#because if you were a human trafficker looking for victims where would you go?
I feel like I'm missing the crux of the man vs. bear debate because it's so silly. of course I would pick the man, because neither my Sig nor jiu jitsu is going to take down a bear
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thestarrynightslover · 10 months
The Day You Finally Caught a Break
Pairing: Jay Halstead x Reader
Word count: 1,574
Warnings: FLUFF. Mentions of sex crimes and crimes involving special victims (all very slight).
Summary: After living in a boring routine, the detective (y/n) (y/l/n) catches a lucky break with her colleague Jay Halstead.
Disclaimer: I don’t own any of the One Chicago shows, or its characters, also not associated with it in any way or know anyone involved with it.
A/N: So, this is my first fic in a while and I am aware that it is very cheesy but I just felt like writing something cheesy. Anyways, I hope you like it!
(y/n) = (your name) (y/l/n) = (your last name) (y/n/n) = (your nickname)
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The day started just like any other would: waking up earlier than necessary, going for a run, doing some yoga, reading, and finally getting ready to go to work. Sure, to a lot of people that might have been a great morning, having all that time to do all that stuff… The only thing was: you’d been running on nothing beyond routine — one that had become quite boring, to be honest — for a couple of years now. Which made you that weird cop who actually enjoyed the worst cases just because it gave you some sort of purpose, some sort of change. Holding that thought, you were supposed to feel lucky once you and your team got deeper into your current case. But, even with the most boring of lives, a person — a decent human being — couldn’t feel lucky for even knowing something like that happens in the world, much less for having to know every sick and twisted detail of a case that involved sex trafficking, pregnant women, all sorts of assault and child abduction.
After it was “over”, around midnight, all of Intelligence seemed to silently agree on staying as long as necessary to finish their reports. Everybody thinking the same way: finishing this today, I can get outta here, get drunk, and put it in a box in the back of my head — where it’ll stay forever. As soon as someone would finish the paperwork, they’d grab their coat, mutter something resembling a goodbye, and rush out of there like the room was on fire. Molly’s wouldn’t be open anymore and none of you really wanted to spend time with each other to risk having to talk out what had happened. And then something strange happened.
Instead of just leaving like your partner Kim and his partner Kevin before her, Ruzek just stood at the door frame, waiting. For Upton. What? He kept looking at her desk so it was pretty obvious but the confirmation came when the detective got up saying: “Hey, Jay, I’mma get going now. You okay if we do our thing some other day?”
By the time Halstead looked up, she was almost reaching Adam which shocked the shit out of you but didn’t seem to faze him much, who only answered: “Yeah. Sure. Night, guys.” And then there were two—the only two Intelligence members who never exchanged more than a couple of polite measures.
Nevertheless, your gossip-starved soul got the best of you, who ended up blurting out a “They’re together?” to no one less than Jay Halstead. For a minute or so the other detective just looked around the room, as if expecting someone to jump out of nowhere and answer your question. But, after your eyes eventually met, he decided on answering.
“Eh… I don’t really know”, he started, while scratching the back of his neck, “I mean, it’s not like I’ve asked, you know?”
“Ah…” Was all you found to say after he stopped for a moment, but he continued.
“That’s just not really how it works between us. But the other day he did show up at her place late at night, which was suspicious. To say the least.” The words just flew right out of his mouth, surprising both of you, who started chuckling awkwardly at the recognition, “this is the first actual conversation we’ve had after all this time working together, isn’t it?”, he asked, ultimately.
“Yeah, I think it is,” you said, now full-on laughing. “God, I can’t believe that the first time I worked up the courage to actually talk to you was to ask for gossip!” You exclaimed, knowing that your cheeks were probably burning up with embarrassment.
“To be honest, I kinda needed to share that with someone. Especially after this moment here.” He confessed, making you laugh and forcing himself to laugh a bit more to try and hide the fact that he couldn’t stop staring at you. It just went wrong when his mouth betrayed him by saying: “You look so damn cute right now!”
"Well, it isn't every day that one finds out that the detective Jay Halstead is a gossip. Which makes me wonder who the cute one really is…"
"Oh, so that's where you're going with this?" He asked with his eyes twinkling. "Because I can prove just how not cute I am…"
"Oh?" You replied simply wondering what kind of proof he could provide against that.
"In fact, I have just the perfect idea, but, for that, you'd have to agree on going out with me first." Jay himself couldn't believe he finally managed to invite you out.
"Ooh, as in a d- date?" Who were you? Stuttering? C'mon!
"A date, yes." He answered, making you feel relieved and nervous again all at the same time.
"Yeah, I, uh, I wouldn't mind that at all. We can try and think of a date that works for both of us…" You suggested.
"Well, on Wednesday I'll be off, how about you?" Jay asked quickly.
"Oh no, that day I have somethings Platt wanted me to do. How about next Monday?"
"That's a no for me, 'cause I'm pulling doubles next week.*
“Maybe this is a crazy idea but have you finished your report yet?” He asked quizzically.
“Uh, hitting the send button right now. Why?
“Then what if we do it now?”
“The date thingy?” You asked shyly, afraid that had been just a momentaneous thought that came out of his mouth too fast.
At that, he looked at you in awe, mesmerized by how adorable you were. “Yes. The date thingy.”
A million thoughts crossed your mind, including the one that that was a lifetime opportunity and that you should be better dressed, but figuring that saying something like that would only make you miss the opportunity, you settled for asking: “But where would we go? Like, it’s past 1 a.m., Jay, I don’t think there are a lot of places open…”
“Well, I might have a few ideas… Do you trust me?” He asked, holding his hand out to you, who grabbed it at the same time as you grabbed your jacket and purse with your other hand.
“Do you really need to ask that?"
And, like that, some time later you found yourself pulling up to the address Jay had texted you, which was in Canaryville, and it turned out to be an old movie theater that apparently was doing a week of classics with sessions at all times of the day. How Jay knew about that, though, was a mystery to you.
"Hey!" You heard him calling as he crossed the street. "You made a better time getting here than I did!"
"Yeah, well, my car might be faster than your old one," you replied, shrugging innocently.
"Haha, very funny," he deadpanned.
"Hey, this is a cool idea but how did you know it is happening?" You asked, genuinely curious. "I mean, you just don't seem a lot like a movie nerd to me."
"Well, there are still many things you don't know about me. But this one specifically is because I grew up around here and the owner is a friend of my family, so he always lets Will and I know about what's going on with the place."
"Hmmm, that explains it!" You exclaimed with a tad of satisfaction for not being too far off about him.
"But I do enjoy movies, okay?" You made a face of disbelief at him. To which he replied with: "It's true, alright? I'll admit that these days I haven't had much time for it but when I was growing up around here, this place was practically my second home!"
"Oh, so you've brought many others here, I'll assume!" You teased, suddenly feeling more comfortable and consequently more confident.
"Don't! Don't assume that! Growing up I wasn't very successful with the ladies and after that changed I haven't come here often…"
"Ooh, so that means that I'm your first?" You mocked, putting your hand to your heart, "Wow, I'm truly touched now!"
"Yeah, sure, have your fun with me all you want! All I really care about is the fact that I finally managed to get you to go out with me, so I can only hope you'll enjoy yourself." Him saying that, while gazing so intently at you, was making you weak on your knees and got you blushing a bit as well. So you tried to get the attention off you.
"Okay! Then let's pick a movie and watch it already, 'cause tomorrow's probably not gonna be any shorter."
A couple of hours later you and Jay were walking down the street towards a Waffle House while chatting and laughing about the movie like two best friends, which felt really nice but also made you a little confused about the being a date of that date the two of you were on. But, after you both had cleaned your plates at the diner, Jay came onto your bench to clean the corner of your mouth with a napkin, and next thing you knew, you were kissing very passionately in public like a couple of teens, forgetting about the rest of the world altogether, which made you realized, once more, how dull and colorless your life was previous to that moment so you held on to it and you held on to the man behind it.
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balkanradfem · 1 year
Women are not protected in today's society, and they're not protected by m*n. Here's how the world would look like if women were, protected by m*n.
M*n would be creating systems that would euthanize, eradicate and dispose of every pedophile, predator and rapist. Society would be cleansed of them because they would be recognized as a major danger to women and their children, they would be the public enemy number one and disposed at even the first sign of predation.
Instead, pedophiles are given light sentences, only convinced if they've repeated offense and then allowed to walk free and commit more offenses. Media is led by pedophiles, and promotes pedophilia to the point where the society is so oversaturated, you can see pornographic views of children even in their own cartoons. Fashion, desires appearance of women, beauty standards and even intellectual standards for women are all set by pedophilia, women are supposed to emulate children or they are not viewed as desirable. We are living in a pedophile-led society.
Predators and rapists are not only allowed, excused, tolerated and not taken as 'real criminals', but they're often celebrated and approved of, by male police force, who will go over and beyond to disprove victims, to neglect rape kits, to find a way to make it women's fault. Intimate torture of women is treated as 'small theft' issue, even as it leaves women severely traumatized and unsafe. Not to stop at that, males have decided to take control of women's bodies after rape, and force them to bear children if rape has ended in pregnancy. They've managed to get rights over the children, to the rapists. This is not how 'protecting women' looks like. That's how torturing, exploiting, and pushing women into despair and trauma looks like.
If we lived in a society where women are protected, domestic violence would not exist. It would be unthinkable to lift a hand at a woman, let alone abuse or murder one. Hitting or injuring a woman would be an offense punishable by death. Woman in her home would be in the safest place in the world. Yet, one of the highest cause of female death is their domestic or romantic partner. Homes that have a male head of the family are places where women most often end up exploited, overworked, abused, emotionally abandoned, coerced or forced into situations where they're easily sexually assaulted, isolated, devalued, regarded as a servant, and ultimately, killed. M*n have not created a world where women can safely live their lives in nuclear families; instead the families were custom-made to enable m*n to have offspring and servitude from women, while doing ultimately nothing in return, only keeping those family members alive, sometimes not even that.
If we lived in a world where m*n protected women, pornography would not exist. Women's sexuality and intimacy would be sacred, and not something that could be bought, or taped, at the risk of women feeling uncomfortable, violated, injured, coerced, traumatized, exploited and hurt. The levels of injury, emotional damage, body harm and trauma inflicted on women during pornography is so high, they often have to undergo medical procedures, just to stay alive. They have to keep themselves inebriated or medicated just to be able to go thru such type of torture. In a world where m*n cared for women's safety, this level of harm would be unacceptable. Nobody would want to watch a woman get potentially hurt, violated, humiliated or injured in any way, there would be a huge outcry against using women as human sex toys and leaving them severely traumatized, just for someone else's pleasure.
If we lived in a world where m*n protected women, there would be no prostitution or human trafficking. Prostitution has proved to be not only traumatic, but deadly, slavery-like experience where they could get injured, violated, forced against their will and exploited at someone else's will. Women would never have to subject themselves to anything like that for mere survival. They would never be put in a situation where they would feel it's their only way, or only thing they're worth for. There would not be an industry of grooming female children into prostitution, because average age of entering prostitution is only 13. Nobody in the world would want to groom and brainwash the self worth of a 13 year old girl in order for her to be repeatedly raped. Nobody would even think of something so disgusting and inhumane. Nobody would be able to look at female children and women being trafficked without putting a stop to it. It would be unthinkable.
If we lived in a world where women were protected by m*n, wars would not exist. Not only wars are the sure ways to kill countless people that women have birthed and raised, causing endless pain to women who dedicated their lives to making sure those people are safe, nurtured, that they grow up and live to be someone, but wars have proven to be traumatizing and deadly for women, even more so than they are for m*n. Women end up in wars only without any training, protection, ability to defend themselves. And they're the primary targets of rape, torture, sexual violation and forced pregnancy. The highest count of victims in any wars are the civilians – and those civilians are often women. But instead of only being murdered, they have to deal with the insane possibility of being raped, tortured, impregnated and carrying some male monster's child, which is such unthinkable level of torture, a lot women commit suicide rather than be subjected to it. If we were protected, this would not, and could not possibly happen. No female child would be considered 'spoils of war' and subjected to rape from soldiers. No woman would be imprisoned or raped by m*n. Nothing in the world could make any m*n act this way, if they cared even one bit about protecting women.
Women are not protected. We are not safe, we're the first on the line to get hurt, and m*n have continually and relentlessly put every single action to protect our attackers, torturers, rapists and murderers. Women are abused in their homes, by the people who are supposed to love them the most. There are types of work that exist only to cause abuse to women, that expect women to take part in it, to pretend to enjoy it. Women's quality of life is expected to be low. Women are supposed to be inebriated and pretend that they enjoy it. Our heads are filled with how 'm*n protect us', but they don't, there are no indication that a woman was protected at any point in her life, by any m*n. M*n see us as property and will not put an effort to protect what they don't even think is human, what they don't think experiences pain in any meaningful way, except when they take pleasure in causing it.
We have to start protecting each other. We have to stand together, and make actions to keep each other safe.
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bullet-prooflove · 7 months
Back In Town: O.A. Zidan x Reader
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Tagging: @trublu2u @mrspeacem1nusone @greenies-green @rosaliedepp @whateversomethingbruh @anime-weeb-4-life @daydreaming-belle @burningpeachpuppy @scarlettsakura @brownskinbaby22 @@divergent146 @crazy4chickennuggets @kmc1989 @withakindheartx
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It’s been three years since Omar laid eyes on you, since the day he dropped you off at JFK airport.  You’d had to catch a flight back to Delaware in order to care for your father. He’s thought about you often since then, wondering what you’re up to, how you’re doing.
When he sees you again at a crime scene in Brooklyn, he can’t believe it. He had no idea you were back in New York. The Human Trafficking Task Force operates out of their Brooklyn-Queens residency, they’ve been called in because Omar’s case has developed into something unexpected. Back in the day that’s where you’d been assigned, it looks like you’ve returned to the position.
For a moment it feels like the world stands still. Your eyes meet and it’s like the past three years haven’t happened. It comes back in a rush, all of those emotions chasing through his body, His feelings haven’t changed, not really, he’s still as in love with you as he was the day he dropped you off at the airport.
You don’t get a chance to talk, you’re busy interviewing the victims, reallocating them to the relevant resources. Part of your work is to ensure that each victim receives the support they deserve, in both an immediate and long-term capacity. This is the thing that you excel at, victim support. You have a dedication that goes far beyond the normal scope of any investigator he’s ever met. Your empathy is one of the reasons he fell in love with you in the first place, your ability to instil a sense of peace in the chaos that surrounds you.
It becomes a joint operation; you end up in the JOC discussing the details of the trafficking ring you’ve been investigating over the past few months. The story you tell is harrowing, he can tell it’s made it’s mark on you, you wear it on your features as you describe the conditions that you found the girls in, some as young as eleven. It sickens every single one of them.
He catches up with you in the breakroom afterwards. You’re trying to stifle a yawn behind your hand as you stir four sugars into your coffee mug.  You usually take one.
“Burning the candle at both ends?” He asks as he picks up his own mug and decants coffee and hot water into it.
“I’ve been on this case for the past thirty-six hours.” You tell him, rubbing the space between your eyes. “Your crime scene wasn’t the first one I’ve been to in the past few days.”
It goes like that with human trafficking. If the smugglers get even the faintest inclination that they’ve been compromised, they move the stock or dispose of it.
“I didn’t know you were back in the city.” He says quietly as he stirs in the creamer.
You lean against the worksurface alongside of him, your shoulder brushing against his.
“I got back a few months ago.” You say as you raise your mug to your lips. “I kept meaning to reach out, but things got a little busy.”
Omar knows how it works. You’d come back to New York, hit the ground running. He knows you would have wanted to move on after Delaware, immerse yourself in the work. It’s how you dealt with a lot of things.
“I’m sorry about your dad.” He says softly, studying your features.
He sees the sadness in you, you’ve done well to hide it but the grief it clings to you like a well-worn coat.
“We had a good couple of years together, but he declined quickly towards the end.” You shake your head as you clasp the mug to your chest. “It’s the nature of it you know?”
He does know, his uncle had died of the same thing not long before he met you. He’d seen the toll the treatment took, how quickly things can change and go downhill. That’s why he never begrudged you leaving, he wanted you to have as much time with your father as you possibly could. His hand takes yours as he meets your eyes.
“I do know.” He says, his thumb tracing over the hollow of your wrist.
You give him a watery smile, squeezing his fingers before the door to the break room opens and you release it.
You’re exhausted by the time case is over, it’s been over seventy-two hours and you’re running on fumes. He can see the weariness in you, it’s in the way you rub at your red-rimmed eyes, the single tap pf your finger on the keyboard as scroll through the report checking for errors. He knows what the aftermath is like, when the adrenaline leaks out of your body and the fatigue crashes in on you.
“Let me take you home.” He says, his hand coming to rest upon your shoulder, his thumb chasing over the nape of your neck. He massages that tense little knot between your shoulder blades, and you make that noise, the one he still hears in his dreams. “You’re too tired to drive.”
He walks you to your apartment door, fingertips brushing yours as you walk side by side. That connection between the two of you, it’s still there thrumming just under the surface, the way it always has been.
When he steps into your apartment, he can’t help but smile. The essence of your personality emanates from the walls, his fingertips run over the blanket that’s folded over the back of the couch, the one your mother quilted. He remembers it draped over the bottom of your bed in the last place.
“Come to bed with me.” You say softly, your fingers entwining with his. “I know you’re tired too.”
There’s such tenderness in his gaze as you undress each other, his warm hands drawing the fabric from your form. His thumb chases over the line of your jaw.
“All I want to do is to climb into bed and hold you.” He whispers as he looks into your eyes. “The way that we used to.”
“I want that too.” You tell him.
When you get into bed, Omar wraps his arms around you and draws you close. He buries his face into the curve of your throat, inhaling the scent of nectarines that clings to your skin.
“I’ve missed this.” He whispers as his lips ghost across your ear. “I missed you.”
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tiredmamaissy · 1 year
Writing smut about Neteyam is just wrong. Even if he is aged up, doing that so you can write it is still weird. Stick to Jake Sully and adults, but this isn’t right. Don’t ignore this.
Aging Up of Characters
All characters in my literature are adults, in terran and human years. Meaning, when I'm writing them I see them as adults. Therefore, I will portray them as such - mentally, physically, culturally, etc. Although my blog is an nsfw blog, I include their character development outside of smut. Moreover, age isn't really counted on pandora. Na'vi age quicker than humans do and experience a plateau until their senior years (which they can live for well over a hundred years). What really matters to the na'vi is passing their iknimaya - that's what makes them an adult (ready for a mate, etc).
Anyways, this isn't necessarily my main point, but it's something to keep in mind going forward.
Now, I know James Cameron did such an amazing job at portraying these aliens in a light that us humans can really relate to them, didn't he? To the point where perhaps we could start applying our own laws to them. I guess that's why it's so hard for people to really differentiate the two species sometimes :) but, you know, the na'vi are humanoid aliens, after all. aliens that have their own way of life and biology? that live on another planet? that doesn't exist? are we forgetting that these are fictional characters or something?
Most importantly, their actors are of age, yes? Yes. So I don't personally see the issue here. I can distinguish that characters and actors are not synonymous, but my point is, if their actors were underage that would be a different story. Yes, I am also aware of their age when avatar was filmed. But, they grew up - much like their fictional characters will in the next movie. Everyone was once a child - everyone grows up.
I do my upmost best to tag my fictions properly and thoroughly. If there are any fictions that you feel I may not have tagged correctly, feel free to let me know. I have no issue with being corrected, I would honestly love to be corrected. My intention is never to cause harm to anyone. If you don't like this type of content - which is totally fine and your right - I strongly recommend you avoid consuming it. Especially if it's triggering. You'll have my respect if I have yours.
Anyways, I do hear you, though. I understand it, even. You're entitled to your opinion, as am I. I mean no harm to anyone, and thankfully because the characters I'm writing about are fictional - fake, it won't harm them either. No pressure to look at my (extremely nsfw) blog or to read my (heavily warned) content - you definitely have a choice here.
But here's my (also unsolicited) advice:
Remind yourself that these are fictional characters. They don't exist :) Meaning no one here is being hurt or harmed in anyway. Take a deep breath and find comfort in that. Please also remember, that there are much bigger, and better things to worry and advocate about. To be clear - yes, pedophilia is a serious issue. But, throwing around such a word when regarding aged up fake characters from a movie really dilutes it and is disrespectful to the real life victims of pedophilia as well as other victims of sexual abuse, child porn, human trafficking, slavery.. unfortunately the list goes on. These are the people that need to be advocated for. So, I would strongly encourage you to channel your passion to advocate for real life matters - not blue, fictional aliens. Because truthfully, me and my blue alien fictions should not have this magnitude of an effect on you for you to seek me out and take time out of your day to message me about it.
To conclude, I will not be engaging in any further discussions relating to this topic. This is my perspective. If you don’t share a similar one, that’s fine. Do not engage with my explicit content, especially if you are under 18. I feel very strongly about this. My content is intended for adult consumption only as it contains explicit adult themes pertaining but not limited to - pregnancy, birth, sex, dub-con/dark themes, heats/ruts, etc. If you are a minor messaging me about these things you should not be here in the first place. All further comments & messages will be disregarded and blocked.
'nuff love,
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hello-nichya-here · 1 year
Pffft in what fucking way radical feminism is about apologizing abuse?? xD
Hun if you have no what you're talking about just don't talk about it, don't embarrass yourself
Glad you asked!
First we have this very thing that you're doing right now, which is shutting down anyone who mentions that radfems can be abusers. Major red flag whenever someone's first reaction to hearing "Someone in your group has been abusive" is to immediately get all defensive and say "NO ONE HERE WOULD EVER!"
Secondly, we have the very thing that made me point out that radfems are abusive as hell. I pointed out that a stupid radfem was insisting that I was being abused because I like kinky stuff, and then had the nerve to go "You deserve to be beaten until you get brain damage." Saying that some people just "deserve" to be mistreated is abuse apologism 101.
And since we're talking about people who "deserve" abuse according to radfems, let's look at the list of women you guys have thrown under the bus:
1 - Women who have been abused by other women. After all, "rape is a male crime" according to you guys.
2 - Women of color. You guys always get hella defensive whenever a non-white woman points out that radfems are often racist as fuck, and pull stuff like basing their list of "how to spot a tranny" on racist shit like literal nazi propaganda posters to help people "spot jews." And let's not forget the large overlap between plenty of radfem groups and white supremacy groups. Oh, sorry, forgot we're not supposed to mention all that so we won't "devide the comunity."
3 - Bisexuals who experienced abuse by a male partner, since we "choose" to associate with men despite having the oppornuity to date just women, like lesbians do (What? That sounds just like incels who are mad women only go to "jerks" instead of "nice guys" like themselves? Impossible! That would mean radfems feel entitled to sex and believe women DON'T get to say no!)
4 - Lesbians that are not "gold star lesbians", aka who have had sex with men at some point. After all, they're inferior since they didn't have stuff figured out right away, or had no choice but to stay in the closet for years and years due to where they live, or, ya know, were raped. Too bad for them, they were touched by man, therefore they're icky.
5 - Asexuals, because you guys will just hate one ANYONE apparently, even someone who just says "I don't really wanna fuck anyone".
6 - Trans women. After all, you guys literally admited that you made up the whole "predatory trans in the bathroom" myth just to have an excuse to hate on them. And let's not forget this also led to shit like radfems trying to spy on other women in the bathroom to "make sure they're really women." After all, trying to see someone naked without their consent is totally what normal, not at all creepy people do.
7 - Kinky women! After all, we are brainwashed by the patriarchy, and need you guys to step in and save us from ourselves, because YOU know what makes US comfortable or not. It's for our own good really. It totally isn't just slut shaming with some pseudo-feminist terms thrown in the middle.
8 - Sex workers. Once again, they need to be saved from themselves - and that rescue includes ignoring them when they say "your way of helping us in dehumanizing, robs us of our agency, and often ends with us being thrown in prison." And lets not forget that some of the anti sex-work laws you guys swear exist to protect victims of human trafficking who were forced into prostitution often end with said victims thrown in prison anyway because surprise surprise, demonizing people for harmless shit makes a target no matter what.
9 - Any woman who doesn't like that you bitches are constantly associating with the alt-right - including the most violently misogynistic members of the bunch - just to get more political allies. Does it ever cross your mind that if THE biggest women-hating scumbags around think you are "one of the good ones" that shows you totally fucking failed to "rebel against the patriarchy"?
And there's also the group that you guys refuse the acknowledge the most! Men who were abused by women. After all, that doesn't work in your fantasy world where men always hold all the power in every situation, and women are always powerless. No way things could be more complicated, even with misogyny still sadly being a thing, no, no. It has to be an Us VS Them.
So, no acknowledging all the times young boys get sexually assault and are mocked for "complaining that they got laid", even when they're minors and their abusers were grown adults. No acknowledging that while women are more likely to be victims to domestic violence, people often refuse to understand that men can also victims of intimate partner violence - even if said partner is a woman. We can talk about abusive fathers, but not abusive mothers. We can talk about how abusive males tend to become cops, but not about how abusive women tend to become nurses.
And, once again, not ever, ever, ever pointing out that radfems are ALWAYS going on about how some people (in this case men) DESERVE to abused. After all, that will totally make it "fair" after all the shit women endured, since THIS is the way to deal with society's problems: you make sure they hurt as many people as possible instead of just your group.
So yeah, you guys are abuse apologists. You always have been. Now either become a decent person or die mad about it, bitch.
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abhainnwhump · 10 months
(Content warnings: Lady whump, both whumper and whumpee, multiple whumpees, conditioned whumpee, noncon body modification, escape attempt, implied human trafficking, hypnosis/mind control, gun violence)
It was hard enough to run in his state, but carrying someone else dragged him down even more.
Antonio panted as he pushed his way through the semi-abandoned town. He hasn't had a full night of sleep or a decent meal in weeks, just this weird paste to keep him alive. He kept the orange hoodie over his head and the light purple one over Lulu's. She was lighter than he was expecting, probably because she was essentially a living corpse. It was a huge risk to take her, but he wasn't going to leave her in that basement lab factory.
He looked around for a place to hide and spotted a gas station on his left. Only one car was in the driveway, good. No one should see him in this state; he wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone.
The guy at the counter looked to be in his fifties and half-asleep; his baseball cap covered his face. He woke up a bit more at the sight of the two, but it couldn't have been the weirdest thing he's seen this week. This was California anyways.
"Sup," Antonio said quickly. He snuck behind one the shelves to rest, pretending he was shopping. He didn't have any money.
Antonio dug through his pocket and pulled out a phone. He stole it from Seren's drawer before he left, which made him a bit sick wondering who it once belonged to. Both wallpapers were of pastel frog artwork. He dialed his twin sister's number. He knew he should've called the police, but how the fuck would he explain what's going on? Is this 911? Yeah, I've got a problem. I was kidnapped by the woman who runs Coral Divine and she complained about my face not being symmetrical so she tore it apart and restitched it planning to sell me. Any advice?
The dial rang once. Twice. Too long. Antonio's breathing sped up. He didn't know how much time he had. "Come on, come on, pick up!"
Pop music blasted from the otherside, making Antonio more homesick than he already was. "Hello? Who is this?"
"Am, it's me!" He whisper-screamed. He kept looking around to make sure Seren wasn't close. It always felt like she was watching.
"Antonio?" Amber gasped, turning the music off. "Oh my god, you're alive! Where the hell have you been? I thought you were dead!"
"I don't have time to explain. I'm running from the person who kidnapped me and I need you to pick me up. I have another one of her victims with me and I don't have the energy keep going."
More noises shuffled from the other side. "Okay, okay, I got my keys. Where are you right now?"
Antonio ran his hand through his messy black hair. His fingers brushed upon the porcelain mask that was sewn onto the right side of his face. He wondered if there was some way to remove it, along with the patches on his arms and waist. His left hand was artificial too.
Lulu began to stir by his side and he readjusted her, silently hoping those tranquilizers would keep working. "I'm in that gas station on Shell avenue. Please hurry. She could be here any-"
A gunshot shattered the glass of the door and made him drop the phone. Amber's voice panicked from the otherside. Antonio's face drained of color. He recognized the shadowy form.
"Mierda!" Antonio cursed as he ducked down. Lulu shot awake. Her pupils went small in her emerald green eyes and she struggled in his grip.
Lulu reached her arms out and made grabby hands, reaching for Seren. "Mistress! Mistress, help me!"
"Shut up!" Antonio whisper-screamed, covering her mouth again. He knew he should've taken one of those gags when he had the chance. Thankfully, Lulu wasn't very strong being 85% made out of plastic.
His palms coated with sweat. It reminded him of when he was a kid watching horror movies in the basements. The Cthulhu monsters and evil clowns and killers seemed dumb to him at the time. But now they were real. And the supernatural monster was after him.
Seren stepped more into the light, pistol in hand. Her white eyes appeared to glow with fury, but the rest of her stance was calm and collected. Her face was marred with a diagonal cut from where he slashed her with a piece of glass. The blood had dried. Antonio stayed as still as he could, hoping she wouldn't see him. He couldn't go back to on that operating table. Out of curiosity, he peeked from behind the shelf.
The worker had ducked down under the counter when Seren fired the first bullet and searched for the phone.
"H-hello? We have a shooting at-"
"Ah, ah, ah, none of that now." Seren shot him through the skull and spun around, shooting the rest of the security camaras. The man fell on the floor with blood pooling around his head. Repressing a scream, Antonio searched around frantically for something he could use as a weapon. His eyes landed on a pocket knife. Between holding down Lulu, who was still fighting and screaming, and trying to get the knife out of the safety cardboard with sweat-covered palms, it was a struggle.
Seren began to sing a soft tune as she walked through the store. It was a wordless melody, but one that would fill most musicians with envy.
Antonio's body struggled between fear and relaxation as he listened. His eyes began to glaze over and blur. It was like his stress was melting away. He had the urge to stop running and relax instead. He was so tired. Tired of fighting, tired of running, tired of being angry and afraid.
No! Not again! I'm not going to fall for her powers again!
On the bright side, Lulu successfully fell asleep to it and he could focus on freeing the knife. Covering his ears with his hood, Antonio whipped the knife out and turned around to slash, but it was too late. Seren kicked him in the ribs and flipped him over on his stomach. He was too weak to fight back; black spots danced in his vision. He said a silent prayer that if Amber was still coming, she would be safe. He only heard one more thing before he passed out.
"Found you."
Bonus Picrew of Antonio (pre and post whump):
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So, I was looking at animals native to Texas, and it says that Japanese macaques were introduced to a sanctuary in Frio County.
I was wondering if you knew why that was done? I see that Japanese macaques are listed as LC on the conservation list, so I'm assuming it wasn't for conservation efforts, but I see no other reason to introduce them to a whole new area like that.
Its actually an interesting story. Born Free Primate Sanctuary is one of the worlds largest monkey sanctuaries, and right now they are at capacity housing 600 individuals on 186 acres.
The sanctuary started in the 1970s when a rancher whose primatologist daughter was studying macaques in Japan heard that as a result of humans feeding them, the macaque population had multiplied to the point where many had migrated to Kyoto and were becoming problem animals for residents. The Japanese government was going to cull the population, which is why Edward Dryden offered to take 150 macaques from Japan to live on his Texas ranch.
Now to be honest, this probably wasn't ideal. This was someone with a soft spot for animals who just wanted to help, but didn't have experience caring for primates. Luckily, a lot of land and presumably consulting with his daughter who was somewhat of an expert means that the relocated macaques did well in Texas despite needing to adjust to the climate.
Of course nowadays, you can't just have a couple hundred monkeys even if you're doing a pretty good job of looking after them. The mid 90s saw a huge fundraiser to buy more land for the sanctuary, and in 1999 the Animal Protection Institute took over managing the sanctuary to help them expand their reach so that more monkeys could live and thrive on the expanded grounds.
This was a terrific move, because now many of the sanctuaries residents are victims of the pet trade and wildlife trafficking who are able to have a chance at a better life. Texas is one of the worst states for exotic wild animal "pets", so the fact that this sanctuary exists to take them in and educate people on the damage of owning pet monkeys is fantastic. They are dedicated to education and to providing the best in captive quality of life. Despite them being referred to as a "free roam" sanctuary above, the residents are in enclosures to contain them to the sanctuary, the biggest of which is 52 acres! With an enclosure that massive, the monkeys are living essentially in nature just with the necessary supports from samctuary staff.
Additionally, to protect the residents (many of whom were traumatized from being pets, roadside attractions, and test subjects) the sanctuary is not open to the public. However, you can still see the monkeys online through the sanctuaries website and social media. They have 11 different species from descendents of the original macaque population to vervets and baboons!
Going in to research this place I was worried it would be bad, but I was happy to be surprised by a history of dedicated primate love. You can learn more and support the sanctuary through their website (linked above). 🐒💖
It should be noted Born Free is an international anti-captivity animal rights organization and while we support Born Free Primate Sanctuary we do not support the entirety of Born Free's many campaigns.
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margaritagvf · 4 months
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From the fires (1)
Pairing: Josh and a fictional character, Sienna Cruz, 28-year-old actress, of Latin origin and Italian roots. They act together in his first debut film as an actor, during a break with his band.
Warning! Minors under 18 are not allowed. Explicit sex scenes, dirty language, rough sex, bondage, sex toys, domination, public sex, use of food in sex, oral and anal sex.
Josh was ready, lights and cameras on, the director about to give the order. Sienna appeared on set wearing a stunning bikini that revealed her beautiful body. She was somewhat short in stature, and her small, wiry body reflected her work in the gym over the past few months. She had light brown hair and honey-colored almond eyes. Her mouth was fleshy, her tits were somewhat large and unsurgical. Her upturned nose and her butt, round and pulpy. She was a kind of Latin goddess with European roots. When they asked Josh which actress he thought was ideal for the character, he chose her among several others, because he had seen her in other series, and because also... he thought she was a beautiful bitch, very sensual and who would make an explosive couple with him. . And now that she was alone, without a partner, she had once again... decided to have fun and make up for lost time, where he had avoided fucking many girls by trying to be faithful to his partner. Although he hadn't always succeeded. And his ex knew about his clandestine love affairs, but she didn't get upset, because they didn't represent any danger.
Sienna had accepted her role without hesitation, because obviously, she found Josh incredibly sexy, and she wasn't going to miss the sex scenes with him, and besides, she was waiting for the opportunity to have sex with him, but in real life…
For this film, Josh had short hair again, like his 21-year-old self, and no mustache or beard. His fans were crazy about his new image. It was like going back 7 years. And they had ordered him to continue with physical training, because he had to see himself without clothes in many scenes of the film, which he didn't like very much, but he knew it was necessary. “I make a living showing myself almost naked on stage, how can I not do it in a movie? It's what I always dreamed of, acting! And if you want to see my entire muscular body, I will…I won't be the first leading man who later becomes a good actor! “Josh said.
The scene was on a dock, and it must have been raining very hard. Josh's character was that of a bohemian lover and owner of sailboats and small boats which he rented to tourists, and he himself had his own sailboat customized to him.
He must have been in his boat tied to the dock, and suddenly a girl would come running scared in the rain, fleeing from some guys who wanted to abuse her. The girl was Sienna, who played the character of a young woman who was looking for her missing younger sister, and suspected of having been kidnapped by those guys to sell her as a victim of human trafficking. He and the girl already knew each other, they had been together at a disco a couple of days before, they had drunk and kissed. But she was gone before anything else happened. And he didn't expect to see her again that night and under those circumstances, raining and wearing only a bikini and high-heeled sandals.
The film crew began to simulate rain falling. The scene was at night, on a real dock, and Josh was on a real boat too. Lights and cameras ready, Sienna entered the scene and the lights automatically focused on her, and the falling water soaked her. She looked scared and ran clumsily because of her high heels, and you could tell that she was cold because her nipples were erect under the tiny bikini, which barely covered her. She had goosebumps and her jaw and pear trembled, and she wasn't faking it. She ran sobbing and from time to time looked back to see if she was still being chased.
She suddenly tripped (in fiction) because her heel caught on a tile, and she fell forward. She became desperate because she heard that those guys were following her. As she got up and continued moving forward she lost a sandal. Her running became more difficult and slower, because she was wearing only one sandal, and she began to cry louder and more scared. She fell again and in fear she began to scream and ask for help. That's where Josh's character had to get out of her boat, and when he saw her he had to approach her, help her up and take her to her boat so she could hide there.
Josh waited for her moment and jumped off her from the boat onto the dock, and taking her arms he helped her up. He was dressed only in a white and beige swimsuit, with his torso bare and tanned and he was barefoot.
Are you OK? What happens? – he asked her.
They want to hurt me! Please help me! I need to hide! – And when they looked into her eyes, they recognized each other. Two days ago they had kissed and almost ended up having sex at the club and it was not easy to forget those faces.
You? What are you doing here? – Josh asked him, playing his character with surprise on his face.
I'll explain to you later! But first please help me! –
And he took her by the shoulders and led her to her boat quickly, and looked back to make sure he hadn't been discovered by the guys following the girl.
There they cut the scene. Now…the scene inside the boat. The girl had remained hidden in the boat all night and they had both decided that she would stay there until she was safe. Josh's character would wait for the girl's pursuers to move away, and they would escape in her boat to safety, away from the dock. That place was the house of Josh's character, called Steve in fiction. There he would invite her to hide in her cabin by the river, and after a few days, Josh knew that an erotic scene was coming, and although it was one of the first of his career as an actor, he was not nervous. Rather, anxious. He knew they had to do a sex scene and both had to get naked and show themselves almost completely. He had contractually agreed that he would only show his butt, like almost all male actors. She would show her tits and her butt. No genitals in sight.
She was still scared, but calmer, thanking him for his help. Hers, who had to behave like someone protective and sexy, touched her hair and caressed her face. The scene would take place inside the cabin. Steve (Josh) would uncork a bottle of liquor, light the fire in his fireplace, and bring a blanket for Kate (Sienna's character) because the night was a little cool.
They had to drink several drinks, and after a relaxed and somewhat melancholic dialogue, he began the scene that would end in sex. They were sitting on a sofa in front of the fireplace, and they looked at each other face to face, very close. The director requested that there be very little light, so that it seemed that only the fire was illuminating them.
--How do you feel? – Steve asked her, looking into her eyes, and caressing her back affectionately. Her big, pretty eyes shone in the dark.
-- I'm very well, thanks to you! – She told him with a slight smile, feeling calm, and looking at the fire. She snuggled into the blanket a little, but she was starting to feel warm. He had lent her one of his shirts to wear over her bikini, and the heat from the fire was scorching her, so she left the blanket behind her back, and she was only dressed in Steve's shirt, which barely went over her hips. . Her beautiful legs were on display, and her bare feet were on display.
-- I just want to help you… I think you're in trouble and I must confess, I haven't forgotten that kiss we gave that night at the bar. —Steve replied as he continued to stare at her. He wanted to repeat that kiss, and also, fuck her, of course. Thousands of fantasies about what he wanted to do to her were spinning in her head. But he wasn't going to take advantage of her vulnerability; he was going to wait until she was ready.
-- Oh really? Well…we were very drunk, and we were having fun! – She said laughing. But Steve wasn't smiling.
-- I was very sober, I didn't do it accidentally, I kissed you because I think you are very beautiful, and I must confess, I see you very sexy too. – As he said this, he continued to stare at her, alternating between her eyes and her mouth.
"You also seem very… sexy to me…" Kate said, looking at him and feeling seduced by her intense gaze, full of lust. Steve caressed her cheek with the back of her hand, and then her hair. Seeing that she did not resist, he caressed her mouth with his thumb, running it all over her, while he looked at her with desire. -- You have a perfect mouth, really, it's very tempting. Can I kiss you? – Steve told her, bringing his own mouth a few centimeters away from hers. Her warm breath, her bright eyes, her hand on her chin.
-- Yes please! – She begged him, and when he heard her, surprised, he gave her a slight daring smile, barely twisting her mouth, which made him look so sexy that Kate felt exhausted before he kissed her. Steve opened his mouth and in one go, devoured her mouth, sticking his tongue in and playing with hers, sucking on her lips, giving her small bites, pausing briefly just to look into her eyes, and make sure she was as excited as him.
The scene was starting without errors, and looked extremely real. And actually, that kiss was totally real. Josh and Sienna were forgetting about the cameras and the eight or ten people around them, who were watching the couple from the shadows, and it seemed like they were watching a pornographic movie.
Next, they had to take off their clothes, slowly, while they continued kissing and caressing each other. Steve would take off her shirt and bikini top, and her perfect tits would be on display for her. It was the first nude that would be seen in the film, but it was not the first for Sienna on film. She had already shown her body in other works, and Josh remembered it, and very well… Her hot body had made him choose her to be her partner in this production.
Steve took those beautiful tits in his hands, and kissed them, licked them and sucked them without hesitation. Kate felt so horny, that she took off the other part of her bikini, climbed over her skirt, so she could ride him, and apparently fuck him. Steve pulled his swimsuit down to his knees, and leaned her back against the back of the couch. With his hands he ran all over her body, and he didn't stop sucking her nipples and then she looked for her mouth to kiss him. In this part of the scene, they were to “fuck,” and the camera would take Sienna from behind, and you could see her bare butt and her moving sensually over him. Josh was wearing the typical skin-colored loincloth that all actors usually wear during sex scenes, but it was a tiny, thin cloth that barely covered his cock. Sienna had to move as if she were really doing him, and with each movement of hers she rubbed his cock with her pelvis, and with her vulva… she seemed not to realize what she was doing, but actually, yes. Internally she wanted the director to order the scene to be cut, but at the same time, she wanted to continue… She felt how that cock was getting harder, and getting bigger. When she looked at Josh's face, she noticed the desire in his eyes, in his half-open mouth, in his labored breathing, and she noticed how he touched her, those were not gentle caresses, he was holding her tightly, pressing his fingers against her thighs, taking her tits with his open hands, and opening his mouth completely and sticking out his tongue to suck them.
Sienna may have felt harassed, but she didn't. She was enjoying it too, and for a moment she forgot about the cameras. She kept rubbing her pussy against Josh's swollen cock, and she found that she was starting to get wet down there. They were both really hot, and breathing heavily, and that was clearly reflected in the scene. Everyone on the set looked at each other and made mocking gestures, or felt horny seeing this couple so hot and so real.
Josh had begun to feel that if she continued to rub her entire vulva against his cock, not only would she not be able to disguise her erection, but she would soon ejaculate uncontrollably. But the pleasure he was feeling was such that he almost didn't care, his mind was in the middle of a hell of lust, and without realizing it, he moved his hips upwards, so that the friction was more intense. intense. Sienna noticed it, and that made her react and come back to reality. She looked him in the eyes, to try to make him come back too, and just as he was about to burst into an orgasm, she was also over the edge, and fortunately (or not!), the director shouted
-- Cut! – And everyone on the set was speechless. The atmosphere was on fire. Each of the workers was regretting that the scene had been interrupted, because they knew they were watching a porn scene, and they hated the director for having cut it before seeing that ending, which seemed to come inevitably. --Fuck! – Josh said suddenly, and you could see his confusion on his face, he was sweating and his cock was still erect, and it had already been wet with precum, which prevented him from moving. He looked at Sienna and with her eyes he begged him not to move. She understood it, plus she was soaked in her crotch, with her own moisture and his, and she was afraid that everyone would notice it when they got up from her.
--Get covered! – She ordered Josh, at the same time that she, in a quick movement, took the blanket that he had used at the beginning of the scene and wrapped herself in it, then stood up from it and remained stunned for a few seconds. Josh quickly covered himself with his swim trunks, but he knew that wouldn't do much to hide the bulge under his clothes. Sienna noticed this and to help him cover himself, she sat down on the couch again, and offered him part of her blanket, which he thanked and used to cover her legs, and her obvious erection.
-- Thank you! – He told her with his look, he was clearly not cold. She gave him a knowing smile, and suddenly the director's assistant came and brought more blankets and a bottle of water. They turned on the lights, which now made her faces more clearly visible. It was obvious that they had recently had sex on their faces! The assistant noticed this, and gestured for the director to clear the set.
--We'll take a break! – The director said out loud. And each one returned to their task of editing, lights, sound, costumes. Sienna covered herself with the blanket, leaving the clothes she had worn in the scene lying on the floor, and she quickly left the set in the direction of her motorhome, where she was living during those days of filming. Josh followed her with his gaze, worried and thinking that perhaps she had felt uncomfortable about something. But it was not like that. Sienna ran to her shelter, and as soon as she entered she closed the door tightly and leaned on it, feeling completely agitated, and smiling mischievously. She covered her mouth with her hand, to stifle a scream of emotion because she didn't believe what had happened a few minutes ago. " My God! We almost do it in front of everyone! I can not believe it! He is so hot! And his cock… felt big, and he was horny, he was so shameless!” She thought as she laughed, and touched her crotch, all wet, and got into the shower. As the water ran down her body, she still remembered his hands touching her, his kisses and licks, how he tasted her nipples, how he had devoured her mouth, and how his cock was so swollen and hard, separated from her. vagina only because of a thin fabric… Sienna felt horny again, and caressed her body while remembering every sensation. She wanted him with every cell in her body, and now she was sure… "it won't be long before he and I end up fucking."
She came out of the shower and without putting on underwear, she put on a toweling robe. She took a small towel and dried her wet hair. Suddenly she heard that outside it had started to rain heavily. Someone knocked on her door and she jumped. She went over to open it and it was Tony, the assistant director, who was getting soaked in the rain, and covering himself with an umbrella.
-- Tony! Come in! You're getting wet! – Sienna told him, gesturing with her hand for him to enter.
-- No no! There's no need! I just come to let you know that for today we will no longer continue filming, the rain prevents us from doing so! So, you can take the rest of the day, rest! Tomorrow we will continue! We will start in the afternoon!
-- Okay! Thanks Tony! I think I'll sleep! – she told him smiling. And she closed the motorhome door again. She sat on her bed, and took a body cream with a coconut and cocoa scent. She took off her robe and applied that cream all over her body.
" God! I'm not sleepy, I'll see if anyone on the staff wants to drink something” she thought. “Actually, I'll invite Josh… today is a great night for that! “She” She thought and smiled to herself.
Suddenly, she heard three soft knocks on the door of the motorhome, and she started again. She put the robe back on and tied it around her waist.
“Maybe it's Tony again! What has he forgotten to tell me?” she thought, as she walked towards the door. When she opened it, she was surprised. It wasn't Tony standing there in the rain, it was Josh. He looked soaked, and he was wearing a sleeveless T-shirt and light-colored summer pants, his hair was short with curlers in the helmet, and leather sandals on his feet. He had a pack of Corona beers in his hand. He looked at her and with his classic crooked, sexy, charming smile, he said
-- Since we won't continue working, shall we relax for a while and drink these before I get sick out here? –
Sienna opened the door fully, and she let him in. Josh climbed the two steps and stood in front of her, his hair soaked, and drops of water dripping down his face and her neck, making him look incredibly sexy.
-- You have guessed my intention! I was going to invite you to do the same! –
--Really? Well! I'm glad to know, today you can't even go out downtown… Wow! Your motorhome is much more comfortable than mine! – He told her, looking around her, and she looked for a dry towel to offer him.
-- Here! You're soaked! Come in and sit down! – She told him, pointing to an armchair against the wall. Josh dried his hair and shook her head, while she put the beers in the refrigerator, and took out others that were ice cold.
-- I also have a pack here, the film production is very attentive! –
Josh sat down and Sienna offered him a beer, while he handed her the towel back. Sienna sat next to him. He watched her and smiling, he told her
-- You look beautiful like this, naturally, with your wet hair and no makeup.
-- And you all soaked like this, you also look… cute.
They looked at each other without speaking, and that tension again. Of course they both remembered the scene on the set. And Josh finally spoke.
-- Hey! First I want to apologize if I made you feel uncomfortable in today's scene… I… I couldn't help but feel… it's just that you…
-- Alright! Don't worry! Those things happen! I didn't feel uncomfortable at all!
-- Really? Well… I'm glad, because you… seem very sexy to me, and I must confess that I got very horny with you.
-- Me too! – She interrupted him, surprising him, he didn't expect her to feel the same.
-- So, we must find a solution to that, don't you think? – Josh told him, leaving the beer on the table.
-- Maybe… what idea do you have? – Sienna said, looking at him intently, as if guessing what was coming.
--I think we should finish what we started, because if we don't, it will be difficult to hold back the desire later… - Josh told her, bringing her mouth closer to his and slowly untying the belt of her robe.
Sienna, she did not move, and she only breathed heavily, looking at his mouth, feeling her warm breath, and then her hand caressing her thigh, slowly rising until it touched her breast. That contact made her shudder, but she didn't give him time to do anything, because she already had Josh's mouth devouring hers. She felt his tongue push into her mouth, and her lips suck on it. At the same time his hands removed her robe from behind her back, leaving her completely naked.
Josh stopped for only a few seconds to take off his shirt and pants that fell to the floor. And he again pounced on her body, to continue kissing her on her mouth, on her neck and on her nipples. Sienna felt more and more horny, and she seemed to be floating, with her eyes half-closed and her breathing difficult, labored, and letting out soft moans. Suddenly Josh put her hand between her legs… finally he could touch her wetness and he wanted to see and hear how she enjoyed it. He slowly massaged her vulva, her outer lips and then found her hole, which was already very wet. While he did this, he didn't stop kissing her and licking her tits, until he gently inserted his fingers into her vagina, which felt slippery and warm. He began to fuck her vagina with his fingers, moving them in and out with a gentle rhythm and then faster.
Sienna let out a sensual moan of pleasure and desire, shaking her head back and opening her eyes and mouth, then relaxing her face with a frown. Josh looked at her ecstatic and said
-- Do you like this, mama? Yes? Do you want more? – and she sighed and said
-- Yeah! just like that, baby! just like that! –
-- Look at you, mama! You are so hot! Do you want more, baby? Or do you want me to stop? - He challenged her, wanting her to beg him for more.
-- Yes, like that! Don't stop, please! – she desperately asked him. He obeyed her, and besides moving her hands rhythmically inside her, he decided to do something else. He wanted to make her come from her and not only that… he wanted her to come in her mouth. Then she knelt down and brought her face to her vulva, searching for her clitoris to taste, suck and lick, while she continued using her fingers to fuck her soaked vagina.
Sienna spread her legs, sitting on the edge of the couch, her head back, her spine hunched, her tits out, her hands gripping the seat, until Josh started sucking on her clit and she grabbed his hair to push his face. against its moist, latent, reddened part. He moaned and panted sensually, while Josh looked at her without taking his eyes off her. He began to move her fingers faster and suck harder, and she began to feel the orgasm take over her entire body. She moved her hips and shook her body as she moaned and said
-Josh! Josh! Just like that! Yeah! -While Josh was enjoying her, enthralled by her, watching her come from her, he told her
-- Come on, mama! Cum for me, baby! Show me how you enjoy it, you're a good girl! –
And Sienna slowly calmed down, but her body remained overstimulated and trembling and her moans became quieter, her mind cleared and she returned to reality, she opened her eyes and saw her face smiling at her, still kneeling in front of her.
"Stand up…" Sienna ordered Josh, who obeyed, guessing her intention.
He stood in front of her, and his entire beautiful cock was right in front of her face. She looked at her and then looked into her eyes looking up from her. He looked at her with desire, and she told him
-- Now it's my turn… I want to eat everything! – And taking her cock with both hands, she licked the round, pink head of it, while she stared into her eyes.
Josh let out a sigh of pleasure and said – Wow! Babe! Loved your tongue! Do it, baby!
And she opened her mouth and inserted that cock completely into her throat, and began to suck it, putting it in and out of her mouth with a gentle rhythm, while with her hands she massaged his trunk and grabbed it tightly, to lift it up, lick it underneath, and then lick his balls, perfect, pink, warm.
When he put his cock back in her mouth, she noticed that it had doubled her size, was swollen, latent, and was already leaking precum from the tip of her mouth.
Then she didn't stop, and she continued doing the same job, shoving that cock down her throat, and then massaging it with her mouth and her hands. She only stopped to say some dirty words to Josh, like
-- Wow, daddy! It's so huge, and so hard! I love it! It's so tasty! – And those words drove Josh crazy, who suddenly felt that he couldn't take it anymore, the explosion was about to come…
--Oh, baby! Yes, Fuck, Fuck, FUCK..! Take it! Drink all my juice baby! TAKE IT! –
He told her as her chest heaved, her face relaxed, her mouth half open, her head pulled back from her and then he looked into her eyes. He himself took her cock with one hand, and gave himself the last massages before ejaculating abundantly directly on Sienna's face, who was waiting to see that waterfall of hers coming out of her with her mouth open and her tongue out. of her, telling her
--Yes, daddy! Give me all! I love you! I want to take it all!
Then Josh let out a sigh of pleasure, then moaned and finished with a --Fuck, damn! Yeah! You are amazing, baby! – And she collapsed on the couch, with her body relaxed and sweaty, while she had her face, her hair and her tits full of his warm juice. He looked at him, smiling mischievously, and wiped her face with a finger, then tasted it with her mouth. Josh laughed and said
-- Look how I left you! You've really gotten every last drop out of me, baby!
Sienna stood up, and walking towards the bathroom, she let him see her naked, and notice her sensual body and her silky white skin. She turned around and responded sensually, smiling.
-- I hope that's not true, daddy! You better still have something in your stash! Or are you already thinking of going to sleep?
Josh responded with another mischievous smile – Just, let me drink some beer, and when you get out of the bathroom, I'll wait for you here, baby! I have enough for the whole night, if you want! –
Sienna laughed and went into the bathroom to wash and when she came out, Josh was lying on her bed, waiting for her smiling, with his hands behind his head, his feet crossed, and her cock resting on it. her right leg. The night was just beginning and it seemed to be very
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tobiasdrake · 7 months
Man, Halara's great. Anyways, back to it. We were....
RIGHT. We're in danger. I wish Halara was here. I always feel safer with them around.
That's okay. If they aren't here, then they might be at the secret lab being tortured to death by homunculus experiments choking the shit out of Makoto for thinking he could contain that much raw awesomeness. Even Yomi ran shrieking for his life once Halara hit the field. They are, without exception, the baddest ass in Kanai Ward. Top-tier unpleasant glutes.
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Corroborating what Kurumi was telling us. This place was a village once, but then a toxic gas leak from a nearby mine prompted an evacuation from the village. At least, that's the official story.
I know better than to trust the official explanation for "Everyone needs to get the fuck out because rich people have decided that they own the land now." Maybe it's an eco-disaster or maybe it's gentrification. Or both! Capitalists are opportunists, after all.
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Yep. Nobody can enter here, not even Peacekeepers, on account of how deadly the gas is supposed to be. The obvious place to hide a secret lab.
The presence of the nearby "zombies" means something's obviously going on here, but that's not what toxic gas typically does to people. My kneejerk reaction is that the homunculus project is responsible for... Whatever's happening in their eyes, and subsequently the rest of them.
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What you would consider to be a corpse, a homunculus researcher may look at as viable resources.
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That's what I was thinking. Occam's Razor says the toxic gas did that to those people, but my money's on the lab. I don't think those are actually zombies, so much as they are failed homunculi.
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But we should still keep in mind the possibility that it's as simple as "gas victims".
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SHIT, I guess they are aggressive. These three broke down the door and--
Wait, are those three wearing Aetheria Academy uniforms under their raincoats? Oh. Oh. Oh god no. I know who they are.
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Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
It is NOT toxic gas. I repeat, it is NOT toxic gas. These three are our victims. We murdered them and sent them here.
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These three have been haunting me since the day we killed them but I didn't expect them to do so literally. We are in Silent Hill! This is the ghost of my past trauma manifesting corporeally! I DIDN'T WANT TO DO IT, I SWEAR. T_T
Okay. Less hysterical. I take this as confirmation that these are failed homunculi. After they died, the Theater Girls' bodies were shipped to the secret lab, where they were used for homunculus experiments. Now they want to eat our brains. And they're entitled to it because we murdered them.
No, not going to think like that. We have to run.
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AND NOW SOMEONE'S SHOOTING ARROWS. Have we killed any archers? I don't think we've killed any archers. Wait, there's a note. This was probably fired by a human. Do we know any archers?
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Good on you, Kurumi, for grabbing that note.
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Didn't expect that to be confirmed so quickly. We're moving along at a rapid pace.
Y'know, I tinkered with both "KANAI WARD SIGNATURE MEAT BUNS are cannibalism" and "Everyone in Kanai Ward is homunculus" as spitballs at various points while I was here. Maybe it's both.
Wild-ass speculation theory: The meat buns are made with human meat, which helps keep the homunculi sane and reasonable. This meat comes from the kidnapped people Number One was talking about; They're trafficked into the city and butchered to make meat buns.
When someone dies publicly, their body is brought here and basically dumped to keep up the appearance of an immortal being's "death". Separated from the sanity-granting meat buns, they degrade into the zombies we're encountering now.
That's the reason why Amaterasu always moves extremely quickly to remove a dead body from a crime scene - something that's come up a few times. The official explanation is that the Forever Rain causes the body to rot too quickly, but they do this when bodies are indoors too. In reality, they need to traffic the "dead" homunculus out of the city before everyone sees them wake up.
Maybe we weren't brought here to, like... be killed by homunculi or experimented on or whatever. Maybe we're here for the same reason all the other homunculi are. We're here because we're "dead". We know Kurumi's a native; If this theory is right, she's likely a homunculus too. We know nothing about Yuma. And none of the confirmed-outsider Master Detectives have been found to be here yet.
Everyone who's died in Kanai Ward is probably here somewhere.
...including Yakou.
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Okay, so I wasn't wrong before when I said those others seemed to be lulling around dormant. Homunculi become steadily more feral, the longer they're deprived of human flesh. The Theater Girls are starving, while those others were simply hungry.
I wonder if we can "unkill" the homunculi by getting them something to eat? This would be a good reason to invest in human cloning. See how they do with lab-grown human arms and stuff.
...y'know, if my theory is true, then Icardi was screwed from the start. If his plan had worked, he would have escaped Kanai Ward and fled to the outside, then gone slowly insane from a lack of understanding for how to feed himself.
Makoto, what did you do to this city? What even makes people turn homunculus? Is it something in the rain? Is it... Is the rain altering our genetic code or something?
Is that why you wear the mask? To shield your face from whatever is happening in people's eyes that makes them change?
Is that how we survived the sinking of the sub? We were inside it when it went down. Did we die, but Makoto fished our corpse out of the river and then waited for us to wake up again?
Is that why Yomi was going to execute Martina by having her mashed in an industrial-strength presser? I thought he was just being barbarically cruel, but if the Peacekeepers are extricating corpses before they can wake back up then he'd have to know what's up, right? Crushing someone into paste might be one of the only ways to kill a homunculus.
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Hey, man. Sorry about that whole surprise-murder thing. On a scale of 1 to Brains, how hungry are you right now? Do you have the emotional capacity for a chat?
I mean, you died before the Theater Girls so probably not but you had the emotional capacity to make your way to what is clearly a religious shrine, so you must have had some reasoning and comprehension skills when you first woke up.
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There's Shachi and Icardi. Also Worshipper. If we're going to find allyship, we need a fresher-dead homunculus than Chapter 3. So. Yakou and Huesca are the only potential candidates, then.
Come on, Yakou, you gotta be around here somewhere.
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How did you think "Restricted Area" was enforced? Honestly, I was expecting a huge concrete wall. We could climb that shit.
...those black and yellow warning panels look suspect. Maybe throw a stick at it or something. Might be electrified. Not that it matters if we're both unkillable immortals but being electrocuted to "death" would still hurt like hell.
After all, it would need to be strong enough to deter homunculi from doing exactly what I said: Trying to climb it.
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Yep. Even better than a stick, we had a random homunculus to walk his dumb ass into it and demonstrate. Thanks, rando.
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Oh, more randos. We should see if they walk into the fence too. If we pile up enough homunculi, maybe we could - No, human bodies are electricity conductors. That wouldn't work.
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It's okay, it's just the Theater Girls again. I know exactly how to repel theater kids. Ahem. "Good luck on your performance of Macbeth tonight."
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Can't run any further, Yuma! Do something! Anything!
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Be fair, Shinigami. There's a reasonable chance that Yuma died again, not passed out.
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Oh, that is much more of a "Secret Lab" than what Makoto showed us. I think we hit jackpot.
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Can you? Hmm. Just picked up a Solution Key that says homunculi are attracted to sound. So that's interesting.
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aprocessionofthoughts · 8 months
Let's Make a Deal
whumptober2023 day 20- you'll regret touching them fandom- batman TW- human trafficking mentioned summary- Jason come across a captured Nightwing while meeting with a gang leader.
ao3 whumptober23 masterlist
The warehouse was drab and dirty as most warehouses are. And this one was busy with goons scurrying around, unloading the most recent shipment.
Jason had only barely started working with the bats and most gangs didn’t know that yet.
Tonight that was going to work to his advantage. Villains were much more likely to talk to someone they thought was also on the wrong side of the law. Which, come to think of it, since vigilantes were illegal they were also on the wrong side of the law. Whatever. Jason didn’t have time to delve into semantics.
Tonight he was here to get information. The group not only dealt in drugs but also in human trafficking. And as much as Jason wanted to put a bullet in every single one of them, the Bat’s rules be damned, they needed to know where the victims were being held.
He’d already spoken with the leader of this particular operation, and they’d arranged to meet after Jason conveyed interest in partnering up.
He’d only made it three steps into the warehouse before he froze. Dangling upside down from the center of the warehouse and tied up with so many ropes Jason could hardly see any of the suit beneath them, was Nightwing. His face was red from being upside down so long, and he had a cloth stuffed in his mouth.
He needed to get this over with fast. He didn’t know how long Nightiwng had been upside down, but even for an acrobat the increased blood pressure from hanging upside down for too long could be dangerous. 
“Ah, Red Hood. I see you spotted our intruder.” said their leader who Jason remembered was named Dave. Seriously, if you were going to be an evil crime boss you could at least change your name to sound more intimidating. 
“I saw. The bats causing you problems?”
“Just that one. And he won’t be a problem for much longer. I’m planning on including him at our next auction.
Behind his helmet, Jason’s jaw tensed and he could feel his eyes glowing green.
“Unless, of course, you’d be interested in purchasing him? I know you’ve also had problems with the bats. And I’d even give you a discount, since we’ll be doing business together.”
Jason walked over and crouched so he was in front of Nightwing's face. “How did you even manage to capture him?”
“We hadn’t, not at first. We’d actually managed to nab Robin. We had him locked up in the back room, but when we went to check on him we found this idiot helping him escape. One of my men fired at the kid, but this one stepped in the way.”
Now that Jason was looking, he saw the messily done bandage covering Nightwing’s right shoulder.
“And Robin?” 
“Nightwing managed to hold us off while the kid escaped. It didn’t seem like he would at first, but the kid had a broken ankle and Nightwing told him to go. We managed to tase NIghtwing a few times after the kid left. My men may have gotten a little carried away, before I stepped in.”
Jason could feel his temper flaring. He wished he had already connected his helmet to the Batcomputer so that he could contact Oracle, see if they had eyes on Tim and get some backup over here. Because it was looking more and more likely that this warehouse would be full of bodies soon.
“And you aren’t afraid of the Bat coming?” Jason knew Batman was out of town, but hopefully this crew didn’t know that.
“Haven’t seen the Bat in a few days. And if he was coming he would've been here by know. Besides, we’ll be cleared out by morning.”
Jason stood. “Enough about vigilantes. I came here to talk business.”
“Of course, Red Hood, if you’ll follow me to my office.”
“I’m good here.” Jason said, looking and noting the position of all the men. There were only ten. Good. 
“Err… I mean, sure. Here’s good. What is it that you want to know?”
“How many drug shipments do you get per month, who’s your seller and buyer. The basics.”
Dave chuckled nervously. “Well we get shipments of the drugs every week. And our living shipments are about once a month. But I’m afraid I can’t tell you our buyer.”
“If we’re going to be working together I need to be able to vet everyone myself.”
“But you’re just going to be providing security.”
Jason shifted and Dave backed up a step.
“But! As a show of good faith. I can show some of our merchandise and let you have first pick. Or do you just want to take the vigilante?”
Jason looked over at Nightwing. “Vigilantes are too much trouble. Where’s the rest of your…cargo?”
“We’ve got them all at dock 9 in the old Weisemer cannery. I can show you around tomorrow before the action.”
Finally, he had the information he came for. 
“I don’t think that will be necessary.” Jason said before pulling out his gun.
“Now wait just a moment–” Dave started before Jason interrupted him with a bullet through his throat. 
Turning he got off twelve more shots aiming for joints this time. No need to make the Bat too angry. When the last goon had crumpled, and Jason had walked around removing weapons and tying them up he walked up to Nightwing.
He made quick work of the ropes, and was soon lowering Nightwing to the ground. He removed the gag and cut through the rest of the ropes.
Dick hissed. 
“Can you stand up?” Jason asked.
Dick sat up, grabbing his head. “I’m not sure. I’m really woozy.” he answered his voice raspy.
“Well, come on then.” Jason said, throwing Dick’s arm over his shoulder and helping him stand. “My bikes out front. Does your comm work?”
Dick shook his head. “It shorted out after all the tasing.”
Jason wished he had killed everyone.
“Are they…” Dick gestured to the goons.
“Only Dave is dead.”
“Their leader.”
Dick sighed. 
“You should be glad I restrained myself.” Jason said. He could feel himself tensing, waiting for a rebuke, for an argument. 
Dick gave him a small smile. “Very impressive.”
“What, you aren’t going to lecture me?” Jason said, feeling wrongfooted. Dick was the Golden Boy, surely he’d get all righteous about how killing was wrong.
Dick didn’t answer for a moment. Then, “I’m not Batman. I won’t judge you when you’re trying. Besides…” 
“Besides what?”
Dick shook his head. “Nevermind. You said you brought your bike?”
Jason paused. “Yeah. You’ll be riding up front. I don’t want to have to stop because you couldn’t hold on tight enough to keep from falling off.
Dick chuckled. “Sure.”
Once they had gotten situated on his motorcycle, Jason asked. “You want to go back to the manor?” 
“Yes, I need to check on Tim. Actually, do you have a phone on you? I should call them, make sure he made it back and let them know they don’t need to send anyone.”
Jason handed over his phone.
“This is Nightwing.” Dick said the string of code words to confirm it was really him and that he was alright. “Is Robin there? Good. No, I’m fine. I’ll be at the manor soon. Alright.” Dick hung up and handed the phone back.
“All good?”
“Yeah, Robin made it back and they were trying to contact Bluebird to rescue me.”
“I guess I’ll get you back to the manor then.” 
“Thank you, Hood.”
Jason was silent for a moment. “No problem.” Then he started his motorcycle and headed towards the cave.
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multific · 1 year
Back Home
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Greg Lestrade x Reader
Warnings: kidnapping, human trafficking.
"Damn it, Sherlock!" Lestrade banged on the table, knocking over an already empty mug. 
"I told you Inspector, once I'll have any information about the woman, I'll let you know, I'm working on another case which is much more important than some woman fr-" Sherlock stopped as he noticed the fire in Lestrade's eyes. He missed something. Of course, Sherlock would miss something, Lestrade was going on pure emotion, while Sherlock was not.
"What is the name of the woman Sherlock? The woman you deem to be so unimportant, what is her name?" Greg managed to choke out, but his anger only grew. 
Sherlock still didn't know what he missed.
"I can't recall." he answered truthfully, but he only gained a bang on the table as Lestrade turned his back to the man, holding his head in his hands.
"Her name is Y/N Lestrade, Sherlock."
"Your sister?"
"My WIFE." yelled Greg as he turned back to look at the detective. "My wife, Mr Holmes, has been gone for over three days, you know how that feels? And the worst is that I have to go home to my two year old son every day and not have her there." Sherlock now saw what he missed. He missed out on who the client really was. He thought this was the case of a cheating wife, but no, now he saw it all. And even he wasn't sure why, but now, the case on his walls wasn't so interesting. "So, I will ask one more time, where is my wife, Mr Holmes?"
"Have you considered... that she might be cheating?" Sherlock knew he was now on very very thin ice, he could see Greg clench his hands, ready to punch. "No, she is not cheating, just wanted to be sure." because Sherlock is an asshole, no other reason.
You knew you shouldn't have opened the door. You were soo dumb. Why did you have to be always so nice to others? Why did you have to be so naive? 
They could have hurt your son. But thankfully, they just took you. You tried to fight, but they were stronger, and they outnumbered you.
"You will be sold for a good price." is what you heard before you were hit in the head and knocked out.
Turned out, there was this group, that kidnapped women from their homes in order to sell them on the black market.
There were about five other women with you in that dodgy basement. Chained to the wall.
However, at that point, you didn't know who to trust. You recalled a case your husband had that he told you about when the men sent in one of their own to stay with the victims, pretending to be one. And you couldn't help but think one of them could be the same.
So, you stayed quiet and hoped Greg and his detective friend would be able to get to you quickly.
That evening Greg arrived home only to find the nanny and Tom in the living room. She left soon after Greg arrived, leaving little Thomas with his dad.
"I'll find her I swear." he told his son as he carried him to bed. "I love you so much and Mommy loves you too." Greg said as he kissed his son's forehead and put him to sleep. That evening, he gave his son extra kisses.
"To be sold?" Lestrade looked at Sherlock in disbelief as they made their way to a warehouse. 
"Yes, they are selling women as slaves, all types of women so that the police would be thrown off, now, while I'm not too sure who they sell them to, I'm sure they will have a list of clients somewhere, they can't be tipped off or they will destroy it." explained Sherlock and Greg nodded.
He was finally getting you back.
You were quiet as a mouse, some men even joked how you must be a mute and how it will cost them money as your value would decrease. 
But you didn't care.
All you cared about was Greg and you son, Tom. 
You needed to find your way back to them, but you still hoped Greg would be able to find you first. 
You couldn't possibly come up with a plan to escape. Every corner there was another man, with a gun.
But this really began to take a toll on your mental health. You were exhausted and you really didn't want to wait until any 'buyers' are interested in you.
Then you heard gunshots, people yelling and soon a team of policemen barged into the warehouse.
Everything happened so fast, soon a young officer asked you about your side of the story.
"Where's my wife? Y/N!" you heard Greg call out and you just ignored the young deputy and rushed to your husband.
With tears in your eyes, you hugged him close to your body. You could barely breathe, you cried so much that day.
But finally you were back home.
Holding Thomas again, you could tell he very much missed you. His hold on you never loosened as he made you promise to never leave him. And you intended to keep that promise.
Greg showed you the new safety features he installed into your home, so you could feel safe finally.
You were in the kitchen making tea for yourself when Greg joined you, moving his arms around you, holding you close.
"I missed you so much Darling. I'm so sorry, this happened."
"It wasn't your fault and I'm ready to put this behind myself. Maybe later, I will talk about it, but for now, I just want to get back to normal, with you and with Tommy."
"Of course." he kissed your neck, completely understanding, not wanting to push you. He got everyone locked up. He got the list and everyone was safe now. 
His heart was finally at ease as he held you close while you prepared the tea, not letting you go even for a second. You loved to feel his warmth around you, after the many cold nights in that basement, you were finally home. Greg kept on kissing your skin, his affections and regrets clear from his actions.
"I will never let anyone take you away from me ever again. If I have to burn London down to make sure no one hurts you, then so be it."
You smiled, knowing he was exaggerating but still loving everything he said.
"I love you Greg."
"And I love you, Sweetheart."
He turned you around and trapped you in between himself and the stove, pulling you in for a heated, long kiss. 
Oh yes, you were definitely home.
Taglist: imreadinggoaway @fleursirvart​​ @v-2bucky ehsebastiancrunch-time-sports  @pxstelrainbow ablogbypeteparker liamssmilersmexylemony @greenarrowhead feelingsareharddd @thisismysecrethappyplace @sincerelyfan @theoneanna @aestheticsandmarvel @rororo06 @castellandiangelo @avengers-r-us @destynelseclipsa   @spilledinkindumpster celebsimagine @capsiclesdoll snoopy3000 @firstangeldragonranch @puknow @crazzyter  @alwayshave-faith @soleil-dor @alex12948 scream-kiwi79  @lxdyred  @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl​ @liveforkarljacobs @anonymoussherlockandmarvelgeek​​ @paola-carter​​ @stunkbiggu
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balkanradfem · 2 years
Lately I’m seeing a lot of writings circling around claiming that radical feminists are women who are miserable, bitter, self-loathing, filled with hatred, and I’ve not seen these qualities in radfems at any point, so I wondered why they’re making this up, and I think I have a few answers.
The point of saying things like that is to tell women ‘if you take this road, it will lead you to unhappiness. Only women who are unhappy are in this community, only those who have nothing else but loathing and hatred in their heart’. That should make radical feminism seem unappealing and morally corrupt, so women who have not yet found out about it, would turn away in disgust.
Radical feminism, in its core is what awakens self love and self value in all women it touches. Our love for ourselves, and for other women is so big, we’re standing up to the biggest dangers in the world, to the things we don’t even know if we can change, if we can affect, we’re standing up because we know it’s the right thing to do, we know we have the right to be safe, secure, happy, comfortable, loved. That’s what we’re all aiming for. Radical feminism fights to end the sexual violence, something that has traumatized women above and beyond, taken our lives, our personalities, our freedoms and joy. We’re fighting against the torture of our own, against servitude, against the idea that we should exist in any certain way, be appropriated in any quantity, be used for anyone’s gratification. For us, women just existing, are worthy, are humans, are valuable and deserving of protection and rights. And we’re the only ones who have the courage and love to fight for this.
There’s even a less comfortable reason why I think the idea of unhappy, self loathing and miserable feminist women exists, and that would come not from the radical feminism, but from the amount of torture women have endured in this world. A lot of women who become radical feminists, are women who have been hurt and betrayed in every way possible by the male-centric society, who have been tortured, rejected, cornered to become something they were not, treated as slaves and properties, groomed by pedophiles, pimps, have been trafficked, raped, mutilated, and abandoned. When the world has offered them not a single piece of refuge, not a single space where their lives would be valued, the community of radical feminists have accepted them, and placed blame on those who would do that to a woman. It’s only us who understand that whatever evils are done to a woman, it doesn’t make her less valuable, less worthy, or less of a human; it’s the torturers who are inhuman and disgusting to us.
To call these women self-loathing, miserable, bitter and unhappy, in order to blame them for how they’re feeling about the world who betrayed them, that is loathsome. To dismiss the victims who need a place of refuge, place of value, understanding, kindness and peace, to tell everyone to look the other way because these women are now angry and hurt, that is despicable. It enrages me. We are a society of love towards women, but we have space for every woman who ever hated herself, and for every woman who ever hated the entire world for what it did to her. You are safe with us. A lot of us have felt the same, and are finding our value again, we’re learning to place our anger on what hurt us, rather than towards ourselves.
And to all of the women who are in the position to get just as hurt, just as cornered and tortured, we want to protect you. We never want you to go thru the same as we did, we never want you to get hurt. We think you should be safe to explore all that you can do in the world, without being put at risk, without being punished for being female. That’s why we’re speaking out, why we’re pointing out the reality of the situation, and warning against the dangers that have swallowed some of us alive. And we’re not miserable for doing it. Actively fighting what hurts us and our own, that’s what gives us life. That’s what heals the wounds cast on our hearts.
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stuffymcstuffsworld · 9 months
First meetings
*I am trying something new here, if you like it I will continue if you don't like it I will never make another oc again but please give this a chance and then let me know in the poll I'll post after this.*
The day started out normal. Crawling out of bed to reluctantly face the world of the living. Avoiding the mirror because there are some sights to gruesome first thing in the morning and coffee.
It was raining outside. The grey clouds covering the horizon and the harsh pounding of the downpour outsides hitting the pavement. The silent debate on if it was too late to call in sick for work.
Then, the forced acknowledgment that one did have to go outside to earn rent. As if working two jobs wasn't enough. No, barely scrapping by to get groceries, and the landlord wanted more money.
How was she to know that today she would never step back into that apartment? Or that she would never have to force herself out of bed again to walk five blocks in the pouring rain to work a long ten hour shift?
If she had known, maybe she would have left her keys behind that morning. Or even stayed in bed for a few more minutes. If she had known, she definitely would have at least packed a suitcase full of all her favorite stories to keep with her. Now she'll never know the ending to the books that were waiting on the nightstand.
Three out of five blocks. That's how far she made it to work before falling victim to a kidnapping. The next thing she knew, she was cold, wet, and tied up on the floor of some nasty looking basement. Fear and adrenaline coursed throughout her veins, but she couldn't move.
Her limbs were heavy. Was it some kind of drug? Was she about to be rapped, or was she about to be sold off into human trafficking! Nobody would know she was missing until the landlord came looking for rent in two weeks.
Trying to take in her surroundings, she saw candles on the floor? Some kind of outline she was laying on as well... oh, some kind of murderous cult. Well, that was better than human trafficking at least. But she was still scared. Nobody wants to die on the floor in some unknown space, possibly surrounded by unknown faces.
She could hear murmers. Something about riches and eternal youth?? If she had that kind of power, she wouldn't be living in a shoebox apartment with student debt weighing her down. The voices seemed to be more frantic now, though. Smoke started to crawl up her skin. Did one of the candles fall?
As more smoke filled the room, it started to fill her lungs, too. Was she hallucinating? Why did it look like someone was floating over her? The image was blurry, and they looked large, but... they also had wings? Oh yes, it's definitely a hallucination. She would die with smoke in her lungs and imaginary people flying overhead.
"Hello, little one." A deep voice called out. Her eyes frantically searched, hoping she wasn't hearing things too. Her body felt like flames were now washing over her. Pain searing into her skin. Well if she was going to die... there was no problem talk to a hallucination was there?
Opening her mouth she coughed out. "Hello?" Whatever it was that she had dreamed up it certainly seemed pleased by her response. "Would you like help little one?" Help? Was it some kind of God or angel? She had never been the religious type. "W-what kind of help?" She wheezed.
"If you give your soul to me little one I will take you far away from here. Where no one can hurt you, where you won't ever have to be afraid again." It promised. Her soul? So it was a demon that was conjured up by her imagination. She should really stop reading supernatural books.
She sighed and closed her eyes. "There is nothing you can do or say to make it so I never know fear again... but I-I wouldn't mind leaving this place. So since I'm d-dying anyway go ahead and take it what do I n-need a soul for." Gasping for what little oxygen was it the room she watched as it came closer.
"What's your name little one?" Her eyes started to roll towards the back of her skull but she managed to speak one last time before passing out. "My name...? It's Ellie"
Sullivan carefully picked up the unconscious human before eyeing the corpses in the room. That was what they get for trying to trap a demon. He took a good look at his small charge. Wild brown curls freckled skin, and lovely purple eyes that were the exact same color as belladonna.
It had entirely been a whim on his part to take her. He could have left her there amongst a pile of corpses with smoke trapped in her lungs. But there was something in the way she treated the whole situation. She was afraid yes he could tell, but when she saw him he wasn't met with horror or fear. Just confusion as if she was deciding still in her last moments.
He chuckled sweet little Ellie. Didn't that mean light? Yes, yes it did. The light of his life his daughter now. After all she had agreed to be taken. They would just need to sign the contract once she was awake.
With that the demon flew off not leaving a trace of either of them behind in that now lifeless room. Back to the netherworld. He was really curious to how a human would act surrounded by a world full of demons.
Would she cling to him and cry? It had been such a long time since he had someone be solely dependent on him. Would she be angry and want to go back? There was no going back at this point. Or would she surprise him again? He certainly hoped so. Little Ellie, will you shine or will that light diminish entirely?
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hello-nichya-here · 1 year
lmao you're so angry that you know shit about radfem so made an entire fucking essay of actually... PROVING IT??? of made up facts to make radfems look like a boogieman liberals wants us to make 😂 it's so pathetic omg, ok step by step:
1)lol what? radfem is about WOMEN, woman's safety, it doesn't matter who exactly was the abuser, what matters is to help female victim because it a movement about WOMEN. Take your head out of your ass.
2) Laetitia Ky, Artė, any south Korean radfem cuz any other type of feminisms won't work there hundreds of woc radfem here just 🗿
3) lol what? did you just imagined it yourself lol?? i'll repeat, radfem is about women well being, it doesn't matter who exactly was the abuser, what matters is to help female victim because it a movement about WOMEN not victims of abuse. and it just so happened that men commit about 90% of abuse, that's a statistic you can google go educate yourself
4) didn't libfem tumbler came out with this bs? it's the same labeling woman, putting them into unneeded categories that liberals like so much? i'll repeat, radfem is about women well being which means no separation from one another and no judgment especially about your sexuality. Take your head out of your ass.
5) ohhh yess we all just haaaaate ace.... no lmao. no one gives a shit, maximum is questioning the label itself cuz it's pointless, your asexuality is a low libido. no radfem gives a shit.
6) lmao where do you take this shit? 😂 can i take your narco dealer's number? also, oh what's this? several public researches that proves that TIMs exhibit a male-type pattern of criminality? rapes in prisons where trans women were sent? hundreds of assaults in public restrooms??? wow shocking!
7) you don't need to be saved, some therapy, cuz i doubt you'd like to be beaten/choked/ect in any other circumstances. another question does it not bother you that your partner would enjoy "playfully" hurting you? in short it's called coping mechanism to deal with abuse and trauma, go educate yourself
8) yeah for some reason we don't support child trafficking, rapes, murders, pedophilia and etc. that comes with prostitution. go watch interviews with those who escaped prostitution, they all hated it. they were abused and traumatized. Take your head out of your ass.
9) hun, we don't hate you we pity you at worst. it's not our job too look out for men, it FEMENISM it's about WOMEN and only WOMEN. adult human female, comprende?
and listen i may not be the best person in the world but at least i'm not spending my life chronically online writing incest fics ;) one again, pull your head out of your ass and educate yourself, here's some masterpost https://manlarp.tumblr.com/post/667874370724691968/accessible-radfem-ideology-masterpost bye bye :)
Saying "WE ARE ALL ABOUT WOMEN" doesn't change shit. You once again proved my point by saying that my experience with radfems spewing out abuse apologism towards me when they thought I was being abused didn't happen based on nothing but your favorite go-to defensive line. YOU didn't see it thefore it didn't happen to ME. Way to prove you guys don't try to silence women who disagree with you by trying to exactly that.
And yeah, I know there are woc of who are TERFs. There are also women who are even more misonygistic than some men. There are plenty of slavic countries where nazism is still a big thing even though Hitler hated slavs. Self-hating idiots have existed and always will. Doesn't change the fact that you fuckers are racist all the damn time.
"We don't care if people are ace, we don't devide women" literally a quick search will show that you guys do. A bunch of the anti-ace discourse was literally INVENTED by radfems, something they are very proud to admit. And plenty of queer radfems are biphobic all the fucking time, something I, a bisexual woman, have to put up with every single time one of your friends comes bother me. Go lie to someone else, bitch.
"Those who ESCAPED prostitution hated it" Yes, people tend to hate things they were forced to do. Doesn't change the fact that you guys are more concerned with making women who WANT to do sex work be labelled as criminals than with punishing human traffickers.
And once again, we have you being all condescending. "Let ME tell you what YOU want. Let ME tell you what makes YOU feel safe." And gotta love how you heard me say I'm kinky and immediately assumed I'm submissive, instead of a dominant or a switch. And then of course you have to go for the slut shaming of "You write kinky porn therefore you are automatically wrong."
"FEMINISM IS ONLY ABOUT WOMEN" Which is why it is dying. If your movement cannot accept that the world isn't black and white, and that societal hierarchies are much more complicated than just Group A is always the all powerful one and Group B always gets screwed over, it WILL fail because it will be ignoring real problems for the sake of keeping a narrative alive. Which is why nobody fucking likes radfems, and the world would be better off if you idiots were gone.
I don't need to read your bullshit, because you idiots will scream your nonsense at me all the time, like you just did. And not once have any of you ever said a single word that was worth listening.
Don't bother sending me more asks, I'll just block you. Go larp with your fellow radfems about every single woman who has a problem with you guys is "brainwashed by the patriarchy" because there's no way you guys could EVER be the problem and that your "activism" is as shallow, stupid and fake as you are.
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Roasting Rapeclown Andrew Tate
Romanian outlet Libertatea first reported the raids, citing information from sources that the Tate brothers were suspected of running an organized criminal group that coerced women into making adult videos.
(because of course they did)
Cops say the suspects used 'physical violence and mental coercion' to force the women to comply with their demands, including 'intimidation, constant surveillance, control and invoking alleged debts.'
Police say a total of six victims have so far come forward claiming they were sexually exploited by the organized criminal group. 
Disappointed, as I would be of anyone in this situation, but not surprised, considering who it is.
However, keep in mind it's still under investigation so his activity is not officially confirmed. I hope if he and his brother are indeed guilty - I'm inclined to speculate that they are - they don't wiggle out of it on a technicality, or pay anyone off. Romania is not known for its lack of corruption.
Thinking back to the video in the first post about him, which was the interview with Oompaville, the "rumor" that Tate was involved in trafficking was brought up in a semi-joking manner. To which he cheekily suggested that he couldn't confirm or deny, which was a clear red flag that he was thankfully stupid enough to throw.
Obviously the accusations concern a serious crime, but I appreciate the epithets the Mail Online uses to invoke him:
Self-described misogynist...
...branded 'the king of toxic masculinity'... ...his online diatribes against women...
...boasted [that] '40 percent' of the reason he moved to Romania was because the police were less likely to pursue any sexual assault allegations against him[.] ...his unruly judgments on women [and] regular shares photos of himself traveling in private jets.
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Look at these fucking mall ninja weapons. My sides.
The smaller one appears to be a "Knights Templar" mini-sword, likely a letter-opener. The large one appears to be a "Freemason" ceremonial sword. The dark one in the middle is some kind of "tactical gladius" bullshit. All three likely of AliExpress quality. The silver and black one on the far right is a camp axe and significantly more concerning.
One of these things is not like the other...
Maybe he thought if he carried if he mixed the weapon he (speculatively) used during his violent philandering sprees in with some mall ninja fuckery, that the cops searching his car would assume he was a nerd and leave him alone?
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You know if someone brings you to this front door, they're going to be a problem.
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Tate the cobra knight. He's a snake, and a horse's ass who takes nothing but L's. That's an insult to snakes and horse anuses. Also chess.
We also continue to have more mall ninja fuckery in the form of an Eastern dragon sculpture. This is an insult to Eastern dragon sculptures.
He's so edgy that he can't have a swimming pool that's a color normally associated with water by people who don't have major problems. Maybe it's supposed to evoke swimming in a pool of blood, a la "sexy vampire" like the scene from Blade where the sprinklers at the vampire club start spraying blood and everyone starts having orgasms.
It makes me think of a Chick-Fil-A restroom, so it might as well be yellow...another awful color only a psychopath would use for their swimming pool.
"His parents must be so proud! Raising a Son who is this is bad enough but to raise 2, begs a closer look at their upbringing. Shameful." -- from the comments
Like I said before, his parents' relationship seems to have been the stereotypical "male psychopath, female cluster-B" pairing, based on his anecdotes. Clearly, they dun fuk't up, and it's regrettably been society's problem for the past couple years.
(I deleted my Andrew Tate Pt. 2. The intention of the post was to attempt to explain the social factors that created this Rapeclown, and interactions with other parts of society. However, in relation to current circumstances, the tone would have been inappropriate, and not conveyed what I intended.)
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