#brawl edit
alvaroz-starrs · 4 months
Trans scars for you! Happy Headcannons!
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araneapeixes · 3 months
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in the bathroom at the gay clubbbb
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vinillain · 17 days
I forgot to post these in my drafts 💀 here’s my female Yugo design (her name is Yuna 🥰)
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Ignore the infrequent style and detail changes because alot of this is rough concept stuff as I was developing her design.
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Long haired Yu!! (She cut it all off, it was a sad day for Amalia)
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Messy screenshot edits, was trying to test how she might look in the show.
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Dress stuff is new because I was bored but yeah. I’m not sure if it’s a genderbend universe or an au where she’s a girl because I love the idea of Yumalia Yuri (Yurimalia…) or crack idea where Yugo drank a potion just because he can. I plan to make an entire ref sheet eventually I’m just incredibly lazy.
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gritsandbrits · 10 months
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robo-drake09 · 1 month
Everything Stays - Ft. Lily 💜
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I had a dumb idea for an edit, enjoy :)
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bullet-clubs-bitch · 6 months
Eat The Acid
Summary: Reader is the wife of CM Punk and the twin sister of Nick Jackson. The brawl that occurred between The Elite and Punk leads to a messy divorce between the two. Y/n hates the fact that a part of her still loves Phill but can’t even look at him without thinking about the fight.
Warnings include: Swearing, violence, toxic relationships, manipulation and those kinds of things 
Word count: 1645
Eat The Acid II Eat The Acid III Main Masterlist CM PUNK Masterlist
Inspired by "Eat The Acid" By Kesha
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When people think of the brawl they think of CM Punk VS The Elite. This whole situation surrounding Phill and Adam, this everlasting hatred that has formed between the Elite and Punk but people forgot about me. Not once have I heard anything about me. I’m not saying this for attention but people don’t understand how difficult this whole situation has been for me. Being the sister of the young bucks and the wife of cm punk put me in a difficult position. I saw first hand how the whole fight played out. I had heard the media scrum and it made me sick. Phill and I had spent the past few months arguing, it really bothered me hearing him shit on Hangman. I didn’t understand the hate towards him. I knew that once we got home I would talk to him about his choice of words at the media scrum. I sat in the private locker room crying, my twin brother Nick comforting me. I told him how I didn’t think I could do it anymore, yes Phill is my husband but the elite is my family. The two of us had been seeing a marriage counselor, and a therapist, an idea that Phill hated. I just wanted to better understand the situation, how I could help Phill. 
I heard the locker room door swing open and was greeted by ace steel who started yelling and destroying the locker room. Just then I saw Phill enter. Look in my eyes, what do you see? Well looking into his eyes I could see the pure rage in them, I couldn't even recognize him. I couldn't move, my body frozen in fear as I watched the whole situation unfold before my eyes. People were screaming, punching, biting, trying to kill each other. I could faintly hear someone yell for me to watch out, Nick grabbing me and pulling me to the ground in order to avoid a chair that was being thrown right at me. As I hit the floor reality set in, that was not any chair but some crazy decided to throw an office chair at my head, barely missing me. Looking up I saw regret in Phills eyes, he was crying. The whole room went quiet, realizing that he was the one to throw the chair. I quickly got up and grabbed my purse and phone, trying to get out of the room as fast as I could, tears continuing to fall. Phill stopped me in my tracks, pulling me towards him. He wrapped his arms around me holding me close, I was frozen, stiff as a board. He whispered sweet nothings and kept apologizing, kissing my forehead, saying he loved me and he didn’t know what came over him. I tried to break free of his grasp and he eventually gave up, letting me go but the look in his eyes terrified me. 
Just then security finally came into the room escorting everyone out of the arena. I spent that night with Kenny, it was like our old days in Japan sharing a hotel room. The both of us were silent, still trying to process what had happened. I knew I wanted a divorce, this was the final straw but even if the other things didn’t happen I would have still filed for a divorce after the brawl. Is it bad that if this happened with anyone else I wouldn't have cared, it was the fact that this involved my family that made me so mad. For god sakes Matt and Nick are his brother in laws. I ignored Phill’s calls, his texts, I knew I needed a break. The suspension didn’t surprise me, we all knew it was coming but it sucked that Kenny, Nick and Matt became the first ever trios champions, only to get them taken away 24hrs later. The news articles came fast, everyone talking about the situation. I didn’t even bother coming home, I got the first flight out of Chicago to California. I knew Phill would know I would try to escape to our Cali home so I packed all of my things and Matt was kind enough to let me stay with him for the time being. 
It took me three months to see him again. Around christmas time Phill and I went back to our therapy sessions. I could tell that he was genuinely sorry but I could never look at him the same after what happened. I didn’t want a divorce, I loved him but the situation tore my family apart, it got to the point where I couldn't take it anymore. Divorce was the best option even though it would make things worse. Phill was my husband, we shared so much together, he helped me feel feelings that I lost years ago. He knew my past, he knew my trauma, never once judging me for it, instead helping me through an episode. That’s what made this so hard, my brain blocked out all the negatives in him, so in love, ignoring the flaws yet that fight remains clear as day, I will never forget it, no matter how hard I try. Matt and Nick were my brothers, Kenny and Adam were like family, they were there for me longer than Phill was. I would always pick them but I felt so guilty about it. They helped me through the situation with Phill, believe it or not they encouraged me to try and make amends with him despite legally not being allowed within 10 ft from another. 
We continued therapy once a week for another 6 months, just before he would come back to AEW and join Collision, the show we made for him, in order to keep everyone separate. I was there backstage representing the EVPs when the show made its debut. I watched from a backstage monitor as Phill made his return, the Chicago crowd going crazy for him. I saw that spark in his eyes that was lost long ago, it killed me watching him perform. I was so proud of him, but also angry. We mutually agreed on a divorce despite still loving the other, he loved me more but it didn’t matter what he said or did I would always go back to the fight. I was mad that he made me leave. How hard was it to get along with everyone?  It took us several sessions to even be able to be in the same room as the other without screaming at eachother, constantly arguing, hating the other. 
As the weeks went on everything actually seemed to be going well. From my knowledge everyone had been getting along quite well despite what went on once collision went off the air. All In was soon approaching and things actually looked like they might be able to go back to normal but of course that would be a lie. I was informed about the fight with Perry right before we went on air for the PPV. In a way I found it funny, of course there was another fight, did he not learn his lesson the first time? Despite the fight it was too late to change the card as I heard cult of personality starting to play on the speakers. This time the fight was over a spot with real glass. It was a stupid fight but it was fine, Perry deserved it. I’m honestly surprised it didn’t happen before, the kid needed a reality check. Unfortunately this would be the last straw for Phill and it looked like this time he would get fired for his actions. Perry might have provoked the fight but Punk was the first to lay hands. On one hand I felt bad for Phill the other I found it pathetic and hilarious. Security was waiting for the match to be over, ready to escort Phill out of the building due to his actions. 
I stood next to them, Tony wanting me to talk to him about the situation. 
“Was it worth it?” I asked Phill as he entered the backstage area, successfully defending a title that wouldn't even matter in a few days.
“Who else can say they beat the shit out of Perry minutes before opening the biggest wrestling show of all time” Phill said with a soft laugh “And winning might I add”
“This isn’t funny” I told him “Why don’t you give a shit? Do you know how hard I had to work to not get you fired the first time? I built you your own god dam show and this is how you repay me?” I yelled 
“I don’t see the same person I loved when I look at you anymore.” I told him, not even caring that all of our co-workers were watching the whole scene unfold before their eyes. 
“How many times do I have to say I’m sorry. I can’t change what happened between the two of us but if I could take it all back I would, I love you Y/n” He said in a soft tone as he tried to get closer to me, security holding him in place. 
I could see the crazy look in his eyes, it was the same look I saw during the brawl. “You don’t love me, if you loved me you wouldn't have started this shit in the first place. I don’t care how many times you beg for my forgiveness, you can’t take back what you said.” 
“I’m sorry baby, I’m sorry I hurt you” 
“I really wish things could have worked between us. I hate you. Get him out of here” and with that security escorted him out of the building. I could feel all the eyes on me, people in shock of what just happened.
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littlemagicalstardust · 2 months
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The happiest of birthdays to the man who deserves the world and more. ❤️
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starrysupercell · 5 months
All~ I Wanna Be Is Every Brawler At Once! (Shortened Version)
Last post of the year!
Brawl Stars has definitely had its downs lately but tbh I'm still here for the characters and a couple of people. 💙
Happy New Year, and see you guys next time I post~ 💫
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tpher · 6 months
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them.. 2 !!! this time for @crimson-chaser
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jackzart · 1 month
I'm not drawing today so have this pain train thingy [Sam x Chuck]
Giggle moment
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alvaroz-starrs · 2 months
Kiggy Gray
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Fwench fwy for fwench gwuy
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I had a vision, and I was bored
so yeah
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lover-of-mine · 7 months
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911 Hiatus Rewatch:
5x06 - “Brawl in Cell Block 9-1-1”
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softforgivness · 9 days
HELLO HELLO !! Could I request Charlie (BS) or Alexis Ness (BLLK) rentry graphics ?? Please && Thank you !!
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₊   ㅤ charile brawl stars graph
( f2u ) credits + reblogs appreciated
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₊   ㅤ alexis ness bluelock graph
( f2u ) credits + reblogs appreciated 
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req : yes
note : this is my first request I’m kinda nervous please lmk if any are wrong or you dislike them I got tired that’s why I only made two but I try to do both of them knowing that I’m getting tired this might be the last graph for today
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mx-paige · 11 months
If you know, you know.
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I mean, being the number one brawler and the mascot of the interspace must be mentally draining.
Here's Dan being an Ai Hoshino wannabe.
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