#but after chapter 72...... I always stop reading.....
meownotgood · 2 years
nothing in chainsaw man will ever hit me harder than this quote right here
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radawayghoul · 28 days
His Little Dove | Chapter 1
The Plan
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Warnings: cursing, slight age difference, innuendos, height difference, ummm calling people names, angst, i think i switched from second to third POV at a certain point so..bad/subpar writing is a warning lol, 18+ only, MDNI
Pairing: Lee Russell x Reader (AFAB)
Word Count: 2,123
A/N: it's finnniisshheeddd!! ugh i actually am so insanely proud of this chapter!! thank you so much to everyone who has been waiting to read this!! i'm genuinely so honored and am starting chapter two as we speak!! the comments and stuff really motivate me so much 🥹
 Following behind Lee and Neal, Y/N listened in on their conversation, a bit confused as to why you’d been invited. 
“Oh, Jesus Christ, the bloodbath begins,” Lee said around a mouth full of smoke, “She’s got me off my rocker, Gamby. We gotta act quick,” Lee adjusted his hold on his cigarette, “Now, she’s tied up in teacher reviews for the next 72 minutes. That gives us some time.” 
Y/N arched a brow. “Time to do what, Lee?” You questioned him, “Who exactly are we sabotaging?” Y/N knew the name of Lee’s game by now. 
“Oh, great, Russell, why did you invite her?! She’s not even familiar with the parameters of our plan!” Neal exclaimed, yanking his toothpick out from between his teeth, pausing in the middle of the school parking lot. 
“Oh, for Christ’s sake, Gamby!” Lee whined, “Treat Y/N with a little respect! Ohhh, Y/N, darlin’, I’m so sorry for this fat fuckin’ losers disrespect, please just ignore him, okay, pretty bird?” Lee gave you a sickeningly sweet smile before turning back to Neal with a disgruntled look, “Loosen the fuck up or I will do this shit on my own motherfucker. Now, let’s go dig up some dirt on that grimy bitch.” 
Neal scoffed but followed after Lee begrudgingly, Y/N speeding up her steps to keep up. 
You had no idea WHO you were sabotaging but you weren’t one to say no to Lee. You never said no to Lee Russell. And you absolutely never fucking would. 
The three of them rolled up on a house that Y/N knew all too well. Lee’s house. This did little to lessen your confusion but you trusted Lee. 
“Is this where she lives? What a shit-hole.” Neal chuckled. 
Y/N snorted as Lee ripped off his sunglasses. 
“This is my house, motherfucker! It’s a mid-century sea ranch!” Lee yelled, huffing a sigh before continuing, “Now, stay here, I gotta go get somethin’.” Lee got out of the car and strutted towards his front door. 
“You should go easier on him, Neal. Really.” Y/N said, crossing her arms, leaning back into her seat. 
“Oh shut up, Y/N! God! Stop being so pretentious.” Neal groaned, rolling his eyes behind his sunglasses. 
Y/N looked over as Lee was followed out of the house by his screaming mother-in-law, Mi Cha, looking stressed to the heavens. 
“Shut up! Shut up! All I hear is gibberish from you, shut up! Go back in the house!” Lee yelled before turning to walk towards the car, “Like nails on a fuckin’ chalkboard.” He groaned, stopping when he got to the car, closing his eyes in frustration as the woman kept screaming, “GO BACK IN THE HOUSE!!!” He yelled louder this time, pointing angrily at the open door. 
“FUCK YOU!” Mi Cha yelled, finally walking back inside. 
Lee grunted as he got back inside the car, a noise that made the butterflies in the pit of your stomach stir, shoving a bag into the back of the car into your lap. 
“Y/N, would you be a dear and hold this?” Lee smiled at Y/N, always being so sweet with her, even if he was out of breath. His smile dropped, however, the minute he turned towards Neal. “Go.” Lee demanded.
“Everything okay?” Neal questioned. 
“Just go.” Lee sighed, leaning heavily into the passenger seat. 
Y/N’s heart hurt for Lee. He was always under so much stress. Ever since his mother-in-law moved in, he had not been doing so well. He’d been a bit…wilder than usual. Always wanting to get into something scandalous or cause some sort of raucous to relieve his stress. Was it always the best solution? No. No it wasn’t. But, Y/N wasn’t going to deny Lee any sort of stress relief…even if it did mean they’d have to cover for him. 
Neal cleared his throat as the three of them continued their journey to wherever it was that they were going. 
“So, uh, was that woman your wife?” Neal asked, looking over at Lee nervously. 
Y/N couldn’t help but giggle slightly. 
Lee looked at him completely disgusted. “Don’t be asking me personal questions. We ain’t fuckin’ friends, okay? This is business.” Lee scoffed. 
“Leeee..” Y/N said quietly, leaning up slightly to rest their hand on Lee’s shoulder, “Breathe.” Y/N massaged his shoulder, trying to help him relax. 
Lee relaxed a little into Y/N’s touch, taking a deep breath. Y/N was really the only one to have this sort of effect on Lee. She could calm him in almost any and all situations unless he was really, really stressed. 
“Friends?” Neal laughed, “I am not trying to be your friend.” 
“Over here tryin’ to make a fuckin’ friend and we about to do a mission.” Lee scoffed, leaning back into Y/N’s touch even further. 
Neal looked between the two of them with a raised brow, “You’re the one trying to make friends the most.” Neal challenged. 
Lee sighed, slipping his sunglasses back onto his nose. “Just shut up, Gamby, god!” 
Y/N shook her head at the two of them, pulling her hand off of Lee to sit back once more. 
The group of them rolled to a stop in a very well-off looking neighborhood. 
“Who are we here for, Lee?” Y/N questioned, peering out the window of the car. 
“Dr. Brown’s deep, dark secrets.” Lee smiled mischievously, chewing on his bottom lip. 
“Belinda?! Lee…honey, I need you to bring yourself back to earth for a moment. You know I support you in all that you do but this is a suicide mission, sweetheart.” Y/N told him sweetly, sighing a little. She knew this man was up to something scandalous. 
“Don’t start, Y/N. God, you both just really wanna piss on my parade, don’t you? Maybe you two should be fuckin’ butt buddies and I’ll do the work that fuckin’ matters.” Lee grumbled, getting out of the car. 
Y/N sighed, following after him while Neal awkwardly stayed in the car. 
“Lee, sweetheart, you know it’s not like that at all!” Y/N said, walking over to place a hand on his back, “Don’t get all grumpy with me like that, it hurts my feelings, doll.” Y/N frowned up at him. 
Lee scanned Y/N’s face with his famous sad puppy dog eyes before letting out a frustrated sigh. “Alright fine, fuck!” He exclaimed, looking down at his feet, “I’m sorry, okay? There I said it. Now, come help me take this dirty bitch to hell?” Lee looked at Y/N with a cute smile, batting his lashes at her. 
Y/N closed her eyes. “I’m gonna regret this..but fine. I’d do anything for you.” Y/N muttered, shaking her head. 
“Are you two weirdos finished? We’re running out of fucking time!” Neal grumbled as he stomped over to them. 
Lee rolled his eyes, grabbing Y/N’s hand to drag her towards Dr. Brown’s house. “Shut up, Gamby!” 
The three of them shortly arrived at Belinda’s house where Neal and Lee began digging their way through the woman’s garbage. 
“Ugh,” Y/N gave them a disgusted look, “Lee, I love you, but that is fucking repulsive.” 
“Oh, please, just pretend I’m digging in your ass, that’ll make the picture a whole lot prettier.” Lee winked at Y/N with a smirk.
Y/N’s breath caught in her throat, heat rapidly rising to her cheeks. “Lee fucking Russell, do not say that shit to me,” Y/N crossed her arms over her chest, feeling sheepish. 
“Don’t pretend like you don’t love it when I talk dirty to you, darlin’.” Lee’s smile grew as he took in her red appearance. 
“So..uh..I’m confused, are you two like..dating..or..?” Neal questioned, watching the pair with an expressionless face. 
“NO!” Y/N said much too quickly before steadying herself, “No, we’re just friends. Lee just doesn’t know how to shut the fuck up.” She grumbled. 
Lee placed an offended hand on his chest. “That no was a little too quick for my liking. What? Am I not good enough for you little miss honors English teacher? Huh? Not good enough for the little straight A, fuckin’ teacher of the goddamn year?!” Lee scoffed, his brows narrowed slightly. He looked genuinely hurt by her rushed response. 
“You’re fucking married, Lee!” Y/N yelled at him, eyes wide, “Why the fuck would I ever agree to someone asking if we’re dating, idiot?!” 
“Oh, don’t you start callin’ me fuckin’ names now, missy!” Lee pointed an accusing finger at her, scrunching his face up the way he does when he’s upset about something. 
“Right. Okay um, it seems like you two have a lot to work out and I really don’t care to hear the rest of this conversation because you’re both fucking stupid and I don’t care about either of you.” Neal ranted awkwardly before walking towards Belinda’s steps.
Y/N and Lee rolled their eyes at each other, following after Neal. 
“Oh..there’s no fucking way we’re breaking in here!” Y/N scolded, giving Lee a disapproving look. 
Lee shrugged, shooing Neal towards the door. 
Neal popped off his tie, wrapped it around his hand, and busted open one of the windows on the back door before sticking his hand through to pop the lock. 
“Jesus Christ,” Y/N muttered, shaking her head. She pinched the bridge of her nose with a sigh, “what are y’all getting me into?” 
“Oh shush.” Lee scolded, waltzing into Belinda’s house behind Neal. 
Y/N followed close behind. “Lee, we should not be doing this. You’re smarter than this.” 
Lee stopped and turned around to give her a cold gaze. “Am I, Y/N? Hm?” He challenged, walking towards her dangerously slow, “You don’t really know me all that well, do you?” He smirked, standing so close to her she could feel his breath fanning her face. 
Y/N gulped, trembling slightly as she peered up at him. “Stop it,” She said quietly, looking away from him, “You always fucking tease me and it’s not fucking fair, Lee, jesus.” She snapped, immediately turning and walking back out the door. 
Lee chased after her, grabbing her by her elbow. “Hey now. What's the matter with you?! Where the fuck are you going?” 
“Back to my fucking job, Lee. I am not doing this. Belinda hasn’t done shit to me. Look…I love you, Lee, I really do. You’re my best friend but this job is my fucking life. But you wouldn’t get that, would you? Because you’ve got fucking everything. You’re married, you’ve got a beautiful home, a nice car.” Y/N took a deep breath, trying to compose herself. She was overwhelmed with her feelings. His teasing usually never bothered her but today...today was different for some reason. She just couldn't go through with this any longer. “I understand why you’re doing this..and I want to help you, Lee, believe me, I do. But I can’t lose this job.” Y/N finally looked up at him, almost taken aback by the sincere look on his face. 
“Go,” He said, softly, “I’ll meet you back at the school..okay? For lunch. Like always.” Lee held out his pinky. It was their tradition to link pinkies when making plans as a promise to not let each other down. 
Y/N nodded, curling her smaller pinky around his larger one. “Like always.” She pulled her hand away, starting her journey back to the school on foot. It wasn’t far, she wouldn’t have any trouble getting there but leaving Lee behind like that when he had been counting on her to help him really broke her heart. But she couldn’t lose this job. It was all she had that kept her connected to Lee and she’d be the first to go if anyone found out about this scheme. She couldn’t risk it - couldn’t risk her livelihood and her job. Lee was everything to her. Everything. Lee was and always will be her livelihood. 
Back at Belinda’s, Lee walked back into the house with a determined look on his face, now upset that his one and only friend bailed on him. 
“You’re a fucking idiot, you know that?” Neal said while scanning the wall of Belinda’s photos.
“What the fuck did you just say to me, Gamby?” Lee said pissily, narrowing his brows at him. 
“That girl loves you..and you’re just blind to it..I’m not good with women but you shouldn’t use her the way you do.” Neal shrugged. 
“Shut the fuck up, you ass face, you have no fucking idea what you’re even talkin’ about.” Lee scoffed, stomping off up the stairs of Belinda’s house. 
That couldn’t be right, could it? Could you really love him in that way? 
‘No,’ Lee thought, shaking his head, ‘There’s no way…right?’ 
tag list: @one-of-thewalkingdead @itsyellow @ajeff855 @vulgarfuckinvirgo77 @casiaregina @dried-mushroom @justme12200 @wtfwhyanyway @sequoiassoul @saturnbourne @ryankaylamartin96 @avidreadee123 @theweirdoneee @saltysultry @radskull-69 @deviantgamergirl @caligrl1992 @littlenosoul @sir-henry-may @spatialwave @danveration
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corrupted-nightshade · 2 months
List of things that point towards Gojo Satoru & Geto Suguru being kissers of boys with connections to eachother
(If they did kiss though is another story)
Note: the list will be divided into different sections with space in between. So don't go speed scrolling through if you don't want spoilers. :"3
Some of these are less serious, but are still included because all the more content for these two sillies.
--- Last updated: April 26th, 2024 Note: Make sure to check the original post if viewing a reblog version in case Tumblr does not update things under the "read more" like it used to be able to.
572. This number is used frequently as a ship number for the two as "GoGe" the ship name can also be produced as "GoNatsu". Go means 5 and the rest sound similar to 72. These numbers ironically show up accross the series a few times and also in official merch. (Some examples being a clock in season 2 episode 1 stopped at 5 hours 7 minutes 20 seconds or a Gojo teddy bear priced at ¥57,200)
JJK official fanbook
"Q: Please tell us his first impression when he first met Geto. A: Bangs."
"Q: He seems to be aware that he is handsome, but doesn't he want a lover? A: I can't imagine Gojo being faithful to a particular woman."
"Q: Is there anything you are particular about Geto's character design? A: Bangs"
One of Gojo's songs & one of Geto's songs given to them. "Shame on you" by "Avicii" (a break up song) for Gojo and "Come back Home" by "Two door cinema club" for Geto. Stated in volume 3 chapter 24.
The sheer amount of times Geto shows up in MMVs for Gojo and how they display the impact Geto had on Gojo (For example, the latest MMV for volume 26's release)
Their birthday's solar terms tying in with parts. (Geto being "Risshun" beginning of spring & Gojo being "Taisetsu" heavy snow.)
Rings for them that were released on August 8th, which is "Pairing day" in Japan
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Jujutsu Kaisen 0
Geto's kesa is specifically a Gojo kesa
Gojo stating in 0 that
"I've always believed... ...Love manifests the most distorted curses." / "This is my personal theory, but there's no curse more twisted than love."
Even after 10 years, Gojo recognized Geto's smell. (The mall scene after Yuta & Toge fought the curse)
Geto renaming someone to "Sato" because
"That's what I've decided, so Sato is better."
This sunset scene
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Gojo's veil is black & Geto's veil is white. Gojo's veil causes darkness, Geto's does not. [Peep who reminded me]
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The song "This is pure love" not only plays over Yuta & Rika vs Geto, but also plays over Geto & Gojo's conversation
The way that Geto looks at Gojo & says his name, and how Gojo looks at Geto & says his name
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Geto's blushing face at Gojo that we were robbed of in the anime
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Some of the lines from the JJK 0 light novel lines
"Yet Gojo's bandage-covered eyes kept watching, kept following the shape of Geto's soul."
"But to Gojo Satoru, he was —— '————, ————' '...ha.' When he heard the words Gojo blurted out, Geto couldn't help but laugh. Such embarrassing [...] words. Even why they were students, those words had never been said before. 'You should've at least cursed me a little before the end.' December 24, 2017. The curse called Geto had been well and truly exorcised."
Season 1
JJK Juju stroll
"Q: What kind of person is your type?" Gojo: "[...]The one who seemed nice. With the notable bangs."
yes, i know who he stated but the way he answered was so half arsed as he struggled to come up with an answer as an example of his type. 💀
Season 2
Again, the way they look at each other and say each other's names (There's another picture with Gojo looking at Geto, but I'm missing it right now)
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They literally even have a themed honeymoon place???
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Geto makes sure Gojo has his favorite soda. :3
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Part 1 / volume 8 - 9
The intro for season 2 part 1
"Even after I got to know the smell of you, different from mine"
"In such a color as if it were a silent love"
"I've got a curse word for you stuck in the back of my throat"
The outro for season 2 part 1:
"Even trivial conversations are fine Show me your blushing face once more"
"It only exists here I want to touch you"
The fish in the outro
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The flowers in the intro & outro. [Peep who reminded me]
The purple ones (Located on table in the part where older Gojo is sitting in a chair by a window) are possibly Primula/Primrose flowers. They can represent young love, beauty, desire, desperate, and can be a symbol of spring and renewal/new beginnings. etc.
The yellow ones (Located in the part where Gojo & Geto are sitting together with their hands & cans of soda surrounded by the flowers) are possibly osmanthus flowers. They can represent love, passion, happiness, beauty, etc.
[See here , here, here , here , here , here ]
Geto not answering Tsukumo Yuki's question of what kind of woman is his type more than once
When Geto is asked by Haibara if he would like a sweet or savory souvenir, Geto says
"Satoru will probably have some too, so maybe something sweet."
Part 2 / volume 11
This whole image (Geto in the glasses on the left, and Kenjaku's silhouette on Gojo's face on the right)
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Season 2 part 2's "Specialz" intro hidden meaning
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Despite the following about Geto's state, Geto's body still instinctively reacted to stop Kenjaku from hurting Gojo.
"Q: Fake Geto's arm was moving during the Shibuya Incident, but how much of Geto's consciousness remains in the body? A: Not much. He was moving like how a dragonfly whose neck was torn off can move."
Fun fact: Some owls pair/bond for life (Whether the owl is supposed to be Geto's because Kenjaku is using Geto at the time or it's not Geto's animal because that is Kenjaku is up to you)
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Volume 26
The Camilla flowers with snow. Not only do they represent Gojo well with their meaning, including one meaning being unchanging/strong love alongside modest love / beauty for pink, but flowers are given to different dates. The birth flower of February is this flower, said to bloom on the 3rd of this month. Aka Geto's birthday.
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Chapter 236
Gojo actively chose to fight on December 24th (a day considered romantic for Japan) which is now the day both Geto and him have died on. Even Kenjaku acknowledges the days significance with
"Ha ha! How romantic. Isn't it gross to make plans with each other on Christmas eve?"
These lines
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Both Gojo & Geto's volumes' numbers can have bad meanings in Japan. 4 can mean death & 9 can mean to suffer/agony. (I put this under volume 26's section because of the spoiler)
There's likely more, but this is what we could think of right now. XD If you have anything you want to add on, feel free to send it my way because the more help the better & easier this is. (^w^ ) Same for any corrections to the list (as it's just me writing up this post and I may make slip ups)
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ilovereadingandstuff · 4 months
Okay, so I was doing some chores here at my house and, out of nowhere (something completely normal forr me as a fan of bnha), chapter 413 popped in my head, especifically pages 13-14, and I started rambling my ideas...until I realized something.
Izuku is going to lose OFA.
Ok, not that, which is literal text, but this:
Izuku is going to lose OFA, and while arguing with Kudou and the others vestiges, he was crying his eyes out because what mattered the most to Izuku about losing OFA, among ALL the consequences and intricate meanings which 'becoming quirkless again' could represent...It was the fact that OFA was a gift from All Might that made Izuku's heart ache in agony at that moment.
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ch. 413 Here I want to note that the spanish official translation says exactly the same, so there's no contradictions.
It was not that he was going back to his past self, not that he most-likely would have to face that discrimination he went through all his childhood all over again. Not that losing his quirk could mean that he would have to stop being a hero. Not that he was gong back on being useless/worthless again...ANY OF THAT! BUT because he is 'losing the gift, meant for him, from his daddy might'...THAT'S what was causing his tears...
And from this, I see two things:
And, I'm sorry, but being quirkless is not goddamn easy!
It has been explained several times in the development of the plot that bnha's society is based on superhumans: people with quirks.
Being just a regular person without a quirk is a really complicated thing to deal with, and having that particularity means facing problems both on a social and psychological level.
In Aoyama's case, for example, his parents were so devastated over the fact that their son was quirkless, and therefore, he was feeling excluded and different from others, that they reached a point of despair that they made a deal with AFO and, well, you know the rest.
Another one that comes to mind is Ragdoll. Her inclusion here in the list could be debated, but what I want to distinguish about her character is that, after losing her quirk completely by AFO's doing, she had to face a huge set back in order to re-organize her new life now without a quirk. She didn't appeared in the story for many chapter until it was explained that she was still working as a hero but in the backstage, to say in a way.
And finally, Izuku is one of the clearer examples of all this (and that's why he's the protagonist).
He had to deal with bullying, rejection and exclusion (from their classmates when he was in elementary/middle school to the entire society against him). His OWN mother had her own troubles to support him over a dream that was impossible to achieve because, once more, confront villian with a broad range of hazardous quirks against a single person was basically suicidal...
On note of all this, I have to mention this scene (which I say now: I'll bring this up over and over again, a thousand times if needed). I've mention this specific situation in one of my posts before, but now I'll explain it more in depth:
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ch. 72, pages 19-20
This scene has always been stuck in my head since the first time I read it because...here it explicitly shows Izuku's demeaning perspective over 'being quirkless'.
Here he's saying that "it's a defect", an imperfection, something he lacks on (because society has made it a necessity or requirement).
And even in spanish, even though it doesn't translates as 'defect', it highlights the idea of 'he didn't get what he should have received' (in this case, that his parents 'couldn't provide him of that')
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In both languages it is mention the phrase where he explains that ' ' 'his friend' ' ' always kept believing EVEN when the universe was proving him wrong again and again.
My point here is: Izuku has a negative view of being quirkless (just as any other person in-universe would have) and with that, the possibilities of him having a list of low self-esteem issues, lack of confidence and self-value even as a human being are REALLY high...
but then, the fact that Izuku, after having been thrown around for the most dangerous villian of all, shirtless and crying with a bunch of ghosts inside his head...when they're telling him of getting rid of what he should have had always what makes him human...he doesn't think of him. of the problems he would have to face. of the pain he would go through again...
Instead, he thinks of 'the gift from All Might', almost as if the quirk were a toy All Might gave him and that he shouldn't lose it because All Might would feel angry or sorry for him...
MAYBE, maybe I'm going around the bush and making no sense... but FUCK IT! I WANT ANSWERS, HORI!!
Why is he refusing himself again?? Avoiding HIS feelings but worrying about others'? Or rather, worrying about THE THING instead the consequences it causes the lost of it??!
Ok. Now that I've calmed myself down and said what i was meaning to say...after having been screaming internally against Izuku and all his shit...the second point I wanted to talk about was that...
With everything that has happened, a GREAT opportunity would be presenting itself to develop the dad-son bond Toshinori and Izuku have been building since the beggining.
Let me explain:
When All Might first came to town and met Izuku, their bond began to form because they were interating with one another because of OFA. The 'you're my successor' was the excuse and only connection they had to be together. And for that same reason is how their relationship exists in the first place.
So...if Izuku loses OFA. If that excuse stops to exists...the only reason for them to continue being together would be the love they have develop for one another as father-son.
If Toshinori could spell out loud to Izuku that he cares for him beyond that 'you're my successor' or 'the one I gave it my quirk'...if they could transcend that lame excuse and finally spoke to each other as human beings...
GOD, maybe I'm projecting myself here because I LOVE their relationship and i would gladly like to see Toshi legally adopting Izuku or them calling each other 'my son' and 'my dad'...but, yeah...
Those are my ideas about the new chapter.
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thegodmother007 · 23 days
My New Neighbor Chapter 3: A Bad Day...A VERY Bad Day
TRIGGER WARNING: This story will eventually contain violence, angst, threat of death, swearing, dark humor, adult themes like sex & drugs, racism, classism, sexism etc. Do not say you have not been warned
Chapter 3: A Bad Day…A VERY Bad Day
It was a Saturday morning, one of the rare few I wasn’t passed out drunk for, from the night prior. Fridays are always one of the best days for tips. People get paid on Fridays, have money to burn & I am happy to be what they use to flaunt their paycheck. It is not uncommon for me to have a couple shots throughout my shift to get patrons to spend a bit more & to see a few more dollars in the tip jar. Between hosting games like Bar Dice, flirting with the ladies seated at my bar, taking drink orders, cashing people out and handling the 1-2 Karens I see a night, I could easily pound 4-5 drinks back before my shift is ½ over. Last night though, I was spared the hussle of running up & down my bar to serve people. There was a concert in town which I assumed was most people’s Friday night plans, so not much foot traffic was seen in Cruster’s last night. 
Waking up, I could feel my liver thanking me for the break it probably needed & I laughed at the idea. I made a mental note to focus on drinking only water today as I stretched out my tired limbs. While standing out of bed, I could hear shuffling, pounding, and enormous footsteps on the other side of the wall of my apartment. I could feel the rush of adrenaline hit me as I suspected that I might have a new neighbor moving in. I rushed out of my room, wearing only my boxers, pressing my ear against the door that led into the giant apartment I was attached to. Listening in, it was clear that someone was moving into that unit. I could hear boxes of dishes being set onto tables, instructions on where to place items & wheels of dollies squeaking past my door as they carried furniture whose enormity I couldn’t even fathom. I stood there, unsure of what I needed to do, or should do. Parameters of the Integration Housing Program, dictate that Unit Partners must meet each other within 72 hours of a move in. Seeing as I have had no Unit Partner until now, I have not made efforts in meeting anyone. Hell, the only reason I spoke to Brax was because his bratty kid almost damaged my car. Besides that, I have kept to myself since moving here. Now I was expected to introduce myself? I did not anticipate this happening so soon, it has only been a couple of weeks. I ran my fingers through my morning bed head as I contemplated what I should do. I went to my kitchen’s junk drawer & fished out the contract I signed to re-read the policies surrounding the Integration Housing Program, hoping I remembered this rule, wrong. “The resident who is moved into his/her apartment first is tasked with introducing themselves, within 72-hours, to the resident who moves into the adjacent unit afterwards.” Fuck. I was required to make the first move, otherwise I risk a fee being tacked onto my monthly rent. I stuffed the paperwork away and paced my kitchen, thinking about what things I might have in common with the guy moving in. 
“I like cars, music, sports, the outdoors…what guy doesn’t like at least one of those things?” I thought to myself. I recalled my conversation with Brax & how I unintentionally made myself look meek & pathetic while talking to him. Thankfully, Brax did not mention my demeanor, but I am sure he noticed. Who wouldn’t be shaken up after almost being grabbed by a giant child? But I promised myself not to act like that again & be prepared for what possible situations I might find myself in, with the new tennent. I would not be caught off guard again if I could help it. After thinking it through a few times, my pacing finally stopped and I was able to focus on the most important thing on my mind this morning: Pancakes. I needed pancakes & bacon to start off this rare Saturday morning & I refused to allow the new Unit Partner to get in the way of being awake & having breakfast before noon. 
I took this Saturday to just relax & unwind, especially since tonight was kind of a big night for me. This Cruster’s location I was working at, finally agreed to let me play in the corner of the bar area tonight as live entertainment. I made sure I packed the lists of songs I planned on playing, I tuned my guitar & replaced a few strings just to make sure nothing goes wrong. Before I knew it, it was 7:00pm and I was in my car, on my way to my first show in Epherton. All I could hope for were generous tips and positive feedback from the location’s owner, who might let me play again in the future. As I pulled up to this Dale & Cruster’s, I eyed the integrated parking lot where Humans were at the top of these huge standing tables, much like you’d see in a cocktail lounge, where the giants placed their drinks. I was happy for them that they were comfortable enough to venture into the integrated part of the restaurant chain, but as for me, I was not. Thankfully, I worked in the Humans-only section of the restaurant, something I was not keen on changing if asked. Luckily, my manager at the last Dale & Cruster’s I worked at let this management team know that I was not cut out for integrated service, but thrived in human service where I could get closer to patrons, making the bar more money. No questions were asked after that, to my relief and no one has approached me about it. Before I entered the bar area, I noticed there were some jumbotron TV’s in the giant-area, broadcasting the spot I was supposed to play in the bar. All that was on screen though, was an empty barstool and a spotlight shining on it. I did not realize the owner of this franchise was that excited about me playing, but quickly reminded myself he was probably more excited for the money. The longer people stay to watch my performance, the more money they spend on food & drinks. Didn’t matter to me though, I was happy to play regardless of the excuse to keep having me back. 
After taking some time to set up my guitar & microphone, I introduced myself to the few customers who were watching, the rest focused on their drinks. I smiled and waved to the camera that was live broadcasting my performance to the TV’s in the giant-area. I started with my own rendition of ‘Tennessee Whiskey’, being sure to make Chris Stapleton proud with my riffing. This caught the attention of some more diners as I moved onto ‘Sweet Child O’Mine’ by Guns N’ Roses & ‘All Along the WatchTower’ by Jimi Hendrix. By the time I wrapped up my 5th or 6th song, I had almost all the diners singing along to what I was playing. A few older couples even got up to dance when I played ‘Stand by Me.’ 
Over the course of the 2 hours I played, I made about $50 in tips, which was not too shabby considering that’s about $25 an hour for doing something I loved. I finished up the evening with ‘Piano Man’ by Billy Joel, but switched the lyrics to “Guitar man” instead of “Piano man”, which got a few chuckles here and there. Unfortunately though, two diners of the place did not seem to like my change of lyrics & started booing me. I didn’t acknowledge them at first, opting to just keep going, as my years of being a bartender taught me to ignore the drunk idiots. But my performance was interrupted when an empty fries basket was tossed at the stage, hitting me in my playing hand, bringing the song to an unceremonious end. The basket was made of metal for easy dishwashing, so it hurt a bit. I stood up, grasping my hand that was now in pain, looking at the two drunkards who were causing issues. I looked to the bouncer who I have come to know as Jordan, give me a questioning look and I pointed to the two morons who interrupted my show. “Get these two out of here!” I yelled, as they cursed at me for “Changing an already perfect song.” Jordan, with the help of a few beefier servers, grabbed the two troublemakers and dragged them out. All the while, they cursed at the bouncer & the servers who were escorting them out. I could see the group they were with & the people around them were unhappy with the fact the show ended prematurely, booing the two as they were shamelessly dragged out like unruly toddlers. I sheepishly say into the microphone “Can’t win ‘em all, right?” I joke, hoping to lighten the mood “It was a pleasure playing for you tonight, I hope to be back again soon. You were an awesome crowd, thank you for the opportunity!” I got a few people applauding my performance, but the vibe was definitely killed when those two goons decided to ruin everything. As I packed my equipment up, I spoke to a few stragglers who pushed tips into my guitar case and thanked me for a great show, apologizing on behalf of the two assailants from earlier. It was nice to feel appreciated for the performance and I thanked them for listening. 
After I wrapped up my show, I got a free drink from the Manager who I chopped it up with as the closing staff did their end-of-night tasks like wiping salt & pepper shakers, cleaning tables & sweeping the floor After my drink, I left the bar about 20 min after closing time with my guitar case in-hand & satchel around my shoulder. I was standing by my car looking for the right key fob to open my car when out of nowhere, I felt a strong arm put me in a headlock, prompting me to drop my keys & guitar case. My hands immediately began to claw at the arm in an attempt to free my neck, when in the struggle, I heard a familiar voice address me. “Shouldn’t play publicly if you can’t take a little criticism, lad.” It was the skinner of the two brutes who threw the fries basket at me. I can only assume the taller, stronger one of the two was the one holding me in place. I spat through gritted teeth “It was just a song” I said with not too much breath behind it. The man who held me said back “And we were just having a bit of fun, but you decided to have us kicked out, embarrassing us in front of our crew. That was some pussy ass shit” I choked on the pressure he had on my throat, and I noticed the squeeze he added to the word “embarrassed” as it closed my throat completely for a moment. The skinner one walks around as he addresses me “Rather than having your juiced up guard dog kick us out, you ought to be man enough to do it yourself if you couldn’t take a little bit of teasing.” I had just enough slack on the guy’s arm who held me that I could breathe, but barely, making talking difficult. “Two against one isn’t handling it like a man, don’t you think?” I said as my face grew red and my struggles to breathe were overlooked. “It was 4 against 2 earlier, we’re just playing by the rules. Robbie, take him to the back” the skinny one instructs the stronger one. I start thrashing & kicking, trying to get away from these two. My throat was being pushed on, so yelling for help was not happening for me. In my fight to break free, I did not feel the earth shaking steps that approached us three, taking the skinny one by surprise. 
In the midst of struggling for freedom, I heard a scream behind us that faded away, as if the person it was emitting from was whisked away suddenly. Robbie, the man who held me in place with the head lock, looks up towards where his friend just went. “Donnie!” he yelled, letting me go, leaving me to fall to the ground. I gasped for air as I ran my hand around my neck, feeling the compressions left on my neck as blood flowed back into my veins. My vision had started going dark as they dragged me away & the rush of blood to my head, made me dizzy. I sat on the cold concrete ground trying to regain my composure when my attention was quickly caught by the commanding voice I heard overhead. I damn near shit myself hearing the voice ring out, reverberating throughout my body. “And what exactly are you two doing?” asked the 80 ft giantess whose boots stood planted firmly on both sides of us. Robbie backed up, to make eye contact with the giant woman who now held his friend’s shirt in her fist, as he dangled from the loose fabric. “None of your fucking business, giant!” Robbie boldly yelled. I slowly craned my sore neck up to see the giantess standing there, dangling Donnie from his shirt. A lump quickly formed in my throat that I tried to swallow, unsure of the giantess’ intentions. The giantess slowly crouched down, her knees hitting the pavement with a force that could have crushed any one of us had we been unlucky enough to be in the spot her knee landed. 
Without saying anything, a hand as large as my car, reaches down toward Robbie and flicks him in the chest, sending him flying about 6ft. I watched him hit the ground with a breathless thud, all the wind having been knocked out of him. I looked back up at the giantess who watches Robbie with a scowl as he struggles to catch a full breath from the impact. “I would watch your fucking mouth because next time I might not be so gentle.” The sound of Robbie trying to regain his breath was a sound that was difficult to listen to, no matter the circumstances. All I could think about was the pain of being hit in the chest by a giant & imagining myself in his shoes. Robbie finally catches a breath after a few moments & gasps for as much air as his lungs will allow. All Robbie does, as he holds himself on all fours, is look up at the giantess who is still dangling Donnie from the shirt fabric. For the entire exchange Donnie has been kicking the air, which isn’t helping him in the slightest. If I didn't know any better, the giantess was enjoying this suffering. “Put me down! We weren’t doing anything!” Donnie cries. I watched the giantess chuckle, like she was told a bad joke. I felt ice crawling up my neck while my body broke out into goosebumps. “Didn’t look like that to me. Looked like you were about to rob this guy for everything he is worth in that alley over there.” She did not need to point to where she was talking about for the two assailants to know what she was referring to. Silence filled everyone’s ears, which was all the confirmation this giantess needed. She lowers Donnie, dropping him the last 4-5ft, watching him crumple on himself once he hits the ground. “Get the fuck out of here” the woman overhead commands in a hostile tone, a tone I am glad I was not on the receiving end of. Donnie and Robbie pick themselves up from the concrete parking lot, stammering in their attempt at running the opposite direction the giantess came from. I watched the only two other Humans leave the property, which made my heart stop as I realized I was now alone with this giantess.
I sat on the ground, now facing this giantess who almost killed two guys in front of me. I started backing up to increase the space between us, not quite able to bring myself to stand as she loomed over me in a kneeling position. I wasn't sure what she wanted, why she approached us in the first place, or why she helped, but for my own safety I can't assume anything positive. I watched her watch the men leave and once they had, she could hear my shuffling to get away and her attention snapped towards me. Watching her eyes pierce through me, like a flaying knife was bad enough, but knowing this gaze comes from a giant made it all the more panic-inducing. It was clear to her right away that I was freaked out, so she offered a small smile. “No no, don't worry, you’re not next, or anything .” She said with upturned palms, trying to calm my obvious panic. “I saw those two guys come up behind you & ambush you. I recognized you from the live entertainment from tonight and figured you’d like some help. Were those the two guys who were taken out of the restaurant?” 
I could hardly hear her address me, let alone comprehend what question she just asked me. Ringing. All I could hear was ringing in my ears, like I was in shock. I just continued to stare at her, ready for when my legs decide they will work for me. She had long brownish reddish hair, easily spilling past her mid-back. Her eyes were a dark brown, almond shape, almost like a cat. Her cheekbones were pronounced and skin a light olive, her build was athletic. She was no petite giantess that was for sure. She was sturdy with thick arms and forearms. She adorned a choker necklace with a black shirt that had an unfamiliar band on it. She had multiple piercings in both ears & a wrist wrapped in a leather cuff. Her boots were combat-like, the kind you’d see at a grunge concert & jeans a light blue skinny. “Hey, you okay?” She asked as her hand descended upon me, which snapped me out of my train of thought. I scrambled to my feet, putting my hands up to stop her “Yes! Yes! I am okay!” I say trying to sound like I wasn't shaken to my core. Slowly, her hand retracts and I can feel my legs wobbling. She stares at me, unsure of the Human who she just saved or what to do next. “Um..” I say looking around for my things, picking up my satchel and guitar case that fell off my person during the fight. “S-sorry. I’ll just get out of your way, here…” I say as I pull my satchel over my head to hang off my shoulders. I grab my guitar case by the handle and turn on my heel to get as much distance between her & I as possible. I did not want anything to do with the giantess who looked too eager handling a couple human men so roughly & I was not trying to be the third. 
“Hold on for a second!” She calls out to me. I was not sure if I should stop, or keep going to my car. I did not have my keys in my hand, I spot them on the ground by my driver's side door about 30 ft away. I stop, stiff as a board and slowly turn to see her leaning in. I was immediately feeling like my personal space was being encroached on & felt the urge to run, but neglected the instinct. “What!?” I asked frustrated, feeling overwhelmed by everything in that one moment. I could feel my whole night crashing in on me at once. The shame of being booed at, the embarrassment of having a basket tossed at you, the fear of almost being mugged & then shock of being saved by some vigilante giantess who thought she was helping when really, she was fraying my nerves even more than anything else tonight. I watched her face fall into shock & offense as I snapped at her like that. I’ll be honest, I was surprised at my own behavior & audacity as well, when I let that word fall out of my mouth. I watch her angry eyes narrowing on my puny form in front of her; One I am reminded could be crushed at any moment given the slightest form of will. I swallowed the lump in my throat as she said “Nevermind. Fuck me for helping you, I guess.” 
I did not want to deal with this. Another giant who had the typical savior complex looking for a heartfelt thank you from the underling who cowers at her feet, thankful at the chance to be saved. I had enough of today already & felt my temper boiling over “Thanks for stepping but I did not ask for help. I had the situation under control.” I say dusting my clothes off, desperate for something to do with my hands. I watch her cross her arms, detailing the definition she has in them. “Yea, it really looked like you had things under control there. I could tell by the way the bigger guy kept you in a chokehold.” She raised a snarky eyebrow at her dismantling of my statement. “Someone would have stepped in, you didn't need to involve yourself.” I snapped back in my defense. She cocked her head, confused “Someone did step in. I stepped in. Do you mean a Human would have probably stepped in, instead?” I was trying to quickly think of something else to say when I was cut off “That’s what I thought. Look, no one else was around, I saw an issue & helped. Would a ‘thank you’ kill you?” That was my que to leave, but not before giving her a piece of my mind “Well thank you very much Miss Savior Complex, I am honored to have been graced by your presence & assistance.” I said with an exaggerated bow, like I was some performing monkey. I watched her face fall into one not of anger, but disappointment. Disappointed that she didn't get her ego fed, no doubt. I turned and walked away, eager to go the fuck to sleep & forget today. As I opened my car door, I could feel & hear her standing once again, looking over at me shaking her head “Fuck you, dude.” She said with balled fists, as she turned and walked away with heavy footsteps. 
I just watched her walk away until she was out of sight before I sat in my car, locked my door & drove home in silence.
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Sammy's Little Problem, Chapter 11
Read Chapter Ten here.
The Little Registration Agent smiled as she saw Alyssa and Sammy return. “How can I help you today?”
Alyssa and Sammy sat in the chairs in front of her. “I’d like to register as her Caregiver. She was just classified as a Level Two Little.”
“No problem,” the agent responds, “can I see both of your IDs? Thank you.”
The agent starts typing in the information into the computer. “Okay, yes, I have her file here. Samantha is listed as an L2. And you said you’d like to register as her Caregiver, not Guardian, correct.
“Yes, Caregiver,” Alyssa responds.
“No problem,” the agent responds, “you have read and understand all the obligations and responsibilities that registering as a Caregiver entails, have you not?”
“Yes, I have,” Alyssa responds.
“Okay,” the agent says as the printer whirls to life, “I’ll need both of you to sign here…great. And I will notarize it now. Done. Okay, as soon as I scan that in the system, you will officially be registered as Samantha’s Caregiver.”
Tears well in Alyssa’s eyes as the notarized paper is scanned. She looks over at Sammy. Sammy timidly smiles back, grabbing Alyssa’s hand as she notices Alyssa’s tears.
“Thank you, Allie. I love you so much. I don’t know where I’d be without you.”
“I love you, too, Sammy. Always.”
“Great, now that that is finished, you are officially a Caregiver, Alyssa! Now, just a few more things and you’ll both be done. First, we need new pictures of you both for your updated ID cards.”
With the pictures taken, the agent leaves to collect the new cards. When he comes back, she hands one to Alyssa.
“Your ID is essentially identical to your last, Alyssa. Same basic driver’s license, but with your Caregiver status listed there along with Samantha’s information.”
The agent hands the second one to Alyssa. “Here is Samantha’s Little Identification Card. It is important you carry it with you. Or whoever is caring for Samantha. Obviously, Samantha’s previous driver’s license has been rescinded. This new ID reflects her Level Two Little status, your information as Caregiver, and can be used as a bank card to cover any expenses if necessary. You may connect it to your bank later.”
Sammy looks at the card, more tears welling in her eyes. She didn’t even think about driving. But now it’s just another privilege she lost. She tries her best to not cry again.
“And finally,” the agent says, “here is your government stipend card for all new littles. The government covers most of the initial expenses for new Littles. It should cover the cost of one month of diapers, a new bed or crib, a changing table, the government mandated Little’s car seat and installation, as well as a head start on a new wardrobe and any accessories.”
“Thank you, understood,” Alyssa says.
“Now, you have 72 hours to schedule your car seat installation. If you fail to do so, you will receive a daily fine. And if your Little is not riding in it after that time, you will receive a hefty fine and ticket. You can arrange installation at Littles’R’Us, the government’s preferred Little’s retailer.”
“Understood,” Allie says.
“Now, unless you have any other questions, you are all set!”
“Nope, none from us. Thank you for your assistance!”
As they walk out of the Littles Registration Office, Alyssa stops and gives Sammy a massive hug and a kiss on the forehead. “I know that was all so much to handle all at once, Sammy. I’m so proud of you! You were so mature about all of it.”
Sammy just sighs. The whiplash for the last hour and a half clearly overwhelming her.
“How about this, Sammy. We don’t need to worry about any of this for the rest of the day. We can handle everything later. How about we go back home, you take a nap and forget about everything. I’ll call my parents and Lindsay and we can have a movie night. We can go shopping for you later if you want. How does that sound?”
“W-will I have to wear my diapers there, Allie?” Sammy whines.
“Let’s see how you do for the rest of your day. But if you do, I promise I won’t tell my parents or Lindsay you’re in diapers. It will be our little secret.”
“Okay, Allie. A movie does sound fun!”
Twenty minutes later, Sammy is fast asleep. Alyssa calls her parents.
“Hey Mom, it’s official, I’m a Caregiver!” Alyssa rejoiced.
“Oh my gosh, honey, I’m so proud of you! I’ve always known you’d make the best Caregiver when the time came! Sammy doesn’t know how lucky she is!”
“I’m the lucky one, Mom! But listen, today has already been extremely difficult on Sammy. I think I made a mistake by bringing her to the Littles Registration office so soon. Sammy got one look at all the Littles and had a very messy accident right in the waiting area.”
“Oh, the poor thing. How did she handle it?”
“Not very well, not that I blame her. I never wanted her first time in diapers to happen so publicly. But I think it’s safe to say she’ll be in diapers full time from now on.”
“I’m so sorry sweetie, I know you’d hoped for a bit longer before that happened. But it was inevitable.”
“I know, but it’s here now. And listen, to calm her down after, I told her I’d see if we can do a movie night as a family—and that I wouldn’t tell any of you about her diapers. So can you let Dad and Linds know so they can pretend Sammy’s not in diapers, at least for tonight?”
“That’s very sweet of you, Alyssa. I’ll let them know. What kinds of movies should I pick out? Do you only want movies appropriate for Littles tonight?”
“I think she deserves one last night of normalcy, Mom. We can worry about Little stuff in a day or two.”
“Sounds good, she is your Little after all! I’m still so proud! I’ll see you both tonight!”
Go to Chapter Twelve.
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Anime only watchers and people who aren't caught up with the Manga, BEWARE... Cuz I'm about to discuss Spy X Family Mission 72... You have been warned...! 👌
Okay, okay... When we last left off, the police had arrived to help Anya and the other students trapped on the bus...!! And that's exactly where we pick up at:
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Not wasting any time, Billy Squire grabs Damian and makes his demands to the police...
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And when I read that he wanted all of his imprisoned members freed, I had a feeling that those guys were already dead (because of Yor, all the way back in Extra Mission 2, AKA The Date Chapter that the anime has still yet to adapt...!! 😩)
And few pages later, it was pretty much confirmed...!! (Though, we still don't know how they died... But, my money is still on Yor...!! 😤)
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After that, my boy Bill continues to be a MVP in this situation by trying to calm everyone down, and even WISE is doing their part to help the kids...!! 😆
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But then, I saw THIS:
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They tied this man to a wall, I JUST CAN'T-- 🤣
And though I wanted to see Yuri go save Anya and other kids, I'm just glad that he still gets to help by finding the other bus!! 😎
And speaking of people coming to help, not only is Mr. Blackbell and Martha there, but Mr. Henderson as well (which I was generally surprised and happy to see...!! 😁)
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I bet when everyone was theorizing about this arc (including me), no one expected Mr. Henderson get involved at all or get involved like he did...!! 👌😌
Also, l loved the callbacks to Mission 5 (as seen in the image below) and Mission 23, when Anya said: "I've had better, and I've had worse." 😄 I always love when little things like these get brought up again...!! 😁
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On a more serious note, we learn that Billy Squire had a daughter and she was killed by the state while advocating for peace and equality...
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This bit of information got me to understand Billy Squire a little more, but I'll still never understand why some resort to violence or hurting others when they themselves were hurt by violence... This cycle of violence will never end unless we choose to stop it...!
Sorry about getting serious there for a moment, but I truly believe that the world would be a better place if more people choose compassion and understanding over violence and hate... That's all I gotta say about that...
And finally, see that Yuri has found the second bus...!! 😲
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And that was Mission 72, it was fantastic!! 😁 So many things happened in this chapter, I can't believe it...! And once again, Endo has impressed me with his writing in this story...!
I am super excited for the next chapter of Spy X Family, but there's one problem... It'll be coming out December 25, which is Christmas, MY FAVORITE HOLIDAY...!!! And though a new chapter on Christmas would be great, I'm kinda hoping that it doesn't happen...! 😅
Anyway, my review of this chapter probably would've came out earlier today if I didn't decide to do both of reviews at same time today... Because I chose chaos...!! 👌😌 I guess with that, I'll be seeing you all in the next Mission...!! 😄 Take care and be safe out there everyone...!! 💗😊💗
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melishade · 26 days
Attack on Prime Chapter 90: The Big Twist
Spoilers ahead if you haven't read the chapter. I recommend that you do if you haven't.
let’s talk about Primus. Eh?
So looking back on the Transformers franchise as a whole, Primus himself isn't really capitalized on. In a few of the shows, he’s only name-dropped or doesn’t even exist like TFA. In shows like TFP and the book the Covenant of Primus, he is alluded to and even given a brief backstory of his and Unicron’s origins before shifting gears to the Primes and their dynamics, but never makes an on screen appearance. He’s shown as the core and that’s it. We don’t know what he looks like in the Aligned Continuity. I think there is a toy out for him, but it was never said to be official. The only Transformers content that really explores on Primus is the IDW comics. Where Primus has aligned himself with three other transformer deities, but one of them got really angry with him for some reason and as punishment, got rid of his god powers, made everyone forget ever knowing him after he so much as left the room. (Look my info on IDW is spotty. I never got the chance to read the comics in full. Although god being a therapist is hilarious).
Besides IDW, there aren’t many interpretations or characterizations of Primus, which is a damn shame, considering we’ve always seen Unicron in almost all Transformers iterations. So it was something that I’ve always wanted to take a crack at: putting my own spin on the creator of the Transformers. I wanted to bring him into Attack on Prime, but before the AOT story was completed, I had no clue how to bring Primus into the story without it sounding so contrived and out of nowhere. I couldn’t have him pop out in the sky, tell everyone to stop fighting, and then have him leave, confusing everyone. It wouldn’t have made sense. In fact, I was all but ready to scrap the idea for AOP…until the Paths chapters dropped in the AOT manga, and I realized:
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And I immediately got to work on how to incorporate Primus into the story while also making it make sense. Which took a while. I’ve worked on multiple rewrites of Primus’ character and his interactions with Eren and Zeke before creating the final draft for the chapter. I started my brainstorming of my characterization of Primus in late 2019 with the document titled RELGN 132 (which was the title of a religion course I took at UCLA, so fairly on the nose). So yeah, I’ve been working on it for 4+ years.
But first let’s talk about the multiple lead up I’ve had up until this point, because again, I’m meticulous with my foreshadowing. Chapter of foreshadowing include:
Chapter 45 Chapter 69 Chapter 70 Chapter 72 Chapter 77 Chapter 81 Chapter 82 Chapter 86
(And a bunch of other additional chapter do have foreshadowing and there is a small inkling of Primus' presence, and I might explain that later, but I want to see if people can piece it together by re-reading the chapter. If not, then I'll probably just say it outright, IDK.)
But, some moments might’ve been noticeable, some not so much. I knew that I didn’t want Primus’ introduction in the Paths to feel out of nowhere. Eren and Zeke are talking and suddenly this guy just pops out of nowhere. I needed him to be alluded to, which is where the 4th notebook and Pieck come in, oh and also Unicron. Well, at least Unicron's powerset.
In the Covenant of Primus, Primus and Unicron are said to come from the same being: The One, who split apart due to its own internal conflict regarding the state of the universe. If Primus and Unicron come from the same being, they must have the same abilities. Or similar abilities at least. One of the abilities should include: using their blood to communicate with others who carry their blood. Dark energon flows through Unicron while energon flows through Primus. Through energon, all Cybertronians are connected and return to the place they spawned from after their death, regardless of how good or bad their intentions were. If this concept can apply to Cybertronian, surely it could apply to titan shifters, who’s powers even defy death itself on some level. Once all the titan shifters, or at least the Founder, had access to energon, Primus had access to them, and would have found a way to enter the Paths, either through his own power or Vector’s help, since the Paths operate outside of space time. (Primus himself will provide a brief explanation in the Paths II. And the In Between OVA that I keep bringing up, is simply AOP from Primus' perspective. God I am so happy I can say that now!)
But because the Paths operate outside of space and time and the fact that the full powers of the Founder hadn't been utilized on the flow of time, Primus lacked the tools he needs to figure out what the hell was going on or even eliminate the power of the titans. He is flung through the memories and lives of each titan shifter; however, some memories are blocked from him and he doesn’t know why. And because of Primus lack of control, he can’t properly interact with the world around him. He can only interact with other titan shifters as a distorted image. A shadow. He can’t give so much information to Kruger and Pieck. He can only provide images, hidden clues because of the barrier between them. And Primus wants to learn about the truth of the AOT world, so he sees through their eyes and listens to their stories. Even when Kruger and Pieck interact with Primus and even touch him, they are met with a warm, gentle, touch of comfort. Something to show that he is other worldly. In addition to that, the allusion to the overlap of voices, how Primus knows about even that happened thousands of years into the past, his glowing blue eyes, how he forces Kruger to feel the pain and suffering of the people he turned into titans, how Primus had called Megatron and Arcee by name before asking Pieck to believe in Optimus, proclaiming he would be the one to end the power of the titans. The longer Primus is on screen as the shadow, the more ‘in your face’ the information becomes. If you haven’t pieced together the shadow is Primus, then at the very least, you know that the shadow is Cybertronian.
Other pieces of information that are not so subtle, is actually the local therapist Rung in the Cybertron OVA. If you know your transformers lore, then you should know that Rung is Primus. That was one of the obvious bits of information that I was incorporating here. Some of the interactions that Rung has includes him not batting an eye when Starscream lashes out at him and catches the energon cube with such ease that he completely forgets to react the way a normal person would. The scene that Rung had alone where he looks at the Jackhammer in a remorse manner, almost as if he knows what’s going to happen but can’t do anything about it. Finally, when Rung places a comforting hand on Arcee, Arcee notes that the hand feels warm and comforting, and she feels a swell of emotions. Ya know, like every other interaction he’s had with humans on screen. Not to mention that Rung recommended that Arcee leave the planet on purpose because of prior knowledge of the AOT world because I’ve hinted at the fact that Primus in the story right now is from a time where the events of AOT haven’t happened yet. Right before he sends Optimus (Of course, this will be explain more cohesively within the In between OVA, which is going to focus on Primus and what’s he’s been doing throughout the AOP story).
More subtle bits of information when foreshadowing Primus’ role in the story is the drawing of Optimus Prime’s holoform, or rather Primus, from the 4th notebook. The drawing is led to believe and cement the fact that the Attack Titan can see into the future. Which is true, Primus’ appearance in the story is a future event, however, I have to make a note that what they are looking at is not Optimus. It’s Primus wearing Optimus’ face. So I had to have someone who would take notice of the way that Primus is wearing Optimus’ face. Erwin had to be the observation because he’s the only human that has been known to notice those subtle details and connections. He of course brought this up with Megatron and Megatron does notice the difference. But the drawing is not Megatron’s concern, assuming that someone trying to interpret someone from memory is going to get a few details wrong. Also, they have other priorities to take care of besides a drawing from the past. Megatron and ultimately Erwin let it go, but I’m letting the audience know, something is clearly up. Adding on top of that, Kruger has never met Optimus, but he had seen the shadow’s face before dying. That should be another indicator that it’s not Optimus. It’s the shadow. It’s Primus.
Finally, the more subtle indication of Primus’ presence in the story is the conversation that Eren and Kenshin had about the existence of gods in general. While Kenshin believes that god exists, Eren does not. He critiques god and believe god to be hypocritical while Kenshin believes that god cares and wants the creation to live freely. It’s supposed to be an engaging conversation while also hinting at the fact that Eren’s definitely going to talk to a deity with his mentality and future visions and get the crap kicked out of him.
I’m certain that I missed something but what I’ve wanted to say but the foreshadowing of Primus is there, and I wanted it to be clear. However, Primus’ characterization is something I wanted to discuss for a long time too. Again, we don’t know much about Primus’ character besides Rung, and I didn’t want him to be a stoic deity. That’s boring. I wanted to have some fun. I wanted Primus to be the complete opposite of Unicron. While Unicron is haughty and prideful, Primus is kind and humble. While Unicron loathes the idea of existence and wants death and destruction, Primus believes in life and creation. Unicron believes that everything is beneath him while Primus sees the value of even the smallest living thing. Unicron believes in working alone, and that he is the most powerful being. No one else should have his power. Primus believes in cooperation, unity, and sharing his power. Unicron wants to destroy the universe, Primus wants to be a part of it.
With that in mind, I was able to write a characterization of Primus: a gentle, kind being that cares deeply for the lives of others that may or may not even be his own. Someone who gets excited at the prospect of learning new things about new beings, someone who mourns the loss of life, and someone who gets angry at the prospect of someone wanting to take that life away. Someone who genuinely tries to understand the individual and their experiences in order to truly understand the meaning of life.
However, there is a fatal flaw to Primus. People I've talked with in the transformers fandom, myself included, have criticized Primus for his own inaction during the war. He gave the Matrix to Optimus, sure, but he did nothing to stop the War in its tracks or even stop the caste system from taking place. Why didn’t he help out Megatron and his people? Why didn’t he stop Megatron when he had gone insane? Why did he make Optimus shoulder all his responsibilities twice? Why does Primus not step in when there are life-threatening events that could destroy the universe? The very thing he values and wants to be part of? It’s very simple: Primus is an immortal deity, with powers to see beyond the veil of time and defy reality if he wanted to but chooses not to based on the safety of the whole universe and every living creature. A personal theory I've come up with is the Unicron prophecy in TFP. Unicron was set to reawaken on Earth, but Cybertron doesn’t know about Earth until the war happens. Sure, if the war didn’t happen, the caste system could have been fixed and Cybertron could have been a better place to live, but Unicron would have awakened with no one to stop him and would have destroyed the whole universe, Cybertron included. It’s an example of Primus trying to see the bigger picture and that’s where his flaw lies. When seeing the bigger picture, he ignores the sufferings of mortals who lead very limited lives compared to him. Primus has all the time in the universe to figure everything out, but not Cybertron, and not everyone else. His purpose even if Cybertron is destroyed is to battle Unicron once more. It’s an endless cycle. But Primus ends up missing the point that he wants to understand. There’s a quote from Steven Universe’s character Sapphire that encapsulates this perfectly:
“I keep looking into the future when all of this has already been solved, as if it doesn’t matter how you feel in the present. No wonder you think I don’t care.”
The meaning of life to a mortal is vastly different to that of an immortal. As a result, Primus will never fully understand them and can’t be part of the universe like he wants to. He cannot live and die like they can. But even so, he still tries to, and that’s what makes him all the more understanding. This is what I want to encapsulate for my characterization of Primus in AOP. Now he has to confront two titan shifters with their own flaws and failings: one that wishes to die, and one that wishes to destroy. And he is not happy with either of them trying to play god out of selfishness.
(There's other things that I want to discuss, like Primus' design and other actions within the story, but I think I'll take care of that tomorrow. Still if you haven't, please leave a comment. That would be greatly appreciated. And I encourage you to read back through AOP to find those clues of Primus' presence.
Not to mention, chapter 45 isn't Primus' first appearance.)
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bratshaws · 1 year
through the hourglass 88. brb x oc
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a/n: it's 37 degrees celsius right now but there's nothing hotter than this man
pairing: plus size!oc x rooster
warnings: fluff with a smidge of suggestive as always uwu
goodness gracious (pls read this one to know more what this fic is about!!)
(pls let me know if you want to be added to the taglist! )
taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @roosterschanelslut @wiipes @lcahwriter @shrimping-for-all @gretagerwigsmuse @frenchtoastix
@lizzie-rdj @fanboyluvr @atarmychick007 @comebacktoearthpls
@peachiicherries @mak-32 @lizziespidiepridie @roosterswifey @ollyoxenfrees @piceous21 @sqrlgrl22 @hofficoffi @lexhalstead3 @lorilane33 @legendarydreamersharkparty @luckyladycreator2
@emilybradshaw @j-6o @louisahale @leobabbyyy @kulicny @winter-run @ktjmac @graciereads @bigpoppajes @taytaylala12
@caitsymichelle13 @becks-things @caatheeriinee07 @dhwanishah09 @jesfreedark @katiemcrae @lilmonstrjedi @hobiismyhopeu @teacupsandtopgun @insominac23 @gh0stsgoodgirl @mygyn @chavivaelisheva
He groans on the bed, burying his face on the pillow, “Fuck.”
“Everything okay?”
“Don’t laugh at me.”
“I would never laugh at my husband.” she giggles while sitting on his lower back, pushing her palm’s heel over his back until she reaches his shoulder blades, “God, Roos, it’s like the hills of Scotland on your back, you are so tense.” and it was during their shower together that Beatrice noticed it, promising him as soon as they left the shower they’d resolve that.
Her husband just groaned again, happily so, his eyes almost rolling back into the sockets when she added pressure to another spot on his back, “Jesus fuck that’s so good.” Beatrice laughs above him, her Iron Maiden nightshirt up to her hips as she massages his back in a slow but firm pattern, “It’s been a while since this happened,huh?”
“Since I massaged you?”
“I think the last time was after we moved in here?” she suggests while pushing on his back and smiling at yet another deep groan that made its way out of him, “Why are you so tense though? The last time was because you were going to be deployed.” she pauses, “Are you going to be deployed?”
“Not that I know of.” he murmurs, sighing quietly into the pillow before he turns his head to look at her, “I think it’s just…I don’t know, overall stress. I heard some things through the grapevine.” 
“Did I ever tell you how me and Mav got back to talking?”
“You did say it was on a mission, but you didn’t elaborate on it.” she says, rubbing his ribs in circles, “I didn’t want to pressure you on opening up when you weren’t ready.”
And his eyes close because his heart cannot take such sweetness. He just smiles back at her, folding his arms under his chin as he remembers everything, “We had to blow an uranium enrichment facility, everything went well until well…Mav got hit then I got hit.” he notices how her hands stopped moving for a brief second before continuing, “And we had to leave in the oldest fucking fighter I’ve ever seen, that thing had spider webs in the spider webs.”
“But you made it back.”
He blinked before turning his head to face her, her own eyes soft and smile gentle as she rubs the back of her finger against his cheekbone, “I did…and it was really good too…but uh,” he clears his throat, “Mav told me how they wanted to replace the pilots with drones.”
"Yeah, instead of a person that trained for years to get good at their craft.” he says, still letting her massage his shoulders and upper back, pressing his lips against his arms, “The new recruits asked me about it, they looked so terrified because they thought they’d be replaced before even beginning their careers Bea.”
She makes a face above him, gently rubbing the golden skin that was adorned with tiny nicks and scars - and some of her own doing if she might add - that were there because of years of work. Blood,sweat and tears to get good at what he does…and then to be terrified because they’d be replaced by machines? She couldn’t imagine.
But she could somewhat understand why that option was given thought. 
Rooster’s job was dangerous, she knew it was, he told her it was and she had seen things once she started working at the Hard Deck. It’s…understandable that human lives couldn’t be rebuilt like a machine would.
Part of her, the rational part of her - the one that often sounded like Guillermo or her father talking - said that while it was a loving sentiment to think about the pilots’ safety, there was more to it. It wasn’t just because they were worried about the pilots, it was probably because taking care of a drone was cheaper to handle. 
They needed no food, no shelter, all they needed was a quick check up to see if everything was working right.
Her head was hurting thinking about this.
And Rooster noticed because his brow raised in question as he looked over his shoulder at her, “Baby.” he calls, “You okay?”
“Mhm, just…thinking about what you said.” she smiles, leaning down to kiss his cheek, “Hopefully…there is a way to resolve that, you know?”
“I hope so,I don’t really feel like getting replaced by Deus Ex Machina. It’s one thing to play games dealing with that, it’s something completely different  to live it.” and he pushes himself to a sitting position as Beatrice disappears in the bathroom to wash her hands clean of any of the massage oil, “What are you thinking about? Any input you could give?”
“Yeah gorgeous, you.” he chuckles, resting his arms on his bare legs with a gentle groan, muttering how she had ‘magic hands’. But Beatrice takes a while to reply, so much so he has to tilt his head towards the bathroom door and see if she was listening to him or not. “Gorgeous.” he tries again, seeing that her eyes flick towards him before looking away.
“I don’t know how I can help.”
“You always do,I value your opinions.” 
Beatrice wipes her hands on the towel closest to her as she thinks about how to reply, “...I don’t know Roos.” she says honestly, offering him a shrug after tossing the towel aside, “It’s…hm,” she frowns, “I just hope no one else suffers because of these new options…you said they tried doing that back when Mav got back?”
“Yep.” he spreads his arms and legs so she could step between them and he could hold her waist close to him, his hands cupping the back of her thighs, “If it wasn’t for what happened at that mission I’m sure this conversation would be still up and about for a long time.”
Beatrice hummed as she ran her fingers through his hair, smiling when he leaned into her touch and closed his eyes, “Maybe there’s a way for both to coexist.” she whispers, “I’d like to think so at least…is there anything else in your mind?”
He pauses, still rubbing his head against her hand like a cat to catnip  - she could swear she heard purring coming out of his throat - before opening his eyes, “No,” he says then, “It’s just something to keep in mind.”
“Are you sure?”
“Oh,gorgeous.” he smirks, pulling her legs apart so she could straddle his lap, his hands cupping her buttcheeks, “I’m sure. Thanks for listening to me though.”
“That’s what I’m here for.” she grins, “I’m your wife.”
“And my best friend.”
“And your best friend.” they share a laugh, one that only makes Rooster lean closer to kiss her, “Hm! Roos,” she gently breaks the kiss much to her husband’s loud disappointment, “I’m going to make us dinner, is there anything you want?”
He drops his eyes over the length of her body - stopping at her panties for a few seconds - before looking up at her again, “Well~”
“Something edible,Roos.” she reinforces, brushing his cheekbones with her thumbs, “Come on,handsome, you can give me a straight answer.” She could feel the full body shudder darting all over him when she calls him ‘handsome’ and his head drops to the curve of her shoulder.
With a sharp inhale of that delicious lavender scent, he mumbles “How about some honey sesame chicken?” he questions, “With some salad? Do we have wine?”
“Oh, you're feeling like drinking are you,Mr.Bradshaw?”
Again the shudder and he lifts his head to look at her, pressing their noses together with a lazy cat-like smile, ‘Yes,I am, Mrs.Bradshaw. It’s been a while since we had it…and we still have to celebrate Nikki’s newest milestone.”
Beatrice just smiles softly at him, pecking his lips quickly, “Okay.” she climbs off his lap, something he didn’t really want to happen but he did allow it to, just giving her ass a quick slap before she turned around fully. Beatrice squeaked but huffed out a chuckle, playfully shoving his shoulder, “Stop.”
“No.” he replies, trying to imitate her high-pitched tone, “And because you said that you’ll get one more.” and he slaps the opposite cheek as she has her back to him now, quickly tugging her shirt down to cover her ass as she shuffles out of the room. She glares at him from the door, then pokes her tongue out, “I’m gonna get that too!”
“No you won’t.”
“...Wanna bet?”
Beatrice sees the way his legs are bending and her eyes widen, much like a fawn trying to run from a predator, she just slowly disappears from the door, “Bea…” he is standing up, careful steps nearing the threshold, he could hear the weight of her footsteps - light as if she’s trying to hide where she’s going - “Bea, I know where you are.”
She knew he had the clear advantage in this situation, his legs were longer and he was obviously faster than she was so she could either risk it all and run or she could just stay put and pounce on him when he least expected it. That was the plan at least.
Because in her thinking process she got distracted and her husband creeped up from behind her, she had her back to the door as she neared the railing, and immediately wrapped his arms around her waist, “Gotcha!” Beatrice yelped in surprise, her legs kicking in the air as the sudden shock turned into laughter, “I got you, gorgeous, told you I would.”
“Nooooo!” she laughs, trying to break free, “Not fair! I didn’t even hear you.”
“Years of training,gorgeous.” he smirks, kissing under her jaw repeatedly, “But I’m going to let you go so you can get everything ready, then check on Nikki.” he slowly sets her down, kissing the top of her head and her nose, smiling when she scrunches at the contact, “Call me if you need help okay?”
“I will.” she leans up to quickly peck his lips, walking around the railing towards the stairs. Rooster leans on it to watch her going down, his wife looking up to smile at him one more time - Jolene following her closely - and he mirrors the expression.
As Beatrice is out of sight, his smile falters a bit, his thumb spinning his wedding band on his finger as his eyes look at nothing. That…drone conversation did something to him but not on the way he expected it.
Maybe there was a way for both to coexist.
He sighs as he straightens himself to turn his body to Nicole’s room, knocking his knuckles on the railing as he walks away. He gently pushed the door to his daughter’s room open, the creaking sound making Eleanor and Jack’s heads lift from the floor, the white dog still in front of Nicole’s crib and her brother partially under it.
Eleanor’s tail wagging only intensified when Rooster entered the room, petting the female dog first and crouching a bit to pet her brother, “You two taking care of my little girl?” he smiles as he scratches Jack’s chin, grunting as he stands to his full height.
Nicole is peacefully asleep, her little chest rising and falling and her body sprawled on the mattress, the onesie she wore - he just took notice of it - had a fighter jet on it and was mossy green, making it seem like her arms were the jet’s wings and her legs its’ tail. He smiles down at her, gently brushing her soft cheek with the back of his finger, “Aren’t you just so precious?” he coos, his daughter making a little noise but not waking up, just turning her head the opposite way.
He folds his arms on top of the gate, inhaling softly as he keeps his eyes on Nicole. He was extremely thankful there were no talks of deployment yet but he knew he had to mentally prepare whenever there was. He tapped his finger against his arm, then lifted the same hand to hold his head up as he kept on staring at his baby daughter.
Rooster loved his job.
He achieved a lot in his young life.
And yet the talk with Cyclone often repeated itself in his mind. His superior was tough for many reasons and Rooster would never disagree with him…unless it involved Nicole. He wanted his daughter to grow up with him no matter how far and hell,he knew she wouldn’t understand why he had to leave.
He didn’t,when he was a boy and his father was gone.
He didn’t when–
He stops thinking about it immediately, rubbing the bridge of his nose with his fingertips before sighing. His little daughter was peacefully asleep, oblivious to her father’s turmoil, happily crawling in her dreamland if the little smile on her face was any sign. Rooster smiles down at her, bending down a bit to prop his chin on his folded arms, “...you and your mother are the most precious things in my life,Nikki.” he whispers, “I swear, birdie.”
Nicole moves a bit when he talks, then her light green eyes blink up at him and he immediately regrets it, “Oh no, no no, sweetie. I’m sorry,” he coos, “Daddy didn’t want to wake you up.”
But she didn’t cry, in fact she didn’t seem like she was bothered by it.
She rubbed her little fists on her eyes and kept them there, almost as if she wanted to stretch but was too lazy to. Nicole blinked a few more times, finally dropping her arms as she looked up at Rooster, “Hi,sweetie.” he coos, gently sliding his hands under her to pick her up since she didn’t appear to go back to sleep, “I’m sorry I woke you up.”
Nicole just snuggles his neck, big light green irises disappearing behind her eyes as she sighed, almost as if she just wanted to sleep on him now…then blinked them open, staring at the pilot with wide eyes. “Hi.” he coos, “Hi, pretty.”
His daughter was probably confused, because he wasn’t that close before and now he was?? She just looked at his arms, then at him and then turned her head to the crib, “Yes, you woke up, cutie.” he says, gently combing some of her hair down, “I actually woke you up,I’m sorry honey.”
Nicole just vocalized something and held onto his neck. Rooster just closed his eyes, hugging his little girl tighter to him and smelling that soft cotton flower scent that came from her hair. He just furrowed his brows a bit, kissing her cherub like cheek before he turned on his heel, “Let’s go see mommy, yeah?” Eleanor and Jack followed them as soon as Rooster was out of the room, walking down the stairs with Nicole still clinging to his neck.
Beatrice was too busy preparing their dinner, jumping a bit when she heard his voice coming from behind her, “Something smells good.” Beatrice’s shoulders sag in relief as she turns around, face lighting up when she saw who he was bringing along.
“Hi! Oh my sweet baby!” she wipes her hands off any sauce to pick Nicole up, their daughter still sleepy, sighing quietly as her mother placed her on the crook of her shoulder, “It was about time she woke up.”
“I think I made her wake up too.” he says apologetically, “I touched her cheek and she just blinked those big eyes at me.”
“Oh, it’s okay, she just needs a few more minutes to wake up fully, hm?”
“Do you need me to do anything,gorgeous?”
Beatrice looks back at the stove, then towards him, “You can get our wine and set it aside.” she smiles, “Everything else is under control.”
Rooster chuckles softly, leaning down to kiss her forehead and Nicole’s scalp, walking around them to get the wine glasses from inside the cabinets, “Oh, by the way, I’m going to the bar tomorrow, a bit earlier.”
“Yeah, Penny wants me to teach Jessie how to use the ice machine.” she explains, bouncing Nikki around, “She is still nervous getting close to it.”
“Considering the size of that thing,I wouldn’t blame her at all.”
“It can be a bit menacing yeah.”
Rooster gently set the glasses down on the counter, licking his lips before he spoke, “How about I stay with Nikki tomorrow?” he asks,spinning the wine bottle on its axis on the counter, creating a scraping sound from the glass. When Beatrice didn’t say anything he turned his torso to face her, “I think it’d be fun.”
“Well, you know I don’t mind.” she says, with a smile but her brows were furrowed, “It’s been a while since you suggested it.”
“I know, I guess I miss her a lot.”
Beatrice knew there was something else in there but she didn’t say anything, “Well, I’m okay with it.”
“I can take you to the bar and pick you up.” he nods at their daughter who was now waking up again, “With Nikki.”
“Roos,I’m going to leave the bar around midnight, you don’t have to. I can drive back.”
He licks his lips again, tapping the end of the glass on the counter as his tongue prods the inside of his lower lip, “Are you sure?” she nods, “Well…then let me just take you and Shells can give you a ride, how’s that?”
Beatrice felt that the options wouldn’t be that many and that he’d end up trying to find more reasons to take her. She huffed out a laugh, but nodded, “Alright.Shells and Bob can bring me home, is that better?”
“I have to wait after I feed Nikki,” she says, adjusting Nicole in her arms while nodding to the bottle of wine, “Then we can have it.” She didn’t know exactly what brought this on but she wasn’t going to complain if her husband wanted to spend time with their infant daughter, on the contrary,she’d support it all the way and would try her best to help him out during that time too.
Their conversation was cut short by Nicole, who was now fully awake and alert, vocalizing while chewing her mother’s shirt, “Oh, speaking of which, it’s time isn’t it, pretty?” she coos, kissing her daughter’s head, “I’m going to sit on the kitchen table,Roos. Can you keep an eye on everything for me?”
“Always,gorgeous.” he smirks, supporting himself with his arm against the counter, his smile only widening as he watches his girls sit down with the dogs lying by Beatrice’s feet. He inhales shakily, closing his eyes briefly before he turns to the stove.
Maybe he could call Mav tomorrow…to keep him company.
And to have a talk.
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purity-town · 3 months
Ask responses are typed up & under the cut!
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I'm happy I was able to work in some more of the NPCs even if it was just into the background, so I'm glad you're liking seeing them. And yes! I don't have specific measurements on anyone's heights beyond a vague “X is taller than Y,” but she's the tallest member of the cast, all divinity and ancient magics and humanoid-but-not-human. And thanks for reading; I'm glad you're excited for the next chapter!
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Andrew much prefers to deflect over lying outright, but if pressed claims to be 26 with a summer birthday (putting him as “29” in the comic now as he's lived in town for 3 years). Mid-twenties roughly aligns with his physical age, as he slowed and eventually stopped aging around that point, so people don't have any obvious reason not to believe it.
In the past, Andrew usually just moved around every long while, assuming things were otherwise peaceful. The jump from “this guy is weird and aging gracefully” to “this is an immortal being inextricably tied to this world and its fate” is quite large, especially since Andrew mostly kept to himself.
Living in Purity Town is a first in many ways for him, particularly in that he's serving an actual purpose to the town and has to both interact with people and stick around for the foreseeable future. Under normal circumstances he would absolutely gracefully arrange his leave, but then once you throw the hero being present into the mix things just get messy.
Honestly, with enough time he probably would come clean to the townsfolk. If he explained it to Chris delicately enough initially, Chris (and Alalia!) would eventually back him up and that'd likely do a lot to sway folks. Between their input and him having just…been around town long enough to show that he’s not a bad person and actually form some relationships, I think it would go okay.
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Thank you!!! I'm glad you're liking the comic so much!
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Honestly, I have no idea! It's probably a combination of factors in my art style (like my tendency to use solid/clean lines and keep painted portions to the background) playing nice with however Tumblr crunches images. I know that Webtoons struggles a good bit more with my pages due to color/resolution limitations, but Tumblr’s always been pretty good with it. That's all just a rough guess though; I couldn't find your art on your blog to examine so I'm just throwing out ideas!
Possibly relevant, each page is 2320x3587 pixels (350 dpi) after I trim the edges and export it as a .png. Downloading pages from Tumblr saves them as a 1987x3072 (72 dpi) jpeg, but preserves the fine details pretty well. So that’s what we’re working with here!
(Interestingly, after some testing I found that Reddit preserves the higher resolution of pages, but crunches their colors around areas of shading, while Tumblr smoothly fuzzes them when it downscales.)
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I'm happy to see more folks caught what I was going for there! I didn't draw much of her shimmered design since she's mostly covered and under some heavy effects, but it was cool to work with. Here's a snippet of her shimmered design in that panel without the effects, since I had it on hand already from a comment a while back.
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Thank you!! It feels crazy to me that it's been going on so long, but I'm really happy to have continued with the comic for so long. I'm also happy to be done with college, haha -- I’m liking my new job a lot more than the school grind!
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Thank you so much for this!! It’s super touching that you’ve stuck around so long -- I definitely recognize the folks I’ve seen popping up in my notifications over the years, and I’m really glad that people are liking being along for the ride. I’ve learned so much through working on this comic and I’m really really happy that other people are enjoying it too, because I love these characters and this world and this game so so much.
I’m not articulating this well but- thank you for this! I hope that whoever you are, you’re doing well, too :)
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Go right ahead! Though this serves as a reminder to myself to make sure that all of the pages on the various sites are all updated, since I usually go back through after a chapter is done to correct little errors, haha.
I totally understand if you want to remain anonymous, but if you need files or anything give a shout here or on Discord (@ariibees)! Purity Town is somewhat formatted for print by virtue of having pages instead of vertical-scrolling but I know that the chapters are kinda short and pages would probably need to be re-formatted around the edges to fit book binding.
All that said -- if you end up going through with it it'd be insanely cool to see how it turns out, if you're comfortable with sharing!
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Chapter titles are done in Albertus Medium (with the exception of the "Purity Town" text and character intro bubbles, which is in the Terraria font Andy Bold). Speech bubbles use Segoe Print. There's not really any concrete reasoning behind the fonts I picked (beyond the obvious choice to use the Terraria font), I just chose ones that looked good enough, haha.
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little-miss-moonstone · 5 months
The Red Thread (Carmy x OC)
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Chapter One| Book of the Year
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next | series master list
summary: Rori moves back home to find out she’s been lied to.
WARNING: Gunshots, a bit of angst and anxiety, very little editing. i think that’s all, if you think something needs to be added just let me know:)
“A little more to the left,” Rori directed as Pete was hanging a portrait on her living room wall. She had been lucky enough to find a house not far from theirs and the couple was more than happy to help her move in. It had been a long weekend as they unpacked boxes and occasionally stopped when they found the photo album from their youth. Natalie was still sifting through a storage tub with photos and relics from the past.
“Oh my god. I didn’t know you had this,” Natalie gasped and Rori turned to look. “Carmy’s sketch book from high school.” A light blush crept across her cheeks. She hadn’t seen that book in years and she felt quite embarrassed that Natalie had found it.
“Oh, um, yeah. H- I- uh, you know Carmy’s very talented and when he packed up I just didn’t want it getting thrown out or anything so I took it for safekeeping,” she studdered. “I was really hoping Richie would’ve stopped by. You told him I moved back, didn’t you?” She changed the subject while fiddling with the end of one of her braids. Natalie began flipping through the pages trying to buy time for her response. She hadn’t told Richie, knowing he would insist that Carmy and Rori both know the truth, but then Natalie thought what harm would it do now. Rori wouldn’t just pick up and move again, not after all their hard work and the hours it took to find the right shade of navy blue for the accent wall. Surely she would find out at some point in the next 72 hours. Yeah, Chicago was big, but not big enough, especially when she knew the first place Rori would go is The Beef. As she flipped to the next page and found the drawing of Rori she smiled, first at her brother's talent, and then at how he was able to capture just how beautiful the girl was.
“No, I meant to the other day, but it just slipped my mind. Maybe you should stop by the restaurant. I’m sure everyone there would love to see you,” She suggested putting the sketch pad back into the bin. She knew she would get an ear full from Carmy and Rori either way, so she might as well delay it. Rori thought what she proposed was a great idea, but she would give herself a few more days to settle in.
Carmen was taking a smoke break scrolling through his phone while he sat on some pallets behind the restaurant. He wasn’t looking for anything in particular, just reading news headlines then scrolling to the next one.
He clicked on the article before any other thought could go through his head, seeing the picture of her smiling holding the book caused the corners of his lips to slightly rise. He quickly read through the article to see all the praise she was getting and how the book would become a series. Though he hadn’t a clue what it was about, it was the only book of her’s he hadn’t read, and he was telling himself he didn’t have the time, but maybe it was also because Mikey said it was his favorite. He remembered his brother telling him the characters felt so familiar and how he was sure they could fit right in at christmas dinner. He pushed the thought from his head while finding her contact in his phone. “Congrats on book of the year” he typed out, his thumb hovering over the send button. He always did this, she would get some honor or award and he would type out a text that he would never send. He chuckled then deleted the message. He was so sure her life was much better without him in it, she didn’t need his bullshit dragging her down. He was back home trying to hold the restaurant together, he knew he was a mess, and she was doing good, living in some city, god-knows-where. Though, many times over the last few years he did miss her company, even if it was only phone calls, texts and random FaceTimes and he often wondered if she missed them too. He wanted to believe that she didn’t, but he truly couldn’t know. There was no way possible for him to know she did, she missed him so much it bled across every page she had ever written since the last time they spoke. No, he was clueless to the fact that she convinced herself it was all her fault, she should’ve kept her mouth shut on the phone that night. She had kept it shut so long, a lifetime couldn’t have hurt. That alternative had to be better than the reality she had been living without him at all. Carmen took one last long drag before flicking the cigarette to the ground and slowly exhaling before returning to the kitchen. The sound of Richie still harping over the bad date he had been on while everyone was manning their stations. There was now some-what of an order to the kitchen and he knew the progress would be slow but he was okay with that.
After stopping at the farmer market, just to look around, Rori knew she needed to go see Richie. The idea of actually stepping foot inside The Beef sent a shiver down her spine, she hadn’t been inside in two years. She found herself standing on the pavement just staring up at the run-down sign. It made her think of her childhood and Mikey… and Carmy. She took a deep breath reminding herself it would be okay, what she was feeling was the price of having loved, that is grief. She opened the door, not having time to look around as Richie was a few feet in front of her talking to a women she didn’t know.
“Holy shit,” He mumbled, he never thought he would see her step foot in Chicago again, much less the restaurant. “Red, what the fuck are you doing here? Don’t you have some fancy smancy award banquet or tea with the Queen? C’mere let me get a look at you. It's been too long, sweetheart.” He engulfed her in a hug.
“I actually just moved back, not too far from Sug. She thought it would be good after, you know,” she paused and Riching nodded in understanding, “it would just be good.” She finished.
“She’s here ya know, she’s just in the office going through some papers with—“ gunshots cut Richie off as they, along with the other women, duct down. After a moment, a familiar voice cut through the silence.
“Is everybody okay, yeah?”
A voice that Rori knew all too well, she was rooted in place, paralyzed with anxiety as his voice echoed in her mind. She thought back to the last time she had heard it three years ago. “It’s o-okay, uh, we- we can just- uh we can talk tomorrow.” Those were the last words he said before he hung up. They didn’t talk tomorrow, and all of her calls and text went unanswered for months before she decided she couldn’t take the rejection any longer. He was now in sight and the moment he saw her his breath hitched and he was standing just as still as she was. She studied his face, his eyes still the bright blue she remembered, but they looked tired and his untameable curls were still just that. She could feel his gaze and wondered if he was doing the same thing. He was, taking in her eyes, they were like emeralds staring back at him. Her hair was still as red as cayenne peppers, but he noticed the gold hoop on the left side of her nose, that was new, well at least to him. She had a few more tattoo’s, but so did he.
“Fuckin’ motherfuckers,” Richie cursed storming to the door, then outside to inspect and they were both drawn from the trance they had put eachother in.
“Uh- h-hi i-i didn’t know you were home, Sugar told me you were still in New York,” Rori spoke first, eyes darting at Natalie as she came into view.
“Is that right?” Carmen was now looking at his sister, “I, uh, moved back a couple of months ago to run this place.”
“Oh, yeah. So we’re lying now, Sug? Is that what we’re doing?” Rori laughed and although it was sarcastic, it was still a beautiful noise to Carmy’s ears.
Natalie quickly suggested that she and Rori go talk outback, dragging the girl through the kitchen before any more words could be said.
“That was Aurora fucking Cavani,” Sydney smiled, “You know her? She’s like a modern day shakespeare. How-“
“We grew up together.” He cut her off, “Now, if everyone is okay, let’s get back to work.”
The two girl could be heard yelling in the alley, their voices were muffled, but you could clearly tell an argument was happening.
“I thought she’d be happier to see you, Cousin,”Richie chuckled.
Carmen ignored his words, focusing on the task in front of him, but a part of him had hoped that if they had ever seen each other again she would be happy to see him. Realistically, he knew he had ruined any chance of that years ago and honestly expected her to slap him across his face, god knew he deserved it. His eyes wandered across to where she dropped her tote bag, the bullet hole causing him to stop what he was doing and slowly walk over to it.
“Ffffffuuck,” He exasperated, “Yo, Cousin, c’mere.”
When Richie walked over and saw what Carmy saw his face held the same expression, utter disbelief. He knew it was rude to go through a women’s bag, but he had to know where the bullet went. He slowly pulled out a hardback copy of her book, “The Red Thread”. The bullet was lodged into the cover plus a few of the first pages.
“Could you imagine if this wasn't there?” Richie asked.
“No. I couldn’t.” He sighed running a hand through his hair.
He knew in that moment he had to fix the mess he made all those years ago. The thought of something happening before he could make amends sent a shiver down his spine, he did that with Mikey, he couldn’t do that with her. The sounds of Rori and Sug arguing were beginning to die down and he was clueless as to what he was going to do. She had nearly bitten his sister’s head off for not telling her he had moved back home, but the damaged book was a reminder: Don’t wait until it’s too late.
a/n: And here it is!!! I hope to write another chapter soon. Don’t expect a regular upload schedule. My aim is for one update a week but it’ll just be random and chaotic. please please please tell me what you think and i’m wishing you all the best in 2024:)
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teamdilf · 6 months
1, 2, and 6 for ao3 wrapped but I’ll tell you my favorite title of yours is practice child c:
Thank you! I’ve received a lot of kind comments about the title of “Practice Child”. Titling is always tough for me and I have a bad habit of leaving it until I’m just about to post my first chapter, which is far from ideal! That one was a “just as I publish chapter one” title that ended up working out very well.
1. How many words have you written this year?
I went through my posted and as yet unposted works/chapters and I’ve written approximately 770,000 words this year.
2. How many works did you publish this year?
72, which is more than I thought (holy shit I’ve been busy!). This year I’ve written a lot of one shots, both for myself and as part of fandom events.
6. Favorite title you used?
I’m quite partial to Lost Souls Like Us. It’s a melancholy title that hints at the pain Petra and Astarion are experiencing and how satisfying and cathartic it will be when the two of them stop being foolish and reveal to one another how they feel. Or - I hope; I’m the only one who has read that chapter in its entirety, but I made myself cry and it’s a talk that feels very true to them - from the banter/sort-of-but-not-completely-mock annoyance, to the nonsexual intimacy they share, where it hits them that so little has changed after their talk - they just kiss now too. Seriously, only they could basically live as a married couple while quietly being angsty about “unrequited love”. Idiots, these two are.
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wistfulweaverwoman · 11 months
58 and 72 for the ask game!! :D
Thank you so much for the prompt!!! I almost never get any, so this is a real treat!!!
I think my favorite bit of figurative language I've written was for a Lily Everdeen (Katniss's mom) outtake. I was trying to explore her emotions around Katniss's father and his loss. This type of writing doesn't always flow for me, sometimes it's completely untapable. But when I wrote this I was feeling a particular grief for the boy that I loved growing up who died when we were 26. I find if I'm feeling a particularly strong emotion I can harness it for writing:
There’s something to be said about being poor and in love, a feeling of invincibility, the two of you against the world. Who needs food when you have each other. Who needs fuel for the fire when we could keep each other warm in the night. Still, we did alright, with his salary at the mines, his trades from what he could gather in the woods, my skills as a healer.  My father never said a word after I’d left, and my mother stopped begging me to return home after my beautiful black haired baby was born. She told me I was tainted.  I was tainted. With him, and his love. It grew in the strands of my hair and lived in the taste on my tongue. It was pressed to my knuckles and my hip and between my thighs. It was my air and my food and the clothes on my skin.  And then he was gone.  I shattered into dust with him, my pieces borne away in the wind. There was no air for me to breathe, but I had no body that required it, so what did it matter? There was something I was supposed to live for, or I’d have joined him. Afterall, how could my heart go on beating when he carried it with him? I stitched myself together, atom by atom, till eventually I resembled something human. A patched work woman. I was not what I was before the supernova, I do not recognize myself since clawing out of that void. I did not rise shining from the ashes like a mythical bird. I could not find all the pieces that were me, because they were him.
I just went through and read all of the lovely comments I've received from readers over the years. Any comment is lovely. One was weird, they shamed me for not posting a trigger warner for something that didn't actually happen. But most of them are wonderful. Most consistently the feedback I get is that my characters are very in character (Canon-wise) and that I excel at weaving in book dialog with my own. One comment started with asking me jokingly if I was Suzanne Collins, which is a compliment in and of itself.
I have to say that my favorite writing compliment was a nomination for All-Time Favorite Hunger Games Fanfic for my first fic: The Awkward In-Between in the The Fanatic Fanfics Multifandom Awards.
I think there were maybe four other fics in that category and the two that I remember are The Miners Wife and When the Moon Fell in Love With the Sun (which of course won), both incredibly popular fics. I never expected to win, I never had many followers and even now, eight plus years since I posted the first chapter it only has around 260 kudos.
It's an insane honor and the biggest compliment that someone else thought my fic was worthy of such a title and then took the time to nominate it on a completely different website.
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luckyshotwrites · 1 year
Ch. 72 // We'll be Free // Day xxx
Contents (Warnings): To Escape (Angst, very very slight blood, character and monster info as always). Read full chapter on - A03
Wordcount: 2,000 (I'm excited to catch up to everyone else in the next chapter!)
Song I listened to on repeat for this chapter: Fairytale (Violin) - Joel Sunny
Side note: This will contain experimental writing; first person (Lynette's view) will be implemented alongside third person for the two other essential characters, (mostly) Alexander and (occasionally) Drake. All their text will be italicized for those third-person moments, with the characters' names in Bold at the start and their thoughts in Bold. There may be other characters I write for using this.
It was quiet.
The ring sat nestled in her palm. She stared at its shine, a yellow similar to his eyes, at least from what she could tell. Nothing was left; he had turned to mist before her eyes. That made Jinn so hard to catch or fight; not many could touch their forms without them allowing it.
The only body that remained was Mitz with the giant hold in her chest, from where Anubis sent his arm through her. 
The flames of the shattered Lantern touched Mitz's hair, lighting it a blaze, while the shadows of Urtsi danced on the walls. 
Urtsi pressed the ring into her chest and hunched over it protectively. She closed her eyes as if she had the chance to hold him near. She held the ring with her normal hands because she knew if she grasped it with her others, it would be overtaken by them and absorbed into her body.  
The noises from above drew her attention. And the reality started to settle back in. 
Outside, she felt her barrier surrounding the building, alone. It took the full force of whatever wanted to break it.
The hands at her back came out and wrapped around the almost broken bars.
She wasn't supposed to break it, and it burned her palms to touch, yet she forced the cage to burst with a cry. After all, Anubis paved the way for her. 
Too much was happening, and her weakened body struggled to move forward. She hadn't left this cage in a little more than fifteen years. It's not like she hadn't moved inside her cell, but this was different. 
She took her first step ahead. Mitz's lit body in front of her.
She looked down at the corpse, clutched the ring, and whispered. "We'll both be free." 
Her fingertips crackled and sparked as they drew the flames around her. Her legs threatened to buckle. She kept her mind on the magic whisking the flames. Her "wings" started to hum, and the fire grew into a twirling vortex of blue.
She could feel his power by touching the ring, "WE'LL BOTH BE FREE!" 
Her "wings" fingertips expelled out, exploding up and outward. The barrier burst along with the ceiling. The hands at her back went for the easiest parts still in tact and out in the main foyer as the others had to deal with the flames. They weren't stopping and continued to spread to the few that remained.
She tried to reach the open crisped door, and her legs wobbled for her recognition. She stumbled outside, far too malnourished to use her legs very effectively. 
She expected the gentle breezes and to feel the overwhelming surge of magic from the world's soil. 
Instead, a heaviness entered her lungs after every breath; the city was no longer in a crater. Or, more so, there wasn't a city left. The was nothing; the forest that once surrounded the city too was gone, paved down. And there was no sign of the sun behind all the clouds. 
The magic felt toxic, and yet she moving; this wasteland was what she was holding back. What happened to it all? Was is it like this? Where can we go? She hadn't even thought it through. What should I do? Her coven was gone, she had broken away, and something had happened to the world. Time had lingered for a few moments more. 
"URTSI!" Her body swayed, only up due to the ring; with it she was stronger. 
Her eyes flicked behind her as the blur of pink came. The "wings" that kept her body planted pushed her into the air. She did so to avoid Kalin. 
He soared between them and crashed into the ground. His eyes locked onto her arms. She reeled them back and into the sky. When Fae's were in the air, their bodies naturally manipulated gravity to slow their descent or suspend themselves. 
He jumped at her again. His eyes swirled and glowed as she started to get surrounded by barriers. 
She couldn't let him box her in.
Her "wings" came up and used the magic from her core. Almost with a flutter, the tips of her clawed "wings" stabbed into the walls forming around where she stayed suspended. They shattered, and before Kalin's hand could reach her, his body glowed. His fingertips touched her faceplate briefly and then he dropped fast to the ground.
The dirt erupted from the collision. Urtsi started to feel dizzy from the air around her. She had to get down and rest, but she couldn't see a single place to go. It looked empty for miles. 
Then another mass flying at her caught her gaze. She tried to use the same as she did on Kalin on them. It didn't work.
Hendra sliced through the stream of magic with her midnight-scaled arm. 
She had never seen a being slice through magic before; she didn't know what to do and couldn't drop her body in time. Those same claws that broke her magic stabbed right into her left shoulder. It cleanly took off her arm. 
The ring broke from her grasp and fumbled in the air. 
"ANUBIS!" She yelled out. 
Hendra's thick, stone-like torso slammed into Urtsi. It brought her down from the sky, propelling them both into the ground. 
Not even a breath left her as the pain surged up her spine. Urtsi had collided with the rocks below. She couldn't move her legs and knew her left arm still bled. She hadn't done anything in so many years. She couldn't take her on. Urtsi was tired. 
I won't die. I can't. Urtsi said in her head, still paralyzed. Her body reacted, even though her ears rang too loudly to hear her name said. It knew the vibrations of it.
Hendra's still scarred face contorted to her with its long neck. 
"Your clock is broken. You're done." Hendra said. 
The chimera's clawed scaled hand curled under her chin. "Kalin.~" Hendra beckoned for him.
The doom lingered over her. No, Urtsi had to save him. She had to get him away.
Beyond the mask, her eyes frantically searched and finally, the rings glow spun downward toward them. 
Urtsi's "wing" shot up, breaking the oath of her name. She could feel its usual soft hum with magic vibrate violently. It caused her arm to spasm. 
Her wing's fingertips played with the item. She tried to get a hold and once she did, its essence entered them. The ring itself evaporated and absorbed into her. Hendra, who reached to grab her arm, was thrown off with one last blast from Urtsi—this time without an element. 
Urtsi knew they would come; they would surround her. It would be over. The others were preoccupied with the fire but for how long? She had to go somewhere. Urtsi had to live.
So with a last muster, using every drop of magic she could of her own and sparing as much as she could of Anubis, her body clung to that single word. 
Then there was a new pain. It felt like something was torn from her insides and pulled elsewhere. The scene around her changed, and the calls of her name faded.
Urtsi's vision blurred into a mesh of bright green surrounded by light. 
Then Darkness.
Her eyes flew open. She expected pain and yet felt nothing. 
Until she didn't recognize a single thing around her. She panicked at the size of the place and the oddity of it all. There were scattered papers with chicken scratch for writing and books galore.
She tried to stumble up from the squishy long seat she was in and whined. Her skin wasn't a faint pink anymore, her arms were smooth, and she had weird feet similar to a male Fae. 
She shrieked because she looked like a magus. What happened to me!? She tried to pinch and pull off her skin; it wouldn't budge. 
"Calm down, Fae." A voice brought her back. She didn't know why it held familiarity.  
Urtsi focused up from the seat, seeing another magus? They had mint green piggy tails, eyes to match, and skin like herself. She didn't recognize her. "Wh-who are you, what-where am I?"
The girl scoffed, "You're in my home." She shook her head, and walked past Urtsi, stuck in the squishy furniture, without regard. She was still shorter than Urtsi though not by much. 
The girl went to another section of her home. Urtsi struggled up and got to her feet. It was odd to walk with such long feet. She rushed as fast as she could to watch the girl in a red shirt, black collar, a strange creature symbol on the pocket and black pants. 
Then again, this place they were in was weird too. It had a lot of odd compartments and a giant cool box, at least that's what Urtsi called it when it blasted cool air upon being opened. 
A small flame danced on a surface not far from the cool box. It made the kettle whistle. The girl grabbed it. 
She doesn't seem hostile at all. 
"You know when I told you to live," she poured two cups of the liquid, "I didn't mean find where I live."
She handed Urtsi the small, rounded glass with no handles. 
"Live?" Urtsi's eyes dilated, "You-no, I met an Escora!"
She rolled her eyes, "have you never encountered a human case?"
Urtsi tilted her head in confusion. 
Another sigh left her lips, "Have you been living-" Then her green, generally emotionless hue broadened, "WAIT. Have you seriously been on-is that why you came back so hurt? You had no arm when I found you. Did you go to Yexodele? Have you been living on it? How is it? What part is it that you've been on? Is it habitable? Are the beasts stronger? Is that what attacked you? Did any other life survive?" The questions exploded out, and Urtsi only caught one. 
"Are we not on Yexodele now?" She said. She raised her head from the almost clear liquid that smelled of leaves. 
The Escora, in a human case, furrowed her brows, "This is Earth...has-has no one told you anything?"
Urtsi smiled, faint and hurt. She could feel his remanence, the bit of his magic absorbed by the ring running inside her. "I had someone telling me things, lots of things..." Urtsi traced the rim of her cup still weirded out by the fingers; things were starting to "settle" in her mind, "what is this for?"
"For you to drink," she took a sip of her own after blowing on it.
"Is it poisoned?" Urtsi pushed up the smile she had worked so hard to learn.
"Not even a little?" It still hurt.
The green-haired one pouted, "Do you think I'd poison a guest?!"
"Maybe-" Her head throbbed. 
"DRINK IT AND-" She shouted before realizing her volume. The Escora lowered herself back into a chair. "Why don't you tell me where you've been all this time."
She urged Urtsi to sit across from her. And as she walked to the table, his magic in her chest became more and more apparent.
She sat down and placed the cup on the table. Tell her where I've been...come on. 
Her lips quivered; there wasn't a cage, and there weren't chains, there wasn't the family, and worst of all, there wasn't Anubis. 
She wanted him to still be at her side. He taught me so much-
Why couldn't we both be free? 
Hey, you, thank you so much for reading. It means a lot that I put out a story that people can enjoy! So, I hope you continue to enjoy it as WE have a LOT more to go! YOU BETTER KEEP PROSPERING! (Nonnegotiable).
First Chapter Previous Chapter Next Chapter
Catch up, see some maps/art, or check the latest release dates down below  ↓ ↓ ↓ 
What I’d do for a Livable Income (Synopsis/Chapter - List)
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film-in-my-soul · 4 months
listen i'm extremely indecisive so i really couldn't be stopped so no pressure but i may have gotten just a little... little.. bit carried away with the Get to know your fic writer! thing you reblogged...
anyway i apologize for what im about to do
1, 2, 13, 17, 41, 51, 72, 74
swiftly running away now o7
Well shucks! I'm just delighted you're asking :3
1. Do you prefer writing one-shots or multi-chaptered fics?
It's less of a preference and more of what I have the stamina for. Generally one-shots are easier for me to manage so that's what I lean toward but I've been trying to do more long-form pieces as of late :3
2. Do you plan each chapter ahead or write as you go?
For short pieces, I usually have a couple of slapdash bullet points of what I want to happen, and for long pieces, I have a more intense breakdown for the plot.
13. What’s a common writing tip that you almost always follow?
Mmmmmm. The only one that comes to mind is probably 'if a character who is not speaking does an action after another character speaks, put that action in a new paragraph'.
17. What do you do when writing becomes difficult? (maybe a lack of inspiration or writers block)
Typically I'll take a couple days off if I can, just to do a little reset and try to get the brainworm wiggling again, but if it's a problem where I'm just getting stuck or a bit uninspired with what I'm working on I'll either do a sprint as motivation to push through, or I'll jump to a different section in the piece that I have a more active idea for and that part written instead.
41. Do you tend to reread fics or are you a one-and-done kind of person?
Typically I'm a one-and-done, at least for a good while. I'll go back in a couple of years and read again probably.
51. What’s your total AO3 word count?
Currently: 935,200 [That's from 2015 to now :3]
72. What order do you write in? front of book to back? chronological? favorite scenes first? something else?
Typically I do front to back, but if I get stuck I'll jump around and then add the connective tissue between scenes later.
74. You’ve posted a fic anonymously. How would someone be able to guess that you’d written it?
I guess it would depend on the fandom? I don't know if I have a specific tell or phrase or anything, but I think my style of narrative voice is distinct enough for the pieces I put out. Or I could slip up and put the 'Grammarly is My Wingman' tag in there XD
Get to know your fic writer!
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azertyrobaz · 10 months
Satellites (4/7)
What if Grogu hadn’t returned to Din in The Book of Boba Fett? What if he hadn’t been given a choice? – Modern AU setting: Grogu is now twelve, and he has to rely on his memories as a young child to track down the person who changed his life. The only person he knows who will be able to protect him from the bad man. The bad man who precipitated his separation from the only family he’s ever known. He embarks on a road trip to piece together his past, and reconnect with the people who might help him find his family again.
Read below or on ao3.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
“What’s 648 plus 1257?”
“1905!” Grogu answered almost immediately.
“Correct!” his dad replied, after checking the calculator. “7845 minus 332?”
“7513, easy.”
The man chuckled, keeping one eye on the road, and one eye on the small screen of the plastic calculator he’d bought for cheap at a gas station. Grogu loved playing that game with him. It helped pass the time in the car.
“Alright, get ready, this is getting more difficult: what’s 128 multiplied by 41?”
Grogu had to think a little more about that one. Ahsoka had given him a book that he loved and which explained how to see the numbers in his mind even more clearly. It was called the Trachtenberg system, a name he couldn’t hope to pronounce out loud but looked fancy on the cover.
“5248,” he eventually said, completely certain. “The square root is 72 and a bit.”
“God dammit!” his father exclaimed, slapping the steering wheel, and the boy grew slightly fearful. Had he done something wrong?
“Hey, it’s okay,” the man quickly reassured him, his tone turning softer immediately. “I’m not mad at you, you did good. More than good, you did amazing.”
Grogu beamed – praise coming from his dad always felt like a warm blanket enveloping him.
“You’re very special, kid. We’re gonna find that place you belong and they’re gonna take real good care of you, I promise.”
The child looked down, but nodded. This was for the best.
Grogu opened his eyes. He hadn’t meant to close them. They were still driving. Reaching Bo-Katan’s house had turned into quite the journey. Ahsoka hadn’t admitted yet that they were lost, but this was the third time they passed that sign advertising whale watching tours and they both knew it.
At least she hadn’t said anything about his outburst earlier and hadn’t questioned his simple ‘Let’s go,’ when he’d rejoined her in the car after his dramatic exit. They’d stopped at a rest area for a stale sandwich and burnt coffee – she’d run out of the good one in her thermos – then had exited the highway and were now trying to find the correct road.
“You sure you’ve been here before?” he asked, thinking he’d remained silent long enough.
“Yes,” Ahsoka replied with a sigh. “But it wasn’t in the middle of the night. It’s somewhere along the coast north of here.”
Grogu could hear the ocean when he opened his window, but it was so dark that the Pacific remained invisible. Just a black shape out there. Immense and menacing despite what its name suggested. They might reach Canada at this rate if they weren’t careful. He didn’t exactly look forward to seeing Bo-Katan anyway. Now that there was an actual possibility to see his dad, and soon, he’d grown weary and uncertain.
Would he even want to see him? Had he changed his mind after six years? Or would he try to ditch him at the first opportunity? Grogu closed his eyes again. No matter what, he knew he would at least help regarding Moff Gideon. And then… And then he’d go back to the institute, probably. And do whatever they thought he should do. Going to Sorgan was a nice prospect, but he didn’t think he belonged there – that wasn’t his place. His place was the institute, and that’s where his father had told him to go.
“You were at a school like the institute when you were my age, right?” he asked, facing the window and not seeing Ahsoka’s stunned reaction. “When did you leave?”
“I was a bit older than you,” she said. The words coming surprisingly easily. “But not that much older.”
“And you still think it was the right decision?”
“Yes, that place wasn’t for me. Or at least, it wasn’t for me anymore.”
Grogu hummed. He appreciated the fact that she wasn’t trying to sell him a lie.
“It wasn’t easy, though,” she warned him. “Outside.”
“It isn’t easy inside. I don’t really know what people want from me anymore.”
“Well, what do you want?” she asked, sounding interested as she made yet another random turn at a crossroads.
“Me? I want to become an astronaut.” Ahsoka laughed. “I’m serious!”
“I’m not laughing at you, I think it’s great!”
Grogu looked at her – she seemed to be telling the truth. He wondered if it was such a good idea to talk about this with her, but then who else could he share it with?
“I don’t think that’s what they expect from me, though. Some of the other kids say I should just be grateful I got accepted in all those programs and I do still like math and everything but… Well, it’s not really fun anymore, you know?”
It had been so easy at the beginning. And pleasing his teachers had been rewarding in its own way. Deep down, he had thought it would matter in the long run – if he was the smartest kid out there, they’d let him do whatever he wanted. They’d let him go back to his dad once they had taught him enough. But it didn’t work like that. And there was always one more thing he needed to learn. One more thing he needed to prove.
“I know. And I’m really sorry, I thought it would be different for you and now I feel like I forced you into it.”
He was still angry at her for preventing his dad from seeing him when he visited, but it would be wrong to lay all the blame at her feet, and he was glad to hear her acknowledge it at least – he didn’t think professor Skywalker would ever admit to being wrong about anything ever. Though maybe he was wrong there too. Maybe it was just easier to sulk. Hell, he probably deserved to sulk for a bit longer.
“You didn’t, not really, my dad wanted me to go too, and… It was cool, at first. And I liked that people were happy. And I guess it’s nice to be good at something. But that doesn’t mean I want to do that forever.”
“Being an astronaut definitely sounds better than getting the Fields Medal,” she smiled, and Grogu nodded.
“And I also don’t really want to rush it, you know? I want to take my time. I want – ”
I want to be normal, why can’t I just be normal? Then maybe my dad wouldn’t think my place isn’t with him.
“It took me a while to get where I am now,” Ahsoka admitted. She didn’t remark on the fact that he hadn’t been able to finish his last sentence. “It wasn’t a straight path, far from it, but I don’t regret all the detours I had to take along the way. Well, most of them.”
“What are you now?” Grogu wondered. It was only recently that he’d realized his father worked as a black ops mercenary. Who knew what she was? Probably something quite scary too. Something illegal. And she might not even give him a truthful answer.
“A private investigator,” she replied immediately.
“Oh, that sounds… pretty normal, I guess.”
“I like normal. But you can’t be too normal, or you’d be boring.”
Grogu wondered about that. She might be right. His father wasn’t normal either. Not really. And with him being alive, maybe he’d get a chance to explain things. Maybe they could have a conversation and he could show him that they could be a family again. If he let him. If he didn’t reject him.
“He loved you, Gregory,” Ahsoka interrupted his thoughts – of course she’d known where his mind had been. “In his own way. And I’m sure he still does. It was so clear to see then. And I’m sorry I didn’t pay more attention, but don’t let anyone tell you different.”
It wasn’t the first time he heard those exact words: ‘he loved you in his own way’. Omera had also said that. Peli had used similar terms. But what did it mean? It puzzled him just as much as that other phrase he kept hearing: ‘he didn’t think he was good enough for you.’ What a dumb thing to say! Honestly, the more he thought about it, the more he wanted to tell the man who’d saved him time and time again that he was being stupid. And not stupid as in he couldn’t perform arithmetic computations super quickly like he did. No. Stupid as in stubborn and blind and annoying and –
“It’s Grogu, by the way,” he told Ahsoka to stop himself from thinking too much about his dad. “I don’t really like Gregory.”
“Alright, Gr – Oh, we’re here!” she exclaimed, and braked hard.
Grogu couldn’t see anything. But as they neared the end of a track and he worried they would drive straight into the ocean, he spotted an old building right on the edge of the cliffs. It looked impossibly old and foreboding. The kind of house doomed characters always made the mistake of visiting in horror films.
“Has it always looked that way?” he wondered once the car had stopped. Neither of them had opened their door yet.
“You mean scary, cold, unwelcoming and grand? Yes. It’s been in her family for generations and she’s the only one left.”
“Great,” was Grogu’s answer.
It was difficult to figure out whether Bo-Katan was happy to see them or not. Sure, it was just after 3AM and she’d clearly been asleep given her reaction when she’d opened the door, but her and Ahsoka were old friends he’d been told. The house was even more impressive and ancient from inside and Grogu expected some kind of butler or valet to show up any second. It certainly would be nice if someone were to pop up and ask him if he wanted something to eat. A shower. A bed. A chair. Anything, really. He was just so tired.
“And that couldn’t wait until morning?” the red-haired woman grumbled, arms akimbo, once Ahsoka had explained they were looking for his father. “I don’t even know where he is right now, he’s not returning my calls.”
“But he’s alive, right?” Grogu rushed in to say, his exhaustion forgotten. The green eyes that flashed in his direction turned slightly softer. Maybe he wasn’t as good at hiding his feelings as he thought.
“He was still alive as of five months ago, yes,” she replied. “And I would have heard about it if he was dead.”
Grogu nodded – it would have to do.
“I need some tea, let’s go,” she declared with a slow exhale, turning her back on them and expecting them to follow. It was a good thing she was leading the way, because Grogu wasn’t sure he would have been able to find the kitchen on his own.
“This place is massive!” he whispered, admiring the many paintings and tapestries they walked past.
“A massive pain to maintain, you mean,” Bo said, and he tried not feeling too bad for having spoken his thoughts out loud.
The ceiling was so high he wondered how many floors there were. Far too many for one person, that was for sure, and he spied many closed doors on the way – she didn’t need so many rooms, he guessed. Ahsoka had said she was the only one left, and he imagined that meant she had no other family and lived there alone, but Grogu thought it was wiser to shut up and not ask that particular question. He couldn’t really think over the sound of his grumbling stomach anyway. That last sandwich felt like ages ago, and if he wasn’t to sleep then food would have to do to stay awake.
The kitchen was just as grand as he’d expected, the stainless-steel appliances shiny and spotless – there was definitely a butler somewhere, he thought. But Bo-Katan seemed familiar with everything, and was already precisely measuring tea by the time he and Ahsoka had found a spot at the counter. Grogu dropped his backpack at his feet and had to resist the temptation to cross his arms over the table and rest his head. He was certain he’d be asleep in seconds.
“How old are you now?” Bo asked as she poured boiling water over the tea leaves. She hadn’t been looking at either of them, but he assumed she meant him.
“Twelve,” he replied.
“You look younger than that.”
“I know,” he sighed. “I’m small for my age, that’s all.”
“Would you like some soup? I can warm you up some.”
It took Grogu a little while to realize that she wasn’t making fun of him but actually suggesting food, so he nodded.
“It’s really nice,” he thanked her later. The soup was creamy and filling, exactly what he’d needed. She’d also provided toasted bread and butter. He tried not feeling too guilty for having compared her hospitality to Omera’s. She wasn’t a mom – he didn’t think so, at least – but this was still pretty nice of her.
“It’s a family recipe,” she commented, warming her hands over her mug of tea. She’d stayed standing across from them behind the counter. This was her home after all, she could do what she wanted. Even if it made her look more intimidating – but that was probably the point.
“I’ll call Luke,” Ahsoka stated, rising up.
“Could – ”
“Don’t worry, I’ll only tell him that I’m still following you and that you’re safe, nothing else,” she said, squeezing his shoulder on the way out. Grogu nodded, satisfied, even if he’d rather she didn’t say anything at all.
“Is he that bad, this Luke?” Bo asked, looking very serious, and Grogu shook his head with a small smile, feeling immensely better now that he’d eaten.
“He’s my teacher, and he’s not bad really, not at all, it’s just… I prefer him not knowing where I am just yet.”
“You think he won’t like what you’re doing?”
“Well, I did leave without telling anyone where I was going, but I had my reasons.”
“You look about ten, he had reasons to worry,” she added with an arched eyebrow.
“I did manage to get here on my own, I’m not completely helpless,” he countered, grabbing his tea mug for a sip – he burned his tongue, but pretended he was fine.
“Ahsoka found you, she’s the one who drove you here,” Bo remarked. There was no smugness in her tone, she was merely stating facts, but Grogu had a hard time seeing that.
“She only drove me here because she told me you might know where my father is, otherwise I was perfectly fine working things out on my own.”
“Fair enough. More bread?” Grogu’s aggravation slowly evaporated at her statement.
“Yes, please,” he mumbled.
Over more buttered bread, he finally found it in him to ask her about his dad.
“How was he the last time you saw him?”
“Injured.” Grogu’s heart was beating fast. His head pounding. His mouth so dry he wanted to try that tea again. Maybe this conversation was a bad idea.
“How badly?” he asked in a small voice, eyes locked on the mug of tea he didn’t think he should touch anymore, not after the number it did on his tongue the first time.
“Pretty badly,” Bo admitted, and his head rose up. “Relax, like I said earlier, he’s fine as far as I’m aware. He was well on the mend the last time he deigned picking up his phone.”
“Oh,” Grogu sighed in relied. “Alright.”
“You asked me how he was the last time I saw him, not the last time I spoke to him,” she remarked with a small chuckle, and Grogu resisted rolling his eyes. Were they really going to play semantics? Was she that bored in her big empty house? Probably.
“How did he get injured?” he asked next, vowing to word his questions more carefully.
“Djarin always gets injured,” she stated, though again there was no malice there. “But then he’s the best at what he does, and yes it pains me to say it. I’m certainly not that reckless, and I’ve been called worse, let me tell you.”
This didn’t surprise Grogu in the slightest. He’d always known his dad to return from his missions with various scrapes, bruises, cuts or more serious wounds.
“He’d grown too bold, even for him. I guess he reached his limit with that last job we were on together, and I don’t blame him. We’re not getting any younger.”
“What happened?” Grogu asked with a frown – she was both telling him a lot and not saying anything. It was very frustrating.
“S-mines. ‘S’ stands for shrapnel. Those are old-school. Real bastards. One of them got him right in the chest despite his vest,” she described, pressing her palm over her heart to show him.
“That sounds awful.”
“Knocked him out cold. If he hadn’t stepped in we probably wouldn’t have made it out alive, though. It was all thanks to him. But I won’t lie to you and say it wasn’t touch and go for a while, the first medic was miles away from where we were.”
“You said he pulled through, right?” he pressed, doing his best not to imagine the blast and the blood and the pain and failing.
“He’s a tough guy, your dad, but he’ll run out of skin soon if he’s not careful, know what I mean? So I hope my assumption that he dropped out of the game is correct, and that he’s not working with another crew instead.”
And Grogu knew exactly what she meant. More injuries meant more tattoos. For his so-called armor. And more tattoos meant less available skin. But more injuries also meant more pain, and more risk-taking. There was no winning with this. And he hated it.
“What makes you think he quit? You said he’s not returning your calls?” He wanted her to talk about where he might be. His goal was still to find him – learning so much about his work was not something he particularly enjoyed. Not like this at least.
“That last job was almost nine months ago, plenty of time for him to get back on his feet. But every time I call to suggest something, even something small and barely even dangerous, he tells me he’s not ready, or he’s too busy. Busy doing what? And now he’s not even picking up anymore, and because he’s so paranoid, I don’t have an address for him. I know he has a house somewhere, he said so in passing. But all I have is that satellite phone number, nothing else. That’s why I told you earlier I didn’t know where he was: that was the truth.”
There was anger and frustration there, it was plain to hear. And Grogu thought he understood why. It probably had a lot to do with this big, cold, empty house and her desire to leave it. And speaking of houses, he was surprised to hear that his dad had one. It made sense he guessed after all this time, but they’d never had a home, and now he felt nostalgic for something he’d never even experienced before. What did that house look like? Would he like it? He bet it was small. But that was fine. No. Better than fine. That was perfect. They didn’t need a big house. Big houses were spooky. And they seemed to be a lot of work.
“So you’d prefer it if he didn’t quit?” he wondered, deciding not to dwell anymore on that new revelation. Better not to start imagining something he might never even see.
“He’s really good at what he does, Djarin. Yes, he’s too stubborn, but there’s not a lot of people I’d trust with my life. And the others from our regular crew are slowly dropping out as well. Like I said, we’re not getting any younger, but I’m not ready to say goodbye to that life just yet. And I’m not sure your dad is either. He never struck me as someone who could sit still for long.”
He wasn’t sure she was completely right there – but maybe she’d never seen him like he had. Because Grogu had very clear memories of watching his father taking things slow and enjoying it. Tinkering with the Crest. Taking a nap in the sun. Teaching him how to fish. Doodling goofy-looking creatures in his many notebooks. Creatures he’d found equally goofy names for. Mythosaurs. Blurrgs. Mudhorns. Lothcats. Massifs.
Ahsoka chose that moment to rejoin them and he was dying to ask her about her conversation with professor Skywalker – he thought it had lasted too long and part of him started to worry again – but he was growing even more sleepy now that his stomach was full and his head filled with pleasant memories. He was no longer even listening to what the two women were talking about, up until something Bo-Katan said caught his ear.
“He mentioned you, once.”
“What, my dad?” he made sure, sitting up. “What did he say?”
“We were trying to figure out how to get inside a locked room that one time – tricky situation because of a well-timed security program. It took us a while and we got pretty frustrated. He said his kid was smarter than all of us put together, the whole crew, and he would have figured it out in seconds. “
Grogu could almost hear his dad’s voice in his mind saying those words, and he grinned. He wanted to ask her more questions. Had this really been the only time he’d mentioned him? Surely he’d dropped hints regarding his house. Did she have absolutely no idea where it could be? But Ahsoka and her were back to reminiscing some other thing and he didn’t know how to interrupt. He also kept staring at the recliner he could just make out through the French doors separating the kitchen from the next room. Maybe he could lie down for a bit? It was so late, and it wasn’t like he could be on his way anytime soon, address or no address.
He must have been very obvious about it, because Ahsoka was eventually the one who gave him a nod and a small smile, having also noticed the more comfortable looking furniture in the next room. Those kitchen chairs were certainly very stylish, but there was no way to find a cozy spot sitting there. And so he grabbed his backpack and moved next door, as the two women were catching up, and he fell asleep to the memory of a rancor – a fearsome reptilian creature he’d invented with his father, and which had been the star of many a bedtime story in the past. Funny, he hadn’t thought of them in ages.
“…it’s not just about that, I heard what you said to him, I think they’re both miserable.”
“And why are we supposed to help them?”
Grogu woke up disoriented and with a crick in his neck. He grumbled and sat up, the last few hours coming back slowly to him.
“Because it’s the right thing to do! They should be together!”
He stopped trying to comb his hair and listened to what Ahsoka and Bo were talking about next door – his watch told him he’d only been asleep for a couple of hours, but they sounded like they were right in the middle of an argument.
“You’re only saying that because you feel guilty for splitting them up in the first place.”
“And you’re refusing to help because you don’t want him to have anything else in his life.”
Grogu frowned – it was hard to make sense of their words but he thought he got the gist of it. And he didn’t like it one bit. Also, it was far too early for this, and he really needed to pee. Who knew where the bathroom was in such a place?
“Djarin is a soldier,” said Bo-Katan. “Always will be. Just because his kid is being a needy brat right now, it won’t make any difference. His place is on a battlefield, far away from here – that’s where he belongs.”
“And where does his kid belong in that scenario?”
“I don’t know, that school of his? Why aren’t you driving him back there already?”
“Luke wants me to, and I understand why, but – ”
“I’m not going back,” said Grogu, bursting into the room – he couldn’t stand it any longer. Bo-Katan’s words didn’t surprise him much, but Ahsoka? She thought he should be taken back to the institute? Was that what she’d been discussing with Luke? “Because Moff Gideon knows I’m there.”
“Moff Gideon?” the two women exclaimed, turning towards him with identical looks of outrage on their faces.
“He’s out?”
“Why didn’t you say anything?”
“Does Luke know?”
“Do you think he followed you?”
“Why the hell didn’t you tell me?”
“Was he alone?”
“Did he hurt you?”
Grogu covered his ears and shook his head – he couldn’t keep up with all their questions. They were moving closer to him, still looking plenty furious.
“I don’t know!” he eventually yelled, thinking that about covered it. “He just showed up and I escaped!”
“But – ”
“ – Moff Gideon?”
“You sure it was him – ”
“You didn’t just make this up because – ”
“No! I didn’t!” Grogu bellowed.
“If he’s out Cara will know,” said Ahsoka.
“Cara’s out of the picture,” Bo informed her.
“Really. I need to assemble my crew, this is important. We can’t risk it, he could pick things up where he left them.”
“We know where some of his associates are, we can start there.”
And now there were ignoring him, both typing away furiously on their phones. Grogu raised his arms in surrender. Now what?
“We need Djarin,” Bo sighed.
“We needed him before that,” Ahsoka pointed out.
“Well, now we actually need him.”
“So where is he?”
“I told you already, I don’t – ”
“Where’s the bathroom? And can I use your landline?” Grogu managed to ask just before they launched into yet another rapid fire exchange, and he followed the directions Bo gave him, abandoning the noisy kitchen with a relieved sigh.
It took him less than ten minutes in total, bathroom break included – that and getting lost upstairs and missing the correct door for the study.
“I know where he is!” he announced triumphantly, stepping into the kitchen again – during this short interlude, they’d still managed to cover the table with maps and scribbled notes, undoubtedly trying to figure out where Moff Gideon was, but none of this mattered anymore: he’d found his dad, all on his own, and he wanted to savor his victory for a few seconds. Needy brat to the rescue.
“Greef Karga gave him a deed for a cabin, and he told me where it was!”
There was only one small hitch.
“So, can either of you drive me back to Nevarro?”
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