#but also ANGST
daniwib · 4 months
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What's Yours is Mine
Buck and Eddie wake up to an unusual situation. Predictably, they don’t talk about it. Instead, they have sex. Friends-with-benefits sex, not I-love-you sex, because that would require talking about it. Something these two are absolutely terrible at.
AKA the Dick Swap fic
Chapter: 1 of 6
Length: 23k in total . Fic is fully written, chapters will be posted weekly.
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: None
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rhaigal · 4 months
// right, pls shoot the heart for truly madly deeply shipping :)
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katsspace · 1 year
hc that Douxie can't live more than 3 days max without Archie. like . he's his lifeline. his best friend. his familiar. Archie has been with Douxie for longer than anyone else. like he definitely has separation anxiety. they both kinda do tbf. imagine how Douxie must've felt when Archie got trapped in the hing kong troll market. like imagine the person you cant imagine life without. and then knowing you'll never see them again. just . think about that for a second.
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do-it-for-the-fandom · 11 months
My good friend had finished his first ever fan-fiction! I’m so very proud of him and all of his hard work. ❤️
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themeekwillinherit · 7 months
I really want to do an au where Seymour actually does go on the run after Mushnik offers not to tell the police
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Flufftober fic question
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Not even close to finishing the dinluke kingdom au and its already 11k. Gonna be a good one. Can't wait for you all to read it.
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red-is-writing-things · 10 months
who would have ever thought the fictional military men would have prompted me to start writing again and creating a side blog so that I could publish here all my scribbles.
we'll see what this will bring lmao
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schadenfredde · 2 years
Was randomly inspired to write some Jonawagon fluff! This was set the night before the honeymoon.
Hope you all Jonawagon enjoyers out there like it!
“I wish you could come with us.”
The farewell party had gone on well into the night. However, the guest of honour had been missing hours ago, hiding outside from the other guests, drained from having to socialise with far too many people.
He wasn’t alone, though. Sitting next to him by the steps was his best friend and second partner, who had noticed his absence and joined him outside to keep him company. Since it was dark out, and no one would notice, they’d both ended up holding hands for a while. That was when Jonathan broke the silence to speak up, gazing down shyly at their hands.
“Jojo… I’d love to come with you. You know I would. Visiting the Americas again, especially this time of the year, would be lovely,” Robert sighed dreamily. “Especially now that I can share the sights with my best friends.”
“Then come with us! It’s not too late to buy a ticket for the journey tomorrow. Otherwise, we’ll sneak you in if we have to,” Jonathan smirked mischievously.
Robert laughed aloud. “My, and I had you pegged as an upstanding, law-abiding nobleman, Mr. Joestar. I’m shocked. It seems you’ve fallen into bad company.”
“Oh, hush, you,” Jonathan snorted, giving him a light push, Robert snickering unrepentantly.
Solemness soon fell over the scarred thug. “We’ve gone over this, though. You know what the people are going to think… no one brings their ‘best friend’ along on a honeymoon. They’re going to talk. Besides… we can barely keep our hands off each other. How do you think we’re going to hide this-“ he held up their clasped fingers and gestured to it with his free hand “-on a ship with a couple hundred other passengers?”
Jonathan giggled. “I suppose that’s true.” His smile faded and he frowned again. “I don’t care what the people think, though.”
“I know, Jojo. I know…” Robert murmured, leaning into him. “But I’ve seen how much rumours can damage lives. I can’t have you and Erina’s reputations at stake. That’s why I can’t come with you.”
Jonathan let go of their hands to shift his arm around his shoulder, bringing them closer, then reached for his hand again.
“I’m really going to miss you…” he whispered sadly, giving him a little kiss down his scarred cheek.
“Well…” Robert smiled and reached up to ruffle his hair. “I won’t be going anywhere. And you know I’ll come running, the moment you need help.”
Jonathan let out his breath in a soft sigh, then started digging through his pocket with his free hand. Robert peeked at him curiously, his gaze softening at the sparkle of a familiar ring, the soft light from the pub catching off of the lovely gems set in the golden band.
Jonathan held it in his hand for a moment, gazing at it with a melancholy air. Then he turned to Robert again, holding the ring out towards him.
“Robert… I’d like for you to have this.”
Robert’s eyes widened.
“Jojo- no. No. I can’t- you shouldn’t-” he protested. “That- that was your mother’s ring. And your father’s.”
“And mine. And now, I pass it on to you,” Jonathan smiled gently. “This is my gift, and upon it, I bestow also a promise to you, Robert E O Speedwagon. I will return to you, and we’ll make up for all the lost time together. I swear it. And in the meantime, whenever you miss me, well… you’ll now have a piece of me with you, always.”
Robert swallowed hard, then finally held out his suddenly very shaky hand, allowing Jonathan to slip the ring down the ring finger. It was dainty enough, it couldn’t fit all the way. But it sat nicely in the middle of the phalange. He relaxed a little as he admired it, smiling to himself. “You know, it’s normally the guest of honour who receives parting gifts,” he remarked.
Jonathan grinned. “You know I’m not the best at following traditional standards. Thank you, by the way…” he added. “The brooches are lovely. Erina is going to love it.”
“I’m so glad,” Robert smiled. Ha! He’s still got it.
He wouldn’t admit how long it took him to find the perfect gifts, including dragging his mates all across London just to find something special for his dearly beloveds’ departure. And in the end, it was those bejewelled matching brooches in a little secondhand shop that caught his eye. With some careful cleaning and polishing, they were good as new!
“There you are!”
They both collectively jumped at the new voice, turning around to see Tattoo behind them, atop the stairs, mug of beer in his hand.
“Everyone’s wondering where you’ve been! C’mon, we’re about to sing for ya!”
“O-oh… you don’t have to-” Jonathan protested flusteredly, but Tattoo had disappeared back inside. He sighed and got up, stretching slightly. Robert joined him at his side.
“You know, we could both run off somewhere, if you’re uncomfortable,” Robert teasingly suggested. “There is a park nearby.”
“Ahh, that’d be rude,” Jonathan chuckled and shook his head. “I’ll live through the embarrassment, as long as you’re with me. Now… shall we?” he extended his hand to Robert.
The scarred thug smiled and accepted his hand, and they both returned to the pub.
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goldenboygate · 2 years
I too can only tolerate a fictional version of GR but my favourite fictional version is the one where him and Alex gatekeep Lando and baby him the way he deserves to be babied by everyone :)
literally my fave premise of any lando fic just him being babied to death and then taken apart and loved 🥰 i’m gonna go read some 2019 rookie fics before bed 🫣
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greykolla-art · 3 months
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My blog has become infested with angst goblins, and they must be fed with some hypothetical scenarios!🙏💚
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Pomni and Gummigoo reunite in TADC!
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elexuscal · 2 months
squinting at the 'fix it fic' tag on any given story on Ao3, trying to discern if it's intended in the sense of:
I genuinely think the story had bad writing and I am taking my toolbox and improving it [and i the reader agree]
I genuinely think the story had bad writing and I am taking my toolbox and improving it [and i the reader disagree]
The story's ending was Tragic and I Respect that but also i just want to read about my faves having some kind of joy and fulfilment okay?
The story's ending was Tragic and I do Not Respect That please God Damnit Let Them Be Happy
We Are Literally Fixing The Canon With The Application of Time Travel or Reality Warping or some other Wild Plot Device
I am going to fix one obscure detail or plot element that 95% of the fandom has never thought about in their life
(because these are all extremely different vibes)
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imfinereallyy · 10 months
you can pry happy endings from my cold-dead hands. It can be the most heart stopping, gut wrenching fic that has every existed and I will read every drop of it if I get my happy ending. I have had enough painful endings in real life, give me happy in my fantasy world. It can be at the last second, it can be a single sentence, even a single word. Give me all the angst and hurt in the world for 500,000 words, but please give me the comfort I need in the ending. please and thank you.
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cursingtoji · 3 months
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“hm hello? do you need help?” yuuji approached the lady walking the hallways so slowly she seemed lost.
“huh?” you turned and he smiled, thinking how gorgeous you looked. your uniform was a lot like nobara’s, although it was lighter, like it was slightly bleached or just worn a lot, “no, i… i go here.”
“oh are you gojo-sensei’s student too?” he was excited to meet another student, it was such a big school for just a few people.
“gojo… sensei” you repeated confused.
“oh you must be utahime-sensei’s student then? from kyoto?” he tilted his head, like a puppy.
“utahime…” you whispered, “is geto here?” you asked with a certain urgency in your voice, “geto suguru.”
“who? geto?” he scratched his head, trying to remember if he heard about a sensei called geto suguru, “i don’t think i—“
“itadori!” megumi called from outside, yuuji saw him die below through the open windows of the second floor he was at, his classmate probably saw him as well.
“ah fushiguro!” he greeted his friend and turned back to you, “i’ll ask megumi, he’s been here for longer than me.”
“who you talking to?!” megumi shouted.
“her!” he pointed, you were in front of him, right by the opened window too, he couldn’t see you?
megumi even moved a bit, “itadori, there’s no one there. stop playing, we got to leave!” megumi scolded him before entering the building.
“eh?” yuuji was frowning.
“sorry, i think i’m in the wrong place” you bowed and turned away running.
“wait!” he ran after you, turning corners he thought you could’ve gone but after a few ones he reached a dead end.
“hm? yuuji?” gojo emerged from a classroom.
“gojo-sensei! there was… someone…” he looked around.
“oi, we’re waiting for you, let’s go” megumi came from where he was, grabbing yuuji by the hood of his uniform and dragging him away.
gojo watched through a window as they walked down the staircase until both boys walked out of the building.
“that was weird” you murmured from inside the classroom he was in, “that boy called you sensei” you put more rice into your hungry mouth, “does yaga know you’re pretending to be a teacher here?”
satoru closed the door, lighting another incense on the table that you used to sit. where every year on the anniversary of your death he built a shrine with food you liked.
“i thought haibara was in a mission but i saw him by the tree” you pointed behind you with your chopsticks, where, outside the classroom and behind the building remained the tree you always had lunch underneath during hot summer days.
he undid the blindfold, letting his hair fall as he sat in front of you, admiring how you never aged a day. after all, you couldn’t.
in fact, it seemed like you didn’t realize how much time has passed. every year you appeared and every year you thought it was still 2006, when you had two kouhais that did everything you asked, a girl best friend that insisted you smoked with her and two boys that were helplessly in love with you. the last year you were alive.
“is suguru not coming?” you asked with your mouth full.
gojo swallowed hard, “no, angel. it’s just us.”
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yourhighness6 · 2 months
Ugh I will always love the concept of Katara using blood bending to revive Zuko after the last agni kai, mostly because it makes no sense to me that Zuko was able to bounce back so easily after being struck by lightning, but also because the way the show treats bloodbending is just odd to me. It was a defense mechanism created by a traumatized victim of some of the most devastating parts of colonization, and although I understand that Hama was supposed to symbolize the "bad parts" of waterbending and was important for Katara's growth in realizing that the world isn't entirely black and white, its still disappointing to me that the show never explored the gray areas of blood bending, especially since that episode was, as I stated above, about understanding the gray areas of the war. Katara using blood bending to revive Zuko would add so much to the last agni kai in demonstrating that she has truly realized that "good" and "evil" are relative concepts, and Zuko being saved by both a defense mechanism of a survivor of colonialism and a type of bending used to terrorize his people would have even added to his arc, as the narrative required him to save and subsequently be saved by the physical embodiment of everything his family sought to annihilate.
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