#but also Mikan's treatment especially
medicasino · 2 months
Oh god this is going to be a nightmare to figure out (i'm drawing Mikan because I just really... wanted to fsr? And i do not know if i'm going to maintag it as dr since on one hand. The dr fandom terrifies the shit out of me because i have been there and it was scary . but also i dont want people who dont want to see dr content to see my dr fan? art)
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dj4jungshook · 10 months
Who in Makoto's harem is the most jealous. And how does she express that jealousy?
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The most jealous are Junko, Mukuro, Mikan, Akane ,Peko Toko obviously Sayaka ,Celestia, Sonia .let's say the most DANGEROUS!
Junko shows her jealousy very visible, to put it obsessive and almost a compliment to her in moments of pure jealousy he is subject to hallucinations and attacks of psychosis. but at the same time it gives her a touching sense of desperation, it makes her horny. as if to dissuade her from using an ax to use against her rivals.
Mukuro competes on the same level of jealousy with Junko in being two carnivorous women and the two Alphas are physically stronger and gifted yes, even sexually. Mukuro is the one who feels a lot of love for Makoto and feels really bad about not having enough attention Being his trusted stalker. obsessively writing with the knife on the wall makoto is mine
Peko has been a lethal weapon since childhood. It's normal that she feels a little jealous especially of the kind smiles that other girls give her for makoto, well at least she has a method to appease the blood cult. Think you have kittens and pet them.
Celestia is used to having everything she wants right away and she can't tolerate being set aside because of some low-level stupid sluts, oh how much she wants to crack their skulls with a hammer .
Sayaka is a real psychopath and who thinks she has the right to have Makoto just for her. exploiting cyberbullying or pitting her fans against her rivals. sometimes she plays the victim so as to attract Makoto's temptation.
Akane ragische like a rabid animal and who doesn't take NO for an answer is always excited always look for a tax dispute.
Sonia is the one who suffers the most being the perfect beautiful princess and that everyone falls at her feet. and she doesn't understand why her predestined ignores her or has no interest in becoming KING. Sonia is learning to practice voodoo or dark arts to get the other girls off Makoto's mind and keep it all to herself. and if that doesn't work, adopt a clockwork orange-style method of re-education
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Mikan is Mikan we all know how he reacts and also his treatment methods! she is very scary when she doesn't get Naegi's attention. and has saliva samples, Makoto's blood but would like another type of sample. I need a lot of help from Miaya
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Toko is probably the most normal and healthy of all the others. Yes! steals and sniffs Makoto's T-shirts, writes down his naughty fantasies and watch him sleep . it's nothing creepy.
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shouts-into-the-void · 6 months
One of my most hated fanfic trends is where that pre-Despair treatment by his classmates is depicted as totally okay and not them being unreasonable. It's especially noticeable in RP blogs or Hinanami fics. They'll often depict his behavior in the second half of Chapter 4 as his default characterization, and have him spend every waking second going after the Reserve Course students and doing nothing else.
Which not only ignores the context of him having been mindwiped, having his first impression of the Reserve Course being the discovery that they apparently destroyed Hope's Peak, and the real source of his anger and depression being the discovery that the class are all terrorists (while being left in the dark about the brainwashing). But it kind of misses the entire point of the whole "talented vs non-talented" theme to have the locally mentally ill kid be the sole cause of the conflict.
Like I'm not against the idea of going against canon, and depicting the rest of the class trying to give him a fair shake. I think there's plenty of friendship interaction potential between him and a number of the class (e.g. Sonia, Imposter, Mahiru, etc.). But to retroactively pretend like they were being completely fair to him and he just brought the ostracism on himself is bullshit.
I think a lot of people also miss the fact that the reason Nagito is so outright antagonistic to Hajime about being a Reserve Course Student is because he feels betrayed. He feels a kinship with Hajime due to their mutual love of Hopes Peak, the two were the closest before everyone turned on him, and he's canonically in love with him. So to find out that Hajime is actually not only talentless, but responsible for destroying the academy they both love and plunging the world into despair?
That's not to say all the rudeness is only because of anger, Nagito's actual personality is actually kind of just like that because he has a God Complex and is more intelligent than all of his peers. Any time he breaks character or looks down on someone, he is kind of a bitch, but more in a "I'm smarter than you, please stop arguing with me when you have no idea what you're talking about" way.
I really do wish people would lean into the potential relationships he has with the rest of the cast more. I don't think there's any way Chisa would have let them keep mistreating him, and I was annoyed that her attempt to explain his actions to the class (which actually did get through to them!) got glossed over in favor of the "Everybody hates Nagito" gag.
Some thoughts on potential relationships:
I personally hc him as besties with Sonia post-canon. Not only because she's the most forgiving, because I feel like the fandom makes her do a lot of emotional labor, but I think they would have similar tastes in novels and I think Sonia's own eccentricities would mean that she isn't as off-put by his weird behavior.
I don't think he would be close with Mahiru, because as much as she's caring and doesn't want him hurt, she's also just very judgemental and I think her tendency to verbally attack people would negatively impact his recovery. I think they would get along, but until she learns how to get past her trauma with her dad and stop letting her friends commit crimes, I think it's at a respectful distance.
While Mikan and Nagito are MLM/WLW Hostility™ I do also think they're friends. They like to bitch at each other, but if anyone dares insult the other they Will Destroy Them. I have always thought of them as working quite closely together during the tragedy for whatever reason, it just seems right in my brain?
I also feel like people miss the wild potential of Nagito just adopting Monica. Like, he raises her from like 10 years old until she's a teenager (I'm assuming she's like 14-15 in the anime?), Monica finally gets someone to actually take care of her instead of abusing and abandoning her, and I'm supposed to believe that they just never speak again? Also Nagito saving and caring for this child after spending his childhood an orphan who was put into dangerous situations a lot is a really great parallel.
I like to think he and Akane do a lot of their recovery at the same time because they're both pretty wasted away by the time they wake up, and they bond little by little. They celebrate when one of them moves up a weight class, but Akane recovers faster so by the end Nagito has to remind her not to break his ribs when she hugs him in joy.
Nekomaru is very helpful in coaching him through his physical recovery due to understanding the limitations of a severe health condition and his experience as a team manager. There's definitely a lot of encouragement on Nekomaru's end because a lot of physical therapy can be embarrassing when things that theoretically should be easy aren't. Basically: Akane, Nekomaru, and Nagito all end up as unlikely gym buddies?
Those are just some of my thoughts and headcanons, absolutely take or leave any of that.
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goshdangronpa · 8 months
Can a Danganronpa story really be a Dangaronpa story without anyone getting horribly killed? Okay, so there’s Danganronpa IF … but "I DISAGREE: An Ibuki Mioda SDR2 Protag Swap AU" isn’t like that! It may be an alternative take on one of the games, but characters will still suffer and perish. After a whole bunch of entries to get the plot moving, here’s the lead-up to the first victim of this storyline.
What Ails You is What Impales You: The Killing Game’s First Victim
Last time, I spoke highly of the students who volunteer to treat the infected. Fuyuhiko drops his combativeness to be a true team player. Hajime, who can’t even remember his talent, finds ways to make himself useful. Byakuya demonstrates true leadership by working alongside everyone instead of just supervising. Ibuki brings a contagious zeal to labor during the day and downtime during the evening. Mikan especially steps up as the leading medical authority, overseeing patient care while also investigating the Despair Disease.
Unfortunately, all their skills and efforts aren’t enough to stop the illness from worsening. For one, they’re not in a proper hospital. Their only supplies come from Rocketpunch Market, whose sundry selection means limited medical resources. For another, all they can really do is target symptoms. Much of the treatment involves urging the patients to rest, which isn’t easy. Peko’s operating on sheer inertia, refusing to exert herself for anything that doesn’t interest her. Chiaki is flat-out uncooperative, needing locks on her door and the whole staff present for each encounter. Kazuichi is actually too cooperative, eager to slay dragons or whatever heroic actions might help (his requests are denied).
Worst of all, Nagito’s health swiftly nosedives. At first he’s as energetic as Chiaki and Kazuichi, babbling conspiracy theories to (and sometimes about) anyone in earshot. His mania is soon missed: by the second morning of quarantine, he’s barely even conscious. By the third, he’s comatose. Mikan discovers some truly alarming pre-existing conditions that, in tandem with the Despair Disease, is bringing him to the brink. As the person with the most experience, she largely leaves the other patients to the other volunteers and dedicates herself to staving off his death.
Everyone’s getting worn down, and not just because of the increasingly stressful patient care. All that proximity to the patients brings up the additional concern of contagion. By the third night of quarantine (I’ve stretched the disease period longer than in SDR2 for better pacing), none of the staff seem sick yet. But if what Monokuma said is true, it’s just a matter of time. What little information Mikan’s been able to glean from research hasn’t shown them how to cure or really prevent it. If even one of them falls ill, they’ll go from relieving the burden to becoming the burden.
That’s how Mikan’s already starting to feel. The Ultimate Nurse can only do so much with such insufficient resources to save Nagito and defeat the virus. Not helping is that Monokuma suggested, without confirming one way or the other, that if a patient dies from the disease, their caretaker(s) may be held responsible ... perhaps, even, considered guilty ...
It could be worse, though. For the first time in her life, someone else actually seems to care about her. Ibuki tries her best to support the nurse, who’s so appreciative that she ends up falling asleep by her new friend’s side on that second night.
No one’s scandalized by the two walking out of the same hotel room on the third morning for long, though, after they see Nagito’s dire state. By the third night, Mikan’s on the verge of collapse herself, and with too many lives depending on her, she can’t afford to rest.
The only thing that could help is a miraculous breakthrough … but of course, as a suddenly severe Fuyuhiko reminds them on the third night, there’s always Monokuma’s solution.
On the fourth morning, Ibuki finds Mikan at her side again, snug and warm. Everyone’s first instinct is to check on Nagito. Amazingly, he’s sitting upright, gazing out the window at the hotel swimming pool. All signs point to a full recovery, with any chatter about societal collapse and living in a simulation extinguished.
The instinct to celebrate is curbed as the group realizes what such an instant reversal must mean. Everyone, including Nagito, rushes back out to the hallway. Fuyuhiko skips Kazuichi’s door, despite it being adjacent to Nagito’s room, and tosses aside the furniture blocking Peko’s door. She’s alive and serious, asking for the return of her sword. The staff had confiscated it for patient safety.
No time for that right now. Mikan opens Kazuichi’s door. He’s shaking with terror, not even able to speak - back to his old, cowardly self. Even his jumpsuit is zipped up again.
A shriek from outside the hotel isn’t quite loud enough to be heard within its halls - not for normal ears, anyway. As the others pry open the last patient’s door, Ibuki rushes out to find Hiyoko pointing at the tip of the outdoor stairway. Blood drips down the steps from the unmoving body of Chiaki Nanami. Next week, the trial.
PREV: Group Bonding in the Time of Despair Disease
NEXT: The First Trial
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aparticularbandit · 3 months
here's a fun question that i haven't thought through yet but could be fun
a giant mecha monokuma slammed through the ceiling right
mass destruction on people who were not suspecting it
of the three people who were there, one of them is still conscious (kyoko, the answer is kyoko, she's the pov character, i needed her conscious), one of them is dead (which was not intended but fits, i think, with the whole), and one is unconscious. definitely with a head wound, but probably no lasting head trauma.
here's the question.
should the character who is currently unconscious with a head wound, by nature of being closest to the epicenter of the landing monokuma, maybe also have some sort of spinal injury. re: paralysis.
like maybe they should be the one that isn't dead and the other person should be paralyzed (which actually would make sense, but there's a different sort of. impact. depending on who dies)....
you know what, spoiler talk under the cut, i actually want to crowd source this and talk this through and have thoughts.
right now hina is dead. done. gone. dead.
this currently leads to a potential conversation between kyoko and junko (or ryoko post-memory recovery - i'm not sure how much is still junko at that point, i'll get there) about whether junko knew hina would die and if she did, then why didn't she tell kyoko because hina was right next to kyoko and kyoko could have saved her.
i like this potential conversation in terms of 1) junko trauma (if i go with what i'm currently planning re: chiaki, the lasting impact of good people die saving people becomes its own theme - chiaki dying saving junko (when they were kids! so i guess more chiaki dying saving ryoko); makoto dying saving junko; junko choosing to die (sort of) because that's the proper ending (and also saves everyone else from her); kyoko doesn't get the option to die saving hina because kyoko would have died instead) and 2) the limits of junko's ability - she could predict that mikan would come save her, she could even predict how mikan came to save her, but she can't predict where all of the debris landed or where everyone was standing when the debris landed (she could guess at that, at least), and so couldn't have predicted who got hit where/how and so couldn't have known that hina would die to tell kyoko in the first place (not that she would have told kyoko anyway).
byakuya could die instead.
he was at the epicenter of the monokuma landing by proxy of being right next to junko. the monokuma could literally have landed on him and crushed him.
...but i think actually being at the epicenter would protect him because they would need to make sure that junko wasn't hurt when they came to get her, so it's likely he shouldn't be hurt too terribly bad either.
and also byakuya dying would lead to a whole thing with toko/jack, which would lead to even more wanting to murder junko, but anything that hurts byakuya could do that, just not on necessarily the same scale. permanent lasting damage would have a similar effect. especially if he's paralyzed from the waist down.
(this would also lead to toko hovering around byakuya even more than before because she would be trying to help him with the wheelchair and etc. which he would hate. but she would absolutely try to play nurse with him. which would feel really gross but would also be very much in line with danganronpa and would also parallel mikan's treatment of ryoko. for all that we love mikan, there are definitely elements of yeah, but going on with her treatment of ryoko. particularly regarding yasuke. what she knows and says and keeps to herself. what she tries to control with regards to ryoko.
the idea of this injury also being worse because toko tried to move him. like - that's something you instinctively do, right, or maybe she would, seeing byakuya passed out and surrounded by sparking wires and potential more falling debris - it's pick him up, get him out - but like. there are very clear moments when that's a bad idea and you let the professionals do it (but they wouldn't know that professionals were on the way at all!) - and the effects of trying to move and help and save someone who's hurt who was better off not being moved because of things you did not know - how interfering can sometimes make things worse is also a good. parallel with mikan and junko in this situation.)
which means i've maybe talked myself into hina stays dead and yes, byakuya paralysis, but.
still taking thoughts if people have thoughts? would like thoughts.
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hopeymchope · 1 year
Okay okay, I have a theory for her wearing a diaper: Maybe it's the way Monokuma belittling her. Like "you are as useless as a baby, so take this diaper and stfu".
And yeah!!! THAT is what I want to talk about!! I saw some askers in your blog, as well as you complain about how class has treated Mikan which I agree so much!! But I'd like to point out that the class also shut their eyes to Monomi's abuse just like how they did with Mikan's. Monokuma beat her up and mocked her front of the students whenever he can! But despite everything, Monomi is still caring about the students! At the first time she realised that Monokuma was in the island as well, she went to confront him and when Monokuma brings the Mono - bots, she tries to battle them, even if she failed to do so.
Than later, she continues to fight with Mono - bots to help to students. Like, she is the reason why the students could discover rest of the island, and students either ignore her, or get rude to her. Like why???! She is as much a victim as the other students, if not more!! But of course, what can you expect from the class who ignored Mikan's abuse until she snaps?.. I swear it's like a pattern for them.
Note: This is a direct follow-up to this previous ask.
RE: The diaper, I know it makes sense in-universe, but I was more wanting an explanation for why the DR team put her in a diaper. Are they thinking "Oh, this is something associated with a baby and therefore it is cute"? Because that is absolutely NOT my reaction. I realize this is probably a personal bias/hang-up, but I just... do not react well to seeing a wee child walking around in only a diaper and no other clothes. Especially not when they're indoors, in a business of some kind like a restaurant or museum or whatever. For some reason, my immediate reaction to that scenario is "EW, GROSS." Never am I ever thinking "Oh cute, that kid is just in a diaper." I am instead thinking about the fact that nobody bothered to cloth that human who is only wearing something that helps them wallow in their own waste. And I'm grossed out by that. ........... Maybe I just have issues, but THAT'S where my mind goes when I look at Monomi's design. "Nothin' but a diaper. Just a fucked-up rabbit that's probably ensconced in its own feces."
(Can Monomi not remove the diaper? She obviously didn't wear or need one as Usami. Is it permanently bolted onto her person by Monokuma or something?)
.......................BUT ANYWAAAAY, that's just a side tangent to the greater Monomi issue you've spoken about: The class' treatment of her.
I kind of understand that Class 77-B feels like they don't know if they can trust the weird robot animal (well... it appears to be a robot to them, at the time) that's running around, because who is really controlling it? Wasn't this robot the same one who took us this island without us asking??? Even if it's NOT in league with the one who is demanding a killing game, why should we trust the one that dragged us to a remote island without our permission??
But at the same time... they obviously don't JUST distrust her for that reason. Characters regularly suspect her of being in league with Monokuma, even though it's plainly obvious to everyone that she's being beaten up, tied up, forcibly shut up, AND she never does anything aggressive or mean towards them (despite obviously living among them and speaks directly with them frequently). And she appeared very confused/shocked when Monokuma first showed up and immediately tried to fight him. And SO ON.
I get that they're in a scenario where trust isn't an easy thing to just hand over. I also understand that she's not even really human, and her capacity to "feel" is probably unclear to them... like, is she just *acting* when she shows these emotions? Is that a programmed response? Or what? And ok, she's somehow weirdly able to open up these islands, but how can little robot do that shit against those beasts? And why does it always just lead to more places Monokuma has corrupted, with even more potential murder motives? Etc ec.
But I'm making a ton of excuses for the fact that it feels dumb the way they keep on suspecting her all the way up until she gets Tetris'd to hell and back. I could make additional excuses, even, based on the specific characters who are most hostile to her! But... it just... never feels right to me. There's even lip service paid to how she "even looks like him," which is something that is LITERALLY DONE RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEM AGAINST USAMI'S WILL, so like, that's an absolutely shit reason to be such a hater. Shut up. :P
Somehow, their treatment of Monomi is simultaneously both more and less logical than how they treat Tsumiki.
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plaindangan · 7 months
Is it true Miu is the horniest student of hopes peak? Rumor is that she's actually a futa and she's so horny all the time because of the luscious bodies of her fellow female students. (and also the femboys~) Especially Mikan and Angie, Mikan because shes so clumsy she lands in lewd positions all the time forcing her to spend so much time masturbating or hiding her hard on in public. Angie because she has a massive ass and she sometimes wears skimpy outfits almost every other day! She also likes doing lewd dancing when Miu is around saying they're "Atua's dance", as if she's trying to get her hard. So what happens when both Angie and Mikan are inside of her room, both doing said things that make Miu hard.
(I apologize for the large message, I love your work I hope this ask is acceptable!)
Disclaimer: R18 material! If not to your liking then please do not read!
(Thank you!! Sorry for the long wait and I hope you enjoy this~)
Miu is pretty much the poster girl for rampant horniness in the school, though it can't fully be her fault. How is she supposed to remain calm when Hope's Peak seemed keen on recruiting not just the most talented of people, but also the drop dead sexiest?! So many racks that rival her own, squishy thighs she she just wanted to be crushed in-between, phat assess that begged to be taken by her extremely pent up dick-!!
It's not faiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir!!!
Miu spent her days barely able to get out of sight of her peers to hide her erections until they died down...or just full on jerk off as soon as she could! And who could blame her?~ Just too many juicy bodies to be around...
And it was especially worse thanks to Mikan and Angie!! Or, as she believed, should be called 'Ultimate Ero-Pose Klutz' and 'Ultimate Tease' because damn it if that wasn't a more accurate description of then! When she was sick in the nurse's office, the amount of times in one hour she saw Mikan trip into her own bandages and show off her bubble butt in those skimpy panties of hers or trapped with her legs wide open, was one too many times that she nearly drenched her sheets in pre-cum alone! And that Angie....she had to be doing it on purpose, always in such a short skirt that didn't do much to keep her buns hidden. Meaning whenever she did her 'traditional island dance' routines' (which just happened to have a lot of twerking behind it), Miu got a full view of chocolate moons that had her quickly scrambling to cover her erection.
If its just her against one of them, while she struggles, it would still be contained. Barely. But when both of them came to visit her, Mikan for a check-up and Angie because 'Atua willed it', doing both of their routines at the same times? Yeah, no there was no way to hide from either just how hard they made her. She was too captivated by both to even both to hide it this time around~
Thankfully, as both girls witnessed such a big dick emerge from the inventor, they were quite understanding. So ensued an 'emergency treatment - island/modern style~'. Treatment that had both strip down and deliver a double assjob for hours on end to Miu. Until months worth of stress, hiding and lust for the two of them was completely drained from her balls and coating not just the buns that got her to her breaking point, but even the floor as well. As a bonus? Once they saw the mess they left Miu's dick they quickly to lap up her cream stained shaft and balls.
Until Miu was all dry, and left in nirvana from their soft tongues~
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Name: Rantaro Amami
Desired Talent: Ultimate Adventurer
High School: Hope's Pass High School
Gender: Cisgender
Sexuality: Biromantic Asexual
Favorite Danganronpa Character: Hajime Hinata
Personality: Rantaro is the eldest child and only son of two sick parents with twelve sisters, and as such, he often appears desperate for money, scrounging together anything he can and saving religiously, as well as taking on several jobs in order to provide for his sisters. This hard work left him a very polite and respectful young man, but he can also appear callous when he's upset. It is for the reason of money to provide for his family that he agreed to go on a second season of Danganronpa.
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Name: Ryoma Hoshi
Desired Talent: Ultimate Tennis Player
High School: Fog Heights High School
Gender: Cisgender
Sexuality: Aroace
Favorite Danganronpa Character: Nekomaru Nidai
Personality: Ryoma is a boy who carries around a lot of guilt and weight, including from relationships he wished he never would have lost. And thus, his interest in Danganronpa is meant to relieve him of guilt through going through absolute hell. On the lighter side, he loves cats and has one, and he's particularly resistant to bullying, especially about his height. He also loves sports, even though he isn't really great at any of them.
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Name: Korekiyo Shinguji
Desired Talent: Ultimate Doctor
High School: Sunset Hill High School
Gender: Genderfluid
Sexuality: Gay
Favorite Danganronpa Character: Mukuro Ikusaba
Personality: Korekiyo is always seen by those around him as creepy, both due to his awareness of his health and mask-wearing, and due to the fact that he's more studious than normal, even rejecting relationships with others to indulge in a book or focus on his schoolwork. He's close with his older sister, regarding her as a mentor, and though many would call the relationship they share strange, they've been all each other could have throughout his sister's illness, which is primarily why he focuses so much on his health. He enjoys reading up on other cultures and traditions. As his sister gets more sick, she indulges more in her favorite show, Danganronpa. So Korekiyo, in a desire to see her happy, wants to audition for the show and pay for her treatment completely with the prize money. Little does he know what Team Danganronpa has planned for his relationship with his sister...
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Name: Gonta Gokuhara
Desired Talent: Ultimate Veterinarian
High School: Saint Mountain Academy
Gender: Agender (Still uses He/Him)
Sexuality: Pansexual
Favorite Danganronpa Character: Mikan Tsumiki
Personality: Gonta is a well-spoken, very gentle young man who is the son of a wealthy and influential family. Due to this, he attends a private school, where he has few friends due to his abnormal stature, where many find him frightening due to this. However, he hardly minds, and this never stops him from being kind to others, and especially animals and insects, including his beloved pet wolfdog. However, deep down, the comments about being a terrifying monster do genuinely hurt him, and he auditions to be on Danganronpa solely to prove that he isn't evil or malicious, and with the desire to make friends through his character.
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Name: Kokichi Ouma
Desired Talent: Ultimate King
High School: Imperial Capital's Imperial High School
Gender: Transgender Male
Sexuality: Pansexual
Favorite Danganronpa Character: Junko Enoshima
Personality: Kokichi had a pretty rough upbringing, with a physically and emotionally abusive mother who left several scars throughout his body, causing insecurity in his modern life. His mother lost custody of him for obvious reasons, and with his father deceased, it's unknown who he lives with and he's very careful never to let on about it. He's a mischievous prankster, but he's more quiet and shy when it comes to confrontation, but he usually gets away with his trickery regardless. He enjoys board games, mystery dramas, and Danganronpa, the last of which was the only thing to keep him sane throughout his hellish early life, hence his desire to join and be the same beacon for someone else in his former position. As someone diagnosed with Huntington's Disease, he knows he doesn't have much time to do it, and so he hopes to make a difference with the time he does have.
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Name: Kaito Momota
Desired Talent: Ultimate Astronaut
High School: Dodonpachi Commercial High
Gender: Genderfaun
Sexuality: Straight (or so he'd like to think-)
Favorite Danganronpa Character: Mondo Owada
Personality: Kaito is best defined as a troubled kid, and his upbringing was rough. He never knew his mother, she died in childbirth with him, and his father died of alcoholism shortly after. Due to this, he was taken in by his grandparents, and he constantly put a strain on them due to getting into fights and trouble with his teachers and classmates. Due to constant trouble at school, he isn't the smartest, but he is infatuated with outer space, likely due to his ADHD. He auditions for Danganronpa in hopes of achieving fame and fortune to make their lives easier.
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Name: Kiibo Idabashi
Desired Talent: Ultimate Lucky Student
High School: Idabashi Industries High School
Gender: Nonbinary (He/They, but closeted)
Sexuality: Pansexual
Favorite Danganronpa Character: Makoto Naegi
Personality: Kiibo grew up with an inventor for a father who he loves very much, and he grew to be interested in robotics and programming, often assisting his father with new projects. As Tsumugi Shirogane's childhood friend, he got a job at Team Danganronpa when she did, and thanks to his kindness toward her, when she was promoted to the next mastermind, she began scouting him first and foremost, promising him a position in Season 53 as both a participant and bona-fide cameraman.
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Name: Shuichi Saihara
Desired Talent: Ultimate Detective
High School: Spring Field Academy
Gender: Transgender Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Favorite Danganronpa Character: Kyoko Kirigiri
Personality: Shuichi is known best for being a self-loathing goth who avoids eye contact at all costs. He's always wearing a hat to cover his face, hating the way he looks, and though he prefers to dress professionally at school, his fashion sense lies more on the gothic side than anything else. He was raised by his uncle due to his parents' very hands-off approach with raising him, and he's considered an outcast due to his lack of interest in video games, instead preferring to read mystery novels. He wants to join Danganronpa purely to express himself, and after being outed as a "snitch" and bullied after exposing a thief in seventh grade, he became fearful of exposing the truth, fearing for his own safety when he does so.
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lexacoolfox · 3 years
What is you think rengoku ,shinobu,and Mitsuri with a s/o like Mikan tsumiki would be like
Aww I love this idea!
A little background info:
Your basically like a doctor/nurse to the demon slayers.
You always have medical supplies on you and you often help at the butterfly estate.
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So when he meet you for the first time, he thought that you a kind and innocent person. The shyness and timidity you had was so adorable to him.
He wanted to know everything about you.
His personality did catch off guard a bit and would make you stumble on your words very often.
Since Rengoku often yells a lot, you get caught off gaurd and start crying. Like the first time he meet you
“Why are you apologizing? All I said was hello!”
“W-well you yelled. S-so I-I t-though you were m-mad at m-me.���
“I just meet you, why would I already be mad at you?”
“I-I don’t know. I-it’s j-j-just…aaaAAAHH! I’m sorry I’m w-wasting your t-time!”
After that you ran away before he could say anything.
Rengoku learned over time that if he wants to talk to you. he has to learn not to be so enthusiastically loud. Basically he had to develop an inside voice.
After he was able to talk to you without you crying and running away. You two talked very often. You were very nice but you were also a big pushover.
He told you that you shouldn’t let people walk all over you. But you responded it’s ok and your used to it. He didn’t like that response. So he took the duty upon himself to start standing up for you.
He believed such a kind person didn’t deserve to be treated so unfairly.
“Hey s/o since your so obedient! Why don’t crawl on all four like a dog!”
Rengoku stops you from bending down.
“S/o there is no need for that. As for you leave them alone. picking on her for no reason…SHAME ON YOU!”
Soon He confessed his love for you to which you accept of course. Cause how much you love him, he always to kind to you and always stands up for you.
You two were a cute couple.
Eventually you got used to his loud and enthusiastic attitude.
But of course you were still shy and timid, also had a stuttering problem.
“K-kyo does my s-s-stuttering ever b-bother you?”
“No! In fact it’s actually quite adorable to me!”
You put your hands on your cheeks as your face went red.
You tended to trip. A lot. Into, certain positions. He tries to catch you. Sometimes he succeed sometime he fails.
When he fails you cry saying sorry for tripping. He helps you up as fast as he can especially if there’s people around.
Sometimes he notices people have blushes and nosebleed. Those people get the most scary and threatening smile imaginable.
But then he comforts you quietly telling you it’s fine and that accidents happen while shushing you and petting your hair, also hugging you.
One time he wasn’t in the fondest of moods and you wanted to make him happy.
So you went up to him and offered to take off your clothes and let him do as he pleases with you.
To say he was shocked would be an understatement.
He jumped up and had put his hands on your shoulder
“S/O no! You are my beautiful flame! I don’t want you to offer me that unless it’s what the both of us want! Not just to make me happy!
Then he hugged you
“All I need is your presence to make me happy.”
Then there was one time you thought he was mad at you
“Oh S/O…I could never be mad at you. Your an angel. I’m not mad at you, it’s just life can be difficult sometimes.”
When he gets nasty injuries and is sent to the butterfly estate. He specifically ask for you to treat him.
You asked why he specifically ask for you every time.
“The love I feel every time I see you makes me stronger! So I’ll heal faster if you do my treatment!”
You blushed and said how sweet he is. You were actually a really good doctor, you did study under shinobu after all
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Let me get this out of the way. she loves every single thing about you! 
She loves hearing your stutters and thinks it’s so adorable when you get shy.
 she appreciates the fact that you’ll will apologize when you do something even on accident. but sometimes you apologize for no reason. For example when you were explaining a recovery time to Mitsuri.
“S-so the r-recover process w-will take about a-a week. I’m sorry.”
“Why are you apologizing?”
“I j-just wanted t-to apologize for n-not being able t-to do m-more. I-I just want t-to be helpful.”
“But your already so helpful taking care of me! I’m really happy your the one doing my checkups, getting me food, and making me tea after I take that yucky medicine.”
“Well it’s the l-least I c-could do for someone a-as a-amazing as y-you.”
Now mitsuri is not the confrontational type. when it comes to you she will go off on a person!
“That stuttering of your is so annoying! How about instead you just shut up!”
“O-Okay just please d-don’t hate me. I-I’m sorry!”
“S/o don’t apologize! You have nothing to be sorry for! As for you, that is not a very nice things to say! Their stuttering isn’t annoying it’s absolutely adorable! I ask that you apologized to S/o!”
Mitsuri feel for you hard so without hesitation when she was sure, she confessed. You couldn’t believe the love pillar herself wanted you to be her significant other. You asked like 3 time if she’s sure. After saying yes each time you said you would love nothing more than to be her significant other.
Now anytime she sees you she just cuddles and gives you love pecks on your cheeks. Then asks how your day has been.
When she first started doing it you would scream in surprise and apologize. But then calm down once your realize it’s her.
You tend to trip a lot into questionable positions.
Since it happens so randomly Mitsuri doesn’t always have the reaction to instantly catch you.
She does help you as fast as she can. With her face so red that it would put a tomato to shame.
She will whisper sweet nothings to you while stroking your hair. Also telling you ok, that sometimes it happens.
One time she was slightly upset. And you didn’t like to see her cry, so you offered to take your clothes off to make her feel better.
You slightly lifted up your skirt or was about slowly strip of your shirt. She wouldn’t immediately stop you with a giant blush on her face. She started nervously talking swinging her arms around her face. She was so embarrassed that she didn’t realize she was slightly yelling.
One time you thought she might be upset with you . When you asked her if you upset her in anyway.
She had a look of heartbreak. A few tears were slipping out of her eyes
“N-no of course not! Did…did I make you think I was upset with you? Because I swear I’m not…there’s nothing you could do to make me upset! I’m sorry if I did!”
That started to cause you to cry.
“I-I’m s-sorry. I thought you were u-upset with me. N-now I actually h-have made you u-upset, I c-can’t do anything r-right *sob*”
“Please don’t cry! because when you *sniffle* cry I *sobs* CRY!”
You two were coincidently at the butterfly estate and shinobu walked in on you two cuddling and crying together.
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You became a helper at the butterfly state after a demon attacked your village and shinobu saved you.
You are eternally grateful to her for saving your life. So you always had a crush on her.
You helped make poisons and medicines as well as dealing with patients.
She quite enjoyed your company and help. She always says how happy she is about you being around and compliments how helpful you are.
To which you stutter and blush saying it’s no problem and it’s the least you can do for her.
She understands that you can’t help but stutter and she’s completely fine with it.
Shinobu developed a crush on you too, she just thought you were awfully cute and you two did spend a lot time together. She’s likes how smart you are and is glads that she also had somebody to make medicines with.
One day shinobu just came out and told you her feelings, you had a giant blush on your face while saying you feel the same.
You did have a tendency to apologize a lot and didn’t mind when people were rude to you. You were basically a doormat. You tolerated any treatment. But now you have shinobu to step in and stand up for you.
She did this even before you started dating.
“Hey~ s/o~ how about you come over to my place and show me a good time?~”
“Ara ara~ Now what might be going on over her? Are you perhaps flirting with my S/o?”
“O-oh l-lady kocho! I didn’t realize that they were yours! Hehehe…”
“Hhmm…I don’t feel like making this longer than it has to be so I won’t sugarcoat it. If you ever talk to them like that again I’ll be sure to deal with you personally.”
That would cause the person to flee in fear. Then shinobu would walk over to you.
“Are you okay dear?”
“Y-yes. Thank y-you shinobu.”
Then she hugs you and kisses your cheek.
You also trip a lot. most of the time she catches you but there is the occasional time she misses.
She helps you up as quick as possible while also thinking how it’s possible for you to end up that way.
She pets your hair while telling you it’s alright and she’s not mad. Also reassuring that it’s normal to trip and accidents happen.
One time she was upset and you wanted to make her happy so you offered to take off your clothes
She shut that down immediately and hugged you.
“My love don’t offer that unless you also desire it. Don’t just do it to please me. Let’s do it when both of us are ready.”
Then there was the time you thought she was mad at you.
“Oh my dear…I could never be mad at you. You practically make my day anytime I see you! Trust me when I say I’m not mad at you. I love you too much.”
She convinces you more with snuggles and constant kisses to the point you giggle.
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sir-sunny · 3 years
(Green) a thinking about,,,Nagito and Mikan friendship for a while, so here are some headcanons
-(TW vomit) Mikan has an almost supernatural sense when people are unwell, and can tell whenever Nagito is about to be sick before it happens, and is able to bring him aside until he feels better
-Nagito learns a lot about medical equipment and techniques from Mikan during his stays in the ward. He doesn’t really know what to use this knowledge on, but he finds it neat nonetheless :)
-Mikan likes to sing when she’s preparing for treatment, and Nagito likes to listen to it, even if she’s unaware of it. Her singing voice isn’t fantastic but it’s gentle and sweet, and Nagito appreciates how soothing it is
-They’re both amazingly awkward when it comes to comforting the other, but they try their best because they both know that they have a lot of issues going on (they try to hug each other but Mikan almost always trips and bumps their heads together by accident)
-Sometimes,,,Nagito is the one who puts Mikan’s bandages on,,,especially if she’s too tired to do it herself,,,
-They sometimes do each other’s hair because neither of them really like their own (if Nagito was more confident in himself, he’d offer to cut Mikan’s hair short instead of Mahiru)
-They have little inside jokes about horror movies they’ve seen and no one else besides Sonia gets it
aauwwggw i love these
i imagine mikan is one of the few people in which nagito isnt ashamed to be vulnerable with. if he's feeling sick, he'll consult her because he knows she doesn't judge him or look down on him. she just wants to help him
oooh yeah nagito learning about medical equipment just by being around it all the time but also having having a genuine interest in it. he's impressed by mikan's vast knowledge sometimes he'll asks questions to which mikan will happily and excitedly educate him,,
awh nagito finding mikan's singing soothing. even when he's really unwell, her singing puts him at ease because it makes him feel like she has things under control
oh these two taking care of each other by doing simple things like brushing each other's hair. mikan will brush nagito's hair when he's too weak to do it himself. and when nagito starts feeling well again, he'll offer to brush her hair as a thank you (because sometimes mikan will forget to take care of herself when she's really focused on a patient)
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everythingsinred · 3 years
Let's Talk About NatsuMikan: Natsume (pt. 14)
Natsume has been putting himself on the line for his sister. He's currently manipulating his way into the Hana Hime den, completely unaware that he's falling for a trap set for him. At the same time, his manipulations involve spending a lot of time with Mikan, and how his feelings of love for her complicate things.
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Chapter Fifty-Six
The boys dutifully dress in girls’ kimonos, even if they are embarrassed. Natsume will do anything for his sister, so dressing in drag is really nothing compared to all the other stuff he has done and will do for her.
Upon arriving at the house for the party, Mikan is very excited, waving her hands (including the one not-actually-stuck to Natsume) and dragging him all over, which he surprisingly allows.
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Yeah, yeah, the scans are low-quality, but what matters is LOOK AT THEM. She's so excited and dragging him around and he just lets her! I'm obsessed.
They enter, escorted by Shizune, who leads them past the party on the first floor, which is open to all Middle school girls. They are headed to the more exclusive party on the second floor. Many of the Middle school girls gossip about the group headed up the stairs, but Mikan is happy to notice Misaki and Nobara in the crowd. Nobara is excited to see her, until she sees Natsume there too. Her mood changes from excited to scared, asking why Natsume has come to this place and warning Mikan to get him out because he won’t be safe there.
Nobara is surprised to see him, but also scared for him, which gives off the impression that either she didn't think Natsume would fall for the trap or she wasn't aware that there was a trap at all but knows that the Hana Hime den is a dangerous place for him anyway. With this in mind, we can see that something very dangerous is awaiting Natsume. If he does find his sister, it won't be easy getting her out safely.
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Almost immediately after arriving, Hotaru is able to separate from Ruka and Youichi, which spurs Natsume to finally give up Mikan’s hand as well. The MSP is obviously peeved by the boys’ presence and the role she was forced to play for Persona.
The flower princesses have decided to cheer the MSP up by choosing one of the incoming group to bully. Hotaru is absolutely out of the question, as she is the only one the MSP actually intended to invite. The boys are not chosen either, as Natsume is to be sacrificed to Persona and the princesses find them all cute. That leaves Mikan, who is immediately obnoxious and loud, the perfect target for ridicule.
Mikan is very excited about the traditions and rituals of the flower party, but she is very persistently excluded from each one. Even the boys get flower names (other than Yo-chan), but Mikan is ignored when she asks for one.
She is then excluded from the feast, with all the dishes purposefully taken from her and placed in front of other people. She is then given a “medicine” which only makes her smell bad so the other attendees want to stay away from her. Hotaru seems to be distracted by the special treatment she was so looking forward to, but Natsume is visibly bothered by the strange way in which the flower princesses are treating Mikan.
The games they play either exclude Mikan, mock her, or both.
In no time at all, she is thoroughly lonely, depressed, and hungry, her face painted all over.
They all sit around for another game, and the flower princesses decide that Mikan shouldn’t be invited for this one at all. Though Ruka and Hotaru are put off by this, Natsume has had enough, so he leaves the circle completely. Hotaru's way of defending Mikan is to get back at the girls through a game she invented, but Natsume's technique is a bit more straight-forward.
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Natsume doesn't even like these people. Mikan, on the other hand...
Natsume has gone to fetch a dumpling for Mikan, a chestnut kuri kinton shaped like an orange. Perfect for her, he says. He then says he’s unbothered by the smell of her medicine, especially compared to the perfumes sprayed all over the place. Natsume doesn’t care about being polite and courteous to the MSP. He’s here to save Aoi, and standing by while these girls bully the love of his life won’t exactly help him save Aoi, so why should he do it?
So they end up bickering over something stupid again, and Mikan seems all cheered up.
She even seems sad to see him go to the bathroom, telling him to hurry so they can eat and spend more time together.
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Pretending is so much harder when he can see that she actually enjoys spending time with him. How is he supposed to be okay with his fate when this is so much more pleasant?
He shuts her down, like it’s no big deal, but it is, of course, like everything else he borrows.
But he can’t have her waiting for him when he knows deep down there’s a chance he might not come back. He’s here for a reason after all, and that reason is sadly not to eat kuri kinton with Mikan. It’s to save his sister, who might be captive in a dungeon somewhere.
The MSP warns him not to explore too much, as she won’t be responsible for anything that happens to him.
He begins by looking for a bathroom, but there are no boys’ bathrooms, so he wanders around. His attention is immediately grabbed by some girls talking about “Yuki Aoi”. This is a trap, of course, just like everything else. He follows the girls downstairs into the basement, trying to look for Aoi, but the girls quickly report to Persona that it’s all going according to plan. It almost seems like too obvious a trap, but Natsume is desperate. He hasn't heard from Aoi in too long. He's so eager to find her that he doesn't see the warning signs, like that all the hints about Aoi are a bit too obvious.
Now is time for the Dangerous Ability Discipline Squad to be deployed.
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Natsume descends into the dungeons, perfectly aware that he could end up staying there forever, and that he’ll be horribly punished for sure. There isn’t a lot of Natsume in this chapter actually, but his friends grow concerned about his long absence from the party, and wonder if Natsume has perhaps been punished as the MSP warned, for wandering where he shouldn’t.
We learn that the MSP has a very strong barrier alice, one that protects the whole school, and that it is very powerful in the dungeons, where Natsume is.
When we do see Natsume again, he has only gone deeper into the basement, when he sees a cell with a girl in it. He quickly rushes to her side, convinced that it’s his sister, but is disappointed to find that it’s actually Nobara with a wig, unconscious.
The problem is, now he’s locked in a cell.
Chapter Fifty-Nine
Nobara, desperate as she was to make sure Natsume was okay, took Tsubasa with her into the dungeons, only to be isolated and put into a trance state. Natsume knows what the trance state means: it’s the only way she can be made to use her alice on missions, as she is usually good-natured.
He knows he’s in danger now, that the DA class has trapped him and that he might have to fight. And just like that, the Discipline Squad is there: Rui, Hayate, and Yakumo, all waiting for him.
Natsume has been acting out of line for quite some time now. He’s been going on missions that go against the agenda of the school, all to help his friends, specifically his "kitten of a different color". He’s been smiling and joking more, happy when he’s supposed to be eternally despairing. The higher ups don’t like that, and this is his punishment.
Rui explains what’s going on, since Natsume goes on missions on the outside and isn’t familiar. The Discipline Squad is a subdivision of the DA class to punish people who aren’t toeing the company line. The Hana Hime den basement is where they usually do their work. Tsubasa was once victim to Rui’s alice specifically as a punishment for his troublemaking, hence the curse mark under his eye. Natsume’s punishment will likely be much more severe.
Persona then appears, holding the unconscious Nobara, informing Natsume that this was the final test: that Natsume should have been obedient and not wandered down into the basement. However, he has failed the test and stepped out of line once again, and this is the last straw.
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Ah, how nice to see the Discipline Squad, my beloveds. And Natsume looks so pretty in that kimono.
Natsume is immediately on the offensive, grabbing Persona and demanding to know where Aoi is, but Persona uses his alice on Natsume’s wrists so he pulls away. Persona then instructs one of the Discipline Squad to go and get rid of the four new intruders who have descended into the basement, so now Natsume knows he has an extra responsibility beyond simply rescuing Aoi (not that rescuing Aoi was ever going to be simple).
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Despite always putting others first, he never considers that his existence matters to people, and that if he's in danger, his friends will come to protect him.
The squad decides Hayate will go, although he complains because he had apparently been waiting a very long time to be able to beat Natsume up. We can see that Natsume isn’t popular in the DA class either, and perhaps that Yo-chan is the only one who might admire him, even in a class where they’re all in a similar boat.
The silly antics and childish jabs of the Discipline Squad too are very interesting. They act big and tough, and were perhaps given heavy responsibilities, but they’re still children. Every single person in the DA class is a child, someone forced into these actions in some way or other, whether through emotional blackmail, physical coercion, or manipulation. All of these kids are under the illusion that they are more important than they are--simply pawns obediently doing their duty for the school’s benefit.
It’s an effective tactic to pit oppressed or victimized people against each other so they don’t focus on the real enemy, Persona and the ESP. The DA class demonstrates this quite well. Back in the day, Luna was pitted against Yuka. Natsume hates most of his classmates except for Youichi. He can lash out at Nobara, who is loyal to Persona, because he can’t lash out at the man himself. And all the other kids hate each other, get mad at each other, argue amongst each other. Hayate getting angry that Rui is calling the shots even though the real person in charge is Persona (and even further up, the ESP) is a great example of this. They are all so busy being mad at each other that they don’t realize the person pulling the strings is the one they should be angry at.
Anyway, Persona warns Natsume that because four new people have entered the fray, he might want to submit. After all, the dungeon has the highest concentration of the MSP’s alice, and he isn’t accustomed to it, like the Discipline Squad is. But if he refuses to submit, then Persona will give him answers if, and only if, he can defeat all three members of the squad. If he cannot defeat them, well, he’ll be trapped in the dungeon for the rest of his life. Naturally, Natsume has no choice but to agree to the deal. His sister’s safety is at stake, after all, and he would do anything for her, including possibly allowing himself to be locked in a dungeon forever.
Chapter Sixty
Persona leaves Natsume alone with Rui and Yakumo, and Natsume thinks to himself that this is an impossible situation. His upperclassmen are very powerful and their alices suit the name “dangerous ability”. At the same time, he realizes that he has to win, because he wants to save Aoi and avoid being locked up. But Rui decides to take off, sensing Tsubasa in the dungeon, so Natsume is left with only Yakumo, which might make things easier. One on one is easier than two on one, after all.
But Natsume is actually not relieved. If Rui senses someone he’s marked, then there might be another person down with them. In any case, he doesn’t want Rui to meet his friends. Hayate is one thing, but Rui is far more dangerous, and they might be in serious danger if he decides to use his alice. After all, Natsume can hardly use his alice properly, so even if his friends had a chance with their alices, they’ll be at a serious disadvantage in the dungeon.
Yakumo tells him to snap out of it, to stop being distracted, because then Natsume will certainly lose. So Natsume has no choice but to hope for the best for his friends and that the mystery fifth intruder will protect them in his place, and focus on his fight with Yakumo for now.
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This translation is a bit unclear, but he's pleading for the mystery intruder (Tsubasa) to protect his friends because he can't.
It’s interesting, from what we see of Yo-chan standing up for the other intruders in the dungeon, that Natsume told him to look out for the others in case something happened. Why did Natsume entrust such a task to a toddler, and not to Ruka or somebody else? Well, for one, Natsume has been entrusted with caring for everyone around him at a young age too. It was his job to be the serious and mature one after his mother died, taking responsibility to be as adult as possible and protect his father and sister, even though that shouldn’t have been on his shoulders at all. He won’t think it’s unfair to ask Yo-chan for this, because he’s been through it too and it’s normal for him.
Another thing is that every kid in the DA class is extremely powerful. To be in the DA class, it’s not enough to have a potentially dangerous alice, or many other kids would be in it. Tsubasa could have been in sooner, or Ruka could have been enlisted. Even Iinchou’s alice could be potentially terrifying if used in the right way. But they’re not DA students, because the alice has to be powerful enough to exploit. Yo-chan isn’t just in possession of a creepy alice; he’s a prodigy as well. He has control of his power and can do terrifying things with it. He’s been put on missions and trained too, even as little as he is, and he can do much more with his alice than the others can. Natsume trusts Yo-chan because he knows how dangerous these situations can be and he’s the most qualified to protect his friends.
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Natsume please. He's just a baby.
It’s tragic, but it’s the truth. The DA students are living very different lives from the rest of them, much better acquainted with the school’s darkness than anybody else could comprehend.
And Natsume might be locked inside it forever.
Chapter Sixty-One
We learn that Yakumo has insect pheromones. Natsume is fighting hard, using his alice to protect himself, thinking hard of Aoi to keep himself aware of what he’s fighting so hard for.
There sadly isn’t much Natsume in the chapter. He’s busy at a stand-off with Yakumo and the battle isn’t really going anywhere.
Something of note is Narumi, looking at Ruka’s postcard from his mother, pondering why the children haven’t returned yet. He knows something is up, and has no doubt known the whole time at the very least that there were too many coincidences involved in the banquet to be mere coincidences. At most, he was somewhat aware that Persona was planning on punishing Natsume. With Narumi, it’s hard to tell.
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And he was right all along...
Narumi recalls saying that Mikan could be the key to Natsume’s future, because he’d had the hunch that Mikan would become Natsume’s light. Natsume has, after all this time, realized that as well. Nobody wants to be locked up forever, but he especially doesn’t after he’s found something that helped make him happy again. So he will fight hard, because he wants to see Aoi again, and because he wants to see Mikan again too.
Natsume is ready to fight his hardest to find Aoi and keep from being locked away forever. He was aware before that he might not be able to easily make it back out, but it's become harder than he had imagined. Now that he knows Mikan and the others have followed him, he has even more to consider.
It’s a shame that I won’t be talking about Natsume and Ruka’s backstory in this essay. I brought up what I wanted to at the very beginning of this essay, and I won’t say much more than that here. I’ll touch on it in the Mikan POV essay, and I’ll go into every detail I can when I eventually analyze Natsume and Ruka’s relationship, but for now, there’s not much I’ll say.
This may be surprising! No Natsume backstory analysis in a Natsume essay?! But I’d be repeating what I’d said in the beginning. This isn’t just a Natsume essay after all. It’s a ship analysis, and I’ve said what I needed to already. I’m sad to skip it because it’s one of my favorite arcs in the whole story, but I’ll beat it to death in the future, so all is well.
I'm sorry if this was underwhelming. Like I'd said before, this arc is all about discovering Natsume, and Natsume... is Natsume, so he doesn't need to discover anything. I don't want to repeat myself or beat a dead horse just to fill up space. I reckon there will be one more part to this arc! I'm also sorry for posting this kinda late. I got very busy this morning and now everything is off-schedule. I'll try to post at a normal time tomorrow.
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britishsass · 2 years
Let's do Fred's family trauma!
Heck yeah, let's go run with it!
I'd like to preface this with a blanket trigger warning for emotional child abuse. I will be talking a lot about that and parental issues. There will also be discussion of alcoholism, cheating, and neglect.
This is also mainly based on my own headcanon, and therefore, feel free to take it with a grain of salt.
The Bonaparte Family is a bit of a mess, but let's go through the explanation of what I see the family being like
There are 5 members: The father, the mother, an older sister, Fred, and a younger sister. I'm not 100% sure on what their names are yet, since I'm still working on that part a lot. However, I'll pull a few names from the family tree for this, so just know that they're all up for editing if something else fits better.
Father - Lucien Charles Bonaparte
To say that Lucien is strict is an understatement. He carries himself with the same pride as anyone would expect of a father from the Noble House of Bonaparte.
He's shorter than Fred, but doesn't see that as a problem. He's still the clear patriarch of the household. He reminds me of what little I know of Hargreeves (Umbrella Academy), or Gabriel Agreste (Miraculous Ladybug). He's the type to care far too much about "heirs" and bloodlines, and he isn't someone who cares for those he views as below their status. Lucien is the sort of fellow who would be great in management-- Not for the employees below him, but for those above him. He's willing to do anything for status, which is why he pushes his family so hard, trying to get the family to be perfect to the outside.
At the time of most of the story, he works as a rather high-up person in an office, probably vice president or the like. He's rarely around his kids, but when he is, he demands perfection from them-- Especially his only son.
Mother - Charlotte Marie Bonaparte
Charlotte is rarely actually present in her kids' lives, preferring to deal with her issues through mixing in with other elites. She's frequently at parties to network, dress up, and catch up on rumors. She's the first to hear if there's something going amiss with their family, and though she does want to make sure the others are living up to her husband's standards, she's more of the Mother Gothel (Tangled) type, where she slips in biting comments that her children don't recognize as backhanded until much later. Another character I could reference for her is Daisy (the Great Gatsby) as she's always ignoring the rumors about her husband and never really cared to tend to her children.
There's been a rumor that she cheated on her husband, but she never actually shows any reaction to such a suggestion. She's uptight, very calculated, but very good at acting.
Older Sister - Josephine Louise Bonaparte
Jo, as she's commonly called, is the closest thing to a mother in the house, since she tends to actually care for her little sister and brother. She still attends the parties her mother used to drag her to, now carrying herself the very same way her mother did, but when she was young, she was a piano player and an artist in her free time. She loved to paint the gardens outside of their house, and would frequently be up early to catch the sunrise.
Jo was a nice person, though she took after her father in appearance. She shares Fred's red eyes, but has cool-toned skin, and shares the dark blue hair that her father has. As such, she does appear rather severe at first glance, and she has a very stern look.
Her reaction to the trauma they faced is commonly referred to as the "Fawn" response. At any sign of conflict, she will immediately attempt to please those in charge, avoiding getting in trouble at all costs. As a person, she could be compared to characters such as Mikan (Danganronpa 2) as someone who will accept any treatment, no matter how horrible, just because she is unable to stand up for herself.
Middle Child - Frederick Bonaparte
Fred's the one I can go on for hours about, heh. I'll keep this part mostly short for that reason alone.
Fred, when he was young, tried to be a good little sister. Eventually, as he grew up, he realized that didn't fit him, and he kept trying to find out who he was until he figured out he was trans. Throughout his life, he kept trying to just figure it all out. Nothing really fit. He tried to be the sporting type his dad wanted, but discovered he wasn't really good at much of it (Though he did like fencing.) He tried board games instead, though it wasn't what was wanted of him, and found he had a talent for them. As well, he enjoyed playing trumpet in the school band, though he quit before graduation due to other priorities.
Fred bounced from interest to interest, trying to figure out how to live up to the expectations placed on him, but from the moment he came out as trans, he could tell that the pressure just got worse. He made sure to go to college (For calligraphy with a psych minor) at a place far from home to avoid his family, trying to run away. That's when he got a job at Thorney Towers, and we know the rest.
Fred has a severe case of middle child syndrome. In other words, he feels overshadowed by both of his siblings, and he's a people-pleaser in the hopes that maybe he'll get noticed.
Younger Daughter - Elisa Julie Bonaparte
Elisa is the youngest of the family, and it shows. She acted out much more, and got away with more because people were busy handling Fred and Jo. She can be very opinionated, but she tries to listen to people.
Elisa is the type you'd expect to be a journalist. Curious, always getting into places she shouldn't be, always borrowing things to investigate them closer. Though she's not what their parents wanted, she's happy to take the gifts they gave her and sell them to get what she wants instead.
Elisa has mostly pushed down her trauma and the memory of Fred with alcohol, trying to act like there's nothing amiss in the Bonaparte family, though she refuses to talk much about Shaky Claim or anything about her family. If she had a choice, she'd change her last name, but she hasn't yet found one that she wants to use. She's a little bit jealous of her siblings, but she does love them, and she's most likely to be able to get back in contact with Fred, though she would panic and likely drink too much beforehand.
Anyways. That's just my idea of what the family was like. They're all pretty messed up overall-- They didn't communicate, Fred's parents only really accepted that he was trans because his father wanted an "heir", and there was a whole bunch of neglect and emotional trauma thrown into the mix. The best way to describe them is a masquerade.
Thanks for the question-- I really did want to talk about this a lot! ^_^ Sorry it took me a while to get it all down.
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mirkomilk · 4 years
Is it ok if I request some general hcs for yandere!Nagito, Mikan and Hajime (separately, ofc!)?
A/N: I knew mikan was sus, I knew it 😫
Warnings: yandere, unhealthy relationships, kidnapping, nagito is his own warning 😌, manipulation, drugging
Komaeda Nagito
He is genuinely delusional, that's it. However, he gets pelted by reality sometimes and he isn't too fond of it. Like, Nagito knows, realistically, that he shouldn't lock up his darling like their a caged animal, but it's all for their sake, so he rationalizes everything he does with some weird and flawed logic. Nagito is a special yandere just because he keeps himself in check so his darling won’t be unhappy. If they lose hope, he’d truly be devastated.
He’s so manipulative, without even realizing it sometimes, too. Nagito has often overshared something with his darling and it causes them to pity him so he has them feeling bad for him all of the time. This works in his favor a lot and while he doesn’t do it on purpose, he doesn’t stop once he does become conscious of it. His personality is enough to give someone whiplash, but Nagito is just plain weird at times. Might cry if it means his darling would pay attention to him.
I feel like his darling would get Stockholm Syndrome, not early on, but it happens eventually. Nagito doesn’t keep his darling locked up in his basement or anything, he doesn’t need to. Speaking in a non-despair AU, or in general before the game, Nagito is literally rich. He doesn’t have to do much to keep his darling with him. So while he does kidnap them technically, they’re pretty much just stuck in his home.
He’s also a worshipper. That parts important. Nagito needs to keep his darling happy, so their treatment is far from bad. They just aren’t allowed to leave him, it’s that simple. Nagito is basically just trying to keep them content most of the time so their relationship has potential to be normal, but his personality doesn’t really allow it.
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Tsumiki Mikan
GIRL IS DELUSIONAL! Well, I mean, kind of. Much like Komaeda, she’s a worshipper. She’s lucid, more than him, anyway, but feral is the best way to describe her if I’m being honest. Mikan doesn’t care what she has to do, she’ll give up everything and anything if it means she can be with her darling. Her darling doesn’t really have a choice in anything Mikan does, not because she doesn’t care, but because she believes that her darling agrees with her on everything.
Drugs her darling... a lot. Especially if they’re not exactly cooperating with her like she wants them to, Mikan doesn’t want to fight with her darling, so she just ends up sedating them whenever she feels like they’re about to start a fight. That being said, she does kidnap them, early on, too. Mikan doesn’t have to snap in order to lock her darling away, in fact, it probably happens way before she kidnaps her darling. She just wants them around.
Mikan snaps the moment she realizes that she’s in love with her darling. She acts the same outwardly, but there’s a sudden change in the way she speaks to her darling and they’d have to be extremely dense not to notice something was going on. Mikan refers to her darling as if they’re some kind of Deity. They’re not human to her, and because of this, Mikan can be an extremely dangerous yandere to have.
Any negative act against her darling affects Mikan personally. She doesn’t take these threats lightly, either. Basically, being mean or unjust towards her darling is seen as treason to Mikan. She’s very open to killing people if she thinks that it’s needed. This is such a big problem because she doesn’t kidnap her darling early on, so she can go a little feral. If anything pushes her to kidnap her darling, it’s them finding out about her little activities.
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Hinata Hajime
A mean yandere, actually. Like, Hajime is not a nice guy, he’s just really bitter about life. So, if his darling is an Ultimate, he’s not exactly happy about his situation. Of course, he still loves them with every single fiber of his being, but he also kind of wishes they’d disappear... and they do, technically. Hajime most definitely kidnaps his darling. This happens because Hajime feels like they’re trying to be with someone who isn’t him and that’s not something he can let happen.
Hajime is sane, but like... he’s still kind of unhinged. After getting over his initial bitterness, he’d be extremely devoted to his darling. He isn’t a worshipper, like Komaeda and Tsumiki, but more like a loyal husband. He explains it like this, if his darling were to ever ask: they deserve the world and he plans on giving it to them. Hajime thinks it’s pretty simple, but he isn’t delusional. He knows that he shouldn’t want to lock his darling away, he just doesn’t care.
That being said, though, Hajime fully expects his darling to be just as devoted to him. Hajime won’t tolerate his darling being fond of anyone else, it just doesn’t work that way with him. He’d never be willing to share, and he’d never be willing to watch his darling be with someone else in order for them to be happy. This is mainly due to his insecurities, as he’s always been told that he wasn’t special.
Hajime spends his time making sure that he’s special, specifically special to his darling. He’s no longer reaching for society to notice him, just his darling. Hajime genuinely does love them, but he’s bitter. He’s bitter, and he makes that extremely clear to his darling during their time together. He has his soft moments, of course, and he’s all too interested in their hobbies. Hajime is just... hopelessly desperate.
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mikan domestic headcanons.
‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ Hello! Would I be allowed some domestic mikan with her s/o please? Also, I just want to say a big thanks for the matchup you did for me (I was matched kazuichi and rantaro). I really love what you wrote about it and reading it made me go :), keep up the amazing work!!! -🐝 nonnie
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while i wasn’t the one who matched you up with kazuichi and rantaro, i’m glad that you liked your results! mod kiibo did an excellent job, and i’m sure she’s happy to see that you’re pleased with what you got <3.
and sure thing! mikan is one of my favorites so i’d be happy to write some domestic headcanons for you uwu
a writing post two days in a row?! wow guys, that’s crazy 😎. ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎
— mod sakura.
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‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎Sharing a home with Mikan would be… interesting, to say the least, what with her general paranoid and skittish persona. She’s never lived in a household with another person that actually treated her kindly, so she wouldn’t really know what to do. She knows you would never harm her, but she can’t help but instinctively jerk back whenever you get near her. It’s just the consequence of her terrible upbringing, unfortunately, but your constant comforting presence is something that she can eventually get used to.
The medicine cabinet is always full! As a nurse, Mikan is always on top of general medicines for headaches and the like, so neither the first aid kit nor the medicine cabinet will ever become empty. If you take prescription medications, then she always makes sure that you have enough to last you for as long as you need, and will always write up the prescriptions themselves to send off to your local pharmacy. You’ll have to go with her to pick them up, though, but she’s happy to have your company regardless.
Another benefit about Mikan being a nurse is that if you ever get sick, you’ll have the most qualified person to take care of you. Your improvement is a definite guarantee when you have Mikan doting over your bedridden self, and you’ll get better in no time. Mikan might also teach you basic first aid (If you don’t know it already) because, to her dismay, she won’t be able to be there for you all the time, so you’ll need to learn how to take care of yourself if you ever get hurt. She’ll still want you to depend on her for medical treatment, though, but will never go out of her way to tell you that. She’s just scared!
Mikan is affection-starved, so whenever you two hug, kiss or cuddle, she’ll either cry out and apologize or just practically melt. The more often you two are affectionate with each other, the more she’ll be able to accept it, and the closer you two will be to cuddling on the couch while watching her favorite horror movie. Speaking of cuddles, I’m almost positive that Mikan would enjoy them, but would be extremely nervous towards them. Sometimes, she might ask you to cuddle with her, but she’ll phrase it in the most incomprehensible and panicky way that the only way you’d know what she was talking about was if you knew her very well, and if you’re married and living with her, you most likely know a lot about her.
You both would take turns with cooking meals for the day! Whenever it’s your turn, Mikan would be watching you intently, constantly asking if you’re alright (Especially if you’re using a sharper cooking utensil), worrying over you to the point where she might take over your cooking duties for the time being so you could avoid getting hurt. She’s not very good under pressure, so if you’re just observing while it’s her turn to cook, her nerves will get the best of her and she might not end up getting anything done herself. What you cannot trust Mikan with, however, is the transferring of dishes to the dinner table or bringing dirty dishes back to the sink. You’re aware that she’s a little clumsy, and you wouldn’t want her slipping and dropping something on accident.
Arguments rarely happen in your household, yippee! Though the reasoning might not be the best… Mikan is terrible at handling situations where someone is angry with her and raise their voice at her, and her immediate reaction would be to submit to whoever has a problem with her. She’ll let you do whatever you want to her so you won’t be upset with her, but that simply isn’t the healthies or best course of action. Knowing this, there probably won’t be a lot of arguments in the first place. You’re not naturally antagonistic (hopefully), and Mikan doesn’t do a whole lot to anger you in the first place.
Honestly, I don’t think Mikan would be a good parent. She’s a worrier and worries constantly, and I think that would get out of control at some point. A child needs a happy childhood where both parents contribute to take care of them, and the best Mikan could do it put a bandaid on her child’s knee and kiss it better while you take charge of the rest of the responsibilities. Additionally, Mikan can barely take care of herself, so she’d hardly capable of taking care of a child in a non-nurse way. As an alternative to a kid, however, you both could both get a pet! A cat would work great, or maybe even a ferret or a hamster!
Like I mentioned above, Mikan is a worrier, an intense one at that. If you have a job and are out for most of the day, Mikan would be worried sick about you, because chances are you won’t be seeing her much during that time period. She’ll call you quite often to check up on you, and will drop by to have lunch with you if time allows it. She loves hearing about your day when you come home, and will meekly ask you if you’d like to learn about her day too, right before apologizing profusely for even asking.
You offer Mikan a sense of love and security every day, which is all she’s ever wanted, and she will never trade it for anything in the world ♡.
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save-the-spiral · 3 years
PLS PLS LIST THE SWAPS!! TELL ME ABOUT THE SIBLINGS AND ALSO HIFUMI BECAUSE I LOVE HIM (IF YOU WANT!) I will also send more questions in the morning too, excited to see what you’ve been working on!!
OK OK OK !!!!! AHH! So, before assigning talents, I swapped the pools, so for the first game, I use the talents from the second game, and vis versa! For some i listed gender, sexuality, or neurodivergencies, though this isn’t all of them, and I haven’t developed them all to the same level!
This is SO long. I didn’t even bother mentioning things like my plans for the killing games. (I have DR1 planned out in full, but only parts of DR2 and the v3 anime)
Trigger Happy Havoc (first game)
Kyoko Kirigiri- Ultimate Luckster- Mastermind (: Sometimes lesbians can be evil okay! was trained as a detective like everyone in her family and didn’t get the ultimate :) she’s definitely not mad about that :) her luck cycle depends on how far she plans things ahead. her good luck is when she’s spontaneous! She hates when ‘normal’ people are accepted by ultimates.
Makoto Naegi- Photographer (Mostly wildlife and nature photography, with Sayaka helping him for some animal photography (: trans and bi <3 One of sayaka’s birds nests in his hair like all the time)
Kiyotaka Ishimaru- Ultimate Swordsman (AUTISTIC ICON, has trained in kendo since he was a kid, then was essentially given away to the Fujisaki clan by his very stressed dad. Semiverbal, rarely speaks.)
Chihiro Fujisaki- Ultimate Yakuza (Taka is her bodyguard! His family is in debt to hers, the Fujisaki clan is the most powerful in Japan. trans icon, of course, dates Sayaka! Very direct, though she’s far more delicate and polite when talking to taka, her best friend)
Sakura Oogami- Ultimate Nurse (Works as an EMT- her clan still is in martial arts, so she’s still very buff, she assists in injuries at the family dojo. Autistic Icon)
Asahina Aoi- Ultimate Gamer (ULTIMATE ADHD. streams and has a ton of fun, will ramble while breaking records, demigirl who loves her girlfriend sakura :)
Mukuro Ikusaba- Ultimate Chef (Works best with ‘cheap’ food, and making them taste good. a byproduct of growing up on the streets with junko, and junko being bored of the same old food they dug out of the trash. now works closely with junko for her teams’ nutritional needs! autistic and sapphic.)
Junko Enoshima- Ultimate Team Manager (there are SO many sports she can never get bored, and the professional scene is always changing! prefers coaching womens’ teams, because being an ultimate brings them more publicity and usually higher pay :)
Mondo Oowada- Ultimate Prince (OH MY BOY. trans adhd icon. now the crown prince of Novoselic, with a reagent in his place until he comes of age. His service dog Chuck is a maltese and an absolute sweetheart. Chihiro takes him under her wing to teach leadership. also dates taka later OF COURSE, though they’re poly and I may add more ppl to their relationship later.)
Celestia Ludenburg- Ultimate Musician (specializes in violin, most strings, though she can play any instrument. grew up poor, dedicated herself to an instrument and persona to cope)
Byakuya Togami- Ultimate Musician (Yep. two musicians. two catty trans gay icons about to throw down. they HATE each other and grew up as rivals. specialize in classical, they literally tore a professional orchestra full of grown adults apart trying to make them side with who was the best musician. they’re so good that they’re matched, and Hope’s Peak accepts them as one student and combined ultimate. they room together. they fight. Literally if one of them gets expelled, the other does too, so they’re STUCK. eventually they become literally inseparable and insufferable together like the WORST siblings. I love them.)
Sayaka Maizono- Breeder (animal handler) (Specializes in birds!!!!!! has songbirds on her shoulders all the time. will give unsettling animal facts without realizing they’re unsettling. sends her songbirds to serenade chihiro when they start dating <3)
Yasuhiro Hagakure- Gymnast (you see this tall goof who acts like an older brother to everyone and wonder HOW he’s a gymnast. he’s completely different in competitions, though still lighthearted. becomes a big brother figure to mukuro and junko especially <3 also trans bc i say so.)
Leon Kuwata- Traditional Dancer (he just. kinda hates it. it takes SO much work and effort but he takes to it naturally. his cousin kanon is NOT like in canon, instead she’s helpful. he’d literally rather be doing anything else. doesn’t know how to do anything like... basic either. can’t cook. cant do his own laundry. everything was dedicated to traditional japanese dancing before he attended HPA.)
Toko Fukawa- Engineer (writes schematics and is very good at it. gets VERY upset when her plans go wrong. her notes are orderly and perfect. host for their system!)
Syo- Mechanic (a factive of genocider syo, NOT an actual killer. she’s a protector mainly, and also is more adept at hands on skills when it comes to fixing things, her hands are less shaky. Her notes are a disaster and she does it to spite Toko.)
Hifumi Yamada- (???) (reserve course) Protagonist! My BOY. HIFUMI IS GOOD OKAY. He’s autistic and loves anime and gaming! he’s not particularly ultimate-leveled at them, or anything else! Attending Hope’s Peak as a reserve course student! At one point he joins the student council as a reserve course representative even if he’s only a freshman :) He’s also a moderator in Hina’s livestream chat, under the username of JusticeHammer, fastest ban hammer this side of the internet. He's internet friends with hina and sakura, and doesn’t realize Oh We Go To the same SCHOOL until he bumps into them. and realizes hina doesnt know what he looks like. but sakura does. its hilarious. he’s aroace, and during the year they’re locked in HPA, is in a queer platonic partnership with Hina and Sakura, while they’re dating each other. it’s great.)
Goodbye Despair! (second game)
Peko Pekoyama- Lucky student (ohohoh. her luck relies on her conviction. if she has doubts her bad luck strikes HARD. trans!, was taken in by Fuyuhiko’s family when she was a baby, grew up as just another kid in the family. They all expected Fuyu to go off to HPA on his own and then BOOM acceptance letter)
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu- Programmer (He. gets so angry while coding. He has an array of rubber ducks to talk to and work through his coding issues with. trans of course. Very protective of Peko when people say she doesn’t have a ‘real’ ultimate. ADHD and Autistic)
Sonia Nevermind- Writer (Literary Girl) (Her family immigrated to Japan when she was young! She writes a lot of serial killer novels, murder mysteries and horror and all that! Trans and bi :)
Gundham Tanaka- Detective (YEAH my guy is a detective. still talks Like That. Trans and bi and he and Sonia were kinda-dating (t4t autistic power couple in the making) when things started happening. He spends some time with his cool older sister who he looks up to a LOT. He and Sonia talk through things together a lot, they both have those red string walls, one for murder cases, another for a fictional plot lmao.)
Mahiru Koizumi- Moral Compass (my GIRL. autistic. Her morals rely a lot on people taking responsibility and being reliable, and she ends up having to work through some biases she didn’t realize she had when she arrived at HPA. Is still protective of Hiyoko, though that protectiveness is spread a bit thinner to extend to the rest of the class.)
Hiyoko Saionji- Clairvoyant!!! (HI YES I COULD TALK ABOUT HER FOR DAYS. Has actual visions in dreams and when she suddenly faints, but doesn’t really realize they’re uhh Real Visions for a WHILE. uses her status as an ultimate clairvoyant to trick and bully kids when in school for a LONG time, though her homelife wasn’t great with her grandmother trying to find ways to make her visions more consistent. SHES ALSO 12 WHEN SHE JOINS THE 77TH CLASS. she’s just so advanced in academics and her ultimate is so interesting hope’s peak cant HELP but scout her early. she has SO many issues guys no one appreciates hiyoko enough, autistic gifted kid hiyoko my beloved.)
Akane Owari- Gambler (started gambling to help out her family and Got Good at it. is very very conscious of money and food like all the time. Runs the hope’s peak betting pools once she arrives. these ultimates bet on a lot of things. she ALWAYS wins. until she doesnt!!!)
Mikan Tsumiki- Martial Artist (ohhhh Mikan. Still anxious and clumsy (though not like THAT in canon) and literally no one looks at her and thinks Oh The ULTIMATE martial artist?? it isn’t until you see her in the ring that you understand. She started learning self defense as a kid because her (bad) parents essentially said she had to rely on and protect herself and no one else would help.)
Kazuichi Souda- Pop Idol (OH TRANS ICON? he’s nervous and paranoid about Everything still, though now it’s like. oh the entire world is always watching my every move this is Okay (: has the brightest neon album eras. he literally keeps up a like. weird chad persona when interacting with people because he’s masking how hard he’s constantly just internally screaming.)
Nagito Komaeda- Soldier (AHAHAH my mans got issues problems disorder he’s a messssss, this trans guy, this absolute gay. this boy leveled a city of thousands of people with his own hands and some bombs. Still has medical issues, but most of his like. treatments and medicine is hold hostage as long as he stays in line. believes the ends justify the means and anyone who dies to him is obviously weak, because look at him! he’s weak, but that doesn’t matter because he doesn’t have to be the strongest, he just has to be stronger than the weakest scum.)
Chiaki Nanami- Heir (OOF. Agender, uses any pronouns. Doesn’t really. enjoy being the heir. grew up with Byakuya in the same circles. she treats the economy and stock market and stuff like games. enjoys gaming but isn’t good at them. collects so many things. has halls full of collections. Her parents stopped controlling her once she was able to prove she had more money than them and could literally bankrupt them if she wanted.)
Hajime Hinata- Baseball Star (Chiaki’s best friend, his family was upper middle class until he hit it BIG as a baseball star. wants to do BIG things and wants to attend hope’s peak more than anything!! Doesn’t really think of baseball as his THING, just a means to an end! trans :)
Teruteru Hanamura- Biker Gang Leader (started with shaking down some jerks who didn’t pay their food and drink tabs at his mama’s restaurant. now he RUNS their tiny town. His siblings are essentially gang mascots, he works hard to keep them out of trouble (while bringing them to like. meetings where he ends up beating a dude almost to death. its fine). most of what he does it to get more money to keep the restaurant afloat and care for his mama with her health conditions.)
Nekomaru Nidai- Fashionista (the drama. the CHAOS. most people are like ohhh we can never understand this artistic genius when he’s literally just. vibing and has ADHD and a love for coffee. Works a lot on accessible clothing lines for disabled people! Also he and Kazuichi work together sometimes, Nekomaru is good at calming Kaz down and seeing like, the root of whatever problem and making it better. ALSO A TRANS ICON and just flaunts it.)
Imposter- In the hope’s peak days they are impersonating Ryota Mitarai, as a part of the 77th class. In the Killing Game they impersonate Mondo Oowada as the Ultimate Prince. They’re doin’ their best.
Ibuki Mioda- (???) (Izuru Kamakura) Protagonist! Gundham Tanaka’s older sister (though they’re in the same school year). Nonbinary and using just. an array of pronouns alongside she/her, and jokingly fights with gundham for neopronouns like MOM said it’s MY TURN on the rawrself pronouns. She attends the reserve course to stay at her brother’s side. She dresses loudly and acts even louder because !!! she wants to stand out!! in the middle of this drab reserve course hell!!  but when things go down, she wants to be someone, to be worthy of being her amazing brother’s big sister. so she accepts some offers.
Ryota Mitarai- Ultimate Analyst (stays in his room. He’s terrified of the outside world but fascinated by it. watches hope’s peak academy through security feeds, picking up on little details. he just wants to understand things but never looks at the big picture.)
Chisa Yukizome- Ultimate Boxer (Homeroom teacher!! She’s working really hard and believes in everyone! Some are intimidated by talent, but she’s never hurt anyone outside of the ring! Dating Kyosuke)
Juzo Sakakura- Ultimate Student Council President (Has anger issues, though his work at reigning them in assisted in becoming an Ultimate. Was responsible for security and the Hope’s Peak student council. Dating Kyosuke)
Kyosuke Munakata- Ultimate Housekeeper (Meticulous, works himself to the BONE even if he’s good enough to not have to do that. Is working on establishing another Hope’s Peak! Dating Chisa and Jozu!!!)
Seiko Kimura- Ultimate Blacksmith (GIVE MY GIRL KNIVES!! She’s an anxious gal, always wearing a facemask that filters the air in her forge because she has some respiratory problems. she prefers making more decorative pieces like an artist, but sometimes can create utilitarian pieces or tools to fit specific needs. Still a doormat)
Ruruka Ando- Ultimate Pharmacist (She constantly asks Seiko for new tools for her developments in medicine, saying its all for the advancement of humanity, so Seiko denying any request is SELFISH, though she never thinks to make anything for seiko’s health issues. Dating Izayoi. Specializes in medicine for mental health. Not Doing Great :)
Sonosuke Izayoi- Ultimate Confectioner (He loves sweets. LOVES them. Creates things that look plain, ordinary. but taste so GOOD you CRY and maybe ascend for a little bit. sometimes Ando makes cool new drugs to put in the sweets, who knows! It’s a mystery! He always has like. a huge refrigerated case of fresh cakes, and constantly has a lollipop in his own specialty recipe in his mouth.)
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hopeymchope · 2 years
Honestly I love Hiyoko and feel bad for her, but even with that I also kind of hate her too. I think people can like her character without excusing what she did to Mikan and the others, but most Hiyoko fans I've come across don't acknowledge this. I've pretty much agreed with everything you said; Hiyoko is abusive. She's a bully. I don't think she's irredeemable and I want her to get better, but she is, objectively, for most if not all of her screen time... a horrible person. No, that doesn't make Mikan murdering her okay (as I've seen some people claim) but Mikan is DEFINITELY entitled to at LEAST one free punch. I totally get why people hate Hiyoko because a part of me does too. I also hate how everyone enables her, especially when it comes to her treatment of Mikan. NO ONE calls her out. It's made even worse by the fact of how awful Mikan's life has been till now too. I think it reflects most poorly on the people we see were Mikan's "friends" in Twilight Syndrome; Ibuki and Mahiru. Because even though they were supposedly friends, they let this happen to Mikan and never called it out! Especially on Mahiru; because Mahiru is one of the only people Hiyoko listens to, and yet Mahiru never tries to tells her to knock it off. If Mahiru even just asked nicely Hiyoko would probably tone it down, but if she said something like, if you don't stop bullying Mikan we can't be friends, then I actually think Hiyoko would at least try to stop. But she never does this? And honestly, this enabling of Hiyoko is bad for BOTH Mikan and Hiyoko herself—because Hiyoko will never learn not to do it without people correcting that behavior. I mean, it's not all on the people around Hiyoko—they can't control what she does, but they can at least TRY to stand up for Mikan. If that doesn't work, then it's not on you, and all you can do is comfort Mikan when it happens and cut Hiyoko off as best you can, but like... you've got to at least TRY. And if she refuses to change, you can't keep being her friend. Because that's passively supporting her actions. Like, I love most of the SDR2 cast, but god, how they treat Mikan/let people treat Mikan is NOT OKAY. Mikan snapping at them at the trial is honestly a mood, because I'd snap at them eventually too, especially if I went through everything Mikan did! Can you believe some people believe Mikan is being unreasonable and exagerating and and "playing the victim" and acting "crazy" when she snaps at the trial? Oh man. How one LP I watched treated Mikan was atrosious. They were FULLY on Hiyoko's side and thought Mikan is "irrational". If that changes later on the play through, idk, since I stopped after trial 3 because of how they were talking about Mikan. Obviously Mikan murdering people is wrong, duh, but to say she's exagerating her abuse and playing the victim when she talks about how everyone always treated her... That's crossing a line, I think. And people who love Hiyoko seemingly cross that line frequently.
Anyone who is on Hiyoko's side in the matter of her vs. Mikan isn't somebody I'd want to know in real life. But I feel you RE: having to stop watching that LP. Hell, I've posted before about how I had to stop watching a much-acclaimed anime VERY early on because of how they reveal in one of the first few episodes that the female protagonist spent most of her life being a vicious bully, and the fact that another character is still traumatized by this and afraid of her is played for COMEDY. Which, y'know: Fuck You?
A lot of people seem to be like "Oh, bullies. Kids will be kids!" and honestly, no. Fuck you and fuck that. Living your childhood under constant threat of verbal and/or physical abuse from your peers and under the omnipresent knowledge that you are somehow not good enough compared to everyone else, that isn't some "kids will be kids" shit. It's fucking inexcusable. It will impact them for LIFE. It's allowing your children to grow into the kind of monsters who don't give a fuck about anybody but themselves.
....but I'm getting off on a tangent here. *clears throat*
I'm perhaps inclined to not be as harsh on Hiyoko's peers because of the earlier Ask I received that said there's a whole cultural issue surrounding people being silent when they see bullying in Japanese schools. Given that we're in a situation where these people ostensibly just met each other for the first time... sure, okay, that seems like it might make it harder for them to speak up.
But you said it yourself: This all reflects most poorly on the friends we saw in the Twilight Murder Syndrome case, because they obviously weren't doing anything to stop Hiyoko's verbal abuse even AFTER they'd all known each other for a while and were all "friends." And I sure expected better from Mahiru and Ibuki.
Y'know, I loved this particular doujinshi about Mahiru comforting Mikan and telling Hiyoko to pipe down so much that I literally forgot it wasn't an official Danganronpa Anthology story. And frankly, it should be one. It fits those manga collections and the characters so goddamn well, and it represents something I think we all wanted to see.
I still can't help but imagine such a scenario as part of my headcanons.
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