#blue revenge arc
midnight-in-town · 2 months
What did fans in Japan say about Snake?
Hey Anon !
Well, this is a few months old but basically...
1) our!Ciel ordered his servants to return back to him, so some fans said it was foreshadowing that at least one of the servants will not return.
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2) Since Mey was not hurt and Bard was hurt but managed to survive thanks to blood transfusions, then they thought Yana-sensei would probably direct the arc with Finny and Snake in yet another direction for the climax.
Additionally, Finny is stronger than Snake and Snake is the one who has a connection to Doll, whom readers knew was a bizarre doll, so it led Japanese fans to think that Snake might either :
Die despite receiving a blood transfusion
Die but then become a bizarre doll alongside Doll and Joker
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I guess the latest chapter won't be enough to have an answer about Snake's death being definite or not, so we'll just have to see whether Japanese fans were right about Snake becoming another bizarre doll.
Would Yana choose this twist ? Maybe. Real!Ciel's side with UT certainly has the power to turn him into a BD. Would it be fucked up for our!Ciel and his household (minus Seb) to face their former fellow ? Absolutely, which is also why I tend to think the BD!Snake is likelier than Snake "simply" dying.
Finally, like @frederickabberline pointed out, if Snake (whom our!Ciel once called his pet) is paralleling Pluto from the first anime...
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then it's also likely Mey Finny and Bard will team up to put BD!Snake to rest later. </3
I hope it answers your question, have a good weekend Anon. :3
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gojossugarcandy · 2 months
I don't know why I get the feeling that undertaker is one of the Phantomhive's descendent.
Like, there is some relationship between Claudia Phantomhive, Ciel's (and his unnamed twin brother who plays the protagonist all along) grandmother, and undertaker which is like marriage or like undertaker is a member of Phantomhive family or something?
Because he protected Ciel from burning and is like ruining the whole world's dead people and killing living people just to find a way to make the real Ciel live.
Another reason is because it was once said that Shinigami-s were also humans, but they committed a suicide and as a punishment had to collect others souls and witness death until the punishment was over.
Also, in one of the side stories, he cries while seeing Vincent Phantomhive's photo, Ciel and the protagonist's father.
And, please clear this doubt of mine
Is the Blue Revenge Arc, the final arc of black butler?
Because the series is going on since 2006, and it is already like 18 years.
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hayakaws · 9 months
just my two cents but i don't dislike this current arc in the manga. i think it makes perfect sense for us to see the butlers & their backstories, especially right now because ciel is being treated like a fraud who stole and lived off his brother's success. this arc shows us how he recruited his own butlers/comrades and in a way how he built himself a new home/family and regained his family's glory from basically nothing? the monthly updates & short chapters might have been frustrating for some (i just caught up to the manga after binging like 200 chapters) but the direction of the story just makes sense to me
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bitter-rabbitholes · 6 days
ok but seeing doll coming back to life and snake possibly getting reanimated too... I don't think we realized how horrifying this is in context. that means even if you died, you can be brought back to life without your will. it's not the end of your plot line. legit, so many problems ciel "solved" was just killing people willy nilly, without considering other options because he didn't want to think about it, but now he's gonna have to think about it! because it doesnt matter anymore if you kill someone, or you get killed, some freak will build you back from ground up. you can't find relief in death anymore.
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dulcemaiden · 1 year
The coming conflict between O!Ciel and Snake
In the recent events of Doll coming back to the manga and diverse opinions about which side Snake will choose, there is something I haven't seen anyone consider that can become crucial to this dilemma: The mysterious incident of Snake keeping silent about OCiel sneaking into the tents of the first strings in Noah’s ark circus. Why he did?
The anime played for laughs that it was Wordsworth the one who didn't tell and Emily scolded him.
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But in the manga is different, because it was Snake himself. Smile was caught up by Wordsworth, and we all know the rest: Doll found him, grabbed Wordsworth and gave it to Snake telling him to keep the snakes inside his tent (curiously, it's the same snake that Doll caught in F.O.L.)
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Actually, Wordsworth told him that precise moment what was really happening, and Snake seemed nervous and trembling, not knowing what to do: Doll was hiding Smile, who had sneaked into the tents of the first strings. He would have done something about the intruder inmediatly, but this time it was Doll who intervined. Unsure of what to do, he walked away and kept silent about the situation.
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But when Snake got in his tent, his snakes must have told him how they were tied up in knots by Black, and that Smile went to investigate the tents. Given how alarmingly suspicious the situation was, and how all the first strings could be in a potential danger, he finally decided to tell Joker. When he was asked why he took his time to tell them, he couldn't give a proper answer.
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So he only kept silent because of Doll.
If this assumption is correct, the whole dilemma between Snake and OCiel worsens. Unlike the rest of the circus members who irrumpted in Ciel's manor, and Joker who was with Kelvin, Doll was alone at that time, and she was actually the only one who died under OCiel’s command. Snake has seen how skilled is Sebastian when it comes to kill...
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So he won't believe that Doll was a real threat to them. Snake is also aware that she hid Smile from him and his snakes, and from the others first strings in an attempt to protect him, but OCiel still took her life, and that won't be a forgivable thing for Snake.
I've read opinions that in hopes that Snake will keep loyal to OCiel and the servants, expects that he will prefer them because unlike the circus troupe who kept him in the dark, he is one of them now. But maybe that would be underestimating how deep Snake's love for Doll might actually be.
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She was the first one who reached a hand out to him, and she took care for him back then. His first reaction to see her again was to effusively tackle hug her while crying. We still have to see Snake's flashbacks, but from the little we have seen, Doll is practically the main one in his memories when it comes to the circus troupe.
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Maybe there is the possibility that if OCiel explain to Snake about the children's abduction for Kelvin, and how the servants protected themselves and Lizzie, with time Snake will comprehend it, but he still won't comprehend why OCiel spared his life and not Doll's, not after she went out of her way to protect him, because even if Doll tried to kill OCiel later, Snake tried to kill him too.
Even more so, I don't think OCiel will try to justify himself, since he feels guilty about Doll's death.
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Back then, when Snake tried to avenge the circus troupe, OCiel had every reason to kill him: Snake had tried to kill OCiel and killed a guest by mistake, he was not innocent and he was a danger. It is hinted that he let Snake live mainly because he reminded him of Doll.
I would like to point out that OCiel is a more empathetic person than most fans give credit for. He is aware that Doll trusted him and genuinely cared for him back then.
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And he had to got rid of her, seeing her as a sacrifice. Doll's death was one that deeply traumatized OCiel as we see in his nightmare in ch95.
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He probably don't even judge her, as he didn't judge Joker back then, as Yana mentioned in her blog years ago. You can read it in this post traslated by @akumadeenglish.
No matter which way it goes, this conflict will be inevitable, which is really sad for both OCiel and Snake, because they have grown to genuinely care about each other.
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And to finish this post, I personally think that out of all the circus troupe, the fact that it was Doll the one who has returned makes sense from a narrative perspective; because she is the central character between Snake and OCiel: Snake let OCiel had his way in the circus because of Doll, and OCiel let Snake live because of Doll.
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bihastuff · 14 days
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Since the Brighton mission is starting next month , I'm curious to know who is going to be the manager of the hotel we only know that he is a member of the aurora society. Is he an old character or a new one ? Also I want to get more information about the aurora society , so far in the blue revenge arc we got to see some members of the aurora society like the nurse Ada who seems to be a good person , also heathfield who is a member of the house of lords and unfortunately we didn't get to know who fund the orphanage.
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So I first assumed if she were to show up it'd be either the orphanage or the sanatorium cause of the role she was a doctor and her obsession of being a mother
But the reason I feel like she'd be at the hotel would be 1
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This whole thing in the manga basically is my building blocks of upcoming emotion wounds we're gonna feel soon enough, hinting that it may be these people will return aka O!Ciel's biggest regrets in life/people he most likely wishes are still here
Madam Red being there will bring so much more flavor to the arc itself cause of how they last saw each other and just- a LOT
The theme of where she'd be at
H.H. Holmes baby!
H.H. Holmes is a very well known serial killed in the 19th century between 1891 and 1894 killing around 9 but one was legally confirmed. He's most well known for the fact he made a hotel to lure people in and then kill them and sell their bodies/bones to medical students and what nots cause that's what was cool back then I guess
But a lot of you must be wondering, Rae why would this case be related to Madam Red returning in the manga?
Cause H.H. Holmes, himself, was suspected by police, future listeners of his crime, and even his FAMILY to have been Jack The Ripper years prior.
In a journal entry he has it's shown he visited England during the time Jack was ripping away in the same location of White Chapel where the murders happened. Not to mention he was a medical professional
And where's the next location gonna be??
I know logically it wouldn't make sense in timeline of history but they mentioned Mustard Gas which was a weapon in WW1 and WW2 so-
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existingtm · 2 years
I’m so excited to see how Lizzie’s character develops more in this arc, particularly regarding her relationships with the twins!
It’s going to be interesting to see her wrestle with having gotten to know O!Ciel while thinking he was R!Ciel. I have a feeling she’s going to face some disappointment with what R!Ciel is actually like when she spends more time with him.
From what we’ve seen so far, R!Ciel doesn’t seem to have developed the skills, mindset, or maturity that O!Ciel has (which makes sense considering the circumstances). I bet we’re going to see him start to get overwhelmed by the expectations built up by O!Ciel’s work (which we’ve already seen happen a bit).
Back to how this relates to Lizzie, I have a feeling his emotional intelligence isn’t as developed either (which again makes sense given the circumstances). O!Ciel got to know Lizzie with more depth. He’s seen beyond her shield of cuteness and come to respect and understand her in a way R!Ciel hasn’t. I watched Book of the Atlantic the other day since I’d caught up on the manga and hadn’t finished the anime. Seeing that particular scene again (Ch. 58 in the manga), where we see how Lizzie’s insecurities developed, made me realize that R!Ciel hasn’t really gotten to know her since he had that mindset.
I have a feeling Lizzie’s going to try to connect with R!Ciel and end up disappointed that he’s not more like O!Ciel. That would be a fun conflict to see! It’ll also be interesting to see where R!Ciel goes from here. Will he grow better or will he succumb to his flaws?
Regardless, I definitely think Lizzie’s going to have to face some more tough times ahead.
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eemoo1o-animoo · 1 year
For such a homophobe, Ciel sure as hell hasn’t made very straight decisions (bard & lau and mey rin & ran mao)
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midnight-in-town · 10 days
hello i hope you are well!
have you seen the newest art yana posted where sebastian is cutting a white lilium flower?
throughout the manga and other artworks, we have seen this flower associated with the undertaker so sebastian cutting this flower doesn’t seem to be saying anything good for him. i mean it’s obvious, being the main character, sebastian would obviously prevail in a future final battle but still it is worrisome 🥲
i don’t think we’ll get to that point any soon seeing that a mini arc of flashbacks is currently ongoing but i just hope, after we get his backstory, the undertaker will not be killed (if he can be killed) 😢😢😢😢😢😢
thank you for your reply in advance 😊
Hey Anon ! Sorry for the slight delay, I'm alright but very busy. :)) I hope you're okay too !
So I'm assuming you're talking about the cover of the new Gfantasy volume ?
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I'm notoriously bad at flower recognition and language, so I can't say I noticed it being associated with UT specifically, but I'll take your word for it. xD
That being said, it's not particularly surprising, if this flower is supposed to "represent" UT in some ways. After all, the twins are in a chess game like conflict and Seb and UT are a main asset to each of their side, so an upcoming confrontation between the two is likely.
Additionally, the story does call for the Bizarre Dolls project led by UT to fail, so Seb cutting "UT's flower" makes sense on all accounts.
Lastly, I wouldn't worry about UT being killed or disappearing from the story, even if his BD project fails: after all, UT and Seb are enemies on another level, which is when it comes to our!Ciel's soul.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, there is no way UT favors real!Ciel over our!Ciel. Currently real!Ciel needs him more, since he's still dependent on blood transfusions amongst other things, but UT also doesn't want Seb to eat Ciel's soul :
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UT momentarily tolerates Seb's presence because, until our!Ciel figures out who killed their parents, Seb acts as his shield and is bound not to touch his soul. So, against a foe like Queen Victoria whom UT is also against, Seb is useful. But UT and Seb are still enemies when it comes to the contract with our!Ciel and UT will probably remain important to the story until we get to that point.
So don't worry, we haven't seen the last of UT. ;) And don't immediately expect that, because Seb is the main character, he'll eventually reach his goal (eating Ciel's soul). I for one am not that sure. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I hope I answered your question ! Have a nice day, Anon. :))
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snarfrans · 5 months
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kaiiscottage · 2 months
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askblueandviolet · 3 months
what do you think abt lbd being gone ??? would u reenacther plan abt destiny and all, yk ???
she ded ded 💀💀💀
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bitter-rabbitholes · 6 days
gonna be honest... I think the most interesting person to come back as a bizarre doll is joker. I know we're excited to see madame red again and doll kinda covers the circus arc but!
I feel like... there isn't much development that can happen with these two off the bat. After coming back to life, what kind of conclusions would they come to? they won't see themselves in the wrong or want to change. they'll look at the past and think, "I died because I was weak. because i cared for ciel too much. but I'm alive again and I'll never make the same mistake. I'll never hesistate again."
but joker? joker genuinely seemed to be on the edge of changing his ways before he died. like he knows the whole truth of what baron kelvin did. he knows about the arm prosthetics, the cult, and implicitly all the horror of what happened to ciel. He's the only one that showed so much regret for what he did and lost everything. what would happen if he came back? would he really just get mindless revenge against ciel?
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