#but Word is a (not free) writing tool that is very widely used and its spellcheckers are very widely relied upon
a-commas-a-pause · 9 months
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#for anyone confused: 'effect' is USUALLY the noun (meaning: 'consequence')#and affect the verb (meaning: 'to influence')#BUT effect is ALSO a (less common) VERB (meaning: 'to bring about')#so Word is hypercorrecting me because it only knows the more common meanings of 'effect' and 'affect'#I recommend the Wikipedia page on hypercorrection btw it's quite an interesting phenomenon!#I think there might be a noun meaning of 'affect' as well. because things WEREN'T confusing enough already#I've only seen it in older books but from context (and a quick dictionary search) I'm guessing the meaning is basically 'vibes'#'she had a studied affect' = she was very deliberate in the way she presented herself as far as I can tell#dictionaries give it as 'disposition' or 'tendency' but i think there's a little more nuance to the meaning than that#if anyone knows more about the usage of affect as a noun please let me know I'm very much guessing here#anyway. needless to say I have every sympathy with anyone who's ever got this sort of thing confused#it's an absolute minefield. And I Love It. but like. it is a pesky little trap and if it were an irl person and not MS word mixing this up#obvs I would just move on with my day becuase it Genuinely Does Not Matter how people use words as long as their meaning's comprehensible#(unless you are being paid. if you are an editor who is paid for this then knowing this stuff is Literally Your Job (well. one of them.))#but Word is a (not free) writing tool that is very widely used and its spellcheckers are very widely relied upon#so I think it's fair to say They Have A Responsibility To Their Users Dammit and I'm allowed to be a smug little nitpicker about it
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yellowocaballero · 9 months
So fucking glad to see someone talk about SSS Class revival hunter 😭 I lived it so much and I feel like no one ever mentions it against more popular titles like ORV or even The Lout of the counts family, so I'm so glad to come here and see your amazing takes :>
Thank you for the ask which lets me talk about SSSCRH (the version I read was titled 'Suicide Hunter', which tbh I like more - no beating around the bush).
It's hard to draw an accurate comparison since I'm going off just the webtoon for SSSCRH, while I'm going off both the webtoon and the webnovel for ORV. And I love ORV, ORV is my media blorbo right now, it hydraulic presses my brain, I am writing ORV fanfic - it's, like, funner to enjoy. But SSSRH is just better. In the vast majority of ways it is is better. It's better than the holy trinity by a wide margin. TW talk of suicide obviously.
I can't believe I'm saying this but you need a basic understanding of Buddhism in order to understand SSSCRH. It's not about Gongja's suicides - he doesn't suicide from depression or lack of self-esteem. SSSCRH is about suffering in the Buddhist sense - dukkha. I don't want to make this an essay, so I might reblog this with more information, but extremely shortly:
The Four Noble Truths of Buddhism is the truth of suffering, the truth of the cause of suffering, the truth of the end of suffering, and the truth of the path that leads to the end of suffering. You've heard that Buddhists say 'life is suffering'. To put it one way that doesn't require defining a lot of words: the cause of suffering is experiencing the world as we percieve it instead of how it truly is. Suffering isn't just being miserable and in pain, and life isn't suffering because life sucks and global warming exists and people voted for Trump. Life is suffering because we can experience beautiful and joyful moments in this world, but we do not exist in the moment of that happiness or place our ego/'self' between us and that happiness. Living in that moment, accepting the moment as it is unconditionally, is freedom from suffering. The Buddha tries to free people from suffering through teaching Buddhism.
"What does this have to do with the webnovel and manwha about a guy murdering himself thousands of times" it has everything to do with it. Because SSSCRH is about suffering, and it is about using suffering as a tool in order to experience a world unfiltered by ego and break down the artificial boundaries between human beings. Suffering in SSSCRH is not a bad thing. Gongja has the unique capability to (reincarnate.) experience a person's suffering in unity with them, which dissolves the delusion of separation between people and puts us in touch with the reality of oneness.
The Murim arc was fucking insane because Gongja pulls a Big Bodhisattva Move and walks through the suffering of the world in order to achieve full understanding of the human experience. He takes all of the suffering of the world into himself and is liberated. You can tell it's Buddhist because death was not presented as a bad thing - death was an aspect of a happy ending for the Heavenly Demon lady, because she was finishing her life according to her own joy, and because her teachings were passed on she did not truly die.
But the purpose of embracing suffering is to discover the ability to fully embrace life, and that's where Heavenly Demon's teachings were incomplete - as the ghost dude said, Gongja hasn't even experienced his own full life and the infinite capability for his own happiness. You can only feel the depths of sadness when you've felt the depths of happiness. Sadness deserves its place in the world and it can strengthen you, but so does happiness.
Gongja is attention-seeking, envious, and unbelievably petty. When he drills down into his own desires and why he wants the things he wants, you see that he has a very strong sense of justice and right and wrong - he realizes he doesn't want to be famous, he wants to be acknowledged, but on an even deeper level he is desperate for love and to be loved. Everything he does is to experience love, and as such he learns to love others. His love for the Flamey Asshole was purely parasocial and ego-filled, with no concern for who he was as a human. Throughout the manwha, he grows to care for people as they truly are and pierce through any delusions or misleading outward appearances. He has released all attachment to life and death, and as such does not fear death, and as such has taken a step on the road towards becoming a Boddhisatva who frees others from the cycle of samsara, and as a result has learned sick sword techniques and is sooo good at beating people up.
I think the only other thing I want to mention here because otherwise this is an essay: in almost every time loop/regression story, only the final regression matters. In stories with dungeon monsters and NPCs, only the humans matter. The regressor exists in a space where there are no consequences for their actions, so they act terribly and do whatever because none of it matters. In Groundhog Day Bill Murray acts like an asshole because he can. That's not the case here. Everything Gongja does matters. The NPCs are fake, but Gongja never treats them as anything less than real people who deserve life. Once he understands a person's life he never treats them as unimportant. No loop is thrown away and no person or life is disregarded. His choices matter, the way he treats others matters, and Gongja never treats anybody as if they don't matter except for himself.
That was not short. There is a lot more. The female characters are so good and so rich. From a craft perspective it is excellently paced and has a wonderful sense of set-up/payoff and balances tone and maintains a lot of momentum, which is really hard in a time loop story. You have to do a few very specific things to write OP characters well and SSSCRH does it very well. There's more to say from a craft perspective and it's hard to judge accurately from a webtoon but it's good. I was so strangely struck the entire time about how sincere and genuine it was, how it said what it said with no trace of irony of confusion, and I think that's what stuck with me the most.
TL;DR: SSS Class Revival Hunter is good for a lot of very normal reasons, such as excellent pacing and set-up/pay off and characters, but it's also so sincerely and genuinely Buddhist that it blew my tits clean off.
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chamomilepetaldance · 3 months
Femmegymshipping Week 2024 Day Seven: Free Day! Erika ruminates on flowers, bouquets, and love. A/N: YEAH THAT'S RIGHT I'M BACK BABY take this shorter one >:3 again...also wrote this one late at night...very sorry...what can I say. That's when I am compelled to write silly lesbians/silly
Flowers could be difficult things.
You needed to strike a balance with them. Too little water, and they will shrivel and die. Too much water, and you will bloat their roots and they will drown.
Some flowers needed plenty of sunlight. Others needed none at all. Others could change, depending on the weather.
Some preferred the company of others. Some needed the touch of other plants, stems and stalks intertwining and leaves interlocking, in order to survive. And others preferred to stand by their lonesome in their flower bed, letting their roots spread far and wide.
To be a proper florist, one must be aware of all these prerequisites. One must be ready to separate the daylilies from the tulips if they grow too close. One must be prepared to spend hours tending to the orchids to make sure their petals do not wither without humidity. One must be diligent when caring for all plants, regardless of if a single errant brush against an oleander bush would burn your skin.
Such was the life of a florist. Such was the life Celadon City’s Gym provided Erika, with its massive greenhouse and Grass type sanctuary. And she loved her job, she truly did. But that was only a small portion of it.
She really flourished when it came to floral arrangement.
Camellias and carnations, bound with twine. Asters and baby’s breath adorned with coriander.
The act of bringing flowers together in a bouquet, each one enhancing the other’s beauty. One could craft a poem from petals alone, and Erika thought that was beautiful.
Hibiscuses, brought from coasts afar. Irises, planted in soft and loamy soil.
It was hard work. So many flowers could mean so many things. She ended up referencing her book often- the one with the green cover, worn by months of use and love.
It had to be perfect.
Perhaps some jasmine next. Sorrel, too.
The train ride from Celadon to Saffron was manageable enough. Though Erika was never fond of subway stations, she could endure all of the ten minutes it would take just this once.
She pressed the bouquet to her chest as other passengers crowded around her. The thick smell of honeysuckle calmed her nerves.
Flowers were difficult things to some. But Erika would argue that those who claimed their difficulty were simply wrong. Simply confusing the word difficulty with differently. In a sense, because she knew they weren’t in similar word groups.
Not every flower was alike. A maypop was different from a daffodil. A rose’s thorns did not hurt the same way a Kantonian flowering quince’s did. But they were still flowers. And they looked beautiful bound in a bouquet.
…Hm. Where was she going with this? Erika lost her train of thought.
Oh. Speaking of trains. Hers had found its way to the station.
She drew her shawl closer and stepped onto the platform. The paper crinkled in her arms.
Being a florist was not without its hardships, of course. The tools were thick and heavy, especially for someone drawn to bouts of tiredness and weakness, such as herself. Challengers sometimes trampled through the carefully placed bushes and picked at the flowerbeds in between battles. Some would profusely apologize once Erika voiced her concerns. Others would simply send out their Beedril or Pidgeot and demand a match.
And sometimes, Erika would sit in front of a barren flower vase, books strewn about the table, and realize she had no idea where to start. Names of flowers would bubble to her lips and clog her throat like pollen, and that would be it.
But that was fine. Erika didn’t mind. Because those didn’t define was being a florist was.
Being a florist was walking through Saffron’s streets, to a small row of houses on the outskirts.
Being a florist was standing in front of her door, politely knocking and cradling the gift in your arms.
Being a florist was seeing her open the door, lips spreading into a smile, feeling your heart beat against your chest.
“Erika! What are you doing here?”
Being a florist was smiling back. It was holding out the bouquet and watching Sabrina’s face melt into shock and awe. The honeysuckles and carnations blooming with the yarrow and jasmine, quiet verses in a poem penned in pistils and stamens.
“It’s for you.”
Being a florist meant being able to share your love when words weren’t enough. It meant being able to speak a second language, conveying feelings through gorgeous colors.
Perhaps that’s why Erika loved flowers so much.
…She lost her thought process again. It was really a troublesome thing.
But Sabrina was smiling and beckoning her inside, so she supposed she didn’t mind it all that much.
A/N: In summary:
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queerfictionwriter · 2 years
It’s Here!
So, I’ve mentioned recently that I was going to be launching a Patreon page, and here it is! It’s been a little nerve-wracking to figure out—what can I offer? How much should I offer? What’s a reasonable, sustainable amount for me? What’s a fair price to ask for? 
So, in short: I’ve launched a page that’s specifically about helping writers. Writers of fanfiction and original fiction, mostly, but there’ll be some stuff in there about poetry and non-fiction, too. The overall tone is “tools, not rules”, because good writing isn’t so much about Right and Wrong as it is using all the different elements—word choice and punctuation, grammar and tone, pace and symbols and motifs—in a way that’s effective, that helps you achieve whatever your goal is with what you’re writing. 
And I picked this particular topic for a couple of reasons: firstly, because I have a lot of thoughts about this, and have been very willing to help my fellow writers by sharing those thoughts, as anyone who’s ever shared a Discord DM with me can tell you. Secondly, because I think a lot of professional writing programs and books and courses have their methods, and those methods are often rigid and don’t work well for a lot of us, to say nothing of the fact that I’ve heard of a heartbreaking number of people who come out of MFA programs having lost their words. And I think that’s both a tragedy and a crime. I’m a writer, and I want to help other writers along their journeys and move towards their goals—and I want to do it in such a way that feels helpful and encouraging, but also, above all else, constructive. Discouraging someone from putting words on the page is the exact opposite of my goal, here. 
The other reason I picked this topic is that I’ve come to realize I have some knowledge that isn’t necessarily common, and that would probably be beneficial to a lot of writers: specifically of English grammar, but in layman’s terms. And also some advice on how to approach and structure sex scenes. Because English is a bastard language that chooses violence, and its grammar is an ouroboros that seems to require knowledge and understanding of every other English grammar concept in order to grasp This One Thing. And also because sex scenes are tricksy fuckers (heh) to write, and I know it can feel intimidating to just dive into the deep end with them, because “failing” at them can feel very vulnerable and very discouraging in ways that “failing” at an action scene or piece of dialogue often doesn’t. 
Which leads into those final points, about sustainability and price. I’ve noticed a tendency to want to help and support as many writers as I possibly can, and it’s meant I’ve overextended myself in the past. To say nothing of the fact that I can only provide so much in-depth, one-on-one help because of time constraints, and also because I only personally know so many people who are both interested in and open to that kind of help. A Patreon page, where it’s more widely available, where the tools I want to provide can be lined up and amassed like some kind of writerly gardening shed, is a more sensible, sustainable way to offer those tools, and might feel more comfortable for writers who don’t want to share their writing with me personally but do want to pick my brain for useful bits. I won’t lie, it also feels weird to monetize those skills, especially when I know that a lot of useful knowledge and tools for writers are inaccessible due to high costs and paywalls. 
With all of that in mind—and that I also have bills to pay, and that what I’m offering is, in fact, of value—I tried to set a fair price point for what I’m offering, which will be a couple of posts a month, in addition to the handful that are currently up to kick things off with. I have a list of topics I want to cover, and if anyone is curious about what’s on that list, or has other questions about how it’s going or what I’m doing over there, feel free to send me an ask about it! 
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smartgirl1970 · 4 months
Digital Essay on my Technology Literacy (Class Assignment)
Digital Essay on my Technology Literacy (Class Assignment)
In 1981 the IBM Personal Computer model 5150 was released. My parents bought one for my 11th birthday, thinking it would be a great asset for school. I used it as a glorified typewriter. You had to essentially add the programs yourself, and that was not easy to do. I was too young to understand what all the bells and whistles did, and there were not many. The World Wide Web, or WWW, was not introduced until 1989, my freshman year in college (the first go-round).
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My first video gaming system was Atari. This came out in 1977. However, I didn’t get one until I was about 10 years old. To be perfectly honest, I wasn’t a big gamer. I skipped right over the Nintendo era. My cousins and friends had one, but other than Leapfrog and the first Mario Brothers game, it wasn’t my thing. I wasn’t good at Pac-Man either.
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I bought my first cellphone in 1992. It was a Nokia. The first phone bill came in at $289. You got something for 1000 minutes free and were charged .30 cents a minute over that. I understand that in 2023, that may not sound like a lot of money, but in 1992, it took an entire paycheck to pay it. I made $7 an hour, and that was a decent salary working at Macy’s flagship store on 34th Street in New York.
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My son was born in 1996, and the world of technology opened new doors for me. I bought him a LeapPad to be used as a learning tool for reading and math. He graduated to every gaming system created from an Xbox to Nintendo. I was introduced to the World Wide Web through social media when Facebook became a thing because I had to monitor his use of this platform. By 2008, my son was in the 7th grade, and I allowed him to interact with his friends on Facebook, but his time was limited, and it was conditional upon him accepting my friend request. My acquired sons (I dislike the word step) were older than him, and they kept me in the loop about how social media worked. Facebook was great for me because it was a link to communicating with my family in New York without having to call all the time. It was great for sharing pictures. Social media has taken a turn, and in some ways its great for activism, in other ways, people are very comfortable being contrary and saying things they would say publicly.
My concern with the development of AI is how easily things can be manipulated. AI’s voice generator can create words that do not come out of someone’s mouth. I see the dangers in that with a political leader’s voice. Manipulating photos can be fun. However, it can also be used to lie about where someone is, what they are doing, and who they are doing it with. Technology is changing rapidly. There isn’t much a robot can’t do. From driving a car without human intervention to soon enough, flying an airplane. My question would be, will there be a time when life imitates art, and we are faced with an iRobot catastrophe.
My technical literacy is almost nonexistent beyond the day-to-day life of social media and basic content creation. As a creative writer, storyteller, and activist, I took this class with the hopes that I will be able to better understand the basics of web design and create more enticing visual content when I use TikTok and other platforms to display my work. I am a Global student, so my entire degree has been online. I graduate in May of 2024!
Over the last year, I have learned to use social media sites like LinkedIn to further my writing presence and create an outlet to network with like-minded people. I am a self-published author on Amazon, and I had to learn how to utilize Canva when creating my book "Journal and Manifest with Your Ancestors." So I consider that to be an incredible success since I created this journal completely on my own. I followed someone on YouTube to learn the ins and outs of utilizing KDP Amazon and Canva.
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prabhatjairam · 4 months
Chat GPT vs. Google
The Internet is evolving as a result of new technology and innovations. Google is without a doubt the most popular search engine in the world, but since ChatGPT was developed, more people are using it. 
Google and Chat GPT each have their own advantages and disadvantages, and their effectiveness will vary according to the particular work at hand. In this blog post, let's talk deeply about ChatGPT and Google.
Google is the most widely used search engine throughout the world and the most popular website on the planet. A play on the word "googol," which is the number 1 followed by 100 zeros, gave rise to the name "Google." The major goal behind the creation of this search engine is to "organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and valuable." 
Yet, Google is helpful for everyone who needs to obtain knowledge about a certain issue, including students, teachers, learners, corporate groups, and individuals.
Chat GPT
An artificially intelligent chatbot named ChatGPT was developed by OpenAI. The chatbot's language-based model is tuned by the developer for conversational human contact. In reality, it's a simulated chatbot created mostly for customer support; nevertheless, individuals utilize it for a variety of other purposes as well. It includes creating code, writing business proposals, and essays.
The advantages of ChatGPT
Overview of the benefits of ChatGPT, as it has gained significant traction with its users.
Highly scalable and efficient
Due to ChatGPT's excellent scalability and efficiency, businesses of various sizes can use it for a reasonable price. It can provide a more thorough conversation than other technologies because of its capacity to evaluate both written and spoken language. It is very accurate, with a low percentage of false positives and negatives.
Generative training transformer
It is a useful tool for talking with others who might not speak the same language as you or who have distinct methods of communication since it uses natural language processing, which is trained to process and comprehend natural language. Children's homework will be made simple, and they'll be dependent on chat, which will impair their ability to think critically.
Free of charge
There are no paid fees associated with Chat GPT, and it is completely free to use. A new alternative has been made available; if you did not like it or were dissatisfied with the outcome, you may offer your comments, and they will amend their data accordingly. Every user of Chat Bot receives unique recommendations and responses. It delivers quick responses, which are frequently completed by people.
The disadvantages of ChatGPT
Indeed, ChatGPT has a variety of weaknesses that describe its limitations at times. The following are some of ChatGPT's drawbacks:
Cannot address challenging problems
ChatGPT cannot manage complicated requests or queries. Customers could only get in-depth support if they have complex inquiries because many GPTs are taught to have simple discussions, such as serving up basic product information or answering frequently asked questions.
Reduces human thinking capabilities
ChatGPT can kill creativity, lower intelligence, cause people to stop working hard, weaken children's ability to reason, and instill a belief in incorrect information. 
Requires more time
ChatGPTs require more time to provide quick answers due to the time it takes for the program to respond. GPTs must process and respond, and clients may have to wait much longer compared to communicating with an actual customer support person.
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The pros of Google
Some of the benefits of Google are listed below.
Provide information and accessibility
Undoubtedly, Google is one of the world’s largest search engines. There are one trillion websites indexed on Google, which claims to be the most popular search engine in the world. As a result, internet users can find trustworthy information on a range of topics based on their preferences.
No cost
The main perk of utilizing Google is the fact that it is a free web browser. Users can use its rich collection of search tools to get free responses to their requests.
Most precise outcomes
Of all the search engines in use today, Google's algorithms are arguably the best. Due to its size, it has the means and capacity to devote resources to improving its algorithms to give users the most precise search results possible.
The cons of Google
Let’s review the drawbacks of Google.
Lacks customization
The Chrome browser lacks customization and choices. For instance, you won't be prompted to decide whether or not to close every tab if the Chrome session is closed with several active tabs. Windows and tabs are immediately locked.
Poor image search result
Another drawback of utilizing the Google search engine is that, in contrast to the text and standard search engines, the image and video search engines are actually less accurate and user-friendly.
We trust that this post gave you useful details about ChatGPT and Google. Although many people are familiar with Google, ChatGPT is steadily gaining ground in this cutthroat industry. Given that it can successfully comprehend and interpret linguistic nuance, it has the potential to be more accurate. While both have their qualities and skills, it might be challenging to determine which is best.
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riseeduo · 5 months
The Ultimate Guide to the Best Free AI Tools
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Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools are revolutionizing the way we work and interact with technology. 
With so many options available, it can be overwhelming to find the best free AI tools that are both useful and reliable. 
In this blog post, we will explore some of the top free AI tools that you can start using today to enhance your productivity and creativity.
1-Chat GPT
Chat GPT is one of the most popular and widely known AI tools. It offers both a free and paid version, with the free version already providing great value. 
Chat GPT can be used for various purposes such as getting advice, generating ideas, and even creating content like video titles and copy-writing. 
It is highly versatile and easy to use, making it a must-have tool for anyone looking to leverage AI technology.
2-Google bard
Google bard is a powerful chatbot that recently received an update with Gemini Pro. It excels in browsing the web and providing accurate and detailed information. 
Whether you need recommendations for the best burritos in San Diego or any other query, Google bard can give you comprehensive answers. It also highlights the confidence level of its responses, adding a layer of trust and reliability to its results.
Claude, developed by anthropic, is an AI tool that specializes in summarizing long content. With a context window of up to 200,000 tokens, Claude can summarize lengthy PDFs and articles effectively. 
This tool is perfect for researchers and content creators who need quick and concise information. Additionally, Claude allows for back-and-forth conversations, providing an interactive and personalized experience.
4-Character AI
Character AI is a fun and entertaining chatbot that allows you to have playful conversations with fictional characters. It is very popular among the younger generations. 
While it may not have the same level of utility as other AI tools, it offers a unique and enjoyable experience. Whether you want to talk to Elon Musk or create your own character, Character AI provides a platform for imaginative interactions.
Perplexity is a versatile AI tool available as a Chrome extension. It can search for information within a specific website, making it a valuable research assistant. 
By simply clicking on the Perplexity icon, you can easily find relevant content or even summarize articles. 
This tool is a great asset for content creators and researchers who want to streamline their information gathering process.
6-Text Effects
Text Effects, a collaboration between Google and Lupe Fiasco, is a creative tool designed to help overcome writer's block. 
It offers various features, including creating acronyms, building word sequences, and finding similarities between unrelated things. 
Whether you are a musician, poet, or writer, Text Effects can spark your creativity and help you find the right words for your work.
7-Hub Spot Academy: AI for Marketers
HubSpot Academy offers a free course called "AI for Marketers" that equips you with the knowledge and skills to leverage AI in your marketing efforts. 
From optimizing content creation to gaining predictive insights, this course covers a wide range of AI-related topics. 
It is an excellent resource for marketers who want to stay ahead in the rapidly evolving digital landscape.
8-Image Generation Tools
There are several free AI tools available for generating images with stunning visual effects. Leonardo AI and Dolly 3 are notable options. 
Leonardo AI allows you to generate up to 50 images per day, upscale images, and remove backgrounds. 
On the other hand, Dolly 3 specializes in prompt-adherent image generation Like ( Microsoft Image Creator, Ideogram , AI Playground ).All tools offer remarkable capabilities for creating eye-catching visuals.
9-AI Image Editing Tools
If you need to edit images, Magic Eraser and LeiaPix Converter are two AI tools worth exploring. Magic Eraser enables you to remove unwanted elements from images seamlessly, while LeiaPix Converter can transform 2D images into captivating 3D animations. 
-Create and fine-tune any 360-degree world with Blockade Labs.
-Auto Draw allows everyone to draw quickly. Get Sketching Quickly Method It moves more quickly, the faster you click.
-AI Image Upscale.
These tools provide creative ways to enhance your visual content.
10-Audio and Video AI Tools
AI is not limited to images; it can also greatly enhance audio and video content. 
Tools like Adobe Speech Enhancer, Mubert, and Vocal Remover offer capabilities such as cleaning up audio, generating music, and separating vocals from music tracks.
Check these tools : ( Text to Song , Suno AI , Audiobox , Pinokio  , Plazmapunk , PlayPhrase.me)
These tools can be invaluable for content creators, musicians, and video editors.
NOTE : For All Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools take around here . 
The world of AI tools is vast and ever-expanding, offering countless possibilities for innovation and creativity. In this blog post, we have explored ten of the best free AI tools available. 
From chat-bots to image generators and audio enhancers, these tools can revolutionize the way you work and interact with technology. 
Whether you are a marketer, content creator, or simply curious about AI, these tools provide a glimpse into the exciting future of artificial intelligence.
Remember, the AI landscape is constantly evolving, and new tools are being developed every day. It is essential to stay informed and explore the latest advancements in AI technology.
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bestaitoolszone · 9 months
Why is Autoblogging.ai the Best AI Writing Tool?
In the fast-evolving landscape of AI content creation tools, autoblogging.ai stands out as one of the most advanced and easy-to-use options available today. With its powerful AI generator, customizable outputs, and seamless integrations, many bloggers, marketers, and businesses are finding autoblogging.ai to be the best AI writing assistant to amplify their content production.
Key Reasons Autoblogging.ai Leads the Pack
There are several core reasons why autoblogging.ai is considered the cream of the crop when it comes to AI writing tools:
Customized, Human-Quality Content
Autoblogging.ai leverages the cutting-edge GPT-3 API to deliver exceptionally high-quality content that is customizable using natural language prompts. The AI has been specifically fine-tuned on millions of online articles to generate very human-like writing.
At the same time, it allows users to define the tone, formatting, keywords, length, and other attributes of the generated text through easy-to-use controls. This makes the AI's output highly tailored to your needs.
Diverse Content Types and Formats
While many AI writers are focused on generating blog-style articles, autoblogging.ai can deliver output in a wide range of formats needed for modern content production, including:
Long-form articles
Blog posts
Social media captions
Ad copy
Email newsletters
Landing pages
Press releases
Video scripts
The platform makes it simple to get AI-generated drafts in the exact format you need, saving tons of time and manual writing effort.
Advanced Content Curation Tools
Autoblogging.ai doesn't just generate new text from scratch. It also includes content curation features that can augment existing articles or rewrite content using AI.
The paraphrasing tool lets you rewrite any text to capture the gist using new phrasing. The summarizing function creates condensed synopses of long articles.
For repurposing existing content, the AI keyword optimization tool helps update articles for new keyword targets. There's also a full-featured plagiarism checker.
These tools provide powerful options for optimizing and refreshing old content.
Straightforward Usage and Integration
Ease of use is a key advantage of autoblogging.ai over other enterprise AI writing platforms. The intuitive web interface makes it simple for anyone to start creating content with AI, no technical skills required.
The platform also offers turnkey integration with popular tools like WordPress, Medium, and more. For developers, its API allows embedding AI-generated text into any app or workflow.
Whether you want to give content creators direct access or seamlessly embed it into another platform, autoblogging.ai makes integration straightforward.
Continuously Evolving AI
Autoblogging.ai isn't standing still. The company has an in-house team of AI researchers continuously evolving the generator. Over time, it gets better at delivering readable, relevant content tailored to user instructions.
For customers, this means the platform is always improving and staying at the leading edge of synthetic content generation. The quality of output today is better than just months ago, with more enhancements constantly being added.
Affordable Pricing
Unlike some AI startups charging exorbitant fees, autoblogging.ai offers affordable pricing accessible to solopreneurs, small teams, and companies.
Plans start at just $15 per month for 1,000 words of AI-generated content. Bulk discounts are available for high-volume production. There's also a free version for trying the platform.
For the quality of content produced, autoblogging.ai offers an immense value. The technology brings enterprise-grade AI writing within reach of most budgets.
why is autoblogging.ai the best ai writing tool
With its balance of usability and advanced technology, it's no surprise autoblogging.ai has become popular among diverse users including:
Autoblogging.ai allows bloggers to scale up content production and maintain consistency while saving hours of writing time. Whether drafting entire posts or just headline ideas, it's an invaluable asset.
Social Media Managers
For social media managers, autoblogging.ai provides a fountain of fresh, engaging post ideas tailored to different platforms like Instagram and Twitter.
Digital Marketers
Digital marketers use autoblogging.ai to create high-quality landing pages, ad copy, emails, and other assets to drive conversions and ROI.
Online Businesses
For online businesses publishing content at scale, autoblogging.ai allows growing production volume while maintaining quality.
Digital marketing and content agencies leverage autoblogging.ai to increase throughput for clients while optimizing costs.
The common thread is that autoblogging.ai enhances productivity and scale while taking care of the heavy lifting of writing. Its versatility allows it to support almost any content workflow.
Ready to Enhance Your Content Creation?
For AI-powered writing that delivers, autoblogging.ai checks all the boxes. With its human-like customized output across diverse formats, easy integration, continuously advancing AI, and affordable pricing, it's no wonder autoblogging.ai has emerged as a favorite tool among top content creators and marketers.
If you're looking to scale high-quality written content without endless manual work, autoblogging.ai has the features and technology to take your productivity to the next level. The best way to experience the difference is to try it yourself.
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marketingprofitmedia · 10 months
How To Start Writing on Medium in 2023: Step by Step Beginner’s Guide
In the digital age, the power of the written word has never been more evident. With platforms like Medium, aspiring writers can reach a vast audience and make their voices heard. If you’re looking to dip your toes into the world of online writing, Medium is an ideal place to begin. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll take you through each step, from setting up your medium account to crafting compelling stories that resonate with readers. So, let’s get started on this exciting writing journey together!
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If you have a passion for writing and want to share your thoughts with a wide audience, Medium is an excellent platform to get started. In this step-by-step beginner’s guide, we will walk you through the process of creating and publishing your first article on Medium in 2023. From setting up your account to optimizing your content for maximum exposure, we’ve got you covered.
1. Getting Familiar with Medium
What is Medium?
Medium is a popular online publishing platform founded in 2012 by Evan Williams, co-founder of Twitter. It serves as a vast community of writers, readers, and publications, making it an ideal place for sharing your thoughts, experiences, and expertise. Medium hosts articles on a wide range of topics, from technology and business to lifestyle and personal development.
Why Write on Medium?
Medium’s audience and user-friendly interface make it an attractive platform for writers. Unlike starting a personal blog, Medium allows you to tap into an existing community, increasing the likelihood of your work being discovered and appreciated. Additionally, Medium has built-in tools for writers, simplifying the publishing process and allowing you to focus on your content.
Understanding Medium’s Community and Guidelines
Before you dive into writing, take some time to explore Medium and understand its community guidelines. Respect the platform’s rules and norms, and familiarize yourself with successful writers and their works. Engaging with the Medium community will help you grasp the kind of content that resonates with readers and brings you more exposure.
2. Creating Your Medium Account
Creating your Medium account is a straightforward process that opens the door to a vibrant writing community. To get started, head to medium.com and sign up using your email or existing social media accounts. Customize your profile with a compelling bio and profile picture. This platform offers a seamless and engaging experience for writers, making it the perfect place to share your thoughts and stories with a global audience.
3. Crafting Compelling Stories
Crafting compelling stories on Medium is an art that captivates readers. To achieve this, identify your target audience, develop a captivating writing style with an informal tone, and select relevant topics. Grab attention with a strong title, engage readers from the very beginning with intriguing introductions, and maintain a cohesive narrative flow. These elements create a memorable reading experience, encouraging readers to stay engaged and come back for more of your thought-provoking content.
4. The Art of Effective Storytelling
The art of effective storytelling on Medium is about enthralling readers with your words. Mastering this craft involves creating a powerful and attention-grabbing title, crafting engaging introductions that draw readers in, and maintaining a cohesive and structured narrative throughout the article. It’s about connecting with your audience on a personal level and leaving a lasting impact through your storytelling prowess.
5. Writing Techniques for Medium Success
Writing techniques for medium success involve utilizing formatting tools like Markdown to create visually appealing articles. Adding relevant visual elements, such as images and videos, enhances the reading experience. Additionally, incorporating effective call-to-action (CTA) prompts readers to engage further with your content, increasing your chances of gaining followers and building a loyal readership.
6. Optimizing for SEO and Discoverability
Optimizing for SEO and discoverability on Medium is crucial for reaching a wider audience. Conduct keyword research to identify relevant and popular terms to incorporate into your articles. Use appropriate tags that reflect your content’s focus, making it easier for readers to find your work. Leveraging social media to share your articles further boosts visibility and engagement, ensuring your content gets the attention it deserves.
7. Interacting with the Medium Community
Interacting with the medium community is essential for building connections and growing as a writer. Engage with readers by responding to comments and fostering discussions around your articles. Participate in publications to reach a wider audience and collaborate with other writers to exchange ideas and support each other’s work. Building a strong presence within the community enhances your medium experience and opens up opportunities for networking and exposure.
8. The Publishing Process
The publishing process on medium involves reviewing and editing your drafts to ensure high-quality content. Choose appropriate publication options that align with your article’s theme. You can schedule your article to be published at the most optimal time for your target audience. Once published, your article becomes accessible to readers worldwide, making it a rewarding step in your writing journey.
9. Analyzing Your Article’s Performance
Analyzing your article’s performance on Medium is vital for understanding its impact on readers. Utilize Medium’s built-in statistics to gauge reader engagement, view time, and clap count. Analyzing this data allows you to identify successful content strategies and make informed decisions to improve future articles, ensuring continuous growth and success on the platform.
10. Building a Following on Medium
Building a following on Medium is a gradual process that involves consistent effort and engagement. Promote your articles on social media platforms and within relevant communities to attract new readers. Networking with fellow writers and leaving thoughtful comments on their work fosters reciprocity and helps gain followers. Providing valuable content that resonates with your audience will lead to a loyal and expanding readership over time.
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Creating Your Medium Account
If you’re an aspiring writer looking to make a mark in the digital world, Medium offers an excellent platform to showcase your talent and connect with readers globally. To set yourself up for success, here are essential tips for creating your medium account:
Choose a Captivating Username: Your username is your online identity, so make it memorable and relevant to your niche. Avoid using complex combinations of numbers and characters; instead, opt for something that reflects your writing persona.
Craft a Compelling Bio: Your Medium bio is your chance to make a lasting impression on potential readers. Write a brief and engaging bio that highlights your expertise, passions, and what readers can expect from your articles.
Add a Profile Picture: A professional and friendly profile picture makes you more approachable to readers. Use a clear, high-resolution image that aligns with your writing brand.
Set Your Niche and Interests: Define your niche and interests clearly in your settings. This helps Medium recommend your articles to readers who are genuinely interested in your topics.
Engage with the Community: Before publishing your own content, spend time reading and engaging with other writers’ articles. Leave thoughtful comments, applaud their work, and follow writers whose content resonates with you. Building genuine connections within the medium community will enhance your visibility and support as a writer.
By following these tips, you’ll create a compelling medium account that draws readers to your work, kickstarting your journey as a successful medium writer. So, take the plunge and begin sharing your unique voice with the world!
Crafting Compelling Stories
The art of crafting compelling stories is a tapestry that weaves together emotions, imagination, and connection. As writers, our mission on Medium is to captivate readers and leave a lasting impact with our narratives. Here are essential tips to help you unleash the power of storytelling:
Know Your Audience: Understanding your target readers is crucial. Identify their interests, preferences, and pain points. Tailor your stories to resonate with their emotions and experiences, making them feel seen and understood.
Start with a Bang: Your opening lines are your golden ticket to capturing your readers’ attention. Begin with an intriguing hook, a thought-provoking question, or a powerful statement that compels them to read further.
Develop Relatable Characters: Whether you’re writing fiction or non-fiction, relatable characters drive your story’s emotional impact. Create characters that readers can empathize with and root for, adding depth and authenticity to your narrative.
Use Vivid Imagery: Paint vivid pictures with your words to immerse readers in your story’s world. Engage their senses, emotions, and imagination, creating an immersive reading experience that keeps them hooked.
Craft a Memorable Ending: Endings linger long after readers finish your story. Leave them with a lasting impression by delivering a satisfying conclusion that ties loose ends or leaves room for thought-provoking contemplation.
By implementing these tips, you’ll harness the power of storytelling to captivate your audience and leave them eagerly anticipating your next masterpiece. As a Medium writer, you hold the key to touching hearts and inspiring minds through your compelling narratives. So, wield your pen with purpose and let your stories change lives.
The Art of Effective Storytelling
Storytelling is an age-old tradition that weaves the fabric of human connection. As a writer on Medium, mastering the art of effective storytelling can elevate your writing and deeply engage your readers. Here are essential tips to help you become a master storyteller:
Find Your Authentic Voice: Your unique voice sets you apart as a writer. Embrace your style, tone, and personality to create an authentic connection with your audience. Let your voice shine through every word you pen.
Create Compelling Characters: Characters are the heart of any story. Develop multi-dimensional, relatable characters that evoke emotions and resonate with readers, making them emotionally invested in the journey.
Build Tension and Conflict: Engage your readers by introducing conflict and tension. Whether it’s a personal struggle or an external challenge, conflicts keep readers on the edge of their seats, eager to see how the story unfolds.
Show, Don’t Tell: Paint vivid images through descriptive language, allowing readers to experience the story through their senses. Instead of telling them how a character feels, show their emotions through actions and dialogue.
Craft Memorable Endings: Leave a lasting impression with a powerful ending. Create a sense of closure while leaving room for contemplation. A well-crafted conclusion lingers in readers’ minds long after they’ve finished reading.
By honing the art of effective storytelling, you’ll transport your readers to different worlds, evoke empathy, and inspire them with the beauty of your words. Embrace the power of storytelling and let your narratives touch hearts and ignite imaginations on Medium and beyond.
Writing Techniques for Medium Success
Writing on Medium offers a vast canvas for expressing your thoughts and ideas. To achieve success on this platform and resonate with readers, mastering specific writing techniques is essential. Here are valuable tips to enhance your writing and thrive on Medium:
Embrace Conciseness: Keep your writing concise and to the point. Medium readers appreciate content that delivers value without unnecessary fluff. Be clear, direct, and engaging to maintain their attention.
Utilize Formatting Tools: Take advantage of Medium’s formatting tools, such as Markdown, to structure your articles effectively. Use headings, subheadings, and bullet points to make your content visually appealing and easy to skim.
Tell Personal Stories: Connect with your audience by sharing personal experiences and anecdotes. Authentic storytelling creates a powerful bond, fostering trust and engagement with your readers.
Harness the Power of Visuals: Incorporate relevant images, infographics, and videos into your articles. Visual elements break up the text, making your content more engaging and appealing to readers.
End with a Call-to-Action: Encourage reader interaction and involvement by including a call-to-action (CTA) at the end of your articles. Prompt them to share their thoughts, follow you, or explore more of your content.
By implementing these writing techniques, you’ll enhance your medium success, attract a loyal readership, and leave a lasting impact with your well-crafted words. So, seize the opportunity to inspire, educate, and connect through your writing on Medium.
Optimizing for SEO and Discoverability
In the vast sea of content on Medium, optimizing your articles for SEO and discoverability is crucial to stand out and reach a wider audience. Here are valuable tips to enhance your visibility and improve your chances of being discovered on Medium:
Keyword Research: Conduct thorough keyword research to identify relevant and popular terms within your niche. Incorporate these keywords strategically into your article titles, headings, and content to improve search engine rankings.
Relevant Tags: Choose appropriate and specific tags that accurately reflect the focus of your article. Tags help readers and Medium’s algorithm understand your content, increasing its visibility to relevant audiences.
Engage with Communities: Join and actively engage with Medium’s communities that align with your niche. Interact with fellow writers and readers by leaving thoughtful comments, claps, and sharing valuable insights.
Leverage social media: Promote your articles on your social media channels to expand your reach beyond Medium. Engage with your followers and encourage them to share your content, increasing its visibility on various platforms.
Cross-Link Your Articles: Include internal links to your other relevant medium articles within your new posts. This not only keeps readers engaged but also helps Medium’s algorithm recognize your content’s authority on a particular topic.
By optimizing your content for SEO and discoverability, you increase your chances of reaching a broader audience and establishing yourself as a credible writer on Medium. So, implement these tips and watch your articles thrive in the digital realm.
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Interacting with the Medium Community
As a writer on Medium, engaging with the vibrant community is key to growing your presence and establishing meaningful connections. Here are valuable tips to help you effectively interact with the medium community:
Engage with Readers: Respond to comments on your articles with appreciation and thoughtfulness. Show genuine interest in their thoughts and create a dialogue with your audience, fostering a loyal readership.
Participate in Publications: Join Medium publications related to your niche and submit your articles for consideration. Collaborating with publications increases your exposure and connects you with like-minded writers and readers.
Leave Thoughtful Feedback: Explore and read articles by other writers, and leave meaningful comments that contribute to the conversation. Offer compliments, insights, and constructive feedback to support fellow writers.
Collaborate with Writers: Reach out to other writers for collaborations, co-writing, or guest posting opportunities. Collaborative efforts strengthen your network and expose your content to new audiences.
Contribute to the Community: Beyond your own articles, contribute to the community by sharing valuable tips, insights, and experiences through dedicated posts or discussions. Provide value to your peers, establishing yourself as a valuable member of the medium ecosystem.
By actively participating and engaging with the medium community, you’ll foster a supportive network, gain exposure, and build lasting connections that enrich your writing journey on this dynamic platform. So, embrace the power of community, and let your interactions on Medium propel you to new heights as a writer.
The Publishing Process
Publishing your work on Medium is an exciting step towards sharing your voice with the world. To ensure a seamless and successful publishing process, consider these fvaluable tips:
Refine and Edit: Before hitting the publish button, meticulously review and edit your draft for grammar, clarity, and coherence. Ensure your article delivers a polished and professional reading experience.
Select the Right Publication: Choose the most relevant publication for your article. Research Medium’s diverse publications and submit your work to the one that aligns best with your content and target audience.
Optimize Your Post Settings: Medium offers various settings to customize your post, including whether to allow responses and highlighting. Tailor these settings to encourage engagement and reader interaction.
Schedule Wisely: Consider the optimal time to publish your article, taking into account your target audience’s time zones and reading habits. Scheduling your posts strategically can maximize their visibility and impact.
Promote Your Article: Share your published article across your social media channels, personal website, or newsletter. Utilize your existing network to drive initial traffic to your post and spark engagement.
By following these tips, you can navigate the publishing process on Medium with ease and elevate your writing to a broader audience. Embrace the joy of sharing your ideas with the world and let Medium be the platform that amplifies your voice.
Analyzing Your Article’s Performance
As a writer on Medium, analyzing the performance of your articles is crucial to understand what resonates with your audience and improve your writing. Here are valuable tips for effectively analyzing your article’s performance:
Utilize Medium Stats: Take advantage of Medium’s built-in analytics tool, “Stats,” which provides valuable insights into your article’s views, reads, and read ratio. Analyzing these metrics helps you gauge reader engagement and identify popular content.
Measure Reader Interaction: Pay attention to reader interaction, such as the number of claps, highlights, and responses. Engaging content often receives higher claps and more reader feedback, indicating a positive impact on your audience.
Identify Trending Topics: Monitor the performance of articles across different topics and themes. Identify patterns and trends in popular subjects to guide your future content strategy and cater to your readers’ interests.
Analyze Referral Sources: Track the sources of traffic to your articles, such as medium recommendations, social media shares, or external websites. Understanding how readers discover your content can help you optimize your promotion strategy.
Learn from Feedback: Embrace feedback from readers and other writers, whether through comments or personal messages. Constructive criticism and positive feedback both provide valuable insights to help you refine your writing style and content.
By regularly analyzing your article’s performance, you can continuously improve your writing and create content that resonates with your audience. Embrace the data-driven approach, and let it be your compass on the journey of growth and success as a medium writer.
Building a Following on Medium
On Medium, building a loyal following is essential for gaining visibility and recognition as a writer. Here are valuable tips to help you grow your readership and establish a dedicated audience:
Consistency is Key: Regularly publish high-quality content to keep your readers engaged and coming back for more. Stick to a consistent posting schedule to build anticipation and loyalty among your audience.
Engage with Readers: Interact with your readers by responding to comments, messages, and claps. Show appreciation for their support and foster a sense of community around your writing.
Share on social media: Promote your Medium articles on social media platforms to reach a wider audience. Utilize hashtags and relevant groups to target readers interested in your niche.
Collaborate with Other Writers: Collaborate with fellow writers through co-writing, guest posting, or joint projects. Cross-promoting each other’s work introduces your content to new audiences and helps you forge valuable connections.
Participate in Publications: Contribute your articles to medium publications that align with your niche and style. Publications can amplify your reach and introduce your writing to readers who share similar interests.
By implementing these tips, you can organically grow your following on Medium and nurture a community of readers who appreciate your unique voice and perspectives. As you connect with your audience and share your stories, your following will continue to flourish on this dynamic platform.
As we come to the end of our journey exploring the world of writing on Medium, it’s quite evident that this medium offers unprecedented scope for communication and interaction. We can reach and connect with readers all around the globe if we learn to produce fascinating tales, master the art of effective storytelling, and optimise for search engine results. We can learn a lot from other authors and make some great connections by participating in the medium community.
Don’t forget that the true measure of our success on Medium is the difference we make with our words, not the amount of views they get. Feel the satisfaction of imparting your wisdom and expertise to others. Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there and be honest with others; it’s through our individual stories that we make a difference. So, let your words resonate in people’s minds and hearts, and make your time spent writing on Medium a monument to the glory of the human voice. Best wishes on your work, and may you continue to spread hope and joy via your writings.
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Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links, which means I receive a small commission at NO ADDITIONAL cost to you if you decide to purchase something. While we receive affiliate compensation for reviews / promotions on this article, we always offer honest opinions, users experiences and real views related to the product or service itself. Our goal is to help readers make the best purchasing decisions, however, the testimonies and opinions expressed are ours only. As always you should do your own thoughts to verify any claims, results and stats before making any kind of purchase. Clicking links or purchasing products recommended in this article may generate income for this product from affiliate commissions and you should assume we are compensated for any purchases you make. We review products and services you might find interesting. If you purchase them, we might get a share of the commission from the sale from our partners. This does not drive our decision as to whether or not a product is featured or recommended.
Source : How To Start Writing on Medium in 2023: Step by Step Beginner’s Guide
Thanks for reading my article on “How To Start Writing on Medium in 2023: Step by Step Beginner’s Guide“, hope it will help!
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rishiaca · 11 months
Content Repurposing using AI: Cost and Tools
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Introduction Repurposing material is a regular and crucial component of many content marketing strategies. Yet, it is a time-consuming and laborious procedure that many teams avoid. Frequently, a piece of content, such as a blog post, a video, or other assets such as white papers and case studies, is developed, published, and that's the end of the tale. Automata automates the process of converting content into forms that may be delivered across many channels to reach the greatest number of people.
Existing material must be examined and reused by marketers. Small marketing teams that rely heavily on content as their primary acquisition route. We specialise in software and professional services, but any industry that focuses on content creation across various platforms is a natural fit.
AI content production has limits when it comes to fact-based writing and providing value to smart, business marketers in specialised sectors, particularly technical B2B material. Although content creation technologies are quickly improving, pure content production does not presently match the demands of professional business marketers. Finding methods to integrate AI into these marketers' content generation processes is a significant problem.
AI will assist everything from research and ideation to writing and editing to reuse and dissemination. There have already been proof-of-concept demos of AI applied to every stage of the content pipeline, but the primary difficulty is designing solutions that fit inside existing workflows and interface with the tools marketers are most familiar with.
Some great tools to repurpose content using AI Some great tools to use in today’s day that helps repurpose content using AI are:
CopyAI: Copy AI is a formidable rival to Jasper and has its own advantages, such as a plethora of ready-made templates that make AI copywriting simple even for beginners.
They have comprehensive blog post templates (their blog post workflow is actually incredible, starting at the title and idea, working through an outline and brief, and then generating the complete long-form post).
They also feature a tonne of email marketing and sales copywriting templates, which are very useful for Facebook Ad, Google Ad, and Instagram caption testing. Excellent business, effective product, and cost-efficient programmes.
Price: There is a free plan (no credit card necessary) for up to 2000 words, and premium plans begin at $49/mo for limitless words.
GrowthBar: GrowthBar is a relatively new tool on the market, but it is quickly gaining traction.
They're a full-featured SEO tool, in addition to their AI writing functionality (which is built on OpenAI). Keyword research, backlink analysis, competition analysis, and an on-page SEO analysis function are among the features available.
They have a fantastic Chrome plugin that allows you to produce material anywhere you are, including social media (Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook) or on your Google Docs or WordPress interface.
Price: $48 /Month
Frase: Frase is most recognised as a content optimisation tool, but it's far more capable than a basic MarketMuse replacement.
They aid in the acceleration of the whole content development process, from research and planning to developing content briefs and finally composing the actual content.
In fact, because of the context of the entire blog post, I've found their AI content generator to be one of the finest in the field.
I really enjoy the outlining and content brief capabilities since they allow you to swiftly evaluate the competitive SERP environment and choose which H2s, H3s, and talking points you should address in the piece.
Pricing for the single plan is $14.99 per month.
Hypotenuse AI: Another fast-rising player in the artificial intelligence content sector is Hypotenuse AI.
They began by focusing on ecommerce (large scale product descriptions, for example), but have now expanded to include a wide range of AI capabilities, including a picture generator.
One of my favourite features is their content detective, which employs artificial intelligence to assist you discover and provide factual facts for your article (something lacking in many of the AI content tools).
Price: The pricing tiers are similar to those of Jasper, albeit the product features and use restrictions differ. Starting at $24 per month.
ChatGPT: All of the new AI content tools rely on OpenAI. The majority of them are created directly on top of GPT-3, their most recent NLP model. ChatGPT, a conversational interface that can create responses to inquiries as well as generate new information, is even more recent.
This product is fantastic and has catapulted AI content tools into the popular consciousness.
While it still suffers from a lack of fact checking at times, it appears to answer technical inquiries better than Google (for example, asking it how to set up cross-domain tracking in Google Tag Manager, it actually gives great step-by-step instructions).
Price: This is now available for free.
Conclusion And if you want a better understanding of AI before starting to use it for your content work, Skillslash's courses are always there to assist and advise you. We strongly recommend taking courses like Skillslash's Advanced Data Science & AI course, Business analytics course, and so on if you want to learn about AI principles. Skillslash's real-work experience is without a doubt among the best available today, and it is certainly worth a go.
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datascience1722 · 11 months
Content Repurposing using AI: Cost and Tools
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Repurposing material is a regular and crucial component of many content marketing strategies. Yet, it is a time-consuming and laborious procedure that many teams avoid. Frequently, a piece of content, such as a blog post, a video, or other assets such as white papers and case studies, is developed, published, and that's the end of the tale. Automata automates the process of converting content into forms that may be delivered across many channels to reach the greatest number of people.
Existing material must be examined and reused by marketers. Small marketing teams that rely heavily on content as their primary acquisition route. We specialise in software and professional services, but any industry that focuses on content creation across various platforms is a natural fit.
AI content production has limits when it comes to fact-based writing and providing value to smart, business marketers in specialised sectors, particularly technical B2B material. Although content creation technologies are quickly improving, pure content production does not presently match the demands of professional business marketers. Finding methods to integrate AI into these marketers' content generation processes is a significant problem.
AI will assist everything from research and ideation to writing and editing to reuse and dissemination. There have already been proof-of-concept demos of AI applied to every stage of the content pipeline, but the primary difficulty is designing solutions that fit inside existing workflows and interface with the tools marketers are most familiar with.
Some great tools to repurpose content using AI
Some great tools to use in today’s day that helps repurpose content using AI are:
CopyAI: Copy AI is a formidable rival to Jasper and has its own advantages, such as a plethora of ready-made templates that make AI copywriting simple even for beginners.
They have comprehensive blog post templates (their blog post workflow is actually incredible, starting at the title and idea, working through an outline and brief, and then generating the complete long-form post).
They also feature a tonne of email marketing and sales copywriting templates, which are very useful for Facebook Ad, Google Ad, and Instagram caption testing. Excellent business, effective product, and cost-efficient programmes.
Price: There is a free plan (no credit card necessary) for up to 2000 words, and premium plans begin at $49/mo for limitless words.
GrowthBar: GrowthBar is a relatively new tool on the market, but it is quickly gaining traction.
They're a full-featured SEO tool, in addition to their AI writing functionality (which is built on OpenAI). Keyword research, backlink analysis, competition analysis, and an on-page SEO analysis function are among the features available.
They have a fantastic Chrome plugin that allows you to produce material anywhere you are, including social media (Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook) or on your Google Docs or WordPress interface.
Price: $48 /Month
Frase: Frase is most recognised as a content optimisation tool, but it's far more capable than a basic MarketMuse replacement.
They aid in the acceleration of the whole content development process, from research and planning to developing content briefs and finally composing the actual content.
In fact, because of the context of the entire blog post, I've found their AI content generator to be one of the finest in the field.
I really enjoy the outlining and content brief capabilities since they allow you to swiftly evaluate the competitive SERP environment and choose which H2s, H3s, and talking points you should address in the piece.
Pricing for the single plan is $14.99 per month.
Hypotenuse AI: Another fast-rising player in the artificial intelligence content sector is Hypotenuse AI.
They began by focusing on ecommerce (large scale product descriptions, for example), but have now expanded to include a wide range of AI capabilities, including a picture generator.
One of my favourite features is their content detective, which employs artificial intelligence to assist you discover and provide factual facts for your article (something lacking in many of the AI content tools).
Price: The pricing tiers are similar to those of Jasper, albeit the product features and use restrictions differ. Starting at $24 per month.
ChatGPT: All of the new AI content tools rely on OpenAI. The majority of them are created directly on top of GPT-3, their most recent NLP model. ChatGPT, a conversational interface that can create responses to inquiries as well as generate new information, is even more recent.
This product is fantastic and has catapulted AI content tools into the popular consciousness.
While it still suffers from a lack of fact checking at times, it appears to answer technical inquiries better than Google (for example, asking it how to set up cross-domain tracking in Google Tag Manager, it actually gives great step-by-step instructions).
Price: This is now available for free.
And if you want a better understanding of AI before starting to use it for your content work, Skillslash's courses are always there to assist and advise you. We strongly recommend taking courses like Skillslash's Advanced Data Science & AI course, Business analytics course, and so on if you want to learn about AI principles. Skillslash's real-work experience is without a doubt among the best available today, and it is certainly worth a go.
0 notes
odinai · 1 year
Can You Use Tools Like ChatGPT for Your Writing Assignments Without Getting Caught? | Odin AI
What is Chat GPT?
Chat GPT (Chatbot Generative Pre-trained Transformer) is a type of AI technology that can generate natural language responses based on your input. It is built on a deep neural network, which means that it can "learn" from past conversations and become increasingly accurate over time. It is capable of understanding natural language and can generate responses that sound human-like, making it an ideal technology for conversational AI applications.
How are students using Chat GPT?
Students are increasingly turning to Chat GPT for help with their projects, assignments, and essays. Chat GPT can produce quick, accurate content, providing students with a valuable resource for brainstorming and revising their work. Students use Chat GPT to craft engaging essays and articles, generate creative ideas for stories, and even complete entire projects with minimal effort, giving them access to an automated system that can provide reliable, high-quality content without needing to spend time manually researching and writing.
Can I get caught using Chat GPT?
Yes, and no. If you use Chat GPT (or any other alternative) to generate entire pieces of content, it is very easy to identify factual inaccuracies and differences in tone (from how one may naturally write to how the AI imitates humans) to detect the use of tech. Especially with the availability of tools like Turnitin, ZeroGPT, and AI Text Classifier, detecting AI generated content has never been easier.
How can I avoid being caught using Chat GPT?
Don’t generate entire chunks of content with AI! You may use AI to ideate topics and generate citations but letting AI takeover from scratch is more likely to generate generic, repetitive, and sometimes even misinformed articles. Another good approach is to use several precise prompts to generate different articles before picking specific aspects of each version. Finally, read through the finished article at least twice to identify potential areas for improvement, any particularly artificial-sounding sentences, and so on.
Top alternatives to ChatGPT:
Odin comes with a built-in AI detection tool that tells you how unique your article is and how likely it is to be detected by third party tools. Additionally, with 11 different writing tones to pick from and tools such as a real time AI grammar assistant, a plagiarism checking tool, and instant citation generation, not only does Odin offer ChatGPT a run for its money, it always ensures that your content stands out.
Price: Starts from a free trial. Basic plan starts at $15/month for up to 5,000 words.
Jenni offers 5 writing tones, in-text citations, and AI auto-completion in addition to the ability to paraphrase and rewrite existing content.
Price: Offers a free trial for 200 words per month, but pricing starts at $20/month for Unlimited AI words 
Quillbot is not a content generation tool but helps you paraphrase and summarize effectively with translations, citations, plagiarism monitoring, and grammar check. Quillbot also comes with a Microsoft Word extension and a Google Chrome extension, making it more accessible.
Price: The free trial paraphrases 125 words at a time. For an increased limit, the pricing starts at $9.95 per month.
Jasper offers a powerful content marketing tool with its features. With a Chrome extension, art generation, an integration with Surfer SEO, several content templates, and support for 29 languages and counting, Jasper AI is indispensable once you start using it.
Price: Starts at $39/month for Unlimited words.
Copy AI
Copy AI offers a marketing content tool that can generate emails, blogs, digital ad copies, website and sales copies, and so on. While not boasting a feature set as wide as some of the other products on the list, Copy AI does come with an extensive set of templates and a Google Chrome extension.
Price: Starts from free, offering Unlimited words/month. Basic plan starts at $36/month.
Let us know if we’ve missed out on any of the tools that worked better for you. Meanwhile try out Odin for free here!
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whydonate20 · 1 year
How To Get Donations | Best Practices Before You Ask For Donations Online
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There is a long list of to-dos that are required before starting any kind of fundraiser that includes preparing for good content, a well-planned fundraising strategy, ways to get donations, and donor retention for future activities.
Among all of the activities, asking for donations is one of the most vital points a fundraiser should focus on the most. Asking for donations is easier said than done. Even if it sounds simple, there is a proper way to approach donors for a cause that may not benefit them. So in order to start asking for donations for your fundraiser, you should understand your donors’ thoughts and act accordingly. 
Now there is nothing to be anxious about, as here we have one of the best practices for how to get donations online and what points one should follow before starting to ask for donations.
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How To Get Donations Online
Start With Your Donation Page
Getting the donation page organised can make the fundraising process easier for the users, as it eliminates the need for them to go through the complicated system of managing the various details of the transaction. You can also add a donation form to your campaign page to make it more accessible for the donors while making an online donation.
WhyDonate is a leading European crowdfunding platform that aims to make the fundraising experience even better for its users. You can start by sharing all the information about your fundraiser on your donation page. Later you can share the page with potential donors to let them know your fundraising goal.
Email Fundraising For Online Fundraising
One of the most effective tools for fundraising is email marketing. It can help you mobilise volunteers, promote job openings, and provide information about upcoming events. Most email marketing services are very simple to use, and they don’t require you to know anything about coding. With a variety of features and templates, fundraisers can easily send emails.
One of the main advantages of email fundraising is its ability to quickly recruit volunteers, donors, and customers. Nonprofits can raise more money and get more people involved with their organisation with just a few clicks.
Fundraising Blogs For Prospective Donors
Fundraisers can regularly write blogs about your campaign’s initiatives to reach out and relate to potential donors. They should also be focused on attracting new donors and keeping current ones engaged. One of the most important factors that you should consider is developing a strong emotional connection with your readers.
One of the most important factors that you should consider when it comes to developing long-form content is making sure that it’s not only relevant to your target audience but also that it’s engaging. 
Having a well-designed and engaging content strategy can help boost your search engine rankings. Another important factor that you should consider is ensuring that it’s being viewed by the right people by adding compelling visuals.
Ask For Donations Via Social Media
One of the most viable ways to ask for donations while crowdfunding is social media, as individuals and organisations tend to follow the latest social distancing trends. Doing social media activities is very simple and free, as it allows people to present their campaigns and get a lot of attention. As it’s a multi-media platform, people can reach out to a large number of people easily through social media posts.
Aside from being able to reach a wide group of people, social media also allows people to get the word around faster. This is why fundraising on the platform is very simple and free. Since people use it for leisure, it’s additionally very beneficial to create a fundraising campaign without restrictions.
Mobile devices allow people to keep in touch with their friends and family easily, and they can also take photos and videos. Smartphones and tablets are capable of so much more than just taking photos and videos. In addition, people tend to focus more on their mobile devices instead of talking to one another.
Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram also work great in the case of peer-to-peer fundraising campaigns because of the wide network of social media platforms. With WhyDonate, you can easily start raising funds for your cause without any issues as its inbuilt features gear towards a successful fundraiser focusing on these trends.
Therefore, it’s important to choose an online fundraising platform that is unlike other platforms; WhyDonate does not charge a fee when it comes to allowing its users to start fundraising. Its users can easily share the details of their campaign on social media channels by adding a social media post.
Ask For Donations At Fundraising Events
Fundraising events are a great way to raise funds for organisations and show the value that it’s adding to the community. Having a strong presence at the event will allow people to see how much your organisation is valued.
A fundraising event can also promote excitement about giving. If you’re planning on holding an event that’s focused on raising funds for your organisation, consider incorporating a variety of activities into the event. One of these is an auction, where people can bid on a specific item. Cheer for the winning bidder as they are raising the highest amount possible for your organisation. Or even for a marathon or a holiday fundraiser, people can physically be a part of the fundraiser, which they can relate to.
Not only physical but online fundraising activities such as bake sales or eco-friendly product sales can also make a huge impact on your fundraiser, and you can raise money through your online donation page.
How To Get Donations Through Recurring Donation Settings
One of the most important factors that a fundraising campaign organiser can consider when it comes to becoming successful is having a recurring donor. This type of donation allows it to collect regular donations and add to its annual budget. Now recurring donors are the rue gems nor nonprofit organisations.
These types of donors are also known to be reliable and have shown that they are willing to give regularly. Recurring donors mostly fulfil organisations’ donation requests because of their strong bonds with fundraiser organisers.
Having a recurring donor can also help boost the online donations that your organisation receives. It eliminates the need for your website to be visited frequently to make donations, and it allows you to collect these donations automatically. It is very important to have a strong donor relationship and keep your donor loyalty intact for a long-term successful fundraising goal.
Fundraiser Press Release
News media channels are also great options to consider if you like to ask for donations. A wide variety of demographics pay attention to press releases every single day, and it can be an advantage to cover your fundraising campaign through those press releases.
Fundraising Letter To Ask For Donations
Writing a letter to ask for donations is one of the polite things you can do for your crowdfunding campaign. A letter shows your true fundraising efforts and how you channel your emotions into a piece of paper that can make a big difference. Now here, we don’t mean writing only physical letters, even an online letter will also do the job. 
Not only asking for donations but writing a letter to thank your donors is a must for any fundraiser.
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Start Your Mission
To sum up, we can say being polite and appropriate are the best practices when asking for donations. With advanced technologies, we thankfully no longer have to go door-to-door and ask for donations anymore. There are many esteemed platforms like WhyDonate that exist just to provide people or organisations with the opportunity to go ahead and raise money for their cause without much hindrance.
The WhyDonate team is always ready to help you raise money for your cause, no matter wherever you are and provide you with many fundraising best practices. We are here to provide ample solutions for your campaigns and guide the fundraisers by serving many creative fundraising ideas. So, now you can go and start a fundraising campaign and share your success stories. Happy fundraising!
Looking forward to knowing more about  how to ask for donations online
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lindzar · 1 year
Trouble-Free Products Of ShortsAI - An Intro
The Greatest Help Guide Developing Vision-Capturing Video lessons With ShortsAI
ShortsAI can be a highly effective AI-run movie production system that enables someone to make specialist-high quality video tutorials easily and quickly. Whether you are a internet marketer, articles creator, or small business owner, ShortsAI can assist you produce fascinating and persuasive video clips that record your audience's drive and attention final results. With ShortsAI, you are able to say goodbye to the cumbersome and time-ingesting procedure for traditional movie design and hi there to trouble-free, great-quality video clip design that saves you time and money.
ShortsAI gives a variety of effective characteristics that can make online video development easy and quick. Its AI-operated press search feature lets you discover higher-high qualityimages and videos, and sound clips easily and quickly, when its personalized templates and simple-to-use modifying instruments allow you to produce videos that happen to be tailored in your brand and message. Whether you are producing video tutorials for social websites, product demos, or branding and storytelling, ShortsAI offers the instruments you must make high-top quality video lessons that stick out.
The benefits of utilizing ShortsAI for video clip design a wide range of. With its easy-to-use user interface and highly effective characteristics, ShortsAI allows you to create video lessons that take part your audience and drive effects within minutes or so. You don't need to have any video editing practical experience to make use of ShortsAI, making it accessible to anybody who wants to make substantial-quality video tutorials easily and quickly. Additionally, ShortsAI's social websites writing characteristic makes it easy to discuss your video tutorials along with your market and acquire more engagement and views.
Features of ShortsAI
ShortsAI is definitely an AI-powered movie production foundation which offers a selection of features that will help you make stimulating, skilled-high quality video tutorials within just moments. A few of its key characteristics incorporate:
AI-operated mass media look for: ShortsAI's media research attribute uses AI to assist you find the perfectvideos and images, and music clips for your personal movie. You may get into a key phrase or phrase, and ShortsAI will advise related press from the catalogue of millions of high-quality belongings.
Easy to customize layouts: ShortsAI provides a number of easy to customize themes designed for diverse use and industries cases. You can select a template that fits your message and brand, or you can create your own custom template using ShortsAI's editing tools.
Simple-to-use enhancing instruments: ShortsAI's editing tools are designed to be easy to use, even if you have no experience with video editing. You are able to modify your video's colors, fonts and text and much more, and you could include animations, transitions, and results to help make your video be noticeable.
Social networking submitting: ShortsAI permits you to publish your video clip right to social media marketing programs likeInstagram and Facebook, and Vimeo, making it easy to talk about your video clips with your viewers.
Multiple-words assistance: ShortsAI supports multiple dialects, enabling you to make video lessons in several spoken languages to attain a broader audience.
Utilizing ShortsAI?
Building a video clip with ShortsAI is quick and easy. Here's a step-by-step guide to utilizing ShortsAI to create a online video:
Opt for your movie format: Begin by choosing the video structure you wish to generate, such as sq ., top to bottom, or scenery.
Opt for your web template: Look through ShortsAI's collection of customizable themes and select one that matches your brand and message.
Put your multimedia: Upload your very ownimages and videos, and audio clips, or use ShortsAI's multimedia search function to obtain the best mass media for the video clip.
Individualize your video clip: Use ShortsAI's enhancing equipment to modify your video clip. You can adapt colors, fonts and text and a lot more, and you could include animations, transitions, and consequences to make your movie stick out.
Review and export your video: As soon as you're satisfied with your online video, preview it to make any closing alterations. Then, export it inside the format you favor and post it on social media marketing or obtain it for your product.
Use instances for ShortsAI
ShortsAI can be used as various use circumstances, such as:
Social networking: Use ShortsAI to produce vision-finding video clips that pick up viewers' attention on social websites platforms like Facebook and Instagram.
Online video adverts: ShortsAI is perfect for creating movie adverts that push conversions and sales.
Product demos: Use ShortsAI to generate video tutorials that display your merchandise and make clear their benefits and features.
Training videos: Create training video tutorials that train your audience utilizing your products or services.
Advertising and storytelling: Use ShortsAI to create video clips that inform your brand's scenario and interact with your market.
Comparison to many other video development resources
Whilst there are many video clip production instruments available on the market, ShortsAI stands apart for its AI-operated multimedia research, custom templates, as well as simple-to-use enhancing instruments. ShortsAI's AI-powered mass media lookup makes it simple to get high-high quality multimedia swiftly, when its layouts and modifying instruments allow it to be an easy task to make video tutorials that seems to be expert and fascinating. In addition, its social websites submitting feature makes it simple to share with you your video clips with your target audience.
ShortsAI is the perfect tool for you if you're looking for an easy and effective way to create professional-quality videos that stand out. Having its potent features and easy-to-use program, you could make video clips that resonate with the target audience and push results. So, why wait? Sign up for ShortsAI nowadays and start making video tutorials that get observed!
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tutsinsider · 1 year
PHP Introduction - An Ultimate Guide to Basics
PHP introduction tutorial comprises detailed information about what is this programming language, and how this intro can impart greater awareness to absolute beginners, so that they may think of initiating a web development career. Further, this basic and introductory tutorial is also helpful for advanced programmers, and it covers advanced PHP topics as well as basics and is based on the latest version PHP 8.2. 1.1. Why PHP is a Popular Language? - Basically, PHP is a server-side language that runs on the backend of a website or a server. - Also, PHP can be used separately or within an HTML markup to obtain the results. - The extensive usage of PHP in web applications and in the development of various CMS like WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, etc. - Therefore, its vast usage and applications make it quite a popular scripting language among developers and have a wide developer community. 1.2. What is PHP Programming Language? - First of all, PHP is a recursive backronym and stands for Hypertext PreProcessor. - The most stable release of the PHP script is 8.2.1 in 2023. - Secondly, PHP is one of the widely used programming languages and its popularity has spanned over the decades. - Also, there is no cost to using PHP and it is free to utilize. - Moreover, PHP code runs over popular databases like MySQL, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, etc. - Furthermore, PHP generates output for the user in the form of HTML markup. - Therefore, PHP is a handful tool for developing dynamic web pages. - Importantly, PHP is a powerful scripting language that runs on the server-side. 1.3. What are PHP Filename Extensions? Normally, when we save a PHP script in a file, it is given an extension to make it executable by the interpreter/compiler. There are many filename extensions of the PHP language that can be used for a file to make it executable by the interpreter. Plus, the most used PHP filename extension is .php. These PHP filename extensions are listed below: .php .phtml .php3 .php4 .php5 .php7 .phps .php-s .pht .phar 1.4. What is PHP-GTK? - PHP-GTK is a helpful PHP extension as it is useful in language binding implementation. - Language binding is a term, which is referred to linking two existing languages. - Here, PHP-GTK enables the developers to write PHP code in an object-oriented interface. - In simple words, PHP-GTK is the enhancement of PHP that empower developers to write cross-platform applications with a Graphical User Interface. - Also, PHP-GTK is available for both Windows and Linux users. Sometimes, a scripting language is considered a very high-level language for a high level of abstraction. This section will cover information about scripting languages, usage of scripting languages, and some of the most popular scripting languages. 2.1. What is a Scripting Language? - With each passing day, the world, which is already a global village, is emerging and evolving rapidly in almost every aspect of life due to technological advancements. - Hence, there is a necessity for automation, to perform certain jobs and resultantly lessen the workload. - Therefore, a scripting language plays its role in automating a runtime-system. - Consequently, the workload is shifted to the machine and especially the IT industry thereafter. - Importantly, a scripting language is interpreted rather than compiled to save time and boost performance. 2.2. What are the types of Scripting Languages? Basically, there are two types of scripting languages: a. Server-Side Scripting Language - These types of scripting languages use the resources of a remote server. - These scripts are compiled on a server and display the output in HTML form. - These types of scripts are helpful for clients/browsers. - Node.Js, PHP, Java, Python, Ruby, etc. are examples. b. Client-Side Scripting Language - These scripting languages run on the client side i.e. a browser. - Client-side scripting language solely relies on a browser, and there is no server involved. - Initially, the script is downloaded in the browser and then executed. - Client-side scripts are added to improve web page functionality. - Javascript, AJAX, Jquery, etc. are examples. 3.1. What is the Difference Between PHP and HTML? HTML is a web markup language and the acronym HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. Whereas, PHP is a programming language that runs often on the server-side. The subsequent table summarizes the comparison between PHP and HTML. Language: PHP HTML Developed By: Zend Technologies W3C Type of Language: Programming Language Markup Language Usage: Server-side Front-end Code Type: Dynamic Static Ease of Learning: Relatively easy to learn Relatively hard to learn, includes logic Browser Compatibility: Compatible with all browsers Compatible with all browsers Initially Released: 1995 1991 Latest Stable Release: 2023 2017 Latest Version: 8.2.1 5.2 Open Source: Yes Yes Cross-Platform: Yes Yes Filename Extension: .php .html 3.2. What is the Difference Between PHP and ASP.NET? The acronym ASP stands for Active Server Pages. Further, ASP is a .NET framework and is developed by Microsoft. Let's examine what is the difference between PHP and ASP.NET. The below table summarizes the comparison of PHP with ASP.NET. Language: PHP ASP.NET Developed By: Zend Technologies Microsoft Corporation Initially Released: 1995 2002 Latest Stable Release: 2020 2019 Latest Version: 8.2.1 4.8 Hosting Support: All Hosting Servers Support PHP Need Dedicated Server for ASP.NET License: PHP License Apache License 2.0 Open Source: Yes No HTML Integration: Easy Complex Extension to Other Language: Yes No 4.1. How to Start Coding in PHP? Due to the reputation of the PHP programming language, it has become the developer's prime choice over the past years. As a noob developer, there is a necessity to have some know-how of fundamental web languages before commencing with PHP. These include the following: - HTML Language - CSS Language - JavaScript Language However, only HTML is sufficient for starting programming with PHP. 4.2. Why do Developers Like to Code in PHP Language? Considering PHP is so popular among developers, there is a reason for that. Beneath are some of the features of PHP that make it so much popular. - Easy to use - Efficient in execution - More reliable security at server-side - Too much flexibility - Similarity with other languages Popular PHP Applications Following are some popular PHP applications that give it so much fame: - Facebook: The largest social media website is coded in PHP makes it most compelling. - WordPress: Approximately 30% of the websites on the internet are hosted by popular CMS WordPress, which is primarily a PHP framework. 4.3. What are the Benefits of Using PHP? Due to the robust programming methodologies, PHP is not confined to producing HTML solely. Preferably, it can display images, videos, pdf files, etc. Following are certain PHP benefits that are adequate to take PHP as a programmer's primary choice: - Nearly, all web servers, operating systems, and databases can run the PHP script. - When executed on the server-side, it generates dynamic content. - PHP gives many varieties of output like text, HTML, JSON, image, binary data, JSON, etc. - It can perform several operations on the server like creating, opening, writing, reading, and deleting files. - PHP has its reputation due to data collection using HTML forms. - It can encrypt data to make it secure and safe. - Also, Cookies can be sent and received using a PHP script. - PHP can add, delete, and edit the database. - Further, It supports both the Command-line interface (CLI) and the Graphical User Interface (GUI). - Too many frameworks of PHP are available in the market to help developers in Rapid Application Development (RAD). 4.4. Write "Hello World" PHP Program It is important to know that, there are two methods to integrate PHP and HTML. One way is to write PHP in HTML markup, whereas, the other way is to write HTML within the PHP script. Examine the subsequent "Hello World PHP Program" in two different ways to understand it more vividly. 4.5. Output of "Hello World" PHP Program Both of the above examples will produce the same result on the screen. The server process the PHP code and returns only HTML markup to the browser. The output of this hello world PHP program is as follows: 4.6. An Advanced PHP Program The following example is another PHP program. It will check the browser of the user and display it on the screen. 4.7. Output of Advanced PHP Program The above line of PHP script will display the output on the screen similar to the following output. 4.8. What's Next? Hopefully, this intro to PHP tutorial covered all the basics and knowledge for beginners as well as advanced web developers. Navigate to the next tutorials to enhance your PHP skills and gain in-depth cognition. Read the full article
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lerchebertelsen52 · 1 year
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