more for his friend. The wind briefly caught him and for a heartbeat Lancer feared he was about to go through the window, but the boy had managed to grab onto Daniel’s arm and was hanging on for dear life. Samantha was still trying to get to him, but her slight frame made her more susceptible to the wind than anyone else.
Foley pulled himself closer to Fenton, eventually enveloping the boy in a hug. As soon as he was in the embrace though, he screamed, a scream that would haunt Lancer for years to come. It was agony and suffering, it was pain and regret. Electricity visibly crackled into the air.
“It’s okay, Danny. It’s okay.” Lancer could just barely make out Tucker saying. Finally, the onslaught of snow began to dissipate, Samantha running to her friends as soon as she was able to, throwing herself around the two of them.
Lancer felt like he was intruding, as he heard the two friends gently soothing their friend, who continued to sob in their arms. He realized they had likely forgotten about him, behind them as he was, in all the chaos.
He cleared his throat. “Is everything okay?” He asked, even though he knew it wasn’t. He could still hear Daniel’s scream in his mind. Manson twirled around, wide eyed as she remembered his presence.
“Sam,” Daniel said, though his voice sounded like knives had been taken to his throat, and something else just sounded off, “don’t go. Please.”
She glared at Lancer, who just held his hands up placatingly. Seeming to accept his response, she settled back down, though she continued to shield Danny from his view, oddly protective.
Lancer began to edge to the door, trying to stay silent as the two comforted Mr. Fenton, but he couldn’t not hear their conversation, his ears toned after years straining to hear any signs of cheating.
“What happened?” Foley whispered.
“The accident. I… I think today’s the anniversary.” Fenton answered, though still his voice sounded wrong. Even beyond the sound of his hurt throat, though, something about that voice was oddly familiar, but Lancer couldn’t place it.
“Oh.” Sam said.
“I can’t shift back. Did I finish dying?” He said, sounding more than a little panicked.
Shift back? To what? Finish dying? Lancer, admittedly, may have slowed down just a little bit on his way to the door.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay. You couldn’t for a little while after the accident, remember?” A shuffle of movement. “See, I found your heartbeat.”
Finally, Lancer had made it to the door, inching as he had been to be as unobtrusive as possible. But something stopped him, something impossible. He’d gotten around to the other side of their little huddle and Mr. Fenton was no longer shielded from his view.
Though it wasn’t Daniel Fenton who sat there.
It was Danny Phantom who Lancer made eye contact with.
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Woo! Just got my first fic for dp side hoes week done! Today was Day 1 Tucker Foley/Power Up. I spent way to much time deciding on an idea. It's also my first time in a while trying to be funny, so hopefully I hit the mark.
Ao3 Link, then full story.
The second time he went on patrol with Danny, Tucker chased a ghost-coyote down for an hour. He ducked under branches and jumped over bushes. He vaguely remembered thinking it was a lot like being in one of those old school 2-D platformer games. He called Danny when he caught up to it, but Danny was in another part of town trying to deal with a ghost-roadrunner, so Tucker tried to fight it himself with the Fenton fishing rod. Maybe it would be like some kind of boss fight. If you hit it enough times, it would just poof? That seemed right. 
That was the night they decided to start making more Fenton Thermoses. 
It turned out, hitting a ghost-coyote with the Fenton fishing rod only got its attention. Hitting it more than once only made it mad. Hiding in some bushes until it went away worked okay though. 
A couple of hours later, Danny was able to shove the ghost back in the thermos. That was the first time Tucker really felt jealous of Danny’s ghost powers. It was like Danny actually had the tools to play the game while Tucker didn’t.
Three weeks and a nasty encounter with a genie later, Tucker found out that it was very, very bad to want ghost powers. Apparently a Tucker with ghost powers was an overpowered asshole and Tucker wasn’t sure if that was because of himself or the genie. Being a half-ghost did not agree with him. 
Maybe any power was too much power. Afterall, this time had been even worse.
This time it had been an Ancient Egyption curse. All he had wanted was to be listened to and he ended up dragging the entire school into a weird desert. He just wanted his friends to see him and he managed to be tricked by a mummy into enslaving his classmates. What the hell? Maybe the problem was him. He couldn’t risk it. 
As soon as he was back on the stage, he had conceded the race to Dash. It was only right. He couldn’t be trusted with power after all. 
“You good, man?” Danny asked. He looked worried. Danny shouldn’t be worried. Danny was fine with power. Danny was an actual superhero and he never enslaved his classmates. 
“Yeah, I’m good. Just wished the person I was conceding to wasn’t Dash, you know?”
Out of the corner of his eye, Tucker saw Sam’s face screw up. That was her Opinion face. Whether it was about Dash, him, or high school elections, Tucker couldn’t guess. The only thing he knew for sure was that she had Opinions about it. 
He braced himself. 
“Tucker Foley,” a glowing green eyeball boomed directly in front of him. Tucker jumped. One second, he was walking through an empty back hallway and the next it was full of three green eyeballs in fancy robes. What the fuck?
Tucker felt the blast of cold air as Danny shifted next to him. Thank goodness they were alone.
“Observants,” Danny hissed. 
The observants ignored him. 
“Tucker Foley,” the observant at the front of the group repeated, bowing low, “You are the new ghost king.”
It said a lot about Tucker’s life that his first thought was not again. Like, he had literally just gotten out of a situation almost exactly like this. His second thought was What the Fuck!?
He said that second thought out loud and was promptly echoed by Danny and Sam.
“No,” said Tucker, “I am not the new ghost king. You’ve got me confused with someone else.”
“No, we don’t.” The observant was unwavering in their certainty and Tucker wasn’t exactly sure how to shake their conviction. Actually, why was it this convinced? This didn’t make any sense. What the fuck!?
Thankfully, his friends seem to be just as confused as he was. “What do you mean Tucker is the new ghost king? How is that even possible?” Danny said less than a foot to his right. Having his glowing, superpowered friend next to him was a comfort, even if Tucker really did not want another ghost fight happening in school this week. They were still cleaning up the basketball courts from the last one.
“Silence, ghost child,” the observant to the right of the front observant said, “You had your chance and you lost it.”
“Lost it? What are you talking about?”
“The kingship,” Left Observant spoke again, “You had it and you lost it; in a human game called Mario Kart.”
Tucker winced as Sam’s combat boot slammed against the linoleum of the high school hall. “Explain,” she ground out. And, oooh, she was pissed. This was going to turn into a confrontation if they weren’t careful. Danny was getting better about shooting not-actively-attacking ghosts on sight, but he was already transformed and his hands were pretty damn glowy. A riled up Sam was enough to set him off. 
Tucker heard the murmur of a crowd coming towards them. Dash must have finally stopped congratulating himself and the assembly was letting out. This was about to go from probably-a-fight to definitely-a-fight and definitely-a-fight meant no answers and a wrecked hallway.
“Yes, explain” Tucker said, his voice more panicked than he would like it, “but explain in here.” And Tucker chose the nearest door and gestured. Oddly enough, the observants just bowed slightly and entered. Tucker slammed the door closed as he, Sam, and Danny bunched in after them. The murmuring was getting closer, but seemed to turn toward another corridor. It still wasn’t a good idea to have a confrontation where anyone could see. 
The nearest door turned out to be the janitor's closet. It was cramped and the only light was coming from Danny’s still glowing hands. The observants had managed to arrange themselves in the same order they had been in the hall. A mop fell on the right one. The observant ignored it and Tucker chose to do the same. 
“Okay,” Tucker sighed, keeping an ear out for anyone that could possibly be a problem, “Now, yes, please explain. How can I, Tucker, a techno-geek human boy, possibly be the ghost king?”
“And how does Mario Kart factor into this?” Danny added on because, yeah, that was weird. 
Front Observant somehow looked miffed, which was an impressive feat for a single giant eyeball. “You have won it by rights. You bested the last ghost king in a test of skill. As Wuunda said, the skill was the human video game Mario Kart.”
“Okay, I definitely did not play Mario Kart against Pariah Dark. I would have remembered something like that. There is no way, right guys?”
Danny shook his head, his glowing green eyes leaving streaks as his head moved, “No, you definitely would have remembered that. The man was not subtle”
All three observants shifted nervously. Tucker exchanged glances with his friends. They saw it too. 
“So,” asked Sam, leaning not-at-all casually against the door, “Who exactly did Tucker beat in Mario Kart.”
“The last ghost king.”
“And what was the last ghost king’s name?”
More nervous shuffling. 
Sam sighed. “It was Danny wasn’t it?” 
“Yes,” the front observant ground out. They were glowering. 
Tucker felt more resignation than surprise. Yeah, he knew that was where this conversation was going. Based on the tightening of Danny’s fists beside him, Danny knew too.
“Just so I’m clear,” Tucker started, “Danny had this epic, all out battle with Pariah Dark in his parents battle suit and won.”
“He became the next ghost king.”
“A week later, I beat him in Mario Kart and became the ghost king.” 
“It was actually four days later, but yes.”
Tucker folded his hands by his nose and breathed in slowly. “Okay, so first question. I have definitely been beaten at stuff by people since then. How am I still king?”
“It didn’t count.” Front Observant’s tone was flat. Tucker got the feeling they had searched for ways to make it count. Tucker was sure they hadn’t looked hard enough.
“I’ve lost to Danny since then. At Mario Kart even.”
“The throne cannot be won by that king who had just lost it. It doesn’t count.” 
“No take-backsies then. Got it. I lost to Sam, also at Mario Kart.”
“There were other terms. If you lost, you had to eat a whole package of tofu. You cannot lose the throne if there are already set terms. It doesn’t count”
“I literally just lost an election.”
“Ghost King is not an elected position and you were competing for something specific. It doesn’t count.”
Tucker sighed. He could try to exploit technicalities later, but for now, he’d accept at least that bit. “Okay, question two. I’m human? How can I be ghost king. It’s literally in the title.” Tucker really hoped the answer wasn’t along the lines of “that can be fixed”. By the way Danny was moving in front of him, he’d had the same thoughts. 
 “We’ve had living kings before. Your human status is of no consequence and will eventually fix itself.” Okay, well at least the problem was going to fix itself and not be fixed. 
“Third question. Why now? Danny defeated Pariah Dark like three months ago.” 
“Yeah, seriously,” Sam piped up from where she had been unusually quiet against the door, “Shouldn’t you have been having this conversation with Danny like the day after it happened?”
The nervous shuffling was back. Tucker glanced at Danny. Danny shrugged. The trio stared at the observants. 
After five more seconds of awkward silence, the right observant blurted, “It took us a while to get the crown of fire back from Plasmius.” 
“Koshno,” the left observant hissed. The right observant had obviously let a secret slip.
The front observant cleared their throat, “The important thing is we have it now,” they straightened to their full height, “Now come Tucker Foley, we must get you ready for your coronation.” 
Tucker took a step back into the door. He was suddenly very aware of how small the closet was. 
It suddenly got a lot brighter as well. Danny’s hands had been dull embers, now they were blazing with green light. “He’s not going anywhere,” Danny yelled, and Tucker hoped no one was outside. 
“Hmph,” the Front Observant shook their eyeball, “You have no stake in this ghost child. Move.”
Sam stepped in front of Tucker too, and all Tucker could think was how grateful he was for his friends. “Fuck no,” she said, “Tucker isn’t doing anything he doesn’t want to.”
“Yeah,” said Tucker, thankful for the backup, “And I don’t want to go anywhere with you.”
All three observants drew themselves up. “Tucker Foley,” the front observant started, “ You must-” 
“Nope,” Danny cut the observant off, “He said no. Now get going, or get souped.”
The observants looked at each other before seemingly coming to an agreement. “Fine,” the front observant said, “but this is not over. You will be crowned.” 
Then, Danny, Sam, and Tucker were alone in a closet. 
“Well, that was something,” Sam said. Tucker could only nod numbly. He wasn’t good with power and here it looked like he had just been handed a whole lot. No. He hadn’t been handed power. He’d won it. In Mario Kart.
Light flashed as Danny changed back. “I’m sorry, Tuck,” he said, “I’ve gotten you wrapped up in my weirdness again and-”
“Don’t,” Tucker cut him off as he slowly opened the door a crack and checked to make sure no one was around. All he could hear was the distant squeaking of sneakers. The coast was clear. “I’m your best friend, Danny. I’m here for your weird and this isn’t your fault. Besides,” Tucker flashed a grin, “it’s not like you let me beat you in Mario Kart.”
“Oh yeah? How do you know I didn’t? I’m amazing at Mario Kart.”
“Please you only beat me, like, a quarter of the time.”
“And I beat you both all of the time,” Sam said, draping herself over both her friends.
“Yeah, you curb stomp us in video games, that’s why we never play against you.”
“Pssh. Wimps. I just know how to get all the cool power-ups,” Sam shifted more of her weight to Tucker. “Of course, you got a crazy power-up yourself.”
Tucker chuckled, “Yeah, ghost king is a way cooler power-up than the blue shell.” It wasn’t. The blue shell was powerful enough. 
Danny smiled over at him. “Mario Kart is a way better way to win it, too.” Danny’s eyebrows knit. “Want to stay over at my place tonight?”
Tucker thought of green eyeballs, and promises of return, and potential power he definitely shouldn’t be trusted with. “Yeah man, I think that’d be a good idea.”
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lexosaurus · 1 year
The Truth to Light: Chapter 2
(oh my goddd this was supposed to be a drabble. why am i writing a three part fic? lexx, stop it, bad lexx)
Side Hoes Week day 2: Wes Weston, Revenge Characters: Wes, Tucker WC: 1494
[chapter one]
“What are you gonna do if he loses?” 
Tucker turned around, trying to not let the annoyance show through. One of these days he’d be able to walk by Wes Weston without hearing a comment, but today wasn’t one of those days. Though interestingly, Weston was far less…gloat-y than Tucker thought he would be.
Maybe it was the video. Maybe finally seeing all the horrors on screen was enough to humble him. Maybe the stupid redhead was finally realizing how recklessly he had been acting, trying to expose Danny for the past two years.
But instead of shutting the hell up, Weston had now taken to lurking around and trying to have “secret” conversations with Sam and Tucker. As if he had been in on their trio the whole time.
Hah. As if.
Weston leaned against the brick wall and bit into the apple in his hand. His green eyes were steeled on Tucker, and the determination on his face was reminiscent of a cheesy spy movie. The situation itself was so stereotypical, Tucker would have found it comical a few months ago. But then again, it was hard to find anything humorous lately.
“So?” Weston said through a mouthful of apple. He swallowed, then continued, “You gonna go after the Ghost Investigation Ward?”
Tucker had to refrain from letting out his hundredth exasperated sigh that month from talking to Weston. “And how exactly would I do that?”
Weston, it seemed, had no reservations about letting out a huff himself. He pushed off the brick wall, tossing the bitten apple in his hand. “Foley, I’m not a fucking idiot. I know what your little side hobby is.”
“You honestly don’t know anything about me.”
“Oh, and so I bet that mechanical ghost just happened to hack his own system for a year? And all Technus’ world domination attempts just happened to get shut down by themselves?”
“I’ve heard Phantom was pretty good at his job. Maybe he got a lucky shot.”
Weston rolled his eyes. “Yeah, right. Because Fenton is known for being such a programming genius.”
Tucker folded his arms over his chest. Play stupid, just play stupid. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“You don’t?” Weston said lightly through his glaring eyes. He snatched the apple out of the air mid-toss and stalked over to Tucker, jabbing his finger into his chest. This close, Tucker could smell the deodorant Weston had sprayed on his body after basketball practice. “The rest of this school may think it was just Danny, but I know all about your double life too. You can’t fool me. I know you didn’t make the honor roll last year through any real academic merits.”
“Maybe I’m just smarter than you think, Weston.”
“Oh, I know you’re smarter than everyone else thinks. Trust me.” He took a step back and tore out another chunk of the apple. “And I know you played a bigger role in your little secret trio ghost fighting club than anyone knows.”
Tucker glanced around knowing that everyone had left the school property long ago. He would have been long gone too, had he not needed to make up this English exam. But it was worth it. He needed to appear in court for Danny. He had worked too damn hard to get his friend out of that hellhole, and he would never forgive himself if he let school get in the way of this rescue operation now.
With the assurance they were truly alone, he finally dropped his shoulders and hissed, “So what if I did? You gonna go tattle to the government?”
“No…” Weston’s gaze finally flickered away from Tucker. “But I’m just wondering what you’re going to do if he loses the trial.”
“He’s not going to lose.”
“He might.”
“He won’t,” Tucker said. “He can’t. I worked—I—he can’t lose. He can’t.”
Weston’s keen perception and ability to get under Tucker’s skin were all too annoying. “So you’ve already done something, then?”
“Yeah, Weston, it’s called spending weeks trapped in a room with lawyers being hounded by questions about my best friend. The fuck did you think I’ve been up to?”
“As I said, I’m not an idiot. You’re a hacker. What sort of revenge have you been planning?”
God, Tucker could scream. Did this moron actually think that just because he waited for Tucker after school, that suddenly meant all secrets would be revealed? 
They weren’t even friends! They had never been friends! Just because Weston figured out who Danny was, didn’t mean shit!
But he forced his anger back down, he forced that urge to punch Weston in his stupid freckled face down, he forced his shaking fists into his hoodie pockets. “I haven’t planned anything, dumbass. Why would I risk Danny’s freedom like that?”
“Because you know the government is never going to give him up. He’s too powerful. You know this.”
He did know this.
“Judges don’t care what the stupid Guys in White want.”
“They don’t?” Weston said. “Huh, that’s news to me. I didn’t know the US Judicial system was so flawless. Better go correct the history books, then.” He made a big show of biting into his apple, chomping loudly as he said through a muddled jaw, “I guess the government will just have to give up a massive bio-weapon and unlimited source of ecto-energy when some random judge asks them nicely to hand Phantom over. I’m sure it’ll go over well.”
The urge to punch Weston in the face was growing stronger by the second. 
“Whatever, Wes,” Tucker bit out. “If you’re just gonna be a dick, then I’m done talking to you. Unlike you, I actually have things to do. Like, you know, saving my friend’s life.”
“No, come on.” Weston grabbed Tucker’s arm, who didn’t hesitate to rip himself out of Weston’s grip. “Listen, I know you’re planning some sort of revenge against the GIW. Come on, I can help.”
“I’m not planning anything,” Tucker reiterated. Mentally, he noted that it was because he’d already done it by releasing the videos. “And even if I were, I’d never tell you.”
“I can be useful. Admit it, the fact that I figured out who Danny really was two years before anyone else did? That was impressive.”
Tucker snorted. “Sure, and we can forget the part where you stalked us trying to out Danny and sell him to the government. What’s wrong, Weston, feeling a bit of buyer’s remorse?” He whirled back around to face the other boy. “You got your wish, didn’t you? You spent years trying to sell him out to the Guys in White, and guess what? Eventually, they got him! And then the videos came out and it turned out, you were fucking right about Danny being a halfa. Wes was right all fucking along! So congrats, Wes, truly. You got your wish. Now go celebrate with someone else and leave me alone.”
When Weston finally said nothing in return, Tucker let the anger fade. The fists in his pocket uncurled, and the tightness in his neck released. He sighed and toed the patchy grass. “My best friend was kidnapped, dude. I don’t really care about your guilt or whatever it is you’re feeling. I’m just trying to get him back.” His voice cracked at the end, but he didn’t care anymore.
Tucker wasn’t some macho, tough guy. He was just a sixteen-year-old geek who liked to fool around with computer programs and play video games with his friends on the weekend. He didn’t want all…this. 
But he didn’t have a choice.
“Just leave me alone,” Tucker said.
“Foley…listen, I’m sorry, okay? And—and you don’t need to recruit me. But you’re gonna have to think of something. The government’s never going to let Danny go. The videos were good, but they won’t be good enough. This isn’t the first time torture has been uncovered by the federal government.”
Tucker continued staring at the ground. He knew this…he really did…but…
“The public pressure,” he tried.
“It won’t matter.”
Tucker gnawed at his lip. “This isn’t about revenge, Weston.”
“Okay, fine. But you’ll still have to do something. And correct me if I’m wrong, but based on what you’ve already done, I don’t think this will be too challenging for you.” 
Surprise flickered through Tucker, but before he could process what Weston was talking about, the taller teen had already grabbed his backpack and shouldered past him.
“Just think about it, okay?”
And then Weston was strolling to the parking lot, whistling with an ease that suggested nothing but pure innocence. Like he hadn’t just spent the past few minutes conspiring with Tucker.
Leaving Tucker standing there, alone, stunned.
Had Wes really…?
But no. No one knew about that.
Danny would be fine. Tucker had done enough. He had to have. What more could he give? What more could he do to get Danny out of there? 
There was nothing else…right?
chapter 1 / chapter 3
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ashboy-3 · 1 year
Someone Believes in You
Written for Dannymay event 2023 Day 24 Prompt: NASA Fandom: Danny Phantom Character: Danny and Lancer Words:1,054 Summary: Danny wants to get into a good college for Space, but he doesn't think he's able to do it. Lancer believes in him.
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“Alright, kids. Today we will be discussing jobs. What do you want to be when you grow up?” an older lady asked her classroom of five-year-olds.
“I want to go to space!” a small five-year-old Danny yelled, jumping up and down for joy.
“That’s nice Danny, but we are talking about Jobs today, not plans,” she said gently, trying to not hurt his feelings, as the class laughed at him.
During free time Danny decided to angrily color space and the planets to get his feelings out. “I think space is really cool!” a dark-skinned boy said, walking up to Danny, sitting next to him.
“Do you really!?” Danny asked, eyes shining with excitement.
“Maybe not as much as you, but I think it’d be cool to go to space one day.”
“My name is Danny!” the small black-haired child said, holding out one of his crayons for the other boy.
“I’m Tucker!” Tucker smiled as he took the crayon offering. A friendship was born.
“Alright, class we’re finally starting our section on space,” a tired teacher said, clearly not ready to deal with the middle schoolers before him.
“Finally!” Danny shouted excitedly, cheering in his spot.
“Quiet Fenton. This will not require a discussion,” the teacher rolled his eyes as Danny blushed, Tucker patting his back supportive as Dash and Kwan laughed at the two.
“What nerds,” the Jocks teased.
“Don’t listen to them. I think it’s pretty cool how excited you are for space,” the new girl with short black hair whispered, sitting behind him.
“Really?” Danny asked.
“Hell yeah,” she smiled at him.
“Manson! Fenton! Watch the video and stop whispering!” the teacher shouted as they paid attention.
After class Sam walked in front of the best friend’s desk. “I’m Sam Manson,” she held out her hand.
“Danny Fenton,” Danny shook her hand as she looked over at his best friend. “Oh um, I’m Tucker Foley.”
“Want to go to the Nasty Burger after school and do some research on the different planets within the solar system?” she asked as Danny’s eyes went wide.
“Oh um sure!” Danny shook his head excitedly as Tucker teased him.
“Don’t know what you’re laughing about. We can’t research the whole thing alone,” Sam rolled her eyes as she walked out of the classroom to her next class.
“So what do you want to do when you get out of high school?” Sam asked as Danny showed them the portal his parents had just finished building.
“I want to be an astronaut and work for NASA. I’m good at science and mom is always willing to help me out, but I’m not so good in the math department. I think that’s what’s going to give me the most trouble,” Danny shrugged.
“Makes sense. Your parents did build this huge portal,” Tucker said.
“A portal that doesn’t work,” Danny scoffed.
“Since it doesn’t work let’s get a few pictures,” Sam asked.
Later this day Danny Phantom was born, of course, he did spend two weeks in the hospital but that’s more because of the electricity that he was shot with.
“Alright, kids! College applications time. If you need help come see me after school or during my lunch period,” Lancer said, passing out applications to the seniors, and waiting for them to hand them back in.
It was a week later that Danny was called into his office. “You wanted to see me, Mr. Lancer?”
“Ah, Mr. Fenton yes. Please come in,” Lancer said, Danny, closing the door behind him as he sat down in the free seat. “I’ve reviewed your applications and you want to apply for an Astronomer?” Lancer asked.
“Yeah I’m not fully sure what I want to do, but if a college will accept my horrible grades I would like to go into something space-related,” Danny shrugged.
“Danny you’re grades are not as bad as they were your freshman year. You have done an excellent job of bringing them up. I fully believe that you will be able to get into a space program, that’s not why I called you in here,” Lancer said carefully, looking at the boy who thinks he has already ruined his chance at higher education. Lancer watched as the boy looked up at him with a look in his eyes. A look that Lancer has seen in many of his students that he has tried to save from an edge. A look of surprised hope.
“You really think that I can do it?”
“Danny you are a smart kid. I’ll admit you’re grades gave me a small scare when you were a freshmen, but you have been doing good. I believe that you could be a part of NASA with how good you’re doing,” Lancer praised him.
“Thank you, Mr. Lancer. Really,” Danny beamed at him.
“Now I called you here because you didn’t write down a college, you just wrote down a few states,” Lancer put the application in front of him.
“There are so many options I couldn’t decide,” Danny shrugged.
“Well if you want to get into a good science program I recommend this college here in California,” Lancer said writing down the name. “It’s in one of the states that you wanted to attend so I think it’ll be perfect for you. Just be warned that this course is meant to challenge you it will not always be easy,” Lancer warned.
“I want in,” Danny said, determination burning bright in his eyes.
“You will need to study harder. Take the ACT again and try to score better. I am willing to help you if you are willing to make the time,” Lancer suggested.
“I am. I want to get into this school,” Danny said again, writing down the name of the college on the application.
“Meet with me every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for your lunch period and we will get you ready to take the ACT. As a just in case we will also study for the practice exam.”
“Thank you, Mr. Lancer! Really,” Danny smiled, grabbing his book bag to walk out.
“I expect great things from you, Mr. Fenton,” Lancer smiled back. He knows that the young boy will put in the effort and he knows that Danny will truly be a brilliant student meant for the field of astrology.
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nerdpoe · 1 year
Of Kindness and Empathy 4
First, Second, Third, AO3
Bruce was, unexpectedly, having a great time.
The doctors had informed him that Tim would recover just fine, that by miracle of all miracles it was only a scattering of first and second degree burns and a mild concussion. He could leave him with Damian and Dick, then, and go seek out Daniel.
Daniel, unknowingly, had actually made his day a bit better.
The teen hero he had come to talk to had managed to get himself and his friends trapped in an elevator with glass walls. 
Once he had realized what had been happening, he’d gone up to the fifth floor via stairs for the sole sake of sipping on a mimosa and watching the theatrics. Sue him, his kids hadn’t messed up this bad in a very long time and it was a sort of cathartic schadenfreude to see.
Daniel Fenton, who was kneeling next to the intercom and frantically gesturing with his hands, had not noticed him.
Tucker Foley, the kid on the ground surrounded by chicken bones and pieces of meat, was hiding under a torn skirt.
Samantha Manson, who had torn off the portion of her dress below the knees and given it to Tucker Foley, had noticed him, was slowly signing at him some of the most vitriolic insults he had ever seen. 
When he’d signed back, she had taken that as permission to speed up her signing to a more fluent level. The insults hadn’t stopped for fifteen minutes, and she never repeated herself.
Which was, honestly, pretty impressive.
He both wanted her to meet Cass and dreaded it.
Watching teens being teens helped ease some of the weight from Bruce’s shoulders. Daniel did not appear to be in a dire situation, no matter his personal feelings on being trapped in an elevator he could not phase through, and he looked healthy.
Jason and Duke had joked that he would be adopting another one, but so far it did not look like he needed to pull Daniel away from any sort of situation.
The technician crews were on their way already.
All Bruce had to do was enjoy the show.
Tim felt like his brain was melting through his ears, for more reasons than the concussion.
“So you trusted an unknown with my secret identity?” He hissed, clutching the blanket in a white knuckled grip.
“Well according to Bruce, he trusted us with his first,” Dick defended quietly, keeping an eye on the door in case any nurses walked in.
Damian didn’t even bother with a response. He had told Dick that if he said it, Tim would react like this, whatever that meant, and then went back to researching something on the tablet Bruce had left behind.
Tim had been fine with being rescued by an unknown meta. Really, he had. He had also been planning on setting up good relations with said meta for future rescue operations, since apparently said meta could teleport. And had density shifting which he could project on others. And invisibility. And super strength, and flight, and super speed. 
In all honesty a treasure like this meta was a fantastic find, and Tim had been very eager to include the new guy on any rescue missions they would need him on.
That had been before his dear siblings had told him that they did not, in fact, receive him from the meta and transport him themselves.
The meta, Phantom, had been the one to take him directly to the hospital after they had changed him into civilian attire in front of him.
First off a stranger knew who he really was.
Second, a stranger now knew who he really was.
“Again Tim, we also know who he is,” Dick tried to reassure him again, “In fact Bruce just left to go meet with him and get more information on the anti-”
Dick froze and quietly placed a hand over his own mouth.
Tim narrowed his eyes.
“The anti…what?”
“No,” Damian said shortly, not looking up from his tablet, “you are to rest, not gain a new obsession.”
Tim turned his attention to the easier target.
Dick very deliberately was not looking at him.
The hand shifted, but did not remove itself from its owner’s mouth.
The hand twitched and it appeared that deliberately avoiding Tim’s gaze was getting harder.
“From one brother to another?”
Damian sighed and stood up, walking out of the room. Presumably to report that Dick had lost the battle of wills and was about to tell Tim something that would lead to a new ‘obsession’.
Which it would not.
Tim was mature. 
Tim would not fall into a rabbit hole because it was mildly interesting.
“There’s a government body dedicated to the genocide of Interdimensional beings and legal laws that got passed mandating the report of these beings to government entities so that they can be captured and tortured,” Dick finally spilled through his hand in one breath.
Tim froze.
“I’m sorry, there’s a what?”
Tim needed his computer.
Constantine had not been expecting a call from Gotham.
He really, really had not been expecting a call from one of Batman’s hoard.
“Run that by me again, mate,” he said as calmly as he could, the hand holding the cigarette shaking violently, “Because I could have sworn you just said the American government was trying to start an interdimensional war with the Infinite Realms.”
Red Robin repeated himself.
The wording had not changed at all.
“Okay. Okay. That’s fine. It’s great, it’s fine, this is fine. Great.” 
The cigarette was on the ground now and the shaking hand that had been holding it was rubbing at his face.
“And the powers of the ‘meta’ that saved you?”
With every power listed, John felt another piece of his soul fucking die.
That was a Spirit. A ghost. A right proper one from the Realm of the Dead, or the Infinite Realms. 
No offense to Deadman, but there was a very big fat fucking difference between a Spirit of the Infinite Realms and a ghost who had never been allowed to set foot in said realms.
“Okay. Is the uh…’meta’ open to talking?”
Red Robin gave him an affirmative, and even went so far as to state that the Spirit was currently talking with Batman.
John perked up,
That was…actually pretty good news! He almost never got that type of news anymore!
“Have Batman ask if the King of the Infinite Realms is open for talks, and get Aquaman and Wonder Woman ready for diplomacy if the answer is yes. Here’s hoping he isn’t as much of a rampaging psychotic Warlord as the books make him out to be.”
The line went silent.
“Ah, mate? You there?”
Red Robin’s scandalized shriek could be heard clear across the room. John checked to make sure the phone hadn’t accidentally been placed on speaker.
It hadn’t.
“Yeah mate, the Infinite Realms are where these ‘Ecto-beings’ come from,”John explained as patiently as he could. Which was not at all. “They have a hierarchy based on strength, and a whole royal court too. Some gods as well, now that I think about it. Demons won’t even touch the place, all that constant fighting means constantly shifting territories, so they wouldn’t be able to settle down and build a nice, big lair. Spirits just take the lair with them, so they don’t really give two fucks.”
Oh no, he’s made the little Robin hyperventilate.
“Yeah so if we could set up political talks to avoid a war with a race that is built for it, that would be great.”
He was going to find the scientists that Red Robin was talking about and strangle them with his own hands.
Bruce’s phone went off.
As his hand was reaching for his pocket to grab it, it went off again.
And again.
And again.
Good feelings gone, he held up a hand to pause Samantha’s insult tirade and looked at his messages.
Bruce we need to ask Daniel if 
we can talk to the King of the 
Infinite Realms
Bruce this is really important
Daniel’s entire race is built for war 
they are very dangerous without 
even being threatened
I think that’s why the government 
wants them but Constantine says that 
we’re probably about to start an 
interdimensional war
I’ve already contacted Aquaman 
and Wonder Woman for 
diplomatic talks they're on standby
Bruce took a deep breath in through his nose. Held it. Let it out slowly.
Then he looked up at the technicians prying the doors apart on the elevator.
Their apparent only hope to avoid war was ‘helping’ the technicians and desperately trying to make it look like he wasn’t much help at all. Daniel was single handedly pulling apart the doors of the elevator, and acting like the technicians were doing all the work.
A great moral boost for them, to be sure.
Samantha’s parents were waiting on the other side, and looked like they were out for blood.
Bruce hadn’t wanted to get involved, had resigned himself to just going to Daniel and Tucker’s hotel room as Batman and handing the phone back.
But this was beyond urgent if true.
They had been antagonizing a very dangerous race for one to two years, and to correct this mistake time was of the essence.
His eyes met Samantha’s, who had actually paused in her insults at his request, and she glared back at him imperiously.
With unnaturally purple eyes that reflected the fluorescent lights of the elevator back at him.
For a very small moment, a fraction of a second, it felt like he was being stared down by a predator.
Then it was gone.
The elevator doors had been forced open, and she had deigned him not worth her attention.
It isn’t just Daniel. I’ll see 
what I can do.
He put on his best Brucie smile and hurried to the elevator, just in time to catch the Manson’s hissing at their daughter about befriending ‘disappointments’ and how they were a ‘bad influence’.
Their daughter who was probably a citizen of these Infinite Realms.
Their daughter who was probably already a terrifying person to fight, and was friends with a confirmed, actual denizen of said Realms.
‘Daniel’s entire race is built for war’ Tim had said.
“Hello there,” he introduced himself, successfully distracting them from scolding their daughter, “Bruce Wayne, but my friends call me Brucie. I’m afraid I’m at fault for making them rush down to meet me, I know how it is, but I wanted to talk with Mr. Fenton here about his parents' inventions!”
Bruce very much did not know how it was, and was barely aware of whatever bullshit was coming out of his mouth, but he really needed to stop these kids from being carted away by a pair of very angry, very human parents.
Whatever he had said had been the wrong thing to say, if Tucker’s head snapping towards him with an unnatural speed and snapping vertebrate said anything.
Too late to go back, though.
“Oh, Mr. Wayne, Why I-”
“Please, Call me Brucie! How about instead of just talking to Mr. Fenton, I also take his two friends here with us down to the 24/7 breakfast bar and get their two cents?”
Samantha’s parents stuttered, clearly not expecting The Bruce Wayne to want to talk to their daughter. A bit rude, but he would use it if he could.
“Of course Brucie!” Mr. Manson interrupted his wife, shoving a hand into Bruce’s face, “Let’s talk business while the little tykes run off to get ready! In clothing more befitting a man of your stature, of course!”
And with one sentence Mr. Manson had just dismissed all of the teens present as children without any real opinion.
Bruce was starting to understand Samantha a bit more. Constant dismissal like this from an authority figure would have driven anyone to anger.
Luckily, he wasn’t stuck in an unfruitful conversation with the man for long; the kids had finished changing relatively quickly and rushed back. Hushed tones came from them as they argued quietly among themselves.
Bruce caught a few phrases; “-can’t trust him-” and “-against us too-”, only to be quieted by Daniel’s soft murmur of “-not everyone is bad, let’s give him a chance, it-”
And a tension Bruce hadn’t realized was being held in his shoulders loosened.
At least Daniel, if no other entity, was willing to talk. Things hadn’t been irrevocably damaged between their races.
There was hope.
“Well thank you so much for this talk, Mr. Manson, but it looks like it’s time for me to take these kids down to-”
“Of course, of course! In fact, we should be thanking you!” Mr. Manson interrupted him, laughing heartily as he patted his daughter’s shoulder. She had apparently been forced into a very unappealing pink dress, and looked like she was going to rip off her father’s hand.
Bruce couldn’t even remember what he’d said as he herded the kids away from the man who hadn’t even asked where a veritable stranger was taking his daughter, which he would be looking into later, and down to the gift shop, not the restaurant.
Daniel looked around, confused. Tucker and Samantha just glared at Bruce with full on distrust.
“You don’t need suits or evening gowns for the breakfast bar,” Bruce quietly explained, dropping the Brucie persona, “There’s clothes over there and dressing rooms over there. My treat.”
Finally, Samantha eased up on the distrust, giving a quick nod of approval before grabbing Tucker and Daniel’s hands and dragging them with her to the clothes.
He sat down and started continuing research on Phantom, Amity, and the Anti-Ecto Acts,  anticipating a half hour wait. Bruce was pleasantly surprised when Tucker tapped on his shoulder fifteen minutes later, dressed in something that looked much more comfortable.
“We’re rung up at the counter, Mr. Wayne,” he explained, not as hostile as before but still a bit distant.
Bruce glanced at Samantha and Daniel as he stood up and went to pay. They were both dressed in clothes that far better fit their personalities, what little he knew of them.
It was key to make sure all parties were comfortable and ready to talk if he wanted the talks to go well. Having them in clothes they hated in a place where it was going to be blindingly clear they did not have to dress like that would only make things harder.
The merch they chose also would say what heroes they valued, another small glimpse into their personalities.
More useful information to store away.
Foley was more drawn towards Signal merch, Manson to Poison Ivy, and Fenton to Nightwing.
He could work with this.
He would make this work.
Earth would not fall into war with another dimension because of one country’s mistakes.
Danny was so, so happy to be wearing a hoodie again. It wasn’t his NASA hoodie, but it was close enough.
Nightwing understood his need for puns.
Mr. Wayne, on the other hand, looked like he was about to vibrate out of his skin with nerves.
At a distance he probably looked fine, but Danny had already seen him in…a very bad mental place, and could sort of tell if the man was stressed now that he had seen him at his worst.
Sam and Tucker stuck close by him, finally willing to give Mr. Wayne a chance after the man had gotten them some normal clothes, making the seating at the table very off balance. Three teens on one side, one Multi-Billionaire on the other.
After the server had left with their orders, the man had leaned on the table, ready to begin.
“My deepest apologies for what those laws have done to you and yours,” Mr. Wayne started, eyes serious and unwavering, “Rest assured we are taking steps to get those laws abolished. This will not happen again.”
Sam eased up a little, nodding.
Danny let out a nervous chuckle and rubbed at the back of his neck, not wanting to make it a big deal but understanding that it undeniably was.
“We would also like to ensure that the King of Infinite Realms is willing to overlook this slight,” the man continued, his knuckles going white with tension as the man very clearly focused on only grabbing his other hand and none of the breakable tableware, “Do you know how we can get in contact with him, and if so would you be willing to introduce us?”
Danny froze, unsure of how to proceed.
The King was currently asleep, and unable to wake up or he absolutely would start a fight. Not for any real reason, of course. Just because it was Pariah Dark, and if there was a chance to fight he’d take it.
Maybe Clockwork?
Nah, he wanted to speak with the King, not a maybe-god.
Tucker, bless him, stepped up to the plate.
“So Mr. Wayne, sir, I’m really sorry but we can’t do that and you don’t want us to try.”
“Yeah, Pariah Dark doesn’t give two shits about laws like that, he just wants to conquer anything that moves,” Sam added in.
Danny could see that Mr. Wayne was not taking that news well.
“What they mean is that Pariah Dark is currently asleep,” he butted in before Mr. Wayne could get the wrong idea, “And he has been for a very long time. To see him and talk to him would mean waking him up, but there’s a reason we had him locked in an eternal slumber. Guy’s a real jerk, ya know?”
Some of the tension eased from Mr. Wayne's shoulders. Danny counted that as a win.
The small interrupted that the food being delivered provided enough time for the man to pull himself together.
Sam and Tucker still hadn’t been told who Mr. Wayne was, and probably just assumed he was a concerned citizen.
Danny was not going to out the man. He was not.
Then Danny’s phone slid across the table to him.
“I put my number in there as well as Tim’s,” Mr. Wayne started, nodding towards it, “He may want to speak with you. If you have any trouble or need any assistance, don’t hesitate to ask.”
Danny nodded, pocketing the phone and awkwardly deciding if it was an appropriate time to dig in.
Tucker answered it for him by shoving a forkfull of egg into Danny’s mouth.
Tucker then ran interference by asking a million questions about Wayne Industries, and when he ran out of questions Sam took over a grilled the man on how someone so seemingly incompetent managed to run a company that large.
Danny gave a small smile and shrugged in apology, but was forced back to eating by his friends.
He could have sworn he saw Mr. Wayne smile back. Just a little.
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