#bobadinluke day
darkisrising · 5 months
Fond Farewell from the BobaDinLuke discord server
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For those that might not have seen the original message on discord, we are going to be shutting down the BobaDinLuke server on
Friday Feb 2, 2024
Everyone that's currently a member is cordially invited to join us on that day for one last Friday Dance Party before I send our server-- lovingly-- into the great beyond.
It has been an absolute honor to host so many amazing talents and humans who contributed their art, care, and attention over the last few years, making the BDL server into a truly magical place to be. But, alas, the time has come to blast it into oblivion, Razor Crest-style.
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In the meantime, please reblog so we can get the word out, and then stop in, say good-bye, and pick up anything you might have left laying around. Love and beskar, Your Mod'alor Dark. (art credit goes to the indomitable @maikaartwork )
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darkrpfinder · 3 months
Hello there! I'm a 20 year old (he/they) searching for long term rp partners who are preferably queer (I am trans and just generally looking for queer friends). I am in college so there might be weeks where I am a little spotty with replies, but I usually reply once a day at minimum, and I will always let you know if I cannot reply.
I am literate, and usually write 2-4 paragraphs (depending on what is happening, ie shorter paragraphs for a face-paced scene).  I prefer to do rp on discord, but I am open to something new. 18+ is a must, not just for NSFW, I just don’t feel comfortable doing rp with minors. In the event of NSFW stuff, kinks and boundaries will be discussed before anything, although I am pretty open to lots of stuff. I love slowburn, enemies to lovers, and drama. I almost always play male characters, with a few exceptions, and prefer m/m, but I am willing to negotiate.
I am open to fandom stuff, or I would love to do a D&D type setting. I can do oc x oc, canon x canon, or oc x canon, although I would prefer not to be the canon character every time. You write a canon character for my oc and I will write a canon character for your oc. Also I am absolutely willing to double up for side characters and stuff. 
Fandoms I roleplay and who I will write as, characters that I am best at have stars around them.
*Marauders* (*Remus Lupin*, James Potter, Lily Evans, possibly others feel free to ask)
*Grishaverse* (Any of the crows tbh, especially for poly crows, or ocs)
Marvel (Moon knight, *Matt Murdock*, young avengers oc)
Spiderverse (Specifically my spidersona)
*Star Wars* (I love star wars I will do any timeline or character, Bobadinluke, post 66 jedi oc, bounty hunter oc)
Dune (House Fenring oc and house Ordos oc)
Monster High (I did this once for shits and giggles, and it was so much fun, absolutely willing to negotiate scenarios)
Gravity falls (I did this once for shits and giggles, and it was so much fun, absolutely willing to negotiate scenarios)
*Percy Jackson* (books, but also would love to talk about the tv show, solangelo or ocs)
Mafia? (I have a mafia character if you want him)
D&D (I have so many characters, feel free to ask)
I am really open to a lot of stuff, just reach out and I am happy to negotiate
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missypup · 2 years
Day Six: Mandalorian Courting customs
My day 6 fill for @dinlukepositivityweek is up on AO3! I did a BobaDinLuke fic for this one and it makes my heart light ❤️ But also in a style I’ve never done before. Check it out if it seems interesting to you! ☺️
The journey from interest to three crowns. How Mandalore not only gained one ruler, but three, and forged a peace felt through the galaxy. ((Read “Kyber and Beskar” Here!))
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thornescratch · 2 years
Desert Solitaire for the ask/fic meme, because I don't know SW but I love Edward Abbey :)
Sorry I'm so slow with this, I currently only have the time/mental bandwidth to answer one or two a day and I didn't want to flood anyone's TL with my dumbass fic answers. I suspect by the time I finish writing that, the title will no longer fit, but I do love me some Edward Abbey also. ANYWAY.
That's a story I started on the Bobadinluke discord server for one of the weekly prompts (blue milk? I think. It gets mentioned like once and then it's all about an Luke as a desperate baby gay who wants to climb Cobb like a tree, and who could blame him. And then, the inevitable meetup ten or so years down the road when Luke's had his glow-up and is also possibly sleeping with the dude who helped Cobb blow up a krayt dragon) and then, as per usual, it grew into something longer. Mainly because I think there's a disappointing lack of CobbLuke and DinLukeCobb in general in the world. We must fill voids where we can.
There's not really a ton of plot to it; it's mainly an excuse for figuring out fucking logistics in a threesome where one person can't take off their helmet and make heavy handed desert metaphors.
Cobb considers himself a simple man: he's found most problems can be solved by shooting or fucking, and since shooting is definitely off the table in this situation, Cobb promptly switches right over to fucking. Or the prelude to fucking, anyway. There are rules in the desert. Hospitality comes first, no matter what.
He does most of his talking and business as Marshal in the cantina; personal affairs deserve a more private setting. Cobb rarely has enough company in his home to warrant owning more than two chairs, let alone having three of them in his small living area, but he gives the couch to his guests, and drags one of the kitchen chairs in to sit across from them, planting the spotchka bottle on the small table between them.
Skywalker—Luke—sits next to him, hands folded almost primly in his lap. Out of the cloak, he's slighter than the impression he gives off. Maybe an inch or so taller than the last time Cobb had him pressed up against an alley wall behind a cantina, but not much more. Cobb remembers his hair being lighter and longer, bleached by Tatooine sunlight instead of the darker gold it shades to now. Like sand dunes in the evening, instead of high morning. There are a few faint scars scattered on his face—a mark below the right corner of his lip, a small diagonal scar on his right cheek, and another on his chin, but it's still a youthful face that probably still prompts age checks at cantinas more often than it doesn't.
His eyes, though. That's where the years are hiding. They're the same startling blue as Cobb remembers, and only a few lines at the corners, but they're nowhere near as naïve and unexperienced as before. They follow every move Cobb makes, but the jumpiness is gone. He's almost as still as Mando; despite their physical differences, they make for an interesting matched pair.
Speaking of whom.
Mando hasn't said too much since the unexpected reunion, despite the fact Cobb had had the distinct impression it was his business that brought him back here to Mos Pelgo. He does tilt his head slightly at the bottle, and then back at Cobb.
"Weequay sent a straw for you, Mando. No excuses this time," Cobb says, and cracks open the bottle to pour.
Mando makes a non-committal noise. "I have things to discuss with you," he says.
"Hospitality first," Cobb says, and tips the last of the spotchka into the third glass before plunking the straw in it with aplomb. "And there we go. Spotchka follows the rule of three, and here we are, three of us. Must be fate."
"How's that work," Mando says flatly.
"Well," Cobb says, "To start, there's about three full glasses of spotchka per bottle, and one glass'll do you just fine in terms of feeling good. You got four people, well, then you might not get drunk enough. And with two people, you might get too drunk."
He picks up the glass with a straw in his right hand and another glass in his left, proffering them to Mando and Luke respectively. When Luke takes his, their fingertips touch, and Cobb smiles at him. Luke's gaze flicks up to meet his for a heartbeat before dropping down again, looking at his glass while one corner of his mouth curls up.
Mando doesn't take his yet. "I don't remember any rule of three the first time you offered me spotchka," he says.
"Of course not." Cobb says. "You walked into the cantina looking all fit and ready to kill. I figured I'd try to get you drinking so if it came to a fight, I'd have an advantage. That's just being sensible, Mando."
Next to him, Luke makes a quiet huff of laughter but he's still looking down. Mando tilts his head incrementally again, but eventually he reaches out and takes the glass. Cobb sits down and picks up his own glass.
"And anyway. Three people makes for more interesting conversations all around, and with a third person, you got someone who can tiebreak or peace-make if you get into an argument," Cobb says. He raises the glass and takes a sip, licks his lips and raises one brow. "Or do other things."
"I'll bet," Mando says, voice dryer than the Dune Sea.
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treescape · 2 years
bedtime stories
A double drabble written for my friend @darkisrising for the one year anniversary of the BobaDinLuke server:
Din finishes his story, voice fading away in the early evening light. Grogu blinks up at him once, twice, and then claps his hands together excitedly in applause.
Luke, on the other hand, shoots him a carefully dubious look. “Are you sure the Mandalorian Civil War is an appropriate bedtime story?”
Eyes narrowing, Din looks at the Jedi sitting on the other end of the couch. “You told him the story about how you were almost eaten by Ewoks,” he accuses.
“And you’re both going to lose,” Boba says from where he sits between them. “Amateurs. Read it and weep.” He angles a familiar, well-worn book so that they can both see the cover—not that they need to—and then holds it up for Grogu’s inspection. Grogu starts bouncing up and down in Din’s lap with unqualified glee, ears twitching in anticipation, and Din and Luke share a resigned look over Boba’s head.
“Here we go again,” Din says half-heartedly.
“Force damn it,” Luke grumbles under his breath.
Boba just smiles serenely (and more than a little smugly), cracks open the spine of Bantha Makes a Friend, and settles in to handily win the nightly bedtime story competition.
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maikaartwork · 2 years
As my gift to the BobaDinLuke community on the anniversary of my favorite Discord server, I present y first smut fic, six months in the making. 
Happy BDL Day, and thank you all for being there! @darkisrising - thank you for creating this incredible space!
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stupidfatpenguin · 3 years
@darkisrising Bobadinluke and "negotiating"... whatever that means to you
you know what I wanted sexy negotiations for this, and all I got is “if sw was an action flick” dialogue (featuring some competence kink if you squint really hard).
Din lowers his scope, exhaling in frustration. “Ok. We’ll go from up top. See if we can’t find another way in.”
“The cliff-side windows?” Boba snorts, disproving. “Too noisy. Might as well just blast the doors.”
“We don’t know how many—”
“Eleven,” Luke chimes in, helpful.
“Alright, so eleven smugglers who know we’re coming and will have all their firepower concentrated on the door if we slice it open. Dozens more will come crawling out from underground when they hear the commotion.”
“Not if we blast it hard enough,” Boba grumbles. “We could bring the roof down on them. Bit messier but saves time.”
“If we can’t control the collapse, we have no guarantee there won’t be innocent casualties.”
“Well why don’t you come up with a better plan then, Mand’alor?”
“I did. We find another way in.”
“And I said, they’ll hear us coming before we can even get one shot in. Better to go in blasters blazing.”
“We don’t have enough firepower to keep them blazing until we can get out of here with the targets secured.”
“Isn’t that why we brought a Jedi? Have him hold them back until we’re out.”
“It’s too risky.”
“What’s risky is staying here for much longer without doing anything.”
“Then let’s move up top and get this over with—”
A loud clank beyond the doors and the muffled sounds of blaster-fire interrupt their argument, but it lasts only for a few seconds before falling silent. The durasteel then slides apart, and Din and Boba both lift their blasters only to lower them again when the cloaked form of their Jedi emerges from the sparks and smoke, calm and triumphant—an easy smile on his face, but eyes glittering with the exertion of combat and something like mischief.
(And because this isn’t the first time, neither of them is really all that surprised.)
“I hope you don’t mind if I cut your negotiations short, but I just finished my own,” Luke quips, clipping his lightsaber back onto his belt. “You were both right, by the way. The windows were a good call. And the two of you would have been too noisy.”
(I need to be stricter with my word limits next time, I think)
Send me a warm-up prompt? ♡
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omaano · 2 years
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As I've gathered Star Wars is about shipping people with a good couple of hours of shut eye, possibly in a pile. Mandatory naps seem to be like a good idea for the Galaxy as a whole
I'm a little bummed that I could only get my sketch to this stage, but there were too many legs and hands in this picture and the deadline of BobaDinLuke Day coming up could only motivate me so much ^^;
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thewriterowl · 2 years
I mean if you’re doing prompts 👀 12 and 19 from caretaker for DinLuke (or BobaDinLuke) if you feel like it?
lol i wasn't planning to do too many as I need to catch up on asks and try and get more done of Shadows and, what was that other thing....oh yeah, actually work on my job (i don't wanna) buuuuuut.....for Inky and for such a good prompt.... :D kay
Caretaker, 12: “Drink this. Don't argue with me.”
Caretaker, 19: “This will help, I promise.”
Notes: Pre-relationship, fluff, Luke is an insecure brat, Din is a daddy
He was feverish and it made something akin to rage spark in his chest.
Luke had pushed himself too far and too hard again.
The man was an adult. He was a Jedi. A warrior that matched Din's own who had survived battles and a great war. Who faced evil and came out painted with scars that told Din's stories of his glory. He was a teacher who guided Grogu so well and even managed to keep Din, who was known to be hard-headed at times, focused on becoming a master of saber-work.
He woke up on his own and meditated. He cooked. He cared for the droids, for Grogu, and Din himself. He could take apart a ship and put it back again no problem. He could lift a boulder and crush it with his mind, stand on his hands for hours, and knew when and when not to fight.
He was an adult.
Yet, in this state, Din would second guess that concept.
Luke never knew when to stop. He always had to push. Always had to be some insecure, self-righteous being that needed to help others but refused to get help himself. He wouldn't eat at times. He wouldn't sleep other times. He'd stick to himself to feel sad and alone. And he would do anything to save someone else...anything.
Including put himself in such a state.
He looked small under the thin blankets of Din's bunk--Din refused to let him sleep in the X-Wing or on the ground in this state. His fever spiked high and his body shivering. He was pale and clearly in pain but Din didn't know if it was from aches, the scars, or something more associated with the Force.
Din found he couldn't care.
"Luke, this will help, I promise." He urged putting the broth up to the man's lips.
The blond had the audacity to look embarrassed about being tended to.
"Luke." He warned.
"W-What happened to calling me Skywalker?" He groaned through chattering teeth.
"It happened when you decided to push yourself and worry my son because you are a self sacrificing fool. Drink."
Luke scrunched his nose up at the thought of eating.
Too bad.
"You've gone two days without eating. You're not going any longer. Drink this. Don't argue with me."
He just sighed in defeat and took timid sips as told. He flinched slightly at the taste, probably a shock to his system to have nutrients press against his tongue, but continued without argument. He was only, if barely, half way through when he pulled back.
"You can take breather for now, but you are not stopping. You're drinking all of this."
He groaned.
"Take all the tone you want, Luke. I can handle Grogu when he tantrums. You won't be any issue."
His already flushed cheeks went hotter and he looked away. "I-I can take care of myself."
"Noted. Don't care."
Luke just gave him a meek pout and behind the visor, Din's lips twitched.
He needed to remind himself once again this was an adult who could hand his ass to him.
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darkisrising · 2 months
(But also I'm greedy and if you want to do Never Leaving Well Enough Alone, I have a special soft spot for that one since it's one of the first ones of yours I ever read.)
(link to game if anyone wants to play)
Sure thing, friend! Never Leaving Well Enough Alone was one of my first attempts at writing in the Mandalorian world. My friend @treescape was writing dinluke and was talking about how active the ship was (back in those early days, circa 2021). Since I was writing quiobi where we were small but very engaged, I was intrigued by this phenomenon of hordes of ppl reading a single fic at once, but made the off hand comment that I doubted I was good for writing any other ship, since I'd only just returned to writing fanfic and still was in my painfully insecure era. But then she said something along the line of (back then) there being very little explicit content for the ship (oooooooh how the tables have turned on THAT lmaoo) and I had this moment of "well... I can write sex at the very least?" so my first few dinluke I went into them with the very clear objective to sex them up more than the landscape at the time was doing, since I *think* if I recall that the emphasis on the ship back then was more on Luke as a potential second dad for Grogu... very romancing the single dad vibes... and mando was essentially one big walking chastity belt.
NLWEA was basically me throwing a chunk of sex into the ship, and then I was gonna run away and hide. At least, that was my plan. So it's a 5+1 time structure, with the idea that they kept running into each other, and then at some point they would have sex. That's... pretty much it. I knew Luke because I went through a hard core OT phases back when the OT was re-released, and I like my Luke as the mouthy Tattooine "what a hunk of junk" farmboy so that's what I wanted to play with in this one. Han's ride or die. Leia's headache of a trouble-magnet brother. I don't think I'd even managed to watch all the episodes of Mando season 1 when I wrote this, let alone 2, but I liked the eternally exhausted freelancer in a gig economy bounty hunter we first meet in the show and figured meh. Why not give it a whirl? The sheer shock of waking up from throwing a post up on ao3 and getting the kudos email the next day. I mean. I can't overstress how MANY readers there were back then. Just. Mindbreaking amounts. I went from quiobi where a hundred kudos was like "oh man, yes, yay, I'm so proud of myself" to just. *hundreds* upon hundreds at once. It was... well. Yeah. Addictive to chase that validation. That's probably not what you're supposed to say when it comes to writing fic, that you got swept up in the attention, but it is what it is. I did. And it was very *very* fun to be participating in a fandom like that, when there's interest and energy, and so so so SO many talented people working at once at a frantic pace. It was such a rush.
I wrote without a really clear idea of where the story was going, except for the structure. As I wrote I was also watching the last few episodes of Mando season 2, and when I watched the episodes with cgi Luke I was like oh huh this isn't really the Luke I remember at all. Part of the lack of affectation was the cgi, but I liked the idea of trying to thread the needle between young Luke and Jedi "stoically driven by the force" Luke, so that's where chapter 4 changes mood from hijinks Luke to reserved Luke. And then, that let me have some fun with the idea that Luke was so consumed/inebriated with the force he absolutely didnt recognize Din from his younger days. Which made the reveal that Din knew extra fun to play with in the next chapter. Chapter 5 also happens to be the first time I wrote Boba Fett, and may *that* be noted by the historians, because I fell in deep, deep love with that man from that moment on. Which eventually led us to the BobaDinLuke stuff that took over my life for the last few years 😆
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mykingdomforasong · 2 years
Gluten_Full Fic Masterpost
Name on AO3: Gluten_Full (35 Fics total) Notes: this is not a complete list
Tumblr: Mykingdomforasong
Fandoms: Star Wars OT, The Mandalorian, The Book of Boba Fett
Ships listed: DinLuke, SkySolo, DinCobb, DinHan, DinLukeHan, BobaDinLuke, BobaDinFennec, NiteArmor (Bo-Katan/The Armorer)
My Tumblr Writing Tag
More Light Than Heat
E, Complete (6/6)
If everything went according to plan, Luke would be engaged by the end of the day. He would meet his husband today. He didn’t even know what he looked like. ~*~*~ In an effort to help the recovering planet Mandalore, the Republic agrees to an arranged marriage between the Mand'alor and one of their most eligible bachelors: Luke Skywalker, son of Padme and Anakin. The only hurdle in this match is that the Mand'alor does not speak basic, and Luke does not speak Mando'a.
E, Complete (1/1)
If there was any one thing that would get Din to join the Rebellion it was this pretty boy who had shown up on the holo-net out of nowhere. He was an X-Wing pilot, judging by the uniform - a tight orange jumpsuit, tousled hair, and a face too pretty for war, in Din’s opinion.
Din spends years looking at and fantasizing about the Rebellion pin-up boy, only to find out nearly a decade later that his flyboy fantasy is the last Jedi and his son's new teacher.
The Princeling
M, Complete (1/1)
“There’s a catch,” Karga had told him when he accepted the puck. “He has to be brought in warm. He’s no use to the client dead.” He was bait, Karga explained, to get to his mother, the senator. “He’s not much of a fighter,” Karga assured him. “But …” Din leaned back, ready for whatever other tip he had for him. “He likes men. Too much for his own good, from what the net says. Shouldn’t be hard for you to … make an impression.”  ~ Din is tasked with brining in a warm bounty. He's promised it should be easy, but the princeling is more than Din bargained for.
Love Me in the Dark
T, Complete (1/1)
No one - not his sister, his friends, or his dad - knew that Luke was gay. No one, except, now, Din Djarin. He never should have come here tonight. He had seen the flyer for a “Queer Poetry Slam” in the bathroom of a coffee shop a block away, and he’d pocketed it. It had taken him all week to build up the courage to come. And now he was in a basement listening to gay poets read gay poetry. And Din Djarin was watching him.
"I won't tell anyone," Din promised him. "Do you want a ride home?"
Two You Owe Me
E, Complete (3/3)
They had been in the cockpit just a few minutes before. Han was showing Luke some of the Falcon’s modified bells and whistles. And if he had been flirting, who could blame him? He liked a pretty boy with a bratty attitude. But they rarely liked him back. Luke did, though. -- Han gets Luke a little too worked up right before the Medal Ceremony on Yavin 4.
E, Complete (1/1)
“I’ve never worked for a Lord before,” Luke explained, turning towards him. “Not very clear on the rules.”
“I’ll have someone explain them to you, then,” Han said. ~ Luke is the new stable boy at Han's estate, and while he's great with the horses, he's not as skilled with the manners. Han can't say it bothers him, though.
Love Like Rain
T, Complete (1/1)
Luke’s heart rate rose, and he stopped him again. “What if I hurt you?” Han almost laughed, but Luke kept looking at him, as serious as ever. The Force was a powerful thing, and it all seemed to concentrate within him now, moving in, around, and through him like a cyclone. “You could never,” Han said. “I could,” Han took Luke’s hands and pulled him forward. Luke let himself fall, coming to a stop just above Han. “It’s your imagination, kid.”
Do What He Wills
T, Complete (1)
Nothing is permanent - not the Jedi, not Han, not himself. Everything would be what it would be, and then pass into the Force. But the Force hadn’t willed their passing yet; it had brought them back together. This moment would end too, but enjoying the present was not coveting permanence. And so Luke leaned into the present moment with all the love and joy he could offer. ~*~ Han and Luke work to reconcile their relationship and Jedi teachings
Warmed Up
E, Complete (1/1)
Din looked down at him, armor dripping. "Sorry, I didn't know it would rain." He held out his hand to help Cobb up.  "Don't be. Never seen anything like it in my life."  "Let's get you out of those wet clothes," Din said. That alone warmed something up deep inside him. ~*~*~ Din and Cobb get caught in some cold rain and have to find creative ways of warming one another up.
Like To Watch?
E, Complete (1/1)
Din had been lifting him helmet to his nose to drink with Cobb. Between that little exposure and his name, … well, Cobb did sure feel like tonight was something special.
Din lowered his helmet and relaxed back in his chair, his hands resting on his belt.
“Whatcha thinkin’ about, Mando?” Cobb asked. Din tilted his head.
“What are you thinking about, Vanth?”
~ Or, Cobb learns that Din likes to watch.
Lean On You
T, Complete (1/1)
Cobb’s eyes went wide when he saw Mando step into the cantina. He stood up quick, one arm out stretched to shake the man’s hand again. Mando took his hand, squeezing it tight for a moment before dropping it.
“I hoped I’d see you again, Mando,” Cobb said.
He nodded. “I need a place to lay low for a while,” he said, “is it okay if I lean on you?”
Should We?
E, Complete (1/1)
Din visits a Tatooine cantina, hoping to throw back some drinks to help him cope with the loss of Grogu. He meets a lonely stranger, and they find ways to comfort each other.
Take a Look
T, Complete (1/1)
Han winced as he watched Mando shock himself with a cauterizer. The cut across the front of his thigh looked pretty bad from where Han was sitting, but Mando hadn’t let Han within five feet of him to try and help. So Han just stood across from where Mando was sitting in the Falcon’s lounge chair, zapping away at himself.
“I’ve got some better first aid skills than that,” he gestured to the cauterizer. When Mando didn’t say anything back, Han just got the Falcon’s first aid kit himself. “Come on,” Han said, placing the kit down on the table. “Will you let me take a look?”
The Smuggler
E, Complete (1/1)
Din hadn’t expected him to be such a generous lover. His swagger gave off the attitude of a man who would do just enough for Din; just enough to scratch the itch that had been building for a few days.
So this was a welcome surprise.
It's Always Sunny on Yavin 4 (Drabble Collection)
M, Incomplete (18/?)
A series of one shots and drabbles about Din/Luke/Han or skymandolo.
Ch 1: Hyperspace
Din wasn’t even looking at him, just watching the whirl of hyperspace.
“Luke’s been complaining that he doesn’t get off planet a lot anymore, with the school and everything,” Din said.
E, Complete (1/1)
Luke was late getting back from some important Jedi field trip with all the kids that Han and Din had not been not allowed to participate in.
Thankfully they had no problem entertaining themselves. ~ Din and Han have a way to mutually satisfy their own desires while they wait for Luke to come home.
Illusions of Someday
T, Complete (1/1)
“I wanted to get back at them. And I did. Within days, I made them hurt. After that, though, everyone looked at me like some magic, flawless hero. Or they looked at me like some up-jumped farmboy who got lucky. You and Leia were the only ones who looked at me with respect. And not just because I’d blown up a Death Star, but because I was ... “
“You were good,” Han offered. ~*~*~ Nine scenes from Luke's life with the people he loves.
Sky's the Limit
E, Complete (1/1)
When Han caught Luke and the Mando, he shouldn’t have been surprised. Han knew from his own experience that Luke had a thing for getting off where he could easily get caught. Nearly-empty hallways weren't the exception, they were the rule.
“One of these days, kid, I’m gonna catch you two and insist on joining,” he threatened.
Other Ships
If You Know Where to Look
BobaDinFennec, M, Complete (1/1)
"I'm looking for work," the Mandalorian said. His unmodified voice was the way she remembered it, warmer and more pleasant than the metallic clamor of his voice under the helmet.
Seducing Din Djarin was the easiest thing either of them had done all week.
Ashes In the Wake
BobaDinLuke, T, Complete (1/1)
The Sarlac building had been an old fire safety hazard downtown for years, but no matter how many fines they hit the old man with, he never took care of it. Now it was rubble; rubble his  brother had pulled him out of already half-dead. After three weeks in the hospital doing skin grafts, burn treatments, pain management, and casting his broken femur, the doctors were sure his injuries weren’t going to kill him. They hadn’t been so sure about that the first few days, he’d been told. He wouldn’t know. He hadn’t been conscious.  ~*~ Boba is healing, and his husbands and son offer some excellent medical care.
Great Find
BobaDinLuke, E, Complete (1/1)
The pool had been Luke’s discovery. Behind the waterfall on Yavin IV, there was a shallow cave, with pools of hot spring water that bubbled up from deep under the surface Yavin IV. He waded into them naked, not shying away from the comfort of their volcanic warmth, ready to float away and stay in the cave forever.
When he finally emerged, he commed his partners, still naked and dripping for their benefit more than his. He got them back to the moon quickly with the promise of necessary relaxation from their desert worlds.
“And more wet, naked Jedi, I hope,” Boba added.
Luke smiled. “Of course.”
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myckicade · 2 years
Let me first just say that y'all are incredible. Second, let me warn you that this is a lengthy little ramble from my unfocused, slow-day-at-work brain.
I've been on a wild journey, these last few weeks. I've been a Star Wars fan for many moons, but - somehow - I never really got into shipping/fanfiction/all the good stuff. (Okay, years ago, I think I read an Obi-wan/OC fic that was never finished, but still). Let me tell you, that has changed.
I started off in BobaDin. And, yo, was I a happy girl! Post-TBoBF, how could I not love them? I figured, hell, I'd found a camp to set up in. Sounded beautiful. And it was. So much content, I was just beside myself with glee.
Then... Then... The Jedi arrived. I skittered, face-first, right smack dab into BobaDinLuke. No clue how. It just freaking happened. I must be on an OT3 kick, because BaronWinterFalcon/SamBuckyZemo was my only OT3 love. But, it was undeniable, and wonderful, and it got me writing for the fandom.
Eventually, I realized that I was craving just BobaLuke. And hell, I have no idea why poor Din got the axe, but he did. This ship, damn, it had me rolling around on the bed, giggling like a teenager. I haven't done that in years. (I'm in my thirties).
Last night, I read robinasnyder's Living Wake, (if you haven't, go do it - NOW) and while it killed my heart (in a beautiful way) and truly left me sobbing, it also pulled me into...
...-DinCobb. Where the fuck has this ship been, that I wasn't on it? I've sailed around the rest of the galaxy, why not with these two?! (I'm totally yelling at myself, no one else). It certainly explains why my brain was okay with Din getting booted from previous ships. I still love him in them, but this one just... *sighs, dreamily*
Now, all that's left to do is put them all together. So says my brain, and so shall it be done. (Which basically means that I'll be trying to get AO3 to work on my phone, come lunch time).
So, my thanks to all of the wonderful content creators out there. You and your breathtakingly beautiful works have truly made this last month-or-so a joyous one! I look forward to seeing so many more, as we await another installment.
P.S. This changes nothing of the fic requests in my inbox! I still love ALL of these pairings. And, feel free to add to them! I love having options!
Edit: I... I tried BobaCobb while I was on lunch... Send help... <3 <3 ...
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purplesauris · 3 years
Okay @willowcrowned buckle up. This is entirely because of @bronze-lorica (it’s her idea, really I’m just crazy) it’s dinluke (maybe bobadinluke we’ll see)
Luke and Leia grow up on Naboo with Padme and Anakin
They have handmaidens that they switch out around, hiding in plain sight
Leia and Luke share their handmaidens when they’re young- they look remarkably similar when dressed up, though up close Leia’s eyes are brown and luke’s blue, duh
They get past this by all wearing some kind of veil- handmaiden and prince-princess alike
more below the cut!!
Luke and Leia are able to switch between each other, and commonly borrow handmaidens until Luke hits his growth spurt and Leia…. Doesn’t
They do it mostly as a defense mechanism because of the whole Padme/Anakin famous thing
Luke and Leia are both trained as Jedi, though Leia chooses not to follow
Din (and boba?) are called to Naboo to idk protect or like, as mand’alor or whatever
Din falls for Luke like nobody’s business, but the thing is… Din doesn’t actually know Luke- all of his gentlemen switch out commonly, so half the time Din isn’t actually talking to Luke
This causes drama bc Luke doesn’t know if Din likes him or some iteration of him that he and the gentlemen all play
Leia is like: obviously he loves YOU stupid
But Luke is like: I watch him flirt with Leo all the time, and he DOESN”T KNOW
(one of the gentlemen is better at flirting and Luke can see Din falling for him and not Luke and he’s like :sobbing emoji:)
Luke is forbidden from revealing the scheme of their switches unless caught, so he just. Suffers
Meanwhile Leia is getting her freak on with idk han or fennec or something
Luke and mama time where he laments that he’s watching the guy he thinks he’s in love with fall in love with his gentlemen and the “luke” they all portray and not him
Padme is like “mhm, yes I understand, let’s fix this” 
Luke like, calls a meeting of him and his gentlemen, and kind of admits the low down 
(they all know already)
They’re all for Luke taking the lead from now on/sneaking away with Din sometimes
Shenanigans ensue where Luke tries to be alone with Din to get to know him better but Din keeps gravitating toward whoever is playing Luke that day
Luke is… so, SO close to snapping because nothing is working
He pulls away from din- him and all the gentlemen, and Din is left super confused at how cold Luke has become, all the while Luke is nursing a broken heart
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subway-tolkien · 3 years
The Bargain
Some BobaDinLuke pre-relationship that I wrote because I am procrastinating. I don't know what this is or where it could go, but it was a fun 1700 words!
Luke didn’t really understand why Din brought him to Tatooine, let alone Jabba’s palace. Luke was certain he’d seen the last of the place years ago after dispatching Jabba and retrieving Han, but there they were, standing at the massive door as a TT-8L/Y7 demanded identification.
Din just looked at it in silence. The droid’s yellow eye stared back.
Finally, the TT-8L/Y7 seemed to sigh, uttered a soft Huttese curse, and slid back into the wall. The door opened.
“You gonna give me a clue as to why we’re here?” asked Luke as they descended the stairs.
“I told you,” said Din impatiently. “An ally of mine needs my help. You’re the one who insisted on coming with me.”
“Had I known you were coming here I’d have stayed home.”
“Good to know for next time,” said Din. Luke didn’t appreciate the snippy tone but let it slide as they entered the throne room.
Luke looked up and blanched. Boba Fett—last seen falling into a sarlacc pit with a comical shriek—stood on the dais, helmeted and holding a blaster at the ready, though not pointed at Luke.
At least not yet.
“Uh,” said Luke intelligently. “Congratulations on escaping the sarlacc, I suppose?”
“No thanks to your friend, Solo,” said Fett evenly. The visor turned toward Din. “Mandalorian, it is good to see you.”
Din nodded. “I thought I gave you leave to call me by name,” he said, which was news to Luke. A little spark of jealousy flared in his chest, but he let it go quickly. Attachment, not possession, said Obi-Wan in Luke’s ear. Luke knew Din had other close friends, but none of them ever referred to him by name.
Except Boba Fett apparently could.
“You have the same privilege, yet you also do not use it,” said Fett. He adjusted his hold on his blaster and Luke’s fingers twitched for his saber. “Was that not a mutual agreement?”
Din chuckled. “You’ll forgive me,” he said, and Luke could feel the sheepishness beneath the amusement. “Names are new to me and speaking them aloud still feels like a violation.”
“Understood,” said Fett with a nod. Luke wondered how much Fett knew of Din’s past. “Skywalker.”
“Yep!” Luke stood up straight, his hand hovering at his side. “Right here.”
“I appreciate your coming, despite our history.”
Luke sniffed. “Well, I didn’t know I was coming here,” he said curtly. “We have a lot of history.”
“That I would like to let go of,” said Fett. Luke blinked at him. “I require your assistance, which is worth more to me than an ancient grudge.”
Luke squawked and looked at Din with betrayal. “Wait, I’m the mission?”
“If you want to call it that,” Din shrugged.
“How did you—”
“I knew if I said I had a mysterious task on another planet,” said Din with an audible smirk, “you would either demand to come along, or stowaway.”
“Excuse me,” said Luke with a sniff. “That’s entirely not true.”
Din sighed and Luke sensed the eyeroll. “You’re not going without me,” he said, in a lilting exaggeration of Luke’s voice. “I’m not letting you out of my sight.”
Luke glared. “Yes, I said that because last week you jetpacked during a lightning storm and got blown out of the sky,” he said. “You can’t be trusted.”
Fett laughed, a rough-sounding thing that Luke suspected was little used. “You may do well with strategy and combat, Djarin”—Luke recognized a compromise when he heard one—“but your lack of common sense may be your end.”
“Get to the point, Fett,” said Din, not unkindly. “I’d like to get back to the Foundlings.”
Fett nodded. He set aside his blaster and lifted off his helmet, and Luke was surprised to see an older man with a scarred face and what seemed like a permanently dour expression. He leveled his gaze at Luke.
“I wish to discuss this in private,” said Fett. “Djarin, if you would please leave us for a moment.”
Din, to his credit, hesitated. Luke appreciated that. “If I can ask that Luke remain alive and undamaged.”
“Ah, he is Luke,” said Fett. Din made a non-committal noise. Luke watched the corner of Fett’s mouth quirk in something like a smirk. “Do not worry, Djarin. Luke will remain unharmed. This is a simple conversation, nothing more.”
Din nodded. He looked at Luke. “I will be outside,” he said. Luke heard the unspoken call me if you need me and smiled.
“I’ll be fine,” said Luke. He knew he could defeat Boba Fett if necessary, and even without killing him, but he hoped it wouldn’t come to that. ”Don’t worry.”
“Not worried about you,” said Din, but Luke knew there was a smile in his words. Din patted Luke’s shoulder and went up the steps. Luke swallowed and faced Fett.
“Well, you have me,” said Luke. “What’s this about?”
Fett said nothing for a long moment. “I am going to tell you something, Skywalker,” he said at length. “It is something no one else knows.”
“Not even Din?” asked Luke.
“As I said,” Fett sounded more patient than Luke thought he should, “there is no one alive who knows this. Before I speak, however, I need your word that you will not share this information with anyone.”
“Well,” hedged Luke. “Will it hurt someone if I keep your secrets?”
Fett sighed, and Luke felt his weariness. “It is debatable,” he said. “I’ve no interest in harming those who do not deserve it. However, if you swear to keep my confidence, I will not lay a finger, or a weapon, on your family.”
Luke set his mouth in a thin line as he considered the offer. It wasn’t a bad deal but certainly a selfish one, but Luke knew it was the best he’d get from a bounty hunter turned crime lord, apparently. To be honest, Luke was desperate to know what Boba Fett had to tell him that was so dear to him that he would shelve their past in order to discuss it.
“Does that include Han Solo?” asked Luke. “He is my brother-in-law, so. Family.”
Fett grunted. “Yes,” he said, and Luke knew how much it pained him to say that. “Despite the years of torture in the sarlacc’s cursed belly, I will not harm Solo if you would agree to this.”
Luke was convinced. “You have my word,” he said.
For a long, long moment Fett regarded Luke with an assessing gaze, before he took a deep breath and let it out again. Luke felt the tension leave Fett’s body—along with a barrage of emotions Luke couldn’t begin to place. Fett was a cacophony of thoughts, and it took Luke a moment to realize he wasn’t in Fett’s head.
Fett raised a hand and Luke’s mouth snapped shut as a bottle of spotchka rose from a table across the room and sailed into Fett’s outstretched hand. Luke watched in shock as Fett took a drink and wiped his mouth on his sleeve.
“Do you understand, Jedi?” he asked.
Luke sputtered. “Have you always…?”
“When did this happen?” asked Luke.
“Three days ago,” said Fett. “I awakened in the night above my bed. I took it as a sign that something was wrong.”
“Uh, yeah,” said Luke, bewildered. “I’d say so.”
Fett glanced up and for the first time Luke looked him in the eyes. They were brown—not like Din’s, but where Din's were dark and vaguely sad, Fett’s were bright and sharp like the tip of a blade.
“I need guidance,” said Fett quietly. “Which brings me to you. I will pay you handsomely and support your Foundlings and your school, in exchange for lessons in how to control this curse until I can find a way to rid myself of it.”
“Oh,” Luke swallowed. Today seemed to be a day of deals, and Luke wasn’t sure about this one, either. On the one hand, he was thrilled the way he always was to find someone like him. On the other hand, Boba Fett could wield the Force, and if Luke didn’t teach him how to use it, very bad things could happen and Luke did not want to be responsible for that.
“Well, Skywalker?” pressed Fett. “Do we have a bargain?”
Luke cleared his throat. “I don’t really have a choice in the matter, do I?” he asked dejectedly, not wanting the answer.
Fett hummed. “You can choose to leave here with your Mandalorian and return to your school, and I will make my own way. Or, you could prevent whatever chaos I might inflict without your counsel.”
“Not much of a choice,” grumbled Luke. “I won’t do it here. I hate this damn planet. You’ll come to the school, alone.”
“So be it,” said Fett, sounding annoyed. “But you will not make a Jedi of me, Skywalker. I will accept no creed but my own.”
“You don’t have to be one,” said Luke. He couldn’t imagine Boba Fett as a Jedi, anyway. “I’ll show you the basics, though you have a significant amount of control already since I couldn’t sense you.”
“I am not convinced that is of my own doing,” said Fett. “This power does not belong to me.”
Luke frowned. “What do you mean by that?”
Fett looked at him darkly. “You did not answer my question, Skywalker.”
Luke pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. The school really could use the extra support, and he did not want Tatooine to suffer a crime lord who can kill things with his brain. He was furious with Din for getting him into this, though he knew Din had no knowledge of Fett’s plans. He resented Fett for putting this weight on Luke’s shoulders.
He had a duty, though. He had a legacy to uphold, and even though Fett would never be a Jedi, he was a brother in the Force. Luke could not turn his back.
Luke sighed. He had a bad feeling about this.
“Yes,” he said. “We have a deal.”
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willowcrowned · 3 years
Ask game! Curses and fake marriage, bobadinluke
98. Curses
49. Fake Marriage
[Trope Mashup List]
"Look," Luke says, giving the man in front of him his best no-nonsense 'you listen to me, bub' look. "I don't make the rules. The curse says you've got to get married before sunset. I cannot break it."
The man—Boba, he'd said his name was—blinks, the reality of the situation finally setting in. "Fuck."
Luke sighs, sitting back in his chair. Gods, his back aches. He really should get rid of the crystal ball. Too much leaning involved in divining with it, especially considering he can get the same results from a mirror.
"Fuck," Boba says again, and Luke gives him a tired once-over.
This part is always the worst. People who've just been told they're going to die aren't very inclined to pay the person who've just given them terrible news. Luke should know. Terrible news is practically the only kind he can give.
"Is there a way around it?"
Luke tries his best not to snort. Straight from denial to bargaining, which is nice—though maybe if he got Boba to smash the crystal ball he could spare himself his dad's awkward questions about why Luke isn't using his Life Day gift.
"Get married," Luke suggests, even though it really should have been obvious.
"I," Boba says, gritting his teeth (and there's the anger, Luke notes), "don't have anyone to get married to." Or I would have already tried that, is the unspoken second half. Luke appreciates that. Too many people don't use the easy way out.
Luke frowns. "Most people will marry you if they hear you're cursed. Barmaid?"
"Married and monogamous."
"Stable boy?"
"Passed out drinking, won't be up before sundown."
"Inkeeper? Inkeeper's wife?"
Boba glares at him then. "I tried. No one will marry me."
Luke feels an uneasy stirring in his gut, the same one that happens right before Grogu tries to eat a poisonous frog, or his husband tries to grab the frog from Grogu and breaks his leg in the process.
"No one?"
"No one."
Luke closes his eyes and lets out a long sigh. "Fuck, my husband is going to hate this."
Boba looks at him, comprehension dawning on his face.
"Will you, Boba—what did you say your last name was?"
"—Fett, marry me?"
Boba gives Luke a once-over, and as annoyed as the guy looks, Luke definitely isn't imagining the undercurrent of heat in his gaze.
"Yes," Boba says, and he doesn't even add anything about not having a choice.
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thishintoflove · 3 years
Someone said Soulmate AU and I responded with "the eyes are the windows to the soul"
Pairing: Din Djarin / Boba Fett / Luke Skywalker
Rating: General
Summary: Soulmate AU snippet written for the bobadinluke server's wildcard wednesday prompt.
After three-plus decades on his own, Din made the assumption that he was not fated to find his soulmate.
Luckily, as a Mandalorian, he didn’t have to broadcast the fact that he was still soulmate-less. It was well known that every human in the galaxy was born with a set of black eyes, which would only change color when they came across their other half. The Mandalorian people wore their sacred buy'ces for many reasons, but an added benefit was that it hid the wearer’s status as a soulmate. If one’s enemy was unaware of their status, the person’s soulmate would remain safe and could not be used as leverage against them.
Not that it mattered for Din. His helmet covered a pair of black eyes. He had no soulmate to protect.
So he devoted his life to serving and protecting his covert instead. Then one day, fate decided that he was meant to protect one little green foundling, and he devoted his life to that instead.
It was a true surprise that in process of protecting The Child, he would in fact find the soulmate he’d long given up on.
He almost shot him. (Which in hindsight, was a perfect first meeting for two Mandalorian soulmates).
Din watched in awe as the scarred man’s eyes suddenly shifted to a deep amber-brown as he pulled back his hood. There was a twist in his gut, and Din knew that it was finally happening. He couldn’t yet see the change in himself, but he knew he was looking at a reflection of his new eye color.
This man- Boba Fett- was his soulmate. How unexpected that they would find each other on a small, uninhabited planet formerly ruled by their ancient enemies.
But Din was given no time to process such things before he was once again fighting for his child’s life. And he lost this time. It was devastating, but Boba was suddenly at his side, offering his assistance with nothing to go on except a gut feeling and the trust that came from sharing the same eye color. Din readily accepted. His soulmate was clearly a fighter, a true warrior judging by his scars and the way he’d just taken down a whole squad of Stormtroopers. Perhaps they really were meant for each other.
All’s this to say, Din was still getting used to the idea of having found his soulmate (and determining what that meant for his future), when fate decided to play another trick on him.
He watched the cloaked warrior fight his way to the bridge, holding the same glowing blade as Ashoka, and waited with bated breath to ask if this was finally the one to train his son. But before he could get the words out, the man pulled his hood back, and Din gasped as he watched the man’s eyes change from black to bright blue. Against all reason, he felt the same tug in his stomach as he had when he met Boba.
And if Din had glanced in a mirror, or had even looked in the reflection of his own silver helmet, he would have been astonished to see that his eyes had shifted to a beautiful heterochromia gaze- one being deep, rich brown and the other a piercing blue.
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