#bc yes that is the police officer from stranger things lol
Hi, may I ask for a matchup? Thank u in advance and don't overwork yourself.
Fandom(s) don't matter, I know most of them so please match me with whoever you see fitting (maybe preferred fandoms are mha and demon slayer but only because I'm rewatching them).
I'm Varya (Varvara), almost 19 y.o., a cisgender straight Russian she/her Capricorn (although I don't believe in astrology). 39 kg/157 cm, I'm anorexic bc of body problems. Luckily, it's not visible since I have some curves. People say I have some Turkish blood in me judging from my appearance. Short straight hair with bangs and black eyes.
Personality-wise, I'm a toxic bitch. Manipulative, I know my worth, and I want to be better than anyone (sometimes this saddens me bc whatever I start doing, is mastered in no time and people around me get depressed. it just... happens ig, I'm a bunch of talent). Most people, if they try to get to know me, think I'm adorable and charming, strangers see me as an Ice Queen. I have a love-hate psycho relationship with myself. Somehow a gentlewoman, but politeness is only worth for people who deserve it, not only bc they're "older" or things like that.
Tbh, I don't have dreams, hobbies, and likes anymore. Well, even during childhood I've never had those. Maybe u can say that video games (shooters, rpg, strategies) and drawing entertain me the most rn but I feel even those things are slowly fading away.
The thing I dislike is being under control. My mom and ex controlled me so much.
In a nutshell, I think I'm a depressed person with God syndrome, bored around others bc I find them overall stupid. Only police and laziness, aloofness keeps me from becoming a serial killer.
Hi Varya! Thank you for your request! I decided to go with My Hero Academia and Demon Slayer since you're rewatching them. Let me know if you'd like matchups with other fandoms. I hope you like your matchups!
In My Hero Academia, I match you with...
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Aizawa doesn't really mind that you're manipulative. He's been through his fair share of students that have tried to sway him towards giving them good marks. He's seen every form of manipulation there is.
Does like that you know your worth. I see Aizawa as someone who makes jokes about how useless he is but actually knows his value.
Aizawa won't try to control you. Yes, he'll make suggestions if you're going to do something he thinks is unadvisable. But if you want to go ahead and do it anyway, he won't stop you. Unless you're breaking any major laws. Please don't do that.
Totally gets only being polite to people when they deserve it. He's exactly the same.
He'd be secretly honoured if you show politeness towards him because it means you respect him. But a the same time, he wouldn't respect himself if he was in your shoes so he gets it if you're less polite towards him.
Will keep you from becoming a serial killer. He's basically a super-powered police officer anyway. He doesn't particularly want to arrest you but he'll do it if it's warranted.
In Demon Slayer, I match you with...
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Similarly to Aizawa, Rengoku's someone who won't try to control you. He's all about freedom and letting people do what they want. At the same time, don't hurt any of his friends.
Expect him to display a new hobby to you every week until you show interest in one. He's all for hobbies and he's got a long list to go through.
Won't reproach you too harshly if you do end up killing someone (please don't actually do this). His job is killing demons, things that were once humans, so he feels a bit hypocritical tell you off for doing basically the same thing.
He'll match your politeness level. If you're being rude to him, he's dishing it back. If you're being more polite, he's being polite. Most of the time, he tries to stay in your good books.
Another one who appreciates that you know your worth. He's seen a lot of demon slayers that question themselves and it's lead to their death. If you don't doubt yourself, he knows you'll be fine.
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stevenrogered · 5 years
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Four Weddings and a Funeral (2019)
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robotslenderman · 3 years
Perry and Elisa headcanons:
Elisa thinks it's weird that a Nosferatu Thinblood has a Hecata-like bite, but it's Dove who, due to her experiences with Modian, immediately realises that Perry is a full blooded Samedi. When Dove raised the possibility that Perry might be Cappadocian to Elisa, she was worried they'd have to protect him from the Hecata (and that Dove would refuse to extend that protection because of the treaty), but Dove said "nah, he's Samedi, he's Hecata. He probably has that bane as the equivalent of a genetic throwback - sometimes that happens." (Dove would know.) Much relief ensues and Elisa helps Perry learn about the Samedi and Hecata, and even gets him in touch with a couple over time.
Elisa is pretty casual about the smell. She mentions it and she doesn't pretend it's not there either. "I'd hug you, Perry, but it's three AM and you smell like shit so I'll hug you first thing tonight." Perry is a bit defensive/standoffish at first but comes to appreciate it over outright hostility and/or when people "politely" pretend it's not there while obviously not wanting to deal with it.
For example, when Elisa gives him a room in her haven she'll be upfront about the fact she's using sheet/pillow protectors to stop him leaking on stuff, a room with no carpet so the smell doesn't get stuck in it, an ensuite so he can clean himself off easily... but unlike most, you know, she's actually offering a bed instead of pretending she doesn't have a place for him to stay, and she's also pretty "yeah you smell like shit in the morning but I'm just gonna have to deal with that." He's not sure what to think about this attitude in the beginning.
Elisa also teaches him to weaponise the smell. "You just met someone? Be considerate. Insist on meeting your contacts outdoors early on in the night, and standing downwind from them. They get difficult? That's when you start visiting them in their office an hour before dawn and sitting in their chairs and leaking on their upholstery. They'll soon get the idea that you're someone they want the goodwill of - and that's invaluable. Most fledglings have to work really, really hard to have that kind of power over somebody and all YOU have to do is change what time you're meeting someone. Use that."
The above point pretty much drove home to him that yeah she hates the smell, but not HIM, and she's willing to work with it. He develops a crush on her after that.
He does make a move when he's more confident, a few years later. She turns him down and at first he's pretty self loathing over it but they have an open discussion about the smell and she's like, "look, if I had feelings for you I'd just work with that - sexy stuff first thing after dusk when you're at your best. But I'm not going to pretend I'm interested when I'm not out of pity because we both deserve better. I'm sorry I hurt you but I can't say yes to this, not when I wouldn't mean it."
He got over it rather quickly, to his own surprise.
He has his own car. He calls it the Corpsemobile. When he gets the opportunity he loves to give people ultimatums - "either I ride with you and stink up your car, or you can ride in mine. And mine smells worse than the state I'd leave your car in."
Elisa helps set him up with a good ghoul - someone who runs a small mortuary. Puts a small mattress in one of the shelves, actually makes a nice comfortable haven out of it. It being a mortuary means the smell isn't suspicious, and he just pretends to the staff that he has a medical condition and its way less hassle to sleep in one of their drawers.
Getting the corpse stink out of his clothes is almost impossible so he's ALWAYS going through fresh clothes. Elisa helps set him up with another ghoul that can give him a steady supply of shirts, underwear and pants.
He hates getting pulled over because the second a cop gets a whiff of the interior of his car they think he's got a body in the trunk. Elisa uses her connection with Dove to get him a third ghoul in the police force, but when he's not in Tucson he's SOOL there.
He has discovered that maggots actually keep the smell down, as they eat away at the rot, so when he starts rotting a few hours after dusk, he applies maggots to the areas he sees are starting to deteriorate and wraps them in bandages. The smell doesn't go away completely but it does make a difference.
When he's outside of Tucson and a cop insists on searching his car, he peels away a bandage and says "actually, that smell is me." He also has a bunch of fake medical paperwork so that they don't insist on taking him to the hospital - he says he's on antibiotics and the maggots prevent the gangrene from killing him, and because of that he doesn't have to stay in hospital.
He knows a lot of facts about maggot therapy to make it convincing. In reality I'm pretty sure that gangrene is not something that you can be an outpatient for but most cops aren't going to know that if he can be convincing enough.
Once, he was travelling with Harley in the front passenger seat when they got pulled over in the early hours. He played dead as Harley desperately tried to get him to wake up to prove to the increasingly freaked out cop that he was alive and just had a "medical condition". After calling for backup and getting Harley on the floor, when the cop opened the side door Perry went "BOO!"
The cop shot him.
They had to kill the cop and bury the body to preserve the Masquerade before backup got there, because while they can cover up Perry's clan bane with "it's a medical condition", it's a lot harder to cover up a bullet through the chest.
Perry thought it was hilarious. Harley, who's a lot more squeamish about killing innocent humans and destroying the lives of their families and loved ones for the lulz, didn't think it was funny at all.
(Elisa backs up Harley but privately also thinks it's hilarious, except for the bit where they had to kill the cop. "It's one thing to kill to protect ourselves, it's one thing to kill because we're hunters eating our prey, but it's completely another to set up a human to die for your own amusement. Don't do that again."
"I didn't kill her for the lols, I just didn't think she'd -"
Yeah, that prank did damage his relationship with Harley for a while.
BUT sadistic prank notwithstanding, he actually has a pretty good relationship with Harley. Harley wasn't sure about the stinky Samedi at first, but was too much the southern gentleman to be anything but polite about it. He quickly got used to it and saw Perry for the lost kid he was. Because Harley was in his forties when he was Embraced, he was pretty calm and difficult to faze, so he was able to rub off on Perry and help calm him down over time.
Perry and Harley were both furious at Lettow when Lettow came back to Tucson. The way Harlow saw it, putting Elisa through her First Season was completely unnecessary and Lettow could have properly vetted her, and also a huge risk to the Masquerade. The way Perry saw it, if someone of a different clan can put her own life on the line (due to the Accounting) to take in a complete stranger who'd been a Masquerade issue for nothing in return, the least Lettow could have done was look after his own fucking childe.
They were even less impressed when Elisa got sexually involved with him and then romantically, because they saw it as Elisa wanting the security of having a sire and Lettow exploiting that. Elisa, meanwhile, didn't appreciate being infantilised. She defended Lettow because "he kept an eye on me from a distance", and he left caches for her to discover and arranged for her to have jobs when the courier jobs started drying up. Harley and Perry were like "gee, how generous of him."
Perry was like "if I knew her standards were that fucking low I'd have asked her if she'd changed her mind about not going out with me"
Lettow was on thin fucking ice with the two of them for a while, and it took time for them to realise his feelings for her were sincere and that he wasn't going to abandon her again. In the meantime he rarely took their bait and let their attacks and accusations roll off his back - as an elder he rarely took things personally, understood it was between Elisa and her childer, and wanted to respect that she wanted to maintain some peace. Part of it was also due to guilt and self loathing. But he was also glad she had two very protective childer to watch her back, since he knew that safety and support was very important to her.
Harley and Perry also threatened to Fight Him, which caused Elisa to double facepalm bc one, Men, and two, elder with super strength and fortitude. Lettow just thought it was funny but also took the opportunity to bait them on being young and rash. He didn't resist ALL the time.
Lettow and Perry would never be close, but they came to respect the place the other had in Elisa's life, and even came to rely on each other every now and then.
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plainvanillapotato · 4 years
the 100 diaries S3 E5
quarantine diaries: July 5 2020
Season 3 episode 5: “Hakeldama
ok but what are these sad excuses of hoods like theyre really just pieces of cloth that you can barely call a hood
“we bring them peace” immediately cut to bloody bellamy coming back from battle with dramatic music. was i meant to laugh at that because if so i did
“this land is ours now”...umm this sounds a lot like colonization
woah that a loooot of extras. clarkes face was kinda smiling like a dubious smile tho
but also that battlefield full of dead grounders just looked like a bunch of people planking
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they attacked while they were asleep?! bitch that sounds a lot of like some police offices in the US...justice for breonna
ofc indra is alive. she has plot armor and thank god for that cuz we need more badass female characters like indra
“we can leave or we can die” isnt this exactly what lexa told jaha and the rest of the space people? i bet lexa wished that she killed these people when she had the chance and before she caught feelings for clarke. big oof on her part
also can we talk about how that was a lot of bullets needed to kill those people. my question is where the fuck did they get that bullets/ammunition bc like they dont have a gun factory now. it also just doesnt seem wise imo to use their limited supplies willy nilly like that 
pike handing bellamy jacket....pike said to bellamy wear something pretty. do i ship it? i mean fuck it might as well because idk 
bellamy with those crazy eyes. i cant. he said you need to wake up kane bitch im already woke
lincoln coming in with that menace face. thats some intense eye contact going on between bellamy and lincoln. honestly more chemisty between bellamy and lincoln than lincoln and octavia. like do the writers not actually watch the show?! 
also is octavia ever going to address that lincoln chained her up. like she got over that too fast. also can we talk about how lincoln went from saying one word to just freely talking. like looking back to when the 100 first got him and him not talking was ugh like its so dumb 
*after seeing the arkadia sign* “I didnt see that coming” lmao jaha did not like the name change
did that guy just shoot otan? and otan dies so easily? also why must people automatically shoot to kill bc when there are obviously other ways to deescalate the situation without killing another human 
sidenote: why wasnt jaha holding the bag in the first place cuz i think that would have prevented otan being shot and killed in the first place
ugh im still annoyed that abby is one of the 2 healers like they should really teach more people to be healers
murphy and emori be bonnie and clyde for real 
jaha looks like a school boy with that backpack but also jaha you need to work on your salesmen skills if you want to sell these people on the city of light cuz rn you sound like a crazy man. like even after your little spiel i still have no fucking clue what the city of light actually is
Wow pike really did go from teacher to chancellor but i mean stranger things have happened in the U.S. you know what pike spontaneously being put on the chancellor ballet is kinda like Kanye West announcing that he’s running for president 2020 
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so the spacers really just killed those people and left their bodies right  near where they live thats gotta stink
oof emori wanted to go after her brother only to  find out that otan is dead...yikes
“They’re being interned” pike i dont think this is okay
you get that bitch lincoln but where was the signature headbutt?? but i guess this guy wasnt even worth it
what the fuck pike literally pointing a gun at a sick girl’s head. and also if youre going to threaten a girl let it be know instead of relying on abby to make others realize what youre doing
are they really fucking going to rope raven into his boring ass city of light storyline. bitch why?? but i guess the writers have no other options for her story
sidenote: ravens iconic red jacket is in a desperate need of a wash
octavia reuniting bellamy and clarke. bellamy had a shook face. wow octavia is the true bellarke shipper 
Yes bellamy you tell off clarke!
clarke said “I need you” the bellarke shippers must have been quaking!! and ooo bellamy said “you left me” aww bellamy :(
GOOO OFFFFF BELLAMY!!!! damn it Bellamy. stop it, stop consoling her right now. but oh that hand holding really must have been good for bellarke shippers but oop he tricked clarke. ngl i laughed
woah raven really just dramatically pushed some shit off the table and fucking jaha without saying a word and just placed that plastic city of light shit on the table and did a table tap for idk dramatic effect idk i just laughed at this 
Ok but if raven is really going down this city of lights story I FUCKING PRAY THAT FINN somehow shows up in the city of lights just for shits and giggles
Clarke turned on bellamy fast but really bellamy went down too easy
stop the hugging clarke and abby. lol abby remember when you were mad at clarke about the bombing but i guess when you mass murder a bunch a people makes everything chill now
what the heck john murphy? why must you put that blood on your face? did you learn that from lincoln? 
seriously emori youre waiting on murphy fucking murphy before you see out your brother. i guess water is thicker than blood to her
i love how automatically john murpy assumes the position of dead guy
really murphy saying “go float yourself” to grounders means nothing to them
lol this little ploy really backfired on murphy and emori. but good on murphy for not giving away emori maybe true love does exist
wow look at miller being an ally. i love it
blood must not have blood....ugh the writers really thought they were deep for that
what is this music choice with raven struggling to walk? but also like honestly raven you really could have it worse so chill 
really raven you gave in that quick?? finn better being up there like jesus arms open. but also how did she swallow that huge ass piece of plastic without water to wash it down??
that plastic pill really worked that fast?! and lol they had the music pick up the beat to match the moment
fuck its annoying ass red lady you know im kinda thinking that this red lady is a just a lesser version of the red lady in game of thrones.
wait so if she swallowed it does she poop it out and she just has to keep taking the pill or how does this work??
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onlyjihoons · 6 years
traffic police!seongwoo
(repost)a/n; ong's installment of my policeman!w1 collab w iris @alliwannado-w1,, and mb by the very talented xuan @hwinkinghwi!
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prompt:  “It’s 2 in the morning and i was just trying to get home but i left my sunroof open all day and now there’s a squirrel in my car and it scared me and i drove into a pole – would you please stop laughing you’re a cop. you’re supposed to be helping”
ong had a liking to cars since he was young
and he thought traffic police were cool, having the ability to make people listen with the snap of their fingers
also because his father was a reckless driver, almost landing the family into accidents a few times
he wanted the roads to be safe for everyone
he was also hella stoked to get his first license, and passed it with flying colours on the first round
nearly failed the police academy though, he was good at practical tests but bad at theory test because it requires a lot of memorising
anyhow, he was awarded one of the higher honours of distinction when he graduated the police academy
alongside with fellow traffic police!daniel at Gangnam police post, they do meet up once a week to drink
sometimes gets too drunk that daniel needs to carry him over to his place...
"d-daniel hyunggggggg!!!!"
"hyung, i think you got the wrong idea--"
"shush baby, i know you like me--"
"no, hyung. youre drunk. get out of it."
sorry ongniel shippers
but when he's sober though, he will keep daniel in check
"stop eating jellies, you'll die of diabetes before you can even die whilst on duty"
often patched to patrol because he cant seem to write reports that well
both drunk and sober girls and boys hit on him because he is that good looking
instead of this number, they get a ticket from him
take his job seriously though, despite his playful façade
likes to spike daniel's morning tea with 6 packets of sugar
and paste screenshots of jihoon's aegyo all over the younger's desk
but when traffic police!ong comes in play though, he is indeed, very very very serious and looks really really really hot
i mean quite literally, because he might've accidentally turned on the heater too high during the winter
causing the car to be a sauna
bites his lip in concentration, taking down every single detail
has a keen eye, able to tell the speed of a car just by 1 look
sometimes he gets tasked to check the expiry timing for parking coupons and may or may not have taken a selca or two with the fancy looking cars
and posts them on instagram
but honestly no mercy when offering tickets?? like santa claus but traffic tickets
likes to take notes with a ball point pen, cap in between his lips
remember what i said about people hitting on him when they get stopped by ong?? the female officers in the station do hit on ong as well
but has no qualms of dating people, he would like to achieve at least a commander post, then paying a little more attention to his love life
not that he has none, but those didnt seem to work out as ong priortises work over love
which sometimes is a turn off but honestly no one really does think it is
you were working overtime for your job, and you left the sunroof open of your car because your car seemed to have some smell and you wanted to get rid of it
by the time you were done with your work, it was already 2am
you sighed as you took off your heels and put your work bag on the passenger seat beside you
it was a long day, working from 9am to 2am
all you needed was some animal to be in your car and wreck havoc
well jinx
there was a squeaking sound from the backseat of your car, and you even made sure it wasn't the work of your rusty brakes
you looked back to see a squirrel staring at you, as it blinked its eyes back at you
you screamed, as your brain lost control of your hand coordination and made you barge into a lamp post
you cursed on your luck, as you could hear the sirens of the traffic police approach you
you got out of the car, inspected the damage the squirrel inflicted
"are you okay?" was the first thing you heard from the traffic police
"yeah i'm fine, i drove into this because i left my sunroof open and a squirrel came into my car--"
you could barely finish your explaination as you heard laughter from the traffic police beside you
he was crouching down, clutching his stomach and eyes crinkling, hand occasionally hitting his tigh
"so you're saying, you drove into the lamp post because of your negligence and a squirrel?"
now you were wondering if the traffic police officer was nuts, because he was supposed to help you, not laugh at you
he cleared his throat, as you glanced at his face, it was really cute
"i'm sorry, but i'd still have to issue you a ticket for driving into the lamp post...because of a squirrel"
"no special treatment, young lady, you were the one who drove into the lamp post, not the squirrel."
you groaned as the officer tore a ticket from the electronic ticket printer
"please pay the fine by this coming saturday, all damages done to your car will be repaired at your own cost." the officer with the name "ong sw" on his name tag said as he took down some notes
"you can pay at any post office, or simply at any police station if you'd like," officer ong huffed, with 2 hands tucked into the uniform pocket, "and please do not leave the sunroof open again, lest more animals reside in your car."
"yes, thank you for your concern."
"then, i will take my leave." officer ong bowed, as he retired back to his car
you looked at your ticket, then at the traffic police car that just left,,
"he's so cute"
you had a day off the next day bc your boss felt bad that you had to work overtime
so why not use the time to pay for your traffic fine!!!
you didnt have a post office near where you lived, so you had to make a trip down to the police station which was a 3 minute walk away
you trudgingly wore your pyjamas(an oversized tshirt and shorts) to the police station, your wallet and phone in hand
"hi, i'm here to pay for my...fine."
the officer at the front desk was a lady, with the name tag "kang seulgi"
"ah... you're the one ong was talking about just now..." she mumbled to herself, almost smirking, "can i have your ticket and identification card please."
you passed her the neccesary documents, as she began to type on the computer in front of her
"y/n, someone has paid for your fine already." seulgi looked up from the computer
"yeah, it was paid last morning, but the system doesn't show who paid for it." she scratched her head, "weird, who comes into the police station at 4am to pay a stranger's fine?"
you were rejoicing internally, controlling yourself to not break out in your happy dance, "then... i don't need to pay for it?"
"yeah, since it was paid for." seulgi nodded as she handed you back your documents, "the person that helped you to pay your fine is really kind."
"yeah theyre sure are," you smiled, "thank you for your work!"
with that, you left the police station skipping happily
you didn't think you would come out of the police station happy, but yeah you did lol
you hear someone clear their throat, and you whipped your head around, it was officer ong from yesterday, in his exact same uniform
"i guess you have to thank me for that," he thrusted his head towards the entrance of the police station, "i had to chip in part of my measely salary as a traffic police to pay for your fine."
"did you really?" you frowned, "the system didn't show the name of the payee though."
"who on earth would be at the police station to pay a fine at 4am unless theyre on a night shift?" he winked
it all clicked now
"ah...i see."
"perhaps you can repay me with a dinner date? you see pretty cute you know."
you blushed, not expecting such a cute traffic police officer to pick you up like that
"sure, where do we meet?"
read jihoon’s part here and here, woojin’s part here, daniel’s part here. masterlist// requests are open.
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myheart-elsewhere · 6 years
5/4/18 || 12am
1. Who was the last person you held hands with? mikayla <3 2. Are you outgoing or shy? somewhere inbetween 3. Who are you looking forward to seeing? mikayla!! 4. Are you easy to get along with? yes 5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you? definitely 6. What kind of people are you attracted to? my girl. but if we’re talking in a general sense, then people with good and positive vibes. 7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now? maybe, with my girl.  8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind? well i guess the singer of the song im currently listening to haha 9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? depends who im talking about it with 10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? my baby 11. What does the most recent text that you sent say? “i know you’re asleep, but i can’t stop thinking about you. i love you so much” 12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now? playinwitme - kyle & kehlani, one kiss - dua lipa, is there somewhere - halsey, this side of paradise - coyote theory, and psycho - post malone & ty dolla sign. 13. Do you like it when people play with your hair? love it, mostly when my baby does it. 14. Do you believe in luck and miracles? i do. 15. What good thing happened this summer? last summer, i got to see my best friend for the first time in 2 years. i also got to see a lot of my ohio family who i missed very much. 16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? yes yes yes yes yes yes forever plesase 17. Do you think there is life on other planets? i don’t 18. Do you still talk to your first crush? occasionally 19. Do you like bubble baths? yessss 20. Do you like your neighbors? um i don’t really know them lol 21. What are you bad habits? overthinking 22. Where would you like to travel? new york!! 23. Do you have trust issues? yes 24. Favorite part of your daily routine? talking to my girl 25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with? either my skin as a whole, or my stomach. 26. What do you do when you wake up? check my phone 27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker? darker, but i kinda like my skin tone 28. Who are you most comfortable around? liv 29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up? yes lol 30. Do you ever want to get married? in the future with the right person, yes 31. Is your hair long enough for a pony tail? yes 32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with? lauren jauregui and camila cabello 33. Spell your name with your chin. cak,k,ui 34. Do you play sports? What sports? currently, none. when i was younger i danced, did gymnastics, was a cheerleader, and played soccer. 35. Would you rather live without TV or music? without tv for sure 36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them? yes  37. What do you say during awkward silences? “sooooo” or just awkwardly laugh 38. Describe your dream girl/guy? my dream girl is my girl now :) 39. What are your favorite stores to shop in? charlotte russe!! 40. What do you want to do after high school? undecided. 41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? for the most part. but giving them another chance doesnt mean you should trust them again. 42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean? i’m probably sad 43. Do you smile at strangers? always 44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean? oof neither 45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning? when i get hungry or need a drink lol or if i need to get ready to go somewhere 46. What are you paranoid about? losing my girl 47. Have you ever been high? kinda 48. Have you ever been drunk? yes 49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about? i don’t think so  50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore? light pink <3 51. Ever wished you were someone else? yessss 52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself? my skin. 53. Favourite makeup brand? too faced and tarte 54. Favourite store? target 55. Favourite blog? i don’t have one 56. Favourite colour? maroon, rose gold, black, and recently yellow. 57. Favourite food? sushi 58. Last thing you ate? takis 59. First thing you ate this morning? the first thing i had today was in the afternoon and it was a smoothie 60. Ever won a competition? For what? yes, many. too many to list and they were when i was young and im too lazy to think of all them lol 61. Been suspended/expelled? For what? yes. for “lying” to a police officer basically. 62. Been arrested? For what? ive almost been arrested a couple times, but no. 63. Ever been in love? yes. 64. Tell us the story of your first kiss? it was with a girl at a church lmfao 65. Are you hungry right now? no 66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends? i dont have tumblr friends lol 67. Facebook or Twitter? twitter 68. Twitter or Tumblr? oof both 69. Are you watching tv right now? no 70. Names of your bestfriends? liv, mikayla, hailey, and jamie 71. Craving something? What? my girl’s presence  72. What colour are your towels? we have a lot of colors 72. How many pillows do you sleep with? like 7 73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? yesss 74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have? too many. probably around 35. i only sleep with a couple tho. 75. Favourite animal? dogs and white tigers 76. What colour is your underwear? currently, maroon 77. Chocolate or Vanilla? vanilla..... if it’s flavors we’re talking about. ;) 78. Favourite ice cream flavour? oreo cheesecake 79. What colour shirt are you wearing? white 80. What colour pants? black 81. Favourite tv show? dynasty, catfish, the fosters, pll, and ridiculousness  82. Favourite movie? the other woman, spring breakers, and the 50 shades movies 83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2? mean girls 84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street? mean girls 85. Favourite character from Mean Girls? karen 86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo? dory 87. First person you talked to today? my babygirl 88. Last person you talked to today? ^my babyyyyy (first and last everyday<3) 89. Name a person you hate? i don’t think i truly hate anyone. 90. Name a person you love? mikayla. 91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now? oof yes 92. In a fight with someone? rn, no lol 93. How many sweatpants do you have? like 6 pairs 94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have? hm maybe 8 idk 95. Last movie you watched? he’s just not that into you 96. Favourite actress? jennifer lawrence 97. Favourite actor? i don’t think i have one  98. Do you tan a lot? hell no 99. Have any pets? yes a dog 100. How are you feeling? happy 101. Do you type fast? yes very 102. Do you regret anything from your past? oh yeah 103. Can you spell well? yes 104. Do you miss anyone from your past? yes 105. Ever been to a bonfire party? yes 106. Ever broken someone’s heart? i don’t think so, thankfully 107. Have you ever been on a horse? yesss 108. What should you be doing? probably school lmao or sleeping 109. Is something irritating you right now? i don’t think so 110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt? yes. 111. Do you have trust issues? already asked this, yes. 112. Who was the last person you cried in front of? mikayla 113. What was your childhood nickname? calli or cal, which it still is haha 114. Have you ever been out of your province/state? yes 115. Do you play the Wii? occasionally 116. Are you listening to music right now? yes. my fav playlist. 117. Do you like chicken noodle soup? yes 118. Do you like Chinese food? yes fav 119. Favourite book? fanfiction lol 120. Are you afraid of the dark? outside, yes. inside, no. 121. Are you mean? no 122. Is cheating ever okay? NO.  123. Can you keep white shoes clean? depends on how much i care about them. 124. Do you believe in love at first sight? idk 125. Do you believe in true love? yes 126. Are you currently bored? kinda 127. What makes you happy? my baby 128. Would you change your name? yes.  129. What your zodiac sign? gemini 130. Do you like subway? yes, love 131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? tell them sorry bc im gay and have a girl. 132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? my baby, once again another question i answered lol 133. Favourite lyrics right now? i have so so so many, but the first ones that came to mind were “you can strip down without showing skin”. 134. Can you count to one million? yes but it would be too time consuming 135. Dumbest lie you ever told? idek 136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed? closed 137. How tall are you? 5′1 138. Curly or Straight hair? curly 139. Brunette or Blonde? brunette 140. Summer or Winter? winter 141. Night or Day? night 142. Favourite month? october 143. Are you a vegetarian? no 144. Dark, milk or white chocolate? milk 145. Tea or Coffee? tea 146. Was today a good day? yes :) 147. Mars or Snickers? snickers 148. What’s your favourite quote? “a smooth sea never made a skilled sailor” 149. Do you believe in ghosts? kinda 150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page? the closest book to me didn’t have page numbers lol
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sequoiann · 7 years
❧ j.ww | assassin!au
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pairing; seventeen wonwoo x reader
genre; bulletpointed, assassin!wonwoo, fluff
collab with; @kpop–fics
tags; @lunarjihoon
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you’d think
the calm assassin?
ok maybe a little 
every mission
he plans out exactly of what should be done
super careful and detailed
when you, just a random ,,, office worker,,,
kept getting in the team’s way on an important mission
sorry but that person has to be dead !!
before tomorrow !!!
but no that didn’t happen
the murder mission kept being pushed back
he slowly lost his shit 
"wonwoo? you okay?”
his teammates never saw him like this before
so they were like
who were you and what did you do to their wonwoo lol
he was always a calm and peaceful guy
ironic to describe an assassin like this but really
he can stab someone a couple of times with a straight face
he’s pretty scary lol
but this time n oPE
it has always been his ,,,, goal ,,, to do his job and missions cleanly
aka without any other person getting injured
or involved
or whatever
but aha 
your oblivious ass kept getting in the way
he tried doing his job both at night and in the afternoon
also nope
you would be working all the time
bc you lived down the frickin street
and your boss liked you lmao
so he always called you back for overnight shifts
and you didn’t mind bc the pay was really good
but wonwoo is irritated
this whole time, all the team needed to do was to take out your boss
he’d done some,,, shady things
he needed to pay the price
but every time wonwoo’s team was close to accomplishing the mission
f inALLY?
you came walking in
asking your boss something that? wasn’t clear or something?
wonwoo was getting
no matter when he would go,,,
you’d always be there
it was like you could sense these things ffs
meanwhile you were just like
"wow the boss is sure getting a lot of visits lately”
aka dense as hell
your boss noticed
that you always came walking in when he was just about to get killed
yes, he started recognizing the assassins
and he started having ideas of using you as his little protection
he knew wonwoo’s team wouldn’t kill any innocent person
and no matter how important your own work was
you’d get super curious
who were all these handsome men???
so every time you’d come up with some excuse to go over
like you were young and dreamy ok
your boss was internally so gleeful like oh y/n you’re here!
he had a visitor today too
standing in front of his desk
he was so cUTE
wearing a deep blue suit with…  a beanie?
weird combination
but it somehow made him even more attractive
andd it was your first time seeing him
bc the previous times, wonwoo’s other teammates were the ones doing the actions ,,, and failed
normal routine :D
“hey sir? my printer broke, is it okay if i use yours this once?”
he nods, a little too eager to be normal
you thanked him and frowned a little once your back was facing him
like um why are you excited for me to use your printer
but suddenly you just felt a shadow over you
and you turned around
and faced the handsome stranger
he looked so irritated?
what did i do wrong ??
is it forbidden to look at you?
it kinda was
that would mean you’d remember his face
wonwoo was planning to end the mission today
that automatically meant an end to your boss’s life as well
what you didn’t know tho
is that woozi hacked the cameras in the building
and all of wonwoo’s team were laughing their butts off
wonwoo? angry?
they could literally see his shoulders going up and down with his deep breathing
wonwoo was so askfhsdkfh
he almost took out his gun to shoot you instead of your boss like oH M Y GO D
no wonwoo,,, calm down,,,
she’s not worth that
kinda innocent??
no but you kept mesSING UP HIS PLANS wonwoo was having an internal conflict with himself lmao
he couldn’t take it anymore nd just
“sorry, but i think it would be best if you leave this office.” 
you looked at him like ???? why ?? i need the printer tho?
and your boss just interrupted
“y/n, go ahead and use the printer” 
and your boss pulled out his own gun from his own suit pocket and pointed it @ the stranger like yOU HO LD THE FUC UP TOO
“i told you to leave.” 
you were literally standing behind the stranger,,,, who was holding a gun,,,,,
you were gonna faint
and your boss suddenly just changes his gun’s direction to aim it @ you ????
you froze
and your boss was staring so hard @ the stranger
“put your gun down or i’ll kill her" 
??? me?????
like omg boss are you stupid or are you stupid 
the stranger doesnt know me whY ARE YOU USING ME AS HOSTAGE
but yo
he does
wonwoo lowers his gun
and your boss slowly does too
but sIKE wonwoo suddenly raises his gun again & shoots your boss
who collapses
of course
and you scream
and wonwoo just covers your mouth like shuT UP
you were just fucking shaking
your legs already gave out lmao
wonwoo was literally holding u up while his hand was over your mouth
i thought this was business related?
what have all these handsome men been doing here then?
all to fucking murder your boss?
wonwoo slowly removes his hand from your mouth
“calm down, i’m not the bad guy” 
you were gonna scream in his f aCE
but no you saw the bloody mess in front of you and just burst out crying
and you passed out 
in his fucking arms
when you woke up, you were ,,,
?? home
okay what 
you jolted upright and started checking your arms for blood stains for some reason
it wasn’t like u were the one who murdered someone omg 
you noticed a little post-it on your nightstand
with a number 
and a “i’ll explain. everything’s settled. you’re not involved.”
you felt so disgusted like omg you just witnessed a murder
do i report it
but the note says that everything’s settled 
does that mean that they escaped the police
or does that mean they discarded the body ,,,,,,
you shivered just thinking about it
and you suddenly remembered
??? why am i home??
you ?? fainted ?? in front of the stranger??
how did you get here??
does he know where u live ??
how ????????????
ok you were gonna cry
and suddenly there was a knock on your door
nOT your main door
you meant your BEDROOM door
you were this close to passing out again bc YOU LIVED ALONE
the door opens by itself before you could even do anything and you squeeze your eyes shut and pressed your palms against your ear
“what are you doing?” 
that voice is familiar
you open your eyes and saw the stranger murderer
you closed your eyes again like no omg im seeing things
“oi.” “y/n.” 
he got your name ofc
“get out.” 
“i’m trying to explain---” 
“you don’t have to! i’m not involved! you said it yourself!”
wonwoo was shocked at ur outburst like wow
 ,,,,, you seemed meek
“okay, fine, i won’t talk about it. but are you okay?” 
you didn’t speak bc no you were not
“look, no one’s gonna hurt you. i won’t, either. i’ll stay outside till you can talk.” 
and hell yes he did stay outside
like he wasnt usually like this
but you were just ,,, so smol,,,,
need to protec
so that happened
you weren’t really upset about your boss’ passing or anything tbh
i mean, he did point his gun at you
and you two weren’t v close too 
and like a few hours later (you slept), you slowly went outside
and wonwoo had to stop a smile from spreading on his lips
“you better?” 
you nod slightly and told him that u didn’t wanna hear whatever happened
and wonwoo understood 
but he wanted to like
make you feel okay
bc he knew you were still pretty damn traumatized
he basically followed you everywhere
bc you were scared that someone was just gonna whip out a gun and start a mass shooting
and he just ,,,,
stays by your side ,,,,,,,,,
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kpop--fics · 7 years
Collab with @theliqht <3
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you’d think
the calm assassin?
ok maybe a little
every mission
he plans out exactly of what should be done
super careful and detailed
when you, just a random ,,, office worker,,,
kept getting in the team’s way on an important mission
sorry but that person has to be dead !!
before tomorrow !!!
but no that didn’t happen
the murder mission kept being pushed back
he slowly lost his shit
"wonwoo? you okay?”
his teammates never saw him like this before
so they were like
who were you and what did you do to their wonwoo lol
he was always a calm and peaceful guy
ironic to describe an assassin like this but really
he can stab someone a couple of times with a straight face
he’s pretty scary lol
but this time n oPE
it has always been his ,,,, goal ,,, to do his job and missions cleanly
aka without any other person getting injured
or involved
or whatever
but aha
your oblivious ass kept getting in the way
he tried doing his job both at night and in the afternoon
also nope
you would be working all the time
bc you lived down the frickin street
and your boss liked you lmao
so he always called you back for overnight shifts
and you didn’t mind bc the pay was really good
but wonwoo is irritated
this whole time, all the team needed to do was to take out your boss
he’d done some,,, shady things
he needed to pay the price
but every time wonwoo’s team was close to accomplishing the mission
f inALLY?
you came walking in
asking your boss something that? wasn’t clear or something?
wonwoo was getting
no matter when he would go,,,
you’d always be there
it was like you could sense these things ffs
meanwhile you were just like
"wow the boss is sure getting a lot of visits lately”
aka dense as hell
your boss noticed
that you always came walking in when he was just about to get killed
yes, he started recognizing the assassins
and he started having ideas of using you as his little protection
he knew wonwoo’s team wouldn’t kill any innocent person
and no matter how important your own work was
you’d get super curious
who were all these handsome men???
so every time you’d come up with some excuse to go over
like you were young and dreamy ok
your boss was internally so gleeful like oh y/n you’re here!
he had a visitor today too
standing in front of his desk
he was so cUTE
wearing a deep blue suit with…  a beanie?
weird combination
but it somehow made him even more attractive
andd it was your first time seeing him
bc the previous times, wonwoo’s other teammates were the ones doing the actions ,,, and failed
normal routine :D
“hey sir? my printer broke, is it okay if i use yours this once?”
he nods, a little too eager to be normal
you thanked him and frowned a little once your back was facing him
like um why are you excited for me to use your printer
but suddenly you just felt a shadow over you
and you turned around
and faced the handsome stranger
he looked so irritated?
what did i do wrong ??
is it forbidden to look at you?
it kinda was
that would mean you’d remember his face
wonwoo was planning to end the mission today
that automatically meant an end to your boss’s life as well
what you didn’t know tho
is that woozi hacked the cameras in the building
and all of wonwoo’s team were laughing their butts off
wonwoo? angry?
they could literally see his shoulders going up and down with his deep breathing
wonwoo was so askfhsdkfh
he almost took out his gun to shoot you instead of your boss like oH M Y GO D
no wonwoo,,, calm down,,,
she’s not worth that
kinda innocent??
no but you kept mesSING UP HIS PLANS wonwoo was having an internal conflict with himself lmao
he couldn’t take it anymore nd just
“sorry, but i think it would be best if you leave this office.”
you looked at him like ???? why ?? i need the printer tho?
and your boss just interrupted
“y/n, go ahead and use the printer”
and your boss pulled out his own gun from his own suit pocket and pointed it @ the stranger like yOU HO LD THE FUC UP TOO
“i told you to leave.”
you were literally standing behind the stranger,,,, who was holding a gun,,,,,
you were gonna faint
and your boss suddenly just changes his gun’s direction to aim it @ you ????
you froze
and your boss was staring so hard @ the stranger
“put your gun down or i’ll kill her"
??? me?????
like omg boss are you stupid or are you stupid
the stranger doesnt know me whY ARE YOU USING ME AS HOSTAGE
but yo
he does
wonwoo lowers his gun
and your boss slowly does too
but sIKE wonwoo suddenly raises his gun again & shoots your boss
who collapses
of course
and you scream
and wonwoo just covers your mouth like shuT UP
you were just fucking shaking
your legs already gave out lmao
wonwoo was literally holding u up while his hand was over your mouth
i thought this was business related?
what have all these handsome men been doing here then?
all to fucking murder your boss?
wonwoo slowly removes his hand from your mouth
“calm down, i’m not the bad guy”
you were gonna scream in his f aCE
but no you saw the bloody mess in front of you and just burst out crying
and you passed out
in his fucking arms
when you woke up, you were ,,,
?? home
okay what
you jolted upright and started checking your arms for blood stains for some reason
it wasn’t like u were the one who murdered someone omg
you noticed a little post-it on your nightstand
with a number
and a “i’ll explain. everything’s settled. you’re not involved.”
you felt so disgusted like omg you just witnessed a murder
do i report it
but the note says that everything’s settled
does that mean that they escaped the police
or does that mean they discarded the body ,,,,,,
you shivered just thinking about it
and you suddenly remembered
??? why am i home??
you ?? fainted ?? in front of the stranger??
how did you get here??
does he know where u live ??
how ????????????
ok you were gonna cry
and suddenly there was a knock on your door
nOT your main door
you meant your BEDROOM door
you were this close to passing out again bc YOU LIVED ALONE
the door opens by itself before you could even do anything and you squeeze your eyes shut and pressed your palms against your ear
“what are you doing?”
that voice is familiar
you open your eyes and saw the stranger murderer
you closed your eyes again like no omg im seeing things
“oi.” “y/n.”
he got your name ofc
“get out.”
“i’m trying to explain---”
“you don’t have to! i’m not involved! you said it yourself!”
wonwoo was shocked at ur outburst like wow
,,,,, you seemed meek
“okay, fine, i won’t talk about it. but are you okay?”
you didn’t speak bc no you were not
“look, no one’s gonna hurt you. i won’t, either. i’ll stay outside till you can talk.”
and hell yes he did stay outside
like he wasnt usually like this
but you were just ,,, so smol,,,,
need to protec
so that happened
you weren’t really upset about your boss’ passing or anything tbh
i mean, he did point his gun at you
and you two weren’t v close too
and like a few hours later (you slept), you slowly went outside
and wonwoo had to stop a smile from spreading on his lips
“you better?”
you nod slightly and told him that u didn’t wanna hear whatever happened
and wonwoo understood
but he wanted to like
make you feel okay
bc he knew you were still pretty damn traumatized
he basically followed you everywhere
bc you were scared that someone was just gonna whip out a gun and start a mass shooting
and he just ,,,,
stays by your side ,,,,,,,,,
>> Masterlist
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Just a bit out of my league Final Chapter Pt.1 Trailer Stan Uris X Reader/Henry Bowers X Reader Modern AU
Summary: (Also I changed this btw) Drama, drama, and more drama is all that can describe the messy Tozier family right now. After the drama with Henry and Y/n, and the Richie and Y/n’s parents things have been a mess. Stan is forced to tell Y/n that he likes her because Mike shoved him in front of her. Richie gives Y/n advice about what to do with her current situation with Henry, and in return Y/n gives Richie advice back about what their mom wants. 
Song: Out of my league by Fitz and the Tantrums and Almost by Bowling for Soup bc I’m a softie for punk rock >:3
Warnings: Fluff, angst, depressing parts, cursing, heartbreaking cliff hangers, 
A/n:Okay so I do but I don’t have writers block atm so thats sucks (Insert dick joke bc I am a walking female version of Richie Tozier) but eh at least I get to write for a bit anyways x3 also the drama in this kind of but doesn’t remind of Stranger Things season 2 but like I am still flipping my shit bc season 2 comes out in 15 days so like ye also SO SO SO sorry if Henry and anybody else is like super oc (Original character)
 If you are sensitive to family and love drama then please don’t read,                                                      You have been warned
Part one     Part two     Part three   
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                                         *               *             *
    “Richie are you gonna sleep in here tonight?” You said as you got up from sitting on the floor. “They want us to go to the Neibolt house tomorrow afternoon…” Richie said as he was staring at the ground. “Seriously?” You said whilst helping him get up. “Sure I guess…” “There should be a sleeping bag in my closet” he nodded.      
       The next morning Stan and Bill were at your doorway looking at both you and Richie actually sleeping in the same room together. (Gif above is like their reactions bc lol why not lmao) “Shush it Bill” Stan whispered at Bill then Bill gave him a smirk and he responded back with a smirk. ‘Huh..’ Richie mumbled since he wasn’t a heavy sleeper. He lifted his head up and saw Stan and Bill. Eyes widened the other two boys were a giggling mess. “Go away creepo!” Richie said as he threw a pillow at them. Stan caught the pillow, “Eh” “Wh-why are you in y-your sisters r-ro-room?” Bill said and earned a shrug from Richie. “Dad came over, mom was yelling at him, cops came, it was a mess and a real blur last night..” you said as you grabbed your phone off the charger. “Speak of the devil” Richie said then he got up and started to put away the sleeping bag and put away the throw pillows that were on your bay window. “Can you guys like leave?” You said as you pointed at the direction that led out of your room. “Y-yeah” Stan said. 
                                     *                 *               *
  After you closed the door and locked it so you could change you had been shocked to have even received one text message from Henry considering all that happened last night. 
Henry: Hey
Y/n: Hey hru? 
  When you sent that message everything felt off. You hated knowing that if the police found out that Henry’s dad, a police officer, got stabbed by his own son you would be questioned like crazy. After 5 minutes he hadn’t replied which made you worried, “Y/n! Come downstairs!” Richie yelled out. You grabbed your phone and headed downstairs to find Stan, Bill, and Richie all standing by the door. “Wanna come with us?” He said with a cheeky grin on his face, because of his dorky personality for being a little brother you couldn’t say no. “Sure” You smiled back then went to put on your shoes. When you grabbed your phone you walked outside with all of them. “D-don’t y-yo-you have a c-car Y/n?” Bill said quietly, “Uh I have my learner’s permit..But it’s fine…” You said as you unlocked your moms mini van and let everyone get inside. Stan and Richie obviously fighted over who got to sit in the front seat, “Y-yo-you gu-guys stop i-it!” Bill said before jumping into the front seat. They both groaned and walked over, tumbling into the back seats. You smiled at them and turned on the radio. “Are y-you a good dr-driv-” Bill started to speak but you quickly backed out and almost ran over a cat and almost managed to knock over one of the house’s mailboxes. “whoa” “Eh I guess I am” You responded back with a smirk as you started driving off to anywhere. 
                                   *                  *                  *
   “Where are we going Y/n…?” Richie spoke up when he saw that you guys were driving on a very high up bridge. “There is this one bar…Well it’s not a bar..But like it has a beach around it and its called ‘The Sandbar’ nobody ever goes there since its always muggy around here in Derry but I just wanted to check it out” (lmao this is funny bc my mom works near a hotel, which is on the beach? if that makes sense lol but like there is a outdoor resturant that is legit on a beach and its called The Sandbar, i love going there so it was nice to add this in
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queenreginascontour · 7 years
thanks for tagging me @rnaxwellbeaumont !!
LAST… [1] drink: water [2] phone call: uhh i think my mom to ask what i should pick up from trader joes ??? [3] text message: “deadass vommed in my mouth” (v poetic) to my friend about her ex bf lmao [4] song you listened to: drew barrymore by sza (a GODDESS) [5] time you cried: a couple weeks ago when i found out my dog has cancer :(((
HAVE YOU EVER… [6] dated someone twice: lol nope fuckkkk that [7] been cheated on: not that ik of lmao [8] kissed someone and regretted it: yup,,, one of his teeth fell out during it,, i wish i was kidding [9] lost someone special: for sure [10] been depressed: haha ! wow ! ...yeah [11] gotten drunk and thrown up: ...yes
LIST 3 FAVOURITE COLOURS: [12] purple [13] red [14] v into pastel orange rn idk
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU… [15] made new friends: yep ! [16] fallen out of love: love ? i dont know her [17] laughed until you cried: oh yeah [18] found out someone was talking about you? i don’t think anyone can go thru hs w/out this happening to them ??? if so tell me ur ways [19] met someone who changed you: kinda [20] found out who your true friends are:  YUP [21] kissed someone on your facebook list: adkladj my fb was made solely so my friend could stalk this dude we met in london and she didn’t wanna use hers so nah i don’t rly have fb
GENERAL… [22] how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: again it was only for stalking purposes i don’t thikn i have a profile pic even [23] do you have any pets: oh god my family is wild,,, 2 dogs, a rabbit, a fish, and a fuckign bearded dragon named douglas [24] do you want to change your name: so my real name is theadora, but i go by teddy ??? and lately i’ve been wondering like, is teddy a name that is respected in the adult world ??? should i switch to thea ???? but then i was like, nah bich, the adult world better step the fuck UP to respect the name teddy !!!! [25] what did you do for your last birthday: my friends took me to a ny rangers game [26] what time did you wake up: like 11 lmao [27] what were you doing at midnight last night: working on questions for the endless summer quiz ! [28] name something you cannot wait for: current pres to be out of office hockey szn uhh to see my friends tm they’ve been gone for so long :’) !!! [29] when was the last time you saw your mother: she just walked past me [30] what is one thing you wish you could change about your life: so, so many things but prob mostly that i wasn’t so fuckign SHY as a kid and realized my worth earlier in life [31] what are you listening to right now: my summer playlist x the washing machine spinning [32] have you ever talked to a person named tom: ????? prolly [33] something that is getting on your nerves: the current president  fake people l o l [34] most visited website: recently tumblr & unif.com bc i love looking at things i’m too broke to buy l m a o [35] moles: uhh like 5+ ??? [37] marks: freckles, moles, birthmark on my thigh, teeth marks where my brother bit my brother bit my arm when he was a mf BABY, scar on ankle from when my friend accidentally nicked me w his skate [38] hair colour: light brown,, kinda looks like i have blonde ombre rn bc i’m growing out highlights that went...... overboard [39] long or short hair: longggg [40] do you have a crush on someone: fuck i wish i did [41] what do you like about yourself? uhhhh prob my humor and also how i truly give no fucks [42] piercings: two in each ear lobe [43] blood type: lmao this is a mystery to both me and my parents [44] nickname: teddy (obv), teds, daddy-o, my last name, petty teddy, i’m prob forgetting some [45] relationship status: single [46] zodiac sign: libra [47] pronouns: she/her [48] fav tv show: oh man,,,, parks & rec, the office, big little lies, the o.c. lmao, big brother (but not.. recently), brooklyn 99, and sooooo much trash reality tv bc i’m weak (espec foreign real housewives ???? don’t ask) [49] tattoos: NOT YET but i want some,,, my papou (grandpa) deadass wants me to get a giant snake on my arm ???? but i want something small and deffo an exclamation point on my wrist or ankle [50] right or left handed: right
FIRST… [51] surgery: none [52] piercing: my first lobe piercings when i was in i think fourth grade ??? [53] best friend: HAHAHA this snake who i met in kindergarten & called the police on me last summer,,,, good riddance ! [54] sport: basketball [55] vacation: greece to be shown to my fam when i was 8 months old [56] pair of trainers: oh man idk,,, prob some disney themed ones that lit up
RIGHT NOW… [57] eating: chocolate [58] drinking: water [59] i’m about to: eat dinner & finish up the quiz prob [60] listening to: faded by opia,,, good vibes [61] waiting for: my laundry to be done [62] want: CASH, food, to take a drive bc i’m Stressedt and driving calms me [63] get married: only in choices for now bc im still young binch ! ,,,in like 10 yrs tho [64] career: surviving as a student & picking up my parents bougie friends when they get drunk at the country club bc they don’t trust uber
WHICH IS BETTER… [65] hugs or kisses: kisses [66] lips or eyes: EYES [67] shorter or taller: taller [68] older or younger: older [70] nice arms or nice stomach: arms,,,, i have a Thing [71] sensitive or loud: sensitive [72] hook up or relationship: rn just hook ups,,, i do not have the time or energy for a relationship  [73] troublemaker or hesitant: akl;djfl;a both... depends on the sitch/mood/amount of alcohol in me
HAVE YOU EVER… [74] kissed a stranger? jklajsdl; yes [75] drank hard liquor? yes [76] lost glasses/contact lenses? nah shout out to my 20/20 vision ay [77] turned someone down: yeahhhh [78] sex on first date? nah [79] broken someone’s heart? don’t think so [80] had your own heart broken? nah i’m a guarded ass bitch for a reason ! [81] been arrested? no (shoutout to the cops for recognizing that the formerly mentioned snake’s police report was total bs !) [82] cried when someone died? for sure [83] fallen for a friend: not rly
DO YOU BELIEVE IN… [84] yourself? ehhhhhhhhh [85] miracles? sure [86] love at first sight? nope [87] santa claus? for fun [88] kiss on the first date? sure [89] angels? ye
OTHER… [90] current best friend’s name: christina [91] eye colour: green, but apparently they’re two diff colors ??? one is more blue ??? idk everyone says it but i don’t see it [92] favourite movie: uhhh moonrise kingdom, saw baby driver recently and liked it,,,,, i can’t think of any rn
i tag:
@superpotato824 @purpledinosaur4ever and uhhh this is cheating but idk/can’t think of anyone’s url yet so uhh i tag whoever hasn’t done this and wants to !! 
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solskens · 7 years
tag game !!
Rules: You can only say guilty or innocent. You are not allowed to explain anything unless someone messages you or asks you.  ill explain whatever i damn want im independant ill ask myself smh  tagged by @cityofchestpains like a while ago but im slow  i tag @divinetheta @ev-hime @ethrals @neptcnes @ i just forgot everybody ever on this site. sry. i.  
Asked someone to marry you?  innocent Kissed one of your friends? i mean.............innocent Danced on a table in a bar or tavern? innocent Ever told a lie? guilty Had feelings for someone whom you can’t have? cant is hard to define but yah guily  Ever kissed someone of the opposite sex? im,,,, innocent Ever kissed someone of the same sex? i decided if u gotta ask urself if things counts as a kiss its not a kiss so lol xd innocent Kissed a picture? innocent  Slept in until 5pm? innocent Fallen asleep at work or school? innocent Held a snake? .......innocent..? or...? innocent.  Been suspended from school? innocent Stolen something? borrowed and forgotten to give back and toddlers i mean. guilty.  Done something you regret? bITCH I REGRET SM SHIT HAGDHS GUILTY  Laughed until something you were drinking came out of your nose? GUILTY AF CATCH ME DRINKING AND LAUGHING AND DYING  Caught a snowflake on your tongue? good times im guilty  Kissed in the rain? innocent Sat on a roof top? innocent the roof was . wet.  Sang in the shower? if u call sad humming singing then guilty Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on? innocent but if it was the ocean/a big lake then guilty Slept naked? ... dunno what i did as a child but innocent.?  Made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry? bhtich how am isupposed 2 know also have u met 11 year olds guilty dammn  Been in a band? innocent  Shot a gun? innocent Donated blood? innocent Eaten alligator meat? innocent Eaten cheesecake? guilty !! good bro . good  Still loved someone you shouldn’t? ?? ??  who decides if i should or shouldent dats rite mE and .. no? innocent. ?or . idk. love is a Big Word bro  Have/had a tattoo? innocent Been too honest? guilty but like once  Ruined a surprise?  ...... ok i may have told my twin about the christmas gifts BUT ok guilty Ate in a restaurant and got really bloated that you can’t walk after? ... guilty  Erased someone in your friends list? asdjgs buddy guilty af  Dressed in a man’s clothes?  ive borrowed my siblings clothes but they were boys not men smh but guilty Dressed in a woman’s clothes? yah mine every day guilty   Joined a pageant? innocent?  Been told that you’re beautiful by someone who totally meant what they said? they better smh guilty also yes my mom  Still have communication with your ex? guilty  Cheated on someone? innocent !!!!! Got totally drunk one night when you had an important exam the next morning?  innocent  A total stranger treated you by paying your fare? innocent. id die  Got so angry that you cried? guilty bro im an angry crier sad crier all crier i cry sm  Tried to stay away from someone for their own good? .guilty...? or. i mean. not only for their own good. i think. idk. guilty ? ? Actually murdered someone? innocent br uh  Thought about mass murder?  thought about as in this is a thing that exists thats bad guilty  Actually committed a mass murder? should someone tell the police who made this that this isnt a good way to actually get ppl to confess shit innocent Rode in a stranger’s vehicle? guilty  Stalked someone? innocent bc stalking is Not going 56 weeks into ur crushs instagram ok just ask our buddy the police officer  Had a girlfriend? guilty  Had a boyfriend? i was the Most, , Heteroséxuàl guilty l o l  Totally drunk during a holiday? innocent !
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