#because of being visibly autistic
big-boah · 1 year
The only thing I have to say about the autism support needs & masking discourse:
There are people who haven't been talked to like a baby by a stranger in real life, and it shows.
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herder-of-gnorbus · 7 months
being autistic with relatively high social awareness is just a constant stream of mortifying moments of social incompetence. Like I don't understand I'm doing/saying something inappropriate until I see other people's reactions and then it haunts my soul for eternity🫠
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my mum's staying for the weekend pray for me
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monadolaguz · 4 months
I am literally so mad that like, two of my coworkers consistently refer to Warp as my "girl". Like, how much more fucking obvious do I have to make it that I'm a huge fag???? Do I have to wear a shirt that says I AM A FAGGOT TRANNY on it to get it through their heads?
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mars-ipan · 1 year
honestly i don’t really think any mental illnesses have been like “destigmatized”- not fully at least. i think the stigma has just changed from demonization to “that’s not a real problem get over it god”
#obviously demonization is more Actively Harmful#but to say things like depression and anxiety have been destigmatized is. incorrect i feel#yes we are not treated like we’re evil. which is for sure an improvement#nobody deserves to be treated like they’re evil#but our illnesses are now being dismissed. ‘oh everyone has that’ not like me#‘you’re just being lazy’ i wish that were true#like. ok hold on let me use an example bc i’m worried abt reading comprehension on this website#(not my followers i trust u guys but i act as if every post i make will get popular)#my brother is autistic. i have GAD.#my brother was diagnosed when he was 2. he’s faced a lot of bullying from both kids and adults and it sucks and he didn’t deserve it#because of all that bullying (especially as a kid) he’s rejecting his autism and focusing really hard on being as ‘normal’ as possible#i was diagnosed last year at 17. i’ve been having these issues my whole life (my mom and i both saw it) but my issues were dismissed#by all the other adults around me (save for family) because i wasn’t visibly struggling and i was doing well in school#it made me doubt my convictions for a long time. what if i’m wrong?#as such i didn’t seek a diagnosis for a long time until my anxiety had gotten to a point where i knew i couldn’t keep ignoring it#now that i have that diagnosis i’m able to wield it as a weapon. my struggles aren’t made up#they’re real. and they always have been. and i can’t just ‘calm down’ like you can. and that needs to be respected#so while i think one is more actively harmful (bullying and harassment lead to self-rejection and loathing)#the other is also harmful- just passively (constantly being dismissed leads to self-doubt and not asking for help)#also why are people angry about the idea of a mental illness being destigmatized?#one group freeing itself from oppression isn’t gonna immediately forget about the groups who helped them get there#if i’m one day able to get perfect accomodations for my anxiety and nobody looks at me like i’m dramatic when i talk about it#i’m not gonna suddenly stop advocating for mental health issues to be normalized#if anything i’ll argue HARDER. you learned to understand me now learn to understand my siblings#learn to understand those with bpd. with psychosis. the sociopaths. the narcissists. the systems#i’m not gonna act like i have it worse than people who are heavily stigmatized. i’m not gonna get attacked for stuttering at mcdonalds#but that doesn’t mean i have /no/ problems and it doesn’t mean i think i’m better than anyone else#i don’t get why people fight each other about this. it’s a good thing so long as we remember where we came from
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mangocaticecream · 2 years
its so hard liking characters that a majority of a fandom hates. cant go a day without seeing someone hating .. painful
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hartenlust · 1 year
this is also just partially because i got rsd this afternoon from the guy im seeing but also im right and i should get to kill
#op#literally the horror of communicating your desire#and also the horror of people not doing so#anyway yeah let me overshare about the rsd to focus on that it was so silly i walked with him to his work and he said goodbye a bit rushed#which . he was literally late for work and we were standing in front of the open door with us being very visible for the other employees#so makes super sense#but my brain's like no hihi he hates you#like he wasnt the one who invited me over#planning on initiating more physical contact next time i should communicate because he Is autistic but i dont think hes touch repulsed but#yknow communication consent etc#hanging out with him is very fun though#i feel a bit floundering sometimes but ill find my footing and its worth the effort to do so because like i said . its really fun#and hes hot as fuck#if you read this far . does anyone have any date ideas#we're going to bind books together & make . miku binders lol#but thats a bit of a project & more effort#i think just coming over again & bringing my laptop so we can watch hannib/al (filtered 4 tags) further but in the evening is also good#but if someone does have a date idea thats swagalicious#his couch sucks though like his apartment is super fancy because he hires it from like old people who live there#but are now fucked off to somewhere#but yeah its very fancy but the couch is also fancy which means its pretty comfortable but super bad for cuddling which didnt help#anyway im also scared he follows me on tumblr LMAO#if this sounds too like something you did this afternoon. dont let me know <3#i rlly dont have date ideas i started with museum and now im blank#maybe a picnic somewhere. go to the beach#okay bye im gonna finish star/struck now
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fyi, if you refer to me as "low supports needs" or "less visibly autistic," i will block you.
just because i can communicate verbally doesn't mean I can function without help nor does it mean that my autism is not visibly present.
am i less visibly autistic or can you just not recognize the autism in me?
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leesalchemybook · 1 year
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GTA RP characters! characters of other roleplayers that I drew for them, from a server I used to play on.
the top 4 are characters from the group my main character was part of. the bottom two are also those characters but in a cute style. the middle one is commission done as part of a fundraiser for st jude streams someone from our rp server was hosting. i donated a commission as one of the auction items :3
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the-trans-dragon · 2 years
#sorenhoots#I have an idea roaming around in my brain#it feels like an overreaction because society reserves the word ‘trauma’ for visible stuff#like a physical injury or a traumatic event so bad that even society’s pressure to not show symptoms isn’t enough to cover it up#but like…. I am slowly allowing myself to expand my definition of trauma to include things that non-autistic people would scoff at#such as being exposed to a bad texture or trying a food that my autism doesn’t like or stuff like that#on one hand it’s like ‘oh my god don’t be dramatic. eating a chicken strip with a really chewy spot isn’t trauma’ which sounds like a#reasonable thing to say but like. as a young kid that happened to me and I still can’t eat chicken strips without being *significantly*#stressed about encountering the bad texture again.#i take COMFORT in the fact that- when I had shingles- the shingles pain was HORRIBLE and yet the texture of my bedsheet was WORSE#and I’m realizing I have some Things I’ve always been like… ‘triggered’ by. colors or patterns. I assumed they must be related to my#trauma that is undisputedly traumatic- I assumed those colors or patterns must have been involved#the same way I can’t stand a couple of flavors because they remind me of it#but maybe it’s just that checkered patterns bother my autism. maybe I don’t like blue because it just hurts my eyes.#have I unnecessarily tied Autism Sensory Pain to separate traumatic events as a way to explain them?#I don’t know. but I think the first step in digesting all of that is to allow myself to categories Bad Sensory Events as Traumatic#like I’m allowed to say shingles was traumatic. I panic anytime I think I feel the tingly sensation it started as#but I’m way more repulsed by certain textures. so why not describe them as trauma?#idk. one thing I don’t like is showers? and I started applying some of my PTSD work to them#such as getting familiar with smaller steps that are less sensory overwhelming#or changing the circumstances enough that my brain doesn’t go ‘wait this is a ShowerTM which has traumatized me in the past from sensory’#and it absolutely helps. which is something to mull over at least
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chorus-communities · 10 months
i hate it here
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katya-goncharov · 2 years
when oh when will i finally watch a comedy show where the "annoying" character who the protagonist finds annoying and we're supposed to laugh at isn't just autistic coded :/
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soul-kiitchen · 3 months
i think that if you cant take a joke about your religion or your sex or about something you enjoy or about anything that is an instrinsic part of you and you dont see the value in being able to laugh when you are in pain that there may never be hope for you to be happy
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fvckw4d · 5 months
Literally impossible to follow any blog about disability because there will always be some rancid ass post somewhere down the line about who has what worse and who is actually the most disabled and whether or not something counts as a visible disability or whatever the fuck. Every time there's arguing about that kind of shit no matter what Minority is doing it it's always the same, and I think about that one post that's like "I didn't get called slurs my whole life to be told I was passing."
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gaysexforlosers · 6 months
i want to go home or else i will cry. i think
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I have had a really full and busy day today, but the highlight was:
So I'm sitting in the staff work area and one of my colleagues comes up to me. There's an open day this weekend, and so we need to plan an activity for the would-be students.
"Simple!" I say. "Let's get them to dissect some owl pellets. Hands on, fun, they get to play with skulls."
"Good idea!" she says. "But we'll need something even fancier for the open day in February. What can we do? Perhaps we can take some soil samples."
And as we're debating the photogenic merits of soil Vs dead mice...
Suddenly, a Dashing and Handsome Stranger (read: an autistic engineering lecturer) appears with a flourish (read: launches himself into a seat beside us while visibly and physically vibrating with excitement about his special interest being Useful) and asks "HELLO I'M SORRY DID YOU SAY SOIL BECAUSE I HAVE A RAMAN MICROSCOPE"
"Amazing!" declares my colleague. "...Who are you?"
"COME AND SEE IT!!!" he says, currently the human embodiment of the :D emoticon.
We went and saw it. It's an excellent microscope and his ten minute infodump about it was both spectacular and also extremely useful. We're going to use it to assess microplastics.
I have a new friend.
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