#blacklight au
aether-weather · 4 months
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he got his borgar u guys!!! :DD
fun fact: this shadow design is from an au of mine! i'll probably yap abt it later but rn its 6 am and i have to get up in 20 minutes so. goodnight lmao
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aga-tf-simp · 6 months
Everyone be gangsta til I finish all their designs
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airyal245 · 2 months
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One of my favorite scenes from @amethystfairy1 's TTSBC au
Sketches and critic under cut
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puppetmaster13u · 9 months
Meat Marionette continues lol
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I like to think that the baby robins' chitin and fur mimic exposed musculature, which would help them camouflage with the Hive, but they also have bright wing feathers as a warning. Similarly Bruce has a bright yellow pattern on his wings as a warning of hey, this big predator is venomous so back off.
Bruce's spikes can flatten like quills I think, so he can pick up things and people without worrying about accidentally stabbing whatever is in his hands. He's very careful even if Dick has the habit or leaping into his arms gives him mini heart attacks. Honestly that might be what makes him start carrying him (and the other kids) via his mouth and in the spine cavity.
Eventually Dick will grow and his chitin will darken to his Nightwing colors, but for now he's covered mostly in fine fur and feathers. Though if one looks closely at his wings they'll see there is membrane underneath said feathers. There's also hidden claws between the feathers too similar to Bruce's though less curved. He'll eventually get bigger and evolve more but for now he's a tiny buddy.
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Even with Bruce's cavity, they do still have several bags full of supplies and even more hidden batarangs and other items hidden around the city. Mostly in areas one would need to be able to fly or have very long limbs to reach or even both. Bruce also of course deserves his cloak, long enough to shelter all of the kids, his own or otherwise.
Click on photos for a larger pic
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pspspspsps @phoenixcatch7 I summon thee dear mutual for opinions <3
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cybernightart · 5 months
Cotton tail<3
This took me 3 straight (lol there is nothing straight about this image) days to draw-
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sorry i suck at writing text, but i tried XD Funfact! Did you know that bunnies' mark their territory by rubbing/scratching their chins on stuff! and bears claim territory by rubbing themselves on stuff, scratching stuff, and touching them with their paws (because bears have sent glands in their hands/paws that leave their sent on them) :]
also ill have a post with Freddy's full animatronic design soon!
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wishingstarinajar · 1 year
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The finished commission for plusushii, featuring their Neon Sans and Papyrus~
Thanks for commissioning me!
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nikki-tine · 3 months
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Wanted to post something between comm pieces!
This is Lyor LeDrac, Bori's younger brother and also a Timeline Traveler all his own. He's:
Sans-adjacent, and
Chesire-cat esque in personality.
Aside from this, They've got a bit of a Cat-and-Mouse chase dynamic with my boye Betsalel (My Seven Deadly Sins!Sans) whom I may post the turnaround references of when I get the chance!
Oh, and Lyor uses He/they pronouns c: I figured it'd be neat to switch it up a bit.
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killertoons · 9 months
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Made a reference sheet for imp wally with the finished colors!
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dedcritter · 15 days
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if our love is tragedy
why are you my remedy RAGGHHGGH FUCK
Rainbow dash munchin on sedative Dippin’ dots airbrushed by me on pink silky dress
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lordfreg · 3 months
My blacklight turtles
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So that plot bunny, idea, whatever, I mentioned: It's, mm. Can't decide if it should be an origin story for Agent Phoenix of sorts, or if it should be an Alternate Universe on it's own.
Essentially, Phoenix - a smalltown resident newly working for the local news station (not necessarily as a journalist, however much they wish it were so) - begins to notice something happening in their town. Seemingly overnight, a large company called "Zoraxis" has begun to buy out stores and vacant lots, slowly moving to occupy the town.
Phoenix, though not known at the time as Phoenix, becomes suspicious as the circumstances prove to be more fishy than previously thought.
And as such, being a wannabe-journalist as they are, they set out to investigate!
Which, of course, promptly goes wrong. Some time into observing Zoraxis operations (pretty normal, all things considered, but also definitely a little shady. Papers signed in diner booths, hushed conversations, an odd look on people's faces, money changing hands... nothing incriminating, but most assuredly suspicious.) they begin to notice a pattern - late night goings-on, hidden away from the prying eyes of the public.
So, Phoenix decides to do a bit of a stakeout at one of the warehouses the corporation had acquired. It's a last ditch effort, really, because all the snooping is starting to affect their work and they really don't want to lose this job.
Unfortunately, their persistence pays off! Late at night (or maybe in the early moments of the morning, because honestly it was too dark to read their watch), something shady starts going down. Some sort of delivery, a big truck with boxes of parts.
The drivers step out, and the guards posted at the door (sketchy looking people in dark, loosely fitting clothes who cycle out every once in a while, muttering about the chill in the air and smoking either in silence or in hushed conversation) quickly become distracted talking to the guy after a cursory look at the boxes. Something about money, or missing product, or something - both parties are upset, though the drivers seems far more outraged than the other two.
Phoenix, sensing an opportunity, sneaks up under the cover of night to get a peek at what exactly is being transported in all those boxes while the others are busy arguing, and... that's odd. None of these things seem like they should belong to the company, no matter how many different businesses they're dabbling in. It's all vials of strangely labelled chemicals and mechanical parts which, while perhaps looking like they could belong to a factory or lab, definitely don't belong in a warehouse like this.
As they make a note of it, voices are raised outside, and they peek out at just the right time to watch one of the guards draw a gun and one of the drivers collapse, the other backing up with panicked body language and oh shit they think one of the guards just spotted them.
Phoenix sprints off, followed by angry shouting and gunshots, but managing to get away unharmed. Unfortunately, they later realise they'd dropped their pen - which, of course, has the name of the news station on it.
But hey, at least those guys didn't get a good look at their face! It was far too dark at the time, they think.
And then those guards show up at their job.
And essentially I haven't really settled on if it should be Zoraxis or not - could be some other evil organisation, predating Zor or perhaps simply shut down later on, but! Phoenix eventually loses the job but keeps investigating because the stakes are much higher now and they Have To Keep Going (according to them, at least) which inevitably leads to them getting put in danger and eventually almost dying/getting hurt - at which point they stumble into/get picked up by the Agency.
I will take suggestions and questions because I Think It Would Be Fun
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meow-and-ink-demon · 2 months
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I enjoy drawing this AU
Also - Night is only one who is actually scared of Ripper. For other Ink Demons he is just a big serial killer baby
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everglow-synth · 1 month
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"I'm bisexual. That logic won't work on me."
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lexezombie · 9 months
AU Headcanon: due to the scorp DNA, Mac can pass out/become paralyzed if it gets too cold - so, he uses Max like a heater : )
this leads to boyfriend pile <3
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AU is Earth-5100/Arctic Spider
(yes the designs are heavily inspired by SM:TAS + TSSM)
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sketchbloom · 2 years
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man flies into town, immediately finds the most evil building in the country
goof that took way more time that i'd care to admit, to continue this train of thought while i figure out how i want to write/present the whole au in a coherent fashion
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artoutoftheblue · 1 year
Just a couple of silly goofy bois
Cant forget the part of the crossover when these two became friends
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Blaze belongs to @churchydragon
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