#borderlands fan fiction
sinfulmarie · 1 year
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ladies and gents i have outdone myself yet again. new chapter of Vacillation II out now !! <3
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raevior · 5 months
An Important note ! Chishiya x reader
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warnings: violence, blood, guns, knifes
genre/type: angst, slight fluff, chishiya shuntaro x fem! reader
wc: 2.1k
synopsis: chishiya goes missing after sacrificing himself for you during a game. you think he's dead until an important note is found under your pillow. completely changing your perspective.
title track: plant - kim sejeong
a/n: hi everyone! ^^ this is my first alice in borderland fic since SEASON 3 IS SOON! this is super angsty but I think I did okay.. I hope you enjoy reading!
“Game Cleared.” the loud speaker yells. You look around and see your once friends from the beach lying lifeless on the cold tile. A dark crimson red covering the once white floors.
You exhale, stumbling back and sliding down a wall, covering your face from the loud sobs coming from you. 
It’s quiet. Oddly quiet. Just moments ago there was yelling, screaming, arguing, crying, laughter, and every other human emotion. 
Kicking your foot on the ground, you yell out “Fuck, fuck, fuck!” through your sobs. 
You peek up from your beaten hands and see Kuina just a few feet away; sitting in the same position as you are. Her sobs combined with yours are enough to make anyone go insane. The echo from the empty arena on top of the cold wind outside; you wouldn’t wish your current position on your worst enemy. 
In an attempt to stand up, your legs give up and you fall onto the ground again. You crawl towards Kuina, hugging her tightly. You rub her back, through a quiet sob you ask, “Kuina.. Are you alright?” Silence falls as she digs her face deeper into your shoulder, clinging onto your shirt. “We lost Chishiya.” she sobs out. 
You pull away for a moment and she looks at you with teary doe eyes. “Y/N, we lost him!” she yells out. 
“What do you mean… lost him?..” you ask through broken speech. “I don’t know where he went.” she whispers.  “I heard a gunshot and he pushed me and told me to run. It’s been hours and I haven’t seen him, but Kuina; he’s smarter than that.” you say in an attempt to reassure her.
You know Chishiya well enough to know he won’t die that easily, especially without saying a final goodbye. “Kuina, look at me.” you say shaking her shoulders. “He’ll be okay; we didn’t lose him.” you reassure her. She nods her head as you help her up, making your way out of the game. 
3 days have passed without a single sighting of Chishiya. These past few days have been nothing but pure torture. “Did he really die?” you think to yourself, staring at the ceiling. 
You look at the red braided bracelet on your wrist. Tears form in your eyes, thinking back to the day where Chishiya gave you his bracelet just in case things went wrong. 
You hug your pillow, now sobbing uncontrollably. You pray silently, “Please Chishiya, please give me a sign that you’re okay.”  you close your eyes in an attempt to sleep this burning pain off. 
As you begin to drift, you move your arm to hug your pillow more comfortably; that is until you feel a piece of folded paper below your arm. You sit up, turning your lamp on, unfolding the paper. 
Y/N, I’m sorry to have left you worried. I am okay, I promise. Give me 2 more days and I will be able to see you again. Meet me on the roof on Wednesday at 6pm. I have to stay hidden for just a bit longer. I promise we will meet again and I will explain.
You cover your mouth, your tears falling onto the poorly written letter. You whisper out, “Thank you Chishiya.” 
In the morning, you knock on Kuinas door to check up on her. 
“Kuina, you alright?” you ask through the door, but are met with no reply. You knock again, “Kuina?” as another dreadful silence follows. You creak open the door to see her staring out her window at the bright sunrise. “Kuina?...” “Y/N. He’s gone.” she says. “Huh? How do you know that for sure?” “Niragi told me.” 
You scoff, “You really believe that jerk?” She looks at you, “Niragi is a horrible person, I know that; but I don’t believe he would lie about his death.” she speaks out. You sigh and hand her the folded note with tears staining the thin paper. “Read this.” 
She takes the paper from your hands and reads the note. She stares at it in disbelief and gives in back to you, showing no reaction. “See, he’s okay.” you say. “The person who killed him probably wrote that. There’s no way he would just leave that!”
You love Kuina, but she’s taking his unconfirmed death really rough. You sigh, “I’ll see you later” exiting her room, not being able to deal with both your emotions and hers. 
You sit down for breakfast alone today. Usually you eat meals with Ann, Arisu, and Usagi; but you can’t bother to talk to anyone. You lean forward to bite your onigiri, until a warm embrace holds you from behind. You turn around and see Ann. “Ann! You’re okay!” you say enthusiastically. She laughs “Of course I am, I’m glad to see you’re okay. How is Chishiya?” she asks, oblivious to your situation. 
“Honestly, I’m not sure. The last time I saw him was mid-game yesterday, but I haven't seen him since. At first I thought he definitely died, but he wouldn’t let himself die that easily.” 
Ann nods her head and rubs your shoulder. ‘I’m sure he’s fine, he likes to run off sometimes. And you're right, he wouldn’t even allow himself to die.” Ann’s reassurance helps you feel better. “Now don’t sit here and eat alone, come join us.” You smile and grab your tray, making your way to your usual table. 
Wednesday at 5:34pm 
You pace nervously in your room trying to pass time. Tonight is the night you can finally see Chishiya.  Thousands of possibilities run through your mind. 
What if he’s not up there? What if Kuina was right? What if someone kills me while I’m up there? Is he really alive? 
You stare at the note analyzing it further. You pick it apart piece for piece, and there’s no sign that the note was forged. His handwriting, the way he speaks, and even calling himself Chishi. You and Kuina are the only ones who call him Chishi, only in private since he gets embarrassed by it. 
You sigh and look at the clock reading 5:50pm. You take a deep breath and look around your room, grabbing a small knife just in case. You hide it in your back pocket and make your way towards your door, readying yourself to see Chishiya. 
As you finally reach the roof, you stare at your watch, counting down until the hands hit 6pm. Your clock beeps and you raise your head, scanning the roof for him. There is no sign of him and you slightly panic knowing that Chishiya is usually never late. You tap your foot and keep looking around for any sign of him. 
Your watch reads 6:15 and you sigh. "This is stupid, maybe he really is dead.”’ you say to yourself as you watch the dark ocean waves below, clashing on the rocks. You hold your head in your hands, your reality finally hitting you. Before your tears start to build you hear a familiar voice behind you. 
“Y/N.” the voice says. You turn around slowly and see him, his white hoodie illuminating in the dark night. 
You waste no time bolting towards him. “Chishiya!” you yell out pulling him towards you. You two hold each other in the embrace as your sobs start. “Chishi… I thought you died, don’t you ever scare me like that again!” You pull him tighter, digging your face into his shoulder. “I’m sorry,”  You feel a cold drop roll down your back along with a sniffle. “but I’m okay. Don’t worry, I’m here.” he says, running his soft hand down your hair and along your neck.
You pull away staring at his dark eyes. You smile and place a kiss on his lips. 
You and Chishiya have always been friends and have never expressed any kind of romantic feelings for each other. But you have loved him ever since you came to the beach. His deep voice that sounds like honey, his long soft hair, his dark brown eyes; you fell in love instantly, I mean, who wouldn’t? 
You pull away and stare at him awkwardly. “Uhm-” he says while clearing his throat. You look down, “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that.” He lets out a breathy laugh, grabbing your chin to raise your head. He looks deep into your eyes, moving forward to reciprocate your action. You wrap your arms around his neck while his hand is resting in the arch of your back. He deepens the kiss, pushing you against the nearby wall. 
He pulls away and you two stare at each other with flushed faces. The only noise present being the sounds of the waves. “Don’t be sorry, I’ve been dying to kiss you.” he says. You smile and ask him changing the topic, “Speaking of dying, where have you been? Kuina and I have been worried sick!” 
Totally avoiding your question he asks, “How is Kuina? Is she okay?” You sigh giving him the honest answer. “She’s not doing too well. I showed her the note, but she didn’t believe it.” 
He laughs quietly, “I’ll be sure to check on her. I’m surprised you believed it, I thought you were smarter than that.” You roll your eyes and pull the knife out of your pocket, making him take a few steps back. “I was questioning it, but I didn’t want to take the bigger risk of not seeing you again.” you say. He smiles. “Okay, so explain what happened to you, and tell me where the hell you’ve been!” you say playfully punching his arm. He guides you over to the ledge of the roof, overlooking the empty ocean. 
“During the last game, Niragi went to shoot you. He knows how much you mean to me so he went for you instead of me, and that’s when I pushed you. As you ran, I also ran since he had a weapon and I didn’t; so running was my safest option. I stayed hidden for the duration of the game, but even after the game cleared I could see him wandering the halls looking for me. So it was safer for me to hide until he left and honestly, I was frightened that he would come for me in this house, so I hid with Aguni. He was hesitant at first, thinking I was up to something but I explained myself and he agreed.”  
“How did you know I was alive?” you ask through tears.
“Aguni kept me updated. He told me that both you and Kuina were safe. I’m assuming you read my note, Aguni also left it while you were out of your room.” he explains. 
“Why are you wandering around now? Aren’t you afraid that Niragi will kill you here?” 
“Y/N sweetheart, I’m smarter than that. You know that.” he says with the cocky smirk that you love. 
You nod your head, “Well, I’m glad you’re okay.” you say. He caresses your hand, rubbing his thumb on the back side of your palm. “Let’s get to bed, it’s getting late.” 
– --
For safe measure, you two sleep in Kuina’s room for the night. She agreed to stay in your room while you and Chishiya stayed in her room. You turn off the lamp, laying back on the soft pillow resting your eyes. 
30 minutes pass and you cannot sleep due to stress and adrenaline pumping through your body. You open your eyes and look at Chishiya laying next to you. Your face rises with a pink hue as you ask him if he is still awake. “Yes.” he says through a raspy whisper. You take a deep breath, “Chishiya, can we..” you ask. He rolls around to face you. “Cuddle? Sure.” he says, finishing your sentence. 
Not wasting any time, you are laying on Chishiyas chest hearing his fast heartbeat. “Y/N,” he whispers. “Hm?” you reply. 
“I love you.” he says. 
You raise your head, staring at him through the darkness. “What?” you ask, being caught off guard from his sudden confession. “I said I love you.” he repeats. You sigh out in disbelief and lay your head back on his chest. 
You close your eyes, embracing the warmth emitting from his body. A shy smile creeps onto your face as you whisper out, 
“I love you too, Chishi.”
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tavi-calypso · 3 months
Hey tumblr! I have a wattpad now! And I just published my first book like earlier today, it’s a Troy Calypso x OC (isn’t even an OC, just an insert lmao) fic, at the moment all that’s published is the Prologue, which is only 300 words. But I have chapter one ready to go, I just want some other people to read it so far so I’m not posting a book to literally no one 😭
Also please read the description it has a shit ton of info.
This is literally my first fic ever please be as harsh as you fucking want 💀
Edit : Name and Image have been officially changed, so much happier with them.
also, credit to @blusboarart for letting me use their little head canon for this 😭 you friggn rock dude!
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admiralsweko · 7 months
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Rhyiona Week 2023 Day Two
Prompt: Trick/Treat
Spaces In Between
“You want to kiss me so badly it makes you look stupid,” Fiona taunted the company man. 
Crossing her arms over her chest, she cocked an eyebrow as she gave Rhys an arrogant smirk. Despite her outward appearance of imperious confidence, uncertainty roiled beneath the surface. 
Why did I just say that?
She had to admit it wasn’t her most witty rejoinder. But now that it was out in the air between them, there was no turning back.
“What?” he scoffed. “That’s probably the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. But coming from you, I’d expect nothing less.” With a disparaging wave of his hand, he turned away and continued down the hall.
“Hey,” she snapped, irritation flaring at his abrupt dismissal. 
Usually, there was something so satisfying about their verbal sparring matches. Most of the time she had no trouble talking circles around this corporate dork. This time, however, she was admittedly off her game. 
I’m just tired. That’s it. 
They had been going nonstop since they’d opened the vault and she could probably benefit greatly from a nap. Fortified in that contrivance, she’d almost persuaded herself that her comment had, in no way, been influenced by her recent revelations as to the depth of her feelings for this goofy stringbean of a man. 
Running to catch up to his impossibly long stride, she rounded his shoulder. He halted as she stood defiantly in front of him. Stubborn to a fault, she poked him in the chest and doubled down on her ridiculous accusation. 
“It’s true. I’ve seen the way you look at me when you think I’m not paying attention.” 
“And how is that?” he asked, sarcasm dripping from his tone. “Like I’m trying to test out the saying ‘If looks could kill’? Because if that’s what you’re referring to, then you might actually be right for a change.”
Despite his words, Fiona caught the subtle pink hue to his cheeks. Rallied by the possibility that she might be onto something, she ignored him and continued, “I always thought it was Sasha that I should be worried about but I was wrong. It was me you were interested in, wasn’t it?” 
Enjoying the look of shock that flashed over his expression, she was gratified to learn she had touched a nerve. Before he could deny it, she hurried on. “You may not want to admit it, Rhys, but I can see it written all over your face.” 
His eyes narrowed as his mouth fell into a pout. Attraction zipped through her at that stupid little pull of his lips. 
“I bet you think about me all the time. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if you —” Her barbs were cut short as he rolled his eyes and tried to move around her once more. Instinctively, she snagged his elbow as he passed. “I’m not done with you,” she blurted, even though she knew she should just let him go. 
“Enough,” he growled, his voice ripe with aggravation. Swiftly, he stepped into her space. She was forced to retreat back in order to look him in the eye. The expression on his face shifted, becoming predatory, as he realized he had her on the defense. He took another step. 
Withdrawing further, her back hit the wall of the corridor. Before she could twist away, his right hand met the wall beside her head with a click of metal on metal, his left quick to follow on the opposite side. He had effectively trapped her, crowding into her space without touching her. 
A strange awakening occurred within her at his proximity; her pulse kicking up. She frowned as she tried to stamp down the budding arousal that unfurled in the pit of her stomach. 
Curiously, he was quiet as he searched her face. His gaze was hypnotic; the captivating contrast of his mismatched eyes pinning her in place.
“What is it you want from me, Fiona?” he finally asked. “Do you want me to tell you it’s true?”
She blinked in shock, shaken by the question. Her heart skipped a beat as her mind raced to catch up. Wholly unprepared for this turn in events, she remained silent. 
“Do you want me to tell you that I think about you?” he continued, “That you’re constantly on my mind?” 
The words rang in her ears. To every question he posed, her heart answered with a wordless aching yes. 
To her chagrin, she realized she was blushing, her cheeks prickling with heat. His expression softened as he gazed at her. With a tender brush of his thumb, he caressed the apple of her cheek, tracing the rosy flush. The chill of his touch against her overheated skin caused her breath to catch.
“Do you want me to tell you that when I think about you, I sometimes imagine you like this?” 
His voice rasped against her frayed nerves, desire making her sensitive to the subtle gravel in his tone. 
Agitated by her reaction, she fought to regain some semblance of control from the storm that raged within her. No matter the truth, no matter the accuracy of his queries, she remained mistrustful. She was terrified he was just goading her on in some attempt to entrap her.
He’s got to be up to something. It’s a trick… Right?
Composing herself outwardly, she raised a brow. “Like what,” she quipped, “Quiet?” 
He smiled and another stone in her defense crumbled. “Something like that,” he answered softly.
She opened her mouth to speak but he stopped her with a finger to her lips before she could utter a word. 
“Ah, ah,” he admonished gently, that devastating smile spreading wider across his stupidly handsome face. “You know what your problem is, Fiona?” As his finger was still held to her lips, her only response was to narrow her eyes at him. “You just don’t know when to stop talking.”
Her snarky comeback died unspoken as he took that same forbidding finger and ran it gently over the sensitive surface of her lower lip. Blood thundered in her ears as her pulse slammed into high gear. Tracking down over her chin, the tips of his fingers trailed the length of her neck.
The last vestiges of her defiance evaporated, whisked away in wake of his exploration. Mesmerized, she watched him as his attention followed his movements. Skimming over the clasp at the hollow of her throat, he took his time tracing along the edge of the opening in her blouse. His touch scorched across the delicate skin of her chest. Despite being fully clothed, she felt utterly exposed. 
Realizing she was holding her breath, she let out a shaky exhale. He glanced up at her and their eyes locked. Bringing a knuckle under her chin, he tilted her head up. Slowly, he leaned closer. And closer.
Anticipation drove all rational thought from her mind. Every inch of her body hummed in response to his proximity; his nearness kindling a dormant craving that she’d refused to acknowledge before. Her lips parted slightly in preparation.
And yet, despite her silent consent, he hesitated. Breathless expectation stretched the moment into an eternity. Impatient, she rose to her tiptoes to try to kiss him, desperate to end this delicious torment.
But he evaded her. 
Using his height to his advantage, he managed to stay just out of reach of her questing lips. Defeated, she settled back on her heels and glared up at him in flustered confusion. A wicked half smile curved across his face as he huffed a laugh.
“Now, who looks stupid?” he teased mildly. 
Humiliation flashed over her like a bucket of ice water. Her temper was quick to follow as she tensed, her hands balling into fists. Ready to lash out, she was just about to cock her arm to strike him right in the gut when he kissed her. 
Fingers curling into a tight grip on the lapels of her jacket, he dragged her into him. His lips captured hers firmly, eliciting a soft sound of shock from her. Taking advantage of her surprise, he slipped his tongue into her mouth. Although it was only for a moment, the velvety caress sent a bolt of pure lust straight through her. Anger completely forgotten, she clung to him, her knees weak. 
He pulled away slightly, his eyes searching hers. Something in her expression must have pleased him as the wicked smile returned. He kissed her again, stealing the breath from her lungs. 
This time he kissed her slowly and steadily, remaining totally in control. Only offering just enough to lure her to the edge of satisfaction, he would then retreat, making an opportunity to plant a couple of lingeringly sweet pecks against her cheeks before returning to brush his lips against hers to coax her into another round. 
Driven mad with hunger for more, she clutched at his clothes, pulling at him in desperation. A quiet grunt of dissatisfaction escaped her as her ache for him grew stronger. Sensing her growing fervor, at last he gave her exactly what she needed. 
Pushing her flush against the wall with his body, he took her face in his hands and kissed her senseless. She surrendered herself wholly to the connection, lost in the swirling sea of sensations as his tongue and lips worked in harmony with her own. 
Lightheaded and out of breath, she tilted her face away as she panted for air. Undeterred, his left arm snaked around her waist, keeping her close. He worked his way down the length of her jaw, leaving scorching hot kisses in his wake. His cybernetic hand still cradled her cheek as she tipped her head to allow him better access to her neck. The smooth finish of his metal fingers was exotic against the tender flesh of her cheek, exciting her further. 
Briefly, he stopped to nuzzle her neck. His teeth nipped at the rapid pulse in her throat. She gasped at the sharp flicker of discomfort, the shock further fanning the flames of her desire. Before she could recover, his lips pressed against the soft shell of her ear. The hot flutter of his breath made her quiver. 
She could hear the amusement in his voice as he whispered, “I think I may have found the perfect way to shut you up.”
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kxjbr · 1 year
Don’t leave me.┆Yandere! Kodai Tatta x GN! Reader
[A/N: I got bored and decided to do this instead of the other tatta fanfic LOL/ (I have little to no motivation so you better enjoy this before I barge into your house and find you.)]
Requested by: no one
Characters: Y/N, Tatta
Summary: Yandere tatta, thats it
Word count: 395 [sorry 😔]
Warnings: Kidnapping, Obsession, Stalking. Do not read if you’re sensitive to these topics. Also ooc tatta SO DO NOT COMPLAIN OR I WILL LEAK YOUR ADDRESS.
You’ve always felt like you were being watched. Everywhere you went you felt like eyes were on you. From your work to your home. Anywhere. You just wanted it to stop, you wanted to feel at peace, but the feeling won’t leave you alone. You even contacted the police, but they couldn’t do anything about it.
You had talked to your one and only friend, Tatta, the only one who never left you. All your other friends had left, if you can even call them friends. Ever since they left all you had was Tatta. He was there for you, he was there every time another friend left. But you could only see him as a brother, not a lover. He was enraged knowing that. He was trying so hard to make you love him the same way he does for you, but you just wouldn’t. So, he had to use his other ways. If he can’t have you, no one else should.
He tried everything to make you love him the same way he does for you, but you just wouldn’t. He let it slide, until recently. You had just found a new lover. He can clearly see you fall in love with your s/o. You haven’t even shown your new s/o to him. He was even more furious at this. There was only one way he can do to fix this. 
You were walking down the sidewalk till you heard footsteps behind you and you blacked out.
"I'm sorry, my beloved, but this was the only way." Someone said, it sounded familiar, but you couldn't hear well with a bag on your head. "Who are you?! What do you want from me?!" You yelled. The bag was pulled from your head. The kidnapped revealed to be Tatta. You could hardly believe what was happening! I mean, your best friend, your only friend, kidnapped you? For what reason?! Why would he do this?! Your thoughts were cut off with him continue to speak. "Please don't leave me, Y/N, I love you more than that s/o of yours." He said, dreamily (I HATE WRITING FANFICS but anyway) You couldn't speak, you had tape covering your mouth as you let out muffled sounds trying to speak. "There's no use in escaping, dear." Hearing that sent shivers down your spine. "You're mine."
◈The End...or not
blankly stares at you @tattasgf
Wrote this at 3 am
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beccaggg · 1 year
okay I think I’m caving and going back to my fanfic roots
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ask-de-writer · 10 months
I would like to thank Delightfully
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@furislupus​ for READING and LIKING
He finished reading in MLP Fan Fiction with
Tam and Heather (Chapter 12)
and went into the BIZARRE BORDERLAND
And bounced straight into Tales Set in Hell Itself
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feckaroundfindout · 2 years
Chapters: 2/? Fandom: Borderlands (Video Games) Rating: Mature Warnings: Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Zane Flynt/Handsome Jack Characters: Zane Flynt, Handsome Jack (Borderlands), Amara (Borderlands), Moze (Borderlands), FL4K (Borderlands), Rhys (Borderlands), Zer0 (Borderlands), Lilith (Borderlands), Maya (Borderlands), Krieg (Borderlands), Ava (Borderlands), Ellie (Borderlands), Patricia Tannis, Tyreen Calypso, Troy Calypso, Aurelia Hammerlock, Wainwright Jakobs, Sir Hammerlock (Borderlands), Angel (Borderlands), Katagawa Jr. (Borderlands), Handsome Jack AI (Borderlands), Mad Moxxi (Borderlands) Additional Tags: Slow Burn, Slow Build, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Canon-Typical Violence, Tales From the Borderlands, Action/Adventure, Hurt/Comfort, Bonding, Fluff and Angst, Humor, contains spoilers for both games, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Trans Zane Flynt, there are so many head canons for zane, rating might change as I update, adding tags as I go
Did you ever wonder what happened to Handsome Jack?
Zane Flynt never thought he would ever have to answer that question, but one thing led to another, and Handsome Jack is now stuck in his head whether he likes it or not. However, things aren't so smooth sailing for Jack either, and he won't have as an easy time as he did with Rhys when Jack is stuck with someone he hired in the past and has nothing to leverage over the Pandoran native besides helping him.
They have no choice but to work together, but how long will this secret last? Can they trust each other not to kill the other until the world is saved and set their feelings aside or will new feelings replace the old ones?
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being in the AIB fandom rn is so interesting bc it doesnt have that much content and there are no fics that everyone know yet so everytime you search something up theres new stuff that people like, like, the search page of AO3 isnt the same if I filter it by bookmarks or kudos like it is in other fandoms.
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becauseanders · 2 years
Fandom: Borderlands (Video Games) Relationships: Ellie & Lilith (Borderlands), Lilith/Roland (Borderlands) Characters: Lilith (Borderlands), Patricia Tannis, Ellie (Borderlands) Additional Tags: Sirens (Borderlands), Borderlands: Borderlands 3, Hurt/Comfort, as much comfort as there can be anyway, Addiction, Withdrawal, Grief/Mourning, Powerless Lilith (Borderlands), she is not coping with this and tbh how could she be expected to, Behind the Scenes, Vaguely suicidal ideation, Feelings of Helplessness, Found Family, Title from a Coheed and Cambria song
She doesn't recognize herself without her tattoos.
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sinfulmarie · 1 year
WOOO first NSFW chapter of the sequel is out !! lemme know whatcha think <3
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coquettebratzdoll · 8 days
ᡣ𐭩 •。ꪆৎ ˚⋅
My name is Athena, and I'm an '07 liner. My Pronouns are She/Her. I am black. I have known about manifestation since 2020, and I have known about shifting since 2021. I have shifted to alternate realities multiple times.
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I like to daydream a lot. I also like to yap - trust i won't shut tf up 💀. I'm always up to chat, slide into my dms. I do like to journal a lot. Just calms me. I also draw occasionally.
I'm also a big K-pop fan. My ults are Stray Kids and New Jeans. I am slowly getting into Enhypen and P1harmony. I am also curious and looking into the groups Ateez, BOYNEXTDOOR, ZEROBASEONE, and TXT.
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Not that much to say here. Gotta mention chocolate.
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As I said before I love to journal. Right now I'm using the digital version of @anemoiashifts shifting jornal (go show her some support). I also like to read. I mostly read non-fiction and I'm currently reading 'At your command' by Neville Goddard.
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my drs:
main drs -> newjeans and starlight (with @vixilic) | mha (with @vixilic)
under construction -> better cr (with @vixilic) | all of us are dead | alice in borderland | k-12 | camp cretaceous | sweet home | skz 9th member | enphypen 8th member | henry danger | the umbrella academy |
More to come ...
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So let's get the basics out of the way. Racists, misogynists, homophobes, zoinists and anyone pro-israel, etc. Anti-shifters are among these
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tavi-calypso · 2 months
Border-Spams 155K Leech Lord AU ‘dump’ on AO3 makes me want to completely rewrite Dying and Rising to be a really intricate borderlands AU..
I haven’t even finished chapter one and I already wanna do a rewrite. Fuck.
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bhaalitsm · 1 year
intro post. . .
❛ 🥩。 七情 Lumenwood Kins
⊂ dikke⠀manto₂ . she/he
; 9teen⠀. genderfluid lesbian
⠀⠀⠀⠀ freq. ! 🛢
⠀⠀ →⠀⠀⠀[O1] [O2] [O3] ◞
⠀⠀ !🪳⠀⠀⠀[O4] [O5] [O6]◞
🥀 wasian jew manhater 🏚️
╰⭔ . rentry. carrd . . 🪓
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀🚬( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ
𐚁̸⠀⠀⠀ girlfriend . . . < 3
front :: ꩜ꖛ⏤͟͟͞͞★⤵
⠀ -fiction is my primary coping outlet, I have lots introjects or alters who appear physically as characters
discord :: umayon (just lmk ur from tumblr)
instagram :: umayoning
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interests :: | red = special interest |
MOVIES spiderverse, Avatar, Avatar: The Way of Water, Us, Nope, Nightmare on elm street, Texas chainsaw massacre, the Saw franchise, Hellraiser, Killer Klowns from Outerspace, Bottoms, Get Out, Scream, basically all horror
SHOWS Skylanders, Game of Thrones, House of the dragon, ANY GORDON RAMSEY SHOW J LOVE GORDON RAMSEY I WATHC ALL HIS SHOWS, The Boys >>>>>
MUSIC The living tombstone, tryhardninja, jtmachinma, Reol, Walküre, Uma musume pretty derby, Dagames, Ado, most fnaf and vocaloid music, fish inside a birdcage, Atarashii Gakko,
ANIMES HxH, Chainsaw man, Uma musume pretty derby, Naruto, Macross Delta, School Live Club, Corpse Party, Ao Oni, Demon Slayer, JJBA
GAMES Uma Museum Pretty Derby, Skylanders, Puppet Combo, Bloodborne, Darkest Dungeon, Elden Ring, Dark Deception, The Quarry, Ark Survival Evolved, DBD, IDV, League of Legends, Call of Duty, Red Dead Redemption, Apex Legends, Borderlands, FNAF, Don't Starve, Pokemon, God of War, Resident Evil, Splatoon, tealerland, ao oni, My singing monsters, Attack on Time, Baldurs Gate 3, Fear and Hunger, Splatoon
YOUTUBERS CORYXKENSHIN IM HIS BIGGEST FAN IVE BEEN WITH HIM SINCE 4k SUBS!!! Manlybadasshero, astralspiff, superhorrorbro, fusionZgamer, Charborg, Bedbannanas, Lore Lodge
OTHERS Creepypasta, Missing 411, Dyatlov Pass, Korovina Group Incident, Horses, My job (haunted house,) Dinosaurs, Junji Ito, Keychains, Collecting, M&Ms, Шайлушай
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變 : not really interested in engaging with syscourse though I might occasionally, I am mostly anti-endo (pro conversation), though the majority of that is due to co-opting of terminology, cultural appropriation, spreading of misinformation, overall attitude towards systems, and general redirection of resources away from trauma victims : neutrals feel free to interact, pro-endos can as well if you aren’t obnoxious about it 💊
𖧧 : endos who do not do any of the following feel free to int:: you do not use any medical system terms, do not use the word “sysmed”, are not appropriating or in support of appropriating cultures (tulpas), do not spread misinformation about DID/OSDD research, are educated on the DID/OSDD diagnostic criteria, and do not actively take sources away from trauma victims 🥩 my stance is that you do not need trauma to be plural, but you do need trauma to be a system. Me being anti-endo isn’t saying I don’t think you exist, I’m saying your plurality is not systemhood and you need to stop forcing yourselves into our spaces.
♡ Don’t call me plural, do not use plural pronouns, don’t call my alters headmates⚡️ not listing triggers, mutuals tag aggressive yelling, dog fights, and “as long as it’s consensual” phrase thank you
- Did not think I’d need to say this but proshippers dnfi, if you comment on any of my posts you’re asking for an IP reveal
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kxjbr · 1 year
------- ★ GUIDELINES!
❥ Check out my other stuff:
♢I only write for AIB [for now]
☆. What I can write for:
★. Fluff┆Angst┆Yandere┆Ships
☆. What I won't write for:
★. Smut┆Pregnancy
♥︎. Characters:
❀Please be specific in your requests.
Ex: Shy! Tatta x Confident! reader
(Don't forget to put what pronouns you use)
✿You can request for part 2s, but it'll be very slow as I am a very busy person.
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minecraft · 1 year
warning: this post is basically just me rambling out lots of thoughts about different metals. I love mythical metals in fiction but I also think they somewhat distract from how rad real world materials are at times. like how many people even know about iridium? maybe if you're a Borderlands fan and you remember "eridium" but I bet you don't know much about the real metal iridium. iridium is massively underrated compared to say, titanium or something imo. also, growing up I watched some TV shows where they'd build cool motorbikes and they'd mention chrome a lot. I used to think it was just a fancy name that people used to describe highly polished stainless steel or silver-plated steel, it wasn't until I was like, way older that I discovered that chrome is actually a real specific separate metal, called chromium, and that they plate stuff with it. anyways, Damascus steel is also really cool, and so is mokume gane's banded patterns. I also like Atlantis's orichalcum, lotr's mithril, marvel's adamantium/vibranium/uru metal, star wars' huge selection of metals but most notably Beskar and Phrik, and Runescape's Dragon (metal), Runite, and green/blue Adamant/Mithril. There's no real ending or point to this post so I'll just end off by saying that I'm a big fan of metals (the material), somewhat a metal fan (the music), and that I hope that we figure out a good and safe way to extract metals from asteroids in the future because there's like, sooo much platinum and palladium in space just floating around waiting for us to use it.
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