eroticeverlark · 1 month
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Inspired by Three of Hearts by Miss Honeywell @badnovels
@waywardangel-wilds @triassictriserratops @distractionsfromthefood @peetapatgoesmyheart
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endlessnightlock · 3 months
tell us your favorite everlark fics please
Oh, Anon. This question is kind of unanswerable because there are so many great Everlark fics! I'll rattle off a few of my favorites, but this is in no way an exhaustive list.
My favorite Everlark fic is First We Feast by misshoneywell aka @badnovels . It's all sorts of fucked up but...so am I, so it works. It's like a great horror movie if you're into that! I don't know why but horror is my comfort genre.
Another awesome one is To The Neon God They Made by quothme. This is more sci-fi/romance with some amazing world-building (I think that's what I want to call it).
All the very best of us string ourselves up for love. This one gets me every damn time.
Anything by the above-mentioned authors, plus fics by @absnow and @ashyblondwaves on Ao3, are ones I regularly revisit.
If you click on my bookmarks on my Ao3 page (Endlessnightlock), you'll see everything I have saved. Probably a lot missing from that list, but I'm a scatterbrain, and my memory is shit.
Thanks for the ask!
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thgfanfictionlibrary · 9 months
Not Rated Fics Masterlist
Created: August 26th, 2023
Last Checked:----
"Are You Sure This Is Your First Time"-endlessnightlock (Tumblr)
Summary: Drabble. “Growing back together, post-mj” context! Kinda see it as Katniss asking Peeta this as he seems to be just naturally good at everything Katniss related ~ if you catch my drift~, also with the whole “having two older brothers” thing, I’m pretty sure he’s gotten some “advice”. Smut.
"Is It Going To Hurt?"-endlessnightlock (Tumblr)
Summary: Post-MJ drabble. Before so after. Katniss has a nightmare and Peeta comes to comfort her and let her know she is not alone. Smut.
"What Do You Like?"-endlessnightlock (Tumblr)
Summary: Post-MJ drabble. Before so after. Katniss feels empty and hungry for something but doesn't know what exactly it is, she just knows Peeta can give her it. Mild smut.
A Girl, A Boy, and Everything Else-CassandraO (AO3)
Summary: It's been a year since the war ended. Peeta and Katniss are in the process of growing together. Peeta is learning about setting boundaries and taking better care of himself and Katniss is drowning in depression. How they grow together as friends and eventually, something else, all the while facing new challenges.
A Kiss to Gain Something-katnissmellarkkk (Tumblr)
Summary: Everlark drabble in which Katniss wants a cinnamon roll and will do whatever it takes to get one. Fluff.
A Quarter Quell-titania522 (AO3)
Summary: Written in response to a drabble request - Katniss seeks Peeta out for comfort after the Quarter Quell announcement.
All That Glitters-misshoneywell/badnovels (Tumblr)
Summary: Age gap! Katniss...er Mrs. Mellark goes to Mr. Mellark's-her late husband's-will reading where her step son, Peeta Mellark, and her have a discussion.
Because You're Crying Like I'm Going to Disappear-endlessnighlock (Tumblr)
Summary: Drabble. Dealing with the aftermath of her mother's death, Katniss seeks comfort in Peeta's arms.
Beneath the Covers-Pookieh (Tumblr)
Summary: Peeta's side of the story when it comes to sleeping with Katniss in her bed during the Victory Tour when he gets woken up by Katniss, though this time it's not a nightmare. Smut. Drabble.
Cleaning Lips with Lick and a Kiss-endlessnightlock (Tumblr)
Summary: Post-Mockingjay, pre-epilogue. Peeta is having a bad day filled with shinny images and bread that isn't quite bread.
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broken-everlark · 1 year
WIP File game ~~
RULES: Post the names of the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it!
I was tagged by the lovelies - @wednesdayandherhyde and @nouklea ❤️💙
Okay so I have a few. Some wyler some everlark.
Wyler/petroclair ⤵️
- Black Cat Ch 5.
- black cat editing draft
- wyler family fic ch 1.
- another way out
- Never Be alone
- abo wyler fic
- cat ears/tail Wednesday wolf/dog ears & tail Tyler / wyler fluff oneshot
- cat ears/tail Wednesday / wyler smut oneshot
- smut petroclair oneshot
- summer smut bingo (still need to pick a card🤣)
Everlark⤵️ (yes I'm back from my small break..)
- To the ends of the Earth ch 3.
- To the Ends of the Earth ch 4.
- Crave (name may change)
- I may re-write CttD. I don't know yet.. I want to continue it.. but I feel like it's awful..😅
I tag ~~~ @cosmic-lullaby @mega-aulover @wincestation @alexabrier @anotherbluesunday @chaoticstupiddm @insomniac1994 @beri-allen @iamfandomcrazy @lemonluvgirl @dandelionlovesyou @badnovels
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Hi, I am looking for a story where Peeta and his family are carnivores in a distant town, on the other hand katniss travels to that same town in search of answers concerning her past, she travels with pregnant madge and Gale, at the end Peeta's family kidnaps them and they murder Gale and Peeta stays with katniss, please help me find this story.
Hey friend 👋🏼
So about 9 times out of 10 when I get an ask like this, I have to redirect you to @everlarkficquestions . They are an amazing resource and I encourage you to go check them out.
But lucky for you, this is one of those times when I actually do know the fic!
I believe you are looking for First We Feast by @badnovels who goes by misshoneywell on ao3, possibly on ff as well but I don’t know for sure because I don’t frequent ff.net anymore.
Hope this helps!
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andthisisthewonder · 9 months
✨fic stats meme✨
tagged by @windowsandfeelings
Most hits: remember me as a time of day (my one and only Bridgerton fanfic, and it's become my most popular fic kudos-wise. it was such a joy to write! it was like i fell in love with writing again, felt such excitement writing and planning, put out the chapters weekly, and then promptly forget how to string words together. RIP my ability to focus and put words on a page.)
Second most kudos: All the World Drops Dead (i wish i could finish this. i wish i remembered how to write.)
Third most comments: Fall (another unfinished fanfic. maybe this post was a bad idea, yikes.)
Fourth most bookmarks: Fall (you again???)
Fifth most words: Steel Hearts (short & sweet. well, not sweet. it's a modern AU featuring a bank robbery with hostages! it's only 16,000 words. the longest fic i ever wrote was maybe 68,000 words. i don't write these epic stories that others do. i am in awe of the writers that crank out 200, 300, 400,000+ words.)
tagging: @badnovels, @ambpersand, @deinde-prandium, and anyone else who wants to!
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archersandsunsets · 3 years
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𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐠𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐛𝐲 𝐬𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐞
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Over the years @badnovels has encouraged hundreds of people in their personal lives and with their writing. Thank you for having realistic positivity on your blog and using for support. Thank you for sharing your writing with us. Thank you for giving us space to explore darkness. Thanks for PiP. Can’t wait to buy an original by you someday.
Ribbons and Rainbows
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ridasart · 4 years
I love the drawing so much! You really made my day. 🖤
Thank you!! I’m glad you liked it 😊
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endlessnightlock · 2 years
4,16,24 from fic writer ask 💞
4. Link your three favorite fics right now.
hmmm... well, my very favoritest favorite fic is First We Feast by @badnovels . Peeta Davidson by Oakfarmer is another, and probably Peeta's Pocket by Buttercupbadass. Although it varies day-to-day, except the first one because I'm kind of a freak.
16. Do you research for your fics? If so, how deep of a rabbit hole have you gone down by accident when researching?
I tend to do the bare minimum research honestly. Chalk that up to my short attention span! I don't think I've fallen down any rabbit holes researching- and I feel like admitting that on tumblr dot com makes me sound like a dumbass, lol.
24. What’s a trope that you’d like to never hear about as long as you live, let alone write?
I'm very non-judgemental about other people's writing, so if something isn't my thing I don't get violent over it ;), I just go about my day. Also, there are a lot of tropes I enjoy reading but don't enjoy writing. Enemies to lovers come to mind.
Thank you for the ask, @sanjarka ! <3
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alonglineofbread · 4 years
Happy birthday, twin! 🖤
baaaaaabe happy BIRTHDAY!!!! i hope you had a great day bc i sure did
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broken-everlark · 11 months
What's your favorite trope to write or to read in a THG fanfic?
For writer, if you can convert one of your fanfics to become original writing, what is it? Why do you pick it?
For reader, if you can make a live-action adaptation of your favorite fanfic, what would it be? Why?
Thank you :)
1. My favorite trope for everlark.. man that's hard. I really love the 4 werewolf fics I've read.🤣but my favorite has to be like best friend to lovers trope. Or fake enemies to lovers. (I know I gave like three answers I'm so sorry it's just so hard to choose!)
2. My fanfics to original writing? Probably my httyd x thg fic. I honestly have huge hopes for it. And I have the third chapter almost finished. It has 0 to do with actual httyd but just has the dragons and classes. Just because I have so much angst planned and because everlark having dragons is amazing to me.
3. Man, my favorite fic? A lot are meanless smut 🤣 (yes, I'm just going to out myself) anyways I'd choose.. man, idk. It's hard because I have so many old favorites, but it's been so long since I can't fully remember. Maybe Moonrise by Badnovels because I just love werewolves lol or Alone in a Crowded Room by Wollaston because damn I love that one
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javistg · 5 years
Everlark Fic Back Friday
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August - 9
Yes, I’m travelling, but that doesn’t mean I can’t take five minutes to remember some of my favourite fics 😉
This week, I’m bringing back,
The Percentage of Us 
by @badnovels
Katniss finally believes Peeta when he says he wants her to stay.
How can something so wrong feel so right?
A fic that leaves you reeling; dazed as you try to remind yourself that this particular version of Everlark shouldn’t be together, and still... how can they be apart?
Very few fics have stayed with me the way this one did. I remember that I kept turning it around in my head for days after reading it, trying to figure out what the next step for these two characters was.
Definitely intriguing. well worth a read.
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andthisisthewonder · 4 years
Hi you’re amazing and I love you
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i don’t know if you’re the chicken or i am, but either way this message warmed my heart. i love you too
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victorsvillage · 4 years
badnovels replied to your photoset: everlarkedalways: CATCHING FIRE MOVIE REWATCH ...
Tragically none of my streaming services seem to have them anymore and I don’t own the movies ��
Do you have a VPN?? It’s on Canadian netflix!
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javistgs-ficlibrary · 6 years
Peeta’s never let a bit of hard work get in the way of meaningful traditions.
by @badnovels
Thank you @lovely-tothe-bone for reminding me of this heartbreaking fic!
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