#but I’m happy with how he came out phew thank god
bunny584 · 11 hours
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A/N: God I LOVE when you guys let me break the 4th wall. Most of you guys already know my specialty but in my junior years of residency I had to rotate on different services as part of training. Everyone loves a well rounded doctor. 
Anon, you’re insane for this ask. I could never write a full medical fan fic because it’s TOO close to home and I already spend 100 hours/week at the hospital I need to escape it somehow. 
Nevertheless, I’m SO happy to indulge you, baby. Let’s get into it. I’ll break this up into two parts. The Attendings, then The Residents. 
Dr. Satoru Gojo:
Most people incorrectly assume trauma surgeons to be stern and intense. I would argue that they are the opposite. They are so deeply unserious. My co-residents and I legit played pranks on our attendings 24/7 during the rotation - right up this blue-eyed psychopath’s alley. When push comes to shove, they get the job fucking done. The most calm under pressure. A patient comes in coding and requires a thoracotomy and its your first one. You have less than 5 minutes to access the heart and massage — Satoru would stand behind you. Steadying your hand. 
“Good. More pressure on the incision. Spread the fascia. Good. Don’t puncture the lung, they need that right?” 
And the second you get to the heart he gives you a tiny nod of approval. Takes over at the head of the bed. You’re in for a LONG OR night with Dr. G, hope you had dinner.
Dr. Suguru Geto: 
Alright chat, hear me out. I know what you are about to say. I am biased because it’s my specialty and the boy is fucking pretty. But contrary to popular belief aesthetic surgery is 10% of our field. We do burn, hand, bony and soft tissue craniofacial (cleft lip, palate, etc), cancer reconstruction, trauma reconstruction, etc. Suguru is meticulous. He can sew up a severed 4 mm peripheral nerve with his eyes closed. He demands perfection in EVERY case. In the OR he watches your hands like a hawk. 
“Don’t skive the blade or the dermis will be uneven.” “Approximate, don’t strangulate.” “Cut that stitch out and do it perfectly the next time.” 
And when it’s good. I mean fucking flawless. He looks at you over his mask with those violet eyes. ONLY smiling with his eyes. 
“Good job. Make it perfect next time.” — This is the highest form of praise you will ever receive from a plastic surgeon. We are chronically unimpressed. Take it and RUN. 
Dr. Kento Nanami:
Phew this one is going to make me emotional. Nanami has a very special and private ceremony he does to honor those that have given life to others with their bodies. He sits on the top of a hill by the airport. For each plane that takes off, he names a donor patient, thanks them, and says his goodbye. Your first kidney transplant (personal experience) you cry like a little baby when they pink up and the patient starts making urine at the end of the case. 
Nanami tilts his head and chuckles. “Congratulations, doctor. You just made your patient urinate. How does it feel?” 
For a patient who has been on Hemodialysis for a decade. Chained to machines 3x/week. Can’t remember the last time they’ve independently gone to the bathroom? It feels fucking amazing. You’d cry too. 
Dr. Ryomen Sukuna
Who here is shocked? Raise your hand? Because I don’t know WHAT contract the orthopods have with the Gods but every single one of them is 6’5, works out 3 times/day and drinks muscle milk in between cases. The thing about Ryo is that he doesn’t give a single FUCK if the patient is 99 years old on blood thinners, 10L of O2 at home because of COPD — he WILL take them to the OR and he WILL smash that hip to smithereens because a hip replacement is a hip replacement okay?
I kid you not, my attending and I came into the OR to finish reconstruction on an ortho case. I’m 5’3, my attending is 5’0. The orthopods were 6’5 and 6’6 the patient table was basically touching the ceiling. When we scrubbed in they had the audacity to say:
“Can we lower the table to plastics height?”
Dr. Shoko Ieiri 
This one is obvious. Neurosurgeons are brilliant. Naturally some of the most gifted humans I have ever met. Special grade. And given the unfortunate outcomes a lot of their patients face, they all have a darkness about them. Both charming and intimidating. Twisted humor to cope with devastating loss after loss. I don’t have to explain much here. After a 15 hour Chordoma case, Shoko walks outside the HOSPITAL to smoke a CIGAR.
Literally everyone is like???? Aren’t you a literal doctor??? Our moody brunette just takes a long drag and says:
“Do me a favor. If I ever need a ventilator to breathe for more than 48 hours, pull the plug and smother me with a pillow.” 
(Shoko I’m here anytime if you want someone to smother—what?! Who?)
Dr. Utahime Iori
Specialty: ANESTHESIA 
The Gas Gang. EVERYONE loves the anesthesiologists. Fiercely intelligent. Insane handle on physiology. The sleeper pick. They are the smartest person in the room. Surgeons are just fancy plumbers. Anesthesiologists actually keep the patient alive. And the thing about our Gas Gods, is that they WILL take a coffee break, ok? All that standing for 10 hours shit is NOT for them. 
Part II: Meet your first year residency class. Grunts. Bottom of the surgical food chain. Hope they slept after med school graduation because the first shift lasts 36 hours. And you work every second night until you drop.
Eat when you can. Sleep when you can. And DON'T fuck with the pancreas (and for the love of GOD don't fuck the attendings)
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dilutedbeanibeans · 3 months
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some doodles from the past few days!!! terra and sunstar design stuff (kinda) and an idea of a younger newly activated terra
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the-himawari · 1 year
A3! Troupe Event Translation - Sunny Blanc (11/11 Epilogue)
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*Please read disclaimer on blog; default name set as Izumi
my treasure
Homare: Here comes the tea.
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Izumi: Thank you very much. Phew~… I’m glad the run of your 9th performance wrapped up smoothly.
Tasuku: The stage was set in a flower shop this time, so I heard it was a big hit with our female guests for its gorgeous appearance.
Tsumugi: We received lots of flowers as gifts. There were a good number of guests who gave us peonies to match the contents of the play.
Homare: Our dorm is all the more gorgeous for that as well.
Azuma: Speaking of peonies, it’s wonderful that Tsumugi’s grandma remembered Flower Park.
Tsumugi: Yes. She recalled right away when I showed her my pictures the other day… She said she’d love to go again after so long. I think we’ll go and take pictures together next time.
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Izumi: Yeah, it's good to leave a record like that so that you can remember it later.
Tasuku: —Isn’t it about time for our wrap-up party?
Azuma: Shall we head to Journey after we finish our tea?
Hisoka: Ah…
Tsumugi: What’s the matter?
Hisoka: I ran out of marshmallows…
Izumi: Those are the marshmallows you bought at the World Market, right?
Hisoka: I’m totally out…
Azuma: The event isn’t over yet, so I’m sure you’ll have another chance to buy some.
Hisoka: —.
Tasuku: Don’t tell me you’re planning to go right now?
Hisoka: I can’t get them anywhere else except that market… I’ll head to Journey straight after buying them.
Tasuku: Don’t fall asleep while eating the marshmallows.
Tsumugi: May I come with you? I don’t think it will take that long.
Hisoka: …Sure.
Hisoka: Thank God they had some left…
Tsumugi: I doubt you’ll run out for a while if you buy this much. We were able to purchase some decorative flowers for Journey too, so how about we start making our way over there?
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Hisoka: Yeah.
Tsumugi: You know, I didn’t expect to hear you say you wanted to buy flowers. That made me happy though.
Hisoka: Maybe it’s because I was working at a flower shop for a while…
Tsumugi: If you don’t have the habit of decorating with flowers, then you don’t usually go out of your way to pick them up, huh?
Foreign boy: 《Hey, mister. So we meet again, huh? 》
Hisoka: 《Ah…》
Tsumugi: Do you know them, Hisoka-kun?
Hisoka: We got acquainted the first time I came to the World Market. He’s someone who knows my family.
Tsumugi: I see.
Foreign boy: 《That reminds me, I had a particular customer who knew Misha the other day. 》 《While we were making small talk, they mentioned they knew someone from the town I used to live in. As it turns out, it was Misha!》
Hisoka: 《…Eh? 》
Foreign boy: 《They said they used to go to the candy shop all the time. What an amazing coincidence that we could cross paths in such a faraway country, huh? 》
Hisoka: 《I see…》 (The fact that there’s a customer from the candy shop isn’t strange. But to meet them by chance in a place like this…) (I’ll let Chikage know, just in case…)
Foreign boy: 《Oh right. Have you come up with anything you’d like me to draw? 》
Hisoka: 《Ah… I haven’t thought of anything. Sorry. 》
Foreign boy: 《No need to apologize. You don’t have to force yourself! 》
Hisoka: 《What kind of paintings do other people request…?》
Foreign boy: 《It really depends on the person… But I get asked for family, relatives, and friends quite often. 》 《Everyone says they want to preserve a snapshot of their loved ones as they were in that moment. 》
Hisoka: 《Family…》 (Come to think of it, Director told me she wanted to meet August…) 《Hey, do you remember Misha’s face? 》
Izumi: After all, I think we have to consider our organization on-site from now on.
Tasuku: I agree. It’s necessary to relay things like that to those outside our own theatre too. It’s an issue Veludo Way as a whole should think about.
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Izumi: Exactly!
Homare: UuUh… *hic*, flowers are just so beautiful… We simply cannot compete with the art that’s brought forth by nature…!
Azuma: There, there.
*door opens*
Tsumugi: Sorry we’re late.
Guy: Everyone is drunk already.
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Tsumugi: Ahaha… I can see that.
Hisoka: …Here you go, Guy.
Guy: These are?
Hisoka: I thought it might be nice to decorate the shop with flowers… I chose them with Tsumugi.
Guy: I see. They look beautiful. Thank you.
Izumi: Ah, Tsumugi-san, Hisoka-san. You two sure are late.
Tasuku: Was it crowded at the market?
Tsumugi: We had an important purchase to make.
Hisoka: …I have something I’d like to show all of you.
Homare: …Something you wish to show us?
Hisoka: This…
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Azuma: This person is…
Hisoka: Someone… who looks like August.
Tasuku: Huh?
Izumi: It’s not August himself, but a look-alike? Is that what you mean?
Hisoka: …I asked an artist who knew August to draw his face if he remembered it. But in the end, it was a long time ago, so it was hard to reproduce without a picture… The details might be a little off… But I wanted to introduce my family member to everyone. To all of you who kept me by your side without question since the time I lost my memories and had no idea who I was myself… And to Director too, because you said you wanted to meet August…
Izumi: Hisoka-san… thank you. Thank you for introducing your family to us…
Homare: I am overjoyed that I get to gaze upon the face of Hisoka-kun’s precious family.
Azuma: I see, this is how he was. I feel a bright and kind vibe from him.
Guy: Even if you’ve forgotten the details, I am certain his personality and aura will remain in your memories.
Tasuku: Even though it’s a bit different, someone close to him will probably recognize him if they see this picture.
Tsumugi: Still, I think creating something tangible like this will serve as a trigger to connect to a precious memory.
Hisoka: …Yeah. (…I’ll show Chikage later, too.) (I’m sure he’ll be fussy about the details though, like, “this part’s off, this part’s off too, and this part should be more like this.”)
Homare: Now then, what do you say to another toast? To August-kun and to celebrate the success of our 9th play dedicated to August-kun—.
Tsumugi: Cheers!
Hisoka: Cheers.
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DIABOLIK LOVERS Para-Selene Vol.8 Mukami Azusa [TRACK 3]
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Original title: 追憶のオルゴール
Source: Diabolik Lovers Para-Selene Vol. 8 Mukami Azusa [CD not owned by me]
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Kishio Daisuke
Track 1 ll Track 2 ll Track 3 ll Track 4 ll Track 5
“Uu…Ah…Where am I…? …The forest? How did I suddenly get outside…?”
He looks around.
“...!! Eve…!? …Eve…!? Where are you…!?”
There is no response until he suddenly hears a soft chime in the background.
“...!! I heard something just now!”
The music of an organ plays from afar.
“I’m pretty sure…It’s coming from this direction…”
Azusa follows the sound. 
“Ugh…Hah, haah…Eve?”
You turn around.
“Thank god, I found you…! …Are you alright? You’re not hurt, are you?”
You shake your head. 
“I see. Thank god. Phew… Huh? Is that…an organ?”
You explain.
“Eh? You found it inside your pocket? …I see.”
You ask if it belongs to him. 
“No, it doesn't. It’s yours. I gave it to you in the past. I’m glad knowing that you’re still treasuring it…I guess this was the faint tune I heard after waking up earlier. I was able to find you as a result.”
You frown.
“You didn’t play it? Then…I wonder if I was simply hearing things? Well, I guess it doesn’t really matter since I was able to safely find you in the end. Actually, something similar happened in the past, you see.”
You seem curious.
“I came all the way to this forest looking for you…after we had gotten separated. I was about to lose all hope, unable to find you even after frantically running around the pitch-dark forest looking for you. That’s when I heard itーー From deep inside the forest, the sound of that organ echoed. When I finally found you, I was filled with happiness. You seemed extremely happy too. You smiled brightly and called my name. I still remember that moment vividly.”
You ask if he has been to this forest before. 
“Mmh. Both of us have been to this forest before. I spotted a familiar abandoned building on my way here. The exact same building I saw when I searched for you back then. …Yeah, a carbon copy. …Hey, Eve? Can I share my hypothesis? You might think I’m spouting nonsense again though…”
You give him permission.
“Okay. I’ll tell you then…For some reason, I feel as if something is off about this forest.”
You ask him why.
“How should I put it into words…? It looks the exact same as before but…I feel like it’s almost too unchanged. The grass and the trees should be alive, but they’re still exactly the same, almost as if they have been frozen in time. …Earlier, I thought my brothers were headed out somewhere, which is what I told you as well…but I think that might not actually be the case.
You frown.
“Perhaps they aren’t the ones who have disappeared…but it’s actually us two who have wandered into a different world of some sort…? Ever since…you lost your memories. I believe that we were suddenly transferred to another location…and nobody else seems to be around…because this is an entirely different universe.”
You seem skeptical.
“I mean, when I think about it, there is just no way Ruki would never leave the kitchen with a pot still on the stove. That’s just the kind of guy he is…I feel as if the moment we laid eyes upon that moon was the starting point of all of this…But I wonder how we can make it back to our world? I have no clue…”
You look scared.
“Eve…I’m sorry for making you anxious. If only I was a little more reliable…you might have never had to feel this way. I’m so very pathetic…”
You try to comfort him.
“Oh…Fufu…I guess you’re still the same…even without your memories. You truly are so kind…even willing to cheer up someone like me. You’re more precious than anyone else in this world to me…I guess I won’t get anywhere moping around forever. If my theory is correct…We should be the only ones in this world. In that case…I’m the only one who can keep you safe.”
“Hey, Eve…I promise that I’ll try my best. So let’s return to our own world together, okay? I promise that I’ll find a way to retrieve your memories as well…You’ve made me realize something very important. Thank you very much.”
You insist that you have not done much.
“No, if you hadn’t been here…I’m pretty sure I would have just been at a complete loss all by myself. You’re always there…to help me when I need it the most. While you might not recall at the moment, believe me when I say that I remember it very well.”
“Hey…Let’s head home together? While I can’t guarantee that we’ll find a clue at the manor…I do think it’s better than simply sitting around here. We can look things up at the library or even make a meal. 
Besides…Even if the others are not there right now, many memories still remain. Of course, that includes precious memories with you as well. I wonder if I’ll be able to bring back my memories…if I were to tell you about them one by one? …It’d be nice if that were the case.”
You agree.
“Really? You’ll come with me…?”
You nod.
“Thank you, Eve…For having faith in me. …Well then, let’s get going right away.”
“There’s a lot of trees growing in this area, so we should be able to avoid having to look at the moon.”
You ask him if looking at the moon will make things worse. 
“I wonder…I was trying my best to avoid it earlier but in the end, the dizzy spells still occurred. …It’s making me unsure of just how large the effect of the moon is. But I guess it’d be best to avoid exposure until we find a clear answer to that question…? 
Also…It’s a bumpy path up ahead. There’s a bunch of tree roots sticking out the ground, so let’s proceed with caution.”
The two of you start walking.
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vro0m · 2 years
vro0m’s rewatch - 73/297
2011 Malaysian GP
Round 2. Thank god we have the full broadcast this time and not just the race so more content.
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Oh wait? They were supposed to start in Bahrain and the race got postponed so they started in Australia instead? What happened there? Let me Google it. Wow. It was because of "civil unrest" . Oooooooh dear. Right. 2011 was the Arab Spring! Damn. Anyway there was no GP in Bahrain that year in the end which. Yeah. Makes sense.
I think they're expecting rain?
Quali report : Buemi’s car broke apart and he lost his sidepod on the track. Schumacher couldn't get into the top 10 again. Di Resta out-qualified his teammate. Sudden suspension failure for Renault in FP the day before but the drivers still managed 6th and 8th in quali. Ferrari have issues with aerodynamics, Alonso is 5th, Massa is 7th. Jenson's tyres were too degraded to do better than 4th. The McLarens are closer to the RBs. Webber was 3rd. Lewis was fastest in his attempt but ultimately locked up, allowing Seb to get on pole. Seb credits the team at the factory for doing an amazing job on KERS even though they are overseas.
Also there's a Narain Karthikeyan driving for hispania racing that I've never heard of before.
Nick Hamilton started racing himself! We see images of him and the rest of the family at the track. Lewis says he's extatic and thinks he did a good job. He's happy to be here to support him. He's incredibly proud and smiles through the whole race.
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Formation lap
Apparently Webber radioed his engineers that there's a problem and has been told essentially we see it but we can't do anything about it right now. Mmmh.
And they're racing!
Seb got a good start but so did Lewis. Webber is indeed struggling. Jenson is in third. But the Renaults! WTF! They're so fast somehow and wheel to wheel with Lewis in the first corner! Heidfeld is through! Lewis hasn't given up yet he fights him in the next corner! But he can't make it!
Barrichello has a puncture, contact between Kovalainen and Maldonado, someone's lost some pieces on the track.
Lewis is putting in good times and is not far from Heidfeld.
Lewis pits. Phew he falls back... He's 10th. And now it starts raining and he just got dry tyres. Seb pits, he also gets dries. Jenson does also. LEWIS OVERTAKES BOTH BUEMI AND SCHUMACHER AT THE SAME TIME. I'm going feral. Everybody is pitting btw. Lewis is back in 4th. Petrov is in the lead followed by Seb and Kobayashi. Heidfeld, who McLaren was trying to shake by pitting Lewis early, is indeed behind. And Alonso just overtook Button.
Lap 20. Seb is back in the lead followed by Lewis and Alonso. Lewis is faster than Seb but the team also asks him to look after the tyres. Webber pits again. His race is a wreck. Jenson pits from 4th too. Lewis pits from second. Unfortunately he's just behind Petrov. Barrichello and Perez are DNF. Seb pits. He's out behind Massa in 4th which isn't ideal either. At the same time Lewis elegantly overtakes Petrov. He's now free to push while Seb tries to pass Massa. Alonso pits from the lead. Seb overtook Massa! Heidfeld has pitted. Damn this race is busy. Seb is thus back in the lead, Massa is second and Lewis is third. And Massa pits. Oh ho ! Redbull tells Seb not to use KERS. And that's 30 laps done. Right away McLaren informs their drivers.
Lololol Seb asks again "repeat the KERS message?" and his engineer "do not use KERS, do not use KERS, we will let you know what to do next." You'd think Seb is sabotaging himself at this point making sure the others know. But he still pulls the fastest lap of the GP. Lewis pits again. It wasn't a good stop. The journalists comment on how smooth his driving has become, which is normally a quality that Jenson has. I did say in the 2010 review that Lewis might learn a thing or two from him i. e. regarding tyre management and it does seem like he is indeed watching and absorbing some stuff. In this race however Jenson just came back out in front of him and I think he won't be too happy about that, especially as Ted informs us that Lewis' tyres weren't doing too bad when he came in and Seb might have become vulnerable in the later stages of the race. On top of that, Webber is right on his tail. Is he struggling? Is it his tyres? Or did he get in his head? Webber has the DRS but he can't catch him still.
Seb pits as a reaction to Jenson’s pace on his new tyres. Alonso also pits and is behind Webber. Webber pits for the fourth time. Massa overtook Petrov. Lewis is back in third. Alonso is racing Lewis who resists but Alonso is still coming at him. He resists again. This is gonna be a difficult last 10 laps, as a Virgin retires. Alonso's DRS isn't working! Thank god! And yeah that was bound to happen, I saw it coming : they make contact. Alonso hits Lewis’ rear and his front wing must have shattered. There's debris. He can't slow down as he should in the next corner and Lewis gets away. Yeah his front wing is gone. He's lost a huge amount of downforce and can't turn properly, will he even make it to the end? It's 100% Alonso's fault and it looks like something out of Max's current playbook : he should have lifted up and didn't. He pushed too hard and Lewis stood his ground. Well Lewis wouldn't have been able to get out of the way at all anyway. Lewis is lucky he didn't get a puncture, from what I see in the replay. Yeah. We see Lewis has damage at the back. Alonso pits. Lewis lost a bunch of time over Jenson, it seems he’s had some kind of problem since his last pitstop. Yeah. Heidfeld just overtook him. He's off the podium now. And now he's run wide and Webber is through. That is such a shame. The race was going well. He pits! Oh that's gonna be dramatic. He's 8th now. There's only 3 laps to go... Petrov is out! He went wide rejoined the track at full speed and hit a bump which dislodged his steering wheel?! Bruh wtf was that.
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Last lap! Webber is racing Heidfeld hard for third place.
And it's the end of the race! Seb wins, Jenson is second, Heidfeld keeps third place. Lewis is seventh.
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Lewis is disappointed. He did everything to keep up and he doesn't have much to say really. He confirms it wasn't the contact with Alonso that fucked up his pace and it was already happening before that. He thinks they boxed too early and then all the stops were earlier than they should have been and so his tyres were fucked. He's serious and frustrated.
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Alonso claims "we touched each other" anyway. The last thing we hear, he's heading to the stewards.
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odetolove · 1 year
hehe you're so cute pls i giggled at your response
i did get good sleep ! though not enough but i gotta wake up early anyway to do adult things booo. how about you? how was your sleep?
OMGG yoongi and jk :') good choices gosh i love them, yoongi has always been a bias wrecker my goodness, he's gonna be the end of me esp recently......phew. but my bts biases are v and jimin, 95 line has me in a chokehold LORD. it was just jimin and then tae came for my throat during love yourself tear era with the dark hair and singularity.... just...yeah yeah yeah.. AWW DK ! i wanna be his bestie so bad he'd be so fun, and MINGYU pls he's such a dork, i'd fight him (said with fondness and affection) i think it's cause he's an aries man.. LMFAO but i love him i swear. for svt bias, it's s.coups, god the Man he is. pls its not FAIR. and recenlty dino has joined too with my finally accepting woozi as a bias wrecker too AND VERNON TOO LIKE WTF HE CAME OUT OF NOWHERE FOR ME. gosh they're all soosfdlk wow
AHHH that makes me so happy to hear you're energized hehe, it always feels good to get back into writing. like even rp for me, it makes me happy to have the creative juice (and time) to do it again cus i really enjoy it.
-- samu mod
PLS!! keep complimenting me and i will start !! idk … idk what will happen but something will!!! thank you <3 im happy i made u laugh (wink wink)
yayayay!! i’m glad you did, i did!!! i’m cursing everything that’s making u have to get up early :T adult things are no fun and boring !!! i hate it :c
YESSS, i was so tempted to just drop so much money to go to one of his concerts but being a responsible adult i decided not to for the sake of my bank acc LMAO, i just sat at home and cried with his album playing in the background while i mournfully scrolled through twitter !! AND PLS… jimin n tae… YOU HAVE TASTE!! esp tae,,, sometimes he hits me like a freight train with how HANDSOME HE IS??? ur right singularity n ly era was truly unmatched for him.. thay harness he wore in the fake love mv decreased my lifespan by like 20 years i swear. and S.COUPS?? ur insane, i stay away from him (with much love) bc i know he’s !!! yea… he’s !!! (u get what i mean) like u said the MAN he is…. ur so right, they’re all so cute and can EASILY snatch up bias spots sooo easy!!
and thank you!!! like u said im happy you have time and inspo!!!! it’s always the best ,, it’s like seeing a very good friend you haven’t seen in a while!!!! hehehe
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impossiblebird · 1 year
Another year has passed on Earth; meanwhile Pluto still hasn’t completed a single rotation around the Sun since its discovery, whether it be by Newt or by Clyde William Tombaugh (those americans, they always think they discover everything 🙄). After all, Sonya’s grandmother was right in a way; Newt came back from Pluto just as young as he was when he left. The universe has a funny way to do things. To celebrate, here is one last glimpse behind the scenes of Pluto! 🪐 (or is it?)
- originally, thomas and newt were supposed to have sex on christmas night after sharing their first kiss. but this is your gift, and i know just how much ace thomas means to you and to so many others (and to dylan!), and how much he has come to mean to me as well in a way i didn’t expect, so I scratched the love-making and let thomas and newt decide themselves how to define their love and how to express it to each other, and i think it’s so much better this way 🤍
- you need to know that newt and thomas sharing earbuds and holding hands was directly inspired by your airport fic, like a lot of what i wrote here (but i don’t think it comes as a surprise, does it? i do believe this whole story of mine screams of yours. what can i say, except thank you for inspiring me)
- you may also have noticed that i dropped a specific clue for you to make you guess who i am…it was just way to tempting 😳
- the quote “gravity is matter’s response to loneliness” isn’t mine (sadly), it comes from the movie the half of it. i would definitely recommend it!
- i wrote the shotgun scene while drinking a pumpkin latte, i wrote the scene of thomas and brenda meeting and bantering at the stables while drinking eggnog, i wrote the whole christmas yule ball (until the kiss) while drinking a golden chai latte. it was a journey made of hot drinks!
- the shipwreck in which lizzy’s baby father allegedly died is a real shipwreck, that of the HMS Serpent
- you asked who delivered lizzy’s baby if thomas didn’t, and honestly? i don’t know. let’s imagine that, since the pregnancy went on for longer it happened way more smoothly and harriet, brenda and teresa were able to handle it by themselves!
- Newt positively melts when he sees actual pictures of Pluto for the first time and notices the “heart” on its surface
- i did intend brenda to be understood as trans/nb but i wasn’t sure which one to go with, so i left it to interpretation ✨ i’m so glad you enjoyed that detail!
- i made the conscious decision of writing 2022 in the past tense and 1890 in the present tense. no reason, i just thought it was funny. (and i had a tough time explaining to my beta reader that it wasn’t an error in coherence)
- newt and thomas grow old together. once they get tired of city life and retire from their jobs, they move back to the isaacs estate, turn the music studio back into stables and live a quiet and happy life
- i was extremely happy to get to write for you 💗
🥺 happiest of new years to you, my lovely santa <3
hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh you knew how much ace thomas meant to me?! honestly that makes me so happy to hear because i thought all their intimate scenes together were PERFECT 💛💛💛 you did an incredible job and i really appreciate you keeping in mind my love for ace thomas even though i know i didn’t mention it on my wish list <3
MY AIRPORT FIC INSPIRED YOU?! oh my god. the idea of anything of mine inspiring such a beautiful and incredible story just blows my mind…. 🥺
A CLUE?! i’ll be on the lookout for that in my next reread then 🫡
thank u for the movie rec!! with such a beautiful line i know i have go check that out asap
that sounds like a LOT of coffee santa 😳 that coffee shop was blessed with the presence of genius ;)
omg it was a REAL ship. a fun fact indeed
okay phew i’m glad they were okay without thomas there <3
AAAAAAAAAAH PLUTOS HEART. i absolutely adore it and i know newt would too. i’ve put a photo of it on the cover of the playlist of songs you suggested for this fic btw 💛
YOUR MIND 🤯 galaxy brain fr <3 that’s completely amazing and i am once again in Awe
stop do you want to make me cry MORE?! i’m so glad you were my santa and it makes me unbelievably happy to hear that YOU were happy to write for me 😭💛 i cannot thank you enough for such a beautiful story, and for going the extra mile to leave me these messages in my inbox <3 *mwah* i adore you
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Can I please request a newt smut where he’s just having a rough day and she tries to make him feel better with a sweet soft session? Maybe where’s she’s on top for once and he’s just heart eyes over it? Thanks darling!
Of course, my dear Anon! Newt is just a sub in my eyes, honestly
Newt huffed sharply, wiping a bead of sweat from his brow.
He had been working all day in the hot sun, pulling weeds from the gardens and ordering the newest Greenie around.
As if that weren't hard enough, the Slicers somehow managed to lose a pig, it accidently escaping from the Blood House and wreaking havoc all around the Glade.
Since no one seemed to be competent enough to handle it, Newt recruited a couple of his close friends and managed to catch the boar in less than an hour.
Sometimes, Newt couldn't believe how so many guys could be so reckless even when they've been in the Glade for so long. Pretty unacceptable in his eyes.
But alas, it was just one of those days where the Gladers were just tired, of the work and the situation that it reflected in their work. It was fine, tomorrow would be a new day and that was that.
But even Newt noticed how badly he must've looked, because he felt it. Sweaty, beaten down by the humid heat, an irritated expression on his face. He never really stayed annoyed for long, but looking like he was annoyed was better than looking like he was in pain.
Since everyone pretty much knew about Newt's leg, he was always a bit self-conscious about showing how much it really affected him all the time. The running around always put a lot of strain on his leg, it never really healing right after that night in the Maze. It was aching a considerable amount after chasing after that pig, but he was thankful it happened on a hot day, the cold only increasing the pain.
But Newt knew it would be okay, knowing he always had something at the end of the day: you.
When you came up in the Box, it was pretty much love at first sight, if there was such a thing. You were the light at the end of the tunnel, his lighthouse that he could always spot in the darkness when the ocean waves wanted to drown him most days. Sometimes he wished you were in the Glade before he made that decision to go out into the Maze, which he thought was selfish of him, but now he had something to live for other than making sure his plants didn't rot.
When the Maze doors finally closed, signaling the end of the work day, Newt carried himself to his hut that he shared with you, following the path he took so many times that it was second nature at this point. Like a moth to a flame, he gravitated to the place he knew where his home would be, waiting for him.
Newt opened the door to his hut, feeling his mood already lifting when he saw you.
"Hey!" You greeted happily, clearly you had a good day compared to Newt. You gave a quick kiss to the corner of his mouth. "How was your day?"
Newt only huffed in reply, not bothering to explain how hectic his day was. He walked past you and grabbed a small towel. "I'm gonna wash up."
You furrowed your brows at his bluntness, usually he was happy to vent if he had a bad day. You watched as he walked out the door again. You would've joined him, but you had already taken a shower before you got back to the hut. You smirked, as you got an idea...
Newt had a hard time standing while showering, his exhaustion almost getting the best of him. But the cold water definitely fixed his heat problem, and it helped relax him slightly. If the water were warm, he'd probably fall asleep standing up.
After washing up, Newt headed back to the hut with a more tolerable attitude. He didn't want to be in a bad mood when you two went to bed, since it was the only thing he really cared about, just a nice and comfortable end to a long day. But that it not what was waiting for him...
Newt's eyes widened and his face quickly flushed at the sight of you, naked. If he wasn't so tired, he would've pounced on you then and there. "Y/n..."
"Mhm?" You smirked, sultry walking closer to him.
Newt sighed. "Darling, as much as I'd love to, it's been a real long day-"
"I know that." You interrupted, finally closing the gap between the two of you. "That's why you won't have to do anything at all, just let me take care of you." You connected your lips, running your hands over his torso and wrapping your arms around his neck, feeling the dampness of his freshly washed hair.
Newt pulled away. "You don't have to, love." He said with a slight stutter, his cock already hardening at your roaming hands.
"You're always doing most of the work. Let me help you relax, okay?" You kissed him again, then taking his hand and leading him to your shared bed.
Newt finally surrendered himself, allowing you to have your way with him.
You gently pushed him down on the bed, kissing him passionately, then slowly lowering your kisses down. You made sure to leave a couple love bites on his neck, then trailing down his now shirtless torso, gently nipping his skin.
You looked up at Newt with a smile, placing a kiss on his V line before slowly pulling his pants off his legs. You chuckle softly when his cock quickly sprung out of his boxers, eager to be played with.
You trailed a few rough kisses up his inner thighs, taking your time until you finally got to his pretty pink shaft. You licked a stripe on the underside of his cock, smirking when you heard him let out a breathy whine. You gently grabbed the base of his cock, kitty licking his tip before taking the head into your mouth and sucking gently. "Y/n..." Newt shuddered, bucking his hips slightly.
"Shh..." You whispered, rubbing your hands over his hips. "Just relax."
You took more of his cock in your mouth, humming happily around his shaft, the vibration causing Newt to moan softly. You picked up the pace a little, bobbing your head up and down as far as you could, your hand moving with you to stimulate what your mouth couldn't. "So good, love. So good..." Newt praised.
You pleasured Newt like that for a good few minutes, his moans and sighs increasing in volume, but you decided to stop and trail more sloppy kisses up his torso until you got to his lips.
You straddled Newt, kissing him while you rubbed yourself on his dick, the stimulation you craved while going down on him finally being given to you caused you to moan breathily. "God..." You giggled.
You sat up, gently taking Newt's dick in your hand and using it to tease your entrance. You and Newt both moaned in unison as you slowly lowered yourself on his cock, feeling him stretching you deliciously. "That feels so good, love, fuck..."
Newt watched you bounce up and down on his cock, your face contorted in pleasure. Seeing you feel so good from his dick made his pleasure all the more intense. He knew you said that you wanted to do all the work, but he wanted you to come too.
You moaned loudly as Newt reached down to rub fast circles on your clit, that sensation combined with his cock perfectly hitting that special spot inside of you fast-tracking your own orgasm rapidly.
Newt felt you clench tightly around him as you climaxed, focusing on your beautiful expression as he made you come. He tried to keep his eyes on you as he felt himself getting close, keeping your gaze as he felt the warm buildup. And finally, the tension broke and Newt quickly pulled out and shot his come all over his stomach, feeling himself deflate.
You leaned down to give him one more passionate kiss before plopping down on the bed beside him, a giddy grin plastered on your face. "Do you feel better now?" You asked playfully, knowing fully well what his answer would be.
"You really have to ask?" Newt chuckle, rolling onto his side to look into your eyes. "Have I ever mentioned how much I love you?" He said softly.
You smiled. "Once or twice."
Phew, that got me feelin' some type of way.🥵 Anyway, it is 4 a.m. and I can't stop writing...halp
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starshipsofstarlord · 3 years
💕 reader turns into a baby and obsessed with Bucky. Awww 🥺
Infant Issues
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bucky barnes x reader / masterlist
warnings; fluff, morgan definitely being tony’s kid, biting, swearing, spoilers for IW and Endgame, mention of the blip, childish behaviour from adults, terrible humour (I really am sorry), spoiler for WV, mention of age gap, kinda a crossover, an absolute mess 😂
“Morgan?” Bucky frowned, as the girl tried to speed past him. It was not wise for anyone to allow the mischievous child run around the compound alone, she always got up to nothing but trouble, and there was such a glazing in her brown eyes.
She didn’t spare him a glance, instead, she bolted, causing the super soldier to sigh. He would have went after her if there weren’t already footsteps recurring from the path that she had just came from; it was his father. It so happened that there was a bundle of joy in his arms, crying like the sudden crack of dawn.
“What were you going to do, wait another five years to tell everyone about this one, Stark?” Bucky asked with a chuckle, though the cries from the infant muted at the sound of his voice. The child wiggled in Tony’s grasp, trying her utmost to reach out for the vibranium armed hero.
“She’s not my daughter, if she was, I think me and you would be having conversations.” Tony’s words spurred a frown to combust out onto Barnes’ face, and the billionaire sighed, shifting the baby so that the baby was in Bucky’s arms.
The child cooed up at him, her eyes were a baby blue, sure to avert possibly into a different colour once she grew elder. “Look, I didn’t ask if I could hold her, she’s cute, but why do you-“
“Morgan did it.” Tony willingly blamed his own daughter. With her various experimentations, she was definitely taking after him. He’d be sure to keep this one quiet from Pepper, otherwise he was almost certain that he’d be banned from bringing Morgan on expeditions to the compound.
“I though y/n was supposed to be watching her.” Stated the enhanced soldier, cocking his head at the information that he recalled. He promptly remembered you abandoning him half way through training the newbie recruits, because Happy was dropping Morgan off, and you had offered watch over her, despite the associate being there.
“She was, and now you’re going to have to watch over her.” Tony pointed specifically to the child in his arms, and that was when realisation hit Bucky. He gulped, breathing through his nose to calm himself, as all the pieces clicked perfectly together.
This was not just a child - it was you. As he gazed down at you, he could finally see the pouted expression that would fixate upon your face when you paid attention to him when you were drunk, there was a glazing over your eyes as you raised your small and innocent hands, scraping down the stubble of his chin, as you curled further into his arms.
“I am going to kill you.” He steadily spoke, huffing as Sam went to walk past, but stopped himself when he saw the bundle of joy that was content in the brooding soldier’s arms. 
“What the hell! Did you and y/n have a baby or something without telling anyone?” Oh, how he wished those were the circumstances, and if the pair of you were to ever have a child together, then he would be impartial to the idea of doing so.
"This is not my child, it's y/n, thanks to Stark over there." He bounced you in his arms, he even felt a small dribble of spit seep through his shirt, but he didn't mind, not as his icy glare was intently prized upon the philanthropist.
"Hey, it was my daughter's fault, not mine!" Tony excused himself from the blame, holding his palm against his chest, as he received as such. Sam ogled at him for a second, before returning his attention back into Bucky, and little you.
He came forwards, reaching his hand towards you, keening as you went to grasp his. As you did so, a smile broke out upon the man’s face, until it contorted into a sharp frown, the noise of a yelp escaping from his lips. “That little bitch bit me.”
“Language.” Steve rounded the corner, his golden brows raising when he saw the infant contently resting in his best friend’s arms. “Did you and y/n have a baby without telling us?”
“That’s what I said!” Sam beckoned to the blonde, as he averted a strong gaze to you and your normal sized partner. "Until she bit me, it reminds me of that time that I tried to steal her fries."
"I don't see why your complaining." Bucky rolled his eyes, bracing you up straighter so that your forehead was pressed lightly against his shoulder. "I'm the one whose partner is an actual child."
"Yeah, tell me about it." Sam rolled his eyes in reference to how you were beforehand, before Steve cut in, directing his leading tone towards the men that were stood idly by.
"What actually happened?" Tony found his enquiry to be an opportunity to avert the fault from himself; how lucky indeed was it that Steve asked such a thing.
"Technically it's your fault capsicle. Morgan found your prototype of your unsuccessful time machine. As you can see, she turned into a baby, much like Lang. And if you want to push the blame off of yourself, blame these two for their asses disappearing."
"Hey, if I wanted to disappear, I wouldn't have made such a dramatic exit. I'd have just left for my sister's." Crossing his arms, Sam shook his head at the man that was not wearing his iron suit. He was unable to take any responsibility, unless it was for his genius brain wave of creating the true transportation for the time heist.
"Well I'm going to keep that noted for any future repercussions." Oh, how Wilson regretting mentioning that now.
"You left it out, within your daughter's reach." Bucky quirked his brow, as he prepared to head towards the storage of the private laboratory that was shared between the two science bros.
"Technically, that was the big green guy." Bucky vouched not to listen to Stark, instead, he continued to walk, leaving the three other men in his rear view, though for the most part, he could still hear them bickering.
"Maybe we should turn you into a baby, I doubt much would change."
"Maybe we should turn you into a baby, I doubt much would change." Tony mimicked Steve, thus only proving his point. He was certainly a man that enjoyed pressing people's buttons, it was a shining attribute of the once playboy, and god, did it annoy the hell out of Barnes.
As he entered the laboratory, he found the lab to be in a state of havoc. "Hey, it wasn't me this time." Scott laughed, as he used an extinguisher against the frayed machine, that was blubbering sparks from its ruined exterior.
"Smash!" A small green child, wearing glasses that were far too big for him, ran across the room, followed shortly by a child with long blonde hair wrapped up in a red cape, as though it were some kind of makeshift diaper.
"Explain." Bucky bluntly stated, clenching his jaw, as he cooed lightly at your cries that pierced the air. He bounced you in his arms, not quite certain of what he was supposed to do.
In his time, there wasn't exactly an education system to teach the men going to war how to parent, or even care for a child. A part of him panicked; it was you, he hated seeing you cry in general, but now he couldn't attempt to find out the cause for your falling tears.
"Aw is that y/n?" The man half dressed in his ant man suit asked, a bright smile on his face, as he reached out to hold you. To say Bucky was hesitant to pass you to him was an understatement. "I have a daughter, I've looked after a baby before."
"From jail?" The white wolf asked, as he heard a crash exhibit from the connecting room, obviously being the fault of the two most destructive avengers, or at least, their little versions. Being aged down was definitely certification for trouble, everyone knew that.
"Okay I wasn't in there for that long." Scott reassured him, he picked up a bottle of milk from the table, handing it to the metal armed man, whom had never fed a child before. He found himself, cautiously, keeping a watchful eye, passing you over to the former criminal, intently watching every movement that the man made.
Lange simply fed you. "Always thought you and y/n would have a cute baby, imagine its- oh yeah, well after all that stuff that happened with vision and SWORD, we thought it best to destroy any technology that was recovered from the old base. This part survived, and well, I went into its- okay, you don't want to hear the science, but basically Thor insisted he could break it with his hammer, albeit whilst I was inside of it, and it sent energy around the room that turned them into pubescent children."
"I can see that it did nothing to you. And I thought Morgan did it.”
"I was so relieved, lucky I- wait, was that an insult?" Bucky remained primitively silent, and that answered Scott's question. The hero sighed, as you finished nursing, and your arms reached for Bucky, to whom he passed you to. “And I lied...”
He literally blamed a five year old for the screw up of grown men. Tony was going to thrive off this information, whence he knew that his daughter was in fact not the culprit.
"What do we do now?" He was eager to find a cure for this betrothed science. Those whom were responsible for your decrease in age, well, one was running around the compound, and the other, well, he was even younger than Morgan currently.
"You could wait twenty years, I mean you two already have quite a big age gap, and please don't kill me. I'm not sure that Cap would approve, I am a vital source to the team!"
"I'm not going to kill you tic tac. Or at least not at least until we fix these three."
"Phew." Scott wiped his brow, blowing air from his mouth. "Wait thre- oh yeah, the little guy carrying the hammer that is bigger than himself, and the
"Okay, we need someone smarter." Bucky sighed heavily, as he hugged you in thought. "You tried hitting it again with the hammer?"
"Oh my god, I could be worthy!" Gasped Scott, running off to the next room, only to come back limping, a pained expression on his face. "Little Asguardian bastard hit me!"
Bucky contained his smirk, and instead passed you to Lang, venturing into the other part of the lab, finding that Bruce was asleep, a blob of snot hanging from his nose, he could see the hammer in the middle of the room, almost as though it were waiting for him to attempt grabbing the handle, and Thor was-
The minuscule god jumped from one of the shelves, wrapping his arms around the front of Bucky’s neck, as he put all his weight on the super soldier’s back. In all practicality, Thor was strangling him, and Bucky tapped his arm, trying to convince him to let go.
“I know who Noobmaster69 is.” Thor quirked his head, lessening his hold, as he promptly awaited his now older friend to continue. “It’s, its- his name is Wade Wilson.”
“Wilson!” No, gosh no. Bucky stood completely, making sure to keep Thor in the vicinity, he needed him to be so so that he could reverse the affects on the son of Odin.
“Not Sam. Wade.” He had never met the man before, but god did he seem like a dick. When the pair of you were getting a taxi, the driver Dopinder just could not shut up about his friend, who liked to wear red, and had a kink for unicorns.
Wade certainly sounded like a weird one, but right now, his pass time was getting Thor to pick up that hammer. “Where can I find this Wade?” It practically left his mouth as a hiss, if the imagery and proven death supposed otherwise, he’d possibly think it was Loki instead.
“I will tell you, if you pick up that hammer, and hit it against that old machine. Got it buddy?”
“It’s name is Stormbreaker!” Bellowed the norseman, who tried to slide off his back, but Bucky kept a hold of his legs, refraining him from going anywhere. “Get peter to do it, I don’t want to play that game anymore!”
“Uuh, hi Mr Barnes...” That voice, oh he knew it, and the majority of the time it irritated him, he was Tony's little pet. “And, baby avengers?”
“Don’t ask kid.” Peter nodded, as he went to reach for a spanner. “Can you pick the hammer up, are you worthy?”
“Am I worthy?” He wondered aloud, his eyes fixated on the hammer, as he stepped towards it, holding his hand out, and clasping his palm around the handle, it feeling weightless in his grip, as he picked it up without effort. “Oh my god (it’s Robert Downey Junior)!”
“Great, now take it out there, I’ll deal with these two. And don’t do anything yet.” He was certainly feeling like a sergeant, throwing all the orders to the others, Peter complied, carrying the hammer as though it were an empty duffel.
“Can I try?” Instantly, after Peter passing it to him, Scott had such hope, until the force of gravity hit, and it fell on his foot, causing a light scream to ripple through his throat. “Get it off, get it off!”
Peter did so, as Bucky kept Thor on his shoulders, and grabbed a hold of Bruce’s chubby little ankle, dragging him into the other room. “Shit he’s heavy.” He saw that you were sat in the grand spinny chair, making Bucky relived that you weren’t in Lang’s arms as he attempted to have a moment of worthiness.
“What’d you do, go all Winter soldier on his ass and knock him out?!” Half screamed the prodigy of Hank Pym.
“Of course not, I think Thor did it.”
“Oh yeah, blame the kid because I did the same.”
“Put your suit from Stark on kid, unless you want to become a fetus.” Bucky ignored Scott for the moment,
“I got Hope to send her outfit, it will stretch to accommodate you, but I also think it would hug your shape nicely.”
“That was fast.” Muttered Peter, and Bucky shook his head, eyeing the outfit with weird eyes.
“I’m crazy, but not crazy enough to wear that.” Sighing, he grasped it in his hands, walking to the other room to squeeze into it. He noticed you watching, and thus he turned the chair around so that you couldn’t see anything. Little did he realise until he came out, that you had spun it around again, and was giggling. “Don’t laugh at me, or you won’t be allowed to see it when you’re returned to normal.”
A pout settled on your small lips, and it appeared as though you were getting ready to cry again, but before you could do so, a distraction intervened. An uninvited, and confusing one.
“Stop. Can I just say, that is some cruel declaration for the both of you, you’re my fave ship, after me and Hugh Jackman of course, but he doesn’t even know that this version of me exists.” A newfound imposter called out, his arms raised in the air. Leather gloves crinkled as he twitched his fingers, his white eyes freaking Scott the fuck out. “May I join you on this journey? I read about you guys in comics. And can I just say, I want to see these hunks and that hottie all grown up.”
“You want to see me go Winter Soldier on someone Lang?” Bucky gritted his teeth, prepared to murder this man for ever posing such words about you into the open air. Him speaking obviously drew some attention to him though, but it was not his rage that was mentioned, instead, it was his attire- or well, Hope’s.
“Nice suit Buck Buck. Can you do a twirl for me, I wanna see if it competes with America’s ass. Damn, does that man have some buns on him.”
“I know right!” Scott eagerly agreed, earning a smack in the nuts, to which had made him close to crumbling.“You had to use the metal hand, didn’t you.” Whimpered the Ant to the false Wasp, clamping his hands over his goods as he half hunched over. “I thought you often forgot to use it coz your right handed.”
“You’re on my left.” Gross, he sounded like Sam.
“Who the hell are you?” Thor spoke, and it felt familiar on his tongue. It was as though he had asked an enemy the same thing before...
“I, am Noobmaster69.”
“Hi, I’m Peter. Oh, we’re using our made up names, I thought Sam said it was that guy from that tech place.” Peter scratched his head through the mask, providing a small verbal distraction, as Thor willingly set himself free, launching at the intruder, whilst snatching the hammer from a suited up Peter.
“Aaasrrrghh.” He screamed like a true deity of the vikings.
“Thor, no!” Lang screamed, knowing that he’d have to come up with another excuse. The cameras had been fused whence Thor had first struck the hammer in the room, and it abused the guy in the red suit as he went for his legs, attacking the friend of Dopinder.
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kiribaku-queen · 3 years
The Blood King and his Queen [1]
Pairing: Bakugou x reader
Romance, Angst, Drama
Word count: 2.4K
Summary:  From being a mere servant girl to marrying the scariest prince in existence, your world changed right before your eyes. Exchanging places with the princess, you knew, wasn’t going to be easy. But could you have found love on the way? Or was it never meant to be?
A/N: Hello my loves! And welcome back to another, rather long, series! I had so many inspirations for this piece that I couldn’t wait to share with you all! Be warned, this might be a 20 part series, maybe more maybe less but we’ll see what happens! I hope you fall in love with this story as much as I do!
And shout out to this amazing artist for the art! I am literally BLOWN AWAY by this art! I can’t stop looking at it! It’s so amazingly well drawn. Just... yes, yes, yes! Please support this artist if you ever want art done! Pricey but just look at this art. So worth it! Check out the end of the chapter for the full image without text!
Also!!!! Check out my side blog if you’re curious about what fics I’m reading! You’ll find alot of j u i c y stuff and please support my friends by reading and commenting on their stories as well! Love <3
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Nothing started your morning off better than the princess screaming her head off first thing in the morning. You, along with other servants, rushed to aid the princess in her time of distress. Although, it was never something to worry about with her. It was always something minor, like her hair was styled incorrectly or she didn’t like the color of clothes her servant picked out. Of course, this time, she was making a fuss that her perfume didn’t smell right.
“Your highness, I promise you, it’s the same one,” one of the servants who aided her in the morning pleaded for her life.
“No! You must have switched it out because it smells nothing like mine!” the princess screeched. The princess was so outraged that she started throwing everything and anything that was around her. Clothes, jewelry, candles, mirrors, anything she could get her hands on, she threw it. You and the other girls that just arrived could only watch in horror as her whole room becomes a mess with her belongings, some broken some completely shattered.
You wanted to say something. But you knew you couldn’t. If you stepped out of line or even talked back to any of the royals, you were surely to be punished severely later. Yet, you wanted to say something so bad. It was on the tip of your tongue. Because you knew the reason why it may smell different to the princess. To help your fellow friend in desperate need, you were going to say it. You pray to the gods that what you were about to say was right.
“Princess, if I may,” you started. The princess stopped what she was doing, midair, to give you the coldest stare you have ever received from her. You gulped. Well, too late to back out now. You bowed down your head respectfully while extending your hand to take the perfume. You don’t know why the princess decided to trust you at that moment, but she did. She nodded her head, allowing one of the servants to retrieve the bottle and place it in the palm of your hands.
“I believe it’s because your clothes already have a different perfume on it.” you explain. You pick up a different piece of clothing, one you knew was clean and free from previous scents, and spritzed the perfume onto it. “Here, does this smell like normal?” you offer the piece of clothing to the princess. For a moment, she stares at it, not believing your words. But she forcibly takes it anyway and smells it. The look of realization hit her harder than when she smashed her mirror against the floor. She spares you a second glance before handing off her perfume to someone and faces away.
“I would like to be left alone,” the princess states. After a synchronized bow from all her servants, you left the princess’s quarters and back to your own. When you were far enough, you let out a big sigh of relief. Man, that was scary. You probably shouldn’t be doing that again any time soon. Your friend hooked arms with you, the unexpected force made you loose your balance.
“Your intuition was spot on, once again,” she stated. You could only roll your eyes.
“I was just trying to help the situation,” you explained.
“Yeah, well if only the princess could use her brain once in a while, then she would have figured it out herself,” your friend puffed out her cheeks in annoyance.
“Well maybe her highness wasn’t feeling herself this morning,” you tried to defend her. But really, there was only so much you could defend her on.
“Oh, please, (y/n). You know that’s how she acts all the time. You act more like a princess than the princess herself,” your friend finally let the cat out of the bag. You quickly slapped her hand and checked your surroundings. Phew, no one of importance was in sight.
“Oh hush now. Don’t say things like that,” you scold her, giving her a stern look.
“What? You know all us girls think that. It doesn’t help that you look almost exactly like her. If I didn’t know better, I would have thought you were the princess instead.”
“Good gracious! Really? How could you say that so loud? What if someone overhears you? Then both you and me could get in trouble,” you warned. You knew your friend couldn’t care less. It was always gossip coming out of these girl’s mouths. That’s how news spreads fast around here. And you didn’t mind the gossip. Actually, you participated in the gossip too. There was a lot of downtime when you weren’t attending to the princess. So what do you do instead? Gossip. But you couldn’t have this type of gossip going around. This was dangerous.
The main girl who caused the princess to get upset, finally left the room. She was visibly traumatized by the whole event. Who wouldn’t be? Dealing with the princess is something else.
You noticed that the girl was bleeding from her finger. She must have gotten it when the princess was throwing glass around the room and it some pieces cut her.
“Come with me,” you gently grabbed her by the arm and led her to a room that was filled with different plants and bottles. The aroma immediately felt welcoming to anyone who stepped in. You went to a part of the room that you knew well and pulled out a bandage.
“This should do the trick,” you say as you finish wrapping her finger up.
“Thank you. How did you…”
“Oh, I learned a few things from the royal doctor. Sort of like an apprentice?” you explained. Being a servant isn’t the only task you knew how to do. On your spare time, you would come to the royal doctor and assist him whenever needed. In return for your volunteer, he taught you everything he knew about medicine. It was still a lot to process, but at least you knew how to do basic first aid.
“Are you even allowed to do that?” the girl asked. You thought for a minute. Was it? It wasn’t stopping you now.
“Well I guess it’s our little secret,” you put your finger to your mouth and gave a small wink.
After properly getting ready, you and the girls rushed to the princess’s side for it was your job to get her ready to be sent of and wedded. And she was not getting wedded off to just any prince. It was the rumored Blood Prince. Ah, yes. You heard much about this Blood Prince. He was the most vicious out of all the princes in the kingdom. Even more so than his eldest brothers. He was rumored to have sharp teeth and eyes that could kill with a single look. He was told to have scars marked all over his body from the battlefield. An ugly being, you imagined. Big, scary, intimidating, ruthless. God, you felt sorry for the princess for marrying such a man. You couldn’t imagine yourself marrying that type of person. Hearing stories about him made your blood run cold and chills down your spine.
You entered the princess’s room where a beautiful, white wedding dress, flowy, magnificent and perfect in all the right ways, was being fitted on the princess. You watched in awe because she looked absolutely fantastical in the dress. What a dream it would to be wear that dress only once in your life. At the same time her dress was being fitted, some servants were doing her hair and putting decorative pins and head pieces on. It was very chaotic in the room, with servants running everywhere, but it was all worth it for the princess to look this way.
You were preparing water for her hands and feet to soak while some of the girls that came with you were deciding which robe that best fits with her wardrobe.
“Your highness looks so lovely,” you commented, gently soaking her hands into warm bowls of water.
“Of course! I have to look my best for a special guest this afternoon,” the princess said in a cheery voice. You tilted your head slightly in confusion. You weren’t aware that the Blood Prince was coming to the palace. You thought the princess was being sent to him instead. You looked up and came into contact with a friend and she was speaking with her eyes.
She doesn’t know. She signaled to you. You frowned.
She doesn’t know?
She does not know.
Your mouth was left slightly ajar. The princess does not know that she is off to be engaged any moment now? This was a dilemma. She thinks a guest is coming. That’s why she’s dressed so much fancier than usual. But when she finds out that she is to be engaged, she’s going to wreck havoc in the palace. Now you really didn’t dare say anything now.
After finding out that very important piece of information, you could see that all the girls in the room knew, besides the princess. The tension in the room was growing increasingly more uncomfortable as time went on. But the princess was so air headed that she couldn’t read the room.
The princess was over the moon with happiness. And it was only because she could wear her fancy and expensive gowns that she can’t wear on the daily. She was skipping down the long corridors, humming a tune to only she knows as you and other servants follow behind her.
“Isn’t this dress beautiful? I feel like I’m in a wedding dress!” the princess exclaimed. You couldn’t help but raise a brow. Well, it’s because the princess is really in a wedding dress. But the princess did look beautiful beyond compare. She almost looked ethereal dancing in front of you like that. As the princess was dancing down the corridor, she passed by one of many large windows that gave a view of the front of the palace. A carriage was waiting to take her away to her fiancé, but she didn’t know that. Or did she?
She stopped in her tracks to take a better look at the carriage outside. A frown laid upon her lips and her eyebrows rightfully furrowed.
“Is that my carriage down there?” she questions. The ladies around you looked at each other, not knowing what to say. But even if they did know what to say, who was going to say it? One of your friends cleared their throat and bowed down to respond to the princess.
“It is, your highness,” she said.
“Whatever for?” a round of gulps could be heard from everyone there.
“For…your trip to your betrothed,” the girl’s voice shook from fear that the princess was going to blow up.
“My betrothed?” the princess repeated.
“Yes, your highness.”
“As in, to marry?”
“Yes, your highness.”
It was quiet. Nothing more came out of the princess’s mouth. And that scared all of you. This was not the normal reaction you were expecting. You expected her highness to rage, cry, scream, yell, destroy everything around her. But no. She was silent, like her tongue was ripped out of her throat.
In one quick movement, the princess turns around and dashes back to her bedroom. And who does she bring along? You! Before you could comprehend anything, the princess had taken you by the hand and now you were running down the corridor with the princess. The other ladies were running after you. When you turned back to look, you even saw a couple of guards running as well. But it was too late for them. The princess got to her room first, slammed the door closed, and barricaded the door with chairs to prevent anyone from coming inside.
“Your highness,” you call, out of breath from the sudden running. The princess didn’t answer you. She started taking off her dress, sending you into complete shock.
“Your highness! What are you doing?” you panicked. She only glared at you while not stopping what she was doing.
“Enough talking. Just take off your clothes,” she ordered you. You bit your lip. You had no idea what was going on but if she demanded it, then you had no choice but to obey. So, you stripped yourself of your filthy clothes and laid them on the floor. While you stood in front of the princess naked, she was getting the remaining of her clothes off. Then, she passed you her dress.
“Quick, put it on,” she said. You hesitated at first. You? Wear something only a princess could wear? But you couldn’t stall any longer. As quickly as you could, you put on the flowy wedding dress while the princess put on your peasant clothes. Banging was coming from the other side of the door, which only made both of you panic even more. If they came in while all this was happening, you would get into so much trouble. As soon as you both got situated in your new outfits, the princess gripped your shoulders so that you were looking her right in the eyes.
“Listen to me closely. You are going to take my place. I’ll be you and you’ll be me until you come back,” she shouted at you in a whisper.
“Your highness?” you began but she shut you up because she wasn’t finished.
“Your mission is to make this prince hate you so much that he calls off this marriage. Then you’ll return and everything will go back to normal,” she continued. It looked like she wanted to say more, but your time together was cut short. The guards had already pushed their way through the door and charging their way towards you. The princess, who was now dressed as you, quickly covered your face with the veil. The veil was thick enough that no one could see your eyes or face.
“Take the princess,” one of the guards ordered. The real princess bowed her head down, faking it until the end. The guards went straight up to you, grabbing you by both of your arms and forcibly escorted you out to the carriage.
And so there you were, on your way to some unknown kingdom, about to marry some man you didn’t even know. All because the princess ordered you to. No matter how much you hated the idea, you couldn’t even voice your opinions to her. You were in no position to do so. Before you left the palace grounds, you looked back, hoping that this was all some sort of sick joke. But the princess was looking down at you from the window, giving you a nod of trust. She trusted you. You had to fulfil her request.
This is how you found yourself in the presence of the most vicious Blood Prince, Bakugou Katsuki.
A/N: Let me know if you want to be put on a tag list! And leave your thoughts below about the first chapter! What did you think so far? How do you think the story is going to go? What did you think about the art? Speaking of art, here is the full image unedited! Are you in love with it just as much as I am?
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Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Carla Ecstasy [Prologue]
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[Prologue] [01] [02] [03] [04] [05] [06] [07] [08] [09] [10] [Epilogue]
ー The scene starts in Yui’s bedroom in Banmaden
Yui: ーー Haah, what should I do...?
( He told me I can go, so there’s really no reason for me to remain here. I know that, but still... )
( I don’t know what to do. Not because this is the Demon World...But because I’m unsure about leaving Carla-san behind all by himself. )
( Somehow...It doesn’t sit right with me... )
( ...Is it because he’s ill...? Because I feel bad for him...? But...More than anything... )
( It bothers me...How sad he looked. )
( It made me realize that perhaps...He has always seemed somewhat lonely... )
( I do think I’ll be in a world of trouble if I were to say that to him...Butーー )
Yui: ...Endzeit, it was...? Isn’t there a medicine to cure it or something...?
( I can’t imagine that immortals would rely on medicine in the first place but...There might be something that can be done. )
ーー I’ll look for it...
( It might be a wasted effort, but...It’s much better than simply leaving without doing anything. )
( I can’t go while these doubts remain in my heart. )
ー The scene shifts to the guest room
Yui: That being said, this castle is huge...
( I guess it’s true that a bunch of Founders were living here in the past...I can’t even imagine how many years ago that must have been... )
( Each room feels as if it has been lived... )
( I wonder if all of its residents...are truly gone like Carla-san told me? ...Only leaving their traces behind... )
Hmー ....There’s a bunch of different goods, but I haven’t come across anything which could cure an illness...
Yui: Nothing here...Time to go to the next room. 
ー The scene shifts to the underground dungeon
Yui: This must be...the underground dungeon? ...I guess there’s no point in looking heーー
Yui: Hm...? What was that sound...? It came from this direction...
ー The scene shifts to Krone’s bedroom
Yui: ( Haah, I’m kind of exhausted. I don’t want to rest up here though, so once I’m done searching this room... )
( There’s a fallen book underneath the bed...It’s completely covered in dust... )
...I wonder if I can reach it...There. ...!! I got it!
*Thud thud* 
Yui: ...Uu, the dust...! Cough...!!
( It doesn’t seem like just any regular book...This is...a diary...I wonder if I can read it...? )
ーー I have been feeling well as of late,
so I decided that I would go,
and confront that man...
Yui: ( Thank god. It’s written in English. I might be able to read most of it... )
ー Mertz enters the room
Mertz: Yui-san?
Yui: ...!!
Yui: W-What’s wrong?
( While it may not be of any importance, I’ll hide this diary for now. )
Mertz: Aah, so this is where you’ve been. I was worried. Where is Carla-sama?
Yui: I’m sorry. Carla-san is in his room. He told me he wanted to be alone, so...
Mertz: I see. In that case, let us return upstairs. 
This shady room is no place for you to be at.
Yui: O-Okay...
( I’ll take this to my room with me and inspect it once I’m alone. )
ー The scene shifts back to Yui’s room
Yui: ( Phew, I totally lost track of time while talking to Mertz-san. )
( I’ll check the diary from earlier again. )
Yui: ーー It’s a bunch of things about their everyday life...This person must have been a woman. 
She seemed happy but...Hm? Ah, this...
ーー Ever since Carla was born,
I have been living in fear.
I could tell at first glance. 
This child is no ordinary boy. 
Yui: Carla? ...Eh? Then, this...
( Is this the diary of Carla-san’s mother? )
Us Founders are known,
for having unique powers. ...However,
even at birth, this child’s powers,
tops all of the charts. It is baffling.
I wonder what Gies will think if he finds out?
When I started thinking about that,
a small spark of anxiety ignited in my heart.
At the same time this child was born into this world,
I came to the realization,
that Gies would never be able, 
to genuinely love and care for him as his son.
Yui: ...
( I wonder if Carla-san was treated horribly by his Father when growing up...? )
( It did seem like he has another kind of bruises besides those caused by the illness...That being said, still... )
( All because he was born with unique abilities... )
ー Yui recalls Carla’s words
Carla: I do not need your pity. Do not be ridiculous. I was raised here, and was always alone.
So I wish to meet my end by myself as well...
ー The flashback ends
Yui: Ugh...
( It makes my heart ache...What is this feeling...? )
ーー To be honest,
it was painful to read through the diary of Krone,
who was Carla’s  mother. 
His mother seemed to have a good understanding of everything,
but because she valued both her husband Gies-san,
as well as Carla-san,
she was stuck having to choose between the two of them. 
Ever since he was just a small child,
Carla-san has always been noble and upright.
Hence why he seemed to respect his Father,
 obediently heeding his every command,
Gies was not too fond of that.
It seems like the more obedient Carla-san was to him,
the more this would upset his Father. 
Apparently it was this strained relationship,
which gradually pushed Gies-san to madness. 
Yui: ( There’s stuff written about the disease as well. ーー Strange bruises show up on the body as one’s health deteriorates, eventually leading to death... )
( It’s a disease which only Founders can contract...Amongst founders, it was treated as a taboo... )
ーー Hm? Huh...? Karlheinz...?
Why does it mention Karlheinz-san’s name here...?
In fear of this disease which has been named after the end of time,
I decided to turn to Karlheinz for advice,
despite knowing it was taboo to speak of the topic. 
Karlheinz is an old friend,
of both Gies and I...
Unfortunately, having such a powerful and almighty friend,
seems to have pushed Gies,
to develop an inferiority complex...
No, right now is not the time to talk about that.
Either way, I asked this wise friend of mine,
to look into the cause,
behind this disease which is fatal to immortal beings.
I heard that ever since the ancient days,
he has been conducting all sorts of research regarding the Demon World.
He even has a research facility known as the pharmaceutical department. 
I believed that perhaps,
they could invent a cure for this disease over there. 
He told me that he wanted me to bring him one Founder,
who could be used as the object for his research.
Us Founders formed one community,
all living together in this castle. 
That is how we had built our bloodline. 
Therefore asking for a single member,
was not an easy task to complete. 
As much as I hated to do it,
I decided to entrust my younger sister Menae to him.
Taking a female Founder outside of the castle walls,
was simply unthinkable. 
We were under strict supervision,
and ever since we were young,
we had been told to never leave the castle,
as well as to avoid any and all interactions with other species.
While Menae was beyond terrified at first...
She eventually agreed to my offer. 
It seems like Gies could care less about the disease,
as he continues to bring those suspicious Pursits into the castle,
and hold meetings with them day after day.
I don’t know what exactly he is asking of them though.
But he is setting up a plan,
to take down both Karlheinz and Burai.
Gies is ignoring the issue of us Founders,
to head into war. 
Yui: ( ...Now all pieces of the puzzle finally come together. In short, Menae left the castle upon Karlheinz-san’s request. )
( Before ultimately becoming the wife of the Demon King Burai. Cordelia was born as a child between them...And my heart... )
Haah...I’m exhausted...
Yui: ( That’s enough reading for today... )
ー Carla suddenly shows up 
Carla: ーー Why are you still here? 
Yui: Ah! Carla-san...! Are you sure you should be up and walking?
Carla: ...That does not answer my question. 
Yui: W-Well...I’m free to go where I want, right?
Carla: I believe that is what I told. 
Yui: I’m free...so I’m doing what I want...That’s all. 
( ...I wonder if he’ll get mad... )
Carla: Haah...
Yui: Carla-san.
Carla: Be my guest. 
ー He walks towards the door
Yui: Ah! Carla-san, where are you going? 
Carla: Out on a walk.
Yui: I-I’ll come with you!
Carla: Suit yourself. 
ー The scene shifts to the entrance hall
Carla: ...
Yui: ( Thank god. He seems to be doing a bit better... )
Carla: What are you looking at?
Yui: Your face from the side.
Carla: Hah...Good grief, you are honestlyーー
Yui: Are you alright!? Come on, hold onto me...!
Carla: ーー Good grief. ...I’m pathetic. 
Yui: You are not. You can lean onto me if you’re tired. 
Carla: ...That is not what I was taught as a child.
Yui: ( ...I see. He was raised strictly by Gies-san... )
...Becoming a King...must be a lot of work...
Carla: ...Hah.
Yui: Did I say something funny? 
Carla: No, I was just thinking that from your point of view, calling it a lot of work might be somewhat of an understatement...Haha...
Yui: ...
Carla: Hahaha...What? Is something wrong? 
Yui: You laughed...I’m glad. 
Carla: ...What do you mean?
Yui: ...Exactly as I said it...
Carla: I alsoーー
Yui: Yes?
Carla: No...Nevermind. 
Yui: ...?
Carla: I nearly spouted some nonsense. I should probably head back to my room now. 
Yui: U-Um...Carla-san?
Carla: What? 
Yui: Well...Are you...not scared of dying?
Carla: Why would you ask that? 
Yui: For some reason...You seem very calm...
Carla: Fear is such a silly feeling. You ask that because you are human. 
If anything...Perhaps I have been waiting for this moment...all along. 
Yui: ...No way...
Carla: Unlike you, I have been alive for a ridiculously long amount of time. It is only obvious I would feel this way, no?
Yui: Is it?
Carla: It is. Besides...I believe that I have not yet freed myself.
ーー From that guy’s grasps. 
Yui: Eh...? 
ー Carla walks away
Carla: ...As I said earlier, I shall go rest. Do not follow me. 
ー He leaves
Yui: ( What did he mean...? )
( What is this? This feeling...I... )
( Just now...I found myself wishing...that I could wrap my arms around his back as he walked away... )
( Is this just mere pity? Or perhaps... )
ー The scene shifts to the balcony
Carla: ーー How careless of me...For just a split second...
( I felt happy having her there with me...What is going on...? )
I cannot comprehendーー
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mel-the-fangirl · 3 years
Toss A Coin to Your Witcher (Part Three)
Henry Cavill x Reader
Words: 4,365
(Part 1, Part 2)
Happy Holidays, Cavillry! I really truly hope that you all had some socially distanced fun! Here’s a little gift from me to everyone. I really hope everyone enjoys this last part to this miniseries as much as I enjoyed writing them!
Warning: I have never written anything even remotely close to smut and this story gets a teeny bit smutty so please be gentle with me.
Please like and reblog or leave some replies if you liked it!
Taglist: @novareign1, @libbymouse, @calwitch, @soldade, @happiness-in-the-dark, @seriouslygoodlookinggents, @wolvesandhoundshowltogether, @zealoushoundrancheclipse, @seanh-boredom, @speakerforthedead0, @rn7rocks, @writingforhenry, @weallhaveadestiny, @suueeeeeee
“Because. We kissed."
Did you hear him right? Did he just say you kissed? You two kissed? And you didn't remember? 
Just the thought of it made you dissolve into fits of uncontrollable laughter.
A valiant effort on his part, truly. He really looked frustrated and confused that you didn't remember. What a brilliant actor.
"Phew!" you brushed the tears from the sides of your eyes and rubbed your nose with the back of your hand
"Right! As if I would ever forget kissing someone like you.” you gestured to him from head to toe, “Specimen.”
“Alright,” he crossed his muscular arms against his equally muscular chest, “I am one hundred and ten percent sure it was you and I’m not about to let you change my mind, madame.”
The challenge was clear in his voice and honestly? It was really hot, his whole stern and smug vibe actually made you forget that you were trying to defend your honour. 
How could he just look like that? All tall and handsome and muscular? It threw you off your game. He looked like he was God's favourite. 
"Aren’t we going to dinner?" you asked, now openly staring at his eyes
"Oh, god. Of course, you must be starving. I apologise." he dropped his proud stance and immediately grabbed your coat from the rack
Henry graciously helped you put it on, his arms lingered around you just a tad bit longer than needed but it was all very good.
Something must have caught his eye as he stepped away from you. He gave you a small smile and made a move to lean in. 
Oh, was this happening now?
Okay, sure. What the hell right? Since he claims to have already kissed you before maybe he needed to be reminded. 
You could do that. You knew how to kiss, you’ve kissed people before.
As he leaned in, the smell of his cologne invaded your senses. It was musky but also floral. Combined with his naturally clean, fresh scent, you could just picture yourself on a leisurely stroll with him in a field somewhere, the pristine air carrying the scent of earthy wood and spring flowers all around you. Henry would be gazing at you adoringly and he’d be in a soaked white shirt even though it was a sunny day.
Armed with that picture in your mind, nothing could go wrong. You were definitely feeling it.
You tilted your chin upwards, leaning in to meet him halfway, more than ready to feel those luscious lips on yours. You shut your eyes, just to make it more romantic.
His arms wrapped around you and you went in for the kill.
That’s when the worst possible thing happened. Well, perhaps not the worst thing but this was pretty fucking close.
Instead of the soft lips you were expecting, your lips met the soft material of his sweater.
Yes, that’s right. His sweater.
You, Y/N Y/LN, had just planted a big ol’ smooch on Henry Cavill’s sweater.
Your eyes snapped open and you wondered what you did so wrong in your past life to deserve this. How could you have misjudged the situation so wrongly?
The second Henry felt the tiny amount of pressure on his shoulder, he knew he fucked up. He had no idea why he didn’t just tell you that the collar of your coat was sticking up, why did he feel the need to straighten it himself? Now, what was he going to do? He didn’t want to embarrass you.
But, it was a little too late for that now, wasn’t it?
You both stepped away at the same time, seeming to look at anything else in the room but each other. It was nice of him to also feel embarrassed on your behalf but, you felt like everyone the world over was cringing out of their skin from secondhand embarrassment.
“So, dinner?” Henry offered you his strong arm, grinning at you like nothing happened
Was it possible for him to be even more perfect? As you looped your arm through his, you found out that it was.
The expansive cityscape was laid out before you from the secluded trellis covered terrace of the restaurant he chose. The view was beautiful, the lights of the city sprinkled across buildings, homes, and streets, the inky black and blue sky stretching far beyond.
Gazing out at it should have made you feel calm, at peace. But you were a bundle of nerves. Never in your wildest dreams did you ever think that you’d be on a date with Henry Cavill and you wouldn’t have imagined that he would be accusing you of forgetting that you shared a kiss.
“Look,” you rested your arms on the table, looking at him as seriously as you could without getting lost in his eyes, “I swear, if we really did kiss, I would remember.”
Henry studied you quietly amidst the hustle and bustle of the restaurant beyond the French doors. It was endearing to him, how quickly you would sometimes switch from confident assertiveness to awkward fumbling.
For you, it was a test of endurance to look past the god-given good looks and focus on trying to anticipate what his next move was.
Turns out, it was one in your favour.
“You know what? I think you’re right.”
You almost did a spit take with your wine. Thank God you weren’t wearing anything white.
Okay, act cool. That should be easy, right? You were an actor after all. Just be cool. Relax your shoulders, unclench your jaw, stop sweating.
"I must've been mistaken. I truly apologise." 
He looked so sheepish, you actually reached over to put your hand on his. You tilted your head and gave him an understanding smile. A wave of relief washed over your body and to Henry, it showed. Your rigid posture finally loosened and you even managed to lace your fingers through his.
"I totally get it. I mean, with our jobs? We meet dozens of people everyday, it's not hard to be confused."
His heart leapt into his throat at the contact, it felt like his entire arm was covered in live wires but he would endure it just to savour your hand in his.
"Let's focus on our date, yeah?" 
"Yes, absolutely," you nodded enthusiastically, "Please. Tell me all about you."
"Oh, but I'd rather hear about you."
You were flattered, really. But just in case this was never going to happen again, you needed to get him talking and sponge up as much information as you could.
"And you will, but let’s hear about you first.”
He wanted to argue but you were already looking at him expectantly and despite your short time together, he was already struggling to say no to you.
So, he talked, and talked, and talked, much more than he’s ever dared to talk in his whole life. And you listened, absolutely captivated by his eloquence, his intelligence, his passion, and his wit. Not to mention his voice, deep and silky and hypnotising. Why people thought he lacked personality was a mystery to you.
“I do love theatre,” he explained with a mouthful pasta. It was adorable, no questions asked. “I wish I had that courage and longevity to just deliver every single night for months on end.”
“I actually started out in theatre.” you nodded your head as he widened his eyes at you questioningly. “Yup. I did a decent run of The Tempest at the Yard a year back.”
That’s when the ball dropped. Time seemed to stop for Henry, his drink hovered in the air just as he was about to raise it to his lips. It had finally made itself known, his smoking gun. He faltered only for a second before masking his triumphant smirk with his wine glass.
One harmless little question out of his mouth had you turning as red as the cherry tomatoes artfully scattered in the salad that was set before you.
“Ah, yes. Didn’t you play Miranda?”
You stopped stirring your iced tea and furrowed a brow at him.
“Yes. Yes, I was. Did you catch a show?”
“I did. I was at the opening night after party as well.” he enunciated this part slowly and clearly, hoping that your eyes would spark with recognition
But they didn’t.
“Isn’t that a shame. We could have done this earlier if we crossed paths that night.”
Henry pursed his lips and nodded, mildly disheartened but nonetheless, he pressed on.
“I do recall meeting you though.”
This again? 
You huffed and set your utensils on your plate. You laced your fingers together and looked him in his gorgeous ocean coloured eyes.
“Okay. If that is the night in question then I will admit that I… may have kissed someone but it wasn’t you.” 
“Well, well, well…” he raised an eyebrow at you and you instantly coloured
It wasn’t one of your finest moments and you figured you would never have to dig that memory out of the vault but here it was.
“I know how this sounds,” you shook your head disapprovingly at him, “But it’s not. Okay. On God, it wasn’t you.”
Henry nodded yet again, narrowing his eyes at you. The silent treatment and judgy look he had on forced you to keep talking, which probably wasn’t the best idea.
“It wasn’t you, Henry. Okay? It was just some random dude in a nice sweater and a signet ring or something.”
Alarm bells started clanging in your head as your eyes swept over your dinner date. Nice sweater, check. A signet ring resting on his pinky, check.
“It wasn’t you.” you repeated in more of a whisper, more to convince yourself than anything else
Throughout your debate, bits and pieces of that night started to come back to you. The most embarrassing part came to mind first, it would probably be your saving grace but, did you really want to tell Henry Cavill what you thought you did?
“Am I really that bad a kisser? That you felt the need to completely erase it from your memory?”
His tone was joking but you could see in his eyes that he was a little bit hurt. It was going to be a cold day in hell if you were going to be the person to make Henry Cavill doubt his skills in the kissing area.
“I kissed a male prostitute that night, okay!” you yelled out in exasperation
Thank God your table was situated on the terrace or else a restaurant full of people would have been in on your little secret. As your voice echoed off the walls, you wrapped your arms tightly around yourself. How much embarrassment were you going to endure?
“A male prostitute?” Henry repeated slowly, clearly having a difficult time processing this new information
“Yes.” you groaned, leaning back in your seat and covering your face with your hands
---One year before---
The curtains closed to thunderous applause, whistles and standing ovations. Your heart pounded in your chest as you struggled to keep your breathing steady.
Did that really just happen?
You looked around at your castmates and wrangled them into a group hug.
“Did I really just do that?” you asked Marge upon meeting her backstage
“Yes, you did! Now go on and get changed. It’s after party time.”
With that, she sent you off with a smack on your ass.
You’d only known Marge for a few months since you arrived in London but you liked her already. It’s not like you had a choice though, really, she was the only one you knew.
“How about that one, that one over there?” Marge slurred, shoulders knocking into yours, less than discreetly pointing out some guy in the crowd of party goers
“Shh! Marge!” you giggled, more than a little tipsy yourself
Opening night was a smashing success, it was your first ever gig anywhere, really. You were so nervous the entire time, you thought you were doomed to fuck up and forget your lines or something but that moment never came.
“HEY! REVIEWS ARE OUT!” someone yelled in the crowd
“Here we go.” you murmured, knocking back your drink and tugging Marge along
The huge crowd gathered around your director, who was standing on a stool. It was a tight squeeze since a good chunk of the people who came were already hammered. Someone from behind shoved you forward and you rather inelegantly fell into the arms of the man next to you.
“Whoa there.” you could just make out the deep velvety voice above the murmurings of the crowd
“Oh, God, I am so sorry, I-” you trailed off when you finally laid eyes on your rescuer
Oh, wow.
You couldn’t decide which feature to focus on first. The captivating eyes that were a shade of blue that your alcohol-soaked brain couldn’t even comprehend, the strong chiseled jawline you needed a protractor to measure, or the perfect stray curls that fell onto his forehead?
Decisions, decisions.
“Are you alright? You almost fell.”
Goosebumps broke out on your arms as he helped you stand upright.
God, he was handsome, an observation you thought you had kept to yourself.
The tall man chuckled, still holding on to your forearms, “Thanks very much. I’m He-”
“And Y/N, my incomparable Miranda!” a booming voice interrupted him from the front of the room
“Fuck, that’s me.”
You broke from his grasp and fought your way through the crowds, leaving your hero looking out after you.
“Newcomer Y/N Y/L/N’s performance as Miranda is the glittering centrepiece to this refreshing, masterful take on an enduring classic,” the director read aloud, allowing the crowd to raise their glasses to you
You smiled at everyone, inadvertently meeting the eye of your tall handsome man.
When the crowd dispersed, you and Marge found yourselves back at the open bar, eyeing up every guy that passed by.
“Y/N, you’re on the fast track now. You killed tonight, now it’s time to pick your prize! How about that one? In the corner? Looks tall, shaggy hair…”
“Marge, that’s a ficus.”
“Well, that other ficus has been looking over since we set up camp here.” 
You followed the tilt of her head to the same guy from earlier, the achingly handsome one. He raised his glass to you and you waved sloppily back. It was the alcohol, okay? Open bar, what were you gonna do?
Marge whistled low, sizing him up from head to toe, “Y/N, that’s a male prostitute if I’ve ever seen one and I have seen a lot of ones.”
The fry you had chomped down barely made it halfway down your throat before coming back up again, “What? No! Marge, he’s not.”
“But he is. Y/N, that man is tall, hung, and handsome. There is no man that tall, hung, and handsome that isn’t either an actor or a male prostitute.”
“Tall, hung, and handsome.” you mumbled, raking your eyes over him as discreetly as you could
In your inebriated state, you completely forgot to ask Marge why he couldn’t have been an actor. Why did her mind immediately head for the strip club? And why did yours follow suit?
“Imma go and bag myself a stripper, Marge. Okay?”
“Yes! Use protection!”
Before strutting off or more like stumbling off, you downed some more booze which probably was not as good of an idea than you thought. Not even halfway to him, you decided that you were teetering in your heels a little bit too much, so you took them off.
“Oh. Hey there.” the same silky smooth voice from earlier greeted you
“Ah, fuck. You’re tall.”
Looking up at him made you dizzy, like standing at the top of a giant skyscraper and looking down at the very edge.
He chuckled and you watched entranced as his face just lit up like Christmas. You decided then and there that you would like to kiss the Christmas, very much so indeed.
The liquid courage in you was really doing its job. You took his hand and dragged him away from the party. This was fine, wasn’t it? It’s not like he was complaining, he looked rather amused actually. Things like this probably happen to him a lot in his line of work.
“Well, now you have me, what are you going to do with me?” he asked teasingly once you two were tucked away in a dark corner
The combined effects of the excessive alcohol, the high of your first successful job, and the way this sinfully handsome man was looking at you made your next move the easiest thing in the world.
You balled the front of his sweater in your fist and tugged him down towards you. He was too tall.
Who on earth was this ballsy, clumsy, beautiful, talented stranger?
Henry didn’t get the chance to ask before his lips came crashing down and immediately, wildfire. 
A shockwave of frenzy ran through his body, he needed to feel you. He was all hands and lips and ragged breaths. His lips traveled down the smooth path of your throat, nipping and sucking as he went. You were putty in his hands.
“Jump.” he growled
You did as he asked and he latched his hands underneath your thighs and planted you against the wall. His lower half pressed into yours and you knew that Marge was right. Your hands raked through his hair and you reveled in the feel of him, strong, confident, in charge. His large hands made their way to your bottom and he squeezed gently.
A breathy moan escaped your lips and you knew you needed to have more of this man. Your fumbling hands made their way to his belt buckle but he set you down on your feet and held you steady.
“What..?” you whispered, suddenly disoriented
“I really should take you on a date first.” he panted
Sober, you definitely would have taken him up on his offer, male prostitute or not, but you were far from it and your head was still spinning so you thought you’d shut your eyes for a while and have him catch your unconscious form.
With you over his shoulder and your shoes in one hand, Henry made his way to his car and drove you safely home, relying on the satnav and your slurred directions.
He laid you gently in bed, brushing the hair away from your face. You snored in your drunken sleep and Henry smiled at the sound.
This was an encounter he was sure he would remember for a long time.
“Well, that was me,” Henry nodded his head with his bottom lip jutted out. “Exactly as you remembered it.”
Tall, hung, and handsome, huh? That wasn’t anything new to him. He’s been described using far more… graphic detail, if his time searching his name on Tumblr was anything to go by. But hearing it come from your mouth turned him several shades of red.
You, on the other hand, had no words. Again. But you figured that it was all Marge’s fault.
“So, I suppose I was right?” he confirmed, unable to contain the self-satisfied smirk on his face
“Uh, yeah,” you sighed, absolutely exhausted from your little trip down memory lane. “Yeah, I guess you were right.”
Slowly, you met each other’s eyes. A moment passed before you both dissolved into fits of laughter.
“Do I look like a male prostitute? Did I exude that kind of energy at the time?” Henry guffawed, shoulders shaking
“God, I don’t even know how I thought that! I was super drunk, okay?” you covered your face with your hands, mortified and extremely amused at yourself
The laughter died down and you were left gazing at each other fondly. Dessert had long since been over and the night went on, the candlelights on your table and scattered around the quiet terrace intensified the feeling that was passing between you.
You didn’t miss the way his eyes darkened and settled on your lips. Unlike all the other times today, you didn’t feel nervous, you didn’t feel like you were about to make a fool of yourself, you felt completely calm.
“Would it be alright with you if we picked up where we left off that night?”
Ever the gentleman. You smiled and made your way over to him.
“Hi.” you made yourself comfortable on his lap and you laced your arms around his neck
“Hello, there.” he whispered against your lips
It was probably not the best place to do this, in a restaurant where upwards of twenty people were just beyond the terrace doors but you were in your own little world.
You were endlessly thankful that you were sober for this, you would never forgive yourself otherwise.
When his lips finally met yours, you wondered how on earth you ever forgot such a feeling. It was gentle and soft, as most of these things start, his thumbs caressed that apple of your cheeks then he laid a chaste kiss on each.
You breathed long and hard as his hands splayed on your back, pushing you closer to him. His warm tongue traced the outline of your bottom lip before exploring your mouth, the taste of you mixed with the subtle taste of wine was exquisite and he wanted more. He drank you in, holding you flush against him.
“Wait.” you took his hand and led him to the far side of the terrace to an alcove enveloped in a curtain of lush vines
“When did you spot this?” Henry asked, breathless as you sat him down and straddled him once again
“On the way in.” you had the audacity to blush
“You had plans for me already?”
“A girl always comes prepared.”
Nothing would ever prepare you for the sight of his full length, once his trousers were lowered, it was over for you. Henry took control by shoving your underwear to the side and impaling you onto him. You inhaled sharply, screwing your eyes tightly shut.
“Are you okay?” he struggled to control himself, having you quivering on top of him was severely testing his restraint
“Yes. Please. Move.” all you could manage were monosyllabic answers
And move he did. It should be illegal to be this good.
The night air was cool but you were both slick with sweat, you two had lost your tops a while ago and Henry’s tongue swept across the valley of your breasts and marked his territory everywhere he could. His thrusts were enough to bruise you but you never wanted anything more than to feel him.
“Henry,” you gasped out as he continued to hit that spot that made you see stars
He could sense that you were close, you were tightening around him and gripping him like a vise. 
“Let go, lovely.” he whispered in your ear, committing the way your face twisted into a mask of pleasure and desperation to memory
You rode him furiously, the sound of your flesh colliding over and over again mingled with your hoarse moans, you were certain that someone would hear you but at that moment all you cared about was reaching your peak and with Henry Cavill at the helm?
His large hand clamped around your mouth as you came, you writhed and arched your body uncontrollably as his thrusts became more erratic. He pulled out of you and began to finish himself off, he did not expect for your hand to join his and he did not expect to come so quickly once it did.
“Jesus.” he panted, reaching over to smooth your hair out of your face
You shivered, suddenly very aware that you weren't wearing anything at all. Henry helped you dress quickly and wrapped his own coat around you, rubbing some heat into your arms.
When you refused to look him in the eye the entire ride back to your flat, that’s when Henry started getting nervous.
It’s not like he could ask you if you enjoyed it? I mean, he could but that would make him look like an amateur and he would really like to think that he was no amateur in that area. So instead, he took your hand as you stood in front of your door. 
“Y/N, I would love to do this again. The date, not the sex- I mean, I would like to have sex with you again but that's not what I'm after-Holy shit."
Oh, how the tables have turned. 
Henry rubbed at his face with a hand and sighed, "Do you think you'd like to see me again?" 
"Do you think you'd like to stay the night?" 
Both of you asked your questions at the same time and you both looked taken aback at them.
"What makes you think I don't want to see you again?" you wrapped your arms around his torso and looked up at him
"You were silent the whole car ride?"
He looked so unsure and a little afraid that you couldn't help but squeeze him. How could someone be both heartbreakingly handsome and adorable all at the same time? 
"I was just summoning up the courage to ask you to stay the night!"
"Oh thank God."
He swept you off your feet and threw your door open but, you didn’t end up in bed (you’d get there later), you ended up in the same place you started, on the couch, with him spectating and occasionally helping out as you played Witcher 3.
The next morning, you woke up to a text message and a forwarded article from Marge,
A muscular arm gently wrapped around your bare waist and a tender kiss was pressed onto your shoulder. You looked back at your handsome bedfellow and smiled.
You’d take a look at it later. Right now, you had better things to do.
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mintwithchoco · 3 years
loonathesmut: Tease
LOOΠΔ Kim Lip x Male Reader
Word Count: 7100 words
Categories: smut, oral, facefucking, facial, subtsundere! kim lip
note; finally after weeks of writing, i'm back with another story! this is a continuation to my first smut, so i suggest you read it first to understand the story a bit better.
this story is also dedicated to one of my favorite writer, @nsfwtwicecatcher ! since he likes giving kimberly lippington a facial, this is gift for him :3 happy belated birthday! (hopefully i'm not too late oof)
special thanks to @arrivalatdawn for helping me out with the story.
again, happy new year and enjoy! ;)
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"That's all for today. Remember to read chapter 7 and 8 for our next class!" The lecturer said before everyone stood up to leave the lecture room. 
You pack your notes and laptop into your bag hastily, rushing for your next event for the day. 
"Hello, baby brother? Can I ask you for a little bit of help? I'm gonna be busy this Wednesday and we haven't finished packing up stuff for our move to the new dorm. Since half of us will be staying at the dorm to finish packing, I figured that they would need some...extra hand. Hopefully you can help out!"
You walked through the crowd of students while keeping a safe distance from them. You looked at the watch on your wrist. 12:14 p.m. You gasped silently and started to run, eventually reaching your car at the parking lot after almost hitting on a bunch of people on your way. Getting inside your car and taking a couple of deep breaths, you calmed the adrenaline rush in your body. After a few minutes, you start the engine, turn on the radio and drive off to loonathedorm.
20 minutes later, you finally arrive at the building where your stepsister's dorm was.  You parked your car at a nearby parking lot, grabbing your stuff and a few bags of snacks that you purchased from a nearby convenience store. You make your way into the building and take the elevator up to the level where the dorm was at. As the elevator reaches the designated level, the door opened, revealing two people that you are all too familiar with.
"Oh, hi oppa!" "Hello oppa!" Both Heejin and Hyunjin greeted you.
"Hey! Where are you guys going?" You asked them as you got out of the elevator.
"We're gonna get some more boxes! We have too much stuff…" Heejin said while pouting. Hyunjin just stares at the plastic bags that you were holding.
"Oh, alright then. I bought some snacks, so be quick before the others finish it. And don't worry Hyunjin, I bought bread as well." You said, making Hyunjin smile.
"Thanks oppa!" Hyunjin responded.
"We'll be right back!" Heejin said and grabbed Hyunjin's hand as they went inside the elevator. You wave at them goodbye and head towards the dorm.
You arrive at the door within seconds. A nervous feeling suddenly came over you as this is the second time you are visiting the dorm. The first time was around a month ago, when Jinsoul invited you to Yeojin's birthday party. You haven't gotten closer to Jinsoul's other bandmates besides Heejin, Yerim and Jiwoo. You got close to them during their debut concert when you visited Jinsoul backstage. You pressed the doorbell followed with a nervous sigh. A few seconds was all it needed for the door to be opened by Chuu.
"Oppa! Come on in, we just started packing!" Jiwoo said in a happy tone.
"Perfect, right on time!" You said and went inside the dorm. Jiwoo goes back to her room to continue her work while you take off your jacket and shoes in the doorway. You hang up your jacket and put your shoes on an empty spot at the shoe rack. As you walk to the living room with the bags of snacks in hand, you look around the surrounding of the dorm.
The dorm was pretty clean but full of boxes scattered around containing the girls' stuff. It was a pretty small dorm for 12 people to live in, so you were happy that they are finally moving out after 3 years. You put the bags of snacks on the living room's table. Yerim suddenly appears in front of you , carrying a box that looked far too heavy for her. You quickly went to her and grabbed the box as her hands were getting shaky. 
"Phew! Thanks oppa! You can put it there," Yerim said as she points to a stack of boxes beside the couch.
"No problem. This is really heavy, are there rocks inside?" You joked.
"It's just some clothes!" Yerim chuckled at your joke.
"Well, surely you have a lot of them. There you go." You put down the box carefully on top of a bigger box.
"Thanks oppa!" Yerim beams a cute smile at you.
"You're welcome. Have you guys eaten yet?" You asked her.
"No, we were too busy packing…" 
"Well, I bought some snacks so-" You sit down on the couch and take out the snacks inside the plastic bags that you brought.
"Let's take a break!" 
"Yeay! Thanks oppa!" Yerim sits on the couch and immediately opens up a bag of Cheetos.
"I'll get the others real quick." You stand up and head towards Jiwoo's room while Yerim munches down on the Cheetos. As you arrive there, Jiwoo is taping up a box while Jungeun is cleaning the windows. 
"Hey guys! Are you done with your work yet?" You asked.
"Uhh, just a bit more oppa. I just have to tape up that box and I'm done!" Jiwoo replied.
"Alright then. Jungeun?" 
"Can’t you see that I'm still cleaning?" Jungeun replied in a cold tone.
Kim Jungeun, a.k.a Kim Lip. Presumably, the sexiest member in LOONA. While her face emits the vibe of a charismatic woman, her personality is completely different. She has a great sense of humor as most of the memes in the LOONA fanbase are about her. She's also a caring and liable person. Jinsol once told you that she is one of the members that usually cooks for the others and she always loves cleaning around the house.
But, for some reason, she always seemed angry at you, keeping her words to a minimum and striking you with harsh facts sometimes. You asked Jinsol why she was acting that way and she simply replied with, "I don't know, maybe she's interested in you." You simply disagreed with her as there was no way you would fall in love with Jungeun since you have Jinsol embedded deep in your heart.
"Jungeun! That's not how you talk to oppa!" Jiwoo scolded Jungeun.
"It's fine. I just wanna say that the snacks are waiting for you guys and it won't take long before Yerim finishes it all,” You said and left the room to join Yerim back at the couch in the living room.
"Oh my god, you annihilated a bag of Cheetos already?!" You hold up the empty bag of Cheetos on the table. 
"Hehe, sorry oppa! Can't help it," Yerim said while drinking her Coke.
"Is there any bread left?" Hyunjin bashed through the front door followed by Heejin who was holding a bunch of folded boxes. Both you and Yerim jumped in shock because of the sudden interruption. Hyunjin quickly sits beside Yerim and searches for her precious bread. Heejin puts the folded boxes at the hallway leading to the living room and joins the rest on the couch.
"Mmm~! Ish bwead ish sho fwuffy!” Hyunjin said as her mouth was already stuffed with bread.
“Yah, don’t talk when your mouth is full! Especially when oppa’s around,” Heejin said as she grabbed a pack of candies from one of the plastic bags.
“It’s fine, it was cute anyways,” Hyunjin choked and spat out her drink as she heard your compliment. Heejin and Yerim just laughed at her as she was coughing pretty badly.
Eventually, Jiwoo and Jungeun joined in after a few minutes. The room was quickly filled with conversations, the girls talked about their successful comeback while you talked about how you almost burned your house down when learning how to make macarons.
Whenever you talk, you realize that Jungeun will always focus on you, even though she was keeping a straight face. She spoke the least out of the six of you and will constantly nod or shake her head to a question. At one point, you made eye contact with her and in a split second, she turned her face away from you, hiding her shyness. 
‘What's up with her?’ you thought. 
But the conversation that was happening was too interesting for you to think about it furthermore.
2:15 p.m. All of you start packing the girls’ room items. Your job was mainly to pick up the boxes or lift some furniture since you are the only male there. Sounded easy, right? That was your thought before Kim Jungeun caught your attention with her outfit. She was wearing a black tank top that didn't do well on covering up her black bra underneath and black tight shorts that were showing off her beautiful legs. 
You wondered why she picked that outfit for the day as it was clearly uncomfortable for her. Her top was always slipping down everytime she moved, allowing you to see her cleavage. You tried to avoid looking at her but she keeps coming into your sight as if it was intentional. Your lower region was starting to get warm and it was definitely not the right time to get a hard-on. You kept thinking about gross things that can help your boner to calm down but the moment when Jungeun bent down to pick up some stuff right in front of you, it was game over. You immediately go to the toilet to cover up your raging boner before any of the girls notices it.
About two hours later, Heejin taped up the final box, officially ending all of the work. All of you sit down on the couch and let out a sigh of relief. You were grateful that no one notices your bulge throughout all of that, otherwise you would be dying because of embarrassment. 
“Hey guys! Sooyoung unnie just texted me that they are at the arcade nearby, should we join them?” Jiwoo asked while looking at her phone.
“Heck yeah!” Heejin excitedly replies.
“Oppa, are you going too?” Yerim asked you.
“Nah, you guys go ahead, I’ll just wait for noona here.” 
“Lip unnie?” Hyunjin asked Jungeun.
“I’m too lazy…” Jungeun said and slowly laid down on the couch.
“Okay then, let’s get ready!” Jiwoo said and went to her room, followed by Heejin, Hyunjin and Yerim. 
“Don’t bother me unless it’s something important.” Jungeun said to you before going back into her own room. You just shrugged off what she said and played around with your phone. After seeing the girls leave, you turn on the TV and watched a drama to kill time. You thought that Jungeun had already fallen asleep since she is tired and you didn’t hear any sounds from her room.
An hour passes by and your stomach starts to grumble. The snacks earlier didn’t really fill up your stomach, so you decided to cook some ramen. Before going into the kitchen, you remember about Jungeun and decide to ask her if she wants some. You walk up to her room’s door and knock gently.
“Hey, I’m gonna cook some ramen, do you want some?” You asked through the door.
“Ugh..hah,” You hear Jungeun’s voice through the door. It sounds like she is struggling, you thought. You knock on the door again.
“Are you okay in there?” No answer. 
“Do you need help?” Still no answer.
Worried about her, you swiftly open the door. Your eyes search for Jungeun who was fixing the window curtains while tip-toeing on a chair to help her reach it. She didn’t notice your presence at all and was struggling with the curtains as it was stuck on the curtain rod. Before you can ask her anything, your attention suddenly diverts to her back that is facing you. You slowly eye her from head to toe a few times before locking your eyes onto her ass. Heck, you know it was wrong, but who can resist closing their eyes to this perfect and handful butt? You were hypnotized, dirty thoughts were already generated in your brain as you stared at them longer.
Suddenly, Jungeun loses her balance as her right foot slips on the chair and makes her fall. Luckily, you were there and reacted quickly enough to catch her from falling. Jungeun was shocked to see you catch her. Not to mention, she perfectly landed onto your arms and you both were in an awkward position of a bridal carry. Time stops for you as your eyes land onto hers, seeing another side of Kim Jungeun who was always giving you cold glares. You feel her body getting warmer on your arms and her cheeks turn red.
“Are you okay?” You asked her.
“Y-Yeah..you can put me down now..” Jungeun spoke in a soft tone for the first time with you, making you also blush at how cute she sounds. You gently put her feet first on the floor and removed your arms from her legs and her back. The air around the both of you was getting awkward and after a few seconds of silence, Jungeun finally speaks.
“Why did you come into my room, pervert?” Jungeun was back to her cold self but her shyness still remains visible on her cheeks.
“Chill out, I was just asking you if you wanted some ramen or not. And, if I didn’t barge into your room, you could end up with a back pain.” You answered back, making Jungeun sigh.
“You got a point. I am feeling hungry right now so why not. I’ll cook though, I don’t trust you in the kitchen.” Jungeun said before heading to the kitchen followed by you.
“The bags of ramen are on the right cabinet. If you wanna add in some more stuff, look in the fridge.” Jungeun said while washing her hands. You simply nod and open the cabinet that Jungeun pointed out. You grabbed three bags of spicy chicken flavored ramen and placed them on the kitchen counter. As you are about to check out the fridge for some ingredients, you saw that Jungeun is struggling once again, this time with getting a pot on the top of the cabinet.
“You know that it’s easy to ask for help, right?” You said and went behind her to reach the pot. Jungeun’s eyes widened as both of your bodies are closer to each other once again. She looks at your face that is focusing on the pot. Seeing how much you like to help her out makes her feel something funny. As she thinks about it longer, she starts to blush madly and her heart pounds fast until she realizes that you had grabbed the pot and saw her blushing.
“Here.” You said while giving her the pot, ignoring the fact that she is blushing.
“Thanks..” Jungeun replied, feeling relieved that you didn’t ask further.
After the little sweet moment, both of you start on making the ramen. You mostly prepared the ingredients while Jungeun does the mixing and cooking. 25 minutes later, Jungeun places the pot of hot ramen that is ready to be served on the dining table, which you have already cleaned and prepared with bowls and chopsticks. The savory aroma of the ramen fills the air, making you drool even more. Both of you sat down at the dining table, facing each other and started to dig in. You scooped a spoonful of the ramen with the ladle and put it in your bowl. You lifted up some of the ramen noodles with your chopsticks, gently blowing onto it to cool it down before putting it in your mouth.
"Mmm! So Jinsol noona was telling the truth about your cooking," You complimented her as the ramen you tasted was very delicious.
"Of course she would tell the truth. But I feel like I've added too much spice.." Jungeun said before taking a sip on her drink to reduce the heat on her tongue.
"I can handle the spice though, you're not that big of a spicy fan eh?" You said, continuing to slurp on the noodles.
“Shut up.” 
A few minutes passed by and the pot was already empty. You both are still eating the last bits of the noodles in your bowls. Jungeun is fanning her clothes, feeling hot because of the spiciness of the ramen. This allows you to have a great view of her cleavage under her tank top once more, which almost made you spat out the noodles in your mouth. Even though the air conditioner was turned on, sweat formed on her forehead and her neck and your eyes focused on the beads of her sweat that was dripping down her cleavage. You gulped. Jinsol would probably kill you right now as your cock started to grow hard again.
“I feel so hot…” Jungeun said as she kept fanning her clothes that were drenched.
“You really are hot, Kim Jungeun.” You say softly, not wanting to be called out as a pervert by Jungeun again. You both finished up the food eventually and you offered to wash the dishes since she helped to cook the food. It was also a way for you to cover your bulge that is sticking out. You cleaned up the dining table and brought the dishes to the kitchen sink to wash them while Jungeun went back to her room.
You dry off your hand with a cloth near the sink after washing all of the dishes. You walked back to the living room and saw Jungeun doing yoga in front of the TV. She was still wearing the tank top from earlier, but has changed her shorts into leggings which hugged her thighs and her cute butt perfectly. She is doing a position where her feet and her hands are on the ground while her hips and her torso are kept high, like a certain sex position. You were stunned at your place, completely seduced by her sensual aura that is making you hard for the third time. You watch every part of her body like a hawk, gradually increasing your arousal level as you already think about how to take her down. You quickly put that thought away once Jungeun realizes that you are looking at her.
“W-Why are you doing yoga at this time?” You ask her before she could say anything in hope that she won’t call you out.
“I wanna work off the ramen that we just ate.” Jungeun said before moving into another position. This time, she lays down her body flat onto the yoga mat and lifts only her torso up with her hands, allowing her butt to clench and showing you how perfect it looks. You bit your lips at the sight, thinking how easily you could rip her leggings off and fuck her ass right at that moment. But you surely don’t want to be killed by Jungeun for suddenly invading her privacy so you have to keep your cool. 
You slowly walk towards the couch and sat there while Jungeun is focusing on the TV that is playing a yoga guide show. You pull out your phone from your pocket and play around with it to distract yourself from staring at her body. As she wasn't looking at you, you fixed up your pants to hide your boner. You scroll through your phone, opening up apps that you never really open while burning the image of you fucking Jungeun in your head. After a while with a few more position changes, the yoga guide show is almost at the end as there is one more position to do. Jungeun lays down on her back and raises up her legs while bending her knees. She places her knees around her shoulder area and her arms on her feet to exert some pressure on it. 
The position is called Happy Baby as said on the TV, but to you, it just looks like she was ready to receive a cock in her pussy. Because she is on the floor, her crotch area is exposed to you and your imagination of stripping her naked in that position is starting to flow. Your dick was painfully hard at this point, and your patience is starting to run out. Eventually, you stand up, planning to let out your desires in the toilet until Jungeun stops you.
"Giving up already?" Jungeun said in a teasing manner.
"I'm sorry?" You pretended to be confused.
"Hm, still want to defend yourself eh? I know you're having a boner right now." Jungeun releases herself from the position earlier, stands up and gets closer to you. Your eyes widen as you are getting exposed by her.
"I've noticed that you've been eyeing my body, especially my ass." Jungeun gives you a little smirk while crossing her arms.
"I-I'm sorry, I-"
"Shh...There's no need for that. I'll forgive you, but with one condition..." Jungeun gently pushes you back to the couch and straddles your lap. She brought her lips to your right ear and blew hot breath onto it, making you squirm under her body.
"Please me, just like how you did to Jinsol unnie." 
The gentleman switch inside your body was turned off once you hear those alluring words. You wrapped her legs around your hips and lifted her up to carry her to somewhere comfortable. You made your way to her bedroom and pinned her down to the bed, not caring to close the door since there is no one else that can witness this sinful act.
"You are going to regret saying that, Miss Kim Jungeun." You leaned your head closer to her and pressed your lips against hers. The taste of her cherry lips makes its way into your taste buds while she reciprocates by moaning into your mouth. You feel her body is getting warmer with each passing second and her kisses are getting a bit more rough. Her tongue asks for entrance in your mouth, so you part your lips and both of your tongues dance while exchanging saliva into each other's mouth. Your hands makes their way down to her thick thighs, the culprit that has made your dick feel pain throughout the three times you got hard for her. You moved your hand up and down, caressing it to show your affection. As you continue to explore each other’s mouth, both of your breaths are decreasing overtime so Jungeun pushes you away from her lips and pants heavily.
“Jinsol unnie was right, you are a great kisser.” Jungeun says and wraps her arms around your neck. You looked deep into her brown eyes and admired her facial features. You gotta admit, she is one of the most beautiful women that you have ever seen, alongside Jinsoul of course. Her gaze that was filled with lust enamored your heart, making it beat faster than normal. 
“Do you want me to suck your cock?” Jungeun asks you and you unhesitantly nodded to her question.
“Eat my pussy out until I cum, then I’ll let you fuck my face.” Jungeun moves her body back to the headboard of the bed, inviting you to strip her naked. Like a cat, you crawl towards her and tower over her body. You grab the bottom hem of her tank top and pull it upwards. Jungeun raises her arms to allow you to remove it from her slim body and throw it away somewhere in the room. Even though Jungeun is not as thick as Hyejoo or as curvy as Jinsol, her body is still a killer, packed with a sexy ribcage, a small waist and of course, beautiful legs.
Your lips instantly latched on her neck, giving her a few kisses here and there to increase the tension between you both. The sweet scent of her perfume was still there despite her being sweaty because of the spiciness of the ramen and the yoga that she did earlier. Jungeun moaned softly at your kisses but tries to silence herself to keep her cold act. Feeling a bit bolder now, your hands slowly reach behind her and unhook her black bra. You heard the hooks come off one by one, eventually letting her bra fall down by itself. A sigh of relief was also heard by you as Jungeun felt the tension on her chest was released. Her perky breasts were finally revealed to you - Jinsol is bigger than her, but you can say that they are pretty handful.
“Fuck, you’re so hot Jungeun.” You say before planting a quick peck on her lips.
Unable to contain your lust for her anymore, you forcefully grab onto her leggings and rip them open, earning a screech from Jungeun that you always hear in the LOONA memes compilation videos on YouTube. “Hey! Calm your hormones down! Thank god that this is already ripped, otherwise I will be chopping your dick off.” Jungeun was slightly mad at you for destroying her leggings but thankfully, she was okay with it.
You continue to strip her naked by peeling off the ripped leggings off her legs. As you throw away her bra and her leggings off the bed, you are slightly shocked to see Jungeun wasn’t wearing any panties underneath her leggings and is now fully naked right in front of you. Fully mesmerized by the sight, your cock was begging to be released from its confines. But, you already had a deal with her - make her cum and you’ll get a facefuck. Easy. 
“Are you gonna eat me out or-ahh..” Jungeun let out a soft moan as you drive your hands towards her clit that is already wet with her juices. You traced her clit with your fingers as you watch Jungeun’s face gradually easing into the pleasure. Jungeun closes her eyes and leans back while you smirk, thinking that she is now under your control. As you continue to move your fingers on her clit, Jungeun spreads her legs and throws her head back, giving you the approval to taste her.
Your hands have moved itself to her thighs to keep her in place while you eat her pussy out. Steadily moving your head down to her glistening clit, you stick out your tongue and lick the juices on her clit, making Jungeun squirm slightly. She tastes sweet and you are addicted to it right away. Not wasting anymore time, you capture her clit with your lips and swirl your tongue, making small circles around it. Jungeun’s hands made it to your hair, gripping onto it tightly as you keep giving her clit the attention that it wants. You feel the burning sensation on your scalp but nothing matters at this point. The only focus that you have at this point is to give Jungeun what she desires.
No progress will be made if you keep using your mouth, so you start moving your hands to her clit and use your fingers to stimulate it. Jungeun's pussy continues to flow out more nectar and her eyes roll back in satisfaction. You pull your lips away from her clit and teased her splayed lips using two fingers before pushing them into her warm and tight cavern. Jungeun reacted with an erotic moan once your fingers enter her body. Moving the joints of your two fingers inside her pussy causes her to flinch around and breathe heavily. She equips herself with a pillow nearby to muffle her moans in reason to keep her tsundere character alive.
You pull your fingers away from her clit slowly and thrust it back inside her deeper than before. You repeat this action several times and eventually find a perfect rhythm. Jungeun was not expecting you to be this good as her moans were getting louder each time you thrust into her. After a few more thrusts, you felt a certain type of flesh inside her pussy has made contact with the tip of your fingers. Jungeun immediately reacts by pulling your hair harder and bucking her hips onto your face even more.
“F-Fuck yeah, that’s the spot...keep doing that,” 
Upping the pace of your thrusts into her, you continue to hit her g-spot. Your lips latch onto her clit once again, this time with your tongue assisting your fingers to thrust into her pussy better. Jungeun has lost control over her body, shaking violently and constantly screaming out curse words into the pillow she is holding. 
Suddenly, Jungeun lets out the loudest scream into the pillow. Her thighs spontaneously wrap itself around your head, locking you in as she climaxes. You feel her juices flowing into your mouth like a waterfall and drenching your palm at the same time. Her orgasm was really big as you failed to keep all of her juices in your mouth. When you feel that her thighs have weakened its grip on your head, marking the end of her orgasm, you pull out your fingers from her pussy and lapped up the excess juice on her folds. You gulp down on her sweet cum and with a big sigh, you move your face away from her thighs.
There is no other sight that can beat the sight that you have now right in front of you. Jungeun’s face was flushed with satisfaction, her legs were still spread open and her chest was heaving up and down as she was still in a daze after her strong climax just now. You smiled, admiring how much of a mess that she has made.
“Hah..v-very well then, you have impressed me. Now, for your reward.” Jungeun said before moving herself away and pushed you to the headboard, replacing her spot earlier.
She straddles your lap once again and smashes her lips onto yours, tasting herself in your mouth that was filled with her cum just now. In the meantime, her hands find the hem of your pants, reaches inside and drags it off your legs. Pulling her lips away from you after several minutes, Jungeun’s face makes its way down to your crotch that shows off your prominent bulge under your boxers. You squirmed as Jungeun cups your bulge and blows a hot breath onto it. She licks the tip of your penis through the thin fabric of your boxers before pulling it down to uncover your penis. You felt the cold air around the room on your shaft, making it throb and twitch harder. 
“Hmm, not as big as I thought, but surely this is enough.” You felt a bullet was shot through your heart.
Jungeun places her hand on the base of your cock, causing it to leak out precum from your slit. She licks her lips before painting a strip of saliva along the underside of your shaft and stopping on the tip. You moaned as Jungeun spits all over your cock and starts sucking on your tip. Her tongue collects all of your precum while her hand spreads her saliva all over your cock, not leaving any parts of it dry. Your cock continued to throb in her small hand alongside your moans that are beginning to increase in volume. 
You can’t believe that the cold Kim Jungeun is now on your cock, giving you the fantasy that you desired. Spitting more saliva onto your cock, her hand glides up and down you with no resistance. Her lips detached itself from your tip, giving her fingers access to it to trace your slit and releasing more of your liquid. Jungeun giggles at the expressions that you were making.
“You really are a pervert…” Jungeun said before indulging your cock into her mouth.
Your body weakens once you feel the insides of her mouth with your cock. Jungeun began to bob her head up and down while still grabbing a hold on the base of your shaft. You brought your hand to her head, running your fingers through the soft blonde strands of hair. As she looked up at you, you realized that she looks gorgeous with a cock in her mouth, a sight that will surely make any man happy. Her mouth continued to fill itself with your length until you felt your tip reach the back of her mouth, causing her to gag loudly. Your hands automatically hold her head as the warmness of her mouth and the lustful gag that she lets out is driving you into maximum pleasure.
Jungeun taps on your thigh after a while as she was losing some oxygen. You quickly removed your hand from the back of her head and Jungeun releases her mouth from your cock with a pop, leaving strings of saliva along the way. She takes this time to breath properly to prepare herself for the next act.
“Get off the bed and fuck my mouth.” 
You got off the bed quickly while Jungeun gets on her knees. After you remove the last piece of your clothing, she parts her lips, ready to receive your cock again. You hold onto both sides of her head and push a few inches of your cock into her mouth. You start your thrusting with a slow rhythm to make her feel comfortable. As she looks up to you with a gaze filled with lust, you push your shaft even more, causing saliva to escape from the sides of her mouth. When your shaft hits the back of her mouth, she gags on your cock, followed by teardrops on her eyes as she is on cloud nine on how well you are using your reward. 
Developing a faster rhythm as time goes by, Jungeun’s face is starting to get messy with her tears and her saliva. You didn’t care about it since you were chasing on your own desires. Sweat formed on your forehead as you fuck her mouth harder. An idea suddenly popped into your mind and after one final deep thrust, you withdrew your cock out of her mouth. Jungeun hyperventilates once you release your grip on her head and wipes off the excessive saliva on her face with her hand.
“Impressive...considering that you haven’t cum yet, you are allowed to fu-” Jungeun was cut off by you grabbing her arms and pinning her to the bed.
“I’m done with you being in charge, now let me take over.” You said sternly, emphasizing on the words, ‘take over’.
Your lust for her was unstoppable at this point. Turning her body around, her face was now buried into the bed. You forcefully grabbed her hips and bent her knees, allowing her hips to stay up. Raising her head slightly to look at you, Jungeun was stunned at your changed behavior. She found it rather attractive, how your eyes were burning with lust and how rough your actions were getting. 
As your hands were still on her hips, you moved them to her butt and gently squeezed her cheeks, causing Jungeun to squirm under your touch. Seems like your idea is starting to work out. Using your right hand to stroke your hard cock a few times, you line it up with the pink lips of her pussy that was radiating with heat. Jungeun feels your tip nudging at her entrance and bites her lip once you push it in further. With a satisfied grunt, a few inches of your cock is finally in her cunt. Her walls were suffocating your cock with its tightness but you ignored the pain that you were feeling. Your hips begin to move, thrusting your shaft into her in a slow manner. Her juices were smearing your length, allowing it to slide in and out of her pussy with ease. Jungeun buries her face into the bed to silence her moans, not wanting to show herself falling into your dominance.
You realize what she was doing and you definitely didn’t like it. So, you grab a handful of her long blonde hair and pull it towards you, raising her head so that you can hear her lewd moans. Jungeun stayed strong however, holding her breath a few times and biting her lips harder to resist herself from moaning. Increasing the rhythm of your thrust into her tight cavern, your goal is to make her moan and give up on her tsundere character. Her body shakes in your arms as your thrusts get more aggressive, considering how you are gritting your teeth while pounding her. You lean your body onto her back and rest your head on her shoulder, giving kisses on her neck right after. 
“I know that you’re enjoying this, so drop the tough act already,” You gave her butt a harsh slap before bringing your lips closer to her ears.
“And moan for me.” 
Like a spark ignited in her body, Jungeun finally lets out her beautiful moans. You smirked, delighted at the fact that Jungeun is now under your spell, which is the pleasure that you are giving her. You continue to thrust into her warm walls even further, increasing the volume of her moans before putting an end to your rhythm and pulling out your cock out of her body, earning a whine from Jungeun.
“Tell me how much you love my cock.” You grab her by the neck and gently squeeze it to force out an answer from her.
“I love your cock so much oppa! Please keep fucking this slut until she cums!” Jungeun screamed.
“Don’t tell me what to do!” You said and gave her ass two hard slaps.
“Ahh! I-I’m sorry oppa…” 
“Lay down on the bed. Now.” Your cold tone sent shivers down Jungeun’s spine and quickly enough, she laid back down on the bed and waited for your actions.
You climb back on the bed and move towards her, putting her under your body. You gave her a quick peck on her lips before spreading her legs apart and lining up your cock with her damp pussy once again. 
“You can’t cum until I say so. If you cum, I won’t hesitate to punish you.” You said and immediately inserted your cock back into her pussy, making Jungeun scream with ecstasy.
The intensity between you both was at its limit as Jungeun leaked out more and more of her juices from her pussy and your cock throbs harder inside the tight grip of her pussy. Your head leans closer to hers, intently gazing into her heavenly brown eyes that filled with passion and desire. At that moment, Jinsol was completely lost in your mind as you have fallen in love with the woman right in front of you named Kim Jungeun. The rhythm of your pounding never slowed down, instead it keeps going faster and harder. Although your back is starting to emit sweat, your lust for her powers your body to keep going. 
No other sounds were heard in the room except for the squelching of her wet and warm walls receiving your shaft, the squeaking of the bed because of your hard thrusts and the symphony of moans from the both of you. Challenging Jungeun’s endurance, your hands land on her perky breasts and begin to knead it gently, aiming to stimulate her into her orgasm. Her pink nipples erect once you use your fingers on them, pinching and pulling it until you replace it with your lips. Gently sucking on her right nipple, a persistent flow of high-pitched moans escapes Jungeun’s lips as the pleasure was too much for her.
“Oppa…please...” Jungeun begged you.
“Giving up already?” You said with a smirk, referencing her words earlier.
Without giving a care to her words, you keep penetrating her hot flesh while teasing her tits. The tip of your cock came into contact with her g-spot and Jungeun screams out your name. You were in euphoria, the pleasure that you were getting was a lot for a man to have. The knot in your stomach is starting to build itself, signaling your upcoming orgasm. 
"Do you want to cum baby?"
"Yes please! I want to cum all over your cock pleease!" 
"Then, cum. Cover my cock with your cum." You demanded.
Jungeun came instantly. You feel as the walls of her vagina gripped onto your shaft. Her juices gushed out everywhere, mainly coating your cock and your balls. Some leaked out and landed on her bed. Her orgasm was bigger than the first one, acknowledging how you have successfully raised her senses. 
"B-Baby..I'm close..." You alerted her.
"O-Outside…" Jungeun weakly replied.
Hearing her words made your brain come up with one decision. You fuck her in a relentless pace as the knot in your stomach grew tighter. Feeling your cock is twitching inside her, you immediately pull out from her tight pussy and straddle her torso, aiming your cock right in front of her face. Jungeun was still weak from her orgasm just now and didn't realize what you were doing. You stroke your cock with a fast motion, easily sliding in and out of your hand because of her juices lubricating it. Eventually, with a big groan, streaks of white and thick semen burst out of your tip, painting Jungeun's enticingly beautiful face. She closes her eyes as she comes back to her senses with more ropes of cum landing on her cheeks and her forehead.
After the last streak of your cum lands on her nose, her gorgeous face is fully covered. You sighed and admired the mess that you had made, the cum that was dripping down and the satisfied expression pictured on Jungeun’s face. Jungeun slowly opened her eyes to be greeted with your sweet smile and your cock that was still throbbing. She was lost in your eyes for a brief moment but suddenly, she pushes you away from her.
“Goddamnit, now I have to clean your filth off, ugh...” Jungeun said and went to the bathroom to wash her face.
“Jungeun I-” You sighed as she closed the bathroom door. 
Jungeun looked at herself in the mirror from head to toe. Her thighs were stained with her own cum, her nipples were still erect due to your teasing and of course, her face was coated with your semen. She smiled. Licking a bit of your creamy semen on her lips, she squealed at how she finally tasted a part of you. Worried that you might leave soon as she has another plan set up with you, she quickly washed her face at the sink and got out of the bathroom. You didn’t realize that Jungeun was already out of the bathroom and were about to wear your clothes before a hand stopped you from doing so.
“Shower with me?”
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angelarmitage98 · 3 years
Harry Potter preferences...
How he asks you to be his girlfriend:
His P.O.V:
She was sat quietly in the library reading a book about magical creatures to kill time as she had nothing better to be done for the rest of the day. When suddenly, BANG! A loud noise was heard throughout the entire library, I could see her wondering where that noise came from. I hope she doesn't notice it was me, not just yet anyway. She stood up searching for where that sound came from. So, I stood still behind the old, dusty shelf, waiting for her to come wandering around the corner to find the surprise, I have on my invisibility cloak so she doesn't see me yet. Finally, I see her trotting along to where I made the noise. She looked around as she noticed the little box I placed there for her, waiting and anticipating for her to open it.
Your P.O.V:
I heard a loud noise coming from behind the shelves in the library and before, I knew it my feet took me towards the sound. When I got here, I saw nothing but a tiny little box wrapped in a nice mint green wrapping paper and a golden ribbon. I picked it up wondering who's it could be when I saw a tag attached so I made the decision to check and see who it belonged to. Once I looked I noticed it had my name on it, hmm how peculiar I thought but yet it was so exciting, so I opened it to which a whole bunch of confetti and fireworks flew out, BANG! WOOOSH! WOOO! I looked up to discover the fireworks spelling out, 'WILL YOU (Y/N) (Y/L/N), DO ME THE HONOUR OF BEING MY GIRLFRIEND? - HARRY POTTER' wow, how beautiful I thought, I could not help but have the biggest grin on my face. Suddenly, I hear a noise from behind me, "so, will you?" it was Harry, I just looked at him with the biggest smile ever, this was the best day of my life. Obviously, I nodded my head frantically because of course who wouldn't, it's THE Harry Potter, every girl loved him, and of course, I was one of those girls, and I am still one of those girls.
Your P.O.V:
I've just finished my last lesson of the day and have now decided to go find Ron, I haven't seen him the past couple of hours and I'm worried about him, what if he's sick. I saw Harry and Hermione walking my way and who better to ask about Ron than his two best friends, am I right? "Harry, Hermione, have either of you seen Ron anywhere?" I politely asked. Harry was looking at me in this weird way, and it began to make me feel as though I had something on my face. Hermione elbowed Harry in the ribs which to me was rather odd, but nevermind that I need to find Ron. "Oh, Ron is in the kitchen with the house elves, feel free to go find him," Hermione told me. I could tell she was trying to hold back a huge smile but I wonder why. Hmm, oh well I'll just talk to her about it later. "Ok, thank you," I replied and set off walking towards the kitchen. It took me ten minutes to get here but at least I finally arrived. I walked through the doors to see Ron covered in what seemed to be flour. 'Huh, I wonder what he's been up to.' "Ron, what are you doing? You look like a complete mess." I spoke. "Oh, (Y/N), you're here, erm I was just making cupcakes." The minute I heard the word cupcake, I rushed over, grabbed one and took a bite. "Bloody hell (Y/N), you were supposed to read them first." 'Oops,' I thought. "Ronald, seriously? How was I supposed to know that? And besides, its cupcakes how can I hold back from eating one." I said. "Look, I'll put it back and read them," I spoke again. Lucky enough I only took a small bite and the letter was still written on the cupcake. "Good." He replied. I placed the cupcake back where I got it and look at them to see it said '(Y/N) WILL YOU DO ME THE HONOUR OF BEING MY GIRLFRIEND?' as I read it I felt a small tear drop onto my hand. I then turned to look at Ron with a huge smile on my face. "Ronald Weasley, I would love to be your girlfriend," I spoke ecstatically, knowing that this is the start of a beautiful relationship.
Regular P.O.V:
You were sat at the Gryffindor table when you felt someone tap you on the shoulder. You turned around to see Crabbe stood there with a beautiful white rose. 'Hmm, my favourite.' You thought. "Follow the roses." Was all he said and pointed towards the Great Hall doors. You arose (no pun intended) from your seat and began walking towards the doors. There stood Goyle with another rose in his hand. 'How peculiar' you thought. "Keep going." He said. So you walked through the doors and heard Fred and George shouting your name. "(Y/N), This way, come on (Y/N), move those legs." Which caused you to laugh at them. 'Oh Merlin, these two are strange' you soon arrived in front of them and the boy gave you a rose each. "Just a few more to go." then pointed in the direction in which you're supposed to walk. You looked at the end of the hall and saw Ron standing there and began to make your way there. "Almost there, just head that way," Ron said nodding his head in the direction in which you're supposed to go while handing you another rose. You were so confused as to what was going on but you felt so intrigued to find out what was going on and how it all ends. You continued your walk and came to find Harry with another rose. "Just one more of these and you're there." 'Huh,' you thought. You then began to quicken your pace to see what was lying ahead. You came to a stop when you found Hermoine with the last rose. "Just there." She spoke in her soft voice and pointed outside towards the Whomping Willow, you took the final rose and made your way there. You came to a halt when you say 'Be Mine? - Yours Truly, Draco' written in rose petals. You heard someone say "ahem" from behind you and turned to see Draco. "I would love to be yours." You told him. "Good, and don't say anything about me asking Potter and his friends to help. I did it for you and that's all you need to know." You giggled at what he had said and thought to yourself. 'Best. Day. Ever'
His P.O.V:
So, today's the day I've finally decided to ask out my crush. Her name is (Y/N). She's so beautiful, she has (H/L) (H/C) hair that frames her face perfectly. Her smooth (S/C) skin is radiant when the sun hits it just right. And her li- "Hey Nev, you ok?" A voice pulled me from my thoughts, it's her, oh Godric I'd know that angelic voice anywhere. "Ugh, erm, yeah. I'm good. I'm just getting a couple of books to study. Are you ok? And what you up to?" I already know what she's doing, I know her schedule better than my own and I know she's here to do a bit of light reading but I wouldn't want to say that out loud I mean she will think I'm a complete freak just like everyone else already does. "Oh, ok. You look a little a pale and I thought you might be feeling a little sick, but anyway I've just come for a bit of reading, would you care to join me?" I could listen to her talk all day. "Oh, sure. I'd love too, that would be great, I mean only if I-" "Nev, you're rambling, now just come on, let's go find some seats." "Yeah, sure," I told her as we began walking, we walked all the way to the back of the library and sat down on the seats further back. 'Ok,' I thought 'time to put this plan into action' "Nice book that, how far have you got?" I asked, trying not to let the nerves get the better of me. "I'm just on chapter thirteen, and honestly it seems pretty good so far." "That's good. Can you do me a favour? Go to page five hundred and twenty-one, line seven." I asked her, god I hope this goes well.
Your P.O.V:
Huh, Nev seems to be acting a little strange but that can wait. I've decided to do what he's asked and went to the page and look at line seven. The words 'This was his moment, it was time to ask her, but will she say yes...' Wait. What. Is he... Oh my gosh... He's asking me out. "Oh Nev, yes, yes, yes thousand times yes." this is the cutest thing anyone has ever done for me, and I'm glad it was Nev, I mean I've adored him since we met each other in my compartment of the train.
Your P.O.V:
I was walking down the hall when I noticed if I didn't hurry up I would be late for my next class. I parted ways with my friends and scurried off down the hall towards potions. There's no way I can risk being late considering the fact that I have Professor Snape for a teacher, he's so heartless and doesn't even give you a chance with anything if you're not Slytherin and guess what I'm not Slytherin. I walked into the classroom and realised that he wasn't here yet, phew, I thought. I took my seat next to Seamus as I usually would but for some reason he looked extremely nervous, I wonder why? But before I could ask Professor Snape walked in. 'Great' I thought. The class proceeded as normal and halfway through making my potion, I heard the usual bang come from the side of me, which usually meant Seamus messed up his potion, so I turned to the side to help him fix things as I'd normally do. Only this time I noticed something different. I saw the words 'Will you (Y/N), please be my girlfriend' written within the smoke. I looked at Seamus who said "Will you?" with a nervous smile etched on his face. "Yes, definitely yes," I spoke with excitement laced in my voice. "Miss (Y/L/N), Mr Finnigan. Detention." I heard Professor Snape say The one thing I didn't want to happen today, happened. But in all honesty, it's definitely worth it.
Regular P.O.V:
Today's the day for the Quidditch match. It's Gryffindor VS Slytherin to see which team shall win the final match of the year. Yet even though you should be cheering for Slytherin you're not. In fact, you're actually cheering and screaming for Gryffindor instead, all you keep doing is cheering for Fred Weasley, your crush and George. All you want is for them to win but at the moment they only have 70 points and Slytherin have 80, which of course you're happy with because it is your house team but you'd be so much happier if it was the other way around. You're pulled from your thoughts when you saw a bludger come your way but before it had the chance to get close enough you saw Fred fly down to save the day, he hit the bludger away then turned to you to give a sly wink. You couldn't help but let the blush form on your face. Then all of a sudden they called for a time out and everyone began chattering among themselves confused as to what was going on. Then suddenly Fred was in front of all the players with a microphone at hand "So," you heard him say, you looked right at him to see what he was about to do next. "We all know this gorgeous girl that I always have by my side, she's my partner in crime, well my other one, I also have George." You couldn't help but laugh at that. "Well, anyway, she's perfect and I've been crushing on her for a long time now and well I have this for her." And randomly the team started flying around to spell out. 'Will you please go out with me?' and then Fred began flying towards you. You stood shocked. He arrived right in front of you and said: "So, (Y/N) will you be mine?" You stood nodding your head vigorously not knowing what to say because you felt as though you couldn't trust your words. Fred smiled at you as though he'd won the lottery and screamed through the microphone 'she said yes' and the whole crowd began to go wild. You felt as though you had never been happier in your whole entire life than at this moment right now. This is the start to a beautiful life to a guy you've been in love with for quite a while now and you can't wait to see what the future has in store for you both.
Your P.O.V:
I was sat with Fred in the Gryffindor common room waiting for George so that we could go get dinner, but I wonder what's taking him so long. Suddenly Fred stood up and told me to follow him. "But what about George?" I asked, "Don't worry, we're off to find him." He replied. So I stood up and began to follow him, we had a small conversation about his pranks and how good he feels his and George's prank will be. Next thing I knew we had arrived in the middle of the Quidditch field and saw a beautiful picnic laid out. "Fred, what's going on?" I asked but when I looked up he was nowhere to be seen. "Fred... Fred..." I kept shouting but he wasn't anywhere near here. I sat down on the blanket, wondering what was going on when all of a sudden I felt someone grab my shoulders while screaming boo. I jumped, feeling frightened. I turned myself around to see George stood there, I picked up a pillow and began hitting him with it while screaming at him, telling him how much of an idiot he is for scaring you like that. "Ouch, ouch, stop it, woman, I'm sorry." He said while laughing. "Yeah, you better be, now what the hell is all this you idiot?" I asked. "Well, this dear is a date." He replied. "Oh," I said. "So, erm, (Y/N) how about I teach you to fly." George suddenly said. "Ok," I replied. We got up and he began to teach me how to ride a broom. We had now been doing this for about an hour when all of a sudden I began to lose my grip. I began to fall off my broom and screamed for George and he swooped me into his arms. "Why thank you for saving my life. You're my hero, my very own Superman." I said while laughing "Well if I'm Superman can you be my Lois Lane?" George asked with seriousness laced within his voice which caused me to stop laughing. I stared straight into his eyes and replied with "Nothing would make me happier than being Lois Lane to your Superman." And with that, he flew you back toward the ground where you sat and finished your picnic while waiting for the sunset to come. (You told him about Superman because you're muggleborn and know all about him, so you thought it would be fun to tell him about superheroes and anything related to them).
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quanticowrites · 3 years
Rule 34 (Christopher Lasalle x Reader)
•• Hello everyone! Phew, it's almost been a whole month since I posted that Gibbs rules thing lol but I promise I'm working on them. Anyway, @alkow asked for rule 34. Hope you don't mind I used Lasalle for this one 😜 I hope you all enjoy! ••
The city of New Orleans was used to drug dealers, big and small. Being a port city made it a perfect place for distribution up the Mississippi. Which is also why it wasn't a shocker that sometimes those good ole boys in the navy got caught up in the drug business. And sometimes one of those good ole boys ends up dead. That was the case with Jacob Fitzgerald. He'd been found by a good samaritan in an alley on his way to work. After asking his shipmates it turns out he was going to turn in a fellow sailor for selling cocaine on the side. He'd taken his stash and hidden it, threatening to turn him in if he didn't stop, trying to give the guy a second chance. You'd been the one to find out Jacob’s wife and two kids were in danger, one of his bunkmates said something about Brad, the suspect, finding his wife and making her talk. When you and Chris showed up for protection duty she had no idea where any drugs were, but you brought her and the kids to an NOPD safe house just in case.
“Hey,” You walked into the living room from the kitchen, seeing Ms. Fitzgerald sitting on the couch, curled into herself, staring at the front door. “I think you need this more than me.” Handing her a mug of coffee. She gave you a small smile as she took it from your hands.
“Thanks.” She took a long sip. “It's just...so much to process. I don't even know how the kids are processing it.” You nodded. It had to be a lot.
“You just need some time.” You tried to sound reassuring. She finished the mug of coffee and you found an old radio in one of the closets. You plugged it in and set it to a pop station. Happy songs filled the air as you tried to boost the mood of the house. Chris came in through the front door after taking a walk around the perimeter.
“Nothing suspicious out there. A deer gave me the side-eye though.” You rolled your eyes as he came up behind you putting his hands on your hips.
“Alright country boy, how about we go check how the kids are doing with that puzzle in the back room.” You lead the way down the narrow hall and knocked on the doorframe before walking in.
“Hey, guys how's it going back here-!” Your heart stopped at the sight of an iPad in the little boy's hands. “SHIT!” You yelled, ignoring you were dealing with kids. You swiped it out of his hands, much to his protest.
“Hey!” Chris bite his lip.
“Think Brad and his friends been tracking it?” You swiped to turn it off and sighed.
“I hope not.” The lights switched off and you knew you were wrong. They'd tracked it, and they were here.
“Everybody in the shelter, now!” You blinked. You'd never seen Chris take the initiative like this before. Chris opened the closet of the bedroom, which was the makeshift bomb shelter. Kinda like the one at Gibbs's house when you went for a visit last spring. You ushered the kids inside and Ms. Fitzgerald came running. As soon as she got in Chris slammed the door shut and locked it.
“Chris! What the f-!” You stopped yourself this time. “What are you doing?” You yell through the door.
“Protecting you.” He states. He sighed. “I'll come to get you when it's safe. Keep them calm.” You heard his footsteps rush off and you felt like screaming at the top of your lungs. You did the next best thing and pulled on your hair.
“That's all well and good,” The tears were coming now. “But who's gonna protect you, dumbass!” You hear a sniffle beside you and you get down on the floor and wrap your arms around the little boy. It's minutes of agonizing silence before gunshots ring out. The boy in your arms screams and you slam your hand over his mouth, pulling him closer.
“Shhhh. Shhhh. You'll be alright as long as you stay quiet.” God, you wished you'd been right. Someone started pounding on the door.
“You in there, bitch? After I get what I want I'm gonna kill you and your kids. Just like I did that NCIS agent!” You pushed the kids and Ms. Fitzgerald into the closest corner and stood up and drew your weapon, pointing it at the door. If Brad got through the door you were damn sure he wasn't gonna touch the Fitzgeralds. You tried to keep your breathing steady. He said he'd killed Chris. You don't know whether to believe him or not. Either case, you weren't letting him get past you without a bullet in his gut.
“Your husband should have never taken my-!” Brad had started to taunt Miss Fitzgerald but he was cut off and a heavy weight landed on the door. There was shuffling and the door opened. Something fell through and you shot. Your shoulders heave. It was the suspect's body, but he was dead before you'd even got your shot off. The bullet missed the body and splintered the wood of the door frame.
“Fuck!” A voice you'd know anywhere. “(Y/n), it's me!” It was almost like you completely forgot where you were. You dropped your gun and ran out of the shelter and pinned Chris up against the wall. You curl your hands around the collar of his shirt and push your face into his chest.
“You asshole!” You manage to garble out on through your sobs. “He said he'd killed you.” He sighs, pushing away from you slightly. He smiles, lifting up his shirt to show the bulletproof vest he'd been wearing, and the bullet predominantly sticking out right below his stomach.
“If I hadn't worn my vest like you always nag me to, I would be.” He winced as he put his shirt back down. You looked back at Brad’s body.
“Just…don't ever do anything like that again. I know you took that out of Gibbs's playbook.” He blinked.
“How do ya-”
“You know I talk to Ellie and McGee almost every week, right? They filled me in on all the rules.”
“Alright,” He winced again. “Should probably call this in and get an ambulance up here. Think I've got a broken rib.” You pulled out your phone. This was going to be fun to explain to Pride and the Director.
Tag list: @stanathanxoox , @nikkiwierden , @malindacath , @havlindzk , @countrygal17a , @memyselfandmaddox , @octobersmog , @mizzezm , @diaryofafan17 , @emmitheacefangirl , @smolpersonbigworld, @a-sad-excuse-of-everything , @dressed-up-just-like-z1ggy
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fluffypeachwriting · 3 years
Hitoya deserves love, can i request senario when a fem so is upset because she saw a woman (works with Hitoya in office) clinging to him like a leach and reader, please make it from angst to fluff
I don’t know if the ending counts as fluff, but it’s still a happy ending ヽ(*・ω・)ノ I hope I can do Hitoya justice as he can be kinda hard to write for, especially with angst, which isn’t my forte as of now  (シ_ _)シ This was a fun writing experience though, and I’m happy to get your request!
Either way, I hope you enjoy, and I’m sorry you had to wait so long for this  (⊃。•́‿•̀。)⊃
A new employee at Hitoya’s law firm seemed to take a liking to your boyfriend. It started with a few flirty lines, and nothing more. Hitoya never responded to them, and that was fine. He probably didn’t want to add fuel to the fire. The whole situation was easy to brush it off in the beginning, since you were well aware of how attractive Hitoya was, and that anyone could be under his spell.
The woman in question knew about your relationship with Hitoya too. The two of you weren’t super affectionate in public, especially at work, but she definitely saw the way you lovingly looked at him when he brought you a coffee and some cake during your shift, and the way he softly smiled back at you. After all, she sat right across from you. She would wait a few minutes, tapping her nails on the table, and eventually get up to go to his office. Then, after purposefully leaving the door just open enough for you to see, she would perch on his desk and laugh at every word he said, putting her fingertips to her lips in a faux-shy kind of way. The sight made your heart leap up your throat and thump in your ears.
The worst part was that she was pretty cute, looks wise. If you didn’t know anything about her personality, you would have compared her to the sexy love interest option in an anime. She made office wear look good, and you never saw her look undignified. Sometimes she leaned towards a femme fatale-type. That idea was constantly reinforced every time she placed her hand on Hitoya’s arm, playfully swatting at him when he got grouchy, and batted her eyelashes when she wanted something from him.
If she was doing this to literally any other person in the office – hell, some people there would kill to have this woman dote on them – you would probably find it funny. Her attempts at ‘seducing’ him were bordering on comical.
This whole charade wasn’t private. The office was getting annoyed too. Not by you, of course. The woman was pretty good at her little admin job, so any chance of getting her out of the office relied on her stepping over the line with Hitoya.
Hitoya continued to ignore this woman, but he never shooed her away or told her to stop. There was a tiny voice in the back of your mind, whispering nasty ideas into your head – the possibility that Hitoya was actually enjoying this attention couldn’t be shaken off.
One night, as you were both in bed, you rolled over and asked: “Hitoya, do you love only me?”
He replied, without turning to face you: “Hn? ‘Course, whaddya mean?”
“I just… the new girl at work is kinda clingy with you. Can you tell her to knock it off?”
“She’s not hurting anyone.”
You sat up in bed and rested your hands in your lap, hesitant to look at Hitoya. “Wait, so you’re gonna defend her? But she’s clearly into you. She knows we’re a thing and… please just tell her to quit it.”
There was a momentary silence, and in the dark room you could almost see the woman in front of you, doing her typical sly giggle. Maybe she had already won.
“You’re worrying over nothing. Go to sleep, you’re probably stressed and tired. You’ll feel better in the morning.”
But it had been many mornings since this all began. The clock read 9:45pm. It was too late to go out for fresh air now, and you had work in the morning.
“Okay, goodnight.” You laid back down in bed and laid on your side, facing away from your partner.
You bit your lip to stop yourself from crying, and waited until you could hear Hitoya’s light snoring before feeling relaxed enough to fall asleep.
The next morning, you woke up to an empty bed. There was a note on your bedside table – Hitoya had gone to work early to prep for a few new prospect hires visiting.
Phew! Maybe that woman wouldn’t have to opportunity to bother him today.
Maybe today would be the start of some normality: with everyone keeping an eye on the visitors, most people wouldn’t be too keen on messing around. As you made some food and coffee, you updated yourself on the work group chat. There wasn’t much of it that concerned you, but seeing people’s elaborate excuses on why they couldn’t come in was amusing. That is, until you saw a message from that woman.
There was a selfie of her in the conference room, with Hitoya in the back, occupied with some papers, with the caption: ‘About to teach some newbies what’s up! Kya ahahaha!’
It was hard not to throw up your breakfast. Getting dressed was a struggle, since you wanted to punch every surface in the room.
They were alone in a room, without you. She could be saying god knows what to him, well aware that you wouldn’t be in for at least another hour.
Rushing to get ready and go to the office was an option, but what good would it do?
All you could picture was Hitoya staring down at you, as you burst through the door, dishevelled from rushing there, chiding you for imagining what you said this woman was doing.
When you came to your senses, you were in the office, bursting through the door, just as you didn’t want to do.
“Hey, Boss?” The receptionist said, looking concerned.
“…Yeah? Where’s Hitoya? And why’d you call me ‘Boss’?”
“You’re basically also our boss too. And I dunno where Boss Boss is but, are you okay? Are you like, super tired?” The receptionist gestured to his clothes, implying that something was wrong with yours.
And there was. Because you were not in your work clothes at all. You had come to the office in a hoodie and sweatpants. In your rush to get ready, you had forgotten about looking presentable.
“Oh shit.”
“Hey, Boss. I know it was an accident, if you slip out and come back soon, I’ll just tell people there was traffic. I got your back.”
“Thanks.” You sighed, thankful that someone was on your side for once.
Right as you turned to leave, a piercing laugh came from the conference room entrance. One that was all too recognisable.
‘Of course she had to see this. Just my luck,’ you thought.
Her heels click-clacked as she came closer.
“Oh sweetie, this is just too much! You think that just because you’re banging the Boss man you can show up in whatever clothes you want? What a pathetic little weirdo…” She looked at the receptionist for agreement but he had turned around in second-hand embarrassment.
You were too miserable to try and act polite to her. You’d had enough. All of that jealously that had been bubbling inside you for what felt like years had finally spilled over.
“Why don’t you keep your nose out of our business for once!? You know we’re in a relationship, so why don’t you just fuck off and leave him alone!? If you’re gonna try and sleep around at least go for single people, you freak!” As you raised your voice, tears started streaming down your face. You didn’t care that it made you look even more of a mess. “The only reason we keep you around here is because you’re good at your job! You belong in hell, you demon!”
No more words could properly express how fed up you were, how much you wanted this woman out of sight. Your hands were clutched tight to your chest, which hurt more by the second. You kept your eyes focused on the floor in fear of her reaction. It wasn’t likely that she’d do a 180 and take pity on you.
Instead, you did a 180 and ran out of the building. You could barely see where you were going, but you knew where you wanted to go.
One turn left, a few crossings straight ahead, a couple of right turns, and you were where you and Hitoya had your first ‘date’: a bench next to a vending machine.
That day, he had planned to take you to a fancy restaurant, but it started raining so hard that you had to take shelter in a convenience store for a while, and ended up missing your reservation. When the sky cleared, Hitoya gave you his jacket to shield you from future showers, and bought a couple of drinks to share. The indirect kiss you shared on that canned coffee gave you the strongest butterflies you’d ever felt.
You wanted to feel that same sunshine on your face as then, and see the same rainbow as then, but the sky was cloudy today. Sitting on the bench with your cheeks resting on your fists, you tried to force your mind back into that honeymoon phase. It all seemed so much simpler then, like nothing could stand between you two. Now everything was dreary. Now it was just you, the pit in your stomach, this convenience store, and passers-by.
Someone was walking a hyper-active dog that tried to jump at you. A lady with a small child asked if you were alright, which was nice. A few teens were out looking to cause trouble, though you didn’t care. A group of kids were meticulously counting their money out loud, and yes, they did have enough money to get a soda and a steamed bun. All of these people, going about their lives, reminded you that even in these times where your world was turning upside down, the rest of the world would go on. Even the guy going on a run was just doing his thing. You didn’t look up, but you could hear him running, then stopping just outside the store.
“There you are.” A familiar deep voice said in-between pants.
Your head snapped up. “Hitoya!?”
Hitoya was there, his hands on his knees, catching his breath.
“I heard what happened from Yamashita, at the front desk. I knew where you’d be. She’s gone. You don’t need to worry about her anymore.”
“That woman. She’s gone. I kicked her out of the firm. I’m sorry for letting it get to this point.” Hitoya flopped beside you on the bench and took your hands in his. He sounded award, like he was having a conversation that was long overdue. “It was messed up on my end to not say anything. I just figured out that that was worse than doing something. I… You know you’re the only one I have eyes for, you know that? I know I don’t say this romantic sappy stuff a lot, but uh, you’re always what I look forward to seeing, like, you’re really cute right now, even in those clothes. I kinda wanna cuddle you. Hey, let’s take the rest of the day off and go home and do that, yeah?”
You were too stunned to reply with words. It was like a dream come true. That toxic bitch was out of your life, and you didn’t have to see her again. Hitoya was yours, and he was ready to confess – in public, no less – that he really did love you.
After a minute of collecting your thoughts, you replied in a croaky voice: “Yeah, let’s go home. To our home.”
Where no-one could come between you.
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