#berserk gorilla
fyeahygocardart · 5 days
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RGB Rainbowlution
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mast3r-rainb0w · 1 year
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FLAMIN' MONK DK (Fire Donkey Kong) by Mast3r-Rainb0w
So Fire Donkey Kong is a thing now, thanks to the final Mario Movie trailer (via Nintendo Direct 3.9.2023). I wonder if it'll eventually be canon someday in the games.
So have some fanart on this new form. His pose here is a deep-cut reference. If you’re also a fan, trust me, you’ll get it right away. Enjoy!
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yugiohcardsdaily · 1 year
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Berserk Gorilla
"If this card is in face-up Defense Position on the field, destroy this card. The controller of this card must attack with this card if possible."
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kollectorsrus · 7 months
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toskarinfr · 1 month
what if Berserker had been replaced with a silverback gorilla? how would it have affected FSN?
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tricitymonsters · 3 months
Of all your monsters the Oni kazu is the scariest I think like not in any bad way.
Like in my eyes I understand everyone's powers and strength but akello is still a green blob that might be literally radioactive with the glow and all, something that might have escaped a lab somewhere.
Amir is a neon colored disco ball that if I stood next to long enough I would literally get a seizure, and in my head his monster form voice is kinda like radio static. His voice inside my head would just be an added bonus on the already there inside my head voices and anxiety.
Mori our Lovable fur ball is mostly just that a bipedal furry, with Napoleon complex and sharp teeth and nails like any else self respecting monster would.
They are all dangerous in their own specific ways That's the truth but if I saw them on the street I would maybe just give them a wide distance between us while walking past.
But kazu while going to be an oni is more human shaped even in his monster form hes just a bigger spikier, hangry humanoid. Which makes him scarier.
Like I respect the others and their interesting forms and powers but i respect kazu like I would respect a silver back gorilla in a jungle.
(love them all tho)
HES VERY SILVERBACK CODED! The other thing that I think makes Oni Kazu so scary is that he’s basically berserk, like he runs the risk of hurting people he cares about because he’s just so out of control when he turns. The other guys are at least more in control of themselves- Amir’s got the experience and Akello is methodical about testing himself- and while I omit details about Kazu’s deal for story reasons at this stage, he didn’t expect to turn into something so huge and pissed off, especially with it being outside of his control. Like… Kazu’s always been lethal, he’s a martial arts prodigy and has a ton of experience being a bodyguard and doing a lot of underhanded dirty work but being lethal and not being in control is a new Scary for him and anyone who’s close to him. For sure of all the demon forms so far, I think Kazu’s is pretty cool looking and the “rules” of it are fun but it might be the most burdensome.
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bunjywunjy · 2 years
Say you were in a windowless room with all four: a rhino, a komodo dragon, a leopard, and a gorilla. What do you think would happen?
the rhino goes berserk and kills everything in the room, including you
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totentnz · 3 months
V, #14 😈
Dark OC Asks
14. What is your OC's "villain song"?
now there is at least two answers for this, i have many many thoughts on the topics and i hope i can get em all out lmao
i LOVE a good joker arc, some defining moment in a characters life that just breaks or changes them in some way, this doesn't fully happen for v but she stands on the precipice plenty of times.
namely the vdb debacle and when she gains control of the blackwall via songbird. (there might be more but it's been a minute since i properly played)
now what do these two instances have in common? netrunning/ hacking. this song (and others like it) always get me thinking about v getting lost in the power she holds with her quickhacks.
a cyberdeck wasn't even her first choice, she wanted berserk in combination with gorilla arms but viktor refuses to install them for her. she could go to a different ripper to get them obviously but he's the only doc she trusts and who won't rat her out to the authorities for having cracked soft. (this explanation is a bit underbaked i will admit) she also knows he's lowkey right, she cannot be trusted with that kind of chrome.
now one could argue that being able to kill people via command does more damage than a pissed off ape but maybe she can control herself better than vik gives her credit for. or maybe he's not too familiar with netrunning/ hacking.
there is also the aspect of v knowing exactly what happens when she uses a hack, she wrote the code herself. (i'm not saying she invented them but they are her own versions, either written from scratch or modified some way)
my favourite example for this is the suicide quickhack: v takes control of the target for a few moments, she has to raise the gun, she has to pull the trigger, she has to leave the person's consciousness before they die but not too early or they will flinch away at the last moment. she doesn't die if she stays too long but the repercussions can be dire anyway: she passes out, there is psychological damage etc. if the target is right and she executes it well it can be pretty fun though, sort of like playing russian roulette but without dying.
but to get back on topic: i LOVE the mental image of her just standing in the middle of a bunch of enemies, activating overclock to wreak havoc on them AND herself.
i also enjoy copy-paste - she makes herself an easy target for another runner just to pull this out of her sleeve and fuck them over so much more, she simply IS better.
this mindset is also reflected in her aversion to chrome, she doesn't need it or rather she doesn't want it. she is better than them, she is built different. now that is simply not true, she can tell herself that lie as often as she likes but she needs cyberware to keep up. (i actually have a background story for this, maybe i will even write it one day)
so she slowly begins to betray herself: she replaces her glass eye with kiroshis, she installs extra ram, she gets the reinforced tendons. these changes come slowly and her body is still mostly ganic by the end of the game but in quiet moments she hates herself for caving in and for enjoying it.
ultimately: power corrupts, nobody is immune to that.
any otep song tbh, since it's the band i chose to use for rotten (her band) and v turns into the worst version of herself when she's on stage. it's one of the reasons she decided to end the band in the first place, though everyone involved just thinks she was being asshole (they ain't wrong)
her whole band era was a double edged sword, on one hand she finally had a voice and was adored by some but at the same time she had never been more miserable. their songs are filled with her traumas and that puts her back into a powerless position, add the adrenaline of being on stage and you get a truly volatile concoction.
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alpaca-clouds · 9 months
About Anthropomorphizing
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We humans have super weird brains, don't we? Like, put two googly eyes on a rock and suddenly it seems to have a soul to us. We give it a character and feelings. Because our brains just got hardwired to do that. We just so hardwired to empathize with other people, that we do it all the time.
And of course each and every last one of my plushies has a unique character, why do you ask?
But when it comes to anthropomorphizing, there is also the other thing. When we see emotion in animals and people talk about the animals desire and sadness and how the grieve......... and then someone comes along and tell them: "Stop anthropomorphizing."
And that tends to be the moment, when I start twitching just a bit. Because... Folks, I am sorry, but it is not anthropomorphizing to assume that an animal has feelings. Because, sorry to break it to you: Humans are not a uniquely human thing. To take a very unromantic view of it: Feelings is just chemicals making brain go bzzz. Animals do have those same chemicals and also are, in fact, in the possession of brains.
It is this thing in science, where I usually tend to ram my head into walls in frustration, because some scientists will argue the strangest things to just maintain thise idea of humans as something different from animals. A thing that in itself is super unscientific.
You know when Koko, that poor gorilla that was kept away from her kind and taught sign language expressed to be grieving about her dead kitten. And people were like: "No, she is just signing what people want her to sign."
Or with the orcas going on a fishing boat hunting trip after one of them nearly drowned in a fishing net and folks are like: "They are just instinctually playing." Ignoring that... you know, in that case more orcas elsewhere would do it.
Or when that one circus elephant went berserk and attacked several humans, and people were: "No, the animal is not angry. It is just... uhm... disturbed."
And I am there sitting like: "Sorry, what?" Keep in mind, that all of those animals are known to have higher brain functions. They are not stupid by any means. And, yeah, it very much stands to reason that with higher brainfunction also comes a more complex behavioral coping with emotions. Which will include grieving - and will include at times revenge-seeking behavior.
I am not even going to argue that an animal is going to understand the concept of freedom. Because, really, a lot of humans struggle with that concept, given how many call America free....... but they do have emotions and the further developed their brain is, the more complex those emotions get.
Because humans are just animals. Animals that have evolved to have those super complex brains. But animals never the less. It stands thus to reason, that our experience is not that different from the experience of other animals with well developed brains.
It is not anthropomorphizing to understand and accept that.
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elfdragon12 · 4 months
Okay, so I think there may not be a better illustration of why I don't like Megatron's character arc in MTMTE than Dinobot in Beast Wars.
Megatron's just handed things without the audience really getting to see him put the work in. A good example of this is is how he decides being a racist towards organics is bad. In issue 43, he has a quiet realization that humans are "fragile, not weak". He hasn't had any interaction with real humans since returning to Cybertron and the Lost Light crew seems to be pretty dismissive of them (Rung is surprised humans have literature. Our heroes), so your guess is as good as mine as to how he figured this out. He takes a step back in issue 50 when he complains about Rodimus hiding the fact they were helping an organic race when he wanted to focus on mechanical races. However, in the next issue, he takes 50 steps forward and decides to be the stalwart defender of the comatose organics they found. Why? Here's the straight explanation:
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I mean, this sounds all thought out and having thousands of screams piped directly into your head would certainly be A Lot™️, but I guess he immediately came to the right conclusion because this incident only happened, like, a few hours beforehand and they've had to deal with a mutiny and a full horde of back-up DJD members. He's not had a whole lot of time to really process it. So I would love to know when he actually took the time to do that. But no, Megatron got his required development and we're moving on.
Also... I guess the right way to hear the screams of people you slaughtered is funneled directly into brain rather then as ambient noise as you kill them.
To contrast, Dinobot's arc in Beast Wars.
Dinobot joined the Maximals in the second episode, however, he wasn't really a Maximal. He still considered himself a proud warrior of Predacon tradition. He manipulated Cheetor and Terrorsaur, constantly butted heads with the other Maximals, and tried to become leader the two or three times it looked like Optimus Primal had died... However, as the episodes progressed, you can see him changing bit by bit. A key episode for this development being "Gorilla Warfare", when Primal gets infected by a virus and goes into berserk mode and Dinobot tries to think like Primal. He failed and better valued Primal's mindset. Although we did have this development, Dinobot still wasn't really a perfect Maximal. He still butted heads and did not believe deep down that he had a place with them, as we see in the season one finale two-parter.
Then the second season re-introduces the Golden Disks and Dinobot was thrown into personal emotional turmoil as he remembered his impending death now he knows they landed on Earth. After this point, Dinobot made a lot of decisions, some good and some bad. He rejoined the Decepticons for a little bit. The writers show they understood the famous Hamlet soliloquy and he gives his own version of it. His relationship with the other Maximals becomes more tenuous and his biggest critic, Rattrap, gives his deepest barb by the fact that he couldn't tell where Dinobot stood anymore. The time comes and Dinobot knew he could change the future... But could no longer do it as now he was a Maximal in every way that mattered. Despite the fact that he knew he wouldn't have back up, he charged in to save the proto-humans and preserve humanity's place in the future. In his dying moments, he asks to be judged truly by his actions, good and bad, and "the rest is silence".
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Dinobot's arc,rather than being a mostly straight line like Megatron's, has its ups and downs. Dinobot has struggles and, at times, feels isolated and confused. We see his friendships with Optimus and Rattrap develop, deepen, and be tested. Dinobot's lessons are earned and we see the steps along the way. Honestly, it's one of, if not the, best character arcs in the franchise.
Characters don't need to die in order to have an impactful character or redemption arc, but we do need to actually see them put the work in.
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thefirstknife · 1 year
Following up on the ask about the Titan supers, going for the fantasy expectation question specifically- Titans are, thematically, front-line tacticians. People throw around Spartan, Paladin, Soldier, titles like that. What bungie seems to see them as is a big gorilla, or the Hulk, and I feel that does a disservice to the actual characterization of the class. Even if it does different things in gameplay, debuffing for example, running around punching is creatively boring. I'd like a utility supe
The problem is, how do you translate "front-line tactician" into a playable ability? A tactician is someone who makes plans to execute a strategy. Titans are well known to be able to make plans, both ahead of time and on the go, as well as improvise in the heat of battle, but that is simply incredibly metaphysical to make first person shooter gameplay out of.
As an example, would I like if, as a Titan, I could use destructible environment to quickly create a throwing melee or super? Sure. A game where a piece of concrete can be destroyed and then you can pick it up and use it to throw it at enemies or create a temporary barricade or do whatever else you might come up with to simulate a front-line tactician would be unfathomably cool. And also impossible to do in Destiny as it exists right now.
We can extend that to other classes as well. Warlocks are scholars and students of the arcane space magics and should be able to specialise in specific fields and then weave them as they see fit in millions of different ways, but instead their supers are; throw void orb, throw void orb but it tracks, you are void orb, solar sword on fire, solar sword on fire in the ground, electric fingers, electric beam and stick.
Hunters are supposed to be agile scouts and explorers who trek the wilderness and map the unknown, but I'm forced into known missions with fireteams instead of having an open world to map out alone for others. My supers are gun with three bullets, gun with six bullets, knives, bow with one shot, bow with three shots, knives, spin stick, throw stick and tornado.
There's very obviously a limit to what the class is in lore and setting and what it can be in gameplay. I totally understand the disappointment about the new super being seemingly "the same" as the last one ("element on fists, punch"), but I feel like a lot of the complaints and demands are quite literally impossible and unreasonable. And some of the complaints can be applied to other two classes as well.
I think it's good to tell Bungie that we would like more variety in supers, especially as it pertains to their viability in various content. I would 100% love for an additional super for stasis and strand and for Titans to have more ranged options because in a lot of cases you can't really get close range to enemies. Stomps, pushback, environmental hazards and other issues limit what we can use melee abilities for.
Obviously I've not played the strand stuff so I'm working with what we've been told and shown, but I think it's fairly obvious that strand IS a utility super. It's the most utility since void and overshield; strand not only gives you and your teammates damage reduction, but also controls the battlefield by suspending enemies. Like, by all accounts strand is a utility subclass with a lot of debuffing and buffing options and movement utilities.
I also think it's reductive to say that the new strand super is just "gorilla." It really isn't. I am not aware of gorillas being able to control the battlefield by suspending enemies in the air and locking down a whole section while empowering allies with damage reduction utilities. And being able to control the battlefield and empower your allies while you plan out your attack and dish out damage is, quite literally, a tactician move.
I think both Behemoth and Berserker are much closer to the front-line tactician fantasy since void. If anything is "gorilla" it's Fists of Havoc. A lot of people shit on Behemoth but if you really want utility and being able to perform multiple tasks at once with your super, Behemoth is one of the things to pick. Need to kill enemies? Got it. Need to freeze them while you deal with something else? Got it. Need to block off an area? Got it. Need to create barricades for your team? Got it. Your team needs overshield which you can give them by making stasis shards with your super? Got it. The problems with Behemoth not being used much are with a completely different section of issues, which is activity, encounter and enemy designs.
If Berserker is truly similar in any way, then it's in this this way imo, as it gives you options to use your super in different ways for different purposes depending on what you need. Like a tactician. I think people are way too focused on the idea that you use your fists and not at all focusing on the actual utility and options of the super. Though obviously if someone just isn't vibing with it, it's not something that people can change.
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decibelcoatl · 2 years
A Complete List of All the Bullshit Michiru Kagemori Pulled in BNA: Brand New Animal
Tried to save an elderly goat beastman from being crushed by a giant falling screen...by running underneath said screen instead of to the side of it where she and the goat would have been much safer
Used her stretchy arms to unintentionally constrict some poor beastman trying to haul her and a couple of orphaned kids onto a ship that would send them away from Anima City
Tried to punch a lioness beastman that was way more agile and combat-oriented than her
Jumpscared and then bitchslapped the living daylights out of a chameleon Beastman with her stretchy arms...ALL WHILE SAID CHAMELEON BEASTMAN WAS HOLDING HER BY THE NECK OVER THE EDGE OF A TALL BUILDING
Went with a cute dolphin beastgirl to mainland Japan, leading the dolphin girl’s beluga whale dad to nearly start a war with the humans
Temporarily became human again so she could go back home, but then changed back into her beastman form RIGHT IN FRONT OF AN ENTIRE CROWD OF HUMANS, and then gorilla punched a glass tank to save the dolphin beastgirl from drowning
Cussed out a flamingo baseball player for putting labels on people just to make herself feel better, then used her gorilla arms to LITERALLY knock the feathers off of said flamingo with a “sexy strike”
Used her powers to get a lowly baseball team of bears up the ranks and into the final game of the season, even despite her wolf dad telling her not to
Jumped off another tall building to save her wolf dad, and ended up growing wings and talons in the process
Engaged in a fistfight with a rhino beastman that went berserk from Nirvasyl Syndrome using her gorilla arms
Chased after a van carrying her best friend to a facility and tried to bust her out because she thought her friend was being experimented on, and beat the ever-loving SHIT out of a few security guards...all despite her friend telling her to stop
Gorilla-punched her wolf dad FROM A HIGH ALTITUDE after her wolf dad went berserk due to a PTSD-induced syndrome that makes beastmen go feral
Destroyed a bunch of bee-like drones armed with a drug that would permanently remove the Beast factor from beastmen and force them to live the rest of their lives as humans (again, from a really high altitude), and then used mundane utility objects to block the drugs and destroy more of the drones
Showed off her gorilla arms and cussed out the CEO of a big-name company for being an asshole due to wanting to take away beastmen’s rights to choose who they want to be
There’s probably some more that I’m missing, but those are the ones I can name off the top of my head.
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helmarok · 1 year
is it so bad to want nintendo to humanize their villain who is the only big black man in hyrule and then get mad when they proceed to make him even less human to the point of wanting his skull to resemble a gorilla i actually can't with that comment it's making me go berserk
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300iqprower · 1 year
By-no-means-final list of servants for my two summer event ideas (both of which are realistically over twice the size of an actual FGO event)
1. Argo Cruise in the Flooded Labyrinth
Welfare Avenger Medea w/ second Ascencion swimsuit
Harpies SSR Assassin
Theseus SR gorilla Assassin
SSR Berserker Minotaur
SR Alter Ego Summer Abs Hassan
SR anti caster-caster Penelope w/ Summer second Ascension
SR Foreigner Orpheus with Summer 1st Ascencion.
3 star lancer Peleus.
3 Star “Alter-ego” Telemachus
Okeanos Costume Jason
Adult Paris costume.
Hektor costume + Space Hektor foreshadowing.
Castor + pollux costume, castor in the swimsuit pollux in loungewear.
With additional costumes for: Georgios, Adult Hans, Mary Anning, Scherezade, Lakshmi, Artemis, and Barghest.
2. Stygian Beach Male Swimsuit Spectacular
Welfare Pretender Brutus w/ swimsuit costume
Summer SR Ruler Cleopatra
Unlimited SSR Avenger Chiron Alter
SSR Rider Caesar with summer outfits but a serious costume and FA art.
SR Shielder Patroclus
Summer Achilles Alter Berseker SSR
SSR Pretender Blackbeard.
Summer SR Saber Mandy
Summer SR berserker Fergus (E rank Madness Enhancement)
Summer SR Lancer Bedivere (Rhong harpooner)
Unlimited 3 star caster Summer Erik + Gudrun
3 star Assasssin d’Eon w/summer costume
Rank Up and Costume for Caster Mephistopheles + Foreshadowing/RateUp for Pretender Mephistopheles
Summer costume for Tristan and Lancelot and Gawain
With Additional Costumes for: Sheba, Suzuka, Kriemhild, Douman, Edgya, Spartacus, and Hawaiian Cu.
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milk5 · 2 years
Choose Your Fate
Turkish Oil Warrior
Centaur Archer
Cave Man Hunter
Alien Ant Swordsman
Flying Carpet Rider
Reptiloid Berserker
Orc Gladiator
Yankee Rifleman
Camel Brothers
Babylonian Charioteer
Siege Gorilla
Dino Howdah
Desperado Sharpshooter
Knightly Lancer
Angelic Sword Maiden
Dark Genie
Skeleton Warrior
Shadow Yogi
Blade Mystic
Samurai Halberdier
Goblin Spelunker
Dwarf Warlord
Fallen Dwarf Warlord
Cursed Yokozuna
Tricky Boozer
UFO Gunner
Dark God Cultist
Ancient Horseman
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downwithpeople · 3 months
system shock remake
game was good, first and foremost.
it looks stellar. it's a proper immersive sim. the environments look great and are full of all kinds of goodies for you to pick up and subsequently vaporise into a scrap cube. my first encounter with this kind of game was bioshock, of course, but it's incredible how bleak the situation at citadel station has become. there were people still trying to get by in rapture (including the splicers!) but in citadel shodan is grinding up the last pockets of free humans by the time you wake up. the audio logs tell the same story again and again: once upon a time, someone was dying alone. it feels almost pointless to weigh in on system shock's story or theming because it's such a classic. you know shodan, you love shodan, everyone does.
i said that the game was clunky in a way that felt good and i'll stand by that for the most part. when you can fight on your terms combat settles into a fun rhythm of finding cover, shooting cyborg, ducking behind cover. you are not always fighting on your terms and sometimes you get bumrushed by a gorilla tiger. unfortunately part of the clunkiness is moving slow as shit in a way that does make things tense but only because of your rank clumsiness rather than any of the other things the game can do to amp up tension.
the boss fights blow. you fight diego twice and the cortex reaver three times. the solution to both enemies is the same: berserk patch, stamina patch, reaction patch if you're feeling nasty, run up and hit 3-4 times with the laser rapier. it doesn't feel very climactic.
the chronic lack of storage is frustrating. the cargo elevator has a piddling lack of space ensuring that you have to just dump the guns you pick up on the ground then go back to that specific floor if you want to play around with them again. it's not exciting, it's not dramatic, it doesn't build tension. it just means that i'm never gonna use the grenade launcher because it takes up space. the cargo elevator should have just been the size of your inventory, who gives a shit. resident evil did this for years then did it again for the remakes.
i have no idea if the set up for the endgame was in the original or not but jesus christ i hate it. the game takes a swan dive around the time you're poking around on the executive floor and you have to do all the groves. i felt like i was soft-locked on my first run because i didn't have enough batteries to do beta, so i started a new game and let me tell you, the groves don't become more fun on the second run. when it was revealed that i had to go to every single node room and copy down the stinking numbers i nearly uninstalled. what a chore. what a hassle!
cyberspace was fun the first few levels then became tedious every successive level, especially the one that would make my game crash (as i was playing a pirated copy that didn't have the patch). if i do another playthrough i'm just turning that shit off. the puzzles were fine.
in general i think i would have preferred more humanoid enemies rather than robots and more of them like the mantis that got up close and personal instead of hanging back looking for angles.
this was, of course, something that would change in system shock 2, so if and when nightdive gets that out it's gonna be a day 1 for me.
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