#bedlam rambles
pagingdoctorbedlam · 11 months
Thinking about the cast of Arknights and how everyone is haunted by specters of Home. How so many of their stories are either "you CAN'T go home again" or "you MUST go home again". The phrase "you can't get well in the place that made you sick" and what it means for Rhodes Island to be a literal roving place of healing.
I may need to write an essay on this.
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pokedocbedlam · 2 years
For every unhinged and problematic Emmet I see, I make him kinder and more resilient in the strength it takes to remain kind.
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Yes, even in my Selkie AU, where he has a sword and a monstrous form. In fact, even moreso in that one! Because while he goes through a lot of hardships in that series, and was raised to be a warrior and hunter, he is Emmet and he is Kind. He chooses to forgo bloodshed and revenge because he knows he's better than that.
(Same is true of Ingo, but he doesn't have as many...problematic interpretations.)
One of my favorite all-time characters, who is an inspiration for the way I handle the twins, is Dr. Ari Rosselin-Metadi from an obscure series called Mageworlds. He was raised as a fighter by lizard aliens, and is perhaps one of the best human fighters in space. When he chooses to break something, he's a force to be recokened with. But he refuses to be a warrior. He's a healer, because as he puts it, breaking things is easy but putting them back together is a challenge.
Same is true of Emmet (and Ingo, but again, focusing on Emmet here). We know how strong he is. How easily he could squash most of the hardest challenges in Unova. But that's not who he is. He lives to help others reach their destination, both literal and metaphorical. That takes strength and kindness. THAT is who Emmet is.
That isn't to say he's perfect! Goodness knows he can lash out when pushed, as any of us can. But that isn't who he is at heart. He reroutes after such detours and gets back on track. And isn't that more interesting than giving into despair? Don't we root for those who get up after being knocked down, who dig their heels in and refuse to give up who they are and what they stand for?
Anyway. Don't have much of an end statement here. Just...stars above preserve me, there are so many more interesting avenues for us all to explore without twisting him into something hurtful. So let's stop mucking him up in ways that also hurt real people (because yes, folks with real issues similar to Emmet see what you're doing and what it says), and let's move toward something better for all of us.
Thanks for listening.
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weirdozjunkary · 3 months
Two random facts about Bedlam for y’all that I think are fucking hilarious
1– He’s a streamer.
2– Nobody believes that he is a god, despite the countless times he’s altered reality in plain sight.
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karmirage · 1 month
I miss Jesse Aaronson. bring him back.
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bedlamsbard · 1 year
Hey Bedlam, I'm rewatching CATWS and in the opening scene, when Sam says "oh is THAT how it is?" Steve has a grin of genuine delight. It makes me just ache for how fucking LONELY Steve is in this movie. The whole film either states or implies that the only person he has really had a connection with between FA and TWS is Nat, and until TWS he has been clearly holding her at arm's length.
Anyway, you are the only person I know who I can send random CATWS thoughts to, so, thank you in advance.
-- Sigrid
He is SO lonely. He's better off than he is in The Avengers (and I'm on the record as thinking that Steve's characterization in Avengers is actually great), but he's still not...really there, I think. And it's not like people aren't trying -- Natasha is trying, but he's got that wall between them. The people he gets along best with are the ones who are willing to just treat him as him, which Sam is straight off here and Natasha is back in Avengers; they both have that one testing moment of "should we talk about the frozen elephant in the room? oh wow okay no" and immediately move on from it. (Rumlow's...interesting, because there are those moments where he genuinely seems to like and get along with Steve, but of course he's Hydra, and he's got to know that sooner rather than later it's going to come to a head between them. And I think even without Hydra Rumlow has some mixed feelings about Steve.)
Steve's got those two moments in this movie when he reaches out -- once (well, three times, technically) to Sam and once to Sharon/Kate, and Sam reaches back and Sharon shuts him down. Granted he doesn't know why Sharon shuts him down until the five minutes later when she comes through his door with a gun, but she still shuts him down and I don't think that's something he ever really forgets. Sam does not and I think it's significant that Steve actually goes to him multiple times.
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tiofrean · 1 year
Part 1 of Tom of Bedlam Black Sails interpretation
...(because I’m obsessive).
I need to place a disclaimer here first - I wrote my own interpretation not because I think this poem-turned-song is necessarily about a story of a man like Flint and his romance with a man like Thomas, but because the parallels make my brain happy and my heart heavy. And I like to look for deeper meanings everywhere (it’s an OCD at this point, I believe). Also, I firmly believe some of the writers/producers might have heard that song/read that poem and gotten some ideas here or there (hey producers, hit me up if you did, I would LOVE to hear all about it). 
The author of the poem/song is most often marked as anonymous, and there are many, and I mean MANY versions of it, not only in different words here and there, but with whole stanzas. I tried to collect as many different ones as I could, but I’m sure there are many more. 
So… enjoy, don’t take anything for granted, and feel free to add to it <3 
Oh! And here is the version I absolutely LOVE if you want to give it a listen - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjLtuAoAoGQ 
For to see my Tom of Bedlam,  Ten thousand miles I'd travel
The first line suggests the narrator is not Tom, but someone who would come to/for him. This is the first thing that stuck out for me - everyone says the subject here is Tom… but why would this first line be there in literally EVERY version I’ve seen? So let’s go with the idea that it’s someone coming FOR Tom, someone singing ABOUT him. 
Mad Maudlin goes on dirty toes,  to save her shoes from gravel.
In Middle English Maudlin denotes St Mary Magdalene, the embodiment of devotion. She travels without her shoes (a sign of status back then) to save them from being tarnished (like her name… sounds like a sea witch we know…*cough cough, Mrs. Barlow anyone?* She left her name, her honor, her status, and went with James to Nassau. She could have gone to one of the places mentioned by Peter, try to build her name back up, but she chose James, she changed her name and went the difficult way.)
Still I sing bonnie boys, bonnie mad boys, Bedlam boys are bonnie For they all go bare and they live by the air, And they want no drink nor money.
…and that one, IMHO, just simply shows how abusive Bedlam was. Buying a drink, put together with giving money as an alternative tells you about sex, IMHO. And people in Bedlam didn’t exactly have a lot of choices when it came to others visiting them like their own private circus… and yes, according to tales and some records, sex with people locked up there happened on a regular basis.  
I went down to Satan's kitchen To break my fast one morning
To be in Satan’s kitchen is to be in a hella mess. Just like our fav lieutenant had put himself in back in London, then went to beg his case and was stripped of his rank and banished.
And there I got souls piping hot All on the spit a-turning.
Poor condemned people being tortured for imagined crimes. A nice parallel, if I may say so, between what people were locked up in Bedlam for, and what Flint had been shunned for. Imagined crimes - on one hand, people who needed psychiatric help not abuse, on the other a man who committed a perceived crime against society. Both cases of people who were born like this (in most cases) and definitely couldn’t help it. 
There I took a cauldron Where boiled ten thousand harlots
Since we have Mary Magdalene, we can go with the Bible again, and there are a lot of references to the number 10k - most of them involve some sort of rallying people to fight their enemies. Those poor harlots would rise again and fight their way to freedom, I’d reckon.
Though full of flame I drank the same,  to the health of all such varlets.
A varlet is not only an attendant or a servant, but also a man without principles, someone dishonest. If the subject is drinking to the unprincipled, it brings to my mind all the underdogs that Flint associated himself with in Nassau and his idea to make Nassau, the underdog town, into a prosperous… well… kingdom of sorts.  
My staff has murdered giants,  my bag a long knife carries For to cut mince pies from children's thighs,  with which to feed the fairies.
I’d go about this passage from the bottom up. Fairies may be seen as mythological creatures (as a whole) and a specific deity (when considered in a given time period). That can be also a reference to just thought-up, unrealistic tales and “magical” stories people in Bedlam were telling others while not being sound of mind (and I’m using the tem very carefully). The last idea seems to fit best, seeing as we have the subject talking about murdering giants and having a long knife to cut mince pies from children’s thighs (yuck?). So it can be just mad ramblings of a bedlamer and the subject fitting himself into the story. Or maybe it’s the retelling of the story, as in telling other people they’re monsters in the dark… ready to hurt children… sounds familiar? Then imagine the subject is Flint, he carries a big stick to whack the monsters over the head with, thus retelling the story. What was that about illuminating the darkness? Yeah…
Spirits white as lightning,  shall on my travels guide me 
I don’t doubt for a second Flint had Thomas in an almost godly regard at the point when he arrived at Nassau, and that his love, as hopeless as it had been, had been guiding him all the time. The whole “Nassau Project” that Flint had put on himself was actually one big undying and unending statue for Thomas. 
The moon would quake and the stars would shake,  whenever they espied me.
And here is the beginning of The War, but alsoFlint as the bad omen of death that he came to be.
No gypsy slut nor doxy,  shall win my Mad Tom from me
An interesting lack of interest in anything other than Mad Tom, isn’t it?
I'll weep all night, the stars I'll fight,  the fray will well become me.
…and he did, starting a war with everyone, the officials, England and God himself. By the way, the subject is weeping in the night instead of fucking some doxy in the alley… telling, isn’t it? I mean, exactly how many times have we seen Flint with any of Max’s ladies? 
It's when next I have murdered, the Man-In-The-Moon to powder His staff I'll break, his dog I'll bake,  they'll howl no demon louder.
…so he did kill Alfred (the Man) and baked his dog (Peter). You can use bake loosely here, as a synonym for burning, but it can also be literally baking him, since it’s all mad ramblings of a bedlamer, right? Also, we have the staff again, which tells me that the subject who was previously rambling about telling the stories (the mince pies up there) has found another man who wields a staff and thus tells a story. He destroys him and his story, and so, Flint is the story-teller now. 
So drink to Tom of Bedlam,  he'll fill the seas in barrels I'll drink it all, all brewed with gall,  with Mad Maudlin I will travel.
He’ll travel with Mad Maudlin (Miranda), wrecking havoc in Tom’s name, and accepting it (gladly).I will also point out that my mind unerringly comes back in a circle to that filling the seas in barrels bit. I mean, most bodily fluids are salty, aren’t they? The ocean is salty… Interpret it as you wish ;) 
From the hag and hungry goblin That into rags would rend ye, All the sprites that stand by the naked man In the book of moons, defend ye.
The book of moons got me thinking, because there was no (I think, correct me if I’m wrong) one distinct work of literature of that title, but I believe there were many occult or occult-like works pertaining to moons (and witches and stuff). Now to the naked man - it can be literally anyone and he can be naked in literal or metaphorical sense. 
So I started digging into women with witchy powers in classical literature… And thus, I uncovered Erichtho, which (according to Wikipedia) “is a legendary Thessalian witch who appears in several literary works. She is noted for her horrifying appearance and her impious ways. Her first major role was in the Roman poet Lucan's epic Pharsalia, which details Caesar's Civil War. In the work, Pompey the Great's son, Sextus Pompeius, seeks her, hoping that she will be able to reveal the future concerning the imminent Battle of Pharsalus. In a gruesome scene, she finds a dead body, fills it with potions, and raises it from the dead. The corpse describes a civil war that is plaguing the underworld and delivers a prophecy about what fate lies in store for Pompey and his kin.” 
Now, I’m thinking the “rending to rags” is actually making a, for the lack of a better word, human suit out of someone, as in “walking corpses”. The naked man would be someone who is dead, or maybe even someone living, who is metaphorically “dead”, being deprived of his status, good name and honor. Sounds like our pirate yet? Then think of that, one of the potions that she uses on the corpses is the “lunar poison” along with everything bad in the world. To me it all sounds like our favorite captain coming to terms with himself being now in the underworld, metaphorically and literally, left without his name, honor and being a sort of a walking-corpse. Remember the story about the mystical ghost Flint crawling out of the sea? Yeah, me too. 
With a thought I took for Maudlin, And a cruse of cockle pottage, With a thing thus tall, Sky bless you all, I befell into this dotage.
Cockle pottage is thin, poor man’s soup, according to the info I could find. The subject resorts to simpler means of living, along with his Magdalene (Miranda and her cottage, Flint on his ship, living the thieve’s life, no salons anymore). 
I slept not since the Conquest, Till then I never waked, Till the naked boy of love where I lay Me found and stript me naked.
This one, I think, is very self-explanatory. What is the Conquest? It could be a literal conquest, but why would I see it written with a capital C in every version I encounter? It has to be a very specific conquest, a very specific event. We could also lean towards the Bible, to the Apocalypse and the Four Horsemen, where the Conquest was the rider of the white horse, carrying a bow, with a crown on his head (prince charming anyone? Our favorite lord perhaps?), who was sent to conquer and spread the word of God. So what happened? Our favorite lieutenant didn’t really live until he was awoken by the Conquest, aka Thomas, and after he lost him, he hadn’t slept a wink. 
Oh, but then there are the two next lines! Speaking about vulnerability, love, nakedness and being found… So why not the big awakening of the gay side of Flint? Food for thought! 
I know more than Apollo, For oft when he lies sleeping I see the stars at mortal wars In the wounded welkin weeping.
I could go on a limb here with Apollo (and his 9 years of exile for murder, during which time he had to purify himself of his sins, also about the curious intellectual-threesome-thingy they had between Apollo - Thomas, Heracles - Silver and Artemis - Madi) but I’ll leave that to Wikipedia. Let’s just for now focus on the fact that Apollo was associated with poetry, music and prophecies. He was gentle, beautiful and was often depicted as a young man with a bow and a laurel wreath on his head. So Apollo-Thomas is asleep and Flint is not, thinking of the cruelty of the world, of the conflicts and of the way the society makes the heavens (welkin) weep. James was always more conscious than Thomas when it came to the society’s impact and how it would judge them (and yes, Miranda was wiser about that then the both of them combined xD)
End of part 1... part 2 is in the making, but it may take me a while to finish it, as the language used is a bit harder to decipher when it comes to 18th/19th century meanings. Feel free to add to it, I love to read such things!
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thefangirl-16-blog · 1 year
The thing that always gets me about people getting Miyamoto Usagi and Yuichi Usagi mixed up is that it's almost exclusively tmnt fans. Y'know the franchise that spent a majority of its life span with the title charaters being litteral recolours of each other
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Adventure: Do no Harm
Gangs of brigands attacking along the trade roads in a series of bloody, near suicidal raids. An increasing spree of violent incidents in town that seem to be spreading like a sickness. Folk in their feverbeds rambling about a war out of time. These seemingly unrelated incidents are the violent signs that have been laid before Prior Rupak, healer and priest of Pelor, who sees them as the prelude to a far greater evil. The good healer cannot treat the victims and investigate the cause of their suffering at the same time, and so seeks allies to help stem the tide of blood before it pours over into the streets.
The party may first encounter Rupak after seeking out his infirmary, usually open to all by grace of the dawnfather’s altruism but recently closed off so that the priest and his acolytes can triage an ever mounting number of injured. Ushered in to receive treatment in payment for their aid, the party is briefed on the strange occurrences in town and sent on their way. Alternatively, should their reputation be great enough, Rupak may send a runner to ask for the party by name.
Merchants are always wary of bandits on the road, but this latest swath of reckless attacks has them especially worried, shilling out good coin for caravan guards that may get the party to tag along. Gossip by the watchfires says that the attacks are originating from a tumbledown old fortress out in the countryside, though why any self-respecting brigand would choose to lair in that haunted place is anyone’s guess.
Untangling the different attacks in town leads the party through a gauntlet of civil strife: lovers’ spats, disagreements in the market, tavernbrawls, all turned bloody and in some cases lethal. Investigating the matter reveals that each perpetrator was at one point a victim, all still bearing a fevered and borderline infected wound (if only a scratch) from a previous altercation
Background: The origin of all this chaos is a dark spirit known as “I Bear Thee Unto Glory”, a demon of war that sustains itself by sowing confusion and suffering during peacetime. Weapons touched by Unto-Glory’s influence grant their bearers the manic strength of dying warriors, even as their minds and the metal they hold begin to corrode. That corrosion is the key, as each cursed weapon leaves behind tiny slivers of demonic rust in their victim, leaving their body and mind to fester with fever and anger until they too lash out, passing the curse to another.
Tracking the infection all the way back we’re left with the brigands, a group of desperate foreign soldiers making an unwitting deal with Unto-Glory which drives them to attack the caravans. These attacks are repulsed, but the guards and drivers who survived with only minor injuries became carriers, getting into town just in time to start a tavernbrawl, lashing out at the townsfolk with their now rusted weapons. If you wanted to sow a few clues into the party’s investigation, mention how the weapons seized by the constables in the different incidents are all varying levels of corroded, or how the tavernkeeper had to replace a whole bevy of cutlery all of a sudden as a good portion of their knives, forks, and even soup ladle were suddenly rusted through. 
All of this comes to a head when the party report back to Rupak only to watch as he’s stabbed near lethally by one of his patients. Strengthened by an unholy fever, the formerly bedridden attacker brandishes a rusty scalpel and rants as Unto-Glory’s presence overwhelms them, speaking of the slaughter that is to come once the good doctor and the heroes too join them in the bloodbath. The violence will spiral out of control until the army is called to do something about it and likewise join the dance. Infection and bedlam will spread across the countryside until war is inevitable, and Unto Glory will ride at the head of it awful and resplendent.
With the realm at risk and their greatest ally now at risk of succumbing to the curse, something must be done. A risky summoning in the hopes of binding the fiend perhaps? Seeking some blessing or answer of the dawnfather? Regardless, the party must act fast... there’s a very good chance that they too have received a rust-cursed wound in their numerous scuffles, and its only a matter of time before they succumb aswell.
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eveenstar · 10 months
okay but hear me out on drunk!dagan gera...
you don't know how it happened. it was probably on a night you two decided to unwind with some of the bedlam raiders, including rayvis (of course) and you somehow managed to persuade dagan to come along. you weren't expecting the fallen jedi to get drunk to a point he couldn't hold his own weight and had to lean on you for support.
drunk!dagan rambles and rambles, and does the most incoherent speeches you and the raiders have ever witnessed. he'll climb on top of a table (with the help of rayvis, who picks dagan up as if he weighted nothing) and point to everyone present with his lightsaber (later on you had to trick him into giving you his lightsaber because he was waving it around) while speeching about the empire, cal kestis, the jedi order, and tanalorr-
you end up having to hold him in your arms as he tries to "gracefully" climb down from the table.
drunk!dagan who trips over his feet and almost facepalms himself on the floor and has you help him strip off of his clothes. he glares at you the entire time, as if you somehow took tanalorr from him (which he continues insisting on, you almost believe he's in love with the planet), but then his face goes from snow white to beat red and you swear he's as red as his blade. he says he has something to tell you, you're listening, and then he falls asleep right before he tells you whatever it is he wanted to tell you.
drunk!dagan rambles and rants a lot. really, prepare to be unable to sleep because he'll be rambling your ear off. you thought he talked about tanalorr a lot? oh love, you haven't seen a thing. not until you're trying to take dagan to bed, his arm around your shoulders and his head hanging low, sometimes nudging against your neck, mumbling so low you can't make out a single word. he'll attempt to kiss you at one point or another.
but you have a feeling that you already know what it is.
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mycological-mariner · 1 month
You mentioned a play you wrote about Hannah Snell in one of your ask game replies; would you be willing to share a little more about the play? This sounds so cool!
Sorry for only just getting to this! You and @clove-pinks both asked about the Hannah Snell play so I shall tell about the Hannah Snell play.
So, while she was still trying to get her pension for her 5 years of service, Snell would go around performing in her marine uniform, telling audiences all about her time in the army and eventually navy, how she had to hide her sex, the trials and tribulations, etc. Now there’s no surviving transcription of any of these performances (not that I could find at least rip) so I thought it might be a fun opportunity to a) do a solo show which I’d never done and b) get to imagine what she might’ve said and how those performances would’ve gone!
Originally it was an 8 minute solo piece that I ended up extending into, uh. Not 8 minutes. I think it came around to about 30–45 minutes? With the extra time I got to play around with how much of the truth was being stretched, exaggerated or left out. I thought it might be fun for an audience to know something was up but being unable to verify one way or the other (kind of like now and anyone trying to pull apart myth and fact). Might’ve gone over. But then I had trouble with the venue and finding tech and stage crews and etc. I wasn’t going to be able to cover costs so I shelved it. Which was quite sad. However I’m still wanting to do it!
I think that, if I save enough and if I get the time, I’d like to bring it back. Though I’ve been wanting to rewrite it to include two or three other cast members. The idea this time is a mix of talking directly to the audience and telling them the Story Of Hannah Snell, Lady Tar and then cutting in with what might’ve been more likely to happen or parts of her story we know more about now that she might’ve left out altogether. The flogging scenes, for example. So, a bit more creative wiggle room. Never just making things up or anything but being honest to this part of history and the record she left. The ending will always make me rather sad though. I’ll say this much that stayed between all 3 iterations: while Snell might have just left her story with her eventual leaving and calling for public support for her pension, in reality she remarried twice and I believe she lost two more children in infancy (she had already lost one before the military), and her mental condition (it’s never stated WHAT mental condition) worsened so much that she was committed to Bethlem — THE Bedlam — where she would die in 1792 at age 69.
In the play, she drops the performance and speaks openly and honestly about how her life ended. About her legacy or lack thereof, and how so much of her story will always remain unknown or at least unverifiable through all of the sensationalism surrounding her in her life.
I’ve always been interested in the legacy of people contrasted with their just humanness. Like, Snell’s story is so much more story than fact. I like to keep the fact that all these people were just being people. And it’s especially true when a button seller finds herself the subject of a Narrative, fully deserving of the capital letter.
Thanks for asking, both of you!! Sorry if I rambled on a bit, the Hannah Snell Play is near and dear to me. Now if I could just get other people near and dear as well, we might be able to perform this thing lol
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catsafarithewriter · 4 months
A/N: Part 35 of the Bedlam AU, in which Haru faces the Bedlam once more in hopes of saving Baron!
The Bedlam waits for her.
He sits in Baron's armchair, claws out and face elongated, surrounded by a Bureau draped in cobwebs. The threads weave into his suit, dipping down and disappearing into his fur, like a spider at the centre of its web. Every time he shifts, the silk strands rustle around him.
Haru moves just shy of the sofa, following the thread from Muta's orb. It ends at the heart of the Bureau, buried into the floor. Evidently Baron is here, somewhere... and that is as far as the Bedlam's sense of fair play goes, apparently.
"Still wearing that shape, I see."
The Bedlam smiles in response, lips widening too far across the mockery of Baron's face. "It is such a handsome shape. You certainly thought so."
Haru tears her gaze away from the Bedlam's face – her mind keeps seeing the Baron in him, between the razor-teeth and angular features – to the Bureau about her. There's something about the cobwebs, something... off. "Baron wears it better. It looks like it's... slipping on you."
There. She sees the oddity among the webs. For buried deep in the threads is an orb, identical to the ones she'd freed Toto and Muta from.
She starts for it – but then freezes with her fingers inches from success.
One guess. That's all she has.
She can't afford to waste it, not yet.
And the Bedlam only watches. His button eyes somehow gleam, glittering with a malice that matches his smile, and Haru is sure it cannot be that easy. He wouldn't just let her find Baron this quickly, not after the chaos of Toto and Muta.
Unless he wants her to second guess herself?
"What's the matter?" the Bedlam croons. "Having doubts?"
Haru turns to snap a retort and then sees the Bedlam's game at last.
For, behind him, is another orb caught in the webs surrounding the grandfather clock.
Another is trapped in the cobwebs beneath the desk. Another held between the chandelier lights. The bookcase. The teapot. The mantelpiece. The more she looks, the more she sees. All identical, all caught in the webs, and all but one dooming her and Baron if she chooses it.
She mutters something distinctly uncouth.
"Do you really think I'd make the game that easy?" the Bedlam goads. "Come now, Miss Haru; where would the fun be in that?"
Everywhere Haru looks, more orbs seem to appear. It's like a magic seeing book; once she has her eye in, suddenly the orbs are easy to spot.
Slowly, she begins to pace.
She has time.
She can feel the Bedlam's gaze following her as she moves methodically between the orbs, fingers hovering around the webs but never touching. Never choosing.
"Perhaps I should have preyed upon your Creation instead," the Beldam purrs, eventually breaking the silence. "I've never eaten a Creation's soul before, but I'm sure an immortal one would have kept me full for some time."
Haru snorts and passes by the grandfather's clock. "He wouldn't have fallen for it."
The Bedlam laughs. "Everyone falls for it. It's just a matter of... finding the right corrections."
"Exactly. For example, for you I created a reality where you no longer needed to keep secrets from your best friend or mediate bickering between Toto and Muta. A reality where Baron loved you as you had always wished; honestly and openly."
A nausea rises through Haru. She bites it back.
"I wonder what world I would have crafted for him?" he continues. His claws tap against the armrests of his chair. "Perhaps it would have been one where you were also immortal. Where he wouldn't have to worry about a poor, fragile human, but instead have an equal–"
"Indeed. A reality where you would be enough for him."
"If you could eat a Creation's soul," Haru growls through gritted teeth, "I suspect you would have hunted him from the get-go, instead of a mortal with tenuous links to immortality." She's stopped moving. When did she stop moving? "So forgive me if I don't take your ramblings seriously."
"You know it to be true," the Bedlam continues. "Even if you don't want to admit it, some part of you has always known he would never accept you, even if he returned your feelings."
"And how are you so sure of this?"
"I'm sure because you're sure. Because you stepped into my world and stayed."
"Almost stayed," Haru reminds him.
"I may have created a lie, but you were the one who wanted to believe it." A spindly hand rests on her shoulder and Haru freezes, even as the Bedlam's voice draws closer. "Do you really think my world would have had any sway over you had everything been rosy at home? I set the trap, yes, but a trap is only as good as its lure. And you walked right into it."
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pagingdoctorbedlam · 11 months
Take the "I've been alone so long that I would melt and die from a good hug but I have no idea how to ask for human contact" touch-starved character
and the "my experiences with physical contact have been largely painful, but with you it's not so bad and now I can't go without it" touch-starved character
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pokedocbedlam · 2 years
💙Ingo, please?
Crossover ship I like...
Ingo x Seteth from Fire Emblem Three Houses.
Not that I have done ANYTHING with this (it stems from "AU where everyone Doc Bedlam is shipped with gets to interact for an Interdimensional Polycule"), but. Just think about this with me a moment.
Mentor figures. Look stern and frowny but are actually super supportive and passionate. Close to their family and have faced great loss. Besties with big scary beasties.
They would absolutely adore each other.
Seteth being an emotionally stable anchor, supporting Ingo as he finds himself after losing his memories? Ingo being unconditionally supportive of Seteth and Flaynn? *Flaynn and Emmet meeting and also being besties while accidentally causing mayhem?*
Yes. Just yes.
Dammit, now I want to write this.
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northwestofinsanity · 8 months
Masterpost of “Bentley’s Blog” -John Bentley of Squeeze
Alright, in addition to the “Bentley’s Blog” collection of naughty journal entries from the mischievous bassist from Squeeze on his website ( https://www.johnbentley.tv/Blog52.html ), there’s some older entries that site doesn’t go back to, archived on packet of three.com, which is Squeeze’s archive site. For the small Squeeze fandom, it seemed like it would be nice to have them all in one place. Unfortunately, I do not know the actual order they go in, or what numbers they correspond to (as John Bentley’s site only goes back to Blog Entry 30, and there aren’t enough of them on packetofthree to cover the discrepancy), but I have the packetofthree links in order from oldest to newest based on when they were added to the site. (Not embedding the links, because I tried, and they made the post gigantic and tried to crash my browser… oh well.)
https://www.packetofthree.com/2010/09/22/bentley-the-blagging-blogger-returns/ This one involves hilarious little story snippets of John traveling with his band mates in the early days -and maybe getting up to just a little too much trouble with Glenn.
https://www.packetofthree.com/2010/09/22/hi-hi-and-velcome-to-my-smorgasblog-resistance-is-futile/ This one is mostly an announcement regarding Stephen Large’s hiatus from Squeeze in 2010, but then turns into John rambling with every possible lyric and song title pun in the book (somebody stop him, please!)
https://www.packetofthree.com/2010/09/23/welcome-to-bentleys-blog-where-everything-you-know-is-wrong/ John tells stories of past times in the band, and meeting Johnny Depp… with more over-the-top puns and jokes (this is pretty much every single blog)
https://www.packetofthree.com/2010/10/02/bentleys-blog-the-answer-to-everything-or-just-false-prophecy/ John lists his made of “The Ten Commandments of Rock”
https://www.packetofthree.com/2010/10/09/oh-no-its-bentleys-blog-dont-just-do-something-lie-there/ John tells tour stories from the then-current time of 2010, jokes about Chris Difford getting VERY emotional when he did Songwriter’s Circle with Justin Currie and Boo Hewerdine (John, shame on you!), and then provides a quiz on Squeeze history.
https://www.packetofthree.com/2010/10/16/bentleys-blog-calling-planet-earth/ John talks a little bit about the time he was auditioning for Squeeze
https://www.packetofthree.com/2010/10/23/bentley-in-blow-up-bedlam/ John teases about rehearsals with temporary Squeeze member Steve Nieve (filling in during Stephen Large’s hiatus) and makes a long joke out of a mishap while staying at Simon Hanson’s house.
https://www.packetofthree.com/2010/10/30/you-must-be-blogging-joe-king/ John tells a story from his time before Squeeze, and shares from scrap books, Chris Difford’s top favorite songs over the years
https://www.packetofthree.com/2010/11/05/always-expanding-like-the-universe/ This time, John gives us Simon’s top ten favorite songs, then recent performance stories, and more to the story around when John first joined Squeeze
https://www.packetofthree.com/2015/03/03/bentleys-blog-50/ John’s 50th blog, which is also available on his website, but it’s the next one available on packetofthree.com -occurring 5 years after all the others, so that’s all there is to it there. Still, linking this one here because it’s a trip -detailing the story of the time Squeeze had a run-in with the Mafia in New Jersey!
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yjwhatif · 1 year
What would have happened if the Ambassador hadn’t been there in Markovia when Brion captured Baron Bedlam. Would he still have executed his uncle and usurped his brother’s throne?
Honestly… i don't think he would have - he may have still done something drastic which separates him from the group - but i don't believe he would have gone as far as cold blooded murder without bazovvi and i definitely don't think he would have even considered taking the crown without someone prompting him to… bazovvi manipulates and plays upon a number of elements which all ultimately push brion to act the way he does - like riling up the crowds, bolstering his ego, reenforcing bedlams villainy and need to be stopped… potentially even influencing bedlam to make the decisions he makes. If you get rid of bazovvi and all the things he either psychically or verbally influences you are left with the brion who just discovered his sister has been working for the enemy and his elders/mentors knew without ever telling him about it.
In that moment brion would have been feeling hurt, betrayed, confused - all very valid, though thanks to him being massively self centred in general, his focus tends to remain all on him… it’s about how he was kept in the dark, how he sacrificed everything to rescue Tara and has been betrayed, how he is the victim in all this… meanwhile Tara was victimised and manipulated by years of abuse after being abducted and gar just narrowly avoided being crushed by a rock. Brion doesn't really think beyond himself most of the time - if ever he does, it will often lead back to him serving his own ego in some way… with that in mind, I imagine him demanding explanations but refusing to actually listen to them, then he would start raging out because no one will say what he wants them to say - which is apologise to him specifically and admit they should have indeed told him - which they absolutely shouldn’t have because he would not have handled that information well at all. Then, I can see Dick telling him to chill out which again just infuriates him more and we know how Brion gets when his anger takes over - it may even be bedlam still tries to escape in the commotion but winds up feeling the brunt of his nephews rage… ultimately everything comes to a head when brions actions hurt halo as they try to talk him down - whether that’s emotionally hurt or physically - i dunno, but with it the damage is done and it all ends with him leaving - knowing he wants nothing to do with those who will keep secrets from him…
Now I’ll admit, that’s all very OTT and probably wouldn’t at all happen like that - it would likely play out a lot subtler - and better - but that’s just the string of events my brain is currently offering so I went with them. My point is, had bazovvi not been there, I think Brion would have still kicked off and done some sort of damage before ditching everyone to do things his own way, just not intensional murder levels of damage… when he gets into a state he’s basically pure emotional energy without direction - more impulsive than methodical. Bazovvi, and jace for that matter, manipulates him by providing a particular direction for him to focus that energy on - like activating his meta gene, or killing that “war criminal” bedlam, or claiming the markovian crown for himself. On his own I don’t think Brion would have ever come up with these ideas - especially when he’s in a rage… So long story short, while I’ll admit I don’t think it took much nudging on bazovvis part to get Brion to kill bedlam and take his brothers thrown, bazovvi was still the main contributing factor which ensured everything happened the way it did… or at least, that’s my perspective on it…
This got so long and rambly - I hope it makes sense ( I’ve read through it so many time checking over it, my brains kinda gone numb to everything it says 😬) Anyway, thanks for the ask timewandererus!
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The Explanation from Dr. Daniel Cain
Transcribed and recounted by Francisca Danelli and Tristan Langbroek.
Transcriber notes: some things were cut for the sake of not having things run in circles.
Part 1 recounted by Tristan Langbroek.
(Dr. West leads me down the stairs to the basement laboratory. What I saw down there is something no man’s tongue can reproduce but the things on the vivisection tables… A couple minutes later, Dr. Tillinghast is heard from up the stairs.)
West: You see, Tristan, Tuataras aren’t lizards. They’re actually from their own lineage—
Tillinghast: …Dr. West? Mr. Langbroek? Are you down there?
Langbroek: Dr. Tillinghast… I suggest staying up there—
West: Come down, Cynthia, I want to show you my work.
(Dr. West was intoxicated. They had two bottles of wine after eating a slice of cake. He was rambling on about something that I couldn’t make out, and soon 💉 got out a bottle of a glowing green fluid. Dr. Tillinghast came down the stairs and looked around the room.)
Tillinghast: What is all of this—
(Dr. Tillinghast screamed and soon pointed at something on the floor. I looked down at where she pointed to a creature I couldn’t make out, but it looked like a spider? Or a crab?)
Tillinghast: It looked like them! From the attic!
Langbroek: This house doesn’t have an attic.
Tillinghast: Not here, but my attic— the Resonator—
West: Langbroek, she’s hysterical. Now, come over to this table.
(Ms. Danelli, Dr. Cain, and Dr. Halsey ran over from the scream. This can be heard from down the stairs.)
Danelli: Cynthia? What’s wrong?
Halsey: Oh god, I think they know.
Danelli: Know what, Meg?
Cain: Nothing. Nothing at all. Let me get them back upstairs.
Halsey: Dan, we’re not covering for West. This is a damn birthday party for that damn bastard, and they brought two of the guests into the laboratory.
(All three came down the stairs, and I was by a vivisection with something that I shall not say on it. Dr. West was by me and was about to inject it with that strange, glowing, and green fluid. Dr. Tillinghast was hiding in the corner of the room and she soon clung to Ms. Danelli.)
Tillinghast: T-They’re everywhere. They can’t see us and we can’t see them. They…
Danelli: My god… Cynthia, you’ll be ok.
(Dr. Cain stopped Dr. West, and we all went upstairs. Dr. West was hugging all over Dr. Cain but soon ran to the restroom to vomit. Dr. Tillinghast was given tea to calm down.)
Part 2 transcribed by Francisca Danelli.
(All of us, but Dr. West, sat down in the living room. The cats were asleep together on a chair. Dr. Tillinghast, Mr. Langbroek, and myself sat down on the couch. Dr. Halsey brought in a chair to sit down with some tea for Tillinghast. Dr. Cain went to the restroom to help Dr. West as he was throwing up the amount of alcohol they drank.)
Halsey: I’m so sorry about all of this.
Langbroek: Why were there… bodies?
Danelli: If there isn’t a good reason why, I’m calling the police.
Tillinghast: I… That creature was made from human fingers and an eye.
(Dr. Cain came back and he leaned against the wall.)
Cain: Herbert went to bed.
Halsey: Of course, they’re hiding like a coward.
Cain: They’re drunk.
Halsey: And? They caused all of this.
(Dr. Halsey and Dr. Cain were arguing. I soon stopped it.)
Danelli: What is going on? Why were there bodies and what were those—
Cain: Fine! Fine. I’ll try to explain it.
(Dr. Cain calmed down and looked at us.)
Cain: Herbert’s research is about the reanimation of the dead and over came death itself.
Langbroek: They’re trying to be another Victor Frankenstein? Or whatever that mad Swiss patient from Bedlam believed themselves to be.
Cain: Yes, I’ve been their assistant for 17 years—
Tillinghast: I remember West argue with Dr. Quinley in our first year at Miskatonic and nearly failed that class over it. It was years ago… I remember when they were on academic probation in his third year.
Cain: That didn’t stop them. He slowly got more and more demented with their experiments and it led to their death. They were reanimated by Dr. Robert Jekyll.
(Everyone was quiet until Dr. Halsey spoke up.)
Halsey: He reanimated me just so Danny wasn’t upset. They ruined my life.
Danelli: I’m so sorry, Meg…
Langbroek: That’s awful… I knew Herbert in high school. We were, uh, good friends. They showed me their pet mice that they later killed, and talked about wanting to be a doctor. His parents didn’t want them to be one. That never stopped 💉. Not one bit.
Danelli: Should I call the police?
Cain: No.
(Dr. Cain looked at me with a stare that made my spine run cold.)
Cain: We’ll act like nothing happened. Got it? I don’t want this coming out. No one will believe us.
(All of us agreed and we soon left.)
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