#bg3 korrilla
skatik · 7 months
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House of Hope
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oniishi · 1 month
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crimsoncrocuta · 4 months
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Korrilla Hearthflame, at your service.
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luniidae · 15 days
~ Of Gold and Blood ~
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~ The Encounter ~
Chapter I
Note: Hi everyone! I recently started to rewrite some chapters of my fic to improve it with new scenes, lore, and new illustrations... There will be details which won't respect the DnD universe, just so you know. Anyways, I hope you'll enjoy it!
Please keep in mind that English isn't my native language, thanks! 🖤
You can now read it on AO3 ✨
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            What could be said is that Luvia didn't have an ordinary childhood, but actually, she didn't really have the time to have one. The little girl was only 6 years old when she crossed paths with a certain warlock, Korilla Hearthflame. 
This encounter would change the course of her life, but no one could say yet if this was for the better or the worse...
           Korrilla was on a mission for her devilish boss, Raphael, when she stopped at the Sunken Flagon of Neverwinter. The air was fresh but not cold, and the uproar of clinking mugs and the cheerful exclamations could be heard from the outside. 
She didn't intend to stay for the night though, since the boss's business doesn't wait. She still took the time to relax a bit with some refreshment before hitting the road again. It had been a long day after all, and it wasn't over yet. She was on her way to collect a particularly ancient and rare book for her master. It belonged to a wizard who was so desperate to possess the absolute knowledge he was ready to part with his most precious possession.... And his soul. His delicious, power hungry, soul. 
              A simple and pretty common request from a mortal of his kind, the usual routine. As promised, he knew everything.... And anything. From the most useful information to the most insignificant one, and it appeared to be far less entertaining than he expected. Researches were an important and stimulating part of any wizard's life, but what is the point of searching when you know everything already? Beside the incredible boredom of his new life, he didn't certainly expect his brain to be too "small" for such an amount of knowledge. The flow of the thoughts in his mind was so intense and unstoppable that the poor man eventually went mad and threw himself from the window of his tower. What a pity.
              A few uninteresting chats and a pint later, it was time for our golden dwarf to get back to her work. However, as she left the inn, she suddenly felt like she was being watched. She scanned the surroundings and caught the sight of two red points in the darkness of a rooftop, facing the establishment. 
             There it was, a tiny silhouette sitting near an open window that probably overlooked its bedroom. It didn't move an inch and silently observed the passers-by from the shadows. Its eyes, like two rubies glowing in the night, were locked on her.
Korrilla thought it was a vampire at first, but the spark in its gaze seemed.... Different. Anyway, she decided to keep an eye on the little creature, just in case it would have been stupid enough to see the warlock as a prey. 
             The dwarf took to the road again, the wizard's tower was no longer far from here and she could reach it on foot in less than an hour or so. A soft breeze was caressing her face while she was walking, and the smell of the night air was invigorating, helping her to clear her mind after the beer she drank earlier. It was nice sometimes not to use a portal, she thought. 
But she remained on her guard, because she knew she was being followed, and she knew by who, or what. Korrilla wondered what interest she could have aroused. Did the creature want her gold? Her blood? Or was it simple curiosity? That's what she would find out soon...
                As she was approaching her destination, she felt a presence in her back, but nothing like what she perceived earlier in the shadows. This time, there were really someone behind her. The warlock didn't give her little spy the time to do or say anything since she suddenly turned on her heels to face them, ready to vanish in a mist if necessary. It was a girl and she didn't fight back when the young woman grabbed her forearm firmly. She instinctively curved her back like a frightened kitten, and the grip of her tiny hand on Korilla's as she was trying to remove it was weak and ridiculous. The creature seemed harmless and miserable, but Korilla was now able to take a closer look at her. She had long and dark brown hair, a bit messy, she had pointy ears and two little horns. Her eyes were a deep red tone and her skin was pale.... But not pale enough to be a vampire. Moreover, it seemed like she had no pointy teeth either. 
"Hmf, nice try, little Tiefling", the young woman said, a smug look on her face. But she interrupted herself as she observed the girl. She didn't look exactly like a tiefling despite her appearance. She had no tail and none of those sharp traits. Actually, she looked more like an elf with horns and vampire eyes. 
               What a strange mix... She thought, but her attention was caught by something else. The little girl had a few bruises on her, not big ones, but still... Korrilla got lost in her thoughts for a second. Those bluish marks on a so young skin reminded her of her life before she moved to the House of Hope with her sister. 
               Her previous master had no consideration for her, giving her nothing but crumbs to eat.... Well, when she could. Being at the service of a devil might have seemed problematic for some, but at least, Raphael treated her well. Korilla came back to her sense and looked at the horned creature in the eyes.
"What do you want?", she asked.
She paused for a few seconds, her gaze locked on the child's face and more specifically, those scarlet eyes. There was something strange about her... But she couldn't really explain it or tell if it was in a good or a bad way. The young girl's lips parted.
"I......", she started to whisper without finishing her sentence. She didn't really look scared, but surprised and lost, as if she herself didn't know why she's been following her from the tavern. 
"You should get back home, kid, the streets aren't safe at night", the dwarf added. 
At those words, a slight change occured in the child's gaze. She suddenly looked reluctant and tried to take a step backward in an attempt to break free from Korilla's grip.
"Ouch !", the girl exclaimed. 
She looked down at her feet, and so does the warlock. She had stepped in a few pieces of broken glass, and the poor fabric of her shoes was too thin to prevent the sharp object to pierce the flesh.     
           She stood on her other foot, making little jumps while she was removing the glass pieces. Korrilla released her grip on her, allowing her to run away when something caught her eyes again... A few little and red swirls of magic appeared when she accidentally cut herself. It was very weak, but it came from her wounded foot. She raised an eyebrow and was about to call after her, but she eventually did nothing. She looked at her go in the dark streets, noticing two little red point looking back at her from time to time as the creature moved away quickly. That was magic trace, not blood, or not entirely, she was sure of this. But she couldn't afford to waste any more time and she kept heading to the tower as planned. 
             Once Korrilla collected the precious book she came for, she opened a portal to the House of Hope. It was good to be back home, but she couldn't help but think of her last encounter. Where did the girl go? Did she go back home? Why did she look suddenly so concerned when the warlock told her to do so? To this last question, she could easily guess the answer. The bruises she had seen on the creature's arms weren't due to some too enthusiastic child plays. But she quickly chased the thought out of her mind and headed to Raphael's office. 
              The door was open but she knocked at it nonetheless. Her boss was focused on some paperwork at his desk, he spoke without looking up.
"There you are, Korrilla. I hope my ambitious yet tragic client has not been to reluctant to honor his part of the deal". The cambion chuckled, amused by his own joke.
He knew the wizard wouldn't handle such power, so much knowledge was simply too much for a pathetic being like him. The cambion haven't even bothered himself to take the book right away when he made him sign the contract. 
"Oh do not worry, I'll come back in a few days to take my due, and you'll tell me everything about this new and fascinating life of yours. I can't wait...", he had said to him. 
Korrilla smirked as she took a few steps forward, "Oh he was delighted to part with it", she answered. She put the packaged object on the desk.
"I suppose you have faced no difficulties there", the devil said, taking the book to remove delicately the fabric it was wrapped into.
"Not at all. I just have been slowed by... A curious little thing...", the dwarf answered.
"Is that so...?"
"Oh nothing important really, just a strange kid who's been following me all the way to the tower"
Raphael raised an eyebrow, "You've been slowed.... By a child.... ?"
Korrilla caught a mix of disbelief and exasperation in her boss's eyes, as he was trying to understand how such an insignificant nuisance could have been important enough for her to mention it. 
"Well, this kid didn't look like an ordinary one after all", she quickly added as if she was trying to make it look like a good excuse, "And her blood smelled like pure magic"
The devil slightly frowned.
".... Magic?", he said with a sceptical tone. For a second or so, he almost seemed to stare at her in order to check if she was drunk or something. 
The mention of the girl was a bit weird already, but this particular detail managed to catch his attention though.
"Did you kill her to know such a thing?"
"No, she cut herself actually", she answered with a hint of exasperation in her voice, "I thought she was a vampire Tiefling"
"But she was not... ?"
"No and I had a weird feeling about her when she looked at me", she admitted.
"My my, it seems that she made quite an impression on you", Raphael noticed, "How was she ?"
Surprisingly, Raphael really looked curious about it. His warlock didn't used to waste her time with minor details, so it was quite intriguing to see her react this way and he wanted to know why. 
            The dwarf made him a detailed description of the child, talking about her non-tiefling features, the absence of tail, her pointy ears, and those particular red eyes. The cambion looked very serious as he listened to her, as if he was thinking about something at the same time, taking mental notes of her words. 
"Hm...", he seemed lost in his thoughts for a few seconds, "Keep an eye on her", he simply said, his chin resting on one of his fists. 
The young woman looked a bit confused. This horned little creature was strange for sure, but did it worth it to watch over her?
Nonetheless, she nodded, "Alright, consider it done"
"Good", Raphael made a gesture to indicate her to leave him alone, and so she did. 
He didn't say anything but the description Korilla gave to him reminded him of something. Something deep and ancient.... And certainly useful if his suspicion happened to be true. But he needed to make some research first. 
             When he was done with his current matters, he headed to his library looking for some specific books. He had an idea of the nature of the child, he suspected her to be a Dracanist, even if it seemed pretty unlikely. But the reaction of the blood and the uncomfortable aura were two fundamental elements to him, the only details which made him doubt and think there might be something interesting to find out.
             The Dracanists were an ancient race, extinguished for centuries. Or at least, they were supposed to be. This people was known for their regenerative faculties and their unique and particular use of blood magic. Raphael remembered having seen some of them in his young years... They could have been easily mistaken with Tieflings or devils, but unlike them, they had no tail (and no wings). A simple yet important detail when you wanted to make the difference between them, but most of the mortals wouldn't pay attention to it. 
           Apart from that, they all had pointy ears, as long as high-elf's, and characteristic scarlet eyes which could be seen in the dark. Not very discreet, he thought, but probably terrifying for whoever happened to cross paths with them in the middle of the night. And they had horns.... Very special horns. There were so little information about these that no one actually know how it worked exactly, but those horns were the source of their regenerative power. They used to be cut sometimes, but only a very short amount of it, to be used in some healing processes. There were a very few known cases of people cured thanks to a Dracanist horn, and the effects on average creatures such humans were apparently incredible. 
              But it wasn't even the most interesting part. Their power was great, impressive, dangerous.... But there was also a reason for them to be called "Dracanists". They were apparently related to dragons, but nothing to do with dragonborns or something. All the Dracanists were capable of turning themselves into blood dragons. Creatures so fierce that the Githyanki's red dragons themselves almost feared them. They didn't breathe fire, but something like bloody putrid waves, devastating and painful, making instantly rot anything in their wake.
              A slight grin appeared on Raphael's face. If the girl Korilla met was really such a being, and this young, it could be interesting to keep her close. He was a very ambitious devil after all and, one day, he would take over the nine hells, he was sure of that. But it required a meticulous and very well prepared plan... And some specific artefacts. He didn't have all of the necessary elements yet, but he could keep the pretended Dracanist near him, manipulate and shape her just like he would like to so he could
use her powers in due time. In the meantime, he would eventually pay her a visit soon...
To be continued...
Bonus: Chapter 1's first version illustration
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preternaturalpanic · 7 months
I have a crack headcanon that Raphael is aware of this plane and has a deal with other devils for soul coins every time someone misspells Haarlep as Harleep and Korrilla as Korilla. He's loaded because of us and it's one of the reasons he's fine spending 1000 to take down a wayward mouse.
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devilsdenarchive · 7 months
ooooof i just have a bad thought about raphael, related with hope, and im a lil in shambles
(cw: bg3 spoilers, SA mention)
someone was saying that korrilla being jealous of her sister was super sad considering what raphael did to her. i kinda knew he kept trapt hope in the house of hope, we know a dramatic man, and I KNOW he is a villain and a fictional one, but even i have my limits
and then ive explore a little about hope and some people was comparing raphael to cazador and how hope story of abuse didnt have the recognition that astarion had and then i just collapsed
cause yeah, he is THE DEVIL and you can expect fucked up things from the hell, like torture and pain and that stuff.
the thing is korrilla transcripts some conversations between raphael and hope. they didnt went well. he wants to give her the world and she litterally tells him to eat shit. he throw her a "dreamcatcher" full of nightmares that she wears at her neck. korrilla tell us that he offered her the world but she rejected him until "eventually he took her by force, trapping her". those are textual words and thats the worst part: what does that mean?
best scenario? he kidnapped her, a la Phantom of the Opera style that Raphael IS ALWAYS SHOWING, and kept her captive until she loves her.
worst scenario? i cant even tell cause its one of my main triggers
someone have more info about this or comments about this theme?
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utterdrip · 8 months
hey if anyone could explain to me wtf this is all about id appreciate it
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coreene · 1 month
Korrilla spying on Tav in act 2, right next to the entrance of the Mason's Guild. Apparently you can also find her at the party but I haven't caught her there, yet.
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eeveenicks · 4 months
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I know this is kind of a nitpick, but I see it so much I figured I’d point it out. Her name is Korrilla, not Korilla.
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a2zillustration · 4 months
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Last chance to form alliances before Croissant opens a can of arcane whoopass :)
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littleprincepaladin · 4 months
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got plagued with Raphael In A Corset thoughts and the discord server actively encouraged it, so...
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sassyandsodone · 4 months
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Woe! More House of Hope textpost memes be upon you!!!
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red-dead-sakharine · 5 months
Korrilla insight check
When you speak to Korrilla in Sharess' Caress after taking Raphael's deal, there's an insight check that gets you some rare dialogue if you don't press her on it.
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"He's as honest as his life is long" - He does not lie to you. His contract might have loopholes, but that's on you for not reading right.
"treats me right and feeds me well" - He's good to his allies as long as they do good work (he notes in one of his journals that Korrilla does a good job)
"he's barely been home since he met you" - Likely why the HoH is in such a state. I doubt a being of order would approve of the rotting dinner table.
"I hope things turn out well for you" - She likes us. Raphael likes us. They like us.
To me, he's not an actual villain. He has a clear liking for the main character. And he only attacks us if we betray him and rob his house. Yes, he's lawful evil. But he's not a villain to our story, unless we become a villain to his.
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Alternative convo path:
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margridarnauds · 7 months
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[image description: devnotes for Korrilla's line of dialogue: "As things stand, she [Hope]'s his favorite toy. We're all mad here, but Hope in hell! Why, that's the definition of insanity." The devnote says "Complicated feelings. Both jealous of Raphael's attention and sad because she knows her sister doesn't want it."]
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[Korrilla saying, in a conversation where you can ask about the diabolist, "I hope things turn out well for you, I really do. Cheers." The note says "sadly - she knows (but we don't) that things won't turn out well at all."]
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[Korrilla saying, "This current crisis has him so busy he's barely been home since he met you." The note says "proud of her boss." ]
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[Korrilla saying "I'm not for sale. My time's not for sale. My affection's not for sale. I'm here on other business." The note says, "hasn't look up from her mug yet - is muttering darkly, she's clearly said this to a lot of people who've assumed she's a prostitute. (She's standing at the bar of a brothel.)]
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[Korrilla saying, in response to Tav saying they'll stop the brain without Raphael's help, "I doubt it, but even if you do, you won't survive the fight." The note says "with a hint of sadness."]
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[Korrilla saying "The boss might be a devil, but he'll treat you more honestly than anyone else in the city." The note says "she genuinely believes this."]
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[In response to the player character asking whether she likes working for Raphael, Korrilla responds "More than anything. My old dwarven master used to beat me and feed me scraps -- Raphael treats me right and feeds me well. Better to feast in the Hells than go begging in the Heavens."]
Korrilla's devnotes casually murdering me.
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corinthianrm0 · 13 days
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i've been reading👁️👁️
very rough sketch inspired by "Direct from Hell Logistics" by @ineadhyn !
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wellthebardsdead · 1 month
Voss: please you must accept the devils offer we-
Tav: it’s alright, wait for us downstairs.
Voss: *looks at them, then at Raphael, then at lae’zel*
Lae’zel: listen to them Kithrak, you can trust them.
Voss: *nods* very well… I will await you downstairs. *walks out*
Raphael: I’m glad to see you’ve made i-
Minsc: I? Boo? You know this man??
Raphael: boo?
Boo: *scurry’s down minsc’s arm and leaps from him onto Raphael’s awaiting palm, before scurrying up to his shoulder* squeak!
Raphael: I- well yes I know that-
Boo: squeak!
Raphael: yes and I’m greatful for th-
Boo: squeak! Squeak!
Raphael: I?! You can’t be serious! Let’s be reasonable here my furry friend-
Raphael: Ugh! Fine! Take the damned thing! *summons the hammer dropping it at tavs feet*
Boo: squeak.
Raphael: what about her?! I know I owe you more than a few favours but-
Boo: *grabs his face* …
Raphael: *visibly nervous* …I’ll release her.
Boo: squeak.
Raphael: …And apologise.
*a few minutes later*
Astarion: I would. Like to thoroughly and sincerely apologise to boo… I don’t want to know what that hamster is capable of.
Minsc: a wise choice! Boo is the most mighty and powerful hamster in all the realms! And he accepts your apology.
Boo: squeak!
Tav: who was it he asked Raphael to release by the way?
*meanwhile in the house of hope*
Korrilla: I don’t want to end my contract with Raphael, he’s a great boss and he gives me what I want when I want it Hope!
Hope: ughhh if you won’t leave then I’ll stay here. He’s not allowed to hurt me anymore so I guess I’ll forgive him. He seems to be suffering enough as is-
Raphael: *bawling his eyes out into his pillow because his plans all got undone by a hamster* ITS NOT FAAAAAIR!!!
Haarlep: *patting his hair* there there~
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