#but I hope they get renewed because I'd love to see their take on s2 and 3
galaxythreads · 3 months
The live action ATLA is amazing. 9.5/10. I didn't love everything about it, but there are so so so so many good parts and I'm so glad that Netflix decided to make this. I've seen a lot of weird criticism from long time fans and maybe I just haven't been in the fandom long enough, but. I absolutely think it's worth giving a watch if you go in with a semi blank slate. The Netlfix series is not trying to be an exact scene by scene remake of the show.
The thing about it that you have to remember when you go in is that they said they were going to change the tone of the show, and they did, and it works! It's not the same. It's not a comedy. It's funny, but it's not a comedy. Character motivations were changed to fit the darker theme. It's using Avatar as source material and intends to be an adaption, not a reconstruction of the series.
Katara is much more traumatized about her mom's death, which made sense! She was murdered in front of her. She's afraid to take on a maternal role because of that. She's quieter and softer because she's afraid and she's healing from her mother's murder. Katara in the series made sense, too, but I feel like someone looked at her and went! Wait. Smol child is maybe...not okay??? I have faith they will build her up as the seasons progress if they continue.
Hakoda is disappointed in Sokka barely passing his trial. Makes sense! They're at war! Sokka has to take care of the village, of course Hakoda has high expectations for him. And the thing is--Hakoda still trusted Sokka with the responsibility of the village anyway, so his disappointment in Sokka's trial didn't stop his faith in his son. And honestly, I think it's fine that Hakoda is not a perfect parent who never makes mistakes. Parents rant about their kids to their friends all the time. It's healthy because they're not doing it in front of, or to, their kid. Hakoda didn't know Sokka was listening. So. Idk. Sokka doesn't go through his misogyny is bad actually arc, and while I missed it, I thought he functioned really well in this story without it. And for the record!!!! Sokka STILL makes stupid jokes the entire season. He didn't lose his sense of humor.
Aang feeling so much guilt about leaving? Yep! I can vibe with that. I missed his innocence and playfulness, but I feel like this wasn't a bad take on the character either. He was still playful, but in the world they live in, it would make sense that he feels terrible for leaving. And everyone they encounter takes it upon them to rub it in his face so why wouldn't he feel bad or out of place?? Especially after Bumi. Everyone says he needs to face this alone, and Aang learning that he doesn't have to?? Powerful!! Is it the same arc as s1 of the show? No! It's not supposed to be!
Zuko's actor was perfectly cast. That boy IS Zuko. The scence at the end of e6 made me cry because it was so powerful with the 41st, and that felt so EARNED after episodes of watching Zuko's crew despise him to suddenly realizing the only reason they're alive is because of him and realizing it's an honor to shelter him. Zuko drawing Aang to pin him on his disaster wall was amazing. Him getting hit by some random woman for attacking Aang? Amazing. Him sitting next to Iroh during Lu Ten's funeral? So soft. The Agni Kai really rubbed people the wrong way, but I think it was interesting that they decided to have Zuko showing compassion be the root of Ozai's anger. He showed compassion to the 41st, he shows compassion to his father, and when Ozai has defeated him, he has him on the ground and could walk away, and he chooses to burn his face. It's not exactly the same as the show, but again, it's not intending to be.
Azula being here was interesting. I don't know if I loved Zhao being incapable of doing anything without her, but it works for what it is. Zhao is intended to be annoying and he was! So. 10/10. She cried when Zuko got his scar! Ozai playing the long hand of terrible abusive tactics made me want to bite him. Because Ozai doesn't care about Zuko. He uh. Made that pretty clear when he banished him and then at the end when he's explicitly told Zuko might have died at Agna Qel'a and he's like ????????? Am I supposed to care??? We've gotten rid of weakness. So??? Like he used Zuko to force Azula to become more ruthless. He used Zuko to shape her. I do hope we get more exploration of Ty Lee and Mai so they aren't Faceless Blorb Friends, but I just don't think there was really time in s1.
The parts they chose to remove and add into the story was interesting. You got to explore the story for the first time again. I definitely think both versions have merit and are deeply enjoyable, I just don't think you should go in expecting it to be exactly the same thing? I was happy to see a new take on the story, but that might be because I knew that it was going to be darker and the characters would adapt to that. I do hope we can get more of the vibe of the show's humor in season 2 if we get season 2, and Katara feels little more like her show-counter part because I missed her, but honestly, I do recommend to a friend.
Or at the very least, if you absolutely refuse to watch it, PLEASE go watch the last 1/2 of episode 6 with Zuko and the 41st because I CANNOT.
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nalyra-dreaming · 2 months
"Worried about the Nicki/TVL content" here for clarification. I apologize, that came off like I didn't want to see TVL/Nicki. I'm excited to see Louis' journey through Europe and very excited for the theatre des vampires. I'm also very excited to see Lestat's backstory, including Nicki's part in it. What I meant is I'm worried that the showrunner might have been worried they weren't getting a season 3 so they packed in TVL and Nicki into season 2 so audiences got the backstory for Louis, Armand, and the theatre and how that ties to Lestat because they didn't want to leave questions because they may not get a season 3.
I want them to take their time with each major plot point and i wondered if cramming so much in was a hint that there was not going to be a renewal. But your response to my first ask was reassuring. I just really need to see the entire story play out before they end the show and I panicked so much advertisement of TVL in season 2 was an indication that this would be the only time we see it. Does that make sense?
Also, what plot points or storylines do you think we will see in season 3 in addition to TVL because the show always has more than one book or storyline going?
Ah ok :) It does make sense, but I honestly wouldn't worry too much.
For example Rolin talked about Lestat and Gabrielle at the SDCC '22 panel and so far there is no hint of Gabrielle - which makes sense, because Armand does not particularly like her... he probably omits her in his retelling of what happened.
But I don't think Rolin is going to omit her :) ... pass on the possibility to ... dip into that mess, too^^
And Rolin has already talked about Lestat's turning (and it being the literal worst of all the vampires' turnings) in the podcast back then, too. TVL is why Rolin wanted to do the show.
So. I wouldn't worry too much. AMC is financially out of the woods, the modus operandi seems to be the same as last season, and they are ramping up promotion, they are still developing the other shows, too. They said they are in for the long run, and there was once talk of 10 seasons... now I am not optimistic enough to hope for that much *laughs*, but... I'd love it :)) Definitely. Supposedly Sam was signed for 5 seasons though (off the bat). We'll see.
As per story lines... well, I mean, they will need to keep Dubai fresh, so that will develop further, and then, of course, in Lestat's past there is a lot they can hook into as well.
Magnus shows up as a ghost in the later books, too, so who knows, they might explore that aspect already (and there maybe the origins of the Talamasca???) in some kind of fashion. It would serve to introduce Benedict and Rhoshamandes here, too, given the later arcs. Marius' arc, of course, though if the rumor re Justin Kirk holds then they are going towards Marius' story and TWMBK (and possibly QotD) in s4 and s5. Gabrielle could be introduced in Dubai, and maybe bring in Sevraine, I mean Fareed is already there, the ancient vampires are there already, somewhere, out of sight, but there is a lot of possibility :)
And, of course, if they actually bring in Fareed again (which might be needed, given Daniel's health status), then Seth cannot be that far, and through Seth we could get an introduction to Gregory and Mekare, and Maharet, and Khayman, and... whoever else.
The Dubai TL is mixed up already, and I for one love it, because it allows for so much.
For example the piano music in the show... I would have loved it if that had been a live stream, of Sybille playing (for example). You know? Little things.
Sam said that there would be (more/other) cameo's coming in s2, so... I fully expect there to be more vampires, probably only apparent to those who know^^. (Just like last time^^)
Also: by now I do think we will get yet another revisit of episode 5 in s3. From Lestat's POV.
Because there is something there that I have touched on, that @cbrownjc has touched on... namely that we will now get to that the fight was more an actual "fight" downstairs, but even more interestingly, we will in all likelihood see why the fight rekindled upstairs. And... here comes something Lestat says in episode 6 into play, namely: "I don't know what possessed me that night."
Now, anyone who has read the last books (which Rolin as stated takes from) knows that Amel's awakening is bloody, drawn to violence, and that he takes over sometimes. He also likes to be in Lestat.
If the basic structure of the fight stays as it is there has to be a reason why that fight rekindled upstairs, and why it continued then with such a drastic power-imbalance, and why Lestat went on about his "nature", something which I have always found weird.
However, if they are already setting up Amel... I have theorized before that they might combine Akasha and Amel, since the actual threats (the burnings) are quite similar and it would be too repetitive for the show.
IF they are, indeed, already setting up Amel, then we will see the "reason" why it all went shit in Louis' POV next season, and then get the personal account of what happened there in s3. Louis won't be able to make much sense of it yet, neither will Armand, nor Daniel, and not even Marius (in all likelihood). But as these lines have not been come into play yet (and this show does not waste lines) I fully expect them to come back.
And then, if Lestat recounts the possession that story line can segue into s4 and s5 of Akasha/Amel rising, they'll probably skip the "core" going to Mekare first, I think Lestat will take it directly, maybe with the threat of Rhoshamandes thrown in or after, depending.
As I said before, I think they know how they want to do the first 5 or so seasons, and this... this is how I think it might come together :))
Obviously this is the "rough cut" - the details will be the most interesting thing.
What did Louis say in the trailer?
"We should get every detail right."
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matan4il · 1 year
Good morning Alice! I was gonna wait to send this till after the finale, but then said duck it I'm not predicting anything. I'm just curious about your feelings.
So I always felt like if the network was to cowardly to make Buddie Canon it would only end 2 ways, them maybe dating women or just ambiguity single as a family. Basically I never expected to see an actual fleshed out love story written for either.
And well, S1 Buck is single, S2 Shannon is dead, Ali leaves, and we get good montage hug, S3 single and great party montage. OK S4, if that was the series finale we got Buddie walking into a party, Buck not fullying entering, Eddie uncomfortable and the will reveal. As shippers, we would have never bought it. The general audience would have just shrugged. Again, they weren't left in love with women but did leave with a crazy strong bond. S5 single, and now we approach S6. I have no clue what will happen with Marisol and Natalia, but I think we can all guess it would resemble the S4 ending if anything. So again, if they were unsure about renewing and left it open-ended, the GA would shrug, and we would be like "well then here is what really happened".
So I watched that Love in the Air montage like it was approaching a series finale and felt exactly like I thought I would. I was laughing at how vapid these relationships look on Buddie vs the others. 911 love stories are built on adversity. Couples that don't get a lot of representation because maybe some don't think they are sexy enough. That's what makes me love them is how strong their foundations are. They are not built on meet cutes, you know. You can't write a love story for these 2 that approaches touching the bonds and experiences they have already experienced together. I will use the word again. it seems almost vapid!
So no clue what will happen in the finale with these girls. My gut instinct is not a lot of focus. But I'm already excited to move to ABC, where I think they will actually be invested in.
As always, I loved your meta!! Stay safe, and I hope you are feeling OK and made headway with your new treatment!!!
Hi sweetheart, thank you so much for this lovely ask! And for the kind words about my 617 meta! *HUGS*
I agree with you, if Buddie doesn't go canon, the show would never be able to develop a fully fleshed out and satisfying love story with any other Love Interest, so the show would either use really lame LIs (where it's easy to see that they'd go in the way of Ana and Taylor a short while after the cut off point of the show's finale) or Buddie would be chronically single (and each other's life partners). I admit, I prefer the latter. The former just means a break up to get to the latter, and then in both cases I'd just headcanon that Buddie finally had a feelings realization and confession, getting together at some point in the future that we don't get to see. It's inevitable with their love story.
But without a doubt, when we know that the whole (or at least majority of the) finale is the one call during which the 118 will be going down, that means there won't be much room to develop anything with either Natalia or Marisol. And I feel like that's exactly how 4a left off with Ana, and 4b did the same with Taylor. They exist, something has started there, but it's built on such shaky ground (they really did give us less than nothing for why Marisol or Natalia would work out with Eddie and Buck), we KNOW that this ground would collapse under these new LIs after a short while.
I do think the move to ABC has a lot of potential. I'm thinking ABC bought the show from Fox knowing that things are a bit rocky, so they KNOW they need to bring in more viewers, and I'm sure they understand that letting Buddie go canon has the potential to do just that, make TV history, create buzz and bring in more viewers.
On a personal note, I'm just still blown away that my HMO actually approved this treatment, but it's gonna take another week (exactly) until I get my first treatment. Which sucks, I have to cancel guiding students from Harvard in order to make this appointment, but yeah. Health before anything else, right? If I kept the Harvard tour, the next appointment is mid June.
Thank you, darling! I hope you're having a great day, too! Love you tons. As always, here's my ask tag. xoxox
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booasaur · 2 years
If I may ask, what didn't convince you in the 2nd season of Warrior Nun? Your gifs/works/parallels are wonderful, good job!
And hope you'll have a nice holiday!
Oh, thanks!
Ah, well, first, the Shotgun Mary situation. In the same way that I'm unhappy when f/f characters are treated in such a way that their actors leave, I don't love it when it happens to POC characters either. I know that the showrunner said personal reasons were given for Toya's departure but there seems to be some friction all the same. Even if it had been entirely amicable, the show created a situation with just one Black woman as part of the team so the absence then became quite glaring.
And the thing is, Mary was actually so valuable from a show perspective. S2 really lost something without her. Apparently she was the one who was gonna say the "it's hard to love a warrior nun" line to Bea? That would have been bruuuutal but so, so good. And she brought such a good balance to the team, a different voice. Once all the team had collected, it felt a bit same-y? Like, obviously they all had distinct personalities, ones I really liked, but they were all so clearly on the same side and wanting the same thing with the same approach, it almost felt like they needed to manufacture some conflict by making Camila act out a bit. Normally that would have been Mary or Lilith.
Which, Lilith. I mean... Her s2 arc seemed very plot-first, the writers going with the "wouldn't it be cool" model where they wanted Lilith and Ava to have those cool ass fights. I get it but I just didn't see much of Lilith herself, after the much clearer writing for her in s1. They could have gotten here if they absolutely had to with a lot more character work and interiority, shown her being conflicted and grieving Mary and self-destructive and an effort was made with Adriel latching onto her sense of rejection to groom her but it just didn't seem enough, to me anyway.
It's hard to declare someone OOC when you're just a fan and saying you know better than the writers, but like, character development's a path, right, where you can see what's already happened so far and use it to extrapolate the future, taking into account where the character might grow or regress more than expected because of significant events. People still aren't just gonna change everything about themselves or regress to a point where everything about them before doesn't matter at all. I can believe that ambitious, angry, hurt Lilith would end up siding with Adriel, but behaving this way? To the other nuns? After losing Mary, no less?? No, not really.
I'm guessing that before losing Toya, it was Mary who might have been part of Lilith's journey ending up like this, but that doesn't mean the show shouldn't have done the work another way.
Heh, clearly I've thought about this a lot, but it doesn't change my positive feelings about the many things I did like about the season. Mary was just really sorely missed and if they get renewed, and the personal reasons don't stop Toya from being available later on, I'd love to see her return, in a super cool badass the eagles are coming moment. There was no body, after all!
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crazycatfaery · 7 months
A wonderful morning from your holiday anon. I'm here with, you guessed it, more questions! of all 13 eps which one is your favorite? which 3 things would you change about season 2? do you have 3 favorite fanfic tropes?
Omg hi anon!!! So happy to hear from you again! 😄💚
So sorry for my late reply, but it turns out you stumped me with the first two questions this time, so I went and rewatched the whole series with a notebook and pen in hand (I had to go through all the feels again because of this, how dare you! /affectionately).
My favourite episode: OMG WHAT. I can't choose just one! I liked the first episode of S1, because its an introduction of all the characters, and I like that Farah is in there a lot. I also like the last episode of S1, apart from the fact that Farah gets forced into her nap. My favourite scene is in that episode, with Farah opening up to Bloom and them hugging 🥺. But then I also really like episode 6 of S2, even though that's when we say goodbye to Farah. The whole conversation between Stella and Luna, Bloom's stasis dream with Aisha's words, Farah freeing her after wiping her tear...just, ugh 😭❤️. The problem is that I have things I love and things I don't in every episode of the show, so picking only one is so hard! The best I can do is narrow it down to S1Ep6 and S2Ep6 (hah, both episode 6), which are equally high up my list.
Three things I'd change about S2: Ooh are you ready because I have THOUGHTS.
Saul's emotionless reaction to the mention of Farah by Terra. Like, what the heck was that?? I already have a couple HC explanations for it, but I would've much preferred the addition of a small scene where we see a hint of him breaking down or very obviously keeping in his emotions (like punching a tree and then pretending everything is fine while someone looks at him with sad eyes, maybe Sky? *takes note of this for future fic*) to signal that he does, in fact, know about her death and DOES care a GREAT deal! I'm very passionate about this as you can tell.
Bloom and Rosalind's "fight". I don't like how Rosalind just kind of... stands there while Bloom gets ready to flambé her into a crispy piece of chicken. Couldn't they at least have done a little exchange of magical blows or something? Rosalind trying to attack Bloom (futile attempts ofc but still)? At the very least make it so Rosalind doesn't feel so weak in that moment. She's supposed to be a powerful fairy, more than Farah! I actually jumped on this scene for the fix-it event this year, and wrote THIS fic, if you haven't read it yet and want to know more about what I'd change. I even go more in-depth in the comments.👀
The pacing. Most of this season felt rushed. Maybe it would've helped if they'd added another episode and stretched it out a bit (as they initially promised), maybe they should've ended the season with Rosalind's crispyness so they would've had more room for all the previous storylines that season. Then again, we wouldn't have had that final goodby of Farah, unless the show did actually get renewed, in which case they could've scrapped that whole bit and just have Farah come back because Eve Best's filming schedule would've possibly alined better (wishful thinking, I know). Overall, I feel there were a lot of things left out that could've been told, and weren't because they focused on rushing towards Bloom going to the Dark Realm.
Three favorite fanfic tropes: Good god I have to breathe for a minute after that rant😂. I'm glad you put a positive question after that one!
I like to read all sorts of stuff, but the tropes I gravitate towards the most are: Fix-it fics (or canon-divergence AU), because of obvious reasons. Angst/fluff (or hurt/comfort?) fics, because I love me some angst as long as it has a happy ending (although sometimes I like a bittersweet ending too, if I need a good cry). And lastly I love Mutual Pining, because what else would I have my two favorite idiots do?❤️
I hope I understood this question correctly, because I always confuse tropes, genre's and styles? Have a few bonus ones I also enjoy, for if I actually got it wrong: There was only one bed, Five times fic, Missing Scene, and Friends to lovers.
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iamacolor · 2 years
i'm still in shock. i was coming into this ep with loss of hope and someone they put the best parts of this show into it. god.. even i had a sense of fulfillment by the end. im here for youngwoo and her journey and we got to see her about to start a new chapter. full time! i hope att jung stays but just balances his work/life better cus he doesn't have much to prove anymore as he did before. i wonder if youngwoo's the only one with a renewed contract tho but i like this team so i hope not. the talk with junho was so 😭😭😭 im so happy idk i'll take it. it came out with less plotholes than i thought?? maybe ceo han changed her mind bc her goal was to not have her as minister (also minister for what i still dont know) but she stepped down on her own and maybe she sees she doesnt have to risk youngwoo for that (but also i dont like that she was willing to use youngwoo like that) but youngwoo's little brother 🥺 what a good kid. so cute when he calls her noona 🥺 idk.. im just very happy they didnt ruin s1. that could've been the end of the show and id be satisfied. but now im even more excited for s2. i really adore these characters.
hello anon! I just wrote a long post about all the things that felt off for me in the finale because so much was still left unsolved or unsaid or simply was given a shortcut so that there could be a happy ending but I won't rewrite everything here because honestly I think it was a good ending based on all the things they'd messed up to get there not really as an ending itself (does that make sense) and because you're right they somehow found back the tone that we loved from earlier episodes (which is hugely in part because we were fully on youngwoo's side rather than watching her suffer from afar with her scenes cut) so it did give me faith again for season 2. I'm glad she's happy with her new position she deserves all the things that makes her happy (and as for myeongseok she also clearly wants him back at hanbada too they make such a great team! but I do hope he finds a better balance)
I think the weird thing about ceo han just sort of giving up (for now) is that we still don't know why she was so against tae sumi?? (and since she's a lawyer tae sumi was a candidate to be minister of justice!)
and I would love to know if youngwoo's still in touch with her half brother. one of the things I wanted for season 2 was to see youngwoo be a mentor to another lawyer but I'd love to see her navigate being a sibling as well especially since they so easily understood each other very well and she immediately was protective of him (and he clearly needs better acquaintances than the ones he was hanging out with lol)
I just hope they can actually make season 2 happen now, I know it's going to be hard to get everyone together but a lot still needs to be resolved and it'd be a shame for this show to not actually get to wrap everything and for youngwoo's journey to be cut short when there's still so much more to see!
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akira-emberheart · 3 years
songs I'd like to assign to the glee kids (part I)
Note: I'm pretty well known for making playlists and more playlists, and ever since seeing this post by @cracktastic about assigning, for the 100th episode, the least expected song to the least expected character, I've found myself craving to hear specific characters sing specific songs.
(I've also started another separate list to add on to that post I mentioned, but that will be a post for another day)
So after going through my music library, I came up with a small list of songs for each character that I would love to hear them sing, for various reasons, which i'll do my best to explain.
This got really long really fast, because I like to get into meta and over analyze - I'm also just very passionate about music. For that reason, I'll do 5 songs at a time for a specific character, and I'll be putting a read more.
Also, please be gentle with me - I've watched Glee a year ago, and it's entirely possible I may be missing or confusing scenes and storylines in my head. If I do, let me know!
If you read this and find yourself thinking of songs and scenarios as well, do share them with me! I'm working on actual Spotify Playlists as well.
So let's get into it -
for Kurt Hummel
> Re: Stacks by Bon Iver
"This is not the sound of a new man
or crispy realization
It's the sound of the unlocking and the lift away
Your love will be
Safe with me"
This is probably one of my favorite songs ever, and I first thought about it for Kurt after realising how beautiful his voice would sound in it, because of its crystal clear and poised quality. (I liked it so much I included it in a scene on my fanfic too).
If you don't know Bon Iver, or the history of this song, it's the last track in an album full of more..."depressing" songs. It's also the one that has a throughout tone of hope, of recovery after a hard ordeal, of taking some first steps to a better place.
I imagine it would be a good song for him around the time he meets Blaine - when the Karovsky situation is nearly over, and he starts looking back on his school year - Burt's heart attack, the bullying - and, now with Blaine in his life, and a renewed self confidence, he's finally able to confidently step into a better phase of his life and heal from all he went through.
I see this one being sung in a quiet moment of reflection, when he's alone. Maybe in the choir room, or even outdoors in a nice garden. In my fanfic I wrote it in a different context, in Blaine's room at night, so I guess that works in my head too.
> Enchanted by Taylor Swift
"I'm wonderstruck
Blushing all the way home
I'll spend forever wondering if you knew
I was enchanted to meet you"
I'm very fascinated with Kurt's whole storyline in S2 - things start off so rough for him, but when Blaine comes along, and when Kurt is able to grow and shift more and assuming the person he really is, things start looking up. I chose this song for what it promises, and also because I can imagine it in Kurts lower singing register and it seems like a good one for him. Also, yes, I was a kid who owned Speak Now. Sue me.
This song is about first meeting someone very special, and that happens to be the beginning of Klaine. With the almost whispered lyrics, the slowly crescent ambiance and rhythm, it really encapsulates the feeling of everything stopping when you lay eyes in that one special person, and the flooding rush of emotions that happens right after.
Kurt had no idea how much an unsuspecting visit to a rival show coir school would change his life, even less in the midst of the situation he was in. It also seems fitting for Kurt and his early relationship with Blaine because of some specific lyrics ("This is me praying now / This was the very first page / Not where the storyline ends"). Enchanted tells the story of a special first meeting, and hints at something special to come, from the perspective of someone who is awestruck for someone.
Like the one above, this one would fit in early S2, possibly in EP6, after Kurt and Blaine's meeting at Dalton Academy. When he's back home, alone in his room, daydreaming, or when he's back at McKinley in that same afternoon.
> Gonna Get Over You by Sara Bareilles
"Oooh, how am I gonna get over you? I'll be alright, just not tonight But someday. Hey, I wish you'd want me to stay I'll be alright, just not tonight"
My main reason for choosing this one is because I think it fits very very well with Kurt's voice, and musical taste - its a very vibrant and poppy song, despite the more depressing theme - a post breakup promise of getting over it.
I first thought of it for S4, soon after the Breakup™, but paying close attention to the lyrics (I do tend to get stuck on just the melody sometimes), it makes more sense to place this on during the S6 Breakup - when Kurt finds out about Blaine dating Karovsky, after deciding he wants Blaine back.
So it's a hard situation for him, as we see from his breakdown in the bathroom (poor Kurt!), and he really has to come to terms with the mistakes he made (and the mistakes they both made as a couple), pick himself up, and move on.
I imagine this one being sung during an outing with Rachel, when she's trying to cheer him up and lift him up a little from his depression. My brain readily produces an image of a sunny street or a shopping mall that the two of them walk through, Kurt with some nice vivid colored clothes, finally being able to smile and ready to perhaps start moving on, or at least ready to start considering he will be okay.
> Killer Queen by Queen
"She keeps her Moet et Chandon
In her pretty cabinet
"Let them eat cake", she says
Just like Marie Antoinette"
This song just reminds me of Kurt. It's one of my all time favorites from Queen, and ever since watching Glee, these two are just connected in my mind. Voice wise, Kurt could definitely handle it.
It's apparently about a "high class prostitute"(? Freddie's word's, not mine), but still paints a pretty and dainty picture, and you can almost picture a porcelain faced lady in her best clothes, delicately smoking a cigarette. It also contains words that probably only Kurt can pronounce out of everyone in the glee club.
Many Queen songs were sung on Glee, but I don't think there was ever a Queen episode. For this one, I suggest a headcanon scenario, maybe during S3, when Mr. Shuester decides to have a Queen week - and Kurt isn't known for going with the obvious choices. He wants to be classy, edgy and impressive, and he sings in front of everyone, half in the choir room, half in the auditorium, perhaps with some fancy decoration and dancers behind him.
> The Answer by Kodaline
"You might think you found the one
Until your heart gets ripped and torn
Yeah, I used to feel bad, I used to feel like that
I still feel a bit like that"
This is another one that I picked immediately solely based on Kurt's voice - I really do like his voice with just a quiet, discrete instrumental. Looking into it further, I decided it could really work for Kurt's character.
I didn't go very deep into the intended meaning of the song, because it definitely has space for different interpretations. I choose to go with the breakup one. These lyrics here reminded me a little of the S4 breakup storyline - "We all fall down from the highest clouds / to the lowest ground" - makes me think how well Kurt's life was going once he arrived in New York, with the internship, his apartment situation with Rachel, a new and exciting place where he could freely be himself... and then he's completely blindsided by Blaine's cheating. He goes from being ecstatic and excited at Blaine's appearance, looking forward to share with him all the great things he just discovered, when Blaine's confession sends him to a well of despair, doubt and loneliness. The lyrics "You might think you found the one / until your heart gets ripped and torn" - reinforce the whole situation.
I can see him singing this not long after the breakup, on one more sleepless night, maybe walking alone through the streets of New York, or maybe in a montage of his busy daily routine, while he just gets through the day with a whole lot of emptiness weighing on his chest.
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