#love: power of another world (KOS-MOS)
tiny-cloud-of-flowers · 4 months
hi arii !! have u ever thought of xenoblade aus with ur other f/os? 🤔 i suddenly started imagining luna as a driver LOL but since uve been thinking abt xbc a bit more lately i wanted to ask since the concept is soo cool
Hello Clara!! Thank you so so much for sending this in, it really means a lot to me~
Ooh, I am not sure I have considered Driver Luna before, but I am now absolutely going to try to. Azami was my instant first thought for who she would resonate with, but that's more of an aesthetic thing. However, I also think Luna would work well with many healer Blades, though I can see her wielding Bitballs moreso than I can Knuckle Claws. (Which is perhaps ironic considering that there are no dark-element healer Rare Blades in XC2!) Did you have anyone else in mind from your sudden imagining (either in terms of who Luna would resonate with or perhaps how any other Reborn characters would be put in the game)?
Regarding Xenoblade Chronicles AUs with other F/Os, I have considered something like this in the past, but only for my selfship with Aqua, as far as I can remember. In that, the idea was less of an outright AU and more simply that Aqua and Aria had come to Alrest (hey, that's you) at some point after KH3, probably as part of their search for new potential Keyblade wielders in different worlds (partially because, while there's definitely scope for Heartless invasion, I'm struggling to think of how that would actually play out from like a game perspective). As part of their investigations, the two would pose as Blade and Driver, with Aqua pretending to be a Driver and Aria pretending to be her Blade, since - despite Gormotti being a thing here - Aria sort of has a few too many inhuman traits to properly pass as one, I think. Like the wings, and the seams, which may or may not be able to be mistaken for ether lines. She'd specifically be pretending to be a dark-element attacker Rare Blade of some kind, perhaps even being assumed to be Legendary considering the unique nature of her "Blade weapon" (which here would, I suppose, just be Aqua using whichever Keyblade she can summon that looks most like something Aria would have given her..?)
That is the only sort of AU-adjacent thing I can really think of having come up with beforehand, and even then it's more "XC in KH" than anything else. However, here are some other considerations, if you'd like them:
Calanthe and KOS-MOS getting thrown into XC1 instead of XC2 may not be overly feasible, but it's a concept and a half for a number of reasons. Like, imagine being Shulk and co. right after Citri and Fiora get captured at the start of the game - setting out to save them both and taking the fight to the Mechon, and then all of a sudden encountering someone who looks way too much like Citri and has a lot of her same interests (like tech!), alongside a potentially-mechanical? other woman who is incredibly powerful but whose abilities sometimes seem a bit too Mechon-like. Who are both apparently not from this world. And then starting to learn about Faced Mechon and their pilots. And then finding out that Citri and Fiora got turned into Face pilots. There's so much potential for an interesting up-and-down dynamic there, I feel!
My selfship with Zero feels like it could be pretty easily ported into XC2 with how Blades work there and how that can potentially be paralleled with voidsent pacts. You could either make Zero a Flesh Eater given her hybrid nature in FFXIV, or go down the route of her being a Blade that Zenos manages to steal and forcibly resonate with, then maybe Lorenza somehow restoring her memories to her after re-resonating with her? I feel like Lorenza could also fit well as a Blade, though, so hmm.. There are ideas there, but i'm not settled on either one yet.
I'm thinking about the recent Clio rambles.. I'm thinking about the whole "preserving her heart" aspect.. I'm thinking about how I literally described that as being able to take "the Sora route or the Jin route" (if you know then you know) and settled on something more like Sora's for KH.. I'm thinking about Aria taking the Jin route in XC2 and subsequently occupying a position like his in the story.. Yep, nope, that can fit, can't it
Both XC2 and DQIX have an Yggdrasil, and angel equivalents, and so on. I therefore really want to put Pavo and Ardea in here somehow. Maybe, Pavo and Aquila as the Aegis Blades (twin symbolism there would be fun), and then other Celestrians (so, including Ardea) as other Blades.. maybe Ardea becoming a Flesh Eater to represent her loss of wings and halo in DQIX? I feel like this could make Corvus Amalthus (he’s Aquila’s mentor, Amalthus is Malos’ Driver), but surely King Godwin would fit there better given how Indol is.. unless I say the Gittish Empire replace Torna..? Maybe Corvus would be better as the Malos equivalent (final boss and all), so maybe Pneuma could be Celestria - but then where do I put Pavo and Aquila, just ordinary other Blades like Ardea? Or would he be her Driver who then also pretends to be Ardea's despite her not needing one?? There is absolutely something here, I think, but I feel like I may be the only one with enough knowledge of both games to try and make it work. And I currently am not able to make it work, so.. take what you can make of my attempts, I suppose =P
It is now gone two o'clock in the morning and I have to be in the lab tomorrow (though thankfully not until the afternoon), so I should probably leave it there for now. Still, thank you very much for sending this in, friend, and I hope that these are alright as novel concepts ^-^
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void-kissed · 1 year
Have some rainbows for any you have hcs for wahooooo
Hehe, thank you, friend!!
(source: this post by bewearships)
send me a 🌈 + one of my F/Os for my sexuality/gender headcanons for them! - Right, you've sent five rainbows, so.. let's give five headcanons!
Luna is canonically a trans girl, but in terms of her sexuality, I headcanon her to be an ace lesbian. I even made trans and ace pride flags by colourpicking from my headcanon design for her, look!
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On the note of romantic F/Os from Reborn, I headcanon Elena to be bisexual! I think she does have a gender but could not tell you what it is if you asked; she's just rolling with being who she is, haha. I also tried making a colour-picked bi pride flag from her sprite, but I couldn't get quite as close:
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Okay, now for some other romantic F/Os. I headcanon Skye to be largely agender, using he/him, they/them, and xe/xem pronouns - this is partially because I also headcanon him to be a changeling (because he can use magic when nobody else in the valley can and it's literally never explained), but also partially because I cannot easily believe a cis man would have his "monochrome leopard-print shirt with shoes to match plus purple trousers" fashion sense. I would also say he is bisexual.
I headcanon Pavo to be trans and also a lesbian! Although I do imagine that Celestrians may not exactly have mortal ideas of gender, being divine-created angels and all. I know that she and Aquila are twins, and I want to say they're said to be identical? But Aquila is male whereas Pavo is female (despite, fun fact, aquila being first-declension feminine where pavo is third-declension masculine!), soooo..
And finally.. oh, screw it, have all my Xenoblade ones again. Pyra is a lesbian demigirl, Vanea is asexual and panromantic (plus your description of her as a nonbinary woman also feels very fitting), Perun is trans (in a Blade way) and sapphic, Lora is cis and asexual and a lesbian, and KOS-MOS Re: is a lesbian who is far too overpowered for gender (though honestly I don't really have anything concrete for her yet). In my headcanons, anyway!
I hope that all of those were alright, friend! Thank you very much again for sending so many rainbows~
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Here is my post for the fourth day of September! ..I don't have a caption for these renders, I'm afraid, but they basically sum up my entire selfship dynamic with KOS-MOS in one go - KOS-MOS is being ultra-powerful and amazing and awesome and gorgeous, and my self-insert Calanthe is very in love with her because of this. Even in such dangerous places as the Land of Morytha (hence why the lighting here is so.. green).
Tag list: @catake | @masterofmasters | @wazzuppy | @cherry-bomb-ships | @call–me–home | @xenobabble | @beeon | @coralward | @sanderswife | @pandapup | @altamont498 | @mercuryships | @lemonloven (to be tagged in what I make, please see this post!)
Comments on and reblogs of my work are always okay, and appreciated, but are by no means required!~
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iviarellereads · 4 months
The Eye of the World, Chapter 16 - The Wisdom
(THIS PROJECT IS SPOILER FREE! No spoilers past the chapter you click on. Curious what I'm doing here? Read this post! For the link index and a primer on The Wheel of Time, read this one! Like what you see? Send me a Ko-Fi.)
(Leaves and vine icon)(1) In which attraction is definitely in the air.
The young men enter the inn, and Min draws Rand aside to tell him that the woman that's just arrived is part of "it", what's to happen to all of them, and they're in more danger now that she's here.(2) Rand tells her it's impossible. Thom and Mat get impatient to go see Nynaeve and get this over with, so he leaves Min with a promise that Nynaeve means no harm to them.(3)
They enter the room where Nynaeve and Moiraine are sitting in chilly silence, Nyn tugging at her braid in frustration. Rand walks right in and takes a seat halfway between them, and the rest follow suit slowly. Lan and Moiraine are curious how Nynaeve found them. To this she replies that she can track as well as any man in the Two Rivers, and she followed their trail, though there was nowhere for them to go except Baerlon. Lan compliments her, saying few can track a trail he's taken pains to cover. She gets embarrassed and hides in her cup of wine.(4)
Moiraine asks Nynaeve to answer some of her questions, and Nyn asks why she should answer any questions or keep any of their secrets. Thom points out that the Whitecloaks would swarm the inn like angry bees if they knew what Mo was, and take the young folks with her for questioning.(5) Nyn points out that's just one more reason for the kids to come home with her. She doesn't believe a word of their story that the Trollocs are chasing the boys. There's some uproar as each in turn asks what their guardians thought of their leaving, and Nyn reiterates that they're all worried about the kids.
Rand speaks up to say that none of this changes anything. They need to keep going on. Nyn is about to tell him off, when Mo says that her use of the Power gives her protection. None of them can be hurt by a Myrddraal near her, and Lan can sense Trollocs a quarter mile away.
Mo asks Egwene to take everyone else and leave. They go out into the hall, Lan relaxing against the door once the rest move far enough away not to overhear. Thom keeps going to perform, and the youngins settle quietly.
When Nyn opens the door, some time later, Lan goes in past her, and she glares at Rand, who realizes the others have all slipped off while he was lost in thought. Nyn sees Rand, and she seems to accept that they think they need to leave, though she still hopes to convince them to come home.
Nyn says Rand has grown when he asks why she's there, and not someone else. She's as important to the town as the mayor. She tells him that the town was split on what to do about them, and she could see that it would be at least another day before they came to any decision. She knew somehow that it couldn't wait that long, so she came herself.(6)
Rand asks what Mo said in the room, and Nyn says more of the same, and she wanted to know if the boys were all born in Emond's Field, or if any was born away. Rand laughs nervously and says he hopes she assured Mo they were all born in the town. Nyn hesitates only a little before saying yes, of course. Rand realizes that if Nyn knows, then Tam's fever mumbling was true. He tells her what he heard from Tam, and she says that Tam left when he was Rand's age, and came back with a wife and a child, and Kari al'Thor looked at Rand with all the love any parent ever had for a child.(7)
Rand asks what Nyn is going to do next, and she says she's going to have a bath, and see about the rest.
(1) A leaf, like woodcraft and tracking and Nynaeve's herbal remedies. (2) Oho, so Nynaeve was introduced as she was for a reason. What part do you think she has to play, besides the protective older sibling? (3) Clearly Nynaeve hasn't taken quite the precautions Lan and Moiraine did on her way north, she certainly wasn't likely to have done something like bribe Hightower, the ferryman, so that he wouldn't tell anyone where she'd gone. Make no wonder that Min's visions say they're in more danger with Nynaeve caught up to them: her goals didn't involve staying hidden, they only involved taking her kids home. (4) Nyn's not the only one a little flustered. Lan is quite shocked she could find anything to follow. And he paid her and her late father a compliment, unmitigated by criticism. (5) Since when does Thom defend Moiraine and her reputation? He's been her biggest critic on this trip so far, but here he is, defending her and her Warder and far too vehemently to be just for the sake of the kids. One of my favourite theories is how Ali on the Wheel Takes podcast has shipped Thom and Moiraine since Mo's "Master Bard" comment back in Emond's Field, it's subtle but there are pieces there to see if you put on 'shipper glasses for a minute. (6) So Mo waltzes into town and calls Nyn a child, hitting the pressure point she's already got sore from being in a position of authority so young for several years and looking young besides. Then Mo and the boys and Egg, Nyn's own apprentice, disappear in the night, and you might see here how Nyn is very much in the line of Terry Pratchett's witches as a Wisdom, since she protects what's hers, dangit. If the councils were gonna take too long, she was gonna take it upon herself to do the right thing and drag those troublesome youngsters back herself. Make no wonder why she's angry at Mo, but also look how soft she is with Rand after! (7) Blood isn't all that makes family. It's one factor that can contribute. Whether or not Rand was adopted, it makes no difference to how he was and is loved by his dad. I love how the story makes absolutely no question or ambiguity out of this.
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fff777 · 10 months
I just learned about the Save One, Drop One game so I'm going to try it out! Here's the video for the Exo edition.
I made some choices I did not expect I would make. I actually think the toughest decisions are between two songs I don't care for lol. The only time I really struggled between two songs I really liked was #60 .
Cream Soda vs. Lotto
Artificial Love vs. The Eve
Private Party vs. Ooh La La La
Butterfly Effect vs. White Noise
Candy (Baekhyun) vs. Bambi (Baekhyun)
Love Shot vs. Tempo
Hurt vs. Baby Don't Cry
Paradise vs. Touch It
Blooming Days (CBX) vs. Hey Mama! (CBX)
One and Only vs. What If..
Monster vs. Obsession
Oasis vs. Runaway
Trauma vs. CInderella
She's Dreaming vs. Fall
Jekyll vs. Going Crazy
Rover (Kai) vs. Mmmh (Kai)
Black Pearl vs. Machine
Unfair vs. The First Snow
Forever vs. Sign
Stronger vs. Lights Out
Call Me Baby vs. Love Me Right
Hear Me Out vs. Boomerang
Gravity vs. Baby You Are
El Dorado vs. Diamond
Promise vs. Cosmic Railway
Mama vs. History
Trouble vs. Damage
Chill vs. Cloud 9
Beautiful vs. Baby
Rose (D.O.) vs. Beautiful Goodbye (Chen)
Electric Kiss vs. Coming Over
Love Fool vs. Tender Love
Can't Bring Me Down vs. Transformer
Been Through vs. Let Me In
Non Stop vs. Heaven
What a Life (SC) vs. 1 Billion Views (SC)
Ya Ya Ya vs. Regret It
Smile on my face vs. Walk on memories
Power vs. Don't Fight the Feeling
Exodus vs. Lady Luck
Stay vs. With You
Ko Ko Bop vs. Growl
Love Again (Baekhyun) vs. Cry For Love (Baekhyun)
24/7 vs. Sweet Lies
Universe vs. Sing For You
Brand New (Xiumin) vs. Hurdle (Suho)
No Makeup vs. Groove
Playboy vs. Thunder
Bad Dream vs. They Never Know
Lightsaber vs. Overdose
Beautiful (Baekhyun) vs. Stay With Me (Chanyeol, Punch)
What U Do? vs. Another Day
For Life vs. Miracles in December
Ka-Ching! (CBX) vs. Horololo (CBX)
Don't Go vs. Lucky
Monodrama (Lay) vs. Curtain (Suho)
Lovin' You Mo vs. Into My World
Peaches (Kai) vs. UN Village (Baekhyun)
Lucky One vs. Dancing King (feat. Yoo Jaesuk)
Just as Usual vs. Day After Day
We Young (SC) vs. Young (Baekhyun, Loco)
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seyruhfaye · 2 years
November 10
Did you know that on November 13, the world celebrates World Kindness Day? World Kindness Day is an international holiday that was formed in 1998, to promote kindness throughout the world and is observed annually on November 13 as part of the World Kindness Movement. Sa ngayon, may mga bansang nag-ccelebrate nito, tulad ng United States, Canada, Japan, Australia and the U.A.E. World Kindness Day presents us with the opportunity to reflect upon one of the most important and unifying human principles. On a day devoted to the positive potential of both large and small acts of kindness, try to promote and diffuse this crucial quality that brings people of every kind together.
Nung Nakita ko ito, napaisip lang ako. Hindi ba bilang tao we are “hardwired” to be kind? And as a Christian, hindi ba sya something automatic sa atin. Jesus Christ himself modeled kindness, and he made sure that early Christians were able to embody this vistue as well.
In Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, he has this to say about kindness:
Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. (Ephesians 4:32)
While in another letter to the Colossians, he wrote:
Put on then, as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience (Colossians 3:12)
This means that being kind to others is your own way of following in God’s footsteps. It’s an expression of your love for God. It’s how we tell Him that we are choosing Him in as much as He chose us.
Proverbs 11:17 also tells us that a man who is kind benefits himself, but a cruel man hurts himself. Indeed, kindness not only makes others happy. It uplifts your spirit too.
By nature, or by biology, human beings are meant or made to be kind to one another. Ito ay dahil we are actually made to rely on one another. Among most mammals, tayo ang may pinakamatagal na gestational period. Human babies spend a long time relying on their mothers, compared to other species. Other creatures rely on support for a brief time before becoming self-reliant. We are powerless at birth and depend on our caregivers to provide for our needs. Therefore, kindness is sewn into the framework of our DNA. We are literally wired for kindness.
In the dictionary, kindness is defined as the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate.
In the Bible, kindness extends from just being nice. Ngayon mag-reflect tayo sa mga verses na nagsisilbing example sa atin ng kindness.
What Does It Mean To Be Kind?
1.       Kindness Involves Making a Choice
What makes someone truly kind is because they keep choosing to be kind. This is what distinguishes someone who wants to be “kind” from a person who wants to be “nice”. Kindness means choosing what is right, and fighting for it. No matter how unpopular their opinion is. Sabi nga sa Galatians 6:10 “So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.” Kaya kung mayroong pagkakataon para maging mabuti, kailangan naten gawin ito. Mahirap man, pero kailangan piliin naten lagi ang magmahal, at piliin naten maging mabuti.
2.       Kindness is love
Love is kind, and kindness is love. And love is not just an emotion. It involves an action. Ang pagmamahal ay higit lang sa salita di ba?
In 1 John 3:18 “Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth.” We share love with others through kind acts such as a smile, a nice word, an unexpected deed, or a planned surprise. When we offer these acts to others, we pass along hope; we promote peace; we show the power of kindness. That’s because kindness is a chain reaction. It’s a wave that keeps rolling, and all it needs is one person to start it. One small kind act can cause a ripple effect that impacts an entire community. If we are all focused on being kind, we are creating a movement of change. Alam mo yung quote na "be the change you wish the see in the world"? That quote isn't just about change, and it isn't only about one person being able to change their world. It's bigger; it about a movement that can be started from one person acting with intention.
3.       Kindness is not always enough, we also need social action
Sabi nga sa Jeremiah 22:3 – “Thus says the Lord: Do justice and righteousness, and deliver from the hand of the oppressor him who has been robbed. And do no wrong or violence to the resident alien, the fatherless, and the widow, nor shed innocent blood in this place.“
A single, random act that you didn’t think much about can potentially change the world. Pero mas maraming magagawa, kung mas marami tayong kumikilos. Social action, defined as “activity on the part of an interested group directed toward some particular institutional change,” generally involves a group of people who work together to bring about institutional change so that society advances and people experience improved safety, freedom and equity. Institutional or systemic change can take place in a school, a community or society as a whole. Kindness can set a foundation for social action because it fosters empathy in young people and motivates them to help others.
Para magkaroon ng pagbabago, kailangan naten maintindihan ang pinagmumulan ng problema. Halimbawa, some of us are passionate about the problem of homelessness, the tendency might be to have young people volunteer at a homeless shelter or soup kitchen or read aloud to children who are homeless. These are wonderful activities that will promote empathy and a sense of connection on a human level. But if we want to consider to transform the problem of homelessness, we need to help them understand the economic and social roots of the problem and consider ways to advocate for affordable housing and improved economic conditions for all people, especially those living in poverty.
We should teach, model and promote kindness as much and as often as we can. But we also need to teach and empower young people to engage in social action: that is the only way we can ultimately change societal inequities and bring about a truly just society.
Being kind has, in some cases, become synonymous with not making it about race/social justice. Kindness has been reduced to being polite or not engaging with discomfort, even if that discomfort is experienced by our fellow people. If we don’t name and label the issues and inequalities that are happening, our culture and the educational system have no hope of ending the injustices that happen in our schools, in our communities, and across our nation.
 Ang pagiging mabuti ang simula, hindi ito ang dulo. It is a step in the process; it is not the final product. Kindness is integral to understanding and unpacking things like disability, ableism, racism, and racial prejudice, but it does not inherently solve or stop ableism, racism, homophobia, transphobia, anti-fatness, or xenophobia. Policy, action, empathy, disruption of norms, and visibility will take us beyond kindness.
Kindness without justice is an empty gesture. Let the two motivate and inspire each other and always be connected.
 Let kindness be the spiritual push that moves us into justice as purposeful action.
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dexterortega · 1 year
10 FILIPINO UNCOMMON WORDS 1. Sulatraniko - A means or system for transmitting messages electronically (as between computers on a network)
Halimbawa: Pinadalhan ko ng sulatroniko ang kompanyang gusto kong pasukan. 2. Salipapaw - A powered heavier-than-air aircraft with fixed wings from which it derives most of its lift. Halimbawa: Namangha ako sa laki nung unang beses kong makita ang mga salipapaw sa paliparan 3. Panginain - A computer program used for accessing sites or information on a network (such as the World Wide Web). Halimbawa: Sinubukan kong buksan ang panginain ng aking kapatid upang tingnang kasaysayan ngunit wala akong nakita. 4. Lantay - Free from moral or guilt. Halimbawa: Naaalala ko pa noon nung isang lantay na bata pa lamang ako, miss ko na ang mga araw na iyon.
5. Marilag - Having an attractive quality that gives pleasure to those who experience it or think about it. Halimbawa: Isang marilag na tungkos ang binigay sa isang binibini noong araw nang mga puso. 6. Awangan - Unlimited extent of time, space, or quantity. Halimbawa: Hindi magbabago at awanggan ang pagmamahal ko sa’yong pagkatao. 7. Panghiso - A brush for cleaning the teeth. Halimbawa: Bumili si Immaneg ng soft-bristled na panghiso 8. Dumatal - Reach a place at the end of a journey or a stage in a journey. Halimbawa: Dumatal na ang in-order mong pagkainsa Mcdonalds. 9. Kalantare -  Is a social and sometimes sexual activity involving verbal or written communication as well as body language by one person to another, either to suggest interest in a deeper relationship with the other person, or if done playfully, for amusement. Halimbawa: Akala mo true love na, yun pala kalantare ka lang niya. 10. Baro - Is manufactured fiber and textile material worn on the body. Halimbawa: Nagpalit siya ng kanyang baro dahil basang basa siya ng pawis.
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benefits1986 · 7 months
Kids or No Kids?
My dad seems to have his high hopes again. Kinikilig pa rin daw pala ako sa lalaki. I told him that it was just a basketball game and that it's purely transactional. I gave in to his banat this time around. Happy ako e and getting better na rin though pagod and brain fog pa rin. I asked, "Dad, seryoso bang iniisip mong may chance na mag-anak ako. 37 na ako." He replied, "Oo naman. Nanay ko nga 45 'yung bunso e. Ikaw pa ba? Saka puwede pa 'yan." I followed up with, "So, kung bibigyan kita ng apo, lalaki ba o babae?" Dad immediately whacked me saying, "Lalaki at babae." DAFUDGE. Hahahahaha. Okay. Bukas na bukas din, magpapabuntis na ako since wala naman akong porblema sa pagiging runaway single parent. Sana lang kamukha ko kasi ako ang nagpasan ng daigdig. Honestly, parang 'yun ang mas practical route. Parang mas sustainable kasi sanay naman akong gumapang sa lusak at umiyak-tawa sa complications ng life and beyond. Get laid. Get a baby. Raise a baby. Hustle. Breakdown. Bawi. Laban. Repeat. CHZ. Puwede rin naman patanggal ko na uterus ko bukas na bukas din. Para tapos na. Or puwedeng matupad wish ko na mag-menopause na for realzzzz. Ang tagal. Inip na inip na ako. LOL. My soul sister and have been talking about our quest to a NO KID adult life. She's happily married while I'm trying to give love another good chance (SHEMAYYYY. Nakakatakot.) Ako, nasa part na feeling ko talaga hindi ko kayang umire as in baka mamatay ako as an overthinker. Siya naman andun na sa after ng ire. Sabi ko mas advanced pa siya sa akin so I guess that's progress. :D LELS.
As we're in our "heal the inner children" era along with countless millennials and Gen X (kahit ayaw nilang aminin na may issues sila sa inner child nila) so, pasok na sa CHILD or CHILDREN 'yun 'di ba? Alagaan muna namin at pastulin. LELS.
And so, we're on a mega deduction and inductive reasoning like our Philo 101 class about why we choose not to have kids. Syempre, enter our favorite... because women take the larger shit pile kahit na super okay pa nung partner mo. Motherhood is not for all even though it is a rudimentary part of the social fiber. Not to dim the light of fatherhood ha. We're not as crass as before. LOL. I told you, I am trying. CHZ. Pero, now, moms usually need and want a life on top of unpaid work aka the shit show called career. HAHAHAHA. While it's actually ideal to have a mom inside a house to build a healthy, happy and humble home, it's but a rarity these days na may babaeng ultimate dream ang maging housewife. Even typing it is ugh. I remember cringing every time I write "housewife" sa occupation ng nanay ko. Hindi ko talaga nilalagay na N/A or none kasi I feel that being a housewife is a career path on its own; unpaid, horrid and self-shitting. 'Di ba? Parang any work lang din siya, but wait... ang KPI ng nanay walang kapantay. Society and its state, one kid at a time. So, motherhood success metrics don't compare to ANY job in the market; kahit 6 or 7 figures pa net annual income mo. Tabi.
Naniniwala akong dapat sa era na 'to or in my next lifetime, iba na dapat ang thinking and doing ng madlang people. Making a home should be a two-way street. Ayaw natin ng one-way in every sense of the word. Haha. Raising kids should be a collaborative session 24/7. Supposing co-parenting or may partner ka etong scenarios na 'to. Parenting must not be a nod to social constructs. It must be a constant choice and an everyday hustle. Kids must not be retirement plans, in the same manner that they should not be an instrument of parents with shit shows that they dress to the nines.
Ergo, ekis. LOL. Kasi ako, gusto ko na lang 'yung chill lang ako for once in my life naman as pilit na bidang-kontrabida po sa family matters and even my other worlds, na feeling ko may auto-immune dogshow na tayo sa ating system pero wala akong pake kasi I will fucking power through to make mother dragon proud and me, too. Too much cortisol levels na po nasynthesize ng ating system plus overthinker po tayo, opo. Gusto ko na lang maging let it be mom if and only if matripan ko mag-pivot. Ganun lang. Ayoko ng maging captain ball, timon, tambuli and all the shebang. LOL. Hindi naman ako magiging pabigat, definitely. Pero hindi ko rin sure because saltik is real. Kung may technology na 'yung sperm donor ko aka partner or whatever you call it ang magkaroon ng labor as in the contractions, I will reconsider. Para medyo hindi naman ako lang ang bibira sa labor session. Labo 'di ba? Sana may dystopian reality na 'yung ganun, soon. CHZ. Since we're already in the topic, when I came this content piece back when it was trending ages ago, huy. Eto na nga. Syempre, branded content and consumerism na naman po as a sweet ad game, pero what's not bound by consumption? Next time ko na 'to expound. Marami akong hugot dito. When I watched this alam mo 'yung okay... gets ko 'yung gusto mo maging parent because... pero 'wag mo akong idamay. Mula noon hanggang ngayon, ganun pa rin. Well, pinanood ko ulit just now and medyo may character arc development naman. Siguro if may window na maging mutant na okay 'yung anak ko, why not? LOL. Eto na naman po tayo. So, I am the tita of the bayan, zooming in and out in the lives of my kiddos. LOL. Will update that bit as well bilang lolollolloll ang mga Gen Z at Gen Alpha kiddos ko. Aba.
However, hindi ako anti-children ha. Kailangan natin ng bahagdan ng lipunan na naniniwala sa miracle of life, sa children are the future. Ganern.
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stitchedhart · 10 months
Always Be My Little Girl
July 24, 2023. Andrea Vanessa, you are there and i am here – you at 14, me the mother of a 14-year-old girl! While im sure you are thinking, "four more years and i will be an adult." Omo! thats way to fast to think about it yet! 😂
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Seeing that you made it through thirteen, you can now walk the hallowed halls of teendom at fourteen. Enjoy this year, and be sure to get the most of it before hitting another lap around the sun, yeah?!
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Here's some of the truths i know that you should hold close to your heart!
Choose your path wisely. There will be many. This is your life, your journey. Follow the route you think its best for you (ill be on bay though, if you happen to get lost along the journey)
Make lots of friends and surround yourself with people who inspire, understand, love you and make you feel good about being you!
Have confidence in yourself. Power, strength, ability, and value are guaranteed by a positive sense of oneself. You'll be able to accomplish your objectives and chase your wildest desires without any worry.
Take care of your body. It is the only one you have. Do not abuse it. Give your body the proper fitness and nutrition that will fuel you for success. And remember, no matter the shape or size, you are perfect the way you are.
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Live your life with purpose and give purpose to your life.Do not hold grudges for too long, nakakapangit yown😆 Also, always practice kindness in maximum. If some people are not kind to you, just "kill" them...kill them with kindness.😁
Don’t be afraid to disagree with people, not everyone will think the same as you.
Continue to love yourself as you are – no matter what. Even if it goes against the grain. Be you. Be proud of who you are. Don’t falter with the wind. Don’t start liking a specific book because everyone else is reading it. Dont watch a movie just because everyone watches it. Stick to your guns, but learn how to listen. Embrace the things that you love most.
Love your people. Appreciate them and help them the best way you can. Most of all, love God above all else!
Live your life the way you want it to be..write your own story edit it if you must, but dont plagiarize mine or anybody else's.
Protect your heart and mental health.
I know, most of this will mean nothing to you..maybe just a long birthday post. Read it again in about 10 or 20 years, then it will mean a lot!
I love the time we spend together when im on vacation. Those moments when you are so clingy kahit na sobrang init..😂 I love your words of wisdom na minsan para kang 25 years old kung magsalita (may kasama pang roll eyes lol). I love that you like doing things with me, sumusunod ka sa mga gusto ko kahit minsan labag sa loob mo., dahil wala kang choice kasi ako ang Mama 😅 And im proud na ako ang Mama mo at ikaw ang bunso ko.
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Although we may not always see eye to eye, you will always have my support in all that you do. I believe in you, and I look forward to seeing where this journey will take you. So keep reaching for those stars because someday, I know you will get there because you deserve everything that comes your way.
HAPPY 14th BIRTHDAY, my Vani! 🥰 You will always be my little girl. If this world ever becomes too much for you, my arms will always be here to embrace you.
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May you fly your blue sky with grace, confidence and hope as you find your place in this beautiful and crazy world!
Loving you now and always.
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fzzr · 11 months
Spring 2023 Anime Wrapup
Original Post:
This sure was a season. I finished 14 full-length series, plus some OVAs and carryovers. Undisputed show of the season Oshi no Ko and underrated hit Dead Mount Death Play lead the pack, but there's a range of other content between hate-watchable and actually good as well.
New Stuff:
Oshi no Ko (My Star) - Holy shit. I don't want to say much to avoid spoilers, but it was a 10/10 candidate from episode one and still might end up there on rewatch. For now 9/10, you MUST watch this. There will be a post forthcoming when I process it for a while.
Isekai de Cheat Skill wo Te ni Shita Ore wa, Genjitsu Sekai wo mo Musou Suru: Level Up wa Jinsei wo Kaeta (I Got a Cheat Skill in Another World and Became Unrivaled in The Real World, Too) - They put the entire power fantasy in the title for your convenience. It's not a great message that all you need to do to become popular is inherit a bunch of money and literally magically change your entire body, but here we are. The power fantasy is truly stratospheric - for example, he accidentally seduces a model and is proposed to by a princess in the space of one episode. The "animation" (or lack thereof) doesn't give the at best mediocre plot the support it needs, alas. A very generous 6/10.
Jigokuraku (Hell's Paradise) - Samurai Suicide Squad with a hearty helping of EDGE and a surprising amount of heart. The action was good, even though it sometimes felt like they ran out of time to make things truly excellent. 8/10.
Kanojo ga Koushaku-tei ni Itta Riyuu (The Reason Why Raeliana Ended up at the Duke's Mansion) - Another villainess anime, this time with the twist being that she becomes a villainess on purpose in order to save her own life. Most of the time the plot foreknowledge twist was used to undermine typical shoujo tropes rather than heighten them. Between that and the nothing ending, I found it oddly muted. 7/10.
Kimi wa Houkago Insomnia (Insomniacs After School) - I didn't finish this yet, because I don't think I'm ready for the emotional punches it's setting up. Not dropped, just not done.
Skip to Loafer (Skip and Loafer) - A country-girl-in-the-big-city shoujo story, in which our protagonist good-natures her way through a whole stable of stock high school antagonists. I like that given only twelve episodes to work with they didn't speedrun to parts where relationships happen, and instead let the story take its time. This is the first time since Hyouka I've really liked something with this sort of sedate pace. Looking forward to more! 8/10.
Tengoku Daimakyou (Heavenly Delusion) - A trip through the post-apocalypse featuring spooky monsters, bioethics failures, and a mix of hope and despair at how people face life after the end. Worth a watch, but be aware there's some extreme content. 8/10
Yamada-kun to Lv999 no Koi wo Suru (Loving Yamada at Lv999) - Shoujo for gamers! Unlike Raeliana above this shoujo with a twist did it for me. For personal reasons I appreciated the respect paid to online relationships. Convincing characters and relationships plus distinct and consistent art make this a very honorable 8/10.
Otonari ni Ginga (A Galaxy Next Door) - A guy touches an alien princess funny and they're married now. Yes, another one. This time, she's his manga assistant. Very light and fluffy, despite the subtheme of family alienation. 7/10, though at the high end for myself.
Dead Mount Death Play - Reverse Isekai! With a name like that you'd expect some serious edge, and there is some. Surprisingly though the themes are very wholesome. This was the biggest surprise of the season. I didn't watch it in the first round of shows, but when I looked at it out of curiosity it blew me away. 9/10, you should really watch this.
Tonikaku Kawaii - This is a sequel, but I hadn't watched the previous season, so it's new to me. I added it later in the season mostly out of curiosity. It turned out to be another entry in the impossibly perfect significant other microgenre, like The Angel Next Door Spoils Me Rotten. As with Angel Next Door, the point is that you should be an actual good person. This time it's about the rewards of getting married as soon as possible, and here are step-by-step instructions. There's a subtle-but-not-subtle supernatural undercurrent that becomes increasingly obvious in season 2, as well. 7/10.
Birdie Wing: Golf Girls' Story Season 2 - What can you say about a show that introduces multiple dangerous forbidden techniques in the middle of a tournament arc... of golf? Anyway here's lesbians doing more wacky special moves. If you're into weird sports anime you're sure to be into this. 8/10.
Dr. Stone: New World - There was a lot more yadda yadda this time, so it fell a bit flat. The less they show Senku's work coming up with things the more they feel like instant win buttons instead of things they worked for. I had hoped the cast size constraint in the second half of the season would have let them go back to spending time on inventions, but alas no. 7/10.
Kimetsu no Yaiba: Katanakaji no Sato-hen (Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Swordsmith Village Arc) - Yep, it was more Demon Slayer. I'm pleased that Demon Slayer has mostly maintained its quality, in contrast with My Hero Academia which fell off a bit in the middle there. 8/10.
Kidou Senshi Gundam: Suisei no Majo Season 2 (Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury Season 2) - The robots (and lesbians) are cool, but I don't see how it's possible to miss the "war (and unfettered capitalism) is bad" message. It's also a new take on Revolutionary Girl Utena, which I've been meaning to re-watch and write about for some time. No excuse now, I suppose. 8/10.
Uma Musume: Pretty Derby - Road to the Top - I forgot to put this on the first list because it's a four episode ONA that hadn't started airing yet. As one of the weird sports anime I actually enjoy, of course I was up for even just a small arc of it. 8/10.
Kubo-san wa Mob wo Yurusanai (Kubo Won't Let Me Be Invisible) - Finally a bulli anime I can enjoy, thanks to it not actually being bulli for very long. In the end this was a sort of nothing-in-particular show, falling somewhere in the fuzzy area around impossibly perfect SO and teasing anime. As expected it's almost all frosting and no cake, but I did enjoy my time with it. 7/10.
Itai no wa Iya nano de Bougyoryoku ni Kyokufuri Shitai to Omoimasu. 2 (BOFURI: I Don't Want to Get Hurt, so I'll Max Out My Defense. Season 2) - This fell off a bit, and I think I know why. It suffered from the same thing as later Dog Days seasons, where it used its expansive cast by shuffling who hangs out with who. This provides less novelty than the original concept of "what will they get up to now" did, and it also necessarily slows things to a crawl as we need to see more perspectives on every event as a result. Still, the characters remain fun and the game is as busted as ever. 7/10.
Kaminaki Sekai no Kamisama Katsudou - Garbage. A fetish fest with godawful CGI. Rancid vibes. You'll never know where it's going. You may have trouble looking away. I did eventually, though. Dropped at episode 10. 6/10.
Isekai One Turn Kill Neesan: Ane Douhan no Isekai Seikatsu Hajimemashita (My One-Hit Kill Sister) - Lots of Rule D edging. The quality isn't the most consistent, the tropes are basic, and little of value is to be found here. When it's good, it's actually kinda good. Unfortunately it got boring. Dropped at episode 10. 6/10.
Edomae Elf (Otaku Elf) - Elf in real world! Wooo! A nice comfy show. Not much happens, but it's cute enough. Got boring in the end though. Dropped at episode 10. 7/10.
My Home Hero - It's hard to think of anything recently that used tension and suspense to this degree. That said, the every-episode cliffhangers eventually got exhausting and turned me off and I stopped keeping up. 7/10 not for me.
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Why you don't get loved the way you love
"KUNG pwede lang sanang i-USB ang passion, matagal ko na sanang ginawa..." she sighs with a frustrated expression on her face. You put on your sympathetic face, trying to find the most comforting words that you could say. "Well, ganyan talaga." After all your efforts of rummaging through ready-made quotes at the back of your mind, still the lamest words come out of you. Ganyan talaga? Lame. She starts eating her doughnut.
"Hindi naman sa hindi siya romantic. Nag-dinner date kami noon sa bahay nila. May kandila sa mesa. Sisig ang niluto niya. Pero candlelight dinner 'yun kasi walang kuryente. Pagtingin ko sa basurahan, galing pala sa lata ang niluto niya. Pinainit lang at nilagyan ng sibuyas tapos pinigaan ng kalamansi. Kaya nung nag-dinner kami sa bahay ko, nagluto ako ng carbonara. Bumili ako ng scented candles at naka-mood lights pa ang kusina. Pinakita ko sa kanya kung ano ang dinner date. Bakit hindi siya gumawa ng effort tulad ng efforts ko?" She finishes the doughnut and is now working her way to almost-licking her plate off of leftover frostings.
His EFFORT versus your EFFORTS - the battle between the SINGULAR and the PLURAL. Ganyan talaga, the thought keeps tumbling in your head. Ganyan talaga kapag sobra ang expectations mo. You position yourself to strike a verbal blow, "Ikaw kasi, ang galing mong magmahal. Ang galing-galing mo!" She pauses for a few seconds then stares at you silently for a few more. "Oo nga. Ang galing ko. Kung masalubong ko sa Parian (somewhere in Intramuros) ang sarili ko, iuuwi ko at pakakasalan ko. I am the most romantic person I know. I'd be lucky to have me."
Finding and choosing someone to love and have a relationship with is the easiest among the most difficult things to do in the world. Maintaining a relationship is far more complicated. But when expectations seep in, that is when everything becomes complex. The honeymoon stage becomes bittersweet and the promise land turns barren when you expect more than what you should.
"Para hindi ako masaktan, huwag na lang kaya ako mag-expect? Mahirap na talagang umasa na kiligin pa ako sa mga panahon ngayon. Gusto kong kiligin..." She signals the waiter for another serving of the same pastry. You take a sip from your cup of hot lemon grass tea. "Huy, ano na nga? Paano ako kikiligin? Gusto kong kiligin..."
Is it wrong to expect?
No, it is not wrong to have expectations. It comes as natural to us as breathing. What is wrong is when you expect nothing. What is wrong is when you expect something else from someone who has already given you what he can.
The truth is, when you give, you should also receive. You just do not always receive what you want to. Sometimes, it is not even from the same person that you gave to. Rewards come in many forms, not just one. Do not expect him to be someone else that he is not. Learn to see through his eyes. The answer might just be in how he patiently waited while lining up in the cashier's lane at the grocery store while waiting to pay for the three candlesticks he bought. It may be in the way he thought of you and how he knew you liked this particular brand of sisig from a can. It may be in the once-in-every-few-months chance that a power outage may be turned into a memorable quality time together while the whole world is blanketed in darkness. Well... maybe not the whole world - just his block of the neighborhood. Learn to see through someone else's eyes, not just yours.
"Eh ikaw, kamusta na ang lovelife mo? May nakita ka na ba?" She darts her own verbal blow. It takes you several minutes before you could recover but she overtakes you with a follow up. "Siya pa rin ba? Hanggang ngayon? Ang martir mo naman. Tragically romantic nga lang. Hindi mo pa ba nasasabi sa kanya na mahal mo siya? Torpe ka nga, bespren. Kung ako nga na bespren mo hindi mo pa magawang sabihin kung sino siya, eh 'yung ipagtapat mo pa kaya sa kanya ang nararamdaman mo?"
You start to mumble the words, "Kung pwede lang sanang i-USB ang passion, matagal ko na sanang ginawa..." but she does not hear you because the waiter interrupts and delivers her second serving of doughnut. "May girlfriend ka na, malamang hindi mo na ako masasamahan sa mga relationship emergencies kong ganito. Maganda ba siya? Kasing ganda ko ba?" She begins to laugh. Her cute little snort as she laughs amuses you even more. She suddenly stops laughing and ang takes a bite of the pastry. She looks at you with her eyes trying to recall something. She asks you, "ano na nga pala 'yung sinabi mo bago dumating 'yung waiter?" You just smile.
Ganyan talaga. You do not always get what you want. Either learn to live with it or do something about it.
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tiny-cloud-of-flowers · 10 months
I put Xenoblade Chronicles 2 in my Switch again for the first time in a while, in order to try and get a couple of screenshots quuckly
Said screenshots also included a KOS-MOS ^-^
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void-kissed · 1 year
Hello friend it's ya boi Berry I saw the post abt what fandoms would ship irt your SIs and as someone who spent hours looking at ships in this fandom I have thoughts.
Sapphire: Nia would def be a ship w her. Mythra as well, I tend to see most characters shipped w one Aegis often shipped w the other. Her excitable nature playing of Mythra being more guarded would intrigue people.
Calanthe: Shion/Koshion ot3 deffo would happen. That fandom is wlw paradise for ships lol. Helps she and Shion have a lot in common -- invested in KOS-MOS, glasses for reasons other than eyesight, Zohar shenanigans.... T-elos in saga and 2 both would also happen. Similar to the Aegis situation I find.
Aline: Def would be shipped w Haze as well as prolly her and Lora as an ot3. Her and Brighid also feels possible -- jewel of Mor Ardain and a village girl would go hard for ppl. Curve ball here but Avalon as well. Blade Driver pairings are super popular and I figure that'd extend here too -- they're friends so some ppl would ship em.
Citri: Fiora and Shulk predictions are spot on. Reyn would also be a potential one bc of the similar childhood friends angle, tho might be more popular w her in ot3+s. Melia also feels incredibly possible, actually -- people in recent years have really been feeling her wlw vibes and chances are she'd have cute interactions with Citri, making her a potentially popular choice. Linada might also be one of only bc she and Vanea are somewhat shipped -- ship her w one gf why not the other? Lots of ot3+s here specifically would happen I think.
This has been berry can't sleep and is autistic about ships in xc fandom hour. Thank you
HELLO BERRY THANK YOU SO SO MUCH FOR THESE and also I really hope you were able to sleep. Sorry that they took so long for me to write out responses to!
Sapphire with Mythra would be pretty interesting actually, especially with the context of Mythra first appearing in XC2 not too long after Sapphire joins the party in Chapter 3. Not perhaps the best of introductions Plus, with Mythra’s connection to Poppi, that’s another way the two can kind of come together despite being quite different personality-wise! And, I can also definitely see shipping happening with Nia, haha. Not only out of catgirl solidarity, but there's also a Blade Eater/Flesh Eater contrast, which is made more fun by the fact that the Blade whose Core Crystal is in Sapphire was a healer Blade~
Today I found out that Shion doesn't wear glasses to correct her vision either, huh. I didn't realise they were a sentimental thing for her (from what I read on the wiki)! Anyway - yes, you're right that Calanthe and Shion do have possibly a bit too many similarities, oops, but you're right that it would definitely make them fit ships! Shoutout to Xenosaga for all the wlw ships, honestly. t-elos is someone I had not considered, but honestly now you mention it I can absolutely see it. Calanthe is not an overly confident self-insert, so that combined with t-elos' general demeanour would be quite the contrast, hehe. Plus, if going by her XC2 version: glasses solidarity again!
I would definitely call Aline with Avalon a curveball for the reason that Avalon isn't attracted to girls (I keep considering shipping them with Minoth, or possibly one of the other two male Blades), but at the same time I can see it persisting despite that, given what some people are unfortunately like. I will readily admit I hadn't considered Aline with Brighid, but I can definitely see the logic in it, haha - you're right that that kind of trope can be pretty fun! And, yes, Aline with Haze does definitely sound very cute, I can definitely imagine it ^-^
Regarding Citri, I don’t know how I forgot about Melia! My first attempts at making an XC1 self-insert was to selfship with Melia, actually - that self-insert was a fellow half-High Entia, also called Sapphire but without XC2 Sapphire's energetic-ness. Citri has actually probably turned out somewhat similar to that initial iteration, now that I think about it, despite her lore now being different (and me thinking of her as an alternate version of Calanthe, not of Sapphire). In terms of the others, I can definitely see them happening through OT3s specifically, as those would give more opportunity for more dynamics to develop properly, you could say.
..Sorry that this took me so long to properly get to, but thank you so so much again for sending this in, friend!! It really means a lot that you took the time to write this out in such a way, so thank you ^-^
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Calanthe: "KOS-MOS, look! I got it working!! It's not crashing anymore!!"
Here is my piece for today, which is the twenty-second day of the month! It's, again, just a simple little concept - namely of Calanthe getting excited about a piece of code finally working as it should do, not really expecting too much of a response from KOS-MOS because she isn't particularly loud like that, but.. if Calanthe were just to turn around, she would see how proud KOS-MOS is of her through her expression ^-^
Tag list: @catake | @masterofmasters | @wazzuppy | @cherry-bomb-ships | @call–me–home | @xenobabble | @beeon | @coralward | @crosshairswife | @pandapup | @altamont498 | @mercuryships | @lemonloven (to be tagged in what I make, please see this post!)
Comments on and reblogs of my work are always okay, and appreciated, but are by no means required!~
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heytoneejay · 1 year
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(published on my social media nov. 29, 2022) it started with one song, "kasama kita." siguro yung iba sa inyo narinig niyo na yun nung pandemic, nung rinelease yung lo-fi demo version na earphones mic pa ginamit para sa vocals. it's a song about wanting to be free to love someone deeply. nung panahon na yun hindi pa natin alam kung kelan matatapos yung mga ECQ, MECQ, GCQ, at kung ano pang mga Q Q na naimbento. for me personally, feeling ko nakulong ako. not just physically but also mentally... yung tipong hindi mo alam kung kaya mo pang mangarap muli kasi feeling mo hanggang dun ka na lang. like for everyone else, it was a very dark time for me. i wrote a whole album on loneliness (my first album, beginning/end). then i went through a crisis of my personal beliefs about reality, relationships, purpose, even god. it felt like someone pulled the rug out from under me and i went into free fall, just questioning everything i once held sacred since i was a child. but as i went deeper, confronting the darkness around me and in me, i soon found that indestructible part inside of me. i dont know what to call it, and im still trying to understand it. but i guess we can say i found out who i was. and knowing myself better now, soon everything started to feel lighter. i no longer felt as angry or lonely or unforgiving. and before i knew it, i was happy. and i remembered that song "kasama kita." and i remembered all the old love songs id written from years ago. "kanta ni sam," "talinghaga," "alaala," "bawat piyesa." and then i wrote new ones. "simbahan," "ruth," "doxology." and they all seemed to say the same thing, like everything has been leading me to this point in my life: that i am not required to be anything but myself. i am not even required to be sure about who i am. there is nothing to prove. sometimes, i still feel like im proving something and i catch my own ego and i remember that it doesn't matter. because deep down, im okay. and if im okay, then im free to love others as i love myself. because understanding who i am, i understand that we are all the same. and if we are all the same, then we all desire the same thing--to love and be loved. so this album is about that: this album is about learning how to care. this album is about looking inwardly and mending our brokenness. this album is about remembering our connectedness with each other. this album is about honoring every part that makes a person and honoring the fact that we too are pieces of a bigger picture. that even though the world could be a terrible place and powerful forces are making us turn on each other for profit, for control, for dominion, we can choose to rebel and love one another. this album is about resistance through love. this album is about understanding more and more na kahit sino pa tayo, at kahit ano pang pinagdadaanan natin, sa dulo ikaw lang naman at ako. sa dulo, walang ibang totoo kundi kasama kita. -- listen to my new album "kasama kita": https://bfan.link/kasama-kita photo: Nukie Timtiman Art
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jojo-reader-hell · 3 years
Can I have a female reader traveling with the Crusaders that has a siren stand which she has to sing to activate? She’s extremely shy about her voice and doesn’t like other people listening to her despite her being a good singer (basically a tsundere). Maybe she says something along the lines of “Cover your ears or I’m going to leave you assholes to die!” Before she sings because she would absolutely die of embarrassment.
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As promised here’s the one with the Moana reference!
“If, if you make fun… fun of mu-me… I’ll kuk, k-kick YOUR ASS!”
They promised.
Scout’s honor.
I won’t say anything.
Hurry up and fix him.
Just shut up and do it.
So many creative ways of telling you to activate your Stand to help save the poor big French BINCH bleeding out in front of you.
Such a nice change of pace from the typical mockery, but as of right now that’s a story for another time. Right now, Polnareff was going to bleed out and die if you didn’t at least try to help him. As everyone else panicked around you, you had to hold down Jean Pierre to stop him from thrashing around injuring himself further. Your grip is like iron, even though the stutter makes you look weak you’re anything but. His gaze his fixated on you as his chest heaves, and for a minute you can’t help but think how handsome he looks, underneath you like that all vulnerable.
“Mmn… Jus-Just hold still. I’ll do… t… I’ll take care of it.”
She’s ready. Eager. Chomping at the bit. In your insecurity with words and actions, Queen of Cups seems as though she was born ready for this job. Mr. Abdul had said your Stand was bursting with all of your untapped potential, it was just a matter of owning it. Since you joined on this valiant crusade
You closed your eyes, felt that familiar tingle in your fingertips, traveling up your arms out through the crown of your head, wet curls draping over your shoulders as cold scales traced over your hands.
It’s her, in all her royal glory, vestments covering her hair and face but leaving space for the intense oceanic blue of her eyes to show through and smile down at you.
The love, the intensity she holds, is calming. In her cold embrace, the tang of the salt sea prevalent when you inhaled, you felt the words pour confidently from your mouth, the thumping of your heart beat in your ears as powerful as any drum.
As you open your mouth, her eyes begin to water.
“Tatou o tagata folau e vala'auina. E le atua o le sami tele e o mai, Ia ava'e le lu'itau e lelei… Tapenapena!”
“Aue, aue!”
“Nuku I mua. Te manulele e tataki e.”
“Aue, aue!”
“Te fenua, te malie, nae ko hakilia mo kaiga e.”
Her voice never wavers once, and neither does yours. In this language of song you are fluent, feeling the energy of your words knitting the ripped flesh back together was exhilarating! You could even feel the Frenchman below you regain strength enough to struggle under your iron grip. But you continued the magic chant until your Stand’s magic couldn’t work any longer. The adrenaline still stayed even after she knew her job was done. It never got old. Especially when you felt the icy tears of your Stand drip thickly down her cheeks and dribble down onto any angry red wound that needed healing. It took a long time to come out of the trance. The only thing that seemed to draw you back down to earth was Polnareff, reaching up and touching your cheek softly.
“I’m all better now…” he murmured.
You turned down to look at him, breath hitching in your throat when you noticed that starry eyed look he had. His cheeks were pink again, the lightest smattering of freckles across his face visible as he patted your cheek.
Looking up, you noticed a similar dusting of red across everyone else’s features, Mr. Abdul’s face stoic, but his hand on your shoulder told a different story. There was true pride in his eyes, affection as he patted your head, and it made you feel more valued than anything else in the world.
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