#been awhile since i was THIS sleep deprived and i am very fine completely okay perfectly normal
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Happy Valentine’s Day! He brought you a bear that will detonate in 5..4..3..2..
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Gdlajdkahd, breadsoup you are amazing. Thank you. Being blown up by a Valentines bear has been a 10/10 experience :D
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jamaiskookie · 4 years
Yoongi Doesn’t Romance [myg x reader]
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✂︎ warnings: excessive cursing, bad writing
✂︎ word count: 6.6k (I meant to write a very short drabble… aHAHHA)
✂︎ genre: it’s.. literally just crack. Good dosing of cheesy romance and overused cliches
✂︎ A/N: it took awhile but we here!!! with a short drabble but still!!! hope you enjoy this cringey fluffy fic full of shameless jimin and shy yoongi- arguably the best yoongi
masterlist asks
✂︎ synopsis: yoongi isn’t great at expressing feelings- especially with how nervous he gets around you. alternatively titled: yoongi sucks at romance
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“... and I don’t understand why you’re so hell bent on denying it! You obviously have a crush on him!” You roll your eyes at Namjoon, flicking your index finger at his forehead and watching as he flinches and lets out multiple sounds of pain, which you promptly ignored. 
“I’m denying my crush because he so obviously doesn’t like me back! He hates me, Joon. He literally detests me.” You say, jumping back onto the stained and cluttered couch that occupies most of you and Namjoon’s shared dorm. 
“And I’m telling you that you’re overthinking it,” Namjoon says, chewing on some popcorn. “I don’t think he hates you, you’re just exaggerating things.”  
“I am not!” You protest, swinging your head around to look Namjoon dead straight in the eyes. “He hates me! He practically leaps out of the room whenever I’m around.” Namjoon opens his mouth to reply, but is cut off by Taehyung, who is currently seated two feet away on a small thrifted chair. 
“Shhhhhhhh-” His eyes are still fixated on the TV screen, watching the random nature documentary playing that you and Namjoon had long ago abandoned. You and Namjoon both watch Taehyung for a second amusedly as he attempts to stuff popcorn kernels in his mouth and completely misses the mark. You’ll have to remind him to clean up the floor later. 
“But,” Namjoon whispers to you, “Literally every time you aren’t around I swear all he can do is run his mouth on and on about you.” 
“Not true!” You yell, squeaking out a quick apology to Tae, who glared at you for interrupting the segment on apes. Something about how apes can learn languages, but you’re not too sure. “Lies!” You hiss, elbowing Namjoon in the rib. 
“Ow-!” He jumps back, wincing. “Why do you always resort to violence?” You didn’t have an answer to that question, unfortunately. “And I’m not lying! I swear on my bonsai trees he always asks where you are whenever you don’t show up to stuff.” 
“Maybe he just wants to know how much glorious time he has left before he has to face me again.” You offer, tearing open what must be your third dorito family pack of the night. (It’s fine, you’ll burn it off by running to class tomorrow when you’re inevitably late once again.) “Namjoon, face the facts: he only tolerates my presence occasionally because we share a couple of mutual friends. If it weren’t for you and the other guys, he would’ve already started a  hate club for me, I’m sure of it”
Namjoon stared at you exasperatedly, before muttering something that very suspiciously sounded like ‘God you’re such a dumbass’ before taking out his phone to swipe through Tinder, not uttering another word to you. 
Despite Namjoon’s utter and complete lies, you don’t exaggerate anything when it comes to Min Yoongi. Not his hatred towards you, or how he speaks two words maximum every year directed at you, or your massive slight crush that you’ve harboured for him, or how cute he looks with beanies on, or how you almost fainted that one time you saw him playing basketball, or- well, you get it. 
The point is, you can’t acknowledge your crush on Yoongi (Even though everyone around you is fully aware of it) because he seems to completely resent you and your existence for no reason in particular. Namjoon, Taehyung, Jimin, and many others insist that he doesn’t hate you as much as you think, but you dismiss their stupid assumptions time and time again. You’d love to believe them, but the evidence and first hand experiences you’ve had says otherwise. 
Exhibit A: He seems to avoid you on campus, or anywhere you go. This one is actually quite impressive considering the classes you two share. You’ve never seen someone go so out of their way to ignore someone they don’t like. It’s pretty commemorable. Whenever you sit in the same row as him during a lecture, he’ll move seats. One time you waved at him at a coffee shop and he just strangely blushed, and bolted out of there faster than you could say ‘rejected’. Taehyung ended up saying it, all while laughing his ass off. (You made him pay for your coffee that day.) Everytime you head over to Jimin’s dorm, he’ll just blankly stare at you two and march straight towards his room and lock himself in there until you leave. He even gulpes and swerves away when he sees you in a hallway. 
You know, that awkward thing when you’re heading the same direction so obviously you’d try and be slightly friendly and wave or something but then he’ll just suddenly turn around, navigating through the crowd of angry, late students and facing all that social pressure just so he doesn’t have to waVE BACK AT YOU- okay, maybe you aren’t as over this incident as you thought. 
Exhibit B: He won’t speak to you or touch you or interact with you in any way. Okay, maybe ‘in any way’ is a teensy bit exaggerated, but he definitely seems to find trouble when you two are left alone for some strange reason. He seems to be fine when all your other friends are around, but he just looks so uncomfortable when it’s just you two. He won’t look you in the eye, and he’ll just mutter incomprehensible sentences under his breath. 
A couple months ago you attempted to hold a decent conversation with him in the kitchen of Jin’s fancy ass apartment. After many awkward silences that you had to fill up with your timid and boring small talk, he just mumbled something and you had to watch him go into the bathroom and scream. Either he was having some really bad explosive diarrhea, or having to talk to you was just that excruciating. Apart from intense Uno game nights or when he’s under the influence of alcohol, you’ve never even heard Yoongi raise his voice!
How is it possible that just by talking to you, he feels the urge to scream? You aren’t that boring, you think-! Actually, now that you think about it, you did try and bring up sea otter fun facts as a conversation starter, so maybe that’s why he had to scream. 
Personally, you think that sea otters are the most adorable creatures to ever grace the earth, but Yoongi does seem like the kind of guy to prefer bats or something like that. 
Exhibit C: The elbow incident. This haunts you to this day, not just from the horrible humiliation, but if the two previous exhibit’s weren’t convincing enough, this was real cemented evidence that Min Yoongi hates your guts. 
You were talking to Jimin about the significance of ‘Phineas and Ferb’ in the cinematic industry, when your dumbass had tripped and caught yourself on Min Yoongi’s fucking arm (His bicep, on a completely unrelated note, was much bigger and stronger than you had thought, which was a complete other source of anxiety.) You would much rather fall on the ground and break all your bones, because the look on Yoongi’s face as he stared down at you clutching his arm like some sort of idiot, could only be described as disgust or horrified. Maybe both. You immediately let go, of course, and blabbered out apology after apology, but all he did was just stare and blink owlishly at you. 
You proceeded to blush madly and run away, hiding your face in Jimin’s chest, which was, in hindsight, not a good idea, considering how hard he was laughing at the time. (What you didn’t see was Yoongi staring from behind you, deciding to never wash the hoodie he was wearing ever again.) 
So, that concludes your argument against Namjoon’s preposterous claim that ‘Yoongi doesn’t actually hate you Y/n, it’s all in your head’ Delusional, that’s what he is. How could someone like Min Yoongi, a person you have literally been drooling over for most of your academic career, a person who single handedly has every sorority girl wrapped around his finger, even tolerate your very existence, much less be attracted to you? No, none of it makes any sense. You’ll continue to hurt yourself by being around him, despite clearly knowing that he detests your presence, and will even deny the crush you’ve somehow managed to build up for him. 
Because even though it hurts to see him flinch and ignore you, you truly do think that Yoongi is one of the greatest people to ever walk on this shitty earth. He’s caring, even if he does pretend to not care, he’s smart, passionate, ambitious, and you’d be absolutely lying if you said you haven’t dreamed of pinching those squishy cheeks he seems to hide away so often. 
If only you knew why he hated you so much. 
All the way across campus, Yoongi was having a similar breakdown while Jimin looked on anxiously. 
“God fucking dammit!” He screamed. The sound comes out slightly muffled since Jimin can only hear what he’s saying through the pillow that Yoongi currently has his face buried in. He kicks his legs up and whines, hitting the bed with his hands. Jimin is suddenly reminded of his 4 year old cousin who threw a tantrum when she didn’t get the doll she asked for. 
“And then you know what I said, Chim?? Do you kNOW?” Yoongi’s been screaming for the past thirty minutes or so. Jimin’s surprised that nobody on campus has come pounding on their door telling them to shut up yet. 
“Please, do enlighten me.” Jimin murmurs, picking at his nails. 
“I said ‘Salutations’ AND THEN I RAN OUT THE FUCKING CLASSROOM.” Yoongi tilts his head up from the pillow and groans, scrunching his nose up at the embarrassing thought.
“At least it’s not as bad as the time you screamed in the middle of the street when she touched your shoulder… right?” Jimin offers timidly, forcing a smile on his face. An angry, sleep deprived Yoongi is already scary enough, but he’s ten times more intense when the source of anger comes from you. 
Honestly, sometimes he wonders how effective it would be if he could just lock Yoongi and you in a room and force you two to admit your feelings for once. (Until he mentioned this idea to Namjoon, who dejectedly informed him that they’ve already tried that.) ((Yoongi broke out of the room using a bobby pin and sheer force of will)) He’s never even seen a pair so smart, and yet so obliviously naive. Anyone with functioning two eyes could see the horribly obvious feelings the both of you shared for each other. In fact, for the first couple months upon meeting Yoongi, he thought that you were his girlfriend, based on how much he talked about you. That assumption carried on when he met you, until Jin told him that the two of you were just in a weird phase of dumbasses who kinda flirt. 
It’s not Yoongi’s fault that he’s so bad at having actual emotions that aren’t the tears of joy that he sheds whenever he gets free coffee from the barista at the local cafe, and it’s not your fault that your self esteem is too low to recognise that Yoongi basically worships you. 
In theory, you two are a match made in heaven. Both just as stupid as the other.
“How do you do feelings, Jimin?” Yoongi sits up from the bed, and Jimin thinks that the tear tracks and defeated look on his face is a tad bit dramatic, but he chooses not to comment on it, for fear of his own life. 
“... what?” 
“You know, feelings. How do you romance?” 
“... what?” 
Yoongi, completely exasperated, throws his hands up in the air and turns around to face Jimin. “Everytime I try to talk to her by myself it’s like I’m a fish out of water. I get way too nervous, and then she starts talking about otters, and she’s way too pretty so I obviously start freaking out! I don’t know, you and Jungkook have been dating for a year now, right?” Jimin nods.
“How’d you do that.”
“... Are you asking me how I got a boyfriend or-? Because I assure you that 85% of getting Kookie to be my boyfriend had to do with my great ass, so I can’t really help you out there- ” Jimin laughs as he watches Yoongi squeal and cover his hands over his ears. 
“Can I ask you for relationship advice without hearing about your sex life, please?” Yoongi pleads. “I know too many unnecessary things about how Jungkook is in bed.” 
Jimin decides to put his friend out of his misery. He places a hand on his shoulder, and shoots him a soft smile. 
“Yoongi, my young grasshopper- ” He retracts the hand when he sees the deathly stare Yoongi is looking at him with, but so far so good, “- there really isn’t much to it. Tell her you like her, and in the very, very, extremely small chance that she rejects you, so what? It’s not like you’re going to spend the rest of your life getting ov- ” Jimin’s voice falters again when Yoongi’s stare intensifies. 
“You don’t get it!” He complains, throwing himself back onto the bed once again. “You’re all good at this sort of stuff!” Jimin tilts his head in confusion. “You know, relationships! Talking to people! And I’m pretty sure Y/n is the love of my life, so I’m literally going to break down if she rejects me! I’m going to cry for days, I already know it!” Yoongi stares up at the ceiling, pouting at nothing in particular. 
“She’s so perfect, smart, nice, caring, funny, strong and incredible. It hurts that she’s never going to like me the way I like her.” 
“You know, Yoongi, if you never talk to her, she’s never going to know you feel that way.”
He sighs and closes his eyes, while it takes all of Jimin’s strength to restrain himself from not throwing Yoongi out of the window. 
Once he’s absolutely sure that Yoongi is fully asleep, he pinches the bridge of his nose and rolls his eyes. After a few quick taps, he brings his phone up to his ear. 
“Guys, I can’t deal with him anymore. We have to do something.” 
“I would like to, once again, reiterate that I am 100% against this idea.”
“Shut up, Namjoon.” Namjoon grumbles something about being unappreciated, but continues to speak up.
“It’s a bad idea, Chim. Logically, there’s only a small chance this will work out in our favour, and if it doesn't, I’m at least certain that Yoongi will dislocate all of our limbs until we’re a pile of human flesh.” 
Jimin dismisses the thought. “Yoongi would never do that to us.” 
“Of course he would,” Taehyung piped up. “Do you remember the time he dyed my bright pink because I made fun of Y/n for her stupid heart patterned boots and she cried?” 10 pairs of eyes slowly looked up at Taehyung. 
“Well, that’s justified, we all want to murder you.” Taehyung gasps at Jin, who smiles back at him in return. 
“And also, you were being a huge asshole that day and you totally deserved it. The pink hair didn’t even look that bad.” Tae smiles proudly at Jimin. 
“That’s true, I fucking slayed with that pink hair. I kinda miss it, actually… ” He hums thoughtfully, scratching his chin. Jimin looks away and scoffs. Taehyung’s one of his oldest friends, but sometimes he gets a little too art-kid-college-dropout-hipster for him to handle. 
“Do you guys think I should dye my hair pink again?” Nobody answers his question. 
“Tae might be an absolute douchebag, but he has a point. We all know how protective Yoongi is over Y/n. Are you willing to potentially risk your life if this doesn’t work out?” Curse Namjoon for being logical. Maybe Yoongi killing him is a bit of a stretch, but he would make Jimin’s life a living hell if this operation ended up a failure. 
Nevertheless, he continues to insist. “Okay, what’s the worst that could happen? I physically can’t stand Yoongi stomping around the dorm because he’s emotionally incapable of working out his feelings anymore! Yesterday he fell asleep in my bed. My bed, Namjoon. For such a tiny man, he’s really fucking heavy, I couldn’t move him and had to crash on the couch for the night. If this doesn’t end up working, Yoongi will just go back home and mope around all day long. Nothing different from what he’s doing now.” 
“Um, what’s the worst that could happen?“ Namjoon asks incredulously. “How about if Yoongi finds out we tricked him, invites us to a murder mystery party, but then decides to kill us instead, and covers it up by burying our cold hard, deAD bodies in a highly unhygienic GRAVEYARD? What will you do if that happens, Jimin?“ 
Nobody says anything to Namjoon, and the boys turn to Jimin once again. Shaking his head, and attempting to ignore... whatever the hell Namjoon just did, Jimin speaks. 
“Oh come on guys!” He shakes his shoulders and lightly taps his foot against the ground. “Aren’t you guys tired of dealing with these two dumbasses too?” A murmur of agreement seems to go around the group, and Jimin breaks into a huge smile. 
“Well, gee,“ Namjoon mumbles sarcastically. “Why don’t you just make a Namjoon Facebook hate group?“ Taehyung shushes him. 
Beside him, Jin and Jungkook are exchanging money, clearly for some kind of bet. What the bet entails, Jimin has no idea, but he doesn’t have the time to question them right now. 
“So, we’re in?” Everyone slowly begins to nod, all except Namjoon. Jimin beams, looking up expectantly at him. Namjoon bites his lip, and squeezes his eyes shut. 
“Fine.” He grumbles out, not acknowledging Jimin’s shouts of joy. “If this goes wrong though, you bitches better be fucking responsible.” 
“Well, I’m happy you’re all on board, because Hoseok is already here.” Jimin happily smiled up to find Hobi shuffling through the cafe doors, waving enthusiastically at him. He also decides to ignore the collective round of groans and ‘Jimin!’’s that went around the table. 
“Why did you even ask us for our opinions if you already planned this out anyway?” Jungkook hisses, awkwardly smiling at Hoseok.
“Because you guys can never say no to me!” 
“That’s only because of how fucking annoying you are, Chimmy.” Jin moves over in order to let Hoseok sit, even though he doesn’t look overjoyed at having to abandon his favourite seat. 
“Well, all of you look super happy to see me.” Hobi jokes, immediately picking up Namjoon’s milkshake to take a sip. 
“Sorry that you had to get dragged into all this bullshit, Hobi,” Namjoon says, pushing his milkshake towards him and sticking a second straw in the cup. 
“No problem! I love pissing Yoongi off!” The group slowly stares at Hobi, who is still cheerfully sipping at Joon’s milkshake. 
“Well,” Taehyung mutters. “What else do you enjoy doing in your spare time? Drowning yourself in lava?” 
“Taehyung, play nice. Some people are just special. Anyways, here is the plan for Operation: Delusional Idiots Who Need To Make Out.” 
“... Can’t we shorten that?”
“Yeah, seems pretty lengthy.”
“How about Operation: DIWNTMO? Like, pronounced as diwinteemo?”
“That’s… even worse, somehow.”
“Let’s just shorten it to Operation: Delusional Idiots.” 
Six voices, in the middle of the busiest cafe on the school campus, suddenly shout out the words ‘Operation: Delusional Idiots!’, and a cheer goes around the table. 
Onlookers wonder if they are referring to themselves. 
In hindsight, Namjoon was probably right. But Jimin can be extremely convincing sometimes, and Jin takes every opportunity to throw a party, so maybe Namjoon was fighting a lost cause in the first place. 
He ponders what he wants his tombstone to say, while pacing around Jin’s apartment, where the party is already going on, full force. Maybe something like ‘Kim Namjoon (1994-2020) Murdered by Min Yoongi at a house party.’ Well, at least if he really does die tonight, it would be a good night for it. 
Namjoon has many complaints about Seokjin. He could probably pull up a never ending list of the girls and guys who have come complaining to him for his friend’s mistakes, screaming about how Jin broke their heart, so and so. But, even he has to begrudgingly agree, Kim Seokjin throws one hell of a party. 
It was one of those rare nights where you could actually make out the faint stars in the Seoul skyline, where the twinkling of the stars felt peaceful. Namjoon isn’t too much of a party person, but the monsters that he calls his friends go out every Friday night, pulling him along most of the time. He’s gotten used to just camping out on Jin’s fancy apartment balcony, (Seriously, what kind of college kid has a balcony?) avoiding the cheers, loud screaming and horribly unhygienic things that are happening inside. 
Unfortunately, thanks to Park Jimin and his horrible ideas, Namjoon is currently wincing in the middle of a huge crowd full of sweaty bodies. He regrets not faking a fever while he could, but it was way too late now. His job tonight was to keep Y/n preoccupied. 
“Remember Joonie, under no circumstances can Y/n see Yoongi before Hoseok completes the task. If she even sees a glimpse of him, she’s going to freak out and leave.”
His aforementioned target was nowhere to be seen. Namjoon is starting to worry that all their efforts will go to waste just because you decided it was another Friday to stay in bed and watch Disney movies on repea-
“wHOA!” Another sweaty hand pulls him out from the crowd, and Namjoon stumbles out, breathing heavily. 
“Why aren’t you out on the balcony?” 
“Why- what- oH! Y/n!” 
You stare blankly at Namjoon, who is still rubbing his arm in pain. 
“You came!” He says, with a look on his face that you can’t quite decipher. 
“What do you mean, I came? Of course I came! It was you and Jin who insisted I come, right?” You dragged him over to the makeshift bar that Jin had set up hours ago on his kitchen island, pouring the both of you strong drinks. You’ll need it to get through the night. 
“Right!” Namjoon awkwardly laughs and follows you into the kitchen, craning his neck to lock eyes with Jimin, who then gives him a thumbs up and leans over to whisper to Hoseok. 
“Y/n,” He says, patting your back when you start coughing lightly from the shot you just downed. “We’re friends no matter what, right?” 
“What are you talking about?” You cut him off, looking around Jin’s apartment. “Wow, it’s pretty empty today. Aren’t there usually like 50 people trying to get into one of these parties?” Luckily for Namjoon, who was almost sweating and about to cry trying to come up with an excuse to satisfy you, you ignored him and continued talking. 
“Whatever, it’s fine. The less, the better.” You’re still looking around the crowds when you grab a hold of Namjoon’s shoulders, turning him towards you. “Yoongi’s not here, right?”
“What? hahahHHAHAHA nO of course not!” 
“Oh okay,” You breathe out a sigh of relief. “I look terrible today, I would not be able to face him.”  
“You look great today! What do you mean…!” Hopefully you dismiss the bead of sweat trailing down from his temple. It is pretty hot in here. 
Apparently, it took multiple threats, to Yoongi’s coffee machine and lots of bargaining from Jimin to convince him to attend the party, but it seemed to have worked, considering that Namjoon could make out the dark figure of Yoongi, dressed in a black hoodie and ripped jeans in the corner of the room, chatting to Jungkook. His eyes, however, were riveted straight beside him, on Y/n. 
“They really are idiots.” Namjoon muses to himself. 
From the corner of his eye, Taehyung is waving his arms around trying to catch his attention. He mouths something that Namjoon can’t quite make out, so he just mouths a ‘what?’ back at him and shakes his head. 
Namjoon can almost hear Taehyung sigh from across the room. 
You’re still pouring your second shot, so you don’t notice as Hoseok walks slowly from the living room. Namjoon has actually never seen his friends more concentrated on anything in his life. Even Seokjin, who was, just a second ago, dancing with some guy that Namjoon isn’t even sure he knows, has now pushed the stranger away, completely fixated on Y/n, who is blissfully oblivious to the attention focused on you. 
“Hey…!” Hoseok slowly slides in, real fucking smooth, if Namjoon could add, beside Y/n leaning on his forearm and smiling up towards her. Namjoon has to commend Jimin for the execution of Operation: Delusional Idiots. He’s honestly never seen Jimin put this much work into anything. 
Hoseok was the only mutual friend they knew of that Yoongi was familiar with, but not Y/n. Jimin said that he had considered Jackson for a short while, before realising that Jackson can’t talk to girls for shit. At least Hoseok can force his thoughts into some semblance of order when he’s flirting. 
“Oh! … Who,” You furrow your brows at Hobi, and Namjoon slowly backs away against the kitchen wall. “Are you?” Hobi laughs and spins around to face you. 
“I guess you don’t know me. I’m Jung Hoseok,” He sticks his hand out and you tentatively shake it, making him grin. “I’m friends with Namjoon.” He points up at Namjoon, and Joon awkwardly smiles, waving back at the pair. 
“Ohh,” You say, nodding. “Hi! Nice to meet you!” Sometimes Namjoon worries about you. You’re way too friendly and nice for your own good. 
“I’m a dance major, actually. You can call me Hobi, by the way.” He smiles at you and finally lets go of your hand. “Are you sure we’ve never met before?” You shake your head, murmuring incoherently. “No, I didn’t think so. I’d remember you if we met.” You giggle and push him aside playfully, offering him a drink. Hoseok accepts it with a smile even wider than the last. 
(Namjoon is now a little skeptical about Hoseok’s claims of flirting skill, but thankfully, you are, admittedly, a little stupid when it comes to this kind of stuff. You probably won’t even notice Hobi’s flirting with you at all.)
From the corner of the room, Yoongi’s deep gaze is now glaring deep into Hoseok’s back, but Hobi either seems to not notice or acknowledge it. He continues to stare at Y/n, laughing at whatever comes out of your mouth. 
“You’re a dance major? That’s so cool!” You gush, and if he didn’t know you so much, Namjoon would think that you were flirting back. No, you were just that naive. 
“- Thanks!” Hobi suddenly laughs at something that Namjoon didn’t manage to catch, but what he does catch is the look on Yoongi’s face when Hobi touches your forearm. 
Even Jungkook, who was talking to Yoongi, gulped and took a step back. Jin gestures something to Jimin, and Jimin shoots back an enthusiastic thumbs up. He then shouts something over to Namjoon, but he can’t quite hear over the loud party noise. 
 Based on his own mediocre lip-reading skills, he either said ‘It’s going well’ or ‘Jungkook smells’ He’s thinking maybe it’s the first. Namjoon slides away from the kitchen to join Jin, who is happily watching all of this unfold from the sidelines. 
“When do you think he’ll break?” Jin says, sipping on a bright blue drink that Namjoon doesn’t even want to know the contents of. He quickly glances over at Yoongi’s face, which is getting redder by the moment. 
“Anytime now. His glass is about to explode from his grip.” Sure enough, Namjoon predicted correctly. A few moments later, Yoongi begins to stalk over to the kitchen, and Jin clinks his bright blue monstrous concoction against Namjoon’s glass. Grumbling, Jungkook also comes over and slaps a $10 dollar bill into Jin’s palm, scowling when Jin smiles and accepts it. 
“Yeah, so a group of otters are actually called a romp, can you believe that- oomph!” Seemingly popping out of nowhere, Yoongi grabs a hold of your hand, glaring at Hobi. 
“Yoongi!” You squeak out. Namjoon, that fucking liar! He left you all by yourself with a new friend and didn’t even bother telling you the love of your life was in the very same room? You didn’t even wash your hair yesterday night! Well, at least someone finally listened to what you have to say about otters… say, that was a bit unordinary, nobody else has ever been interested in your otter fun facts before- 
Your trail of thought fades away when you look back up at Yoongi, who is still strangely looking at Hobi. “Um...” How is he holding you right now? He flinches away whenever you poke him on the shoulder, how is he holding your arm right now, completely unaffected? Oh. 
Of course Yoongi wouldn’t touch you willingly. He just has to be stupidly noble and moral and save you when you’re alone with a man he isn’t familiar with. “Oh, ah… Yoongi! This is my new friend, Hobi! You have nothing to worry about, I was just talking to him about otters and- oh, nevermind. Anyways, you don’t… have… to… hold my hand anymore.” Well, at least you can save him from the embarrassment of holding your hand any longer. 
“Yoongi, Yoon- Yoongi,” He doesn’t let go of your hand, even when you attempt to slip yours out of his. He seems to be gripping on, for a reason you can’t seem to comprehend. All he’s doing right now is maintaining eye contact with Hobi. Instead, he just glares into his eyes, repeating your words. 
“Friends. Friends?” 
“Yes, friends! Oh, ah, let me introduce you, um, Hobi, this is Yoongi, and Yoongi, this is-”
“Jung Hoseok. You call him Hobi?” 
“Well, yes- oh! Do you two know each other, or?” 
“Of course!” Hobi says, pouring another drink out. He stretches out his arm and offers the glass to Yoongi, but all he does is stare at the glass, not moving an inch. Still smiling brightly, Hobi just brought the glass to his lips, sipping on two separate drinks at a time. 
“Long time no see, man! Yoongi, how’ve you been?” Yoongi, still clutching onto your hand, stayed silent for a while, all while Hobi continued to smile. 
“I’m… fine.” He eventually chokes out. 
“Yoongi, are you okay? You seem really-” You’re once again interrupted when Yoongi pulls you away, stomping out the kitchen. You lean backwards, yelling out a quick apology to Hobi, but he doesn’t seem affected in the slightest. 
“Yoongi, you’re being rude! I said you don’t have to worry! Hobi is a new friend I met, he’s a friend of Namjoon’s, and we were just talking about otters-” 
“Why are you defending yourself?” Boy, you just keep on getting interrupted tonight. 
“Wha- huh?” Yoongi finally lets your hand go when he reaches the apartment door, shutting it closed, leaving it swinging in midair, even though he regretted it immediately after. You can still faintly hear the party going on through the door, but you had no time to process the fact that Yoongi just pulled you outside the party when he spoke up again. 
“I said, why are you defending yourself like that? You have no reason to. You’re acting like I just caught you cheating.” Yoongi’s voice turns faint towards the end of his sentence, and he looks down at his feet, stuffing his hands into his hoodie pockets. 
“I’m not defending myself! I’m just- I’m just, well, I-” You fumbled with your words, stuttering and fidgeting around with your fingers. Why were you defending yourself? It’s not like… Yeah, it’s not like you’re his girlfriend or anything. 
“You can talk about otters to whoever you want. You might want to change up your flirting tactics though, not many people can put up with your strange obsession with otters-”
“- Anyways, Hoseok’s, not a bad man. He’s pretty great, actually,” Yoongi admits. “He’ll treat you well. And he seems to be super interested in you, so… ” Yoongi clears his throat. You narrow your eyes and look down at his shuffling feet. This is probably the most Yoongi has ever spoken to you, in private, anyway. Why is he so unbothered? And why does that bother you so much? He doesn’t even care a little bit? Does Hobi really seem like such a great guy? 
“You don’t care?” 
“No, just, you know, don’t get hurt, or whatever. I’ll have to murder him… Or something.” You let out a small laugh, but he doesn’t seem to be joking.  
“So, if I go straight back in and ask Hobi out, you wouldn’t mind?” You swear that a vein pops out from Yoongi’s neck, but perhaps it was just your imagination. 
“Why would I mind?” He says, through clenched teeth. 
“... You’re right. Why would you be mad? You don’t care about me anyways.” Something ticks in Yoongi’s jaw. 
“What do you mean I don’t care for you?” He blurts out, just as you were about to head back through the apartment door. 
“Oh no, please, it doesn’t bother me as much now, trust me. It’s fine, Some people just don’t… vibe with you, I get it! You don’t like me all that much, it’s okay! It’s not like you’ve hurt me or anything! You just don’t like talking to me because I’m kind of a dumbass, that’s alright. It’s okay to keep avoiding me. And again, I’m sorry for the whole elbow thing, you didn’t talk to me for like the next two weeks, and again, I totally understand, you know?” Yoongi stares at you, blinking in realisation. 
“So… you mean to tell me that all this time, you’ve thought that… I didn’t like you?”
“Well,” Now you’re blinking confusedly along with him. “Isn’t that… why you run away everytime I come over to hangout with Jimin?” Yoongi brings his hands out of his pockets and buries his face in them, groaning. 
“And that’s why you don’t like talking to me, right? And that one time I spoke to you and you went into the bathroom and screamed for like five minutes? … Do you not hate me?” A look of realisation floods his eyes, and Yoongi leans against the wall, slowly sinking down to the ground until he’s practically sprawled out on the floor. Staring aimlessly, he reaches up and grabs your hand again, pulling you down to face him. You let out a small squeak, but you crouch down on your feet, awkwardly looking at your right hand that Yoongi (!!!) is currently holding for the second (!!!!) time. 
“Forgive me, Y/n.” He whispers, dropping his head onto your hand. 
“Forgive you? What for? Yoongi this is a little dramatic, don’t you think? This is technically a public area, um, maybe you wanna go back to your dorm? I can call Jimin out here, I’m sure he’ll leave the party early, let me just-” He pulls you back and won’t let go, even when you try to stand and leave his grip. 
“Yoongi!” Like a child clutching onto his mother, he just sits there and pouts, not letting your hand go. 
“I’m sorry!” He wails, lightly kicking his feet up. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry for being my emo self and avoiding you, I’m sorry for making you think I hate you when that really isn’t the case at all, I’m sorry for being an idiot and screaming whenever you touched me, I promise that none of that was ever your fault, because you must have felt so hurt and disgusted by me-” Yoongi suddenly looks up and glares at you. 
“Yah! Why didn’t you just slap me!”
“Slap… you?”
“Yes, slap some sense into me, you idiot! I was so mean to you, why didn’t you just tell me you were hurt?” 
“Well,” You said, smiling nervously. “I wasn’t hurt!”
“Yes you were!” He wails again. Some sort of strangled noise comes from the back of his throat. “You must’ve been really hurt, and I’m sorry! I don’t want you to be hurt! I don’t want you to date Hobi, and I don’t want to lose you, because I’m selfish, and I’m fucking stupid!”
You speechlessly opened your mouth and closed it again, like a fish. Well, that was a full 180. What is he talking about? Apologising? You had dealt with the uncomfortable small talk and denying your feelings for years only to have him apologise now? You finally manage to open your mouth and firmly say something, but what comes out of your mouth is certainly not what you planned to say. 
“Min Yoongi!” You yelled and watched him slightly tilt his head up. “How could you say that now!?” His head is fully up now, gazing at you slightly dazed. “How dare you mess with my feelings for the past two years, just to completely, unexpectedly, blurt all of this out outside of Seokjin’s shitty house party?” You cry, slouching down onto the ground and sitting cross legged. Your unoccupied hand reaches up to your hair, frustratingly running your hand through your messy locks. 
“... If it counts for anything, I think that your obsession with otters is really cute.” You sniffle, for no particular reason, and nod. 
“... Does that mean you like me then?”
“Y/n,” Yoongi sighs, taking your other hand out of your hair and placing it into his own. “Isn’t that obvious, you fucking dumbass?” 
“You’re kinda giving off mixed signals here.” Yoongi squishes your cheeks together in a brave act from an unusual burst of courage that he managed to somehow build up. 
“Mmph- Yesh?” 
“I like you. I like you a lot. I’m sorry for being a dumbass who couldn’t ask you out, and I’m sorry I had to do this at Seokjin’s ‘shitty house party’, but I’d really like it if you would go on a date with me sometime.” 
Yoongi releases your cheeks from his grip when you stay silent for a small while, red slowly creeping up from the neck up to his ears. 
“I mean, you know, only if you want to, it’d be fine if all of that was just, you know… ” Yoongi mutters, gesturing around randomly. 
“I’d love to go on a date with you, Yoongi.” 
“Oh. Cool, that’s cool. That’s… yeah that’s cool.” 
“Text me the details?”
“Yeah, yeah, I’ll, I’ll do- I’ll do that.” 
You can hear a faint scream when you enter Seokjin’s apartment again, but instead of filling you with the insecure, horrible feeling like it once did, you just smile and giggle to yourself again. What you don’t seem to notice is Jimin, Jin, Joon, Tae, Jungkook and Hobi exchanging victorious glances across the room. 
(About a week later, Yoongi took you to the zoo for your date. He slightly regretted that decision after you spent an hour making faces at the otters.) 
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the-canary · 5 years
Good Timing - S.R (10/10)
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Summary:  The music always starts at 5 am every morning since your new neighbor moved in leading to your dog promptly as soon as he wakes up. What will you do with that time spent with him? (Modern!Reader/Steve Rogers)  
Prompt: The guy living below me has a really loud alarm clock that always wakes me up at the crack of dawn.
A/N: This is for @sebashtiansatan ‘s writing challenge. i’m sorry that it took awhile, but hopefully you’ll enjoy it!
Feedback is always welcomed.
Ollie leaves his little apartment and Steve is at a loss for the next two weeks.
It’s takes him awhile to realize of this loss though. He had been excited over the fact that there was a little girl and her dad that wanted to see Oliver during an upcoming adoption event, and Steve was sure that sure that they were going to love the little scamp either way.
“He’s the sweetest thing,” he remembers you saying to the mother and stepfather who were a bit more on the cautious side, as they watched him interact with Sugar, “All the neighbors love him and even Sug too, though that took him a little more work.”
All three adults look at you and then at the girl --Cassie, if he remembers correctly-- getting along with the two dogs. Then, they look at Steve since he was the one that actually took care of him.
“She’s right,” he feels himself saying, but he isn’t quite there as well, “He does great in any situation. I’m sure they’re gonna be great pals.”
The mother leans down to take a closer look at Oliver and that’s when he does it -licks her and lets out a happy, welcoming bark. The scene all melts from there as the family soon welcome its newest member into the mix, while also patting and greeting Sugar as well.
“They love him,” you whisper to his right side, as Steve can only nod while watching the heartwarming scene as he feels a small lump in his throat that stops him from talking completely. He feels something slip into his hand and grasp onto it tightly as Sugar sits at his feet.
“He’s gonna be so happy,” you try your best to reassure him, as Steve sees the family keep loving on the little dog that for a short time was his best pal.
You aren’t surprised that Steve doesn’t show up the following day after he had left your apartment that evening he had given Oliver to his new, permanent family. As much as, Steve hadn’t wanted to admit it, he had grown close to the little fella in a very short amount of time.
Sugar whines at the front door once more, as if trying to catch your attention.
“Come back to bed, Sug,” you state while grabbing your mug of coffee,”I don’t think he’s coming today.”
She lets out a sad whine, before following you to the back of the apartment for more naps and cuddles.
While, deep down you were hoping to share some time with him, you also understood that Steve needed some time to handle everything on his own as well.
“So...is this about the dog or the young lady, Steve?”
“Ah, both then.”
And thus with a little help, Steve is finally able to settle his thoughts about everything and for once in a very long time, he knows how he wants to move forward in life.
You can’t help but wonder if this was how Steve felt when he didn’t see you in that one week, however that also meant you thought that he was in love with you. And over the course of your time with him and Ollie, you thought that your feelings might be mutual -- you shared your apartments and time. You talked about your dreams and fears late into the night. He and the pup had become a fixture in your apartment through different times through the day, almost everyday.
But now, you weren’t so sure. maybe , it had just been the idea of having the two dogs together, that you were helping him with Oliver that set the happy make believe that you could be together -- that you could see yourself like this...with him for a very long time.
There wasn’t anymore late night visits, any morning texts or messages, there wasn’t even any loud music to brother from up above.
Steve had left just like he has entered your life and you weren’t sure how to do in the aftermath of it all, but you were sure that as long as you had Sugar --like you always did-- everything was going to be alright.
It’s goes on like this for a month between work and taking Sugar out to new places, you don’t really find time to be at home and while you hate it -- you have new memories with her and the others that you care about. Hell, you had even gone to see Ollie and Cassie twice now, much to Sugar’s displeasure. However, there was still no sign of Steve -- that was until one fine Saturday morning.
Like always, Sugar notices it before you though, as she wakes with excited barking and shuffling around the front door as you let out a yawn -- still too tired to fully understand what was going but knowing that Sugar wouldn’t stop unless you did what she wanted.
“Hold your horses, Sug,” you yawn out as she lets out what almost sounds like a yip in your hazy brain.
Once you open the door, it takes you even longer to comprehend that Steve is standing there a little worse for wear in his familiar outfit of sweats and a hoodie, but his hair was longer and he was now sporting a beard. He gives you an awkward and timid smile, as Sugar’s need for attention brings him down to her level.
You stand there confused, unsure of what is going on until he gets back up again and his eyes are all on you.
“Hey,” he manages to say as you echo it back to him, “I was wondering if we could take Sugar for  a walk today.”
“I--” you stutter out, ready to reject him out of fear and a mixture of emotions you still aren’t used to handling, but Steve seems to notice that as well as he cuts you off.
“Just a talk, please,” he adds with a tone of desperation and longing you aren’t used to from the man, “There’s a lot I want to explain and if you don’t like what ya hear...then I’ll never bother you again. But, please.”
At least he knows that he is on thin ice, though maybe not fully understanding that a simple talk wasn’t going to fix anything you guys had had before Oliver had been adopted -- you were to afraid to question those feelings and his all over again. However, as you glance at Sugar --her tail wagging and her eyes full of adoration for the man-- you knew that you had to take a page from her book and at least give him a chance.    
“Could you wait in the living room while I get ready?” is all you say before opening the door a bit more and letting the man in, though he gets the feeling he isn’t allowed anywhere -- you had closed off your home to him, but at least you hadn’t such the door on his face like he thought you would.
Without another word, you go back into your room and leave Steve to sit on the couch with Sugar to get ready to pounce on him when he does -- if only everything was just that easy.
You end up talking a long walk around one of Sugar’s favorite parks -- not the one with the large puddle but the one with the friendly dog coffee just across the street. Though, Steve in a mess of nerves starts talking before you even reach the place, settled on a bench with the perfect amount shade as you watch Sugar play with some of the other dogs.
You’re staring at her when Steve starts talking -- about the his mom, the war, and a lot of other things that seems to muddle together in his nervousness. However, his blue eyes are always on you -- watching how you take everything in without any judgement and even a small hint that you might understand him and this unbearable fear he has of being alone but pushing people away all at the same time.
“It came back when Ollie got adopted,” Steve goes on to talk about the beagle puppy, “All the fear came rushing back and I needed to pull away, though it wasn’t right for me to do so without telling you.”
You frown, but you understand him a bit too well since you had done the same thing as well. If you really thought about it, you both were just lonely people starved of human interaction. It was luck that you had found each other, but to make it all work -- well, that required a lot of work from both your ends.
“Steve,” you start off and he swears his heart jumps just a little at the sound of his name from your lips, “Why are you telling me all this? What do you want? ”
He smiles at as he turns to look at you -- really look at the way your skin colors takes in the sun, how sleep deprived you are from working so many others, how you closed yourself in but still held a sympathetic look in your eyes. There were so things he knew, but there was so much more to learn as well. And he would be willing to take all the time in the world to do so, if you let him.
“I’m tryin’ to say that I wanna spend time with you and Sugar again,” Steve explains as he takes your hand into his and rubs your knuckles with his thumb, “I don’t wanna keep losing the precious things I have because I was afraid. Gotta take life and make it my own for once.”
“If you have me as a friend, I’ll be okay with that,” Steve answers back in the softest voice possible, “But I’ve realized that that I really like you and I wanna try this with you, if you’ll have me,”
Your mouth drops for a second, as he keeps looking at you earnestly and in the moment you know that Steve is being honest and that even though it might hurt, he was ready for your rejection. And while you knew it was at the time of your tongue, you had also realized that Stevee made a point -- you couldn’t live in a bubble your whole life and even if he didn’t know it now he had certainly opened it for you since the day you had heard that too loud music from the upstairs apartment.
You let out a small laugh and grasp his hand a little together, “I wouldn’t mind if we take is slow and steady.”
A beautiful smile blooms on his face as he nods, “Anything you want.”
You nod and seal the deal with a peak on the cheek before bursting in a nervous fit of laughter with him. Sugar -dirty but still full of energy- running over to you in excitement over the noises you were making, understanding that her humans were once again happy with each other, though maybe a little mad at her once she shakes and gets mud on their clothes.
And maybe on way back to the apartment, you’ll take a detour to Clint’s or maybe that dog cafe if they allow dirty patrons. Surely, you’ll talk and laugh along the way as you talk about Oliver and Cassie while Steve thinks about fostering another dog a little the road.
It was awkward but you would surely get there because you had each other and Sugar along for the ride -- the timing might be a little rough, but it would lead to nothing but happy and loving memories...you both knew that now.  
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boyinjeans · 5 years
Hi yes I’m dying right now can I get a Tedgens fic where Henry can? Not? Sleep? And goes to grab coffee so he can work where surprise surprise he finds Ted, angst/fluff ensues, your pick. Bonus points if nightmares are included.
yeah! sorry i just saw this, i’ve been busy lol. also trans!henry bc i’m projecting and i’m sad today lol
also tw/ d*ke and tr*nny used :/ uh fuck chad lmao
It’s been years since I’ve gotten consistently decent sleep. Every now and again I can catch a wink or two, but most nights I survive off of coffee and maybe four hours of sleep. I know it’s unhealthy, but I can stop at any time. It’s just anxiety and probably ADHD, not insomnia or anything serious.
Emma’s been getting on my ass about sleeping lately because I’ve been quite... distant in class. I decided I would humor her and go to sleep at a decent time, but honestly I don’t think it’ll do much good for me. When I do sleep long enough to dream, I have nightmares. Sleeping just isn’t something I need to do. Not really anyways.
Regardless, here I am, lying in bed, trying to sleep. It’s about three am, and I’m still awake. Maybe I do have insomnia. So I take some NyQuil and lie down again, much more comfortable than before, and I find myself drifting off in no time.
Only I wake up again. In my college dorm. For a moment I’m very confused because I look down at myself at see a binder and my pre-T body. I inhale sharply thinking that it was all a dream, I’m not a professor, I haven’t transitioned fully, I don’t have friends or happiness or anything. I’m back in college and completely closeted to everyone except... Greg. And Steve. And Stu. And Mark. And Leighton. But not Chad.
I remember that I was planning to come out to him today. So I get out of bed and get dressed—he really thinks I’m just a tomboy, living in the boys’ dorms and dressing like a guy and acting like one. God is he clueless—and make my way to him dorm.
He answers the door shirtless and scans me up and down, a cute little smirk on his face. I see Mark and Leighton in the corner of the room, playing some board game, and they both give me a thumbs up. I smile and exhale. I can do this.
“Hey, Chad, can we talk?”
“Uh-oh, that sounds scary.” He laughs.
“No, not scary. Just important. Let’s go inside.”
We sit on the bed and I feel a rock settle in my stomach. This is Chad, I think. He loves me. He won’t react badly. I mean, it’s 2008, the world is a little more accepting now.
“What’s up Hayley?”
“Actually,” I gulp. I watch as Mark and Leighton discreetly leave the room. I wish they wouldn’t go. “My name is Henry.”
“What? Like a dude?” He laughs a bit. “C’mon, Hayley, that’s d*key.”
“No, it’s not. Because I’m not a girl, Chad. The guys already know and—“
“And they didn’t tell me?” Chad yells and stands up. “This all makes sense now. You’re a fucking tranny. God am I a dumbass. Get the fuck out of my room.”
“Chad, babe—“ I stand, but he slaps me and I fall to the bed.
“You know you’re just a confused little girl right? I never should have gotten mixed up with a freshman. I should’ve fucking known.” He grabs my arm and throws me towards the door. I land on my arm and hear a sickening crack. “Get the fuck out.”
“Out!” Chad barrels towards me, but before he reaches me, I shoot up in bed, heaving and sweating, tears running down my face.
This is why I don’t sleep.
I check the time—4:52—and figure I can go to the coffee shop. They open in 8 minutes anyways. Emma should be working. It���ll be nice to see her.
It’s strange. I never have nightmares about the Apotheosis or the accident or familial deaths. It’s always about Chad. Sometimes he inches his way into my mind, so slowly that I barely notice, and before I know it, I’m missing him. No, not him, I’m missing the feeling of happiness he gave me. The happiness was always fleeting though, especially as he would always say things that put me down. Made me feel like shit.
I try not to think about him now.
When I get to Beanie’s, it’s 5:12 and I’m shaking like a small, annoying dog. I probably look manic, and honestly I feel as if I am. I’m just glad I’m not dreaming anymore, or maybe I am, because my nightmare felt terribly real.
I order quickly from Emma, but she notices something is wrong. She grabs my hand and calls me Henry—she knows it grounds me—and I try to meet her eyes but I can’t.
“I couldn’t sleep, Emma. I tried to sleep, but I couldn’t. I’ll see you in class,” I try to turn around but her grip on my hand is tight.
“Henry. Stay here. I know you don’t have class until 10. I’ll be here. Just sit on your laptop and try to calm down. Coffee’s on the house today.” I open my mouth to protest but she beats me to it. “No ifs, ands, or buts.”
“Fine,” I grumble. That’s something I like about myself. My voice. Like velvetine, Ted once told me.
“Henry?” Speak of the devil. “I haven’t seen you since—“
“The Apotheosis?” I deadpan. Ted takes a seat across from me, and as much as I hate to admit it, he calms me down. He’s not like Chad. Not at all. Chad was sweet and sour and transphobic. Ted is an asshole with a secret soft side, a sex addiction, and an open mind.
“I’ve missed you,” he says honestly.
“You could have visited.”
“Well, I just, yknow—“
“Was over it?” I say bitterly.
Ted kind of left me high and dry. Once we were saved, we had to move out of Hatchetfield until it was clear. Most of us moved back, save Bill and his family. Charlotte moved too, to god knows where. Emma is finishing up college here, and then she and Paul are starting a pot farm in Colorado. I’m proud of her.
After we moved back, Ted just kind of dropped me. And I still don’t know why. Sure, we were never “official”—it always felt childish to label our relationship seeing as we were both middle aged men—but we sure as hell weren’t just a fling. Or maybe we were, and I was getting mixed signals. I never got over it, I just tried to forget it. I never go where he tends to go, and I never want to sleep in my old room because the sheets still smell like him.
Another reason I can’t sleep much.
“No, no no no no, I just—I-I don’t know.” Ted doesn’t stutter. “I don’t know, Henry. I was—“
“Why are you here so early? I always come here around this time to—“ avoid you. “—get a head start and you’re never here.”
“Couldn’t sleep.”
“Me either.”
It’s quiet for a moment.
“I’m sorry.” He’s earnest.
“Okay.” I’m not.
Ted’s gaze holds mine for awhile before I have to look away. I know I’m blushing because he’s smirking to himself thinking that he’s still got me wrapped around his finger. And he does. It’s bullshit. Maybe it’s because I’m so isolated and I’m just clinging to him out of touch deprivation and loneliness, but part of me feels like I would be clinging to him regardless. I’m not clingy, either.
“I was scared, okay?” He sighs. I don’t say anything, prompting him to continue. Scared of what, dumbass? I’m a walking fortress of safety. “Weirdly enough I didn’t want to lose you, so I pushed you away. I was afraid what we had was a heat of the moment thing. Like, we’re going to die! Might as well hook up with this dude. I’ve since realized how idiotic I am. But I never said anything because... you’re kind of hard to track down, yknow? And I thought showing up to your house would be too much and calling or texting would be too little, so...” he huffs. “Here we are. By chance.”
I’m not sure what he wants me to say. I’m angry at him for pulling a me and isolating himself, but I also empathize because I understand where he’s coming from. What a dumbass, though, honestly. I clung to him like a fucking koala every night and he didn’t realize how much I liked him.
“I thought the cuddling and forehead kisses kind of made it obvious it was more than a Doomsday Hookup to me,” I mumble.
“Oh.” He smiles a bit. “I’m glad—I’m glad you—I—shit. Do you wanna come over? Not to fuck, I just... I miss holding you,” he says quietly. “I really miss you Henry.”
I grab his hand. “Don’t run away again.”
“I won’t.”
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Around the Block (Glass Believer Fic)
A/N: So @findingtallahassee has written me a lot of prompts in the past and I wanted to write something for one of her OTPs. So here’s a short Glass Believer Hyperion Heights AU I thought of awhile ago where Henry is Jacinda’s Swift driver and she needs him to drive her around the block to calm her newborn. @trueloveismagic might be interested too.
It was getting late when Henry dropped off his latest Swift customer. As he watched the tipsy couple stumble out of his backseat he silently debated whether or not he should call it a night. It was 3am and the late-night crowd was waning but so was his bank account the last time he checked. Pulling, away from the curb he decided that it was time to head home. He’d clock in early tomorrow to make up his losses but for tonight he was done.
He barely driven a block when he got another ping on his Swift app. Groaning, he reluctantly took a look.
A new fare, less than two blocks away and he was the only one in a 10-minute radius. Twisting his lips indecisively, he wondered if it would be worth it to cart another drunk frat boy back to his apartment for the night. After a moment of hesitation he decided to accept. Rent was due soon, anyway.
He drove to address praying to god that whoever got in his backseat wasn’t the chatty type. It was far too late to pretend as if he was interested in anything other sleep this night.
His eyes widened when he pulled up to the curb and saw a woman dressed in blue plaid pajamas waiting on the street. Her lopsided ponytail swung back and forth as she jostled the car seat under her arm, attempting to stifle the long winded yawn he saw fly from her mouth. Before he even rolled down the window he could hear the unmistakable cry of an infant reach his ears.
“My name’s Henry,” he said, uncertainly. “I’m your Swift driver.”
“Oh thank god,” she sighed, reaching for the door handle.
Henry watched, his eyebrows knit together curiously, as she shoved the car seat with her wailing baby in the back before climbing in the front seat and letting out a tired breath.
“So... where are you headed?” he asked, raising his voice over the sound of her baby.
She shrugged. “Nowhere in particular.”
“Excuse me?”
The woman vaguely, gestured toward the road. “Just... drive around the block a few times, please.”
A confused chuckle fell from the back of Henry’s throat, as he shook his head at her. “Yeah... that’s not how this works.”
The mother bowed her head, letting out a tired moan before turning to him with desperate brown eyes. “Listen Henry... do you see that precious ball of joy back there?”
He nodded.
“That is my two-month old daughter, Lucy,” she explained. “I named her that because she is the light of my life... but that screeching sound that she’s making right now? Well, it was the first thing I heard when she was born and the only thing I’ve heard since. I have been up since 6am yesterday, trying to get her to stop and failing miserably.”
“The only two breaks I’ve gotten,” she said, talking over him, “were on the cab ride home from the hospital and on the hour-long trip to visit my step sister. Apparently the only thing that soothes is the steady rumbling of a car engine so I... am... begging... you... please just take me around the block. Because I am about to lose my mind.”
Henry stared at her. On closer look he noticed the dark circles under her eyes and the spit up on her shoulder, both of them actually. All that combined with the wavering desperation in her voice as she begged him to drive her around the block painted a very visceral picture.
“Okay,” he acquiesced. “I will take around the block a few times. We’ll see how it goes.”
She shut her eyes gratefully. “Thank you. I will give you the best tip of your life, I promise.”
He doubted it, but as he pulled away from the curb with a crying infant and an exhausted mother as his passengers he couldn’t help but feel as though he’d been right to take the fare.
To her credit, the woman was right. They’d barely gone around the block once before Lucy began to settle. By their third time around, she’d gone completely silent and he was sure that she was sound asleep. He gave her two more laps to be sure, and pulled up to their building on the fifth, keeping an eye on her through the rear view mirror.
“Well, I’ll admit that worked better than I expected,” he said, cheerfully putting the car in park. “Think she’ll stay asleep for long?”
Realizing that he was getting only snores in response, his eyes whipped toward his passenger seat, where he saw Lucy’s mother out cold with her head against the window.
“Oh..no, no,” he said, gently shaking her shoulder. “Hey, wake up.”
Double checking her reservation, he starting calling out to her by name. “Jacinda... Jacinda it’s time to wake up.”
For all his efforts, Jacinda remained dead to the world and Henry dropped his head to the steering wheel and groaned. God, this was the night that would never end.
As if things couldn’t get any worse, the cackling beginnings of a cry began to rise from the back seat. Lifting his head from the steering wheel he looked back, worried, as Lucy started to cry again. Jacinda stirred in the front seat and though he knew it was probably the quickest way to get her out of his car, a part of Henry hesitated to let Jacinda wake up to a crying baby.
“Damn it,” he muttered under his breath.
Rolling, his eyes he climbed into the backseat, placing a hand on Lucy’s stomach as she started to squirm. “Hey don’t cry,” he pleaded, in his calmest voice.
Lucy’s face turned red, as she outright ignored him and started to wail once again.
Henry grit his teeth, unsure of what to do next. He wondered if he should take her out of the car seat. Jacinda probably wouldn’t be too fond of that idea.
Lucy let out another wail and Henry reached for her seat belt buckle. Screw it. Maybe he was just tired but if her mother had the audacity to slip into a coma in his front seat, he should be able to comfort the baby anyway he saw fit.
Cradling her in arms, he tried to bounce Lucy to calm her down. It was ineffective. She squirmed and cried in his arms as he tried to remember what his mother had done when he was a baby. She said he used to read to him and tell him stories. Unfortunately, there was only one that he could think of at the moment.
“Okay Lucy,” he muttered. “The publishers didn’t like this one but maybe you will.”
He started telling her the warped fairy tale he’d been working on the past few years. One filled with redemption and curses, old feuds and two battling mothers. He whispered to her stories of a cursed town filled with miserable characters who had no idea who they were and the young boy who worked to save them. It was a long, twisted, confusing tale (according to the publishers) but Lucy seemed to enjoy it. Listening to him speak, her cries softened and eventually went silent. Her eyes didn’t shut but instead remained focused on him. He’d never had such an attentive audience.
Telling stories to her he didn’t even notice how much time slipped by.
Sleep and rest. Jacinda had long forgotten what they felt like. Every since her daughter was born it’d been a 20 minute nap there and 10 minute break here. She hadn’t truly rested in weeks.
Perhaps that’s why she slept so soundly in Henry’s car. If she’d known it would be the last proper sleep she’d get for the next few weeks, maybe she would’ve felt less guilty but as it was she’d count falling asleep in her Swift driver’s car and leaving her baby to the whims of a stranger as one of her lowest parenting moments.
When she woke up, the first thing she noticed was how rested she’d felt. Her bones no longer ached and her head no longer felt heavy with sleep deprivation. For the first time in weeks her mind was clear was as the sky. That’s probably how the panic moved in so quickly.
Squinting, against the glare from the windshield, she noticed that the sun had started to rise and illuminate the street.
Wait... the street?
She abruptly sat forward in her seat and was jerked back by the seat belt across her chest. What hell? Her head whipped around, as she took in her surroundings. Was she in somebody’s... car?
“Don’t panic.”
She whipped her eyes to the back seat where she saw Henry sitting with her daughter in his arms.
“You’re safe,” he said.
One look at him, and everything came back. He was the Swift driver she’d ordered.
“What the hell are you doing?” she hissed, frightened. “Why do you have my baby?”
“Because I figured leaving her alone in the car would be reckless endangerment,” he deadpanned. “You fell asleep.”
“I realize that,” she said, embarrassment rising in her cheeks as she glared at him. “Why didn’t you wake me?”
“I tried,” he laughed. “After the first ten minutes I thought you were legally dead. You were out cold.”
“Oh my god,” she whispered, shutting her eyes and running her hand over her head. Did she really just fall asleep in a stranger’s car with her infant daughter? “Lucy...”
“Is fine,” said Henry. “We’ve really gotten to know each other these past two hours.”
Two hours? “Oh my god!” She jerked away her seatbelt and rushed out of the car. Opening the door to the backseat she held out her arms for her daughter. “Give her to me!”
Henry immediately passed over the baby, and Jacinda sobbed with relief, pulling her close. “Oh my god, baby I am so sorry.”
She looked her over, relieved that her daughter seemed no worse for wear. In fact, she seemed calmer than ever. Not a hint of tears in her eyes.
Henry climbed out of the backseat, pulling Lucy’s car seat with him. He looked her up and down. “I take it you don’t have much help.”
She looked at him, confused. “What?”
“No offense... but you slept like someone who’s doing it all on their own.”
She hesitated, before reluctantly nodding. “It’s just me. I have a roommate who helps as much as she can but she’s visiting her mom this week.”
Henry nodded understandingly, passing her the car seat. “Sounds rough.”
She kept herself from agreeing. She made a promise to herself when Lucy was born to never speak of her as if she was burden. Growing up that was all she’d heard from her stepmother and she didn’t want her daughter to feel the way she had. Instead she just nodded.
“It’s worth it,” she said, looking down at her daughter. “Every minute.”
“I bet,” he mumbled, dropping his gaze. “Listen if you ever need another ride around the block, call me.” He passed her a drab business card. “Hyperion Heights is kind of my territory.”
She let out a small awkward laugh as she took it from him. Henry Mills, FICTION WRITER.
“Fiction writer?” she noticed. “Anything I would know about?”
Henry shrugged his shoulders, opening the door to the driver’s seat. “Ask Lucy. She’s heard all my stories.”
They said goodbye with a nod and a small wave, Henry watching the two of them through his rearview mirror as he drove away, the picture of them sticking in his mind all the way home. After a quick shower, he’d collapse in bed wondering in she’d ever call him again.
When he woke up he’d check his Swift App to find the best tip of his life and a five star rating.
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Admin X Reader: Uninvited Guest
The light reflecting from your computer screen shone obnoxiously as you scrutinized the screen, your eyes struggling to keep a consistent focus on the words that danced across your view as your fingers tampered with the keyboard, fumbling every once in awhile every time you made an error however you were always quick to correct your mistake before going right back to work.
You’d lost count of how long you’d been working for, the original time you’d set yourself dissolving into the late hours of the night and yet here you still were, working tirelessly in an attempt to get ahead on all of your work so you wouldn’t have to worry about it for the upcoming weeks; you were already beginning to regret your decision though - your eyes felt heavy and your hands ached and twinged occasionally as if your body was trying to convince you to step away from your task, and yet even so you were far too stubborn to call it a night now, not when you were so close to finally completing your work, you were set on finishing it even if you had to work into the early morning to get it done. With that being said however that didn’t mean you weren’t tempted to take a break and with the minutes growing more and more tedious you found your attention wavering, your gaze flickering to things just out of your field of vision in an attempt to regather your bearings.
This only lasted for a few more gruelling minutes before you couldn’t take it anymore and your head shot back to the screen, casting your work one last sour look before you finally relented; with a groan you shook your head and ran your hands through your hair, trying to fix the dishevelled locks as you pushed the chair away from your desk and stood up, feeling your muscles ache in resistance from the lack of movement as you trudged over to the doorway and slipped into the bathroom. You didn’t bother to turn the light on knowing the room like the back of your hand and you found yourself stood before the sink in mere moments as your hand reached out to grab the plastic cup on the side, bringing it down the the tap as you turned on the faucet. The water gurgled as it filled the cup, sloshing and swirling hypnotically and the sound proved a comforting respite after god knows how long of furious key tapping, however it didn’t last long as you soon turned the faucet back off before it overflowed and brought the cup up to your lips.
You downed it in one swift movement, sighing satisfied as you slammed it back down onto the sink’s edge with a huff and stretched, feeling your joints pop in an attempt to relieve the wound-up pressure building up in your shoulders as your posture went lax in reaction; whilst it was only a brief comfort it was very much welcome, however the comfort soon vanished as your gaze shifted from the bathroom counter to the mirror above it. Even with the lights off you could still make out your appearance in the reflection and boy had you seen better days - your hair was untamable and your face clearly showed signs of sleep (or lack thereof) only further heightened by your unamused glare topping off the look. You stared for a little longer than you would’ve liked (a few seconds far too long), noting your tiredness and regarding it with a sour pout as you contemplated staying where you were for the time being or forcing yourself to get back to work, however it seemed that the decision was made for you as you heard the sound of movement from beyond the bathroom door.
It was brief, lasting no longer than a few seconds but even in your current state you managed to catch it and you immediately perked up, attention snapping over to the door leading into your bedroom as you felt apprehension beginning to well up in your chest. There was nothing there that could have naturally caused that noise not even if something had accidentally fallen over and that fact alone made you alert and on edge, your entire posture growing tense as your mind immediately scanned the room around you for some form of weapon.
Perhaps it was the lack of sleep or maybe it was simply a blank moment, but in a split second decision you snatched the cup back off of the counter and pulled away from it, slinking back over to the bathroom door with apprehension beginning to build the closer you got to the doorway and you had to admit you felt somewhat nervous thinking what was beyond the door. You were thinking that perhaps something had maybe knocked over, there was a lot of junk in your room anyways so maybe your sleep-deprived imagination making a huge deal out of everything? Even trying to rationalize the source of the noise you still wanted to check to be sure - better safe than sorry, you reasoned.
With your eyes somewhat accustomed to the darkness you slowly scanned the room, gaze sweeping across the floor expecting to find some kind of item on the floor - maybe a poster that had fallen off of the wall or your phone rolling off of the bed - however everything didn’t seem out of place in a way, or at least not in a way that seemed indicative to toppling over and you paused. You scanned the room once again, this time your attention drawing back to your computer screen still buzzing with life as the computer’s fan whirring filled in the silence.
But something was off.
Squinting you strode back over to the computer desk, glaring into the screen with an almost disbelieving expression flashing across your features. There was a new tab open, a program you distinctly remember having closed long before you’d even started your work and you felt yourself tense as your eyes read the blocky words decorating the majority of the screen.
‘Turn Around~’
As soon as the words registered there was movement behind you and you felt your blood turn cold as you felt the unmistakable sensation of someone looming behind you, waiting for you to just turn around; you didn’t want to move at first, wanting to pretend that there wasn’t some demented ominous presence behind you but your body was moving of its own accord before you could stop yourself, slowly turning around to come face to face with the dark looming figure.
The only thing you could make out were a pair of bright glowing eyes, with blood red sclera only enhancing the luminescent gleaming golden eyes peering down at you with such intensity just waiting for you to crack; and when you remained unmoved the intruder’s expression cracked into a smile, with a slow, wide grin painting across their features as they bore down into your wide eyes before finally opening their mouth to speak.
With a cry of surprise you watched those bright yellow orbs disappear as the intruder brought their hands to clutch their face, stumbling backwards in shock as the cup hit its mark square in their face and while you felt proud that you were able to catch them you set it aside in favor of darting for the light switch, flicking it on without a second to hesitate. You hissed as the light filled the bedroom, shielding your eyes with your arm until they were accustomed to the sudden light flooding the room before swivelling around to confront the sudden intruder.
Only to pause.
….You’ve got to be kidding.
“...Why am I not surprised” You watched those vibrant golden irises squint as the figure tried to shake off the shock of the sudden action, bringing a hand up to sourly rub the area where the cup had hit as your previously tense shoulders relaxed.
Frowning, your hand slipped away from the light switch as your full attention turned to the person in question, crossing your arms as you glared. “What the hell are you doing here Admin?” you growled, watching him regain his composure as he straightened up, pulling his hand away to check for any noteworthy damage (of which there was none of course) and turning to you.
“I have to admit (Y/N), you certainly have a funny way of greeting people” he teased, that signature smug grin re-emerging as he placed his hands on his hips, tapping his foot in a mocking manner as he took in the state of your room now that the lights were illuminating everything.
After a moment you scowled hearing him click his tongue clearly prepared to pick apart of the state of your room and seconds later that theory was proven correct. “You really need to pick up the slack with your room - you’d be surprised how fast this junk can pile up and ruin the place - what would your guests think?” at this you growled; sure this place wasn’t the most tidiest and you’d been lacking in the upkeep department since your latest work, but you didn’t take kindly to the subtle jab at your stuff.
“Answer my question - why are you here?” You pressed, choosing to ignore his comment as his brought a hand to his heart in surprise shock.
“(Y/N), is that really a way to greet your friends~?”
“You aren’t my friend” you retorted quickly, jabbing an accusing finger in his direction before sighing a rolling your eyes, bringing a hand up to rub your temples.
You were getting worked up again - keep calm, just keep calm; so long as you didn’t say anything to spark a snide response you’d be fine. “Okay, okay I’m not going to argue before you start; if you’re going to stick around at least sit down and try not to bother me-” seeing as he wasn’t budging you sighed once more. “-please”
“Well, since you asked so nicely” Admin slipped past you, making a Beeline for your bed and settling himself against the wall as he made himself comfortable, taking time to kick away the covers off of the bed as if to annoy you further.
You bit back a remark and instead turned your sights back to your computer, making your way back over to it and slipping back into the seat and whilst it wasn’t the most comfortable position after being glued to it for hours merely moments ago you wanted to focus back onto your work even if you now had a certain pest to deal with. As you shut down the tab he’d opened you brought your work back up, your brain beginning to wander away from the words already written already as your mind settled into a work-and-wonder state that it had been in previously as you began to think.
You couldn’t say you were truly surprised at his sudden appearance,by this point you’d grown so used to him suddenly appearing out of nowhere that you openly expected it at this point; sure he usually only came to bug you during the mornings but the nights weren’t much of a reach for him, it seemed as though he could come and go as he pleased, when he wanted wherever he wanted.
You don’t know when Admin (if that was even his real name; it probably wasn’t but you couldn’t find it in yourself to care enough to pry) started showing up - it seemed like one moment you were on your own like everyone else, just going along with your daily routine, and the next he was just right there; it was bizarre not being alone anymore, and the company wasn’t anything like what you’d wanted it to be either - the Admin was vain, confident and had a god-complex to boot and it always seemed as though he had some kind of personal goal to prove as much as an inconvenience as he could.
He’d make an effort to show up at the most unusual of times, seemingly only appearing to bug you some more to spin tales of some place where he controlled everything, of the people and things there which bored him to no end and while he said it had nothing to do with his sudden appearance you were pretty sure that because things were so apparently ‘mundane’ there that it was the reason you were stuck with him. It was irksome at the very least to have some ‘superior being’ (as he often called himself be it joking or not)
Fortunately he was at least decent enough not to speak too much as you worked now, remaining silent for the most part as your fingers worked tirelessly against the keyboard, the incessant tapping noise permeating the quiet in the room. You actually felt like you were getting somewhere even if the fatigue was beginning to get to you and you were determined to get this finished by the end of the night even if you had to go through hell and back to do it.
Unfortunately for you someone else seemed to have other plans.
In the blink of an eye you suddenly found yourself staring at your computer from the other side of the room, your chair having been dragged right into line with your bed and your head snapped to glare at Admin, who regarded you with a sleazy smile as he reclined leisurely against the bedroom wall from his position on your bed.
“Can I help you?” you asked, unamusement clear in your voice waiting for a retort.
“I’m bored” was the only answer you got, not really making matters any easier as you stared at him, glowering back at the bright golden eyes bearing back at you.
You didn’t respond to him at first, merely casting him a sour look as he waited for you to reply, expression expectant waiting for you to make some kind of witty response or remark like you always did, only this time you were too tired oblige him with an insult, instead your tired eyes merely narrowed. “And why should I care about that? I mean you can turn on the TV if you want or something...I don’t...really know what you want from me here...”
Your words trailed off as Admin’s expression dropped from amused to serious and he moved away from his reclined position, leaning forward as he stared into your eyes. This was weird, you felt like he was looking right into your soul and you didn’t know whether to feel uncomfortable or confused as he merely stared at you without a single word; eventually though the silence was too much to bear and you spoke up. “Ooookay that’s, uh, that’s getting a bit creepy there buddy; what...uh, why are you looking at me like that, is it something on my face or-”
“Your eyes”
“My what?” you asked, confusion washing over you at the sudden statement wondering if you’d heard him right.
“Your eyes - they look terrible”
At his response you huffed, rolling your eyes with a frown. Of course he’d say something like that - what the hell were you expecting?
“Gee thanks, these bags are gucci I’m glad you noticed” you retorted with a sarcastic snort, gesturing to the bags under your eyes before leaning back against your chair crossing your arms.
He clearly didn’t get what you meant by your sarcastic comment but you couldn’t be bothered to explain it to him, instead attempting to shuffle your seat back to your desk with your feet only to be dragged right back into place.
“You’re exhausted” Admin stated matter of factly, as if you didn’t already know it yourself (after all one person can only have so many energy induced all nighters before they realize they severely messed up with the plan) and you grumbled in response.
“Yeah no shit Sherlock”
You groaned, pinching the bridge of your nose. “Okay I definitely have a lot of stuff to teach you someday but that’s gonna have to wait till later” you sighed, once again starting to glide your chair back over to your desk. “But of course that’s going to be another time - now if you don’t mind me I’ll be getting back to my work right about-”
You found yourself cut off as your chair was once again dragged back, this time hard enough to have your back pressed flush against the chair as it stopped and you threw your hands into the air. “Okay seriously what the fuck is your problem?! Yes I’m tired, yes I’m regretting staying up and YES, I know I look like shit! - but I want to get this done  so then I can sleep for the next century and pretend like this never even happened so LET. ME. DO IT” you punctuated your last few words with an aggressive shove of your chair, only to growl as it refused to budge in the slightest this time.
After a few more attempts you gave up and lounged back into your chair, knowing that if you just walked back over it would end up with the exact same effect, huffing and grumbling like a child as Admin spoke up again, this time moving so that he was no right onto the edge of your bed.
“Staying up like this isn’t good for you - I might not be the most welcome person to take opinions from-”
“You’ve got that right” you huffed.
“- but you’ll get sick if you don’t sleep…” he paused before adding as an afterthought. “-plus you’re cranky and rude when you’re tired and that’s no fun for me at all”
“Well gee don’t I just feel so much better” you grumbled, sinking down into your chair as much as you could with a pout.
You hated to admit it but he was right, as annoying, arrogant and silly as he was he had a point - your eyes felt like lead and your body sluggish, working overtime just to keep your limbs functioning at a fraction of what they had to be and by this point hearing someone actually tell you that you needed sleep seemed to be the straw your body needed to start going limp and lax desperate for sleep. Glaring at him from glazed eyes you refused to relent but seeing those golden eyes bearing into yours with surety made you waver, patience faltering until you finally sighed, bringing a hand to drag across your face.
“Fuck I hate when you’re right”
That wolfish grin was back at your words as he clapped his hands together. “Now that’s what I like to hear! Glad we’re finally agreeing on something!” he rose up off of your bed, stepping aside and as he stood you felt the chair shift, causing you to smile pleased that you were able to move it once again.
You rolled your chair back over to your desk, casting Admin a look over your shoulder before sighing and saving your work, turning off the computer seconds later and making your way back over to your bed. It was somewhat awkward having him watching you as you dove under the covers and you made an effort not to look at him as you burrowed into the bed, pausing as the smell of cinnamon filled your senses from the blankets. “Ugh you’ve made the sheets reek of you” you groaned, watching a frown flash across his features before he was right back to normal, rolling his eyes with a smirk watching your eyes flutter to a close as your head came to rest upon the pillow.
“....You’re...not going to stand there all night right?” you asked, eyes fluttering open watching him jolt as though he’d only just realized he was still there but passed it off with a carefree huff.
“Well, since you asked so nicely I guess I should be going; there are far more important things to be doing with my time”
“Like bugging some other poor soul I suppose?” That earned a chuckle from the Admin as he grinned.
“Of course - although I doubt it will be any real fun” he admitted and you laughed at that, bringing the covers up to immerse yourself in the warmth as your eyes grew heavy.
“Goodnight, Admin” you mumbled, catching an indescribable expression wash over his face before he finally responded.
“Goodnight, (Y/N)”
And with that he was gone.
Sighing your body finally slumped now that you were alone, finding yourself relaxing as you let yourself come to rest, eyes coming to a close as you felt sleep gradually beginning to claim you. That silence only lasted so long before a familiar voice once again break the silence.
“Oh one more thing” The moment the voice echoed around the room you jolted up, staring at the place where your computer had once been with a shocked gasp.
“I’ll be taking this until the morning - to make sure you don’t get any more funny ideas tonight~!”
“You bastard! You better bring it back in one piece!” you yelled, the only response you received being an echoing bark of a laugh as you grumbled and buried yourself under the covers once more, finding yourself smiling despite your frustration at the bizarre way that this night had suddenly appeared to have taken, feeling your mind beginning to fog with the threat of sleep as you tried to finally succumb to it.
The scent of cinnamon was what immersed you as you were finally lulled into the throes of sleep.
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