#blacked out and when i woke up this was on my screen
Caught Between Black and White
You and JJ were fast friends, having met on a case in your hometown. Once the case was over, you kept in touch- but when you got the job offer of a lifetime, you accepted, and this moved you closer to JJ, as your hidden feelings grew stronger. What happens when a bad case for JJ snowballs?
A/N: Just a little idea that popped into my head, kinda ran with it.
Word Count: 7.6k
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As the cold air hit your skin, you shivered uncontrollably. Your breath hitched in your throat as you tried to comprehend the situation you found yourself in. You were bound tightly, arms and legs stretched out in unnatural angles. You could feel the rough concrete beneath you and the cold water seeping through your clothes, making your skin crawl. The dripping water echoed around the tiny, damp room, casting an eerie silence over everything. You struggled against your bonds, desperate to free yourself, but to no avail. Then, you notice the small camera, its lens pointed directly at you. A shiver ran down your spine as you realized that someone was watching, someone who had done this to you. Tears welled up in your eyes, not only from the cold and fear but also from the overwhelming sense of helplessness.
An incessant vibration from the nightstand woke JJ up. She groaned, cracking her eyes in the direction of the offender, slamming her hand down on her cell phone. She groaned at the number of missed calls, seeing that everyone- Hotch, Reid, even Penelope had left you a voicemail, and called and texted you multiple times. She rolled over, redialing one of the numbers. 
“Hotch, hey. What’s going on?” 
“JJ, we have a case.”
“Hotch,” JJ began.
“You need to be here for this case, JJ. We’re working this one, under the radar. ”
“I…what?!” She questioned, getting out of bed, and jumping up and down as she tried to worm her way back into her pants. She looked around, seeing that it was only 5:35 in the morning. “What’s going on? You normally give us until 7 before you hit us with another case.”
“JJ, we need you here. Once you get to the office you will understand. Please, get here quickly.”
You awoke to the sound of pounding footsteps and the muffled shouts of men echoing through the damp tunnels. Panic surged through your veins as you struggled against the ropes that bound your wrists and ankles. The air was thick with the stench of mold and decay, and you could feel the dampness seeping into your clothes. As you tried to move, you realized that you were lying on a cold, hard surface. The rough concrete scraped against your skin, leaving you feeling vulnerable and exposed. You tried to cry out for help, but the gag in your mouth muffled your cries. Desperation clawed at your throat as you fought against your constraints but to no avail.
Back at her townhome, JJ quickly gathered her things and rushed out the door. She couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding as she sped down the empty streets. Ignoring all the calls and texts on her phone, she called a cab and went straight to Quantico. When she arrived at the office, she was met by a somber group of her team members. They all exchanged worried glances as she walked in. Hotch motioned for her to follow him into his office. As they closed the door behind them, her face dropped as she saw the video stream being projected onto the screen before her.
The footage was grainy and shaky, but it showed a figure bound and gagged in a dark, damp room. The person filming spoke with a distorted voice, taunting the victim and making threats. The room looked eerily similar to the ones they had encountered during their last case involving the serial killer. JJ's heart sank as she realized that they were dealing with the same psychopath again. But this time, the bound and gagged, bloodied, and beaten figure was you. She felt weak in her knees, almost falling to her knees but Reid shoved a chair in her path, a huff coming from her as her lip started to tremble.
"We're not sure who did this," Hotch said, his voice grave, "but we know it's someone who idolizes the man we just caught. They want you to be affected. We need you to focus, JJ. We need you to use your skills to find whoever did this to her."
JJ could only nod, feeling her heart shatter into a million pieces at the thought of what you must be going through. A tear slid down her cheek as she thought about the times you'd saved her life, the times you'd been there for her. She couldn't bear the thought of not being able to repay the favor.
She steeled her emotions, knowing she had to find you. 
There was a dull buzz as your phone vibrated on the opposite end of the kitchen. You were putting the finishing touches on your ‘dinner’, a grilled cheese and serving of store-bought tomato soup. The noise continued as you poured your soup into a bowl, sliding the sandwich out of the pan and onto a waiting plate. Reaching over, you saw a missed call from JJ. You both became fast friends when your lieutenant called for assistance solving a serial killer case in your hometown of Sedona. There were many late nights and stressful mornings spent while tracking down the sociopathic killer. While you, JJ, and Reid were following various leads around town, you would point out little areas where you had a funny memory or little anecdotes about a snapshot in your history. 
After almost a year of texting, meeting up whenever a case was close enough, late-night FaceTime calls, and falling asleep while talking on the phone, you both had grown irrevocably attracted to one another. However, both of you were so blinded by your attraction that you couldn’t see the feelings were reciprocated. So, when you found out about a once-in-a-lifetime job opening that would place you on the Eastern seaboard, closer to your best friend and closet love interest, you jumped, head first. You accepted,  packing your life away into cardboard boxes and plastic totes. You sold anything you could buy across the country, sold your car, shipped what you were keeping to the address of your new office, and boarded a plane to Ronald Reagan International Airport. After landing, hailing a cab, and getting a hotel room, you couldn’t wait anymore to surprise the love of your life your best friend. You swipe your finger across the screen of your phone, unlocking it with a familiar pattern. Swiftly tapping the phone icon, and dialing the number you had committed to memory, the ringing echoing throughout your hotel room as you sat perched on the edge of your bed. 
A familiar voice answered after a few rings. "Y/N? Hi!"
"Hey, you. Just called, wanted to catch up." You smile, despite her not being able to see.
There's a beat of silence before she responds, "Oh. Well, hi! How's it going?" Her voice is full of genuine surprise and curiosity, and you can't help but grin at the way it feels to hear it again. You had been texting sporadically throughout the last month but hadn't had a chance to call recently. It is hard to believe how much you missed her voice.
"Things are good, just getting settled in. How about you? How's the case going?" You ask, glancing around the room as you listen to her reply. The room is simple but comfortable, with a large bed and a desk against one wall. There's a window that overlooks the city, but the curtains are drawn, giving you a moment to yourself before you decide how you want to spend your evening in Washington DC.
"Oh, it's going well. We've got some new leads, but they're proving to be pretty tricky. How's your team over there?" JJ asks, her voice full of genuine interest. She always has been supportive of you. You can't help but feel a warmth spread through your chest at the thought of working together more frequently.
"Funny story, Jayje." you chuckled, albeit nervously. She hated your rash decisions.
"Jesus, Y/N, what did you do this time?"
You laugh, a soft sound that carries easily through the phone. "Well, funny story... I took a job in Arlington. With the FBI."
There's a moment of silence, and you can almost feel the shock rippling through the phone line. "You what now?" JJ finally manages to say, her voice barely above a whisper.
"I took a job with the FBI in Arlington." You say, grinning as you picture her reaction. "I start next week, and I'm gonna be working with some of the top agents in the bureau. They've got some pretty interesting cases lined up."
There's another beat of silence before she finally responds, her voice sounding a little shocked. "Oh. My. That's... That's amazing, Y/N. I mean, I didn't see that one coming, but... I'm so proud of you!” Her words bring warmth to your chest, and you can't help but feel your smile widen.
"Also, I need to find a place to live... that doesn't have a nightly rate. So I wanted to know if you would accompany me as I try and find a place to live? You know, tell me the good spots to look?"
"Of course I will, Y/N. I mean, I'd love to help you find a place. I know how hard that can be, especially in a new city," she began. You pulled the phone away from your ear as she squealed. "Oh! I saw a 'For Rent' sign in the cutest townhome by Colonial Village! Unless you want to look at buying? I know a few real estate agents!"
You laughed, enjoying her enthusiasm. "That's okay, JJ, I'm just looking for a place to rent for now. But I would love to look at the cutest townhome by Colonial Village."
"Great! I can show it to you tomorrow if you're free. I'm off duty today, so I can take you there whenever you're ready," she said, excitement in her voice. "Oh, and Y/N? I'm so happy for you. This is going to be amazing. My best friend is now less than 20 minutes from me!" You pretend that the 'best friend' line doesn't send a dagger through your heart, but little do you know, it sent one through the heart of the person who spoke it.
"Thanks, JJ. That means a lot. I'll see you tomorrow then. I'll text you my address later today so we can meet up." You said, feeling a warmth spread through your chest. It was good to hear her voice, and having her by your side to help you navigate this new city was more than you could have asked for.
As you took a bite of your grilled cheese, the savory flavor of the melted cheese and the buttery bread filled your mouth. You absentmindedly stared out the window, lost in thought as you answered the phone.
"Hey JJ, what's up?" you asked, wiping your hands on a napkin.
"Hey Y/N," JJ answered, her voice sounding exhausted. "Listen, I had a rough go of it on this case, and...I need someone to talk to. I'm exhausted and don't think I can drive. I know it's late, but can you pick me up at the airstrip at Quantico?" You could hear the sound of the private jet in the background.
You frowned slightly. JJ had been through a lot with the last case, and you knew she could be a bit reckless when she was stressed. "Yeah, sure JJ. I can be there in about 30 minutes. Just text me when you leave, and I'll time it and pick you up at Quantico."
You put the rest of your dinner in the fridge, changed your outfit, grabbed your keys and jacket, and headed out the door. It was a brisk night, it had been raining all evening. You were used to the cool night air. You climbed into your car and started the engine, glancing at the clock on the dash. You were going to be early, but you would rather sit there and wait for JJ than have her waiting for you.
You pulled up to the airstrip a few minutes early and got out of your car, stretching your legs and taking in the night air. The private jet had just landed, and you could see JJ's familiar figure walking briskly towards you. She looked exhausted, but there was a hint of relief in her step as she began to slightly jog towards you.
"Hey, JJ," you called out, giving her a small wave as she approached. "How was the flight?" you held open your arms, welcoming her into a warm embrace as she threw her backpack onto the wet ground. She flung herself into your arms, burying her face into your neck. Your heart fluttered at the action, but you quickly pushed down your desire to tighten your grip and kiss her neck.
"It was...long," she mumbled, her voice muffled against your skin. "But it's good to be home. Or...back, I guess." You nodded, rubbing her back in small circles. 
"I've got you, JJ." She pulled away, finally meeting your eyes. There was a spark of hope in them now, but it was quickly doused by exhaustion. 
"Come on, Jajye. Let's get you home."
You opened the back door of your car and helped her in, tossing her backpack in after her. As you climbed into the driver's seat, you glanced at her, taking in her pale, tired face. The last case had taken a toll on her, and it was clear she needed some time to rest and recover. You started the car, the engine rumbling softly as you pulled out of the airstrip and onto the road.
The drive to her apartment was mostly silent, JJ leaning her head against the cool window, staring out into the darkness. You kept one hand on the wheel and the other on the gear shift, content to let her have her space. Her breathing quickly evened out as you pulled up in front of her favorite Chinese restaurant, turning your hazards on before running in and grabbing her food. 
As you pulled away from the restaurant, she woke up to the smell of food.
"Oh, thanks," she said, taking the bag of food from the floorboard at her feet. "I didn't realize you got my favorite."
You shrugged, glancing over at her. "It's the least I could do after you always pick up my slack. Besides, I know how much you love that place." She smiled at you, a genuine one that made your heart skip a beat. You pulled up in front of her townhome, quickly glancing at the clock on the dashboard. It was already past 8, and you assumed that she had an early morning.
Putting the car in park, you turn to get out of the car. She grabs your arm, a lost, confused, and distant look on her face. "Come up with me?" she asked quietly.
You smile, giving her hand a reassuring squeeze. "Of course, JJ. You don't have to ask." She nods, letting go of your arm and grabbing her food. You walk her to the door, and she unlocks it with her key, stepping aside to let you in first. The warm, familiar scent of her favorite candles fills the air, and the dim lights of the townhome offer a sense of calm.
She closes the door behind you and leans against it, her shoulders slumping in exhaustion. You take her bag of food from her and set it on the counter, then lead her over to the couch. She sinks into the soft cushions, her eyes already starting to close. You sit down next to her, draping an arm around her shoulders.
"Talk to me, Jajye. I'll just listen. And, I'll even dish you up some of your kung pao." you wiggle your eyebrows, making her giggle.
She nestles deeper into the couch, sighing contentedly. "I don't know what to say," she admits. "It's just...been a long case. I'm exhausted, and I feel like I've been away from home forever." Her voice trails off, and she idly picks at a loose thread on the armrest. "I just want to be home."
You nod, understanding perfectly. "You've been working so hard, JJ. You deserve some time to rest and relax. And I'm here for you, you know that, right?" You lean in, gently brushing a lock of hair behind her ear. Her cheeks flush at the contact, and she looks up at you with those blue eyes that you've always found so captivating. You found yourself lost in the seas of dusky blue, before snapping yourself out of it.
"Well, luckily Hotch gave everyone a few days off. This case was rough." she started. You walked into the kitchen, grabbing her a plate before cracking open the containers of fried rice and chicken, dishing up a portion for her, and pouring her a glass of water.
"Here you go," you said, handing her the plate and the water. "Eat up, you need your strength. You're exhausted, and I doubt you ate much while you were working."
She takes the plate and the water from you, her fingers brushing against yours. "Thanks, you're right. I'm starved." She takes a bite of her food, savoring the familiar flavors. As she eats, she leans back against the couch, closing her eyes and sighing contentedly. You watch her for a moment, enjoying the sight of her so peaceful and at ease. You turned on the television, putting a familiar movie on in the background as JJ began to detail some of this case for you. She ran through some of what happened as she finished her dinner, setting the plate in front of her on the coffee table.
"So, what do you want to do tomorrow?" you ask, trying to distract her from her thoughts. "Anything special planned?" She shrugs, still with her eyes closed.
 "I'm not sure. Maybe some shopping, or a movie. I just want to do something relaxing."
You nod, thinking for a moment. "How about we go to that new art gallery that just opened up? It's supposed to be good. And then afterward, we could catch a matinee at that theater downtown. You know the one with the comfy seats?" She chuckled, shaking her head.
"I appreciate the thought, Y/N. But I just want to spend the day here, with you. I need to have a lazy day and vent to my bestie," she continued, "I've missed you."
You smile, wrapping your arm around her shoulders and pulling her closer. "I've missed you too, JJ. You can vent to me all you want. And we can just spend the day here, watching movies, ordering takeout, or even just taking a nap together if you want. Whatever you need."
She nestles deeper into your side, her head resting on your shoulder. "That sounds perfect." After a moment, she sighs contentedly. "You know, Y/N, I've always felt like I could talk to you about anything. You're special to me."
Your heart skips a beat at her words, and you feel a warmth spread through your chest. "I'm always here for you, JJ. You know that." You gently run your fingers through her hair, enjoying the silky smoothness. "But first, you need to rest," you respond, grabbing her now-empty plate.
She yawns, stretching like a contented cat. "You're probably right. I'll go take a nap for a few hours, and then we can watch movies or whatever." You laugh, and help her up from the couch as she heads toward the bedroom, her bare feet making no sound on the hardwood floor.
"Jayje," you say, a small smile on your face. She turned towards you, a tired expression on her face. "You need more than a nap. Take all the time you need, I'll be here when you wake up."
You nodded, and she gave you a small smile before standing to retreat to the bedroom. “Here,” you respond, lowering your hands to signal for her to jump up. Carrying her to bed, she was asleep by the time you laid her under the covers, tucking her in gently. You decided to take advantage of the time alone and clean up the kitchen, putting away the leftovers and washing the dishes. The apartment was quiet, and you could hear the soft sound of her breathing from the bedroom. It was comforting, knowing that she was nearby and that she felt safe enough to fall asleep so quickly. You cleaned up, washing the dishes before putting them back. You made sure all the lights were off, before heading for her front door, locking up, and heading back to your townhome.
The ride home was short, and you parked your car in the garage, making sure it was hidden away from prying eyes. You slipped inside your townhome, quietly closing the door behind you. The room behind you was darker than you normally leave it, and as you reached out for the light switch, there was a pair of hands around you from behind, keeping you from screaming. Suddenly there was a dull ache in the back of your head, and everything went dark. 
Meanwhile, back at Quantico, her team at the FBI had gathered around the computer to watch the video of you. Their faces were etched with worry and determination. Hotch glanced at his watch, his eyes meeting with Penelope's. "We don't have much time," he said grimly. "We need to find her before it's too late." They all nodded in agreement, knowing that every second counted. Emily, Morgan, Rossi, and Reed began to scour the internet for any leads, while Penelope worked tirelessly to enhance the video footage and trace its source, hoping to find some clue as to where you were being held.
Outside, JJ paced back and forth, her mind racing with thoughts of her friend. She couldn't believe that this had happened. She felt guilty for not being there when you needed her most. Her phone rang, and she answered it without even looking at the caller ID. "It's me," she said simply. "I need your help." There was a long pause on the other end of the line. "I'm coming," the voice said finally. "Just meet me at the rendezvous point." JJ nodded, even though the person on the other end of the line couldn't see her. She knew that this was the only way. She had to find you, and she had to bring you home.
Hotch looked up as JJ hurried into the room. "What did he say?" he asked, concern etched into his features. "He's coming?" JJ nodded, her eyes filled with determination. "He's coming," she said, her voice wavering. "And we're going to find her." The rest of the team nodded in agreement. They knew that JJ would never give up, and they wouldn't let her down either. They were a team, and together they would bring their friend home.
As they continued to search for any clue or piece of information that could lead them to you, Penelope's face lit up with excitement. "I've found something," she announced. "There's a pattern in the background of the video footage. It could be a code." The rest of the team gathered around as Penelope explained what she had found. "If we can decipher this code, it could give us the location of where she's being held." Emily nodded, her fingers already flying over the keyboard. "I'll see what I can do."
In the meantime, JJ couldn't help but think about the last time she and you had talked. You had comforted her as she dealt with the repercussions of a rough case, a case that reminded JJ of her childhood. It had struck a deep nerve with JJ, so you were there for her to make sure she didn't have to drive or be home alone. You listened to every word, you comforted her while she needed to cry. You ordered takeout from her favorite restaurant, you held her while her favorite movie played in the background till she fell asleep. She knows you must have carried her to bed, tucked her in, and cleaned the mess downstairs before you had left, locking up behind you, and going home. That was the last she had seen you, till now. 
Now, your limp, blindfolded body was bound to a metal chair, on the screen in Penelope's office, and she had no idea where you were. She just wanted to spend her day off with you, and maybe, just maybe, she could work up enough courage to see if you felt the same way as her. She felt at home in your arms and your presence. Now, she just wanted to make sure she got that chance.
There was a shuffling noise from behind JJ, as Penelope came up behind her friend.
“How you holding up, Jajye?” She asked quietly, concerned for one of her best friends. Penelope was the one who saw through JJ’s facade and saw the longing looks in JJ’s direction when you worked a case together or were invited out for drinks after a long day at the office. Penelope was the one friend who JJ would detail every feeling about you, Penelope usually wanted to tell JJ that she needed to wake up and realize that her feelings about you were reciprocated.
As she continued to stare, memories flooded her mind: the late-night conversations, the shared laughter, and the countless moments of vulnerability you'd both experienced together. Even though she'd never voiced her true feelings for you, JJ knew deep down that they were there. She'd always felt a special connection with you, something that went beyond the bounds of mere friendship. The fluorescent lights flickered ominously above them, casting sinister shadows across the dingy interrogation room. JJ shifted uncomfortably in her chair, her gaze fixed on the figure bound to the metal chair in front of her. It was you, her best friend. The sight of you, helpless and vulnerable, tugged at her heartstrings like nothing else. She wanted nothing more than to free you from this nightmare, to make everything right again.
“I’ve been better,” she shrugged, a small laugh coming from her. JJ turned to face Pen, a distraught expression strewn across her features. “She’s my best friend Pen.”
“Sugar, she’s more than your best friend. As your best friend, I’m offended.” Penelope smiled, rubbing JJ’s arm up and down. “Hun, when are you going to wake up and realize that girl- the one we are all so desperate to find, is just as crazy about you, as you are?”
"Penelope, you're crazy. We're just friends."
"No, you're wrong, JJ. You've been wrong this whole time." Penelope sighed, taking a step closer. "Look, I get it. It's scary to think that maybe your best friend, your partner in crime, might want more than just friendship. But I'm here to tell you that it's okay. It's not just you. She feels it too."
JJ's heart raced as she tried to deny the truth in Penelope's words. She glanced back at you, your beautiful face marred by the tears streaming down your cheeks. A lump formed in her throat as she fought back her tears. "But what if I'm wrong? What if this is all just some crazy delusion?"
"Babes, Y/N is just as crazy about you. Believe me, I wouldn't lie to you about this. You don't have to watch how she gazes at you whenever you leave the room, or the look of heartbreak whenever someone corners you Nick's bar."
Penelope paused, taking a deep breath to steady her voice. "I know it's scary, but it's also wonderful. You two have this connection, this... chemistry, that goes beyond just friendship. It's there in the way you look at each other, the way you touch each other, the way you finish each other's sentences. It's not something you can ignore."
JJ bit her lip, her gaze never leaving you. The thought of something more than friendship between them was both thrilling and terrifying. She remembered the first time she'd realized you were different from other girls she'd known. There was an intensity to your stare, a heat in your touch that she'd never experienced before. It had been both exhilarating and overwhelming.
"I just..." she started, her voice barely audible. "I don't want to ruin what we have. I don't want to lose Y/N as my best friend, you know?"
Penelope nodded, understanding the fear that gripped JJ. "I know it's scary, but I also know that you two have a connection that goes beyond just friendship. And honestly, JJ? I think she's afraid of losing you too. You both need to take a leap of faith and just talk to each other. You're both smart, strong women. You can figure this out together."
She placed a hand on JJ's shoulder, offering what little comfort she could. "Look, if you're not sure, then just... spend some time with her. See where it goes. You don't have to decide right now. But don't ignore it either. Don't push her away. She deserves to know how you feel, and so do you."
JJ took a deep breath, the weight of Penelope's words pressing heavily on her chest. She couldn't deny the truth in what her best friend was saying. Maybe there was something more between her and you, Y/N. Maybe they were meant to be together, even if it meant risking their friendship in the process. They just had to find you first. 
As the FBI team worked tirelessly to decipher the code, JJ felt a new determination welling up inside her. She couldn't let them win. She couldn't let you be hurt or scared anymore. She knew that you were strong, but she also knew that you had a soft spot for her, and she wouldn't let them take advantage of that.
Hotch glanced at his watch again, his eyes meeting with Penelope's. "We've got a lead," he said grimly. "The code points to an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of town." The team nodded, readying themselves for the mission ahead. "JJ, you're with me. Emily, Morgan, and Rossi will provide backup. Reid, you're in charge of coordinating with the local PD." Everyone nodded, their faces set in determined lines.
Outside, the wind whipped around JJ as she suited up in her tactical gear. She couldn't help but wonder if this was the last time she'd ever see you. She knew that the chances of them making it out alive were slim, but she refused to give up hope. With a deep breath, she climbed into the van and nodded to Hotch, signaling that she was ready. As they sped towards the warehouse, JJ clutched her gun tightly, her heart racing with fear and determination. She had to get to you before it was too late.
Inside the warehouse, the air was thick with tension as the team fanned out, weapons at the ready. They could hear muffled cries coming from the back, and JJ's heart leapt into her throat. They couldn't lose you now. They couldn't lose anyone who had become a part of their team. As they crept through the shadows, JJ's mind kept flashing back to the last time she'd seen you, the way you held her, the way you comforted her. She wouldn't let them hurt you, not anymore.
Finally, they reached a door at the back of the warehouse, marked with a single word: "Hope." JJ glanced at Hotch, their eyes meeting for a brief moment before she nodded, indicating that she was ready to go in. Her heart was pounding in her chest as she turned the handle and pushed the door open. The room beyond was dimly lit, and on the other side of the room, she could see you, bound to a chair, a gun to your head. Your captor stood behind you, his face obscured by a mask. "Let her go," JJ shouted, her voice trembling with fear and rage, "and you can walk away." She didn't know if they could trust the man, but she had to try.
You looked at her, your eyes pleading for help. JJ could see the fear and the desperation etched into your features. She wanted to reassure you, to tell you that everything was going to be okay, but she couldn't make any promises. The man behind you, the man with the gun, seemed to hesitate for a moment. He glanced between JJ and you, his grip tightening on the weapon. JJ held her breath, praying that he would do the right thing.
Finally, the man lowered the gun. He stepped away from you, revealing your bruised and battered face. "I'm sorry," he whispered, his voice hoarse. "I never meant for any of this to happen." JJ's heart raced as she watched the man carefully, her finger itching to squeeze the trigger of her gun. She didn't trust him, not yet, but she had to keep him talking. "Why did you take her?" she asked, her voice steady despite the turmoil inside her.
The man looked away, his shoulders slumping. "I was desperate," he confessed. "I lost everything when the company downsized. I had no other options." His eyes met hers again, filled with regret and despair. "I'm sorry," he repeated. "I never meant for any of this to go this far."
JJ glanced at the others, nodding slightly. They understood. They'd all been there and knew what it was like to feel like you had nothing left to lose. But they couldn't let this man walk away, not after everything he'd done. "We can help you," she said softly. "We can get you through this.”
The man hesitated for a moment and then threw the gun at JJ. It hit her shoulder, spinning her around, and she crashed into the floor, her breath leaving her body in a rush. She forced herself to roll out of the way as Hotch and Emily fired their weapons, taking down the man. In the chaos, JJ struggled to her feet, her gun trained on your captor as he lay motionless on the ground. She rushed over to you, her hands shaking as she cut the restraints that bound you. Finally, you were free. She helped you up, pulling you into a tight embrace, tears streaming down her face. You wrapped your arms around her, holding her close as if you'd never let go again.
"I'm sorry," you whispered into her hair. "I never wanted to scare you."
"I know," she replied, her voice thick with emotion. "But you're safe now. You're safe with me.”
Hotch put a hand on your shoulder, his expression solemn. "You did good, Y/N. Let’s get you checked out now, so we can get your statement and get you home.” He nodded at JJ, and she smiled up at him, tears streaming down her face.
As the medical team arrived, they ushered you away to tend to your wounds, while the rest of the team began the process of securing the crime scene and questioning the man who had been holding you captive. JJ stood off to the side, her eyes never leaving you as she struggled to keep her emotions in check. She was relieved that you were safe, but the trauma of the ordeal was still fresh, and she could feel the weight of it pressing down on her.
Hotch noticed her distress and offered her a comforting smile. "Hey, JJ," he said softly. "You did an amazing job out there. You kept your head, and you saved Y/N's life. I couldn't be more proud of you." His words meant the world to her, but she couldn't quite find the strength to respond. Instead, she simply nodded, tears welling up in her eyes.
Emily, sensing JJ's overwhelming emotions, pulled her aside. "Hey, are you okay?" she whispered. JJ shook her head, struggling to find the words to explain how she was feeling. "It's... it's just so much, you know?" she managed to choke out. "I'm just glad we got him, and I'm glad Y/N's okay." Emily wrapped her arms around JJ, offering her a sympathetic hug. "I know it's hard," she said softly. "But we've got your back. You did well."
As the hours passed, the team continued to work tirelessly, ensuring that everything was properly documented and that there were no further threats to their safety or the public's. JJ, meanwhile, found herself drawn to the small room where Y/N was being treated by the medical staff. She sat off to the side, her mind racing with a million thoughts and feelings, unable to focus on anything else. Finally, the doctor emerged, giving her the all-clear. JJ's heart leaped at the news, and she hurried towards the hospital bay to be with Y/N.
"Hey," she said softly. 
"How're you doing?" You ask, a bright smile dancing across JJ's face.
"Better now that you're here," she says, her voice trembling slightly. “But, you shouldn’t be asking me how I’m doing.” She takes your hand in hers, squeezing it gently. "I'm so glad you're okay."
The two of you sit in silence for a moment, just enjoying the feeling of being together. You look into JJ's eyes, feeling an overwhelming sense of love and gratitude for her. She saved your life, and you know that you would do anything to protect her in return. As you walked to the front of the hospital, the cool night breeze hit your skin as the sliding doors opened, freeing you to the outside world. 
"JJ?" you both speak at the same time. There's a brief moment of silence before JJ continues. 
"Y/N, look," she started. "There's something I think we need to talk about."
Your heart drops, scared of what she is going to say next.
"JJ, I-" You start, but she cuts you off, shaking her head.
"No, Y/N. I want you to hear me out," she begins, a deep breath being exhaled. "I... I love you. I've loved you since the moment we met. I know it's been a crazy few months, and I know I haven't been the best at communicating that,... but I want you to know that I love you. Not Just as my best friend." she was now up and pacing in front of you. Your head was spinning, and not just from the blunt force trauma you endured at the hands of your captor.
"I... you... what?" you run your hands on your face, trying to grasp the information she just dropped in your lap.
JJ stops in front of you, her expression hopeful. "I love you. I've been in love with you since we met. You're everything to me. And I know that maybe it's too much, too soon, but I want you to know that I'm not going anywhere. No matter what happens, I'll always be there for you." Her eyes are shining with unshed tears as she looks at you, searching for any reaction on your face.
You're stunned into silence, the words spinning around in your head, refusing to form coherent thoughts. You feel an overwhelming rush of emotions - shock, surprise, happiness, confusion. You can't help but stare at JJ, trying to process everything she's just said. She's always been your best friend, your partner in crime, but the idea that she could feel this way about you... it's both terrifying and exhilarating. 
"JJ..." you start.
Her name is like a prayer on your lips as you reach out, cupping her face in your hands. You lean in, pressing your forehead against hers, breathing her in. She feels warm and alive beneath your fingertips. "I... I've always known that you're special to me," you admit, your voice barely above a whisper. "But I never... I never thought..." You trail off, unable to find the words to express how you feel.
JJ's eyes close as you touch her, as if she's finally able to let go of some invisible weight she's been carrying. "I know it's a lot to take in," she says, her voice quiet but steady. "But I want you to know that I'm not pushing you into anything. I just want you to know how I feel, and that I'm here for you, no matter what." her oceanic eyes swirling with emotion.
You lean in closer, feeling the warmth of her breath against your skin. It's intoxicating and addictive. You can't help but want more. "JJ...," you start, your voice trembling slightly. "I... I feel the same way." You swallow hard, afraid of the words as they leave your lips. "I mean... I love you too."
The confession hangs in the air between you, heavy and real. But it feels right. Your hand slides up her neck, slotting itself on the side of her face, as you lean into her, breathing her in as her breath hitched. You press your lips to hers gently, trapping them in a passionate, long-awaited kiss.
It's like every nerve ending in your body has finally been set ablaze. Your lips move against hers, exploring the softness of her mouth, the way it fits so perfectly with your own. You can taste her sweetness, the saltiness of her tears as they mingle with your saliva. Her hands move up your chest, entwining in your hair, as she deepens the kiss, her tongue dancing with yours.
Time seems to stand still as you lose yourself in the sensation of being this close to her. You feel like you could kiss her forever, and yet, it's not enough. You pull back slightly, just enough to look into her eyes, their blue depths swirling with emotion.
JJ's hands cup your face, her thumbs gently stroking your cheeks as she gazes back at you. "I love you," she whispers, her voice shaking slightly. "I've always loved you." Her lips find yours again, and this time the kiss is even more passionate.
As you kiss, you feel like you could fall into her, lose yourself in the depths of her love. You wrap your arms around her, pulling her against you as tightly as you can, afraid that if you let go, this moment will somehow disappear. She feels warm and solid beneath your hands, her curves fitting perfectly against your body. You press your hips against hers, feeling the hardness of her nipples through her shirt. You nip at her lower lip, drawing out a soft moan that vibrates against your tongue. Her hands slide down your back, tracing the line of your spine, before moving lower, cupping your ass, and pulling you even closer.
The air feels charged with the energy of your newfound connection, and you feel as if you could do anything, be anyone, as long as you have JJ by your side. You pull back slightly, looking into her eyes, taking in the way her pupils have dilated, the flush on her cheeks. She looks as though she's been thoroughly loved, and you can't help but want to make her feel that way again, and again, and again. Her hands slide up your chest, over your shoulders, and around your neck, pulling you back down for another deep, passionate kiss. You groan into her mouth, feeling the warmth of her tongue against yours as she explores your mouth, tasting you, claiming you. Her body feels perfect beneath your hands, and you can't resist the urge to feel more of her skin against yours.
You slide your hands down her sides, over her hips, and around her back, pulling her impossibly closer. She gasps into your mouth, arching her back slightly, and you can feel the hardness of her nipples pressed against your chest. You bite gently at her lower lip, teasing her as you nibble and suckle at her mouth, unable to get enough of the taste of her. You both pause, resting your foreheads together as you catch your breath. You were sure that there was a stupid smile plastered on both of your faces. 
As the adrenaline faded and the reality of the situation began to sink in, JJ felt a new wave of exhaustion wash over her. She leaned against you, resting her head on your shoulder, as the rest of the team walked up to the hospital. They looked at her, then at you, their faces filled with relief and admiration. They knew what you'd been through, and they knew what it meant for you to be standing there, alive and whole, in her arms.
Hotch put a hand on your shoulder, his expression solemn. "You did good, Y/N. Let’s get your statement and get you home.” He nodded at JJ, and she smiled up at him, tears streaming down her face. As the rest of the team filed past them, offering words of encouragement and gratitude, JJ leaned harder into your side. You could feel the weight of her body against yours, and it was both reassuring and exhilarating at the same time. Her hand slipped around to your back, gently squeezing your waist as she held on to you.
Hotch led you both to an interview room, where you sat down across from him and JJ. You couldn't help but glance at her from time to time, taking in the way she looked at you with such love and admiration. It was hard to believe that just a few hours ago, you had been lying on that floor, bleeding out, certain that you were going to die. But she had found you, and she had saved you.
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septembersart · 11 months
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A Court of Fey and Flowers
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sporkkles-irl · 2 months
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lukaven. if you will
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milanosbitch · 6 months
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woe, attorneys be upon ye
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teslathelame · 1 year
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i saw this shirt and i knew what i had to do🤭
[id: idia shroud from twisted wonderland. he's wearing a black crop top that says "vicious" in a blue flame font with sweatpants and slippers that resemble tsum ortho. he's standing hunched over, as per usual, and scratching his belly while looking irritated and miserable. he's drawn with extra blue stubble and his bangs pinned back, looking like he just woke up. /end id]
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hermit-scribe-vibe · 2 years
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Hey. Don't be sad. Goncharov.
[Image ID: A digital painting of a mock-up poster for Martin Scorsese's 1973 film Goncharov, which does not exist. It features a still life of a blue bowl full of several red apples and oranges, with half an orange in the middle. One of the oranges has blood dripping off of it, and there is a simple knife sticking out from the bowl. The background is blank white, and the top of the poster reads: Martin Scorsese's Goncharov. End ID.]
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tariah23 · 2 months
They’re calling my baby Gojo, Joseph Joestar now
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#rambling#the diff is that Gojo did apologize after being called out and face to face with his racism whilst Joseph literally befriended nazi’s 😵‍💫#and there was never any explanation from araki as to why he’d even wrote German soldiers in the shit in the first place like that was#absolutely jarring as hell to read for the very first time back when I’d gotten into jjba#well I watched it first but you know#like Joseph really thought fondly of Stroheim as this stand up guy even though he’s first of all#a Nazi#and second#the first scene that we were introduced to was of him sexually harassing a Woman#it’s……. 🗿#still to this day I wonder if araki had ever addressed this because lord#Joseph was just happy to get the help I guess but that felt so ooc for him from what he’d seen 🗣️#happily receiving the help of a Nazi and calling them a nice guy ahhh Joseph-#Gojo would never sjjsaj#my boo boo is a little prejudice but he’s working on it 🗣️#I still think that gege was trying to have a ‘racism is bad’ moment but again#the execution was pretty awkward and it felt out of place considering what had been currently going down in the manga#like the Racism was pretty random but it was swiftly put to a stop which I can appreciate even if it shouldn’t have been a point of#conversation to begin with since why couldn’t Miguel just exist as a character instead of him being the now token negro#who everyone sees as instantly more frighteningly powerful than everyone else like this didn’t even need to be brought up wllssldk#idk gege was trying to be ‘woke’ 😭. sorry nbs and wp ruined the term for me but like basically lol#gojo’s pretty intelligent and extremely gifted but he’s never been perfect lol#it’s just that idk why gege chose to talk about antiblackness in Japan out of nowhere about the only black character on screen hehhhhhh#like gege tried but lmfao#this is so funny to me#at least it didn’t drag on putting Miguel in an even more awkward situation than he already was and it was nipped in the bud quickly#Gojo isn’t one to dwell on things but when he’s face with new information and is taught something he does try to reflect and do better and#I’m sure he probably started to become even more aware of what he’s saying especially when talking to Miguel in an honest way since that’s#always been the kind of character who he was despite the horrors#the only ppl who’ve been kinda annoying about this are nbs and white people as always 🗿
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acidbathdemon · 2 years
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nishibai · 9 months
shin tsukimi is bibble colored
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floral-hex · 1 year
had been thinking about seeing the new Ant-Man when it came out, ya know, on one of the discount days bc movie tickets are pricey these days. I mean, it looked right up my alley; alternate dimensions, timeline fuckery, cool visuals, Jonathan Majors ripped as hell. Buuuuut I saw some spoilers, some shitty cellphone footage, read some reviews, ended up caving and reading the plot online… so anyway, I decided to spend that money on a jug of soy sauce and bag of jalapeños, and I think that’s a fair alternative.
#I go through a buttload of soy sauce and jalapeños#they just go with everything!#also no Marvel hate at me on this post#just let me enjoy my visual junk food#is it so bad to want to see Paul Rudd towering before me on a giant screen???#anyway… yeah… it looked really interesting to me. much more so than any of the recent Marvel movies.#I love science fiction with alternate dimensions and time stuff#buuuut… I guess I couldn’t really expect Marvel to actually do anything too exciting with those concepts#but hey! it might actually be good when I finally see it!#I just don’t have much of a disposable income and I think I’d rather spend that cash on foodstuff I know I’ll enjoy#and I’d rather not spend money on going out if I’m this ambivilant on it#critic’s reviews are mid. viewer reviews are completely unreliable to me#marvel fans will either give super positive reviews just bc it’s marvel#or they’ll tank their reviews for the dumbest reasons. like saying it’s too woke bc black Kang#fickle as cats and just as reliable#ALSO I saw tweets saying stuff like ‘oh it’s the beginning of a new phase so it’s a little rough and not that great but give them a break!#my buddy my friend they have churned out so many of these films by now#’new phase’ means nothing! they should know how to tell a good story!#and why can’t the start of a new story arc be good? you can have a good story that sets things up for the future#you butts. you fools.#I was honestly so hyped to see Kang fuck shit up 😕#and I actually really like the Ant-Man movies#I just haven’t really been into any of the Marvel movies after Endgame#okay but again… I haven’t seen it. just read the plot and some reviews.#don’t listen to me. I’m just ranting.#I wanted something really weird and cool with characters dying or whatever I dunno… I’m grumpy about it#but I made some fried rice. it’s good. I got some jalapeño in my eye. that’s not so good.#I hope no one actually wasted their time reading through these tags. I’m sorry if you did#you can ignore this#text
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d-d-destroya · 1 month
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saw this image blacked out and when I woke up this was on my screen
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hoshigray · 1 year
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Alright, y'all, here's the plan: you're not quite aware of what Toji does for work, yet you keep quiet. But one night, the man comes home bleeding, and you can't keep your worries to yourself anymore. However, for your protection, Toji isn't ready to reveal his assassin business to you. And, in the heat of the moment, ends up saying something that hurts you instead...
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A/n: (Reuploaded bc I forgot smthn) This prompt was picked from a poll to celebrate the 300+ followers milestone (pssst tysm for 450+ you lovelies :D) two weeks back. Truthfully, I don't think this is my best work after proofreading, but I did my best. Probably bc 1) it's longer than I intended, and 2) I procrastinated waaaaay too much with this. I don't even think I made sense halfway through, lol, but fuck it, we ball. Anyways, like last time, there is art drawn by me (@hoshigaby) but it'll be found deep in the fic :33
I hope you enjoy the ride and reblogs + replies are much appreciated!! Also, don't be alarmed that Y/n in the drawing looks of a dark complexion, feel free to use your imagination if it doesn't suit you. But do not edit it; be an adult and ignore it if it's not your taste.
Cw: Toji x fem!reader - arguing/yelling - fingering (fem! receiving) - mating press - Daddy kink - first Toji is sour, then he's sweet bc he's whipped for you :) - clitoral play (pressing down and a pinch) - praise - breast fondling + nipple play - pet names (angel, baby, darlin', honey, kid, mama/ma, princess, sweetheart/sweetie) - Megumi mean-mugging his father while Tsumiki and Shiu Kong tell him to do better lol - mentions of blood and stab wound; isn't fully healed so reopens.
Wc: 5.8k
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"Uhh, are you sleeping on the couch?"
"Yes. Yes, I am."
You scrunch your brow at your phone, looking at the two people you're talking to through the screen. "I know you're not about to get on my case over where I'm sleeping."
On the L-shaped couch lay you, cuddled up with a fluffy blanket and memory foam pillow, one hand holding your phone while another wrapped around a stuffed plushy. You were on a video call with your best friends: Utahime and Mei Mei.
Utahime, lying on her bed with a face mask, replied to you. "Oh, I'm definitely getting on your case because it's supposed to be the other way around!"
"True, but I like the couch anyways." You puff at the woman who's not satisfied with your answer. "Plus, I'm on the L-part of the couch, so it's practically like a bed!"
Your other friend, Mei Mei, chuckles at her screen. Icy blue hair pulled up in a bun with reading glasses positioned atop her forehead, probably counting her tips on her desk like she always does before bed. "My my, this is the fourth night this week. What did your man say to make you this upset?"
Memories of what happened before come back to you, and so does the exhausting irritation you've been trying to keep at bay.
It was a quiet night like this one as the rain fell hard on the silent streets. You've just put Tsumiki and Megumi to sleep and waited in the living room, watching a movie to pass the time. It was pretty late into the night when you heard the door open as drowsiness settled in. Nevertheless, you got up to greet the man you'd been waiting for coming from the entrance, but you weren't prepared for the sight that instantly woke you up.
Toji Fushiguro, groaning and leaning against the wall with his black jean jacket drenched from the rain. A hand was clenched on the left side of his torso, deep red tarnishing his plain white shirt. He was heaving in an attempt to even his breathing, but when he caught a glimpse of you standing before him, he was quick to try and play it off with a worn-out grin. "Hey, baby." His familiar deep voice was strained in subtle agony.
Worry bubbles within, and you rush towards him. "Oh my God, Toji, what happened!?" You remind yourself to not be too loud as the children are still asleep, so you rely on whisper yellings while walking him up to your shared bedroom.
Even in the room, Toji doesn't explain himself. Just silent hushes and cajoles that he's alright. "I'm fine, honey. Just tell me where's the first aid box." Pointing at the bathroom cabinet, you watch him leave your side to grab the kit. The crimson spilling from him is caused by a stab wound he reveals when he sits on the bathtub, lifting his shirt. You can feel your eyes water, imagining the pain he's going through when he hisses from putting on rubbing alcohol on the gash.
The words you want to say feel so forbidden. Your fingers fidget amongst themselves with the irregular beat of your chest. Don't say it, Y/n. Keep your mouth shut. Don't—
"Is this from work?"
Green eyes shoot back in your direction, and you immediately feel yourself sinking into a pool of regret.
Talk of Toji's occupation wasn't something you brought up much. Even at the beginning of your relationship, he didn't indulge in any insights about what he does, so you eventually quit after a few failed attempts. However, with all the nights he's come home while you sleep or the new scars you point out yet are brushed off, your anxiousness for him keeps festering. And seeing him with his own blood on his hands made you wonder how many nights he has pulled off doing such without your knowledge.
Toji's eyes go back to his wound. "Don't worry 'bout it." The stern tone of his voice has your blood turn cold. He didn't want to entertain this, especially in the wee hours of the night.
And yet you still persist. "No, Toji, I'm serious." You can see him glare at you through the raven bangs shading his forehead. A warning. But it doesn't stop you. "I'm getting worried about you."
From there was when the argument came. Every point you've made to him was shut down at once. His cold responses pierced you. Usually, you'd do what you can to avoid this type of confrontation. But now, it hurts even more when he doesn't cooperate with you, your concerns disregarded like rubbish.
"Damn it, Y/n!" Toji barks at you, seething through the physical pain as a fist bangs hard on the bathroom cabinet. "Why's it so hard for you to stay out of this?"
"Well, if you would tell me things instead of pushing me out the way, then maybe I wouldn't have to!" At this point, you're fighting the tears from falling. Your face hot with frustration, but you still speak. "Toji, I've done so much for you and the kids, and I—"
"No one told you to do—"
"Yet I STILL do!" It's your turn to yell. "I care about you deeply, same with Tsumiki and Megumi. I don't ask for much, Toji. But I want you to open your life to me just a little, even when you're hurt like this!"
His emerald eyes remain rigid despite your pleas to him. And what he said next had you still to the core. You can recall the beat of your heart corrupting your senses while the tears stride down.
"If you were goin' to be a thorn on my side like this, I wouldn't have let you be in it in the first place."
"He said WHAT!!??" Utahime shrieks after you retell the situation to your friends.
You nod your head. "I just looked at him, and he looked at me. Then I turned, picked my pillow up, and headed downstairs to this couch."
To say the dark-haired woman was livid was an understatement. "And tell me WHY this fucker isn't the one sleeping on this couch, again??"
"Even if I did tell him to sleep on the couch, he probably would say something like, 'Tch, why should I? I pay bills for this damn house,' and yadda, yadda." This is true, apart from the man being injured, so having him move would've been immoral. "Plus, I just really wanted to get outta the room, so I went ahead and moved myself out."
"So? You pay bills too, what the hell!? Good God, Y/n," Utahime shakes her head. "You sure we can't pummel this dude?"
"Yes, I'm sure. Besides, I'm getting used to ignoring him when I see him around the house. But, oh my God, guys, his kids," the phone panned down to the plush toy and the pink, fluffy blanket. "Miki saw me sleeping here the other morning and gave me this blanket. And Gumi — he's such a sweetie. He gave me his favorite froggy toy to sleep with to scare off his dad from 'bothering me in my dreams.' "
"Hmm, how adorable." Mei Mei comments. "Funny how such darlings can come from a guy like that."
Utahime nods rapidly and throws in her opinion. "Listen, Y/n, you shouldn't think you outta be in every part of that man's life. Even so, he should at least know how to compromise. I mean, come on, you take care of him, the kids, the house, and go to work with us. All of that just for you to sleep on a couch!?"
"You're not gonna let this couch thing go, aren't you?" The pale blue-haired woman chuckles again, and Utahime sighs. "But she's right, Y/n. It takes a certain kind of person to have the patience to do what you do in a relationship with a single father and two children. I'm sure Utahime would've left with all her hair out."
The dark-haired one gets up from her bed and takes her device with her, heading to the bathroom to finish her skin care. "Now, why am I the one used as an example?"
"Because you're the most vocal about a relationship that isn't yours." A sly smile is painted on Mei Mei's face after she hears a 'hmph!' from the other as Utahime removes the mask and washes her face. "My point is that you like this man — love him even. But that love shouldn't cost you to be so emotionally drained. Perhaps he understands this, except it wasn't the perfect moment for you two to express yourselves. Maybe talk to him when you two stop the silent treatment."
All you do is hum aimlessly, too wrapped in what your friend said to give a proper response. Then you yawn, your body signaling you to finally rest. "I'll sleep on that thought. Night, girlies~~" You wave and send kisses to the other two. They do the same as you leave the video call, placing the phone on the coffee table and snuggling up with the blanket and plush toy.
You try to distract yourself by thinking of what you'll do tomorrow. You gotta get up and make breakfast for Tsumiki and Megumi before waking them up, then head to the station and take the bus to work. Maybe you can finally try that new café close by with Mei Mei and Utahime for lunch. And when you return home, you should whip up something fun for the kids to eat.
Perhaps, make something for Toji since he sometimes forgets to feed himself when you're not around. Or if he's leaving for work, wish him a safe trip back home like always. And...if he's down for it...you can find the right time......to talk...about......
The moment you closed your eyes, it felt as though you were sleeping on your own bed again. When you turn to your side, your body descends into the feeling of cold sheets beneath you. It was pretty comfy! Plus, the blanket—
Your eyes slowly open to the sight of bedsheets underneath you. Navigating out of the sleepy stupor, you make out parts of your surroundings to know that you're not in the living room anymore. You slowly rise up to face the door of the bedroom. Your shared bedroom.
A sudden cough alerts you, forced as if to grab your attention. A chill crawls up your spine. Oh God, no. You turn to the side to see the man accompanying his side of the bed. And there he was, Toji, lying on his side with his head resting on a hand, looking dead at you. His raven hair looked damp from a recent shower, sporting only a grey wifebeater and dark sweatpants.
"Hey," is all he says to you. No smirk and no nickname followed with the greeting. Just a simple address to you with his green eyes softly watching yours. You almost fall into their inviting spell the more you look at them.
Nonetheless, it's not compelling enough since you remember he's the man you fought with four days ago — the same man you weren't prepared to see right now. You quickly turn away from him and lift the comforter to exit the room. However, Toji grabbed your wrist before your feet could touch the floor, his grip too strong for you to pull away from him.
You avoid eye contact with him, your back facing him. "Toji, let me go. I'm going to sleep."
"Then sleep."
"On the couch, Toji." You try and pull again. Nothing.
"Fuck that, just sleep here. I didn't carry you up here for nothin'."
You shake your head as you exhale through your nose. Of course, he carried me here. "Whatever happened to you not wanting me to be a part of your life?"
The words that left your lips surprised you and the grip around your wrist tightens. You didn't mean to say them, but it was the truth because they were his own words. Or did you?
Still facing away from Toji, you're unable to see his reaction. Oh shit, is he angry? Is he going to let me go after that?
"Darlin', please..." His deep voice hushed for only you to hear. "I just really need you with me here. Just for tonight...." His hold lessens, leaving you to decide whether you should stay.
The silence is uncomfortable for both of you — especially for Toji, who has you where he wants you to be, where you're supposed to be. As seconds pass when he doesn't hear from you, the nervousness that used to exist before your relationship rises back into the pit of his stomach. And his soul drops down when you remove your wrist from his hand.
Though, to his surprise, your hand lifts the comforter up while your legs move back on top of the mattress. You lay back down with a sigh, your back still facing Toji. "Did you give Miki back her blanket?"
Toji exhales quietly, situating himself back on his side of the bed. "Yeah, and Megumi with his toy."
You hum, and the silence fills the room once more.
Toji looks at nothing but your figure next to him, watching the rise and fall of your shoulder as you breathe silently, your face nestled comfortably on the pillow. To think it's been half a week since he last saw you in this room is hard to believe.
That night when you left him really stuck with him. The image of your face covered in tears was all he envisioned, the same with you grabbing your pillow and exiting the room. After tending his stab wound, he went down to talk it out. Yet when Toji saw you sleeping soundly on the couch with dried tears painting your pretty face, he didn't dare wake you up and just went to bed.
And it was worse the following days. Not only did he have you avoiding him at every chance, but he had to deal with the judgmental looks of his children. Never in his life has he seen Megumi give him glares that meant business. If looks could kill, Toji would be finished. And Tsumiki, his sweet little girl, now pesters him about being nice to Y/n, saying he should think about their feelings and apologize.
But what about his feelings? Does no one understand that he was just trying to keep you out of business that you didn't need to fret over? He's very aware that his job is not a normal one. It's dangerous, and anyone around him can get hurt or worse. Hence, keeping you away from this part of his life keeps you and his family safe. If not knowing he's an assassin keeps you from harm's way, why change that.
At least...that's what he thought, not what he said.
Even Shiu Kong, his handler, had something to say after telling him what had happened during lunch today. "Wow. I knew you were trash, but I didn't know you were that dumb, too." The man snickers when Toji shoves a middle finger his way. Shiu lights another cigarette after discarding the one he finishes. "Well, how were they supposed to know you were watching out for them? If someone you love comes to your front door bloody and sick, whose safety are you worrying about?"
Toji says nothing to that, letting the other man resume speaking some sense into him after taking a long sig from his cigarette.
"Look. I can't promise that this angel of yours wants to stay with you after what you said. That's all up to them. But until they decide that, I hope your dumbass realizes when someone sticks with you literally through blood and pain, that's someone who cares for you to the Moon and back. Not saying you should tell them what you do, but a nice word or two of comfort is all they need. If you're not that big of an idiot, reconcile and let them know you care about them."
"...Reconcile and let them know you care about them..."
If there's one thing that Toji has trouble with, it's knowing how to use his words. It was a tiny problem in the earlier stages of your relationship, but as time flew, you could guess how much the tall man cherishes you by his actions rather than words.
The older man knows that you know he loves you. But now, when he's pushed into a position where words are necessary to portray his real feelings for you, he feels stumped.
"If you were goin' to be a thorn on my side like this, I wouldn't have let you be in it in the first place."
Toji grimaces at his own words replaying in his head. Why the fuck did I say that?
"Whatever happened to you not wanting me to be a part of your life?"
Your words ring in his mind. Why did I fuckin' say that for? What the hell is wrong with me? What did—
He returns to reality, eyes moving back to your still silhouette.
"I know you're still awake, so I'm gonna ask this." Toji braces himself for whatever your soft voice muttered. "Whatever job you're doing, is it a dangerous one?"
Shit. The dreaded talk is here, and Toji cannot escape it.
"Are you good at your job?"
"It's the only thing I'm good at."
You nod your head aimlessly to his answer. Then you turn around to face the anxious older man. The moonlight peaking through the window blinds illuminates your face beautifully while Toji's breathing slows.
"I don't think that's true," you continue to answer. "You're good at being a father to Tsumiki and Megumi. Not the best, but a decent one nonetheless. You're also good at caring for me; letting me live with you and your family proves that. And lastly," Toji gulps with a dry throat.
"You're good at loving. You say you're lousy at it, but there's love in everything you do for me. It's there when you look at me whenever you think I'm unaware. Or when you silently grab my hand when in crowded areas. Or," a small chuckle exits from you. "When you carry me up from downstairs to the bedroom."
Toji's jade eyes lock in with yours, waiting for you to avert your gaze away from him. But you don't. You keep looking at him. You keep spoiling him. This type of recognition is something Toji never thought he deserved, so you giving it to him so effortlessly makes his growing guilt eat him alive.
"I care about you so much, Toji." You shift closer to Toji and bring a hand to his cheek, causing the man to lift his brows. Your face is only a few inches away from his. "What happened yesterday really scared me. All I could think about was the wound and all the scars you have. Where they all came from and how deep they are. Or......you never coming back."
"Baby..." Toji absently refers to you with a sweet name, placing his big hand on top of yours on his cheek. He lets you finish.
"I know you can't guarantee coming back to me unscathed, but I just want you to promise me something: please let me know you'll be okay. When you're gone, I can only hope you make it back home safely. So, just promise to not get yourself killed." A sheepish smile is used to ease the serious tone. "Even if I'm not in your life, I'm sure Tsumiki and Megumi would be pretty upset to not have you around."
Toji scoffs. "Trust me, I'm sure they'd leave me the moment you step out the door." That makes you laugh, and it has the man swooning hearing it. His hand moves to your cheek, and you allow him to stroke it with a thumb. "And I wouldn't blame 'em. Havin' such a beautiful and loving angel slip through my fingers?"
"I'm sorry for what I said and scarin' you like that. If you aren't here with me, as part of my life and all, then I don't think I can't make a promise like that. You're too good fr' me, and I'm sorry if I didn't seem to appreciate you until now."
And you know he's genuine with his plea, his green eyes gauging your reaction to see if he's worth another chance. All you do is sigh and lift yourself up, wipe his wet bangs from his forehead, and kiss it. "Not the best apology, but I accept it."
He drones, relishing the feeling of your lips on him again. "So, are we cool, kid?"
"Yeah," you peer down at him with a smile, and he does the same. "We're cool. However, if you ever yell at me again, don't be surprised when I pack my bags."
"Oh yeah?" Toji raises a brow. "I'll be careful, then."
"You better." Hushed chuckles are shared to comfort the silence, enjoying the closeness between you two that felt like forever to have again. Just the two of you with you giggling above him and the light from the window cascading an ethereal glow to your features. Your teeth shied behind pretty lips, lips he wanted to kiss.
And you catch him looking. You notice him wanting you, needing you. Just as much as you need him. You slowly lean down to his face, planting your soft lips on his rigid pair.
Toji's surprised by the action for a moment, but he moans into your mouth and pulls you into him closer. The kiss starts off nice and slow yet quickly changes to one filled with passion and desire. Teeth clashing, tongues exchanging, sweet moans paired with aroused groans.
As you two are lost in each other's lips, Toji carefully maneuvers you on your back with him on top of you. Your legs find purchase around his waist as he rocks into your core, rocking your hips together in a steady rhythm by the second.
His hand snakes down to your lower region, fingers brushing past your pajamas and onto your panty-covered vulva. The intrusion has you breaking the kiss with heavy breaths filling the silent, moonlit room. He busses your chin down to your neck as shaky mewls slip out your mouth.
"Haaah, Toji, we shouldn't. It's late—Hmmm..." Your whimpers don't stop him from pulling your pajamas and undergarments off.
"It's okay, sweetheart, lemme make it up to you." He says in-between kisses on your clavicle, pulling up your shirt to reveal your bare chest. His free hand fondles a breast before his mouth goes for the other. "Let Daddy take care of you..."
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The sudden combination of his thick fingers intruding between your nether folds and his mouth sucking and licking your sensitive nipple has you whining in bliss, your hand gripping his wet raven hair resulting in a satisfied groan from the older man. Toji missed this — missed you — close to him, under him on this bed.
One finger plays with your wet chasm for a few moments before it's inserted inside. A shriek is let out as your cunt adjusts to the digit. "Mmmph! Oh God, Daddy, your fingers...Ahhh!"
A soft 'pop' leaves from Toji's mouth when pulled back from sucking on your nipple, his tongue lapping around the sensitive nob. "What's that, mama? My fingers feelin' good?" You nod rapidly, but that's not the answer Toji's looking for, so he bites on your nipple gingerly yet hard enough for you to jolt. "Daddy wants your words, angel."
"Yesss, yes, your fingers feel soo good," You mewl to him, and Toji chuckles dangerously low while rewarding you with another digit in your slick-coated hole. His abrupt middle finger joins his forefinger in attacking your velvety walls, and your voice shifts higher in ecstasy.
The sounds of Toji's tongue licking around your nipple coincide with the squelches between his fingers and your gushy slit. Your brain starts to short-circuit.
"Ahh! Ahhh! Daddy, I can feel—I'm gonna," Toji's fingers pick up the pace. You're so close to release, you can feel it.
"Gonna be good and cum on Daddy's fingers, right, baby?"
"Mhmmm, I wanna co—Oh, Jesus, I wanna come. Hoooooh..."
"Then go ahead, princess. Mess 'em up." Toji comes up to kiss your forehead as his fingers go irrationally fast, and a thumb sneaks to press down on your unattended clit. With a choked cry, you spasm and cream on his thick digits. He watches you finish, loving the image of your head pushed back on pillows and your body arching towards him.
He dismisses himself from you once you're done, licking his fingers of your essence and taking off his wifebeater and pants. The image of his free cock has you biting your lower lip in anticipation as you discard your shirt to the bedroom floor as well. When you look at Toji, you notice the bandaged patch on his left side. He sees you glimpsing, quick to ease your concerns. "I'll be fine, darlin'. Won't go too crazy." Looking at his scarred body in a new light, you nod and follow his lead.
Toji carries your legs up to move to the right of his shoulder, situating you two into a mating press. His dick aligns with your glossy cunt. Precum meets slick and lubricates the two sexes pushing into each other. Toji coaxes you. "Too tense, ma. Relax fr' me." You prepare yourself with even breaths, and the man pushes into you with each exhale.
The head of his cock enters, a cry departs from your lips, and Toji hisses with the tightness of your slit. His hips go slow, making sure your walls accommodate every vein and dent of his dick as it ventures deep within you. Hits to your G-spot have you babbling incoherent prayers, gripping the sheets under you.
When his cockhead finally meets your cervix, you sob his name in rapture. Toji smirks, dialing the pace of his thrusts up. "Mmmm, Christ, yr' tight pussy. So fuckin' perfect fr' me."
Every stroke prompts a euphoric moan from you, drool escaping your lips as your mind turns into putty. The noises of his pelvis smacking on your ass feel so wrong to hear, yet you can't help but grip around Toji's girthy length. It gets worse when he presses his entire body weight on you, forcing you to take his cock and abusing your tender cervix with every deep rut.
As for Toji, he's enjoying seeing you writhe and pant under his bow. The corner of your eyes sprinkled with tears, your mouth wailing in euphoric chants, the way your cunt clamps around his dick when he grinds his hips deep onto your come-covered folds. He can never get enough of this, enough of you, driving him so fucking crazy.
"Daddyyy, I'm gonna—Ahhaaaa!!" Toji's now going at an erratic cadence, his cock churning your insides as his heavy balls slapping your folds being the only things you can listen to. Your whines get higher and higher while chasing your climax. "Cu-cumming, I'm gonna cumm—Ohhh!!"
"Hnngh! Oh, shit, fuck, fuck. Me too, kid, me too," Toji groans into your ear. God, his deep voice makes your brain mush. "Oooooh, want me to fill you up, mama?"
Your head nods frantically, tears now staining your face. "Yessss, please, Daddy!! I want it!" Toji hears your pleas and smashes his mouth into yours, moans swapped between lips with tongues daubed in saliva. A hand is moved down to your clit, pinching the spot between Toji's forefinger and thumb. And your pussy tightens around his cock one last time before you peak onto him.
The fluttery spasms of your walls clenching around Toji have him finish in three deep strokes, spurting his seed inside you before he relaxes his heaving body on yours. The kiss breaks with you two huffing and panting, the final moments of your high finally depleting out of your nude bodies.
His green eyes take in your dazed expression, calloused fingers wiping your tears away. "How's that for an apology?"
"You pervy old man," You chuckle to yourself, so out of breath. "You're more of a man of action anyway, so you pulled through. "
"Hehe, I'll take it." He cups your jaw with his big hand, your eyes locked in with his. "I love you so fuckin' much, baby. Sorry for ever making you think otherwise."
You blink once. Twice. Your hands come up to his face, and a finger swipes away black bangs stuck to his sweaty forehead. "I love you too, Toji. I would've left your ass if you weren't."
Toji smiles and leans in to kiss your swollen lips with his scared ones; however, a sharp pain stops him, prompting the big man to yell out. Worried, you try to assess what's wrong. Then you see it: the blood-stained bandage on his left side.
A gasp catches his attention, and Toji turns to what you're gawking at. His body freezes, seeing the trail of blood exit from his reopened wound.
"Ahhhh shit..."
"Well, well, well," Utahime smirks at you through the screen. "I see you're not on the couch anymore."
You smile sheepishly as you lie on the pillows and headboard of your shared bed. Tsumiki and Megumi huddle beside you, napping blissfully around your presence under Tsumiki's pink blanket.
"Yeah, we made up last night." To avoid disturbing the children, you reply in whispers.
Mei Mei hums. "I see that. I assume you two had a nice talk about it?" You open your mouth, but no words come out. The two women quirk up a brow.
"Oh? I take it that there was more than just talking." Utahime chimes in, her smile going ear to ear while your eyes avoid the screen. "No wonder we didn't see you at work today. The dick so good it saved your relationship, huh?" She laughs at you hushing her up for using crude language while the children sleep. "Well, happy you two figured it out. But don't think I won't come over there and beat his ass the next time I see you on that couch."
"I second that," Mei Mei agrees. "But Uta can do the beatdown; I'm more interested in what he has in his wallet."
"Not much, I'll tell you that." you correct your friend. "I'm the one who takes care of his finances for safe-keeping."
"Well, that makes things easier for me."
The three of you laugh through your devices. Then you hear heavy footsteps drawing closer from the stairs. "Oop, he's back now. I'll talk to you guys later!" You hurriedly wave and kiss your friends goodbye before ending the video call. The bedroom door opens, and there he is.
Toji flashes a quick smile at you before it vanishes once he sees his kids nestled around you. "I was hopin' to get some alone time with you."
You giggle as you brush Tsumik's hair away from her pretty face. "You're back early. Is your wound okay now?"
"Hmph, yeah, thanks to you pushin' me out the way and grabbin' for the first aid kit." Toji pokes fun at you for the event from last night, where you immediately pushed the brawny man off of you and ran for the tools necessary to treat his open injury the moment you saw blood. You chuckle and watch the tall man climb into bed. "Doc said it should fully heal within a week or two. Why the squirts here?"
"They were happy to find me back in the room for a nap, so they joined me and kept me company." Megumi snuggles close to you for warmth, and you pick him up to your chest.
"Well, they're takin' my spot."
"I don't think they care."
Toji pinches your nose for your snarky remark, and you wriggle out of his fingers with quiet chuckles. His hand then cups your face and pulls you to face him, his emerald eyes softly gazing into you.
"You know I love the hell outta you, right?" His deep voice sounds sweet to the ears. You purr into his hand. "And I hope you know I'm the same for you." He nods. You smile.
He hesitates for a split second, but Toji leans close to kiss your tender lips. Only for a tiny hand to come smacking him in the face, halting him from further movement. To the shock of you both, Megumi was back awake, sending a mean look at his father.
Toji groans in annoyance. "What was that for, brat?"
"For making Y/n sad." Megumi keeps his hold on you secure as he and Toji mean-mug each other. Queuing Tsumiki from her slumber, defending you from her father. "Apologize or stay away!" The little girl warns the older man.
You're quick to break up the mini-fight amongst the Fushiguros. "Alright, kids, no need to worry about me. Your dad already apologized to me by promising to take us out for dinner tonight." Childish faces beam in delight while Toji shifts to instant puzzlement. "Now go get ready and put on your shoes!" Tsumiki and Megumi do just that, rushing out of your shared room and to their own.
When you can't hear the pitter-patter of little feet anymore, you feel big strong arms haul you into Toji's embrace, attacking you with tickles. You try to squirm your way out, but it's no use when he uses his body to cage you in. "Who told you to make promises on my name, huh? You tryna be bratty with me, kid?" He grins at your ticklish suffering.
"Then don't you—Oh God, stop!" It's difficult finishing your statement while fighting back laughter and screams. "Don't you ever yell at me again!"
He stops tickling you, thank God. You catch your breath as Toji looks at you under him with a proud smile. "I don't plan on it, sweetie. Now c'mere."
Toji finally has his lips placed on your soft ones, and you happily return the favor by wrapping your arms around his neck to pepper him with delicate kisses. But the romantic atmosphere vanishes when the children come and dogpile on Toji after hearing your ticklish screams, forcing the older Fushiguro off of you to deal with his kids with tickles of their own.
Observing the children laugh and squirm under Toji's merciless fingers, a soft smile adorns your face watching the domestic display before you and thinking how lucky you are to witness such a thing. Well, that's before all three of them turn to you and bring you another ticklish horror.
And despite the torture, your screams and giggles are filled with pure joy and contentment, and you wouldn't have it any other way.
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lolli-popples · 8 months
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so uh- i heard "80's rock band" and then I blacked out. and when i woke up this was on my screen. so...
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russellsppttemplates · 2 months
We don't fit together (Lando Norris)
Your lifestyle is so different to Lando's that maybe everyone else is right
Note: english is not my first language. I'm not sure how I feel about this, it's like a love hate relationship with it to be completely honest... I hope it's still enjoyable to read! Update: there's a part 2 here !
Thank you so much to everyone who likes and reblogs, your feedback is appreciated 🤍 and I'm taking requests so if you have any ideas or concepts you want to share, feel free to do so as I'll try to get to them the best I can!
my masterlist
Tw: mentions reader's insecurities about herself and about her relationship with Lando, alcohol consumption
Tag list: @myloverjk-blog @hiireadstuff @c-losur3
Lando facetimes and he's going to a club wherever he is
"Hello, baby!", Lando greeted with a bug smile when you picked up his video call.
"Hey love, congrats on your podium!", you smiled back, now able to congratulate him face to face even if through a screen, "Don't you look handsome, hm?", you bit your lip once he set the phone and clasped his bracelets on his wrist.
The outfit was simple but he made it look so good. He was wearing black jeans, a white t-shirt and a backwards black cap was covering his curls. Had he been right in front of you, you would have already laced your arms around his neck and littered little kisses along the tanned skin.
"Thank you, baby", he blushed slightly, "Max and Kelly are also going to the club where Martin is playing tonight", he smiled, "it's really good and it's supposed to have the craziest nights out in town, so we're going to check it out - I miss you loads, can't wait to go back home", he mused.
"Me too, but I'm glad you're having a good time out there! I'm not going to say I wish I was there because it doesn't look like my scene, but I can't wait to have you with me, love", you giggled.
"That's true, I don't think it would be very enjoyable for you", Lando agreed, "we're leaving in the morning, which will be night time for you, so I'll text you updates and then when I arrive we can have an early dinner in that restaurant you really like near my place and then you could spend the night. How does that sound?", he suggested.
"Sounds good to me", you smiled at the prospect. Time couldn't go by faster.
"I have to go, baby - Max and Kelly are already downstairs waiting for me! I love you and I can't wait to kiss your gorgeous face", he winked.
"Go enjoy yourself, Lan, you deserve it! Give my congratulations to Max and send Kelly a hug from me. I love you!", you blew him a kiss before he ended the call.
Work commitments and some family situations had kept you from going to the race weekend. It was a common thing to happen but it still left you missing Lando like crazy, counting down the hours until he was on your arms again.
You finished cooking your dinner, ate it and then headed to the living room, ready to unwind and start your bedtime routine, getting a selfie from Kelly with Max and Lando in it too, the club lights illuminating then enough to tell them apart.
When you woke up, like promised, Lando had sent you a text saying he had boarded the jet and everything was on schedule. Opening the text, you saw that a few hours before he had also sent you a video.
It was less than a minute, but you could see Martin and Lando at the DJ table, happily interacting with the crowd before mixing some music up and dancing along, "I love you, baby!", Lando said into the phone before he ended the video.
You did your morning workout, showered and while you were having breakfast, you scrolled through your social media, seeing some edits from the race and a couple of videos from the club Lando, amongst other drivers, partied in.
The first one was a different angle from the one you had been sent, someone on the dance floor recording it and sending it to a fan page.
They usually didn't say much other than stating facts about the video, where it was taken, who was in it and who had sent it. This one, however, seemed to spark up the conversation as a lot of people had opinions about it.
He just looks so good 🥵 I'd never be able to leave his side if I was with him!
He always has the best night out spots
He just looks so happy when he's doing it, it's great he has friends who support him in it outside of racing
Scrolling down, a gossip page post popped up. Unlike the other videos, this one was in a controlled environment and it seemed to be from someone on the VIP area. You could see Lando and Martin talking to a group of people before the girl flipped the camera, speaking into her phone as subtitles showed "I can't believe this, it's Lando Norris! Fp you think we should go up to him? I bet he's here alone as usual", the blonde girl said as she swept her hair over her shoulder. She looked stunning, hair curled to perfection and make-up done in such a complementing way it showed skills you knew you didn't have yourself, "I've seen Max and Kelly, and Carlos was just at the bar I think", another girl with short black hair said.
"You know what I mean, he's never here with what's her face", she giggled tipsily.
Dating Lando meant that you were exposed to these type of interactions from people online on a daily basis, more frequently whenever he posted you or you joined him for the race weekend. On the comments, some people alerted the page admin and the girl who sent the video about how offensive it was and how they didn't have the right to talk about you like that, but it didn't seem to do much as other people left their opinion.
He'd be so much better without her, did you see the article where someone at the club said he left with another girl? She's done for...
It wouldn't surprise me tbh, there's only so much it can work before you realise you don't have similar interests and things are not making you happy
Lando would be so good with someone who is in the public eye, can you imagine all the content we would get?
Shaking it off of your body, you closed the app and locked your phone, taking a deep breath as your mind started filling with all sorts of doubts.
At the start, noise from the media was easy to reason with, but lately it was all you could think about. Every week with every interaction Lando had with another woman, they would suggest he was in a relationship despite knowing you were dating eachother. You didn't understand why, but they had even taken the extra step of having someone comment on it and give their opinion on it, as if there was an opinion to give on who he dated and didn't date.
Getting up, your put some music on your headphones and started tidying the house. You couldn't sort your thoughts out, so might as well deal with the mess on your apartment.
"I missed you so much", Lando said once you opened the door, his arms instantly wrapping around your body and walking you backwards, closing the door with his foot, "hello, my love", he said, nipping a few kisses on your neck before he looked up, finally kissing your lips after having spent so long away from you.
"Hello, Lan", you cupped his face, kissing his lips again as his hands roamed along your waist and back, "I'm so glad you're back home", you smiled.
"Me too, especially when I'm greeted like this", he smirked, looking you up and down. In the last two years, you still hadn't gotten fully used to the way he would look at you.
His heart swelled with pride because you were his, all for him and no one else, "I love this colour on you", he kissed your exposed clavicle, "as much as I'd love to continue this, we have reservations to get to", he smiled before licking the spot he just kissed, "let's go, gorgeous", he encouraged, making you get your coat and bag and put on your shoes, ready to go.
Lando got VIP entrances to a fairly new club, and since Max was in town, too, you decided to join them on a night out. Despite the opinions everyone on the internet seemed to have, you did enjoy going out, just not every week or even every month. Shutting down your laptop after sending the last e-mail, you went to shower and start getting ready.
Making sure the towell was secure on your head and the robe was soaking up all the water remnants from your skin, you walked up to your wardrobe, running your fingers through the options you had for tonight. Settling in an outfit you felt both comfortable and beautiful in, you were quick to dry yourself and change, grabbing a simple black bag out of your closet and then heading to the bathroom for hair and make-up. You clipped your loose waves away from your face once they were dry while you applied some foundation to even out your skin tone, hiding the dark circles that came with the little sleep you'd gotten that week, bronzing, highlighting and contouring what needed, doing your brows and applying some mascara to your lashes. You weren't too fussed about makeup, choosing to stay on the simpler side of things, not bothering with the little moles and pimples that still showed through as you'd end up with your face resembling a pancake instead.
Checking if you were on time, you grabbed your watch and bracelets and clasped them to your wrist before clasping your necklace on your neck and putting simple hoop earrings, appreciating your final look in the mirror.
Not too much, not too little, but you didn't look like the girls your boyfriend was rumoured to be dating. The article came from a magazine where they had analysed everyone they thought would suit Lando and his lifestyle, and even though you tried yo ignore it, Lando was the first to come to your place and tell you, in person, that he had nothing to do with those girls and most of them he didn't even knew personally anyway, spending the rest of the night in your bed reminding how much he loved you and only you.
Lando was coming to pick you up soon, so you headed to the living room to wait for him. A knock on the door announced his presence, "I'm here to pick up the most beautiful woman in the whole wide world - my girlfriend", he charmed before taking a good look at you, "you're stunning, baby, breath taking", he gasped.
"C'mon, let's go", you urged, your cheeks blushing at the attention he was giving you, "Baby girl, a little twirl for me first", he smirked, as you did it, "we're both one good looking couple, aren't we?", he added, kissing your cheek as you played with the thin chain around his neck, "you look great, handsome, so great", you kissed his throat before closing the door behind you.
As you walked inside the club with Lando, who laced your hand in his as soon as he saw the crowded place, you took it all in.
It would be a lie to say that your senses hadn't been invaded all at once when you stepped into the VIP area of the club, different kinds of substances in the air and some perfume notes invading your nose, lights flashing your eyes as the loud music rang in your ears and drummed on your feet.
Lando carefully guided you through the people - the less crowded zone helping your movements -, always keeping you close as he looked for Max and Martin.
"Hey! You finally made it!", Max said as he greeted you, "Y/N, fancy sering you here! You look amazing as always", he complimented your black pants and emerald green one shoulder top outfit.
"Hi, I'm Martin, have we met before?", he asked after he pulled you for a half hug, "I don't think so, no, I'm Y/N", you smiled at his kindness and welcoming demeanour.
"You weren't joking when you said you were going to bring special company tonight", the dutch DJ nudged Lando with his elbow before fistbumping his hand.
"My special lady only goes out when the music is really good, so you should feel honoured, mate", Lando tsked, kissing the side of your head and smiling down at you. He was so happy you were there with him.
"The bar is over there, c'mon! Let's go and get something", Max suggested, leading the way with Martin right behind him as Lando's hands squeezed your waist again as he guided you to the bar, occasionally nodding to acquaintances you two bumped into.
Getting yourself a drink and Lando grabbing something non-alcoholic for him, "I'm driving us both home tonight, I don't want to do anything irresponsible", he reasoned as the four of you engaged in conversation about the set Lando and Martin would be doing. You had always been a kept to yourself type of person, not really letting people in until you knew for sure what their intentions were, but having Lando and Max there gave you enough ease to chat with Martin too while you waited for them to go up to the booth.
Granted this wasn't your usual choice of plans, you had been out enough times to know what it entailed and what to expect, a lot of people you didn't know coming up to greet your boyfriend, some seeming closer friendships to him that others.
"Are you okay, baby? We'll have to go up in a bit, do you want to stay here or go up there?", he questioned, "I need to go to the bathroom, I won't be long hopefully, but I can meet you up there when I come back - do you think that will be okay?", you wondered, "yes, of course! Just wave at me or Max if anyone gives you any trouble, beautiful", he kissed you, "I love you", he mumbled against your lips, squeezing your hips softly before Martin pulled on his arm.
On your way to the bathroom, you accidentally touched the railing on the stairs when you were set your cup down on the designated area, the liquid on it making your squirm a little as you held out your hand like you had touched poison. For all you knew, it could be something like that.
There were two girls waiting to use one of the stalls, prompting you to gently slot yourself in front of them, "sorry, but do you mind if go first just now? I just need to wash my hand and then I'll be back to the line", you asked politely as they nodded, the first one going to the stall that freed up and making room for you as the other girl stepped out. Her face was familiar as you took a glance in the mirror, and from the smile she gave you through the mirror, you assumed she probably recognised you too.
Washing your hands again when you came out of the stall, you walked to the bar and got yourself a bottle of water, noticing your boyfriend already pressing and tapping the buttons on the mixing table as everyone danced and many captured the moment on their phones while you waited. The booth looked tight and, truthfully, quite exposed, so you decided to stay where you had been previously, still able to enjoy yourself and dance while you watched Lando and Martin.
Max must've thought the same as he spotted you a few minutes later, twirling you around before he set his drink on the high table.
"Ruby!", Max yelled as the girl from the bathroom walked up to him and gave him a hug followed by another girl you assumed was her friend, introducing her to Max before turning to you.
"You're Y/N, right?", she asked, noticing your surprised expression, "sorry, I didn't mean to be so blunt - I'm Ruby, this is my friend Katie", she introduced, "we bumped into you in the bathroom, and it looked like you knew who I was", she clarified, still noticing apprehension from you, "I know Lando - we're acquaintances, I guess", she said.
"I'm so sorry, your face was familiar but I didn't know where from", you apoligised, "I kept going over in my head but I couldn't pinpoint where I knew you from", you gulped.
Up close and in the club environment, you were now sure of why her face was so familiar. She was one of the girls the gossip magazine page mentioned. She was gorgeous and from the way people greeted her, she seemed to attend many parties and nights out at that club.
"It's okay - Lando has told me about you, by the way", she smiled before her friend pitched in, "it's so nice to finally see you here, it's a good thing you came here to see him. I didn't think it would suit you, but it does look like you're having a good time", Katie offered before sipping from her drink.
"Yes, it's quite fun actually, Martin and Lando are a good duo I'd say", you smiled, pushing the backhanded compliment to the back of your mind for now.
"Do you want something to drink, Y/N? I can get it for you!", Max offered and you shook your head no, thanking him for his offer but politely declining as you saw him walk to the bar with Ruby.
"How has your night been, Y/N?", she tried to start up a conversation and appear put together even though it was clear she had drank over her limit, "I never see you here with Lando - he usually hangs out with us when he isn't pretending to be a world famous DJ", she giggled, "so are you enjoying it? I know it's not really your scene".
"It's not my usual, no, but I enjoy a night out every now and again", you remained polite, "He's really happy when he does it and he gets to relax a little and forget his troubles for a bit, it's a good thing".
"He's really funny, yes, and charming too", she hiccuped, "I'm sure people come here for a good night out anyway, but I just know that most of these people here", she pointed to the people dancing, "are here for him because they know he enjoys a good party and they do too - I guess they're hoping their similar interests will cross paths", she smiled.
She was really trying to get to you, and much to your disappointment in yourself, she was successfully doing it.
"That's how he is wired, you know? Parties after parties, living it up with all the luxury he has access to, and at such a young age, he has everything on his fingertips, anyone even! It's just a matter of him choosing what he really wants", she added, straightening herself against the table when Ruby walked back with Max.
"What were you two chatting about?", Ruby asked as she set the drinks on the table, Max doing the same with his.
"I was just telling Y/N how it usually is around here, but tonight they've upped their game because Lando is playing, look at him!", Katie pointed at your boyfriend before she started dancing around.
"He's really fun at these functions", Ruby offered, "looks like it is something he enjoys doing", she said in an earnest tone, and for a few seconds, you wanted to believe she wasn't digging at you like her friend was and was just stating a fact.
Lando had a big smile on his face. His skin was glowing both from his tan and the sheen of the sweat from how warm it was up there, occasionally holding Martin's hand when he hugged him from behind and rested his hand on his sternum. All troubles were put to a halt when he enjoyed his time off with friends doing things he loved.
Once the set was over and the speakers played what you assumed was some random playlist for the moment, Lando and Martin came back to join you at the table, "did you enjoy it, Y/N?", Martin asked.
"I did, it was very good!", you smiled, feeling Lando's hands on your waist before his mouth whispered on your ear, "Hi, baby" and kissed your neck.
"Did you stay here for the whole set?", he wondered, "yes, it looked a little cramped up in there so I stayed here with Max, then Ruby and Katie joined us for a bit", you nodded with your eyes as Katie seemed to notice your eyes on here, waving back at you and Lando.
"Oh, Ruby - she's nice, I met her girlfriend the last time I was here - so that's her friend?", he mused turning fully around to face you.
"Should be, we didn't really talk much", you shrugged your shoulders.
"Did you really enjoy it, Y/N? You can say no and we'll be out of here of you don't want to stay", Lando offered, "I myself am getting quite tired actually", he said as he rested his hand on top of his stomach.
"I did, you did really well up there, and you looked really handsome", you smirked, twirling a curly lock that fell on his forehead.
It didn't take long before people started leaving, the night already mostly done with after Lando danced with you for a bit, noticing you seemed to also have spent most of your battery and wete in deep need of going back home. Bidding goodbye to everyone, you and Lando made your way to his car as he drove you back to his apartment where you had planned to spend the night.
Taking your heels off and putting on your slippers, you waited for Lando to lock the door and join you in the living room, thumbs fiddling with eachother.
Noticing your behaviour, Lando knocked on the door and approached you gently, "You alright, baby? You've been quiet since before we left the club. Is there anything I can do to make you feel better? Is your tummy upset? Or is it your head", he listed the possible causes of your discomfort.
He was however missing the point. It seemed you both missed it until now. For you at least anyway, he still didn't notice it.
Better late than never.
"I'm not judging your choices, it's not my place and definitely not on this... but... do you think we work?", you quesioned, your lips trembling slightly as all emotions seemed to come back to the front. How different you were, how his interests weren't similar to yours, how his happiness was something you were getting in the way of.
"What do you mean if we work?", Lando asked, genuinely not understanding your question.
"We're so different, Lando. Your lifestyle has nothing similar to mine, and I'm not even talking about money - that's a pretty obvious one and something not most humans can do anyway -, I'm talking about being the soul of the party, always ready to go on to the next night out and plan everything surrounding it. I don't do nightlife like you do, I barely do it at all. And that's okay for me as it is okay for you with what you do", you clarified.
"What are you saying, Y/N?", he inquired, a new tone of defensiveness in his voice.
"I'm saying we don't fit together like that", you let the words out, your heart shattering as each syllable came out.
"Y/N, that doesn't mean anything", Lando began, "sure, there are different interests that we don't have in common and that we don't share, but that doesn't make it not work between us! Why would it?", he argued, "it sounds to me like you're calling our relationship out because I like to go out and you don't and I don't agree with it".
"Lando, it hurts, it's painful", you stated, tears falling from your eyes at your admission.
It caught him off guard and his brain shifted somewhere else. To the promise he made you and the promise he made himself. He would never make you hurt and he would never be the cause of your pain.
"Y/N, baby, we can talk about this better when we've gathered our thoughts", he tried even though any suggestion he could make would potentially increase your pain. And he couldn't bear to do that.
"No one would ever see you and see me and say that we were good together, it just took us longer to see what they have noticed so long ago - so much so that they think you deserve someone else", you murmured.
"But I don't need anyone else's opinion when I have you", he mused softly, wanting to take your hand in his but you still fiddled with your thumbs before wiping your cheeks.
"Y/N, I promise that whatever is going on in your head is not the truth - your mins is telling you awful lies. I love you so much and I don't think like that", he tried to reason, "That's not what we are".
"I want to go home", you gulped, "I'm going to get an Uber", you announced, looking at a broken Lando.
"Can I drive you there, please?", he asked, himself feeling like prolonging the argument would only lead to worse but needing to make sure you felt he wouldn't give up, "I'd feel better being in charge of the car taking you home than anyone else at this time", he reasoned.
"You won't ask me anything else? Can we do it in silence?", you asked. The words had a bitter taste on your mouth like they didn't belong there. Chatting with Lando was one of your favourite things in the world, hearing his voice and his giggles, those were the best sounds ever known to man.
"Okay, if that's how you want it", Lando assured, grabbing his keys while you put your shoes back on along with your coat.
The drive to your apartment was agonisingly silent. Lando wanted to ask you where this left your relationship, you wanted to ask him if what he said was true.
"We're here", Lando announced, stopping the car and getting out, waiting for you to get out and meet him by the driver's seat door, "I- Y/N, is this goodbye?", he worked himself up to ask, "because I don't want that, we can talk about his and sort it out, please, this is what we do, love", he pleaded.
"Can we talk about it another day? I can't think straight tonight, and I don't want to say things that will hurt you because of that", you suggested.
"Sure", Lando sighed, "whenever you're ready. I love you, Y/N", he looked into your eyes, refraining from kissing your forehead even though that was all he wanted to do.
"Thank you, for this and for bringing me home, Lan, I love you", you looked back into his eyes.
He was hurt, too, and the last three words you said seemed to have brought anger to the mix as well. There was a grey hue and the sparkle was lost despite the moon glistening.
"Have a good night, baby, I love you more than words can say, and I will fight for you and for us, even if I'm the only one in the battlefield, I'll fight for both of us", he assured.
Part 2
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stuniolvs · 2 months
𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐒 ~ christopher sturniolo
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summary.) chris reads bad comments about himself and you try to figure out what’s wrong.
warnings.) crying, chris being sad,
chris’ eyes watered as his eyes read over the words on his screen.
he was scrolling through the comments on his podcast liking the positive and funny ones, when he stumbled across the not-so-positive ones. now normally chris doesn't read them but he had decided to and it was a bad idea.
has anyone noticed chris is gaining weight?
god chris is so loud its so grading
i dont know how anyone stands chris he’s so loud and unbearable.
as chris read the last one more tears rolled down his face. he immediately thought to his girlfriend, did she think he was annoying?
maybe he should just tone it down. he thought as he closed his eyes and fell asleep.
when he woke up in the morning he turned on his phone and saw a text from you
ill be over in and hour baby 💕
okay see you soon
you furrowed your brows at chris’ dry response. he hadn’t answered your texts last night and now a dry response in the morning? something was definitely up.
as you drove over to chris’ you just enter the door seeing chris and his brothers laying on the couch watching a movie in the background while matt and nick argue about something on the couch.
you glance over at chris and see him not including anything in the conversation and staring at his phone.
“chris! hes in the wrong! right?” nick yells, gesturing with his hands as he speaks.
“sure” chris mutters.
you’re surprised at chris’ response and the fact that nobody has noticed your presence.
“hi baby,” you walk over to chris seeing a beanie on his head and a white blanket draped over his lap.
“hey” he murmurs. “are you okay?” you ask.
chris feels his throat burn at your question. “yep im fine, jus’ tired” he sniffles. “okay,” you whisper laying your head on his shoulder.
a couple hours later you, matt, and nick are talking and chris still hasn’t contributed anything to the conversation.
you give nick a look and look down at chris, then back up at him. when nick shrugs his shoulders you tug chris’ hand “hmm?” he asks.
“c’mon” you tell him still tugging his hand to his room.
“come on lets lay down baby.” you order him and pull him onto your chest.
“okay chris, what’s wrong?”
the second the words leave your mouth tears fill his eyes. “do you think im annoying?” he asks voice breaking. your heart breaks sheeting the boy in front of you. “no chris, why would you say something like that?” you reply
chris hesitates, “there were comments about me” he mumbles passing you his phone.
as your eyes skim over the comments displayed on his phone your eyes tear up. how could people be so rude? “oh baby” you whisper pulling him into your chest, kissing his beanie-covered head.
“chris. you are not annoying, not one bit. you’re my favorite person to be around and i love you so much. also baby you’re fine as fuck so don’t listen to anything they say. you’re the farthest thing from annoying chris. those people who are saying those things are stupid.” you’re cut off by a sob. “baby,” you say worriedly pulling his head up to see tears running down his pink cheeks. “i love you so much baby” he whispers his voice soft and crackly. “i love you more chris and don’t ever believe what they say again m’kay?” he hums in response. you lean in to his lips catching them in a soft kiss. he kisses back it lasts for a couple minutes untill chris pulls away. “im hot.” he pants pulling his black sweatshirt over his head as ripping his beanie off “yes the fuck you are” you mumble under your breath chris blushes and hides his head in the crook of your neck he presses against you so you can feel the heat radiating off his cheeks.
“i love you sweet boy” you whisper
“i love you more baby.”
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apollosfavkiddo · 2 months
just a little drunk - hoo boys
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content: percy jackson, leo valdez, jason grace and frank zhang x drunk!reader, best friends to lovers
warnings: mortal!au, alcohol consumption, dirty jokes, weed consumption, probably cursing.
a/n: i just discovered that i have a massive problem with writing. i literally took half an hour (at least) to write EACH one of those. terrible. just terrible. but i swear im trying to write more, it’s just cause i don’t have much creativity to write 😭
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now playing… party in the USA - miley cyrus
Percy Jackson
He was at the party. Of course he was at the party. Everyone says a party without Percy Jackson is not a party. But he was the DD of the night, so he was completely sober - which was a hard task for the party king.
That, until he saw you. On top of a table. Striping down- wait. Striping down?! Jesus Christ, he left you alone for five minutes- oh, you’re taking your shirt off.
Of course there’s a bunch of assholes standing there, telling you to keep going and screaming obscenities at you. But Percy didn’t have the time to be mad right now, he was too focused on you.
If he got there one second late, he and everyone else in that room would see the black lacy bra you was wearing, but thank goodness he got there before you did it.
“Alright, that’s enough for today, isn’t it, sweetheart?” He said, hugging you from behind and taking a very giggly you off the table. All the boys in the room started ‘booh’ing him, and he just flipped him the finger.
“Perce! I was having funnn!!” You complained, your words sloppy and smudgy as he basically dragged you back to his SUV. He just rolled his eyes and chuckled slightly.
“Y/n/n, you were about to strip in front of a lot of people. I’m sure you’d kill me tomorrow if i let that happen.” He said as he pushed you onto the car and pulled the seat down so you could lay against it.
“Hmm.. Yeah, i’d probably do that.” She said, the smile never leaving her face as she started mumbling random words.
He closed the door and walked towards the driver’s seat. He knew he couldn’t drive you back to his house now, since he had to wait for his friends, so he just turned the air conditioning on and pulled a blanket over you shoulders.
“Sleep for a little. I’ll take you to my home, hm? I’ll take care of you.” He said, taking the loose strands of hair off your face. You were just so pretty it was unbearable.
“Fine.. Thanks, Percy.” She said and drifted off to slumber.
After a few minutes of watching you sleep, he remembered that you’d hate to sleep with make up on, so he looked into the glove compartment and- aha! Of course you had left a few of your wet wipes there.
He started softly running the cloth against your face, cleaning it. When he was finally over, he kissed your nose slightly and smiled to himself, waiting for his friends so he could drive you home aswell.
Jason Grace
He was sleeping, as any normal person would at 2 am. But he was a light sleeper, and he woke up suddenly with his phone raining in his nightstand. He groaned and searched for both his glasses and the phone so he could see who was calling him so late in the night.
When he looked at the phone screen, he frowned in confusion. Why was Kayla calling him, out of nowhere? She usually didn’t call him, unless-
“Kayla?” He said as he picked up the phone, sitting in his bed and rubbing his eyes so he could try and forget the sleepiness that was threatening to win him over.
“Hey, Jason.. uh… i’m sorry for waking you up but, uh… i’m in a party with y/n-“ Y/n and parties? Never ever a good combination. “-And she doesn’t accept to go home unless it’s with you. She’s… drunk. Maybe high, too. Can you pick her up?”
Oh boy, he’d be damned if he wasn’t going to do that. “I’m on my way. Just… send me the address and i be there as soon as possible.”
“Fine- shut up, y/n! Stay here, no-“ And then the call was over.
My god, he thought, what’s she gotten herself into this time?
Kayla sent him the adress and he got into his car - a Lambo, gift from his absent father trying to make up for it - and got in the place the party was happening in less than ten minutes.
The first thing he noticed was the loud noise in the party. The second was you, laid down and making a snow angel in the grass. Funny sight.
“Y/n/n? My god, what in hell are you-“ He got cut off with you getting up and jumping on his arms, hugging him.
“Jase! I didn’t think you’d come!” You said, smiling brightly at your best friend. “Come on, let’s go to the party!”
You tried pulling his hand towards the house, but you weren’t already the strongest while sober, and drunk… e didn’t even flinch.
“No, honey, im taking you back to your house. You got enough drinking for today.” He said, pulling you by the waist towards him and placing you inside the car as you tried your hardest to get back to the party.
“As, come on! Buzzkill!” You whined, crossing your arms and pouting at him.
“Come on, i’ll buy you a slushee. What’d you think?” He asked. You immediately smiled. Drunk you was a very easily distracted person.
“Fine. But we’ll talk about that tomorrow.” He said, squeezing her shoulder softly as he drove towards the gas station.
“Whatever you say. Buzzkill.”
Leo Valdez
He was home watching a dumb tv show. He didn’t really bother with sleeping, since he knew his best friend was going to a party. And you plus party equals to a very drunk mess.
So when he finally got a call, he already knew it was you. It happens that he was right.
“Yes, cariño?” He asked, a smile plastered on his lips as soon as he heard your drunk giggles.
“Can you pick me up, fireboy?” You asked, your voice groggy and smudgy. But he knew it would probably be like that, so he was already expecting it.
“Course i can. Send me the address and i’m on my way.”
“Fine. Bye Valdeeezzzz..” You said before hanging up the phone with giggles and smiles.
He got where you were and you were being supported by one of your friends, who seemed pretty annoyed with the drunk version of you, all smiley and clingy to anyone around.
“Oh, thank god you’re here. I can’t stand her anymore.” Your friend said before basically dragging you towards the boy. “She’s all yours now.”
You were all smiles as you held Leo’s neck and pulled him close to you. “Leooooo! I missd’ ya!”
“Hey, cariño. You’re kinda drunk, aren’t you?” He asked before supporting your weight and taking you towards his car.
“What? Me? Nooo…” You said, giggling. You clearly smelled like pure alcohol.
“Sure you aren’t. Get in there, i’m taking you home.” He said, opening the passanger’s seat for you and placing you inside.
He put on your seat belt and kissed you forehead before walking towards the driver’s seat.
When he got inside the car, you were almost completely dozed off in sleep, trying your hardest to stay awake. He chuckled and turned the air conditioning on so you could rest more comfortably.
“Sleep, y/n/n. I’ll call you when we get home.” He said, the smile never leaving his lips.
Franz Zhang
He’s dead worried that you haven’t gotten home yet. Of course he didn’t knew where you were, cause you didn’t tell him.
Come on, you knew that, if you did tell him, he’d try to stop you.
So why bother?
You were having fun. A really, really good time. That was until your best friend came by with a weird cocktail, which was nothing more than a mix of different types of alcohol and syrup. Really fun.
And that’s when you got drunk and wobbly and you just had to call Frank. Common drunk mistake, isn’t it?
He picked up on the third ring.
“Y/n? My god, are you okay?” He asked, his voice laced with concern. He was so worried about you, cause you weren’t home and you didn’t pick up the phone and just called him out of the blue.
“Frankie!” You said and he could hear the smile in your voice. His concern only grew once he realized you were drunk.
“Y/n, where are you? I’m going to pick you up.” He said, already getting up with the car and house keys in his hand.
“I’m at Louis’ house! We’re having a birthday party!” You said, giggling and smiling brightly at absolutely nothing.
“Fine, i’ll… i’ll be there in ten. Just… don’t do anything stupid, and wait for me, outside the house. Don’t drink anything else and please, for the heavens sake, don’t do drugs.” He pleaded.
“I’m not- Frankie! I’m not on drugs. Please.” You said in a fake annoyed tone and giggled again. He rolled his eyes and sighed, driving towards where you were.
When he got there, he immediately saw you on the backyard, playing probably Pokémon Go and yelling when you finally found a pokémon. He smiled at the sight, and then remembered why he was there.
He walked towards you. When you finally saw him, you smiled widely and jumped in his direction, trying to hug his neck. Which wasn’t easy, as he was a little taller than you.
“Hey.” He said as he leaned down so you could hug him properly.
“Heyyy!!! I missed you!” You said, voice muffled by his shoulder. “Can you take me home? Please? I’m tired.” You said smiling cheekily.
“No.” He said, simply. “I’m taking you to my house today, kay? There’s some of your stuff there, and i can borrow you a shirt so you can sleep. But i’m not leaving you alone in this state.”
“Yay! Sleepover!” You cheered excitedly.
He couldn’t deny that the drunk version of you was very cute.
a/n pt2: did you see what i did there? i cut almost all of them in the middle. two reasons: one, for this not be too big and second i have inspiration to write more. lmk if u want a part 2 of those!!
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