#barbie teen talk
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macksartblock · 2 months
Despite the pain this teen talk has inflicted, I just know the angst that’ll come from post-s2 Normal-centric fics will be banging
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if I had a nickel for every time I shipped two female characters from a story in which one character begins to question her life in her perfect fake world and makes a journey to the real world only to be tagged along by a her himbo sidekick (?) who everyone thinks is her boyfriend, but in reality, she's a lesbian and ends up falling in love with a girl from the real world (who's bi) and as the story progresses the girl from the fake world slowly begins to lose touch with her fake world and progressively becomes more and more real...
I'd have 2 nickels, which isn't a lot, but it's weird it happened twice, right?
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outcastpack · 11 months
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lunathewafflelord · 7 months
hey remember that post I made about Teen Talk Barbie?
well, I came up with the idea for this meme before bed and had to make it and it’s so true and so funny:
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This is pretty much what happened 😂 this meme template fit so well
(If someone could write an image ID I’d appreciate it a lot! I struggle making them for more complicated images like this one)
Feel free to share this with your friends and fellow Barbie lovers! I really hope other doll lovers will find this as funny as I do :)
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barbie-pride-flags · 6 months
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Trans pride flag color picked from Teen Talk Barbie from Barbie (2023)!
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weejburbles · 10 months
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she spoke her truth idk🤨
i was pretty jazzed to see her in the movie negl!
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santa spoiled him or smth lmao
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nineties-effect · 7 months
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reincarnatedasacupcake · 10 months
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I'm really surprised that no one seems to be talking about the brief cameo at Weird Barbie's house of Teen Talk! Barbie! I knew who she was the moment I saw her and was sad that she didn't get an introduction like the others.
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I remember the controversy over this doll and the boycotting of her. One of the things that she said was "Math class is tough" and boy did that piss people off. They thought she was furthering the stereo type of Barbie (and the girls who played with them) couldn't be as smart as a man. This totally missed the point that she also said things like "I'm studying to be a doctor" and "Will we ever have enough clothes?"
I always thought it was stupid. I mean Math class IS hard. The Simpson's also did a spoof of this doll with the Talking Malibu Stacy episode.
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Anyway, I was super stoked to see her in the movie and wanted to point her out to anyone who had missed her.
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prncessbonnie · 1 year
my fav characters!! :33
(characters i see myself in)
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if I have to read another dang ‘unpopular opinion: Raquelle is actually wayyy better than Barbie 🤭’ I’m blowing this place up
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barbielore · 1 year
Alright... let's talk Teen Talk Barbie.
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Teen Talk Barbie is one of those Barbies that gets listed right at the top of list of controversial Barbies, alongside pregnant Midge, gay Ken, racially insensitive Nabisco sponsored Barbie, and Skipper who could grow her own boobs in real time.
If you are thinking that you have never heard of "Teen Talk Barbie" you might recognise her more as "math is hard" Barbie.
Mattel had the great idea of a Barbie that could speak - and in fact, not just a Barbie that could speak, but that any given Barbie would speak a rotation of 4 phrases out of a bank of 270. Theoretically this means if you and your friend each had a Teen Talk Barbie, they would say completely different things! Or kids would want to own more than one, to see what they said.
One of these phrases provoked particular controversy - it has been memed into "Math is hard", but the original controversial phrase was "Math class is tough". If I am being generous, perhaps Mattel thought they were being relatable to young girls who struggled at school and the choice of "math" class was random. However, I'm not sure how generous I want to be with Mattel. And certainly, she was controversial because parents and teachers weren't inclined to be generous.
This Barbie inspired an episode of the Simpsons, in fact! Although the utterances of Malibu Stacy were even more controversial and less likely to have innocent origins, it's absolutely clear what they were referencing.
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Mattel's solution was allegedly to promise that the "Math class is tough" line would no longer be paired with other phrases that could be interpreted controversially in the same conversation, such as "Meet me at the mall" or "Want to go shopping?". Mattel also offered an exchange to anyone who had a set of phrases they found offensive.
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saleintothe90s · 4 months
478. 93 things about 1993, part 5
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(part 4)
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26. G.I. Joe and Barbie's voiceboxes get switched.
A group of performance artists switched the voiceboxes of about 300 G.I. Joe and Teen Talk Barbie. This was later referenced in the Simpsons episode Lisa Vs. Malibu Stacy:
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Poor Celeste.
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27. Bill's Half Brother
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Leon died in 2009 at the age of 70. He and Bill met a few times! 1
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28. The first dreidel in space
Spun by Jeff Hoffman.
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29. Lawrence comes out in For Better or for Worse (April 10th)
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Lawrence, Michael's friend in the strip came out of the closet in the spring of 1993. Of course, people got mad and demanded the strip be pulled from their local papers:
In the next few weeks, Lawrence, who is 17, will also reveal his sexual orientation to his mother and stepfather. Reader beware; the next two sentences give away plot details. His mother will insist Lawrence is mistaken, and his stepfather will throw Lawrence out of the house. He will spend a lonely night in a doughnut shop until Mike locates him and brings him home for a reconciliation with his famiy.
The plot line has already proved too rich for some tastes. Universal Press Syndicate editorial director Lee Salem says about 20 of some 1,400 newspapers subscribing to “For Better or For Worse” have asked for backup material that can be substituted for the Lawrence strips, and eight have canceled the comic outright.
Lynn Johnston, the Canadian cartoonist who writes and draws the 14-year-old strip, says she knew she was entering a sensitive area, but she’s a little surprised by the scope of the negative reaction.
“What I wrote was kind; it was caring,” she says. “It explored both sides of the issue.”
Thomas Mitchell did. He’s the editor of the Las Vegas Review-Journal, one of the newspapers pulling the Lawrence panels in favor of backup material.
“We had a pretty little heated argument among ourselves,” he says.
Mitchell finally decided parents shouldn’t abruptly find themselves explaining the material to their children over the morning Rice Krispies.
“It’s the comics page, man. Give me a break,” he says. “It’s an interesting topic. Teenage homosexuality: How do you handle it; how do you talk about it?”
Mitchell says he wouldn’t object to a feature story on the subject, possibly illustrated by strips from “For Better or For Worse.”
Bob Hansen of Enfield probably wishes he was getting Mitchell’s newspaper. Hansen is a Courant subscriber who called the paper Monday to complain about the tack Johnston’s strip had taken.
“I’m very upset about it,” he says. “Comics, in the first place, comics are for fun.”
Hansen says he doesn’t object to homosexuals, but he objects to having homsexuality pushed at people who aren’t interested in hearing about it. In particular, he disliked Lawrence’s remark, in Monday’s episode, insisting he isn’t confused about his orientation: “Everybody else is confused.” 2
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For the record, I obsessed over For Better or for Worse almost as much as I did Funky Winkerbean. Good to know Lawrence had a good ending as the strip wound to the end in the Summer of 2008.
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30. Dana Carvey almost becomes the host of Late Night.
He said no when offered. 3
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(eBay user 3d-ology)
31. Addy becomes an American Girl
There was some controversy among the company whether Addy would be "too real" for kids:
Indeed, the story of Addy may be too heavy for the frail shoulders of a doll, and it clearly represents a dramatic shift in the tone of these children's books. While the other dolls face such traumas as wild bears, sailing during a storm or even choosing between loyalty to the crown of England or the patriots of the new Colonies, none can really compare with watching your brother being whipped by a cruel overseer because he "done run off." In "Meet Addy," the first of her series, she escapes from slavery with her mother, after they are forcibly separated from the rest of the family.
Pittsburgh novelist Connie Porter, who was hired to write the Addy books, is aware of the criticism. "Some people don't want to see a character in slavery -- that's ridiculous," she said. "You can run the risk of being so politically correct that you can lose whole periods of history. Children are more ready to talk about these things than some adults are."
Porter, who met twice with the advisory board to discuss story content and the use of dialect, said that she has not trivialized slavery in any way. If anything, she has made it more real to a modern child than it might have been before, she said. "I tried to show how a black child would be treated during the day at the age of 9," she said. "That she had a job like a grown person. Addy works all day worming tobacco plants. She also serves occasionally for the master, who treats her with indifference. At one point they treat her badly. She's a piece of property." 4
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32. Krusty gets canceled, but marge doesn’t say anything. (May 13th)
Y'all Ever notice that Marge has no lines in the classic Simpsons episode "Krusty Gets Canceled"? She's there, but no lines. According to the DVD commentaries, Al Jean said that Julie Kavner felt uncomfortable being in an episode with so many celebrity guests, describing it as "tasteless". I guess she changed her mind through the years.
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33. Lorena Bobbit copycats
In a four-month period, at least three men besides John Bobbitt had their genitals trashed by angry women. In April, a 29-year-old woman in Milwaukee partially severed her boyfriend's penis after he announced that he wanted to break up, reported the Milwaukee Journal. In Waynesville, N.C., in July, Cynthia Mason Gillett, 28, was charged with setting her husband's genitals on fire while he slept after an argument, reported the Charlotte Observer. In April, Jose Dogelio, 31, was shot in the penis by a woman he was "flashing" on a street in Dasmarinas, Philippines, according to the Manila newspaper, People's Journal. 5
Cynthia was put on probation in January of 1994 because her husband refused to testify against her. She doused his genitals in nail polish and caught them on fire! 6 I could not find Jose's condition.
When I was a kid and I'd see pieces about Lorena and John Bobbit on the news, I pictured Lorena cutting John's penis off with scissors.
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Barker, Jennifer, and Medianews Group. “Former Paradise Resident Ritzenthaler, Clinton’s Half-Brother, Dies.” Chico Enterprise-Record (blog), January 14, 2009. https://www.chicoer.com/20090114/former-paradise-resident-ritzenthaler-clintons-half-brother-dies/. https://archive.is/YqjO4 .
Hartford Courant. “COMIC TACKLES CONTROVERSIAL ISSUE AS CHARACTER ANNOUNCES HE IS GAY.” March 31, 1993. https://www.courant.com/1993/03/31/comic-tackles-controversial-issue-as-character-announces-he-is-gay/. https://archive.is/dZIGX
Carter, Bill. 1995. The Late Shift: Letterman, Leno, and the Network Battle for the Night. New York: Hyperion. 225-226.
Rosenfeld, Megan. “WHOLESOME BABES IN TOYLAND.” Washington Post, May 24, 1993. https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/lifestyle/1993/05/24/wholesome-babes-in-toyland/b4ed92ca-1571-4ec9-9290-4dfb4ded0b7b/.
Shepherd, Chuck. “1993: THE YEAR OF THE WEIRD.” Washington Post, December 26, 1993. https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/opinions/1993/12/26/1993-the-year-of-the-weird/cca1ec6a-5dc9-4be6-9087-e26abe3c657f/.
Tulsa World . “Woman Who Burned Mate Gets Probation.” January 22, 1994. https://1ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Ftulsaworld.com%2Fnews%2Fwoman-who-burned-mate-gets-probation%2Farticle_910a1d92-ff60-57f9-af48-af57d99ad8e2.html
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lunathewafflelord · 8 months
a little ramble about Barbie
I was watching a video about various Barbie related controversies (it was a great video btw, I'll link it if interested), and of course it mentioned the "math class is tough" Barbie, aka one of the stupidest Barbie related controversies ever imo. Because math class IS tough, Barbie is just speaking facts, it doesn't make her a "bad role model", especially since she's the TEEN Talk Barbie, she's saying things that teenagers say!
And that had me thinking about something.
I have a math learning disorder. Because of this, I struggle with math, I actually was terrified of math class since no matter how hard I tried things just wouldn't stick in my brain. I WANT to like math, in fact I count the five times tables to calm myself down sometimes (or just because it's fun). I enjoy certain types of math!
However, I also was "the smart kid". Because of my reputation of being REALLY smart, I felt pressured to be really good at math. I thought that since I was supposed to be the smart kid, I had to be good at ALL subjects, not just language arts and science. This made my struggle with math even worse.
Barbie actually would have been a GREAT role model for me. Barbie is supposed to be this perfect girl who can do just about anything, like being a doctor, scientist, astronaut, you name it! If I had known that a doll I looked up to also struggled with math, that would have made me feel less stressed about math. As I knew I wasn't alone.
So many times fictional characters who are smart are good at every school subject. The only thing smart characters usually struggle with is social skills - which is definitely true, but in real life, smart kids tend to be really good at a few subjects but still struggle with others. Struggling with social skills is common in smart kids, but there's more that they can struggle with than just that!
I think it'd be really important for there to be more fictional characters who are smart, but still struggle with certain subjects, to show that it's okay to be smart and not be good at some things. Eg, a character who is great at science but struggles with language arts, or a character who is good at math and science but struggles with art.
There's lots of potential for characters who are smart but still struggle, and I think this would be a very important character to have. Real life smart kids always feel like they HAVE to be good at everything, and if they struggle with certain subjects they might be prone to bullying, by kids saying things like "if you're supposed to be so smart, why are you so bad at math?" Yes, there are smart kids who are good at just about everything (except for social skills in lots of cases) but there are also kids who are good in a few subjects but struggle with others!!
If I had a character growing up who was good at a lot of things, I would have been much less insecure about my fear of math.
So yeah, tldr, "math class is tough" Barbie is a GOOD role model. Also, we need more smart characters who struggle in certain subjects.
//also, apologies if the talk about me being smart comes across as bragging. I'm just speaking about my personal experience, and my whole life people have called me smart and having above average intelligence, it's not a self described label
It's okay to be smart but still have trouble, and I think Barbie teaches a GOOD lesson by saying that!
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barbie-pride-flags · 5 months
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Aromantic pride flag color picked from Teen Talk Barbie from Barbie (2023)!
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