#Best LED Face Mask for Glowing Skin
ecofaceplatinum · 11 months
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Improve your skin with dual LED light therapy technology from ECO FACE PLATINUM. For an affordable price, treat skin conditions like acne and reverse the signs of aging. Dual LED light therapy technology helps restore the skin's moisture supply and then makes your skin absorb more water with significantly improved skin moisture retention. Our clinical trial results, along with incredible reviews from our customers for Korean-led masks, show that you can rely on dual LED light therapy technology for a deep and pure skincare experience.
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shaadiwish · 5 months
Dear brides-to-be, want to indulge in a holistic approach of skin care at the convenience of your home? Well, ShaadiWish is here to introduce you to the LED masks that are taking the beauty world by storm!
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hezzabeth · 6 months
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"For the last time, that poem isn't romantic! It's insulting," Revati yelled over her shoulder as she began to pedal.
The layout of Olde Landon had been deliberately designed to keep tourists inside for as long as possible. There was only one way to access the front gates, and that involved defeating the Queen of Hearts' hedge maze. When the park was still open, tourists would be forced to spend at least an hour in the maze, stumbling upon tiny toy shops and food stands around every corner. The same thing occurred when they left, resulting in a very rich park and bankrupt guests. Now the maze was overgrown and easy enough to navigate.
Revati pedaled past the cart that once sold her heart-shaped sunglasses. Then she turned left, almost crashing into the wall of roses. The wall of roses stared back at her, their red blooms heavy and suspicious. Thanks to Bridgadeiro, she knew they were probably secretly insulting her.
The next turn consisted of an old stardust popcorn stand. Revati skidded to a stop and inspected the inside tray, where a few ancient kernels lay. Carefully, she picked up several of them and placed them in her jacket pocket. As far as she could tell, the kernels were seeds. Someone was shifting around the corner, causing the branches to shake.
"Aurora, is that you? Did you go ahead of me?" Revati yelled.
"While conferring in the labyrinth where false preachers reeked of death, the monster began to growl," a voice called from around the corner. An unfamiliar, flat female voice. Raiders. Raiders were, of course, an occupational hazard in any post-apocalyptic settlement. Normally, they never made it further than the broken glass pit at the park's gates. Sometimes Dityaa would bring one in, insisting they were "lovely," which always led to awkward dinners.
Revati slowly walked around the maze corner. There was a screeching metallic sound, and the weapon fell from Revati's hand. An android was slumped over on the ground. Once it would have been golden, but now it was rusty and covered in mud. Someone had ripped its legs off, leaving nothing but wires and tubes spitting bright blue fluid. Instead of a torso, there was a black empty hole with a concave door swinging on its bent hinges.
"And in the forgotten twists, footsteps quicken, hearts beat, and teeth are bared," the android chirped, its voice still distorted and far away. The android's face was a beautiful mask. Still-carved eyes. Unmoving sweet lips.
Revati powered up her solar gun and slowly walked forward, aiming it at the android. The android's metal eyes scraped in their sockets, turning towards her.
“Is that you? My darling Perdita?” The android’s voice whispered, the lips unmoving. The whispering voice had a posh lilt to its accent. Revati refused to answer. It was best to never engage with AI.
“Perdita, I clawed my way in! They know about you; the spider knows,” the android whispered before collapsing completely.
Revati slowly walked forward, still holding her weapon. With one foot, she kicked the android. It didn’t move. Its power had definitely died.
“Spider? Is that some sort of gang?” Revati whispered to herself. Gangs were always given stupid names.
“The spider is us; the spider is legion,” a flat robotic voice called out, and Revati spun around.
Queen Victoria was standing behind her, scorch marks all over her dress. A faint blue glow was erupting from beneath the skin of Queen Victoria’s chest.
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sweetadonisbutbetter · 2 months
Omi gosh I fell for your Adam post instantly!
What about him after getting trapped in hell or something, he gets to meet a sweet fallen angel??
Like, she was so concerned because she knew how bad it felt to be damned to hell and falling from grace so she did her best to make him feel better!
(They're both unaware that they'll be smitten with eachother in the future and would have matching wedding rings)
hhh fallen adam and fallen reader tearing my hair out (lovingly) this is the inspo for adams look! EDIT: I GOT THE ARTIST!!!! ARTIST IS SCOUT_ISH IN TWT!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH HUNTERS-TRASHBLOG FOR TELLING ME!!!! also reader will be slightly thicker/implied to be chubby!! but other than that, everything is kept ambigous so you can imagine yourself!! adam 4 the chubbies teehee
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Bewitched | Adam x Fem! Reader
Relationship: Romantic Warnings: None!
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Adam grimaced as he looked at himself through a broken piece of mirror. Long gone was the golden halo, now replaced with horns that mimicked his exorcist horns. His handsome face was no longer human, now looking like his mask. When he first arrived, he thought it was one, and tried with all his might to remove it, his face being a different color than his maroon body. The realization that this was his body now dawned upon him in the moments afterward. He turned to look at his back, knowing that under his shirt were stubs, stubs where his once golden wings were. Instead of wings, he had a tail, similar in color to the rest of his body. Overall, Adam hated his new look.
He knew that no matter how much he looked at himself or avoided his gaze, he would still look the same. The truth of his reality that he kept running from, he was the very thing that he hated, he hunted, he killed. He was now a sinner. Fallen from grace, no longer in favor of the heavens. Truly left with no hope of ever being in God's good graces. This was the harshest truth Adam had ever faced, and it hurt more than his fall and even more than his wives leaving him. He didn’t know how to comprehend it at first, all his death, which was far longer than his life, he had only ever known Heaven. 
He didn’t know what to do with his afterlife now. Not to say he was put together in Heaven, but after his divorce from Eve things never really improved; But now that he was in the same place as the people he saw below him? That fact alone wasn’t making things better. His first few days in Hell were spent with him licking his wounds, and gathering his thoughts. Adam couldn’t keep to himself forever, returning to the same alleyway that he was calling his temporary home. But where would he go? He knew he wouldn’t survive this place, especially if the sinners found out he was the one who led the exterminations. Which led him to the one place he had been avoiding since his fall. 
The Hazbin Hotel.
He couldn’t return after he was the reason why the place was destroyed and why they no longer had a friend. But nowhere else was safe enough for him to run to. He was snapped out of his thoughts at a can being kicked. He turned to the sound and saw you. 
Adam felt his breath catch as his heart stopped. The mere sight of you made it seem like he was back at heaven gate, that warm feeling of the sun against his skin as angels sang him his welcome. You glowed in a place that seemed to thrive on the depravity and sin of humans. Your natural hair framed your face in a way that he felt that if there was a halo, you would be otherworldly. You were full in all the right places, with the tummy to show it was real. You were dressed pretty modestly, which was odd in a place of debauchery, but not too much to seem like a prude. Your eyes were warm, with golden specks in them, almost as if you were from heaven. Once Adam realized that he was ogling a sinner, he snapped back and tried to glare at you.
“What do you want?” He snarls. He sees that you flinch back, and at that moment he begins to soften but keeps his tone. You look him over, and no matter what he tells himself, he knows that you aren’t doing it to be judgy. You have this look of concern on your face as you take in his form. He scoots back away from you, unsure why you are staring at him as you are. 
“How long ago did you fall?” You ask, catching him off guard. Questions begin to swirl in his mind as he looks at you dumbly. How did you know he was from heaven? Did you see the battle? Did you know who he was? How did you know he fell? Thoughts swirling in his head, Adam couldn’t even ask you all of them. “Ah, it must have just happened. Sorry, didn’t mean to scratch at a new wound.”
“How did you know?” was all Adam could ask. You give him a small smile before you turn. With you back to Adam, he takes a brief moment to look at your ass before looking at what you were showing him. It was a pair of wings, with some stubs under your main pair. Adam’s breath hitches as he sees that the stubs are healed as if they had been that way for years. Knowing that he got his answer, you turn back around and give him a sad smile. Now new questions form in his head, starting with what you asked him. “How long ago did you fall?”
“Hm…A long time ago.” You say, shifting slightly as your wings retract. Adam nods as he takes in that he wouldn’t be the second-ever angel to fall. It made him feel less alone and relieved that he didn’t have to relate to Lucifer on something. You clear your throat causing him to look at you. “You don’t seem to have a place to stay…looking at the sight of this…alleyway. I could take you somewhere.” 
You reach out your hand for him to take, which he does. You lead him somewhere as you both make idle chatter. Throughout the walk, Adam couldn’t scratch the feeling that he knew you. This strange feeling of deja vu washed over him as he tried to realize where he knew you from. 
Unbeknownst to him, you knew exactly who he was. He was the first man and the first ever to enter heaven. You never got to meet him, having fallen by the time of his death for covering for Lillith and Lucifer. A part of you felt guilty, having hidden the first-ever affair. However, you wouldn’t trade it for the chance to stay in Heaven, knowing that you would get your niece Charlie. Not hiding the fact that it still haunted you, you saw this opportunity as a way to amends for hiding the betrayal. As you led him to the Hotel, you couldn’t think of how you would one day tell him how you knew him, however, you decided to focus on getting back on his feet. 
You talked about how hell is, not aware of Adam behind you slowing down. You felt his hand leaving your own, look behind you, and see him with this look you cannot describe. He was looking down at your hand and then his own. You walk towards him and wave your hand in front of him, causing him to lift his head to look at yours. 
“Is everything okay?” You ask, concerned. He doesn’t say anything as he nods. 
“Yeah…sorry. Thought I saw something. You were saying?” He says, shaking his head and grabbing your hand. You flush and turn away, before continuing to talk and lead him to the Hotel. 
What Adam had sworn he had seen was the formation of a little red string going pure white before disappearing. 
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In the OG writing reader was going to be in lvoe with adam alr but it didn't make sense so i scrapped it teehee
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elryuse · 27 days
I hope you're down for more yandere contents........
how about yanderes Sohyun and Hyeju as tomboys who got love struck on a fan and their wolf instinct starts kicking in
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The fluorescent lights of the fan meeting venue buzzed overhead, casting a sterile glow on the scene. But for Sohyun and Hyeju, the air crackled with a dark energy. Their gazes, usually sharp and playful onstage, were narrowed in on a single target – Y/n, a young fan with nervous excitement shimmering in his eyes. His smile, shy yet eager, sent shivers down their spines in a way that no deafening fan chant ever could.
He was different. A possessive growl vibrated deep within Sohyun's chest. This wasn't just another fan. This was theirs.
"See all those annoying fangirls crowding him, Hyeju?" Sohyun hissed, her voice low and dangerous. "Can't they see he's ours?"
Hyeju, a feral glint in her eyes, cracked her knuckles with a satisfying pop. "Don't worry, Jagi," she replied, her voice a sultry rasp. "We'll thin the herd."
With practiced smiles and a sprinkle of manufactured aegyo, they weaved through the line of fans, subtly steering the girls towards the exit. Fabricated stories of exclusive after-parties and VIP meet-and-greets tumbled from their lips, their voices laced with a sweetness that masked the steel beneath. The crowd dwindled, leaving Y/n standing awkwardly, a confused smile plastered on his face. Perfect. This was their moment.
Sohyun and Hyeju exchanged a glance, their playful tomboy personas dissolving into a chilling facade. With synchronized steps, they flanked him, their bodies brushing against his, sending a jolt of electricity sparking between them. Y/n, barely taller than their shoulders, stumbled back, wide-eyed.
"Hey, Y/n," Sohyun purred, her voice dripping with a possessive sweetness. "Looks like you're all alone with your favorite idols now." Her hand snaked around his neck, pulling him closer. Her lips, impossibly soft and warm, descended on his in a searing kiss. It wasn't the gentle peck he'd fantasized about, but a demanding claim, a hungry exploration. He tasted cherry lip gloss and something wilder beneath, a possessiveness that both terrified and thrilled him.
Hyeju, ever the firecracker, wasn't to be outdone. She nipped at Y/n's ear, her voice a husky whisper. "Don't worry, little guy," she breathed, her touch sending shivers down his young skin. Her hand trailed down his chest, igniting a fire where it landed. "We saved the best part of the fan meeting just for you."
Before Y/n could stammer a response, Sohyun pulled back, her lips glistening with his kiss. Her eyes, usually sparkling with mischief onstage, held a dangerous glint now. "Let's get out of here," she said, her voice a husky murmur. Grabbing Y/n's hand, she led him towards a back exit, Hyeju trailing close behind, her hand brushing suggestively against Y/n's back.
The hotel room was a haven of plush fabrics and dimmed lighting. Once the door closed behind them, Sohyun and Hyeju wasted no time. Sohyun pushed Y/n back against the wall, her lips finding his again. This kiss was different, a slow exploration that sent shivers down his spine. Her tongue danced with his, mapping every crevice, a silent promise of what was to come.
Hyeju joined in, her hands roaming Y/n's body, exploring the unfamiliar territory beneath his t-shirt. A gasp escaped his lips as her fingers grazed a sensitive spot. She chuckled, her voice a dark melody in the quiet room.
"You're cute when you're flustered," she whispered, her lips trailing down his neck, leaving a trail of hot kisses in their wake.
Sohyun, pulling back from the kiss, mirrored Hyeju's actions. Her touch was gentler, a contrast to Hyeju's fire, yet equally intoxicating. Her lips teased a sensitive spot behind his ear, sending shivers down his spine.
They were a whirlwind of leather, lipstick, and possessiveness, each touch a brand of ownership. Y/n, overwhelmed by the sudden shift from innocent idols to predatory goddesses, found himself caught in their intoxicating whirlwind. Fear and desire warred within him, but the raw possessiveness in their eyes, the way their touches ignited a fire within him, proved irresistible.
Sohyun and Hyeju worked in perfect harmony, stripping him slowly, each discarded article of clothing a step closer to their ultimate goal. Y/n, his heart pounding in his chest, felt both terrified and strangely exhilarated. He'd never imagined his first encounter with his idols would be like this, but as their lips trailed down his bare chest, a spark ignited within him.
The room echoed with a mixture of heated gasps and frustrated moans. Y/n, stripped bare and pinned against the plush bed, felt a whirlwind of emotions swirling within him. Fear, confusion, and a raw, primal desire battled for dominance. Sohyun and Hyeju, their playful stage personas a distant memory, were a relentless storm of kisses and touches.
Sohyun, kneeling between his legs, traced lazy patterns on his torso with the tip of her tongue. Her voice, a husky murmur against his skin, sent shivers down his spine. "Don't worry, Y/n," she breathed, her words laced with a possessiveness that made him both scared and strangely turned on. "We'll take care of you."
Hyeju, perched on the edge of the bed, mirrored Sohyun's actions on his neck and chest, leaving a trail of fiery kisses that ignited a fire in his core. Her fingers, nimble and playful, teased the sensitive skin behind his ear, drawing a choked gasp from his lips.
As they continued their exploration, a intoxicating blend of fear and arousal coursed through Y/n. He wanted to fight, to protest, but their touch, a potent cocktail of gentle and fierce, held him captive.
Suddenly, Sohyun stood, her gaze unwavering from his. "Hyeju, Jagi," she said, her voice husky with desire, "Let's show him what Wolves is really made of."
Hyeju grinned, a glint of mischief in her eyes. "Always a pleasure to follow your lead," she purred, before leaning down to whisper something in Y/n's ear that sent a blush creeping up his neck.
They worked in perfect unison, one moment Sohyun's lips were trailing fire down his stomach, the next Hyeju's tongue was exploring a forbidden zone, sending shivers of ecstasy shooting through him. He whimpered, a mixture of pain and pleasure escaping his lips.
"Shh," Sohyun whispered, her voice strangely calming amidst the storm of sensations. "Let go, Y/n. Let us show you how good this can be."
Hyeju's touch was bolder, more demanding, pushing him to his limits. Y/n, overwhelmed by the onslaught of pleasure and fear, found himself clinging to the sheets, his body arching off the bed in desperate pleas.
Hours later, as dawn painted the sky with streaks of orange and pink, the room lay silent. Y/n, spent and trembling, lay curled between Sohyun and Hyeju. His body ached, but a strange sense of satisfaction washed over him. He wasn't sure what the future held, but one thing was clear – he was no longer just a fan. He belonged to Wolves, and Wolves belonged to him.
Sohyun, tracing patterns on his chest with her finger, leaned down and whispered in his ear, "Welcome home, Y/n. This is just the beginning."
Hyeju nuzzled his neck, her voice a husky rasp. "Don't worry, little one. We'll keep you safe. We'll keep you warm. But remember, you're ours now. And Wolves doesn't share its toys."
Y/n, staring at the ceiling, knew his life had irrevocably changed. He was a prisoner in their gilded cage, a possession they would share. But as he drifted off to sleep, a new sensation bloomed in his chest – a dark, exhilarating thrill. He was theirs, yes, but maybe, just maybe, they were his too. The future with Wildfire was uncertain, a terrifying yet thrilling prospect. And as he nestled deeper into their embrace, a single thought echoed in his mind: This is crazy. But maybe, just maybe, this is exactly what I wanted.
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bupia · 9 months
Bloodlust: Chapter 1 - Dracopia x Fem!Reader
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Summary: With the news of a masquerade ball being hosted in your city, your friend invites you to go with her. Despite not being a fan of this type of event, you decide to give it a chance, unaware of the subsequent events that would unfold.
Words: 7.521
Warnings: None for now, this chapter is an introduction to the forthcoming events that will gradually unfold throughout the subsequent chapters.
A/N: This is about Dracopia, so be aware that Copia is a Vampire on this story. And, that his visual is the Cardinal look during 2019.
Available on AO3
As the week went by, another invitation from your friend, urging you to attend the grand masquerade ball that was about to happen in your city came. While the idea of such an event seemed both enticing and cumbersome, you couldn't shake off the feeling that it was a bit too antiquated for your taste. The thought of wearing a dress, adorning a mask, and dancing the night away felt like something that wasn't particularly aligned with you, especially on a weekend.
Nonetheless, it became increasingly difficult to decline your friend's insistence to join. You pondered over the idea, contemplating whether you could bring yourself to attend such a traditional event as the internal struggle continued and you weighed the pros and cons of going to this masquerade ball. After all, it was just for one night.
And now, here you were, standing before the grand doors of the old classic European building, wearing a borrowed dress from your friend. At least, the dress was a stunning masterpiece, its crimson hue setting you apart in the crowd even before you stepped inside. The off-the-shoulder style exuded both elegance and a touch of allure, while the voluminous skirt added an air of grandeur to your ensemble. The velvet material felt luxurious against your skin, the fitted bodice showcased your figure in a way that made you feel beautiful.
"Please, it's just one night," your friend said.
"I know it's just one night, but I still can't understand why you were so insistent on this," you replied.
"It's finally a big event in the city, and waiting until next year is just too long for me," she explained. "I promise I won't ask you for anything for the next... week." She broke into a giggle, trying to sweeten the deal.
"Alright," you sighed, giving in.
Her face lit up with a huge smile, and she practically bolted towards you, squeezing you in a tight hug that bordered on suffocating. You managed a small smile as you looked at her, reminding yourself that at the very least, her happiness was worth the discomfort of attending the event.
"Thank you for coming with me. You're simply the best," she exclaimed, releasing her hold on you.
"I wouldn't say the best, but I think we can manage to have some fun," you replied.
"Well, the important thing is that we're here together!" she said with enthusiasm.
"Yeah..." you replied, your enthusiasm not quite matching hers.
Adjusting the mask in your face, you took a deep breath, before your friend grasped your hand and guided you towards the entrance of the old building. The grandeur of the structure was undeniable – its vintage architecture; richly decorated walls and shimmering ornaments, with the soft glow of chandeliers spilled out from the entrance.
As you stepped in the ballroom, you were immediately greeted by the sounds of music that filled the air. The ballroom itself was a sight to behold, with couples twirling gracefully on the dance floor and guests mingling throughout the space.
Your friend's grip on your hand tightened as she led you further into the ballroom. "Isn't it amazing?" she exclaimed, her eyes wide with wonder.
You couldn't help but smile in response. "It's certainly something."
Your friend's excitement was contagious; you were well aware of how much she loved attending such events. While you were enjoying yourself to some extent, it wasn't exactly your first choice for a weekend activity. But, it was fine, you decided to have a great night with your friend no matter what.
"I think we should get something to drink, what do you think?" she inquired.
"I think is a great idea to start the night," you replied, offering her a warm smile.
She led you towards the bar, where the two of you found a cozy spot on the balcony, overlooking the grand ballroom below. The soft glow of the chandeliers illuminated the dance floor, casting a magical ambiance over the scene. Placing your drink orders, you leaned against the balcony railing, your eyes drifting over the lively crowd below. The hum of conversations and the strains of music created a nostalgic and vibrant atmosphere. It wasn't long before the bartender returned with your drinks, and you reached out to take your glass, feeling the cool condensation against your fingers.
"Cheers," your friend said, raising her glass.
"Cheers," you echoed, clinking your glass against hers before taking a sip of the refreshing drink.
As you sipped on your drink and looked out at the crowd, your gaze came to rest on a figure who stood out from the rest. He exuded an air aristocratic and sophisticated, his presence commanding attention without any effort with his graceful posture and controlled movements. His attire was impeccable. The classic cuts of his dark elegant clothing, with the high collar that hugged his neck added a touch of drama to his ensemble. The cape draped over his shoulders lent him a slightly theatrical, gothic aura, setting him apart from the others.
His mask, a half-face creation, concealed part of his features while revealing one of his eyes. The uncovered eye allowed you a glimpse of his age, he was certainly older than you. Still, your curiosity piqued, and you found your eyes inexplicably drawn to him. You observed from a distance, taking in the subtle gestures, the occasional smiles, and the way he interacted with those around him.
Your friend nudged you, breaking your reverie. "See someone interesting?"
You glanced at her and then back at the figure. "Not at all, I was just looking around and got distracted."
You averted your eyes from him, focusing on the drink you held in your hand, taking a sip through the straw. Despite your attempt to divert your attention, your gaze sliding over to him from the corner of your eye. To your surprise, he had his eyes fixed on you now and it felt as if he were studying every nuance of your being. The way his eyes roamed over you, from head to toe, sent a shiver down your spine. As his eye locked with yours, you quickly averted your gaze to the drink on your hand. You took another sip of your drink, feeling the cool liquid glide down your throat, trying to ignore the fluttery sensation in your stomach.
His unwavering gaze was captivating, and the intensity with which he studied you seemed to tighten that grip on your stomach even more. You fought the urge to bite your lower lip, reminding yourself to maintain composure.
"It appears you've attracted an admirer," your friend playfully remarked, a hint of mischief dancing in her eyes.
"Really? Who?" you feigned innocence, as if unaware of the person she was referring to.
"That man over there, he can't seem to take his eyes off you."
A nervous chuckle escaped your lips as you attempted to downplay the significance of the situation. "Oh, come on. It's a busy event, people are naturally scanning the surroundings."
Your friend's nod was accompanied by a suspicious expression on her face, and you responded with a gentle yet nervous smile, hoping to convey your innocence. She returned the smile, seemingly convinced. Feeling relieved, you finished your drink, grateful that she seemed to have bought your explanation. As the two of you moved away from the bar, you couldn't shake the feeling that his eyes were still fixed on you, a sensation that accompanied you as you walked towards a table.
As you settled into your chair, a sense of relief washed over you, and you let out a contented sigh. Just as your friend was about to join you, a woman appeared by her side, extending her hand in a friendly gesture.
"Care to dance?" the woman asked.
Your friend's cheeks immediately flushed with a deep shade of red, the color almost matching the crimson of your dress. Your friend hesitated for a moment, clearly caught off guard by the unexpected invitation. She looked at you, seeking some kind of reassurance.
"Go for it," you whispered, giving her a playful nudge.
With a nervous laugh, your friend accepted the woman's hand, allowing herself to be led to the dance floor.
Left alone at the table, you took the opportunity to observe the room once more. Your gaze inevitably found its way to the mysterious man. This time, however, he wasn't alone. He was engaged in a conversation with a woman, prompting you to consider that he might didn't come alone to the ball.
As you watched them, you couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment. It seemed that your friend were wrong; he wasn't looking at you, you didn't caught his attention. Perhaps he was simply enjoying the night, socializing with other guests, and his occasional glances were purely coincidental.
Lost in your thoughts, you almost didn't notice when someone approached your table. Startled, you looked up to find a man standing there.
"May I join you?" he asked, his voice smooth and deep.
You blinked in surprise before nodding politely. "Of course."
He pulled out the chair opposite you and sat down, his lips curving into a charming smile. "I couldn't help but notice you from across the room."
Heat rushed to your cheeks, and you lowered your gaze slightly. "Oh? Really?"
"Yes," he nodded. "By the way, I'm Benjamin," he introduced himself, extending a gloved hand towards you.
"Nice to meet you, Benjamin," you replied, shaking his hand gently.
Little did you know that from the moment Benjamin approached your table, the mysterious man had discreetly glanced your way again. His gaze lingered on you, his expression pensive and contemplative. The woman he had been conversing with seemed to fade into the background as his attention became solely focused on you and the conversation you were having with the man across from you.
"Did you come alone?" he inquired.
"No, actually, I'm here with a friend of mine. She's dancing at the moment," you explained with a chuckle.
"Well, that's good, because I've been hoping to ask if you'd like to dance," he replied, his hand extended toward you.
Before you could respond to his invitation, the man who had been observing you, approached your table but ultimately chose a different table, settling into a seat where he could continue to watch you from afar. You sighed in disappointment glancing in the direction of him. You turned your attention back to the man before you, grabbing his extended hand.
"I would love to dance, but I'm definitely not a good dancer," you admitted with a sheepish smile, allowing him to guide you onto the dance floor.
He chuckled softly. "Not a problem at all."
You and Benjamin stepped onto the dance floor, but, a shiver ran down your spine as you couldn't shake the feeling of his intense gaze fixed upon your back, leaving a sense of unease settled over you, as if you were being closely observed from afar.
As the music swelled around you, he took your hand and placed the other on your waist, his touch firm but gentle as he led you through the steps of the dance. You couldn't help but steal occasional glances at the man who had shifted his position. He still had his eyes fixed on you, but now, there was a hint of annoyance on his gaze. His annoyed look seemed to follow your every move, and you couldn't help but wonder what was going through his mind.
The music changed to a slower, more intimate melody, and Benjamin pulled you a little closer, causing you to look at him. As you moved to the rhythm of the music, your attention was involuntarily drawn back to the mysterious man, whose fingers now clutched the fabric covering the top of the table with a visible tightness. His expression seemed to have shifted from mere curiosity to something more intense, his focus solely on you and your interaction with Benjamin.
"Do you know him?" Benjamin inquired, tracing the direction of your stare.
"Who?" You replied, redirecting your gaze back to Benjamin.
"The man you've been looking at."
You shook your head. "No, I've never seen him before."
Benjamin let out a soft laugh. "It seemed like you two knew each other, given the way you two have been exchanging glances."
Before you could respond, the music came to an end, and Benjamin guided you back to your table. Expressing your gratitude for the dance, your attention was momentarily diverted. However, your curiosity pulled you to steal another glance at the enigmatic man. Why was he so captivated by you? What was the purpose behind this peculiar staring exchange? And, perhaps more importantly, why were you playing this staring game?
Just as you were contemplating these thoughts, your friend reappeared at the table. You swiftly shifted your focus to her, a warm smile gracing your lips.
"So, how was your dance?" you asked, trying to sound casual.
She beamed, still catching her breath. "It was amazing! She's a great dancer. And she's actually really sweet too."
"That's great to hear!" you exclaimed.
"Now, what about yours? I definitely caught you out on the dance floor."
You hesitated for a moment, glancing briefly at the mysterious man. "It was... quite an experience."
You refocused your attention on your friend, yet the enigmatic man's actions lingered in your thoughts. His behavior was growing more peculiar by the moment – from his intense stares to what felt like a deliberate following of your movements around the ballroom. Why he hadn't taken the straightforward route of initiating a conversation left you intrigued and frustrated. As you sighed softly, the notion that your fascination might not be reciprocated by him crossed your mind, introducing a touch of uncertainty to the situation.
"What was that?" she inquired, catching onto your sigh.
"Oh, it's nothing," you replied, offering a small smile. "I suppose I'm just feeling a bit tiren from all the dancing, or maybe I've been overthinking things."
"I've got an idea that might lighten your mood," she began. "How about we grab another drink?"
Her suggestion drew a chuckle from you, and you nodded appreciatively. "Another drink does sound like a good plan."
With that, the two of you made your way back to the bar, where you placed your orders and leaned against the counter. The music of the event filled the air around you as you waited for your drinks. Lost in the ambiance of the ball, you found yourself watching people on the dance floor. The clinking of glasses and the sound of liquid being poured drew your attention back to the bar. You reached out to claim your drink, and then the two of you returned to your table.
"Oh!" your friend exclaimed. "I forgot to ask for a straw. Do you need one?"
"No, I'm fine," you replied with a slight shake of your head.
She rose from her seat and headed back to the bar. Suddenly, the man rose from his seat, adjusting his clothing, and began making his way towards you. Your heart raced, anticipation building. However, he came to a halt as your friend made her way back to the table, his uncertainty palpable as he seemed to grapple with the decision of whether to approach your table or remain where he was.
"Is there something on your mind?" your friend asked, noticing your distracted demeanor.
You sighed, taking a sip of your drink. "It's just... that man over there," you said, nodding subtly in his direction.
"Which man?" She looked around, scanning the crowd.
You leaned in, speaking softly. "The one behind you at that table, the one who's been staring at me."
She followed your gaze and let out a laugh. "Oh, you mean the spooky, mysterious type? He's been looking at you all night."
You rolled your eyes playfully. "It's not exactly flattering, it's kind of unnerving."
"Well, if he's been staring like that, maybe he's just too shy to come over and talk," she suggested.
"Shy or not, he's definitely making me uncomfortable," you admitted.
“He’s definitely intrigued by you,” she teased.
You rolled your eyes playfully. “Or maybe he’s just wondering why I keep looking in his direction.”
She chuckled. "Well, a little conversation never hurt anyone, right? Why don't you go over there and find out what's his problem?"
"If he's interested in talking, he can make the first move."
With a hint of annoyance, you crossed your arms and cast a pointed glare in his direction. However, he stood there, seemingly undeterred. Letting out an exasperated huff, you doubted he could hear your frustration, yet the intensity of his unbroken stare conveyed that the silent exchange might finally be reaching its conclusion. The man redirected his path, and you seized the moment to take another sip of your drink.
"You know what?" your friend interjected, her gaze fixed on the dance floor. "I think we should hit the dance floor again, I really want to dance again."
"Dance again? We just finished one, and I—"
Before you could finish your sentence, your friend grabbed your arm and pulled you up from your seat. You nearly stumbled and had to steady yourself by holding onto her shoulder. Both of you shared a laugh at the unexpected moment, and then she led you towards the dance floor where two lines were forming, with people on one side and another ones on the other, waiting for the next song to start so they could dance together. Your eyes traced the row of people in front of you, and at the farthest end stood he. For some reason, you found yourself yearning to be the one standing before him.
Your gaze shifted to the random partner who awaited you. With a small smile, you exchanged a brief, anticipatory glance. As the melody of the song swelled, your partner stepped forward, and you mirrored their movement with a graceful bow. They reached you, their hand found yours with a gentle grasp. Their other hand found its place on your waist, and together, you two began to move in sync with the rhythm of the music.
With each spin, perfectly synchronized to the music's rhythm, your partner changes seamlessly, whisking you away in a series of enchanting twirls.
The dance continued and the sensation of his gaze tracing your every movement intensified. With each twirl, you found yourself turning your head to catch his eyes, only to discover them unwaveringly focused on you. Twirl after twirl, his stare remained locked onto you, drawing closer with every rotation. Yet, just as you expected to find him in the next instant, he vanished from your line of sight.
Frantically scanning the surroundings, your eyes darted in every direction until the music reached its crescendo – and there he materialized, stepping in as your final dance partner just as you completed your last spin.
"Mi hai chiesto di venire e eccomi qui," the man said with a grin on his lips.
You looked at him in confusion, not understanding his words. However, before you could inquire further, he pulled you into a close embrace as a new song started. His gloved hands reached for your lower back and for your hand, holding you closed to him, almost pressing your bodies together.
The atmosphere shifts, and it's as if the world fades away, leaving only you and him on the dance floor. His strong yet gentle guidance leads you in a seamless dance, your steps effortlessly synchronized with the haunting melody. His gaze remained unwavering, focused solely on you, and his grip remained firm as he held you close. Despite the masked half of his face that concealed his eye, you found yourself unable to divert your gaze from his captivating green eyes.
He led you in perfect harmony with the music, twirling you and then drawing you in closely as the song played on. The finesse of his lead was such that you felt as if you were dissolving into his embrace. Your grip on his shoulder tightened, and you surrendered to the sensation, closing your eyes, letting him to steer you through the dance.
You surrendered to the comfort of his embrace, allowing your back to gently curve against his arm. Your neck arched back, baring its elegant curve, fully immersed in the moment as though you were ensnared in a spell within his arms. All you desired was to be completely enveloped in his presence, feeling his unwavering support in this instant, as if he would hold you regardless of anything else.
With the final note echoing in the air, you felt him guiding you toward the open space of the dance floor, his hold resolute. As you slowly opened your eyes, you met his gaze, his figure hovering above yours, a mischievous smile playing on his lips.
With a practiced motion, he brought you back closer, his grasp secure around your lower back. Taking a deep breath, you tried to shake off the enchantment that had taken hold. Your head gave a subtle, almost instinctive, shake as if to break the spell that had woven itself around you. His hand found yours, and he delicately raised it to his lips, planting a soft kiss on your skin.
As the new melody filled the air, his hand gently found its way to your face. Anticipating another dance, you readied yourself, but instead, with a delicate motion, he shifted your hair, unveiling the vulnerable nape of your neck. Inclining toward you, he bestowed a lingering kiss upon your skin. The sensation of his pointed nose and the softness of his lips, accentuated by a mustache gracing the top of his upper lip, brushed against you, creating an impression of savoring your very essence.
"May I have a moment of your time, carissima?" he inquired, his voice a soft whisper close to your ear.
"Y-Yes," you managed to stammer in response.
He wasted no time in guiding you off the dance floor, leading you toward a discreet exit of the saloon. With confident steps, he ushered you to an empty balcony at the rear of the weathered building. The music's distant melodies faded into the background, leaving just the two of you in a secluded haven.
He turned to face you, his gaze intense. The atmosphere was filled with anticipation as the night breeze rustled through your hair. His hand found yours, his fingers intertwining with yours as he held it gently yet firmly.
"I must admit," he began, his tone smooth yet tinged with a playful glint in his eye, "I've been wanting to talk to you since the moment you walked into the ballroom." He reached out, his fingers brushing a stray strand of hair behind your ear.
"Is that so?" you inquired, arching a brow in disbelief.
He nodded, his lips curving into a half-smile. "Infatti. I had quite a speech planned out, ma ore that we're here, it seems to have escaped my memory."
The confession caught you off guard, a mixture of surprise and curiosity flickering in your eyes. "Really? And why is that?"
He leaned in closer, his voice a velvety whisper. "Perhaps it's your captivating presence or this vestito cremisi of yours. Or maybe it's the simple fact that I haven't been able to take my eyes off you."
You felt a subtle warmth spreading across your cheeks at his candid words, his gaze holding yours with an intensity that made your heart race. "Well, I appreciate your honesty."
A sly smile curved his lips. "Ah, but I haven't just been admiring you from afar, I've been devising ways to approach you, hoping to catch your attention." His grin widened, and he leaned in slightly, his breath brushing against your ear as he whispered, "Perhaps you can help me fill in the gaps, carissima."
You raised an eyebrow playfully, appreciating his direct approach. "Are you asking for assistance in charming me?"
His eyes twinkled with uncertainty. "Is it working?"
You couldn't help but grin, with a playful chuckle on your lips. "Maybe a little."
"Ah, progress," he said, as if celebrating a small victory. "I've been practicing my 'smoldering gaze' for occasions like these, cara."
"Well, I must say, you're doing a fine job." You laughed, charmed by his candid confession.
He leaned a bit too eagerly and accidentally knocked into a nearby potted plant, causing it to wobble precariously until it fall from the top rail. "Eh!" he exclaimed, his eyes widening as he looked down at the broken potted plant on the ground. "It seems I'm not just a master of the 'smoldering gaze,' but also a true artist of goffaggine."
You looked down at the broken potted plant, as his self-deprecating humor made you laugh even harder. "A true renaissance man."
He grinned, scratching his head sheepishly. "A renaissance man that sometimes includes unintentional plant rearrangement, sì?"
"It's all part of your... allure," you chuckled, gesturing with your hands.
He let out a laugh, his eyes sparkling as he met yours. "Eh, sono contento di sentirlo. I must say, though, that breaking potted plants was not part of my grand seduction plan."
"Perhaps it's a new approach," you teased, "capturing hearts through horticultural mishaps."
He pretended to ponder this with an exaggerated expression, then shook his head with mock seriousness. "I might need to reconsider my strategy, sì?."
As he held your gaze, a comfortable silence settled between you, the unspoken words hanging in the air. The soft glow of the moon highlighted his features, and you found yourself captivated by him.
"So," you began, breaking the lighthearted atmosphere, "can I ask your name?"
"Ah, of course, cara!" he responded with enthusiasm. "My name is Copia."
"Copia?" you repeated, tilting your head to the side as you looked at him. "I've never heard a name like that before."
He chuckled softly, a glint of mischief in his eyes. "Well, I like to think I'm as unique as my name."
"It suits you," you replied with a gentle smile.
He bowed slightly in response, his manner almost theatrical. "Grazie, carissima. And may I have the honor of knowing the name that accompanies such a lovely smile?"
You introduced yourself, and a warm smile formed on his lips. As he took another step closer, your heart raced in your chest, the proximity making you feel a kind of excitement and nervousness. The heat rose to your cheeks as you met his gaze, feeling a bit flustered in his presence.
"A name as beautiful as its bearer," he echoed, his voice soft yet filled with a genuine warmth that seemed to envelop you.
His hand, still gently holding yours, radiated a comforting warmth that traveled through your veins, soothing the jitters that had taken residence in your stomach.
"I must admit, cara, meeting you has been the most enchanting part of this evening," he confessed, his voice a velvety murmur.
He got his face close to your neck, and a soft purr escaped your lips as you felt his warm breath against your skin. His lips hovered near your neck, but he hesitated, his intense gaze meeting yours. The vulnerability in his eyes was evident as he pulled back slightly, a hint of flustered surprise crossing his features. The soft sound you had emitted seemed to have caught him off guard.
"Mi... Mi dispiace," he stammered, a touch of uncertainty in his tone. "I didn't mean to... I mean, I got carried away."
You smiled, a reassuring light in your eyes as you reached out, placing your hand gently on his. "It's alright, Copia. It's okay. You can do it."
He looked at you, uncertainty and vulnerability mingling in his expression. "Can I?"
Your smile grew warmer, and you nodded gently. "Yes, you can... you can kiss my neck."
Copia's hesitation was palpable as he stared down at your neck. Sensing the uncertainty that gripped him, you took a subtle step closer, getting onto your tiptoes. Gently cupping his face with one hand, you guided his gaze upward until his eyes met yours, the distance between your faces now mere inches.
"Or... you could kiss me," you added in a whisper that seemed to echo the soft rustle of the night breeze. "If you want to, that is. I mean, it’s entirely up to you — we don’t have to, of course."
Copia's gaze shifted from your eyes to your lips, his desire and vulnerability palpable in the intensity of his stare. His hand found its way to your hips with a gentle, yet possessive touch. His other hand ventured upwards, fingers tracing the delicate curve of your neck. Slowly and tenderly, his fingers brushed against your skin, sending a shiver down your spine, until his hand settled at the back of your neck.
With a soft sigh, you closed your eyes, surrendering to the moment, as the warmth of his breath mingled with yours. The space between you dwindled, and his face drew closer, your heartbeats resonating in rhythm.
But before he could close the remaining distance between you two, the sound of your name being called reached your ears, a distant yet distinct interruption that caused Copia to step back from you. Your eyes fluttered open, the spell of the moment broken as you turned your gaze from him to the direction from which the voice emanated.
"There you are!" your friend's voice called out, accompanied by the soft patter of footsteps approaching.
You turned your attention toward her, leaving the balcony before she could catch you there with Copia. Is not that she couldn't see him, but you knew she would tease you about it later.
"I've been looking everywhere for you!" she exclaimed, concern evident in her eyes.
You chuckled, trying to appear nonchalant. "Sorry for disappearing."
She nudged you playfully. "Oh, come on, spill the beans! What were you up to out here?"
You shrugged, feigning innocence. "Just enjoying the fresh air."
She gave you a knowing look, but thankfully, didn't push further. Instead, she held your hands in a tight grip and gave you a big smile.
"Guess what!" your friend exclaimed, her tone brimming with excitement.
"What?" you responded, intrigued by her enthusiasm.
"Ok, but before I tell you, you have to promise me you won't say a thing about it."
You chuckled, giving her a playful nudge. "Of course I won't. Now tell me, what is it?"
"So," she began, "Freyja – you know, the one who whisked me away to dance as soon as we arrived – well, she asked me if I want to... go with her to another place, and I said yes, so..."
Your eyebrows lifted, your curiosity piqued. "So...? Don't keep me in suspense!"
"So I won't be able to go back with you. Is it okay?" she asked, a hint of concern in her voice.
You smiled reassuringly. "Of course! You have to go with her! This sounds like an amazing chance, and I can find my way back."
Her relief was evident in her expression as she hugged you excitedly. "You're the best! I knew you'd understand!"
She pulled away, a big smile lighting up her lips, before turning back to face the ballroom and waving in your direction. You watched her until she disappeared into the crowd. Taking a deep breath, you turned and walked back to the balcony.
"Copia, I'm so sorry for it," you began, your voice soft as you spoke aloud to the empty balcony. "It was just my friend, and she had some exciting news..."
Your voice trailed off as you arrived at the balcony, only to find that Copia was no longer there. The place where he stood was empty, it was as if he had dissolved into the shadows and you couldn't help but wonder where he had disappeared to.
You reached out, your fingers grazing the cold stone of the balustrade as you looked down. The empty balcony stretched before you, and the only thing there was the broken potted plant on the ground.
With a sigh, you leaned against the balustrade, your gaze fixed on the broken plant. The memory of his warm breath against your skin and the softness of his touch remained imprinted in your mind. The absence of Copia left you feeling a blend of disappointment and a lingering sense of wonder.
You shook your head and decided to return to the ballroom. Stepping away from the balcony, you navigated your way back through the bustling crowd, making your way to the door you had initially used to access the balcony. As you re-entered the ballroom, you scanned the area, your eyes searching for any sign of Copia.
However, it seemed that he had truly vanished. The ballroom buzzed with activity, created a joyful ambience. Yet, amidst the joyous ambiance, you couldn't shake the feeling that he had slipped away into the shadows of the night.
Resigned to the situation, you made your way towards the main entrance. As you reached the main entrance, you stepped out into the cool night air.
Before you could start your journey back home, a familiar voice called out from behind you – it was Benjamin.
"Hey! Wait!" he exclaimed, wavering in your direction. "You got missed, I was looking for you."
Turning around, you greeted him with a smile. "Oh, I left after the last dance to get some fresh air, and now I've decided to head home."
His expression turned concerned. "And you're going alone?"
You nodded. "Yes, my friend left the party with a partner, and here I am."
His concern deepened. "Please, I can't let you go alone at this hour to your home. Wait here, I'll go back inside to grab my coat. If you allow me, I'd like to accompany you."
You hesitated, uncertainty flickering in your eyes. "Ah... I'm not sure, but yes, I guess?"
"Alright, stay right here," he said before quickly making his way back to the main entrance.
You took a deep breath, watching as Benjamin disappeared through the main entrance. The cool night breeze seemed to whisper in your ear, urging you to avert your gaze in another direction. Your eyes turned to the balcony, a place where the evening had taken an unexpected turn with Copia. As you looked up, there he was, looking down at you from the balcony.
Your heart raced, and a mixture of emotions surged within you. Copia's mask was gone, revealing a face that seemed to shine in the moonlight. His eye glistened like a radiant moonbeam, captivating your gaze. You blinked rapidly, almost not believing your eyes, but it was undeniably him. Your lips parted in surprise, and your foot took a small step as if drawn by an invisible force. You were on the verge of calling out to him when the sound of footsteps approached you.
"Hey, I'm back," Benjamin said, walking towards you.
Your attention snapped away from the balcony, and your heart sank at the interruption. Copia's figure had vanished, leaving you with a whirlwind of emotions and questions. You offered Benjamin a smile, trying to push away the thoughts that had suddenly consumed you.
"Thanks for offering to walk me home," you said to Benjamin, masking the wistful note in your voice. "I appreciate it."
"Is my pleasure," he said with a warm smile. "Should we go now?"
You nodded, pushing aside your thoughts. "Yes, let's go."
Walking beside Benjamin, you turned your back to the old building. As you headed towards your home, you couldn't help but steal a glance back at the balcony, half-expecting to catch a glimpse of Copia once more. But he wasn't there anymore, and the only thing that accompanied you was the sound of your footsteps against the pavement, and the gentle company of Benjamin who had offered to walk with you. With a sigh, you refocused your attention on the path ahead, the sound of your footsteps mingling with Benjamin's as he walked beside you.
The walk back to your home was accompanied by an awkward silence that hung between you and Benjamin. Despite the reassurance of having someone to accompany you, the absence of meaningful conversation left a lingering discomfort. You were grateful for the company, yet your mind kept drifting back to Copia.
You couldn't help but wonder why your thoughts were so fixated on a stranger. Why did you feel an unexplainable longing for his presence, even though you barely knew anything about him? The memory of his strong yet gentle touch, the intensity of his gaze, and even his moments of clumsiness replayed in your mind like an unending loop.
But it was the almost-kiss that lingered most vividly in your thoughts. The closeness, the anticipation, and the way time seemed to stand still in that fleeting moment – it had etched itself into your memory.
After a few minutes of walking, you finally arrived at the door of your house. You retrieved your key from your small purse, your fingers gripping it as you turned to face Benjamin.
"Thank you for coming with me, Benjamin," you said, offering him a grateful smile.
He returned your smile, his eyes warm. "Of course, anytime. It was my pleasure to make sure you got home safely."
You nodded, a sense of gratitude and relief washing over you. "Well, have a good night, then."
"Are you not going to invite me to enter?" Benjamin's voice broke through your contemplations.
You turned to face him, a faint smile touching your lips. "Why would I?"
He chuckled, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Fair point. Maybe another time then."
You nodded, appreciating his understanding. "Definitely. Thank you for walking me home, Benjamin. It means a lot."
"Anytime," he replied with a warm smile. "Have a good night."
"Good night," you echoed, watching as he turned and walked away.
You entered your home, and closed the door behind you with a deep sigh. You slipped off your shoes and made your way to the living room. With a sense of relief, you unzipped your dress, letting it cascade down to the floor. The fabric pooled around your feet, and as you stood there, you allowed yourself a moment of solitude, the quiet of your home enveloping you.
You made your way to your bedroom, reaching for your bra to remove it. The sensation of being free from the constraints of formal attire was like a weight lifting off your shoulders. With a sigh, you unclasped the bra and let it slide off your shoulders, your back arching slightly as you stretched.
You were on the brink of crawling into your bed, ready to let the day's events settle into the background of your mind. Just as you reached your bed, you were startled by the sound of your doorbell echoing through your home. Your footsteps echoed as you made your way towards the door, a robe quickly found its way around you, and you prayed that it wasn't Benjamin again.
"Look, I appreciate what you did for me but now is not the best moment," you said, with a hint of annoyance on your voice.
As you opened the door, your heart racing. Your initial assumption that it might be Benjamin was quickly shattered as your eyes widened in astonishment.
A grin formed on his lips, and his voice was smooth as he spoke, "Oh, mi dispiace, cara. Were you expecting someone else?"
Before you stood Copia. Did he follow you to your house? The thought tumbled through your thoughts, leaving you bewildered and a touch anxious. You couldn't help but wonder if he had walked behind you and Benjamin the entire way. If he did, why? What was his motivation? Your heart raced as you tried to gather your thoughts.
The silence lingered between you for a moment, a thousand questions dancing on the tip of your tongue. As you met his gaze, you noticed he e wasn't wearing his mask by then, allowing you to finally glimpse his complete face. Bathed in the soft glow of the moonlight, his green eye shimmered, but it paled in comparison to the radiance of his white one, a sight unlike anything you had ever seen before.
"I... I didn't expect to see you here," you finally managed to say.
A playful glint sparkled in his eye as he regarded you. "Ah, I suppose I have a knack for surprises, sì?"
"I... um, what brings you here?" you asked, your curiosity getting the better of you.
"I hope I'm not intruding," he said with a half-smile.
"No, you're not intruding," you replied, your curiosity getting the better of you. "But... how did you know where I live?"
Copia's smile widened slightly, and he tilted his head in a manner that seemed almost conspiratorial. "Let's just say I have my ways."
"And by ways, you mean... follow me?" you inquired, raising an eyebrow in playful skepticism.
A playful glint danced in Copia's eyes as he leaned against the doorframe, his demeanor a blend of confidence and charm. "Perhaps not in the most conventional sense, but I wanted to make sure you got home safely, cara."
"Well," you looked around your living room and let out a light chuckle. "I guess I'm... safe?"
Copia's laughter joined yours, a warm and inviting sound that echoed in your ears. "Safe is a relative term, sì?"
As you leaned against the doorframe, crossing your arms, you raised an eyebrow at his cryptic comment. "Is it, now? What do you mean by that?"
He met your gaze with an intensity that sent a shiver down your spine. "Safety can take on many forms, cara. Sometimes, the most dangerous things are the most tempting."
You couldn't deny the underlying tension that had woven itself into the atmosphere. Copia's eyes held a depth that was both alluring and mysterious, and you found yourself drawn further into him.
"Are you implying that I should be cautious around you?" you asked, your voice tinged with a hint of playfulness.
A spark of amusement danced in Copia's eyes as he stepped closer, the distance between you shrinking until it was almost nonexistent. "Beh, cara, I'll leave that for you to decide."
You nodded, your gaze locked onto his eyes. Just as you were about to reply, Copia interjected with a soft chuckle. He gracefully moved away from the doorframe, giving you a gentle smile that held a touch of reassurance.
"I'm just kidding, cara," he said, his voice a velvet caress that seemed to fill the room. "I promise not to bring any kind of danger into your world."
"Yeah, you're a danger only to potted plants after all," you teased him, giggling.
Copia's laughter joined yours, the tension of the moment giving way to a lighthearted exchange. "Eh, sì, my eternal struggle against potted plants," he replied with a mock sigh. "It's a battle I fear I'll never win."
You couldn't help but chuckle, but a soft blush as Copia's hand gently cupped your cheek, his touch both unexpected and intimate. The warmth of his hand against your skin sent a shiver of anticipation down your spine, and you found yourself drawn into his gaze once again.
"I must repeat," Copia began, his gaze turning thoughtful, "it's not every night that I find myself in such charming company."
You felt a warmth spread through you at his words, a genuine smile touching your lips. "Well, it's not every night that a mysterious stranger decides to follow me home and confesses to being a potted plant menace."
Copia's eyes danced with amusement. "Giusto, cara! But, I hope you know that my intention is to ensure your safety."
"I appreciate that," you replied softly. "But I assure you, I'm quite capable of taking care of myself."
"I don't doubt that for a moment," he said, stroking your cheek with his thumb. "I know you can take care of yourself, cara," he removed his hand from your face, taking a step back. "I should be on my way," he said, his voice carrying a note of reluctance. "You are safe here, and it's time for me to leave."
"Thank you for your company and for making sure I'm safe."
Copia's gaze held yours for a lingering moment. "Until we meet again, cara."
With those parting words, he turned and walked toward the door, his presence fading into the night as quickly as he had appeared. As you closed the door behind him, you found yourself leaning against it, your heart racing and your mind swirling. The encounter with Copia had been both exhilarating and surreal, leaving you with more questions than answers.
Taking a deep breath, you closed your eyes, allowing the stillness of the moment to wash over you. The memory of his touch, his voice, and his piercing gaze lingered, leaving an indelible imprint on your thoughts. You couldn't help but wonder if you and the mysterious man named Copia would really meet again.
Chapter 2
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⸻ Grammar
Carissima: Dearest
Cara: Dear
Mi hai chiesto di venire e eccomi qui: You asked me to come and here I am
Infatti: Indeed
Ma ore: But now
Vestito cremisi: Crimson dress
Goffaggine: Clumsiness
Sì: Yes
Sono contento di sentirlo: I'm glad to hear it
Grazie: Thank you
Sorriso incantevole: Lovely smile
Mi dispiace: I'm sorry
Beh, cara: Well, dear
Giusto, cara: Right, dear
214 notes · View notes
mistydeyes · 10 months
can i request lace (18+) with soap :33 he’s definitely a real flirt <3
thank your sm for submitting and the kind words anon! hope you have a great day :)
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link to the prompt list and 1k celebration! - closed now! thank you all for your submissions
prompt: lace (18+) - “wait for me in the bedroom, i have a surprise”
pairing: John "Soap" Mactavish x fem!reader
warnings: swearing, sexual depictions
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When Johnny returned from a tiring mission brief, he just wanted to be in your arms. "Bonnie?" he called as he entered your shared flat but you were nowhere to be found. His feeling of fear and worry was relieved by a small note on the dining room table. He held the delicate note in his hand as he examined it. "Wait for me in the bedroom, I have a surprise," he read and he couldn't help but smirk. "Cheeky, one," he said to himself as navigated through the darkened hallway and made his way into the bedroom.
As he opened the door, he couldn't help but whistle at the sight. The bedroom was lit with the soft glow of rose-scented candles and flowers led the way to the bed. "You've really outdone yourself," he whispered as he peeled off his shirt and sat on the bed. He could tell you were in the bathroom, based on the soft light that shone through the door and your small giggles which echoed through the wood. Your feet creaked as you moved around the bathroom and Johnny waited patiently. He had a smile on his face as he got comfortable and admired the romantic aura of the room.
"Close your eyes!" you called and he closed them tightly before he heard the bathroom door creak open. "Are you ready for your surprise?" you asked and Johnny could hear your voice approach. "I'm always ready for you," he replied and felt you sit on his lap. He groaned as you moved your hands down his exposed chest and lightly touch him where he needed you most. "You can open your eyes, Sergeant," you commanded and you moved his hands to your thighs.
Johnny opened his eyes to reveal you in the most gorgeous and delicate pieces of lingerie. The rosy pink complimented your skin as he felt the lace pieces and took in your gorgeous form. "You look amazing," he breathed out as he continued to eye the floral details and how the lace left little to the imagination. "I thought you would like it," you smiled and he held your waist gently. "I love it," he said softly, "you look like an angel." Before you could respond, Johnny flipped you over and looked at your body underneath him. "The best way to end the night," he muttered before dipping his head to deliver a passionate kiss. As you both got up for air, you placed a dominating hand on his chest. "This cost an arm and a leg, so please don't rip it," you said as you looked at him and he laughed before he slipped a hand to pull down your panties. "Wouldn't even dare, sweetheart."
"Close your eyes, Johnny," you said in a husky tone and Johnny shut his eyes. He could hear the door shut and breathed in anticipation as you began to approach. "Are you ready for your surprise?" you asked and Johnny could hear your voice approach. "I'm always ready for you," he replied and felt you sit on his lap. He groaned as he felt your hands explore his body and settle on his chest. "You can open them," you encouraged and his eyes opened in anticipation. He practically screamed when he saw a horrifying clown mask meet his gaze. He could hear your laughter as his eyes widened in surprise. He rolled over in a panic and you fell off the bed, continuing your fit of laughter. "WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK" he yelled as he caught his breath. You got up from the floor and peeled the mask off, throwing it to the side. "Got your ass," you said through laughs and Johnny couldn't help but wonder why you were so weird.
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phageinoculum · 5 months
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keeper of the old lords fic i wrote a little while back :)
also on ao3 (with extended nsfw bonus scene)
She moved swiftly, darting left and right and spreading waves and gouts of flames from her hands. Her opponent backstepped, attempted to counter. She dodged the thrust of his flaming blade, perched herself upon an upended root and withdrew her own sword, setting it alight. Mind focused, body moving on its own…. 
She knocked her opponent down with a blast of heat and bowed at those cheering on this graceful, mysterious masked woman.
The graceful, mysterious masked woman tripped and flailed when one of the Elders caught her by the shoulder, his other hand holding back her opponent. He gestured towards the altar. Enough sparring. It was time. 
The small crowd of similarly highly skilled pthumerians- Shadows, Warriors, Chieftains and others, enraptured by their fight, now turned as one to the end of the labyrinth chamber. Here was the elevated altar, draped in a blood red cloth and surrounded by a myriad of lit candles and burning incense. Short stairways led up each side of the stone platform. A massive, open doorway loomed behind it all, and what hid beyond it was completely painted in darkness, dotted with barely glowing embers.
One level above, overlooking the chamber, their Queen and a couple of her elite Shadows and Elders accepted fine fungus wine from one of the servants, who then bowed and backed into the door leading out.
The final stage of this ritual was a rare, momentous occasion. But, intimate, too. Relatively few were allowed to bear witness.
If one looked closely, one might spot a dark, shrouded figure hiding within the shadows of the chamber columns, writing and sketching into a journal, glancing up and around periodically with a nervous posture. Most people honored the privacy of this event. Not this one. Well, this particular swordswoman and pyromancer hardly cared. She wanted to know these things, too, so she could practice and anticipate properly.
She moved shoulder-length black hair from her face and felt for her six-eyed skull mask, to make certain it was still in place. There was not much reason, at this point. It was practically fused to her skin now. She wore it always, when sleeping, bathing, eating- the jaw was on a hinge, just like the real thing, and she was quite proud of that. 
These masks were meant for those who had completed the penultimate step of the ritual. She hand carved this replica from ancient bone, and the resemblance was quite close, after many, many failed iterations. They could not truly punish her, for the mask didn’t have the proper amount of eyes, yes? It wasn’t the same. Right? And the ancient bone wasn’t the correct kind of ancient bone. 
That… all was by accident, yes, but it was the best piece she had done up to this point.
Real Keepers generally found this amusing. The Elders, not so much.
Well, they seemed to have given up on this fight by now. Not without a lot of glaring, though.
With the help of the Elder, a withered woman approached the altar at the far end of the chamber. She wore a real, properly eight-eyed skull mask, and nothing else. 
Seasoned warrior, master pyromancer, and now she was about to complete one of their people's most sacred rituals.
She was excited for the warrior whom she knew, but had not seen in ages. Eventually, this would be her fate as well. She was determined to make it so.
Charnel- it was a human word that she had heard, once. “Charnel house”, specifically. She liked the sound and adopted it as her own name, although once she learned the translation of the word “house” she had quietly dropped that part of it. It was not too rare for younger pthumerians to borrow names from human languages, possibly for the “exotic” sound of words like “shoe”, possibly because it annoyed their elders to no end, especially those who knew what these “exotic” names really meant. 
On the other side of things, there was at least one human out there tattooed with Pthumerian script, elegant and perfectly copied. 
“It means Vision”, he said. 
“It means eyeballs: do not eat ”, said the pthumerian immigrant he was bothering. “And it’s upside-down.”
She turned and beamed at the healer, who had just finished up with her opponent. The other fighter had bowed politely to Charnel, then lost himself in the crowd.
“No damage!” Charnel chimed, spreading her arms. “Did you see how good I was?”
“Yes, yes, all your practice is truly paying off,” Healer said with a genuine smile, then began healing her anyway, just because it was proper to do so. When she finished, she slipped out of the chamber. Charnel turned her attention towards the altar, and the presentation of the final part of this sacred, secretive ritual.
The first part involved a strict diet of a kind of sparse, almost inedible root and water licked and squeezed from a mildly poisonous moss. And… rocks, although that part was not a requirement, but a desperation tactic that one Keeper had admitted to doing, once, in order to fool the stomach.
All was scavenged from the more remote, dangerous parts of the labyrinth, with no contact nor assistance from others. Most pthumerians were quite thin already– good, non-poisonous food was not in abundance in the underground. Growing fat was a great effort and a thing to be admired. And it was expected that those who gathered enough food to do this, also gather enough to share in a periodic feast for everyone else. This was an event of its own.
Unofficially, Charnel tried practicing the first test, many times. Healer was not thrilled with this. Charnel practiced within the relative safety of pthumerian society, at her urging. Urging not to do this at all, really, but, well… Charnel was an adult, capable of making her own choices.
Charnel was presently serving as a Shadow of Yharnam, not that one could tell from looks. She started wearing a replica of the Keeper’s uniform recently, too, big hat and all. It wasn’t a bad likeness, either. She was quite resourceful when it came to things like this. And no one was able to convince her to stop. The handful of real Keepers enabled it. Charnel amused them. And, she was legitimately skilled in battle, to the point where she had fans, which complicated matters. The Elders gave up.
She knew they would have to truly accept this, sooner or later.
Anyone with sufficiently skilled pyromancy and swordsmanship was allowed to begin the ritual to become a Keeper of the Old Lords. Technically. 
There were Unspoken Rules about this kind of thing.
“You don’t think I can do it?” Charnel had asked Healer, dejected. She was currently having a sword wound healed. Self-inflicted. Her back had been itchy.
“You’re still young,” Healer sighed. “This is a trial for some of the most experienced… and wisest of our… fiery fighters.”
“There’s no actual rule about age though,” Charnel said. “And even if there was, that gives me more time to practice!”
There was more to it than being good at swords and fireballs. Common sense, for starters.
Well. Maybe the Old Lords would at least find her antics outside of battle… “amusing”.
…If she got that far. The thought of her dying, starved and alone, also made her heart ache.
Charnel had not tried practicing again since the day she was caught sitting cross-legged on the floor, swallowing pebbles like really, really hard grapes. One by one, from a neatly gathered pile, down she choked them.
She had stood up abruptly, scattering stones, at the sound of footsteps and darted into the nearest corridor with but a few mumbled, incomprehensible words as explanation.
This was half a lunar phase ago. But, she learned her lesson: find a good hiding place and tastier rocks.
One who passed the first part of the test was allowed to stop, or continue on, rock eating optional. But, if anyone had stopped, it was not public knowledge. It was a lie, that there was no shame in quitting. There were probably failed Keepers wandering the surface now, attempting to live among humans, unable to make themselves return and explain. 
Charnel didn’t understand that. She would return and make up a lie. It seemed simple enough. Of course, she was sure she would succeed, so it hardly mattered.
And after this part of the ritual? It was a secret, and the test taker was not seen again until either they perished, or they finished.
The warrior approaching the altar looked like death, even from this distance. Practically skeletal, practically a mummy. The Elder kept her upright as she shambled up the stairs, then, back to the crowd, he helped place her down gently and sat with her, propping her against his chest. Now, there was prayer, and then the chiming of bells.
An orange dot of light appeared in the dark doorway, growing steadily larger, heavy footsteps echoing throughout the chamber. The ancient, reptilian creature emerged, its skin forever cracked and bleeding intense flames. It felt as if the chamber had become an oven with its entrance. The Watchdog of the Old Lords lowered its massive head, eyeing the Elder and withered woman on the altar. She tilted her head in its direction, for it was about all she could manage. She could not sweat despite the beast’s overwhelming heat. The Elder did, plenty enough for both of them.
The Watchdog sat on its haunches, and it spoke to her, and then to the Elder. Its dialect was ancient, voice rumbly and difficult to hear, mouth never moving except to yawn and show off the bright blazing glow within. She had probably learned the old dialect, too, or at least was studying it. The enervated warrior could not speak above a hoarse whisper and often trailed off as if suddenly lost, however. The Elder acted as translator between the two. 
After a long dialogue, the Elder gently lay her down, stood, and stepped down from the altar to join the other watching pthumerians.
The Watchdog raised one foreleg, and carefully, so carefully, pulled the woman’s jaw open with the pad of its huge finger.
It hovered over her and it opened its maw, and let lava dribble from its mouth, into the warrior’s. She could not scream, only gurgle and sizzle.
It dribbled fat drops of lava down her chest and belly, burning holes into her fragile skin and filling the room with the scent of cooking meat.
The Watchdog spoke. Then, came the stream of fire.
A blackened, charred skeleton with rags for flesh rose from the altar, her undead body still aflame within, now forever aflame, her mask now fused to her melted face and skull. 
Often, there was nothing left of the Keeper’s body after being burned. Nothing but ash that would be gathered and smeared with special paste into their mask and new armor. The burning skeletal warrior was able to don her new hat and uniform herself, with no assistance from the one who brought it to her. She moved like a strange, stop-motion effect at first, growing steadily more fluid in motion.
Eventually, this walking corpse would be her, Charnel thought. She watched, enraptured. This would be her.
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Dancing with Death
Chapter 5~Explainations
Virgil has been the God of Death since the dawn of time. He had earned many titles from the mortals, though his favourite was 'The Grim Reaper'. Once in the afterlife, most know him as King Virgil
Patton, as the recently deceased, gets led into the afterlife by a cloaked, masked figure. He wants to know more about them
Janus’s best friend had died. He had died four months ago.
So why was he stood next to his own grave? Janus wondered if this was just some manifestation of his grief his mind had created, but somewhere deep down he knew this was real.
He walked over to Patton, noticing things that looked wrong. His skin was a pale, grey colour, his freckles were softly glowing, his teeth were just slightly too sharp, he didn’t look solid, his eyebags were deep, and overall, he looked dead.
Janus stared at the apparition with conflicting emotions. 
“You’re not supposed to be alive, what are you doing alive?” He demanded
Patton smiled softly
“I’m not, see?” He reached out to touch Janus, and his hand passed right through. He was cold.
“So, what are you? Like a ghost?” He asked, his voice getting snappy to hide his surfacing grief
“Not exactly,” 
Janus frowned
“Because that’s definitely a straight answer” He snarked, crossing his arms
Patton rubbed the back of his neck with a sheepish smile
“I don’t really know how to explain what I am, sorry. I just know that no one is supposed to be able to see me. Well, until they’re dead anyway. Then I help lead them into the afterlife” He was smiling.
Janus looked away
“So why can I see you? As far as I’m aware I’m still alive and well”
Patton shrugged
“You’re not dead, I can tell that much. Maybe Virgil would know...”
Before Janus had a chance to ask who Virgil was, someone (presumably Virgil) appeared.
Janus stared at the new arrival in fear. His skin went cold, his heartrate went up, and he couldn’t take his eyes off of them. Whatever they were, they were wrong.
It felt like everything around them was becoming nothing, like they were a black hole of energy. They were tall, at least a foot and a half taller than Janus. They wore a dark cloak, and a gold mask that looked like a skull. They were frowning at him. 
He understood. This was Death.
He blinked. They were holding ice-cream. 
He moved his eyes to his friend, who didn’t seem as upsetting to look at anymore, compared to ‘Virgil’. Patton was staring at them with a wide smile as though he didn’t feel the aura of fear they were commanding, and didn’t notice how terrifying and intimidating they were.
Patton even pulled them into a hug. 
Janus took a deep breath and looked at his friend with the calmest expression he could muster whilst feeling as though he would die any second
“Patton. Is that the grim reaper?”
Patton nodded but then paused in thought
“Well, technically, but it was his last day yesterday! I do the reapering now”
Janus didn’t even know what to say, he just brought his hand up to his face and groaned
“Just- do you know why I’m able to see you, or not?” He asked weakly.
Patton looked up at Virgil who waved his hand and some sort of letter or note appeared. Patton read the note and nodded
“Virgil thinks you might have magic and that might’ve had a part in why you can see us”
Virgil was wandering around, waiting for Patton’s alone time to finish
He heard his name being said by his friend and he showed up immediately, noticing the living person who was watching them. He recognised him as one of Patton’s living friends
He could sense magic on him. Virgil frowned. He had never liked magic users, and most of them didn’t like him.
Though it might explain why Janus could see them. They were in a graveyard; if he was in the graveyard to see Patton’s grave, and therefore Patton, his magic may have reacted to Patton’s presence and given Janus a way to see Patton.
Janus didn’t seem to realise he even had magic, which made Virgil somehow more calm and more nervous. If he didn’t know he had magic before now, he wouldn’t know how to use it, but if he had just discovered that he was more powerful than most living people, he might grow egotistical
Virgil knew that some magic users (though an occurrence like this had not happened in centuries) would find spells to elongate their life span, living far past their normal lives, and somehow getting the idea that they must’ve been powerful enough to kill a god.
They couldn’t, of course, but there were at least twenty that had tried. All of them were dealt with swiftly, but it was still annoying. Especially since he was more likely to have to deal with it than the other gods, with eighteen out of twenty of the attacks being directed at him
He shared his sensing of magic to Patton, who relayed it to the magic user in question
Janus didn’t seem to agree with that assessment, claiming that he would obviously know if he had magic. Virgil crossed his arms and looked down at the mortal.
He was tall for a human, taller than Patton at least, but Virgil still had to look down to see him
He watched Patton and Janus talk for a while, feeling increasingly more protective of his friend as he felt Janus’s magic start getting ready to lash out as he grew more frustrated
Virgil did not like Patton’s friend.
Taglist: @a-chilly-pepper​
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The Darkest Day
Did I cry while writing this? Absolutely, and so I must share it with all of you. This is for one of my personal ships and I hope you all enjoy it
He had been called for, though he didn't understand why. Why would they call him to a collapsed building? It didn't make sense, how could he be if help here? It was days after the calamity and they were moving Through the rubble. Turning a corner he came to the building only for eyes to widen in shock beneath his mask.
No! This was Hadianna's apartment building. It was in ruins. Was she okay? Why wasn't her father called? If he was, what could be keeping him away? All of these questions rushed through his mind as he looked for the one. It didn't take long to find them and once he talked to them they led him over to a small area of injured
"These ones have already been seen by the healers and deemed beyond help." A deep breath was taken in as the overseer for this said that. It was inevitable in a tragedy of this scale. Though, that didn't make it easy as he spotted her among this group of injured. It was hard to miss her and he bolted over to the cot she was laying on. A hand covered his mouth as he took in the grisly sight before him.
She must have been in her apartment when the building came down. Elidibus knelt down beside her and moved a lock of hair out of her face. Her breathing was shallow and labored. It looked, painful, and there were large spots of blood all over the white robe she was wearing. One of the ones he had given her after finding out he would be the heart of Zodiark. No one had expected him to extract himself, and even after doing so she would not have known.
" She kept asking for you by your true name, we had to ask her father who she meant. He is across town and had us call for you." Elidibus only nodded as the overseer spoke. Emet-Selch didn't want her to be alone when she passed on. Though this was more personal than a true emergency, he was not going to fault the now grieving father. In truth, the Emissary did not want her to die here alone either.
"Themis?" He had to resist the urge to cringe. Her voice was so soft, so weak. Elidibus carefully cupped her cheek as he tried his best to give her a reassuring smile. A sense of relief washed over him as the overseer walked off. Now he could be free to feel his emotions instead of keeping the mask of impartiality. Hadi was his best friend and childhood sweetheart. He could not be unbiased in regards to her.
"I am here, My Sweet." He whispered as her pale green hues regarded him. There was barely any glow there. It wouldn't be long. Elidibus was surprised she was even still here. "Anything you want, I will do for you."
"Hold me, please. I feel so cold." He could feel the beginning of tears in his eyes. This was agonizing to watch. Elidibus knew she had to have been crushed when the building came down. That meant moving her was going to be painful, yet he didn't want to refuse her. She deserved to feel like she was cherished in her final moments.
Slowly, and very carefully he moved her to minimize pain. He felt like his heart was being crushed as he felt how broken her body was. The sharp edges of bones sticking out of her skin in places. Some of those edges were now pressed against him as he cradled her in his lap. Her breathing was even more labored now and there was a wet sound with it.
"Thank....you." Her breath was soft on his neck. Elidibus removed his mask so she could see his face. The laws could be damned at the moment. She was dying and deserved to see the face of someone she knew before her life faded. She was so pale, likely from blood loss.
" Themis, I.....lo-ve...you." That was the straw that broke the camel's back. Tears started down his cheeks as he ran his thumb over her cheek. She was so cold. Elidibus didn't know how much time she had left. Not much, that was for sure.
He leaned in and kissed her forehead as she sob threatened to escape him. Elidibus was very well conditioned to keep his emotions in check. How was he supposed to do that now? She had been with him for so long. They had been engaged. They were supposed to be getting married! But no, that could happen because of his duty to the star. He had to become lord Zodiarks heart. Doing that would make it so they could survive. So she would survive and find........
"I love you too, Hadi. Rest now, and return to us when you are ready." He whispered and pulled back enough to look at her. His thumb kept rubbing her cheek, an attempt at comfort. Her mother would have been so much better at this. Azem wasn't here anymore, she was gone. No one, not even her own husband knew where she was now. "I will love you until I take my dying breath "
Elidibus watched as the glow in her pale hues disappeared completely, leaving only dead vacant eyes behind. A deep echoing sob escaped him as he buried his face in her hair. It wasn't supposed to be like this! His sacrifice should have been enough to save her!
Mere feet away Emet-Selch watched. He had only just arrived and as he suspected he came too late to be here for her passing. Tears stained his cheeks running under his mask only to drop off his chin. He could see her soul, the beautiful crimson color. She was hesitant to move away and he could not blame her. No one had ever seen the Emissary show such violet emotion. Granted, these were not normal circumstances. He might have to shepherd her to the atherial sea, as was a small part of his duties. The third seat had never been expecting to have to do it for his daughter.
Stepping forward he summoned his staff and tapped it on the ground to get her attention. The full length staff was made of bone. The top was carved to mimic his sigil and black bells hug from the bottom point of the sigil. The ring of those bells was what caught her attention. This staff was passed down from predecessor to successor, a symbol of the seat and a tool to help souls move along. Not all were able to move on on their own.
"You need to go, Little one." He stated voice cracking in agony. His wife was gone and now their daughter too. Was Harmonia dead? He had not noted her soul move into the atherial sea, but that didn't mean much. He could not oversee the passing of every soul at a time like this. It was a luxury to have the ability to do this for his daughter.
Emet watched her and was slightly surprised when she approached him. A moment later his eyes widened as the soul before him wrapped it's arms around him. If only he could return the gesture, but that she would even try this spoke volumes. Even in death she kept her passion for others. Everyone always remarked how much like him she was. They never took the time to see her mother shining through in her.
Take care of him for me, Daddy.
It was barely there whisper on the air, but he heard it. Emet closed his eyes and nodded before watching her disappear into the atherial sea. Some souls needed more coaxing than others. Though it was completely possible that she had simply been waiting to say good bye to him. "I will do my best little one."
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mmorpg-escapism · 2 months
A Realm Rewritten: Chapter 5
<< Beginning < Previous | Next? >
Pomp and circumstance can shove it, Besany decided. She flicked an ear in mild irritation at this “traditional” earring, sending it swinging and furthering her annoyance. She was silently thankful that they let her keep her gear and weapon on.
“All hail the sultana!” The Flame General’s voice boomed.
The last four days had been a whirlwind, between confronting Owyne and helping him subdue his blackmailers, then receiving a personal summons from the Sultana over her part as if this wasn’t, as Thancred so cheerfully put it, just a day in the life of a Scion.
“Your Grace.”
The initial meet had gone smoothly, despite the lad’s surprise at being accosted by two Scions at the end of his watch. He’d confessed everything, and then revealed that they had requested a meeting to trade some ancient artifact for the Crown. 
“By right of the Royal House of Ul, I, Nanamo, seventeenth of my line, have summoned you here.”
The meeting itself went... as smoothly as it could have. The thieves were understandably upset that Besany was present, and did their best to leave no witnesses, but Thancred arrived with Papashan and the Sultansworn in tow, and they were routed swiftly with both Crown and artifact recovered. 
“We are graced this day by the presence of a hero to Ul'dah, and dear friend to the crown.”
It was so easy... I didn’t even need to fire a cartridge at first, mused Besany. She caught Papashan’s glance, and his wink as if he knew what she was thinking. The old Sultansworn captain had left her and Thancred to track the thieves that fled from the battle. The chase led them into an abandoned mine entrance, and there...
“Honored guests, I give you our champion!” The sultana gestured grandly towards Besany from her perch atop the Flame General’s shoulder. She’d known all the eyes in the room were on her from the start, but to have it called out made Besany want to shrink back on instinct. She suppressed the urge to flee and waved half-heartedly at the too-polite applause that followed.
“And with that, I bid you enjoy the feast.” Raubahn lowered the sultana to her throne at the head of the table, and the crowd filtered to their respective tables and seats. Besany’s was next to the Flame General, where she picked at the lavish food, appetite gone while she digested the last of the battles from the days prior.
The mine was long abandoned, even by the thieves. Still, Thancred did his best to search for hidden entrances, and Besany stood at the mouth of the cave to watch for the wayward thieves. 
“O mournful voice of creation! Send unto me a creature of the abyss, my thrall to command, that I may smite mine enemies!” The chant came from inside the cave, and made Besany’s skin crawl with the familiar cadence and rumbling that followed. She barely caught a hint of a red mask as she rushed inside, gunblade drawn. Thankfully, the battle was shorter with Thancred present to help dispatch the second golem she’d faced in as many weeks. Unfortunately, the distraction made them lose the thieves’ trail entirely.
Raubahn’s rumbling voice cut through her reverie. “Not to spoil your appetite any further, but Ul’dah is not so prosperous as this feast would lead you to believe.” Besany looked up at the bull of a man seated next to her, whose face was heavy with concern. She saw Thancred across the table in her periphery, engrossed in conversation with a Lalafellin merchant.
“Aye,” he continued, “we feast while children starve. We have not yet recovered from Carteneau enough to rely on ourselves as we should. We rely on the kindness of adventurers like you now as we did then.” 
Besany’s crystal glowed enough to shine through the pouch pocket it was kept in, a brief burst of light that caught Thancred’s attention enough that he was able to leap across the table and catch her as the Echo vision pulled her away from reality. She was unable to stop herself from crying out in pain, and that was the last sound she heard.
The chaos of the battlefield rang out, deafening even at the distance. Besany’s perspective floated above a command pavilion on a high mesa, overlooking the battlefield. She could see Raubahn and two other figures staring down at malms of carnage and shouting orders into linkpearls. She knew their names because Raubahn did - Merlwyb of Limsa, and Kan E Senna of Gridania.
Carnage caused by a massive dragon-like being that blasted fire and magic at everything that moved. Men died en masse, Eorzean and Garlean alike, in the face of its fury. The roar prevented Besany from hearing all the conversation below her, but the message was clear: Kan E was calling for retreat, and Raubahn was refusing to abandon someone named “Louisoix” to the beast. 
They argued for what felt like hours as the battlefield burned below them. Mesas crashed with each earth-shattering blow, entire platoons melted in single blasts of breath. Eventually, Raubahn caved, the retreat was sounded, and a brilliant light began to grow from a distant plateau, overtaking the vision until even the sounds of death faded into nothingness.
Besany came back to consciousness with a shadow over her face. She groaned as she realized she’d now fallen to an Echo in the presence of two Scions now, and slowly peeked one eye open to see Thancred grinning down at her. “Did you enjoy your beauty rest, princess?” “Now’s not the time for that, Thancred!” Momodi tittered, shooing him away from the bed. “How you feelin’, Besany?”
“Like I went five rounds with three goobbues...” Besany hoisted herself up into a sitting position. The room was simple stonework and practical utilities, but it reminded her very much of the inn she’d spent her nights in in Limsa. A low light flickered in one corner, casting an eerie glow over the entire space. “Let me guess, I’ve been out for a few hours?” Thancred shook his head. “Over a day, this time.I was going to take you to our headquarters, but Momodi insisted I let you wake up first. So I conferred with the Antecedent and we think a visit to Gridania’s healers might help shed further light on why the Echo is causing this much... anguish.” His lingering on the last word betrayed the worry he had so far kept off of his face. 
Besany raised an eyebrow. “You waxed so eloquently about your dear Antecedent while we were on the hunt. You still want to delay my meeting her?” 
“It’s for your own good! These faintin’ spells can’t be good if they’re happenin’ on the regular.” Momodi interjected before Thancred could speak. “You take care of yourself!”
“Great. What’s one more week of travel?” Besany shrugged.
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In-game level: I'm gonna stop doing these :v
Quest(s): ????
Notes: This was a lot of fun to write and get myself back into a groove. The concurrent timeline stuff was a joy to play with, though I'm not entirely sure I'm satisfied with the end of the chapter. It sets up nicely for what we're doing in Gridania, though :)
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ritsblogs · 3 months
How Makeup Artists in Birmingham Transform Ordinary Looks into Extraordinary Beauty 
Welcome to the world of beauty transformation, where makeup artists in Birmingham work their magic to turn ordinary looks into extraordinary beauty! Have you ever wondered how a touch of makeup can enhance your features and boost your confidence? Birmingham's talented makeup artists are here to reveal their secrets and tips for creating everyday glamor. Join us on this journey as we explore the artistry behind makeup application and discover how these professionals are shaping the beauty industry in Birmingham. Let's dive in and uncover the power of makeup artistry!
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The Role of Makeup Artists in Enhancing Beauty
Makeup artists in Birmingham play a crucial role in enhancing beauty by using their skills and creativity to transform ordinary looks into extraordinary ones. They are like magicians armed with brushes and palettes, able to highlight the best features of their clients while concealing any imperfections.
Through the art of contouring, highlighting, and blending, makeup artists can create stunning visual effects that enhance facial symmetry and balance. They understand how lighting conditions can affect makeup application, ensuring that their clients look flawless both in person and on camera.
With a keen eye for color theory and trends, makeup artists know how to select the right shades and products to complement each client's unique skin tone and style. By staying up-to-date on the latest techniques and tools in the industry, they continuously refine their craft to deliver impeccable results.
Whether it's for a special occasion or just an everyday glam look, makeup artists have the expertise to bring out the natural beauty of each individual they work with. Their passion for beauty shines through in every brushstroke, leaving clients feeling confident and radiant after each session.
The Growing Demand for Makeup Artists in Birmingham
The beauty industry in Birmingham is thriving, and so is the demand for skilled makeup artists. With social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok influencing trends, more people are seeking professional help to achieve flawless looks. Makeup artists play a crucial role in enhancing natural features and boosting confidence levels.
Gone are the days when makeup was considered a luxury reserved for special occasions. Today, people want to look their best every day, whether it's for work or leisure. This shift in mindset has led to an increased need for makeup artists who can create everyday glamor effortlessly.
Birmingham residents are embracing diversity and individuality when it comes to beauty standards. Makeup artists who can cater to a range of skin tones and styles are highly sought after in this vibrant city. Whether it's a subtle enhancement or a bold transformation, makeup artists have the skills to make magic happen.
As the demand for makeup services continues to rise, Birmingham-based artists have ample opportunities to showcase their talent and creativity. From bridal parties to fashion shows, there is no shortage of events where skilled professionals can shine bright in this competitive industry.
Tips from Birmingham Makeup Artists for Everyday Glamour
Looking to add a touch of glamor to your everyday look? Birmingham makeup artists have got you covered with some expert tips!
Always start with a clean and moisturized face. This forms the perfect base for your makeup application. Next, choose a foundation that matches your skin tone to even out any imperfections.
For subtle daytime glam, opt for neutral eyeshadows and a coat of mascara to make your eyes pop. Don't forget to define your brows for that extra polish!
A swipe of blush on the apples of your cheeks will give you a healthy glow, while a nude lipstick or gloss completes the look effortlessly.
Remember, less is more when it comes to makeup application. Focus on enhancing your natural features rather than masking them.
With these simple yet effective tips from Birmingham's top makeup artists, you'll be ready to rock everyday glamor with confidence!
How Makeup Artists in Birmingham Transform Ordinary Looks into Extraordinary Beauty
Have you ever wondered how makeup artists in Birmingham work their magic to turn ordinary looks into extraordinary beauty? It's truly fascinating to witness the transformation unfold right before your eyes. These talented individuals have a keen eye for detail and an immense amount of creativity that allows them to enhance natural features and bring out the best in everyone.
From subtle enhancements to bold, statement looks, makeup artists in Birmingham are skilled at tailoring each makeover to suit the individual's style and personality. They understand that beauty is not one-size-fits-all, so they customize their techniques to accentuate unique characteristics and make clients feel confident and beautiful.
With a vast array of high-quality products at their disposal, makeup artists in Birmingham use professional tools and top-notch cosmetics to achieve flawless results. Whether it's for a special occasion or simply for a boost of self-esteem, these experts can elevate any look from average to stunning with just a few brush strokes.
Next time you're looking for a confidence boost or want to treat yourself to a glamorous makeover, consider booking an appointment with a makeup artist in Birmingham. You'll be amazed at the incredible difference they can make!
Makeup artists in Birmingham play a crucial role in transforming ordinary looks into extraordinary beauty. Their skills and expertise have become increasingly sought after, reflecting the growing demand for their services in the city. With tips from these talented professionals, you can elevate your everyday glamor effortlessly.
Whether it's a special occasion or just wanting to feel fabulous on any given day, makeup artists possess the magic touch to enhance natural beauty and boost confidence. So why settle for ordinary when you can achieve extraordinary with the help of Birmingham's finest makeup artists? Trust their artistry and step into a world where beauty knows no bounds.
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fittopfactory-sandy · 4 months
Best Anti-Aging Devices
Are you struggling with skin wrinkles and sagging? What are the best anti-aging devices for 2023? Over the past year, our second-generation anti-aging devices have gained popularity, becoming our best-selling products. We have collaborated with numerous major clients, closing many orders. In today's post, we will share the best anti-aging devices, hoping to assist your skincare routine and alleviate your existing skin concerns.
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Device 1: 1MHz RF Beauty Device - Specialized in Anti-Aging
This anti-aging device utilizes high-frequency 1MHz radiofrequency energy. With just three uses per week for seven days, noticeable changes can be observed within a month. Additionally, it incorporates EMS microcurrent and red-blue light technology to address triple-sagging skin. The innovation of our best anti-aging device lies in its use of a 24k gold radiofrequency head, delivering energy deeper into the skin with better texture and superior antioxidant effects compared to conventional radiofrequency heads. Another innovative feature is our pioneering self-sterilizing base, which automatically uses ultraviolet light for sterilization after use.
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Device 2: 3.3MHz RF Beauty Device - FITTOP 377 Golden Glow III RF Beauty Device
Building upon the second-generation anti-aging device, we have made some upgrades. Firstly, we adopted 3.3MHz high-frequency energy, providing stronger energy that reaches 80% into the dermis, stimulating collagen regeneration for a more pronounced skin tightening effect. Secondly, we made some changes to the appearance, and through real-life testing, our anti-aging device has proven to have significant wrinkle-reduction effects after 28 days of use.
Key features of this anti-aging device include:
2x Enhanced Turbo Radiofrequency
620nm Red Light Skin Rejuvenation
Boswellia Wrinkle-Resistant Essence Gel
415nm Blue Light Anti-Sensitivity
24k Gold-Plated Radiofrequency Head
Multipolar Microcurrent Facial Sculpting
UV Base for Sterilization and Anti-Sensitivity
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Device 3: FITTOP 373 Gold Collagen Mask - True 3 Times Tight
LED light therapy is one of the best anti-aging devices, and FITTOP 373 Gold Collagen Mask is no exception. FITTOP utilizes 330 professional-grade super photon lamps, addressing skin sagging, wrinkles, collagen loss, and acne. The entire mask is made of medical-grade silicone, ensuring a comfortable fit. You can easily enjoy the power of light therapy at home. With consistent use, your skin will experience significant improvement.
Innovations of FITTOP 373 Gold Collagen Mask include:
Full-face comprehensive skincare with no dead zones, wearable without discomfort
Food-grade soft silicone material for zero-distance absorption
Eight magnetic stones around the temples and eye area to improve microcirculation and promote metabolism
Five super lights, seven modes for full-face care
LED-ICE 0° physical ice sensation skin rejuvenation technology
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velvetskincentre1 · 4 months
Bye Bye, Acne! Expert Tips for Achieving Permanently Clear Skin
By The Velvet Skin Centre, Top Dermatologist Clinic in Lucknow
Getting that clear, radiant skin isn’t as tricky as it seems. Let’s break it down together with the help of expert dermatologists in Lucknow. This guide is your go-to for waving goodbye to stubborn acne, saying adieu to those acne scars, and discovering some nifty natural remedies for a flawless face.
Stubborn Acne: How to Get Rid of It Permanently?
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Tackling stubborn acne can be a challenge, but fear not! We’ve got simple steps from dermatologists in Lucknow to make it disappear for good.
What’s Causing Your Acne?
Let’s find out what’s causing your acne — hormones, lifestyle, or something else? Knowing the enemy is the first step to winning the battle. Our experienced dermatologists provide acne diagnosis and customize treatments based on your condition.
Your Personal Skincare Routine
Craft a skincare routine that suits you. We’re talking about the right cleansers, exfoliants, and treatments for your skin type and needs. Simple, effective, and personalized skin solutions.
Pro Help for Acne
Sometimes, you need a pro. Explore advanced acne treatments like facials, lasers, peels and more — the superheroes of acne-fighting. Led by renowned dermatologists in Lucknow, your clear skin awaits!
Acne Scars: Best Treatment Options for Post-Acne Scars
Let’s tackle those acne scars head-on with some fantastic treatment options from The Velvet Skin Centre, Lucknow’s top skin clinic.
Dermatologist Magic: Discover the magic of specialized dermatological procedures like microneedling, chemical peels and more. They’re like erasers for your scars, revealing fresh new skin.
2. Topical Solutions: Say hello to topical solutions like retinoids and vitamin C serums. They fade scars and promote that youthful, clear look under expert guidance.
3. Home Remedies: Don’t forget the kitchen! Learn about natural remedies like tea tree oil and aloe vera for a DIY approach to scar reduction, as recommended by our dermatologists.
Natural Remedies: Effective Home Solutions for Acne Breakouts
Nature has some tricks up its sleeve to keep those acne breakouts in check. Let’s dive into homemade solutions for acne-free skin.
Tea Tree Oil Magic: Meet tea tree oil, your new best friend. It fights bacteria and inflammation — a perfect natural remedy for acne when used correctly.
2. Aloe Vera Elixir: Aloe vera is more than just a plant; it’s a skincare hero. Discover its soothing powers for calming irritated skin and saying goodbye to acne.
3. DIY Face Masks: Get crafty with simple DIY face masks with kitchen ingredients. Turmeric, honey and other elements will pamper your skin and keep those breakouts away.
The Key to Clear Skin
It’s time to kick acne to the curb and embrace clear, healthy skin — the easy way! Understand your acne, treat those scars, and add a touch of nature to your routine. Join hands with the expert dermatologists at The Velvet Skin Centre, Lucknow today!
Ready to begin your customized clear skin journey?
Book your appointment at Best Dermatologist in Indira Nagar, Lucknow. Your dream skin is just a click away! . Let’s make clear, glowing skin a reality!
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