#being a adult is dumb
purble-turble · 6 months
What happened to your comics?
Hey anon, all my comics are still up here on my Tumblr. My masterpost has specific links to the tags, but they're all also under my Purbs Art tag.
If you mean why haven't I updated them, well..
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drawing is hard and I am bad at making any time for it haha that's all
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furiousgoldfish · 1 month
I'm noticing that adults are often very offended when they see a child who has something they themselves didn't have in their childhood. I've had someone randomly start ranting about how their own grandchildren have 'too much toys', and how they don't appreciate any of it. They went on to explain how they, as a child, only had one toy, and they had to play with that one alone. They're also upset that children can now use phones, which also wasn't an option in their own childhood.
This is concerning to me, because while busy noticing all the things that children have, which are toys and phones, people don't tend to notice the things we had that are no longer available to the new generations. Planet free of pollution, free of climate change, adults got to experience that. Economy that isn't in this bad of a state, availability of jobs, education being worth something, financial safety, probability of owning a home. All of this has critically declined and turned into unstable, unreliable and difficult to manage situation for children, to the point where there's no clear path to a safe future anymore, for anyone. Current children have to invent jobs and find a way to produce a safe future without relying on an existing path, something that was available for most of the population in the past.
And the availability of phones and toys is not necessarily a luxury; back then nobody had a phone, or a mountain of toys, so it would be unusual and privileged for just one child to have it. But when everyone has that, it would be unusual and almost humiliating not to have it. The prices of these had reduced, they're more available and easy to get. The phones connected to the internet will ensure that the child will be exposed to a lot of information every day, and they'll have to find a way to deal with all that, it can become overwhelming and damage their attention span and emotional stability, if they're constantly exposed to distressing or disturbing information, which often finds its way to kids.
What will it mean for their life, if they had toys and phones as kids, but later on, they don't have a safe job? They can't hope to have a home of their own? They are not at freedom to financially plan their futures, their families, they have to depend on their own parents or relatives to get by? What will it feel like when they can't count on the climate and safe and reliable food sources? What when they're suffocated by the financial demands of just staying alive and fed? What if they don't have anyone to help financially? What if they're rendered mentally ill by the stress and perils happening in the world, all of it so close to them via constant overload of pain and suffering?
Having toys and phones is nothing compared to having an experience of a safe, stable, predictable life, on a planet with a normal, stable climate. We failed to secure this to our children. We have no business being jealous that they now have a phone.
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movedtodykedvonte · 1 year
I think it’s be funny to have a Spider-Man that is genuinely just a kid, not like a teenager or a kid who understands the gravity of his abilities but a kid who does heroics simply because that’s cool to a kid.
The gimmick is that the villains think it’s a gimmick and Spider-Man(?) fucks with them by acting like a kid to make ‘em feel bad or embarrass them only for them to realize he’s a literal child due to a forced team up where they like offer him a brewski afterwards and he’s legitimately like “Mr I am 9 years old, I just do this cause my aunt can’t take me to the park every afternoon.” And they grill him on adult things and he sits there just blanking cause he’s fucking 9.
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puppyeared · 15 days
mannn why dont they make picture books for adults. i think id be more eager to learn if it felt like someone was trying to make it fun for me
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gamerwoo · 7 months
really sucks when you realize you and a friend have just kind of grown up as two different people and don’t mesh together like you used to and like you have so much history you don’t wanna let go of but you’re absolutely miserable in the friendship
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delightful-69 · 2 months
I'm too stupid for any of this
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tivajunkie · 4 months
How am I supposed to be an adult today when there’s so much new Tiva content (and possible teases for future Tiva??) on my dash???
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shivasdarknight · 9 months
one of the things that gets me about fanon lens - especially when you entrench yourself so much in a fan version of a character - is how a character can just slowly be stripped of what they are and who they are because of the self referential nature of fanworks (which isn't inherently bad, don't misunderstand; neglected characters can have new life breathed into them)
which is a long way of getting to: where did people get the idea that estinien's not one to talk, or is bad at effectively talking? I don't mean selectively mute hcs, i mean just very curt. like he's not as flowery as many of the scions or even compared to aymeric, but he's still dramatic and talks a lot. he's precise when he needs to be and extremely blunt, but just because of that doesn't mean he won't ramble
like his whole tangent about where he is today because of the wol right before the Dead Ends in Ultima Thule. his chattiness seems to fluctuate with how comfortable he is with someone, so i'm not really sure where "estinien's bad with words" came from?
he's no politician, but he's good at saying what needs to be said and saying it in a way that matters. yes, there is the whole aymeric thing but avoiding a difficult conversation rooted in guilt isn't the same as being bad at talking. he clearly knows how to get to people - especially to antagonize them into action (see: tiamat, azdaja) - so where did this come from?
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himbeaux-on-ice · 1 year
hot take, heavily penalizing teenagers for causing each other head injuries, even unintentionally, is good, actually, and the nhl could stand to take a page from the iihf book on the way that standard is upheld (for all ages).
“how are you gonna prepare them for the nhl if the rules are different?!” this is not an nhl run event. this is not the george parros department of player safety or the gary bettman league. this is not the ‘nhl prospect practice and preparation tournament’, this is the world junior hockey championship. it is its own entity unto itself and for its own ends, it is not just a stepping stone for your favourite budding superstars to gain prestige and fanfare before they move on to the only “big league” that north american hockey fans consider significant or meaningful. it plays a larger role in the development of not only players, but also of entire hockey training programs in countries where hockey, even men’s hockey, is an under-funded or less established sport.
not all of these kids are going to go on to be nhl players. ALL of them should get the chance to grow up to be adults who don’t have their quality of life degraded by lingering head injuries and cte.
miss me with your tough guy bullshit. good grief.
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sga-mcshep-4ever · 4 months
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"Major." "McKay? My radio's working." "Which is how I'm able to speak with you, yes. Do you have a second?" "Tell me you found the field generator." "I found the field generator. And obviously, the off switch. Better than that—-the device is powered by a zero-point module. It's definitely possible the EM field's been on-line for centuries. As far as I know, only a ZPM is capable of powering it that long. I've shut it down. Everything's working now." "So you've disabled the shield?" "Just temporarily. I need to get the ZPM back to Atlantis, see if it's worth taking." "We cannot just take it. It is their only source of protection against the Wraith."
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captainjonnitkessler · 3 months
I wrote out a long post about how exhausting it is to be online when everyone is so absolutely devoted to being negative about everything all the time. According to twitblr everything is the worst it's ever been, no victories have ever been achieved, and anyone who says otherwise or has any semblance of hope or joy in their lives is a naive idiot being manipulated by the vague yet menacing Ruling Class.
Then I didn't post it because I'm usually fine about receiving negative comments but I swear to fuck on this post in particular having someone try to dunk on me by telling me "actually everything IS the worst it's ever been and you're just a neoliberal cuck" WILL be the last fucking straw for me
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braindead-eli · 5 months
does anyone else feel like THEY should be the manager at their job and not the actual manager???? because i spent the last 4 hours of my life making sure everyone else was doing their jobs, doing the managers jobs, ensuring the store was closed correctly, AND somehow finding time to do the job i’m actually rostered for????
to conclude my rant, i should be riding someone’s face to destress. i should be fucked so hard i turn into a braindead, whimpering, whining puddle. i should be getting slapped and whipped and marked up so the endorphins can take away the anger.
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fanficmaniatic · 1 year
Okey… because I feel like every fic writer has a different idea and I lose it every time:
Zane’s age is more complicated and he Is probably like 100 years old at this point BUT, for the others, please explain your reasoning if you can… please?
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alchemypanda · 1 month
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Skye betrays Lucas a chosen path. Based on/inspired by the game mechanics of The Quarry.
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strawglicks · 10 months
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i dont know or care if this is fully accurate idc tbh i just had to make this real fast to spite this one post i saw that was basically this meme except it infantalized misty and flint by putting them in the bottom row so i had to fix it <3
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goldensunset · 3 months
what they don't tell you about having posts blow up is people will compete for the opportunity to be The One who adds something onto it in the hopes that it will become The Definitive Version of the post that goes around. this can range anywhere from pointless but harmless commentary to annoying garbage that's an active diversion from the point you were trying to make
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