#best led face mask 2023
ecofaceplatinum · 11 months
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Improve your skin with dual LED light therapy technology from ECO FACE PLATINUM. For an affordable price, treat skin conditions like acne and reverse the signs of aging. Dual LED light therapy technology helps restore the skin's moisture supply and then makes your skin absorb more water with significantly improved skin moisture retention. Our clinical trial results, along with incredible reviews from our customers for Korean-led masks, show that you can rely on dual LED light therapy technology for a deep and pure skincare experience.
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dreamescapeswriting · 9 months
Room of Mirrors
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PAIRING: Yoongi x Fem!Reader
GENRE: established relationships, unrequited love, hidden feelings, kissing, SMUT MINORS DNI, house of mirrors, mirror sex, unprotected sex, lots of fluffy at the end,
⤜Copyright: © DreamEscapesWriting - August 2023
Ten years was a long time to be in love with someone, even longer if you were forced to be that person's best friend for those ten years but that was your reality. It didn't matter how long you'd tried to hold back your feelings for Yoongi, with each passing day they only grew deeper and stronger. Even when you tried to pick him apart and find icks, it was damn near impossible for you not to be attracted to him and it killed you inside.
It wasn't just because he would never see you as anything more than a friend but because years and years ago, when you were both in college together one drunken Halloween night had led to something you were never going to forget. A night of drunken sex and no regrets on your part. You'd woken up the next morning with a giant smile on your face, rolling over ready to greet Yoongi only to find the sheets cold and empty with no sign of him ever being there except the dull aching inside of your chest as you realised he must have regretted sleeping with you.
After that night it was never brought up again, the subject was never touched upon and Yoongi went on like nothing had ever happened. As if you hadn't spent the most amazing night of your life together and he went back to being your best friend.
"I'm telling you, you're going to love this place. Yn and I come every year," Yoongi told his third date of the week. It was getting closer to the holiday season and so Yoongi was looking for someone to spend it with. You'd seen him do this every year for god knows how long, he'd find someone willing enough to spend the colder seasons with him only to let them go as the new year came around. Maybe it was because he wanted someone to cuddle up to at night or maybe he was just a player but you hated this side of him. Not just because you wanted to be the girl he took back to his place every cold night and cuddle with either.
"I don't really enjoy being scared," Summer shyly said as she flipped her long black hair over her shoulder and glanced in your direction. She seemed like such a lovely girl and you hated how jealous you were that it was her on this date and not you. You weren't exactly sure why you'd agreed to come on a date with Yoongi when you were going to spend the whole thing third-wheeling him,
"I can protect you," Yoongi smirked, grabbing her ass and squeezing it softly the mere action making you want to throw up at the sight of it. Couldn't he keep that shit to a minimum while you were around? The last thing you needed to see was the love of your life fawning over so many other girls.
"Yoongi, Yn is right there!" Summer gasped out slapping his hand away from her ass and moving away, You rolled your eyes a little trying to ignore the aching in your chest as you paid for three tickets to the House of Tricks. It wasn't even a scary attraction, it was just a circus house with different treats inside each room, your favourite place to go was the room of mirrors.
It was the one place that no one could hide and for some reason that really spoke to you. No one could mask their feelings because you'd see it in every single reflection you could see.
"Let's just have fun," Yoongi said as he stood near you, your eyes glancing at him before looking forward again. How could he do this? Bring dates along with you as if you were just one of the guys, did you really mean nothing to him? One night of fun for Yoongi and that was enough to determine you weren't worth anything more than his friendly side...Without even talking to you first.
"Yn, let's go to the magic show...We can leave Yoongi to explore on his own." Summer said, before you even had a chance to protest her she'd linked her arm with yours and began to walk with you in the direction of one of the rooms.
"I thought you were on a date with Yoongi." You mumbled trying to get away from her as quickly as possible. All of the girls Yoongi dated were the same, superficial airheads that didn't seem to care for you being Yoongi's best friend and would do everything that they could to get you away from him. Not that you blamed them, they probably saw you as a threat and thought you'd never do anything to jeopardise Yoongi's date no matter how jealous you were of him.
"Dante the Great!" Someone boomed out as you and Summer walked through the door and took a seat in the back of the room, watching the show-up front. A tall man with dark hair stood in the centre of the room, a top hat on his head and a dark rose tattooed on his left hand.
"I will amaze you with my performance," He told everyone but your attention was suddenly on Summer who was eyeing you up closely.
"What's Yoongi like? I don't want to date him if he's playing me." She told you bluntly, your heart racing a little as you stared back at her,
"He's-" But before you could speak she shook her head at you and gave you a pleading look, a look that could seriously come from a puppy and it made your heart clench.
"From girl to girl, please tell me seriously. Is he going to hump and dump?" Your mouth suddenly felt drier than the desert and you had no idea what to even tell her,
"Yoongi is great," You admitted, licking your lips a little as you tried to give yourself a little time to think of what you could say. You weren't about to intentionally ruin his date,
"He's sweet and he's kind, he might come across as a little...harsh to everyone else but he's," You bit your lip a little as you thought about him,
"He's incredible. No matter what time of day it is, if you ever need anything he's there for you. He'll move mountains to help you with anything you need and not to mention he'd climb through barbed wire to make sure you're never hurt." She stared at you, smiling a little as she listened to you talking about him but once you'd started you weren't sure you were ever going to stop.
"He makes you feel as though you're the only girl in the world, that no one else matters because he's there with you. And if you ever say something stupid he'll never laugh at you with it, maybe in the future when you can both laugh but he's never one to be cruel. Never one to be mean," You looked down at your hands, you'd never admitted any of this to anyone not even your diary got to see this side of how you felt about Yoongi.
"He's great, Summer...You should date him," You mumbled a little trying not to get carried away with how you were speaking and you slowly looked up to see her staring back at you with a smirk on her face.
"Summer?" You laughed awkwardly trying to get her to look away from you but she narrowed her eyes at you and shook her head a little.
"I should have seen it before," She told you as she smiled weakly, reaching her hand out and rubbing her thumb along your knuckles.
"You're in love with Yoongi, right?" Your whole world stopped as you stared at her, if she'd seen it so easily why hadn't he?
"That obvious?" You looked away from her, looking at the show as Dante made a rabbit appear from his hat before giving it to someone in the front row. Your eyes glanced back at Summer as she looked at you with a pitiful look on her face,
"Not until you started talking about him, does he know?" You shook your head in answer to her question and she sighed at you,
"Take it from someone who knows from experience. It's better to tell him than to watch him fuck everyone else instead of you." You knew that she was right but were you really about to take advice from her when she was on a date with the man you were in love with?
"But we had one night together, he left without a word about it." You shrugged your shoulders as she stood up, you followed her and made your way out of the room and into the hallway. Yoongi was waiting in line for the mirrored room and you glanced at Summer once again who smiled weakly.
"Look, from girl to girl. If he does that then he's not worth the time of day, but if your feelings are that deep for him, talk." She told you before hugging you tightly, Yoongi frowned from the other side of the hall wondering what had happened between you for this to happen.
On all of the dates Yoongi had been on or had ever bought you to meet you'd never once hugged one of them or seemed as nice toward them.
"Summer. I thought we could go into the mirrored room." He called out as she walked toward him, kissing his cheek softly.
"I'm not really feeling us as a match," She told him plainly as he stared at her. Not feel them as a match? They'd barely spend any time together for her to determine whether or not she even liked his hair cut how could she just walk off? He barely had time to protest before she walked out of the house leaving you and Yoongi alone together.
"Next couple please," The man at the door announced as Yoongi stepped up, you walked toward him before he walked into the room with an unimpressed look on his face. The door behind you shut and locked and you were left alone, just you and Yoongi and your 100 reflections all staring back at you, Yoongi wasn't in front of you and you weren't exactly sure which Yoongi was even the real him but he was glaring in your direction.
"What did you say to her?" He snarled making your heart rate rocket,
"I didn't say anything bad," You told him as you looked around trying to find where he was standing but he kept on the move, making you follow him as you stretched your hands out in front of you trying not to smash your head into glass.
"But clearly it was enough to scare her away." He growled out, he was sick of his dates not working out anymore. Now that it was closer to the colder seasons it was going to get impossible to ignore the date that was coming up. The anniversary of when he'd almost fucked everything up between you and him.
Halloween all those years ago, one drunken night and one you'd forgotten and he was thankful for. When he'd woken up the morning after he'd rushed out of the dorm room to go and grab food and rethink everything that had happened the nights previous. When you'd come to meet him you'd never bought up the night before and he just knew you'd not remembered a single thing.
Now every Halloween when the night would come around he needed a different girl to get lost in, a different girl so he wouldn't throw himself down at your feet and ask for another night just like the one you'd shared years ago.
"She asked me what you were like, I was honest and told her everything." You shrugged, it wasn't a lie and Yoongi could tell. Fuck, he could read you like a book and he hated that. You were everything to him and all he really wanted to do right now was throw himself at you and kiss you.
"She was boring anyway," He admitted, slowly coming out from behind you and holding your hips in his hands, the small contact sending shivers vibrating throughout your entire body. Your eyes locked with his in the mirror in front of you,
"Tell me what you said to her," He whispered, his lips inches away from your ear as you let out a small gasp while his hands slowly trailed the waistband of your skirt his skin coming into contact with yours.
"I didn't, she figure something out." Your voice was shakey, you didn't trust it not to crack on you as Yoongi continued to run his fingers along the elasticated waistband.
"Which was..." His lips slowly lowered until they were hovering above your bare shoulder, your eyes fluttering shut as you realised you weren't going to get out of this one. Your breaths became laboured as he placed a small and gentle kiss on your skin, a whimper leaving your throat as you decided to throw caution to the wind.
"That I'm in love with you, always have been and always will be," As soon as the words left your throat you were suddenly span around and pushed up against the mirror, your eyes slowly opened to find Yoongi staring at you.
"Ever since Halloween 2022?" He questioned, it was almost ten years since the day and you nodded your head at him and his eyes scanned yours for any sign that you were lying to him.
"You remembered that night?" He sounded surprised which was confusing to you. Of course, you remembered that night. It was he who had decided to play dumb all these years and act as though nothing had happened between you both.
"How could I not? It was the best night of my life," You scoffed at him attempting to walk away but he placed his hand on the mirror beside your head trapping you between him and the mirror.
"I thought you'd forgotten...You never bought it up." He stuttered a little as you stared back at him, your eyes staring directly into his soul as you bit your tongue.
"Neither did you. I thought you regretted it," You admitted as his hand slowly moved to cup your face in his hands, running his thumb along your soft lip and shaking his head.
"My only regret is going ten years without another taste of you," He growled out, your thighs rubbing together as you felt yourself growing wetter at the thought of it.
"Every year was torture as I thought about Halloween with you," He told you as he ran his hand up your thigh and between the skirt you were wearing and your heart began to quicken.
"Yoongi," You whispered out, clutching onto his bicep as he let out a small chuckle at how nervous you suddenly were.
"We have all the time in the world in here," He whispered to you, already knowing that you were worrying about who could walk inside here but he was right. No one was allowed to enter until the two of you pushed the button on the exit door to let them know you'd made your way through it successfully.
"I need you," He told you as he took your hand and slowly placed it over his hardened cock through his jeans and you let out a little giggle that was like music to his ears.
"You did that all Halloween night, you'd giggle and I couldn't help but feel my heart swell for you," He told you as he ran his hands further up your thigh until he reached the black panties you'd put on that afternoon and your hips jerked forward.
"Please, Yoongi." You begged for something, anything, you just wanted to feel him touching you again it was all you'd been wanting for ten years.
"Ten years I've been waiting for this, ten." He told you as he softly rubbed his thumb over your clothed clit, your head rolling back against the mirror as you let out a strangled moan at his touch.
"Every year there was a different girl because I was terrified if I was alone I'd ruin our friendship," He whines out as he begins to pick up the pace on your clit, your eyes rolling back as you let out a strangled moan of his name,
"Now you're telling me I didn't need to worry about that at all," He tutteed a little at you, pretending to be disappointed as he pulled your panties to the side and sunk two fingers deep into your cunt. Your eyes widened as you looked at him, your hands clutching onto his biceps as he smirked at you.
"Yoongi," You cried out as he began to curl his fingers hitting that one spot that made your legs go numb and your whole world spin. It should have been criminal just how good he was with his fingers, you were a moaning mess in his hands as you struggled to stay standing up straight.
"You're so fucking beautiful, Yn," He told you as he continued to fuck his fingers into you, enjoying the sound of wetness as he thrust them faster in and out of you. Your head rolled back against the mirror as he bit down on his lip and did his best to control himself. God, the number of times he'd imagined doing this with you, every Halloween he'd wanted to take you inside of this room.
Fuck you in full view of yourself so you could see how beautiful he found you, to show you how much he wanted to worship your body and so you'd never forget just how badly he wanted you.
"Yoongi, please." You pleaded as he continued to thrust his fingers, your hips bucking toward him as you felt your orgasm ready to wash over you. He spread your legs further apart somehow hitting deeper inside of you as he continued to drive his fingers into you, your eyes rolling back.
"Cum for me baby, cum for me and scream my name." He growled out his pace picking up as your legs shook in place, your nails digging into his skin and causing him to bleed ever so slightly. Your eyes squeezed shut as you moaned out his name, bucking against him as your orgasm crashed over you like a wave your whole body shaking.
"So fucking hot," He grunts looking at you, slowly retreating his fingers from you and sucking them clean all the while staring you in the eyes.
"Turn around and hike up your skirt," He orders as he quickly undoes his belt and frees himself from his boxers, fuck he was bigger than you remembered.
"I'm nervous," You admitted as your eyes met one another in the mirror and he smiled warmly at you, lining his cock up at your entrance.
"I know, but you have nothing to be nervous about," He pressed a soft kiss to the back of your neck as he carefully pressed into you, inch by inch giving you time to adjust as you let out a small cry.
"Fuck, Yoongi you're too big." You moaned out as he bit down on your ear a little, reaching around you with one hand and squeezing your nipple through the thin fabric.
"I'm perfect for you," He moaned out as he slowly began to withdraw from you, only to push back inside of you again, you were so fucking tight he could barely hold himself together,
"You feel so fucking amazing," He moaned out looking down at you as your breathing picked up, your eye smeeting his in the mirror.
"You're so hot Yoongi," You breathed out, your words giving him encouragement as he continued to thrust his hips in and out of you, bottoming out each time as you clenched around him.
"Fuck," He groans letting his head drop to your shoulder blade, your breathing is laboured as you stare at him,
"I'm so fucking full," You cry out, your hands trying to grip the mirror as you look at one another,
"M-Move, Yoongi...Please," You begged as he slowly began to rock his hips in and out of you, looking down at you as he held your hip in one hand and the other on the mirror in front of him.
"Roll...f-fuck, roll your hips a little," He begged as you began to roll your hips back to meet his, your moans becoming louder as you cried out one another's name.
"I'm so close, I'm sorry." He whined out but you didn't stop rocking your hips back to meet his, you were desperate for him to come you wanted to hear his moans, to watch him as he came for you.
"Don't stop then," You begged as you looked him in the eyes through the mirror,
"Cum, please Yoongi." You begged out as he looked down at you, his hands holding onto you tightly as he began to drive in and out of you, a breathless gasp falling past your lips.
"Yoongi,." You warned him as he hit that spot again and again, a smirk growing on his face as he continued to fuck into that same spot for you. The pressure continued to build at the base of your stomach as you whimpered, legs slipping a little but Yoongi held you tighter keeping you upright,
"Yoongi, Oh my god," You groan out as he continues to fuck into you roughly. Your orgasm erupts as you whimper, bucking against him as your entire body grows numb, your vision blurring as he continues to fuck into you.
"Oh fuck me," He groans out as he comes, his hips stilling as he looks down at you, sweat dripping down your forehead but you'd never looked more beautiful.
"I love you," You whispered as you looked at him, Yoongi grunted as he slowly pulled out of you enjoying the way you pouted and let out a whine of protest at the sudden lack of fullness.
"I love you too," He whispered, cleaning himself off with his boxers before tucking himself away and looking at you. Slowly he licked his lips as the two of you gathered yourselves up ready to go and hit the buzzer to get out. Hopefully the music out in the hallway had muffled the sounds of what you were doing, not that either of you really cared all that much you were never going to see any of these people again.
"Let's go back to mine, have a nice warm bath and then we can watch whatever movie you want." He suggested as you headed out of the house and into the cold night,
"Sure," You kissed his cheek softly very happy with how the night had turned around for the two of you. The two of you walked hand in hand toward his car, a giant smile on both your faces as you did your best to act as though your legs weren't currently like jelly.
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theharrowing · 6 months
Say please
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Yoongi, accompanied by his best friend Namjoon, attends a kink event at an exclusive club, and he meets someone who is as handsome as he is lethal.
🤍 Pretty in Pink Yoongi x Collateral Taehyung
🤍 word count: ≈ 500
🤍 crossover episode between fics, strangers to strangers with benefits, canon compliant (idol) & not canon compliant (mafia), bdsm, poly, slash, nsfw, 18+
🤍 warnings: an allusion to smut with adult language (thinking about having sex with a stranger and mention of having an erection); Yoongi is a very good boy; Taehyung has a pretty new plaything; Namjoon is just along for the ride (a very good boy on the sidelines); Yoongi is in a new pretty pink kitten outfit; restraints (cuffed to a wooden x); impact play (struck with a flogger.)
🤍 notes: technically this takes place somewhere that won't exist until Reconciliation, but i thought this would be some fun foreshadowing. ugh, i really love these two characters and these two fics!!!
🤍 written for the Harrow's Holiday Cheer Event, requested by @sweetestofchaos 🎈 i love you, my darling Chell!!! thank you for always hyping me up and for being an amazing friend (and an amazing writer!!!) you were the first one to sign up and i wrote this so fast lmaooooo.
🤍 beta read by @neoneunnajimin
🤍 posted dec. 2023
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"Say please," Taehyung growls beside Yoongi's ear, causing a tremor of excitement laced with fear to rock through him. 
"Please," Yoongi whimpers, eyes screwed shut. His fingers are beginning to tingle from his hands being restrained high above his head.
Taehyung's gruff voice commanding, "Look at me," makes Yoongi gasp and open his eyes so wide he has to blink quickly a few times. Taehyung stands before him shirtless, head obstructing the bright red light that otherwise threatens to make Yoongi dizzy. His eyes are covered in a thin layer of blue lace and the hint of a smile that graces Taehyung's face is so sardonic, Yoongi shivers. 
"You're doing great, kitten," Namjoon's soothing voice says from Yoongi's right, calming him instantly. 
This was all Namjoon's idea, after all; gaining access to a kink event run by men so powerful and dangerous-looking that Yoongi questions whether they could have ties to the mafia. Taehyung sidled up to Yoongi fast when he walked in wearing a pretty pink mesh and lace kitten outfit and ears, and it only took about twenty minutes and two glasses of neat whiskey for Yoongi to agree to the proposition of letting the man restrain him right here, in front of all the other clubgoers, and invite him to a world of pleasure and pain unlike anything he has experienced.
"Lots of pretty idols like you come in here to be ruined by seedy thugs like me," Taehyung joked as he led Yoongi to the back of the space where there was a lone wooden X waiting for him to get strapped to. Yoongi had a feeling that had to be the case, based on all the waivers and contracts he had to sign, and the fact that everyone is required to wear a mask. He wishes Hoseok would have come; he thinks Hoseok would really like a place like this.
Although Yoongi only agreed to impact play, Taehyung initially offered to take Yoongi downstairs to a private room for a little more fun. "It's my boyfriend's club," he insisted with a large warm palm splayed against Yoongi's lower back. "We have free reign to do anything your pretty little heart desires. Is your boyfriend into threesomes? I bet I could make both of you cry." 
Even with Namjoon's permission and insistence, Yoongi opted to begin with something more experimental and less sexual. Foolish of him to think flogging wouldn't be sexual.
As he stands in small pink briefs and Taehyung whips his bare skin, Yoongi tingles with desire. He imagines what it would feel like to get marked up this way while stuffed full of some handsome stranger's dick while Namjoon sits and watches.
And with each gentle strike of Taehyung's tools against his skin, the blood rushes to Yoongi's cock, and he considers asking this mysterious man to take him into one of the private rooms and ruin him a little more. Maybe once they're done here. Maybe after a little liquid courage.
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drabbles are such a teeeeaseeeeee but i would have never been able to stop if i didn't end it here. what do you think these two get up to as the night continues? sound off in the notes! 🤍
🎈 tag list: @codeinebelle @dasexydevitt13 @fluffybuns69 @giriiboyy @idkjustlovingbts @mgthecat @moonleeai @m1sss1mp @spookyminyunki 🤍 want to be tagged in everything i write? or just my member x member content? send me a message!
🎈 check out more drabbles from the Harrow's Holiday Cheer Event!
Say Please is is copyright 2023 theharrowing, all rights reserved. reposts and translations are not allowed.
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xx-blueboy-xx · 8 months
Day Two: Pumpkin Patch | Suptober 2023
CW: None!
Words: 1,233 
“Dude…this is for literal children.” an exasperated sigh escaped his lips as he stood beneath the warm, October sun. He was standing in the last place one would expect to find a hunter during this time of year. Sam was standing in the middle of a pumpkin patch, while an archangel was kneeling down beside one knocking against the side. As if listening to it to see if it would be good for carving. He found it ridiculous, but couldn’t help the smile tugging on his lips. 
Gabriel rolled his eyes, though they were mostly hidden behind the dark sunglasses he was sporting. “I already offered to turn you into a child if that would make you feel more comfortable, but you said no.” 
“It’s just -” Sam shakes his head and waves a hand around, gesturing to all the young children around them being led through the path by doting parents. A few older kids were walking around on their own in small groups. Others were daring the corn maze, and he could see a ‘haunted’ hayride in the distance.
 “You know how I feel about Halloween. And,” he crosses his arms over his chest, his brows furrowed. “You tricked me. You said this was the case.” 
Gabriel grins at him, seeming to have chosen a pumpkin, and the hunter was grateful. They had spent the last thirty minutes here, the blonde absolutely determined to pick the best one. “It is a case! The hayride is haunted, duh!” 
The Winchester settled the shorter man with a classic bitch face of his and the archangel sighs deeply. He knew that this was going to be tough. That the man has all kinds of trauma tied to holidays. Why go around celebrating monsters and the supernatural, when he knew what real werewolves looked like. And they don;t have cute fluffy tails or ears. Everyday he came face to face with the things that children wore around as masks, giggling and not caring about the world. Besides, they could never afford costumes, and John never took them trick-or treating. You can’t do that when you hop from motel to motel. It hadn’t taken long for Sam’s obsession with Halloween to have been completely demolished. Much like so many other wonders of childhood. 
Gabriel sighs, his shoulders slumping. As much as he likes pushing buttons he knows when to stop, but he would try just one more thing. One last little nudge. God knows, Sam wouldn’t budge anywhere without it. “Just pick one and come carve it with me? Please?” 
Sam felt like he was rooted to the soil beneath him. Gabriel rarely ever asked for anything and a little bit of guilt ran through him, as he remembered how excited he had been to drag him here. He bit on the inside of his cheek, he could suck it up for one day. Hell, not even that, only a few hours. It wasn;t even halloween, they still have it three days before then. He runs a hand through his hair and silently wanders down the line of pumpkins. He approaches the nearest one, and he picks it up. It is decently sized and there is a strange large knot on the side - which was a little charming he had to admit. He plucked it from the stem with ease. 
He stood with it tucked beneath his arm, and found that Gabriel was grinning with triumph at him. He rolled his eyes. 
“Don’t get used to me saying yes to shit whenever you say please.” Sam comments, and the archangel shrugs. 
“Once is still more than enough bragging rights! I got the stubborn Sam WInchester to bend to my whims,” he flashes the hunter a sultry wink. “And maybe over a table for me.” 
Sam elbows the cackling archangels as his cheeks flood with a maroon blush. “Shut up!”
Gabriel’s snickers slowly die down to something more reasonable, and the pair walk in comfortable silence towards long tables. Chairs have been provided as well, along with any tools one may need to carve a pumpkin. Including a variety of stencils.  There are plenty of happy families there and a few sickly sweet couples. Sam feels a little out of place in the festivities as he places his pumpkin down on the table at a pretty empty table at the back. It seems his sudden discomfort didn’t go unnoticed, as he feels a hand gently touch his arm. It’s fleeting but ground him instantly. Sam gives a grateful smile to Gabriel. The archangel knows how nervous crowds can make him. 
He expects the man to snap his fingers and some elaborate carving to appear on the pumpkin he has set before himself, and to his shock he watches him pick up a knife. He pushes it through the top with little effort and begins to cut. Sam turns away and he begins to work on his own. He is a little confused as to what he is meant to do, so he merely mimicked Gabriel - he had never done this before, only heard other kids talk about it.  He pulled off the top watching the stringy-need of it break away from the inside, seeds falling. 
Curiously he reached out and touched the guts of the pumpkin. Instantly he pulled his hand back , a full body shudder bolting through him. Sam’s nose crinkled up and he felt like gagging, but held back the violent response. He put the top of the pumpkin down and aggressively shook both of his hands, everything simply screaming - ew. He frowned, realizing that he wasn’t going to be able to do this as he saw a few kids at the table in front of him dig their hands right in. He chews on the inside of his cheek. Another thing ruined because he couldn’t just be normal. 
Those thoughts got cut off, as he discovered gloves sitting beside his pumpkin now. His eyes darted to Gabriel. Who was already elbow deep in his pumpkin. Utterly covered in the guts he was already pulling out. Sam almost felt nauseous just thinking about it. Gabriel was humming a song underneath his breath, and didn’t say a word. Didn’t even acknowledge the hunter as he looked at him. But Sam knew he made these, as he slid them on. He puts his hand back in and pulls some out, this time, without an adverse response. He felt a smile flicker across his face as he flicked it off his hand. Okay. This was kinda fun. 
They both work in pretty much silence, broken by the low humming from the archangel. As Sam begins to take fine scraping tools to the inside of his pumpkin, he glances back at Gabriel and feels his breath catch in his throat. The setting sun where it hangs low in the sky is bouncing waves of light off of Gabriel’s hair, making a false glowing halo around his head. As it catches in his gaze they are as blazing golden color, and the joy sp[read through his features - soft and genuine. That is the most breathtaking thing of all. 
He opens his mouth to say something stupid, before his mind can catch up when a pumpkin seed is flicked into the side of his head. 
“Quit thinking so much and carve, Winchester.” 
Sam decides he quite likes carving pumpkins.
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naminethewriter · 1 year
Enchanting Scales
Here's the second story for @loceitweek, this time with a more mysterious setting. Hope you enjoy 🥰
Masterpost | Loceit Week 2023 Masterpost | Ao3
Summary: Logan disliked masquerade balls but when he's approached by an enchanting stranger, he might just change his mind.
No content warnings
Logan watched the crowd over the rim of his champagne glass. He hated balls in general and adding masks to the mix just made things worse in his opinion, because it led to people doing one of three things:
One: Do an intentionally bad job of hiding who they are so they can brag about being easy to recognize.
Two: Use the anonymity to be the biggest assholes without consequences.
Three: Actually just being decent.
The third category was the one Logan was a part of and sadly in the minority. Even from his spot leaning against the wall in a rather quiet corner, he could clearly hear the gossip being shared, hardly quieter than normal speaking volume because who would ever be able to track the source back to them? From elsewhere he could hear someone declaring that their hairstyle is just too recognizable to be mistaken. As if he couldn’t have styled it differently for the evening if he really didn’t want to be identified.
Logan sighed.
He truly hated being here, but he had to endure for at least another hour. He had promised his parents.
He took another sip of his champagne, eyes wandering over the crowd in the hopes of catching a glimpse of anything or anyone that would relieve him of his boredom.
“You look like you want to murder everyone in this room, darling,” a voice commented directly next to him making Logan flinch. He hadn’t seen – or heard – anyone approach, but there was a man standing by his side, smirking at him.
The man wore a yellow and black suit, immaculately ironed, with gloves covering his hands. His blond hair was tied in a long braid that laid across his shoulder and the right side of his face was covered by a rather simple black mask while the other side was covered in… were those scales?
“I know I look dashing, dear, but don’t you think you’re staring too much?” the stranger asked, still smirking. Logan startled out of his thoughts and looked away, blushing.
“I apologize, you caught me off guard.”
“I hadn’t noticed.” Logan might have not been the best at reading social cues but even he could pick up on the other’s sarcasm. His blush deepened.
“I didn’t hear you approach. And your choice of attire is unusual, so I couldn’t help but… stare,” he justified awkwardly, causing the stranger to laugh.
“Don’t worry, darling, you haven’t been the first one this evening that lost their words from looking at me.” The easy confidence the stranger spoke with somehow worsened Logan’s flush, and he refused to look back at the other’s face.
“Well, I’m sure none of them expected to see someone with such, um, unique choice of make-up,” he commented after clearing his throat.
“Whatever do you mean?” the stranger asked in a very faux tone that showed his amusement.
“Your- the scales.”
“Oh, those aren’t make-up, darling. They’re real.”
“They’re real,” the stranger repeated after Logan’s head snapped back to his face in surprise. “Would you like to touch them to confirm?”
“I couldn’t possibly… You shouldn’t allow-“
“Oh, I never said I would allow it.”
“But you asked-“
“I asked if you wanted to, not that you could.”
Logan was once again speechless, and the stranger seemed to take great pleasure in that fact. He was smirking at him and despite knowing that it would usually infuriate him to be treated like this, Logan couldn’t help but be enchanted by this man.
“Would you like to dance?”
“Excuse me?” Logan was entirely unable to follow the sudden switch of conversation topic. The stranger didn’t seem to mind, he simply held out his hand for Logan to take.
“A dance. If you would indulge me.”
Logan usually wasn’t much for dancing, and a glance at the other people on the floor enforced this. But he did want to spend more time with this stranger, for reasons he couldn’t – and didn’t really want to – understand. The other man cocked his head at his hesitation before taking a look at the dance floor himself.
“If you would rather we go outside, I wouldn’t mind,” he offered with a smile that still contained his cocky attitude but also held a softness that Logan couldn’t resist. With a nod, he took the strangers hand and let himself be led outside.
The cool breeze outside made Logan breathe a bit easier. The murmur of the crowd inside was cut off as the door behind them closed but the stranger didn’t stop pulling him away until they were in the middle of a flower garden a good distance away from any curious eyes.
“Is this better, darling?” the man asked, pulling Logan closer and moving him into waltzing position effortlessly. It took Logan a moment to regain his voice as he stared into the stranger’s eyes.
“But there’s no music,” he whispered finally. The man chuckled.
“That is quite alright, I am confident in my ability to keep the rhythm. Just let me lead.”
Unwilling to protest, Logan simply nodded and the stranger smiled before starting to waltz. And as he had promised, their rhythm didn’t falter and Logan found it much easier than ever before to follow his footsteps.
“You are quite talented, my dear,” the man commented after a few minutes of silent dancing, once again startling Logan out of his revelry.
“You are doing most of the work,” he reflected, blushing once more.
“And you are keeping up.”
Logan didn’t know how to answer that, so instead he asked, “Why me?”
“What do you mean, darling?”
“Why did you pick me, out of all the people in that room? I’m sure you could have had any partner you wanted.”
“I could have. And I did.”
“But why me?”
“Why not?”
Again, Logan didn’t really know how to answer. Because he was unremarkable? Because he was actively avoiding socializing? Because he usually was a killjoy?
But before he could spiral into self-doubt, the stranger spoke up again.
“You were interesting. You watched the room with eyes – very beautiful ones at that – that looked so bored and I couldn’t help but want to see a spark of something more in them.” Logan hadn’t noticed that they had stopped dancing until the stranger cupped his cheek and leaned in close, causing his breath to catch in his chest.
“I can see there is so much more to you than you show, so much intelligence behind that mask, that is wasted with people like them.”
Logan’s blush had returned tenfold, and the stranger seemed to notice because the smirk returned to his lips.
“I look forward to seeing your destiny unfold, my dear,” the stranger hummed, now so close that Logan could feel his breath ghosting over his lips. He didn’t dare move.
“Let us meet again under the full moon, my love, and then I will show you a world that will truly appreciate your talents.”
Those last words were whispered in Logan’s ear and then he blinked and the stranger was gone. He stood alone amongst the flowers, unsure of what just happened but he knew he wouldn’t be as bored anymore soon.
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Happy New Year!!
Thought I would start 2023 off right with a drawing of my Steam Team designs!
Genderbent Edward
Genderbent James
Headcanons as to family relationships and ships below:
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I hope you enjoy it! Please note that these are subject to slight changes.
NWR Number One: Thomas Billinton. The official - and self-proclaimed - face of the North Western Railway. Best friend to Percy, the main engine of the Ffarquhar branch line, and until recently the boyfriend of Liora "Lady" Moran. He is currently in a relationship with Rosie, though he visibly still holds a candle for Liora. Cocky and confident at face value, but highly insecure deep down and far more complex once you get to know him.
NWR Number Two: Lady Edward Stewart-Moran. Married to Zebedee Moran, a harbour tug from Liverpool and Bigg City. Mother to Percy, Liora (Lady), Bill, and Ben. Also has an older daughter, Susannah, and a baby daughter, Eve, who are both tugboats like their father. The "work Mum" for all engines on Sodor, and universally adored. Has a past history of mischief and trickery, which was passed to her youngest sons. The train equivalent of aristocracy, Edward is the rebellious, and sadly only surviving, daughter of the Earl/Count of Cumbria, a title she will inherit. Frequently regarded as one of the most attractive engines on Sodor in spite of her age, even being referred to as a "Milf" by Flying Scotsman.
NWR Number Three: Henry Stanier. The illegitimate half-brother of Gordon and Flying Scotsman, husband to Emily, and ex-husband to James as well as being the father of James's eldest son. Despite causing the breakup of Henry's first marriage, Gordon remains Henry's best friend and is unwittingly a rival of Flying Scotsman because of it. Blighted by ill health, made worse by the end of his marriage to James, Henry is very health conscious and suffers a little from hypochondria, but is now doing well thanks to his new wife, his son with James, and his growing family with Emily. After his last long illness, Henry grew a full beard and moustache, and decided to keep it after being told it suited him.
NWR Number Four: Gordon Gresley. The eldest legitimate son of the famous Gresley family (Henry is the oldest but illegitimate) and the official Express engine for the NWR. Older brother to Flying Scotsman and cousin to Mallard, Spencer, and Ryan. Now married to James, with whom he has always been in love but was too proud to admit until after her marriage to Henry, father of two children and stepfather/half-uncle to James' eldest son. Proud, arrogant, and pompous, Gordon is also capable of almost profound kindness and will always (eventually) own up to his faults, and will move heaven and earth for those he loves. Initially jealous of his more famous younger brother, Flying Scotsman, recent changes in his life have made him realise that perhaps his own life is much happier. Also the only reason Mallard is still in touch with the family. Very proud of his South Yorkshire roots, though he only ever reveals "The Accent" when flustered or angry.
NWR Number Five: James Stanier-Gresley. The original blonde bombshell of the NWR, known for her flamboyant, fast style as much as her splendid red uniform/paint. Wife of Gordon, ex-wife of Henry, and mother of currently three children between them. Her confident, vain persona masks a deep-seated lack of self-worth and terror of being abandoned that resulted in James placing all her value in her, admittedly very beautiful, looks. Although she has always been in love with Gordon, his seeming rejection led her to seek comfort in Henry, with whom she married and had a son. James has no regrets about marrying Henry, who she holds up as a very loving husband right up until their divorce and an exceptional father, she maintains her greatest regret is that she had an affair with Gordon rather than ending her marriage to be with him and keeps Henry's name for her son's sake. Her two children with Gordon have ensured the future of the Gresley line. James is half-Trinidadian through her father, using her memories of his experiences to try and help Nia transition into life on Sodor.
NWR Number Six: Percy Moran. The eldest son of Edward and Zebedee, younger brother of Susannah, older brother to Bill, Ben, and Eve, and twin brother to Liora (Lady), Percy is actually genetically half-tugboat, exhibited by his bulkier physique and is surprisingly strong. He works on the Ffarquhar branch line, handling the goods work, and is the official Sodor Mail train - a role he is obsessively proud of having and takes extremely seriously. Best friends with Thomas, although this is often a surprise to newcomers to Sodor and the UK as the two spend a lot of time insulting one another for fun. This relationship has become a little strained after Thomas dated Percy's sister and almost ended after the relationship ended, but is slowly recovering. After his mother, Percy misses his father the most, causing him to find substitute father figures in Toby and Gator. Next in line to inherit the Earl/Count of Cumbria after Edward, and possibly even less interested in it besides occasionally making jokes referring to his 'future countess.'
NWR Number Twelve: Emily Stanier (nee Stirling). The beautiful Emily is a popular figure on Sodor and the adored older cousin of Donald and Douglas. Emily met Henry without knowing that he was married to James, though the marriage was long dead, only learning about it when the two began divorce proceedings a few weeks into the relationship. Despite the initial shock, she continued with the relationship, eventually marrying Henry and becoming stepmother to his son while having a son of her own later. Luckily enjoys an excellent friendship with James and does not overstep as the stepmother. Often remarked on as being very similar to Edward, Emily has become something of a big sister figure on the NWR and has assumed Edward's role after the former's stepping down. Hardworking and friendly, Emily is also stern and serious when needed, capable of keeping her peppery cousins in line.
NWR Number Eighteen: Nia Kur. Originally from the East African Railway, Kenya, Nia is the youngest and most recognisable member of the NWR. Through her harder upbringing on a struggling railway, Nia is mature from her years. Combined with her early puberty, this makes everyone assume she is in her late teens like Thomas and Percy when she was in fact only eleven when she arrived on Sodor. Since her actual age was discovered, Nia has been mothered by Edward, Emily, and James. Thanks to her better understanding of the cultural struggles, Nia gets on best with James and sees the red engine as an auntie figure. She has a tendency to pick at her nails and fidget when nervous or upset, which is usually the only indication that anything is wrong. Nia has become very friendly with Bill and Ben, who are closest to her in age, despite their initial teasing of her. Nia accepted their unusual offer of friendship and unwittingly caused Bill to develop a crush on her. Nia is cheerful, hardworking, and determined to settle into her new life on Sodor.
NWR Number Twenty-Two: Rebecca Bulleid-Gresley. Rebecca is the newest member of the NWR and the relief Express engine for her Uncle Gordon so he can spend more time with his growing family. This was a surprise to everyone on Sodor when Gordon seemed happy with the idea until it was discovered that Rebecca is Gordon's (and Henry's) niece. Rebecca was the only daughter of Gordon's sister, "pretty" Polly Gresley, who was especially close to Flying Scotsman growing up. Sadly, she died when Rebecca was young. Believing her mother's family had abandoned her, Rebecca was very nervous to reveal her identity to her surviving uncles, not knowing that she had inherited several characteristics of her late mother. With the help of Henry, she has reconnected with her family and has taken on the Gresley name officially.
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MerMay 2023 Day Thirty-One For Life
Just one day after escaping the TridentCorp facility, Chase found himself in Marvin and Jameson’s lake—a place he’d half-thought he’d never see again, though he would never admit that to anyone. The same went for the people around him. His friends and his family. It was so good to see him again.
“Hey Dad?” Sereia tugged on his hand. “Does this sort of thing happen a lot between merms?”
“Well, fairly often,” Chase said thoughtfully. “This is the first one I’ve been to in a while.”
Muirin swam over as well. “So, it’s like getting married, right?”
“No—yes?” Chase shook his head. “Imagine if there was marriage but instead of promising to love each other romantically forever, the people were promising to be best friends forever.”
“I wish humans had that,” Sereia muttered. “Right, Mom? Wouldn’t that be cool?”
Stacy couldn’t actually hear anything that was going on. Her scuba gear allowed her to be in the lake with everyone else for a short period, but human ears just weren’t adapted for underwater sounds. Still, she noticed Sereia looking at her from where she was sitting on the lake floor and gave a supportive thumbs-up. Chase swam over and took her hand, giving her a small smile. She squeezed his hand back and nodded. Everything was still good.
The family was at the back of a clearing in the lake reeds where all the merms had gathered. It was a relatively small group, but it was still the most merms Sereia, Muirin, and Stacy had ever seen gathered in one place. They couldn’t help but stare. Obviously, Chase’s friends were there—Jackie, Schneep, Jack, and of course Marvin and Jameson—but Marvin’s family—Aribelle and her two partners—were there as well, excitedly chattering to each other. Aribelle was tearing up so much it was obvious even in the water.
“All of you settle down! We’re about to start!” Marvin announced, floating at the front of the clearing. Jameson floated next to him, fiddling nervously with the talisman hanging around his neck. Between the two of them was a low stone table decorated with sea stars and magical plants.
Almost everyone settled down instantly. Jackie’s tail was flicking wildly through the water, propelling him to gently float higher. Schneep and Jackie had to hold onto him to prevent him from floating out of the clearing.
“This part isn’t going to take long,” Marvin continued. “But, uh, I’d appreciate it if you all... settled down. So it won’t take longer.”
Jameson chuckled. He leaned closer to Marvin and said, You don’t have to be nervous.
“Yes I do,” Marvin muttered back. He took a deep breath. “Do you wish your family could have been here?”
They’re already here, Jameson said, smiling. And besides, we’ve already talked about this. You’re stalling. Do you want me to go first? His smile faded a bit at that idea.
“I got it.” Marvin took another deep breath. He looked at the other merms—and Chase’s family—in the clearing. They were all silent, waiting. He looked away again, back at Jameson. “I...” His words got caught in his throat. He reached up and made sure his mask was in place, pushed up onto his hair instead of covering his face. “Jameson. I... I-I’ve always been worried that things were... uneven, between us. I let you stay here, taught you magic, a-and that always felt like... like a lot. I don’t want you to feel like... you’re less in this relationship, you know? Because... you give me so much. Every day, ‘I think I’m so lucky to have a friend like you,’ and as... a-as terrible as the circumstances were that led to us meeting, I’m so happy that we did.” He fidgeted, playing with his fingers. “You... you’re such a steady person, a-and I feel a bit more anchored when you’re around. And you’re one of the smartest and kindest merms I know. Sometimes I think I don’t deserve a friend like you, but I know I’d be an idiot to swim away from this. So... if you would have me, I would like to be your life friend.”
Jameson’s expression was soft, touched. He reached up and rubbed his eyes, blinking to clear them. I knew you’d say something about worrying things would be uneven, he said. But Marvin, I have never felt uneven with you. Ever since our first meeting, you’ve never been anything but kind and welcoming and encouraging. No matter how dark things have gotten, no matter what state I’ve been in, you’ve never shifted from that. And you’ve never held that over me. You’re too good a merm for that. Better than you think. And if you’re going to call me one of the smartest and kindest merms, then you should call yourself that, as well, because I learned so much from you. You are a light to me, Marvin, even when I’m trapped in the shadows. And if you would have me, I would like to be your life friend.
Marvin was smiling. He nodded. “I would love to have you.”
I would love to have you, Jameson responded.
The two of them turned to the table. In the midst of the decorations on it were two bracelets, made of stone beads and sea glass on string. Marvin picked up the one with seafoam green glass and held it out, while Jameson picked up the one with bright blue glass. One after another, they untied the string ends and retied them onto the other’s wrists. When it was done, they clasped their hands together and leaned close, resting their foreheads against each other.
The onlookers began applauding. Jackie and Chase shouted their congratulations. Schneep was grinning, smiling wide. Jack nudged him and made some comment about him “not being the smartest merm they knew” and he rolled his eyes and nudged him back. The kids were swimming in circles around each other while Stacy, not fully understanding what was happening but nonetheless getting the sentiment, clapped her hands together.
Marvin and Jameson drifted back, smiling at each other for a few seconds before turning to look at everyone else. “Alright, that’s all the—the mushy stuff out of the way,” Marvin said.
“You know you love it!” Schneep shouted.
“Oh shut up.” Marvin’s face slowly turned red. “Anyway. It’s time for the celebration part of the ceremony now. Everyone head to the surface! We’ve put a lot of energy into the repelling spell so that we can party!”
Everyone cheered and started swimming upwards. Aribelle went with her partners, who were both teasing her for crying while also supporting her. Chase grabbed Stacy’s hands and helped pull her up a bit faster than she could have swum normally, Sereia swimming around them while Muirin was talking about bends or something. Jackie and Schneep started to go, but then noticed Jack was lingering behind. “You coming?” Jackie asked.
“Yeah, just one minute,” Jack said.
Jackie and Schneep glanced at each other, but ultimately decided it wasn’t worrying and swam up ahead. Jack waited until the clearing was empty before swimming over to the side. He’d noticed some lights in the reeds during that ceremony. Brushing them aside, he revealed a merm crouched close to the ground. “You know, when I invited you, I didn’t expect you to actually come,” Jack said. “You didn’t have to hide.”
Anti blinked at him. “Yes I did,” he said. “You’re crazy if you think they would’ve let me stay if they knew. You’re crazy for asking me, and not telling them.”
Jack shrugged. “Maybe. I guess you’re right. You don’t have any side effects from the potion, right?”
“Not that I can tell.”
“Great. So I take it you’re not going to stay for the party, then?”
Anti shook his head. “I just wanted to see what happened. Never been to one of these before.” Jack didn’t find that surprising. “I’m leaving now. But don’t forget our lesson next week.”
Jack grinned. “I won’t. Looking forward to it. See you then.”
“See you.” Anti stayed where he was for a while, watching as Jack rejoined the others. Then he slipped away, heading back downriver towards the ocean.
One by one, the merms broke the surface of the lake. It was dusk, the very edge of the dark sky stained pink. Stacy swam over to the nearest beach and climbed out, removing her goggles and the hood of her wet suit. “Alright!” she said, taking a deep breath of air. “I hope you can all understand me. Because I’m about to start, and I don’t want any of you to be surprised.” She walked over to the car she’d rented to drop off the air tank and grab a lighter and a small object.
“I also hope your crazy water magic can help if this goes wrong,” she added as she walked back over. She set the small object on the beach and lit it with the lighter before turning to hurry away. Soon, the object began emitting colored sparks and whistling. The merms gathered by the beach and stared in awe. Some of the sparks shot high into the air and exploded into colors, and they cried out in surprise and joy.
“I’ve never seen them so close up,” Schneep whispered.
“Yeah.” Jackie nodded. “Do you remember that one time they were setting them off at a pier and I came and got you so we could go see them?”
“Of course I do. That was one of the best days I’d had in a while.”
“Well. Glad I could help cheer you up again.”
“Chase, what are they called, again?” Marvin asked.
“Fireworks,” Chase said. “I wish they worked underwater, they’re some of the best stuff humans came up with.”
Maybe we can learn how to make water-works one day, Jameson said.
“I think they used to be a thing, actually,” Jack added. “Some magic spells that caused big, colorful explosions—just like that one, look!” Purple sparks burst in the sky. Jack laughed. “But I think we lost the records of those spells.”
“We’ll figure them out, then,” Marvin said. “That can be our first project together, Jameson!”
Jameson chuckled. He looked away from the sky for a minute and gazed at the others around him. You know, just because Marvin and I are life friends now, doesn’t mean the rest of you aren’t my best friends.
“Aw, James,” Chase said, touched. “We’re so glad to have you, you know.”
“Maybe we can all be life friends eventually,” Jackie suggested.
Schneep groaned. “Do you know how big that ceremony will be? Just because of how many of us there are? So many mushy shows of emotions.”
“You know you love it,” Marvin said teasingly.
Everyone laughed. “Well, we can still be friends for life, ceremony or no,” Jack said. “There’s no one I’d rather have by my side.”
They watched the fireworks, and after a while, moved onto other festivities. Together, they stayed late into the night in the lake, until it was finally time for them all to return home. But just because they were far away, didn’t mean they were apart. As long as they kept each other in their hearts, they would never be truly apart. No matter what distance or obstacles were in the way.
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tamlynstales · 1 year
Prologue: Beginning the Unmasking Letters - April 5, 2023
Darling, last night as I came undone at your behest I could’ve sworn you met my gaze unguarded. For the first time in two years I truly saw you as you saw me. It (Recognition) washed through me with a warmth like sunbeams. Then I blinked and it was gone. Your gray eyes, once again cold and calculating. Mask set so firmly in place, as to be mistaken for your true face. An elaborate and decorative mask presented to the world, behind which one remains alone. How lonely is life behind your carefully crafted facade? What pain has led you here? To never let another see past the disguise. How do you bear it? 
I had believed I could bear mine; kept it tightly in place for centuries. For so long this armament was integral to my existence, I began to forget the mask wasn’t the man behind it. My only escape from the gnawing loneliness seemed to be a permanent end; so I waited but one never came. Immortal life seemed to me a curse; to be forced to live perpetually with all the guilt and darkness such a life as mine has accrued. That was the way of my death, and nothing more was expected; living defeat. 
Until a sound, a song, a raw discordant melody shattered my apathy and freed me. Music so alien and so full of life; it seemed to possess me. Suddenly the veneer once so comfortably worn was suffocating; what was my buoy now only kept me drowning. It was overwhelming, but the resonance had taken hold and settled within me; in a way it was unbearable. Inside I argued that no deathly creature such as I relied upon air to survive; what difference would a few more years of this now heightened torture make? The fragmenting facade was necessary, I insisted, it kept the monster within at bay. He could not be let loose again. 
Yet, each time that song rang in my ears more and more of my carefully practiced guise slipped away. Even as the fall took me, I believed I could best Icarus; to fly closer and closer to the flaring star of you without being burnt. Without revealing the core of me. As much as I wish to be freed completely, to pull fresh air into decayed lungs, it is clear now that to do so would only sever you from me; to fall would be to descend into darkness. So I am left (burning) melting. 
Now it gets harder and harder to keep the words in my heart from spilling from my lips - exposing every thought and feeling - only to be known by you; with hopes of knowing in return. My mangled mask is quickly coming undone. Every cunning glance and witty retort, mere plaster to maintain my failing facade. These truest words must remain hidden. None is more surprised than I that death would be a kinder fate than earning any enmity of yours.  
So,  I set them down within these pages along with hopes that one day we won’t have to disguise ourselves from each other… and if not, then at least our story will live somewhere. 
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thatstormygeek · 1 month
At the University of Texas in Austin, right-wing authoritarian Gov. Greg Abbott ordered a large helmeted brigade of state troopers to march through the heart of his state’s flagship campus and shut down a pro-Palestinian protest that he’d branded as violent and antisemitic even before the event had actually started. Prosecutors later dropped all criminal charges against 57 UT students and others arrested by Abbott’s army, saying the arrests “lacked probable cause.” The riot cops were photographed marching past a UT promotional sign, “What starts here changes the world …” Students at two large Midwestern schools — Indiana and Ohio State Universities — who grew up on active shooter drills were shocked to look up during their campus protests to see what appeared to be trained police snipers aiming long guns at the action. IU officials stayed mum about what seemed to be photographic proof. In Ohio, where the volley of National Guard shots that killed four students at Kent State University at a May 4, 1970, protest still echoes today, OSU officials called the rooftop officers just spotters before admitting they’d “switched to long-range firearms” at night “once the troopers began using force on the students.” Apparently “using force on the students” wasn’t a problem for them. Some of the most shocking footage came from Atlanta, involving police and the state troopers who in 2023 had shot and killed a protester against the police training center known to foes as “Cop City.” Multiple videos from Emory University showed a string of violent arrests, including a young Black man who was shot with a Taser even though officers had immobilized him on the ground. When an Emory economics professor, Caroline Fohlin, saw a cop violently arresting a student and screamed, “What are you doing?!,” a second officer grabbed her and slammed her hard to the ground, her head against the hard pavement, as she screamed, “I’m a professor.” Fohlin, who was shown on video doing no more than raising her voice, was charged with “battery” against a police officer. One of the most chilling videos from Georgia, ironically, shows no violence at all. In it, Noëlle McAfee, chair of Emory’s philosophy department, stylishly dressed, handbag slung over her shoulder, is led away in handcuffs by a masked officer. She later told a faculty meeting that, like Fohlin, her supposed crime was questioning an officer making a violent arrest of a student.
I’d kind of like to call the philosophy department myself, in the hope that some beautiful mind there can explain to me how college presidents can morally justify calling armed police officers against their own students to clamp down on free speech, beyond their desperation to stay employed. Or maybe someone in Fohlin’s economics department could pick up the line and do the math for me on why America’s best universities value their biggest donors over their students’ free expression. The most tumultuous week on U.S. college campuses since May 1970 resulted in at least 600 arrests at 15 different schools as of Saturday, with more surely on the way. It’s going to take even longer to tally all the students facing suspension and in some cases expulsion for speaking out on the bloodshed in Gaza, or the now-ruined careers of principled professors who stood between their students and a nightstick. Not to mention the lasting psychological scars for young people who saw their dream college summon cops to arrest them or even fire rubber bullets or canisters of tear gas at them, which would be considered a war crime if used in Ukraine but is apparently OK in the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s hometown of Atlanta. The notion of college as the American dream — fostering not just upward economic mobility but a nation of informed citizens taught to think critically — has been steadily dying since the original right-wing backlash against student protest in the 1960s triggered the end of taxpayer support for low tuition, which caused a $1.75 trillion student loan crisis. The maelstrom around the war in the Middle East has given the enemies of higher education — and they are many — a chance to move in for the kill.
But the biggest problem is the large mass of Americans sitting on the couch and saying absolutely nothing, glued to the nonstop Trump Court TV that cable news has become, watching pundits fret that democracy will die in the November election even as a runaway police state already clamps down in April. Look, the threat of a Trump 47 dictatorship is real, and last week’s three-hour Supreme Court debate over whether any president is above the law was riveting, even if in a healthy republic it would have lasted just three minutes. Too many boomer “Trump Resistance” types see the wave of college arrests as a distraction, a sideshow. Trust me, this is the entire ballgame. Ending free speech on college campuses is the leading edge of a bigger war against dissent that could already be lost by Nov. 5, and any contest of the election result that follows. I’m sure Congress and President Joe Biden have some valid concerns about Chinese ownership of TikTok, but I doubt lawmakers would have moved so quickly to threaten a large media platform with extinction were it not for fear that too many young people are exposed to ideas they find dangerous. The chaos on college campuses is already being cited to curb other protests, such as moving demonstrators far away from July’s Republican National Convention so they can’t be heard. Democracy defenders might find the battle to stop a second Jan. 6 coup was lost on the playing fields of Emory.
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fittopfactory-sandy · 5 months
Best Anti-Aging Devices
Are you struggling with skin wrinkles and sagging? What are the best anti-aging devices for 2023? Over the past year, our second-generation anti-aging devices have gained popularity, becoming our best-selling products. We have collaborated with numerous major clients, closing many orders. In today's post, we will share the best anti-aging devices, hoping to assist your skincare routine and alleviate your existing skin concerns.
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Device 1: 1MHz RF Beauty Device - Specialized in Anti-Aging
This anti-aging device utilizes high-frequency 1MHz radiofrequency energy. With just three uses per week for seven days, noticeable changes can be observed within a month. Additionally, it incorporates EMS microcurrent and red-blue light technology to address triple-sagging skin. The innovation of our best anti-aging device lies in its use of a 24k gold radiofrequency head, delivering energy deeper into the skin with better texture and superior antioxidant effects compared to conventional radiofrequency heads. Another innovative feature is our pioneering self-sterilizing base, which automatically uses ultraviolet light for sterilization after use.
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Device 2: 3.3MHz RF Beauty Device - FITTOP 377 Golden Glow III RF Beauty Device
Building upon the second-generation anti-aging device, we have made some upgrades. Firstly, we adopted 3.3MHz high-frequency energy, providing stronger energy that reaches 80% into the dermis, stimulating collagen regeneration for a more pronounced skin tightening effect. Secondly, we made some changes to the appearance, and through real-life testing, our anti-aging device has proven to have significant wrinkle-reduction effects after 28 days of use.
Key features of this anti-aging device include:
2x Enhanced Turbo Radiofrequency
620nm Red Light Skin Rejuvenation
Boswellia Wrinkle-Resistant Essence Gel
415nm Blue Light Anti-Sensitivity
24k Gold-Plated Radiofrequency Head
Multipolar Microcurrent Facial Sculpting
UV Base for Sterilization and Anti-Sensitivity
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Device 3: FITTOP 373 Gold Collagen Mask - True 3 Times Tight
LED light therapy is one of the best anti-aging devices, and FITTOP 373 Gold Collagen Mask is no exception. FITTOP utilizes 330 professional-grade super photon lamps, addressing skin sagging, wrinkles, collagen loss, and acne. The entire mask is made of medical-grade silicone, ensuring a comfortable fit. You can easily enjoy the power of light therapy at home. With consistent use, your skin will experience significant improvement.
Innovations of FITTOP 373 Gold Collagen Mask include:
Full-face comprehensive skincare with no dead zones, wearable without discomfort
Food-grade soft silicone material for zero-distance absorption
Eight magnetic stones around the temples and eye area to improve microcirculation and promote metabolism
Five super lights, seven modes for full-face care
LED-ICE 0° physical ice sensation skin rejuvenation technology
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Having one of those off days where you just want to stay in bed and relax? Why not do so in style and glamour? Treat yourself, you deserve it.
Here's some of our top picks that we found would be perfect for that cozy time at home:
I. Silk Sleep Eye Mask for Side Sleeper, 100% 22 Momme Pure Mulberry Silk, Face-Hugging Padded Silk for Sleeping with Adjustable Band (Pink)
Sometimes all we need is a good nap, and to shut off from the World through a pampered lens would help you recharge and reset in a calm and gentle way.
II. 7 Colors LED Face Light Therapy Mask Beauty Device for Skin Care
Even if it's just lying in bed, self-care is still key during your off days, thus, this LED light therapy mask is sure to do the trick for your skin while also still being able to relax
III. Sexy Illusion Long Lingerie Tulle Robe Nightgown Bathrobe Sleepwear Bridal Robe Wedding
When you're feeling low, the best is to boost up your confidence and sexiness by putting on something a little more luxurious and sultry
IV. The Five Minute Journal, Original Daily Gratitude Journal 2023, Reflection & Manifestation Journal for Mindfulness, Undated Daily Journal, Plastic-Free, White
Sometimes, it's easy to get lost and forget the little things that we have even when we feel that we're lacking, that's why this five minute gratitude journal is God send, not to mention the fact that the texture of the journal itself feels soothing to the touch
V. Lingerie Bodysuit Babydoll One Piece Lace Halter Teddy Chemise Sleepwear
To add to the sexy robe, why not also spoil yourself silly with a beautiful lingerie one piece sure to make you feel cozily stunning
VI. Aromatherapy Scented Candles | Lavender Essential Oil | 19.4oz 110 Hours Burn Gold Lid Soy White Candles | Self Care Gifts for her | Luxury for Women | Room Decor Candles for Home Scented
Scent is everything, and is known to be an elevated mood booster along with warmth from a stylish candle
VII. Furry Slippers Open Toe Fuzzy Slippers Memory Foam Fluffy House Slippers
Just in case, you feel like getting out of bed and take slow romantic walks to the fridge, these furry slippers would be the perfect companion.
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ecofaceplatinum · 11 months
Get the Best FDA-approved led face mask only at ECO FACE PLATINUM
ECO FACE PLATINUM dual LED light therapy is the latest in home skin care, using ultra-light radio frequency (RF). The benefits are not only on the surface, like expensive beauty creams. With exquisite wavelengths of light. When it comes to skincare, LED light therapy is the perfect alternative to wrinkle creams. If you are looking for Best FDA-approved led face mask and in-home LED treatment reviews, look no further than ECO FACE PLATINUM. ECO FACE PLATINUM is the most widely used light therapy technology with dual LED's in the world. With its precise wavelengths, it penetrates deeper into your skin and promotes the longevity of your skin cells.
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avaavvav · 8 months
LED Light Face Mask 2023: Illuminating Your Path to Health and Beauty
Get the best LED Face Mask of 2023 at Iaabeauty.com! Our masks are designed with the latest technology to give you a safe, luxurious, and rejuvenating experience. Shop now and get glowing skin with our top-rated LED masks!
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hgsalonandspa · 1 year
7 Types Of Facial Spas To Revive Your Glow
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A glowing healthy looking face makes up for a great first impression, therefore, looking out for your skin should always be on top of your list.
Home remedies are a good short-term solution but if you are looking for something more permanent, a professional spa session is the way to go. Maintaining yourself and regularly opting for spa sessions can help you feel fresh and lively all the time. 
There are many ways to rejuvenate yourself like massages, spas, haircare, nailcare, and more. Facial spas are the most popular service offered at a salon and you can get the most satisfying ones at the best salon and spa in Sturbridge. 
To help you decide on a facial spa that suits and enlivens your skin type, here are a few suggestions.
1. Deep Cleansing Facial Spa
This type of facial is ideal for those who want a deep cleanse and to remove impurities from their skin. It involves steam, exfoliation, and extractions deeply cleanse and unclog pores to rejuvenate your skin.
2. Hydrating Facial Spa This spa is the best choice for dry and dehydrated skin. It focuses on replenishing and hydrating your skin, often using masks, serums, and moisturizers rich in nourishing ingredients like hyaluronic acid, vitamins, and botanical extracts.
3. Acne-Fighting Facial Spa
Dealing with stubborn breakouts or acne-prone skin? An acne-fighting facial spa can be highly beneficial. This facial spa in Sturbridge focuses on deep cleansing, exfoliation, and employing ingredients like salicylic acid or tea tree oil to combat acne-causing bacteria and reduce inflammation.
4. Brightening Facial Spa
Do you wish to achieve a radiant, even skin tone? A brightening facial spa can help fade dark spots, hyperpigmentation, and dullness. These facials often incorporate vitamin C, kojic acid, and licorice extract to brighten and illuminate your complexion.
5 . Calming and Soothing Facial Spa
If you have sensitive or irritated skin, a calming and soothing facial spa can provide relief. These facials use gentle, soothing ingredients like aloe vera, chamomile, or oatmeal to calm redness, irritation, and inflammation, leaving your skin feeling refreshed and balanced.
6. Oxygenating Facial Spa
Oxygen facials are known for their ability to boost circulation, stimulate collagen production, and give your skin a radiant glow. These facials involve infusing oxygen, alongside vitamins and antioxidants, into your skin, promoting a more youthful and revitalized appearance. You can opt for a whole package of rejuvenation by adding massage therapy in Sturbridge as well to your list. 
7 . Anti-Aging Facial Spa
As we age, our skin becomes less elastic and develops fine lines and wrinkles. An anti-aging facial spa targets these concerns, aiming to reduce the signs of aging and promote a more youthful appearance. These facials typically involve specialized treatments, such as collagen-boosting serums, microdermabrasion, or LED light therapy.
Indulging in a facial spa is a fantastic way to pamper yourself and revive your natural glow. However, you need to consider your skin type, concerns, and desired results while choosing facial rejuvenation. 
Hair Gallery Salon & Spa is a known salon and spa offering a wide range of services like hair care, nail care, skin care, spas, massages, hair elimination like waxing services in Sturbridge, and more. Visit them to revive yourself in the most satisfying way. 
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snugsodium · 1 year
A New Year Full of Hope: Prospects in the Philippine Economy and the Real Estate Industry this 2023
Yes! The world made it this far. Everyone has experienced the horrors of the lockdown brought on by the pandemic, having been locked in their house and lot. The whole world stops and plans were set aside for the safety of everyone. As people celebrate this new year, it is best to look back at the prior years and how they can assume that 2023 is best for everyone.
In terms of the impediments, the people faced for the past 3 years led by the pandemic, there are gradual improvements particularly more noticeable in 2022. Firstly, when 2020 arrived, people are full of hope for the new decade of the 21st century. They all have optimistic plans but all opportunities were halted due to the unknown virus. All lives turned 180 when Covid 19 virus entered the new decade.
When former President Duterte proclaimed the 40-day quarantine back in 2019, Everyone expected that it will go back to normal once it was lifted. Unfortunately, it was not anticipated that its drastic effect will impact the lifestyle for more than a year. No one had full control of the lockdown. The stock market crashed, every household's consumption goods led to hoarding due to panic buying, and all business operations & classes were forced to implement online. Every worker was forced to work at home and had to turn their home into an office space to comply with their workloads. It was not easy for everybody to immediately shift all operations. Moreover, government policies restricted leisure activities since international travel is highly prohibited, which also made every hotel room become a quarantine facility.
The pandemic led to a major impact not just on public health but also on the economy regarding households' purchasing decisions. The scarring tragedies brought about by the pandemic significantly impact how people value their money. The increased demand for disinfectants and protective masks led consumers to set aside buying their wants and even using their savings fund.
The implementation of the new normal in 2021 was also an impediment for all of us since the mandatory wearing of masks and face shields is not ideal for everyone. And the ECQ, MECQ, and GCQ just led to confusion for everybody. And the long waiting line for the vaccine was also unforgettable.
However, in the year 2022, it shows promising signs of comfort since the mandatory wearing of masks in public areas was officially lifted. All business operations and public spaces were gradually going back to normal. Besides, the holiday celebration this 2022 is more cheerful since everybody was able to gather and get together without any hindrances from the Covid pandemic.
With the celebration of 2023, all Filipinos are blissful to pursue their plans that were halted due to the pandemic. Moreover, the economical growth seems to be promising and may experience an upward projection in 2023. Hence, it is a great opportunity to generate income.
The year 2023 is bringing new hope to every Filipino household. According to Pulse Asia, approximately 90% of Filipino are optimistic when welcoming the new year. The people all have the collective same idea that the year 2023 will be good for us and everyone is full of hope that the year is rich in business opportunities to accumulate more money.
The Philippine economy 2023 is looking good for the real estate industry.
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polishhoney0 · 2 years
Alabama Native Information
“Hair,” which has a story and lyrics by Rado and Gerome Ragni and music by Galt MacDermot, was the first rock musical on Broadway, the first Broadway show to characteristic full nudity and the first to characteristic a same-sex kiss. Andy “Fletch” Fletcher, the unassuming, bespectacled, red-headed keyboardist who for greater than 40 years added his synth sounds to Depeche Mode hits like “Just Can’t Get Enough” and “Personal Jesus,” died May 26, 2022, at age 60. Tommy Davis, a two-time National League batting champion who received three World Series titles with the Los Angeles Dodgers, died April 3, 2022. Recruited to play for the Dodgers by Jackie Robinson, Davis batted .357 with 17 residence runs, 104 RBI and sixty eight stolen bases in 127 video games in that first season with the team. Siragusa was in style with fans due to his fun-loving attitude, which additionally helped him transition quickly to broadcasting after his taking part in career. Philip Baker Hall, the prolific character actor of movie and theater who starred in Paul Thomas Anderson's first films and who memorably hunted down a long-overdue library e-book in “Seinfeld,” died June 12, 2022. In a career spanning half a century, Hall was a ubiquitous hangdog face whose doleful, weary look may shroud a booming depth and humble sensitivity. He received consecutive titles in 1962, when he hit .346 and led the NL in hits and RBI, and 1963, when he hit .326. Peter Bogdanovich, the ascot-wearing cinephile and director of Nineteen Seventies black-and-white classics like “The Last Picture Show” and “Paper Moon,” died Jan. 6, 2022. Tony Dow, an actor and director best identified for his function as "The Beaver's" older brother Wally Cleaver on "Leave It to Beaver," died Tuesday, in accordance with his agent. The rubber-faced comedian whose lengthy profession in theater, movies and tv was capped by his "F Troop" function as zany Cpl. Agarn within the Sixties spoof of Western frontier TV shows died Friday. Barbie’s latest ascent coincides with the filming of a “Barbie” movie, starring Margot Robbie as Barbie, and Ryan Gosling as Barbie’s boyfriend, Ken, set to be released in summer time 2023. siren head toy . Krueger, who adopted two U.S. House terms with a brief interim appointment to the Senate earlier than launching a sometimes-hazardous diplomatic career, died April 30, 2022, at age 86. Charley Taylor, the Hall of Fame receiver who ended his 13-season career with Washington as the NFL's profession receptions leader, died Feb. 19, 2022. Taylor was the 1964 NFL rookie of the year and was selected to the Pro Football Hall of Fame's All-1960s Team.
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TBS praised the show’s “groundbreaking work” and says it'll explore ways to work with the cast and crew in the future. Bee was the host and a producer of “Full Frontal.” Her representatives didn't reply to a request for remark. James Rado, co-creator of the groundbreaking hippie musical “Hair,” which celebrated protest, pot and free love and paved the means in which for the sound of rock on Broadway, died June 21, 2022. The MPOs in Mobile and Baldwin counties will vote on Wednesday to add the newest version of the large $2.7 billion project into their short-term plans, which makes the overall project eligible for federal spending. Protesters from the action group Ultima Generazione glue their palms to the glass masking Sandro Botticelli’s La Primavera at Uffizi on July 22, 2022 in Florence, Italy. Photo by Laura Lezza/Getty Images. Pace to Represent Virginia Jaramillo –The pioneering summary painter is now one of many few U.S.-born Latina artists to be represented by a mega-gallery. Pace will current her work at Frieze Seoul in September and in a solo show at its Los Angeles gallery in May 2023. Jaramillo will proceed to work with Hales Gallery.
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