#but I got to it at least! and shall be getting to the other rainbows in the inbox tomorrow hopefully
void-kissed · 1 year
Have some rainbows for any you have hcs for wahooooo
Hehe, thank you, friend!!
(source: this post by bewearships)
send me a 🌈 + one of my F/Os for my sexuality/gender headcanons for them! - Right, you've sent five rainbows, so.. let's give five headcanons!
Luna is canonically a trans girl, but in terms of her sexuality, I headcanon her to be an ace lesbian. I even made trans and ace pride flags by colourpicking from my headcanon design for her, look!
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On the note of romantic F/Os from Reborn, I headcanon Elena to be bisexual! I think she does have a gender but could not tell you what it is if you asked; she's just rolling with being who she is, haha. I also tried making a colour-picked bi pride flag from her sprite, but I couldn't get quite as close:
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Okay, now for some other romantic F/Os. I headcanon Skye to be largely agender, using he/him, they/them, and xe/xem pronouns - this is partially because I also headcanon him to be a changeling (because he can use magic when nobody else in the valley can and it's literally never explained), but also partially because I cannot easily believe a cis man would have his "monochrome leopard-print shirt with shoes to match plus purple trousers" fashion sense. I would also say he is bisexual.
I headcanon Pavo to be trans and also a lesbian! Although I do imagine that Celestrians may not exactly have mortal ideas of gender, being divine-created angels and all. I know that she and Aquila are twins, and I want to say they're said to be identical? But Aquila is male whereas Pavo is female (despite, fun fact, aquila being first-declension feminine where pavo is third-declension masculine!), soooo..
And finally.. oh, screw it, have all my Xenoblade ones again. Pyra is a lesbian demigirl, Vanea is asexual and panromantic (plus your description of her as a nonbinary woman also feels very fitting), Perun is trans (in a Blade way) and sapphic, Lora is cis and asexual and a lesbian, and KOS-MOS Re: is a lesbian who is far too overpowered for gender (though honestly I don't really have anything concrete for her yet). In my headcanons, anyway!
I hope that all of those were alright, friend! Thank you very much again for sending so many rainbows~
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desultory-novice · 1 year
The Pause Screen lore of the Sphere Doomers EX really surprised me. If I understood it correctly, they're connected to Fecto Elfilis!? They look nothing alike!
What's your take?
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Got two different asks about this, so it's time to tackle the question of just what the Sphere Doomers are! (Hint: I have no answers, only curious speculation! But I think both of you are on the right track! ... If there IS a right track! This game sure shook up a lot of previously held Kirby fanon, huh?)
So, let's look at both versions of their, shall we say, "most interesting" Pause Screen Lore!
Halcandra stands alone, only reachable by passing through other dimensions... The Doomers, long ago, had a different form and could warp space and time... Is that why they seek the spheres
[JP - Mine]
Halcandran hovers silently in a different universe. Another Dimension is the gap space surrounding that universe. But why do the Doomers seek Energy Spheres? It is said, in ancient times, they looked different than they do now, and wielded the power to cross dimensions, but now...
Maybe it's just the phrasing, but I think the Japanese makes the fact that there could be a significant difference between how they looked in ancient times (the time OF the Ancients being implied here) and how they look now feel like a much stronger possibility.
Honestly, the theory that they're similar to Elfilis's species is a pretty good one! (I didn't spot anything myself to confirm that outside the possibility that their powers could be inborn - unless I missed another clue - but it is an interesting idea!)
That said, the main thing that I get from this is that the Doomers are probably all that is left of a highly corrupted former species.
Look at them! Their jagged mouths just don't SEEM right, as if that was a development they gained as their bodies broke apart. Speaking of their bodies breaking apart, their bodies being made of this weird, swirling energy? I don't think they were like that originally either...
This is all speculation, so let's go wild!
I think they probably took on the form they hold now due to an extended period of wandering the gaps between dimensions.
I mean, we've all sort of got the feeling it's not healthy to stay there long. Why build devices like the Lor, that can travel through them in a flash if you could just kind of swim or float or take an ordinary craft through there? I think Another Dimension is probably a somewhat toxic, corrosive space, and that maybe that contributed to the corruption of WHATEVER life forms the Doomers used to be.
The other key is pointing out why they seek the Energy Spheres. We were led to believe they "eat them" - although, wait, now that I think about it, isn't that novel lore......?
(Btw, now that we have RtDL DX, I can safely say that the novels ARE a different universe from the games. Not only is Kirby and Magolor's relationship in the novel completely different from the one portrayed in the game, there's all these little things the novel says that are just flat out different in game. The novel mentions everything from AD glows with a pale blue light. The game's webpage boldly states that everything from AD glows with a bright colorful rainbow light. You could argue that I'm nitpicking, but these two things released SO close to each other, that the differences have to be purposeful. I can probably go into more details about the differences, but as far as I'm concerned LSatLW is officially a non-canon adaptation of RtDL.)
So, okay, they want them at least. Which is INTERESTING, because ideally what you'd want them for is the power to travel dimensions, right? Or...to operate other Halcandran technology...???
Outside of the Grand Doomer, the other doomers don't seem to possess the ability to cross over into dimensions, like the one Pop Star is apart of. They're confined to the gap. Are they trying to get their original power back by collecting spheres...?
The other question is, how did they lose that power in the first place? Were they, like Elfilis, drained of their power to fuel the Ancient's ambitions? Are they now mad, lingering ghosts trying to get what they lost back? (All of which, it must be said, fits in very well thematically with Magolor's epilogue, about the pain of previous generations who suffered due to the Master Crown's destructive capabilities, and Magolor's own quest to rebuild himself.)
Or was their power to travel across dimensions artificial?
Where THEY the Ancients? (Or some other species that got looped into what we know as the Ancients. Assuming Hyness is still one. At this point, I'm not laying down chips that anyone's an Ancient XD ) I'm reminded of the theory that the residents of Pop Star are what became of the Ancients after they left for their "land of dreams."
Something interesting that might connect these ideas is we don't just have the Doomers.
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We have a variety of species who appear to have suffered the same corruption the Doomers did. And if you squint, remove the fangs, and cover them up, some of them vaguely resemble the kind of life we see on Pop Star. Waddle Dees, Bronto Burts, Gordos and the like!
...All I can say for sure is that I'm definitely looking at the Sphere Doomers now as if they are "ghosts" rather than some malicious, unknowable space entities.
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queerwolfsstuff · 11 months
TW: mentions of bullying, suicidal ideation, and a toxic fangroup in the SPN fandom
This is all I’ll say about the recent revelations, and forewarning, a lot of swearing ahead:
I have a genuine question. Why is the Supernatural fandom as toxic as it is? Don't get me wrong, there are pockets of joy and wonder, forces for good, and a mobilization for worthy causes I have yet to see in any fandom except maybe that of the Our Flag Means Death fandom (albeit on a slightly smaller scale, and there’s quite a bit of crossover).
Like quite a few of you, I curated my own little chunk of paradise in this fandom in making three amazing, true friends (@anyreiart, @eyesofatragedy67, and @punk-is-notdead), and while I don't actively engage very much with the rest of the fandom, because it overwhelms me, the few times I have, have been generally good experiences. Has it all been sunshine and gay angel rainbows? No.
All of us have experienced negative things in some capacity. A rude comment on art or fanfiction, specifically in mine and Any’s case: a relatively well known fandom persona told people not to read the last chapter of one of our fics, and that was because that person didn't like a section of the last chapter. I’m sure that person justified to themselves that telling other people not to read someone’s work was some sort of, misguided warning, and all because that one person didn't like one part of our fanfiction. But I digress, we have seen the capacity for toxicity, but a lot of the time that has been part of the “ship war” discourse. Again, in our case, it was a brief negative interlude with a mod at the now closed SPN newsletter.
All water under a murky bridge, but the revelations of late are absolutely abhorrent. Fandom to me, as someone who has been involved in several fandoms for the past 22 years, has always been a safe space, especially as a neurodivergent queer person. I started at 17, in the fandom for the wizard boy series I won't say because of the TERF who shall not be named, but it was… not like this.
Now it's very possible that I didn't see as much (hell, I had no idea about any of this SHACgate garbage until this week because I don't really interact with folx much), but unlike now, during the wizard boy series time, I was very active, accepted into elite LiveJournal communities and while I was never a “BNF”, I got to share spaces with some incredibly talented people. And I do not ever remember the sort of discourse I have seen in the Supernatural fandom. Not even whispers of it. Ship wars have been and sadly probably always will be a thing, but this infighting, vicious, manipulative, cult-like shit? Nah, man, at least not as far as I saw.
A majority of us recently found out in the SPN fandom, and specifically among the Destiel shippers, multiple adults in some elite discord server, got involved in multiple bullying campaigns over the years and toxic, (and let's be honest) evil fucking behavior all over the simplest, or even pettiest fucking things. And what kills me, is a good majority of the orchestrators and primary toxicity peddlers, say they are neurodivergent, and/or queer, and/or disabled. That means, statistically, they themselves have probably been bullied at some point in their lives.
Yet they still chose to harass, block and ignore, “mean girls” burn-book fellow fandom folx, supposedly even their friends, all because "so and so told me to" or because they felt justified in doing so for whatever seemingly honorable reason. Many people who have come forward about their previous or prior involvement state their participation or silence in these campaigns was for fear of retribution or cancellation. Which to a degree is perfectly understandable, but in chasing the divine, these participants compromised their own values, and just because they used their fame for good a lot, doesn't really balance out how they used their fame for evil, too. Personally, I don't think it works like that.
But I'm not here to soapbox about the morality and ethics of their choices. Either they know they did bad things and are working toward undoing the damage and darkness, or they're going to continue to blame others and refuse accountability by releasing disingenuous apologies that essentially equate to, "He only gets mean when he drinks." Either way, that's between them, their friends and family, and their flying spaghetti monster.
No, what I’m genuinely confused about is why the toxicity in the SPN fandom seems so particularly… PG&E in Erin Brockovich about things. I mean, come on. Seriously? A bunch of grown ass adults bullying people, sending death threats, doxxing, harassing, pulling some high school bullshit, block and ignore tactics to dehumanize and traumatize people, some even to the point of suicidal ideation? I'm sorry, that’s fucking gross and this whole goddamn thing is fucking ridiculous. Especially if these perpetrators were bullied themselves at some point in their lives.
And don't get me wrong, with a history of loving problematic ships, I absolutely live for redemption arcs for villains, but the reality is, there needs to be a glimmer of goodness inside for that to work, and how any adult can think that sort of behavior is okay, or justified … I don't know. Some of the perpetrators may be past a redemption arc. Too far gone. In Ted Lasso (spoiler obvs) everybody got a redemption arc except for Rupert, and that was because he was irredeemable.
This behavior should be irredeemable, but that’s my personal opinion, and everyone is allowed their own. But I will admit, even my own opinion can waver. There needs to be a sense of sincerity in the first step, which is accepting responsibility and apologizing, hence why I don’t think every single person who participated is irredeemable.
I applaud the victims, those who were hurt, in finding the ability to forgive their bullies, and I also applaud those who have drawn strict boundaries. At the end of the day, the perpetrators are the ones who will have to live with the fact they chose to commit these acts and ruin fandom entirely for someone.
I don't care if it was all orchestrated by some mastermind lone wolf evil caricature of a Destiel shipper, or a select few wannabe Legion of Doom motherfuckers, your decisions are your own. Your choices were made, and when a friend told you that so and so was mean/bad/wrong, you attacked without a second thought, and why? Up until this past week, you were reaping the benefits of your elite status and living your best lives, enjoying your fandom experience. Maybe you felt safe and content with your ingroup, maybe you didn’t, but you were probably enjoying yourself. Now, how would you feel if someone did to you what you have documentedly done to others? Chased you off of social media, doxxed you, harassed you, made you feel unsafe when you unlock your phone? I won’t deny, to some extent, some of you probably have had tastes of those attacks from outsiders, but never from within, because you had the protection of your BNF cohorts. And luckily, for you, the majority of us don’t believe in bullying, so you’re never going to have to truly find out what that feels like, but I hope you think about it.
You know what happened when someone was mean to one of my friends? I stood up for said friend, while remaining calm and collected, then proceeded to block and be done with it. I didn’t reply or engage when their response turned vicious. The entire exchange was out in the open, on a public thread, and name-calling and gaslighting only ever came from one side, and it wasn't mine. I get the urge to be protective, I do, but did it just not ever occur that you can be protective of people you care about without resorting to bullying tactics? And if you have to commit these acts for fear you'll lose your fame, your place in a server, your "friend", then you've proven you don't care about people outside of what they can do for you.
A demon some of these perpetrators will need to exorcise if they truly want to learn and grow from this.
Anyway, I don't understand how or why that sickness of bullying to such a horrific extent thrived for so long in this fandom. And continues to thrive in other pockets of the fandom. Why? Why the fuck are so many adults in this fandom such childish bullies? And it's not even like we can blame it on the younger, newer fans, because they’re the ones that end up being the victim half the time from the looks of things. A bunch of quarter-life approaching middle-age folx caused this and proved that a little bit of fame in the wrong hands turns people into monsters.
For the perpetrators, I hope no one does to you what you have done to countless people in this fandom. And even more, I hope no one does to you what you did to your victims who left the fandom entirely. May you never understand that pain.
For all of their victims, I hope you find peace and I'm glad you came forward to put a stop to this madness. It was scary, and how many friends and followers the perpetrators have, this could have gone the other direction, and ended very badly. Thankfully it didn't, and hell, you got someone who never really participates or engages in fandom discourse to write a TLDR freakin’ Tumblr post about it. I am sorry for everything you experienced.
As for the rest of us? We’ve got a helluva lot of work ahead if we want to turn the Supernatural fandom into a true, safe fandom space. But I think this could be a good place to start.
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chronicbeans · 10 months
The Suggestions Box
(an Abandoned by Playfellow AU short)
You are tasked to look through the suggestions box, a box filled with the suggestions and comments of your fellow employees, and clean out answered suggestions. It hasn't been sorted through in about a year.
TW: Depression/Anxiety, Threats of Violence/Death Threats, Traumatic Events, Abusive Work Environment, Death, Eating Disorders/Focus on Body Weight and Type, Vomit (Seriously y'all it gets gross-), Body Horror/Gore
Opening up the box, you sigh in disdain. There has to be hundreds of tiny slips of paper in here, with most not even being replied to. So, you have to read every single one just to get every suggestion that was replied to out of the box. Damn it.
You pick out the first suggestion, which is from a janitor who signed it C.M.:
"Suggestion: I need a fucking raise. I just cleaned up puke from a kid who ate a Poppy's Chocolate Sundae Cake, by the Painter's Isle. Took me three hours to get rid of the brown stains on the rainbow carpets, and even longer to get rid of the rancid smell. What the fuck are we even feeding the kids here to make chocolate puke smell like rotten chicken?
-C.M. Janitor"
There isn't an answer on the back, so you quickly place it by the box. What a great way to start the day... reading a vile description about puke! Fucking amazing...
"Suggestion: I keep seeing this one kid climbing over the fence of Wally's Road Trip. Sure, the ride is safe when you are in the ride, but he's climbing right onto the tracks! That coaster goes about 20 miles per hour! We need the fence to be taller or something.
-Sam Jenkins Security
Answer: Sam, we cannot afford to make the fences taller. You will just need to keep watch of the children. That is your job, after all.
Well... Not the best answer, but still an answer. So, you place it by the bucket that was given to you to collect answered suggestions. Alright, next paper.
"Suggestion: Whoever the FUCK keeps puking in the Barnaby costume, I fucking hate you. You do know that other people here play Barnaby, right? You could at least warn a fellow by leaving a note or something before somebody else wears it. I didn't notice until I got in the suit, and my face was covered in it. Jackass. Others have started complaining, too. I suggest management gives us more breaks, so whoever the weak stomached bitch is doesn't keep puking everywhere.
-David Dwyer Suit Mascot
Answer: I apologize for the incident, Mr. Dwyer. However, we cannot give more breaks. We shall try to figure out who keeps getting sick, so we can have a physical done to ensure that they are still healthy enough to be a mascot.
Again? AGAIN?! Why the fuck is there so much puke already...? Yeah, you expected it, but really? Thank God you aren't a mascot. Well, into the bucket.
"Suggestion: I'm worried for Angelo. You know, Angelo Dalisay? The guy who plays Wally Darling most of the time. He's been losing weight pretty fast. I think he might be sick. Maybe the food was bad or something? Can you have someone check the kitchens for sanitation? Please and thank you.
-Angelica Carter Julie Joyful Actress
Answer: Our kitchens are clean.
Angelo... yeah, you remember Angelo. You've seen him from time to time. He has been getting pretty skinny, lately... Really skinny. Unhealthy skinny. The kids don't seem to mind, though, and he doesn't say anything when asked. What an odd answer... "Our kitchens are clean.", with no further comment on Angelo's health. Why doesn't he get a health check up?
You place the paper in the bucket. Next one.
"Suggestion: I keep seeing a Wally actor running around, not staying in character. His clothes are a mess. He's been scaring the kids. Whenever I get close enough to catch him, he finds a way to escape, then disappears around a corner. Please, do something!
Okay... odd. You know what? Everything you've read so far is weird. It's only your third week here and you are already so confused. No answer... By the box it goes.
-David Dwyer Suit Mascot"
No answer. You don't want to dwell on this one. Into the unanswered pile.
The next one you pick up is covered in yellow paint... you are guessing face and body paint, since the actors for Wally and Sally ha e to paint their faces and hands yellow.
"Suggestion: I can't stop smiling. I don't want to smile anymore. My face is tired. I can't stop smiling. Can someone help me wipe it off?
You don't find any answer, per say, but flipping it over to the back, you find a scribbled on note.
"I don't know who wrote this, but I found it on the ground by the body paint storage. I don't know why we keep the paints and foods so close to each other. There was a pile of used makeup remover, paper towels, and face cleaners next to it. Can whoever wrote this tell me? Does this have to do with that weird Wally Actor that security keeps talking about?
I don't feel safe, I might quit.
-Sarah Jones Cooking Staff"
Okay... back to the box, you guess?
"Suggestion: Can we please have a health check for Angelo? PLEASE? Something is clearly wrong! I just saw him eating some food, then he rushed to the employee restrooms and started puking! Then, he walked out like he was fine! Some of the things Miss Carter mentioned when I told her are concerning, as well. He's skin and bones right now! Clearly, he isn't fit to work, much less play Wally! What if his appearance scares the kids?
-Gertrude Stone Suit Mascot"
"Answer: We understand your concerns, Miss Stone, but we assure you that he is alright. His weight is still healthy enough for him to keep playing Wally Darling. When we confronted him, he said it was to make sure his weight stays within limits to play the character. He isn't sick. After all, for Wally Darling actors, the smaller the better! It makes him look more petite and closer to the puppet 's body type. The children adore him, as well.
On the side of the answer box, you see that somebody has written "BULLSHIT" in big, red letters. Somebody must've gotten in here before you have. Once again, thank God you aren't a mascot. The answer is really alarming, however... Did they even have him check in with a medical professional? Healthy enough? You feel gross just reading it.
You... don't want to keep going through the suggestions box. Maybe just one more, so it looks like you tried? Your boss might send you to look through it again on a later date, but you are feeling like reading all of this is weighing you down. When you heard you were going to be going through a suggestions box, you expected things like "raise my wage" or "hire more cleaning staff"... Not whatever this stuff is. You feel like you've stumbled upon something you shouldn't be seeing, but still needs to be seen.
You dig into the bottom of the box, pulling out a slip of paper. This time, it seems to be covered in red paint.
"Suggestion: I can't stop smiling. My face won't come off. I can't stop smiling. My face won't come off. I can't stop smiling. My face won't come off. I can't stop smiling. My face won't come off. I can't stop smiling. My face won't come off. Please let me stop smiling.
-Where's Frank's attitude when you need him?"
You hesitate, before flipping over the slip of paper. More writing. It's all in frantic, shaky, scribbled handwriting, as if the person was in some sort of rush or panic.
"Julie can't stop smiling. Sally can't stop smiling. Poppy can't stop smiling. Barnaby can't stop smiling. Howdy can't stop smiling. Eddie can't stop smiling. Frank is the only one who never smiles. Maybe he can't stop frowning? It hurts to smile. It hurts to smile. I'm not happy and it hurts to keep smiling. WHENEVER I TRY TO FROWN I FEEL AND HEAR SOMETHING SNAPPING IN MY FACE. Do they hurt too?
The people around us can stop smiling. The people who aren't as bright and colorful. I can't help but be jealous. Do they hurt when they smile? I'll help them wipe it off."
You stare at the paper, wide-eyed and dumbfounded. How are you supposed to respond to this? What are you supposed to even THINK about this? Will the management even care about this? They haven't cared about Angelo's health, they haven't cared about threats in the suggestions box, they haven't cared about a possible imposter scaring the customers! Should you even bother putting it back into the box-?
"YOU... OPEN...?"
You whip your head around, seeing a yellow hand on the window by the door. You quickly shove the suggestion into your pocket, frowning. Maybe it's Angelo at the door? He clearly hasn't been well... What if he needs immediate help?
Opening up that door, you instantly regret it as a disgusting, rotten smell hits your nose. Looking up at the man, you can tell that it is NOT Angelo. He may be dressed as Wally, but it isn't Angelo in costume. His clothes and hair are a mess, much like in the suggestions talking about this imposter, but that isn't what you notice first.
His smile is too wide.
You try to close the door on him, only for whoever it is to grab it and hold it open. A monotone voice speaks, which you can only assume is from the strange person. He leans in as he speaks, only making the rotting smell coming from him more apparent. Is this what a corpse smells like?
"It... hurts... to smile.... It hurts... to move my face... You too? Help me... wipe it off?"
You frantically look around, trying to find something, anything to get this person out of the room. You unknowingly end up shaking your head as you look around the room, which the man seems to take as a "no".
"No...? O.... okay... I'll go... Find manage... ment. They'll know... what to do..."
He walks away. He walks away like nothing happened. You slam the door shut, dropping to the floor and taking a few, shaking breaths. Your arms are shaking heavily, alongside your legs. Scratch that, your entire body is shaking like a leaf.
You heard of that imposter Wally, but you always thought it was a joke. Now, however, you have been proven wrong. As much as you want to quit, however, you need this job... You have too many unpaid bills and debts, and if you quit, who knows when you'll get hired for another job?
Plus, as horrifying as that situation was... for whatever reason, that imposter didn't attack you... He seemed rather docile, actually.
Once you calm yourself down, you stand up, grabbing the answered suggestions bucket. Then, you book it out of there as fast as possible, hoping that you don't see that Wally again, today.
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winderlylandchime · 6 months
I wrote this all out while pretending to work and actually working so it’s a little all over the place. But now I’m laughing reading it back because it genuinely looks like one of the “check up” texts I send to mom/dad about my brother. Minus the qaf related topics at the end. Anyway, hi! Hope you’re doing well and had a good start of the week! And now back to the idiot I’m related to:
Take a guess who has been listening to Lover’s spit sincere yesterday? I’m talking sitting outside, drinking his coffee while it’s absolutely freezing and listening to Lover’s spit like he’s in some sad music video. (Btw the songs he listened to were Lover’s spit, you look so fine (which was in like s1 so he was really going through it), Save the last dance, Here nor there and true faith. And this was on a loop!) And the only thing he has “said” to me so far is just a simple lip smack with a side eye whenever he looks at me. So i’d say he is doing as expected but he’s also upset with me for making him like the show (bc yeah, i did that. I made him have a crush on Brian)
He also has bunch of doctor check ups today and I can only drop him off and later pick him up since my work is hectic since holiday’s are coming up. And ngl i am keeping all the doctors and nurses in my thoughts today. Usually (even tho it doesn’t look like it) i stop him or at least limit his ramblings so i have no clue how today will go. He might surprise me and behaves like an adult. Also he said that he barely slept overnight because he kept thinking about what could happen in the last 3 episodes and in case you wanted to know, he told me that through the cat. As in ‘Brian, guess who didn’t sleep today cause of Justin and the other Brian? That’s right, me’ and yes, it was said in a baby voice. I did also get a text from his friend asking me if he’s doing okay cause apparently he sent him a voice memo “talking about Brian and how he’s really worried about him” and my brother has absolutely no memory of even sending that. All this is just after 5x09. I am mentally not prepared for him after the finale.
But to answer some of your questions since I didn’t have the chance to yesterday: He only watches the American RuPaul. And he watched season 5 because of Jinkx (on Saturday he watched the video they did with Trixie a few years ago so he started to miss them). And yes, he has managed to drag the entire family into qaf although grandma has no fucking clue what or who he’s talking about so she just nods her head and smiles. And grandpa only knows about it through grandma who is even less reliable than my brother. But he is very happy that he found a hobby even tho at first he thought Brian was his friend. So basically: yes, he has made it everyone’s problem.
And you saying he’s just like Debbie if she was a man made me laugh so hard cause I’ve been thinking the same thing! Im glad someone agrees with me. And I’m happy(?) to report that 3 of our cousins and our aunt(!) actually got in trouble with our grandpa because it turns out they had bets going on if he’ll figure out by the end of the show that he might be a little queer. And then during a family dinner last week it was revealed that it was our uncle who was the one behind the bets and it was his husband who exposed him (yes the uncles whose wedding he went to with rainbow hair). And no it was not cause he thought the bets were immature but because my uncle didn’t let him be in charge with him. So I’d say the whole family is kinda waiting to see what happens and also treating it like their personal entertainment since we do tend to be more chill with these topics (which is such a huge blessing and we really are lucky about the fact that they dont even bat an eye at anything queer related including coming outs). Also I honestly have no idea how he will react to the proposal. I keep trying to think about it and I can never pinpoint his reaction. His reaction to the comic book was as if he saw the worst thing ever so we shall see. Which tbh same, i always hated that cover story :/
As for the Gale/Randy/Hal thing: first of, I didn’t expect that people were going to later talk about it to you so i hope I didn’t cause problems for you of any kind. But I do admit that even years later, it’s still a topic that has me curious since we know so little and since the lack of social media meant they (aka hal) was shady in interviews. Who does that omg? But also: i was so shocked when he said that. Wish you could see him cause he really had that look in his eyes as if he was there and saw them arguing every day and had inside knowledge and like I was the one who didn’t know anything about qaf. You could literally see the wheels turning in his head trying to figure out if he was right or not. I do wonder how he will feel about it once I tell him the little info I know about.
Btw, im glad to hear you cat is doing well. It is the absolute worst when an animal is sick since they can’t tell you what’s wrong. So please give Emmett some kisses and pets!
Oh and the most important part: your little teasers about your fic are making me lose my mind. Nonbinary Gus?! Older Brian?? I might lose my mind completely when i get the chance to read it.
Anon! I was just texting Europe about your brother. It’s now 12:45 as I start to write this and look:
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I’m so glad you wrote because I wanted to remind you and let you make a decision based on whether he’s been paying attention to the titles.
I’m sorry I find it so funny he’s angry with YOI for making him care so much about this show and fall in love with Brian. It’s like when my dogs are mad at me for the rain. (If you’re doing math I have 2 dogs, 2 cats, all rescues because some lesbian stereotypes are accurate.)
Your family is taking bets about whether your brother is going to come out as so form of queer? I love that! Way better than the qaf family taking bets about how long Justin and Brian were going to last.
Don’t worry about mentioning the drama from the cast! I’m still so impressed with how insightful your brother is and how much he’s picked up on everything that the fandom discusses at length. The dynamics between the cast were bound to be one.
Emmett the cat continues to do well and come back from poor pathetic sickly mewmew to absolute bastard of a cat. We love to see it.
I am hoping to start posting my fic next week. I was hoping to have more done but oh well! I need the pressure of readers to focus lol. I’m so glad you’re excited!
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that1garrulousfan · 6 months
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving! Today is a day where we should be grateful. We should be thankful for the life we have, for the lives we’ve lost, and the new lives that shall be welcomed to this world.
Of course life can be unfair, though. It’s not all “cupcakes and rainbows”, and that’s just how it is, and basically how it has to be. You can’t live life without tragedy. Some of you know that better than anyone. It can be devastating to see a good thing end, but sometimes it’s for the better.
A book I love to hate (if that makes sense) is called “A Child Called: It”. It’s an autobiography about a boy named Dave Pelzer. His childhood was… traumatizing and heartbreaking. And so very cruel.
I cried. A lot.
His mother, Catherine Pelzer tortured him in various ways since he was four years old. His life was one of the most tragic lives I’ve ever heard of.
Here is that story: (READ AT YOUR OWN RISK) There is cursing, and MANY forms of abuse.
Sometimes, that’s just how it is…
Moving on, you’ll never know when someone will die. Maybe your family fell apart, and no one wants to talk to one another. Maybe it’s a divorce. Or an argument. Or someone said the wrong thing at the wrong time.
They refuse to communicate. They want to get out of each other’s lives. They hate each other so much. Their hate is so powerful- they forget what the fight even was…
Then… someone dies. No apology. No goodbye.
Then they realize it’s far too late to fix anything.
Another story isn’t even mine, it’s my teachers’. Two of them. Different funerals. Different deaths. Different reasons. But both deaths were of no other than teenagers.
Barely adults. They never even got to be adults. They just… died.
One of their deaths was caused by carelessness. A sleepy driver in an 18 wheeler crashed into the girl’s car, split the car in half and she ended up flying out and getting impaled by a tree branch right in the stomach.
Overall, just be careful on what choices you make. Specifically on how you treat people. It can make a major difference in their lives. For the better, or for the worst. But then again, it’s your life and how you choose to live it.
So here’s a project you can complete for today:
Go to Google slides and make at least 2-5 slides about why you’re grateful for someone and send it to them.
Or write a letter. Or call someone.
You can really make a positive impact on someone’s day today.
Because you never know when it will be the last time you’ll see them.
Recommendations for Books and Movies: The Ultimate Gift, Chicken Noodle Soup for the Soul, I Can Only Imagine, Greater, and Jesus Revolution.
(I kinda rushed this- sorry! 😭 I will edit soon!)
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WIP Titles Tag Game
I was tagged by @flock-from-the-void. Thanks!!!!
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! Then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
I have. a great quantity of WIPs. more than I should, actually. its a problem. Or things I would classify as WIPs that I still think about at least once every 5 months. So there are going to be categorizes, for simplicity and also so I don't get lost in the maze of google docs files and notebooks and scrivener files. As follows: Scriviner Files, Google Docs, & actual notebooks.
(note: most of these do not have more than 1k words in them, or in the case of notebooks, most are less than 1/3 of the way full. I have lots of ideas but they're in my head)
Scriviner Files:
Frost & Fire REVAMP
Echoes of Blood (I haven't the slightest clue what this was)
Ashes of the Morrowwood
enna's prequel
One of Copper and associated works
Silence and Secondhand Souls
The Adventures of Evelyn Harker
sci fi thingy
Starr's story REWRITE
There shall now be a cut, because uh. LONG.
Google Docs:
Royalty AU
Elemental // Draft 0
Starr's Story Draft 0 (Camp NaNo April 2022)
Untitled Document #1--AU Prompt Fill
Vampire Hunter Steampunk Story-Victorian Era?
Assassin's Code
Froost & Fire
Knight Story
Mascardae Ball Fic
Nine's A Storm
Silent War
WIP: Elven Story // Draft 0
A Dragon's Apprentice (NaNo 21)
Actual Physical Notebooks:
Black Notebook--One of Copper 2 (or, the very beginnings of it, anyway)
Purple Dragon Notebook--One of Copper (the entire draft 0 takes up about all but the last 10 pages or so, and thats just lore notes to fill up the rest)
Brown Notebook--NaNo ideas and notes on the stuff i did do for it
White Geode Notebook--misc wip stuff, mostly little snippets of backstory stuff.
that one moleskin notebook my uncle gave me for my birthday--that's the frost & fire notebook, with all the random notes and ideas in it
Rainbow Unicorn Notebook--Space Sci Fi Mail Carriers Story
Teal Notebook--Its got the original notes and rambles for Silence and Secondhand Souls in it, which was really fun to reread just now, but other than that its mostly empty.
Black Notebook (1)--Misc WIP ideas and snippets and such.
Cat Notebook--Lots of longer form snippets and short story like stuff, the beginings of enna's prequel story, and random experimental ideas.
Flower Map Notebook--the first bit is my original ideas for the morrowwood story i mentioned in the scriviner docs section, and then the rest is a lot of random experiments with my d&d characters, most of that stuff is for my one character named Lexi after Certain Events that happened in the campaign, and then ideas for what a prequel about Ana and Redari's backstory could look like.
Space Notebook--This one is almost completely full. Its a bunch of random ideas and snippet type things, for most of my main WIPs.
Moon Notebook--Rewrites of older stuff I wrote, contintuations of older stuff I wrote, and scenes that I haven't gotten around to properly writing in Frost & Fire yet
okay, thats it. mostly. there's a lot. too much, actually.
I shall tag, with absolutely zero pressure, @talesofsorrowandofruin, @did-i-do-this-write, and anyone else who wants to play!!!!
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lilgraceandi · 1 year
Birthday and Diarrhoea
Two days after coming back from Bali, which was a truly enjoyable trip, Grace started having a fever and stomach discomfort. That was on the 9th March. That night, she cried because she didn’t want to be sick on her birthday.
On the morning of her birthday she was still unwell, but we went out for lunch with Ah Kong and Ah Ma to have a simple celebration, as Leslie had a departmental dinner that night. The cafe gave us a slice of cake on the house when they knew it was Grace’s birthday(the owner knows Leslie), then we bought a slice of rainbow cake to celebrate with her at night. It was surprisingly delectable.
On the 11th, after Leslie’s training, we drove up to Melaka to celebrate Grace’s birthday with Alice, Aaron, Porpor, Biow Huei and Ah Hwa. Alice bought a beautiful mermaid ice-cream cake, which Grace initially didn’t want but decided it was really lovely and was supposed to add her unicorn toy to it but forgot. The candle itself was a sparkler so it was really fun.
Today we hurried back in the morning because Leslie had another training to attend. By now Grace had already had diarrhoea at least 6 times so right after we arrived I decided she had to see a doctor. At 4am she woke to go to the toilet too so we both didn’t sleep so well, plus the fact that she was feeling uncomfortable made her toss, turn and kick in bed, me being the recipient of her actions.
We waited about an hour before we saw the doctor, who was elderly, kind yet witty. It turned out that grace had a throat infection that resulted in her getting a fever. Somehow she got a bloated tummy that caused her to purge. It wasn’t food poisoning, which I suspected earlier. The doctor asked her to lie down, and tapped her abdomen. He commented that there were a lot of frogs jumping about in her tummy and let her listen to the stethoscope. Shall I pierce your tummy and let all the air out? he asked.
Back home, Grace had to swallow half a little tablet and two other liquid medicines. It was her first time swallowing a tablet. There were no complaints. After lunch, we took her to Ah Ma’s house to spend the day with Danielle and Daphne.
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polyninja-future · 2 years
The four were looking at how they looked with the ninja gi on. They were all black with only one color on on the hood.
Sky: This is a weird design, but I like how the fabric feels.
Aidan: Mine feels cold. That seems a bit weird.
Clay: Well, you and Winter are having body temperature problems, so Papa probably made it so you wouldn’t overheat.
Winter: Well then, gentlemen, shall we go ninjaing?
Clay: To where exactly? We don’t have any indication of anything needing ninjaing.
Sky was playing with the small computer in Papa’s room.
Clay: Sky.
Sky: What?
Clay: What are you doing?
Sky: There was a tappy screen. I was tapping.
The other quadruplets came over. They saw a signal at an old warehouse.
Aidan: Wonder what that is.
Winter felt his phone vibrate. He pulled it out and saw that the Inferno Rainbow sent a message.
Winter: Uh, I just got coordinates.
Sky: From your girlfriend?
Winter: Sky.
Clay: What do they say?
Winter showed the coordinates to the others.
Aidan: … That’s the warehouse on screen. Maybe whatever this is a tracking thing of people who need rescued!
Winter: And if this was sent by the Inferno Rainbow…
Sky: They got kidnapped?
Winter: We need to go.
Clay: Hang on!
Winter: We don’t have time to hang on!
Clay: Can we at least get weapons so we aren’t completely defenseless!?
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manygalaxiesinone · 30 days
What if Charlie Morningstar Learned the Ultimate Demon Technique?
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((Ask and you shall receive. As you all have voted, I will now give my thoughts on how Charlie Morningstar and later Naruto Uzumaki would be able to use the Ultimate Demon Technique in the Disgaea series.
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For those who don't need a quick refresher since it has been a while since I covered Joker from Persona 5 on this topic, the Ultimate Demon Technique is a powerful martial art created by the Great Demon Fist Goldion and was soon passed on to multiple students like Killia and Zeroken. It is the basis for many skills in the future of the series, like Etna's Sexy Beam for example, and despite its name, it's not exactly vile martial art in nature. Quite the opposite in fact once you get into the more powerful skills like Avidiya Holy Water. Not only that, but it's not limited to just demons. As Killia pointed out in Disgaea RPG, even regular humans like you and I are capable of learning this should we apply ourselves, at least if we were characters in the Disgaea series.
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Meaning that it's completely possible for Charlie to learn and even master this fighting style if she wants to. Keyword there being "if" because remember, Charlie's not really much of a fighter, preferring to resolve situations peacefully if possible, only resorting to violence if she has to. That said, I can see all the hotel guests and staff, including Vaggie and Lucifer, convincing Charlie to learn how to defend herself better just in case after everything that occurred in the Season 1 Finale.
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Let's start things off with Exploding Tiger, which is basically a quick strike creating small bits of energy based on the user's element in order to hold their targets in place before exploding it. The way I see Charlie using it is actually quite simple. She holds a small bit of her element in her hand, does a quick twirl, spreading it to surrounding foes, and either snaps her fingers or bows to cause the small explosions. As for what her element is, I'm willing to go with fire to compliment her overall eagerness and passion to whatever she has in mind to accomplish. That and I think she made a circle of fire in the show's pilot episode, but I never watched the pilot so I can't say for sure. That said, if anyone told me rainbows was her element, I wouldn't argue that in the slightest.
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Next is the hellfire shot, which is the user engulfing part of their body to shoot small, rapid fireballs at their targets before launching a big one creating a pillar of flame. The way I see Charlie using this would honestly depend on her mood.
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If Charlie is pissed off beyond belief in her demon form, then she would more likely just scatter the fireballs around like Killia does.
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Happy-go-lucky Charlie on the other hand, would be more creative with her flames, purposely spreading her fireballs around in order to make shapes like a star or a heart before launching the last fireball to set them all off. I can totally see her doing that for a fireworks festival one day.
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Now we get into the final skill, Avidya Holy Water. Unlike the first two moves, this is where we get into whether or not Charlie would actually be able to use it in the first place, as opposed to would she, because I do think she would when you recall that this skill can remove people from brainwashing. Charlie would definitely find a way to use a non lethal dose for this exact purpose should she ever encounter someone put under this type of spell. As Killia puts it in Disgaea 5, the user must be able to conquer their heart in order to activate it. Negative feelings surrounding the heart will prevent anyone from using it. Now some might think that "Oh then Charlie should use it no problem, she's the nicest person ever, there can't be any negative emotions in her heart." And here's where I tell you that you might be wrong about it.
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Remember the scene where Husk calls everyone out whenever they got drunk at the bar during season 1? He clearly points out that Charlie has a bleeding heart as she does her hardest to solve everyone else's problems but ignoring her own personal issues. Keep in mind, hiding your own insecurities is one of the main reasons why Zeroken had so much trouble using it in Disgaea 5. Now granted, I'm sure Charlie has talked about this sort of thing privately with Vaggie as she has pointed out, they share everything, and while talking to those you trust definitely helps, if she's not actively tackling whatever personal problems she has built up in her heart, she won't be able to use the final skill. Don't get me wrong, I do think she will reach that point as the show progresses but as she is right now, she's going to struggle trying to activate it.
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But after she does accomplish that, there's still the Ultimate Skill, Macrocosm. This skill can be used once the user is in tune with their desires to protect those precious to them. Not only that, but it's power is amplified by the bonds they have with said precious people. Now I can totally see Charlie being able this not long after learning Avidya Holy Water because at that point, she'll fully understand that her desires to help and protect her citizens is just the right thing to do and the thing she wants to do and not also being a means to escape her own issues whatever that may be. That said, I don't really see her using it often as this skill forcefully expels the darkness in their target's heart if it doesn't outright kill them. Think of the Phantom Thieves stealing your heart without the need of a calling card, or the spirit bomb from Dragonball with a smaller charge time. Charlie is all about helping others atone, but willing participants only. Unless if she's actively fighting someone in order to protect her friends, I don't really see her using it. Though let's be honest, her firing that in Valentino's face while shielding Angel Dust would be pretty cool.
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Finally, if possible, I would like to try to see if Charlie would make an original technique of her own. Charlie is pretty creative so this shouldn't be hard for her if she puts her mind to it. I think the best way to do it is to incorporate her singing with her hellfire shot and avidya holy water, creating her own version of holy flames that dance around and "burns" everyone out of their brainwashing and potentially a small power boost. The flames themselves could even be given a blue color signifying their purification abilities. As for the name, it should be as oxymoronically fitting as the skill itself. Me personally, I like the name "Hell's Holy Melody" but if anyone has any other ideas, let me know.
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And that's how I think Charlie would learn the Ultimate Demon Technique. Do you agree or disagree? Got any ideas on how differently she might would act using these moves? Feel free to share them and stay tuned for next time when I disgust Naruto Uzumaki. Thanks for reading.))
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moonflower1605 · 5 months
Chapter - 29
(Ella's POV)
I wasn't dead. Now that was a first...
“Nora, wake up.” A voice said.
Salt water splashed on my face & Percy was shaking my shoulder. I was on a hippocampus with Percy which I hadn't noticed right away.
In the distance, the sun was setting behind a city skyline. I saw a beachside highway lined with palm trees, glowing storefronts, & a harbor filled with sail boats & cruises.
“This is Miami, I think,” Annie said. “But the hippocampi are acting funny.”
Sure enough, our fishy friends had slowed down & were whining as they swam in circles, sniffing the water.
They didn’t look happy. One of them sneezed.
“This is as far as they’ll take us,” Percy said. “Too many humans. Too much pollution. We’ll have to swim to shore on our own.”
None of us was very psyched about that, but we thanked Rainbow & his friends for the ride & got off.
Tyson cried a little. He unfastened the makeshift saddle pack he’d made, which contained his tool kit & a couple of other things he’d salvaged from the Birmingham wreck. He hugged Rainbow around the neck, gave him a soggy mango he picked up on the island, & said goodbye.
Once the hippocampi’s white manes disappeared into the sea, we swam for the shore. The waves pushed us forward, & in no time we were back in the mortal world.
We wandered along the cruise line docks, pushing through crowds of people arriving for vacations. Taxi drivers yelled at each other in Spanish & tried to cut in line for customers. If anybody noticed us-five kids dripping wet & looking like they’d just had a fight with a monster-they didn’t let on.
Now that we were back among mortals, Tyson’s single eye had blurred from the Mist. Grover put on his cap & sneakers.
Even the Fleece had transformed from a sheepskin to a red-&-gold high school jacket with a glitter Omega on its pocket.
Annie ran to the nearest newspaper box and checked the date on the Miami Herald. She cursed. “June eighteenth! We’ve been away from camp ten days!”
“That’s impossible!” Clarisse said.
But I knew it wasn’t. Time was different in monstrous places.
“Thalia’s tree must be almost dead,” Grover wailed. “We have to get the Fleece back tonight.”
Clarisse slumped down on the pavement.
“How're we supposed to do that?” Her voice trembled. “We’re hundreds of miles away. No money. No ride. This is like the Oracle said. It’s your fault, Jackson! If you hadn’t interfered-“
"How is it-" Percy started to say.
“Percy’s fault?!” Annabeth exploded. “Clarisse, how can you say that? You are the biggest-“
“Guys, shut up!” I said.
Percy just looked away. Clarisse put her head in hands. Annie stomped her foot in frustration.
“Clarisse,” I said, “what did the Oracle say?”
She looked up. I thought she was going to tell me off, but instead she took a deep breath & recited her prophecy:
“You shall sail the iron ship with warriors of bone,
You shall find what you seek and make it your own,
But despair for your life entombed within stone,
And fail without friends, to fly home alone.”
“Ouch,” Grover mumbled.
“No,” Percy said. “No..wait a minute. I got it.”
He searched his pockets then said.
“Does anybody have cash?”
Annie, Grover & I shook our heads. Clarisse pulled a wet Confederate dollar from her pocket & sighed.
“Cash?” Tyson asked hesitantly. “Like green paper?”
I looked at him. “Yeah.”
“Like the kind in duffel bags?”
“Yeah, but we lost those bags days a-g-g-“
Percy stuttered to a halt as Tyson rummaged his saddle pack & pulled out a Ziploc bag full of cash that Hermes had included in our supplies.
“Tyson!” I said. “How did you-“
“Thought it was a feed bag for Rainbow,” he said. “Found it floating in sea, but only paper inside.”
He handed over the cash to Percy. Fives & tens, at least three hundred dollars.
Percy ran to the curb & got a taxi that just let out a family of cruise passengers.
“Clarisse,” he yelled. “Come on. You’re going to the airport. Annabeth, give her the Fleece.”
I’m not sure which of us looked more stunned as he took the Fleece jacket from Annie, tucked the cash into its pocket, & put it in Clarisse’s arms.
Clarisse said, “You’d let me-“
“It’s your quest,” he said. “We only have enough money for one flight. Besides, I can’t travel by air. Zeus would blast me into a million pieces." Percy said looking over at me & I just nod at him with a sad look.
"That’s what the prophecy meant: you’d fail without friends, meaning you’d need our help, but you’d have to fly home alone. You have to get the Fleece back safely.”
She then jumped in the cab. “You can count on me. I won’t fail.”
“Not failing would be good.” The cab peeled out in a cloud of exhaust.
“Percy,” I said, “that was so-“
“Generous?” Grover offered.
“Insane,” Annie corrected. “You’re betting everybody's lives at camp that Clarisse will get the Fleece safely back by tonight?”
“It’s her quest,” Percy said. “She deserves a chance.”
“Percy is nice,” Tyson said.
“Percy is too nice,” Annie grumbled.
"Stop it Annie.."
“Come on,” Percy told us. “Let’s find another way home.”
That’s when he turned & found a sword’s point at his throat.
“Hey, cuz,” said Luke. “Welcome back to the States.”
His bear-man thugs appeared on either of side of us. One grabbed Annie, Grover & me by our T-shirt collars.
The other one tried to grab Tyson, but Tyson knocked him into a pile of luggage & roared at Luke.
“Percy,” Luke said calmly, “tell your giant to back down or I’ll have Oreius bash your friends’ heads together.”
Oreius grinned & raised us off the ground, we tried kicking & screaming to no avail.
“What do you want, Luke?” Percy growled.
He smiled, the scar rippling on the side of his face.
He gestured toward the end of the dock, & I noticed what should’ve been obvious. The biggest boat in port was the Princess Andromeda.
“Why,” Luke said, “I want to extend my hospitality, of course.”
The bear twins herded us aboard the Princess Andromeda. They threw us down on the aft deck in front of a swimming pool with sparkling fountains that sprayed water into the air.
“And so, the Fleece,” Luke mused. “Where is it?” He looked us over, prodding Percy’s shirt with the tip of his sword, poking Grover’s jeans.
“Hey!” Grover yelled. “That’s real goat fur under there!”
“Sorry, old friend.” Luke smiled. “Just give me the Fleece & I’ll leave you to return to your, ah, little nature quest.”
“Blaa-ha-ha!” Grover protested. “Some old friend!”
“Maybe you didn’t hear me.” Luke’s voice was dangerously calm. “Where-is-the-Fleece?”
“Not here, we sent it on ahead of us. You messed up.” Percy said.
Luke’s eyes narrowed. “You’re lying. You couldn’t have...” He froze as a horrible possibility occurred to him. “Clarisse?”
He nodded.
“You trusted...you gave...ugh..Agrius!”
The bear giant flinched. “Y-yes?”
“Get below & prepare my steed. Bring it to the deck. I need to fly to the Miami Airport, fast."
“But, boss-“
“Do it!” Luke screamed. “Or I’ll feed you to the drakon!”
The bear-man gulped & lumbered down the stairs. Luke paced in front of the swimming pool, cursing in Ancient Greek. His crew looked uneasy. Maybe they’d never seen their boss so unhinged before.
I started thinking...If we could use Luke’s anger, get him to talk so everybody could hear how crazy his plans were...
I look at the swimming pool, the fountains sprayed mist in the air & made a rainbow in the sunset & I suddenly got an idea.
“You’ve been toying with us all along,” I said. “You wanted us to bring you the Fleece & save you the trouble of getting it. You're a traitor!”
Luke scowled. “You had to mess things up!”
I suddenly felt a burst of strength to break out of Oreius's grip & drop to the ground.
I heard Percy say, "Nora don't-"
But I quickly cut him off & speak to him telepathically telling him to wait. My plan was insane but it had to work. I'd seen a future vision of a group of centaurs coming to help us..I just had to buy us some time..
I dug out a gold drachma out of my pocket & threw it at Luke. As expected, he dodged easily. The coin sailed into the spray of rainbow mist. I hoped my prayer would be accepted silently. I thought: O goddess, accept my offering.
“You're an idiot! You tricked all of us!” I yelled at Luke. “Even Dionysus at Camp Half-Blood!”
Behind Luke, the fountain began to shimmer, but I needed everyone’s attention on me.
So I telepathically said to Percy. 'We've got to distract him.' He instantly understood & uncapped Riptide as I drew Starshot.
Luke just sneered. “This is no time for heroics. Drop your puny little weapons, or I’ll have you killed sooner rather than later.”
“Who poisoned Thalia’s tree, Luke?” I said.
“I did, of course,” he snarled. “I already told you that. I used elder python venom, straight from the depths of Tartarus.”
“Chiron had nothing to do with it?” Percy continued.
“Ha! You know he would never do that. The old fool wouldn’t have the guts.”
“You call it guts? Betraying your friends? Endangering the whole camp?” Percy said.
Luke raised his sword. “You don’t get the half of it. I was going to let you take the Fleece...once I was done with it.”
That made me hesitate. Why would he let us take the Fleece? He must’ve been lying. But I knew he wasn't.
“You were going to heal Kronos,” I said.
“Yes! The Fleece’s magic would’ve sped his mending process by tenfold. But you haven’t stopped us. You’ve only slowed us down a little.”
“And so you poisoned the tree, you betrayed Thalia, just because you were selfish. And then you set us up-to help Kronos destroy the gods.” I said.
Luke gritted his teeth. “You know that! Why do you keep asking me?”
“So that everybody in the audience can hear you!” I snapped.
“What audience?”
His eyes narrowed & he looked behind him & his goons did the same. They gasped & stumbled back.
Above the pool, was an Iris-message of Dionysus, Tantalus, & the whole camp in the dining pavilion. They sat in stunned silence, watching us.
“Well,” Dionysus said, “some unplanned dinner entertainment.”
“Mr. D, you heard Luke,” I said. “All of you did. The poisoning of the tree wasn’t Chiron’s fault.”
Mr. D sighed. “I suppose not.”
“The Iris-message can be a trick.”
Tantalus suggested, but his attention was mostly on a cheeseburger, which he tried to corner with both hands.
“I fear not,” Mr. D said, looking distastefully at Tantalus. “I'll have to reinstate Chiron as activities director. I suppose I do miss the old horse’s pinochle games.”
Tantalus grabbed the cheeseburger. It didn’t bolt away from him. He lifted it from the plate & stared at it in amazement.
“I got it!” he cackled.
“We are no longer in need of your services, Tantalus,” Mr. D announced.
Tantalus looked stunned. “What? But-“
“You may return to the Underworld. You are dismissed.”
“No! But-Nooooooooooo!”
He dissolved into mist, his fingers tried to  eat the cheeseburger but it was too late. He disappeared & the cheeseburger fell back on the plate.
The campers exploded into cheering.
Luke was outraged. He slashed his sword through the fountain & the Iris-message dissolved. I felt good until Luke turned to give Percy & me a murderous look.
“Kronos was right. You two are unreliable weapons. You need to be replaced.”
I wasn’t sure what he meant, but I didn’t have time to think about it.
One of his men blew a whistle, & the deck doors opened as a dozen warriors poured out, & made a circle around us, the brass tips of their spears bristling.
Luke said. “You're not leaving this boat alive.”
Looooongg chapterr😮‍💨
Link to the next chapter is here.
Link to the prev chapter is here.
Comment, like & share.
Take care my lovely readers.❤️
Alice signing off.
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hwanchaesong · 2 years
hi! from your song prompts, i was wondering if you could please do yunho and good evening by shinee please? fluff (maybe slightly suggestive?) please?
the song is listed as good night but shinee doesn’t have a song called goodnight so i’m assuming you meant good evening 😣
a/n: omg you're right 😭 my melted brain wrote night instead of evening goshh, thank you for the correction 🥹 and also tysm for requesting again~ 💚
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👤: ATEEZ Jeong Yunho
📼: Good Evening - SHINEE
genre & warnings: fluffy, suggestive, sprinkle of angst
word count: 506
for anyone who wants to, don't be shy and send me asks based on Prompts Request Song Version. Thank you so much!
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"I miss you."
Those three words from you made Yunho rush to wherever you are.
Moon up high in the sky, stars shining brightly against the darkness, they were the audience to the impending passionate night that is about to ensue once you open the door for Yunho to enter.
You didn't know what got into you, all you can think of is him.
Watching the sun set, you wished for him to be beside you, holding you close and feeling his warmth seep into your skin.
You did not expect him to show up in front of your house though, knocking furiously on your door and calling your name loudly.
"Y/N! Open up!"
You went down quickly, opening the door and before you can even ask him why he's here, he cupped your face and kissed you fiercely.
He backed you up on a wall, "I'm sorry but, let's save the talk for later, shall we?" he breathed and in your dazed state, the only thing that you could do was nod.
Like a marathon, his breathing got rougher, pace getting faster, and each time he hits a sweet spot of yours, the closer utopia is within your reach.
Exhaustion settled down on your bodies after the intense session, but the talk is more important than sleep.
"So, what are we?" you asked, humming when his hands ran through your hair fondly, immediately soothing your tired muscles.
"What do you want us to be?" he quipped back and you raised your head a little, looking at him hopefully.
What kind of relationship would you want to have with him?
If you told him that you'll gladly put your heart in his hands, will he accept it and give his to you as well?
What would you get after all this?
As you keep on thinking about what to reply to his question, him on the other hand stares at you like you hung the stars in the heavens for him to gaze at.
You are such a work of art, your eyes, nose, lips, everything about you is perfect and he couldn't wait to call you as his.
"Maybe we should-"
"We should date."
You were dumbfounded to say the least. His grip on your waist tightened, pulling you closer to him.
He nuzzled his nose against the crown of your head, making you smile giddily.
A start of something new in your story. Sunshine and rainbows in your hearts despite the rain drizzling outside, droplets of water pelting on your windows.
"I like the sound of that." you said, beaming at him and he personally felt his world change the moment you gave him the affirmation that he was anxiously waiting for.
"That's great, girlfriend." he chuckled, butterflies in your stomach erupting because of his petname.
"Let's sleep you, doofus."
He pouted, "I called you my girlfriend and that is how you repay me?"
"Shut up!" you hit his chest weakly, cuddling unto him further, "I say goodnight, boyfriend."
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shortpplfedup · 2 years
Some shall be pardon'd, and (none) punished Bad Buddy Episode 12
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Hold, daughter: I do spy a kind of hope, Which craves as desperate an execution. As that is desperate which we would prevent. If, rather than to marry County Paris, Thou hast the strength of will to slay thyself, Then is it likely thou wilt undertake A thing like death to chide away this shame, That copest with death himself to scape from it: And, if thou darest, I'll give thee remedy.
Oh they got us GOOD. If I ever in life meet Aof in person I'm gonna smack the back of his head. But when I think about it, the only twist left to twist in this romcom Romeo and Juliet AU is to make the fake death plot actually WORK. In this episode, we catch up with Pat, Pran and the whole gang 4 years in the future, in the softest, fluffiest, most low-stakes middle-ending EVER. Everything isn't rainbows, but it's good enough for the moment, and there are signs that better days are coming.
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O true apothecary! Thy drugs are quick. Thus with a kiss I die.
Yea, noise? then I'll be brief. O happy dagger! This is thy sheath...
I really didn't expect them to return to being a secret...but they weren't really? All the important people knew this time, which must have made things easier. And as we realise by the end, their parents pretty much know as well, and...well they aren't fine with it, but they won't interfere, which is where I originally thought things might land before I went full clown off last week's preview. They do love their children and don't want to lose them, but they are also still saving face. And Pat and Pran get what they want, which is to be together without lying to anybody they care about.
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I will raise her statue in pure gold; That while Verona by that name is known, There shall no figure at such rate be set As that of true and faithful Juliet.
As rich shall Romeo's by his lady's lie; Poor sacrifices of our enmity!
In the end, I think Aof tried to thread the needle between a totally happy ending and a realistically happy one, and mostly stuck it, though I think some won't like the solution. The rift between their parents is an old, deep wound, and it won't easily be healed, but the parents DO love their children enough to let them be happy together, and maybe try to make some baby steps toward each other. There are signs that forgiveness will come eventually, things can't and won't stay at this detente forever. Ming drinking the liquor that is obviously from Pran, and crossing the line to deliver Dissaya's mail, and Dissaya leaving the guitar on Pran's bed, and both parents knowing the two are sneaking around at home to be with each other and just letting it go are tiny, tiny things, but they're not nothing. They still can't reconcile, but they've at least stopped putting it on their kids. Things work for now because Pran is away, but when he returns something will have to shift, I think that's clear. It's an ending to the story, but not the ending.
Commentary from the Chorus
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This really was more like a special ep after the finale feeling of last week.
The fakeout lasting 2 parts was just cruel 🤣
Pran really rubbed that tee ON HIS JUNK and gave it to Pat to sniff, I can't.
I'm so glad they didn't do Wai/Korn. Wai remains bitchmade.
Ink and Paa when is the wedding?
They found a way to do the end of the novel without doing the end of the novel and I kind of love that.
Pat's mom and Pran's dad definitely have a 4 year WhatsApp chat going where they roll their eyes at the stubbornness of their respective spouses and keep each other up to date on their sons-in-law.
The chaos of the ending scene...these two are just FERAL and I kind of love it. Pran climbing up on the counter...I CACKLED. Get yours my Virgo son!
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flavia-draws · 2 years
Why The Steven Universe Crew (Crewniverse) Does Not Understand Color Theory
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Think about it. Fusions are a combination of the component gems' colors. Garnet: blue + red = purple. Malachite: orange + blue =, well, brown, but Jasper's close enough to yellow for the green to work. But SUNSTONE. The only Steven Universe character I actually dislike. Smoky Quartz also has...unusual color choices, but Sunstone gets on my nerves the most. Rose Quartz: pink. Pink = red + white. Garnet: Ruby (red) + Sapphire (blue).
Red + white + red + blue =...orange?
Orange = red + YELLOW. Where, dear crew, did the yellow come from?
Shall we look at the other Steven + Gem fusions?
Rainbow Quartz, pinky rainbow white. About accurate for Steven/Rose + Pearl (although it does bug me that their fusion is a quartz when Pearl isn't a quartz. I think they should have been some kind of opal, but at least the crew got the colors right). But Smoky Quartz. Brown. Rose Quartz, again, pink = red + white. Amethyst, purple. Purple = red + blue. So again, we have red + white + red + blue, only this time it equals brown. For some reason. The reason, probably, is so it could be some sort of quartz that isn't just color + quartz like a lot of the headcanon Steven + Gem fusion names were, but why sacrifice logical color for that?
In my view, both Sunstone and Smoky Quartz (as much as I love Smoky) should be some sort of pink-red or fuchsia gem. As much as I can be annoyed by the "color + gem name" fusion naming convention when overused and/or mineralogically inaccurate (thankfully it's just a fandom thing and not something the crew ever resorted to), I would enjoy these characters a lot more if the crew had gone with more logical colors and names. Amethyst is a quartz. Rose Quartz is a quartz. (Yes, Rose Quartz isn't really a quartz, but as she was pretending to be one her fusions are named as if she was one.) Obviously their fusion should be some sort of quartz, and since quartz comes in most if not all colors, this is indeed a time to break out the color + gem name format. Pick any name for a blend of pink and purple, stick quartz on the end, and you've got their fusion name! What do you think of Magenta Quartz?
Now, the fusion of Steven/Rose and Garnet isn't as easy. Cherry Quartz was something I saw in a couple places in the way back when, but I dislike that, because their fusion wouldn't be a quartz when neither Ruby nor Sapphire is one. Also, the colors don't make sense, because cherry quartz is red or pink, which forgets about Sapphire's blue.
What I like to do first when coming up with fusion names is think: do we have a precedent? Ruby + sapphire + quartz. Sound familiar? Yes! We do, in fact have a precedent for ruby + sapphire + quartz. Garnet and Amethyst's fusion, Sugilite.
Since calling the Garnet + Rose/Steven fusion Sugilite would be confusing, this also seems like it calls for the color + gem name format. Lilac Sugilite, anyone? What about Fuchsia Sugilite, Fuchsia for short? Or we could go with one of the few alternate names for sugilite--Lavulite! Or howe bout Royal Azel! That's a name that EXUDES Steven + Garnet vibes! Or, another option--Wikipedia tells me that sugilite belongs to a category of gems called cyclosilicates. Could pick one of the other cyclosilicates! Personally, though, I'd go with Royal Azel, since their fusion being a sugilite makes a lot of sense and the name has serious cool vibes. I have to draw this now.
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forever-rogue · 3 years
congrats on the followers milestone! can i request
“You’re shaking.” from prompt list 3 with Javier Peña? ❤️
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Ask and you shall receive, my love 💕😌
Javier Peña x Fem!Reader; warnings: depictions of violence & angst
Javier Masterlist
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"Javier," you didn't even open your eyes as you reached out for him. You were buried in a cocoon of warm, plush blankets, resting on a pillow that smelled just like him. 
It was late - so late that it was early in the morning. A soft sigh escaped your lips as you listened to him continue to pace his bedroom. The window was wide open, letting in the soft sounds of the lightly falling rain, but it still wasn't enough to drown out the shuffling of his feet. His body was practically humming with nervous energy as he couldn't quite seem to calm down.
"You're going to wear a hole in the floor," you pouted as you sneaked a peek at him, finding him standing at the foot of the bed, shoulders slumped and hanging his head in...shame? Worry? Something was weighing heavy on him. 
He got like this sometimes; but you didn't blame him. While you didn't work for the DEA and weren't completely privy to every aspect of his job, you knew it was hardly rainbows and sunshine. But you never, ever pried, rather, you provided whatever he needed. Sometimes it was silence, a comforting touch as he pondered over his actions. Sometimes it was listening to him as he ranted and raved about his day. Sometimes it was providing a sounding board he posed different theories about anything and everything. 
But most importantly, it was you being you. He loved you more than life itself, and at the end of the day, getting to come home to you, to be yours, was more than he could have dreamed of. You were the reminder that for all the bad that was in the world, there was still some good. There was still a reason to hope, a reason to get up every morning and fight for the right thing. 
Slowly, ever so slowly, he turned around and looked at you, nothing but sorrow etched in his eyes. Those soft brown eyes were often filled with so much emotion, so many things all at once - honeyed and golden - and now? They were tired, empty- hollow. He exhaled slowly, a long shaky thing before he offered you a small nod.
You sat up and held your hand to him, beckoning for him to come closer. Javier stared at your outstretched hand for a moment before caving and giving you his own, much larger hand. Pulling him closer to you, he gave in and sat at the end of the bed.
"I love these hands," you whispered before bringing it to your lips and gently kissed his knuckles, "so strong and calloused, but still soft and tender under it all. One of the best parts of my day is getting to hold one of these hands - or to be held by them."
"Dulzura," it was the first time he had spoken since he'd arrived home. It had been late and you were already in bed. He'd barely alerted you to his presence, only announcing his arrival with a soft kiss to your forehead that had stirred you from your slumber.
"Javier," you reached over and touched his cheek before tracing over his features, "I love you, so much. I want you to always know that. You don't have to tell me what's going on,  but you know I will be here for you no matter what."
Almost as if a weight had been magically lifted from his shoulders, he let out a gentle sigh before closing his eyes and keening into your touch. You were the sun, despite the cold, dark embrace of the night, and he was lucky enough to be in your orbit.
"I love you," he whispered gruffly, his voice catching on each syllable. Before he could think twice about it, he wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you closer, wanting to feel the sacred intimacy of your skin on his, "I will always protect you. Yeah?"
"Javier," you smiled softly before pressing your forehead against his, "I know that. You don't have to tell me what's on your mind, but if you want to, you know I'll listen. I'm not here to judge you; you think you're this monster, but I know you're not. You're a good man, despite what you think."
Javier made a small sound in his throat before gently laying you back down in your pile of blankets; they were soft - so soft - just like your heart. Instead of getting up to aimlessly pace around, he laid down next to you, facing you, as he slung an around your waist and tangled his legs with yours. Reaching over, you brushed a stray curl from his forehead before giving him a gentle kiss. The worry on his face eased up ever so slightly as you closed your eyes and pulled him against your chest before using him as your pillow.
It wasn't long before you were asleep again, delicately snoring in his arms as he tried to ground himself with your presence. But sleep still managed to evade him, and he laid there with a multitude of dark thoughts in his mind.
But at least you weren't one of them.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
It was supposed to be easy. It was supposed to be a quick in and out of the small supermarket. Another long week had passed and you had wanted to surprise Javi with his favorites for dinner. 
It was all supposed to be so simple.
And now? 
You were lying against a mess of rubble and smoke, your ears ringing out of control as your vision grew hazy. Everything hurt, but you were alive - covered in blood, not all your own, as you tried to make sense of what happened. Abrasions and gashes liberally covered your body as you tried to wipe away the grime from your face.
All around you people were running around frantically, screaming and shouting. You didn't blame them; if you hadn't been so confused and taken aback by what happened you would have been the same. 
You pulled yourself up on shaking, trembling legs, and tried to navigate away from the ruin. Whatever type of bomb that had been used was enough for this building and the next, it had caused nothing but chaos. All you knew was that you wanted to get out. Out, out, out and into safety.
But before you could escape, you heard frenzied shouts of your name among the loud ringing and screams. You looked around and found Javier sprinting over to you.
He stopped as soon as he was in front of you, his hands finding your face as he looked you over. You didn't even realize you'd begun to cry until you felt his hand brush away some of the tears.
He was speaking - asking you questions but you didn't hear a word. His hands went to your shoulders as he tried to shake you and pull you back in reality but nothing worked. It was like you were watching a movie play out, but this wasn’t anything like that - this was a horrifying reality. The worst part? You were one of the lucky ones.
You were in such a daze that you shut down, finding yourself blankly staring back at him. Nothing but fear and worry clouded his expression as he tried to get you to say something - anything - back to him.
The last thing you remembered was him pulling you into his arms and turning away from the horrific scene.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
The next time you woke up it was quiet. Almost too quiet and nothing met your ears the harsh ticking of the clock on the wall and the beeping of the several machines. A small groan left your lips as you slowly moved, trying to stretch your stiff limbs as you woke up. 
Rubbing at your heavy eyes, you frowned deeply when you saw all the contusions and lingering scratches on your hand.
Oh. It hadn’t been some sort of wicked dream or nightmare. 
Your throat was practically raw as you tried to swallow, screaming in pain. You quickly spied the pitcher of water and sad plastic cups on the table next to your bed, reaching for it hastily as you poured a cup and downed it in one go. It was warm and almost metallic; you wondered how long it had been there. How long you had been there. 
Studying the IV in your arms, along with other various implements, you sighed as you tried not to cry. Everything hurt, every fiber of your being felt like it was aching to the bone. Pulling back the thin, scratchy blanket, you realized your lower half didn’t look much better. Your legs were nothing but constellations of black and blue tinged with green. As if to test the waters, you moved each leg, flexing your feet and knees, as if just checking to make sure everything still worked. Just in case. Just because.
It hurt now, and no doubt for a long time, but you were alive. You were still breathing, taking in shallow breath after shallow painful breath. But you were still here. That’s what mattered.
You looked around for someone...anyone. But found no one. Your heart fell a little as you had half expected Javier to be there, or perhaps Steve, or maybe even Connie. But there was no one. Half tempted to get up and move around, or at least try, you refrained and hit the call button on the remote on your side instead. 
It was only a few moments before you heard footsteps approaching and a nurse poke in her head. Her face lit up when she noticed that you were awake and conscious, despite the sight for sore eyes that you currently were. 
“You’re awake,” she came over and looked at you, a hand going to your face as she brushed away a few tangled locks from your forehead, “a welcome surprise. How are you feeling?”
“Like death,” you admitted quietly, “but I’m here, and that’s...that’s the important part.”
“You survived a bombing.” she reminded you, “being here is the only thing right now. How’s the pain?”
“Just sore,” you admitted, not quite feeling the full effects just yet, “am I...anything permanent?”
“No,” she promised as you felt a wave of relief wash over you, “you got lucky. You’ll be back to normal eventually, right now you’ll need lots of rest - for your body and mind. We just want to keep you for a few more days to make sure there’s no infection with anything. You had a few good gashes on your legs and abdomen.”
“Okay,” you let out a stunted exhale as you realized that no matter what happened, you were in good hands and had been well taken care of. But that still didn’t solve the mystery of why you were alone, “there was a man that brought me in I’m sure...is he...here?”
“Javier?” she asked as you nodded lightly, “he had to leave on an emergency call. Don’t worry, sweetheart, he hasn’t left your side in days.”
“Days?” you tilted your head to the side in confusion, “how long have I been here?”
“Almost a week,” she gave a tight lipped smile, “go on and rest, and I’ll bring you something to eat. I’m sure he'll be back soon.”
»»————- ♡ ————-««
But soon turned into hours and those hours stretched into the wee hours of the night, and eventually you fell back asleep. The amount of painkillers and fluids were enough to keep you drowsy and despite wanting to see Javier, you couldn’t stay awake. 
It had hurt your feelings a little - the fact that no one stopped in to see you. But you decided not to take it personally; work was probably insane at the moment.
Javier didn’t make an appearance until the next afternoon.
His tread was light as he hovered in the doorway, almost as if studying you to see if you were conscious. 
“Javi,” you beamed when you spotted him, slowly sitting up as best as you could. Your heart instantly felt better at the sight of your lover as he shuffled into the room. You’d expected him to be excited, to smile, to cry, to...something. But there was...nothing. You frowned as he came and stood at the side of your bed, “Javier? W-what’s wrong, mi amor?”
“Look at you,” he whispered softly after a few tense moments, reaching up and gingerly touching your cheek. You sighed and reached for his hand but he quickly flinched out of your grasp.
“It’s okay,” you promised softly, surprised by his recoil, “it looks bad now, but it will be better. They said nothing is permanent. I’ll be fine soon enough.”
“You were almost killed and you think this is fine?!” you had never heard him shout before, not like this, not in such anger. His nostrils flared as he ran a hand over his tired face, “you look terrible, you were barely conscious and then in a coma for a week. Nothing about this is fine!”
“Javi,” you had leaned away at the sound of yelling, confused and hurt by his harsh response, “I’m alive, okay? That’s what matters. The rest will get better -”
“What about all the people that it won’t get better for?” he sighed as he turned around for a moment, his shoulders rising and falling heavily, “what if it had been you? If something worse had happened to you, I would never be able to live with myself.”
“But it didn’t,” you whispered, “and I know it’s hard to accept right now, but I am okay and it will get better and this isn’t your fault. Please, Javier, calm down, my love, you’re shaking…”
“This was because of me,” he turned around, an emotionless mask on his face, “don’t you understand that? This happened to you because you know me...because you’re with me.”
“I couldn’t even protect you,” he hung his head with a bitter laugh, “I promised I would always protect you, and I couldn’t even do that much. What if...I can’t do this anymore. I can’t do this every day knowing how easy it is for them to get to you. I won’t have anything happen to you just because you’re mine - because of me.”
“You didn’t….” you paused and tried to reach for him, holding out your hand and offering it to him as you had done countless times before. Except this time...he didn’t take it, “Javier. I know this was bad, and I know that it wasn’t your fault. You did protect me - if you hadn’t gotten me here in time, or came to me, it could have been so much worse. I’m not...I know the risks of your job, Javi, but it doesn’t scare me. Not away from you….I love you.”
“I know,” he answered gruffly, “I know you do. Despite the fact that I’m a bad man that does bad things. And I love you too. That’s why I have to do this….”
“Do what?” you asked as your heart plummeted into your stomach at the tone of his words. This wasn’t good - no this..was very bad, “Javier? What’s...what’s going on?”
“As soon as you’re well enough to travel, you’re going home,” he didn’t even look at you as your mouth dropped in horror and confusion, “you’re getting on the first plane back to the states. And you’re never setting foot back in Colombia.”
“Javier,” your voice cracked as he refused to meet your eyes, “you can’t just do that. You can’t-”
“I have and I will,” he answered gruffly, “it’s been taken care of. The DEA will set you up with a new place and help you find a new job. Please...just don’t argue with me. Just…”
“You can’t do this,” you were crying now, as your whole world crumbled around you and Javier started to walk away, refusing to look at you again, “please...please don’t do this. Please don’t make me leave. Don’t - don’t...walk away. Javier, I love you, and I want to be here with you. I don’t care about anything else!”
“I know, Dulzura,” he whispered as he paused in the doorway, his back still to you, “I love you more than you will ever know. That’s why this has to be done. Please just...do this one thing. For me.”
“Javier...don’t walk away,” you were begging him, your chest tightening in constricting as it got harder and harder to breathe, “p-p-please don’t do this. Please don’t leave me - not like this. Please.”
“I am sorry,” he promised gently, “I’m sorry for everything I’ve put you through. But I do love you, truly, that’s why I have to do this. You will thank me one day.”
“Javier,” he turned and walked out of the small room, pausing for just a moment before he exhaled shakily and walked away. If you had seen him, you’d have seen the most heartbroken look on his face as tears streamed down his cheeks. But you didn’t; instead you sat there, helpless and small as your vision grew warm and bleary with your own tears. 
You hid your face in your hands as you cried and cried and cried until you couldn’t anymore. No one came in, no one said anything, and he never came back. 
This was….it. A new life without your love. 
Empty, hollow, broken. Just like him - and now you. 
»»————- ♡ ————-««
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cutef1cs · 3 years
Could I request a romantic one-shot of Scorpia and reader I'm v gay for the buff scorpion wife,, 🥺👉👈
Description: You and Scorpia are living together in an enchanted forest of Etheria. You two are best friends and lovers! Today, you are distracted by seeing the garden that you and Scorpia made
Warnings: None, this fic is 100% fluff 
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You woke up now. You are still quite sleepy, lying in your comfortable double bed. When looking to the side, you don't see your precious girlfriend.
"She must be in the room or the kitchen..."  You think
Very reluctantly you get up from the bed and walk slowly to the window. Your bedroom window is facing the garden of your house, so you have a wonderfully flowery view, you really like opening the window and staying for a long time looking at all the nature.
When you open the window, everything you look at is part of a beautiful sunny and spring morning. In addition to a beautiful forest with a cool climate and plenty of soul grass, you saw a large and very flowery garden, like a rainbow on  earth. Full of tulips, asters, marigolds and roses of all colors.
The wonderfully floral smell that was in that garden enchanted you, The freshness of roses and eucalyptus gave you a feeling of ''Yes, this is my home''
Whenever you look at this garden, the first thing that comes to your mind are the memories of you and Scorpia taking care of that garden, planting the seeds and watering them, cutting the grass, moving the soil, talking and laughing ... You two take care of this garden like you take care of each other, with delicacy, patience and love.
You didn't notice it but you were quite distracted looking at the garden ... Seriously, you've been looking at the garden for 5 minutes through the window. Still distracted, you get a slight fright with the claws that touch your waist
“ Aah! " You say jumping around
“ Oops, did I scare you my love? I'm so sorry! " Your girlfriend, Scorpia asks with concern
" N-no... no, I just got a little distracted" You say in a shy tone, turning to see your big loved one.
“ Ohh, I totally understand you, I get distracted sometimes… and when I say it, I mean a lot. “ Scorpia says with a smile, trying to cheer you up
You had a little laugh, the only thing you could think of at that moment is how you love this woman.
" Silly, you are adorable" you say holding her claws gently
" Me? You are adorable Y/N! like .. Veeeery adorable, the most adorable person in this world “
" Stop, you are more adorable Scorpia! " You say smiling
" You! "Scorpia responds
"No, no, you! "
Scorpia lowers her head and says in a serious tone " Y / N ... i don’t have choice “
“ Hm? “
“ As you don't accept being adorable, I'll have to give you a lot of kisses on the cheek" Scorpia says with a big smile, lifting her claws“
“ Oh nooo! “You pretend to be scared and start laughing, the moment you try to run Scorpia picks you up and the attack of kisses begins!
Scorpia starts to give several and several kisses on several parts of your face, there were several kisses one after the other.
You were laughing a lot, it was a loud and desperate laugh because Scorpia's kisses were very ticklish.
" I'm being attacked !! " You said laughing “ Please, let me freee”
“ No! hahahah !!! “ Scorpia imitated an evil laugh and continued to give several kisses on your face, thankfully that you both live in an isolated forest, because if you have any neighbors, they would knock in the door complaining about noises of laughter
Scorpia kept giving several and several kisses on your cheek, in a very delicate and cute way. It was as if Scorpia was giving her all her love for you, through sweet kisses on the cheek. Suddenly, when you least expected her, she stop kissing and look at her face, her gaze was calm and passionate.
“ Are you okay, love? " You ask worried
" Yes, I am, it's just ... I'm just admiring your face, I can't get enough of saying that but, you are very beautiful Y / N, I love everything about you" Scorpia says smiling.
" Me? B-beautiful? “
" Yes, you are very beautiful! “ Scorpia says putting certainty in every word.
“But Scorpia, you are beautiful... you are the love of my life " Scorpia gets a red face, she is blushing so hard with that, you know that your words made her happy
“ Y-you can stop with this game! You are beautiful, and you have to know that " Scorpia says smiling " And also, you know, we're the love of each other's lives "
" I love you Scorpia ... " You say blushing
" I love you too Y / N, you are such a precious, beautiful, cute, kind ... you are everything to me, you are the most beautiful person i have ever seen in my life... "
Slowly, Scorpia approaches her face with yours, like a magnet. And then you connect your lips with her lips, giving a passionate kiss. During the kiss you place your hand on Scorpia's face, caressing her cheeks as you kiss. Scorpia approaches your body to hers, in a loving way, as if she wants you to be very close to her. When shortness of breath comes, You two separate your lips.
You both look at each other with passionate and blushed looks. Your hand was still on Scorpia's cheek, caressing and admiring her.
“ So my sweetie... I made you your favorite breakfast, shall we go to the kitchen " Scorpia says smiling, you are very happy to hear that
“ Yees! let's eat! " You says smiling " Scorpia, can you carry me to the kitchen, honey? I'm too lazy “ You say laughing, Scorpia laughs too.
" Of course, love “ Scorpia smiles.
She carries you to the kitchen, in the bridal style. You two have a wonderful breakfast together.
Just like the beautiful flowers in your garden, you knew that your beloved Scorpia would take care of you.
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