#beta child
strawberri-yan · 5 months
You’re honestly on to something about Alpha Childe x Beta reader where he just bitches them into an omega, I like need a whole fanfic about it for my Brain rot currently. Galaxy brain right there, 20/10 will be thinking about this for the next 5 business days (also happy new year!)
Alpha Childe thinking that you would be so much better as an omega than a beta, he thinks that this was one of natures mistakes. You shouldn’t be a simple, plain beta but a sweet little omega wife whose stomach should always be filled with his pups in his cozy home, always cleaning and cooking. So that’s why he decided to modify that by kidnapping you and stuffing you daily with his seed until your body slowly transforms to that of an omega. He finds you so cute when your struggle attempts lessen and slowly you become more docile as he fucks another load into you. Your scent begins to turn into a sweet miky smell that makes his mouth water, finally you were becoming a proper omega! His omega.
Childe's eyes glinted with a predatory hunger as he towered over you, his voice dripping with arrogance. "You know, I've always thought you were wasted as a mere beta. Nature's little oversight, I'd say." His sinister grin widened as he continued, "I'm convinced you'd make a much better omega – a sweet little wife for me, with your belly always swollen with my pups." You can do nothing but whine pathetically as his knot swells inside of you, filling you up with his 5th load of fertile cum
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nekropsii · 13 days
People in the Cronus v. Vriska debate will also completely ignore that Cronus. Really wants to kill people. He just says that. No obfuscation included.
He doesn’t even have any excuse for it. Vriska killing people makes sense because she grew up on Alternia and had to feed her Lusus. Cronus just wants to kill people because he wants to do murder-eugenics and is really fucking mad murder-eugenics isn’t legal and does in fact have social consequences. Cronus just wants to kill disabled people for being disabled and not get in trouble for it. He explicitly says he wishes culling “meant what it should have” on Beforus.
Vriska was born and raised on Alternia, and that’s not her fault. It is, in fact, an entirely new level of fucking deranged to want Alternian laws to be real. Growing up in a system where killing people deemed below you is okay is different from wishing you lived in a system where killing people deemed below you is okay, because growing up there inherently means that that is already normal to you, while wishing that was the case inherently means it is not normal to you, you just want more harm to befall specific out groups (the lower class, the disabled, etc.) and to hurt more people in more violent ways.
People also love to casually ignore that Cronus is a grown adult. Like, sure, he’s 19, and 19 years old is pretty young in the grand scheme of things, but he is still a grown ass man who knows better. Him knowing better and simply not caring is literally a major part of his character. He is a grown ass man who can make his own legal decisions and live on his own. He can pay taxes. He could buy a house. He could invest in the stock market. In some countries, he can legally drink. He can drive. He can drink and drive. He can go die in the military. He’s grown. He’s a grown ass man. Vriska is 13. That is a child. Like, a CHILD child. Vriska is a middle school child. This is the difference between a middle schooler and a college student. Think of how mentally developed you were at 13. You weren’t even done with puberty yet. You’re not even done growing at that age. Cronus can fucking vote. He can go to adult prison. If you spotted a kid Vriska’s age out roaming the street with no guardian in sight, you’d probably be worried.
A major part of Cronus’s character is that he is a terrible person by choice, willingly, knowingly, and does not care. He is making a decision. Him being shitty and awful is a conscious choice he is making. He knows he is hurting people, and he knows what he is doing is terrible, and he does not care. Cronus knows that trying to bang children 6 years his junior is bad. He doesn’t care. He knows he is abusing Mituna, he calls it abuse, and he knows abuse is bad. He doesn’t care. He knows sex crimes are bad. He doesn’t care. He’s too entitled to care about anyone but himself and his own gratification.
Vriska is a 13 year old anti-hero who literally gets groomed and is shown to only be Like That because she is extremely traumatized and her experience of living on Alternia has made it so her guard is up 24/7. She literally cannot put the metaphorical swords down. She thinks it’s the only thing keeping her alive.
Cronus does not have an excuse.
That is, like… The Point.
The point is that he sucks and is irredeemable. He doesn’t have a single quality that makes standing around him worthwhile. He’s a relentless, unapologetic abuser. He just doesn’t care. He’s the most entitled man to ever live. He sees people as punching bags and sex toys, and any time this notion is rejected or faces even the slightest pushback, he freaks the fuck out about it.
And the point with Vriska is that she is complicated, and a child. A really, really traumatized, really, really scared child.
I don’t know, I think there’s a party here that is objectively worse.
… And - hear me out! - I think… I think it’s the adult sex predator… And not the child.
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crocchompers · 6 months
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The Wally in the middle has been added to the chambers (I don't have a name for him yet. I need one rlly bad so I don't call him the middle child plz, I need a name for him. Unless I end up thinking of a name)
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little-pondhead · 1 year
Bruce was being watched. Again.
He didn’t know where it was coming from, and that was a problem at the moment. He was hosting another gala, intent on putting on the “Bruice Wayne” mask for the public. None of his children were attending, unfortunately, but everything was going okay so far.
Then he kept feeling a cool breeze on the back of his neck. His hairs stood on end, and he shivered randomly. Someone mentioned that he looked cold. But Bruce wasn’t cold. He was Batman! Batman is never bothered by something stupid like the temperature. It just felt like there were multiple pairs of eyes staring at him from all directions.
Bruce tried to catch whoever it was, but when he looked, there was no one there. He even made extra laps around the room, easily slipping between socialites and chatting his way through the crowd. He scanned the tables, checked the stairs, peeked outside, and even snuck at glance at the chandeliers for fuck’s sake! There was nothing. No cameras, no lingering eyes, nothing.
Bruce could feel his heartbeat quicken. There was something in the room. Something dangerous.
Eventually, the source of his anxiety came to him. The gala was small, being in the middle of the off-season for social events. It was a relatively quiet gathering. Still, Bruce flinched when someone tapped his shoulder from behind when he was making another waltz around the room. He turned, and was faced with a boy no older than 16, but no younger than 14. It was hard to tell his age. He wore an ill-fitted navy suit and scuffed dress shoes. His tie was no where to be seen, and the boy had a platter of finger foods balanced in one hand. He hadn’t heard anyone approach at all.
What made Bruce freeze, however, was the fact that the boy looked exactly like the portraits of the young Thomas Wayne that were hanging innocently in the Wayne family home. His crystal blue eyes seemed to glow in the overhead lights as they bore into Bruce. It felt like the boy could see his soul. The air was more chilled than it had been all night, and everything in Bruce’s mind was screaming DANGER!
“Y’know…” Bruce’s breath caught in his throat as the boy spoke. His midwestern accent was heavy, and the boy took a slow moment to polish off a baked feta bite before continuing. “You look like the kinda guy to have a secret basement. The bloody kind. Nice party, though!” With that, the boy disappeared back into the crowd, taking the cold air with him.
Bruce never got out a word.
Danny sees all the wandering souls and shades attached to Bruce Wayne, and comes to the obvious conclusion that the billionaire is a serial killer.
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porcelaintoybox23 · 10 months
I just watched the clip of Dragon Gilf Levi’ing Childe. That’s all this is based on.
Neuvillette x Gn!reader
Your heels click against the ornate floors on their 12th loop around the room. Neuvillette holds a bandage to his cheek, calm eyes tracking your movements. You turn to him again, hands raised against the indignity you feel. “The nerve, the absolute disrespect—“ You cut yourself off and resume another round of pacing.
It’s slight, barely a passing of air, but Neuvillette sighs through his nose. He’s prepared to withstand another few turns but he doesn’t quite understand your ire.
“He’s a complete barbarian! The Fatui have done nothing but wreak havoc around Teyvat, and every nation just seems content to let that parasitic cult of hers run rampant. It’s inexcusable.”
“His behavior was inappropriate, but it was dealt with. The proceedings continued as normal.” He puts down the bandage and attempts a small smile. “You don’t normally care for the rule of court."
You whip around. He tenses at the fire in your eyes. “‘As normal’ that child, dared to lay a hand on you. I should’ve squashed him, but I stayed in the stands because I have the decency to respect your culture.”
Neuvillette blinks. “If you are angry on my behalf, do not be. I’m fine. The scratch is healed.” It was gone before you even dressed the wound.
You sigh and sit down beside him. You swipe your thumb over where the cut had been. “You’re too nice, sometimes. Sorry for snapping at you.”
He nods. His mouth brushes over your cheek. A uniquely affectionate gesture from the dour man. It seems all is well.
“If he does that again, I’m beating him up.”
“I’m well aware.”
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curseofhyperfixation · 4 months
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Beta Collector everyone
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puppetmaster13u · 6 months
Oh my god
it never even occurred to me that the League would have to deal with Broody!Batman holy shit-
I can 100 percent see the league being absolutely baffled by Batman’s behavior- I feel like some would be aware of the A/B/O traits, but not all.
Just imagine when Batman eventually decides they’re his Work Pack:tm: and starts to treat them as such.
He’s suddenly all touchy and tries to flaunt his role as Lead Pack Omega much to their confusion.
And for the ones with super senses? I feel like they wouldn’t get the nitty gritty details of scenting (Though beast boy most definitely does)
Clark would be so stressed out over that. What’s wrong with his best friend?? Why did Bruce suddenly going from smelling like nothing to smelling like sweet earth??? (The answer is Scent Blockers, Bruce just decided to stop wearing them so he could mark them as pack.)
Also them dealing with Batman immediately post taking in Dick??? Oh god they’d be so concerned because why is Bruce suddenly so flighty?? Why did he go from doing everything to the letter to I Need To Get Out Now??
And you know Bruce doesn't think to explain. Like everyone in Gotham knows about dynamics, it's Gotham after all. He even forgot to mention it to Dick when he first came to the manor, and he saw him literally every day.
And it's not like he didn't care about them before, but it was silent, more distant care. Adding an extra kitchen when Flash complains about his high metabolism, adding more stuff to the gym when someone mentions it, but never letting anyone know he was the one to do so.
He still does these things of course, but will also just drop gifts into their arms and laps. Gifts covered in his scent seeing as he's not around them as often as say, his Wayne Enterprises pack. Which he also doesn't see often but is probably helped by the fact of him not being the only one with a dynamic.
Gosh Bruce is definitely fighting with himself because he wants to share his pup with his pack(s) but he also wants to of course keep him safe. Meaning he has to keep him hidden and all that and there's also the issue of Dick not understanding the whole broodiness at first too.
And you know he's going to not vocalize any of this. And the broodiness definitely gets worse for a bit until the miscommunication between him and Dick gets fixed lol.
Love the idea of Clark just, forgetting the fact he's a journalist and can find this information if he researched Gotham lmao. He's smart until he's in the middle of worrying about one of his friends and the freak out takes over.
Definitely not helped by the fact that the rest of the league also freaking out and wondering wtf is wrong lol.
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aloeverawrites · 1 month
Writing for Rafah
I'm doing sensitivity readings, beta readings, fanfic commissions, lyric/poem writing, character playlists, and image description writing in exchange for donations to Maryam’s family and newborn (Urgent) , Fatima’s family and their newborn or to Ibrahim and his family.
(Update: Ibrahim and his family have made it out of Rafah and now need financial security in Egypt. Fatima’s family has yet to make it out of Rafah. Update 2: Fatima’s family has reached their goal but we’ve yet to hear another update from them. )
If you find another gofundme for someone in Palestine that you'd like to donate to I'll accept donations for that as well. I recommend looking at the operation olive branch document to find gofundmes to donate to.
The details for these commissions are below.
Sensitivity readings:
I can read for people looking to portray trans men, autistics, bi aces and biracial black people. Contact me to ask if you have something else you'd like me to read for as not everything is mentioned here.
€ 1 for 2,000 words.
Beta reading:
I can offer basic editing like spelling and grammar, as
€ 1 for 2,000 words.
Fanfic writing:
I can write for bbc merlin, pacific rim, marvel
€ 1 for 1,000 words.
Song or poem writing:
You can give me a few words as a prompt and I'll write lyrics for a song that can be dedicated to whoever you'd like. If you want to record the song or use it for a story or game feel free to.
€ 0.50 per song which can be about 100-400 words. Same price for poems.
Character playlists:
€ 1.00 per playlist. It can be about anything I just thought people might be more interested in playlists for characters- but if you want one on like, the concept of springtime or something I've got you.
Image description:
€ 1.00 for 10 image descriptions. If you only need like 3 then any donation amount above €0.10 is great. This can be helpful if you're a blog that posts a lot of photos.
I don't read/write nsfw. I don't have much experience with this, but I had to do something to help. I have been writing for a long time but I've only published original work. Thank you for reading this, and hope to hear from you. If you're interested dm me or send me an ask.
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eseninkit-blog · 1 year
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and which of us is blind
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this is how i envision childe and skirk's time together in the abyss went
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basu-shokikita · 5 months
Possibility, a Toki from a different reality
So @dalberadiata has an AU where Toki never left the cult and, therefore, never joined Dethklok. But the call of destiny is much stronger, so he accidentally catches a glimpse of Dethklok when they're visiting Norway and pretty much instantly becomes infatuated with Skwisgaar. The interest isn't one-sided and Skwisgaar teaches Toki about the world of music...and many other things. 🎸💘
I've been wanting to do something with this AU for a while because I'm fascinated with it. So, after many talks, I decided to write the scene where Toki wears non-religious clothing for the first time. More specifically, the clothes Skwisgaar lent him. Needless to say, this is a Skwistok AU 🥰
You can also read this work here!
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Hat in his hands, Toki looked at his feet. Or rather, the lack of them. Covered by the dark robe he had been wearing everyday for the past 8 years, it was like he was floating on the floor. Some kind of ghost that still managed to trip on his non-existent feet sometimes. 
His eyes kept going back to his legs, his arms, his torso, his neck even. All dutifully covered so there was nothing in sight, nothing to tell apart. Not even the top of his head was safe, protected by the hat of the same color of his robe. He was one undefined silhouette not to be confused by a mere mortal wearing vulgar clothes or showing skin. At least, that’s what his parents had taught him. 
He was always to be covered, never to expose anything. Never to embarrass or as shame the family with his indecency. Long ago were the days where he was allowed to wear a simple t-shirt and shorts for his daily duties. He was a real member of the family now and he had to behave as such.
His eyes met his own hesitant reflection, worry scattered all over his features. Should he really be doing this?
“Eh, Toki,” Skwisgaar put down the black magazine he was reading. “Don’ts..think abouts it too much.” 
Toki glanced at Skwisgaar in the reflection, and simply pursed his lips in response. He knew Skwisgaar meant well, but he had no way to understand. He had no idea what this meant for Toki, the weird guilt swelling in his gut just from his thoughts. The feeling that his parents, his dad especially, had always been right about him. That he was a failure to the family and the whole town.
He tossed the hat on his bed, as if that would make his dad’s eyes stop glaring at him from inside his mind. He wanted this. He wanted to do this.
“Okay.” He said, more to himself than Skwisgaar. “Turn around.”
“Whats?” Skwisgaar squinted like he hadn’t understood him.
“Turn around.” Toki repeated, this time gesturing with his fingers.
Skwisgaar grimaced for a good couple of seconds before throwing his palms into the air and turning around. “Talks about overkills…” He muttered under his breath but Toki still heard him.
Not that he cared, this wasn’t about Skwisgaar, it was about him and he wanted it his way. This was hard enough as it was, he didn’t need Skwisgaar’s prying eyes on top of it. Toki inhaled deeply and then closed his eyes. He counted until 10, an old trick to calm down his anxiety that he had learned from a nice old lady at the local market a couple of years ago. Then, he exhaled slowly and opened his eyes. 
His stare wasn’t all quite confident, but he had to make do. Determined, he brought his hands to his collar and started unbuttoning his robe. It had exactly 16 buttons, so he took a while to undo them. The buttons were worn out and old so they always took several pulls to get off the buttonholes. One time, as a teen, Toki suggested getting new ones but his mother gave him a glare of disappointment that made him never want to ask again.
Undone, the robe fell to the floor and Toki’s first instinct was to immediately pick it up and carefully fold it to place it on his chair. However, his fingers hesitated when he was inches away from the floor. 
He remembered the first time he refused to wear the robe, because it was uncomfortable to wear, to move in. Because he thought it was ugly, because he was tired of following this charade he had never wanted to be part of. 
His dad ordered him to take off his clothes and made him stand in the snow for hours, with nothing to cover himself with. At some point he lost consciousness, and when he recovered it, he was shivering in his bed. His dad told him, just as cold as the snow that he had been surrounded by, that it was his own doing for rejecting the Lord’s graces.
A few years later, Toki fell off the mountain while running errands. He slipped with the ice and rolled for a few meters before crashing against a rock. He managed to limp his way down, though his sides really hurt and he was pretty sure he was bleeding from his leg. When his mother saw him, the first thing she was worried about wasn’t him, but the robe. 
She made him take it off, quickly tossing the snow off it and washing it to remove Toki’s blood. Not even a glance of concern when Toki was stitching himself as she dried the robe next to the fire and carefully sewed the holes back. Toki watched his mother treat his robe with more care and gentleness than he had ever received from her. 
When, just two years ago, Toki had taken his picture with them. It was his first official family picture. During his childhood, he had only seen his parents in the framed photographs around the house, never seen himself, like he wasn’t allowed to be part of it. So, he was pretty excited, to be finally acknowledged by them. He tried really hard not to smile when the town’s photographer came to take it. 
However, when he saw the final picture, he felt nothing but cruel disappointment. Because the person in it, between his two parents, didn’t feel like him, it didn’t look like him. With the serious face and the dark robe, he looked like any other member of the sect. Nothing to tell him apart from the rest, and that’s exactly what his parents had wanted all along for him.
Toki straightened instead, not even giving a spare glance to the robe on the floor. He proceeded to unbutton his dark purple shirt, trying not to feel self-conscious when the skin of his chest began to reveal itself. He always undressed looking away from the mirror, it was a habit his parents had taught him. Dress with the mirror, undress without it. Flaunting one’s own skin, even in private, was sinful.
From the corner of his eye, he saw Skwisgaar’s head move. “I’m not ready yet!” He said, trying to inspire obedience but his voice came out squeaky instead.
Skwisgaar grumbled but he didn’t try to take a peek at least, and Toki was relieved. Undoing his pants took him way less time than the rest, and he just let it join the robe on the floor, along with the shirt. 
The clothes Skwisgaar had lent him were resting on the edge of his bed and Toki hesitated again. Was this really him? Maybe he shouldn’t mess with the order after all. Maybe he shouldn’t be tempting…he didn’t even dare to think of the word. His eyes wandered around the room, until they finally fell on Skwisgaar’s mane.
Luscious bursts of golden cascading down his shoulders, leading to that black leather jacket that had enraptured him since he first saw him and the tight black pants that followed, finishing up with the elegant black boots of the same color. He was beautiful and, just as important, he was free. And Toki desired that freedom just as much as he desired him.
He made up his mind and grabbed the shirt first before forcing it down his neck and torso. Then, he spread the pants and shoved his legs inside. It was definitely tighter than he expected, and he had expected a lot. As he struggled to make his groin somehow fit comfortably between the fabric, he realized Skwisgaar was most likely a smaller size than he was. The last touch were the black combat boots that, ironically, were a tad bit too big for his feet. 
With one last exhale, Toki took a glance at his reflection and almost didn’t recognize himself. 
His usually hidden shoulder-length brown hair was exposed and slightly disheveled from the movement. His torso was adorned by a short-sleeved black shirt with an over-designed skull and the name of a band he didn’t know in red letters. The shirt had probably been loose on Skwisgaar but on Toki it fit just right. The faux leather pants made noise whenever he moved and, just like he suspected, made his crotch stand up. Packed with combat boots, they made him look like a rockstar, even if he could still see the reluctance in his expression.
Toki tried smiling, then he tried frowning and struck a pose. He put a hand on his hip and one foot in front of the other one and feigned the smugness he often saw on Skwisgaar. It made him laugh to see this much arrogance in his face, however, and he ended up cracking up in front of the mirror. Sighing, he stood straight and contemplated himself. It was weird, and it definitely didn’t look like his usual self. But maybe it could be.
Maybe this could be him.
Also, he could finally see his feet step on the floor, how crazy was that? Toki Wartooth, finally allowed to have visible lower limbs. Absolutely insane.
“Oh, heys.” Skwisgaar said, walking up to him with a smirk. “Has I met you befores?”
“Pfft.” Toki snorted, though couldn’t erase the coy smile on his face, especially not when Skwisgaar wrapped an arm around his waist. 
“You looks good in my clothes.” He said, eyeing Toki’s body. His stare stayed for a little longer on Toki’s lower abdomen before it went up again. “Ja?”
Toki averted his gaze, chuckling lightly. “I look like you.” He said, feeling his cheeks heat up from Skwisgaar’s attention and proximity to him. 
Skwisgaar took a whiff at his collarbone. “Smells like me toos.” There was something suggestive about his eyes, and Toki could’ve sworn the room was getting hotter despite being in the middle of winter. “Heh.” Skwisgaar seemed satisfied by the reaction and pulled away. “Wants to gets out of here?”
Toki didn’t expect that, though he wasn’t against it. “Where are we going?”
“There’s ans a metals show in the towns.” Skwisgaar said, his eyes were smiling at Toki with tenderness he hadn’t seen before. “I can gets us there.” His thumb slightly brushed Toki’s chin. “Hm? What you says?”
Light blue eyes got starry from the idea alone and Toki swallowed heavily. His first metal show ever…he imagined a raging crowd and killer instrumentals. An imposing vocalist growling incomprehensible lyrics, the chaos and sweat in the atmosphere…
His heartbeat sped up from anticipation and Skwisgaar smiled at him. His first metal concert would be with Skwisgaar of all people. Toki couldn’t help thinking it was the perfect date. A nod. “Let’s do it.”
Skwisgaar’s smile turned into a grin as he laced his fingers with Toki’s and dragged them away from the room. Toki allowed himself to be led, excitement bursting through his chest. 
When he walked past the door frame he turned around and gave his old clothes one last look before leaving.
He would never look back.
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returning to tumblr with The Goods like a giddy hunter gatherer
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[credit: @ 0408mark58 on twitter: 1st | 2nd & 3rd]
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nekropsii · 13 days
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Guys, I don't think Vriska tried to fuck kids as an adult, though. I think the opposite happened to her, actually. She didn't try to bone her child relative either. That was all Cronus.
It's crazy how people will just ignore the Sex Pest aspect of Cronus just to try to hold Vriska at his level. I think a character being a sex pest - especially as a grown ass man, and ESPECIALLY one targeting children, ESPECIALLY ESPECIALLY if any of those kids are RELATED to them - is going to draw immediate EXTREME ire from everyone, way more than anything else any other character has done. It's almost like sex crimes, especially against children, and especially against child relatives, as a grown ass adult, are seen as the most reprehensible crimes you can commit, ever.
Vriska's done some fucked up shit, but you can't call her a pedophile. That's not a title she can claim. You can call Cronus one, though. You cannot leave out the fact that Vriska is a 13 year old grooming victim and Cronus is an adult sexual predator who has targeted several children before, one of which he is literally related to. Key difference. Acting like Vriska Serket has worse morals than Cronus Ampora and saying you cannot fathom why people wouldn't want to afford Cronus any mercy is just kind of idiotic.
The literal point of Cronus's character is that he deserves worse. That's the point. There isn't a fate that's terrible enough for him to match the crimes against humanity he's committed as shamelessly as he has. Vriska's whole character is about how she's a chronic fuckup that the whole universe has failed. And she's 13. What are we doing.
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boobstrider · 2 months
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my wriggling day... april 11th
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alphabetcompletionist · 9 months
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college student alpha beta charlie forced to stay up late on a school night because of the noise from the nearby home football game based on a true story woe upon them
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