#bts v fic
kimbappykidding · 6 months
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Other Parts: Part One, Part Two and Part Four.
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V felt better than he had in a long time. He had a clear goal in mind and that gave him purpose and a reason to wake up in the morning. You. He knew now the future he wanted involved you and while that future was not guaranteed it gave him something to work for.
The first thing he did was cut out all his crutches, the booze the girls and everything in between. He didn't put anything in his body that he shouldn't and he immediately started feeling the benefits. Next, he started taking work more seriously. He began exercising to get his stamina back up to what it could be and went with Jimin to his vocal coaching appointments. He was on time at work and stayed late whenever he needed to. About a month in RM commented on V's progress and V thanked him but he wouldn't feel proud until you noticed the change in him.
Now his life was more stable he started working on himself. He started talking to a counsellor about his worries and struggles and she helped him come up with healthier mechanisms. He got checked out to make sure all the partying and sex hadn't affected his health or made him catch anything and felt so reassured when all his tests came back clean. He started examining his friendships and any that weren't okay with him taking a healthier approach to his life, he cut off. The guys in particular seemed happy when he told them he wasn't hanging around with that crowd anymore and he realised his members had been through a lot too.
He saw his family more and made sure to spend time with his mum in particular. He went home for her birthday for the first time since he'd broken up with you and she burst into tears when she saw him. He had no idea she'd missed him that much and promised to visit her more which just made her cry even more. Of all the things he'd done, this was what you noticed first.
When you came off hiatus you decided to just pretend V didn't exist so didn't look in his direction at any events and were hypervigilant about anything BTS. However, on your private Instagram, you could look at what you wanted and you'd seen the video on V's mum's Instagram of V surprising her for her birthday and were pleased. She was so happy to have her son back and he stayed with her for several days which was nice. V looked healthier in the photos and you couldn't help but notice that all his family members had alcohol but he clearly had a bottle of water instead. You had no idea if it was just a coincidence or not. You remembered what V had said at the end of his apology text about wanting to become a better person if you wanted him. Was this what he meant?
You were curious and so you asked your members what V was doing and they reported he'd dropped his toxic friends and they hadn't seen him at a nightclub in weeks. "Apparently he's performing better too" Yuqi said "my friend at Hybe said he's working hard to be a better idol and is always practising, exercising or rehearsing. They think he's turned over a new leaf but I'll believe it when I see it". "Or when it actually lasts long term" Soyeon said "he could easily revert back to his old ways". You nodded along but were a mixture of confused and dare you say excited? This must be the change V meant and if he did pull it off...well then you might think differently about letting him into your life again.
"Why?" Minnie asked noticing your frown and you shook your head "no reason". That convinced nobody. Soyeon narrowed her eyes at you and Yuqi shook her head "no come on, what's the reason?". You shook your head "nothing just...V said something to me after that video was leaked and I was wondering if he really meant it". The girls were SO curious so you showed them the text and were met with silence. "So you think...he's serious?" Shuhua asked cautiously "that he's changing like he promised?". You shrugged "I don't know...maybe?". "Do you want him to?" Soojin asked and you frowned "I don't know! Am I an idiot if I do?". "No!" Miyeon said "not at all!" and the girls all echoed her except Yuqi. She was the most straight-talking of the members so you looked at her and called her name. "Yuqi, what do you think?" you asked. She looked down and then up at you. "I don't know, part of me wants to just bundle you up and take you away from him because he does not deserve a second chance and I don't want you to get hurt if he reverts back to his usual ways". "So you think I shouldn't get my hopes up?" you asked and Yuqi shook her head "not at all and I think he's definitely doing all this for you". "You do?" you asked and Yuqi nodded "100% but I just hope it lasts. I think you need to give him time to mess up honestly. I'm worried he'll break your heart again if you go back to him now". You blinked "woah Yuqi I'm not planning to go back to him now". "You're not?" she asked with a hint of relief in her voice and you shook your head "god no! I was just checking if there were any reasons to hope this might be a good sign". Yuqi smiled "there's always a reason to hope, we'll keep an eye out for signs for you" and the girls all rushed to agree. "Thank you" you smiled at them "I promise I won't rush into anything" and from how tightly they all hugged you, you knew they all felt like Yuqi. They didn't want to see you hurt, you just hoped you'd be able to protect yourself better than last time.
V felt like his life was finally on track again but he reminded himself he couldn't expect you to suddenly come rushing to him. You might not actually be interested in his anymore or the damage might've already been done. He might've destroyed your trust in him and you needed solid proof before you were ready. Or maybe there was someone else or you were taking a break from dating after that leaked video nearly wrecked your career. There were so many reasons why you could be hesitating and V couldn't get ahead of himself. So he kept his head down and just carried on but some of your joint friends had different ideas.
Kai had noticed the changes in V majorly and he also knew about the text he'd sent you. At first, he was angry. Did V really think not sleeping with tons of girls and stopping putting toxins in his body for a few weeks would make things okay? He hoped you wouldn't fall for it and had his obligatory "he's not good enough for you" friend speech ready but he didn't need it. You didn't mention V and everything seemed to be okay...but then Kai started believing it. He'd known V for a while and heard a lot about him through Jimin and despite everything he didn't think V was a calculating person. He knew how to play the game and act when he had to but he wasn't malicious...so was this change real?
One day when he was hanging out with Jimin he "casually" asked how V was. Jimin looked at Kai almost questioningly and then nodded "he's good". "How good?" Kai asked "just the news has been really quiet about him lately. Is he on hiatus or something?". Jimin shook his head "no that's been all V, he's been a different person lately and all that's behind him". Kai snorted "yeah sure!" Kai smirked and Jimin shook his head "it's true!". "Jimin, I know he's your member but come on, I've seen him on a night out. Guys like that don't change". Kai didn't mean what he said but he wanted to prod Jimin into spilling more and it worked.
"Well you clearly don't know him and are judging him like everyone else!" Jimin burst and Kai held up his hands "calm down, no need to get mad". Jimin nodded "I know but he's been working really hard lately. It's not just his health and his worth ethic which he's taken charge of. He's repairing family relationships, he cut out bad friends who use him and he's talking to someone about the pressure and stress we're under! He's doing so well Kai and I don't care if you run and tell Y/n or not but he's doing amazing and I'm so proud of him". Kai nodded "you should be, it sounds like he's doing great". Jimin nodded taking a breath and after he'd calmed a little changed the subject but V stayed on Kai's mind the rest of the day.
Kai watched V even closer and recruited his members to also watch him and report back anything bad they'd heard but there wasn't much of that except a small bit from Sehun. "Binna is pissed at him" he excitedly said one day, taking to his detective role very happily. "Why?" Baekhyun asked "because he broke up with her?". Sehun nodded "apparently he'd ended things with her lots of time before" he said, doing air quotes when he said ended "but they always got back together or well Binna could find some way to convince him to carry on but not this time. According to my source, she's tried everything even showing up at his apartment in the middle of the night wearing nothing under her coat. He wouldn't even open the door to her and when she wouldn't leave he called her members to come get her. Apparently she went kicking and screaming". "Wow" Kai said "that must've been horrible for him" and all the guys nodded. "Are you going to tell Y/n?" Chanyeol asked and Kai noddded "I think I have to, I know she still cares about him and if he really has changed then I think he could make her happy". "Yeah and if he doesn't she knows we'll all kill him right?" D.O. asked and Kai smiled "I will make that crystal clear.
Kai did exactly that. He sat you down one day and explained why he thought you might just be able to listen to what V said. He warned you he'd only been watching him for 2 months so it might not be long term but so far it was looking good. "I'm not telling you this to tell you to get back with him" Kai said "just so you've got all the information. I'd considered keeping it from you but knew I couldn't do that. I want to protect you but I also want you to be happy and V might be able to do that". You got goosebumps as Kai said that and nodded "I've been watching him too, it looks good right?". Kai smiled "it really does" and you both exchanged things you'd noticed and were pleased with. "Okay so what do I do next?" you asked and when Kai hesitated you smiled "and I don't mean romantically. That's in the back of my mind but I want to start off as friends first. So how do you think I do that?". Kai smiled "leave it to me".
"Okay" Kai said the next time he saw Jimin "what would you say if I told you Y/n was open to being friends with V again". Jimin's huge eyes got even wider "WHAT!" he cried "she said that? She's open to him? This is amazing!". Kai held up his hands "calm down, I'm just feeling things out". "But you must think she's open to it if you're asking me" Jimin pointed out. Kai nodded "we've both noticed the changes in V's behaviour and they've seemed pretty consistent...and that is the only reason I am encouraging this" Kai said "if I thought for a second V was trying to trick or deceive Y/n..." Kai started but Jimin shook his head "he's not Kai. Trust me, I like Y/n and don't want to see her hurt. If I thought he wasn't serious I would tell you to put her off but he's deadly serious. He's had laser focus and it's really impressive". Kai nodded "okay great, so how do we do this? Y/n is open but also nervous". Jimin frowned "would she be okay if V messaged her or should we do something a little more organic?". Kai nodded "I like your thinking, what are you doing next Saturday?".
Chanyeol's birthday party was pretty low-key to say how popular the stunning rapper was but he liked it that way. However, lowkey for an idol meant a party with 100 people and so Kai managed to get two tickets for Jimin and V to attend. He'd checked with you in advance and you were okay with it and actually a little excited. Even though you were definitely coming at this from a friendship perspective, you still dressed extra nicely tonight knowing V would be here. Kai was probably more nervous than you and with two good reasons 1. he had helped organise this so if V hurt you it would be his fault and 2. Yuqi had threatened to kick his ass if no.1 happened. So Kai was fluttering around you nervously when he saw V enter.
You hadn't noticed, too busy chatting to NCT's Johnny and Kai was unsure if he should warn you or not. V saw him watching him and gave him a small nod which Kai returned. Kai took a seat next to you and you could just tell from the look on his face V was here. Sure enough, when you searched you found him. He was at the bar with Jimin but he didn't order anything. He looked nothing like the last few times you'd seen him. Before he'd either been cocky and smug or emotional and frantic. This time he seemed softer, you watched him smile at something Jimin said and nod to some Red Velvet members who passed him. You looked down, worried he'd look up and see you watching him and felt a little flushed. You reminded yourself the whole point of V being here tonight was so you could talk to him and wondered how you'd do that.
Luckily it happened pretty casually. You were walking with NCT's Doyoung and Jeno when Jeno saw Jimin and rushed to hug him. Jeno had apparently met Jimin years ago at some event before he was an idol and they'd remained friends. Doyoung also went over to greet Jimin and V. You followed and smiled at Jimin before looking at V. He was staring at you a little and looked almost stunned you were in front of him but he quickly smiled and bowed to you. He said a polite hello to everyone and the conversation continued. You let Jimin and Jeno talk before looking back at V. He caught your eye and smiled "I liked your latest comeback" he said softly. You smiled "thank you, it was a lot of work but it turned out well". He nodded "I can imagine it was, the concept was so cool and the routine looked really difficult". You nodded "it was, I still don't think my thighs have recovered" and V laughed. You liked the sound of his laugh and smiled a genuine smile. V noticed and paused "would you like to go have a chat? I'd love to catch up on how work and stuff is going?" and you nodded.
The two of you talked for about half an hour and it was a little awkward but sweet. V was careful with you and you could tell the effort he was putting in. He'd clearly remembered everything you liked when you were together and when he asked about your favourite sports team you had to smile. "I thought about you when they won" he admitted and you did blush a little at that. He asked you tons of questions and watched you answer with his attention fully fixed on you. You could see Kai and your members watching you nervously so decided to wrap things up before anything could go wrong. "Yeah of course!" V said "it's been so nice speaking to you, would it be okay if I texted you?" he asked and you nodded "yeah I'd like that" and V smiled.
So after that, the two of you were in contact. It started off slowly, exchanging polite conversations and funny photos before it got more casual and evolved into meeting up. The two of you had to be super careful not to be photographed together but V always made sure you came first and were comfortable with where you wanted to go. You went to all your old hangouts and also lots of new ones. V commented on how much you'd grown since you'd last been friendly and you did feel proud. You weren't the same person as before and had matured so much...the same could be said for V. He was different not only from when you last new him but also from the sex-obsessed party boy you'd come to know him as. He explained to you what some of these changes involved and how he'd given up the drink and other addictive substances. He admitted he didn't know who he was in those times and how he enjoyed his life a lot more now. You were so happy to hear that and had noticed a huge difference in him but didn't really know what to do from here.
You'd told Kai you just wanted to get to know V as friends and you'd done that. You'd sussed him out and liked what you saw but what now? You were terrified to take the next step even though on paper everything was straightforward. V was stable, healthy and in a place for commitment. You still had great chemistry and had never stopped finding him attractive. You felt great when you were around him and found yourself missing him when you didn't get to see him for a bit. So why couldn't you just tell him you wanted him?
It was really bothering you and V noticed you seemed more anxious than usual so he asked you why and it all spilled out. "I don't know what's wrong with me!" you admitted "everything is perfect but something's making me hold back". V shook his head "nothing's wrong with you Y/n, I hurt you really badly several times so of course you've learnt to be cautious around me and it's not in your nature to jump into something with me". You frowned "I know but I figured if I spent time with you that fear would go and it hasn't! We've been hanging out for nearly 3 months now and I'm still wary of going any further. The attraction isn't the issue either, I like you and I want you I just can't" you said exasperated. V nodded and patted your hand "Y/n it's okay, you don't need to blame yourself. The problem is clearly me and something you're not getting from me so think, what do you need me to do?" V asked "seriously just tell me and I'll do it". "V it's not that simple" you sighed but he shook his head "no it is, you tell me absolutely anything you need from me and I'll do it to prove how serious about you I am". You shook your head "I want there to be something, some act that can make it all better but I don't know V...I'm not sure if there's anything that can reassure me enough. I'm too nervous and scared about the whole thing".
That broke V's heart. "I never want to make you upset" he said and you smiled sadly "and you haven't, these past months have been so nice and I'm really glad you're back in my life...I just don't know if it was wise. I feel like it's made us both want each other and I didn't want to give you false hope but I just don't know what you could possibly do to prove it all to me". V nodded "I understand, can I still see you?" he asked "or do you think that would be too painful for you?". You shook your head "I don't want to lose you V just maybe we'll need a break for a bit. If I see you right now it's just going to remind me of what I can't have and that will just make me upset and depressed". V nodded "okay I respect that, if you think of anything I can do though can you let me know?". You hesitated before nodding "I can't think of anything that would prove to me how serious about all of this you are but of course yeah, if I think of anything I'll tell you".
You parted ways quickly after that with heavy hearts and V was wracking his brains of ways he could fix this. What you said last to him stuck in his mind. He gave it a few days and when his mind still didn't change he decided to go for it. It was the riskiest thing he'd ever done but if it showed you how serious about you he was, it would all be worth it.
V set up his phone and purposefully chose a room in the studio that locked. He'd vaguely told the staff he was going live but left it at that so technically he never lied to them about what he was going to do.
He quickly greeted fans after he went live and then got to the point. "So I know this in unplanned but I'm here today because I've got something I need to confess. The truth is, I'm in love with Y/n from G-(I)dle" V said. He felt the atmosphere change even though it was a virtual medium and knew this was monumental but kept going. "We dated for 3 years and broke up 5 years ago because I wasn't a good boyfriend. I was immature, unsupportive and wasn't happy having one amazing girl. Y/n put up with me for way longer than she deserved" V said as a member of staff tried the locked door. "When she ended it with me I was happy because it was the excuse I needed to sleep with any girl I wanted but I now realise it was the worst moment of my life. Y/n was an amazing girlfriend, she was caring, thoughtful and made me feel like I could do anything. She loved me more than I even knew was possible and with her I just felt at home" V said smiling slightly at the memory before his smile vanished "but then I ruined everything" he said. "I'm telling you all this because some of you have taken it upon yourselves to abuse Y/n for dating me. I'm telling you all if you want a villain, it's me. I started that argument you all saw with Y/n because I was selfish and wanted her to come back and save me after all I'd put her through. I was a jerk but I wasn't the one put on hiatus or punished and anyone who harassed her is not a true fan of mine" he said shaking his head in anger. The person trying to get in started knocking on the door getting louder and louder and V sighed "I'll be cut off soon but I wanted you all to know. I love Y/n and will never love anyone else like I love her. She is the greatest person I know and I would give up everything, all of this" he said gesturing around the room "for her...because she's really that special and I wanted you all to know that".
He ended the stream and opened the door, ready to face the consequences.
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jjkeverlast · 1 year
feel real | kth
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BANNER BY @freyarchive <3 thank you sm my love!!
-> pairing taehyung x fem!reader
-> genre established relationship | smut
-> summary a late nigh stroll with your boyfriend takes an unexpected turn
-> word count 1.5k
-> warnings fingering, choking, doggy, unprotected sex (y'all know the usual drill), public sex 👀 and taehyung's duality :'))
-> author's note wheeew here it is. my bday fic for taehyung. happy bday to our lovely king!!! this is mostly dedicated to my hyung @gimmethatagustd and all my taehyung whores out there. i hope you enjoy the pwp <3333
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“You know,” Taehyung clenches your hand, catching every ounce of your attention as you both walk along the river. 
“I’ve been meaning to do something, ever since you stepped out wearing that dress.” His jaw clenched, his eyes trailing down your form and you feel your body grow hot over his subtle action. 
“What exactly?” You’re curious. 
Taehyung doesn’t respond, chuckling lowly before you both reach a secluded bridge, with an unforgettable view of the city at night. 
“Wow.” You’re caught off guard, stopping the both of you as you lean against the railing, looking out and taking the beauty in. 
“Yeah.” Taehyung stands behind you, his arms wrapping around your waist as his head leans on your shoulder. You feel warm and fuzzy all of a sudden. Small actions by Taehyung never failed to make you act out as if you had just started dating a week ago. 
You both stay quiet, the water beneath you moving in a rhythm as the stars light down on the both of you. 
A small kiss to the collarbone from Taehyung makes you gasp by the sudden action. It’s adorable, but the look on Taehyung’s eyes prove that there’s much more than just cuteness in his act. 
He proves it to be right, moving further towards your neck, the tip of his tongue joining in on the long and languid kisses he’s giving you. 
Somehow the mood changes, it always does whenever Taehyung breaks out of his soft side and astonishes you with his other side. 
You’re thinking he’ll stop, he has to somehow when you’re standing on a bridge, someone being able to walk by at any moment. But then again, Taehyung has something else he wants to show you, or rather give you and it sends a common chill down your spine. 
“Taehyung.” You breathe out, tilting your head further to give him more access. Although your tone doesn’t match with your action. You’re cautious, have always been when it comes to any forms of PDA in public spaces. 
“Mmm.” His nose nuzzles your cheek, his mouth close to your ear. 
“What— what are you doing?” You turn, his eyes already on you as a devilish smirk appears onto his face. 
“What I’ve been meaning to do. Stand still.” You look both ways, noticing it’s completely stranded yet it still isn’t certain that a bridge is a good enough place for whatever Taehyung has up his sleeve. You trust him, so you don’t comment, letting his hands roam on every part of your body that they meet. 
He’s starting slow, his slender and long fingers toying with the details of your dress. You look down, admiring the thin rings that decorate them. 
You don’t think too much about the certain action. Not until he decides to pull your dress up, his fingers sliding in between your legs and grabbing firmly on your inner thigh. 
“Can I?” He speaks calmly behind you. It’s low but enough for you to hear and without thinking further you nod. 
He doesn’t hesitate, moving his hands towards your thong, feeling the fabric on the tip of his fingers. You keep looking down, watching the further his hand disappears from your sight and under your dress. 
Taehyung knows every part of your body. Every inch of you that’s sensitive, soft and delicate. He has a tendency to fully enjoy you, as he lets his hand explore just as much as his eyes when you’re in front of him. 
There’s something special about Taehyung’s hands. The way he carefully uses them when it comes to you and your body, as if you’re a delicate flower. His hands have imprinted themselves in your brain and whenever he acts out with them, your eyes admire every part. 
Two of his fingers drag themselves down, the fabric wrinkling due to the action. You’re already wet. You have been ever since his lips touched your exposed collarbone and up towards your jaw. Taehyung moves your underwear aside, the breeze landing on your exposed heat. The sensation feels new, but it’s soon covered by a common feeling of Taehyung’s fingers playing with your entrance. You softly sigh, Taehyung moving up closer behind you. The leather fabric of his jacket crinkles along with his movements. 
As he’s breathing down your neck, his fingers spread your folds and move up towards your clit. The rhythm starts slow, small circles to begin with paired by his middle finger. Your hands squeeze on the railing in front of you for support, your breathing turning quicker the more he does it. 
He loves to hear you. Hear how much he’s able to please you, simply by his fingers. His fingers that you love so much. But due to the circumstances, you’re trying to stay quiet. 
Taehyung makes sure no one will walk by, keeping himself on a look out. All he wants is for you to feel safe, especially in a risky place. 
“You’re doing so good, baby.” He’s biting down your earlobe, almost as if it’s a reward for you to keep your voice down. 
“Being so quiet for me.” Taehyung goes back to kissing every part of your skin that he’s able to reach. He doesn’t slow down the pace of him toying with your clit, even as your legs slightly shake, reasons being you’re much closer than you think. 
“Tae— fuck.” You exclaim, grabbing his wrist firmly as it continues to move under the fabric. 
Every sensation is building within you, your heart beating rapidly as your mind turns blank. You’re feeling all forms of emotions rushing along with your blood pumping as the familiar knot appears in the pit of your stomach. 
The one thing you’ve always admired about your boyfriend is him being extremely attentive. Watching how your body reacts to certain actions, letting it control him and how his curious eyes pop open whenever you react differently. 
So when Taehyung notices how your body tenses, your breathing quickening and your legs shaking, he grabs your chin with his free hand, kissing you messily as you moan into the kiss and finish all over his fingers. 
Your head leans on Taehyung’s shoulder, relaxing yourself as the orgasm washes itself out. You’re pleased, the smile forming naturally on your face proving just that. 
“That was— nice.” You chuckle as Taehyung playfully nudges you, irritated by your choice of words. 
“I’m not done with you.” 
He pushes himself up against you, acknowledging just how hard you’ve made him and the need for him despite the circumstances grows faster than lighting. 
Taehyung removes his belt, taking an extra look around to make sure someone isn’t near or on their way to approach the both of you in an intimate act. With the coast clear, Taehyung doesn’t hesitate to complete his task, which is fucking you as you admire the view. 
It’s a quickie. You both are settled on that but when the tip of Taehyung’s cock drags itself in between your folds, you’d wish that there would be more time. 
“Keep your eyes on the view.” He demands and you turn, his hands pulling up your dress further, your ass exposed as well. 
“Why?” Your voice chokes up as he slowly enters you, stretching you out in the process. 
“Fuck— want you to enjoy it while I enjoy mine.” Your knees almost buckle, imagining how Taehyung must be looking down at your perked ass, his hands grabbing and touching it, licking his lips over how beautiful your body is. 
“Shit.” He fills you up completely, his hand meeting your throat, clutching it as he starts to move. You lose the ability to say anything, too overwhelmed by the sensation from Taehyung’s cock hitting your g-spot. 
“We gotta be quick, baby. How’s the view?” Taehyung grunts right below your ear. 
“Good— so fucking good.” You aren’t talking about the view, Taehyung definitely knows that. 
You’re both so focused on each other's bodies connecting in the middle, as it makes you both dizzy the longer time runs between you. Taehyung starts to pant, his hold on you tightening on your form, a signal of him already being close. 
If it weren’t for the way you so easily wrap around him, being so warm and wet then he would’ve been able to hold it for a bit longer but you make everything impossible. Especially when you push your ass further into him, the sounds of your skins slapping against each other echoing on the bridge. 
Fuck. It’s so risky yet thrilling for you. Your nerves are kicking at every corner, scared someone might see you in this position yet with the feeling of Taehyung’s cock inside of you, you truly don’t care. 
Your subtle action is the last thing Taehyung needs before he comes undone, painting your walls. 
Normally Taehyung would take care of you right after, but you both are in a hurry. Messily fixing yourselves before moving along, walking away from the bridge as if nothing happened. You notice how the rings have marked themselves on your neck, a memory to remember the unimaginable experience between you and him. 
“Well that was definitely something.” You joke, your boyfriend joining you in as he tickles you from behind. 
There’s no one like him, and there never will be. 
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© jjkeverlast 2022 [do not copy, translate or repost any of my works.]
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muniimyg · 2 years
the morning after // kth
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pieces of peace; a series of therapy sessions
# 3 ! oc has broken up with taehyung and he struggles to understand the breakup
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sadboy taehyung + ex girlfriend oc
post-break up au / getting back together
healing, sulking, attempting to move on
angst angst angst
note: tbh this one has been in my drafts for literally MONTHS. i dunno what is even going on but i jus need it out lololol
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There’s no point.
No point in anything these days.
No point in eating out because he was used to asking for a table for two and eating alone just looks so fucking sad.
No point in making coffee because he doesn’t even like it. Regardless of how many sweeteners he put in his cup, it always tastes too bitter. Too bland. Too anticlimactic. But he sipped every sip just to spend time with you in the morning. So no, Taehyung did not like coffee but he loved you. He learned how to make coffee for two, not for one. 
It hasn’t been long since you left.
It’s only been a month and a half but it feels like a lifetime without you by his side. You left and made his king-sized bed for one. He hasn’t slept alone in years. He doesn’t even remember what it feels like to sleep on the right side of the bed because that was your side.
It’s the same way he can’t recall what it’s like to have his heart to himself: it was yours. For so long, it had been yours to care for, to love, and to keep. 
But shit happens.
Things change. 
People change. 
You needed space and Taehyung had to give it to you. He had to empty parts of himself for you. It left him questing who he is without you.
Who is he without you? 
It’s something his friend would constantly ask one another whenever he arrived late to dinners in hoodies and a sad smile. No one could make him feel better even for a millisecond. You were by far the best thing to have ever happened to him and everyone knew that. 
Still, Taehyung’s friends tried. 
Tonight, they invited another pretty girl that looked to be Taehyung’s type. Again, they play the not-so-subtle game of “have you met Taehyung?” 
It makes him sick. 
How I Met Your Mother was your favourite show to play as background noise. Especially when you two were preparing dinners or making sleepy 8AM pancakes before heading to your parent’s home for Sunday family lunch. 
The girl looks a little too much like you. It pains Taehyung more than it attracts him. He feels stupid in front of his friends. He feels stupid for doing this to you because it wasn’t your face or your body. None of that compared to the way you held his heart and loved him the way you did. 
How you mastered comforting him on days he felt weaker than usual. 
How each kiss from you felt better than the last. 
How complete his life felt sitting next to you, watching the raspberry lemonade sky fade into a starry night.
How you completed him.
It’s only been a month and half but he still misses mornings with you. The stupid mid-day texts you’d send because a mug, a random YouTube video, or a picture of a cute dog popped up and reminded you of him. It was everything mundane that had him enchanted by you. 
He misses you. 
From slow and giggly sex, spontaneous convince store trips at 2AM, and even quiet dinners after an argument—he wants nothing more than those moments back. He wants nothing more than for you to come back and just be his again.
It aches.
Every part of his day aches as he’s all alone. Who's by your side? Is it that guy from your workplace that couldn’t get the hint? Is it your best girlfriends that never really liked him in the first place? Or are you by yourself too?
The only thing Taehyung doesn’t miss about you is the way you made him feel the morning after.
When he woke up groggy, eyes puffy from crying, and worst of all: hopeful. He has never wanted to wake up from a nightmare this bad before. It was that morning when he brewed coffee for two, ate out for dinner, and asked for a table for two, and found himself dragging his feet with his head hanging low on his walk home all alone. 
It takes so much of him to fix these habits. 
Brew coffee for one, not two. 
Table for one, not two. 
Live for himself, not you. 
It felt silly. The whole break-up and the ache wrapped around it like a bow. There was no point in feeling that kind of devastation, right? Taehyung knows he’ll get over it. Though it may be hard and nearly impossible, he will one day get over you. 
But not today. 
Not the morning after, not the week after, not months after.. He’ll continue to hurt until you come back to him and heal him or he goes numb from all this fucking bullshit. 
Taehyung has never felt more alone in his life. 
Then, his phone buzzes.
Jimin [3:29AM]: We’ll stop setting U up on dates if U want. We can come over and make sure U’re eating right if U want
Taehyung [3:32AM]: Nah
Jimin [3:37AM]: … Or idk talk to her? Talk to a therapist or smt. Idk. This isn’t U. Feels like we’ve been losing U lately. Don’t break up with us.
Taehyung [3:41AM]: Lol
Taehyung sighs, not bothering to keep this conversation going. It’s all the same. It’s the same pity and the same self-help suggestions. It all burned slowly and made him feel crazy. He wasn’t crazy because, in the darkness of his bedroom, he thinks to himself: this helps. 
Talking, acknowledging, and letting myself feel everything right now by himself.. Helps. For now, this will suffice. Being here for himself helps. This is therapeutic.  
Besides, he doesn’t have the energy to go to a therapist and force himself to open up. Maybe he should go there when he knows his feelings a little better himself.. Yeah. That’s more like it.
It’s like this: if he knows he feels alone, what was the point of trying to fill that void when it’s yours to fill? You are only his to love and that defeats him entirely. He doesn’t want to call or text you because he wants you to do that on your own. 
There was no point in begging or trying to fix himself. Why couldn’t he just be broken in peace? Be aimless and call it healing. Taehyung doesn’t want direction right now. He didn’t want there to be a point or to even think of love. The questions were endless, but the answer had been prefixed from the very beginning. 
Then, his phone buzzes. He expects it to be Jimin.
YN [4:01AM]: Hey
YN [4:01AM]: U up?
Taehyung [4:03AM]: Hi
YN [4:03AM]: Can we talk?
Taehyung [4:04AM]: Idk. About what?
YN [4:04AM]: Us? The morning after? Anything
Taehyung [4:07AM]: Come over. I’ll make us some coffee
YN [4:08AM]: But you don’t like coffee
Taehyung [4:08AM]: I still drank it every morning with U. Also, Idk how to brew coffee for one so just come over. We’ll figure it out
YN [4:09AM]: Okay. Let’s figure it out
Taehyung [4:09AM]: Good
Taehyung [4:12AM]: I miss you
YN [4:13AM]: I miss you too
Taehyung smiles at his phone. He gets up and goes to his kitchen to begin brewing coffee for two. He isn’t sure what this means or what is to come.. But he has a feeling there’s a point to all of this—that the morning after would be a new beginning. 
After all, what was the point of love if it wasn’t going to be you?
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bteezxyewriter12 · 2 years
Take My Picture ~ Tae/ 1
Pairing- Tae x Named Reader
Word count- 1.6k
Includes- Blow job, cock riding, wall sex, multiple orgasms, fluff
Tag List- @mingtina @jaxxmine @delightfulmoonbanana @tannie13 @yeosayang @itstyraaxx
Masterlists- check out for more fics
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📝BTS Masterlist 📝Tae Masterlist
Couple for this series is from Dance with Me
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I move my eyes back to the photographer just as he snaps the picture
I have to focus
Do this shoot and give it my all
It's just so hard with my girlfriend standing a few feet behind the photographer, her eyes on me
And the occasional sight of her phone as she takes her own pictures of me
She bites her lip as I raise my eyebrow and look at her
Her legs press together and I absentmindedly lick my lip
I just wanna be in between her pretty legs, licking her cream then fucking her stupid
She points to the photographer, snapping me out of my thoughts
Fuck I'm in the middle of a shoot and I just had a mini sex fantasy of my girlfriend
I need to get it together
Paying attention to the photographer, I continue the shoot, doing different poses, different faces
And all the while I keep looking at her
I just admit defeat and look between shots
I can't help it
She's so fucking hot, I can't take it sometimes
She thinks I'm crazy when I tell her how hot she is, how much she turns me on, how beautiful she is
She gives me a weird face and when I insist I do see her that way, she pats my cheek and smiles
Like she doesn't believe me
Doesn't matter because I will never stop telling her that she's gorgeous and that I love her more than anything
Finally my turn for pictures is over
I move off the wall, walking towards her
Grabbing her hand, I pull her along as we leave the set
I need her now
I walk past Jungkook, who's walking towards us, hearing him say, "Where you guys going?"
He knows
I fuck her literally everyday
I bypass the dressing room we got ready in because there's way too many people there
The next two dressing rooms have people in them too and I'm getting antsy
Thankfully the next one is empty and I open the door
"Uh what are we doing here?", she asks as I pull her inside, closing and locking the door
Pulling her against me I crash my mouth to hers in a searing hot kiss
She responds immediately, kissing me back and pulling me tightly to her
I press my hard on into her, rubbing against her
"That's why we're here", I whisper
"Uh..um.", she babbles
"You were distracting me so much pumpkin. I couldn't focus on the shoot because I had to keep looking at you", I tell her, pressing kisses to her slender neck, "You're so fucking hot baby and god you make me so horny"
"Fuck Tae"
Grabbing her hand, I put it on my cock, "See how hard I am? Do you know how hard it is to pose with this in my pants?"
"My poor baby", she says softly, kissing my cheek
Her hands slide down my to my jacket, unbuttoning it and tearing it open
I don't have a shirt on under it and her small warm hands are immediately on my skin, touching gently
"Fuck pumpkin", I whimper, loving her touch
I can just lay in bed all day feeling her touch me
I can't get enough
She shoves the jacket off me and it lands on the floor while her hands moved further down, undoing my belt and my pants
"Let me help you baby. Let me make you feel good. Let me make it better"
I nod, whimpering as my pants and boxers hit the floor
She kneels on the carpet, her tongue licking my cock from base to tip and I moan loudly
She takes me in her mouth and starts sucking while bobbing her head back and forth, pleasure slapping my body everywhere
She's such a fucking pro at giving me blow jobs
She always goes hard, it always feels amazing, her mouth fucking incredible
Switch between sucking and licking, she moves her mouth faster, licking right under the tip where she knows I love it
Her head moves down, taking me in her throat, deepthroating me easily
She holds me in her mouth sucking hard and swallowing, making her already tight throat even tighter
"God baby!", I cry, my hand plunging in her hair, "Such a good girl"
I'm so close and I'm debating coming in her mouth
I know if I do, I can't fuck her right now because I don't know if I can get hard again in the short timeframe we have right now
And as amazing as it feels, I want to cum in her warm pussy
Painstakingly, I pull her head away and she looks up at me confused
I hold out my hand to her and she takes them while I pull her up
I get all my clothes off then take her hand and lead her to the couch
I sit on it, then pull her to me by her belt loops of her jeans
I get them and all her clothes off in record time, pulling her on me
She sits, straddling me, her pretty pussy so wet
Moving my hand, I touch her, getting her creamy juice all over my fingers
Keeping my eyes on her, I move my hand up, put my fingers in my mouth and I suck on them moaning so loudly at her incredible taste
God I'm a sucker for her cum
"So good pumpkin", I smirk, watching her swallowing hard
Holding my cock up, I raise my eyebrow at her
"Fuck me pumpkin"
She immediately moves over my shaft and lowers herself, impaling her cunt on my entire length in one shot
We both cry out as she starts to move quickly and hard, pleasure filling my body with every move
"Yeah baby. Fuck. I love when you ride me", I whine
"I love riding you Tae", she whimpers, "Big cock, so hard. Feels so good inside me. Rubbing and hitting all the right spots"
"Mmm I think you like my cock baby"
"I love it Tae", she moans, pulling me into a kiss
I thrust up into her when she's coming down and my cock goes so deep inside her, her cunt flooding my lap and throbbing wonderfully as I slam into her spot
"Yes Taehyung!", she cries
I keep thrusting hard and watch her ride me desperately at the same time, each hit bringing her closer
"Mmmm such a good pussy pumpkin. Cum baby", I say
Her cunt tightens so hard, her body shaking as she screams my name, flooding my cock with her creamy cum, so much bliss running through me from just her orgasm
"Yes pumpkin, good girl", I praise as I continue thrusting up
Once she slumps on me, I stand up, holding her against the wall
I'm not done with her yet
I pump my cock in and out of her tight pussy, her head against the wall, her neck exposed
I kiss and suck on every inch of her skin, spreading them down to her jiggling boobs
Holding one up, I wrap my mouth around her nipple, sucking immediately as I fuck her into the wall
Her pussy feels so good, stretching and hugging me, like she's desperate to hold on to me
I like that a lot
"Tae", she whimpers, her hands in the back of my hair, pulling hard
"Mmm", I answer, switching to her other nipple, her cunt flooding me length as soon as I suck on her
She's close
I am too
I just need to feel her orgasm and it'll push me over the edge
Hitting her spot deeply, she screams in pleasure, pulsing uncontrollably
Her orgasm starts mine and I yell in ecstasy, sheathing my cock inside her as I spill everything I have
The tugging and pulling her cunt is doing on my cock feels amazing and just prolongs everything
"Taehyung! God", she moans while I bury my face in her neck, moaning her name over and over again
When it's over, I just keep holding her, breathing in the scent of her skin, feeling her arms around me
My heart is jack hammering in my chest and all I want is to take her to the couch and sleep
Unfortunately I can't
"Think you can do the photo shoot now baby?", she teases softly, making me chuckle
"Maybe for a little until I look at you and get hard again"
"Kim, Taehyung, you better do your job and do it well or I won't ride you when we get home"
I lift my head, smiling widely at her
"You will?"
"If you're a good boy"
"I am", I promise, "I'm your good boy pumpkin"
She nods, pressing a small kiss on my lips
Putting her down, we both clean up, then get dressed again
Although I know the stylists are gonna have to fix my outfit
And my hair
And most likely my make up
Yeah they're not gonna be happy
"C'mon Tae", she calls, holding her hand out to me
I take it and she leads me out the door back to the set
As I predicted, the stylists surround me immediately, they're hands all over, fixing my appearance
When that's finally done, I take her hand and lead her back to the set
"It's about fucking time!", Namjoon says, "We've been looking for you"
"I was busy", I say, rolling my eyes
"We have to do group shots and you were missing!"
"I'm here now", I answer
Namjoon is about to say something else when the director cuts in
"Ok, let's just do these shots and finish the shoot ok?"
Everyone agrees
"Behave", she says as she kisses me softly
"I'll try", I smirk at her
She rolls her eyes but smiles, shooing me away and I walk to the guys, already imagining what's to come tonight
I glance at her and get hard
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sailoryooons · 5 months
Bust | KTH | (m)
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☾ Pairing: Heistman!Taehyung x f. Reader
☾ Summary: Seeing a beautiful man in the middle of a bank robbery is unusual. Seeing him again afterward is even more unlikely… and yet not unlucky. 
☾ Word Count: 2,211
☾ Genre: Criminal, Smut, PWP
☾ Rating: 18+ Minors are strictly prohibited from engaging and reading this content. It contains explicit content and any minors discovered reading or engaging with this work will be blocked immediately. 
☾ Warnings: Bank robbery, light depiction of fear/anxiety, mentions of poor financial situations and money-related stress, recreational drinking, ‘good girl’ petname, explicit language, sexually explicit content including oral (f. receiving), biting, spanking, implied body worship kind of, a hint of overstim, bodily fluids and cum-eating. 
☾ Published: Monday, January 15, 2024
☾ A/N: This is an idea I randomly spoke about forever ago in a TikTok DM with @gimmethatagustd and this is strictly written to ruin their entire life tonight. I hope it works idk osifodigjoijg. 
☾ A/N 2: Tonight is number four for my 100 Drabble Challenge and I rolled number 24 for criminals! I hope you enjoy my depraved thoughts of Taehyung in that GOD DAMN SQUID GAME OUTFIT AT PTD. MY MASK KINK DOESN’T MAKE AN APPEARANCE BUT BE FUCKING SURE IT WILL ONE DAY. HE MADE ME INSANE. 
☾ Disclaimer: All members of BTS are faces and name claims for this story. This is entirely a work of fiction and by no means is meant to be a projection, judgment or representation of real-life people. Any scenarios or representations of the people and places mentioned in works are not representative of real-life scenarios.
Main Masterlist ☾ 100 Drabble Masterlist ☾ Ask ☾ Song Inspiration ☾
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Sweat beads down your back, the trickle of it slower than the clock ticking above your head. Time seems to slow as you sit on a carpet that hasn’t been steam cleaned since the 80s and push yourself against the wall, eyes glued to the open vault. 
It had happened so fast and yet now, it’s like it can’t be over fast enough. Each second that ticks by feels like it takes a year. You cannot hear the chatter of the men inside the vault, but their harsh whispers raise goosebumps on your skin.
At least they haven’t noticed you. Not that you would do much, anyway. You have no intention of going over to push the alarm by the door, too afraid to alert the armed man who stands just outside the vault room on the other side, and far too underpaid to risk your life for a financial institution. 
For a moment, you wish it were you robbing the damned bank. Maybe you could pay off the student loans on your degree you’re not using and run the heating in your apartment during the winter instead of bundling up in several layers. 
Your momentary lapse of delusion passes as the men rush out of the vault, duffles in hand. They’re all dressed in red, black masks covering their faces with shapes on them. You’re vaguely aware that the costume belongs to some sort of show you saw online, but you can’t place them.
Perhaps you’ll watch it now.
“Hurry up,” one of the men barks toward the vault. There had been three inside, but only two came out. “Grab the last and let’s go. Two minutes left.”
They’re gone in an instant. Your eyes dart back to the vault where you can hear the last person inside. Glancing at the clock, you watch the seconds tick by. 
Ten seconds. Fifteen. Thirty. A minute. 
A man dressed in a red suit, hood pulled over his head comes out of the vault. As he slugs it shut with one arm, the bag on his shoulder droops, spilling the contents inside out onto the floor. Bands of cash fall out, thudding around his feet. He swears loudly and bends over, back slipping more to drop cash on the ground.
In his frustration, he crouches and tips the mask up a fraction, shielding his face from the camera above but not from you, huddled on the floor a few feet away.
Your heart skips. The thief is beautiful. Dark eyes focused on his task, a wide nose that fits perfectly on a symmetrical face with high cheekbones, a sharp jawline, and a pursed mouth. There’s a flush in his face from the heat, the tip of his nose an endearing shade of rose.
As if sensing your gaze, his head snaps up. You cower against the wall, realizing now that you’ve seen his face, you’ve doomed yourself. He stalls completely, gloved hand hovering over the cash, eyes boring into you. He arches a brow as if to ask you a question and you respond by shaking your head. 
The thief gives you a cocky grin, nodding before he finishes picking up the money and tossing it into the bag. He looks at you again, a smirk on full display before he winks and pulls the mask back down. “Good girl,” he purrs. “I like that.” 
Despite the situation, your stomach flips. He stands and rushes out, lingering by the door for a second longer to stare at you through the black mask. You can’t see his face, but you know you’ll never forget it, pretty as an angel, dangerous as a devil. 
When the group is gone, you wait in silence, only the pumping of your heart to keep you company. When the cops come and ply you with questions all you can do is shake your head repeatedly. 
I was too scared. I can’t remember. 
I was too scared. I can’t remember. 
It is the same thing you tell investigators for nearly two months. Just when you think they won’t keep asking what the man looked like, they finally drop it, handing over the robbery details to the FBI. They were at least a little less callous, caring a little less about how many questions you answered. 
If you had to guess, your unimpressive financial situation even after the robbery was significant enough that you weren’t involved with the robbery. 
It’s hard not to wish you had been. The straw in your mouth belongs to a drink that is far too expensive for you to not wince and it barely tastes like anything. At this rate, you know you won’t get a buzz. You’d love alcohol to take the edge off of the loud club music or loosen you up a bit, but you’re resigned to being sober for the rest of your friend's birthday. 
Around you is a gaggle of men and women, both people you know and new faces trying to pick up your friends. Anyone trying to hit on you has already decided you’re far too grumpy to waste time on, most of their backs facing you as people shout over the music about working in finance.
You wonder if they also rob banks in their spare time. It makes you grin, thinking fondly about the thief once again. You do that a lot.  
Sipping the drink, you glance at your phone. It’s been an hour since you arrived, but you’re wondering if enough time has reasonably passed to excuse yourself. Tomorrow is one of your few days off and you intend to spend it lounging on the couch watching TV instead of nursing a headache.
Someone slides into the space at the bar next to you. You don’t glance up at them, spinning your skinny cocktail straw absently as you stare at the melted ice of your Long Island iced tea. You hoped that once it melted it would turn into a second drink, but it hasn’t. Cold, bitter water it is, then. 
“Why the long face?” You frown at the vaguely familiar voice and glance up, freezing. 
Mr. Bank Robber looks down at you, cocking his head to the side with a wolfish grin. Your mouth pops open in surprise, leaning back a little as you drink him in. This close, he is far more beautiful than you remember, the edges and shadows of his face like a carefully painted fresco. Michelangelo could hardly be talented enough to capture this. 
“You,” you whisper, his grin spreading further. 
“Have we met?” he leans on the bar, dressed in all black. You eye the three-piece suit and the glinting diamonds in the cuff links. His clothes are far finer than anything anyone else is wearing and when you breathe in sharply, you smell a hint of woody cologne. His dark hair is slicked back and you catch the dainty hoop earrings in his lobes. You like the juxtaposition. 
“You know we have.” He tongues the inside of his cheek, turning his head to order with the bartender. His eyes stray to you, raising a brow. You supply him with your answer, “A long island.”
The bartender nods, momentarily stupefied by the heistman’s beauty before walking over to the POS, tapping the screen with the speed and aggression unique to bartenders. 
“Kind of a shitty club,” he mentions, looking around over the top of your head. Sweat clings to your lower back, your mouth growing dry as you watch colors splash on his face. “Your face is too pretty for a place like this.”
“Is that so?” 
“Mhmm.” The bartender puts the drinks on the counter and the man gives him cash, signaling to keep the change. The bartender raises a brow but says nothing, taking the money as he goes. “What’s your name?”
“You probably already know it.” He cocks his head to the side. “I’m sure you looked me up to see if I was a threat or watched me to see what I’d do.”
“You watch too many heist movies.”
“Maybe I watch just enough.”
He laughs at that and your lips twitch. It’s rich, making his face intimidating as he gives you a wide smile and shakes his head. “Alright, maybe you’re right.”
“Can I know your name?”
“For the right price.”
“My silence was a pretty petty, no?”
He bites his bottom lip, eyes dipping down and back up. You sip your drink, feeling a flush of warmth unfurl in your body, most notably between your legs. “I like you.”
“You have to like me. I know your secret.” 
Leaning forward, he ducks down so that he’s murmuring into your ear, hot breath ghosting your skin and making you tremble. “Want to hear more?” Your eyelids flutter as he waits, skin buzzing at his sudden proximity. You nod, feeling lightheaded. “My name is Taehyung. Want to get out of here?”
“Fuck,” Taehyung growls, hands skimming your bare sides. You can’t keep still under his gaze, hips squirming and fingers twisting in the sheets. His mouth is swollen and covered in your spit, his eyes blown as a large hand scrapes down to your thigh where he gives you a good slap. “I knew you were a good girl.”
A moan trips out of your mouth. Your thigh stings where he slapped you but he soothes it with the easy back-and-forth motion of his hand, his fingers digging into your flesh. Taehyung is a man starved, having littered your body with harsh kisses and bites, nearly breaking the skin.
You don’t care. You’re feverish for him, room spinning as you sprawl on his soft sheets in a hotel room that is far nicer than anything you’ve ever been in. You burn up like a star, core raging as Taehyung leans back down, pressing your naked thighs open for him as he sucks the skin of your chest between his teeth.
Everything aches. You want him so bad that you feel a cry come out of your mouth, lips wobbling as he laughs against your skin, sinking lower and lower, mouth loud as he sucks at your skin, tongue brushing over the sting of his teeth. 
“Does my good girl need her pussy eaten?” Taehyung rasps, looking up at you where he kneels between your legs. “Is that why you’re crying, hmm?”
Taehyung looks like something out of a thriller. His eyes are dark and hungry, his shadowed face becoming some sort of demon of lust. He’s what you would imagine a dark god. A bacchanal devil, a creature made for sin. 
All you can do is nod in response, feeling Taehyung’s vicious grip on your thighs as he presses you further, your muscles stretching. The strain feels good, as does the slow drip of your cunt down the curve of your ass mixed with his breath.
“So messy,” he murmurs, leaning forward and blowing cool air on your sticky folds. You squirm, the sensation sending you into overdrive as you twist your head to the side, eyes squeezed shut. He’s barely done a thing and you’re worked up more than you can ever recall. “Pretty.”
The slow, soft press of Taehyung’s tongue through your pussy makes you sag. It’s the relief that you so desperately needed, eyes rolling back as he circles your clit and drags his tongue back down. Taehyung is slow as he eats you out, tongue savoring every drop you can give him.
He taps your thigh, drawing your attention to him. He smirks as his tongue dips into your entrance, dragging back up to swirl around your throbbing bud a few times.
It’s impossible to tear your eyes away once you’re watching. Taehyung keeps his razor-sharp gaze on you, bringing his mouth fully to your cunt as he sucks eagerly. There is a rhythm to the curl of his tongue and the sharp suck of his lips, the wet smack of his ministrations driving you crazy.
“Mmm,” he hums, pressing his face in further. He’s messy with it, his jaw and nose covered in shiny slick. He laughs throatily when your back comes off the bed, thighs shaking. “Such a good pussy, just like I knew it would be.”
It feels too hot in the room. Your breaths are coming in too fast and there’s nothing you can do to catch it, Taehyung working you up to a frenzied, frenetic orgasm. You can feel your heartbeat in your ears, pumping so hard that you think you might need to stop.
And then you break.
Your body seizes as you come, a scream ripping through your mouth as Taehyung slurps hungrily at your mess, spurred by your release. You can’t stop shaking as he dives in, unwilling to stop until you’re babbling, nearly lifeless as the orgasm teeters into overstimulation. 
Only then does Taehyung pull his mouth away, trailing wet, cum-spit kisses on your inner thigh, nipping your thigh here and there. 
“Think you can take more?” he asks, slurring his words against your thigh. “Think you can take my cock.” 
You nod eagerly, hand letting go of the sheets and reaching toward him. “Yes.”
“Mmm good. I’m about to bust.” He bites your knee. “And I don’t mean a bank, this time.” 
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BTS Fic Recommendations
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I'll go back and add more fics as I find them! <3
⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆
⊹₊⋆ OT7
⊹₊⋆ Seokjin
⊹₊⋆ Yoongi
⊹₊⋆ Hoseok
⊹₊⋆ Namjoon
⊹₊⋆ Jimin
⊹₊⋆ Taehyung
⊹₊⋆ Jungkook ♡ part 1 ♡ part 2
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c0llisiion · 3 months
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★Pairing: kim Taehyung + f!reader
★Genre: smut
★: exes , kinda toxic ig , bigdickdom!tae , choking, slight exhibitionism , reader is lowkey bipolar , angry sex/make up sex (they just went through a breakup) , mirror sex , oral, slapping, creampie , unprotected sex (please practice safe sex!) name calling, degradation, kth is kinda mean — lmk if i missed any! ^^
★W/C: 2,435
A/N: HIIIIIIII!!!!!! so yes another kth fic :’) its been a while so that’s justified! This is actually one of my first fics i ever wrote nd i found it rotting in my notes so i decided to tweak it up and post :3 (the og was shit.) will finally be able to post more often <3 anyways enjoy! Hope you like itttt
☆⋆。𖦹°‧★ MDNI. Please refrain from reading if the topics make you uncomfortable. ☆⋆。𖦹°‧★
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Loud music was blasting throughout the crowded club. It was a huge party, hosted by one of your closest friend. There were people dancing, drinking, and giving men lap dances. It was a wild one!
You were dancing hard with your girlfriends. Those few shots you took finally hit you. 
You were approached by your friend, while having the time of your life "Hey, bae, there is someone you might like to see.." You stopped and focused on what she was saying "Who?" You inquired. She pointed out a man sitting in one of the booths. He was talking to another familiar man and didn't seem to notice you. You stood there, staring at the man in a suit with a few of his buttons undone. You were, honestly, in disbelief. This day is truly one for the history books.
"Taehyung..." You stood there wide-eyed. "Hell yeah, girly, I invited him for you and you only," she said with a smug smirk. "Go on, bae, get your tiger!" She nudged. "I-i-" you stammered. "come onnn ,, stop being a fucking pussy and go talk to him!!" She started shoving you in his direction. You stayed put, not letting her push you more. "Dude, for god's sake! It's going to be so awkward!" You turned around to face your clearly drunk friend. "Bitch, you were the one that was venting to me about how you wanted to see him almost every day since you broke up!" She countered. What she said was right. You were venting to her every day, nonstop, from the day you broke it off with him. "I-I had confidence that time..! But I don't think i will be able to show that same confidence .." Your friend narrowed her eyes at you. "PUSSY!" She shouted in your face. You both giggled it off before she spoke up. "Well if you are not comfortable yet, then it's fine. I heard that he already has a new girlfrien-" "what?" Your ears perked up. "Wdym what? Did you not hear? Apparently he is fucking that hot chick , aeri from back then; she had approached him two days after you broke up, and they have been dating ever since." You look back at the man clad in a blue suit with a white button up underneath before letting out an angry scoff, "What a bastard..." 
"Its time to get that bastard back into your life," your friend winked at you. 
"Heeeyyyy, Taehyung! How is the party going for you?" Your friend approached him, stumbling slightly. "It's going well! I'm having so much fun!" Taehyung said it with excitement. "Ouu, I'm glad to hear! Ykw, do you want to join us on the dance floor?" Your friend batted her eyelashes at him, baiting him into joining her. "haha imma pass!"  " Cooommeee oooonnnn, it’s going to be fun, Taehyung" she begged for him to join her, and he eventually did after much persuasion. He joined the dance floor and was quickly hoarded by hot girls who definitely wanted to get laid by him. After a moment, his eyes landed on someone he knew. It was you. You were with another man, kissing, hands around his neck, and swaying your hips in a very sultry way. You broke off the kiss and glanced to your side. He was standing there. A woman was holding his face in her hands, trying to get him out of his trance. You could feel the rage that was radiating off of him. You smirked and dragged your mister to the bar. You let him buy you a few drinks before eventually letting him go.
You were drinking your third shot of tequila when he approached you. "It's funny to see you here." You turned around to see the tall figure of Taehyung looking down at you. You almost choked on the alcohol. "It's my best friend's birthday; of course I will be here, dumbass!" You tapped the glass on the counter, signaling for the bartender to pour you another. Taehyung walked over to the empty seat next to you. "So what's up?" You inquired while waiting. "Oh, nothing much; Daddy has been pressuring me to start staying stable." You snorted. " 'daddy' PFFFTTT" . Taehyung looked at you blankly. The bartender poured you a glass, and before you could down it all, Taehyung snatched the shot glass, drinking every last bit, and placed it on the counter. "Yeah 'daddy'” "Omg, you are literally so insufferable." You said it dramatically. "Idek how that aeri bitch is even with you," Taehyung shot up. "What aeri?" He said plainly like he had no idea what you were talking about. You looked at him in shock. "You are dating aeri right?" You asked for reassurance. He scoffed it off. " pff- you really think i would date a hoe like aeri? Never in a million years." He rolled his eyes and chuckled. " B-but .. f/n said you guys are fucking around..??" "That is true, though," your face drowned. "Like, we only hooked up once, and you know what? She is not the person she says she is. One of the worst fuckings I have ever done," you giggled. "Who was your best?" You asked him randomly. "You." Your cheeks turned pink almost immediately. You could feel him looking at you. Eyeing your entire body. "You look good today," he complimented you. "Don't I always look good?" You joked. He chuckled, looking down. You both were staring at each other with love and lust. "I miss you" had accidentally slipped your mouth. Curse you for drinking too much! You quickly covered your mouth in disbelief at what just came out. "What?" He looked at you. "Ah ah nothing, nevermind!!" You brushed it off as quickly as you could. He looked at you with his eyebrow quirked up. "Aha i think i gotta go... f/n is calling me haha". There was a slight stutter in your speech. You got up, and before you could leave the bar, he grabbed you by your wrist, turned you around, and kissed you. You were shocked. Your hands were on his chest while he kissed you with passion. "I missed you too, baby.." The bomb dropped. Your mind went blank. "But tae.." "Please, baby, take me back. I promise to change this time. I just really need you. I don't want anyone else." You looked at him with guilt. But this was the same statement he would always give. 'i will change’ 'I will do better' 'take me back'. You were unsure of what to feel. All these months, you missed him, and now? 
"Tae you know we can't. You always say this but you never change. Just cut the act off." He let go of your waist. "I miss you, baby. I really do. And im sorry for all-" "shush. I don't want to hear another apology. You are never sorry." As much as you love and miss Taehyung. His personality is the biggest turn off. He had broken your trust multiple times, and whenever you would break up, he would come up with the same shit, and you were there to accept his lame apologies. But not this time. You took some time to think about it, and you came to the conclusion that it was best for you not to take him back. 
"Have a goodnight." You said it sternly before turning away. "You are really going to leave me, huh?" Taehyung started following you. "I left you months ago, Taehyung." His gaze went from soft to the familiar, mean one. "You said you missed me!" He pulled you by your arm, turning you back around to face him. "It's for the better! For both of us! You know we are never going to work out!" You countered. "Oh yeah, for the 'better' , I know you will come right back to me. Quit acting, y/n. As soon as my dick enters your desperate cunt, you will be with me once again like the slut you are." His hands went around your waist once again. Mere inches separate you both. Whatever he said was true. You break up. Meet up a few weeks or days later. Fuck, and then back together. The same cycle over and over again. You couldn't get enough of him. “Let’s not play fool again.” He said in a manipulative tone. You were resisting his manipulation, but you gave in. Your lips smashed into his aggressively. He chuckled at your instinct. "Yeah, that's what I fucking thought." He said it in between the kiss.
He rushed you into the club washroom and locked the door. There was absolute rage radiating off of you guys. Kissing harshly and not letting each other go. He made you sit on the counter and grabbed you by your jaw, breaking the intense kiss. Your lips were already swollen. "How many dicks have been in this cunt?" He said,tauntingly. You looked at him with your drunken eyes. "I will make sure no one gets this. It's mine. Got it?" You nodded. He let go of your jaw and dropped to his knees. He spread your legs open and started touching your wet pussy. His fingers circled your clothed entrance. A sticky mixture of your arousal coated his fingertips. "Always wet for me. Goodgirl." he grabbed you by your waist before smashing his face into your heat and started eating you out with your lace panties on. The pleasure was too much. You threw your head back and let out a pornographic moan. He was so good at eating you out to the point that it's enough to come undone.
You tugged on his black locks. Eyes swelling up with tears and drool already dripping down from the sides of your mouth. He was lapping at your cunt like a starved man. “So good.. so fucking good…” he nudged his face closer into your sex. Breathing in your arousal. Your thighs clamped around his head, and let out a choked-out moan as he bit down on your poor clit. “T-tae..! ‘S too much!!” Taehyung found pleasure in your pleas and cries. He pulled away and stared up at you. His chin glistened with his spit and your juices, running down his neck. 
He got up and was quick to capture your lips in his mouth. His tongue swirled around the inside of your mouth, and you could taste yourself. Large hands pushed your dress further up your body; a loud snap was heard as he ripped your thin panties. You grab onto his shoulders as you feel his long, cold fingers rubbing your throbbing clit. You gasped for air as he flicked your nub. Your hands roamed all over his body, helping him take off his Celine suit jacket. Your hands went lower before you stopped at his belt buckle. “Put it in already… please … “ you mumbled into the kiss. Taehyung let out a dark chuckle; his lips traveled down your neck. You felt something prod into your sopping hole. His large tip slipped through your folds easily. You gasp as he pushes himself further into you. His hands tightly held onto your hips as he eased his way into your gummy walls. He hunched over after he fully pushed himself into you. Your cunny clenched around his big length as he started thrusting. Heavy breaths getting louder with each increase in pace. “Gon’ fuck you so good..the entire club will hear us.”
-fwap! Fwap! fwap!- loud sounds of your ass slapping against his hips echoed through the restroom. Taehyung had you facing the mirror. A hand wrapped tightly around your hair, pulling your head back. “See how well you take my cock..! Haah- so fucking good. Pussy sucking me in so good.” He whispered in your ear before biting it.  “Ngh- fuck Taehyung feels so g-good…!” You held onto the edge of the counter for dear life as Taehyung pounded into you from behind. Your makeup ran down your face as his thrusts had you tearing up and seeing stars. “Mmm.. haa-“ slap. “Keep your eyes on the mirror while I fuck you. Understand?” You nodded at his words. Your eyes were struggling to stay open, and your head felt heavy. “Words, doll.” He grabbed your jaws and brought his face closer to yours, making you look at him as he continued giving you harsh thrusts. Your body jerking forward at each. The hand on your clit pinching the sensitive nub “ngh- fuck! I u-understand…” a devilish smirk formed on his perfect face. He was fucking you into tomorrow. His long, thick dick abused your soft plush walls over and over again. Red angry tip bruising your cervix. Your cream coated his entire length, and your arousal ran down his balls and your thighs. “Gonna c-cum.. tae- gon’-“ His fingers worked on your clit quickly. Tugging, pinching, and drawing rough circles all to help you reach your high. “Cum all over me.. doll.” And with that, you gushed around his length. “Fuck!!” Spurts of your cum spilled from the sides of your abused hole. Taehyung continued fucking you through your orgasm. “Do you want my cum inside you- haaah… fuck doll squeezing me so good..!” He got cut off as you spasmed around him. You nod weakly at his words. Picking your head up to look at him through the mirror, He brought his face closer to your ears. “Say it. Say you want my cum in you.” He growled in your ears. Your eyes filled up with tears. “I wan’ it…” “Want what? I want to hear you say it.” You bite down on your lip as you feel his fingers draw rough circles on your overstimulated clit again.  “ i wan’ -ngh- i want your cum.. Taehyung. i wan’ your cum in me… please.” Your voice was feeble. Taehyung groaned in satisfaction. “Goodgirl. I like it when you beg.” His hips quickly gained their pace and had you once again feeling full. You let out a choked out scream as you felt Taehyung fill you up. Taehyung moaned loudly as his balls drained all the cum into your plush walls. He dropped his head in between your neck and shoulders as he slowly came down from his high. Leaving soft, wet kisses on the spot. 
He lifted his head up and looked at you before smiling. His hands caressed your red ass. He pulled out, and a stream of yours and his mixed arousal dripped down your thighs. “You're gonna stay with me forever.”
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A/N: thank you for reading! I will be writing inboxes so make sure to send in :3 🎀
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smoothlikealikeasnake · 2 months
Strawberry Princess - Chapter Two “Progress? Maybe…”
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Pairing - BTS OT7 x reader, Hybrid BTS x Reader, Hybrid BTS x Hybrid Reader
Genre - Hybrid!AU , Hybrid BTS , Hybrid Reader, fluff, angst, smut, alternative reality , strangers to lovers , strangers to friends, friends to lovers
Warnings - Fluff, teasing, slightly suggestive?, Y/n gets lightheaded, lmk if there’s anything else
Summary - When a certain hybrid starts to appear whenever Jungkook is at the gym, an immediate pull is felt between the two and their eventual friendship soon is spread to the rest of his pack.
Previous Next Overview
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The next few weeks after meeting Jimin, Jungkook made progress trying to coax Y/n out of her shell enough to meet the others. Meeting up with her more and more aside from their usual gym chats, often at the park but Y/n had only seen Jimin once after and still held a similar behaviour to the first time.
It was getting colder and going out to the park in the cold and windy weather that was growing the last week wasn’t ideal. That’s how Jungkook came up with the genius idea to have Y/n over at the pack house, not while the other were there because he obviously didn’t want to overwhelm her so he decided to talk about it with the pack. Wednesdays were the days everyone was out of the house at some point, mostly everyone was working but Jungkooks ability to plan his own days meant that he could definitely take the day off if he pleased. Seokjin would go shopping on Wednesdays so he would be gone for a few hours so it was perfect, he just had to ask his hyungs.
“Would that be okay? I know you all haven’t met her yet but it’s cold and we really shouldn’t be out in the cold yk” - Jungkook didn’t know why he was so nervous, he just rambled as he nibbled at his lip once he finished, it was understandable, a stranger in the pack house, asking for that would be a big thing especially since the rest wouldn’t be there.
“I think that would be fine Kookie, as long as no one else has an issue with it?” - Namjoon answered Jungkook with a soft smile before looking around for any objection but there was none
“I think it’s exciting, I mean from here the rest of us could start to meet her right? Jimin has got to meet her twice now and we are getting more and more curious” - Hoseok said, tail whipping around in excitement as he leant forward and looked at Jungkook for confirmation
“Let’s not rush her Hobi, she seems even more shy than Kook when we first met him” - Seokjin commented with a soft look at the excited leopard, hand gently rubbing over his nape
“I think she can meet more if you soon especially if she agrees to meet me here” - Jungkook stared deep in thought at the coffee table in the middle of the living room, his brows furrowed and lips nibbling away as he debated the possible ways to ask you
“Whenever she’s ready Kook, I’m quite tired from today, could one of you let me know when dinners ready” - Yoongi thought changing the main topic might ease his bunny’s thoughts so the panther stretched out across the sofa, snatched a pillow and made himself comfortable for a long nap
It worked a little bit as the bunny decided to join him, everyone else deciding to busy themselves with their own tasks. The cuddling between the two immediately easing Jungkooks worries while Yoongi pressed circles into his nape for as long as he could before falling asleep. The pressure on Jungkooks nape induced reduced effects of scruffing as his tension released and he got sleepier, instinctively urging closer to the panther who sung the bunny to eased with the rumble of his chest, purring in his ear.
Jungkooks nap with Yoongi gave him the clear mind to go on with his day and before he knew it he was back at the gym, spotting you walking in right on time and immediately making your way over. You beamed brightly at him, bouncing over in a frilly pink skirt and white long sleeve top, hair in a plaited half up half down style. His day was made at the scent that overwhelmed him every time he comes to the gym, the sweet strawberries as Y/n wrapped her arms around his neck and got on her tippy toes to tightly hug him, his arms instinctively moving around her soft waist. He didn’t understand why he wanted to pull her even closer and pick her up so she didn’t have to hold herself up at all but he resisted, knowing how shy she would get and not wanting to push any boundaries.
They started light conversation before Jungkook suddenly got an unexpected wave of confidence
“Are you doing anything after this Y/nie?” He asked as she handed him his water.
“No, why?” She replied curiously, soft eyes looking up at him with a slight tilt of her head
“Well it’s getting colder out now and all of my mates are at work today so I wondered if you’d like to come over for a few hours, we can watch a movie or even order dessert to replicate our icecream because it’ll be too cold for you to be outside for long now” - Kooks floppy ears twitched at his proposal, awaiting an answer as he observed her.
Y/n’s extremely fluffy tail started swishing fast behind her, strawberry blonde fur bouncing at every movement as her ears twitched forward and she smiled brightly up at him
“I’d love too, let me just tell Sana and ill come back when your done” - she commented quickly giving him one last smile before bouncing back to Sana with a large smile and letting her know of her plans while a Jungkook watched from across the room, watched how Sana teasing made Y/n blush and get shy. He only hoped the next time she’d blush it’d be because of him.
When it was finally time for Jungkook to finish, Y/n realised her nerves were rising incredibly quick. She was jittery as she made her way back over, hoping her anxiety wasn’t showing but Jungkook saw straight through her and moved in to take her hand, the soft embrace of his large hands completely covering her own made sparks fly up her arm and goosebumps follow quickly, she was so glad she wore long sleeves she just prayed the light blush on her cheeks also went unnoticed. It really didn’t
When Jungkook had gathered his things he walked Y/n out the gym to the parking lot nearby and made small conversation about where each of his mates were today before arriving at his Mercedes, he didn’t mean to wow but Y/n draw dropped as he pressed unlock and watched the inside light up. She tried to hide her surprise but it was quickly forgotten when Kook took her to the passenger side and helped him in like the gentlemen he was.
“Thank you” -she let out meekly as Jungkook closed her door and made his way around to the drivers side, Y/n was equally flustered and surprised at the luxury she was currently sitting within as she came to the realisation that she had never asked what he does for a living.
Jungkook checked her seatbelt was on properly as he leant over and made her flushed cheeks burn even hotter before adjusting his own and turning on the car to start driving. It seemed like the perfect time ask about Jungkook and his packs jobs in their current conversation before the smooth ride started pulling Y /n’s senses into a sleepy state, she quickly forgot her other trains of thoughts and put them aside for later as the new realisation hit her, she should try to stay awake for the ride back. It was something she had always done, it’s why she never drove herself anywhere, driving made her sleepy, there was no explanation as to why but it just did and in a matter of minutes she would be fast asleep but obviously Jungkook didn’t know this so she did her best to reply before he quickly checked her and saw her fighting to stay awake. She reminded him of Yoongi, while he didn’t sleep in the car he’d sleep at any given opportunity and he loved the parallel between the two, she was just more playful than the panther and he loved that too.
A deep chuckle resonated around the car softly before a “ sleep Y/n, I’ll wake you up” sent Y/n spiralling into a slumber as she got comfortable and Jungkook controlled her seat to lean back and heat slightly, revelling in the way her tail wrapped around her soft tummy and she subconsciously purred. He didn’t think she could get much cuter but she had quickly proven him wrong.
The drive home was quiet, the dull melody of Kendrick Lamar’s ‘Love’ played through the speakers as Jungkook occasionally checked on Y/n finding her happily asleep every time before the short 15 minute drive came to an end and he parked in his usual space, turning the car off.
“Y/n we are here” - Jungkook gently nudged the sleeping felines shoulder to coerce her awake but when she just buried her head deeper into the seat he chuckled and decided to just come around to get her. He got out the car and came around to Y/n’s side, opening the door and slightly shaking her but she still wouldn’t wake. It took him a second of thinking before he decided to try something that worked to wake Yoongi up.
He gently moved her head to the side and brushed her soft hair out of the way and pushed out his own scent strongly before putting two fingers to her scent gland and gently massaging it. It definitely worked as her eyes shot open and stared at Jungkook for a few seconds before her face flushed red.
“We’re here” Jungkook grinned and held his hand out to help Y/n out as she took it gently, still trying to wash away the sleep but definitely awake with the strong linen scent rushing through her scent glands and making her heart race, her own scent glands pulsing adding to the feeling.
“I’m sorry for sleeping on the way” - Y/n felt quite embarrassed and entirely flushed from the whole journey start to finish and she couldn’t quite grasp just why she felt comfortable enough with Jungkook to just let herself fall asleep next to him, she started to realise there has to be a deeper trust and connection between them than she thought there was and it made her eyes slightly widen as she nervously started to play with her hair in her free hand.
“Don’t be sorry, you couldn’t help it and you reminded me a bit of Yoongi, he’s going to like you” - Jungkook expressed brightly with a wide smile while locking his car, never letting go of Y/n’s hand before pulling her flushed self gently from the garage space towards the entrance of the building. Y/n couldn’t reply, focusing on his comment about another pack member liking her, would they all like her? Why did he mention that? Then she started feeling like she was reading further into it than needed and was interrupted by the shock of seeing what building she was stood infront.
One of the most expensive complexes in Seoul, she really needed to ask what he and his pack did for livings. She didn’t want to seem too shocked or intrigued by the luxury infront of her so she tried to restrain any change in expression about it. On the other hand, Jungkook started to get worried about wether Y/n would like the pack home, would it be big enough? Would it be cozy enough? Would she like how it looked? How it smelled… that’s how his thoughts came to a fast stop, why did he care if she liked his mates and his own scents on their own and combined, things were starting to click and he couldn’t deny his excitement at that moment.
There was a tad more bounce in Jungkooks step, half from his new realisation and half from being jittery from the nerves about Y/n’s opinion as he walked them towards the elevator. As they got in Y/n couldn’t even hide the widening of her eyes at Jungkook casually pressing the number to the top floor, this was already an extremely expensive place to live but the top floor? She quickly got cut off by the start of a conversation.
“Everyone else is at work and Jin-Hyung is shopping so no one’s home, they shouldn’t be for a few hours, even Jin-hyung, he likes to go on a detour every time to look for new blankets and pillows and things we might want” - Y/n admired the stars in his eyes as he talked about his mates, she realised she longed for a relationship like theirs and from everything she’d heard about them, she’d love to meet them all, especially Yoongi and Jin, they sound especially similar to her from what she’s heard today
“That’s so lovely, i’d to meet him at some point, we must share a love for blankets and pillows and all comfy items” - Y/n beamed at him as she thought about her own collection and in doing so, failed to notice the excitement that flowed through Jungkooks body as his scent got stronger, his happiness clear at the confirmation that he could start to introduce more of his mates.
“They can’t wait to meet you, we can set something up so you can meet them” - Jungkook couldn’t help his quick response as he looked down at Y/n, ecstatic, Y/n didn’t want to ruin this mood by letting him know in any way that she doesn’t exactly do well with meeting lots of new people at once, she never had but she had a glimmer of hope that even if she did end up meeting them all at once, they’d make her comfortable, she just had a feeling they would.
Their conversation was cut short by the elevators ding, both walking out into a hallway significantly smaller than the others would be as it held a singular double door instead of multiple and Y/n quickly realised not only was this the top floor but the pack had it all to themselves. Jungkook walked over to the door to quickly let them in and held it open for Y/n, as he said it would be, the silence indicated that the house was empty but the overwhelming combination of scents that hit her made her physically lightheaded. She couldn’t describe how it made her lightheaded in a slightly good way though, it was making her vision fuzzy at the edges, ears ring and everything around her tune out and she couldn’t work out why.
“Y/n? Y/n what’s wrong?” - Y/n could only start to tune back in the rest of her senses when she felt Jungkook quickly grab her as her legs suddenly became wobbly, barely holding herself up and it still took a second for her to grasp what was happening around her as the scent of Jungkooks worry flooded her nose.
“I’m not sure why I just got really lightheaded” She said once she could actually fathom what was happening, moving to hold herself up out of his admittedly ridiculously strong arms but he still held onto her arm lightly Incase she fell again.
“You should have some water, have you eaten today?” Jungkook couldn’t hide his worry as he helped Y/n out of the front of the home to the large kitchen, sitting her at a stool and quickly grabbing her some water and wondering what they could eat as a snack.
“I have, thank you” Y/n said as she took small sips of the water, she honestly felt a bit sad that she couldn’t appreciate everything in the beautiful home on the short walk to the kitchen with everything still being quite blurry. The water seemed to help a small bit as everything started to clear a bit more and she could finally take in the gorgeous home around her. It made her heart race a bit faster as the scents overwhelmed her again but it was entirely enjoyable this time and she quickly noticed the homey feel despite the two open areas, living room and kitchen, being so large. It was incredible how a pack could make such a large space so cozy, she made note that at some point she’d want to tell Jin just how lovely he’s made the home, somehow feeling he would love that.
“Do you like chocolate chip cookies? Jin-hyung baked some this morning” Jungkook asked while plating a few anyway to share between them
“I don’t think you can not like them” Y/n smiled as Kook placed the plate between the two and took a cookie, gesturing her to take her own. She did happily, that first bite was like heaven, they were soft with crunchy edges, exactly how she liked them and the plate they were kept on made them stay warm so tge chocolate pulled apart slightly and fell on her lip. As it touched her tongue she couldn’t help the quiet mosn of appreciation that left her mouth, they were absolutely perfect. She quickly filled with embarrassment but Jungkook just smiled, choosing to try to ignore the way his scent got stronger and heart raced at the shocks that shot through his body.
“I know, that’s how I react everytime I try one of Hyungs new dishes or bakes, he’s the best cook” - Jungkook gushes in admiration to ignore the feeling he got from the noise. He looked at Y/n finishing her cookie after he finished his own and noticed the chocolate on her lip, reaching forward without thinking and wiping it off with his thumb before licking it off his own finger. The tension in the air was evident at that but Y/n just chose to drink some water and Jungkook decided moving to a new location would be a good distraction from the interaction, he couldn’t even reason why he did it he just knows it felt right.
Secretly, Y/n couldn’t get over the feeling of his tatted hand on her face and thumb over her lip and what he did after made her already racing heart speed faster than she thought possible but as Jungkook quickly announced that they should go to the living room she was more than relieved for the distraction.
As soon as they walked into the living room, Y/n couldn’t help but admire the amazing amounts of blankets and pillows and acknowledged the variety, each catered to a different member and that made her envy the pack further, wishing for a love like that some day. Jungkook lead them to sit down, starting a conversation about different shows while Y/n found a blanket next to her that was just what she liked and couldn’t help herself subtly kneading it besides her, thinking Jungkook wouldn’t notice but he did, and so would it’s owned as her scent gland rubbed against it every now and then.
The two watched the tv for a good hour before Jungkook got bored and decided that teasing the kitty until her claws came out would be a much more exciting plan than watching tv.
He started lightly, nudging her legs with his own repeatedly and acting like he hadn’t done anything, then he got his hand, draping over the back of the sofa and brushed over her nape, making her flinch and shoot around. He held back his laughter as he acted like normal but proceeded to do it again and again until Y/n finally went in to grab his hand and his quick reflexes kicked in, sending his hand reeling back and his body shooting up. Quickly moving away from the couch as Y/n followed him aiming to catch up and as she did she got herself into the same stance she had the first time they met up at the park and pounced.
Pounced onto his back and gripped around his neck and legs around his waist and she held herself on, aiming to surprise and scare him more than anything
“I knew you were doing it the whole time!” She exclaimed as Kook couldn’t stop his laughter, bending over just as he had that time before but Y/n was careful this time not to hurt him. She slid herself off his back as he bent down but quickly needed a way to make it even.
She saw a slither of skin at the bottom of his back as he was still slightly bending and immediately knew how to get him back, learning I’ve the times they’ve met that Jungkook has incredible sensitive skin. All she had to do was move her fluffy tail towards him and tickle that small slither of skin with the fur of her tail quickly and lightly before making a run for it but she was entirely too impressed with herself as Jungkook shot up and spun around with a shout.
He clearly had faster reflexes as he leaped towards her and she froze as he grabbed her waist and threw her into the air, over his shoulder as if she weighed absolutely nothing and she screamed in surprise, her long strawberry blonde hair nearly touching the floor as she was so far over his shoulders her face nearly reached his ass which she had never noticed was really nice to look at. All she could do was kick and hold onto his waist as tight as she could, slightly worried he’d drop her especially as he was laughing so hard her body was vibrating with him, holding her tightly by the plush of her thighs.
Jungkook was certain he wouldn’t drop her, he had a tight grip on the soft skin of her thighs and his hands almost melted into the skin as they were deeply buried in the extra plush she had there, certain there would be hand marks there when he let her down but his train of thought about how admittedly nice her thighs felt was cut off by her waving tail suddenly landing right infront of his face and wrapping around his eyes and looping his neck, the fluff of it soft and detangled. There was so much that his entire face was covered but it wouldn’t stop his laughing at the way her short legs were kicking around as she screamed for him to let her down.
“Let me down Jungkook!” She shouted trying to sound assertive but only screamed as he jostled her slightly and laughed even harder
“Don’t drop me! I swear if you drop me-“ Y/n could only threaten and tighten her arms around his waist, not realising the claws probably indenting him through his shirt
“I won’t drop you!” Jungkook found it too funny, Y/n trying to sound so fierce when she was just hanging over his shoulder, tail trying to hold onto his neck for support but he didn’t clock how Y/n had stopped screaming as he felt like he was given laughing gas, maybe it was her tail wrapped around his face removing his vision and making him inhale the sweet strawberries stronger than ever that was enhancing the experience but he suddenly heard a different voice and tried to calm down to fathom the situation.
While Jungkook was practically suffocated by Y/n’s scent he hadn’t smelt the two familiar scents entering the room nor one of Y/n’s hands leaving his waist to move up as she realised her skirt was entirely flipped and even though Jungkook couldn’t see, she was certain the new people raising her heart rate definitely would be able too, it was a difficult position to hold and she just prayed Jungkook wouldn’t let go.
Y/n could barely process the suit clad individual walking towards her with another, dressed in casual jeans and a soft pink hoodie. The position with all her blood rushing to her head finally catching up to her before two incredibly breathtaking men bent down to see her eyes after realising Jungkook wouldn’t be able to see a thing. All she could see was a strikingly handsome man with a crisp charcoal suit bending down to her, adjusting his glasses and taking her breath away as he smiled wide, dimples making her swoon.
“Hi Y/n, it’s nice to finally meet you” - Namjoon said as he watched the girl blush bright red and heard his other mate suddenly order Jungkook to let her down
“Jungkook let the poor girl down your going to make her pass out!” - Jin scolded as Jungkook shook his face to see through Y/n’s now swishing tail, smiling brightly at his mates forgetting Y/n was over his shoulder until he felt the warmth of her thighs on his hands and gripped harder, definitely leaving hand marks now if there wasn’t any before and lifting her up again, this time the opposite way and lifting by her thighs until one hand could reach her waist and using one hand on each spot to pull her down, her hand still holding her skirt down, the other on his shoulder. He had to stabilise her as she wobbled from the blood flowing back to her body and Jin quickly moved in, guiding Y/n’s dizzy self back to a couch, her mind full of the feeling of Jungkooks hands on her thighs and Namjoons stunning smile.
“Namjoon go fetch me some water” - Jin ordered the man who had stood up fully once Jungkook started to pull Y/n back to standing. He quickly made his way to the kitchen while Jin scolded Jungkook, not even realising how he hadn’t introduced himself before he grabbed the blanket Y/n had earlier been kneading and draping it over her shoulders
“Are you okay sweetheart?” - Jin suddenly sat infront of her as she fully got her senses back together now.
“I-I’m okay, it’s nice to meet you” - Y/n let out with a shaky voice and timid smile, suddenly realising she’s meeting two new people, speaking of, a crisp suited arm passed around her to offer a glass of water which she took gratefully, she really didn’t feel like she needed all the attention and Jungkook knew that as he leant his arms on the back of the sofa and quickly whispered in her ear playfully
“Didn’t think you’d retaliate princess” -That one line had her about to spin around and pounce again, not even realising the nickname he’d given her, hoping her face was still naturally flushed as she sipped at her water before looking at the two new faces.
“I’m sorry for meeting so abrupt Y/n, we did let Kook know but he must have had his phone off as usual, I closed my case so I picked Jin-hyung up and came home. It’s nice to meet you, like I said, I’m Namjoon” - those dimples that basically paralysed her before came right back and hit nearly as hard, everything about him screamed pack leader and lead mate, it was overwhelmingly attractive.
“That’s okay, it’s lovely to meet you both” - Only then did she turn away from that hypnotising smile to see another one of the prettiest men she’d ever seen in her life, plump pink lips, stunning skin and the most captivating eyes, he was mesmerising, and just like her in qualities? They would definitely get along.
She was suddenly pulled into a hug by Jin, surprised by definitely enjoying the caring earache, melting into it not realising how Jin was close to her scent gland and gave Jungkook a knowing look over her shoulder.
“It feels like we’ve waited so long to meet you, how would you feel about staying for dinner so we can all get to know eachother, if you’d like of course” - Jin asked as he pulled away, he was definitely suggesting she had a choice but she knew she would want to stay anyway. She’d already met 4 of the 7 now, maybe 3 more in a day wouldn’t be too bad.
“I’d love that, thank you, as long as that’s okay with all of you” - Y/n looked around to the other two in the room for confirmation and both smiled and gave her a firm nod but internally they couldn’t get over how sweet she was, Namjoon especially was captivated by but his staring was interrupted when Jungkook hooked his arms under Y/n’s and pulled her up and over the sofa like a ragdoll or , just like a cat and pulled her away into the kitchen
“Jin-Hyung, you should show Y/n more of your cooking or baking now, it’s nearly lunch time and Y/n already loves your baking” Jungkook says as he gave a smirk, putting emphasis on love as he looked at Y/n who suddenly got her confidence back and pretended to get ready to pounce on him again, claws out to which he laughed lightly and moved a bit faster to avoid any possible surprise attack from the feline.
Namjoon and Jin just looked at eachother confused but followed the two happily, loving the way Y/n teased him and acted playful, seeing someone much less shy than they had 2 minutes ago. They all joined together in the kitchen, sitting around the island while Jin started on lunch, Namjoon quickly went to change and Y/n offered to help Jin which he hastily turned down as she was a guest. When they were all together they talked about everything, random small things, careers, their hybrid qualities until Jin suddenly got curious as he put the food infront of everyone.
“Kookie, what did you mean when you said that Y/n already ‘loves’ my baking” -Y/n shot her head around next to her and gave Jungkook a death stare, he just smirked and raised his eyebrows before moving to tell the table, Y/n decided this would be a good time to get her claws out so she did and rested one on his thigh, pushing into it until he held his words and quickly got to trying his food, commenting on how good it was. Y/n was now the one smirking in victory and thanked Jin for the food before trying it and making sure to hold back a moan this time.
Their conversation over lunch went on for a while, Y/n learnt that Namjoon was a lawyer, Jin stayed home, Jungkook not so surprisingly owned a tattoo shop and shared it with Yoongi who did piercings, Jimin and Taehyung own a fashion brand that keeps the whole pack travelling the world and Hoseok owns a dance academy, all of their jobs were so impressive to her she couldn’t even mask the impressed look on her face at their every word.
“I’m an artist, I do a paintings by the series and sell them every few months” - Y/n informed them, her job gave her a lot of freedom as to what she did everyday and she was definitely not struggling financially from it but she still couldn’t help her impressed look at both the house and it’s pack.
“Ahh Taehyung will love to see them, he has a particular interest in painting, maybe you could show him some time” Namjoon, who changed into a casual sweats and t-shirt that honestly did little to hide his strong build that had Y/n quite shy, said with a happy glint in his eyes as he looked at her. The conversation continued sweetly until Y/n felt the urge to use the bathroom.
“Could I use your bathroom please?” - Y/n politely asked as the trio obviously agreed and gave her directions to get to it, she stood up and walked out of the kitchen but as she did, the three at the table couldn’t ignore the imprints from Jungkooks hands still very clear on the back of her plush thighs, all threes eyes widened at them and Jin quickly scolded Jungkook to which he argued that Y/n probably didn’t mind, Namjoon couldn’t help but stare and admire the marks, holding back a smirk before turning around when Y/n completely left the room.
When Y/n arrived at the bathroom she was still admiring the beauty of the home she was in, even inside said bathroom that was huge, a large shower and a bath both in the same room and everything you could dream of. She quickly did her business but she noticed the mirrors on the wall behind her through the mirror at the sink and that wasn’t the only thing she noticed. As she was washing her hands she spotted the imprints that turned hand shaped parts of her thighs a pink colour, she blushed profusely at the realisation that Jungkook made those and couldn’t say she didn’t like it. Running her hands or even her tail over the marks had shocks shooting down her spine and that was enough to have her scent sweetening and flooding the bathroom as she tried to stop the blush beating her face and had to tie her long waves up in a high ponytail with her plaits stopping at the start of the ponytail.
She followed her way back to the kitchen to find another face, Jimin, who turned around and beamed, moving to give her a hug as he greeted her, the soft scent of his orange mixed with a hint of bourbon filling her nose as she embraced him back.
“Taehyung is finishing off a design so he will be coming home soon, your staying for dinner Y/n i can’t wait for you to meet everyone else” - Jimin said, still holding the feline hybrid and subconsciously nuzzling into her head slightly, pleased to have someone that’s shorter than him around and especially this short. He had yet to notice the marks on her thighs but the rest of his pack in the room knew that once he did he wouldn’t exactly be subtle about his teasing.
Y/n suddenly realised just how many people she’d actually be meeting today and couldn’t help but get a bit nervous again as everyone moved to the living room, Jimin guiding her with his hand on her back. Her senses were already struggling to keep up with the strong mixes of scents around her flooding her nose and just as she tried to get a handle on it, the sound of the door opening caught everyone attention and she realised she probably wouldn’t be able to get used to all of them so quickly and started to feel that lightheaded feeling again.
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Thank you for reading, feel free to ask anything or request drabbles for this, the next chapter will be out as soon as it can be but for now I hope you enjoy this!
Isn’t proof read or edited so excuse any errors x
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linos-luna · 6 months
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Deep Sleep ❣️🔪
Yandere!Taehyung x Fem!Reader
Warnings: SMUT, MDNI, YANDERE, somnephilia, fingering, Soft sex, DUB CON
He watched as your peacefully slept, your chest slowly rose with every breath. Taehyung ran his fingers across your lips and down your chest. You must be exhausted; you did not budge.
Oh how badly he wanted you to be his. It wasn’t so much that you rejected him; you actually rarely spoke to him and there wasn’t any particular reason for that, it’s just that he was too awkward to approach you.
But Taehyung has been stalking you for a while. He wants to learn everything about you before approaching you. He wants to impress you and get you to fall for him.
Sometimes he can’t help himself. He had copied your house key and often let himself in. Mostly just to watch, just like tonight.
He couldn’t help feeling a bit needy. He wanted to show you his love so very badly. He feels like he needs to.
Slowly, Taehyung lowered the sheets that covered you and again, you did not stir.
“My love…” he whispered. “Surely you wouldn’t mind… you are mine after all…”
The man gently removed your pants, moving his pointer and middle fingers in circles along your underwear, leaving behind a growing wet spot.
While you didn’t move, a small moan did escape your lips. Taehyung found it adorable and lowered himself to give a kiss over said wet spot. Once satisfied he lowered the undergarment and watched as the clear sticky substance parted between you and the material, leaving your cunt free and vulnerable just for him.
He ran his finger across your slit and rubbed circles on your clit. This made you gasp in your sleep and move slightly. These pleasurable menstruations made their way to your dreams, perhaps just another wet dream, that is, until he slipped in two fingers.
You moaned a bit louder, your legs closing shut.
“No no darling, let’s not do that.” Taehyung whispered. “Open them.”
In your drowsy and sleepy state, you obeyed; after all, it was a dream right?
Taehyung slowly moved his fingers in and out. Breathy moans escaped your lips.
Once he felt you were prepped enough, the man pulled his fingers out and removed his pants, teasing your hole with his cock, making you whimper.
“Darling, do you want my cock?” He whispered softly in your ear. “You want me to love you, right?”
“Mmhm…” you mumbled in your sleep.
“You want me, right?”
“Mmhm~” you moaned again still in your sleepy state.
Taehyung smiled and entered you, relishing in your tight walls hugging him.
You whined and whimpered at the feeling. He was big and you simply felt stuffed and overwhelmed.
Your eyelids fluttered and the man put his hand over them to block your vision.
“Shh…” he leaning in close. “Back to sleep, darling~”
His voice was smooth, low, and almost hypnotic. Even for the moments you did open your eyes, it was dark. A dream. Just a lovely wet dream.
You started to relax again, softly moaning as he slowly moved in and out. It just felt so good.
“More?” He whispered with a smile while kissing at your neck and lifting your shirt to see your bare breasts.
“Fuck— more~” you muttered again , arching your back slightly. “So good~”
Taehyung was happy to please you. He thrusted faster but not rough enough to wake you. The quiet night was filled with the sounds of your breathy moans and skin slapping; he kept going until feeling your hips stutter and pulled out as you came.
Your eyes were still closed and half asleep. You whimpered, sounding like a sad dog, at the loss of his touch and touched yourself, tracing circles on your clit.
Taehyung thought it was so cute. Your desperate whines which turned to moans as you touched yourself for stimulation. Of course, he was happy to help, moving your hand and replacing it with his.
“You like that, baby?”
“Mm… mmhm…”
You were almost crying at the feeling. Again, he covered your eyes as they started to flutter open.
“Shhh~” he whispered. “Back to sleep darling… let me pleasure you…”
“Pleasure me…” you repeated with a moan. “Please~”
Taehyung was prepared to pleasure you for as long as you wanted. After all, you did say please…
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btsugarush · 6 months
I’ll Make You A Star | kth [m.list]
❝do you want to be a fucking star?❞
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summary: an aspired singer gets more than she bargains for when she meets a music manager in the making, who’s methods to make her famous become a bit unorthodox and unsettling.
pairings: manager!taehyung x aspired singer!f!reader.
warnings: smut, tattooed!taehyung, manipulation, abuse, drug usage, drug addiction, possessive behavior, angst, strong language, 18+, minors dni.
author’s note: yes i write for more than just jungkook and yoongi y’all. i love me some tae, especially a tae with tattoos. 😮‍💨 coming soon, but not too soon.
©btsugarush. please do not repost.
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kimbappykidding · 6 months
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Other Parts: Part One, Part Three and Part Four.
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You didn't think much about V after that. You felt like your show with Kai won you some even footing so you stopped stressing about him and the airport was becoming a distant memory but V seemed to know how to stay in someone's head.
A few days before Christmas there was a knock on your door. You were expecting a delivery which it was...you just didn't bank on knowing the delivery man.
V was standing there with a present and for a second you thought you'd gone back in time. "Hi" he said "I've got a present for you from my mum. She's still not over you saving me and demanded I give this to you personally". "Oh that's so nice of her" you said and went to take it off him but he pulled back "it's kind of heavy". You nodded "okay well why don't you set it down inside?" you asked and V followed you in.
He set it down by your tree per your instructions and then straightened up, he was clearly in no rush to leave. "So got any nice Christmas plans?" V asked and you nodded "yeah I do" but didn't elaborate "you?". "I'm heading back home right now" V admitted and you nodded "say hi and thank you to your mum for me". He nodded and then completely threw you off guard "I will but I have to ask...Y/n are you really with Kai?". You paused and then tensed realising something "is that why you insisted on coming inside? You wanted to see if he was here?". V looked down and you knew you were right.
"Answer the question" V said and you shook your head "I don't think I will, I don't owe you anything". "I don't think you are together" he said "it seems too convenient plus I know he's not your type". "Because you know everything about me?" you asked and V shrugged "I know what guys you're attracted to and how you look when you're turned on. Neither of them matched you with Kai". "It's been nearly 4 years V, you're going to pretend you still know me?". "A person doesn't transform in 4 years Y/n and I saw that look in your eye when you saw me naked in my bedroom. You still want me" he said with a slight smile and you were caught between being furious and pleasantly flustered.
"I'm going to repeat what I said earlier" you said "I don't owe you anything and frankly I don't get why you're saying all this". "I'm curious" V said "you've not dated anyone since us and I wanted to know if you and Kai were". "That you know of" you said and V paused "what?". "I haven't dated anyone that you know of" you said pointedly. "Yeah I suppose but I can tell you've had nobody like me Y/n" V said with a smirk and you realised he was enjoying this. You looked down, growing annoyed "why are you here V? Are you trying to punish me or something? Get back at me for dancing with Kai? Because I thought you were better than that". "No I'm not" V said and you believed him because you knew what he looked like when he was lying. The only perk of being lied to so many times by the same person. "Then why are you here?" you asked and he paused "I don't know I just had to find out if you'd really moved on". The sad way V said it made you furious.
"Are you kidding me?" you asked "you moved on weeks after we broke up and you came to my house, poked around and upset me because the idea of me moving on years later was uncomfortable for you? You want proof I'm still into you to make you feel better? Get the fuck out V". V's eyes widened as he saw how genuinely pissed you were and he tried to apologise but you weren't having it. "Get out!" you yelled "now!". V nodded "I'm sorry Y/n" and hurried from your house. Once he'd gone you sat down with a sigh wondering what on Earth had just happened.
Hours later you opened the present from V's mum and were annoyed because V had obviously helped her with it and your statement about changing over those years was clearly wrong because everything V had put in the basket for you was stuff you still loved to this day. Your favourite candy, scented bath soap you loved, cosy socks, the wine you liked, a cute bee plushie because you loved them. It was as if V had gone out of his way to prove he still knew you and you hated that.
You explained all this to the girls and they were very sympathetic. You spent Christmas with them as you did every year. Unlike V, you didn't have a loving mother and father to go home to. You didn't get on with your family. They wanted you to have an academic career and didn't support your idol life. That was why you never introduced V to them. Even your members had only met them twice. They hated you being a singer if they knew you were dating one your fragile relationship with them would've crumpled. In retrospect, you didn't get why you cared so much. Your girls were your family so losing your parents wouldn't have been the worst thing...it was an unnecessary wedge between you and V but it was far from the thing that caused all your problems.
You also told Kai what had happened with V and he was furious. "Okay we need to go further how about I post a photo of you asleep in my bed on my Instagram story or you post a photo of me like basically naked?" Kai said starting to undress before you stopped him. "Kai whatever we do V still isn't going to change his mind so let's just leave him. Ignoring him so he doesn't think he got to us will be the best thing". Kai sighed but nodded "yeah you're right. Plus we don't want to go into the new year with jealous vibes". You nodded "totally".
V meanwhile was having a very different winter holiday. He spent Christmas day with his parents but then left and spent the rest partying and the usual burying himself in girls and drink. Then unexpectedly he spent New Year's Eve in a doctor's office because the girl he was casually seeing, the one who had been dating Kai, thought she might be pregnant.
V's relationship with Binna had been strange from the start. He'd always found her pretty but she was from a rich popular company so had never even glanced at him at the start of his career. Then when he became famous she became a lot more friendly but she was with Kai and V was with you. Then you broke up with V and she started getting more forward. V knew some of their actions definitely counted as cheating without officially crossing the line but he didn't care. He figured it was Binna's choice and he didn't know Kai that well anyway. Finally Kai broke up with her and they had an amazing night together which lasted the whole night. After that they hooked up sporadically but were never more because V didn't want to be. He liked Binna physically but when the lights were on they had nothing to talk about and were so different. He knew she'd be the perfect public girlfriend for him but even he could see how she wanted his fame and he was determined not to give it to her. He should've just broken up with her but she was good in bed so he kept seeing her, ignoring her pointed questions and attempts to make others see them...but Binna might get her way after all.
V hoped she wasn't. He knew if she was, she'd want to keep it and she'd want them to raise it. V would be a father and he didn't want that, so he sat there probably more tense than she was. Just before midnight, the doctor called them in and then V did have something to celebrate because she wasn't pregnant. He tried not to look too happy but the second Binna left he cheered and jumped in the air. He went straight to the nearest bar but instead of continuing to feel great, he felt shit. He almost ruined his life. He got lucky but with his lifestyle, this could easily happen again. That depressing thought didn't stop him from drinking the night away though.
V walked into the BTS house the next day around midday but they could all tell he'd been in those clothes a while and he looked worse for wear. "What happened to you?" Jin asked and V groaned "I had a tough night but got some good news and had to celebrate". "Good news?" Jhope asked smiling and V nodded "Binna thought she was pregnant but she's not thank god". That sucked the tone from the room so V continued hurriedly. "But it was odd because I suddenly didn't feel like celebrating after a bit and then I woke up this morning face down on Y/n's lawn". "Y/n's?" Jimin asked and V nodded. "What did she say?" Suga asked but V explained you thankfully weren't there. "I don't even remember going there and I don't get why I would. I guess maybe I was feeling nostalgic or something". "That makes sense" Jhope agreed "your life almost changed irreversibly so it scared you and made you miss Y/n". "Miss her?" V asked and Jin nodded "yeah, you had a scary experience so your mind went back to a time before Binna when you felt safe and that was Y/n". Plus you saw her just before that right?" Jungkook asked "so she was on your mind. Maybe drunk you just wanted to clear things up with her?". V nodded "I have been wanting to speak to her after our argument and I'm glad I'm not a father. It's scary to think if things had been different I would've been engaged right now". "Well you wouldn't have had to get married" Jimin argued but V shot him a look "have you met Binna?" making the boys laugh. "Anyway I'm done with her, it was way too close a call" V said and all the boys were surprised. "What about Y/n?" RM asked and V shrugged "I want to talk to her but she doesn't want to talk to me so what can I do?". "Give her time" Jin suggested "then she might be less angry at you and willing to talk". V shrugged "I guess that's all I can do".
V thought a good thing to do might be to not get any bad rumours about him for a bit. That way when he did try and speak to you, you wouldn't brush him off as a party boy and might've noticed the changes in him. Then he saw you do the Rover challenge with Kai and he had a wobble. The two of you looked good together and didn't try and hide your relationship...whatever it was. He felt jealous and wondered why he still felt this way after you'd been broken up for so long. He decided to broach the topic with the boys.
"Did you see Kai's rover challenge?" V asked and Jimin nodded "yeah, which one or do you mean in general". V paused and Jimin smiled slightly "the one with Y/n?" and V nodded "they looked good right?". All the boys agreed you looked very good doing the dance and suited each other well. "Did you guys hear about Y/n and Kai's dance at his party?" V asked. "Yeah it was supposed to be impressive" Jhope nodded and V sighed "is it weird seeing them together bothered me?" he asked. The guys all paused and RM frowned "bothered you how?". "As in, it made me a little annoyed to see Kai with her. I know they're not dating but it still pissed me off". "Why?" Suga asked "you've been broken up for ages now". "I know I think it's just because she's never been with anyone since we ended and so it was the first time seeing her with another guy" V said and the guys all looked at one another awkwardly. "What?" V asked noticing and Jungkook coughed "she's been with guys V". "What?" he cried "who? When?". You'd alluded to that when he dropped your Christmas present off but he hadn't given it any thought, or taken you seriously.
"Erm there's been a few hookups I think, you really didn't know?" Jungkook asked and V shook his head "no, now answer me". "Hey calm down, I don't know for sure" Jungkook said. Jimin could see V wasn't going to stop and sighed "the ones I've heard are Jeonghan and Taeyong". "For how long?". "Just hooks ups and they weren't too long ago" Jimin said predicting his next question. "Who else?" Jungkook asked and the guys came forward with some more names. "How didn't I know or hear about it?" V asked. "Because Y/n wasn't showy like you" RM admitted "she knows how to keep it quiet" and V felt as if he'd been slapped. "V why do you care?" Suga asked again "you've slept with way more girls. So what if Y/n's had some fun too. She's nothing to do with you". That stung more but V didn't let it show. He nodded to Suga thanking him and pretended everything was fine.
V couldn't stop thinking about how you'd moved on. His first thought was it hurt because you'd always been his safety net. He figured he'd have a shot with you and that eventually he'd end up back with you but now he realised that was not the case. You weren't waiting around for him, you'd ended things with him and clearly stuck by that decision. Then he thought it might just be competitiveness. Exs usually raced to find a new partner before the other and V supposed it could be that but that didn't feel right either. It was more, he thought you showing up at his house to help get him to the airport was proof you still cared for him and he liked that. Nowadays he was never sure if people really liked him or his money and fame. He hardly had any friends from before he got really famous and the idea you still cared for him and there might be something there was comforting and exciting! That's why V had flirted with you and he couldn't lie, he was still attracted to you. He thought he might've had a shot with you if you were still harbouring feelings for him but you weren't. You'd been with other guys too and maybe that really was just a favour for his mum? He didn't like the thought of you not caring about him anymore and he realised he'd never stopped wanting you or wanting you to want him. He definitely felt like things were unfinished between the two of you but V was a brave guy. So he figured at the next opportunity he'd try and get back into your life one way or another.
By chance, your group and BTS hadn't been at the same event in ages. You got lucky and anytime they promoted a song you weren't there and vice versa. Plus BTS were so busy you hardly saw them on the circuits nowadays but the stars all aligned because there was a big spring showcase and your groups and many more were in attendance.
V thought this would be a great time to ask if the two of you could be friends again. He thought that would be a good way of getting back into your life without being too full on. From there he planned to regain your trust and see if you still had any feelings for him. So he texted you asking if you'd be available for a quick 5-minute chat in his dressing room. He assured you it was nothing bad and that he just wanted to put things right after how he acted at Christmas. He assured you the staff and members would all be gone and it could just be the two of you having a civil chat.
V's text caught you by surprise and you debated it a lot. You were curious and so decided to go see what was going on. "I'm just going to see what he wants" you told Yuqi "I'm not going to get involved in anything and if it's the same crap as at Christmas, I'm going to tell him to leave me alone". "Good for you" the girls called as you left the dressing room. Part of you was excited, V's text had made you realise you'd been on his mind and you were pleased we wanted to smooth over what happened at Christmas. It showed he cared for you and despite everything it made you feel good to have V care for you. So feeling positive, you didn't knock on the dressing room door figuring it'd be empty apart from V and that's how you saw everything.
Minutes before you were due to arrive there was a knock on the door and V assumed it was you so hurried to open it but it wasn't you. "Hey babe" Binna smiled "why have you been ignoring me?". "Binna" V said slightly panicked because you'd be here any moment "I...I thought I explained everything". "You sent a text V saying we needed to stop seeing each other, is that all I deserve?" Binna asked. "No sorry I should've spoken to you in person. I just thought your pregnancy scare was a real eye-opener. I don't want to be a parent and I don't want to risk that again". "Is that all this is about?" Binna asked "V there are so many things we can do that don't lead to a pregnancy, why don't I show you?" and she started heading towards him.
"Binna no I'm seeing someone in a minute so I can't". "Y/n?" Binna asked "I just saw her going the other way with her girls. She's not coming V, she's not interested". "No she wouldn't do that" V said but he was cut off as Binna backed him up against a sofa and he fell onto it. "She did and I'm sorry" she said leaning over him and gently stroking his face "but I can make you feel better". It had been a while since V had slept with anyone so the things she started to do felt good and V's body reacted without his volition. He tried to get her to stop but it felt so good, so he let her keep going and that's what you saw when you walked in.
V just so happened to be facing the door and he saw you walk in and knew he was in trouble. Your expression changed in seconds and he knew he'd lost you. "Shit!" he cried pushing Binna away but it was too late. "Y/n wait" he said but you just turned on your heels and stormed away. "Leave her, she doesn't want you" Binna said but V pushed past her and ran after you.
He caught you quickly and called your name. "Y/n please wait! It wasn't what it looked like"." It wasn't?" You asked "because I think it was pretty clear what was happening!". "I know I just meant...". "Is that why you brought me there?" you asked "some cruel joke? You wanted me to see her and you together as a way of one-upping me?". "No I'd never want that! I wanted you" he said and you froze "what?".
"I miss you Y/n and want you in my life again" V said and that made you laugh "V two seconds ago Binna's mouth was..." and he nodded not wanting you to finish "I know I know but she'd literally just started. I didn't want it to happen it just kind of did. I've told her it's over that's why she came and found me and did that". "Come on V I know you and this sort of stuff isn't out of character for the new you. Why would I believe anything from you?" you asked and V sighed "because it's the truth!" he said loudly "Y/n I just want you in my life again it doesn't have to be romantic but I want to be friends again or see you in some form" V said "please Y/n can we go somewhere and talk?". He tried to grab your hand but you pulled away "no V!" you cried and you'd both been making so much noise your members came out of the dressing room to make sure you were okay.
You took a breath and sighed. "V why are you saying this? Why now?" you asked quieter "it doesn't make any sense you wanting to be friends all of a sudden". "Because I've missed you" V said matching your quieter tone "you helping me get to the airport reminded me I'm a better person around you. When we were together you made me a good person and I need that so badly. I need to be the best version of myself and you bring that out in me. Nobody else, you! I need you to save me again Y/n" V said. "Y/n are you okay?" Seoyon called and you nodded at her before turning back to V. "V it was never my job to make you a better person or save you. I'm glad I had a positive impact on you but it's not fair to put such a big role on me. I never wanted to be your manager or minder I just wanted you to love and care for me". "I do!" V said and then you both froze "did...do, Y/n I..." but you stopped him. "V don't, we don't need to rehash this. It's not the time nor place". "So can we speak about this later?" V asked and you shook your head "I don't know V, I don't think so" and started to walk away.
V went to follow you but Yuqi and Soojin were right in front of him. "I think she wants to be alone" Soojin said and V nodded "I know but I have to make her listen, I have to make her see..." he started but Yuqi shook her head. "Y/n doesn't have to do anything now respect her wishes and go". V sighed but knew he'd have to fight your members to reach you and not only did that not look good but he wasn't sure he could take Yuqi. So with a sigh he turned around and left. "And zip up your jeans!" Yuqi called after him and he realised his fly had been down the entire time.
The next day a video of your argument with V was posted on the internet.
It made sense someone had seen you. You'd argued in the middle of a busy studio and there was bound to be some staff around who wanted some extra cash. Thankfully the audio of the video was muffled but you could clearly see you and V in the video, arguing passionately and it wasn't hard to fill in the blanks. Everyone pieced together that you and V had dated and were in a breakup, they just didn't know it had been 5 years ago.
Your company was furious with you for having a public argument with one of the most famous idols in the world and put you on a temporary hiatus as punishment. Soyeon was furious and fought with them but they said you had to learn you couldn't be so frivolous and emotional. You doubted V was punished and his fans definitely thought you were to blame. You didn't post on Instagram a lot but your Christmas post from the previous year was suddenly spammed with lots of toxic fans hurling abuse at you. For dating V, for breaking up with V, for arguing with V...basically just for knowing V they hated you. You disabled your comments and then when the private messages wouldn't stop also deleted your social media. So you backed away from the outside world all because of V. You should've hated him but honestly, you were just still in shock at what he'd said. If you were angry at anyone it was yourself by how his words still affected you. You thought you'd have known better after 5 years.
V's members were all stunned by what had happened and quizzed him on it a lot after the event. "Did you know you were going to confess that to her?" Jin asked and V shook his head "no". "Did you mean it?" RM asked and V looked down and nodded. The guys all went quiet. "I didn't know you wanted help" Jimin said "why didn't you come to us?". V shrugged again "last time she was the only thing that helped me hold on. Even the other month it was her who got me to the airport when you all couldn't. I guess I panicked thinking more about how I needed Y/n without considering if she needed me or if I deserved her". "Don't say that" Jhope said "you're a good person you deserve a good girl". "But not Y/n" V said, noticing how his hyung had left your name out of it. Jhope looked down and Suga spoke up "I don't think you're undeserving of her, you just handled everything terribly. Her walking in on you and another girl and you blind-sighting her with your confession...there's just ways you ask your ex to repair things and it wasn't the way you did it". V nodded "have I ruined everything?". "We don't know" Jungkook said gently "but time helps all things, so just wait and see. Maybe text her apologising?". V nodded "if she hasn't blocked my number".
You got Vs text after it was announced you'd been put on hiatus. "Y/n I'm so sorry, I never meant for this to happen and it's all my fault. I'm trying to get my company to make a statement so the fans will leave you alone. If I can do anything to help please tell me or Jimin if you don't want to speak to me. I won't bother you again but I meant what I said and I will work to make myself a better person for you if you want that". You read V's text and didn't bother replying. What could you say other than "yes this is all your fault?". That was just spiteful so you left it. You had to wait 3 months but finally, your company let you rejoin the group and you just ignored the boos and glares you got from toxic BTS fans. In your opinion, it was your fault for hearing V out in the first place.
V was so happy when you returned. He'd been phoning your CEO daily until he'd finally been able to get a meeting with him and had demanded your reinstatement. Your CEO was lovely to V and agreed in a heartbeat which made V sick. This was why he'd wanted you, because you were the only person besides his members who he could trust but that didn't mean he deserved you and he's just recently come to terms with that...and he'd decided he could change that.
V was going to become the man you deserved. Of that, he was certain because he realised now he did still love you and hadn't loved a girl since you. He needed you, not just to save him but because he was sure you were his future. He might've let you slip away once but now he was going to fight for you. As far as he was concerned, nothing would stop him.
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jjkeverlast · 1 year
true love | N° 6
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➵ genre our beloved summer au, exes to lovers, romantic comedy
➵ summary in which you're face to face with your ex again after 5 years, because both of your friends start dating each other.
➵ word count 6.7k
➵ warnings use of flashback scenes, light smut (?), alcohol consumption, angst angst angst, unresolved questions, lots of confusion and crying, flashback scenes, mentions of losing someone, mentions of death, panic attack (sorta).
➵ author's note gooooooodddddd, fucking finally. again, sorry for the delay. i remember notifying it to be out before christmas but so many unexpected plans came along and writing became distant for a short period of time but look at that!!!! i finished it :'))) are you guys ready to find out the truth? 👀
also big hugs and thanks to my baby meg bear @yoongukie-ff for beta'ing this chapter!! i trust every piece of my writing with her :)
index | prev. | next.
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He turns his head, confronted by your confused expression screaming anything other than joy that he's already in the car. Jimin is sitting by the wheel, accompanied by Yeon-su beside him and hurriedly telling you to get in as it’s a long drive to the cabin. 
Here you are, sitting besides your ex who basically friendzoned you after admitting he might still be in love with you. Therefore this getaway weekend would have been perfect without the company of Kim Taehyung. Even though you aren’t completely surprised — knowing Jimin and him are close friends — you still deeply hoped he would cancel or have other plans. Now, the only solution for you is to play music and ignore the man sitting next to you. 
Fiddling inside of your bag, you grab ahold of your earphones who couldn’t be more tangled. You find yourself struggling due to your lack of concentration regarding the situation you’re currently in. 
Taehyung notices quickly how much the earphones are winning against you, the tangled chords keeping themselves tight, not breaking free despite you fiddling your fingers in between them. Without thinking further, Taehyung grabs hold of it, the tip of his fingers landing for a split second against your warm palm. 
‘’Let me.’’ He’s being sincere, you know that, but something about him stepping in to help you doesn’t sit well in the pit of your stomach. 
‘’It’s fine. I don’t need them right now.’’ You smile quickly, retrieving the tangled chords back and stuffing them inside of your bag, all hopes of listening to music gone. 
‘’Fine, just trying to be nice.’’ Yeon-su catches your eyes through the rear-view, noticing the sudden strained tension arising between Taehyung and you. Being so close to Taehyung, your mind becomes foggy, all surroundings around you disappearing as if they were never there and you hate it. Your body is uncontrollable in his presence. 
‘’Jimin! Isn’t there a hot tub at the cabin?’’ Yeon-su distracts you both, her joyish tone calming you and Taehyun resulting in neither of you about to bite each other’s head off. 
‘’Yeah, we should use it! Taehyung you’ve always loved hot tubbing.’’ 
‘’He doe—’’ You stop yourself abruptly, the back of your head replaying many moments you and Taehyung have shared in the bathtub at your parent’s house. He does indeed love hot tubbing. Taehyung notices your short revealing, proving you remember all the times you’ve shared with one another, his heart breaking from the good memories. 
Taehyung gulps, trying his best to swallow the clump that has been resting since he left you, five years ago. The action goes unnoticed, your mind already cloudy enough. 
Yeon-su is quick on her feet to move the conversation elsewhere, noticing Taehyung’s expression through the rear view mirror. The action of Yeon-au’s resting frown goes unnoticed by the both of you.
You managed to fall asleep, deciding that was the second best option to avoid Taehyung’s presence next to you for three hours. A sudden bump in the car wakes you up, and as you look out you notice the green nature surrounding Jimin’s car as you drive further in between the trees and finally getting a decent look at the wonderful cabin. 
It’s bigger than you had expected, seemingly two stories up as big glass windows give you a glimpse of what’s inside. It’s very modern, chic even. 
When the car is parked, you all step out, leaves crunching beneath your feet covering most of the area. The air is a bit colder here than in Seoul, more fresh as you inhale it while Yeon-su and Jimin walk to the trunk to bring the bags inside. Taehyung stays silent, not much is heard from him other than helping along the honeymoon pair.  
The living room is big and spacious and you feel as if you just walked inside the house from Parasite. The furniture is a dark shade of olive green and black. Although the cabin is decorated in dark colors, you feel comfortable. 
‘’Y/N, your room is upstairs next to Taehyung’s.’’ Yeon-su says as she hands you your bag. You nod with a semi smile, walking upstairs to your room for the weekend. It doesn’t surprise you that the bedroom has its own bathroom next to it and a queen sized bed. 
When you begin to unpack, your mind goes back to the night in Taehyung’s apartment. His words, his warm palm wrapped around your wrist with a lost glint in his eyes as he looked at you, all hopeful yet lost. You’re not sure you’ve processed the night yet, settling on pushing it in the back of your mind and continuing to live as you did before Taehyung came back after five years. But your heart, no matter how much your mind tries to disprove the idea of Taehyung, continues to beat rapidly for him. You let out a sigh, sitting down on the bed and letting your hands feel the thick texture of the duvet. Your phone buzzes beside you and as you grab it, you notice that Jungkook messaged you. 
koo did you get there okay? [4:35 pm] 
you yeah slept the whole way through [4:35 pm]
you taehyung is here [4:36 pm] 
koo oh god [4:36 pm]
koo do you need me to come get you???? [4:36 pm] 
koo we’ll just act like i got through a huge break up and that i need you [4:36 pm] 
you i’ll be okay [4:36 pm] 
you thank you :) [4:37 pm]  
koo *sent a photo* [4:37 pm] 
You click on the photo, Samba looking directly into the camera lens, her big green eyes all wide and your heart calms by the sight of her. You really needed that. 
koo to help :) samba says hi [4:37 pm] 
you i truly do not deserve you [4:37 pm] 
Everything seems to fall down, your mind eases due to you seeing Samba and remembering that even though you and Taehyung didn’t last, you and Samba will. 
‘’Hey.’’ Yeon-su knocks lightly on your door, sneaking half of her body inside while peaking at you. She seems worried and curious. 
‘’What’s up?’’ You continue to unpack, turning your back on her as she hesitantly moves next to you, sitting down. 
‘’Are you and Taehyung okay?’’ The question throws you off guard and for a quick second you’re almost losing composure. It gives you a certain wake up call to the situation as a whole. Yeon-su and Jimin know nothing about you and Taehyungs’ actual relationship, so for the both of you to actively give each other side glances and act nothing like old high school friends, it shouldn’t surprise you that Yeon-su questions your behavior.    
‘’Yeah, we’re fine.’’ You brush it off quickly, Yeon-su’s frown remaining yet she still lets go of it, leaving you alone to finish packing. 
As the door closes, you let out a sigh, frustration seeping through you once again over Kim Taehyung and his fucking friendzoning. Was that even allowed? After everything? You know what? You’re not going to sit here, sighing over god knows what regarding your ex and you’re gonna do everything to get the best out of this trip, with or without him. 
With that, you join the rest of the group for dinner, conversations flowing between all of you and the atmosphere clears out. Everything turns out to be way more comfortable regardless of you and Taehyung avoiding each other’s gaze.  
Yeon-su suddenly excuses herself, leaving the room and returning with a petite box in her hands. 
‘’Brought this little gem with me. Drinking game anyone?’’ Jimin excitedly claps, quick to join in on Yeon-su’s after dinner activity and because you’ve promised yourself to enjoy every second, you jump into the fun. 
‘’Truth or drink, I’ll start.’’ Your friend places a deck of cards in the middle of the table, clearing it free so you’ll have easy access to pull a card. She grabs ahold of the first one, eyeing Jimin before reading it aloud to him. 
‘’What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done?’’ 
Taehyung holds in a laugh when Jimin hesitates on taking a shot or simply answering the question. 
‘’Oh come on, it can’t be that bad!’’ 
‘’Trust me, if Jimin is thinking the one I am right now, it’s bad.’’ Taehyung calls out, his boxy smile on full display as he and Jimin stay keen on eye contact while Yeon-su is pressuring her boyfriend to spill. 
‘’Babe, you don’t want to know. I’ll just take a shot.’’ He exhales right before finishing the shot in one go, drinking it as if it was water. 
‘’Can’t believe I’m much braver than you. I bet you I'll answer every question.’’ Yeon-su raises her brows, arms crossed as Jimin rolls his eyes over her somewhat promise to everyone at the table. Although you aren’t that worried, Yeon-su is the most honest person you know, so for her to lie wouldn’t be efficient either way.  
‘’We’ll see about that. My turn.’’ Jimin draws a card, giggling a bit before gaining courage to read it out. 
‘’What’s the last thing you Googled?’’ Jimin sounds challenging and Yeon-su doesn’t hesitate to open her phone and show her Google history to all of us. 
‘’How do people have threesomes? Yeon-su are you—’’ 
‘’I was just curious!’’ She shuts her phone off, Jimin and Taehyung easily cracking up due to Yeon-su's curiosity towards sex. 
‘’I mean, porn is an option?’’ You speak up, the laughter easing down as the boys are quick to agree with you all while Yeon-su considers if her curiosity would get shut down simply by watching threesome porn. 
‘’Well, at least Yeon-su answered right?’’ Taehyung is the next to say something and Yeon-su is grateful for him backing her up — the threesome question left behind for now. 
Taehyung decides to go next, picking up a card and reading it as he goes. ‘’Do you believe in soulmates?’’ His eyes turn to you, awaiting an answer. 
Soulmates. Something you’ve never dug into, but sitting here in front of Taehyung even though you never saw this day possible since he left, somehow makes you believe that if someone is meant to be in your life, they come back. But is that the case for Taehyung and you? Or is it just pure coincidence? 
‘’Um, I don’t know. I’ve never really thought about it.’’ You shrug, Taehyung’s eyes once again telling you much more than he is all while your throat turns dry. You didn’t want to put much thought into it, but he looks… disappointed? 
Taehyung clears his throat, and before any form of awkward tension can rise into the dining room, you pick up the next card. 
‘’All right, what’s the one thing you would do if you knew there were no consequences?’’ Taehyung continues to stare down at his shot glass, scared to meet your eyes and without hesitation he chugs the shot in one go. 
You wish your heart didn’t drop at the sight and you can’t help but feel as if the reason Taehyung can’t answer, is because of you. 
‘’Oh come on Taehyung. That one is easy.’’ Jimin throws in, overlooking the strained tension between Taehyung and you. 
‘’Don’t.’’ Jimin is thrown back by the warning his friend gives him and confusion plasters itself onto his face. 
‘’I’ll go next!’’ Yeon-su, once again, saves the uncomfortable ambiance by her cheerishful and sweet energy. She always makes sure everyone around her is okay and doesn’t hesitate to step in to avoid conflict between her loved ones. 
‘’Ooh! This one is fun. Who was your first real celebrity crush?’’ 
‘’Easy, Usher.’’ Jimin doesn’t miss a beat and if it weren’t for his stern expression none of you would be laughing as you are this instant. 
‘’Nothing babe.’’ 
The game continues on for a bit longer, everyone getting fun questions, some are avoided while most of them are answered. Your head is starting to spin, your cheeks feel much warmer than before but you’re having fun. Taehyung himself has loosened up since the earlier question that caught you both off guard. 
‘’Y/N, answer this! What’s the best intimate experience you’ve ever had?’’ If you weren’t already drunk enough, you would’ve taken a shot because the person who’s involved in the story is sitting not even a meter away from you. But you are, therefore no filter is involved, only the truth. 
‘’I’d say… it was actually on a roof, right after stargazing and listening to Taylor Swift.’’ You admit and Taehyung smiles, as if he remembers the memory too and for a split second you notice him nodding, as if he agrees with your statement. 
‘’Who was the lucky guy?’’
‘’I don’t see a card with that question Yeon-su.’’ You smirk, nailing the avoidance of the tempted question of your friend. 
‘’Wait, on a roof? Isn’t that uncomfortable?’’ Jimin cringes at the thought, making you tilt your head back and laugh. 
‘’Not when the person prepared with duvets and mattresses.’’ 
‘’Makes sense.’’ 
The conversation ends quickly and you all decide to crash for the night. The honeymoon pairs’ bedroom downstairs, while you and Taehyung walk beside one another upstairs, a comfortable silence shared between you. 
When you’re standing in front of your door, you turn to Taehyung, his eyes already searching for yours and before you get to say goodnight, Taehyung beats you to it. 
‘’I would’ve mentioned the campus library.’’ He smirks when your mouth drops over his confession. 
‘’Goodnight.’’ He opens the door, giving you one more look before he disappears completely. 
You’d blame the alcohol for Taehyung reminding you of the time when he brought you inside the campus library, both of you skipping class due to your mutual desires. Your body heats up as you reminisce how his hand held over your mouth as the other busied itself under your skirt, a few meters away from the library lady who was harsher than all of your teachers combined. 
‘’Stay quiet baby. Can you do that for me?’’ He whispers, your moans muffled due to his hand covering up most of it. 
You snap back, every part of your brain convincing your body that the alcohol is affecting you and not the man next door to you. 
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The clock reads four AM when your eyes open, your mind now sobered up. You find it difficult to fall asleep again, white spots cornering your brain because of the drinking game but one question you can’t help but forget seeps through. Knowing the couple, they’ve planned a few activities for tomorrow so sleep is needed if you want to at least survive the day. 
You somehow settle on drinking a cup of tea to ease your mind and mostly your body who fought against you earlier after Taehyung’s odd goodnight to you. 
The only light visible is the moon, reflecting itself to every surface in the living room, along with the kitchen and– oh.
‘’Hey, sorry. I couldn’t sleep.’’ Taehyung keeps his tone low, afraid he’ll wake up the sleeping couple. 
‘’That’s okay, we’re in the same boat.’’ You move closer to the cabinet, Taehyung moving aside and that’s when you notice he isn’t wearing a shirt, only sweatpants. You try your best to look away, settling on finding the tea cabinet instead. 
Taehyung watches your every move, how you sneakily tiptoe to reach the top shelf to fetch onto a tea box. Your skin is glowing under the moonlight and Taehyung wants nothing more than to move closer to you.
The water starts to boil, your fingers tapping against the marble of the kitchen counter as Taehyung silently sips on his own cup of tea. The silence is killing you. 
‘’Taehyung?’’ He expects to meet your eyes, but you’re still looking down on the electric kettle. You feel his gaze on you, so you proceed to take a step further. 
‘’Just— be honest with me. For once.’’ Taehyung gulps, every part of him hoping eternally that you won’t throw the obvious bomb who’s been locked away for all these years. 
‘’Why? Why did you leave me? Leave us?’’ You’re on the verge of crying, Taehyung can tell by how you pressed your palms harder  onto the counter for support and your voice getting choked up. 
‘’I can’t. I’m sorry.’’ It’s for the best. That’s what Taehyung is trying to convince himself, because you didn’t deserve any of this but him explaining won’t solve anything. He fucked up once, he doesn’t need to make the same mistake again. 
The silence returns as you pour down the warm water, fixing the tea for yourself. Taehyung is debating if he should leave you or hold on to this moment of the both of you alone. 
You crush the memory for Taehyung by leaving without looking back once. 
‘’I’m such a fucking idiot.’’ 
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The following morning, Yeon-su and you are the first to awaken. Both reasons being completely different. All while Yeon-su has slept like a baby next to her boyfriend, you haven’t been able to close your eyes since last night. Thankfully, Yeon-su doesn’t question your obvious eye bags and invites you to go hiking instead. 
You both follow the trail in the forest, enjoying the free view surrounding you. Yeon-su catches you up on all the gossip from her workplace, filled with nothing but unbearable co-workers and a lazy boss. You have told her countless times to quit, although in the end Yeon-su will never gain enough courage to make that choice for herself. 
‘’Hey, we always talk about me. How about you? How’s work?’’ You kindly smile at her for noticing how she always manages to speak most of the time, leaving you no space to vent. Yeon-su always had a lot on her plate, good things most of the time which excited you as well. She’s your best friend, always has been since your orders got messed up at your local coffee shop, resulting in the both of you starting  a conversation. She’s always made you feel at ease wherever you are, helping you out of difficult situations yet ever since Taehyung came back, you haven’t been able to say a single word about him.
You know in the end she’ll be there for you, understanding even, but you held a promise to Taehyung and that was to keep your past relationship from Yeon-su and Jimin. 
‘’Work is good. Taking a day at a time, nothing big.’’ She hums along, as you both reach a lake surrounded by trees. 
‘’You know, I’ve never seen you so happy before. Jimin is a good guy.’’ She smiles at your words regarding her relationship, and your heart swoons over how your best friend has finally found the one. 
‘’He’s just the best, really.’’ You nod along, her smile returning when she tells you how exactly he asked her to be his. You’ve heard the story a few times, but as you look out onto the lake you feel yourself getting brought back to a day that has set itself as a scar on you. 
‘’Taehyung? What’s going on?’’ You can’t read into his expression and it breaks your heart that he can’t even look into your eyes as he stands in front of your door. 
‘’I– We’re done. I’m breaking up with you.’’ Everything around you stops, all the sounds, your heartbeat, your blood flowing. You’re stuck. 
‘’Why? Please tell me this is some sick joke.’’ Denial, every part of you is in denial that Taehyung suddenly doesn’t want to be with you, not after everything you’ve been through. 
‘’Goodbye. You can keep Samba.’’ He turns his back to you, disappearing as he walks down the stairs. 
The moment he’s gone, you drop down to your knees, breaking down fully as your eyes never stop tearing up. You feel empty, useless but mostly heartbroken. 
You lost him. 
Samba walks up to you from behind, nuzzling her head on your arm. ‘’We’ll be okay.’’ You manage to say, despite you stuttering your way through it, every part of you breaking down. 
‘’Yeah, Jimin’s definitely the one. I just know it.’’ Yeon-su catches you back to the present, your heartbeat back to its normal pace and your body starts to move again when she suggests you guys should head back to have brunch with the guys.  
‘’You’re both meant for each other,’’ is the last thing you manage to say before you reach the cabin and Taehyung rushes out screaming all kinds of nonsense. 
‘’Jimin fell.’’ Yeon-su pushes through Taehyung, rushing inside to her boyfriend who’s sitting down on the couch groaning out in pain. 
The scene is heartbreaking. Yeon-su tries to calm Jimin down but he’s in too much pain after he accidentally missed a step and fell down hurting his knee in the process. Taehyung is surfing on the web, looking up any solutions to the situation and you’re preparing an ice pack to ease down the swelling. 
Yeon-su has already  stacked up pillows on the coffee table in front of the couch, keeping his leg elevated as you return with an ice pack. Jimin groans when the cold sensation reaches his warm skin. 
‘’He needs a compressive bandage and painkillers, just in case.’’ Taehyung rushes next to you, both arms holding onto the laptop as he reads out. 
‘’I’ll go.’’ You don’t hesitate. Jimin and you aren’t that close, so for Taehyung and Yeon-su to stay will calm him down a lot more. 
‘’Are you sure?’’ You nod, grabbing the car keys from the entrance and Jimin manages to thank you before you run out of their sight. 
The drive isn’t long, only ten to fifteen minutes to the closest pharmacy located in a small local city. You can’t even begin to imagine the stress Yeon-su must be going through right now. Seeing her boyfriend in pain and her not being able to do much. If you were in her position, your heart would break at the sight of seeing a person you care about being hurt. 
You hate your mind for thinking about Taehyung getting hurt instead and what you would’ve done or how you would’ve reacted. Sadly, you’d convince your body to not do much, not since he left and completely shattered you as if those eight years of you together was nothing. You’re getting distracted. Whenever even an ounce of you begins to draw Taehyung in again as someone who matters to you, you lose yourself. One by one you lose the chance to speak, to stand up for yourself because he made you weak, made you blame yourself for everything. The break up, all the memories you have from the time you spent together in your college apartment that he basically lived in at the time and owning Samba together. All of it was for nothing.   
The pharmacy comes into sight, the green neon light flickering once or twice and you hurry yourself out of Jimin’s car, almost sprinting inside the shop. 
‘’Hi, I’m looking for a compressive bandage and some pain killers.’’ The pharmacist nods along, an old lady dressed in all white, her glasses decorating her neck with a pearl string. Her gestures are soft, easing you down as she advises you regarding Jimin’s knee and to keep an eye out for swelling. 
‘’Thank you so much.’’ Your grateful tone catches her off guard, giggling as she brushes you off. 
‘’It’s really no problem. I hope your friend recovers quickly.’’ She hands you the brown paper bag, wishing you a nice weekend as you walk out of the store. 
You feel small drops falling from the sky, painting your jacket along the way and you hurry to the car before it worsens. As you shut the car door, the rain increases, big drops falling along on the exposed windscreen. You’re surprised how quickly the weather changed. The unexpected drops are not calming down and sadly you don’t have time to wait out the rain. You activate the wiper blades, managing to get out of town safely. 
The rain doesn’t stop, only increasing and that’s when you hear the first lighting strike right behind you. Your body almost flinches, but you try to remain calm despite the chaos erupting behind you. 
It’s not often that you drive when there’s a storm forming, so you keep the car at a normal pace, keeping yourself in control and do everything to reach the cabin. 
The drive takes a bit longer, although you manage to arrive a few minutes later than planned. The thing that surprises you most isn’t how the storm shifted last minute and calmed down, no. It’s Taehyung, running up to you right after the car is parked. 
‘’Fuck, are you okay? Please tell me you’re okay.’’ Taehyung’s eyes worriedly scans your face, grabbing a hold of it and you’re too stunned to form a decent reply. 
‘’I’m such a fucking idiot.’’ Taehyung pulls you into his arms, his voice clogged like yours was the night before when he couldn’t simply answer you. Taehyung is… crying.   
‘’I should’ve gone with you. I should've never let you go alone. I'm sorry. I’m so fucking sorry.’’ He squeezes you tighter, sobbing on your shoulder as the rain continues to fall on the both of you. Taehyung doesn’t seem to care, all he does is stay put, holding onto you and continuously apologizing. 
You want to ask questions about his weird and off putting behavior, but Jimin is a priority first. 
An unexpected lighting shock results in you both running along each other inside. Yeon-su is lying just as she did when you left, softly speaking to Jimin who’s trying his best not to focus on the pain that's been hitting his knee since the abrupt fall. 
‘’I’m here. I have everything.’’ You hand the semi wet bag to your friend, thanking you as she takes hold of it. You decide to take a shower before you catch a cold and Taehyung is quicker than you, already gone into his room. 
You excuse yourself, letting Yeon-su take care of Jimin as you continue with your plan. The warm water helps calm your body and for the first time since you arrived at the cabin you miss home. You miss Samba, her smell, her warm fur and how she always consols you when you’re stressed or overwhelmed. You miss Jungkook, his awful drinking skills, his lame jokes that somehow manage to work in the end, his ranting about everyone he’s slept with. You overall miss how you feel when you’re surrounded by Jungkook and Samba. You’ll keep in mind to text Jungkook and to ask how he’s doing along with taking care of your cat. 
You’re trying to think of what Jungkook would tell you to do after the episode with Taehyung crying his eyes out in your arms with no explanation. But something you do know, is that you won’t leave the cabin without finding out why. Deep down, your gut is telling you this is a bad idea but it becomes too late when you’re finally standing in front of Taehyung’s door, ready to knock. 
You swallow down an awaiting clump by the edge of your throat, collecting yourself to knock. Hesitation seeps through the walls between you and for a moment you want to take a step back, force yourself to forget everything and stop fighting for someone who clearly doesn’t love you. Yet he shows, opening the door for you, as if it was a sign for you to pull through with the floating questions roaming the top of your head, wishing to bounce onto Taehyungs. 
‘’Hi.’’ His eyes are puffy, nose stuffed although he still manages to smile at you. Even if it isn’t genuine, it feels good, right even. You remember the last time Taehyung smiled at you. It was when you made him listen to your mother’s favorite music as you two were cooking an early breakfast, the sunlight peeking through the blinds, an orange glist blooming itself into your living room and onto your kitchen. 
He kept his smile, while you sang your heart out to him and gave him an early morning show. You were giggling constantly as the sweet smell appeared while Taehyung flipped a few pancakes. 
‘’Y/N?’’ Shit. You must’ve zoned out. 
‘’Yeah, hi. Sorry can we talk?’’ 
Taehyung hesitates, looking back before giving in and opening the door further, giving you space to walk in freely as he shuts the door behind you. 
‘’I’ll be quick. What was that? Back there? When you—’’ 
‘’Nothing. Just, forget it happened.’’ You’ve lost count of how many times Taehyung has easily slipped through your fingers, brushing you off as if whatever you say to him will never be enough. 
‘’Taehyung, I’m worried.’’ He still doesn’t look at you and you feel small, cramped in the spacious room. You’re nervous, every nerve cracking itself open the longer you stand in front of him with a blank answer. It makes you realize that parts of Taehyung have changed. He’s always honest with you, never scared of admitting when something was bothering him or even if he simply wanted to be alone. Yet now, he can’t even look at you while offering you absolutely nothing. It's as if he’s a ghost, brushing his hand past yours not being able to grab it because he’s already gone. 
‘’Can you just drop it please?’’ Taehyung’s tone reaches an ounce harsher, grabbing his hair in frustration because you’ve grown stern towards him. You care, he knows that and he wants nothing more than to tell you everything that happened from the moment he walked out on you and Samba’s life. Why he did it, how much he regrets it, how much he’s missed you and the sparkle of joy your eyes carry. He wants to do all of it, but something is holding him back. The truth. The hard truth. 
‘’Taehyung. For this friendship or whatever the fuck you call it to work, you need to stop constantly shutting me down! I’m just trying to help you and you don’t even care.’’ You’re shouting, voice breaking through every wall in this house but you’ve reached your breaking point. You’re done caring. You’re done fighting. You’re done trying to save him. 
‘’Leave.’’ Taehyung whispers and your mouth drops, eyes crinkling as tears appear. Your breath is swallowed but you do as told.  
Going to your room was one choice, but it would only leave you to think everything through and probably crush you in the process of everything falling down into one. Yeon-au and Jimin were talking downstairs, their voices echoing as soon as you left Taehyung’s room. Maybe it’ll be good for you to sit in their company. 
“Hey,” they both look up at you, smiling as you reach closer. “How’s the knee? Any better?” 
“Hurts like a bitch, but I’ll live.” Jimin looks down at the ice pack covering his knee, while Yeon-su sits at the edge, nuzzling his stomach. 
“Did you guys eat yet?” Both of them nod no, and you make it your new mission to finish the brunch that was planned earlier. Or more so lunch, due to the time flying. 
You manage to make some ramen quickly, leaving some for Taehyung if he ever decides to show while the three of you eat silently in the living room. Jimin smiles for the first time since the accident when he’s halfway through the bowl and by Yeon-su’s expression, she’s finally at ease. 
‘’We should use the hut tub.’’ The infamous hut tub Jimin mentioned earlier in the car and because the rain finally stopped, you see no harm in using it this afternoon. 
‘’I’m not a big fan, I’ll just take a nap.’’ Yeon-su expresses, grabbing your bowls along with her own. She begins to wash after you, scolding you for getting up and asking her to leave up to yourself.  
“You and Jimin should use it. I think some warm water might be good for him after he fell.” You nod, returning to Jimin as you help him stand, both of you slowly moving towards the hut tub outside by the patio. 
It takes some time for the both of you to get in the water, but as soon as you step into it, it was all worth it. 
The company of Jimin is fitting, he’s fully exposing all about what it’s actually like to be a model and to do runways. You’ve never known any models, so for Jimin to be the first, you’re thrilled. 
“It’s actually how I met Taehyung.” His eyes smile along with his teeth. 
“Oh, I didn’t know Taehyung could model.” You’re surprised over the setting for the both to meet. You remember vaguely Taehyung having no interest in being in front of a camera, let alone a public. So modeling would be the last job he’d take. But clearly, he’s changed. So maybe, it turned out to be perfect for him either way. 
“No no. His friend had the flu, so he filled in for him.” Your heart flutters at Jimin’s words. Taehyung’s kindness was like no other, always doing what he can to save someone he cares for. Maybe he hasn’t changed that much… you just haven’t seen it. 
“That’s really sweet of him.” 
“Can I ask you something?” You nod. 
“Did you know her?” Jimin tilts his head, his smile fading along the further his head tilts. 
“The girl Taehyung was in love with since he was 16.” You would lie if you admitted that your heart didn’t flinch at Jimin’s question. How did he know? Did Taehyung mention your past? 
“I heard about her.” Your tone is hesitant but it doesn’t seem to faze him. 
“I wish it worked out between them. The way his eyes lit up whenever he mentioned her, I can’t believe it ended.” You swallow the big clump forming in your throat, every memory of you and Taehyung flashing you all at once. 
“Y-yeah. Me neither.” 
“That’s why when he drank to his question, I just knew it was about her.” Jimin’s head lowers, his heart breaking along for his best friend who’s been broken for longer than he knows. 
You feel your whole body freeze. Everything becomes too overwhelming for you, your emotions, wanting to move on… 
It becomes impossible for you, knowing Taehyung feels broken too. 
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You grab your jacket, deciding to walk outside on the patio and surround yourself with complete silence. The hardwood creaks as you walk on it, leaves plastered all around it and you feel like a kid again, playing with the remaining leaves with your feet. When you look back inside, Yeon-su and Jimin have gone to bed early. The rest of the dinner is on the table ready to eat. You don’t feel hungry, you haven’t been since the conversation in Taehyung’s bedroom. 
Saving people is a difficult term. In reality, you can’t save everyone and especially not the ones who don’t want to be saved. It has nothing to do with you wanting constantly to be there for everyone and lifting each person up, but that was the case for him. 
You’ve known Taehyung since your parents moved next to his house. He was your first real friend. You were a bit shy in the beginning, coming from a secluded town with not many residents but Taehyung made moving here worth it. You remembered how much you kicked your feet in the backseat as your father stepped on the wheel and drove further and further away from your childhood home. 
Taehyung took you in as his friend, inviting you each day to his place where you’d jump into the pool and eat snacks afterwards, laughing whenever Taehyung had crumbs covering the top of his shirt too lazy to remove it with a swift motion. 
Taehyung saved you. He saved you from bad people in middle school, high school and even college. Whenever you felt lost, he was there guiding you towards the right path as you did the same for him. 
You smile, watching the moon as your tears stain your soft warm cheeks. You’ll have to accept it eventually. To accept that the reason behind Taehyung leaving will remain unknown. 
You hide your face in your big jacket, taking in the sounds of the trees moving due to the wind and how it somehow creates a melody. It’s a moment like this that reminds you you’ll pull through. You’ve done all you could, now all you need to do is accept it. 
You step closer to the edge of the patio, supporting both hands onto the railing as you tilt your head upwards to get a decent look at the moon. 
Admiring the moon has always been in your nature. Ever since you were little and your parents bought you the glow in the dark stars stickers for the ceiling, the night has always been an escape for you. 
It takes you back to every night you’ve missed out on sleep as a little girl, the stars becoming a part of you. And as the moon shines even brighter than it has, you get a sense of hope for yourself. 
With one last look, you walk back into the cabin. Taehyung is in the open kitchen, face down as both arms stretch onto the surface. You aren’t exactly careful when you walk past him, his face lifting itself quickly, bloodshot red eyes displayed in front of you. 
‘’Do you remember when we found Samba? We were walking outside of campus, she was crying out for us when we walked by that dumpster. Thank god for your good hearing. Imagine if we never found her?’’ You’re appalled by Taehyung’s choice of conversation, although your body doesn’t move hearing everything as your mouth is sealed shut. 
‘’I’m so glad we saved her. If only I could save us.’’ Taehyung wipes his eyes into the sleeve of his shirt before continuing. ‘’That night, when I left. I don’t think I’ve ever cried that much actually.’’ 
‘’You… you left me. You left me and you still had it in you to cry? Why?’’ 
‘’I never wanted to leave you in the first place. I did it for you. I did it because you deserved better.’’ Taehyung moves closer, his cheeks stained as much as yours. You want to believe him, but you both deserved every inch of one another. It’s always been you and him. 
‘’Taehyung.’’ You take a step back, giving up on the hope that’s been hanging itself on a thin thread for five years over the question. ‘’I’m sorry, I don’t believe you. Let’s just end everything here, please I can’t take this anymore. The doubts, the unresolved questions, the tension… it’s all too much. Please just, drop it.’’ 
A pause. Taehyung turns his back to you, a signal for you to leave. You turn, a few steps are being taken but they stop. 
‘’My friend… he—’’ Taehyung tries to breathe, his words clogged but he’s given in. ‘’My friend, he’s gone because of me. My friend fucking died because of me.’’ 
‘’I should’ve never let him get in that car. It’s my fault.’’ Taehyung takes courage to turn, the front of his shirt wet, his palms tensing for him to be able to hold a straight composure. 
‘’Then the storm came and he never called.’’ Your heart breaks, reminded of when Taehyung ran out to you, continuously asking if you were okay when you came back. He thought he had lost you too. 
‘’I couldn’t bring you down that path of guilt. Not after everything you’ve done for me.’’ 
You’re at loss for words. Still, you move towards Taehyung searching for his eyes that are blurry, blocked by the tears threatening to spill and you hug him. 
Taehyung doesn’t move. You squeeze yourself tighter around his form, crying yourself. 
‘’You’ll be okay.’’ Taehyung finally gives in, engulfing you while his sobs fill the room. He lets out every ounce of pain he buried within himself. Your hand gently rubs his back, repeating the three words in a soft voice. 
It’s the first time in five years that Taehyung knows for certain that he’ll be okay. 
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© jjkeverlast 2022 [do not copy, translate or repost any of my works.]
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169 notes · View notes
whyse7vn · 3 months
[ot7 x reader]
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this is an experiment i’m trying to see something
also yoongi only has 2 cuz my phone kept like blowing up iphone x yoongiphobic idk
tags: @piw6n @92jinnies @birdie-vhs @kooksmilitarywife @hob3loveofmylife @jujubiism @bloopkook @ratchetpizza1 @myntalks @arloo00 @watamotee33 @y2kcy3brz @taiwan0618 @freyadanvers @gguksbeloved @raetf @bbsantc @winuvs @medicinemybish @bxnnyhime @leleluvsbts @baetukki @zyaaaszn @thelilbutifulthings @jazminethecreator @k4ngelz @jmnscutie @threeopossumsinacoat @cynicalyoongs @lightningpussy54 @eunthv @gigiiiiislife @lowkeykin @elissasimp @socksfirstalways @knjlvr06 @lailaisarmy @thvkives @xstfudaisyx @xxxanimangxxx @solstice34 @ml8dy @hoeforseoks
329 notes · View notes
bteezxyewriter12 · 2 years
Name/ 2
Pairing- Tae x Named Reader
Word count- 5.4k
Includes- oral, blow job, face riding, cock riding, missionary, multiple orgasms, love making, fluff
Prompt Series Masterlist
Part 1
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The New York subway is.... interesting
So far, there have been people asking for money and a group of people dancing and performing in the train car
Joanne told me not to look because they'll expect me to give them money
I kept switching my gaze between her and the performers
It's crazy that they do this in the subway
Once it was done, they did ask for money
Some people gave them some but most didn't
I don't care about giving them money but Joanne told me not to
I don't know how things are done here so I'm going to listen to her
After awhile, the train stops and everyone gets off
"It's the last stop baby", she says, taking my hand and leading me out of the train
I fucking love when she calls me baby
I never thought anyone would call me that because I didn't know I'd ever find her
I didn't mean to call her aegi before
It just completely slipped out and I freaked out worrying she'd say something
I always wanted to call my soulmate that and I'm so glad she likes the nickname
"Ok aegi. We go your apartment now?", I ask
"Yeah. We're going to my car and I'm gonna drive home"
I nod
I know she has a car
She told me she drives to the train station, parks her car, then takes the train
It's a lot just go get to work
I don't know if I could ever do that every single day
We get to her car, get in and she starts driving
"So this is my apartment", she says
She showed me all of her apartment and we're back in her living room, sitting on the couch
"I like it", I answer
"Yeah? It's probably kinda smaller than you're use to"
"Oh no. It's great. I share with seven people. You get all space by yourself"
She smiles at me, "Yeah but sometimes it gets lonely. You have the rest of the members with you if you need to be around someone"
She's not wrong
I do have my own room when I want to be alone and I can go into the living room when I want to be around people
Everyone is always there
"What about you family?"
"Oh uh yeah I don't talk to them. I don't have any brothers or sisters. Just my parents and they're not nice people"
That upsets me
I can't imagine being without my family
They're one of the most important things in my life
But she had no one for so long
"You have me now", I answer
Her smile widens, "Yeah I do. And you have me"
God I love hearing that
I do have her
And I'm never letting her go
Moving closer to her, I crash my lips to hers
She throws her arms around my neck, pulling me closer
I can't stop kissing her
It's like after the first one, I just can't stop
And I love the feeling I get from her kisses
I pull her on my lap and she comes, still kissing me
Her hands go in my hair and it feels good
I cautiously run my hands up and down her body
I want to do more but I don't know if she wants to
If it's too soon
Keeping my hands by the hem of her shirt, I play with it, lifting it a little but not too much
She moves her hands from my hair to my shirt and she pulls it up and off
Leaning back, her mouth drops open as she looks at me
"Fuck Tae, you're perfect"
The look on her face tells me she's telling the truth
I'm so happy she thinks that about me
I don't have abs like Jungkook or Jimin
I actually have a little tummy and I was self conscious about it around her
She touches my chest and runs her hands all over me
I close my eyes against her touch and just enjoy it
Her hands are soft and warm against my skin
She slides her hands up my chest, up my neck, touching my face as she leans to me and kisses me softly
When she pulls away, I open my eyes and just tell her, "I want you. So much"
She smirks, "Yeah baby?"
I nod rapidly
She kisses my cheek, then whispers, "Well you're in luck baby because I want you so much too"
"Yeah?", I ask
She nods, "Don't stop"
I pull her to me in a kiss, sliding my hands up her shirt and finally touching her skin
Fuck, she's so soft and smooth, I absolutely love it
Pulling her shirt up, I take it off and throw it somewhere, her lips back on mine in a second
I unclasp her bra taking it off as well
Touching her breasts, I moan against her lips
Kissing down her neck, she leans back as I get to her breasts, holding them up
Putting her nipple in my mouth I suck on it, feeling it get hard right instant
And her nipple isn't the only thing that gets hard
She moans, gripping my upper arms tightly
Going to the other nipple, I lick it over and over, it getting hard against my tongue
Fuck I'm so turned on
When I move back, she stands up, grabs my hand and pulls me with her
I follow her and we go in her room
She leads me to her bed and she sits on it, moving me in front of her
Her hands move fast on my jeans getting them undone and pulling them and my boxers down right away
I watch her lick up and down my hard cock, pleasure slamming my body
"Fuck", I whisper
She takes me in her mouth, sucking right away
"Oh my god!", I yell
I can't, it feels so good
And watching her turns me on so much more
I feel her tongue licking me all over as she sucks harder
"Baby oh god", I moan
She sucks on my head while jerking me off
I don't know which feels better, all I know is that I'm in so much pleasure
She takes her hand away and moves down my cock more, putting all of me inside
When she starts sucking, I can't take it
"Joanne oh fuck, baby, baby!", I shout, coming
I feel her swallow on my cock over and over making the pleasure last longer
"Mmmm", she groans, "So good"
My mouth drops open
"Ggg..good?", I stammer
She moves off me, looking up and smiling, "Yeah Tae. Good. You taste good"
Jesus Christ, I can't wrap my head around that
Instead of thinking about it, I gently push her back on the bed and pull off her pants and panties slowly
I take a second to look at her naked body
Oh my god, I can't fucking breathe
She's fucking so beautiful, so hot, so perfect
Running my hands up her body, I lean over her, kissing her again
I love how her arms immediately to around my neck, holding me close to her
Getting on the bed, I lay on my back and pull her to me
"Up", I tell her, moving her on top of me until she's right over my mouth
I can't wait to eat her out
Pulling her down more, I lift my head up and lick her
"Ttt... Tae", she whimpers
I keep going, licking all over, just feeling her on my tongue
And she feels good
She's already so wet and it tastes good
I move my hands on her ass and squeeze
"Mmmm", she moans
Stopping for a second, I look at her pretty pussy, her clit throbbing hard
I want it in my mouth so badly, so I wrap my lips around it and start sucking hard and fast
"Oh my god Tae!", she screams
I can't help but smile at her scream
I'm so glad I can make her feel so good
Still sucking on her, she moans, grabbing my arms tightly
"TAEHYUNG!", she screams, coming and shaking above me
I lick her cum and I'm so surprised at how good she tastes
I've went down on girls before but I never really liked the way they taste
But her....I love it
And I know I'm always going to want it
When she finishes I keep licking her to get her to cum again
I swipe my tongue on her over and over, feeling her get more wet
After another minute, she yells my name as she orgasms again and I lick up all her cum
Grabbing her hips, I move her down my body until she's right over my cock
"Please aegi", I beg
She bites her lip, nodding at me
Pushing her down on me, my cock gets so wet and warm from her
"Oh shit", I moan as pleasure slams right into me
"Are you ok?", she asks worriedly
I nod rapidly, "You just....fuck...so tight....feel so good"
Jesus I just went in and I already can't talk
"You...you like it?", she asks
"I love it", I gasp
She leans over me, kissing my lips softly
God her kisses are everything
I bury my hands in her hair, sliding my tongue in her mouth
Hers touches mine, sending chills down my spine
I feel her hands slide in my hair and touch my face
Goddamnit I love her so much
She moves back and smiles at me, giving me a quick kiss
Then she sits up and starts moving up and down my cock slowly
"Oh god", I moan
The pleasure is so intense and I've never felt this good before
Moving quicker, she bounces on me and takes my hands, putting them on her body
"Touch me Tae"
Hell yes
My hands slide up and down her body touching her every where I can
"You're hands feel so good baby", she whimpers
God she's everything
And she loves me
That's the best part
She loves just me
She just wants me
I'm so fucking happy
"Tae", she moans
She's going to cum
I can feel her
And I've never been more excited for a girl to cum on me
She's right there, so I thrust up into her
"Oh fuck", she cries
"Come on baby", I whisper, moving up into her again
"Taehyung oh fuck", she cries, getting so tight on me as she orgasms
Pure fucking pleasure washes over me as she cums on me
Oh my god, it feels amazing
But I knew it would
I knew being with her would be the best
I had no doubt
The pleasure on her face makes me happy and makes me want to give her more
Holding her hips, I thrust into her while she orgasms, making her scream louder
"It's ok aegi. Again"
She starts moving slamming down as I thrust up
I hit inside so much deeper and I love the feeling, the fast pulsing her cunt is doing around me
"There Tae. Oh shit right there", she moans
I slam up and she shouts
"There?", I ask
She likes it there, in that spot and I'm going to give it to her
I move faster, making sure I slam into where she wants
"Fuck!", she cries, orgasming again and holding onto my cock so tightly
"Fuck", I gasp from the pleasure
She shakes on top of me so I just hold her until she finishes
I sit up, holding her to me and rolling her over so she's under me
Kissing her lips hard, I push back inside and start moving slowly
Her hand are on my hips and she slides them up my back slowly, touching everywhere and her fingers leaving fire all along my back
I shiver from her touch and I feel her smile against my lips
I pull away from her, touching her face softly
"I love you"
Looking up at Tae, he tells me, "I love you"
Happiness explodes in my heart
I can never stop hearing him say that
"I love you", I tell him
The smile he gives me is so stunning, it takes my breath away
I'm so lucky I have him
I'm extremely lucky I found him
I would never have expected my soulmate to be famous
And everything that led to me finding him was pure luck
I know this
But I'm glad luck was on my side
He kisses me again, still moving slowly
I can feel every move, every thrust, every touch and I absolutely love it
Tae kisses down my neck, whispering to me as he does
"My baby."
He kisses another spot on my neck
"My Joanne"
Another kiss
I can't, he's everything
"My Tae", I whisper to him
He looks at me and smiles before pressing his lips to mine
He moves a little bit harder and it feels so good
He's getting me right there, just a few more thrusts
"Tttt.....Tae baby", I whimper
"Yeah aegi", he answers, kissing me more
He thrusts again and I snap, pleasure washing over me as I orgasm
"Oh god Tae!", I moan, clinging onto him, my body pressing into his
"Joanne, oh fuck, aegi", he groans, coming inside
I feel his cock move and throb as he cums, feeling so fucking pleasurable that it gives me another orgasm
"Fuck Tae!", I cry, shaking in his arms
"Jo, oh, so good", he moans, burying his face in my neck
Wrapping my arms around him, I keep him on top of me, running my fingers up and down his back and playing with his hair
Turning my head, I kiss the side of his face and his shoulder
"I love you", I tell him and keep kissing him
He lifts his head, looking at me
"Marry me"
I blink in shock
Which is what I say
He kisses me, then gets up and leans over the bed to the floor
What is he doing?
Did he really just ask me to marry him?
Is he being serious
He comes back, laying down next to me and I move so we're facing each other
He holds up a ring to me
Oh my god he's serious
"I love you. You are mine. I am yours. I don't want wait anymore. I come and know if you my soulmate, I want marry you. And you are. I don't want be without you", he says softly, moving hair from my face
"Marry me?", he asks again
"Yes", I answer with no hesitation
"Yes", I confirm, nodding, "I love you Tae. I don't want to be without you either"
I don't
I already loved him before I met him today
And the love I feel for him now that he's my soulmate is so much more than before
I don't want to be away from him
It's going to kill me when he has to leave tonight to go back to the hotel
And he has a whole tour to go on
But I want to marry him
He's my everything
She said yes
I'm going to marry my soulmate
I'm so elated
I came here knowing I was going to propose to her if she was my soulmate
I didn't want to be apart from her if she was
And she is
I don't care about being too young or being famous for marriage
I'm ready as long as it's her
I was scared to ask, worrying about when the right time would be
But it came so easily
I just asked
And she agreed
I kiss her softly, just feeling her lips on mine
It feels so good
She puts her hand on the side of my face and I love it
I love when she touches me
Her hands are so soft against my skin
When we pull away, I take her hand and slide the ring on it
She looks at it, smiling so widely
"Do you like it?", I ask
She nods, "I love it. It's beautiful Tae. Thank you"
There's more I want to ask her but this I'm scared about
But I have to
"Uh Jo. Can we uh talk?", I ask
She lifts her gaze from the ring to me
"Sure Tae"
"Uh Jo, I want ask if you uh come with me. To Korea?"
I hate my English
I sound like a toddler
I'm better than before, I can have a conversation with her but it's still hard to think of all the words and put them in a sentence right away
It takes me a few seconds
And sometimes it's just broken sentences
"You want me to move to Korea? Don't you live in the dorm with the members?", she asks
"Uh yes but if you come, I move. I live with you"
"And you want to get married in Korea too?"
That I don't care about
We can get married here or there
Wherever she wants
"Whatever you want Jo. That does not matter. But I have uh stay in Korea. Because BTS is there. If I not in BTS, I move here with you. But I cannot now. Maybe later but not now"
"I get it Tae. I know you can't leave Korea", she answers
I'm worried she's not going to come
I know I'm asking a lot in a short period of time
She takes my hand, lacing our fingers and kisses the back of mine
"I'll go with you to Korea Tae."
"Yes? You will?"
"Of course Tae. I love you and we're going to get married. I'm not going to stay here when you're in Korea. Wherever you go, I go", she says softly
I can't hold the smile that bursts on my face
"Thank you aegi", I thank her
"There's nothing to thank Tae. I'd do anything for you"
"Me too. I do anything for you", I repeat
"Uh I guess this is happening after your tour?"
"Yes we move after tour. I come help you", I confirm
She's moving for me, the least I could do is help her pack and ship everything
She nods, "I'm going to miss you when you're on tour"
I've thought about that too
I knew if she was my soulmate, I wouldn't want to be away from her so quickly
"You uh can come with me", I say lowly
Surprise falls on her face, "I can?"
I nod, "Yes. Before I leave Korea, I tell manager um about..you. I tell them you maybe come with me. I tell members same. They ok. Manager no ok but I don't care."
"Oh, Tae I don't want to get you in trouble if your managers said no"
I'm not explaining this right
I take a few seconds to think
"Uh they no say no. They say not good idea. But not say no. And anyway, I don't care. You come. Please?"
I hope she understands
"Oh, uh but my job Tae."
Oh right
I forgot
She may not be able to get off
"I forgot", I answer
Then I get an idea
"Uh Jo. When you move to Korea, you quit job here, yes?"
She nods
"So uh, you quit now and come with me", I suggest
"I mean I guess I could but I kinda need to make money Tae. I'm going to have to spend a lot of money to ship my stuff to Korea."
I shake my head, "No think about money. I have money. I pay everything"
"What?", she exclaims, "No way Tae. No"
"Yes", I insist, "I don't care, I pay for you. I take care of you. I want you to come with me. You don't need job."
"Jo, only for little time. When we go to Korea, you find job if you want. If you don't want work, it's ok. I pay"
She hesitates
"Please aegi", I beg
I want her with me
I'll be able to relax on the tour if she's there instead of thinking and worrying about her
I'll perform better if I know she's backstage, watching and waiting for me
And I tell her this in my broken English
Her face softens and she answers, "Yeah Tae ok fine. But, you do not spend a lot of money on me. And I will get a job in Korea. I'm not a moocher"
What's that?
"What is moocher?", I ask
"It's a person who just takes people's money, spends it and doesn't work or do anything to help the person who's giving them money"
There is no way I'd ever think she's like that
I know she's not
I know she loves her job and I know she doesn't like just taking things from people
"I know you no like that aegi. Don't worry."
She just nods
"So you come?"
"Yes Tae, I'll come"
Relief floods my body and I pull her to me, her lips on mine
God I love having her in my arms
I love kissing her
I love her
"Time to sleep baby?", I ask
"Yeah Tae if you're sleepy"
"I am", I nod
"You don't have to go back to the hotel?"
I shake my head
"No, I stay with you. We pack you suitcase in morning and go to hotel. I have show tomorrow"
"Ok baby. Whatever you want"
"You, I want you"
"You have me Tae. Always"
She kisses me again, then lays in my arms, holding me tightly
Playing with her hair, I put my baby to sleep, then I close my eyes
"C'mon aegi", Tae says, pulling me behind him, "Don't be uh...nervous"
Of course I'm nervous
I'm meeting his group members
We had to wake up early today because he has to go to sound check and practice for the concert tonight
He asked me to come with him
While I agreed, I'm still nervous
I'm meeting the people who have been his family for the last seven years
What if they think I'm not good enough?
Tae leads me backstage into a room
There's six guys sitting around on their cell phones
Tae starts talking in Korean, making the guys look up
I hear my name in there somewhere
"Hi Joanne", one says to me in English
That has to be Namjoon
It doesn't sound like he has an accent when he talks
Tae introduces me to each guy, telling me their real name and stage name
Tae brings me to a couch where we sit down and I end up sitting next to Jimin on one side
He smiles at me, "You love him?"
I nod and I feel Tae put his arm around my waist
"Yeah a lot"
"Nice but he pain in ass", Jimin jokes
I burst out laughing as Tae says, "Hey!"
"Yes big pain and very silly", Jungkook adds
Tae glares at him
"It's ok. I'm a pain in the ass too"
I glance at Tae, smiling and a huge smile bursts on his face
"And anyway he's not a pain."
"Thanks aegi"
"Aegi? Oh boy he's whipped", Namjoon laughs
"Shush!", Tae growls making me giggle
"It's ok baby", I tell him and kiss his cheek
We stay in the room for awhile while the guys hang out and eat
"Here aegi", Tae says, handing me a breakfast sandwich and some juice
"Oh no baby, that's for you guys"
"No Jo, eat it. It's for whoever wants it", Namjoon tells me
"Eat. It's fine", Hoseok says
Tae smiles at me encouragingly
I take the food from him
"Thank you", I say to all of them
Most of them nod, some smile
As I eat Tae is constantly giving me little kisses, little touches and I fucking love it
When we're done eating, Tae tells me that they have to rehearse
"You come baby"
"But your fans"
He shakes his head, "Not yet aegi. They come for soundcheck later. Now just us and staff. You can come. Please"
I nod
I want to go with him, see what he does
He takes my hand and leads me down a hallway
The guys are staring out a window and Tae brings me to it
I look outside to see a huge line of people waiting outside
"Is that ARMYS?", I gasp
Tae nods
There are so many people just waiting for them
It's 10 a.m.
The concert is at 6
These people are going to be here all day
Just for them
That's amazing
"Wow that's incredible. They love you guys so much"
"Yes. We love them too", Yoongi says
"If not for them, we wouldn't be here", Namjoon replies
I can get that
I think it's so sweet how much they love their ARMYS and everything they do is for them
"Come aegi", Tae says, leading me outside to the stage
Tae is handed a green mic and some ear things that he puts in
He takes my hand again and leads me on to the big stage
Music starts and the guys start rapping and singing
Tae leads me down the catwalk while he sings
His voice is so fucking amazing
Both his speaking voice and singing voice is so deep and it turns me on
I move away and watch him during certain songs when they have to dance their choreography
Tae moves gracefully and he's fucking sexy as hell
He's always licking his lips, biting his lip, smirking, acting sexy
And it turns me on so much
When they finish, Tae comes over to me
"Come Jo. Last song. Then we relax then soundcheck"
"Ok Tae", I answer, taking his hand
We walk to the middle of the stage and he pulls me close to him
He kisses my forehead while the other guys are rapping and singing their part
He smiles at me, then when his part comes, he moves his arm around my shoulder and starts singing
I put my arms around him, looking up at this beautiful man that's mine
When he finishes singing, he smiles down at me, kissing me softly
My heart pounds harder with absolute love I have for him
After the kiss, I hug him, putting my head against his chest
He moves his arm around my waist, keeping me against him
When he sings, I can hear his voice reverberate in his chest
I smile and kiss his chest
I feel him kiss the top of my head when his part is over
When the song ends, he just hugs me while we stand on the stage
"I love you Jo. I'm so happy I found you"
I nod, "I love you Tae and I'm so happy too"
I look up at him and see him moving towards me
I meet him in the middle, our lips meeting in a kiss
~Three months later~
I step out of the plane and into the airport, Tae holding my hand as we walk
"Welcome to Korea", he smiles
I smile back
I'm excited to be here but I'm also so nervous
I don't know Korean that well
I've been practicing Korean more and I'm getting better by talking to Tae
While I can speak it a little, I still can't read it
So I have no idea what's around me, what the signs mean, what the stores are
Tae promises to help me and be with me but I also know he always has a packed schedule
I saw that from spending three months with him and BTS while they were on tour
Constant travelling, constant practicing and concerts
Tae was always tired and I did whatever I could to help him
I'd give him massages, lay with him, hold him, play with his hair
Whatever he wanted, I did
He of course wanted to have sex all the time and of course I wanted to too
I love him and he's sexy as fuck, no way I'm going to say no
And he wants me
He loves me
That still blows my mind
After the tour was over, he came back to New York with me and helped me pack up my apartment
Like he told me, he paid for everything- boxes, tape, shipping costs, even though I yelled at him for it
He'd just smile and kiss me
He's the sweetest thing ever
After everything was sent here, he got on a plane with me and here we are
"You ok aegi?", he asks
I nod, "Yeah Tae. I'm good"
"Ok. I call BigHit to get us and we go to our apartment"
"Our apartment", I repeat, smiling at him
He told me he got an apartment last year when the rest of the BTS members were buying apartments but he still lives in the dorm with them
But now that he has me, he wants to live with me
Tomorrow we're going to the dorm to start moving Tae's stuff too
The guys are really nice and they understand that Tae would want to move in with me
They're ok with it
I'm glad
Even though Tae is my soulmate, I don't want to get in the way of his friendships
But everything is going great
"Aegi! Car is outside"
He leads me out of the airport right into a car
"No way Tae!", I gasp as he opens the door to the apartment
The apartment is huge
Well what I've seen so far
Which is the huge living room
With the flat screen tv, game systems, couches and table
"What? Is no good?", he asks confused
I turn to him
"What? Are you kidding me? I love it", I exclaim, hugging him so tightly, "Thank you baby"
"No thank aegi. I love you. Everything is for you"
"I love you Tae"
Standing on my toes, I press my lips to his
He wraps his arms around me, kissing me back
"Come baby. I show you apartment"
Tae leads me around, showing me the large kitchen, dining room, and bathroom
There's five bedrooms- Tae said one is for me for my books, one is for his art studio he wants to set and the other is for a baby.
"Baby?", I ask laughing
"Uh yes. No now. Baby later. After marry. Few years", he answers, turning red
We're planning to have our wedding for next November and Tae is already thinking and planning things
He's already going all out
It's adorable
I'm glad I found someone who wants to get married and have kids
"Ok Tae. Babies later", I nod
"Babies?", he asks
I nod
I know he wants lot of kids
That's general info on BTS' V
I'm not opposed to it
I like kids and I always wanted my own
"Yeah Tae. Babies. We're having more than one right?"
"I...I want more but I don't know if you-"
"I do Tae. With you, I do"
The smile that bursts on his face is so beautiful
He takes my hand again and leads me into the last room
"Our room", he says
I move into the room looking around
There's a huge bed, dressers, tv, huge walk in closet and a door that leads to a huge bathroom
"Wow Tae"
"You like?", he asks
I look at him
"I love baby"
He comes over to me, pulling me into his arms
Laying my head on his chest, I just stand with him with ours arms around each other, in our room
"Are you tired? It late. You no sleep much on plane"
I didn't
I can't sleep on planes
It's so uncomfortable
"Yeah ok. Are you going to stay with me?"
I want him to but I'm not going to force him
"Of course. I always with you", he tells me
I kiss his cheek and then we both change
I get into the bed and wait for him to come
As soon as he gets in, he automatically comes closer to me, wrapping me up in his arms
Snuggling into each other, I give him a kiss and tell him, "I love you Tae"
"I love you Jo", he answers, kissing my forehead
I close my eyes, laying in Tae's arms
I'm happy I'm in Korea with him
It's a huge move but as long as I have him I'll be ok and we'll get through anything together
I finally found my soulmate and I get my happily every after with the best guy I could ask for
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kingminie · 5 months
until forever falls apart | 01.
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pairing: kim taehyung, reader 
genre: angst, exes au. 
warnings: emotional cheating, infidelity, swearing, detailed smut, chain smoking as a coping mechanism.
word count: 11.8k
description: you’ve never been much of a believer in the phrase ‘first love never dies’ but it seems as if the universe badly wants to prove it to you — and you’re absolutely and royally damned the moment you find out that the phrase holds truth. 
or alternatively, you come as a stand-in photographer for your cousin’s prenup shoot and you find out that it’s your secret ex who’s about to get married, and kim taehyung really doesn’t make it any less easy for you. 
01 | ongoing.
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Love has always been easy for you — both falling into or getting out of it, but more of the latter, really. 
However, there are things about this so-called ‘love’ that you don’t quite get — will probably never get — and it leaves you in a sticky position when friends come to ask advice that roots from such a concept.
It always ends in a snotty mess and a sigh of I don’t know why I came to you for this at the end anyway. It makes you feel like shit; a clueless, ignorant, wondering piece of shit because how is it that everyone seems to have been looking at love and defining it from a single different lens with a unified perspective, and you’re stuck at seeing it from the other endpoint.
It isn’t your fault you don’t assimilate hurt with loving, is it? It isn’t your fault that you don’t expect to clean up a colossal mess every time love comes to its end. And it most certainly isn’t your fault that when love ends, you let it go. It ended, and that’s that. For you, anyway. So, why exactly, do people fault you for having such a reaction at the conclusion of a relationship?
Why does it seem to be a taboo and something that’s unheard of when a month after a relationship ends, you find yourself not grieving over a love that’s lost? When and why does it seem to have become the standard to mope and pine and cry as if acceptance and moving on is an outlawed concept right after a relationship ends?
That’s because you’re a heartless, unfeeling bastard, that’s why, as your best friend, Jungkook, so likes to put it every single time. And maybe, it is the defeat and the eventual acceptance that people will never see things in your perspective that you just roll your eyes and move on with your day. 
Love, for you, is something that ends when it ends. A wound that closes, heals. It leaves a scar, sure. You remember the hurt, yes. But the initial peak of pain wouldn’t be there again if it healed, would it.
With all that, you’ve become unsure — of what to do, of what to say, of how to act — when people lament over a lost love. Which, at this very moment, is what exactly your sister is doing. 
All tears, snot, and hiccups under your blankets. 
Sobs wrack her body in an uncontrollable shake, a vibrating mess under the sheets as you’re left to wonder what the fuck to do with your hands. But you never get the answer because she wails, head lifting from the blankets, “How could he do that to me? Six years, six years! Six years he threw away for what, a year of meaningless sex with his assistant?” 
You don’t really think it’s meaningless when dear, dear respectable Hyunwoo decides to break off the engagement, but you keep your mouth shut and continue to awkwardly pat your sister’s back. 
Your hand stills just an inch away from her back when she looks at you, wet eyes and mouth set in a downward curve, and whispers, “What should I do now?” She sniffles and you flinch. Because her goddamn snot is staining your bed but fuck, okay, you can’t think about that now, “I love him.”
You hesitate, weighing the words you’re about to speak in your head and thinking about the consequences before settling for a question, “You–you’re not thinking about giving him another shot if he asks for it, are you?” 
At this, your sister remains silent and you sigh because yes, yes she will give him a chance in one heartbeat if the bastard do so much as give her a fucking petal and a printed ‘I’m sorry’ hallmark note.
“You don’t get it.” 
Ah, there it is. 
Of course, it’s always going to come down to you not getting it. 
Maybe your sister sees it, the anger bubbling in your gaze as you glare at her, because she scrambles to sit down with her legs underneath her, knees parallel each other as she kneels on the bed facing you.
And it would have been funny, seeing your older sister like this, but the searing exasperation breaks through and you let it, mouth opening, “No, you don’t get it. See, this is not just a matter of moving the fuck on. He fucked you over, Hana, so much that there’s no amount of apology or groveling he can do to fix that. He fucked his assistant when he’s due to walk down the aisle in a year with you and if that doesn’t spell out how much respect he has for you, for our family, and you still choose to remain blind despite that, then you came to the wrong person because I won’t coddle you.” 
“I care about you,” your voice softens and you see her shoulders slump, “This is not just about my once-it-ends-then-it-ends view on relationships. Hyunwoo did an unthinkable, unforgivable thing and there’s no going back from that. I’m not letting you walk back to the person who lacks respect for a relationship, much less for you. Do you get where I’m coming from?” 
Hana nods meekly, head hanging low before you hear her sniffle once more. It hurts to see her like this and you want nothing more but to pummel the son of a bitch who did this to her, “I’m sorry.” 
You shake your head and you let out a breath, all air knocked out from your lungs when she slumps forward, arms snaking around your shoulders as she pulls you in for a tight hug, the phrase of ‘thank you’ and ‘sorry’ a litany on her tongue.  You squeak as her legs slither their way around you in a tight grip and she lets out a weak laugh that sounded much more like a wheeze before you push her off, feeling a wet blot on your shoulder. 
“I want to be you for a day. Not like you,” she mutters as she gets comfortable on the pillows, your pillows, “But be you entirely. I want this pain to vanish in a week and just forget about him.” 
She pauses, “Maybe after I key his car.” 
The pain doesn’t vanish, you think and tell her. “I just learned how to deal with it, Hana. And it isn’t overnight that I do it. And you will get over it too. Heal from it. Someday, one day.” 
The silence that follows is comforting, and you think she must’ve fallen asleep, just as most do after a good cry. But she hasn’t, you realize, when she rolls over once more and speaks in a quiet voice, “The way you are right now,” she pauses, only continuing when you give her a nod, “is it because of him?”
There are only a handful of people that could fit about who she means, you know that, but you refuse to speak of any of them and opt to ask her a question instead, “Which way that I am exactly are you referring to?” 
“The closed-off you,” Hana replies, a soft tilt to her words, “I had a theory, you know, that you moved on so fast from the relationships you had after because you were never really invested in the people after him. That he broke you, enough for you to place that, whatever you have around your heart that doesn’t allow people to hurt you. You love other people, but you never really allow them to love you as much because of it which makes detachment and parting easier when it ends.” 
You don’t really mean to, but the words Hana speaks are like a vacuum, drawing you into a place you’ve managed to tuck away in the very back of your mind. Memories rush in and you drown in it — of honey blond hair, rectangle smiles, and skin that smelled of oakmoss and jasmine. 
“Am I right?” 
You let out a laugh as you nudge a pillow towards your sister, “You and your unending theories. No, Hana. It’s not because of anyone in particular. This is just how I am, how I think. It’s just unfortunate that it's only the minority that shares the same sentiments as I do.” 
Hana looks as if she’d try to refute before deciding against it, groaning when her phone rings and you raise an eyebrow because who in hell would be calling her at midnight. She shakes her head, twisting the phone around so you can see who’s calling and you see the word Studio and you shrug before she takes the call, only hearing snippets of the conversation and it seems as if it's about work. 
Hana owns a photography studio — a hobby turned business venture with her friends. Your parents were against it initially, deeming it a ‘not suitable’ business for Hana, but your older sister is a head-strong bull and proceeded with her plans without a single support from your parents and of course, because she’s Hana Park, she can make anything succeed if she puts her mind to it. 
“—yeah, you goof, I’ll be right there, don’t worry. Why are you so stressed about this anyway, is this your secret wedding or something?” You lie closer to your sister and she mouths ‘Jimin’ before returning to picking her nails, “I get it, okay. Stop freaking out, I promise to be there tomorrow. M’kay, bye.” 
She heaves a dragged-out, exaggerated sigh just as she tosses her phone on the bed where it bounced, “You know, I’d assume it’s our dear brother’s prenuptial photoshoot tomorrow with the way he’s freaking out over the details. I’d actually think that if I didn’t know of him and his single ass and his emotional attachment to his bachelor title.” 
“It’s Sunday tomorrow, and you’re booked because of that phone call,” You list, “So I can only assume Jimin knows one of them and used his connections to book your exclusive ass into working on a Sunday.” 
Hana laughs, “You’re not wrong. Soyeon made the reservation for November, which is like, a month from now. Jimin moved it for tomorrow in such a rush last week for reasons I don’t know why.” 
“Soyeon?” You gasp, eyes going wide, “You’re not talking about Yang Soyeon, are you? Oh my god, how did I not know about this?”
Your sister snorts, ungraceful and loud, “Who would have expected for the youngest cousin in the family to be the first one to be wed, huh? Date’s set for April next year and I don’t even know who she’s marrying,” But she pauses and a frown mars her features, “I would’ve been the first one to walk the aisle and yet, here I am.” 
“Hana,” you start, “aren’t you meeting Hyunwoo’s parents tomorrow for brunch? To formally call off the wedding? Isn’t that what you came here for tonight, because you were having second thoughts of actually calling it off tomorrow?”
You see the realization dawn upon her, her eyes widening in recognition of the planned confrontation, her mouth dropping to a comical shape of the letter ‘o’ before she sits up so fast you actually ask if her back’s okay and you hear the frantic hits of her nails against the glass of her phone, the worry leaking thickly in her voice as she speaks to multiple people, all of which ending in a frustrated sigh and groan from your older sister. 
“Fuck!” she screams as she disconnects from a call once more, “I can’t find anyone to replace me, everyone’s either booked already or have plans for tomorrow. Fuck, shit, I’m screwed. Jimin’s going to kill me. No photographer’s available tomorrow, what am I going to do now, I—you.”
You still, nailed in place by her stare, “Fuck are you looking at me for?” 
It’s in this moment you feel the doom coming down on you from all the corners of the universe when Hana smiles, actually feeling it that you shiver. She picks up the phone, calls Jimin, asks if 10 o’clock is okay for everyone to gather tomorrow, kisses your cheek good night. 
Kiss of fucking death, you feel like. 
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You’re never a morning person — nor do you have plans to become one — and you aren’t used to being awakened by a goddamn wet, slimy tongue licking your face all over. 
Hana’s laugh echoes around your room, followed by hushed good job from her and a shrill bark from her dog (you really did not know how Orion arrived here when the dog wasn’t even here last night), and you are never one to have thoughts of murder so early in the morning but your family has really been testing your limits. But then you remember that you willingly handed over to Hana the passcode to your apartment, something for emergencies and shit like that, but of course, she took it as an invitation to come and go as she pleases. 
Fortunately, she cleans up after Orion’s mess, thank god. 
Rolling over, you prepare to squint as protection against the glare of the sun since Hana had already pulled back the curtains, but you sit up at the lack of the sun’s intrusion into your eyes and see that the sun hasn’t even risen yet. The city that you can see through the glass window is quiet, still in deep sleep. As you should be just before Hana woke you up. 
“Dad’s going to have a fit when I tell him what you’re blackmailing me to do,” you groan, falling back on your pillow, “I’m running his business and here you are making me take photos of people Dad hates, well, by extension.”
Hana does nothing but flash you a grin, “You’re the only one I can trust to be on par with my skills, honey. Besides, I already have Dad booked in the freaking out area ‘cause you know, I’m a bachelorette now.”
You roll your eyes and you move off your bed, making it neat and tidy to which Hana scoffs before grabbing the mug of cold coffee right from her hands and chugging it all down. Looks like you’ll need more than a cup with what you’re going to be faced with today. 
“Is Jimin coming? My car’s in the mechanic, I’m getting it tomorrow.”
Hana nods before telling you just how far Jimin is from your apartment, “About Jimin, actually.” Your sister trails off and you feel an oncoming headache because of course, there’s more. 
“I didn't exactly tell him I can’t make it today so I’m trusting you to, um, calm him down when he freaks? He’s only weak to your charms and absolutely immune to mine.” 
Turns out a little while after that, Jimin’s absolutely immune to the both of you. Especially you.
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“No, what the fuck. What—no.” 
Jimin stands frozen, fingers gripping the edges of the kitchen island. His eyes are wide, mouth open in disbelief as he listens to Hana’s explanations of why she can’t go today, her eyes flashing as if to call you for help but you only shrug because there’s really nothing you can do to help her out of this. She made her own bed, might as well let her lie in it. 
It irks you quite a bit though when Jimin starts to become unreasonable despite Hana’s crystal clear explanation as to why she’s unavailable today, and on a typical day, you know Jimin would understand, and would easily let it go because obviously, Hana’s life matters take precedence over a photoshoot that can be scheduled on a different day. Jimin today, however, is extra adamant on not having you take over the shoot and it might have very, just very slightly struck the wrong nerve in you.
“You know, Jimin, if this is a matter of your trust in my abilities, I’d gladly back out of this. I’m doing this as a favor to Hana, I’m not here to help you,” you quip, tight and low as you regard the both of them, “So, if you refuse to accept my help, then call your friend to find another photographer, better yet schedule another one with Hana.”
Hana starts to protest but Jimin shakes his head, turns to you with soft eyes and a pouting set of lips, “I’m sorry, that came off wrong. Really wrong. I swear I wasn’t trying to undermine your abilities, nor am I saying that there is anything to undermine because you’re good as shit at this, maybe even better than Hana, it’s just that—”
He cuts off his ramble mid-sentence as if to catch himself — to keep from spilling whatever his reservation about you being the stand-in for Hana, which you don’t really know what. 
Three things about Jimin are these: he rambles when he’s extremely nervous, fidgets with his thumbs when he’s scared, and refuses to make any eye contact if he believes he’s done something wrong. It’s always one of the three when it comes to him and never altogether. And yet, he stands in front of you, doing all three simultaneously and your heart plummets to the marble flooring beneath you because what is he so scared of, really, to be like this in front of you. 
“Look, if you don’t want me to do this, that’s okay,” You start to speak and Jimin turns to you and opens his mouth to speak when you shake your head. You aren’t finished speaking, “That is, if you have an alternative, if Soyeon agrees to reschedule, I’m sure Hana can fit them right in some other time—” You give a pointed look at your sister who rolls her eyes but nods, “—but if they don’t, you have no choice, Jimin. Unless you want to take the photos yourself.”
Jimin lets out a breath, agrees, and proceeds to call whoever he needs to and converses in a low tone that isn’t discernible to you, but Hana can hear and your eyebrows furrow in concern when her head turns so fast towards Jimin’s direction, panic clear-cut in her eyes as she picks up on whatever it is that Jimin is saying. She curses under her breath, turns ghostly pale before she pulls Jimin into one of the guest rooms, leaving you to your thoughts and your second cup of coffee. 
“You kept this?”
It’s a good three minutes after that Jimin’s voice pulls you out of your trance — your attention previously held by the large black ant that is now on top of an apple. You turn and your breath hitches at the rough sketch of the overly-familiar Pomeranian in his right hand. You shrug, “Jungkook must have left it there when he came over.” 
At this, Jimin raises his eyebrows. Stares at the picture a little bit too long before putting it back in place, under Jungkook’s purple-pink painting of a sunset, to the right of Jimin’s present two years before. He then looks at you, really looks at you, that you become unnerved enough to look away and pretend to busy yourself with some imaginary dust on the counter. 
You know. You know how the framed sketch is too clean, too in place, and too taken care of to be something that your best friend accidentally left behind. And you know Jimin knows this too with the way his eyes turn to you and you fear. Fear that pity would be reflected in them and so you stand abruptly, deaf to the frantic calls of Hana and you head straight to the building basement and settle comfortably on the passenger seat of Jimin’s car. 
You ran because you’re a coward — afraid to face questions you know you have no answers to.
Jimin enters not a minute later, silent and mum, but the silent looks your sibling keeps giving you is not something you miss no matter how discreet he tries to be about it. You brush it off though, citing the tense atmosphere to be the reason he’s doing so. 
But little do you know that this is the first of the many mistakes you will be making — the tiniest among all others.
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The theme is simple. Glamour, editorial-esque Vogue-spread motif. Fit for the rich. Something that exudes elegance and opulence. Classy, simple, and elegant. You nod as you skim through the print-out Hana rushes to get to you through one of her employees, one hand busy writing ideas and suggestions. 
It warms your heart that despite all the things Hana has to face today, she hasn’t failed to make everything easier for you, as she always does. And everything’s in accordance, just as they should be. That is, except for one, someone. Jimin really cannot stop himself from shaking and you actually fear the poor boy is turning into a leaf, dancing in the wind, with how he physically cannot stop himself from moving. 
You’ve had enough of it — his nervous fidgeting, the frantic scan of his eyes among the crowd, the unending bounce of his knees — so you move to approach him, just in time to pluck out the cigarette he’s about to light in his hand and he jumps, “Minie, you’re making me nervous here. I’ve seen you nervous but it’s never been this bad.” 
Jimin looks at you and your chest constricts at the face he’s making. A beat, two beats before he lets out a shaky breath, “I’m sorry.”
You think of the exchange back at your apartment, the one where it came off as if he had no faith in you as Hana’s substitute and you let out a small laugh. You know Jimin would never think that. Flicking his chin, you shake your head, “It was me who took your words the wrong way, Min. You don’t need to apologize.”
He looks as if he wants to say more but a car pulls up, red and ostentatious with the way the roof is folded down, and you grin as you see your cousin, a matching upward curve to her lips. 
It isn’t new, really, when you catch sight of her hair — beautiful shades of cotton candy pink and pastel blue glinting under the sun. 
Beautiful, daring Soyeon, the darling of the Yangs. 
You nearly meet your end, though, that day if it isn’t for Jimin cursing and pulling you back when Soyeon isn’t able to stop her car at the designated yellow parking line and she too squeaks a wheeze when she steps on the brakes. The car comes to a stop, and you see her breath does too, before she throws her head back and laughs. 
“You’re fucking crazy.”
She sticks out her tongue before she jumps over the door, her flimsy taupe pants billowing after her. You only manage to let out a yelp of protest before she has you and Jimin in a bone-crushing hug and you feel your chest rasp to get some air in when she squeezes once more before finally letting go. 
“This is a two-people marriage we’re having today, right? You’re not marrying yourself here?” You ask and laugh as she rolls her eyes. It’s definitely her thing and it wouldn’t be a surprise if she did. “I didn’t even know you were in a relationship and now you’re getting married?”
She shrugs, a wide smile still on her lips, “It just happened,” Her eyebrows furrow when she looks over at Jimin who’s uncharacteristically silent and nudges him, “I still won’t forgive you. I know my groom’s your best friend but it doesn’t really give you a free-pass to have him here at six in the morning to get you coffee. Who does that?”
You don’t really hear what Jimin has to say to her because you’re bidding your goodbye to them both when one of Hana’s assistants — the one she had assigned to brief you over all the details of today’s shoot — pulls you from the conversation, apology written all over her face at the thought of interrupting you but as soon as she open her mouth to speak, you dismiss it with an its okay and you signal for her to go ahead. 
“This is the final list of the concepts Hana had brainstormed which one of the client is yet to choose from,” she hands you a thin stack of paper, a portfolio sandwiched between two clear binding covers, “The bride has already chosen the concepts she wants that are to be included for today’s shoot, so, all that's left is to hand the checklist to the groom for the shoot next week.”
Nodding, you skim through the portfolio and shit, it’s definitely good. 
You’re whisked away towards the building, directed towards the seventh floor of the rented building in which you’re told Soyeon’s groom is, handpicking his outfits for the day. 
You give the door a knock, hearing a bustle of people talking on the other side of the door, and when no one answers, you push the door open. You’re immediately greeted by a flurry of people walking back and forth, all of them either with stacks of paper in their arms or Brioni and Gucci suits in tow. 
It’s a mess, a downright mess you want to run from because you haven’t ingested enough coffee to face this. 
Which is exactly why you nearly cry when someone steps in front of you, a neat smile in place and a large cup of iced coffee in one hand, a hand extending towards you, “You look like you need this.” 
He tilts his head once, gesturing inside the room, “I’m Yoongi, Min Yoongi. Jimin texted me earlier that his other sister is standing in for Hana and I assume that’s you.” 
Something feels vaguely familiar about Min Yoongi and you list it off as a passing name Jimin had mentioned in the stories he had told you. 
“There’s a meeting room on the very far left, grumpy groom’s there,” Yoongi smiles, “Nice meeting you, um—”
“(Y/N). My name’s (Y/N), nice to meet you too, Yoongi.”
You think as you walk that there’s no point in going over next week’s concept today since Hana can already make it by the next photoshoot and she would’ve understand better the dynamics of it all if they talk then, but okay, since you’re already here, might as well help all the way. 
Through the frosted glass of the meeting room, you see a silhouette, tall and broad. You have never been a people-person and meeting new ones really isn’t your strong point so you take three deep breaths, hand tightening on the cup of coffee Yoongi handed you, before pushing the glass door open. 
“Hi, I’m sorry I ran a bit late. It’s—” 
And you stop. 
You stop because you suddenly can’t feel the cold cup slipping from your grip. You stop because you feel the liquid pool at the very bottom of your shoes, sticky and wet and messy. You stop because you can’t breathe. You stop because your heart fucking stops too at the sight of Kim Taehyung. 
Beautiful, dazzling Kim Taehyung. 
First boyfriend, first love, now ex-lover, Kim Taehyung. 
Soyeon’s groom and soon-to-be husband, Kim Taehyung.
“Everything okay here?” Yoongi. You hear his footsteps behind you before you see him and you can’t be thankful enough at the interference that’s very much needed. 
But you allow yourself to be pathetic, just as you always are around Kim Taehyung. And because you can’t help it, frankly, when your eyes meet his and all sense that is good and common jumps out the window behind him. Because he looks fucking beautiful — him and his honey hair that’s now framing his face, a little bit longer, lighter. Because the room reeks of him, jasmine, vanilla, and oakmoss and it consumes you. The part of you that, despite it all, still longs for the Kim Taehyung from four years past.
On a good day and you meet him once more, you think you would have laughed. A fake smile and a head held high would’ve done it in front of him. But all it takes is one look now. One look, at the time when all your defenses are down, for the self-imposed chain that blocks it all to break and give, a domino effect in your mind as it all comes back; the whirlwind of feelings and emotions that the calamity of him brings forth. 
You nod, feeling the light touch of Yoongi’s fingers around your arm, and you anchor yourself with it. Pull yourself from drowning in him once more. “Yeah, sorry,” You breathe, “It slipped. I’m really sorry.”
“No, no, it’s okay. I’ll have someone take care of it, don’t worry,” Yoongi waves you off when you bend down to start cleaning up your mess, nods toward Taehyung, “Go on, he gets grumpy if he’s left to wait.” 
Oh, you know. 
So, you do. 
You drag your legs to where Taehyung stands, feeling like you’re hauling wet logs for limbs. It’s silent, save for the sound of Yoongi’s shoes against the floor as he kicks at the fallen blocks of ice, and maybe, he takes the silence for Taehyung’s bout of pettiness because he hisses a quiet behave before he walks out. The silence becomes even more suffocating when now it’s just you and Taehyung. 
You shut your mouth when he speaks at the same time as you. 
You decide, though, to continue because you’re here for one thing and that one thing entails that you have something to say to him. But he doesn’t, he shouldn’t. 
“So, let’s talk about concepts. I’ve been told that Soyeon has already chosen the ones for today — for both your individual and couple shots, and you get to choose the ones for the shoot with Hana next week. Here,” you slide the portfolio across the table, taking a seat across his own without waiting for him, “Hana already made an outline for everything so, this, is basically a checklist you just have to choose from and—”
“How are you?” 
“—I’m just going to wait until you’re done filling them out so I can bring them back and start with—”
“(Y/N).” You finally look at him then and you look away the second you do because you’re trying so hard to keep yourself whole and you feel like one second more in his gaze and you’ll fall apart, “I’m sorry.” 
And you try. God, you try so hard to repress the tiny, evil voice that pushes you to throw reason out the window. But it comes out anyway, and there’s no stopping what flows out of your mouth after, “Why,” you laugh, “Sorry because you wouldn't have chosen Hana's studio if you knew I was the one to take your photos? Or sorry because you had my brother acting like a train wreck just to keep this from me? Don’t worry I won’t be here next week.” 
His face pinches, tongue rolling out to wet his lips, “I didn’t mean it like that.”
“Then don’t apologize to me—” you grit, fists clenched and heart thundering, “—as if you assumed that seeing you has put me in a position that hurt me. Because it really doesn’t. Not anymore, Taehyung. So if you have anything to apologize for—” 
You cut yourself off because no, no he has nothing to apologize for. He doesn’t have to say sorry. One person deciding to walk out of a relationship doesn’t warrant an apology from them. An explanation, sure, but you don’t really need it from him. He made it clear enough all those years ago just before he slammed the door of your apartment shut that he just didn’t love you enough — not anymore then. 
It’s been four years. It’s been four long years and you should be over him — and you are, you’re certain that you are. But it doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt because it does, fuck, it still hurts so much and you don’t know why. 
“—apologize to Jimin because I just know he feels like shit for lying to me because of you.” 
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You commit your second mistake that same day in the middle of shooting Taehyung’s individual photos. Soyeon had gone for a nature theme this time and so you find yourself in the middle of the forest with a near-naked Taehyung in tow and thank heavens it rains because one more glimpse through the viewfinder at his well-oiled torso and you might have combust and run away from the photoshoot, Hana’s reputation be damned. 
Jimin seems to be attached to you now, becoming a human magnet not long after he had apologized so much he knelt, snuggling to your side every chance he gets that it’s suffocating you because he’s overcompensating but you don’t really have the heart to call him out. Not when he looks like a puppy whose tail got accidentally stepped on when you get around to even do so much as try. 
So, you let him become your shadow for the time being, finally letting out a huge breath of relief when lunch time comes around and everybody takes a break and you slip past him to the very back of the dilapidated cabin you stumbled upon just before the last shoot ended, not too deep into the forest that faces the river. 
Finally, you think, as you savor the peace, even though momentary. You’re glad to be away from the commotion and it makes you realize once more why you choose to be cooped up in an office. It’s because you really can’t handle this many people and it physically and emotionally drains you that you can’t think.
You pause when you reach into your pockets, the gritty warning from Hana and Jimin an alarm ricocheting in your mind how it’s an unhealthy habit and it’s going to fucking ruin you someday. But the short-lived guilt is replaced by justifications of how it’ll be a free-pass and your siblings can fuck off because they’re the reason you’re here in the first place. 
Besides, burning through one stick won’t hurt them if they don't know. 
So you let your fingers feel for the familiar leather case, pull the only stick inside and you’re so, so close to reaching your sweet release from this damned mental pressure when you realize you left your lighter at home. Letting out a curse, you clamp your mouth around the unlit cigarette, letting it hang and opting to indulge in its semi-sweet smell that goes so well with the rain. 
“Want a light?”
You still, the cigarette falling from your lips at the sudden fright. Down, down, and down until it’s washed away by the rain. What a waste, you lament. Sighing, you turn and see Taehyung who’s sporting a sheepish smile, the same familiar white in between his own mouth, lit unlike yours, “I’d accept, but there’s really nothing that needs lighting anymore.”
He has a shirt on now, you notice, flimsy and buttoned up halfway. His hair is tousled messily, now free from the rigid form it previously had, and you give him your back when you feel the urge to fix the fraction of hair that has fallen forward. You hear him take a drag and you smell before you see the tendrils of gray smoke when he releases and god, the small whiff, even in the tiniest fume, has your shoulder relaxing. 
“I’d offer one but I don’t have any spare with me,” you hear him say before you feel him move, “I’ll get the fallen one for you, if you want.”
You roll your eyes and wave him off before you see him lean against the other column, the change in position means that he’s now closer, closer than he’s ever been since the day you last saw him, years ago. And he’s close enough that the thin material of his shirt brushes against your hoodie when the wind moves. And you want to move too, only if it isn’t for the fact that one move and you’ll either fall into the river or be skewered by the worn down wood and you don’t really feel like dying today. 
Ironic, how you went for a smoke break to relieve the stress of the day, only to have it doubled. 
Now, this is where you make the second mistake. 
Because you really don’t mean to stare at Taehyung. You don’t mean to let your stare at his mouth linger a second too long that he sees.  It’s just unfortunate that the cigarette is in his mouth, and you stay fixated on the damn cigarette that you fail to see him catch your gaze and hold it. 
It’s unfortunate that you don’t take a step back when he takes one step forward. 
It’s unfortunate that you become pliant when his cold fingers softly grip your chin, coaxing your mouth to open and welcome the smoke that he blows from his own mouth, hot and intoxicating and tinged with the memories of all the nights past that he’s done this. 
It’s unfortunate that you take a long drag when he places the soft end of the cigarette from his mouth to yours, unhesitating and eager. 
“Feeling better?” He asks, gentle as he pulls the stick, planting it back to the hold of his mouth. You see a slight upward curve at the corners of it. 
This is bad. Wrong and unacceptable and absolutely inappropriate, you know. But you can’t help but accept when he offers one more drag, an offer of release. This time you pluck it out from his fingers, feel the warmth of him around the smoke, and inhale. 
It’s only when the embers die out that you feel it, the heavy feeling coming back tenfold as you realize the gravity of what you just did. Not for anyone else, but for you. The toll this will have on you when you go home and have all the time in the world to think about your stupidity. So before you get sucked into the void of self-destruction, you excuse yourself, not caring about the delicate drops of rain that fall but not before you turn back and shout your thanks. 
“Okay, you shared a smoke, so what,” you mutter to yourself as you dry yourself off. You’re two people who share a history, a history that’s now dead and gone. A flame that was once bright but has now burned out, never to be rekindled again. 
You enter the building with thoughts of rationalization that tries to justify what you’ve done as something harmless, clouding your mind enough that you don’t see Jimin barrel towards you with a smile on his face, only to be replaced with disgust when he breathes and chokes at the ghost of smoke that clings to your clothes. 
He rummages through a nearby luggage and returns with a bottle of perfume, “If you want your head still attached to your shoulders by tonight, you’d know better and douse yourself in that shit because Hana’s here to take over and you only have two minutes to shove Listerine down your throat before she finds you.” 
In the haste of trying to avert your sister’s wrath, you damn near shower the entire contents of the bottle, only to realize that night when you come home that despite the endless showers you take, you still smell like him. Because of all people, Jimin just had to take from Taehyung’s things and now you’re doused with him all over again. 
It’s later that night that you’ll fall asleep to the smell of jasmine and vanilla despite years of trying so hard to rid your apartment of any scents. 
Of any trace of Kim Taehyung.
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The third and fourth mistake, you make five days later. A Friday that you’re miraculously off work early. Well, technically, you can get off whenever you want but as the faithful, loving, and overworking youngest child that you are, you’ve assimilated longer hours at your father’s company to productivity and so you’ve never really found reason to clock off early when you can do so much more if you stay a bit later than most.
Besides, the company won’t run by itself, so there’s that. 
Now, though, you wonder why you thought like that because as you walk down the street, everything looks divine. The setting sun settles on the horizon, sandwiched between two skyscrapers, bleeding purple and orange and pink and it’s breathtaking. Painfully so. For the first time, you indulge yourself in the sounds of the busy city and for a change, it’s peaceful despite the loudness. You can’t remember the last time you took a stroll like this, having been so immersed in work. The last time you walked down the street the like had been years ago, with—
The breath you take is sharp and sudden that it has you bent over on the sidewalk, coughing and wheezing your lungs out that people start to look. You flash a smile, sending a quick thanks to your sister’s ex-lover for choosing to establish the studio within a five-minute walk from the company building, and nearly combusting on the spot when you pull their glass door that clearly says push right after you nearly heave your lungs out from climbing 10 sets of stairs because the elevator isn’t working, coincidentally.  
“Hey,” you greet the people on the lounge before specifically turning to Younha — the one who had walked you through everything on the previous shoot, “Is Hana here? I have the initial photos ready if she wants to see. Played around and edited most of them.”
Younha looks sheepish as she raises her hand to her nape where she nervously scratches, “About that,” she grimaces, “Hana phoned earlier that she’s running a bit late tonight so she told me to look over the photos and pick the final ones with the client, but I don’t trust myself enough to do that just yet, so would it be okay if we go through it together?” 
You assure her it’s okay. And really, it is, because you’ve finished work anyway and it’s a Saturday tomorrow. You can afford to be late an hour or so. You watch her plug the USB on one of the computers lined up against the wall, see her gasp when she pulls up the photos. 
“Oh my god, these are beautiful. You’re telling me you shot each of these by yourself, edited them all on your own, all in less than a week,” Younha turns to you, eyes wide, “Can’t you come and work with us?”
You laugh, genuine and loud, “The raw files were already beautiful untouched. Just touched up some lighting here and there.”
“Yeah, and who took those raw shots, hm? Who coordinated every single thing that resulted in those shots looking like that? You, that’s who,” Younha seems to realize who she’s talking to and she blushes before muttering something else you can’t hear, “Also, about Hana—” 
Uh-oh. This can’t be good.
“—so she told me earlier if I can pick out the final photos with the client, right? And since you’re here,” Younha trails off and you still there is no way, no way that you’re going to sit hours dissecting each photo with Soyeon, worse if it’s Taehyung. You have your pride and you’ll cling to that even if it’s the last thing you do in this world.
No way in hell. “Hana’s on her way here, right? I think she can make it.”
Younha nods, a low hum before she answers, “She can. In two hours. Maybe. Not sure. Our client, however—” She tilts her head to the right. Towards the direction of Hana’s office. “—is here.”
It’s a sigh of defeat you let out. Walking away from here means you admit you’re a coward, walking in Hana’s office will mean you’re weak. See, it’s always a lose-lose thing for you everytime a certain Kim is involved. The very, and only, Kim who seems to be haunting every part of your daily life the past five days. Or in this current case, a future Kim but a Kim nonetheless. 
Younha smiles, the sly fox, when you place your bag back down on the table, “If I’m going to stay here for the night, might as well ask for coffee. Lots and lots of it.”
You only barely get the full sentence out but Younha is already on her heels with a mock salute.
You push the door to Hana’s office, making sure (twice) not to pull this time, and your eyes land on Kim Taehyung whose eyebrows rise in surprise upon seeing you. If he thinks you’re meaning to keep on meeting him like this, well, he’s wrong. The universe likes to spring surprises down your path of life and it just so happens that for now, Kim Taehyung might be its play thing — to torment you with, most probably. 
He sits on the couch that rests against the white wall, beside the windows that occupy the whole one side of the room that overlooks the city. Hana’s office is more like her office and a miniature studio, exclusive for her and whoever she decides to let in here, separate from the lounge and the main studio. It’s an industrial loft, made modern and more suited to her taste and it’s just so goddamn bright in here, you realize.
“Sorry to keep you waiting,” you mutter as the door clicks shut behind you. 
You head straight to Hana’s computer, turning it on and plugging the USB before you plop down on the office chair. “I had the photos with me and I dropped by to leave it for Hana but she apparently has things to attend to for the next two hours and you’re here already so, yeah.”
Taehyung only nods, silent and awkward when he stands. 
You sigh, “Grab a chair and come here, I guess. We have, like, a thousand photos to sift through. See if you’d like any changes done to them. The earlier we finish, the better.”
Three hours pass after that and you’re left with no Hana in sight, 325 file numbers listed down, a faint headache and tired eyes, a hungry stomach, and three accidental brushes of Taehyung’s hair on your cheek because what before is a ruler-long distance between the two of you has been reduced to mere centimeters, and Jesus Christ, you don’t know who moved between the two of you that it has come to such. You’re firm to say it isn’t you because your ass remains frozen, stiff as a board everytime Taehyung does so much as inhale. 
“Can you—” Taehyung clears his throat, pointing to the keyboard, “—move to the next one, please.”
You mutter an apology, pressing the right arrow and you see the photo move. Frankly, you aren’t paying attention. Not to anything, least of all the photos. It’ll be like knocking consciously on Hell’s door if you do pay attention. 
Because you can take being around Taehyung, you can easily detach yourself from reality when you are — and not feel anything, to look at him alone and think of him as an ex-friend, an ex-lover without the rest of the titles attached. But to look at the photos, the pictures you took, there’s no detaching from that reality. The reality that the man you had feelings for — might still have feelings for, but you push that thought back — is getting married, of all things. 
And you list this off as feeling weird, an ex marrying a cousin. You aren’t jealous, god, no. It’s just that — weird. Well, you think. 
“Okay, I can’t take this anymore,” Taehyung breathes and you still, unmoving as the statue on the corner of the room, “I’m going to order Chinese. I’m not going to last the rest of these photos if I don’t eat. Anything you want?” 
He might as well have slammed the mouse he’s holding with the way he casually lets it fall off from his hand to the table, leaning back on his chair and oh god, his head is leaning on the back of your chair. One move of your shoulder and the back of it will touch the side of his head. He has his phone over his head, elbows hanging in the air as he opens his phone with a click. He hums as he scrolls and this is so, so painfully domestic that you struggle to breathe. 
It’s been push and pull the whole night. He asks, you answer, and never the other way. 
Fifteen minutes that you’re plunged in deafening silence and you punch the air in your mind when Younha knocks, take-away bags at hand and a smile on her face. 
Taehyung hands you your food, places the utensils in neat order, pokes the straw through your bubble tea and gently places it in front of you and you stare. You stare because never in your life did you ever think you and Taehyung would ever be in this situation. Toeing around each other, walking on eggshells. 
There had been a time that silence wasn’t an option — it’s either you filled the quiet or he did; mouths off about Pokemon and stickers and dogs he met on a certain day, or silence filled with wordless communication through flesh and skin and heavy breaths. 
Never this — a fragile silence that no words could ever fill. But of course, Taehyung knows how to break that. Break you when he speaks, “I think we’ll have this one framed for the reception.”
You blink at the photo on the monitor, big and taunting. In it, Taehyung smiles, a wide rectangle stretch of his mouth as his chin rests on top of Soyeon’s head, the latter leaning her weight on Taehyung. It’s evident, palpable even, the happiness that’s shared between them. A running joke between the two of them captured on a permanent photograph only they can understand. 
“Yeah,” you nod, a smile, or an attempt at it, stretching your lips, “it’s beautiful. Definitely worthy for the reception. You can hang it in your home after.”
It’s an instinct – you’d like to believe so – when you feel Taehyung move beside you and you mindlessly mirror him, freezing the moment you take in the miniscule space that’s left as you both huddle to look at the monitor. A good couple inches you can count on one hand. And you refuse to move away because no, this is not at all affecting you. And it’s Taehyung, you justify, who’s currently invading your space. 
The third mistake is when you try to steal a glance at the corner of your eye because you think he’s engrossed with the picture. 
But then you see that he isn’t. Not when his stare locks with yours the moment your eyes move.  Had been on you all this time. 
The fourth is when he moves and you don’t. 
Not when his thumb brushes the corner of your mouth to wipe whatever it is he sees there. 
Not when he flashes you a smile – something so fond and warm and tender that renders you mute. 
Not when he succumbs to sleep an hour later, head lolling on your shoulder.
But the entire world moves when he stirs and the overhead lights hit something golden. It crumbles and caves beneath your feet when a locket falls out of the top of his loosely buttoned shirt. An identical locket to the one that now sits heavy on your chest – once heavy with the broken promises, but now empty of the love that first came with it.
You see his forehead wrinkle as he slowly wakes and you feel the start of the burn that first settles on your chest before it moves and starts from the corners of your eyes. You train your eyes on the monitor, fingers clicking away on the mouse and the keyboard faster than ever.
“I’m sorry,” you hear him say. His head stays on your shoulder as he speaks. “What time is it?” 
“Quarter before ten—”
“I missed you,” he breathes and you hear him let out a soft laugh before he whispers, “I always miss you.”
It feels as if all the air in your lungs has been knocked out and you turn to speak when you see that he’s fallen back asleep. And god, you wanted to shout at him, let out the years of pent up frustration and grudge you’ve had all these past years and ask all the unanswered whys and hows. But looking at him now, after so, so long, you realize you do too. 
A tear drops and a multitude of realizations follow. 
You missed him. You missed him. You miss him. 
And fuck, you’re still in love with him, you realize. So much and enough to make you not think of the consequences of the realization that you do.
Not when his fiancée finally comes and places a chaste kiss on his lips.
Not when a wedding invitation lands itself on the desk towards you.
And especially not when the ghost of him lingers when they’re gone and you find yourself praying for it to stay just a little bit longer.
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You did not plan for your Friday night to be like this at all. 
The initial – and final – plan was this: show up to the club your sister wanted you to show up to, make it look like you’re genuinely happy to be there, flee the moment midnight hits when your sister and her friends are too drunk to realize you aren’t there anymore, and sleep away in the solace your tranquil and quiet apartment offers. 
The night and plan had been going well, much to your delight. 
Just until the fleeing part, that is. Because the moment you press the unlock button to your car half past one in the morning, you see a very drunk Kim Taehyung eagle spread on the hood of your car, with only a rumpled halfway-buttoned shirt that’s tucked into his pants, one of his shoes already on the roof of the Mercedes. 
And so instead of proceeding to the sleeping part of your plan, here you are now, struggling under the weight of Taehyung as you try to push in all his limbs in the passenger seat because he refuses to go away. Why, of all people, must you be the one to find him like this? Other people would’ve paid no mind leaving him on the pavement but of course, the universe had to make sure it just had to be you because old, cruel fate had it out for you and your demise.
Two weeks spent in isolation from the rest of the world in an attempt to justify and get over the realization you had of still being in love with an ex and the world just dumps him in the hood of your car of all cars. 
“Kim Taehyung, I am not above violence, I will fucking knock you out if I have to if you step your foot out and kick me once more, for the love of god,” you heave, “Are you with Jimin?”
At this, he grins and nods, eyes half-closed, “Jimin went home. I think. Or wait, maybe he’s passed out in Yoongi’s tub. I think. I don’t know, do you think he’s still here? Wait, do you know Jimin? How do you know Jimin?” 
You sigh, “Give me your phone. I’ll get Soyeon to pick your ass up.”
Taehyung lets out a loud gasp, proceeds to choke on air before he looks up at you, “How do you know my girlfriend?” 
You pause for a second before rolling your eyes, “Phone.”
“It’s in my left pocket, can you get it for me? I’m so tired,” he whines, wincing as his head lands on the head rest. You reach over to pull his phone out, only to retrieve a pack of cigarettes but no phone. You freeze when his hand grips your wrist that’s still in his pocket, feeling your heartbeat in your ears when he leans forward, so close that you feel his breath on your cheek, “Butt pocket, sorry.” 
You take a deep breath as he continues to look at you with a grin. You move closer, angling your head away because you would be fucking cheek-to-cheek if you don’t and you pause just before you touch his back pocket, “No, you know what, you can get it yourself. Either that or I leave you out here on the streets.” 
Taehyung pouts but he moves his arm behind him nonetheless, proceeds to feel his other pocket when he finds the first one empty.
“My phone’s gone,” he huffs, “Oh! It’s in Minnie’s car!”
You let out a loud groan, rounding the car to open the driver’s side to look for your bag so you could use your phone and you let out another sound of frustration, louder this time, when you remember the picture of a beige bag being left underneath your couch’s pillow. You look over at Taehyung, a war in your head as to what to do with him, before you finally settle on the choice that you never, ever think you would’ve made. 
“Fine,” you grit as you turn the engine on, “I’m going to drop you off your house but I’m not gonna be held accountable for the reasons you’re going to have to explain to your girlfriend if she greets your drunk ass as to why the fuck her cousin’s dropping her fiance off, alright? Now, are you still staying in the same apartment ‘cause I’m going to drop you–”
Taehyung snores, body folding in on himself as he slightly shivers. You sigh, dropping your forehead on the steering wheel, enough to hurt and make the horn whine, “This is fucking unbelievable. I can’t believe I’m doing this.”
“Hey, Taehyung,” you shake him, poking his shoulders the way you know he hates, “Wake up and tell me your address, asshole. I’m not driving to the other side of the city only to find out you changed address. Hey.” 
He makes the tiniest wave of his arm before he goes back to sleep. 
You glance at the clock that says it’s now nearing three in the morning and you run your hands over your face because fuck this. 
Now, you head to your apartment with the plan of just dumping Taehyung in the foyer and letting him sleep there until he has his mind back in the morning – you figure he’d probably run off the minute he wakes up. 
“Hey, wake up.” You nudge him when you arrive and you sigh once more as he merely stirs, opening his side of the door before attempting to move out of the car only to heave when the seatbelt he still has on pulls him back.
With a grimace, you round to his side and lug one of his arms around your shoulders and basically carry all of his weight towards the elevator. You give a tight smile to the staff at the reception as you pass by, dismissing the offer of help. You nearly drop to your knees as soon as the elevator doors close, exhaustion flooding you all of a sudden. 
As soon as the door opens to the penthouse, you remove your hold on Taehyung and he slumps against the wall. You let out a breath before pushing him to one of the guest rooms where he immediately plops down on the bed after knocking his shoes off.  A small smile plants itself on your face and you reach over to pull the covers over him. 
Kneeling down on the floor beside the bed, you brush off the loose hairs that cover his face and you whisper, “You’re making it so hard for me.”
Deciding that you’ve helped him enough, you head to your room to change and shower – a long bout of internal battle against yourself as you try to wash off all that happened. 
It is an hour later when you’re already in your bed, tossing and turning that you find yourself a long way from sleep, and so you push the covers off of you to head towards the kitchen to find something to drink. The sun is starting to rise, you see, as you stare at the large windows, uneasy at the thought that Taehyung is there. Here. 
And you know you shouldn’t care anymore. You’ve done enough and beyond to help him, you remind yourself. But that doesn’t matter, really, because here you are, pushing the guest room open to check on him, a bottle of water in hand. He remains as he was the second he got here and you sigh as you pull one of Jungkook’s shirt and sweatpants from the cabinet, a spare he leaves in the case he unintentionally sleeps over, and you walk towards Taehyung before slowly shaking him awake. 
“Hey,” you speak softly as his eyes crack open, mind still swimming in alcohol, “you should change into this. Your clothes must be uncomfortable to sleep in. Here’s some water too.” 
His eyes open a little bit wider, voice hoarse when he speaks, “(Y/N)?” 
You swallow, “Yeah, it’s me.” 
“I can’t remember most of tonight, how did I—”
You smile, “And you probably won’t remember all of this when you sleep once more. Just change and drink this, Taehyung.”
A part of why you’re doing all the things you’re doing is the fact that you know he will forget this. 
He sits up, swaying as he does so, twisting the water open. You greet him good night, and just as you turn to head back to sleep, his hand dart out to grip your wrist – as tight as the grip that has your heart beating so loud in your chest as he does, “I’m sorry.” 
Without turning around, you answer, “You don’t have to be. I would’ve done the same for anyone else.” 
“No, you wouldn’t have.” 
Pressing your tongue against your cheek, you rip your arm away from his hold, now turning around to face him. He slowly stands, eyes trained on you. You open your mouth to speak but he beats you to it, “I’m not saying sorry just because of tonight,” he speaks quietly, “This is an apology that’s long overdue. An apology I never had the courage to give you. An apology that I owe you. I’m sorry. I’m sorry for being the coward that walked away without an explanation. For not being the person I promised you I would be.”
“I told you,” you say through gritted teeth, “You don’t owe me an apology, Taehyung. It’s over and done with. Apologizing to me would mean that there’s still loose ends between us, and I’m telling you that there’s none. You may have burnt those ends the moment you walked away and I have burned mine in the years that followed. You don’t owe me anything.”
He’s closer now, so close that you feel yourself getting overwhelmed by the smell of alcohol and his perfume. “Then why are you still wearing this?” 
You feel all the walls come down, then, when his fingers trace the golden chain of the locket. The once emblem of young and promised love, of an oath, of Kim Taehyung. The necklace that never was once removed from you since then. 
You chuckle, bitter and harsh, “You’re still wearing it too, Kim.”
You flinch as you feel the pad of his thumb wipe away at the trail of tears that has somehow escaped, “Leaving you was the only choice I had then. It killed me to walk right out of that fucking door but it was the only choice. For you, for me, for us. Even if it meant me becoming the asshole, it was the only choice.” 
“Don’t feed me that bullshit, you left me. And in my vocabulary and everyone else’s, leaving the person you claim to love without a single explanation is a shit move,” you nearly damn snarled, “I could’ve accepted you telling me you didn’t love me anymore but you fucking walked out without a single word. Well, I guess it worked out great for you, huh? You’re getting married now.” 
“I did l—”
“Don’t fucking dare say it,” you sob, feeling all the energy draining out of you in a second, “You’re four years too late, Taehyung.”
The chains that hold all the hurt and grievance of the past four years had been unlocked and with the thought of Taehyung not being able to remember this tomorrow, you let it all out. 
“I lied,” you whisper, lips and chest shaking as you breathe, “It hurts me seeing you now. So fucking much. Because you never wanted to get married. I remember when we were together you said that we could live without the titles, the labels, and the technicalities of it all, because you’d love me the same. So yes, it hurts. I can’t deny that it does when the things you didn’t want with me, things I wanted to have with you, you learned to want with someone else. Shit like this hurts because even if I was okay without all the titles, I thought then that spending a lifetime with you wouldn’t be so bad. But you made it seem like you never wanted marriage, not with anyone ever and so I accepted it, content even with just being with you.”
“But then you show up like this,” you say so quietly you don’t know if he can hear it, “You can’t expect it not to hurt, Tae, because it does. So, so much.”
“I’m sorry,” Taehyung lightly rests his forehead on yours, “I’m so sorry.”
“Answer me this one question,” you look up at him, “Please.” 
You feel him nod, “Anything.”
You feel it again, the suffocating claws that grips around your chest, the pain of unanswered questions and doubts, “Was my love not enough for you?”
You feel it before you hear it, when he nods against your head, hands coming up to hold your cheeks, “No, no, god, no. It was more than enough. It was so much more than enough that you became someone who didn’t deserve someone who couldn’t reciprocate the amount of love you were giving me. I’m sorry.”
“I miss you, Tae.” You whisper, and you can barely see him through the tears, “And it’s so, so wrong and I shouldn’t be doing this but fuck, I do. Four years and I still miss you and now you’re here, back in my life, and yet you’re still the farthest you’ve ever been from me.”
Maybe it’s the realization that he is – so far away from you and will never be close enough anymore – that you think maybe this is the long-awaited end. The closure you’ve once longed for but never had. Maybe there really was no reason for him leaving you beyond the fact that he didn’t love you anymore – and maybe that was enough reason. You just didn’t want to accept that fact. Maybe it’s time that you do. 
After Taehyung, you’ve become someone who believed that love is something that’s easy to let go, when in fact, all this time, it is the love you had for Taehyung you’ve never let go of. And maybe, it was never love for the people that came after him and so it became easy for you once it’s over, once it ended. Because what has started that really counted has never reached its end, for you anyway. Because it will never be the same. 
Because they weren’t Kim Taehyung. 
“Don’t cry for me. I don’t deserve it,” he smiles a small smile as he wipes a tear away. 
“Then stop making me cry, asshole,” you softly retort, hands coming up to wrap around his own to pull them away from your face. You can’t think straight when he has his hands on you, “I’m not asking for you to love me again, not anymore. Maybe we could be friends?”
It’s a weak attempt at humor, you know. And you really don’t think you can be just friends with Taehyung. But you’re weak for Kim Taehyung and you’re still so fucking in love him that you’d settle for whatever there can be between the two of you. He doesn’t need to know the specifics.
“Can we, really?” He laughs softly, a sad smile appearing, “I’m about to do something very stupid, for the very last time, so please, stop me if you don’t want to because I don’t think I can stop myself.”
He leans forward as the inches between you decrease down to a zero, his lips pressing against your cheek, your forehead, your eyelid, and to the corner of your mouth before he pulls away. “No, you had something to drink too, I’m drunk, you’re drunk. I’m sorry, I don’t know what I was thinking, ” Taehyung breathes against your cheek, eyes shut tight. 
“I’m not.” 
Whether that’s an answer that refutes your state of intoxication or a statement that debunks Taehyung’s apology, you don’t know. Because the next moment finds you pulling him forward, arms snaking around his shoulders as you kiss him. Soft and unhurried and sad – a declaration of what had remained unsaid for the past years. 
The last time, you swear, and from tomorrow then on, you’re going to be friends. This night will be void – forgotten and discarded. Taehyung is going to continue with his life and you with yours. 
It’s so easy to become so lost in Taehyung that you forget the rest of the world. 
That you don’t hear the sound of the door opening. 
Or the second set of drunk footsteps that follows the first one.
“What in the fuck is going on here?”
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Strawberry Princess - Chapter Four “Matted Tails and Soft Lips”
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Pairing - Ot7 BTS x Reader
Genre - Hybrid!Au , Hybrid BTS x Hybrid Reader, fluff, angst, eventual smut, slow burn? , alternative reality , strangers to lovers , strangers to friends, friends to lovers
Warnings - so much fluff, teasing, suggestive, so much tension, slightly sexual, anxious thoughts, lmk if there’s anything else!
Summary - When a certain hybrid starts to appear whenever Jungkook is at the gym, an immediate pull is felt between the two and their eventual friendship soon is spread to the rest of his pack.
Previous Next Overview
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Since the first meeting, things had gone back to the normal schedule of Jungkook and Y/n’s daily meeting at the gym with some additional outside meet-ups where different members of Jk’s pack had attended too. Y/n had met up with every single member of his pack atleast twice since and everyone had grown more comfortable. They had all since experienced Y/n’s more playful side, far from her shy and meek side. Like when Jimin thought it’d be funny to jokingly dangle a rattling toy infront of her back and forth and instead of going for the toy, he found himself being the target, ending up with Y/n very happily ontop of him before taking the toy and walking off as if it was nothing, leaving him in a state of shock on the living room floor. Or when Jin asked for her opinion on some strawberry cream he’d made to go with dessert and instead of just placing it in her mouth, he purposely smudged it on her nose so she took her spoon and wiped a large chunk onto his own cheek before spinning on her heel and running off giggling, finding Hoseok who wiped off her nose and hid her telling Jin she wasn’t in the room despite the sweet strawberries all around. It had all gone well but they had yet to all meet up at the same time.
That’s why Namjoon took it upon himself to organise for all of them to go out for dinner at the packs favohrite restaurant where they could also have a few drinks if they fancied it. That’s how Jungkook added the entire pack and Y/n to a groupchat where they invited her to dinner the following Friday. She happily agreed and carried on with her regular days but grew increasingly more worried about where they were going, what she would wear, the impression she had to make, the possibilities of things to consider kept piling and left her spiralling.
That’s how it came to the Tuesday morning, the week of the dinner, Jungkook was at the gym as usual and he had a special present in the car from one very particular fashion designer to give to Y/n. He had already finished his warm up when he spotted Y/n making her way over, water bottle in hand and smile lighting up the room. Jungkook immediately noticed her scent was slightly sweeter than usual and was surprised as the first thing she did when she got over was wrap him in a tight hug, not even able to return it as she trapped him in before greeting him and smiling up again.
“How’s my Y/nie been?” - Jungkook beamed as she let go and handed him the bottle
“You only saw me yesterday Kook and we’ve been texting you know I’ve been good” - her words however contradicted the her plump bottom lip, swollen and red from her biting it mostly likely from anxiety, she started to nibble at it again after she finished talking and Jungkook quickly realised she must be getting overstimulated by something or multiple things so he made a quick decision to change the setting to something new for her to focus on.
“You know I really feel like going to the pool, you want to come?” Jungkook asked as he looked down at the curious kitty who didn’t even know the gym had a pool, it made sense because it was on the lowest floor and not many people knew about it so it was always empty. Before she could answer she watched and felt as Jungkook rested her hand under her chin to tilt it up and used him thumb to pull her plump lip from between her teeth leaving her slightly mouth slightly agape from shock and the flustered feeling that flooded her body. She didn’t trust her words to be coherent so all she did was nod and grab onto Jungkooks inked arm, tight enough to show she wasn’t letting go until they left and he just smiled at her antics, hoping to soothe her.
“Let’s just grab my bag then yeah? Are you okay to come now?” - He looked up across the room to find Y/n’s friend was nowhere in sight, he didn’t dwell long as a sound of approval fell from y/n’s lips and she leant in further so he hurried his movements before guiding them out of the door.
‘Did she just come for me?’ He couldn’t help but wonder.
The journey to the indoor pool was short but Y/n didn’t let go of Jungkooks arm once and he had no complaints when he pushed open the glass door and felt the warm air hit him as he took in the beautiful room. The room was dimly lit with LEDs in the wall, brick and stone designs around with beautiful decoration all over, the room was truly a treasure to those who knew about it.
Jungkook led Y/n towards two lounge beds where he placed his bag on one and gently pushed on Y/n’s shoulders to sit her on the other which snapped her out of the trance she had dropped into as she looked around in awe.
“This is beautiful, do you come here a lot?” - Y/n asked, mouth slightly agape as she looked around
“Not as often as I’d like, I forget about it existing a lot to be honest” - Jungkook
“Are you getting in?” - He continued as he looked at her curiously
She grew shy at that, the idea of being in a bikini infront of him making her flush
“I don’t have a bikini with me so I won’t” - she was glad that’s all she really had to say as Jungkook had began pulling off his shirt and revealing his chiselled torso, huge biceps and the full extend of his arm tattoos which she followed down his chest to his waist before they disappeared beneath the band of his shorts, she admired the abs that lead into his defined v-line and faint trail of hair before she couldn’t help but wonder as she looked-
“That’s too bad, next time being one, it’ll be fun” - Jungkooks words had her snapping her eyes to his face, mouth agape for a different reason to before this time, his words definitely weren’t helping her case as she was flustered, incredibly attracted to him and struggling to comprehend everything set out infront of her. Even if he meant his words innocently, she couldn’t stop herself from dwelling on the then, what would he think if he saw her in a bikini? Would he like- she had to stop herself there as he lightly chuckled before walking away and getting into the pool.
He looked straight out of a movie in that moment and Y/n couldn’t tear her eyes away as he got in fully before he turned back towards her
“It’s warm, come sit on the edge” he smiled up happily at her as she obeyed with a smile and took off her long socks and shoes, shyly moving towards the edge and dipping in the bottom half of her legs as she sat down.
Jungkook seemed to enjoy his time as she moved around quickly and got his hair soaked in seconds before going under the water and swimming up to her, jumping up and splashing her making her scold him as she giggled.
“Jungkook don’t do that your getting me all wet” - she giggled holding her hands up in protest turning her head away, his only response was to use her legs as the edge of the pool as he held onto them and shook his hair, water flying all over her making her protest even louder before turning towards him and pushing her hand through the water to splash him as much as possible in her position. He stood shocked for a second before taking his own action
“You really want to play that game kitty?” - he only smirked before splashing her twice as much with ease making her squeak and try to shake it off in her spot as she wiggled before doing it back, this continued as Y/n spun in her seated position around many times and only ended up soaking her entire body, tail droopy and heavy with water and definitely matted but she didn’t notice in that moment, full of laughter and happy with Jungkooks warm hand on her thigh even if he was splashing her.
She thought he’d finally calmed down as he got closer and held onto her legs but felt herself be hoisted into the air and screamed as Jungkook lifted her over his head, over the pool and spun around on the spot as she screamed with laughter and kicked her legs wildly, holding onto him as tightly as possible, so much her claws punctured him slightly but neither of them noticed.
“Jeon Jungkook let me down!” She shouted only to scream as he jokingly put her closer to the pool surface as if he’d put her down in that instead
“Put you down here?” - he laughed as he did it over and over, lifting her up and down and jostling her around above the pool before finally giving in and putting her to safety on the side, where she began.
“I’m going to get you back for that Jeon” - Y/n was still giggling as she threatens but unknowingly started to shiver as she sat in the wet spot. Jungkook noticed and moved to pull himself out next to her and once again momentarily distracted her as the scene seemed to play in slo mo for her. It didn’t help when her eyes followed as the once loose shorts now stuck tightly to the rest of his figure, deliciously built thighs and a surprisingly plump ass and once again her eyes travelled to his front just below that devilish vline that had somehow ended up right infront of her face- her eyes snapped up as a towel was offered infront of her face and a hand to pull her up, she took Jungkooks hand that almost made her fly inti the air and slip if it hadn’t of been for the steadying wrap around her waist once she was set down. He placed the soft towel around her before using his own to dry himself off as best as possible. He quickly realised the two would be soaked in the car still and he had yet to give Y/n her present.
“Put this on Y/nie, I’ll drive you home, there’s a present for you in the car” - Jungkook handed her his shirt from earlier before as he got his own out of his gym bag, he thought she might like the one that smelled stronger of his scent and she definitely did, taking a big sniff of it once it was in her hands before thanking him. He turned around to give her some privacy to change, it wasn’t ideal as her skirt would still be wet but the shirt would cover it and make it more comfortable, she could even take off her skirt and no one would know the shirt would be that big on her. When she signalled that it was fine to turn around it seemed that’s exactly what she did as she drowned in the black shirt he gave her , it only slightly tightened around her chest before flowing out and falling just above her knees, in her hands was a neatly folded top and skirt, still very wet but he took it from her hands and placed it into a seperate bag before putting it away to take back with them.
“Ready?” - Jungkook asked as he picked up his bag and tried to ignore the amazing feeling that flooded him as he admired her in his shirt, it’s all he ever wanted to see her in again, covered in his scent so everyone would know that she was only his- but she wasn’t… yet? And she wouldn’t be only his, he’d be his mates’ too, they’d be each others, it sounded so good he almost felt like the smallest touch of her hand on his was going to set him into a scenting spree as he eyed her neck longingly, pupils dilating.
“Go on Kookie” - Y/n could tell exactly what he needed and she too felt like she needed it as she was sent into a haze from being surrounded by his scent, she tilted her neck to expose her scent gland and let him bend down to muzzle onto the sensitive spot, holding back a gasp from the sensation, Y/n had to squeeze her eyes and mouth shut to resist letting out any other noises besides the purring erupting from her chest and Jungkook moved a hand behind her neck to pull her in closer and nuzzle harder. He desperately wanted too use his mouth to scent her further but resisted and settled for nuzzling the now slightly pink spot.
Jungkook pulled back and caught a glimpse of Y/n’s face, feeling his body heat up at her feeling just as good as he did but he pushed that thought aside to slip his hand into hers and guide them towards the car , placing another towel on the seats for the journey back and settling in before they set on their way back go Y/n’s house.
Their now usual routine fell in place as they got into the car, a minute or two of conversation as they pull out before Y/n fell asleep. Their journey not too long before Jungkook was pulling up to her apartment complex. He woke her up as usual with a press to her slightly swollen scent gland and prepared to get out her gifts while she was waking up.
The two walked up while Y/n was still sleepy, only half awake as they made their way up until they got to her door, that’s when her own senses started to sharpen again, feeling the cool air in the hallway and the uncomfortable feeling all over, her damp, matted tail swiping across her back before she looked at the waiting bunny infront of her and noticed he too was practically soaked. She quickly spun around to fumble with the keys and get them in the door as fast as possible to let them in before turning back around when it was finally open.
“Come in?” - She asked, almost shyly but was reassured when Jungkook beamed at her, boxes in hand and nodding as he stepped forward to accept her invite. They both walked in and Y/n closed the door behind them as Jungkook stood almost stunned, Y/n’s scent so strong it had him lightheaded and revelling in the way it was going to stick to him. He just looked around the interior that entirely suited Y/n, it was a smaller apartment but perfect for Y/n and had a fresh white modern base all around that was decorated with pastels everywhere. It was the kind of cozy that was neat but definitely comfortable in every space, blankets and pillows of all kinds over her sofa, soft rug infront of it and lots of small trinkets in various places.
Y/n loved her apartment, it was cozy and so her but airy and quiet enough in all ways to keep her from being overwhelmed. She waited patiently as Jungkook observed with a smile before leading them over to the couch, letting Jungkook place down the boxes on her table before she realised they couldn’t sit down, they were both still wet somewhere, Y/n was soaking through the shirt Jungkook gave her in all directions, tail, hair, soaked bra and panties underneath. Jungkook was slightly dryer, his hair no longer dripping but clearly wet.
“thank you for driving me home and bringing them in and your shirt” - Y/n fiddled with the bottom of the shirt she wore as she thought about what to do. She opted to bring Jungkook a towel for his hair and realised she should probably change herself. She let him know before grabbing everything she needed, changing into some pajamas because they were comfy and quickly detangling her hair which was surprisingly easy. She came back in with her hair brush and a towel for Jungkook because she wasn’t sure what he’d need. She found him looking closely at all of her little trinkets around the room and he looked handsomely cute as his puff tail twitched and juxtaposed his built figure.
“Here Jungkook, for your hair” - Y/n handed him the towel before turning round to walk to the couch.
“Oh Y/nie your tail, it’s all matted” - The kitty hadn’t even realised her long haired tail was still soaked and matting; it had her panicking, quickly grabbing for it and feeling her ears fall straight back, smile turning into a frown as her scent soured. It always seemed to overwhelm her and make her increasingly uncomfortable and sad when her tail wasn’t dry and soft, she’d dry it before she’d blow dry her hair after every shower. Jungkook immediately noticed her discomfort and picked up the brush on the side before rushing over, Y/n in distress was making him feel strangely protective and he desperately wanted to make it better. There was one thing that came to mind that he knew might overstep boundaries if she wasn’t sure too but it could take a lot of weight off Y/n’s shoulders so he took his chances.
“It’s okay Y/n, would you like me to help? Jiminie-hyung always asks one of us to brush his tail after his showers and even blow dry it.” Jungkook stepped gently as he didn’t want to further distress the girl but when he saw the acceptance in her eyes and the silent nod as she looked up at him he started to think about his next move.
“Do you have any detangler kitty?” - Jungkook didn’t want to pull too much because her tail was even thicker and longer than Jimin and his could easily be painful.
“It’s in my bedroom, I can go get it” - Y/n replied, still trying to brush her fingers through the matted tail.
“That’s okay I can go get it, if you want?” - Jungkook wanted to do everything he could to stop this feeling she had so when she looked up and nodded silently, he followed her scent to where it was strongest and found her bedroom, decorated exactly how he would imagine, pink and white all around, cozy and comfortable, art across the walls and in the midst of his search he found what he came for, detangler. He quickly made his way back before sitting next to her.
“How do you want to sit Y/n?” - Jungkook
“How does Jimin usually sit?” - Jungkook blushed at the thought of having her the same but told her, having no problem with it if she wanted to
“Jiminie lays across my lap, he says it’s the most comfortable way to do it” - To that, Y/n moved and let herself fall across his lap, head on a pillow and the top of her thighs to mid stomach on Jungkooks thighs, she didn’t even think much of it but Jungkook was stunned at the quick movement and frozen for a second with his hands hovering not knowing his next move before Y/n handed him back the brush, signalling him to start.
Still flustered by the position ,as Y/n’s bare thighs and full ass barely covered by her little shorts are right ontop of him, Jungkook gently grabs Y/n’s tail, noticing the way she jumped but not stopping as he sprayed some detangler on the brush she gave him and started from the tip of her long tail, gently brushing out all the knots.
Y/n’s body visibly relaxed as she melted in her position, purring loudly and smiling bashfully with her eyes closed, hands kneading the pillow she rested her head on. It was only when Jungkook would hit a small knot that she’d tense slightly and he’d apologise quietly, he moved across her entire top half of her tail before getting a bit shy and regularly checking on Y/n’s face as he moved a bit further down.
The close you got to the base of a hybrids tail the more sensitive it becomes, sparks will shoot through the hybrids body from any contact on their tail but it is significantly increased as they get closer to the base. When you reach the base it causes the hybrid to become naturally aroused which is why it’s so intimate touching any hybrids tail, that’s what made Jungkook so careful and nervous when brushing Y/n’s.
When he reached the lower half, Y/n’s purring immediately tripled in volume, her face nuzzling into the pillow but she seemed relaxed so Jungkook kept as calm as he could. That was until he nearly reached her tail, a gasp fell from Y/n’s lips at the contact and her hips rose involuntarily before falling back down on his legs, her sweet scent nearly suffocating Jungkook as a wave hit him. It was almost as if Jungkook forgot one very important detail, there was an incredibly strong scent gland near the base of every hybrids tail, it started in different places for different hybrids but he was clearly holding the start of Y/n’s.
Jungkook swiftly let go before apologising and asking if she wanted him to continue, she had her blushing face buried in the pillow and let out a high pitched sound of approval.
Y/n was laying there telling herself to calm down, he’s just being nice don’t think like that. Trying to stop the noises trying to pass through her lips, she only let out loud purrs. His hands were so gentle and looked so different compared to her strawberry blonde tail everytime she looked back, it was ridiculously attractive to her and wasn’t exactly helping that he was touching and unintentionally pulling at one of the most sensitive parts of her body with every pass of the brush. She was so deeply attracted to the sight of him caring for her in that way that her focus was taken away from keeping herself calm.
Jungkook was still gently brushing when he moved with hands lower down, brushing the base and as he gently gripped her tail there to carry on when he stopped dead in his tracks, stunned as loud purrs turned into something a lot more intense. In her fascination, Y/n stopped holding back all the noises from before and the second he grabbed her tail there and brushed the base, her mouth dropped open in a high whine with her eyes scrunched closed, nothing muffling the noise as her face was turned out of the pillow to watch Jungkooks hands. Her body wasn’t sent up in sparks and moved involuntarily, thighs tense and hips lifting up, pushing Jungkooks hand straight onto the base of her tail where it connected to her lower back. Y/n’s eyes shot open at that as a clear moan left her lips, hands gripping the pillow under her head tightly as she couldn’t stop her wide stare at him as it happened.
Jungkook knew better than to move in that moment, he didn’t want her to feel panicked,embarrassed or upset. He pushed aside his own body’s reaction as blood flushed to specific regions at the noises coming from Y/n and grounded himself, giving her a soft smile that she didn’t return over her shoulder, eyes still wide. Jungkook just moved the hand holding the brush to let go, other hand still on her tail as he slowly pressed circles into Y/n’s lower back, hoping to both ground and relax her. It seemed to work as the panic in her eyes slowly eased into that droopy state Jimin would get in whenever the base of his tail was touched.
Her head dropped to the pillow again, eyes softening and the rest of her body relaxing into Jungkook. In return, he kept pressing circles into her lower back, hand kept still on her tail until she could tell him what she wanted to do, he tried to ignore the slight shake of her thighs as they were pressed tightly together ontop of his lap but couldn’t help the slight glance he took. He regretted it as soon as he noticed how soft her thighs looked, the plush of them spreading across the entire expanse of his lap even when they were tightly held together. They looked like perfect pillows, hand rests, headrests and so much more but he quickly looked away before letting his thoughts progress.
“Y/n? Do you want me to keep going, there’s just this little bit here left” - Jungkook spoke gently to her as she looked at him and nodded in agreement, he was surprised at that, sure that she’d want to do it on her own but it seemed his hold on her tail had shielded her from feeling anything negative and he was glad about that. Ensuring he was as gentle as possible, Jungkook rested her tail on his hand and used the brush he previously put down to gently detangle the knots on it. Y/n wasn’t silent besides her purrs though this time, she let out small noises at every move of his hand and pull of a knot, not in disapproval, more from the pleasure she couldn’t pretend not to have. Her scent was bursting off of her in strong waves that had Jungkook have to breathe through his mouth to hold composure before it intensified and even then, breathing through his mouth didn’t help as he could taste her and that was even worse. Even worse because not that he’d have a taste it would never be enough, he snapped his mouth shut breathing minimally as he continued until he was at the part where it connected to her back and thanked his reflexes for moving away fast as Y/n’s hips jumped up again, he would of pulled her tail if not and neither of them want to know what would happen then.
When he finished, he tapped Y/n’s upper thigh twice to wake her out of her state only to have to divert his attention away completely at the sight of her thigh bouncing just from his soft pats. She was too beautiful in every way and he felt like he was starting to lose his ability to deny his attraction and little did he know, so was she, his entire pack knew too. It was time for Jungkook to have a serious chat about next steps with Y/n with his mates.
As Y/n became more conscious she slid herself slowly back, moving her knees up to being herself back up and unknowingly putting her entire body just centimetres from Jungkooks face, she wasn’t bothered as she couldn’t ignore how much better she felt, not just from her tail being nearly dry now and soft, but from being taken care of, it was unfamiliar but she enjoyed it more than she should admit. She knew after that she would be craving his attention and touch a ridiculous amount but pushed that thought aside to focus.
“It’s so soft and nearly dry thank you Kookie it’s perfect, thank you so much” - Y/n happily threw herself into his arms, thanking him with a warm embrace and stunning him at a peck on the cheek before jumping up and focusing on the boxes that were brought in.
“So what are they?” - Y/n asked curiously, leaning in to inspect the fancy boxes
“They- Tae- dinner… clothes?” - Jungkook couldn’t form real sentences as his brain was trying to process everything that happened but Y/n understood and asked to open one to which he quickly agreed. The largest box was white, wrapped with a large bow with a small tag on it
‘For a pretty kitty - V’ Y/n’s heart fluttered at the words but she picked up his designing name, it made her curious, had he bought the surprise, or had he made it?
Y/n carefully pushed off the ribbon and pulled the lid off, curious as she saw white fur. She gently moved to grab at the material, immediately noticing the softness of it, wanting to purr just at that before she pulled it out further and stood up straight to hold it infront of her.
Y/n stood shocked as the soft white fur turned into a oversized, thick faux fur coat, similar to the one Taehyung wore when they met the first time, the white blinding and the fur perfectly soft, it was constructed perfectly, it seemed the perfect length and she wanted to wrap up in it then and there, not to mention how absolutely beautiful it was.
Upon closer inspection she noticed the tag in it, labelled by Taehyung and she found an embroidered message on it too‘ the prettiest kitty ‘ with the ‘V’ above it; she quickly realised he had made this for her, to her size, recently as it was clearly brand new and plush. She spun around with it in her hands and began to excitedly show Jungkook, spinning around him, careful not to crush the coat as she felt it delicately, she spun around like a princess as she laughed and he returned the gesture, secretly getting out his phone to record the moment, knowing Taehyungs chest would fill with pride at the sight of her loving his work.
‘It’s too much Kookie, so beautiful but too much’ - Y/n’s smile turned into a small frown, ears pinning back at her realisation, as she was about to gently place it back in the box, a large figure pressed up against her back and grabbed her wrists, pulling them away from the box to stop her. It all happened too fast from Jungkook pressing up against her to him leaning down to whisper in her ear while his thumbs pressed into the scent glands on her wrists where she felt her, making her gasp.
“I’ll let you in on a secret Y/nie, nothing is too much when it comes to you, we would give you the world, hyungs wouldn’t react as lightly as I am to you rejecting a gift because it’s ‘too much’” - Something had changed in Jungkooks voice as he whispered, body pressing impossibly close and thumbs applying more pressure, she realised it was his Busan satoori , thick on his tongue as his warm breath tickled her ear. She practically melted on the spot as she clocked his words, nothing is too much? Why would they feel like that? All of them… and then the realisation at the rest of his words set in. If this was reacting lightly, while she should deny it, Y/n really wanted to know how the rest of them reacted, it had blood rushing to her cheeks and her breath hitching.
“You understand, don’t you Y/nie?” - She thought he was finished until he said that, a high pitched noise of approval calling from her lips with her head nodding. She felt like she could finally breathe for a second as he started to pull away from her back until he leant in to whisper again
“Good girl, now go open the rest.” - the praise had a gasp leaving Y/n, her knees buckling slightly and butterflies filling her stomach but Jungkook switched up immediately, stepping back with a bit smile, his duality confused her but she had to push that thought aside as he asked her of something.
“Put it on” - Jungkook beamed at her as he said, she silently obeyed and put on the glamourous coat, it fit perfectly for her, oversized in the best way and it made her feel more luxurious than she ever had
“I love it.” - It’s all she could say as Jungkook could tell she felt so much more about it and encouraged her to open the next box, more nervous about if she’d like this one as much
The second box is smaller but just as beautifully packaged, a large bow and ribbon across it which she carefully removed, this one addressed from Jimin
‘Red will definitely be your colour - Jimin’
It had her curiosity growing as she opened the box and saw white mesh over red material and gently pulled it out, her eyes widened at the beautifully constructed dress before her.
It was red, a long fitted dress that loosened slightly at her thigh from a slit, it was both simple and complex, the perfect balance as a Matt crimson material was the base, a nearly transparent white tulle overtop that slightly ruched at the waist, both materials slightly draped at the chest area as it had thin straps to hold it on, when she looked at the back she found the tulle thickened into a large bow that slightly adjusted and underneath was the zip. The layers of the dress were connected but made it seem fuller with so much dimension, the red was prominent but somehow perfectly complimented by the white overlay.
Y/n had never worn a dress similar, it was incredible, she had never even imagined such a thing but she knew it could perfectly suit her, all she worried about was the measurements. Would it fit her? How would they of even known what size she would be? And when she saw the label, the cursive ‘Jimin’ with his own short message underneath ‘the first gift’ somehow she knew he had specifically designed this for her, in that sense he had also tailored this to her size wise but how?
Jungkook answered her unspoken question
“Tae and Jimin have an eye for knowing near exact measurements when it comes to clothes, you should try it on, I know he’d be happy to make any adjustments if it didn’t fit.” - He was more than happy to see her enjoying the gifts and knew the final two would tie it all together but admittedly was desperate to see her in the dress.
“I’ll go try it on now!” - Y/n was almost jumping with excitement, her freshly brushed tail swinging rapidly, smacking Jungkook as she spun on her feet and headed towards her bedroom. While she did Jungkook took the opportunity get his phone out and text him and his mates’ group chat.
‘She’s opened the coat and dress, she loves them’ - JK
‘Has she tried them on? What did she say about them?’ - JM
‘I knew she’d love it’ - TH
‘She has only tried the coat on, she’s so happy and she’s trying the dress on now’ - JK
Both of the designers hearts swelled with pride and joy at her enjoying their work
‘Just listen out, she’ll need help to do the zipper’ - JM
‘Tell us if it fits, tell us how it looks’ - TH
Jungkook quickly agreed and on that cue, hear Y/n’s soft voice calling out to him from her room, he walked up to the door and found her back facing him, long hair falling down her back just below her waist, the dress was on but not zipped up, he could see her arms holding the front up to hide herself but she looked over her shoulder embarrassed
“Could you zip me up please?” - Y/n refused to look into his eyes as she asked but he just smiled and nodded moving forward to touch the dress. When he got close enough her tail was tickling him as it sway, comfortably fitted in the small hole designed for it, before it moved to one side so Jungkook could reach. As he held either side his warm breath danced over her shoulder as he looked down, he held the two sides on her lower back and felt his thumbs graze either side of her lower spine as he held the zipper and slowly pulled it up. He could only move it a little bit before he gently gathered Y/n’s hair and placed it over her shoulder, revealing the rest of her back. His knuckle grazed her spine the entire time he pulled the zipper up and Y/n was a flustered mess when he was finished. He adjusted the bow to cover the zip again and tightened it before telling her it was finished.
She looked down before stepping forward, thanking him and turning around, not having seen it on herself before Jungkooks jaw dropped, she was absolutely breathtaking, the dress fit like a glove, it complimented her skin, her hair, her eyes, her aura, it was perfect on her. Only one word could fall out of Jungkooks mouth in that moment and it just
“Beautiful…” - Y/n’s heart swelled at that, not knowing how it looked but already feeling good about herself. That lead to her smiling and walking to her full length mirror. She really did look beautiful and she felt so good about herself, the dress fit perfectly, her waist fitted and hips accentuated.
The only thing newer to her was the cleavage, she never wore shirts with cleavage and having a quite large breasts meant that in this dress, they were very much out and she wouldn’t normally be comfortable but for some reason, she felt amazing about it. She was only going to be with the boys who in the last few weeks, she had learnt to trust with her life, she wasn’t sure why they got so close so quickly but she was comfortable wearing this around them, she was comfortable around them altogether.
While Y/n was admiring the dress in the mirror, Jungkook had a second to process the princess in front of him, the beauty she held and the way she made brought the design and vision Jimin had to life, he’d be so happy right now and he desperately wanted to take a picture but knew it would be better for them to wait, for them to have a big reveal. His time to process was cut off when his eyes refocused on Y/n, her body was soft, his hands always melted into her whenever he touched her and it drove him crazy but this dress accentuated every bit of her body, from her wide hips and large thighs up her soft tummy and to her large breasts, it showed every small mark on her revealed skin, every freckle and scar from her previous years, the documents of her life before them, she had stained his mind ever since they met.
From the second he lay eyes on her and it all felt too real in that moment, gifting her his mates’ special designs, helping her into her dress, brushing her tail and having her trust him with one of the most sensitive parts of her body and being comfortable enough to allow it all to happen, it felt right. It felt like they were meant to be, she was absolutely perfect in every way, every little mark on her skin was perfect, every time she would make her own marks on him by accident when she wouldn’t retract her claws was perfect, every little moment with her felt unreal. Reality felt like the most beautiful dream when he was with her; he was more than grateful, more than lucky, all he could hope is that she felt the same way but somehow he knew, within he knew that she did feel that way too, maybe it was the glint in her eyes or maybe it was the way she leant into his touch, maybe it was the way she let her hybrid surface whenever they were together or maybe it was the way she trusted him, somehow he knew.
His breathe was caught when she turned around again and he was so infatuated with her that he couldn’t hear what she said until she slightly frowned and said his name, he had to ask her to repeat herself sheepishly.
“Unzip me? Please, I don’t want to ruin it, it’s so perfect” - Y/n was so cute to him, the way her eyes looked over the dress in awe as her hair fell over her face and she used both hands to push it back, even her smallest actions were so cute. He snapped out of his thoughts as he agreed and walked forward, gently holding her bare shoulders as he walked behind her and pushed her hair to the side again, moving under the tulle bow to the zip.
‘She’s the epitome of perfection, of pure joy and beauty, one day I’ll know she’s mine’ - Jungkook knew he fell hard and fast but as his hands grazed her back and goosebumps grew on her arms as she slightly pushed into his hands, he wouldn’t change it for the world.
“You know, Jimin and Taehyung take it upon themselves to dress us all for every event, it’s one way they show their love” - He’d hoped she’d understand what he meant by this and when he felt her skin warm up, scent sweeten and tail swing faster, he knew she was blushing and understood.
“You all must look even more handsome than usual at every event then, I feel so pretty, I’ll have to return their love soon hm?” - Y/n spoke her thoughts word for word, almost in a dream in her mind, not even thinking much about how she’d admitted to wanting to reciprocate their love, Jungkooks felt her heart beating as fast as his own, rapidly thumping against her chest, it made him smile so wide. That was until he’d fully unzipped the dress and quickly noticed the fabric start to slouch at her waist, Y/n was so deep in thought that she hadn’t grabbed the fabric to hold against her chest. He worked quickly to grab the two sides from the top where the zipper connects and hold them high on her back so she wouldn’t be exposed, she still hadn’t realised until Jungkook called out her name with a ‘Careful’ it had her snapping back, cheeks flushing, embarrassed but also smiling at how much of a gentleman he was and how he had brought back that first time they spoke, when he’d told her to be careful as she dropped that bottle.
She thanked him quickly and looked over his shoulder up at him, holding her chest to hold the dress up when he let go, she felt the air grow thick as their eyes connected, anything around them muffling as they zoned in on eachother. Y/n captured his doe eyes as she studied his face, appreciating the warmth in his eyes, the hair brushing his forehead, messy from the pool earlier, the piercing on his eyebrow, his soft nose, sharp jawline, the way his soft eyes juxtaposed that dominant appearance he held everywhere else, until her eyes travelled down slightly, to the pink lips, wrapped in a thin silver ring on the same side as his eyebrow piercing, she intended to look away until his scent thickened, the soft linen smell travelling through her body until his mouth slightly parted to let his tongue past through to wet his lips and there she discovered a new detail he had kept well hidden.
When he licked his lips she saw the silver on his tongue, a tongue piercing, she didn’t know why but it had her melting on the spot, his tall figure looming over her, she felt herself slightly pushing herself up onto her tip toes to get closer , hands still holding the dress. Jungkooks own hands let go of the dress to fall onto her soft hips, he felt the perfect hand rests as his fingers immediately melted into her skin. He gripped hard enough to pull her in closer, she would of stumbled if it wasn’t for her grip keeping her exactly where he wanted her. His own gaze fell from her wide eyes to her plump lips, their natural tint drawing his in as they fell open the tiniest bit, they both knew what they wanted when she pushed herself higher and he leant down slightly, hands holding her hips tighter, he watched her eyes softly close and knew this was the moment he had been waiting for, his opportunity of confirmation. He could feel her soft, strawberry breath on his own lips, just an inch apart when he leant down, his hair definitely tickling her.
The moment could have been ruined by the loud vibrations on his phone, definitely texts from his mates asking about the dress but he refused to let it stop this. He made sure she was flush against his front in that moment and let one of his hands move up to cup from the back of her neck to her jaw, tilting her head even further up to connect their lips. It was like fireworks had set off in the both of them, y/n tried to push impossibly closer to his body, finally getting to taste the linen that would stick to her every single day, it tasted so good she nearly fell right there, she had already fallen in one way she wouldn’t let it be physically shown, or so she thought when her knees buckled but she was held exactly where she was by Jungkooks strong hands.
She let him take the lead, not even thinking about how this was her first kiss, she was more than glad to let him take it. She’d never even come close to a romantic or intimate relationship due to her reserved personality but she knew when she grew so comfortable with him and his mates that she wanted them. Jungkook felt her letting him take the lead and wanted to smirk but did exactly what she wanted instead of letting pride consume him. He kept it sweet, lightly dancing his lips over hers to ease her in, it felt so good to have that ripe strawberry taste fill his mouth and to have her soft pillowy lips against his own, perfectly fitting between each others. He pushed his own lips slightly harder against hers, keeping her steady as her body reacted, he didn’t want to make it too much the first time so he slowly pulled away. As he got a few inches from her face he opened his eyes, being softer with the hand on her neck and jaw, her eyes were still closed and lips slightly parted even more pink and plump than before just from the short kiss, he couldn’t help but wonder about how they’d look in the future, when it all happened again.
His thoughts were cut off when she opened her eyes, she felt hot, soft and so many things but one look into his eyes had her relaxing, she knew he didn’t regret it and neither did she. She wanted nothing more in that moment but for it to happen again but she also knew she wouldn’t be able to cope, not with the way she had melted in his hands, his thumb gently rubbed over her neck and hit her scent gland over and over, her eyes faultered slightly again. She could feel his grip loosen slightly on her waist and she fell a small amount to the ground from her tip-toes, he already seemed ridiculously tall but when she was looking up at him like that, his big hands all over her, he seemed like a god.
“I’ve wanted to do this for a while princess” - He smiled happily down at her but her eyes slightly widened at the confession and his satoori that had come out again, her own voice felt small but she knew he heard it
“I have too” - the confirmation was all they both needed to feel nothing but pure bliss. It took a minute before they both recovered as they realised Y/n still needed to get out of the dress and Jungkook left the room to give her privacy, immediately texting his mates so fast that he was making every typo possible but they understood, it was a step that had them all stopping in their tracks and smiling, melting even. Nothing else was thought about in that moment, not in Namjoons office, not in the kitchen with Jin, not in Yoongis piercing room where he was planning clients, not in Hoseoks dance studio, and not in Jimin and Tae’s meeting.
When Y/n came back into the living room in her set from before they both smiled bashfully at eachother before Jungkook told her she had one more present to open, her hands were slightly shaking from the previous interaction as she opened the smaller box, finding a pair of pretty white kitten heels with a small tulle bow over the toe box that matched the bow on the back of the dress exactly. They were about just under two inches high, easy for her to walk in and a bright white, one that matched the fur coat, she was already stunned by the other firsts but these brought the entire outfit together it was amazing to her how they’d thought of everything and in the soles she saw the branding of Jimin and Taehyungs company, she traced over it in appreciation with a wide smile on her face.
Fully holding one shoe she saw a small handwritten card underneath, addressed from Jimin and Taehyung
‘We hope you like it kitty, you’ll look beautiful” - the short message had her internally screaming like a child, she wanted to get up and jump with joy at the entire day she felt like she was in heaven, she couldn’t properly express anything so she just looked over her shoulder with a huge smile, not even saying anything and didn’t even notice as he clicked a picture of her, heel and note in hand, sitting so cute as she smiled at him over her shoulder. He immediately sent to the groupchat
‘Our Strawberry Princess’
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Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Just know it hasn’t been proofread or edited but next chapter will be out very soon!
This chapter was very Jungkook centred but from here on it’ll be mostly Ot7! Please feel free to ask questions, request headcannons or drabbles!
Side note; who else is in love with Come back to me, omg I am listening on repeat it’s just so good!
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