#bi exes meme
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Is this anything
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huecycles · 1 year
i always talk about t4t spamvil but never their sexualities, so: spamton is pan while jevil is bi :)
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fella-lovin-fella · 2 years
calling my boyfriend "mr right" because he's the first person ive dated that isnt left handed
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maraboutdjemey · 5 days
Rassurez vous, l’envoûtement d’Amour, ce n’est pas pour faire mal à votre être aimé, ce n’est pas méchant, c’est juste pour lui faire renaître votre amour dans son cœur.
L’envoûtement d’Amour consiste à envoûter votre bien aimé(e) avec un envoûtement doux, propre et sensible pour qu’il ou elle retrouve les sentiments éprouvés auparavant pour vous. Cet envoûtement touchera directement votre bien aimé(e), afin de le faire revenir, pour qu’il vous aime comme il vous aimait dans le passé. Cet envoûtement, je peux le pratiquer avec différentes magies, selon les cas:…
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alexackrman · 2 years
wait wait guys
one of my coworkers hit on me the other day (she’s a girl don’t worry it was in good fun) AND I FUCKING PANICKED AND FOROGT HOW TORHINK AHAHAHABSXJAKA
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oneforthemunny · 1 year
what used to be mine |older!dilf!eddie munson x reader|
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prompt: gina finds out that you and eddie got married.
age gap relationship. everything is consensual. set a few years after the initial series so the reader is 29 and Eddie is 45.
gina is eddie’s ex. brielle is his daughter with gina.
contains: older!eddie, dilf!eddie, language, gina, jealousy
Gina sat on the couch, coffee steaming on the table beside her, phone held lazily in her hand as she scrolled mindlessly through her phone. She could hear her mother's voice nagging her in the back of her mind, telling her she was so obsessed with other people'd lives, and maybe that's why she was so bored in her own. But Gina didn't care. She had to look, to be in the know.
Everything was typical, scrolling bored past the birthday posts, memes, and other updates about people she didn’t give two shits about on Facebook.
Then Gina saw it.
She stopped, eyes widening in disbelief.
Brielle Jo Munson was tagged in a photo!
Some person Gina didn’t recognize- someone who didn’t have her blocked like most of Eddie’s friends did- shared a string of photos, the caption reading.
‘Congrats to Mr. and Mrs. Munson! Wishing you both a lifetime of joy and happiness!’
There were the photos, Eddie and her walking down the aisle, some trendy, aesthetic venue. Her dress was stunning, and fit her like a glove. Gina gaped, scrolling, seeing Brielle in her bridesmaids dress, walking beside them, posing in photos with guest. Even having a dance with Eddie.
But none of that compared to the unexplainable rage that Gina felt when she saw the last picture. Eddie and her, he had her dipped down, a classic pose for a kiss, others waving sparklers for a photo op. Gina zoomed in, a stranger gasp leaving her lungs, heart rate rising, hammering in her chest.
The ring.
When Gina and Eddie had gotten married, he’d saved up and gone to a pawn shop, getting the best ring he could buy. A tiny diamond that she snarled at when he presented it to her- he’d worked countless hours overtime, even going back to giving guitar lessons and a night shift as a janitor at the plant to afford it. He’d promised her it was just until he could get a better one. They didn’t make it long enough for that to happen.
Though they weren’t together long, they were together long enough that Gina knew how close Eddie was to his mom before she passed. She’d seen the pictures at Wayne’s, and the one's Eddie kept in his wallet. She'd heard the stories, bittersweet and endearing. They'd even made Brielle's middle name Jo, in memory of departed and beloved Josephine. 
Most importantly, she’d seen the ring- the ring he didn’t give her. His mother’s wedding ring, diamond cut and small. It was her mother’s before her, and her grandmother before that. Passed down to Eddie, a little under a carat, and on a dainty gold band. It was special. Eddie guarded it and protected it like Gollum, refusing to even take it out of the safe at Wayne’s except to show her once.
And there it was. On her finger.
Gina didn’t even register what she was doing until Henry came running in, frightened and concerned.
Gina screamed, hurt and angry, her chest heaving and cries spilling out with rage. She’d thrown her phone, leaving a dent in the wall where it landed. Pulling at her hair, she saw red, her vision blurring and dark.
Henry’s voice sounded distant, he was terrified. “Gina, honey, what-“
Gina rocked herself, deep heavy breaths that only fueled her rage, gas to a fire.
How could her have given her the ring? The ring that was hers! She had his child, and- Oh, that child- their child. Brielle. How could her daughter, her own fuckin’ flesh and blood, do this to her? Let her be blindsided like this! She could’ve talked to him! Convinced Eddie not to do it, she could convince him of anything. He didn’t love her. No, he couldn’t.
He loved Gina, Gina was sure of it.
Well, until those pictures. The love in his eyes, on everyone’s face. The fact that Eddie even had a wedding that big.
He never wanted that with Gina.
They’d had a shambled, put together wedding at the Hideout- the fuckin’ Hideout. Gina's parents hadn’t even showed up, and Jeff and Gareth were telling Eddie not to go through with it moments before she walked down the aisle. Brielle was in a carrier next to Wayne, and Gina had to leave to pump after the ceremony.
No one looked at them like that. Congratulated them, celebrated them.
Gina felt surges of jealousy, hurt, anger tear through her. She pushed past Henry and his rambling, scrambling to find her phone.
She picked it up, ignoring the crack down the middle from where she’d thrown it, clicking Brielle’s name.
The line rang, and rang, and rang.
“Hi, this is Brielle. I can’t get to my phone right now, but-“
Gina growled, huffing angrily as she hung up. Of course Brielle didn't answer. She hadn't in nearly two weeks. Gina twisted her lips furiously, pacing back and forth in the living room. She clicked on Eddie’s name, gripping the phone in a white-knuckled vice.
He picked up on the third ring.
“Yes, Gina?” Eddie sounded tired, annoyed already.
Gina laughed humorlessly. “You stupid, stupid fucker!” She roared.
Eddie winced, pulling the phone back. The two of you were packing for your honeymoon. You looked up, brows furrowed in confusion.
“How dare you? How fuckin’ dare you?” Gina boomed.
“You get married, and you don’t tell me?” Gina screamed so loudly, static filled on the other end.
“It’s really not your business.” Eddie snapped. “You didn’t tell me when you and Henry-“
“Oh, don’t you dare.” Gina seethed. “Brielle told you, you sick fucker! Where is my baby, huh? What did you do to her?”
Eddie blinked, confused. “What?” He asked. “Gina, what are you talkin’ about?”
Gina scoffed. “My daughter! My daughter, not your child bride’s!” She screeched. An unfair low blow, sure, but she wanted to hurt him. Have him hurting like she was.
“My Brielle didn’t tell me shit! She didn’t tell me she was in town, or-or that you two were getting married! I found out on Facebook, Eddie!” Gina roared, but her heart ached. “Brielle hasn’t called me in two weeks! Two!”
Eddie’s face fell, running a hand over his scruff. He knew Brielle was distancing herself from Gina, he didn’t blame her. She had been too toxic for too long, but it still didn’t make his heart hurt any less at the ache in her voice. He didn’t want her to hurt like that, not with Brielle. Maybe if he was crueler, more like Gina, he would say it was her own fault, but he couldn’t.
“I don’t know what you’ve done to her, or-or what your little Lolita fuckin’ wife has done to brainwash her, but you’ve crossed a line, Edward!” Gina heaved. “That is my baby! My daughter, and you’ve taken her from me! What did you do?”
“I didn’t do anything, Gina, Jesus!” Eddie screamed back, throwing his hands out.
You looked at him pleadingly. Eddie’s jaw was tight. “Did it ever occur to you that maybe she didn’t tell you because she knew you’d react like this?” Eddie snapped.
Gina faltered. Eddie never spoke to her like that. “Brielle is a grownup now, Gina. She can make her own choices. Neither one of us told her not to tell you. She made that call.” Eddie continued.
Gina felt her breath catch, heart hammering. She wouldn’t let him catch her vulnerable, hurt. “She’s not talking to me, Eddie, and that’s happening for a reason.” Gina snapped. “Is your new wife trying to replace me as her mother? You can tell that bitch she’s got another thing coming-“
“Hey,” Eddie barked. “I’m not doing this with you. You’re not going to talk about her like that, you got it?”
Your heart swelled slightly at his fierceness, protectiveness. Primal and strong, it made your legs clamp.
“You wanna know why Brie didn’t tell you? Ask Brielle. I don’t control what she does.” Eddie snapped.
Gina tilted her head back, keeping the tears that were threatening to fall. She clenched her jaw, breathing in deeply through her nose. “I told you,” she hissed, jaw still clamped shut to contain her emotions. “She’s- She’s not talking to me.”
Eddie fist loosened, looking at you. Your face shifted sympathetically, moving closer to hear the conversation better.
“Can you just tell me if she’s there?” Gina snapped, but even for her it was desperate, pitiful.
Eddie hesitated. “She’ll be in town for a while.” He said reluctantly. “Her and Madeline are house sitting for us while we’re gone.”
Gina felt her heart squeeze, ache. The honeymoon, it was the unspoken word. She never got a honeymoon with Eddie. Steve and Nancy had agreed to watch Brielle for the night so Eddie and Gina could have a night to themselves. That night was by far the best part of the entire wedding.
Gina took a deep breath in, pinching her eyes shut. “Could you-“ she stopped herself, fist clenching. She was embarrassed, begging Eddie like this to have him talk to her daughter. Having him hold control like this made her sick.
“Could you tell her to call me, please?” Gina asked, covering her mouth with her hand. “I-I won’t… Just tell her I want to catch up. I miss her.”
Your heart dropped, looking down the hall where Brielle sat, happy and contently catching up with your little sister. You didn’t blame her for wanting space, in some ways it was the best thing she could’ve done, but your heart still ached for Gina.
Eddie sighed, running a hand through his hair. “I’ll tell her, Gina.” He said softly. “But I can’t promise anything. She’s not little anymore.”
“I know that, Edward.” Gina’s biting tone had returned, making you roll your eyes. There was a pause. “Fuck, just-just tell her to call me. I won’t…” Gina didn’t finish her sentence, but you all knew what she was going to say.
“Fine.” Eddie said. “I’ll tell her. Anything else?”
Gina scoffed, hanging up the phone. The line beeped and went dead, Eddie looking at you with wide eyes, exasperated and drained. Gina had that effect on people.
“Well,” You chirped. “That went better than I thought it would.”
Eddie chuckled, collapsing on the bed. “Yeah,” he nodded. He looked out towards Brielle, then back at you hesitantly. “She’s real upset about it all, but…” he took a deep breath. “I know she’s most hurt about Brielle.”
You ran a hand down his shoulders, squeezing them softly, your wedding bands glimmering in the light of the room. You pressed a kiss by your thumb, nuzzling into his back.
“I know.” You hummed. “That’s her daughter. I’m not saying Brie is wrong, but… I get it. Maybe she needs to be a little hurt to get better. Repair their relationship.”
Eddie nodded. “You don’t think I-“
“Eddie, don’t you even start.” You snapped sternly, pointing a finger at him. “I’ve watched for years as Gina was so horrible to me, and you, and everyone else we cared about- everyone Brielle cares about too.” You gave him a knowing look. “There’s only so much you can deal with before you don’t want to anymore.”
Eddie sighed slowly. “Yeah,” he agreed.
“You don’t know what happened when we weren’t around either. What Gina said to Brielle. Remember when she was so horrible to me when we first started dating? Because she didn’t want to upset Gina.”
Eddie nodded. “You're right.” He said slowly. “I’m not going to force Brielle, but… I’ll tell her Gina misses her.” He looked at you as if for your approval. “She asked me to, and I think that’s fair.”
You smiled, leaning forward to kiss him sweetly. “I think you should.” You whispered, your nose on his. “Then no more Gina talk. Get it out of your system now, because if I hear her name when we’re in Aruba, I’ll throw you in with the sharks.” You grinned.
Eddie smirked, hands gripping your waist and pinning you on the bed. “Oh, will you, Mrs. Munson?” He teased, tickling your sides. “Think you’re gonna get my retirement that easily, huh? My life insurance? I think you’ll be a little disappointed, bunny.”
You giggled, squirming out of his touch. “Stop!” You laughed, head tipping back in laughter. “Mercy! Mercy!”
Eddie grinned, his lips on yours, deep and passionate. Hands finding each other, gripping and squeezing, clinging to each other.
“Oh, God, not this again.” Brielle groaned.
“Ew!” Madeline retched dramatically. “Shut the door you freaks!”
You laughed, Eddie’s nose resting on yours. “Yeah, did you not learn the first time?” Brielle snapped teasingly. “I’m still traumatized.”
Eddie scoffed, leaning up. “You learned to knock before coming in, didn’t you?” He asked with a grin. She rolled her eyes.
Eddie looked over at you, pleadingly and you took the hint. “Hey, Maddy, can you help me pack a few things?” You asked, getting your sister away from Brielle so she and Eddie could talk in private.
Eddie shot you a thankful smile, arms wrapping around Brielle’s shoulder as they went into the living room. You rolled your clothes, chatting excitedly with your little sister about your trip. You wondered if Gina and Brielle would talk.
Gina was at home, Henry anxiously handing her Xanax and trying to pry her phone away from her clutches, terrified of the wrecked woman in front of him. Gina started blankly ahead, her own wedding with Eddie playing in her mind.
Her mind kept flashing back to the ring. The smiles. Every photo she’d seen of the two of you.
Gina grit her teeth, fist balling. She was angry, hurt. Not just because Brielle hadn’t told her she was in town, but because it was official for the first time in her delusional mind.Eddie wasn’t hers anymore. He was yours.
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venuscnjunctpluto · 1 year
Astro pt. 4
credit: @venuscnjunctpluto
(I can’t even remember which part I’m on😅)
*I fw Aquarius mars and Venus women they do what they want to do and they’re very smart (ex: Victoria pedretti, brittany renner, Taylor swift, and IceSpice)
*Ik men w these aspects gets dragged but I do like that they’re usually not bigoted☺️
* Ice spice also has a sag Venus and she’s openly rapped about being Bi
*pink pantheress has to be a Virgo rising and (edit: Ice Spice confirmed she was one too)
*taurus Venus or mars are the h*rniest it’s ridiculous. Kanye has an extreme p*rn addiction to the point people have walked in the studio and he’s causally watching it. He has a Taurus Venus and Mars😭
*For couples, moon in the 1st and 7th house synastry is very common
*Male friends usually have sun-mars or mars-mars aspects
*The arguing that comes w moon square mars synastry is not worth the sexual tension. I have a cardinal moon so all of those mfs can stay away from me pls😭
*Leo + Libra in big three is such popular cheerleader energy. I think that’s one reason Meghan gets a lot of hate because she is attention seeking yet she hasn’t done anything to warrant all the hate. It’s like disliking somebody but not having a reason so you get even more mad bc you look dumb
*Taurus risings voices are so hot😭😭 (ex: Miley Cyrus, gigi hadid, Austin butler)
*Underdeveloped fixed sign men become incels. Leo and Aquarius placements have huge egos so they can’t understand rejection. Leos feel that they’re so sweet and kind how can you not like me. Aquarius placements feel like nobody’s as smart and different as them. I don’t even need to explain Taurus and Scorpio (lol I’m never gonna stop dragging them)
*I should’ve known I was an Aries rising considering how many Aries mars come after me. Asap rocky is a Aries mars and both his ex Kendall and rihanna have Aries risings and moons. Also Aries rising women have such “tall gf who shares her bfs clothes” vibes (ex: Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner + Asap and Rihanna)
*As an aqua sun Aries rising the combination I can’t resist is aqua Venus + Aries mars…Jack Harlow is included in that
*I think what drew Harry to Meghan is her cancer rising considering his mother Diana is a cancer sun. My brother in law’s mom was a Leo sun and my sister is a late cancer rising. A guy I talked to has a Taurus sun mom and I’m a late Aries rising. Having sun in the 1st w your partners parent might be a thing.
*Y’all see those memes where Beyoncé looks all majestic and calm while Jay z looks lost and confused. He’s a sag sun + Pisces rising and she’s a libra rising + Virgo sun.
*Jay z definitely has a type…I’m not about to get into the gross age gaps but both foxy brown and Beyoncé are Virgo suns w Scorpio moons, libra venuses, and a Leo placement…wow
*Dababy thinks he’s allll that whole time he has Venus conjunct Pluto. Attracting Scorpio women who were gonna lose their minds in a relationship any mf ways like sir bye. Danileigh has a Scorpio Venus btw
*They call Duke Dennis the “king of rizz” yep well he has mars square Pluto. Once again that’s a sign of male magnetism
*Streamers have a lot of Plutonian energy it’s interesting…Adin Ross has a Scorpio Venus, DDG and Kai Cenat have Venus conjunct pluto while Speed has mars conjunct Pluto.
*Kai is also a Pisces mars which explains his sad puppy dog eyes 🥺
*Halle Bailey has Venus square pluto while DDG has a conjunction everybody was screaming for them to break up and whole time I’m just like 😅. Once again her vibe is alluring as a woman w this aspect while his is…anywho
*Adin Ross also have a Virgo mars which is such 🤓 energy
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AITA for joking that my sister should get a girlfriend when she's trying to get a boyfriend?
I (21 X) have an older sister (23 F) who has made some jokes in the past about finding fictional women "hot", even though she had a boyfriend at the time. I'm not saying she's definitely bi, since she's, well, homophobic, and anyone can objectively find anyone attractive, but when she makes these "jokes" about finding certain women hot, I say she should get a girlfriend, a cottagecore girlfriend specifically.
My sister is vegan, wants to own a farm, and homeschool her kids (bc she had some developmental disabilities that were severely mishandled in both public and private schools). She also has some physical disabilities that were unfortunately the reason her ex-fiance (man) broke it off with her.
As a fellow queer person, you hear all the jokes about all the labels, and while I know lesbians aren't by nature more wholesome than het couples, I know that some woman somewhere would be happy to love my sister. My sister was devastated by her ex breaking up with her, and she fell into a bit of a downward spiral regarding her future and kept saying that no one would ever stay with her due to medical reasons.
Now, I visited her for New Year's, and she starts talking about this older man she's been crushing on. He gave her his facebook (blegh) and we went through his posts. There were some cute posts about his nieces, some generic messages, but then there were some, imo, concerning right wing memes. My sister has told me that this man is a decade older than her, recently divorced, former military, current private security, and she didn't find any of this to be too concerning, so I let her enjoy the crush, since she's feeling hopeful about her future again.
Flashforward to last week, I'm talking to my sister on the phone, she tells me she's gone over to his place for dinner and movies a few times (okay) and he LET HER HOLD ONE OF HIS AR-15s WITH NO TRAINING! He's planning on taking her to a gun range once they're "official" to learn how to shoot and my sister is over the moon! I mean, I'm glad that she's happy and healing, but why This guy?
Anyway, I was lamenting to my fellow gay college friends about the situation and why couldn't my sister "just find a nice cottagecore lesbian"? Someone who is not part of my friend group overheard and said that I'm being an asshole for saying that. I kinda get where they're coming from, but it was a call-back joke to friends who I knew would know the previous joke I was referencing to lighten the tension of a relatively small problem. Really, my sister's new "boyfriend" may be a completely normal and nice dude, I've never met him irl.
AITA for joking about her getting a gf when she basically has a bf?
What are these acronyms?
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imogenkol · 1 month
tagged by @marivenah @rhettsabbott @kyber-infinitygems thank you!!! 💕💕💕
RULES: bold the themes that apply to your ship, and italicize the theme if it’s one-sided, within your story
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height difference (like three inches but it counts) / mutual pining / first kiss / wedding / in-jokes / lgbtq+ (bi x lesbian) / family disapproves (Nadya’s fam is homophobic) / would die for each other / would kill for each other / fake relationship / arranged wedding / cuddlers / pda friendly (Jayde not so much) / and they were roommates / holding hands / secret relationship / opposing worldviews / getting a pet (Greg the Cat) / have kids / want kids / grow old together / relationship failures / rests head on shoulder / share a bed / relationship doubts / they have a song / first date (for Nadya) / sharing a blanket / mutual interests / study buddies / bathing together / crash into hello (reckless werewolf landed in a hospital and got called a terrorist) / accidental nudity (Jayde) / laundry / same hobbies / cooking for each other (Nadya *tries*) / big fancy gala (well, big fancy rich werewolf gala) / forehead touches / hair stroking / sitting on each other’s laps / sexual tension / can’t be together / battle couple / Friends to Lovers / Enemies to Lovers / Lovers to Enemies / keeping secrets / love after loss / exes / declaration of love / flirting / love triangle / destructive romance / envy / “I Don’t Want to Ruin Our Friendship” / shared values / slow burn / does not end well / happily ever after / love letters
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height difference / mutual pining / first kiss / wedding / in-jokes / lgbtq+ (both lesbians) / family disapproves (Bix’s found fam that is) / would die for each other / would kill for each other / fake relationship / arranged wedding / cuddlers / pda friendly / and they were roommates / holding hands / secret relationship / opposing worldviews / getting a pet / have kids / want kids / grow old together / relationship failures / rests head on shoulder / share a bed / relationship doubts / they have a song / first date (for Imogen) / sharing a blanket / mutual interests / study buddies / bathing together / crash into hello / accidental nudity / laundry / same hobbies / cooking for each other / big fancy gala / forehead touches / hair stroking / sitting on each other’s laps / sexual tension / can’t be together / battle couple / Friends to Lovers / Enemies to Lovers / Lovers to Enemies / keeping secrets / love after loss / exes (kind of…?) / declaration of love / flirting / love triangle / destructive romance / envy / “I Don’t Want to Ruin Our Friendship” / shared values / slow burn / does not end well (maybe) / happily ever after (also maybe, but less likely tbh) / love letters
height difference / mutual pining / first kiss / wedding / in-jokes / lgbtq+ / family disapproves / would die for each other / would kill for each other / fake relationship / arranged wedding / cuddlers / pda friendly / and they were roommates / holding hands / secret relationship / opposing worldviews / getting a pet / have kids / want kids / grow old together / relationship failures / rests head on shoulder/ share a bed / relationship doubts / they have a song / first date / sharing a blanket / mutual interests / study buddies / bathing together / crash into hello / accidental nudity / laundry / same hobbies / cooking for each other / big fancy gala / forehead touches/ hair stroking / sitting on each other’s laps / sexual tension / can’t be together / battle couple / Friends to Lovers / Enemies to Lovers / Lovers to Enemies / keeping secrets / love after loss / exes / declaration of love / flirting / love triangle / destructive romance / envy / “I Don’t Want to Ruin Our Friendship” / shared values / slow burn / does not end well / happily ever after / love letters
tag list (ask to be added or removed!):
@adelaidedrubman @florbelles @simonxriley @shegetsburned @voidika
@voidbuggg @inafieldofdaisies @socially-awkward-skeleton @aceghosts @carlosoliveiraa
@risingsh0t @unholymilf @thedeadthree @cassietrn @jackiesarch
@a-treides @shellibisshe @loriane-elmuerto @katsigian @captastra
@simplegenius042 @theelderhazelnut @g0dspeeed @leviiackrman @strangefable
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steddielicious · 18 days
Stupid little headcanons I wanted to share
These may or may not have been influenced by the thousands of fics I’ve read and since incorporated into my standard headcanon. 
Lucas and Dustin have clocked Byler since they were ten. In their attempts to be the Best Allies Ever, their secret first kisses are with each other, where it’s clearly established that neither of them like boys. 
Robin and Steve shower together and help exfoliate/moisturize each other’s backs. 
Wayne is gay. 
Joyce is bi, which Hopper knows and supports. 
Max and Lucas fight over who gets to be the little spoon. 
Mike feels such immense guilt about his feelings for Will (his ex’s brother), that he comes across as homophobic, in that he’s Very Uncomfortable whenever the topic of queerness comes up. 
Nancy and Jonathan eventually get to a comfort level in their relationship that they realize they love when she pegs him. 
Will, El, and Max have their own little trio (once the Hopper-Byers tribe moves back to Hawkins). Max and El are fully aware that Will is in love with Mike and question him on his taste, but are the staunchest Allies. 
Steve and Tommy were each other's first kisses, but lie and tell everyone that Carol was for both of them.
Will, El, and Max also have been stealing weed from Jonathan and Argyle since they found out that it quiets the Upside Downies (aka anxiety, depression, memories of possession, etc.)
Lucas, Mike, and Dustin are firmly in the camp of freshman/sophomores who try their hardest to drink beer because it’s cool, but hate the flavour. (Lucas secretly likes the flavour of beer; he just doesn’t like being drunk.)
Chrissy survives and is very gay and repressed, in dire need of Robin to come expand her mind. 
Billy was some sort of queer and did not take it well. Neither did Neil, when he found out, and that’s the real reason they left California. 
Steve is an excellent baker. 
Eddie is secretly a massive hockey fan and a decent skater, but hides it from the Party since he doesn’t want to be a hypocrite about pucks and sideways laundry baskets. 
Erica has a crush on Dustin and will never admit it. 
The Neverending Story theme song always makes Hopper choke up. When he was in Russia, he’d hum it to himself in memory of everyone working together, so he’s got heavy emotional ties to it. 
Under his clothes, Eddie’s body is a sleeker version of the (very modern) Damiano David, especially because of the mix of gorgeous and shit and meme tattoos. 
Steve becomes a firefighter and eventual fire chief of Hawkins, while Eddie opens his own tattoo shop that has a secret queer lit backroom library. 
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I saw a meme that went like this:
stephcass- happy wlw couple
timkon/timbern-happy mlm
steph and tim- bisexuals and exes
it reminds me of my best friend and me because we used to date under the impression that we were both bi and we ended up breaking up when we both realized we were gay lmao
i think steph and tim are bi, but it was so funny when i made that connection
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Genshin ships: stock market update (Fontaine Act 1)
(Warning: May contain spoilers for character appearances and dynamics in (Chapter 4 Act 1) Prelude of Blancheur and Noirceur.)
Overnight trades saw Lyney/Traveller and Lynette/Traveller go up by a modest 3% overnight, with movement in the futures market for Lyney/Traveller.
Interestingly, trading volume on platonic Lynette&Traveller has increased nearly tenfold on the back of market analysts revising the potential untapped market of "fellow long-suffering silent companion" dynamics.
The spread for Lyney/Traveller has widened, indicating anticipated volatility in friends-to-ex-friends-to-lovers options. For those with an appetite for risk we weakly recommend a BUY OR HOLD.
Meanwhile, there's been renewed interest in bluechip favourite Chilumi (and the correlated Lumichi index), on the back of the first serious official updates since 2.2. Our recommendation is HOLD.
Aether/Neuvillette: BUY BUY BUY
Furina/Traveller is picking up steam. The Aether variation has strong potential among the het/bi fanbase. The Lumine variation has extra je ne sais quoi due to fanon characterisation of Lumine as the more hard headed of the twins, nicely contrasting Furina's bratty persona. However, we advise caution as consensus of interpretation on Furina will not settle until 4.2 at the earliest. HOLD for Furiaether, BUY OR HOLD for Furilumi.
Platonic Furina+Neuvillette is proving popular with the same comedy + found family consumers that brought Hu Tao+Zhongli to fame. However the market is more limited than explicitly romantic ship markets, so expect high volatility. HOLD.
Moniotte/Furina is a meme stock, similar to Furong, Narzan, and Baishi. We recommend SELL outside of cheap punchlines.
A slight correction in the Clorivia price as Act 1 fails to provide any new data. Regardless, we still recommend BUY OR HOLD in anticipation of future dividends.
Relatedly, the unexpected ship Navia/Traveller is picking up steam. BUY, with an eye to sell if growth is not sustained.
Crack ship Charlotte/Truth has not seen any serious new changes. Recommendation: SELL.
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kyiza · 2 years
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Since it’s bi week
Based on this meme:
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kfedup · 7 months
Ginger is struggling today. Typically on weekdays she gets to spend a few hours with Bowie at my ex's house. This weekend we put Bowie down. His cancer progressed very quickly over the last few weeks and it was past time. Chris found an incredible retired vet couple who came to the house and helped make it all so kind and normal. Ginger was there and got to sniff him before and after, but she also has limited object permanence and misses her time with her buddy. We all do, sweet girl. We all do.
I really struggled with it. I think I'm through the worst of it, but holy shit I was not expecting how this would bring up so many feelings about my marriage ending. Fuck off, it's been 9 years already. But I realized that I haven't actually cried much about it and hoo boy, this last week has been a real soaker. I once again need to thank Peter Gabriel for opening something in me that's been locked up for years with his amazing i/o concert.
A huge part of the struggle came from having to share the process with his wife and the energy of ownership she brought with her. I wonder if she struggled with my energy, too. I don't care enough to ask. I don't like her. I've never liked her. And earlier in the week we crossed paths and she complained about him to me in a way that seemed like she wanted me to commiserate with her. Over the man she... well... anyway, I'm ready to stop telling that story, so I'll start now and just say some people are too dumb for words.
I just got back from my bi-annual primary care well visit and my doctor and I both agree that I'm doing amazing, sweetie. Most of the long covid shit has finally begun to clear. I'm still having a hard time with cardio/heart rate issues and still getting week-long clusters of ocular migraines, but otherwise, I am better than ever. Coming up on 3 years of sobriety and nearly a year into daily exercise and meditation on top of the long-established dog walks. Sleeping better. Eating slightly less emotionally. Working to bring the meditation practice into the day outside of my sitting time; to walking, cooking, eating, working, listening, talking, or whatever the hell I'm doing in the process of living, is honestly geeking me the fuck out. Planning ahead to do a nice long silent meditation retreat next year.
That said, the wanting/craving for connection is constant. I keep seeing that meme that says something like don't awaken the love in a woman unless you intend to actually work to love her and goddamn. Trying so hard to not be a giant ball of resentment about it, but phew, it realllllly sucks to have someone make the play and then back off.
There's a spectacular golden hour happening right now. We just walked in it for a bit.
What's for dinner? I'm ravenous and I do not want to cook.
Happy Monday, mutuals.
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t3chkn1ght-blog · 3 months
How am I not LGBT+?
I'm a cishet male, and yet:
I'm on tumblr
I'm a Computer Science student.
I watch JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Hazbin Hotel, Helluva Boss, etc.
I'm subscribed to Overly Sarcastic Productions, Jaiden Animations, and PM Seymour.
I play DnD, Stardew Valley, and Baldur's Gate III.
I love me a good musical number.
I've enjoyed Monster Prom and its sequels.
I love Thomas Sanders, One Topic at a Time, The Click, etc.
I think LGBT+ memes are funny (as in, the ones made by actual LGBT+ folk, not conservatives making memes at their expense).
While I don't actively seek out media with LGBT+ characters, when they do show up, I tend to enjoy them.
Actively hate culture war/"woke cult"/redpill bullshit
I'm sex positive, even though I've never had it.
I Think that a lot of gendered stuff (Gendered Bathrooms, "Blue is for boys, pink is for girls") is just stupid.
I grew up on Gravity Falls
I didn't mind playing with "girls toys" growing up (Dollhouses, Princesses, etc.)
I've spent some time on Deviantart
I've read Percy Jackson (don't remember a lot of it, but I did).
Don't mind wearing feminine clothing for a bit (ex: that time I went as a Karen for Halloween)
Have a strong desire to punch homophobes/transphobes in the face.
I mean, if you were to look at all this stuff, you would probably think I'm LGBT+ in some way, but NOPE! I'm a dude. I'm cool with being a dude. I'm not androgynous enough to be nonbinary. I have lewd thoughts about girls and not boys. I'm not gay, I'm not ace, I'm not bi, not pan, not nb, nothing.
Like that one John Mulaney bit, I feel like I was supposed to be LGBT+, and yet I'm not. How did this even happen?
Just a weird thing about me that, when I thought about it, only got weirder.
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ladyoriza · 28 days
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was tagged by both @josephseedismyfather and @adelaidedrubman for this picrew, and also the ship meme that's been going around
JOSIE AND ETHAN (the couple that murders together stays together <3)
height difference (Josie's 5'6" and Ethan's 6'3", he may get taller after coming back idk yet)/ mutual pining / first kiss (Ethan's, anyway)/ wedding / in-jokes / lgbtq+ / family disapproves (joseph is not happy)/ would die for each other (temporarily anyway) / would kill for each other / fake relationship / arranged wedding (joseph considers it after catching them fooling around) / cuddlers (josie is HEAVY on physical affection) / pda friendly / and they were roommates / holding hands / secret relationship / opposing worldviews / getting a pet / have kids / want kids / grow old together / relationship failures / rests head on shoulder / share a bed / relationship doubts / they have a song (Taylor Swift's "Daylight") / first date / sharing a blanket / mutual interests / study buddies / bathing together / crash into hello / accidental nudity / laundry / same hobbies / cooking for each other / big fancy gala / sibling rivalry / forehead touches / hair stroking / sitting on each other’s laps / sexual tension / can’t be together / battle couple / Friends to Lovers / Enemies to Lovers / Lovers to Enemies / keeping secrets / love after loss / exes / declaration of love / flirting / love triangle / destructive romance (for everyone in their way)/ envy / “I Don’t Want to Ruin Our Friendship” / shared values / slow burn / does not end well / happily ever after / love letters
height difference / mutual pining / first kiss / wedding / in-jokes / lgbtq+ (Sam is. kind of unclassifiable in terms of gender/sexuality and max is bi) / family disapproves (atom) / would die for each other / would kill for each other / fake relationship / arranged wedding / cuddlers / pda friendly / and they were roommates / holding hands / secret relationship / opposing worldviews / getting a pet / have kids / want kids / grow old together / relationship failures / rests head on shoulder / share a bed / relationship doubts / they have a song / first date / sharing a blanket / mutual interests / study buddies / bathing together / crash into hello / accidental nudity / laundry / same hobbies / cooking for each other / big fancy gala / sibling rivalry / forehead touches / hair stroking / sitting on each other’s laps / sexual tension / can’t be together / battle couple / Friends to Lovers / Enemies to Lovers / Lovers to Enemies / keeping secrets / love after loss / exes / declaration of love / flirting / love triangle / destructive romance / envy / “I Don’t Want to Ruin Our Friendship” / shared values / slow burn / does not end well / happily ever after / love letters
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